#noah centenio x reader
callisto00 · 1 year
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( credits to: @/odairhee on Twitter❗️)
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viscountoflondon · 7 months
College Kavinsky 2.0
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You drove down the street stressed that you were late. You arrive the restaurant and send an I’m here text waiting for him to respond as you sit in the car. When 5 minutes pass you think nothing of it but when it gets to 15 minutes you don’t why but your stomach sinks.
“Hello?” you say as he picked up and was silent  
“Y/L/N?” “Yea?” you confirm turning down the volume in the car, you hear a lot of commotion in the background
“Shit sorry Y/L/N”
“Ohhh kayyyy” you were getting stood up. “Shit happened in the club emergency meeting and I just lost track of time I was gonna text”
You interrupt “I understand” 
“I’m sorry” “Thanks” you respond nonchalantly “is everything okay?” you ask hearing a yelling match go on 
“I can’t really talk now mind if I call later maybe we can hang out. I will make it up to you I promise” 
“Sure” you respond in a flat tone “don’t stress about it, just call me back when you can” “Great thanks Y/L/N” 
You sigh and look up. Did you just get stood up or was he playing the forgot lets hangout at your place possibly hook up game?
“Babes? What are you doing here?” Ivy asks you 
You shrug “Peter couldn’t make it” 
“Oh shit what did he say?” 
“I don’t know something happened he lost track of time” You scoff taking off your shoes.“Some bullshit. Make up wasted, outfit down the drain” 
“Aww don’t be like that” she pouts opening her arms for your to hug 
You smile and give her one “Yeeaaa, i think he stood me up” “He wouldn’t do that!” she insists 
“Well only time will tell Ivanna, only time will tell. I’m gonna go lay down” “Okay I’m here to talk if you want” 
Ivy knew this wasn’t going as planned but she knew Peter just wouldn’t fake it like that only to stand you up she texted Cam only to be ignored for hours as well and he confirmed the same thing Peter said fight etc...
You agree one more time to meet Peter over the next weekend, it wasn’t the best time for you two but Peter really wanted to see you. So the best you could do was agree to a coffee date 2 hours max because you both had obligations after 
“Hey!” he says walking in 
“Hi” you greet smiling at him. He had managed to ease away the wall you immediately built up after last weekend 
“Man you know all the cool places, I thought we were gonna meet at starbucks or something” “Nope!” you emphasis the P “they have good coffee, bagels, and treats” 
“I don’t even know what to get I normally get my coffee from starbucks and its some latte shit” “Ooh I can order for you is  your starbucks order sweet or not” 
He shrugs “i don’t know like regular sweet” 
“Perfect, want a bite or?” “I’ll follow your recommendation boss” You blush “Here” he hands you his card “I’m gonna find a seat place is kinda packed” 
You nod and wait for your order to come out. It doesn't take more than 10 minutes. When he sees you approaching with the items he gets up to help you. 
“Here is your order” you say, handing him his bagel and coffee while you take yours. “I got you a bacon egg and cheese bagel, NY Style and a Half White/ Half reg Mocha, latte.” “MMM! So good!” he says taking a sip of his drink
You smile “I have to stop myself from coming here everyday.” 
“What do you have?” “Oh i have a white mocha caramel brulee iced latte and a cheddar bacon bagel with cream cheese, classics” 
“Classic kind of girl” “I try new things sometimes I just like the classics you know can’t go wrong” He nods in agreement mouth full of food “So how have you been?” you ask cautiously  “everything okay?”  you pay attention to his mannerisms 
He sighs “yea, i can’t say much but one of the sophomores got into a fight at the bar and the guy wanted to press charges it was crazy” 
“Oh wow!” 
He takes in a deep breath “I can’t wait for this to be over”
You tilt your head and look at him “I thought you liked being in a frat” 
“I do but I don’t at the same time. It’s a lot you know. You have to like  micromanage the freshmen and some sophomores make sure their are passing their classes, mentor them, Because that affects our metrics. Teach them to not be creeps. Some haven’t had a girlfriend and don’t know how to manage a full house with many girls and you know they make stupid stupid mistakes sometimes.” he eats a little before speaking “You know whats funny the brother I looked up to when I was a freshman said the same thing I am saying now and I thought he was just had a shitty attitude but this shit wears you down” “Sounds rough” you give him a sympathetic look “Don’t get me wrong it's good it can be great, it really can, but i put in a lot of work last year being the social chair. I’ve never networked as much as I did so much so I hate when people recognize me now”
“Really? I thought you liked the spotlight” 
“Yea I kinda wanna be invisible sometimes” 
“Aww” you pout seeing the exhaustion in his expression 
“But I can manage for 2 more years and then barely look back, that is my mantra now” 
You beam at him “You got this Kavinsky” 
He smiles “I will if you continue to be by my side” 
“You’re so cheesy”  You blush looking 
“Only for you Y/L/N” 
“So I was thinki..” You’re interrupted “OMG PETER IS THAT YOU?” You hear looking back to see Olivia and a few of her friends, you wave back at them as they waved first/ She walks over “Y/N What are you guys doing here?” 
“Talking” he says matter of factly answering for you 
“Ooooo about?” she  wiggles her eyebrows while sitting next to him  “oh mind if wejoin?” “Actually we were just” 
“Yoo Peetterrr” You hear Sean calls to him 
You see the annoyed expression on his face 
“Pull up a chair guys” Olivia instructs her friends
“So much for some alone time”  he mumbles you hear it and refrain from laughing
You look down at your phone after receiving a text 
Peter 🥰: Sorry about this
Y/N: its okay 
You look up and smile at him, he responds by giving you a sympathetic smile. You two sit in a circle, with one of Olivia’s friends sitting in between you two? How that happened you don’t know. Peter kind of gets caught up in the conversation that he doesn’t realize time is passing but you did because you had a tutoring session and you couldn’t be late for that.
“Guys I have to go, tutor session” “What are you getting tutoring for?” One of Olivia’s friends ask slyly you peep that 
YOu smirk “I don’t get tutoring sessions I am the tutor 3 years now” “Oh” you see the sly smirk fall “And I’m getting paid to do it so I can’t be late my client is waiting for me, talk to you guys later it was nice meeting yall” 
“Nice meeting you too”
“Oh shit I gotta go I’m late” “Where you off to Kavinksy.” “I gotta go to practice’ Although stanford didn’t have a men’s lacrosse team Peter was able to try out and join a club where they had frequent games, like a norcal. 
Oh yea, text me Mark wants to go over somethings later tonight “Will do Y/L/N wait up girl” 
You smile and wait by the door. “Bye guys” 
See Ya! He throws the peace sign as he walks out 
You two walk to your cars he had parked next to you  “I’m sorry about that”  Peter comments
“It’s okay Peter can’t control everything” He smiles “you're awesome, I gotta run but I’ll text you okay?” 
“Yea drive safe, remember the building is not running away from you” He gives you a quick peck on the cheek and runs to the drivers side of his jeep. 
You two meet again at yet another frat party. Besides the brief interactions on campus it was really the frat party where you two could interact 
Y/L/N what time did you get here why didn’t you text me
I just got here
“Cool cool, whats your poison tonight” “A few shots” 
KAVINSKY You both turn
Mark motions him over with his head I’ll be back 
You run into Olivia and her cheerleading crew you hang out with them a bit before you leave and move around the room 
There you are babes. I need a dance partner and Cam won’t do it with me
“Ummm” you chuckle “I’m not dancing” “Don’t act like you didn’t teach me how to salsa, come on pleeeaasssee just a few songs, here lets take some shots 
“Noooo” “Yesss and then like 3-4 songs” 
“Okay three and then i will leave you alone” 
You smile the alcohol works through you dance with her to the songs glad the third one is ending as you could see glimpses of Peter watching you. The songs switch tempo to a bachata song. 
She holds onto you tight “One morree pleeasseee”
“Peter is watching” you mention not liking his attention 
She smiles “Good so is Cam lets get them all worked up”  she winks. You can’t help but laugh and follow her lead, she pulls you in close dancing as a couple as you two move around on the dance floor. A few spins for you both a little foot work. The song ends and you’re glad its over with so that you can get away from the middle away from the attention(Peter’s) 
“Whoo I need some water” you think as you reach into the icebox
“I didn’t know you could dance Y/L/N” you hear Peter’s voice You turn to face him and you feel your face flush with embarrassment as he walks to you slowly  “I.......don’t?” He motions behind him “so what was that?” “Oh i was following Ivy’s lead” you explain trying to hide your smile He chuckles “LIAR” 
You smile and walk away from the crowd in the kitchen, he follows you to the backyard. “I know a spot we can talk come on” he grabs your hand 
You two walk a bit away from the house near the fence you find a bench 
“How you been?” he asks moving your hair behind so he could see your face
“Busy like you”  He hums in agreement 
“I wanna take you out to dinner” he says while playing with your fingers a little nervous you will say no 
“Do i need to dress up?” you ask 
He shrugs “Sort of”
He smiles “You tell me gorgeous” 
“Yo Kavinsky” you hear from the distance 
“Oh my gooodddd”
You giggle 
“I gotta question” the guy says as he stands in front of you two 
“Shoot” he answers nonchalantly 
Another guy walks up “KAVINSKYYYY! What’s up bro?” he shouts as he gets closer 
You hear him groan “Michael how you doin?!” 
