#people are being shitty to milk for no good reason.
sockysucks · 22 days
ive come to create a incredibly lengthy post about the new mascot horror game called Indigo Park
I need to ramble ( haha rambley ) about it as i have just quit twitter for an indefinite time for my own mental health as an autistic cannot last on there at all
anyway, im going to talk about all the reason why indigo park is so good and what i hope from it!! and any criticisms i have for it, i honestly dont have many even though its so early to talk about.
how i found out about indigo park:
UNIQUEGEESE!! naturally, i was watching one of masons past streams on his youtube playing FNF after having rejoined the FNF community after its update and finding out about the mod HIT SINGLE; the mod masons was playing( people know it mostly for the silly billy song ) and he had mentioned about him making a mascot horror game which i shrugged off naturally because i am not a fan of modern mascot horror as most of it seems to be low effort and genuinely unappealing, i knew he had made something that was definitely made with love but i didnt have the will to check it out until a announcement trailer dropped which i then saw snippets of the game and the characters and environment, which i was definitely intrigued so I played the game myself.
My thoughts playing the game:
and found it surpisingly good compared to any other mascot horror game, it was unique, genuinely had awesome character designs and very high quality’s graphics and beautiful models and lighting were stunning, again really surprised having endured the hideousness of other low quality mascot horror games, to then find a game with fucking great models ( unlike banban, 2 billion polygon remote or whatever lmfao ).
I started the game and to be real as a extremely gay furry who loves little silly furry boys i felt like i was gonna explode during every single rambley voice line and animation played and fell so in love with him, now a massive comfort character and ive draw. him like 12 times prior to the games first chapter being released like 2 days ago lol, ive never gotten so attached so quicky in my life which definitely makes rambley and indigo park a really special game.
I really love this game, the pacing is really well done, the horror isnt low quality, the like actual character models for lloyd and molly are really gorgeous, i just think the hair and some of the texturing is over done slightly, but definitely made me shit myself multiple times despite this, all while i was laughing with my new silly raccoon boyfriend 💜💜💜💜
hugeeeeww shoutout to team neutron for the the absolute gorgeous expressive rambley screen animations and the credits theme that left me almost tbe same way portal 2’s credits effected me the first time i ever played and definitely huge huge props to otterboyva for the super adorable voice of rambley.
what do I hope for the future of Indigo Park
I hope for the future of this game that content farms and bootleggers disregard it, but this doesnt give me hope seeing that one rambley plush that a company made before the first chapter even released that was completely unlicensed. I will be avoiding social media in efforts to not see people start shitting on this game if it becomes on the same level and milked by content farms like what happened to the amazing digital circus ( i watched this on the day the pilot released, and was equally devastated as many others to see it being used as low effort bait in shitty kids cartoons on youtube shorts )
in case you didnt see i did a little animation at the top of this!! very rough but yeah
I love tgis game PLEASEEEE i cannot wait to see more high quality content from this really passionate creative team uniquegeese/mason has formed
in case you wanted to play it for yourself, heres a link to the steam page!! the first chapter is free and a kickstarter started a couple days ago has been completed funded so…. CHAPTER 2 IS CONFIRMED!!
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aceofpatience · 10 months
🌙Your past life🌙
Well, hello my little oysters 🐚 This reading is an insight into your past life. I was looking into your energy, your previous job, goals, love, family, obstacles and advices form your past self etc. So there might be some things that could possibly trigger you (mentioned death, life difficulties). But, as always, take what you please, comment if anything resonates and just enjoy.
Shall we SEA?🌊
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Pile 1. Uroboros
Who were you: Scorpio energy. I think you were in some position of power. Very secretive, always keeping things to yourself. Also keeping yourself in the shadows as you didn’t like being in the center of attention. You knew you were smart and you used it to your own advantage. Old soul, maybe during medieval times. A part of nobility?
Your main goal/want: I’m getting the vibe that you were born in an upper family but you just wanted more. However your ambitions were not all wishful power lust - it was more rational, strategic. You despised sitting still and doing nothing. You were deep into the game and you were good at it, trust me. To be honest, I’m getting some Game of Thrones energy - not only with fighting houses but also with the setting (castle corridors flooded in semi-darkness lol). You wanted to make things better (whether it was literal things or something more abstract).
What did you do (job/finances): Your wealth (at least in the beginning) came directly from your family or heritage. You didn’t need to work for money, you worked for yourself, maybe some relatives. You liked the struggle, the puzzles, the intrigues. It kept your mind occupied. „Finally, a worthy opponent.” *hides a smile*
Love life: I’m sensing some arranged marriage or marriage of convenience (but it’s not like you were pushed to do it - maybe even you were the one who thought it would be a good idea to get married for some reason). You were for sure not looking for love. BUT. With the marriage ceremony completed, true love was served to you on a damn silver platter. Y’all just skipped the dating phase lol. And, what is important - your spouse had very similar energy to yours. You joined forces (world domination couple xd). It’s like when Loki of Asgard fell in love with the alternative Loki. For some of you, it could be the same sex relationship (but then it would probably be in the shadows). Or it could also mean that there was actually no marriage - because it was your decision whether to have one or not - and if you knew it wouldn’t serve you, you simply wouldn’t get married.
Children (or not): I’m getting some only child energy. It was your decision to have a child - not only you planned it but you actively chose one (adoption maybe??). Or maybe you had a pupil for whom you were not only a guardian, but also a mentor. For sure your child has grown to be just like you. I don’t think you were that kind of a parent who shows their affection openly (I know, shocker), but you were a protector. And your child admired you. For sure.
Obstacles: Passion has always been a dangerous field for you in your past life. Dangerous dance. As well as all the people around you. You didn’t mind competition, but to find out that you actually deeply care for winning? That wasn’t something you signed up for. It was scary to find out that the game actually affected your emotions. You worked better with your mind engaged only.
An issue that progressed into your current life: Sometimes a spilled coconut milk is just a coconut milk. 🧉 It’s not about being grateful for shitty things in life or just being grateful - just look around to see other things. Maybe don’t focus only on this milk. Maybe on some fruit, mango perhaps idk. You don’t need to win every day to be happy. (Sorry for philosophical bullshit but I heart these one loud and clear)
Life purpose in your past life: Power, strength and wisdom (the holy trinity lol). You were surrounded by spirits who really enjoyed watching you mature. And by maturing in that case it meant being able to look in the mirror (and face your emotions).
Lesson from your past life: Sharing is caring lol. Appreciate your family or don’t be afraid to create one. Some battles are worth fighting for, even if you know you are going to lose. And sometimes it’s okay to step back (you made your point, so what? Everyone is dead already, nobody heard your damn point). Sometimes it’s enough to fight for what you need, not for what you want.
Death: I don’t think you died of old age, you were at full strength. You just grabbed a higher position when it happened. You fell off your high horse lol. Or maybe you literally fell off some rocks.
Pile 2. Orange tree/sefirot
Who were you: Sagittarius. Love given. Love received. Strong personality. You had all you needed in you. The real magic in a real person, who cared deeply for their family. Your touch made things grow. It’s like your everyday chores were a spell you cast on things around you. A warm happy gaze.  You did ponder the way the universe works, karma, past and future lives. I think the person you once were, was actually aware of who you are right now. You saw the future! And, I think you lived somewhere sunny and warm. Maybe the south? I see an orange tree.🍊
Your main goal/want: Peace. Harmony. Trust. The connection to the spiritual world. You had and still have really strong roots. You saw my gaze once. I feel there was a time in your life when you wanted revenge (or something similar) and as a result it carried you away from the life that you truly wanted.
What did you do (job/finances): Your previous job required an enormous responsibility on your part, you had a high position. So maybe you were a doctor, a judge, a scientist, or a soldier.
Love life: A lot of passion and desire, but also heartache. One of you had a position lower than the other. I’m also sensing some age gap, and there was some imbalance in that relationship. I think you often split up and got back together a while later. Maybe people around you were against your relationship and you had to hide it. I’m sensing you both went through a lot of changes during your lives - you grew up together. And you never gave up on each other.
Children (or not): Surprise child. Unplanned pregnancy. Maybe you live in times when your relationship was forbidden and you couldn’t get married. And with the baby you both found yourself in a difficult situation (but you made a choice to keep it). Very much your choice. That’s random, but I feel that despite all odds your child was very happy and optimistic. A little ray of sunshine. You cherished your child, spoiled them with love.
Obstacles: An illusion you wanted to live in. I don’t think you were naive, but some people might have judged you as such. It’s more like you just couldn’t stand the ugliness of the world sometimes, so instead you decided to create a small perfect bubble for you and your family. A cheerful oblivion. But it wasn’t oblivion after all - you weren’t oblivion, you just couldn’t stand all the bad things.
An issue that progressed into your current life: Number 8. Like it was in your past life, you still have the urgency to help others. You have hope in you, which is beautiful, but some people might use it against you. You crave your ideal life, but be careful or you’ll end up stuck in your fantasy. I'm hearing the words: „Don’t drown”.
Life purpose in your past life: Motherhood (not necessarily literal). You had such amazing nurturing energy, capable of creating life. I’m almost seeing this as if you could make a tree blossom just by touching it. You were a perfect listener, you made people feel seen. Also you could have been a truly amazing protective parent (I’m getting the vibe of a mama-bear).
Lesson from your past life: Protect your home and yourself first. If you genuinely want to help others, make sure to care for yourself first. Giving yourself to others doesn’t mean slowly destroying yourself. Breathe.
Death: I think you lived to an old age in your past life. And as you were getting older, you were separating more from the world outside. I think it might have something to do with your death. “For two grandma swore.” (don't ask lol).
Pile 3. Atlas holding the sky
Who were you: Responsibilities. Religion. You were a human lucky charm, attracting good things. Fate either with or against you in your life, no in-between. Your existence made others believe in miracles, even though you yourself were quite a down-to-earth person. You gave off the vibe of a noble knight who helps their neighbors and everyone loves them. I'm seeing a sentence: „It’s not who you are, but what you hold within yourself.” Idk bro. And I think you lived rather close to nature, so no big cities.
Your main goal/want: Your goals mostly revolved around material things (you weren’t greedy, just responsible lol). That’s random but I think you wanted to own a part of the land (take care of it, cultivate it, use it, and live there).
What did you do (job/finances): You were so hardworking. Couldn’t sit your ass down. Something school-related? Or maybe church? Professor or a priest? For sure your workplace gathered a lot of people for whom you were a mentor.
Love life: A love that is a gift from the Universe. Steady relationship. Instant attraction, a lot of courtship. Something that was supposed to be just a physical thing turned out to be a deep connection. You both understood each other so well - you could have had a conversation without talking, just with your eyes. You quickly got married but not without making a little sacrifice (moving out to a new place, a downgrade to your life before or something like that). But, like I said, this love was a gift. You didn’t waste it.
Children (or not): You planned your family. You had all the time in the world, so you could go the traditional way. I think you had a couple of children after you got married. Your home was idyllic, seriously. I’m even seeing some flowers in your house and a beautiful garden. Safe bubble of comfortable ease.
Obstacles: There was some unconscious desire in you for some drama. A big action, a great gesture. Don’t get me wrong you were SO fulfilled at the family level, but something about your spiritual life, your faith, got you kinda restless. It’s like you heard the fate calling out to you, but you loved your family too much to follow it. But the call stayed. A small rip inside you.
