#people be posting nonsense just to be posting
susansontag · 1 day
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this is a post I would have absolutely agreed with a year or so ago, but tbh (and yes, I’m using this post as a basis for my own musing), I’m more and more convinced that hard lines like this don’t actually help us understand people’s varied responses to things.
not to sound like someone who has read too many anthropology papers, but people’s conduct in many cases reflects their inescapable ties to their past, community, identity, etc (this concept is called positionality but I explained it like this so I wouldn’t be a dick). what if someone has been talking about something, or is part of a group/movement/community, who has been talking about an issue for decades? are they not going to (rightfully, understandably) feel tired? we can understand and respect your hardline—it makes sense—but isn’t it just as easy to understand and respect theirs, given their position in a hypothetical situation?
the more I read and experience, the more I think drawing these lines actually bars you from understanding why others take the positions they do. it’s easy to accuse them of being righteous, but it’s just as easy to accuse yourself of doing that when you make claims about how humans should act that really reflect little more than your own circumstances and development. the point here is that two people can act in opposing ways that given their positions in a situation are just as understandable and respectable as the other. if you accidentally killed someone with your car, you may want to grovel at the feet of that person’s mother. this makes sense. but she doesn’t want to speak to you, she hates you. that also makes sense. no one’s wrong here, it’s just the dictates of the situation.
I’m more and more bored by the people on here who spend their time writing one-note, ostensible ‘truisms’, clearly in reaction to people who have been part of a much larger and more detailed conversation. your basis for action simply might not reflect theirs, and that’s their decision to make. you’re not superior or more enlightened. when we’re talking about politics, or people, or war, obviously people’s proximity to something will affect how they act. maybe they understand something in a way you have never before had access to, maybe you’re so marginal to the situation that is unfolding that your ‘logic’ seems nonsensical in the face of it.
anyway I try and apply this kind of logic to my thinking everyday. truly the best thing anthropology and sociology ever taught me was this idea. and maybe this rant wasn’t fully about this post, but it made me think of it and other situations like it.
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blackbatcass · 5 hours
helloo :D
So, I keep seeing people saying that Jason is Bruce’s favorite child, and the only one that was actually like a son to Bruce. (aside from Damian) Also that just because Dick and Bruce were partners/brothers too, it means that Dick isn’t really like Bruce’s son. How Jason and Bruce are each other’s favorite and Dick wishes he could be Bruce’s son (basically it just gets worse and worse jekskenjske)
But then I saw SO MANY posts about this (just getting harsher and harsher LMAO) and I thought I’d ask someone who knew more. So, yeah, here I am!
Thanks for answering if you do, and have a wonderful day!
anon do you want me dead. is that what's happening here
JK JK my first fanon jason ask... what a historic day! basically you're completely right. I don't know where this frankly insane take comes from but whenever me, my mutuals, and pretty much anyone in this corner of the dc fandom sees a post like it we roll our eyes to the heavens. to put it simply the idea that jason is bruce's favorite and the only one he actually loved like a son is a complete fucking lie lol.
first of all to claim that bruce didn't love dick like a son is......I mean. let's just say people saying that have probably never read a comic with bruce and dick before. literally the number one thing to know about these characters is that the love bruce and dick have for each other can be seen from outer space. they have never been normal about each other. bruce raised dick since he was eight. they are thee og codependent father-son partners 'we saved each other we are pack bonded for life if anything happened to him i'd kill everyone in this room and then myself' duo. I mean... there is nuance to be had where they had a very complicated tangled up hard-to-label relationship that had elements of being father & son, elements of being brothers, and ofc partners as batman and robin but that is a function of their relationship being TOO crazy and close not the other way around lol. it is patently true that bruce and dick know each other better than anyone else in the world. it is pretty much true that if you're going to play the favorites game, it's hard to deny that dick is bruce's favorite. that's his eldest his most trusted his saving grace his person who understands him better than anyone. I could pull like an endless amount of panels as evidence that dick was bruce's favorite. there are so many 'dick is the only thing i did right' 'i only feel pride when i look at nightwing' etc etc. dick is his child in every way that matters basically
which is not to say that jason isn't bruce's son! he definitely is! bruce does love jason, but jason was his second kid lol. and it's...i mean jason was robin for a very short time in the grand scheme of things. you can blow through his robin run super fast because it's just not very long. the idea that bruce loved jason more or there's more of a father-son bond to be found in the few issues they were together for as opposed to the 10 years dick was robin is actually insane. bruce literally admitted that the reason he let jason be robin was because he missed dick. lol. lmao even.
basically yeah claiming that jason is bruce's favorite and dick was never treated as bruce's son is just a lie. it's not true. it's like that 'jason is tim's favorite robin' nonsense that was going around a few months ago; it completely ignores canon and essential character elements in jason's favor. I don't know why some jason fans are so obsessed with putting him up on a pedestal by bashing other characters on his behalf. and like...it is possible to have two sons? and love them both? lmfao? and that's not even getting into like tim and cass (also bruce's adopted children). I don't know why people just decided this was a thing but it is false<3
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nottapossum · 18 hours
What did you think of full moon?
