#personification of the sun
chaaase69 · 7 months
hi! not my usual simp ramblings but i wanted to post some writing i did so enjoy :)
if youd like to check out my actual works, please see my master post or check out my ao3 !
When it all happened all it felt like was emptiness, he didn’t know whether to cry or screen or curse the Gods above. Would they even listen? They had not intervened when those monsters took and took from him, they stood by and watched. So for many years this ball of grief festered in his chest, cold and hard. A solid ball of ice encapsulating every raw emotion he felt. Anger and sadness, pain untold lingering just below the surface of his skin unseeing to anyone who glanced his way. For a time, for a very long time, it simply did not matter. It was so easy to let those emotions disappear from his heart because he had no reason to feel them. No one was close enough to care or ask if he was truly okay.
It wasn’t until he showed up. How freely he cared, wore his emotions on his sleeve like an open book. Tears were not a weakness to him, but a symbol of strength. Oh how he cared so freely, he did not see for skin, he saw for person. It was like he could see above all. He was better than any God anyone worshiped. He was like the smell of freshly cut grass, it tingles your nose in a way both pleasant and unpleasant. You wish to smell it again yet fleeting in its moments when nature takes him away. In contrast to the icey ball, his chest carried a fiery passion. Like a literal piece of the sun that shined so brightly it was nearly obnoxious.
It hurt. The sun was bright, uncaring. It made him angry, explosively angry. Misplaced years of unspoken anger and unshed tears, screaming for no reason other than he wanted to scream. That ball of ice chipped and cracked everytime he yelled, freeing up the bundle fury of passion long since gone. The sun simply took, smiled and bore the weight of these emotions like they were his own. Oh how he cared so freely.
That smile shone like the daylight, beams of warmth caressing skin like a lover who held you close. The ice melted slowly, raindrops of tears in his unfeeling heart. Somedays it seemed worse than others, entire hurricanes of rain so bad his throat was raw. Otherdays is was quiet, a light mist of a spring day, still warm and free that it was comfortable. He didn’t know how to process it, he only saw weakness. Saw his flaws like they were bright red flags taunting a bull. In came the rage once again, unfiltered and burning so brightly it set ablaze the ice around his heart, melting it so quickly that he didn’t have time to even catch it.
Resentment. It was so bitter. It bit at the inside of his mouth and made his tongue tingle as though he was being pricked by a hundred needles at the same time. He spit at the very ground that resentment stood, yet it never faltered. It made home in the space of his heart, like a spider building a web. Intricate feelings of scorn and wrath, sorrow and grief. That simple tarantula nipped at his very soul, poisoning him with emotion he’d never wish for anyone. He felt like he was poisoning the sun, and for the first time in eons he was scared.
It horrified him. His shield gone and his hand forced to swing his sharpened blade. The sun only smiled, patient and filling him with warmth. A warmth he most dearly did not deserve, yet he received anyways. He wanted to hate the sun for this, he wanted to be mad and tell the sun to run and never look back. Yet, in his growth he didn’t hate or scream, he smiled back. The tarantula cried in pain, leg snapping as its web crumbled beneath it. His very soul smiled back, free.
The sun held his hand and he didn’t fight. His sword sheathed and shield lowered, the tarantula screamed again. Scattering away from its home in his heart, leaving behind the broken cobwebs of its ugly poison. He knew how to be okay with this poison, the warmth in his being taught him to love it. Cry when it hurts, yell when it's scary, smile when life is good. The threads of fate were not kind, but the sun taught him kindness anyways.