An issue that progressed into your current life: You still can’t stand to do nothing. I bet even if you tell yourself you can rest, your thoughts just keep running and running. It’s maddening. And I think you rarely ask others for help. You might seem open and friendly but all the most important stuff you only keep to yourself. 
Life purpose in your past life: Guiding others. You held some authority you knew how to use. And the call - I’m sensing that some goddess above or idk, some spirit, might have been a bit bitchy about you choosing the family instead of your divine mission. But you go, bro! Show’em!
Lesson from your past life: „Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source.” Listen to uncle Iroh! Don’t take yourself so seriously. And trust your instincts. Remember that the distance from the real world might be painful - history shows that gods rather often ask for sacrifices than handle gifts.
Death: Your death was quick. Maybe poetic? Or just tragic. Happened at the moment when you ended some important part of your life. No specifics here, sorry dudes.
Pile 4. Prometheus
Who were you: You were a warrior. A street-smart person. You experienced so much at a very young age (I’m getting the number 16). Because of that you had to grow up too fast. Mature eyes, but a young face. You were rather reserved, distrustful, often skeptical. But also strong, resourceful, independent. People might have felt intimidated or even scared of you.
Your main goal/want: „What am I working on now?” You wanted to master your skill. Even though you’ve already gone through the training phase, you still wanted to prove yourself. You were being deceived by your own personality.
What did you do (job/finances): You commanded others. You had to face forces much bigger than you, all alone. You were giving orders, but it doesn’t mean that you didn’t work as much as your subordinates. You were responsible for others but demanded the most from yourself all the time. Your job was rapid, you definitely weren’t sitting behind a desk.
Love life: Twin flame. Your spouse was destined for you. You met at a crucial moment, when you both needed somebody like the other in your lives. You both were on a tough path: I’m seeing two soldiers supporting each other while marching. (I don’t mean your job was for sure connected with the military - it's more about your resilient energies together). Intimacy. Passion balanced by a soul connection. Whispering secrets to each other’s ears in the dark. Sharing quick kisses in the daylight. You will meet again. Coz that's what you do - you keep on going and your paths are always crossing.
Children (or not): I think the moment when you and your spouse were safe enough to start a family, was actually the biggest victory for you. For your children you were the biggest authority. They looked up to you all the time. As for you, I’m feeling a lot of pride and fear for them. You wanted to be a perfect parent, again putting too much pressure on yourself.
Obstacles: Some circumstances in your environment made you move around the world. For some time in your life you couldn’t stay in one place for long. The politics of the times in which you lived put crutches under your feet.
An issue that progressed into your current life: You have this tendency to make sacrifices, putting yourself in danger. It eventually may lead to a whirlwind of less fortunate events that cannot be stopped.
Life purpose in your past life: Embracing solitude. Finding out you are as much human as the rest of us. You can make mistakes and still be reaching greatness. You can be alone, but what for?
Lesson from your past life: Focus on love, connections. Learn to combine opposites within yourself. You don’t need to choose one path. You can be with others and not lose yourself at the same time.
Death: In your sleep. You had some kind of divine protection - as you died, you were taken care of and guided home.
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themonotonysyndrome · 17 days
You just got Rick Rolled!
I have no excuse.
Watch Max0r videos on Youtube :)
Summary: Bright Eyes is ready to pull a deadbeat dad.
The duffel bag underneath the bed is ready to go. Pockets are stuffed with wads of stolen cash. 
All they need to do is swipe an armful of blood bags from the Clan’s cold storage for the long road ahead. 
William Solaire standing between them and the milk aisle was not part of the plan. Nor his sad, puppy eyes.
Fucking damn it. 
In the grand scheme of things called life, Bright Eyes is not a main character. 
Main characters are people like Frederick, who’s worthy of second chances because he vomits out his heart to those who demand it. Vincent, with his flashy smile and equally flashy cars that caters to single simps who dream of being swept away by a set of 2000-era vampiric TV tropes. Sam, who you can’t hate because he’s not just a bitch, no, no - he’s a bitch with a backstory who just so happens to love to pretend that Bright doesn’t exist on a good day and won’t stop bitching why they’re the modern incarnation of Satan on the worst. Oh! We can’t forget the poster child of Byronic Hero which is Tank. They’re a fan fav for a reason.   
In a world of main characters, Bright Eyes could hardly hold a candle to the people around them. If anything, they’re an NPC. The glitchiest NPC to ever exist in this Skyrim of a world. 
The kind that was brought into the story to be shitted on by the audience because they either don’t meet up to lofty expectations or weren’t the perfect victim.
Is it getting too close to home now? 
Bright has no problem being an NPC - hell, they don’t even mind that there was no space for them on the picture wall that consists of Sam, Frederick, and Tank - they still have their pride, as shitty as it is. Why the fuck would they want to stay at a place where no one wants an NPC that fucks up the whole gameplay? Nah, fam - Bright has been preparing for their getaway on the same night they woke up with an angry Sam sitting beside the bed. 
The Summit expedited the plan. 
While they and Frederick were expected to show up at the undead shindig, being Clan members and all, Sam worried it might overwhelm his Progeny. Apparently, older Vamps enjoy stabbing each other with words and dinner knives after the third course. Sounds like Bright’s kind of people. But because Frederick was benched, so were they. It’s cool, it’s fine. Silver linings and all that. It gave Bright lots of opportunities to pack their meagre shits into a worn-out duffel bag from the store room and steal whatever cash they could find around the house while Frederick was asleep. Vampiric hearing rocks! Sure, they were curious as to why Sam and Tank came back looking like they just witnessed a train wreck, and Vincent seldom came over with his trademark smirks anymore, but since no one tells them anything, Bright chalked it up as another Tuesday. Not their circus, not their monkeys. 
Whatever happened at the Summit isn’t their problem. Missing the last bus to Ferris is.  
Earlier that evening, they made a show of getting ready for bed after Sam left to meet Tank for something, and they can’t bear to look Frederick in the eyes, knowing that this will be the last time they will ever see each other. Not that he knows, but hey, what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him, right? So they collapse onto the mattress, willing themselves to be calm because anything less will have Frederick peeking his head through the door. So they close their eyes until the bond between Progeny and Maker whispers to Bright that Frederick is unconscious. The rose detergent on the pillows and duvet itches their nose. They hate the smell but they can’t forget how wide Frederick smiles just because they accepted a bouquet of roses from him once. It’s not rocket science that all of the previous lavender scents on linens were replaced with rose soon after that. 
Bright Eyes is so exhausted of sustaining themselves on the pitiful sweetness of their once friend turned Maker. Not when the bitterness that comes from Sam is gradually killing them. 
They get up and take a good, long bath. It's probably the only one they’ll be getting for a while, so they’re making the most of the soap and shampoo. They continue to ignore the sweet, floral scent clinging to their body. Then they dig through the closet for a jacket covered in patches and a ripped pair of jeans - the clothes their parents bought for their birthday, now worn with time. The clothes that they wore on the night they were murdered. Then they spend half an hour checking everything for one last time. Anyone can tell by a single glance that Bright Eyes is a walking charity case. It’s cool, it’s fine. No one cares about runaway people all the time. They’re statistics. 
Their stomach flips when Bright stalks across the hall like a ghost. A part of them wanted Frederick to catch them in mid-act, to convince them to stay so they could work things out for good. The part that loathed Bright, however, hisses to remove the glitch in this game. 
Once the front door is locked behind them, Bright wipes their eyes and hoists the duffel bag strap firmly on their shoulder. The abandoned theme park will be their last stop in Dahlia. 
Wonder World will forever be a sight for sore eyes. 
Like the Clan, the place is a living corpse. It should have been destroyed, put all the bad memories to rest, but instead, it transformed into a hideout for the walking dead. Hah. 
Bright keeps a good healthy distance from the Vampires that are on shift, listens well to the chatters in dark corners, and avoids slipping underneath awnings that will collapse on top of them if they so much as breathe. They memorised the schedule for this specific night, and it paid off. No one notices them skulking towards the cold storage. See, new batches of blood will be delivered tomorrow, so no one will find out that a couple of leftovers will be missing. Fingers might be pointed at Bright, but by then, they’ll be long gone. A footnote in their lives. 
The fridge greets Bright when they sneak in through the open window, no different than a racoon. Their entry wasn’t as smooth as James Bond’s because their kneecap bumped against the nearby table. Luckily, no one heard it. 
“A+, A+, more A+… you’re fucking kidding me? B-? Beggars can’t be choosers, Bright. Food’s food.” They grumble to themselves as the fridge is raided. They stuffed as many blood bags into the bag as they could. 
Suddenly, the door gently opens. Bright Eyes turn around. Their eyes widen in horror because - 
“Little Bright? Is that you?” William Solaire, the fucking king of every magical equivalent of Schrödinger Cat in Dahlia, tilts his head in question as if to better see them. Standing between them and their freedom. What the fuck, how the fuck, why in the actual fuck!? “I didn’t mean to interrupt your break time. Ah… how are you? Lately, I haven’t had the pleasure of…” Here’s where Bright could only watch in frozen shock when William’s eyes met with the duffel bag and stuffed pockets.  
Hubris is the downfall of many great men. In Bright’s case, it’s stupidity. They really should’ve come up with a backup plan for something like this. That’s on them. They’ll take that L like the underdog they are. 
The two of them shatter the awkward silence by speaking at once. 
“This isn’t what it looks like!” 
“Did you just went through the window?” 
Cue the stares. Wait. There’s something they need to try. 
“Dinosaur in the museum say what?” 
Bright promptly snaps their mouth shut. Don’t laugh. For the love of Reddit Mods, don’t laugh at the most dangerous grandpa in the world. While Bright manages to avoid death via lectures, their shaking shoulders give William the wrong impression. Thinking that the youngest Vampire in his care is shaking with fear at the sight of him pulled on William’s heartstrings. He had always harboured a sadness for not being able to connect with Bright Eyes the way he does with Frederick. The boy is often quiet but perks like a sunflower when you give him the right attention. Bright, on the other hand, scampers away the moment you turn your back. No gentle words or amount of glitter bombs as presents could entice them to drop the walls fiercely guarding their heart. 
William’s heart twists and turns into a knot - more so lately - seeing how Bright Eyes tremble. 
“It’s alright, Little One. You’re alright. The blood bags are for anyone who is in need.” William kindly assures them. “It’s unlike Sam to forget and restock for his household. I supposed our recent conversation has put him out of sorts.” 
“Wait. You think I’m hungry?” 
“Is that not why you brought that bag over - ”
“Yeah, yeah! Pssh, totally! Sam was getting testerical about the lack of bloodshed in the house. Not the fun kind, though.” Bright Eyes fib as they ramble on, their little tell-tale sign of attempting to smother the panic. They refuse to fidget or look away from William’s eyes. Is it a trick of the light? Is Bright high? Why are they wet near the corners? “Uh… c-can I go now? I need to dip to the grocery store for some milk… you know how it is…” 
For some reason, that made the Vampire King flinch. What the hell!? Anyone walking by would think that Bright is bullying him! 
But William lets out a gust of air, heavy and somehow reluctant. He steps aside to present the open door where the world that allowed Tom Howard to live is waiting for Bright. “Of course, Little One. I shouldn’t keep you from your errands.” 