Okay for realz this time.
Trigger warning...
I'm not very nice in this post.
I'm upset. Lol 😆
So if you guys are hard-core Stolas lovers and think stolas can do no wrong...
Please don't read this.
I love stolas.
But he messed up in my opinion.
Here's my nicer review
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1) glad loona is talking again...
Just sayin.
Her not talking much made me feel like we just got introduced to a brand new character.
2) This whole scene made this episode go from no expectations to really high for me. Blitzø being worried that Stolas is growing bored of him...idk I wanted to expand a little on those feelings.
It's blitzø so...yeah.
He doesn't talk about them.
I would have liked if he talked to Fizz about his fears, and maybe Fizz could have been like: "no blitzø, that's silly, stolas loves you."
Then Blitzø can be like: "Nah, they don't care about people like us."
Then Fizz can be like: "Blitzø trust me, they're not all like that. I'm sure Stolas has a good reason for acting like this...give it a chance."
But nah.
We get this.
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...pretty funny ngl.
But still- nothing else!?
Pre emotion is okay guys!
It doesn't just have to just be at the end like barbie in unhappy campers.
Which I felt could have also used more build up.
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3) Like in unhappy campers...I felt this side-plot deal was a huge waste of time. The cherubs didn't even do that much.
I'm not hating on the episode- I'm just saying this could have been 2 separate episodes and it would have been a lot better IMO if they were.
I like the idea of the cherubs and dhorks working together, I hope it'll come back soon, actually! I'm very interested in what they'll do!
But they were a bit too easy to defeat, in my opinion, and Blitzø seemed to be filling screen time with random stuff that was only kinda funny...?
Some of it, really funny. But I was just sitting and waiting for something more to happen.
Like I said- it's fine. It's a good episode, I'm sure I'll be rewatching this at least six times this week alone.
It's just not how I personally would have done it. And that's okay. I don't have a TV show. I don't know how this stuff works!
My opinion on this means literally nothing.
I'm a random person who writes fanfiction. I'm no one!
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4) I think Stolas's apology was pretty good, actually!
I think he did a good job talking about his mistakes and being open and honest...you know...at first.
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5) Blitzø was not wrong and Stolas deserved what he got from this interaction.
I'm sorry, Stolas lovers - I love stolas! He's my favorite bird prince! I want him and Blitzø to be happy! I think theyre great!
But you can't deny that Stolas was wrong to hold Blitzø to all of that. (I'll get to Blitzø in a second, hold on!) Stolas made lots of comments belittling Blitzø and his kind, made sex an obligation, and would often talk about sex when it was clear Blitzø wasn't into it.
"It's always about sex." *bird noises*
Stolas. Sweetie. Baby. Honey. My precious little idiot. You made it that way! Of course Blitzø thought that you were just being playful! You're always doing that!
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And after Blitzø realizes that Stolas is serious, he's so quick to turn to being passive-aggressive!
I got so annoyed! I hate the passive nonsense!
Bro!!! Let Blitzø think about it! Give him a second before getting so upset! You could have still worked this out! Like- christ on a stick!
Stolas thinks he's desperately in love with Blitzø...but...well. he doesn't know him that well, and he doesn't open himself up to Blitzø either.
So Blitzø can't know how he feels either!
All he knows is that he doesn't want it to end!
I'm not fully blaming Stolas though...
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Side note, how sad and hopeless Blitzø was feeling...the "I'll do better, I'll do anything, please don't do this."
Even after giving him the crystal! Homagawz!
He did not get to talk a lot in this...but to immediately dismiss everything Stolas said when he was trying to be sincere- bro! Deal with your emotions better! I know you're upset, but jeezus christ super star!
Instead of being like: "Stolas, wait let's talk-"
He's all angy like: "Nah bish, let's fight bro!"
Nah! Calm down, Buckzo! Take a chill pill.
He did kinda bring this on himself.
Mocking Stolas for being honest?! Come on!
That's just hurtful! Even If unintentional!
I think they both deserved what they got in this episode.
Blitzø I think is receiving Karma from what he's done in every other relationship in his life.
He's always pushing everyone away, and this time, it's stolas doing it to him.
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7) But at least Blitzø was willing to hash it out instead of ghosting!!
Da fuck stolas! That was not the right move at all!
"I love you...oh you don't feel the same? You dont belive me? Bye then."