“Oh shit didn’t mean to interrupt” 
“It’s okay” you go to stand up to walk away but Peter tightens his grip on your hips 
You look at him and smiles at you, before looking at the freshmen “what was your question” 
“Oh i wanted to know...” you fade away
“Finally okay about dinner”
KAVINSKY he Mark calls 
“I can’t fucking take this” it shocks you when you see him irritated “WHAT?” 
“It’s okay Peter”
“I’m gonna lose my fucking mind” he runs his hand down his face frustrated 
“So Dinner I am free Saturday evening and Sunday evening after 3pm”
“Cool I’ll pick you up at 5, I gotta go I’m sorry.” He pecks your cheek before running towards the house. You sit on the bench and contemplate ponder. Your conversation with Peter was mostly done via text. I mean the times you two were around each other it seemed that you two were constantly interrupted how would this work. At least with Cam and Ivy he made time for her. How could it work if Peter didn’t? That was tomorrows problem because tonight you were laughing at the antics in front of you. 
“You guys are cute you look up it was Olivia” 
“Oh Olivia! Whats up?  you scoot over so she could sit next to you 
She sits down before saying “Nothing just commenting on you two love birds”  she teases “So what you two discuss?”
“Oh” you blush “Peter wants to take me out to dinner”
She smiles “Really when?” 
You shrug “Next weekend I think” 
“Think he’s gonna make it official?” she asks 
“I don’t know maybe or maybe he just wants the chance to get to know me better no interruptions” you say 
“Yea thats possible”  she smiles. You two talk about other things before she too gets up and leaves. You hang out in your spot a bit longer feeling the last effects of the shots starting to fade before you decide to leave it was late you had to study all that shabang. You push your way through the crowd and see Peter having a very deep conversation it didn’t seem like an interruption from you would be appropriate at the moment so you send him a text. He wished you had done so, it would have given him an excuse to get out of that stupid discussion 
Next weekend arrived and this time Peter was not late. In fact he was early. 
You hear a knock on the door and look down at the clock. It's 4:30 why would he be here at 4:30? You were just finishing up the final touches of your makeup. You throw on a robe and  rush down the stairs tidy up the best you can before opening the door
“Kavinsky, you’re early 
“Early bird gets the worm” he stands with his hands behind the back 
“Do you wanna come in sorry for the mess
“Laundry adorned the couch as you were mid washing cycle and didn’t feel like carrying it up all the way to your room 
He scoffs looking around “Its nothing compared to the (frat) house you know that.” He pulls you in “how are you?”
Oh you blush “I’m good” 
“I got you these” He pulls the bouquet from behind his back 
You can't help but to grin “Aww Peter you didn’t have to!” 
“It’s my pleasure 
You smile and walk towards the kitchen “want something to drink?”  you ask as you place them in a vase. “I’ll read this later” you say as you place the card down
“I’ll take some water” 
“Okay, I’ll be right back. I don’t wanna be late I promise I’ll be down in 10 minutes” you say as you run up the steps
“No problem take your time!”
“Okay I’m ready” your heels go clacking against the wooden floor as you walk down the stairs. “12 minutes a little late.”
He smiles at you holding his hand out “Right on time to me. WOW look at you!” He holds your hand up so you can do a little spin 
You smile as you stop facing him “I look okay? i can change”
“Don’t I love those on you: he comments speaking of your heels  
You look around and see that one of your panties laid on the floor you hoped Peter didn’t notice and you become extremely bashful. “Okay let's go” you open your clutch  “keys, wallet. phone. Good all in there”
During the ride there Peter held your hand and sang a few songs on his playlist you laughed and snapped a few videos
“You gotta post those” he says when you’re done
You end up 1 hour away from your apartment in Berkeley, CA 
You see the sign Welcome To Berkeley, California when you turn to Peter “We are in Berkley” 
“Yes ma'am” You give him a look “I’ll explain when we get there”, 15 minutes later he pulls into a parking lot of a restaurant that had all the romance vibes. 
“Wow Peter this is” you look around “thank you” 
He smiles looking at you taking it all in “it’s my pleasure” 
The waiter comes and you two place your order. The conversation is surface level, until you were both done and now waiting for dessert. 
“Ummmm” the waiter interrupts looking bashful “I have drinks” 
“Oh” you look down at the drinks and back up at Peter who also looked confused “We didn’t order those”
She blushes even more “I know but um there is a couple around who wanted to buy you two drinks said you guys were so cute and I agree” she smiles 
“Oh” you smile and look around to see if you could tell who it was but you couldn’t  “tell them thank you!” 
Peter picks up his drink and you follow suit “Salud to us to life and to the lovely couple:  you raise your glasses in the air, clinking them lightly and taking a sip. 
You two stare at each other while he routinely kisses your knuckles while he holds a smitten look on his face
You blush before speaking “So we drove to Berkely an hour away because?”
He sighs and sits up rubbing his thumb over yours “I really like you Y/N” wow you didn’t know you could like the sound of him saying your first name as much as you did your last name “And I didn’t want any interruptions. I want to just focus on you, on us, I wanna make sure we are on the same page” he smiles before placing a soft kiss on your knuckles  You blush “Are we not on the same page?” “I think we are but, now I get to talk to you, like really talk to you without someone fucking recognizing me” 
“I honestly thought you loved that” He huffs “I am starting to hate it. I can't even get a moment to think, only time is after practice, at the library when I've locked myself in a room and late at night, when everyone’s asleep and the house is mostly quiet. But  then i can’t sleep because i’m trying to catch up on my thoughts, like oh I forgot to watch the tiktok you sent, coach sent us a schedule for next week” You reach over and caress his face “it will be over soon Peter” you try to sooth his frustrations
“I have dessert for you two” 
The waiter brought a plate, you watch as she places it down. Letters adorn the plate ‘Will you be my girlfriend?’ It reads you look down then back up at Peter. 
“What do you say Y/N Y/L/N” he asks moving the hair from your face as he leans in closer in and speaks softly “Will you be my girl?” he pushes the hair behind your ear and caresses your cheek “I would love to be yours” 
“Peter” you say above a whisper 
“I need an answer baby” he insists in the most sultry voice you’ve heard from him so far
God when will you stop blushing you think before answering “Yes I would love to” 
He smiles and gently pulls you towards him and gives you a peck on your lips. Your first kiss A feeling he knows he will become addicted to. 
When you pull away you take it all in “You planned all this”
He smiles leaning back and taking scooping some of his dessert and eating it “I did for you, for us like I said”  
“You’re so thoughtful thank you Peter” 
“I wanted to” he smirks smuggly knowing his mission was accomplished  You blush “what is it?” he chuckles 
“Nothing” you smile looking away from him 
“I wanna be with you in ways that I haven’t felt in a long time” he pauses “I wanna be there when you’re sad, mad, happy i want to experience those things with you” 
You smile slyly “Even if i’m mad at you?” 
“Even if, because I know that we can talk it out and be better”
“You’re such a romantic”
“Can’t blame me, anyone would be especially when it comes to you” 
You smile 
His phone pings and he looks down at it and huffs. You're quickly brought back to reality which was Peter’s availability. 
You look away from him feeling a sort of dread, what if this would be the first and last time he did this for you. Not that you were wanting him to drive an hour and spend hundreds of dollars but what if this was it do you savor the moment or do you...
Your head snaps to look at him “Yea?” 
“You okay?” 
“Yes!”  you smile
“Tell me amore” he caresses your hands again 
‘Amore’  God why is this happening to me I can’t be going through this rollercoaster of emotions 
“Oh I’m okay” 
“You looked sad what is it?” You shake your head “Oh i was just thinking” 
“About tell me” he insists pulling your hand to his mouth again for more kisses
“I just got too lost in thought and started thinking about the people I’m tutoring” you chuckle nervously, avoiding eye contact 
“You sure?”  he asks feeling as if you weren’t telling him the truth 
Yea you lean in to give him a kiss “I’m sure” 
The night was perfect, you think to yourself, no need to ruin it by overthinking things. You to finish and head back to your place. The car ride is filled with jokes and funny stories. 
 “So do you wanna come in do you have time?” you ask as he parks in front of your house 
He looks at his watch and nods “yea” he had to be back to the house within 30 minutes but he was sure he could make because it only took 10 minutes to get there from your house
“Oooo” the girls say in unison  
“You guys are back finally” Ivy comments 
“Peter, you know Ivy but  these are my other roommates Daniella and Willow” 
He salutes them “Nice to meet you two” 
“I was gonna give him a quick tour is that okay?” you ask 
“Yes it is! Welcome to our home Peter, nuestra casa es su casa!” Daniella comments 
“He’s cute!”  you hear them whisper as you go up the steps 
“We can hear you!” You say and they giggle 
“So you've seen the kitchen and dining area” 
“Daniella and Willow occupy the 2nd floor” you say as you stop in the common space “we have a common area with TV also just in case someone wants to watch american horror stories and the other real housewives of beverly hills, and then their bedrooms are across from each other ensuite bathrooms, closets towels linen etc.” 
“Okay okay he looks around taking it in” 
“And” you walk further down the hall up to a third set of stairs. “This is my bedroom:  you say as you walk in you noticed the pile of laundry sitting by the door and didn’t pay it any mind
“I have the attic” 
“Wow”  he comments your space was cozy
“You like?” 