“Lit! So this is me, walking away now…” Bright Eyes warily sidesteps William, who is still giving a strong kicked puppy vibe. Which is insane to comprehend. 
Something about it, however, made them turn around to look at him one final time. Due to the hilariously huge gap between a king and his peasant, Bright has only seen William thrice from afar, and that’s during really important events where they can’t fake a seizure and escape - 
“Bright, Vampires don’t get seizures.” 
“Until now. Quick, pretend you actually care and drag me out.” 
“…Low blow, Bright, and you know it. Why do you never listen when I’m - aaand you’re already on the floor. Great.” 
- so they’re left with them being sandwiched between a highly amused Lovely and a distracted Vincent because their beau is flashing their ankles or something. Bright doesn’t want to know or care. What they do care about is that thanks to Frederick sulking off somewhere, they are now in the spotlight because the prince of the entire damn clan is holding onto their elbow. Random Vampires snicker when they pass by their group, and whenever Bright flips them off, some of them actually laugh! Bright will never understand these deadbeats. But anyway, because of Frederick, Bright has the front row of William in all his fancy ass clothes, in a shiny crown that blinded Bright and a million-dollar smile that rubs them off the wrong way. Fuckers with a max level on charms give them the hives. 
So this melancholic shroud that drapes over his shoulders so heavily that Bright might as well ask if it’s made of lead with how it makes William look so small in the shadows? Yeah, it’s giving red flags. 
And since Bright is colourblind with no filter whatsoever - 
“OK, why do you look like someone woke you up from a depression nap?” Bright demanded, marching back to William. It’s stupid. It’s borderline suicidal, but hey, Bright was never known to make decisions that align with their self-preservation. That’s something their murderer and both Makers will agree on. Tonight, curiosity wins. “Usually you’re very…” They scrunch up their face, trying to think of the perfect words. 
William raises an eyebrow. “Very?” 
“Very shiny.” Bright nods, pleased with themselves. “The kind of shiny that’s like fire in Chinese factories after every election.” 
“I… see. I’m starting to understand why Samuel complain of migraines every now and then.” 
Even as he said that, William began to smile fondly. That threw Bright off a little. He said that without derision and they have no idea how to react. 
“Uh, right. So what’s up?” 
“Can’t a man be caught in his own sorrow every now and then?” 
“But you’re not supposed to be angsty. You’re the King. Your world is supposed to be perfect and all that shit.” Unlike mine, is what Bright didn’t say. 
William’s smile turns rueful. He surprises them by admitting, “Would you like to know a secret, Little Bright? My world hasn’t been perfect lately. How can it be when my loved ones are leaving one by one.” 
Oh, fuck them, is William trauma dumping right now? Deadass? Is this trauma dumping!? Bright didn’t consent to this!
Wait - leaving? Who’s leaving too? 
…Is it any of Bright’s business, though? When they’re doing the same thing tonight? 
This scene feels familiar. It’s like the time they steal a sip from a man in his late fifties while he’s in the middle of a divorce and struggling with alimony. Bright was looking for food, not someone’s entire life story that, in the end, they paid for an Uber and sent him on his way. The point is, there’s no fun in kicking someone who’s already eating dirt. That’s not enough room in Wonder World for two miserable fuckers, so Bright might as well do something about it. 
“C’mon, let’s go. We’re going on a side quest right now.” Bright demands, and fuck it, they grab one of William’s hands and drag him to the exit. Does it say something that the Vampire King lets himself be led away like a cow? Probably, but Bright couldn’t care less.
The patrolling Vampires stare at them incredulously. None attempted even to approach the duo. 
“Is this a kidnapping?” William politely inquires. While Bright might’ve initiated the contact, he finds himself reluctant to let go of their smaller hand. It’s an anchor that he silently needed over these past few days. 
“That and robbery too. I’m gonna be needing your wallet since mine are non-existent. Which one is your car? Wait! Let me guess, the one on the right that looks like it just left the showroom a day ago.” 
“It’s actually this morning. I enjoy collecting Rolls Royce as much as I enjoy watching those exciting Bond movies.” 
“Sheesh, I guess it’s hereditary then. Ok, Goldfinger - take the wheel. We’re going to karaoke. Screaming into a mic is a legit form of therapy. Take it from me.” After dropping that nugget of wisdom, Bright and William enter the car. 
Before William speeds off from the driveway, he frowns and asks, “Why can’t I be James Bond?” 
Bright Eyes groans into their hands. 
It takes William Motherfucking Solaire crying into a microphone, singing Hurt by Christina Aguilera to convince Bright Eyes that something is wrong with the trajectory of their life. 
Seriously, what the fuck? 
Despite being one of the prettiest men who should be kept in a museum (isn’t he 5,000 years old or something?) William is an ugly crier. It doesn’t make any damn sense, but he sure ain’t got that damsel-in-distress tears like Cinderella. Bright could only grimace as they extended a box of tissues once William finished belting out the final verse. Their duffel bag mocks them from the door, the only exit from this room. The lamentation of Bright Eyes would be a sick-ass song. 
“The closest thing I have to a son, child-in-law, great grandson and friend are leaving me.” William confesses after blowing his nose. 
“Did I ask?” 
Much to Bright’s horror, William continues.  
“I wanted to be a leader and a father that I never had. A Maker that mine never was. All I wanted… was to protect my family. How did it all went wrong?” 
Oh, geez. William does not give a shit that Bright Eyes hasn’t unlocked his social link. All they wanted was to evict whatever funk was messing with his system like a landlord so they could run away in peace. Not play therapist! Now, the employees are nervously looking through that window on the door because a grown man is depleting their stock of tissue boxes by the minute while Bright is struggling to figure out how to comfort said grown man that doesn’t involve homicide. 
By the way, it took precisely ten minutes for William’s words to register in Bright’s crack-concentrated, addled spider monkey brain. 
Their eyes widen like the backside of a yogi mid-downward dog. “Time out. Back it up, dump truck. Vincent’s leaving? As in, leaving the Clan? Him and the rest of the main characters?” If Bright was still alive, their heart would beat frantically as their head spins in disbelief and betrayal. 
Frederick is leaving them? After everything? To follow what, Sam? And Vincent and Lovely? 
…Without even telling them? 
Numbness and Bright Eyes always have a strange relationship. Quinn draining their blood down to the last drop didn’t give Bright that all-encompassing numbness. It was only when they woke up again that did it. It feels like their bones just took a dip in a pond in the middle of Antarctica. They didn’t even realise they were crying until William gently wiped the tears with a tissue. It’s a testament to how the shocking numbness rooted Bright to the core because they would flinch away from any physical contact that they didn’t initiate after death. 
“You didn’t know.” William summarised with that same melancholy from Wonder World and that same sad smile. They hate it. They don’t deserve it Well! So much for karaoke therapy. Now Bright’s feeling like shit too. 
William leans back when Bright Eyes huffs and slumps against the cheap red sofa. They pretend that their nose isn’t itching when they sniffle as they angrily rub their red eyes. “Of course I didn’t know! I get that Sam wouldn’t tell me shit but I didn’t expect this knife in the back from Freddy!” They spit, and then words start to embarrassingly spill from their mouth before Bright could stop themselves. “I fucking hate this! Why can’t I do anything right!? Why can’t I stop making mistakes? Why do I always try for people who never even like me? Fuck, fuck, fuck this! I hate feeling like this! God, I’m so tired of-of everything!” Fun fact: Bright is also an ugly crier. Even more so than William at this point. Not that it matters because they’re too busy wailing and making a mess out of his shirt when he pulls them into a tight hug. 
A shirt that has more of a network compared to theirs, and Bright Eyes appropriate it by blowing their nose. 
When their crying tapers into hiccups, it’s William’s soothing hand behind their back that grounds Bright Eyes. Exhaustion finally sinks in, and they’re long for the rest in the forever box (coffin) already. 
“I’m… sorry, Little One.” 
“The hell for?” Bright Eyes scrunches their nose. Although William had released them from his embrace, Bright didn’t actually scoot away. Instead, they play the part of a finicky cat - pressing close to the older Vampire without acknowledging it. “You’re not Sam. I hardly even know you.” 
“And I regret it dearly. And I deeply apologised for the suffering that you had to endured under Samuel’s blatant negligence. If I had known earlier that the wounds caused by Alexis run deeper than he would like to admit, I would have intervened. I would have you in my care instead of his in a heartbeat.” 
Here, William sighs. “My eldest Progeny and Samuel’s Maker.” 
“Why does he hate her so much that he took it out on me?” Bright hates how small their voice sounded to their own ears. They needed to know, though. They needed closure, and then maybe, finally, they’ll be able to move on somehow. 
William looks torn, clearly debating with himself. He sighed once more, but this time, it was with resignation. “It’s not my story to tell. However,” Seeing the crushed expression on poor Bright’s face, he decides to be honest towards someone who desperately needs it. Especially since they suffered not only at the hands of someone who was supposed to be their caretaker and teacher but also William’s own negligence. After the Adam incident, he should’ve kept a closer eye on his Clan instead of diverting this attention to other Houses. He owed this much to Bright Eyes and more. “You deserve the truth. Do you have some time to listen to an old man’s regrets?”
“I was supposed to clap my asscheeks to Ferris. So much for that. Actually, I guess it’s pretty hypocritical of me to get pissed off at Frederick for booking it since I was gonna do the same.” Bright’s grumbled, causing William to rear back in a start. But they press on. “So why the fuck not? Whose origin are you spilling? Wham Slam Bam Sam?” 
“…Yes. Two sins never cancel each other.” Something dark flashes over William’s beautiful face. The hair behind Bright’s neck freezes. “Yet I can’t help but find myself disappointed in Samuel’s behaviours more so than mine after tonight.” 
“Spill the tea, spill the tea! My life is already a German bedtime stories and besides, isn’t it so much fun when you focuses on someone’s L instead of yours!?” 
William simply rolled his eyes at their cheek, and so Bright Eyes made themselves comfortable as the Vampire King narrated a story of a daughter he dearly loved but could never understand, and in return, she was unable to understand those she loved. It was all very sad, and the tropes that William describes are all too familiar to Bright. Man, no wonder Alexis turned out to be a villainess like those in their favourite Korean romance manhwa. They wonder if reincarnation is a thing in this world. Would they reincarnate as one of Trisha Paytas’s babies, or is that exclusive to royalties? They made a mental note to ask William once story time was over. Anyway, Alexis and Sam’s history could be a Hozier’s album all on its own and Bright supposed they could muster up some form of sympathy for him if they have similar-sized bazoombas/chesticles as the Princess’, but alas, they don’t. For that, Bright can never forgive Sam for his projection. 
Frederick and their situation hit too close to home apparently, but just because he can’t dish it out on Alexis, does that justify him punishing Bright in her stead? Fuck that. 
Anger buzzes around Bright’s ears like angry hornets. They can’t be around Sam for at least 100 years now that they know the truth. Frederick and Tank can have him for all they care. 
They snatch the microphone again, prompting William’s curiosity. “Are we in for the next session of karaoke therapy?” 
Bright just searched for Grow A Pear by Kesha and belted out for the next three minutes. Making sure to scream out the verse, ‘but you cry about this, and whine about that. When you grow a pair you can call me back,’ making William wonder if he should’ve used more tact. Once they got it out of their system, Bright exhaled deeply and turned their attention back to William with their hands on their hips. 
