#persephone discourse
I might be too queer to get the appeal, but I do have to wonder why so many straight women are convinced Persephone wanting to be the dutiful wife and mother to Hades' kids is somehow the real empowerment but Demeter's love and power to literally stop the world in its tracks and making two king gods bow to her demands to save her daughter ISN'T. It honestly feels like some sort of conservative psyop hidden behind a very thin "feminist" veneer.
it's very similar to the whole "wearing a full face of makeup is empowering if it's what you CHOOSE to do!" brand of feminism i think. i feel like the second you start challenging gender roles there's pushback from people who can't handle the idea of anyone wanting something different from what they want. i don't think it's a conservative psyop though i just think she didn't really examine it that much
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hanadoesstuffwrong · 3 months
We all know and love zutara's Hades & Persephone parallels. Complimentary opposites constantly being misunderstood as a captor/victim- badboy/goodgirl- edgy/sunshine trope despite significant nuances; being torn between familial and spousal devotion; ruling over their kingdom as equally powerful forces of nature... Good good stuff.
But may I humbly suggest that we have been woefully neglecting the sheer dramatic potential of taang x Eros & Psyche.
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queen--kenobi · 1 year
Fox and Crosshair parallels don't work on so many levels, but the biggest one is Fox is hot and Cross is not
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mywitchcultblr · 2 years
Westerners stop having terminally online takes, impossible challenge. This is why you shouldn't insert stupid fandom discourse into everything
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Hades marrying Persephone is canon to the Greek pantheon/Hellenistic religion. Just like Zeus who marry Hera. I beg you! Stop! Don't insert your shallow fandom politics and discourse into everything. Stop! It's really stupid Leave Greek pantheon alone
Also they shitting on the pairing is just screaming peak western christian privilage to me.
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angel-maybe-alive · 1 year
Since is April fool's I want to talk about the biggest fool I found in this fucking site
Some idiot with a fucking one piece profile pic made a half bitchy comment on my unpopular opinion post telling me to fuck off because I hate Hades/Persephone retellings
And i know that that human embodiment of self righteous bullshit wanted a fight or a argument
The problem is that they commented that while I was suffering from the worse tooth inflammation like the left side of my face was killing me and I had swallowed a bunch of pain killers to wait the inflammation to go down
And I have this weird memory of being in horrible pain waking up sweating picking my cellphone opening Tumblr half consciously reading the comment clicking the person's blog and just reading one or two posts they reblogged about hades and Persephone and just clicking the block button and falling asleep immediately after waking up next morning with the print of my phone in my left arm and my face numb
So sorry for the one piece perhades shipper that I couldn't engage with you in a enlightening battle of wits over my tastes In literature Greek mythology and books my tooth ached brain decided to virtually shot you before we could engage
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nonbinaryeye · 2 years
I've just binged read Lore Olympus and it's been really delightful story. It's nothing too deep its not a masterpiece but I have weakness for slow burn romantic drama in interesting fantasy setting.
What I've been suprised though is how much hate this webtoon is getting? It's fascinating how much hate does small independent creators get for you know creating literally anything? The story is not perfect and if I wanted to over analyse it of course I could name quite a few things that are or could be viewed as problematic but overall it is interesting take of Greek mythology with lots of fascinating and flawed characters with some good messages about healthy relationships, communication and dealing with trauma.
From all the many things I've seen people to call problematic for no reason this is one of the least problematic one? I just really wonder what kind of media do theses people usually engage with?
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an-angels-fury · 2 years
Another (stupid) rant of mine...
Geez, it scares me the way some antis/haters are so invested in making us feel ashamed for shipping any problematic/unhealthy romantic relationship or loving a evil/morally gray (and most of the times male) character in fiction (even when we demonstrate to be totally capable of recognizing the couples' issues), that they come to the point of saying things like: "Well, don't complain or get surprised if, in the future, you find yourself stuck on a toxic relationship or in love with a guy who abuses you."