“It's very cozy I love it”
Warm lights and fake candles adorned your space 
“I have a desk over there you point to the desk across your bed, small lounge area where I can kinda crash and watch my own TV you point to the small sectional, slept on this sectional so many times, my lovely bed catches all my dreams, closet,I have shoe problem, don’t comment, and bathroom.” 
He nods taking it all in “This is dope, lots of space too”  you smile in response “And where is Ivy’s room” 
“Oh she has the basement”
“Cool, cool” 
“Yea the attic and basement are both bigger so since the previous seniors left we took the rooms over Ivy said she wasn’t gonna walk up all those steps”  
“I like it, it fits you” 
“Really how so?” not understanding what about your room fit you
“Warm and cozy thats how i feel when we are together, like i have safe space with you” he says matter of factly 
“Oh that's sweet of you”  you plop down on the bed, your feet hurting from wearing heels one inch too high for your comfort 
He smiles and walks over to you squating down “I got you, let me get these off” he works the clasps on each shoe and gently removes the heels
“I still don't know how you walk in these” he says looking at the heel 
“One step in front of the other, you can just drop them there” you point at a space near you 
He does so “Speaking of dropping” he picks up a pair of lace panties on the floor a pair you had just washed
“Oh my god!” you snatch it from him and shove it under the pillow “you didn’t see those” 
“Those look good kinda”  he reaches for them and you push him away giggling “ wanna see them on you” “Peter!” 
“What you’re my girl now, don’t need to hide anything” he grabs your hand “come here” 
You feel your face flush as he pulls you in. He moves the hair out of your face as looks down at you. “You’re so beautiful Y/N” 
You smile “not as handsome as you”  you manage to say before he leans down and gives you a kiss. This time it wasn’t just a peck, it was soft slow nothing rushed, he cradled your jaw and face, you feel light circle sensations on your cheek as he simultaneously pulls you in closer. You feel like you’re gonna faint his lips are so soft, you let him kiss you deeply, tongue exploring your mouth, you feel as if he is breathing you in taking your breath away your grip on his arms tightens, he pulls away slowly softly returning for another make out session only allowing you a few seconds to catch your breath as he peppered small pecks your lips he couldn’t resist he just needed to feel your lips on him once again  you don’t know how long you two kissed but you both jump when his phone rings. 
It had been 30 minutes and Mark was now calling his phone. He looks at the caller ID “Oh shit i gotta go amore” 
“Its okay” he leans in for another kiss you giggle “Peter you’re gonna get in trouble”
“Its worth it!” he declares 
You lightly push at his chest and reach up to wipe the remnants of your lipstick from his face and lips “you gotta go handsome” 
He rolls his eyes “trying to get rid of me” he argues 
“Nope you grab his hand trying to get you out of trouble” you counter 
He smiles and walks down the steps with you 
You walk him to the car he leans in one more time for a kiss you both smile as you giggle “you gotta go”  you whisper softly pushing him in the car 
“One more for good measure” he comments pulling you into his jeep and holding you tight
You give him a quick peck and push away quickly “you gotta go text me” you say closing the door 
A round of “oooooos” erupts as you walk into the house. You roll your eyes “seriously guys?”
“What you brought an adonis into our home and we cant cheer for you pshh you deserve it girly pop” Willow comments 
You smile thanks “oh i forgot i didn’t read the note” you state seeing it sit on the flowers , you slowly open it and it reads “thinking of you forever and always” you read outloud “Awwwww” they all say in unison
“Damn, what do i have to do to get  a boyfriend like that?” Daniella asks 
“You smile be yourself” 
A/N: Please Reblog, like but you don't have permission to copy. Let me know what you think, remember I am sensitive about my shit.
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cruel-summerxy · 6 years
Jump Then Fall // Peter Kavinsky x reader
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I like the way you sound in the morning
“Y/N, am I gonna need to pick you up today?” Peter asked groggily.
It was seven in the morning. Too early to be up, you thought. Peter yawned and you rolled your eyes but smiled. You were his next door neighbor and his brother’s babysitter. You guys were pretty close.
We’re on the phone and without a warning, 
I realize your laugh is the best sound I have ever heard
“I woke you didn't I?” Peter laughed. That stupid laugh made your heart flutter. You shouldn't like your neighbor. You shouldn’t like the brother of the kid you babysit. You shouldn't like your friend’s boyfriend. Well technically, you and Lara Jean weren’t friends, more like acquaintances. You had a couple classes together and she was very nice, it made you feel bad that you liked her boyfriend. To be fair, you and Peter knew each other since you moved there in the third grade.  
I like the way I can't keep my focus
“Y/N? Are you there? You didn’t hit your head against your bookshelf again, did you?”
“No. I didn’t Peter. I’m fine,” you grumbled.
“Hey, I’m just worried. Anyways, do want a ride or not,” he said the fist part seriously.
“Yeah, just give me 20 minutes.”
“Okay, I’ll have a muffin ready for you. No coffee right?”
“Yes, no coffee,” you smiled. He knew so many things about you. Like the scar that you have on your middle left toe. Or how you don’t like rabbits ever since the rabbit’s farm fair from fourth grade bit you. It was the small things he knew that you appreciated.
. .. … …. …..
I watched you talk, you didn't notice
“Anyways, long story short, my mom won’t let me go to your favorite bakery anymore. I’m sorry, Y/N.”
He had accidentally knocked a bunch of baked goods and his mom was so embarrassed.
You stared at Peter in awe. Well, either way you always stared at him when he talked. The way he chose his words and the way he talked made you melt.
I hear the words but all I can think is we should be together
“It’s fine. I am going to miss those caramel cookies though,” you teased.
“Hey, me and Lara Jean can bake some for you! I’m pretty sure she has the recipe, her and Miss Smith are always trading recipes!” he said excitedly.
Every time you smile, I smile
There he was again, bringing Lara Jean into the conversation once again. There you were feeling guilty for liking him once again. He looked at you and smiled brightly and you couldn’t help but to smile back.
And every time you shine , I shine for you
You finally arrived to school and you both got off the car. He helped you with your books and you smiled.
“Y/N, why do you always have so many goddamn books?” Peter groaned.
“Aye, no one asked you to carry them,” you laughed.
“Wow, I’m helping you and this is what I get in return.”
“I’m kidding darling. I appreciate you babe,” you joke. Peter just pushed you and laughed.
You got to your locker put your books away. He made his way to Lara Jeans’ locker, which made your heart sink a little.
I’m feeling you baby, don’t be afraid to jump then fall
“Hey there pecan,” Chris greeted you.
“Can you not call me that?”
“Whatever pecan,” she rolled her eyes, “who even is allergic to pecans?” Once again you rolled your eyes. Lara Jean wanted to be friends with you and baked you some muffins. She forgot to tell you they had pecans and you had to go to the hospital. She felt pretty bad about it but it was nowhere near how bad you felt when you thought about Peter.
Jump then fall into me
Peter, Lara Jean, and Josh made their way toward you. It was a weird dynamic between them but it worked. You weren’t in their group but you did talk to them since you were friends with Peter.
“Hey pecan,” Josh smiled.
“Oh my god. Stop calling me that!” you shrieked.
“I’m sorry Y/N,” Lara Jean said quickly.
“It’s fine Lara Jean it’s no ones fault. How were you supposed to know? Oh wait, Peter knew I was allergic to pecans and didn’t tell you, so it was Peter’s fault.”
“Hey, I forgot sorry. We never really eat pecans either way,” he said nonchalantly.
“Dude, she could’ve died,” Josh said with wide eyes.
“But she didn’t! You know why? Because I need her and God knows that!” Peter joked.
Baby, I'm never gonna leave you, 
say that you wanna be with me too
They all laughed and began walking to the bench. You guys hung out in the mornings. Waited together until the bell rang, and throughout the day you didn't really speak to them. You had your own group of friends while they had other people in theirs.
“Hey Y/N, if we weren't neighbors would have stuck around me,” Peter asked you quietly as the others spoke among themselves.
“Honestly, probably not. We’re kinda different Peter.” you said truthfully.
“Well thank god we’re neighbors then. I don’t know what I’d do without you. Stay through it with me?” he asked seriously.
“Ofcourse,” you smiled.
Cuz I'ma stay through it all so jump then fall
/ // /// //// ////
Well I like the way your hair falls in your face
“Ohh my god! My hair keeps on going on my eyes. I need to get a haircut ASAP,” he said annoyed. It was now 6:30 and you were watching a tv show.
“Peter Kavinsky, you better not. You’ll look hideous and then Lara Jean will break up with you. I can’t have you crying on me again. The first time I saw you cry was too hard to see.”
“Why are you so mean Y/N? Who broke your heart?”
“I never had one to begin with,” you replied.
You got the keys to me
“Hmm, makes sense.” You hit the back of his head. He grunted and rolled his eyes.
“You really know how to get to a girl’s heart huh Kavinsky.”
He nodded at continued to watch tv. You weren’t really paying attention. Everytime something funny happened you stared at him. His eyes crinkled and his laugh was heard throughout the entire house.
I love each freckle on your face
You two were so close that you could see every blemish on his face. You felt extremely close, probably a little too close to him right now. You shook your head an turned to the tv.