“If thought crimes were a thing, they would need a new set of the Geneva Convention. So Sam’s a major Soy Wojack.  Good for him. Why is he and every one else are packing their shit up now and not ten thousand years ago?” 
“That’s my fault. My decisions regarding the Summit were inexcusable, and I fear they will be unforgivable to those I love.” William replies as morosely as a tortured poet in the 1500s. Very apt. 
Storytime, part 2! So, while the Summit didn’t go to hell in a handbasket, a lot of the parties that were nearly caught in the crossfire were butthurt, apparently. Trusts were betrayed, and William no longer rests on that pedestal in the eyes of Sam, Vincent, Tank and the furries. Bright doesn’t understand what the big deal is; William is literally an artefact. You can’t live that long with a shiny moral compass. Even now, as William easily takes in Bright’s shenanigans in stride, they could never ignore his capacity for cruelty and ruthlessness. No matter how soft he speaks or how kind he is to Bright. However, stressing out over the assumption that William always has an ulterior motive whenever he opens his mouth would be the equivalent of same-day shipping to God for Bright. Again. Besides, assumptions are nails that could seal a coffin, and Bright would rather use them to build a shelf for Bad Dragons and Lovehoney instead. 
So they snap their fingers, switching to Business Mode. “You know what your problem is? Your problem is that you don’t have a Shae to your Sansa. The Garrus to your Shepard. The Soundwave to your Megatron. Get it?” 
William just looks like a lost child in Whole Foods. Bright tries another angle. 
“Confidants, dude. You don’t have any of those. You’re a King, right? I thought every King has a council of advisers? Ain’t that supposed to be Vincent and Alexis’ job?” 
“No. I can’t possibly bear to burden my children with the unsavoury aspects of our world.” William counters with a grimace. Perhaps William and Bright share a lot more in common than they thought. Not the martyrdom vibes coming off William like radiation but the fact that both of them are essentially the universe's way of trying to figure out how much PTSD one man can possibly get. If Bright is an economist, they would vehemently write themselves and William down as bad use of human capital. Oh! Wait, William is still talking. “It was not out of malice that I placed my family in the dark regarding the Summit. It was out of love. I don’t understand why they couldn’t understand that. Porter even served as their shield.” 
“It could’ve gone better. It really did.” Bright insists, but judging from William’s stubborn expression, this is an issue that is not going to be resolved overnight. 
They thought long and hard about this. Running away is so damn easy it might as well be a cheat code, and isn’t that what Bright and the others are doing? Vincent and the others are probably doing so under the guise of ‘needing some space’ from William, but Bright was planning to run away from their feelings and issues with Frederick and Sam, with no intention of ever talking to them again. 
Being abandoned fucking sucks. Bright of all people knows how that tastes! The thought that William would be left all alone with a daughter that comes and goes worse than that street cat Priscilla leaves a sour taste in their mouth. William isn’t an evil dude. He’s just dumb.
Slowly, their duffel bag loses its appeal. Bright is going to take a leap of faith here, and only time will tell if this will be the stupidest decision they have ever made, triumph over their jaunt in Wonder World with Frederick. And so they sit beside William and say, “Look. I actually don’t wanna be alone, and I bet you don’t want that too.” “No, Little One. I had enough of it back in the day.” William quietly admits. A Vampire King shouldn’t be able to look like a poor puppy being left out in the rain! Seriously! 
“Right. Here’s the plan, Batman. You wanna spare Vincent and the rest about the nitty gritty aspects of what it means to be a deadbeat? Fine. We do it baby steps, then. You tell me before you pull off any shits, and I’ll talk your ear off how stupid it is until we figure something better. Sounds good?” 
“No. Absolutely not. You’re family as well, Bright Eyes. I won’t have you suffer the burden of my crown.” 
“I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am one of the mods in 4chan. I can handle shits, alright? It’s in my DNA! Look William, you need someone in your corner that you can trust. If you can’t start with your Progenies, start with me. Prove to them that you value their opinions. We’ve got all the time in the world for it, right?” 
Finally, after trying to get through William the entire night, he starts to look hopeful and, most importantly, determined. He clutches Bright’s hand tenderly. 
“In that case, I have a proposal of my own. If you promise to be my guide, I promise to be your teacher. Allow me to be what Sam was meant to be for you. Perhaps by helping one another, happiness can make its way to us.” As he says this, William feels a lot more better than ever before. It feels like things are starting to look up for him. A rebirth could be just what he and Bright sorely needed. 
What a blessing. What a boon to have a great-great-grandchild to be the modern incarnation of Athena. 
“Yeah, yeah. So! Never gonna give you up?” 
“Never gonna let you down.” 
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applejuicefruit · 1 year
This might sound weird but can i request Olivier Giroud x teen reader, like where they are neighbours and reader’s parents are like drunk and drugged people so he takes care of her? In a fatherly way❤️❤️
I really love your blog! You writings are my favorites❤️❤️
Okay so you’re telling me there are NONE writings about Olivier Giroud on this app?
Thank you so much for requesting this! This one actually feels very personal to me.
I hope you like this💓
(Let’s pretends Oli doesn’t have kids and a wife in this story okay🤭)
also tw : domestic abuse, drug and alcohol mention, violence , oliver being the father i actually need since mine went out to buy milk and never came back ☹️
kylian mbappe is in this one too! kinda of kylian x friend reader where they both have a crush on each other 🤭
just look at the way he’s comforting kylian 😭😭😭😭😭
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You grew up in a pretty messed up family.
You’re parents were caring and nice when you were a kid but once you grew up they stopped caring about you. The only reason they didn’t divorce was because they had to decided who would take care of you and since no one wanted to do it they remained married. Also because if they divorced your rich uncles wouldn’t gave them any more money. You called them for help so many times and the only thing they did was giving them money.
What a shitty family.
You can’t recall when everything started to going down you just remembered being alone all of sudden.
You lived in a fancy complex in the middle of Milan. It was a very expensive building, the one who has a gym and a pool inside of it. If it wasn’t for your uncles you all would be living under a bridge now.
Your parents acted normal in public but inside your house everything was crazy. They would constantly fight and throw things at each other. They would scream and hit each other and that made you feel so unsafe.
You tried to escape once and saying that they didn’t even realised you were gone hurt you.
You were 18 so legally you could have left, problem you had no job or degree.
One night the constantly screaming made you feel sick and you decided to sit on the stairs of your complex hoping they would stop.
It was cold and you were only wearing a t-shirt and a pair of jeans but you were so scared of going back inside that you preferred staying cold.
You waited for two hours, sitting there all alone but they wouldn’t stop. You started crying and fidgeting with your hands, your anxiety rising when you heard someone coming out of the elevator.
You pretended you didn’t hear anything so your neighbour wouldn’t ask you.
You knew exactly who he was.
Olivier Giroud, the famous football player. He played for Milan and for the Equipe de France. He won the world cup once. He’s also champion of Italy now.
He was a nice person. Always greeting you when he saw you, asking you if you were good. He was like an angel sent to heart. Everyone loved him for his caring and gentle soul.
In fact he was going home when he saw you sitting on the stairs, shivering from the cold.
“Y/n? Are you okay?” he asked with a concerned voice
“Yes” you said with a shaky voice and in that moment you cursed yourself because you didn’t want to look so weak
“Are you sure?”
“What are you doing outside here? It’s cold,
plus it’s past midnight, you should be sleeping…”
“I’m fine”
“Have you eaten?” he asked and when he mentioned food your stomach rumbled
You were starving.
“Do you want to come inside and eat something?” he asked hoping you would say yes
“I don’t want to bother”
“It’s fine really”
In that moment you turned around to look at him and when he saw your face his heart broke a little. Your eyes red and puffy from crying.
You stood up and followed him inside his home.
His apartment completely different from yours.
It was clean and nice decorated. It felt like home.
“You can sit on the couch if you want to, I’ll get you something to eat” he said while you sat
He came back a few moments later with a very good looking sandwich and you couldn’t help to smile at his kind gesture.
You thanked him and started eating.
Once you’ve finished he gave you something to drink and set everything in the sink.
“Now can you tell me what were you doing outside?” he asked you again
“I didn’t want to stay at home”
“Your parents?” he asked and you looked at him with an interrogative face “I hear them fight sometimes” he said
“Yup, that’s my life”
“Have you called someone?”
“I’ve called so many people and no one would do anything”
“I’m sorry, truly, if you want you can use my guest bedroom and stay here tonight” he said
“I can’t accept, you already did a lot for me”
“I insist, I can’t let you go back knowing they might hurt you”
You thought about it and accepted his offer.
Just for one night.
He showed you the way and the moment you touched the bed you drifted off to sleep.
He woke you up around 8 am
“I’m sorry to wake you up but I have to go to practice, you can stay here a bit more if you want to” he said truthfully
“No it’s fine I’ve got school in one hour…”
“Okay, well, if you need anything just give a call” he gave you his phone number and you thanked him.
After that night days passed and everyday he would make sure you were okay. He texted you and asked if you needed anything. Truth was you wanted to spend the rest of your days in his apartment, away from your parents but you couldn’t take advantage of his kindness like this.
This month things got worse.
Your dad started drinking again because things were going bad at work, your mum started using again and you were on the verge of a crisis.
“Y/n!” your dad called you from the living room.
You were in your bedroom doing your homework so you decided to ignore him.
It was almost 10 pm so he would have probably fell asleep very soon. Your mom was out, probably with some druggies.
“Y/n!” your dad called you again.
You decide to go out and see what he wanted.
When he saw you he smiled a bit.
“Honey can you get me a beer?” he asked.
Was he serious?
“No” you replied back
“Excuse me?”
“I said no. I was doing my homework and you interrupted me. Plus you’re already drunk you don’t need another beer!” you said almost leaving when you saw the bottle of his empty beer crashing straight into the wall in front of you.
“Where do you think you’re going whore! Come back and pay me some respect! I’m your father” he said standing up from the couch.
You started to being scared.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to…” you apologised hoping he would calm down.
You were so wrong.
He come towards you with an inhuman speed and slapped you right in face. The impact was so hard you fell to the floor. He never raised his hands to you.
“Dad I said i’m sorry please…”
“What a whore, always begging just like whores do” he said sitting on top of you “I bet you like when I hit you” he said punching your nose making it hard to breathe.
You tried to free yourself and somehow, due to the fact that he was drunk he lost his balance and fell.
In that moment you ran out of your apartment and ran through the corridor trying to find Olivier’s apartment.
“Olivier…” you almost shouted knowing on this door. You really hoped he was home you didn’t have no where to go “Olivier please please open the door” you knocked a bit louder, your eyes full of tears, your face red and you knows bleeding “please please Olivier”
That’s until you saw him opening the door with a very concerned face
When you saw him you hugged him so tight you were scared to leave him.
He was shocked, he didn’t know what was going on so he simply hugged you.
You cried into his shirt but he didn’t mind
He waited a few minutes before you calmed down.
“Sweetie can you look at me?” the moment you looked at him he saw your bleeding nose and your red cheek “What happened? Who did this to you?” he asked in a more serious tone
“My-my father…he was - he was drunk he didn’t mean to”
“I’m calling the police”
“No please no, don’t”
“I know it’s a bit messed up but they’re the only family I have, please…”
The moment you said this you saw your dad coming straight into Oli’s apartment.
Olivier saw it and he put you behind him in a protective way.
