#pendulum magic
mrsmothmom · 6 months
how do magic pendulums work? ✨ what do dowsers really believe about their practice? 🙏 is there evidence that cave men did drugs?? 🍄
all this and MORE in my latest video! will you join me, down the rabbit hole? 🐇
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bendiciones444 · 3 months
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harmonyhealinghub · 8 months
Harnessing the Power of the Pendulum for Divination
Shaina Tranquilino
August 28, 2023
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Throughout history, humans have sought ways to connect with the spiritual realm and gain insight into the future. One such method is pendulum divination, a practice that has been used by various cultures across time. The pendulum, a simple tool consisting of a weight suspended on a string or chain, can serve as a powerful instrument for accessing intuitive guidance and uncovering hidden truths. In this blog post, we will explore the art of using a pendulum for divination and delve into its potential benefits.
Understanding Pendulum Divination:
Pendulum divination is based on the principle that our subconscious mind holds knowledge beyond our conscious awareness. By tapping into this inner wisdom and connecting with higher realms or spirits, we can seek answers to questions or gain clarity on specific situations.
The Mechanics of Pendulum Divination:
To begin your journey with pendulum divination, you first need to select or create your pendulum. It can be made from various materials like crystal, wood, metal, or even something as simple as a key attached to a string. Choose one that resonates with you and feels comfortable to hold.
Once you have your pendulum ready, find a quiet space where you can concentrate without distractions. Sit comfortably and hold the top end of the string or chain between your thumb and forefinger, allowing the weighted end to hang freely.
Establishing Communication:
Before diving into any specific questions or inquiries, it is crucial to establish communication with your pendulum. Begin by asking it to show you what "yes" looks like and then observe how it swings or moves in response. Similarly, ask it to demonstrate what "no" looks like. This process helps set up an agreed-upon language between you and the pendulum.
Asking Questions:
With communication established, you are now ready to ask questions. Start with straightforward queries that have a clear "yes" or "no" response. Hold the pendulum still and mentally state your question, allowing the pendulum to swing or move in response. Remember to remain open-minded and receptive during this process.
Interpreting the Pendulum's Responses:
The pendulum's movements can vary between swinging back and forth, side to side, circular motions, or even remaining still. It is essential to develop an understanding of what these different patterns mean for you personally. For example, a clockwise circle may signify affirmation, while a counterclockwise motion could indicate hesitation or negativity. Trust your intuition and observe patterns over time to decipher the meanings accurately.
Benefits of Pendulum Divination:
1. Insightful Guidance: The pendulum acts as a bridge between conscious and subconscious realms, offering valuable insights into various aspects of life, including relationships, career decisions, health concerns, and personal growth.
2. Enhanced Intuition: Regular practice with a pendulum can help sharpen your intuitive abilities by strengthening your connection to your higher self and spiritual guidance.
3. Decision-Making Tool: When faced with difficult choices or uncertainty, using a pendulum can provide clarity and assist in making informed decisions aligned with your deepest desires.
Pendulum divination is an ancient art that allows us to tap into our inner wisdom and connect with subtle energies beyond our immediate perception. By learning how to use a pendulum effectively and interpreting its responses intuitively, we gain access to valuable guidance for various aspects of life. Remember that practicing pendulum divination requires patience, trust in yourself, and respect for the energy you are harnessing. So why not give it a try? You may be pleasantly surprised by the profound insights awaiting you through this simple yet powerful tool.
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unmaskthemagic · 1 year
Pendulum Magic
Today I tried using a pendulum. And I was pleasantly surprised how well it worked!
A couple months ago I bought a pendulum kit at Barnes and Noble. It was extremely discounted, because the pendulum inside had broke. So I took it home, superglued the pieces of (possibly) amethyst together delicately, and forgot about it until now. Honestly, I only bought it, because it was so cheap. I was very skeptical that something so simple could work.