Like, they hate and despise us so much to the point of casting some kind of curse on us or what?! They really want to scare us and make us believe we're doomed to get in a abusive relationship because of our tastes in fictional men and romance?!
WOW! It's not interesting?! Y'all attack us with this kind of shit, but YEAH, we're the ones called "misogynists", "anti-feminism", "abuse apologists" and "disrespectful towards women"!
If you're trying to prove a point here or warning me about something, CONGRATULATIONS! YOU DID IT! You proved you're a horrible person and a fucking self-righteous asshole and warned me about the existence of people like you, so I'll remember to stay away from all of you as much as possible!!! 🖕
If you really intend to tell others how much wrong and dangerous is to romanticize abusive behavior in all types of media, in which ways this kind of representation impacts negatively our vision about love and the reasons people should stop to condone these attitudes, there are MUCH BETTER ways of doing it instead of insulting people on Internet who you barely know that are just trying to have a good time and to find a source of escapism.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk 👍
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wcrstarter · 5 months
ᴡʜɪᴄʜ ꜱʏᴍʙᴏʟɪᴄ ꜰʀᴜɪᴛ ᴀʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ?
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The pomegranate is most famously attributed to the Greek goddess, Persephone. Though versions of the story differ: with some saying Persephone was tricked into eating pomegranate seeds to be trapped in the underworld, and some saying she willingly chose to eat the seeds.
Pomegranate's have a hard exterior that is tough to crack. Your hard shell is a natural protectant and keeps you safe from those that only wish to use you. Internally you are rich with bounties. You believe in living your life passionately and vibrantly. The idea of surrendering to a fate of being confined to anything, whether it be a relationship, a job, or family dynamic where you are not happy and lack agency is a terrifying prospect.
It is fears like this which also prevent you from opening up and showing vulnerability to those around you. However, like the pomegranate whose seeds sparkle like gemstones, you hide inside you incredible beauty that only the most worthy deserve to see.
ᴛᴀɢɢᴇᴅ ʙʏ: @hexsreality
ᴛᴀɢɢɪɴɢ: @halfvampirehalflycan @razeofwolves @masterwcrk @ithring @hollywoodsdevil @llosgcariad @parainvestigate @sookiestackhcuse
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so like ppl can like or not like whatever character they want but there is this particular brand of emet selch dislikers that have the same energy the energy of someone who would dedicate a blog solely for ripping apart childrens cartoons. and they're usually twitter girlies who just deeply despise that a thing is popular
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the thing is something like LO would be FINE if the actual author wasn't so insistent they're actually telling a deep feminist reclaiming of myth that's so well-researched when it's really just their self-insert fanfic about how they really want to bone a blue version of mads mikklesen, tear other women down to make herself look better, and with a randomly "reference" thrown in every 5 months.
like LO has the right to exist but the actual story its telling is so obsessed with the author's obvious desire to be rich and famous and desired by all the hot powerful men and its not even fun to read bc it's only for the author's specific fantasies and that's it (IDC if this is spoilers but the author literally has APHRODITE have a breakdown because she's not considered as hot as persephone who the author literally designed off herself like??? hello???). we could be here all day talking about bad myth adaptations but LO by far is the worse and actually is having irl damage because of how many young girls and women now are escaping abusive grooming relationships bc LO glamorized it to them
thats not even touching the insanely racist stuff LO did with psyche, the current ableism they're doing with hephestus, or the author's awful view of queer identities (as a preview: they said asexuality is something you "get over" and she peddled athena/hestia porn on her defunct patreon before a single LGBT+ character showed up in story. oh also all the maidens are depicted as backwards puritans bc they don't want to fuck men, oooookay)
no yeah like. i have not read past like. the very beginning so i can't speak for the plot issues. but yeah i would have a lot fewer issues with a lot of adaptations if they weren't claiming to be somehow feminist/progressive. like if what you want is wish fulfillment that's fine but like... be honest about it. like i'm an active fanfiction writer i get writing stuff just for the wish fulfillment 😭
i do very much worry though about how people adapt the hades/persephone story and how it very much might lead to young people getting/staying in unhealthy relationships. like it is definitely concerning to me that that relationship is considered ~so romantic~. like if that's your wish fulfillment might be worth asking why.
