#peach sour flower
Peach Sour Gummies: A Comprehensive Guide
Who doesn’t love a little sweet and sour treat to brighten up their day? Peach sour gummies are one of those delightful snacks that have captured the hearts of candy lovers everywhere. With their perfect blend of sweet peach flavor and a tangy sour kick, these gummies are a popular choice for both kids and adults. But what exactly makes these candies so irresistible? Let’s dive in and explore everything you need to know about peach sour gummies.
The History of Gummies
Origin of Gummy Candies
Gummy candies have a rich history that dates back to the early 20th century. The very first gummy candy, the Gummy Bear, was created in Germany by Hans Riegel Sr., the founder of Haribo, in 1922. These chewy treats quickly became a global sensation, leading to the creation of countless gummy varieties.
Evolution to Sour Gummies
It wasn’t long before the candy industry started experimenting with flavors and textures, leading to the introduction of sour gummies. The combination of sweet and sour flavors created a new sensation that gummy enthusiasts couldn’t resist. Peach sour gummies are a delicious example of this innovation, blending the sweet taste of ripe peaches with a tangy twist.
The Unique Flavor Profile of Peach Sour Gummies
Sweet and Sour Combination
The magic of peach sour gummies lies in their unique flavor profile. The initial taste is a burst of sourness that makes your taste buds tingle, followed by the sweet, juicy flavor of peach. This dynamic combination keeps you coming back for more.
The Role of Peach Flavor
Peach is a universally loved fruit known for its succulent, juicy taste. When incorporated into gummies, the peach flavor provides a refreshing sweetness that perfectly balances the sour coating. It’s like enjoying a bite of a fresh, ripe peach, but in candy form.
Ingredients in Peach Sour Gummies
Common Ingredients
Peach sour gummies are typically made with a blend of sugar, corn syrup, gelatin, citric acid, and flavorings. The sourness usually comes from the citric acid, while the peach flavor can be derived from both natural and artificial sources.
Natural vs. Artificial Flavors
When it comes to flavorings, some gummies use natural peach extracts, while others rely on artificial flavors to achieve that perfect taste. Natural flavors often provide a more authentic taste but can be more expensive, whereas artificial flavors offer consistency and are more cost-effective.
How Peach Sour Gummies Are Made
The Production Process
Making peach sour gummies involves several steps. First, the ingredients are mixed to form a liquid candy base. This mixture is then poured into molds to create the desired shapes. After the gummies are formed, they are coated with a sour sugar mixture to give them that tangy kick.
Quality Control
Quality control is crucial in the production of gummies. Manufacturers must ensure that each batch meets consistent taste and texture standards. This involves rigorous testing and sampling to ensure the final product is perfect.
Health Aspects of Peach Sour Gummies
Nutritional Information
Like most candies, peach sour gummies should be enjoyed in moderation. They typically contain sugar, corn syrup, and gelatin, which can contribute to calorie intake. However, some brands offer reduced-sugar or sugar-free versions for those looking to cut down on sugar.
Potential Health Benefits and Concerns
While peach sour gummies aren’t exactly a health food, they can be part of a balanced diet if consumed in moderation. The main concern with these gummies is their sugar content, which can contribute to dental issues and weight gain if overconsumed. However, they can also provide a quick energy boost and satisfy sweet cravings.
Popular Brands of Peach Sour Gummies
Top Brands in the Market
Several brands have made a name for themselves in the world of peach sour gummies. Some of the most popular include Haribo, Trolli, and Sour Patch Kids. Each brand offers its own unique take on the classic treat.
What Makes Each Brand Unique
Haribo: Known for their high-quality ingredients and authentic flavors, Haribo’s peach sour gummies are a favorite among candy lovers.
Trolli: Trolli offers a wide range of sour candies, including peach sour gummies, known for their intense sourness and playful shapes.
Sour Patch Kids: Famous for their soft texture and strong flavors, Sour Patch Kids’ peach sour gummies are a hit for their perfect balance of sweet and sour.
Homemade Peach Sour Gummies
Simple Recipe to Try at Home
If you’re feeling adventurous, why not try making your own peach sour gummies at home? Here’s a simple recipe:
1 cup peach juice
2 tbsp gelatin
1/4 cup sugar
1 tbsp citric acid
1/4 cup cornstarch (for dusting)
Heat the peach juice in a saucepan over medium heat.