Da fuck!? Ya bird brain!
You both need to apologize now!
Apology tour better just be an hour of these two saying their sorry ohhhrrrr so help me! (I'm joking.)
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8) Did someone else like Stolas hurt Blitzø before?
The way he was saying "you rich assholes do this every time."
Every time!?!
How many times has this happened to you!?
But what did you guys think?
Agree? Disagree?
That's fine.
Let's talk nicely and not murder me, okay? Lol 😆
I've had me way too many emotions today- guysss!!!
I'm gonna go write and pretend I'm not angry and crying at the same time. Lol ✍️
@todayimfour @trophyxtissues2 @abby5577 @ask-dusty-boy @im-not-paying-my-taxes @stormy-is-hyperfixated @attagirljessy @legeufygeuber100 @thatswhat24 @hinata-chan-utaitelover
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fromchaostocosmos · 23 hours
https://iwander12.tumblr.com/post/736394296722423808/amp “Colonialism is an ongoing problem in the purebred dog world” Genuinely what the fuck are these people ON? Do they not see how utterly ridiculous they’re being?
(Also, sorry to drop this in your inbox randomly, but I needed to show this to somebody. It’s so stupid I might actually start crying…)
What the fuck? I'm with you anon, I have no clue what I just read. I don't think my brain was able to process that nonsense.
@spot-the-antisemitism I don't maybe you can help with this meshugas.
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memecucker · 2 days
Lenty have said it before but visual artists have been taken advantage of for a while now, but businesses and the public embracing ai I feel like is basically the last nail in the coffin, a final slap in the face to those who dreamed of becoming artists. Others don't.
The nonsense in Gaza and israel I see as a completely different issue. Sure you can make an argument they are both about agency but if anything I think Twitter users just happen to be in the black and white camp of "if you don't agree with me on all of these issues that makes you either evil or inept" rather than "oh look an ally I think I will mind my business or make a seperate post entirely about ai"
I saw people saying “using AI images is inherently Zionist” so yeah it is a weird thing of people grouping something they dislike with genocide which is like, weird
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ohsayit · 2 days
Call out to people who post hate post under character tag
What is this trend that people NEED to make it known why they hate something in revolting level of detail? In the post I saw, OP wrote "two people said I should write a long post about why I hate this character".
Those two people are very wrong. OP who follow the suggestion to actually write a hate post and put it in the character tag is even more wrong.
And then they ask character lovers to comment because they are curious about why people love the character? Fuck off. You don't need to know. Nobody is trying to beg you to like the character like a desperate salesperson.
Stop this nonsense.
This is fucking nonsense.
I don't even have a trace of patience for this because I jerked off to the character OP didn't like too hard last night. Yea I am just going to orgasm harder. Giving more love to the charcaters that they hate but I fucking love. More for me. Oh yeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaa.
For the love of all Nine Hells, stop your fucking nonsense. Oh wait no. You don't deserve fucks. Just stop your nonsense ok? Amen.
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majaloveschris · 2 days
She's already deleted it, so yeah, maybe it was actually just for clout// people were harassing her, Maja. Please just accept that he got married. This conspiracy nonsense is fuelling a lot of problematic behaviour. Do not contribute to that.
You know that thinking this is PR does not equal harassing people? Or "accepting" that they are married doesn't equal not harassing people, right?
I have my own opinions about stuff, and I will talk about it openly. However, I always tell people to never leave hateful comments or bully and harass people, because that's never acceptable.
There are a lot of people out there who think they are real and legit married, and they still go to those socials' that are involved and leave hateful comments because they don't like what Alba and her friends posted and how they acted. That's why most of it happens. "Conspiracy nonsense" doesn't involve harassment or bullying. There are a lot of people who believe this isn't real and don't act like that. Unfortunately, there are people who think that's the answer, and rather than calling people out respectfully or just walking away from the fandom, they choose to do that. That's what fuels problematic behaviors.
You are wrong if you think only people who think this isn't real are the ones commenting disgusting things. There are normal and civilized people on both sides.
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simswithflavor · 1 year
When people try to justify paywall content… but but it makes no sense whatsoever.
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dailyjermasparkle · 5 months
I've seen a lot of stuff going down on tumblr and I just wanted to let you all know that all aromantic, asexual, and aroace people are valid members of the LBGTQIA+ community. It doesn't matter if they are cishet or not.
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xoxoemynn · 5 months
I know it shouldn't surprise me, but it's frustrating af to step outside the fandom and read about OFMD's cancellation on more general entertainment sites and see the majority of reactions be along the lines of "oh well it was probably Taika being over it, he always gave me the ick anyway so, whatever," and then often devolving into comments about his personal life, or conspiracy theories that can be disproven if you use your brains for 30 seconds or maybe step outside and touch grass idk idk.