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regenderate · 2 years
the thing is my problem isn't really with ao3 so much as it is with what's normalized in fandom. i don't really care what people write but what we write does say something about us as people
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queen--kenobi · 8 months
I can forgive the crime of Discourse on Main so long as something funny happens with it or if it blows over quickly. If someone doesn't have an absolute batshit overreaction meltdown or say something completely stupid where everyone chimes in, then it is Unforgivable. If it is stupid day-long discourse, that is forgivable because that happens. But if it is multi-day discourse and nothing absolutely stupid and/or hysterical happens, that is a Crime that cannot be forgiven
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hashtagloveloses · 8 months
im still kind of in disbelief that that the internet like...turned on lore olympus. i get the whole "once something is popular people make it their personality to hate something", and the "incredibly online people make age gap discourse about immortal gods bc they need to touch grass," and you're certainly not obligated to like it, it's not everyone's cup of tea, but like. it is a genuinely good comic. its issues are no worse than like, most serialized web comics that have to struggle with the medium, and its art style is engaging and interesting, and has improved a lot over time. i know there was a very t*rf-led movement on here a LONG time ago starting discourse about greek myths to get crypto t*rf shit about femininity across and i know thats where some critiques come from. and it's weird that many criticisms of "modern retellings" get blamed on lore olympus bc it doesnt actually follow them - like, demeter isnt some crazy bitch, she's a character with complexity and depth.
yes the original intent of the story is changed, a story that women in ancient times could relate to about the fears of marriage, but LO actually does what modern retellings of old stories do best - modify a story to serve a similar purpose, but reflecting the modern audience's contemporary issues. in this case, embracing the complexities of love and marriage as a survivor of sexual assault, something many modern women struggle with. persephone's relationship with demeter ALSO reflects a very real struggle many modern young women have, of finding identity and sexual agency as an adult when your entire life has been controlled by a helicopter mother, even with the best intentions, and with her own trauma.
i also find the criticisms of the body types and sexuality often misogynistic and weird - people want things with a distinct, interesting style, they want women with sexual agency to be promoted and not sanitized, and yet LO gets over-criticized. how persephone dresses, how the other gods dress, changes a lot depending on level of confidence, mood, etc, and is a part of the storytelling in an interesting way. you don't have to like it, and i know there's jokes about the LO art style of drawing women, but i have a body like some of those bodies. i know other people who do, or at least similarly. it's not like a lot of comics or manga or anime where everyone is a stick, and they get to be sexy! it's nice!
and when people complain that its the only webcomic people read well then thats a YOU problem. i read a LOT of webcomics. i talk about them to people, i recommend them. romantic and otherwise. do you? do you spend as much time complaining about lore olympus as you do talking up other cool webcomics that deserve attention?
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hellhoundmaggie · 24 days
The handwringing discourse around Hades/Persephone is missing the point. Sometimes I’m looking for a feminist empowerment story, and sometimes I want to fantasize about being a hot pastel goth getting spoiled by a rich husband.
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sweetwolfcupcake · 5 months
An Introduction
Secret Garden
Warning-- Implications of kidnapping, stalking and other subtle yandere elements.
An Introduction to Yandere John Wick.
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John Wick is a complex character. 
There are many layers to him, and many motivations behind his actions but one thing takes the cake– besides being a man of focus, commitment and sheer will, he is a man driven by passion.
It's almost an animal-like instinct in him. His story (in the movies timeline) started out of passion. But there is another side to him. The side he wished to bury away with his guns. He is a predator to the core. He hunts and he hunts like a true apex predator. 
It is a part he wished to bury away when Helen came to his life. But after she was gone, the ground began to shake and crack away. The soil eroded and it took but one devastating incident into to bring that part of him back.