Add the gelatin and stir until completely dissolved.
Mix in the sugar and continue stirring until fully incorporated.
Pour the mixture into gummy molds and let them set in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.
Once set, remove the gummies from the molds and dust with citric acid and cornstarch for that sour kick.
Tips and Tricks for Homemade Gummies
Use fresh peach juice for a more natural flavor.
Adjust the amount of citric acid to control the sourness.
Store homemade gummies in an airtight container to keep them fresh.
Peach Sour Gummies in Popular Culture
Appearances in Media
Peach sour gummies have made appearances in various movies, TV shows, and even social media. Their vibrant color and unique flavor make them a popular choice for characters and influencers alike.
Fan Communities
There are numerous online communities and forums dedicated to gummy candy enthusiasts. Fans share their favorite brands, recipes, and even creative ways to enjoy peach sour gummies.
Pairing Peach Sour Gummies with Other Foods
Snack Pairings
Peach sour gummies make a great pairing with other snacks like nuts, pretzels, or even cheese. The combination of sweet, sour, and savory flavors can create a delightful snacking experience.
Beverage Pairings
These gummies also pair well with various beverages. Try them with a glass of sparkling water, lemonade, or even a fruity cocktail for a refreshing treat.
Buying Peach Sour Gummies Online
Best Online Stores
When it comes to buying peach sour gummies online, there are several reputable stores to choose from. Amazon, CandyWarehouse, and Oriental Trading are popular options that offer a wide selection of brands and flavors.
Tips for Getting the Best Deals
Look for bulk buying options to save money.
Check for seasonal sales and discounts.
Read customer reviews to ensure you’re getting a quality product.
Storing Peach Sour Gummies
How to Keep Them Fresh
To keep your peach sour gummies fresh, store them in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight and heat, as this can cause the gummies to melt or become sticky.
Shelf Life Considerations
Most commercially produced gummies have a long shelf life, often up to a year if stored properly. However, homemade gummies should be consumed within a few weeks for the best taste and texture.
Gift Ideas with Peach Sour Gummies
Creative Gift Ideas
Peach sour gummies can make a fun and thoughtful gift for any candy lover. Consider packaging them in a cute jar or decorative box, or including them in a custom candy bouquet.
Packaging Tips
When packaging gummies as a gift, ensure they are well-sealed to maintain freshness. Adding a personal touch, like a handwritten note or themed ribbon, can make your gift extra special.
Environmental Impact of Gummy Production
Sustainability Practices
Many candy manufacturers are becoming more aware of their environmental impact and are adopting sustainable practices. Look for brands that use eco-friendly packaging and support sustainable farming practices for their ingredients.
How to Choose Eco-Friendly Options
Choose brands that prioritize sustainability and transparency in their production processes. Opt for gummies made with natural ingredients and minimal packaging to reduce your environmental footprint.
Peach sour gummies are a delightful treat that combines the best of sweet and sour flavors. From their rich history to the intricate production process, there’s so much to appreciate about these candies. Whether you’re enjoying a store-bought bag or making your own at home, peach sour gummies are sure to bring a smile to your face. So next time you’re craving a sweet and tangy snack, reach for some peach sour gummies and savor the unique flavor combination.
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timewillpasssoon · 19 days
reader and joost being on a picnic just eating fruit, fluff and reader being a master of making flowers crowns? :))
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pairing . Joost Klein x gn!reader
content . reader can be seen as male or female aswell, just fluff and short
summary . reader and joost decide to go on a picnic before he leaves to canada.
word count 329 words, 1,8k characters
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Underneath the shade of a sprawling oak tree, Joost Klein and you sat on a cozy blanket, surrounded by the vibrant sky of a summer afternoon. A basket carrying fruit inside, the scent of ripe strawberries and juicy watermelon wafting through the air.
The two decided that it would be great to have a picnic date. Mainly because Joost was traveling to Canada and today was the last day before he had to go.
Joost grinned as he reached for a slice of mango, his laughter mingling with the gentle rustle of leaves in the distance. You nimbled on some fresh sour grapes from the little vine, popping them into their mouth with a satisfied hum.
"This is perfect," Joost remarked, taking in the serene. "I'm glad we decided to have a picnic today." You nodded, a soft smile gracing their lips as they reached for a peach. "Me too. It's nice to just relax and enjoy the moment."