And this isn't me saying "omg how could you dislike Taika" bc truly unless you're being racist or antisemitic (which, let's be real, many are), I don't give a fuck what you think about him.
But the point remains that if you have a show that is all about celebrating queer joy and finding yourself later in life, that has a diverse cast of characters in terms of race, ethnicity, sexuality, and body type, that was WRITTEN by a diverse group of writers, that is receiving praise from critics and fans alike, that from all reports was one of Max's most successful shows despite them doing next to no promotion the first season, that had two successful seasons and the creator is on the record saying he had a plan to tell the entire story in three, and it gets CANCELED.
I don't give a fuck how you feel about Taika, or how you feel about OFMD. You SHOULD be concerned about that. Because your show is next.
And before you come at me with "it's just a show, have you seen what's happening in the world?" Yeah. I fucking have. And the arts matter. They have always mattered. It's how we've shared stories and fostered communities and passed down what's important to us as a society. And they've brought us joy. And I don't know about you, but I think we could all do with a fuckton more joy in our lives.
This is absolutely a huge loss, and unfortunately it's not going to be the last as streaming services continue to go deeper in crisis. If that doesn't concern you, idk, go enjoy yourself watching season 47 of The Bachelor.
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buggachat · 1 year
I always find it weird when people say/imply something akin to “Adrien’s favorite thing about Marinette is how delicate she is <3” both because I don’t think it’s an accurate description of marinette at all (yes, even pre-reveal-specifically-not-ladybug-marinette), but also because Adrien is pretty explicitly most attracted to strong wills.
Like yeah, Adrien would love her just as much if she was having a bad day/feeling insecure, but you think that’s Adrien’s favorite thing about her? Not like,… how she overcomes it? Just the insecurity itself? Not how she stands up so strongly for her values? Not how she’s weird and unique and so herself?
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sihtriggyr · 2 months
“They should just keep Jaehaera with Aegon and get rid of Daenaera and give Daenaera’s kids with him to Jaehaera. It's a fitting ending for the Dance to bring the two branches of the dynasty back toge-���
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emily-e-draws · 6 months
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catventurers meowlphabet (first half) 😽✨
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awesomechocolatesauce · 7 months
One of these days, I'll learn to stop getting upset and scroll past a bad take of Astarion and the blatant bi/pan erasure of them, but that day isn't today.
I also don't see it happening tomorrow.
Anyway, here's a screenshot of my female human bard and the canonically pansexual vampire elven man who adores her.
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unpretty · 1 year
i swear to god i've literally made long posts of romance novel recommendations before, featuring book covers, which meant that:
the book was going to be about people falling in love. because that's the plot of romance novels. there might be other set dressings, like a murder or the reform act of 1867, but those are secondary to the main plot (some people don't want to kiss, but then they do, but they can't until they can) (this is an oversimplification but you get what i'm saying here)
the people who fall in love are most likely going to be on the cover, especially if they're marginalized because authors like to be clear about that kind of thing
and i still. STILL. on a post that was at least half diverse romance where various queer models of color were about to kiss on the covers. on a post where i mentioned the set dressing or any identities not immediately obvious from the covers, which were all pretty obvious. on a post that i mentioned was exclusively romance novels and were not going to be of interest to anyone who doesn't like kissin' books. got angry comments of:
but what is it about??????
i don't care about white people, this list is not for me
i don't care about straight people, this list is not for me
i don't have any money, where can i pirate these
some people have one standard accusatory response about every book they weren't planning to buy anyway and there is nothing, literally nothing, you can do to stop them from regurgitating it right up to and including telling them directly "this book is everything you say you want and also it's free right now"
... but at least the "is it gay" crowd tends to enthusiastically support your shit as soon as they find out the answer is "yes"
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heartyearning · 2 months
sick and tired of seeing people use zip ties for boning. listen to me i am a costume designer stop using plastic which does not hold your shape (the whole point of boning) you do not need to buy proper coiled boning or anything: go to a hardware store and find flat metal tension spring (google tells me that's what it's called, unfortunately i also don't know what its used for in hardware store related things so i cant describe it if that isnt the correct translation, soz) you can get a roll of 15m x 4mm tension spring for about 15 euros where i live and then you just have to cut it with metal shears (you can use a regular cutting pliers probably but if you have metal shears you will be happier) then either file down the edges a bit if you're genuinely gonna wear it a lot, or you just wind some tape around the edges to make sure putting them in the channels isn't gonna rip your fabric and anyway now you have an actually functional boned garment. go to a hardware store and show them this pic btw:
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^ this is what you want. also bc this is 4mm wide around stress points like closures you want to make 2 channels right alongside each other and put in 2 pieces of tension spring for stability
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