“Finally. The creepy girl stops staring,” Peter breathed out. Your mouth was wide open and you couldn't say anything. He had caught you staring at him. It wasn’t the first time, but he never any commented about it.
He laughed at your reaction and ate some popcorn. Meanwhile you stared at him in disbelief. He ignored you and laughed at the tv.
“Peter, get out. Leave my house.”
“Wait, WHY? What did I do?” He said amused.
I've never been so wrapped up
“Stop making fun of me. Leave my house Peter,” you said dully. He paused the tv and got up.
“Okay, say I leave Y/N. What will you do without me here? You're sisters aren't even here and your friends are away. You sure you want me to leave Y/N?”
“No don't leave,” you said softly.
He gave you a look and sat closer to you. He unpaused the show and ate some more popcorn.
Honey, I like how you're everything I've ever wanted
“Weren't you supposed to hang out with Lara Jean tonight?”
“Nah, Margot came home and she wanted to be with her. Either way, tonight is movie night and she knows that. Plus, I couldn't leave my fifth favorite girl hangin.”
“Excuse me? Fifth favorite girl!! I would think second or third, but no! I'm you're fifth!”
“Hey, Lara Jean is my number one!”
“Duh. She's your girlfriend. But then wouldn't I be like third and your mom second? Who's your third and fourth?”
“I'm kidding Y/N. You're my third favorite girl.” He smiled at you.
I had time to think it all over and all I can say is come closer
You were okay with being top three if you were honest. As long as you part of Peter's life you were okay. Like at school, you only talked in the mornings because you no classes together. And in the night your either went to each other's home or called to say goodnight.
Take a deep breath and jump then fall into me
“Well, I'm truly having a good time hanging out with you. But my mother wants me over to help her with preparing tomorrow's  dinner. My grandparents are coming over,” he explained.
“Okay, well don't leave your mom waiting darling.”
“Thanks for understanding Y/N,” he gave you a lazy smile.
Every time you smile, I smile And every time you shine, I'll shine for you
“I'm telling you Peter, I'm a really nice person.” you said this and expected his to sass you back. To make a joke about show you're the opposite.
“I know Y/N. That's why you're one of my best friends,” Peter said genuinely.  
I'm feeling you baby Don't be afraid to jump then fall, jump then fall into me
“Peter stop, you're too sweet sometimes.”
“Hey, I need to tell people how I feel right? What if I didn’t say that right now and on my way back home I got ran over? You would've never known that you're one of my bestfriends Y/N.”
“Peter don't be silly. You live next door, you wouldn't get ran over!” you laughed obnoxiously.
Baby, I'm never gonna leave you, Say that you wanna be with me too
“I just poured my heart and soul and you're gonna reply with that. Wow Y/N,” Peter shook his head in disbelief.
“What? I'm just saying,” you replied.
“I'm trying- I'm trying to tell you that I love dumbass. That I hope we're friends forever and we grow old together.”
I'ma stay through it all so jump then fall
“Peter, I love you too. And, and not in a best friend way,” you confessed. He looked at you confused. “I'm pretty sure I'll regret saying this but who gives a shit. I love you, and I know that you love Lara Jean. I get that and I'm cool with that. I feel like I love you because we're so close. Maybe if we distance ourselves, I'll get over my crush on you.”
“Y/N, I'm not sure what to tell you. Are you sure that you love me like that?”
“Peter, you dumb bitch. I'm pretty sure,” you laughed. He stood in front of you in shock. He slowly slid down the wall and closed his eyes.
“What are you thinking about Peter?”
“The bottoms gonna drop out from under our feet,” he whispered.
“I'll catch you. When people say things that bring you to your knees, I'll catch you Peter.” you told him as you sat on the ground next to him.
“I'm sorry that I'm being overdramatic Y/N. I'm not trying to, but you understand right? Like will things change between us two?”
You laughed softly at him, “No Peter, things will not change. The only thing that changed is you knowing that you're such a great guy that I like you more than a friend. Those feelings will go away eventually Peter.”
“I don't want to loose you Y/N,” he whispered sadly.
“And you won't Peter. It'll be the same. It'll be a little awkward but the same.”
“Won't it, doesn't it hurt you seeing me with Lara Jean?”
“It did at the beginning. I'm okay, I'll be okay Peter. I'm worried about you. I just dropped all these hidden feelings on you.”
“Y/N, we'll be okay right?” He leaned his head in your shoulder.
“If you don't mind me asking, how does it feel knowing that the person you love  loves someone else?”
“Its whatever. You know that you won't- you wouldn't be the person that they’d love. Most of the time you're happy as long as you're with them. But the time is gonna come when you're so mad you could cry.”
He looked at you. The way you explained to him how you felt, it broke his heart. “But I'll hold you through the night until you smile,” he assured you.
“I hope you do, you are my best friend. Plus, you told me that if a boy made me cry you'd beat them up Kavinsky.” You teased him.
oh I need you baby, don't be afraid please Jump then fall, jump then fall into me
“Promise you won't leave me Y/N. Promise me we'll me best friends forever.” Baby, I'm never gonna leave you
“Ha, as if I'll miss out on you fucking your life up Kavinsky. Never in a million years. I promise you that.” Say that you wanna be with me too I'ma stay through it all so jump then fall
tagged: @ciniluv 
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jeanbeaux · 3 years
warnings: suggestive content, menace eren, features the cadet squad
a/n: idek how this happened honestly but i hope you like it!
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vampiregirl1797 · 3 years
Hoodies & Lacrosse
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Peter Kavinsky x Reader
 GIF Not Mine
 For my Masterlist, Click Here.
 Word Count: 1,566
 A/N: This one was requested by the awesome @mychemicalimagines​. I hope this is everything you imagined it to be, lovely! I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to get this done for you, but I’ve been so swamped with uni work and placement that I’ve just had no motivation for writing. But inspiration struck tonight and I decided to put it to good use.
A/N/Pt2: If you’re in to Friends and Twilight check out their imagines! The series’ are so good and addictive, I cannot recommend them enough! Leaving a link to the Masterlist HERE.
 I blinked owlishly, trying to make my eyes feel less exhausted, but it was to no avail—I’d been unable to sleep last night and I was unwilling to admit that it was because Peter had asked for his hoodie back. I’d taken it months ago, well not purposefully, he’d just left it behind one day after we’d been hanging out. I’d been chilly that night, and I figured I’d throw it on, only to discover it was the comfiest thing ever—it was huge on me and it smelled of him, and so I’d grown accustomed to how content and safe it made me feel. Obviously I hadn’t realised how much I’d grown to rely on it to sleep until last night at around three in the morning, when I realised it was the first time in months I’d gone to bed not wearing it.
 I yawned, pulled my cardigan tighter around me, and took a large gulp of the coffee I’d poured myself before leaving the house to head to school. I’d managed to drop off around five in the morning, which led to me sleeping through my first four alarms. By some grace of god, I’d made it to first period as the bell rang. I finished off my coffee, and threw the disposable cup into the recycling bin on my way out of the room—thank god I’d had the beverage as my first period had been math; I’d have definitely dozed off without it.
 ‘Hey, Y/N! Wait up!’ I paused at the sound of my best friend’s voice, mixed feelings erupting through me. Tiredness made me clingy, which Pete was used to, but I was also a little pissed being as in my mind it was his fault I was tired to begin with.
 ‘Hey, asshat’ I grumbled, wrapping my arm around his waist and melting into his comforting warmth.
 He chuckled, ‘such wonderful greetings from you, Y/N. It’s a wonder my head fits through the halls with how much you boost my ego.’
 I rolled my eyes, an involuntary smile forming on my face, ‘I’m tired, I think I got thirty minutes of sleep last night. I can’t to go home and sleep until Sunday.’
 ‘Why didn’t you sleep? Is there something on your mind?’ I felt my irrational irritation with him soften at the concern in his voice; he knew me well enough to know if I had trouble sleeping, it usually meant there was something on my mind causing my insomnia.
 ‘No, I just didn’t realise how much I’d come to rely on your hoodie until you took it away.’ I felt my lips form into a slight pout, and had I not been exhausted and as a result, needy, I would have been embarrassed.
 My head was tucked into his side, my face against his chest, and so I missed the soft, fond look that overtook his expression. I did notice the new girl giving us a look of longing and jealousy, but I ignored her. The other students would clue her in soon enough—we were friends, best, best friends. It may look like we were more due to how touchy we both were with each other, but our relationship didn’t extend beyond a deep, meaningful friendship. It had taken a while for everyone to understand it, and to stop giving us the same look the new girl was giving us now, but they learned eventually.
 ‘How about this…’ Peter’s voice bought me back to the conversation, ‘you come to my game tonight, and I’ll give you my hoodie to keep forever.’
 I bit my lip to hide my smile; it was typical Peter Kavinsky. He knew I wouldn’t miss one of his games—I was always there, rain or shine, wearing his jersey and cheering him on. But he was sweet enough to make it sound like I was doing him a favour when in reality, it was him who was doing something nice for me, by making sure I got his hoodie doing something I was planning on anyway.
 I looked up to him, ignoring how my heart fluttered when he tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear when it fell in front of my eyes, ‘you’d give up your favourite hoodie, for me to come to your game?’
 I felt my heart melt at the bashful expression that overtook his features, ‘of course I would. I mean it took me months to realise you had it anyway. Clearly it means more to you than it does to me.’