“Leave before I call the police”
“Why? What has done this whore for you? Is she good in bed? The only reason a football player would stay with her I guess”
“I won’t say it again, leave before I call the police”
“Nah, the bitch is coming home with me and she’s going to learn some good manners”
“Not a chance” Olivier said protecting you “now leave my apartment before I call the police”
Your dad left without not even looking at you.
The moment he left you started crying harder and shaking. You were so scared.
“Hey hey it’s fine. You’re okay he’s gone okay? He won’t hurt you ever again I promise you, I swear on my life” he said hugging you.
You simply nodded too tired to even reply.
He medicated your nose and let you sleep in his guest bedroom.
The morning after you woke up with a lot of noise coming from your apartment.
“Olivier?” you called him going into his living room
“Stay here” he simply said
“What’s going on?”
“The police is here…I know I said I wouldn’t call them but…” he didn’t even finish the sentence that you hugged him
“Thank you” you said
He smiled and hugged you back.
From that day on you continued living with him, his guest bedroom became your own bedroom. He helped you with homework and did everything a father should do for his own kids even if you weren’t his. He would bring you his matches and you would cheer for him. Who knew you liked football this much?
Until the moment of the world cup came
You couldn’t go with him in Qatar mostly because of school so you had to stay home alone for a month. You weren’t sure how to react, after your past you hated being alone.
“So…” he said coming through the door and sitting on the sofa watching tv with you “how would you feel coming in Qatar with me?” he asked you
“I-I…you know I would love to but I have school”
“I already talked with your school. Your grades are high and you’re the best of the class…they agreed to let you do online classes for a month, in case you wanted to come”
You were speechless. You said yes without even thinking.
When you got in Qatar you went straight into your room and fell asleep on the huge comfortable bed. The next day Olivier introduced you to the rest of the team, everyone knew your past but they decided to not say anything to make you uncomfortable. They all made you feel safe.
You took a liking in Kylian.
He was the first one to approach you.
He introduced himself and you started talking.
“So how’s my belle today?” he asked when he saw you coming out of your bedroom
“I’m good thank you! How are you?”
“Fine, ready to our first match against Australia” he said knowing it was going to be a great match “in fact…I wanted to ask you if you could wear this” he said giving you his jersey “you know, as a good luck”
“Of course but don’t tell Olivier” you said making you both laugh.
Olivier tho saw everything from a distance and couldn’t be happier that you were making friends. Even if he knew he would have to talk with Kylian.
“Okay…well I better go now, I have practice” he said awkwardly
“Oh yes, sure…I’ll see you tonight”
“Yes…well, bye” he said waving to you.
At the stadium you were in the VIP section, feeling protected with a lot of security. The game went good! France won 4-1 against Australia. Rabiot scored first, Giroud scored twice and Kylian scored too. You couldn’t be happier. You knew they were celebrating in the changing room so you simply texted Olivier you were coming back to the hotel.
Once arrived you changed into your pajamas and laid Kylian’s jersey on your bed.
A few hours later a gentle knock woke you up from your sleep. When you opened you saw a very happy and excited Kylian.
“Did I wake you?” he said apologising
“No” you lied
“Sure…” he said not believing you but smiling “the jersey brought me good luck”
You couldn’t help but blush.
“You’re just good at playing football Kylian, I didn’t do anything”
“You were there, for Olivier, for me, and for the team…and that meant a lot” he said truthfully looking into your eyes. You didn’t know how to feel. You’ve never had a boyfriend, you’ve never had a real crush so you didn’t know how to act. He kinda sensed it your discomfort so he just smiled trying to ease it a bit.
You got lost into his eyes.
“I’ve spoken with Olivier” he said out of nothing “he really cares about you…that’s why he threatened me”
“He did what?” you almost shouted
“He said I have to treat you good and if I dared to hurt you he would kill me” he said now laughing and you couldn’t help to laugh too “but we’re good friends so I would never hurt you…”
Ouch that hurt.
Just friends?
He saw your expression change and he wanted to say a bit more.
“Unless…you don’t want us to be just friends?” he teased a bit and you were completely out of words.
Of course you wanted to be more than friends!
He looked straight into your eyes and saw the way you were looking at his lips so the made first step and gently put his hands on your face and kissed you. Very gently. His lips like feathers on yours. You wrapped your arms around his body and put him closer to you.
You kissed for a while before you separated to catch breathe.
“I want this” he said truthfully “I want to be more than friends”
“I don’t know how to act Kylian…I’ve never dated”
“We’ll take things slow, I won’t pressure you into doing anything you don’t want to but please, just give me a chance”
You didn’t even replied back instead you kissed him.
He smiled into the kiss.
If someone told you a couple of months ago that this was going to be your life you wouldn’t believed it but now this was really your life and you couldn’t be more grateful.
To that angel named Olivier who changed your life in the best way.
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dedmasya · 4 months
HN's lore and fandom are literally broken atm
Every time when something shitty happens with this poor franchise I had the feeling that I should write something about it. And the last AS teaser was like a spit into my face, so here you go. HN has problems, the fandom, the franchise itself. And these problems are huge. We all know that it's a some kind of a milking cow at the moment, it's already a very sad situation. People around me (with whom I hang out and they are/were in HN fandom) liked the way how story went when Nikita was around. It's obvious, that he wasn't involved in modern HN2 and projects that were created after. It may sound stupid to those people, who don't have this feeling, but you just know that he hasn't participated in development. It's like a style, handwriting. You can try to copy it, but it still will be a copy. And his style, his handwriting is nowhere. The last time I felt that HN is HN was when HN2 alpha 2 teasers were seen. I was excited, had high hopes. Felt that special vibe. But later? Nothing. Lore problems. SIGH. Every fucking interpretation of this poor game fails, contradicting each other and original canon. We have the game. The first and original resource of information, everything else should be based on it, not the opposite(!). These books are a cash grab, I have almost all of them, I've read them, but they're a cash grab literally. I can say it as a person who is writing too and who can point out that everyone is freaking OOC in them, including Theodore. And no matter how TB wants to be "an animation studio" or smth, they're GAME PUBLISHERS hiii hellooo hi??? You're supposed to publish games, they spent money on absolutely unnecessary product that can't even give them these money back, as I suppose. You all do know that Ted never freaking ever had a brother. Even the book one had SISTER, but it was just a random fact even and her existence in the lore was... Not important. Lore keeps being overwritten over and over again, it's nowhere HN already. The legacy was destroyed or smth. I won't even say anything about poor HG that had amusing potential! Are u guys really okay with this? Cuz I'm not. It feels at least disrespectful to Nikita, imho. I would be so depressed if my creation was turned into a milking cow for someone else. HN1 had a meaning, morality. It wasn't just a game for fun and giggles, it was a message, it was an art. Like a good movie, like a good book. But a good game. Maybe with bugs, yes. Maybe it wasn't 100% perfect in different aspects, but it had soul. And imho HN could be a russian gamedev savior at some point, cuz russian gamedev is half alive. And old fandom... People who are new to this franchise probably doesn't know a lot of facts, some don't even understand what was HN1 about, even if it's obvious as hell. People are not friendly to each other for some reason, despite they're a part of one community. Stop stabbing the same boat where we all in, you will drown not us, but yourself too. So we should be respectful to each other, we're the one community, no matter if we want it or not. I miss old HN. No fucking mystic, just metaphors and messages. No random flat characters, no 100 boring and unnecessary spin-offs, including a freaking cartoon. And as a conclusion HN = Nikita (and Dynamic Pixels ppl) No Nikita = No HN Text is not systematized as it should, maybe there are even grammar mistakes. But it's an emotional vent.
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sp1rit-realm · 1 year
༻¨*:· 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇 ·:*¨༺
༻¨*:· summary ·:*¨༺ March comes. You see James in the store.
༻¨*:· notes ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 i did not proofread this bc i'm lazy ⎝(ˊᗜˋ)⎠ 𖦹 shitty writing! 𖦹 shitty ending! 𖦹 james potter being boyfriend 𖦹 depressed!reader 𖦹 fluff 𖦹 comfort :D 𖦹 pt. 2 of this fic
༻¨*:· word count ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 887 
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You were in a dance with sadness, and your dress was getting torn by the heels depression wore. She stepped on your innocence—a white dress turned black, a flower petal wilting. Birth turns to death, and happiness fades to grey. The Sun always sets, but then again, it always rises.
You supposed he was the Sun that rose in your life. James Potter, your little ray of sunshine, was always there on your darkest days.
A cup of tea was on your nightstand when you holed yourself up in your room on bad days. He would give you soft blankets, so many blankets. A little note next to your water bottle:
Love, drink water! Or else I'll have to attack you with kisses! Wait, I think you would like that. I won't attack you with kisses if you don't drink water.
Love you to the Sun and back, Jamsie❤︎
He always said: I love you to the Sun and back. 
But he was gone now.
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"'Scuse me, but I—" James paused, obviously trying to maintain composure, but he couldn't continue.
"I'll go get a mop," Was all you could murmur as you actively averted his gaze.
You returned and found him crouched on the floor. He managed to get paper towels and was trying to wipe the milk. Such a kind man, you thought. 
"'T's okay, James. I got the mop," You said, looking down at his big, teary eyes. It hurt your heart to see him like this. 
People do stupid things in September, like pick up extra shifts. Now, in March, you regretted it. You never used to work Thursdays, but here you were, standing in front of the only man you've ever loved, mop in hand, and heart shattered.
It was your fault he was gone.
People do stupid things in September.
He stood there as you mopped, the reason apparent when he began talking, "So, how have you been?" He chewed on his fingernails.
"Not great," You admitted, "Been hard since..." You trailed off; he understood what you meant. 
"So why did you do it?" The fluorescent lights of the market flickered on his face as he stared at you with a pained look.
You sighed and looked to your feet, "I dunno," You shrugged, mopping, "I guess I just felt like you could never understand, and that made it hard."
His brows creased, "But I was trying," Your heart sank because, of course, he was trying, and you knew that. That didn't take away the pain. "I was trying so hard," He continued, "I just don't understand why I wasn't..." He looked at his palms, "Good enough."
You felt guilty, "You were good enough, James. You were more than good enough. It truly wasn't because you weren't trying your hardest. It was because of me. I'm the one who left, James."
He solemnly nodded, "Right. Well, I'm sorry for the milk."
"'S okay," You whispered, tears gathered in your eyes, "Not your fault." You stop before murmuring, "Nothing was your fault. Ever."
"I better get going." He said, short and to the point, "Your number still the same?" He asked.
You nodded, and with that, James was off.
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You got a text: Can I come over?
You sent him your address; he was there in no time.
"You said it wasn't my fault." He was pacing around your living room, hand in his hair, creased brows, "But you also said it was hard because of me. I—" He looked at you, "I don't get it."
"James," You sighed, willing him to stop pacing, "I don't get it either." You patted the cushion next to you, asking him to sit. He sat in the armchair across from you, not ready to be directly next to you.
"James, all I can say is that I made a stupid decision, and I'm sorry."
Over the following weeks, you and James grew closer.
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"Not much has changed with you," He noted one day, popping a ripe strawberry into his mouth. The Sun was shining down on him. He looked like a painting—brown skin glimmering under the golden rays, hair messy but, somehow, still neat. He wore a simple tee and shorts, but he looked magnificent.
"Earth to Y/n," James snapped you out of your daze by waving his arm in front of your face.