As he savored the sweetness of the fruit, your gaze drifted to a patch of wildflowers nearby. With a playful twinkle in your eyes, you reached for a few blossomed flowers, carefully weaving them together into a delicate crown. You did this by making a vertical hole in the long stem, proceeding to stick in another flower inside said hole.
"Check this out," they said, placing the flower crown atop Joost's head with grace.Joost chuckled, adjusting the crown, "Am I a king now?"
You laughed, their eyes amurged with amusement. "Of course, your majesty.” You playfully bow, which was quite awkward to do since you were sitting down.
Together, they shared a moment of lighthearted laugh, the afternoon sun casting a golden glow over their picnic beneath the oak tree. “I'll miss you. You've been so busy lately,” You stop your sentence, “But I'm so, so proud of you.” You placed your hand on his cheek, wiping your thumb left and right. Joost stares at your eyes,
“I love you.”
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QUICKLY WROTE THIS SORRY FIR NOT UPLOADING, i am working on let me think, all i have to say is that i am separating part 2 into 2 parts !!
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tsams-and-co-memes · 2 months
LAES Lunar Canon Info
Updated - 6/9/24
Lunar's likes:
Sour skittles, Smarty’s, and chewy chips ahoy
Things that glow in the dark
Metal music, as long as it’s still intelligible
Peaches and bananas
Comic books
Spider lily flowers
Space and astrology related things
Making an entrance
Kingdom Hearts
Anything sugary
Chainsaw Man
Making himself smaller for other people
Coffee (it's implied that he rarely, if ever, gets it though)
Tekken 8
Friday Night Funkin
Lunar's dislikes:
The ocean
Putting ice in his drinks
The color red
History. In his words, history sucks and is like the worst subject in school
The color yellow
The creator
Jack (subject to change)
If Lunar gets too scared, he WILL cry
Unlike his brothers, he can eat food
When he is upset, anxious, tense, or getting scared, he makes a high pitched squeak sound that’s almost the equivalent of a whimper, but it sounds like a creaky door
His voice box has a concert hall sort of effect, in which a lot of reverb is added to whatever he says. There’s also another special function that lets him sound like he’s talking on an old radio station
He’s very sassy
He was originally made of nanomachines, before he was blown up by Eclipse
His birthday is August 11th
If he could have a pet, it’d be a chinchilla
He prefers showers over baths
He likes to act more childlike, although he himself is actually an adult
He has a habit of saying things that are very out of pocket
Lunar is slightly colorblind
He has weather based powers– namely wind and lightning
One of Lunar’s favorite games is Bloons TD6
His memory isn’t very good
Lunar doesn't wake up immediately and is groggy for a bit in the morning. He also screams every morning to help himself wake up more. His "wake up scream" also helps motivate him, too
It's implied that he watches Phineas and Ferb
He cleans himself via taking a sponge and scrubbing the metal parts of himself
Monty did design Lunar with the capability to change his clothes
Lunar's a sleep talker
Lunar can't read cursive, while Earth can
Lunar gets into a lot of trouble with small animals
When Lunar gets angry enough, he sounds more like Moon
Lunar can control wind, lightning, and heat (weather in general)
He's good at math
He occasionally eavesdrops on Earth’s therapy sessions with people if he finds the person attending interesting at all
Lunar doesn't know how to read Morse code
Lunar's comfort food is chips, and he eats them when stressed
When Lunar had a tail, his tail apparently was sensitive
Lunar's not good at rhythm games
Lunar has a stomach hatch that opens sideways like a cabinet door
Lunar sometimes makes the kids dance in the daycare. He even dances with them
Lunar thinks Bowser "can get it"
Lunar could eat an entire crate of Nutella in 3 days, and his body would convert it into star power
Lunar doesn't watch R-rated movies
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tlou-reid · 3 months
˚₊‧꒰აmarias bday slumber party໒꒱ ‧₊˚
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you are cordially invited to celebrate my twenty second birthday with me!
i will be hosting a birthday sleepover on saturday, march 16th to celebrate and i really hope you can make it!
below is a drink menu consisting of 22 of my favorite alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, with prompts to choose from, and list of other guests who will be attending! select your drink and a character, and will write a blurb for you!
today, monday, march 11th is my birthday, so you can start submitting your selections now to guarantee a spot for saturday! you can send them in here.
i hope to see you this weekend!
alcoholic drinks!