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jack-o-phantom · 1 year
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Drawing Midnight Sun once more for the fun of it
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trauersinfonie · 4 months
i feel weird when people credit the hito hito no mi model nika for luffy’s good deeds because luffy isnt kind and frees people because of his devil fruit, he’s kind because its who he is &it’s the type of person he’s grown to be. its because luffy has these traits that his devil fruit chose him & he was able to awaken it
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heartburiedingreece · 1 month
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spaceraceart · 1 year
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Planet Personifications - Info Sheets
you may or may not have seen these guys floating around on here, but these fellas are my planet personifications! ive been meaning to post these for a while now (made sol’s sheet nearly a year ago lmao), but here they are!
i’ve always had a passion for astronomy, and combining it with my passion for character design lead to me making these guys a few years ago. i tend to focus more on what we’ve observed about these planets when figuring out their design and personality, which is always very fun for me hehehe.
if yall have any questions regarding these guys, feel free to ask! i may not get to it right away (my inbox is a mess yikes’’’) but i dunno i love these fellas so much asgdhahsd
(text on each sheet under read more)
Sol (the sun) [he/him - bi - 7′8″]: About as happy and "sunny" as you'd expect! He's the "leader" of the solar system and loves each and every one of his planets!
Mercury [he/him - gay - 5′3″]: The aloof first planet. He's a lot more talkative than you'd expect, able to hold convos that go on for hours. Has been through a lot but still living strong!
Venus [she/her - bi - 5′7″]: The explosive and derisive 2nd planet. Her acid skies and  fiery temperatures leaves her always itching for a bit of destruction.
Earth  (terra) [they/them - nb&bi - 5′7″]: Home sweet home! They're the solar system's sweetheart, arguably being it's most powerful planet. May or may not be the main character of reality.
Mars [he/him - bi - 5′5″]: The first planet after the ice line, Mars is very anxious, kinda depressed, and always ready for a bit of vandalism. Probably the most introverted extrovert you'll ever meet.
Jupiter [he/him - bi - 6′6″]: The largest planet in the solar system. He's a gentle-giant-in-training who's trying to atone for his past. His distinguished appearance poorly hides a friendly and silly soul.
Saturn [he/him - trans&bi - 6′4″]: The least dense of the planets. Generally the voice of reason among the planets, even if he seems somewhat self-absorbed. High standards for himself, but more for giving for others.
Uranus [he/him - bi - 6′1″]: Permanently on his side from a collision in his youth, Uranus has a sideways view of the world that tends to distance him from the other planets. It doesn't help he also has trouble feeling and expressing emotions.
Neptune [he/him - trans&gay - 6′1″]: The farthest planet in the solar system. Neptune is an anxious, emotional crybaby who has trouble calming down, and will often argue with people for hours on end. Good thing he has Uranus around to keep him in check.
Pluto [he/him - nb&ace - 5′0″]: The largest of the dwarf planets! Pluto has a very large and loud personality that makes up for his small size. Often left out of things, he will try to make his mark by any means necessary.
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Heliosphere: Under the Sky [MAIN CAST]
This is the main cast of "Heliosphere: Under the Sky", an art project about personified / human versions of planets, stars, and more! It mostly focuses on our very own solar system.
Please check out their character profiles for more info!
Character profiles: Tumblr | Toyhou.se
(NOTE: These were made to celebrate Heliosphere's 1st webcomic anniversary! Because it's the webcomic series that pushed it to be a more serious project overall, having been stagnant for years.)
(Thanks for checking under the cut! Here's an Easter egg for you.)
BONUS: Neptune in true colour! Because plot twist: he's not really royal blue.
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teazingsassy · 11 months
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Lol, original content? In this economy?
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zal-cryptid · 6 months
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DC characters - The Sun
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swissy · 2 months
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Blorbos who are very important to me (and the world they live in)
Left to right: Sun - Grahana - Helena
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raffa-taff · 6 months
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Trying to get back into drawing my ocs again so I redesigned my old oc that was basically a personification of the sun, I had a moon oc too ofc but I’ll see if I still have the motivation left to do her too. This is still a bit sketchy but I was mostly just trying to figure out colours for her and stuff, honestly this design could still change in the future 🤷‍♂️
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madcat-world · 1 year
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Sun Lord - cobaltplasma
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hey-color-palettes · 1 year
palette for the personifications of the sun and moon?