"Yeah?" You didn't hear what he said, too transfixed on his beauty.
"I said you haven't changed much," He smiled, "It's nice."
You cocked your head, "Nice?"
"Yeah, nice."
You sat with the comment for the following days, trying to decipher it. Maybe it was only skin deep.
Safe to say, it kept you up at night.
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Another sunny day meant another picnic with James Potter. He wasn't sure how you didn't catch on to his undeniable feelings.
So, here he sat, under the Sun, crunching on chips while trying to think about what to say.
"I like you. I love you." Is what James settled on.
"You love me?" You were shocked, confused, and a little concerned. "You don't love me."
James looked at you with hurt, "Yes, I do," He protested.
You looked at your hands, "Even after... everything?"
He nodded, "Even after everything. I still love you."
James Potter loved you to the Sun and back. He always would.
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srry for how shitty this is😭
for @masivechaos
love u margot
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miscellanyofmusings · 10 months
Rifftrax Sentence Starters
“______, didn’t I dispatch you to hell earlier?”
“ ______, shut up forever.” 
"Alright. That does it. I officially have no idea what we're looking at, why we're here, or even who I am anymore."
“And I pray that I never have to emote any more than I just did. I'm exhausted.”
“And if you're ready, _____, may I offer you a wide-awake nightmare?
“Aw man, I thought we could trust the slimy loser.”
“Being a creepy evil creep is a reward in and of itself.”
“Bland? I mean, honey? Can I make you some bland milk? I mean, warm bland? I mean, warm milk?”
“Careful, they might miss at you.”
“Die! Die in a fire! Live again and then die!”
“Did you guys just see that or has my brain fully melted?”
“Do you think you can do me the teensiest favor and just kill me now?”
“Feels like an NPR audio essay is about to break out.”
“Forgive me, Father. I killed like eight guys today.”
“Fuck you. Pay me."
“Having knowledge about things is not really my specialty.”
“He died as he lived: looking dumb as Hell.”
“He has all the fighting skills of a sock monkey."
“Hell is other people and stuff.”
“I’m condescending for no reason, got it?” 
“I've tried nothing—And it's not working!"
“I can’t answer your question because that would acknowledge you exist.”
“I can’t live with myself knowing there’s something out there I haven’t murdered.”
“I don’t want to oversell it, but it will fill you with sadness.” 
"I find words difficult because I can't punch them."
“I have a two part question. One, will I ever feel joy again? Two, what did I do to deserve this?”
“I hope you like really tough burnt meat and shitty scotch.”
"I love it when a plan sort of slowly congeals together."
“I thrive on your ignorance.” 
“I tripped and fell up five flights of stairs and landed here.”
“Is your torture basement even up to code?”
“It’s not what you said; it’s that you exist.”
“It irritates me too that I can defy logic, time, and physics."
"It is pleasant to be happy because it increases our amount of gladness."
“Let's carpe diem and mumble and mope like we've never mumbled and moped before!”
“Mind if I dial up the gay?”
"Never have I cared so little about so few for so long."
“Nothing calms a kid more than a poster of a deranged clown.”
“My philosophy is to see how many Pop-Tarts I can eat in two minutes.” 
“No, don’t, ____, please! Seriously! I will kill all your enemies! Please!”
"No good story ever starts with ‘so there I was, pouring gasoline all over the dead girl’s body.’”
"Oh good. Something else for the Gallery of Things That Should Not Be."
“Oh, thoughtless sociopath, you’re my best friend.”
“Okay, so I’ll take that ominous cryptic answer as a firm yes.”
“Our hero— again, fighting like a sociopathic four year-old.”
"Please don't ruin this moment by surviving!"
“Rush in blindly! A plan can only hinder us!"
"Screaming? Laughter? At this point, what's the difference?"
“So where do you think you’re gonna dump my body?” 
"So…You give up here often?" 
“Society as we know it would disintegrate if people knew the truth about whatnot.”
“Thank you, most boring sounding person in the world.”
“That’s a very friendly murder threat.”
“That sounded a lot more menacing and less gay in my head.” 
“This is my bullshit lecture!” 
“Wait a minute, I thought you said ‘pass the time,’ not ‘destroy all hope in the universe.’” 
"We are reconciled now through the cleansing power of violence."
“Well, that was neither fun nor interesting, but at least it gave us no new information.” 
“Well, time to pretend I know stuff.”
"Well, whoopty-shit."
"Welp... Forgone conclusion ain't gonna forgone conclude itself."
“Who can resist an asshole?”
“Women, right? Always like, ‘This seems fatally stupid!’ Blah, blah, blah.’”
“Yeah, I do feel my own mind drifting through thoughts of Socrates—in that I want to drink hemlock and die.”
"You're a lying liar who lies! You lie!"
“You're not allergic to severe acid burns, are you?”
“You taste like libertarianism and cigars.”
“Your evil is reassuring.” 
“Your violent, misogynistic criminal vibe lets me know I can trust you.” 
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lowlights · 1 year
Since my fyp is full of Pedro's starbies order, can you pls fill it with the orders of his characters? Also, why does Ezra get something piled with cream and caramel?
Thank you, get well soon angel!
Literally, nothing would make me happier. Let's dive in.
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Din - If Din could walk into a Starbies, he would get an Americano with a splash of heavy cream. More indulgent time-wise than a simple little coffee, but still quite utilitarian.
Joel- Joel would love a cold brew, I think. Just straight up, nothing added. He would roll his eyes at the people in front of him with a complicated order.
Dieter- Speaking of complicated orders. Dieter would be the one most likely to try whatever drink is the latest "hack" on tiktok. He doesn't care how stupid it sounds to order it, bc he always makes an assistant do it. If he's doing his own ordering, I think he gets Pedro's drink.
Javi G- Javi G loves a seasonal drink. In the winters he is going for a chestnut praline latte, and in the summers he likes an iced macchiato. He does not like pumpkin spice lattes.
Marcus M- Marcus wants an iced dirty chai no matter what time of year it is. In a very reasonable size, though. Never a venti.
Max Lord- Max is the cappuccino sort- fancy, to the point- but he does bring you all the white mochas you want. This is a take that was for @coastielaceispunk and it is now my canon.
Frankie- I think Frankie would get a sweet cream cold brew. It's straight forward enough to order but would feel like a little treat. The guys might give him shit for it, but he doesn't care. His daughter always gets a steamed vanilla oatmilk.
Dave York- I think Carol would turn Dave onto the Strawberry Acai Refreshers and he would never look back. He gets them made with water, though, not lemonade. Too sweet.
Ezra - Caramel frappuccinos all the way. Extra toppings. He always moans sinfully when he gets one, no shame.
Jack- Our cowboy is going to order an Irish Cream Cold Brew and then drop a little bit of whiskey into the cup while he winks at you. Truth be told, he likes any good, strong coffee.
Javi P- "Whatever is brewing behind you that's strongest." He is not fussy in the slightest.
Pero- Pero thinks the menu is stupid and too big. He likes ordering the pastries while you pick out the drinks. You have found that he likes plain lattes, matcha tea lattes, and hot chocolate. He won't admit to the last one.
Max P- Max is getting a pink drink, all the way. It's ridiculous and he doesn't care. Let the office plebs drink shitty, breakroom coffee. Max is living his best (un)life.
Marcus P- I get big-time London Fog vibes from Marcus. Very cozy, very warm. Marcus has morning vibes, I don't know any other way to put it.
Oberyn- Our sweet Prince is getting a Golden Turmeric Latte. Oat milk, perfectly light espresso, and a mix of warming spices sweetened with honey. It's sunshine in a cup.
Zach- I really love the idea of a Flat White for Zach. It's special and comforting without being fussy or sweet, which I think is what he would like. He deserves whatever he wants, though.
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beautifulpersonpeach · 4 months
What do you think are the chances SM will drop out of the big 4 eventually soon? All I hear about them recently is how the company CEOs are milking it for all they can without care, I know big ships sink longer but it can't last forever, and Kakao doesn't seem to do SM much good too. Both companies are quite a pair to be honest, lawsuits, investigations and all, Bang PD must be happy he left that disaster for Kakao to deal with 😁 I wonder how SM falling apart would influence the entertainment industry.
“eventually soon” feels like an oxymoron lol, but I’ll assume you mean anytime in the next 5 years.
So what are the chances SM drops out?
My gut feeling is 0%. (With a caveat in point 3). SM is still going to be a prominent company in this space for the next 5 years for three reasons.
1. K-pop stans. That company has lasted this long because it’s perfected the model of k-pop - gamifying music consumption - on the largest swarth of fans for the longest time, longer than any other k-pop company. In fact I’d say you’ve not really met a company stan until you’ve met an SM stan because those creatures are the blueprint. Like, I see the way they move, decades later, and feel some respect for Lee Sooman because he’s created a formidable army that’s kept his company rolling through cultism scandals, a government subpoena, an Interpol indictment, several lawsuits from idols under his management, and a HYBE takeover… for starters.
SM dominated 1st and 2nd gen k-pop (alongside YG and JYP for 2nd gen) and a lot of k-pop stans who got in back then were pre-teens and teens. K-pop dominated by SM wasn’t just a hobby for those people, it was their childhood. And they cherish it as such, which also means bias on SM generally skews the way you’d expect. Many 1st and 2nd gen k-pop stans are still very active, they’ve grown up now and are no longer the pre-teens lost in the lights learning about Girls Generation. No. Now, those stans are now the ‘tastemakers’ of k-pop spaces. Much of the mythos around the Big 3 is created and actively sustained by this group of k-pop stans. They are the people you’d typically see being k-pop ‘journalists’ today, they run the main podcasts on k-pop, they moderate the main k-pop forums both in Korea and internationally, and so on. They play a significant part in driving ‘consensus k-pop’ opinions (though ARMYs seem to also make sure they have a voice). K-pop stans will be the first people to tell you how much they “hate” SM for being so shitty in treating their idols, but the bias towards SM in k-pop spaces is implicit. And no, it’s not because of the ‘vocals’.
2. SM’s cost base is low: (I rambled a lot in the first point and now jet lag is kicking in so I’ll try to keep this point brief.) SM spends next to nothing on their staff and talent. Part of the reason HYBE and Kakao could acquire them relatively easily last year, was because that company has next to no cost base, compared to other Big 4 companies. Almost every costing ratio has SM at the bottom compared to peers (excluding legal fees and other non-operating costs); on Korean blinds their employees self-report being the lowest paid among the Big4; Black composers SM hires have reported to The Guardian that the company doesn’t pay them… My point being, even if half of SM’s idol roster stopped putting out music for 1 year, the company’s cost base is so low that they’d still be afloat. Aside from all the auxiliary businesses SM is involved in (they also own hotels in Korea and other businesses), the company is more nimble than it seems at first glance and just needs a bit more time to get stable again.
Which brings me to my 3rd point.
3. New Groups. By this time next year I expect at least one of three things to have happened to SM. I’ll list two. (1) There’s M&A with a Western music label, and (2) SM (as a standalone entity) are back at the topline ratios they were at in 2019. Scenario 2 is already feasible with SM’s Moon&Back partnership, the new girl group debuting in 2024/2025, and RIIZE maintaining their current momentum, even as NCT begins enlisting this year. Nothing revives a company like SM better than new blood, and after the last few years of stagnation, SM is likely to see significant growth from those projects.