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This morning I took it out and read the little guidebook. I cleansed and charged the pendulum a bit and grounded myself. I did some testing, asking easy questions, and it was actually quite accurate! I can't remember where I heard/read this, but there's a theory that it works because your subconscious sends minuscule movements into your hand. I love that concept and could actually feel my heart beating in my hand while I held it. It felt like my body and my subconscious were sending energy down the chain to the pendulum.
I'm excited to test it out a little more. I also think this is such an easy, relatively cheap way to try your hand at divination and/or energy work.
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witchykinny · 1 year
Printable pendulum I made! Can be printed on literally anything, so regular paper is just fine. Please reblog if you use! (Double check which image you download, there's a version without a background for easier printing)
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I feel a little bit weird because I name my pendulums. I carry four with me generally, at least two at any time. I have a citrine pendulum gifted to me by a dear friend years ago when getting serious in my craft, and her name is Pixie. There's Roselia, my pride and joy beautiful carnelian pendulum. I use her or Pixie most often when working. Then, there's Artur (ARE-TOUR) the peach moonstone; he gets stored with Pixie normally due to feeling like their energies match very well. Finally, there's the one I am holding onto until I find her proper owner, a clear quartz named Rue.
These names aren't just what I've given them because I truly do feel that these are their names. They told me their names. I know it's weird, just feeling like it's odd for me to be told and call pendulums' names. I don't name other crystals, just my pendulums.
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purplewitchycat · 1 month
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mtg-cards-hourly · 4 months
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Razor Pendulum
"Amazing thing, gravity. It seems to work every time." —Telim'Tor
Artist: Zak Plucinski TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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curbside-oracle · 4 months
I feel like the weird magic has all gone missing from tumblr and if anywhere is the place for weird magic, it's... well. Tumblr.
So I'm sharing my weird magic thing and I hope others will do the same, on this post or on their own.
I almost exclusively do "negative" magic. I undo, I reverse, I banish, I drive away, and yes, I jinx and hex and will almost certainly one day perform at least one curse.
All my life, since before magic and before I knew how any of this worked properly (I had some ideas, but how and when I got them is a story for another time), I have had the worst luck. If it rained, it didn't just pour, it flooded with impunity and massive destructive force. Anything I wanted, I didn't get. Anything I asked for, I didn't receive. Anything I loved? Ripped from me, sooner or later. There is no exception to this. I was like a karmic sinkhole where everyone else's bad shit went to spare them from their consequences. When I tried witchcraft, I found it frustrating. My spells always failed. My Intuition was good, but I often second guessed it and was wrong— but if I trusted it, I was also wrong. I couldn't win.
Then I did a banishing.
This.... is also a story for another time. But I will say that unlike every other spell I tried, it worked. It worked phenomenally. For me, it was an unprecedented result. And then I started doing more. I banished my negative thoughts instead of drawing in good ones, and it worked. I stirred my tea counterclockwise, the traditional "undoing" direction and also my natural stirring tendency, and thought of my tiredness and grumpiness and pain; my days got better. Anything I have done with a pushing, shoving, breaking off intent in mind has worked wonders. Putting up walls and other protections was and is also something I'm good at, but not nearly as much as the driving away of things. And you know what? My drawing spells started to get better. They aren't good still, they're almost comically bad, like a comic-relief witch in a webcomic bad. They're not very effective. But they aren't actively drawing in the opposite if what I want them to. I'm not actively losing money to disaster every time I do a money spell or pulling in negative entities when I want to communicate with helpful spirits. My Intuition is much better now, and my discernment with knowing my own Intuition is also much better.
If you're comfortable, share your own weird witchcraft thing that you do or did. Let's start some interesting conversations on witchblr again.