 ‘You make a good point.’ I teased, biting my lip as I thought and missing the way his eyes followed the movement, ‘okay, if you’re really okay with it, you have a deal.’
 ‘Awesome.’ He grinned, and I found myself subconsciously beaming back at him, powerless to not return his happiness.
 ‘Come on, Peter!’ I mumbled under my breath, the tension in the air palpable and affecting everyone, it was as if we were all holding our breath in anticipation, ‘you’ve got this!’
 Peter ran forward, passed the defence and took his shot at the goalie. It was so quiet I could hear the puck hitting the back of the net and I was unable to hold back my cheer of happiness, which seemed to snap everyone else out of their shock and they joined me. Brown eyes found mine and I felt my heart skip a beat as he unclipped his helmet, tucked it under his arm and made his way over to me, easily bypassing the rest of the audience who’d flooded the pitch. I felt my heart beat pick up and by the time my best friend reached me, my heart was pounding against my ribs. He was watching me with such intensity, that it made my knees feel weak. His beautiful brown eyes were soft with an emotion that I couldn’t identify, as well as fondness, happiness and determination. I had no idea what to expect when he finally joined me on the stands, but when he tossed his helmet aside, and placed both of his hands on my cheeks, I knew that everything was about to change. And when his lips met mine in a tender, tentative kiss, I threw my arms around his neck and succumbed to it. It was meant to be, and I was powerless to fight the passion, and the intensity that moved between us. But more importantly, I didn’t want to.
 Third Person POV
 Daisy Hank didn’t know what to think when she attended her second day of school. It seemed that there was a buzz in the air from the moment she walked through the doors, as if something had happened and everyone was talking about it. She felt a nervous knot form in her stomach, worried that it was somehow about her, but after a few deep breaths and reassurances it dissipated. There was no way it could be about her; she’d only started yesterday and she hadn’t spoken to anyone for long enough for her to accidentally reveal anything embarrassing.
 She frowned and walked to her locker, trying to focus her hearing to pick up what was going on from the group of girls that were gossiping next to her locker. She opened it up and pretended to search for something as she managed to get close enough to listen in.
 ‘Is it true? Peter and Y/N are actually together?’ one of the girls murmured, Daisy didn’t know any of their names, but she could easily hear the disappointment in her voice.
 ‘Yup, apparently it happened last night at the lacrosse game. He scored the winning game and ran on the stands to kiss her.’ This girl sounded dreamy, and Daisy felt herself instinctively relax a little at the absence of aggression in her tone.
 ‘It was like a Cinderella Story. So romantic.’ The third girl mirrored the second’s tone and even sighed.
 ‘So unfair. Kavinsky is the most attractive guy at this school, now what—‘ the first girls bitterness was cut off by an elbow to her abdomen.
  Daisy frowned, until she followed their gaze and saw the aforementioned couple walking down the hall. They were in the same position as yesterday; her arm around his waist, his over her shoulders and her face tucked against his chest. And yet, there was a definite change between them, Daisy noticed. Maybe it was because Y/N was wearing a hoodie that was obviously his, or because he now had her backpack slung over his shoulder along with his own, or maybe it was the soft, fond and loving way they looked at each other. But either way, a change was definitely there, and Daisy once again found herself wishing that she had someone who looked at her the way they were observing each other, just like she had yesterday when she’d first laid eyes on them. Except now, she only wanted it more, because unlike yesterday the love and affection they had for each other was radiating from them without restriction. It was as beautiful as it was mesmerising and Daisy released a dreamy sigh of her own as she slammed her locker shut at the sound of the school bell. As she made her way to English, she hoped one day, she would find someone who loved her like that.
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the1weliveinnow · 4 years
I’m sorry but Lara Jean so doesn’t deserve Peter. That boy is the perfect boyfriend and the whole film she’s just trying to find a reason to dump his ass for some guy she hasn’t seen in years. Peter Kavinsky deserves better!
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marvelelizabeth · 6 years
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Imagine going to a hot air ballon festival with your boyfriend Noah Centineo.
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fandomnom · 6 years
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My first Noah Centineo Gif 😍
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peachkavinsky · 6 years
Hey Guys!
I’m a new imagines blog (my other acc is @beronicahugs ) and I'd really appreciate if you put in request for either Noah centineo, Peter Kavinsky or Jamey from sbial!
Requests go here <3 (please be specific with them)
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netflixwritings · 5 years
new blog !!
i created this blog to start writing for all the netflix movies bc there aren’t enough fics out there.
characters i write for
to all the boys i’ve loved before
peter kavinsky
the kissing booth
lee flynn
noah flynn
elle evans
johnny sanders
ash baker
penny cooper
camilla barnes
i also write
noah centineo
joel courtney
jacob elordi
carson meyer
joey king
0 notes
viscountoflondon · 7 months
College Kavinsky 1.0
This story is based on 3 years post college admissions (So he’s a junior now). Peter and Lara Jean are not together; they broke up amicably (I am Covinksy stan but let a girl have a maladaptive daydream).
Reader is an afro latina curvy girl (Midsize or plus size the choice is yours) however as we have read multiple fan fiction and fictional books we all imagine ourselves as main character so feel free to do so 🥰
I’m sensitive about my shit but i hope you like it 
Warnings: curse words, slight vulgarity.
GIF credits below
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“Where’s Y/N, where’d she go?” Peter asked, looking around for you he was hoping for an opportunity to talk to you, seeing your last interaction was a bit awkward. 
“Oh she left?” Ivy  (your roommate) 
“Why?” he asks taking a sip of his beer 
“Oh that's because Cameron (Ivy’s boyfriend) said it was invite only” Ivy answers 
Tonight the Fraternity was throwing a party, post new chapter  president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, and social chair as the previous seniors had graduated. 
Peter had been mentioned as the new Treasurer a promotion from social chair and Cameron his best friend was given the position as Secretary as the board recognized Cameron’s efforts in assisting his pledge brother and best friend in chapter activities. 
“CAM WHAT THE HELL?!” He asked giving Cameron an incredulous look 
“Sorry shit I didn’t even think about it.” he shrugged in response You had helped Ivy and the other girlfriends set up for the party post the event, and typically this party was the only by invite only party due to the fact that the new leaderships would be discussing exciting plans for the new year and only long term girlfriends and family would be invited back to the Frat house. But honestly the new chapter leadership always got to invite who they wanted. Anyway 2 hours had passed and there was no way you were making your way back to the house. 
Honestly you had no idea what she was talking about during your last interaction all Peter said was he liked your shoes and boy did Ivy scold you. Ivy knew Peter liked you; she didn’t want to tell you because it was like a secret between her, Cam, and Peter, however you were convinced she was a sucker for love looking at your recent interaction with rose colored glasses. 
“Why didn’t you say something back?” 
“I did, I said thank you” “You were supposed to say oh thanks i like your watch your chain i don’t fucking know follow up with something!” you open your mouth to protest but she continues “What do guys like?” 
You shrug “Cars, sports, fishing” you shrug not understanding her question 
“So a guy complimenting your shoes would mean?” 
“He thinks they are cool” you feel the thud of the pillow hit your body “HEY!” 
“You are impossible! I am setting you up with one of the finest men on campus! And you fumble the damn play” 
You roll your eyes and huff looking up to the ceiling “I think you are looking into this too much” 
“I AM NOT!” she stresses
“Ivanna, why would Peter want me?” 
“WHY WOULDN’T HE LOOK AT YOU! YOU’RE HOT IN FACT” she moves closer “MANY GUYS HAVE ASKED ME ABOUT YOU ESPECIALLY WHEN WE GO OUT TOGETHER!” she grabs your shoulders, shaking you a bit hoping to shake some sort of sense in your brain. 
You hold a look of confusion “what?” you respond slightly above a whisper
“YES PEOPLE HAVE ASKED ME ABOUT YOU!” she takes in a deep breath to calm down realizing she was a bit too passionate “Guys have asked me if you have a boyfriend , can I hook them up, but I didn’t because they are fuck boys. Peter is not”
“So Peter asked you to hook us up?” “NO!” she responds quickly hoping she didn’t give away her scheme
Your brow quirks “okay so what makes you believe that he likes me?” “A girl knows things” “Uh-Huh” you smirk and walk away to grab the wine bottle. 
“So next time you see him”You interrupt “If there is a next time”
“Oh there will be trust me” You roll your eyes “you need to work that charm”
You squeal “Ow” you say in response to her pinching your side 
“And you need to work your charm, tu entiendes?” 
“SI! Damn!” 
“GREAT” she smiles
“So can we discuss the party now? How was it?” “Actually it was okay” She shrugs boring kinda because it was like a meeting with beer and food and games involved. 
“Yea” she says snuggling into your side and focuses on the movie ahead. 
It has been almost 3 years since your last relationship. Things were said to you that made you question yourself, question the value you could add in a relationship etc, so it was hard that, the Peter Kavinsky, one of the most popular frat brothers on campus, liked you.  I mean you’ve seen the previous relationships/situationships/hookup girls they looked nothing like you so much so when Ivy hinted at him liking you made you think she was the most delusional person on this planet called earth. 
She was right, there was a next time, this time it was the homecoming party and as we know each frat house would partner up and try to outdo not only the previous year but make it a party that no one ever stopped talking about. 