So, coming to John Wick as a yandere...
One of the most fitting fictional characters for this category.
He is a patient wolf. But still a wolf. A hound from the depths of hell. A hound owned by no one. 
He has morals, he runs by a code. But he is feared for a reason.
Even with commendable patience he is anxious for his beloved's safety.  Especially after loosing the love of his life–Helen.
He remains in the shadow and just observes. He is clever enough to appear unassuming. A simple, reserved man in his forties who is never rude. No sheep suspects a wolf with sheep’s coat among them, do they? 
He is that wolf. A man she would bump into often, especially at the cafe she visits every now and then. And the library? He portrays exceptional knowledge regarding the Greek Gods and classic texts.
“Who is your favourite of them?” She asked him casually one day while they fell into a discourse regarding Greek legends.
Mr Wick sipped his coffee and looked into her eyes “Hades.” he replied,.
“But wasn’t he the one who abducted Persephone and tricked her into staying with him? The six months cycle?”
“He was also the one who respected her and remained loyal to her through eternity. He simply did not care about social codes– the same codes those cheating gods so revered.”
You see, he is Hades, the god of the underworld. He will wage wars for her, take on anything and anyone. He decided. And she, is his unassuming Persephone. 
The rest is a waiting game.
So, what do you think?
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actual-gremlin · 15 days
If you've read tsats what did you think about it :))
I am so sorry it took me this long to reply!!
I personally loved it! I know there’s been a lot of discourse over it, but I personally thought it was very well written. I also went into reading it knowing that I was not the age group it was targeted for. (Like all of Ricks books, it was targeted for preteens and young teens). I think that’s a key difference between me and some of the other readers.
I had a few favourites moments, so here they are!
Persephone and Will in her garden. That was a HUGE turning moment in Will and Nicos relationship, even though Nico wasn’t involved in the conversation. It was so meaningful! This was the start of Will actually getting character development!! I could honestly make a separate post about this interaction.
I also LOVED hiss-majesty looking up to Will. Like that was so sweet! Imagine you’re Will. You’ve met the trogs before and you weren’t treated with any respect. But you’re used to that. You’re used to being pushed aside and only being pulled back when you’re needed for something. It’s happening again. And not just to you. It’s happening to someone else, and they turn to you of all people to help. To look up too. Like I would just melt into a little puddle and never recover! And the ending where Will sees Hiss-majesty wearing the same Cheese Hat that he was wearing?? Literally SOBBED. (Can you tell I love their dynamic and I want more of it??)
Nico and Will escaping on the boat and kissing while Bob cried?? Please I was dying😂✋🏻 they’re having a moment, and then there’s Bob just wailing in the background!
Will and Nico calling Percy and Annabeth and telling them their plan to head to Tartarus and Percy and Annabeth looking at each other like 😳🙊 ‘maybe they mean Tartar sauce? For fish? Yup that’s what they mean!’ They were in so much denial and it was so funny for no reason? Anyways.
I (obviously) love the Cocopuffs! Their introduction was definitely weird and off putting, but- and listen closely folks- THAT WAS THE POINT!! IT WASNT MEANT TO BE PRETTY! OR NICE!! BECAUSE TRAMA IS NONE OF THOSE THINGS!! The whole point was that it made you feel icky and uncomfortable! I could make a whole separate post about this (please ask me too) but the design of the scene was to be uncomfortable, and it hit its mark. anyways the Cocopuffs are lovely 🫶🏻
I also adored the ending where Nico talks to Bianca and his mother Maria and gets closure. Was it canon compliant? No. But it was still a sweet sentiment and I enjoyed it.
I think Rick and Mark Oshiro did a fantastic job with this book. also thank you for this ask, because now I need to go reread TSATS! If I find anything else, I’ll be sure to reblog this post with the additions!
Thanks for the ask!! (Please send me more! I swear I won’t forget them in my drafts like I did with this one!)
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