I agree with you that nothing lasts forever, empires rise and fall and HYBE will too at some point. And so eventually, SM as we know it will cease to exist. But I’m not expecting it to be anytime soon, save the caveats in point 3.
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theliterarywolf · 1 year
I think the worst thing about the whole welcome home situation is that it really brings to light 1. just how "commercialized" the perception around creative pursuits has become (it might not be the right word but I can't think of another one). like this isn't [insert random corporation]'s IP #67484934 but someone's own work they are still directly involved in and unaffiliated with any major company. and 2. somehow the basic concept of respecting boundaries has been lost not just on fanpol but some proshippers too it seems. "no nsfw of my original characters please" is a pretty reasonable boundary actually and if someone feels the need to do it anyways they should at least have the decency to keep it private and away from the og creator instead of mocking them for *checks notes* being so arrogant as to have one boundary on interacting with THEIR work that they were so kind as to share with others on the internet
"Just how "commercialized" the perception around creative pursuits has become"
No, that's it exactly and we can see this echoed and causing the trickle effect that has led to the current situation with art and creative media in general.
Look at how the concept of a good adaptation (books, games, comics, anime, etc) is a rarity and not the norm. It's because you have a bunch of talking-head studio-executives not seeing the IPs they're scrambling over as creations from individual groups and artists but just something to get eyes on a watered-down screen, milk for ad-revenue, and then repeat the process with another IP.
Look at how the Triple-A video game space has turned into less of a 'we want to create fresh new experiences and ideas' and more 'okay, let's get a skeleton crew to make enough of a game to justify DLC and live-services for a year or two... Okay, time to do the same thing over again!'
Look at NFTs and AI "art" and how, the only reason why those two things were able to rise to the plague they currently are is because you have this brain-dead portion of the population who refuse to see art as a practiced skill of human labor that should be paid for and appreciated as such but, instead, they just 'want something pretty to look at for a second before getting another something pretty to look at for a second before...' Ad-nauseum.
Two perfect recent examples of that last one: one dude who calls himself rapidly making 'better' art of Princess Peach when all he's doing is clicking on an AI and getting nightmare amalgamations that look worse than pre-Toy Story Pixar and one person who made a piece of Sonic fanart with a human fem!Sonic in the center but all the 'Sonics' around her looked more inbred than the Hapsburgs.
But, of course, even with actual artists pointing out 'hey, these look wonky/weird/bad', you have thousands of people who don't care. Why? Well, look back to a certain comment that people use to dunk on current Star Wars, Marvel, and other mainstream IPs:
'Don't ask questions; just consume product and then get excited for the next product'.
No one wants to think about the creators of their favored IPs anymore. They just want to be given the shiny new ball to treat (or mistreat) in any way they see fit for a while before dumping it to the wayside a month or so later to do it to something else. And if, heaven forbid, you get a creator who dares to want to have some matter of agency with how people engage with their creation, well...
'Why do you hate people having fun?'
'Well, I'm just going to do it anyway.'
'So... Anyway, these characters are now mine because the creator is obviously shitty and doesn't know them as well as I do'
And then
The Cycle
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yakowo · 1 year
[Tw//: cursing, military figure written by someone with little to no military knowledge, no i did not double check for spelling i apologize]
Ghost stares at the 13 or 14 year old boy, 'Joey' with a hard look, not enjoying how rudely the kid just jumped up to him and begged for his attention. Honestly, if he wasn't in a good mood, he would've probably smacked the shit out of his kid by now. "Well? Ask your questions. What do you want to know about *me* personally."
"What's your favorite candy?"
Simon blinks. "What?"
"You know... sugar? A delightful treat?"
The kid replies with a small grin.
"Why do you want to know that?"
"Weeeeellll I might sneak you a present for being the only person who's agreed to this."
"I tried to disa-" "Are you gonna tell me?"
Ghost huffed a small chuckle, "... milkyway..."
Joey writes it down in a shitty notebook, clearly used and abused over the few months or weeks this kid has had it. Ghost now had a better look at the kid though, since they moved to a spot with better lighting. He had a horrible burn scare, that covered part of his face, still looking tender, though taken care of. His eyes were a piercing light blue, nearing gray, and his hair spiky, sticking up everywhere, milk chocolate brown, like a hershy's bar.
Too bad he wasn't as sweet as one.
"What's it like to travel?"
"Fine, though I don't travel around for a good reason."
"Does your family miss you when you leave?"
"Don't got any."
"Rrriiiiiiight." Joey winks at him twice and gives a little nudge that confuses Ghost for a brief moment.
The kid continues to write some more stuff down, "what's your mindset put through when you're told to kill? Do you even think about it in the moment? Or do you enjoy it?"
"Excuse me?"
"Sorry, that was kind of an dickhead question, but how do you cope with knowing you have and will have to kill people?"
Ghost glares at the little shit, who seems to actually look guilty at his phrasing of the question.
"I just shut off. My brain either thinks about a way to keep me alive, and- or a way to keep my fellow soldiers alive. I don't focus on the deaths around me, I focus on the lives I am protecting."
"Right." He's quick to write this all down, seeming to think his response was inspiring. Exciting even.
"Do you think a world with no wars would be a safe world to live in? Or do you think it's safer having these wars?"
"It depends, some wars help others in their countries break free from a corrupted government, others are made because of those said governments wanting more land, or more money. Or just more."
He nods, still writing. Writing. Writing. The scribbling noise and quiet breathing are all that is heard for a while. It's been 15 minutes ever since this kid came up to him. He'll just take one more question, and get back to the group.
"Hey, one more question, then I'm leaving."
"Aw- sh- okay. Uhm. Do you know a kid named, 'Joseph Riley'?"
Ghost has to close his eyes and he can't hear himself wince when he hears that name. Images of his nephew-
"Uncle Si! Uncle Simon please! I want to play airport with you!"
Ghost opens his eyes and stares at Joey.
"... why?"
"..." Joey has this look in his eyes, as if he's expecting Ghost to know something.
"I just. Wanted... to know." He breathes out, not realizing clearly that he was holding a breath.
Silence. It feels deafening.
"... classified." He stands up,
"Can- can we please talk again! I have more questions. Here- I have a sorta-card!"
"..." Ghost still takes the cheaply assembled card. Ghost leaves. Ghost has a panic attack at his barracks. Ghost has nightmares everytime be goes to bed.
.... Ghost has an itching need to interigate Joey to see how the fuck he got the idea to ask that.
BOOP. I love this au a lot I'm glad you are interested in it too :D gonna assign myself as :] anon!
- :] anon
:] anon strikes again with their amazing AU!!!🫡✨
OH MY GOD HE ASKED THE QUESTION! Poor Simon though, it completely caught him off guard, yet Joseph nailed to pique his interest. I SO need their conversation when he comes clear, I already feel the hurt/comfort that will come with it 😫
The range of questions from Jo made me laugh a little ngl, from favorite candy to 'how does it feel to kill' the energy that was created in the studio was INDEED uncomfortable 😂
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infernalodie · 2 years
Hi it’s sweet cheeks anon, could I request a black male reader who’s dating Elliot secretly and people want to know why he won’t make a move on any of the girls cause the assume he’s straight since he plays football and stuff. Also, I’m sorry if I sound impatient, but how’s it going with the earlier requests you put together, go at your own pace ofc, and you can ignore me if this sounds rude. - sweet cheeks anon 😎
𝟑 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 || 𝐄𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐭
“𝘛𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘭 𝘜𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 𝘐𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘱𝘢𝘭𝘮𝘴 𝘊𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵, 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵, 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘦 𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘦 𝘶𝘱”
Inspo: Dominic Fike - 3 Nights
Pairing: Elliot x Black!Male!reader
Summary: You two were ashamed of nothing or how you felt for one another. But you liked the secrecy that surrounded the two of you.
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Warnings: Slight angst but fluffy.
Words 922
Love is a dangerous thing and keeping it sacred is just as dangerous when you lived in Highland. The place was a breeding ground for dramatic heartbreak and outright shameless cheating. It was one of the biggest reasons you hated having to consider it your home.
The only thing that made up for its shitty atmosphere was the very few people you could consider your friends. Lexi was an absolute sweetheart and put up with too much of your shit, but still stuck around. Fez was your dealer, straight forward dude and funny as hell when you got him cross-faded. Rue was a childhood friend and the first girl and last girl you ever had sex with. And Jules was your goddess. They all made living in Highland worth the trouble.
But one stuck out from the rest and it was Elliot. That stoner swept you off your feet the moment you met him at the local corner store. You still remember how you were grabbing some dark chocolate and pop when he came out of nowhere judging you on your candy choice. To be fair, you did realize that dark chocolate wasn’t as fondly looked upon as milk chocolate. But his teasing and joking nature had you hooked instantly. From his constant pestering to his oddly romantic and flirtatious compliments, he made living here better.
“Elli, I’m fuckin’ serious.”
Your scolding tone made said boy pout in protest, but he did listen and snuff out the end of his blunt and wrapped it in the specific ziplock bag you had in your truck. “I don’t know why your dad needs to inspect your car when he’s the fucking mayor,” he complained. “Doesn’t he have a town to run and what not?”
“Yes, but he knows you Elliot and knows what you do in your free time,” you stated. “And the other shit we do in here.”
Elliot was quick to slap your shoulder in disgust as you grinned, smacking your lips together and pushing them out dramatically. He grumbled in annoyance, pressing his lips to yours in a short kiss before connecting his phone to the Bluetooth as you started the truck and began to pull out of the driveway of your house.
It’d been half a year of you and Elliot dating and it’d only been amazing. Nothing ever became a problem considering the stoner listened to your complaints if there were any and you listened to him when you forced him to do his homework. Both of you cared about what the other had to say and were ready to drop everything one another. And it might’ve been that willingness to do anything for each other that kept this relationship healthier than any either of you has had in the past.
The only problem was just keeping it a secret. You weren’t scared about being out there since you had no problem curb-stomping some homophobic piece of shit. But you didn’t want to pressure Elliot into being public if he didn’t want to. Meet-ups at the motel were fine as they were and him spending nights was good as well. Especially with your parents being as welcoming as they were to him and your guys’ relationship. Outside of your parents, no one else knew and you were completely fine with being complacent for a while.
Arriving at school, the two of you walked together from your truck and to your guys’ locker that was right beside one another this school year. A special request you had made with the principal.
“So, my parents want to go out for supper tomorrow night at the dinner in town,” you announced, seeing Elliot side-eye you. “You down to come? My sister is dying to see you.”
“Yeah, sure,” Elliot shrugged. “I don’t mind free food and getting on the good side with the Mayor.”
You elbowed him in the side, but he couldn’t respond when Nate suddenly appeared, slinging his arm around your shoulders. “Y/n, you staying for practice today?” He asked as you forced a smile.
“Yeah, man. We got that game coming up, so I need to be here to pick up the mess your sorry asses leave.” The Jacobs boy laughed and leaned against the locker between yours and Elliots. Practically placing a wall between you and your boyfriend.
“When are you going to get yourself an old lady, man?” Nate inquired curiously.”
A laugh fell from your lips as you grabbed your books. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“A girlfriend, bro,” Nate answered. “You have literally never had a girl under your arm, ever.”