“You have to come to the party!” Ivy insists 
“Ivy, it’s gonna be a lot of people” “SO!?” 
“Sooo, .......ugh......... I will come” you finally give in after she begged you for 2 days to go after your initial ‘no’
“YAY! Lets go shopping!” 
In true homecoming fashion you both had to adorn Stanfords alma mater colors. You both decide on an outfit that suits you best. Your body is buzzing with anxiety as you both get ready. Last minute runs to get nails, eyebrows done, running to the liquor store to get pregame (A/N: drink responsibly), running to grocery store to get last minute late night snacks(Ice cream, chips, fruit, cookies). 
“Ready?!” Ivy asks you taking the last sip of her chaser “As I will ever be!” you respond 
She smiles and links arms together as you both walk out to meet your uber driver (A/N:  don’t drink and drive) 
As you pull up to the house the line extends way beyond what you initially thought. 
“OMG! Ivy” you look at the line feeling very overwhelmed and intimidated how were all these people going to fit in that house? How many kegs did they even buy to be sufficient for all these people? Isn’t there like a fire code or something? When the lines were small the house was packed you can’t even imagine all of them fitting.
“I know how it looks but trust me it’s gonna be fun!” she beams at you “Let me text Cameron” 
In a few minutes he appears from the front “HI BABY!” she jumps in his arms “Look who I convinced to come” they both look at you
“Y/N! Glad you made it” he says giving you a side hug
“Yea, thanks for the invite.” you smile still feeling like this was a bad idea. To be fair you never attended any of the homecoming parties or activities. Too many people, drunk people, pissed people, sad people, happy people, everyone everywhere it just wasn’t your thing, 
“Come on!” he says, ushering you two in you hear some groans and curse words as you two were allowed in. Inside the house you can breathe a little. It wasn't even full yet a few extra bodies were floating around, certainly not what you imagined. You hear the president give an order to move one Keg out to the backyard. Another voice is heard confirming all rooms are locked and secure. 
“Alright last meeting!”  You hear as you feel Ivy pull you back  “We know the mission?” Mark the president comments 
They respond “EPIC PARTY, EPIC FRAT HOUSE! TOP FRATERNITY OF STANFORD!” They cheer “LETS GOOO!!!” you look around and see Peter joining the cheering
“AND PLEASE NO GIRLS IN THE ROOMS I DON’T CARE HOW MUCH YOUR DICKS GET HARD SEND THEM HOME!” Sean the Vice President adds in making them all laugh 
“Here we go '' Ivy whispers to you as they open the door, in a moment the room quickly gets filled up the music is so loud the base in the speakers is vibrating through you. You watch as people grab cups, grab bottles of beer, grab the premade jello shots and make their way to the dance floor as you nurse your liquor punch? That's what they called it anyway. 
After a while your body loosens up you start to care less about the surroundings and you start moving to the music. Ivy had left your side and returned and left again so much so that you didn’t care anymore you were having your own mini party in the very distant corner of the living room which didn’t have any couches? How come you just realized? Actually all the seating was missing. 
You tip your head back to get the last drop in your cup and frown you move from your corner hoping to find no one occupying it and make it to the kitchen 
You turn to look behind you and there stood Peter (of course you notice him first), Ivy, Cam, and a few of the other frat brothers. You wave before getting more of the liquor punch whatever they put in it was really working its way in your system. You walk over and greet them. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN HIDING?" Sean asks
“OH I HAVE I’VE BEEN AROUND!” “THIS IS OUR FIRST TIME SEEING YOU WE’VE SEEN IVY LIKE A BILLION TIMES” You roll your eyes “WE ARE NOT ATTACHED AT THE HIP” and you weren’t you didn’t need Ivy to babysit you, you had fun the introvert way you know observing people and their mannerisms, argument over there, dancing over here, conversation in that corner, oooh trip up the steps
You watch as Peter smirks and that makes you blush, you quickly look away “what are you drinking?” you ask Ivy
“Oh girl i don’t know” she takes a sip “beer?” she takes another “i think i mixed beer with punch” You make a face “ew”
“Gross right?” you nod “Too drunk to care” she throws it back. You laugh in response. When you turn back to the group Peter is gone and your heart drops a little but not enough to care. 
You walk away from the circle and make your way around the crowd. A few guys stop you trying to flirt but it's a wash, they were way too drunk much more than you and were now just saying anything ‘like your tits, let me suck your pussy’ you cringe as you think about it. You spot Peter not too far away dancing. Of course he is surrounded by mostly girls and of course the one who he seems to be chummy with is the girl that fits the aesthetics of his recent situationships. You roll your eyes, fuck Ivy for making you think this guy even liked you. You were better off having a secret crush than hoping he had any interest. The night goes on and your mood is semi sour, not too much more so slight irritation. Thank God for your corner because you need a wall to lean on, heels, no seats, and alcohol are not the best combo. You look down at your clock and see it is 1am time for you to head out, you know Ivy wouldn’t mind hell you haven’t even seen her or texted her in the past 2 hours. You shoot a text saying you were going to The Crispy Bun, a hole in the wall burger bar that not many people knew about. It had a very retro vibe with a modern spin. 
You push yourself off the wall, stand in line for way too long for the restroom and head towards the front. 
“Y/N!” you hear Ivy and God did you roll your eyes 
“YEA!” you fake a smile
You notice Peter and Sean, and what seemed to be Peter’s interest for the night walking up
“OOOOH YESSS!”  She pinches your side 
You squeal again “OW WHAT THE FUCK IVANNA!” She squints and looks at you “YOU WERE GONNA GO WITHOUT ME??” 
“I TEXTED YOU!” You feel yourself getting angry 
She pulls out her phone “OH SHIT YOU DID, SORRY FRIEND!” She throws her arms around you
“WHAT’S CRISPY?” Sean asks
“YOU DON’T KNOW? THEY HAVE THE BEST BURGERS LETS GO!” she says rallying up the small group. 
God no,  this can’t be happening. You were happy to just walk and have a nice burger in your drunken state now you had to be there as Peter and this girl would be flirting right in front of you. 
The group leaves, all 6 of you. You do your best to lighten up your mood, joining Ivy in her singing and giggling. Eventually you guys stop and she links arms with you pulling you close
“This is the time to make your move” she whispers in your ear You scoff “Please not this again” “What?” she looks at you and then back at the guys
“Ivy, he brought a girl, what are you even?” 
She interrupts you “Olivia? That’s Sean’s girlfriend!” 
You blush “oh” “You thought that was some girl he liked?”
“It look...” She interrupted again “Well you are wrong”
“What you two whispering about over there?!” Cameron asks 
“NOTHING!” Ivy sings in response. Ivy goes back to singing, and this time you happily join in. Maybe she was right because why would Peter tag along. You finally make it to The Crispy Bun. 
“Hi, how many?” the host asks “Hi Hannah!”  you greet
“Y/N!, Omg i haven’t seen you in like forever” the older lady comments “I know class and all” She puts her hand on her chest  “I get it girl”
“We have 6” “Ooooo I won’t be able to sit you guys for like an hour. But if you want there’s many seats by the bar I think you guys can sit in pairs, but as people leave just ask the bartender to move you closer to each other. Does that work?” 
“Yes it’s perfect!” Ivy responds. “And I’m starrrvviingg” You give her look what the hell does she mean by that's perfect? Was she planning on sitting with you and ignoring Cam
You feel her grab your hand and place it on Peter's hand. If the sky opened up and swallowed you now you wouldn’t even be mad.
“Peter take care of her!” 
“Scouts honor” he responds in a calm manner 
“Okay great here are the menus there’s a pair in the middle and and then on each side of the bar, I think” 
“Dibs on middle!” Sean comments pulling Olivia along with him
Your heart races as Peter pulls you through the busy bar, unbeknownst to you he chose the area that seemed to be a bit more calm. He helps you sit on the stool. You thank him sheepishly as he sits on his.
“No problem, so what’s good to eat here Y/L/N?” Y/L/N you like that nickname “Oh umm there’s a lot actually!” you open up the menu so you can both look at it. Peter stands up and moves his stool closer. You blush but try to hide it behind your big  bouncy hollywood style curls. You were a sucker for big hair so of course you had to put in those large rollers in your hair. “They have like gourmet burgers and then the classics” 
“What do you get?” he asks You go to answer but are interrupted by the waitress “Hey guys what can I get you?” You two don’t say much, keeping the conversation light until the food comes out
“MMMM” He moans, throwing his head back. 
“It’s good right” 
“I can’t believe I didn’t know about this place, shit where have I been?” 
“Under a rock” you respond sarcastically. He chuckles in response 
It’s quiet for a while as you two eat, he then looks down at your shoes and smiles. 
“So why you giving me the cold shoulder Y/L/N” he asks looking at you dead on 
Your jaw drops as you watch him pick up one of your fries and plops it in his mouth 
“I have not!” 
“You were giving me the cold shoulder not too long ago” He adds picking up another fry 
“I was not” you blush
He smirks and takes one last bite of his burger “So what was it then?” 
You blush some more and say “I thought you were just complimenting my shoes and...” you pause to think 
He quirks his brow “And?” 
You respond in a soft tone almost whispering “I just didn’t think you... were... interested” 
He scoffs amused “Well I am!” he confirms as he eats another one of your fries
“Do you want my fries?” you ask “Yes they are soo good!” 