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Fuck I love being a witch
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lunasapphire · 5 months
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themodernwitchsguide · 8 months
working with pendulums
now, theoretically pendulums could be anything, however I recommend something uniform (ish) in shape and fairly weighty. you need to be able to discern when your pendulum is just moving because of the wind, and when it's moving to tell you something. some good examples are crystals, raw or cut, and metal. look out for resin and glass dupes as these do not work as well
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i've seen a few theories on how pendulums work, whether they have their own spiritual energy to move themselves or if they can stimulate your muscles just subtly enough to move them in the right directions. either way, don't worry too much about your own interference here. more often than not, you'll be able to tell when they're moving on their own and when it's just shaky hands/wind
first of all, find a pendulum that speaks to you. then ask it if it's willing to work with you
second, i usually like to cleanse my pendulums, but not too hardcore. just some salt, selenite or herbs will do the trick here, we're looking to wash other people's hands off here, not the actual spirit of the thing
then, when you first start speaking with your pendulum, you want to tackle the conversations with something in between a "you work for me" and "you work with me" vibe. still ask permission before someone else touches it, before you take pictures, etc. i've even known people to ask before using them at all. whatever you think is right
it's also important to get to know your pendulum. what direction is yes? what direction is no? not all pendulums swing the same way. additionally, most pendulums i've met have name and pronoun preferences, so suggest whatever calls to you and then ask if they like it
i've known people to use pendulums for a variety of things. some examples include:
-assistance with tarot
-regular divination (answering the yes/no questions you ask)
-connection to a god (this is what I do)
-talking with spirits (see image below for an alphabet chart)
-and in the darkest of times, it's nice to just to have a friend
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again, it's very important you talk to your pendulums before you decide because sometimes they don't wanna be tied down
in tarot:
1) after shuffling, separate your deck into a number of piles, have your pendulum choose which pile you should read from (this is especially useful for very broad or general readings)
2) after shuffling, lay out a series of individual cards that you feel drawn to. then have your pendulum choose individual cards (this is especially useful if you're doing a reading for someone else, since you can have the recipient hold the pendulum that chooses the cards)
with deity work:
1) have them represent an altar or space dedicated to your deity. this might not serve any practical use, but a guardian for an altar is never a bad thing
2) dedicate it to a deity and attempt communication with them. this can be iffy for some people, depending on your beliefs. in my eyes, a god does not have to be one corporeal being, having to dedicate their singular consciousness to a singular task as a human does. gods are multifaceted, primordial beings that have fingers in many different pots, so to speak. therefore, it is not outside the realm of possibility to communicate with a deity in this way, since moving a pendulum to say yes or no isn't all that deeply personal. REMEMBER, if you do this, the pendulum's spirit is still there, and you are more than capable of separating a pendulum from a deity or communicating with the two separately OR harming the pendulum while trying some risky business with a deity
when i'm not using them, i like to keep my pendulums hung up on my altar space, overlooking my room. however, i DO NOT keep them in direct sun because the crystals will fade with exposure to UV. sometimes i'll bring them out to the window during a full moon though
some other ideas would be:
-in a window that doesn't receive much direct sunlight
-in mesh baggies (so they don't get tangled or lost) on your altar
-hung on a wall, thumbtacks are useful for this
-if you only have one or two, it's not outside of the realm of possibility to carry them around with you. some pendulums really enjoy this too
-with your other crystals, as long as they're separated enough so that they won't get tangled or lost
happy witching!
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bendiciones444 · 6 months
oomfies, which crystal do you recommend for a pendulum? i usually work with amythest but i’m looking to connect to ancestors ♡ i also think rose quartz is just super cute but i’m unsure of the properties
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sylviaritter · 1 year
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Speedpainting 18012023 deviantart.com/sylviaritter/art/Speedpainting-18012023-945702169
Created with Krita. Copyright © 2023 Sylvia Ritter.
www.sylvia-ritter.com, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram.
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chroniclesofnadia111 · 10 months
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sometimes 🖤
i’m a sweet little love maker
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unseendeity · 7 months
I miss doing sigils and pendulum readings (⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠) so if you'd like one or both feel free to request!
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