Eyes flickering past the Quarterback, your gaze was met by Elliot. He already knew the facade you had to play, he’d been playing it as long as you had. It hurt every single time doing so because all you wanted to do was grab the boy, pin him to the lockers, and just kiss him. Not care what anyone else had to say and just be proud of who you were and who you were with.
But you had your ways of showing your love to him without indirectly outing yourselves out. “I mean, I have someone that I love. Just don’t see the point in going public when it’s private,” you shrugged. “And I guess I just prefer to have someone special no one else can steal.”
Elliot masked his blush behind his locker as Nate asked who it was that you loved. But that was only yours and Elliot's secret.
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The thing is, I 1000% acknowledge and respect that a lot of art communities have damned good reasons to be wary of AI, because a lot of commission economies - especially furry and furry-adjacent communities - are already constantly, CONSTANTLY under fucking siege by assholes who hear of their reputation for being willing to spend a lot on commissions and try to muscle in on the action while actively showing disdain for the communities they're blatantly trying to exploit for that sweet sweet "freak" money. Seriously, if I had a dollar for every time I've heard someone who has ZERO respect for furries - thinks they're all a bunch of freaks playing chicken with zoophilia, treats furries as a punchline in that kind of way that sounds like they might be in on the joke but when prodded further you realize no they're really not - say "hmm maybe I should learn to draw furry art, that pays well", well, I would have enough money to commission actual furry artists.
It fucking sucks. It's an eternal frustration to be surrounded by a bunch of fucking assholes trying to milk your community for money while still pointing and laughing at you like you're some kind of sideshow attraction, taking your money and then calling you a freak in the next breath, but they GUESS they could DEIGN to claim to respect you because you pay so very well. It's cruel and shitty and should not be abided, and it's painful that there's no real way to protect a community against that kind of behavior other than essentially playing whack-a-mole as long as you're there and concerned about it - and AI art absolutely does have the power to enable these assclowns, because before AI, these types had to do a lot more work to learn to draw some new subject matter, do studies on what makes it tick and what the community values about it - AI dramatically lowers the skill floor to get a passable result, and while this is a huge positive from most standpoints...well, most of the time, through the process of doing these kinds of studies, your typical greedy asshole will realize that oh shit, there actually IS work involved in this and unique skills and a community that's not just a bunch of gullible freaks but PEOPLE with inner lives as rich as your own and either find some passion for a community they once felt that disdain for, or just balk at having to ACTUALLY work for it and burn out before they even get off the ground; AI is not SO easy as to eliminate this completely but it may make it more likely that these types could get a foot in the door and...essentially Funko Pop-ify even custom art. We already see people trying it in certain adoptable communities and it fucking sucks.
This is why I'm 100% comfortable with, and even tentatively encourage, sites and events geared toward communities frequently targeted by this kind of assholery banning AI art - I have my reservations about it as a long-term solution, as it's only going to get easier and easier for people to just lie (and this is why a huge aspect of my personal approach to keeping things as ethical as possible is to be as transparent as I can be about my processes) and AI is commonly used as an accessibility tool, but at the very least in the short term I see those policies and usually my first thought is "yeah that is absolutely, completely, perfectly fair."
I just wish I was better at finding an appropriate time and place to point out to people who are taking those concerns to the level of outright lying or otherwise blaming the tech more than the assholes, that There Are Many AI Artists Who Hate Those Types As Much As You Do And There Are Many Other Approaches To AI Art. When I started this blog, I, too, thought I was nearly alone in my desire to see AI tech used ethically, for both accessibility and its own unique features as a medium, and I've rarely if ever been happier to find out I was wrong. If there's one emotional skill I wish more people had, it is this - please...learn how to be happy to have been wrong when a situation turns out to not be as bad as you thought it was.
tl;dr: It's not wrong at ALL for people to want to protect their community from people who just see them as a crowd of walking ATMs. If you're looking at AI somewhat favorably because you see it as an easy way into those communities for their commission money, you're a piece of shit and I hope you break your fingers so badly you can't even type anymore, let alone noise paint, which you're gonna have to do if you want to get a result to exact specifications.
Just, if you're in one of those communities...please don't invent, and try to stop spreading misinformation about the tech, because the collateral damage is...A Lot.
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canisonicscrewyou · 2 months
hi !! i got this idea from some of my other mutuals (evildead and ratoffstring and sharktoothedfae) can you tell me about some things you enjoy ? please and thank you !! :3
!!!!! oh boy I just took a big hit off my pen let’s seeeee
I. Love. Making. Little. Drinks. I love the rituals and craft of coffee and tea and cocktails. I love it at my job, and nowadays the only thing I really dislike about being a manager is that it means I can’t bar as often as I’d like. I love it at home where I brew myself & my partner & our roommate coffee with my French press on our days off. I have strong opinions on coffee roasts and types of tea and gin. I love light roasts and used to especially lean towards light roasts so acidic that they’d curdle milk/nondairy/etc. I prefer something that’s less heartburn inducing for my regular nowadays(Starbucks Green Apron & Anniversary Blends my beloved)(Atomic Coffee Cabot Street my beloved)(Trade Coffee in general my beloved). Likewise, I also really like shitty cumbies gas station coffee, and instant coffee, and Arizona iced teas and what have you. I do NOT like energy drinks because most of them are carbonated(yucky)(aside from when it’s alcohol that’s carbonated for some reason?). But I do like Monster’s Lemon or Raspberry Iced Tea if I ever need one. I’m just a beverage opinions girlie.
On a similar note I also really love herbs and other botanicals !! I have a little “apothecary” near my altars and also a big tea/coffee/herbs cart in the kitchen lol, and used to dabble in making different cordials and tinctures and stuff- and I wanna start doing more of that again soon. But I also just like rose and mugwort teas now. I’m in the process of setting up an old snake tank as a little herb garden and I’m excited!!! :3 My mom and I had an herb garden & a vegetable garden (+ the home to one fuckass big blackberry bramble) when I lived with my parents so I’m sosososo excited to make a little one againnnn.
I love cooking dinner and more specifically I love cooking dinner for @demonicomens . I love cooking them good food & experimenting w stuff I think they will like. I also like introducing them to the concept of a sunbutter & jam sandwich(and the next time we get bananas I have promised a sunbutter and banana sandie). I like peeling oranges for them and cutting strawberries into hearts for them. Now I’m just thinking about how much I lovelovelove cooking & baking for other people.
I have lost the energy to ramble. I love decorating my spaces. Here was my living room at some point, I wanna take newer pictures when I put more stuff on the walls (as usual)
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Finally that gay bitch the Master (Rory!Master AU my beloved).
Thank youuuuuu
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theroundbartable · 1 year
It recently has come to my attention that there will be a new Harry Potter Series.
More under the cut, about my frustrations with it. I'm a little angry and emotional.
I'm tired. I am so fucking tired of JKR, of the never ending story that is the wizarding world.
I'm tired of the commercialism, the way she's milking her own franchise. Her fans. ( She's going to be paid per episode.)
The way she threatened them over publishing fanfics in the past.
I'm tired of the queer erasure in her books. I'm tired of the framing of marginalized groups as oppressors on her fucking twitter.
I'm tired of her pretentious feminism, because that's not what she stands for. If you don't treat trans women as women, you're not a feminist. Period. Yes, women are oppressed, but not by trans women, for god's sake, how can anyone even think that. Trans women are doubly opprossed. For being women and for being trans. It's called intersectionality, look it up.
In a podcast "the witch trials of JK Rowling" she made tumblr the enemy???? Tumblr???? You mean THE most chaotic Website for socially awkward people who talk about their blorbos and who are like 80% of your target audience? Those people? That's the evil people? Because the only power they have is canceling the people in power who oppress them? Yeah, for goodness sake, then don't be a bitch. (Disclaimer, i watched a video that more or less gave the gist of the Podcast. With direct quotes.)
I'm so tired. Harry Potter taught me to read. It's what got me into writing. It's, ironically, how I first learned what racism was, because until I was 12 I hadn't been confronted with the subject. (I admit, I did a racist thing back then in writing. I was 12, came from a pretty white village and I simply didn't know better. The encounter that called me out at the time, became part of the reason why I also invested into learning about the LGBT+ community to make sure I didn't do the same thing again. It was and still is a process that also lead to self discovery.)
It makes me so mad to see that legacy be tainted at the roots.
I'm not going to tell anyone whether or not to watch the new show. I don't have the moral high ground to make such a demand. Liking Harry Potter doesn't mean you share JKRs views. But like... At least pirate it, so she doesn't get the money. She doesn't deserve it.
She doesn't know when a story ends. Harry Potter was over after the 7th book. Everything else is a shitty spin off that lives off of HP' popularity. I'm honestly at a point where I don't want to see her name ever again.
Just. Stop.
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dragynkeep · 2 years
I see a lot of people say that Adam’s writing was horrible, which I do agree with. But what I tend to see from that discussion is that simply giving Adam a redemption story arc would solve a lot of this issue.
No, no it wouldn’t have.
You can’t just slap on a Zuko esque “rising from the ashes” kind of story beat and expect that to work for any logical reason. Adam’s problem isn’t that he’s irredeemable, that factor imo is what could make him stand out as a unique character if handled properly!
The real issue is that Adam’s potential is squandered and rewritten to be a tool for useless ship baiting. Because CRWBY at that point in V3 saw the monetary potential of milking this Bumblebee cow for all it’s worth.
But then they also realized that Blake and Yang don’t have any real fucking connection to each other beyond one conversation in V2. Seriously, their dynamic is barely grazing the depths of an average muddy rain puddle after a light trickle of a Sunday shower.
So what do they do?? Make Adam a direct retcon for Yang and Blake to suddenly have a lot more trauma dump, somehow mask all of that as deep and romantically tragic, absolutely RUIN the real aspect of Adam as a Faunus terrorist doing what he believes is right even if he has to murder people for it, and just called it a fucking day after that!
TLDR; Adam being a bad guy isn’t the problem with his character, it’s him being used as a stepping latter for a shitty couple. 😤
Yeah, Adam not getting a redemption arc isn't what made his character so shit. It's that the writers didn't give him or his story the nuance or delicacy it needed.
Rather than going into his character, his past subjugated under the most oppressive kingdom as a child, his legit brand that's blinded him, or how his methods differ from Blake's in an actual intelligent way, they just decided to make him as disgusting as possible, with further implications due to Barbara and Arryn putting him in his early twenties while Blake was only 17.
They treat Blake and the Belladonnas' way as the right way. The issue is that, for something as complicated as racism, especially societal racism that stretches across the entire world, there is no singular right way. There's no peaceful vs terrorism in the real world, there's people who want to try more peaceful means, and there's people who push for more action, and neither of them is wrong in it.
And this isn't just a negative on Adam's story, Blake's suffers just as much because they are both of the same story. They both are trying to fight an impossible enemy, and while Adam's anger at the system is flanderised into an abusive terrorist who wants to subjugate humanity, Blake's is flanderised into passivity who buckles and bauks at any form of violence.
Adam could've been a good villain, but you need to put effort into doing so. His death could've been what Nevermore was trying to paint it as; a boy who was lost and couldn't find his way out of his anger and grief. But what the show instead did was made him irredeemable, throwing every negative trait at him regardless of nuance or complexity.
And then the writers have the nerve to talk about how much he sucks, how Garrett hated voicing him, how they were glad he died and constantly joked and demeaned him and what his character is meant to be.
Like, my dude, who wrote him that way?
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