“You can eat my leftover burger full now” you offer pushing the plate towards him “Nice” Perfect reason to have boys around they finish your food 
After he finishes he finally speaks “So now that you know I am interested” You blush “Can we get this show on the road, tired of looking at you from afar” “Sure” you blush
“Come here” he pulls you closer and angles your swivel stool to face him while both his legs cage you in 
“What would you like to know about me Peter?’ you ask 
“Everything” You blush and look “I love your smile” “Man you’re laying it in thick” 
He chuckles, throwing his head back “Nah I just wanna know more, you know?” 
“You gotta ask so I know what to tell you?” “Any love interests?” “No? Maybe” 
“Last boyfriend?” “3 years ago?” “Why’d you break up?” “Long story short he cheated” “Favorite TV Show?” “Bob’s Burgers”
“None” “Only child wow” you blush pushing the hair behind your ear 
You two continue and eventually you loosen up and ask him the same if not similar questions 
“What?” you ask, focusing back on his eyes. You had done the Marilyn Monroe Triangle method ( A/N: look at youtube, tiktok, etc), not that you did it intentionally just something you would do from close proximity or from a distance. You liked the details of things you noticed. 
He smirked and pulled you even closer, hands caressing your outer things, your eyes widened a bit as he leaned in. “I said, if I asked you out what would you say?” “Oh!” you giggle “Yes duh” 
“You guys want anything else?” 
“Want dessert?” He asks you “Uh no I’m good” you say not wanting to look like a glutton 
“We are good” 
“Alright together or separate checks” 
“Together!”  he responds quickly reaching in his back pocket for his wallet
“Oh I was gonna..” you say reaching for your bag  
He stops you “Consider this our first unofficial first date and if you pull out your card I swear to god Y/L/N” 
You stop midway “Thanks Peter” you say sheepishly 
“Don’t mention it, so about that first date” “What are you two love birds talking about?” Olivia teases
He smiles at her “private things, what's up?” he asks straightening, up looking across to see that Cam, Ivy, and Sean were making their way towards you two
“Oooh private things” She throws her arm around Peter, and caresses his face and you realize the uncomfortable expression 
“You guys done?” “Yea we gotta go back bro, it's been 2 hours cleaning helping get home all that Frat house shit” 
“Oh shit I forgot” 
“Because you’re busy flirting your balls off!” Sean adds
“Fuck off” Sean “ready?” he asks you 
“Oh yea”  you say standing up
You guys walk in pairs now you two being in the middle 
“So about that official first date” he asks lowly not wanting anyone else to hear 
“Oh yea I would love to” you look up at him 
“Yes! I need your number” He said handing you his phone. He smiles down at you and throws his hands around your shoulders pulling you in. 
You guys reach the Frat house and he looks down at you. You look to your side and notice Olivia looking at you both you can’t read her expression, it was odd though “Text me when you get home safe” “Awww Peter” Olivia comes over and pinches his cheek. He rolls his eyes shrugging her off “what about me do you care if I make it home safe?” 
He gives her a deadpan look “of course i do liv” he responds sarcastically 
You smile and rub his arms “I’ll text you Peter” you say looking up at him he smiles and kisses your cheek.
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viscountoflondon · 7 months
Que Sera Sera 1.0
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A/N: Please do not copy my work, only reblog or like. Tell me what you think, remember I’m sensitive about my shit
GIF: Credit Brunettessource
Warnings: Curse words, alcohol, implied sexual things
You sit by the kitchen watching the group engage in post thanksgiving dinner games, a tradition for your 2 families, Y/L/Ns and the Centineo’s. Ever since Noah and your younger brother became best friends in elementary school they were practically inseparable. So much so that the families had just decided why not throw one big thanksgiving dinner instead of doing the come to our house we’ll host next year thing.
“You okay honey?” Your mom asks
You smile “Yea!”
This would be the first year post your separation with your ex husband. It was strange territory he was your highschool sweetheart and now it sometimes felt like a part of you was missing
“You sure?”
“Yea mom! Just watching Lucas and Noah make asses out of themselves”
“HEY!” Lucas screams “I heard that!” 
You smile “sorry just telling the truth!” 
The night is filled with many events: games, movies, popcorn, second round of thanksgiving dinner, more games, and finally sleep. 
Tomorrow was the Y/L/Ns turn to make breakfast one last big feast before the two families split apart and went their separate ways
You work in the kitchen quietly humming to RnB that played softly in the background
“Morning” you hear Noah’s groggy voice
“Kid?” he groans he hated that nickname “what are you doing up?” 
In a very sleepy tone he asks “The question is what are you doing up? Its 5am and we all went to bed at like 2?” 
You shrug “I am prepping for breakfast if you must know” you answer, you briefly glance at his shirtless body “so what are you doing up?” “Heard some banging had to check on the noise” “I did not bang!” you whisper harshly  “I accidentally dropped the tray sorry for waking you up” 
He nods understandingly “It’s cool, need help?” “Nope! Go back to bed baby boy” 
He groans and throws up the peace sign, too tired to argue with you. You watch as his muscular figure disappears around the corner. 
Unknown: I miss you 
You roll your eyes, the real reason you were up at 5am making breakfast had nothing to do with you prepping but with your ex husband pestering you non-stop. So much that you were losing sleep. You didn’t want to tell anyone that he had started stalking you and you were positive he was standing across the street watching you in the kitchen. At least in the house full of people you felt safe.
Actually the reason you had dropped the pan was because you received the text 
Unknown: You look so beautiful 
It sent shivers down your spine freezing you in spot and ultimately causing you to drop the baking tray. 
You couldn't’ sleep after that expecting him to pop up in your room and ultimately cause harm to you like he had threatened so much. Even the restraining orders weren’t deterring him, you knew how this story ended and you contemplated packing and moving across the country so many times but then you would have to explain why and you just didn’t know how. You were an adult like your father preached. You have to learn to manage your own problems so you are doing your best. 
When morning comes and everyone is happily feeding themselves breakfast or left overs you’re brought back to reality when Noah plops down next to you
“Omg Noah! Almost spilled my coffee!” you complain wiping the droplets of coffee that were rolling down your cup
“Sleep well sleeping beauty?” he asks 
You roll your eyes “fuck off kid”
“Awww, i guess that's a no”  he fake pouts before taking a bite of the bacon
“Honestly kid, what are you doing here?’
“First of all stop calling me kid, and also you were looking like a sad puppy in the corner and your cousin asked me to come check on you” he motions to Lizzie
“I was not” you argue
“You were” he counters
You huff “I’m fine so you can go now”
“Or nothing” you were nursing 
“Orrr I can stay here and bug you he grinned showing all his teeth
“Okay whatever” you reach over his plate and grab a piece of bacon 
He pulls his plate away “Hey get your own!” 
You shrug “I cooked i have dibs on everyone’s plate” 
He rolls his eyes “fair enough”
“Y/N did you cut the fruit?” your dad calls to you from the kitchen “Oh yea its in the fridge hold on” you stand up and walk towards the kitchen leaving Noah where he sat
At the end of the weekend both families say their goodbye well Lucas and Noah were on a plane to NYC while the rest of you remained in California.
Noah being a semi famous actor now took Lucas with him everywhere, he gave Lucas the title of assistant manager. They would argue a lot because Lucas was in charge of his schedule and if he had to be in NYC in the morning and Miami by the afternoon thats just what he had to do. You’ve rolled your eyes at the many arguments you had to settle between them offering suggestions for Lucas to be less involved in Noah’s schedule and more involved in the background which of course they refused. Boys what can you say? 
The next holiday is Christmas, something you really used to enjoy but not so much now that you were in this predicament with your ex. 
“Y/N what is going on?” Lucas looks around your home “Are you not decorating for Christmas or what?” he asks as him and his friends occupy your living space
You shrug and look around “Oh I’ve just been busy Lucas didn’t have the energy”
“Wow so you’ve gotten lazy” he teases
You groan “Fuck off Lucas” 
You turn to look and watch as Noah silently observes you, he always did that just watched you from afar. It wasn’t creepy just Noah being Noah. 
“What’s up kid got a smart remark too?” you ask. He throws his hands up. For some odd reason he felt like the reason you provided was an excuse but he didn’t want to push it as he could see the bags under your eyes. He knew from Lucas that the divorce from your ex was taking a toll on you. Lucas had expressed concerns but never really dove into details just saying he wished you would snap out of it and forget all about your ex. 
“I need help with Sarah’s (Lucas girlfriend) gift” the conversation moves on and just like that the mood switches and everything is back to being light and joyful 
Another year, another year filled with you’re hoping this time more joy and spontaneity. You sigh and look down at your phone, it was new years eve 5PM if you were going to have fun you needed to leave now. Because LA traffic was not to be played around with, all that was pending was for it to get darker and that would be it! Grid lock for hours. It kind of sucked no one was available to hang out. Lucas was out of state with Sarah, your cousins were out with their husbands/boyfriends, you weren’t going to third wheel your parents, you didn’t want to go out but you had no choice as your friends had egged you on. Told you you had to get out of the house and live life, as they said,  they knew what was happening they were worried about you but they had lives too.  
You guys go downtown, you dress in your best attire, the best you could muster up anyway. You did a few club hopping until your final destination, the club where “Bitter Moon” an upcoming pop rock band in LA, were playing. 