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dcb838 || #e9d8b4 || #b1a69f || #715f61 || #282344
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astrids-art · 7 months
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IM NOT DEAD I PROMISE!! To jump start this account, I'm bringing back an old series of mine, 'Spacetastic'. Spacetastic was a college project of mine (from 2016 if you can imagine that) in which I wanted to make Astronomy easier to understand. I love astronomy, but it can be VERY complicated sometimes. So i decided, that with the help of art and personified space objects, that I'd basically do what Hetalia did with countries, but with Space. And instead of history, take on astronomy. Of course, it never came to fruition simply due to time constraints and then life happens, but now I'm learning to manage time better and I intend to fully see this project through. Perhaps, if I can get more money soon, I'll even hire people to help me out. I want this project to really see the light (haha) and help more people be interested in astronomy as a whole.
So here we have @owlygem 's Sun dad with everyone's favorite old man Betelgeuse! This is a redraw of an older post (Which is still up btw!), I just felt like going back and re-doing this ^^. I hope y'all enjoy, and keep an eye out for more art from me!
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vanadiumvalor · 2 years
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Designing some business cards to give away at MFF! First design of the day is Sol, our home star :3
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spaceraceart · 2 years
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some recent doodles of my planet personification ocs!
starring (from top to bottom) sirius A, sirius B, uranus, venus, sol, and mercury!
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"I'm not here to be your enemy, " smiles the starry xún, his sunny mane golden and deepening into twilight navy. The giant primate(?) holds out an enormous hand, neither callous nor soft, his black nails resembling rock formations of dark limestones. The heaven-born monkey hesitates a little before jumping onto the palm of the sky-sent simian— who, for all that they almost shared the same features, resembled nothing of apes, gibbons, macaques, and other monkeys the Great Sage had ever seen.
"But perhaps we should get to know each other, hm? " He brings Sun WuKong closer to peer at him with his giant obsidian pools as eyes, shining zenith and nadir at the center of his pupils.
"And why should I? " The Monkey King scoffs as he pointed his compliant golden cudgel at the giant's irises. "What if you're just one of Heaven's deities here to take me down because I opposed them? I do not take strangers as friends, even if we share the same face. " he accused, but the other simply chuckled and brought a merry sort of tingling in the recesses of Sun WuKong's bones. Not a forgotten feeling, no, but more like a forgotten afterthought.
"Sharing a face, sharing eyes. That is but the mold in which was used last. I was the first, little King, and you were the finality of that body. "
"What do you mean? "
The ocean moved with the shifts of the xún as he raised one arm and calmed the skies, thunders and lightning marks ceasing as he commanded. "You see, Nüwa did not take it in stride when a life brimmed from the suns. Fiery, arid, and thicker than what makes worlds and constellations. She is the mother goddess of mankind and before Heaven and Earth, things awakened from darkness. Not like you, of course, you were created from nothingness. I had part in every breath you breathe the same way I had part in your creation. " He was very straightforward and blunt, shaking the core of the King's soul.
Sun WuKong watched as the elder star tilts his head, mane resembling rays of the sun falling from his broad shoulders. "I've always known I was something born from stone, but my true life was taken in account of the absorbed essence of Heaven and Earth. " He chitters when a great finger lightly taps once on the crown of his head, almost knocking his backwards. He rubbed that burning spot, "But what does that make you? And who are you anyway? "
The Great Sage watches as the giant primate withdrew from his piercing gaze, pulling back his neck and shoulders before picking the heaven-born monkey up by the scruff of his cape. He dangled many meters from the ground higher than the point of Huagou Mountain.
"Little one, " the xún grins wide with his star points as teeth and shakes his great mane, leaving tiny celestial bodies floating in the air before they dissipated. Sun WuKong feels his breath leave his body and his blood freezing up inside his veins. He thinks as though this was a danger that he won't leave without wounds.
"I am Tiāngān, the Twelve Heavenly Stems."
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