The space is so packed you can barely move around, you manage to get drinks and sing to the songs from their EP and some of the popular songs they covered with their own spin. 
On your way back from the bathroom, you spot someone that looks like Noah ahead of you and think that it couldn’t possibly be him but decide to call his name anyway “NOAH you scream his name making him turn around 
He smiles when he sees you making his way towards you leaving the circle of friends he was hanging out with.  “HEEYYY, HAPPY NEW YEAR” He gives you a side hug 
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE KID?” He rolls his eyes “RIGHT SORRY NOAH” you two had made a deal not too long ago that you would stop calling him ‘kid’
He chuckles leaning down to speak in your ear “I am here for Bitter Moon, my friend plays the drums” 
“Oh cool! Not throwing a party?” you reference last years New Years events
He makes a face “HELL NO!” You giggle, the cops were called, it was a mess too many people had showed up, things were stolen etc etc.
“Where's your crew?” He asks  
“Oh uh”  you stand on your tip toes and shrug after your failure to locate them, “they are around somewhere” you point towards the neon sign “over there” 
He nods drinking his beer
A popular song comes on you lose yourself in the moment singing a long 
“AYYEEE look at you!”  You stop and blush looking away “AYYEEE KEEP GOING!”  he urges
You shake your head vigorously “No it's embarrassing” 
“Why?” he mouths to you singing along as well. You shake your head feeling bashful and turn to face the band. He doesn’t push, instead he bops his head to the beat. 
The song ends and the band takes a 10 minute break 
“I should go back” you speak “girls are probably wondering where I am” you say as you pull out your phone “Oh actually they left, going to the next club ‘Inferno’” you chuckle as you read the group text “so i need to catch up with them” 
“Orrrr” he begins to bargain  “you can stay, with me” he smiles at you
“Oh well i didn't wanna ruin your chances of getting some tonight” He makes a face. You motion with your head and he follows the direction of the group he was with earlier “Those girls are giving me the death glares” 
He scoffs “Fuck them i dont know them!” 
“Still I should really” you step away from him slowly
He grabs your hand pulling you closer “STAY!” he nods excitedly trying to convince you  “you should really stay and get some more drinks! And enjoy your new years!” he speaks with high energy 
“Okay okay okay” 
He pulls his arm towards him “Yesss! what are you drinking?”  
“Uh I was drinking white claw”
“One white claw coming right up don’t move” 
You nod and watch as he walks away you look around and boy if looks could kill they would. You knew Noah was getting more famous so of course the groupies were trying to shoot their shot and it's not like you were of any competition if they only knew you were a family friend. 
He doesn’t stay gone for a long time he returns when the band starts the next set. 
“They only had watermelon, yuzu and blood orange I got you the watermelon couldn’t get your favorite blackberry” 
“Oh that's okay thanks ki...Noah” 
He smirks as he turns to face the band, before you know it you are smooshed up against Noah. You guess its because they let more people in it was nearing midnight after all 
“Oh shit. Sorry” you say as you spill white claw on him “Sorry sorry” you reach in your purse to grab napkins
“Its cool its cool, don’t worry about it” 
“I’ll foot the dry cleaners bill” You offer y
“Will you relax It’s cool” 
“Okay” you turn around slowly and get lost in the music again 
He stands behind you and at some point snakes his arms around your stomach planting you against him so you wouldn’t get shoved around.
“Alright ladies and gentlemen boys and girls, in one minute we will be ringing in the new year and I want you to look to your left look to your right and back to your left find someone to plant a juicy fat kiss for your favorite band BITTTERRR MOOOON” the crowd goes wild you can't help but giggle. 
The minute comes to an end “10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!” Confetti drops from the ceiling along with streamers and glitter 
You blow hard on the noise marker and turn to face Noah “HAPPY NEW YEAR!”  You scream as Auld Lang Syne plays loudly in the background
“Come here”  you read his lips right before they connect with yours (think about tabilb when Peter grabs Lara Jean and kisses her during Lacrosse practice)
“MMM!” It takes you by surprise, he isn't rough with it, in fact he kisses you gently, his arm anchoring you against his body, your hands move to his shoulders slightly pushing him away. It was brief roughly 5 seconds kiss or maybe longer or shorter, your eyes widen when he pulls away 
“Wha.. Wha.. What was that?!” you ask 
He shrugs “New years kiss” taking another sip of his beer 
You shake your head “We shouldn’t have” god if Lucas found out he would kill you “Oh come on its new years!”
You go to take a step back but you can't. Noah dips down for another kiss this time his other hand holds your head in place so no leaning back for you.This time instead of one long kiss its a burst of short interval kisses. And for a brief moment you let yourself get lost in the sensation, so much so when he licks your bottom lip you don’t fight it instead you let him have access to your mouth. Damn his lips are soft, so soft. When he pulls away you find yourself raising up chasing his lips. 
He smirks hiding his smile when you finally open your eyes
“Umm”  you blush tucking the hair behind your ear. What a way to start new years that's for sure. The band continues to play music and you two say nothing else to each other instead this time he rocks your body to the music.After an hour he suggests that you two leave 
“Oh what about your friends?” you ask 
He chuckles “I’ve been with you for the past 3 hours I think they’ll be alright” 
You nod as he grabs your hand pulling you out. You two get in an uber and he gives the driver his address. What was happening? Why did it feel like you were in a movie  watching yourself? When you turn to look at Noah, he sat nonchalantly skimming his social media pages. 
‘What do I do? Am I really gonna hook up with my younger brothers best friend?’ you think to yourself You begin to panic you had to find a way out of this. This wasn’t cool there's a code of ethics right? You couldn’t do this
When you arrive at his place you think to stop things right then and there say you should go home that it was all a mistake but its like your body is on autopilot and instead you follow him towards his door and inside his place. You’ve been here many times but now it felt foreign, too intimate in fact. 
He sighs when he sees your expression, a sort of  deer in headlights “look we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. But we are both drunk. My feet hurt and I’m sure yours do too” motioning to your high heels.
You look down and play with your necklace “Right” 
He walks past you and towards the kitchen and looks in the fridge. I got left over pizza, ice cream, frozen corn dogs, fruit salad, some pre-made meals, water kombucha, beer, wine, chips, cookies, salad mix, cheese, and dressing. 
You turn to face him slowly after you text your friends letting them know you were safe
“Oh umm wine please” you slowly walk up to him. 
“Pizza okay?” he was too drunk to wait for the frozen corn dogs to cook in the oven  
“Yea!” You say placing your bag on the counter
“Don’t need to look like you’ve seen a ghost” he chuckles placing the pizza in the toaster oven 
“Sorry” you blush as he turns to face you “just a little” you swallow “taken aback”  
“Come on Y/N you know I’ve had  a crush on you ever since.....shit I can’t even remember” 
“Yea but I thought...” 
He interrupts you “Thought what?”  he straightens up and walks towards you pushing you against the counter, the height difference all of a sudden intimidates you. You who said you could fight him no matter what. 1 on 1 you could take him down.  
You can’t help but feel your face flush “That it was like a highschool thing like you grew out of it” you gesture with your hands
“Well” he clears his throat and cages you in with his arms “I haven’t”  he steps back a little so he could lean on them making you two eye level. “In fact it’s gotten stronger”
Your eyes widen and a meak “oh” escapes your lips 
“So right here right now I’m telling you I want you” he declares  
You go to say something but there are no words that you can find this is all too much.  
He straightens up and looks down at you “What do you say baby?”  he leans in and kisses your lips this time there's no hesitation from you in fact your arms immediately wrap themselves around his neck. He lifts you up placing you on the cool counter it startles you making you pull away you can’t help but giggle 
He chuckles softly “What is it?”  he asks stepping in between your legs 
“I” you giggle “I don’t even know what to say” because what do you say to something like this?!
He pushes the hair away from your face “then show me” 
You smile and pull him down for another kiss this time it's deeper, filled with the same desire he had for you, a deep moan rumbles from him as he pulls you closer, your legs naturally wrapping themselves around him. You two tease each other biting lips pulling hair but neither of you cross that boundary only because the toaster oven dings putting a pause to your make out session. 
Noah quickly removes the slices placing them on a plate
You cover your face in disbelief and chuckle
“What is it? Why do you keep laughing?” he asks amused taking a bite of his pizza 
“Lucas is gonna kill us” 
He shrugs, “Let me deal with him,” he says. 
This was new territory for you, it had been a long time since you were in the company of a man you most certainly didn’t think the next one would be Noah. You both agree you both needed to be sober before you ventured into the next step. However that didn’t stop the heated make out sessions nor the waking up in bed half naked the next day. 
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cruel-summerxy · 5 years
im 11 followers away from hitting 300!!!
once i do hit it ill do a drabble night for 5sos, noah/peter kavinsky , and finn!!! so y'all can send in requests now! (but actually send some in,, don't leave me hanging)
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cruel-summerxy · 5 years
Ok so,, as promised send in your requests!!!! You can send in for:
calum hood
ashton irwin
michael clifford
luke hemmings
noah centenio/ peter kavinsky
finn wolfhard
otis milburn
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marvelelizabeth · 6 years
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Imagine dating Noah Centineo and congratulating him on his success.
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marvelelizabeth · 6 years
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Imagine feeling insecure about your relationship with Noah Centineo.
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