𖥔 orange crush: someone had a nightmare, and needs company to feel safe enough to go back to sleep
𖥔 vodka cranberry: surprising the other with flowers just because; no occasion and no reason needed
𖥔 amaretto sour: going in as if they're just innocently fiddling with the other's fingers, then trapping them about thirty seconds later
𖥔 mango margarita: unintentionally caressing each other
𖥔 black cherry white claw: searching for them in the crowd, and they're looking right at you with the fondest of smiles
𖥔 mike’s hard lemonade: unbuttoning their shirt, pressed against the wall
𖥔 malibu and pineapple: talking all night but barely interacting in real life/in front of other people
𖥔 rum and coke: hands desperately clutching at one another, gasping into each other’s mouths as if you were starved of one another
𖥔 peach twisted tea: stopping their play fight every now and again to kiss each other
𖥔 pink lemonade beatbox: kisses trailing down your chin, leaving love bites on your neck, chest, and all the shyness in between
𖥔 byob: create your own and send it in!
non alcoholic drinks!
✩ mango lemonade: “quit going easy on me.
✩ extra sweet tea: “i’m yours. only yours.”
✩ ice cold water: “you are breathtaking.”
✩ coconut berry redbull: “i’ll keep you safe.”
✩ blue raspberry calypso: “of course I came for you.”
✩ iced coffee: “we never speak of this again, understand?”
✩ peach tea: “someone’s needy.”
✩ cream soda: “it’s okay to cry.”
✩ blueberry lemonade: “i like it when you say my name like that.”
✩ orange juice: “i’m really nervous.”
✩ vanilla root beer: “what if I kissed you right now?”
𖦹 spencer reid
𖦹 aaron hotchner
𖦹 luke alvez
𖦹 emily prentiss
𖦹 joel miller
𖦹 ellie williams
𖦹 abby anderson
𖦹 felix catton
𖦹 farleigh start
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pianokantzart · 4 months
The One To Blame (Part 2)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 A followup to my The One To Blame one shot. I took a poll asking if I should keep things lighthearted, but "hurt that plumber harder" won, so....
Content Warning: Blood, torture, vomiting, graphic descriptions of violence.
Needless to say things get a little rough, so I totally get anyone that wants to dip out or hold off until part three (i.e, the comfort part of this hurt/comfort fic.)
Luigi knew that he had put a fire flower in his pocket some time ago. Chances were it got smashed at some point between then and now, so he was unsure if it would still work. Even if it did, there was little good it could do against a monster who breathed flames that easily outmatched the heat of any powerup. But it was all he had. A useless powerup was better than no powerup at all, if only he could move his arms and reach for it.
Bowser's grip remained firm as he tromped through the halls of his castle, the troops that Luigi had so skillfully evaded just earlier clearing the way. Some who saw the man dangling helplessly in Bowser’s fist took on a look of sadistic smugness. Others didn’t care at all, wanting nothing more than stay out of the way of their king as he rushed past them, up a flight of steps, and into uppermost room of a fortified tower, where he shut the door behind him.
The dark cell was empty save for some old broken chains attached to the wall, suggesting that the cramped quarters had once served as a prison of sorts before being abandoned altogether. Bowser lit overhanging lamps with a puff of flames, filling the claustrophobic space with a dull orange light. “Beg.” The demand was spoken between clenched teeth uncomfortably close to Luigi’s face, acrid breath burning against his cheek like hot steam. “Come on, I know you can do it. I’ve heard it before.” Bowser shifted Luigi in his fist, curling the tips of his claws into his chest, stomach, and thigh. “Beg.” The sensation of talons slowly digging caused Luigi’s breath to hitch. “Don’t! don’t– it hurts! Stop! Please!!”
The mounting pressure didn’t cease. He felt his clothing tear and skin gave way soon after. He screamed, straining to remember the conversation he had overheard earlier, sputtering to find something that would soothe Bowser’s wounded ego. “You’re right! You’re right! You’re right! I should've never touched that warp pipe! I shouldn’t have come to this world! It was a mistake!” The claws stopped digging. The hold loosened slightly, his claws freeing themselves from the shallow puncture wounds they had created. Luigi felt what he knew to be blood soaking into his torn clothes, splotches of red spreading across his collared shirt and denim overalls. “I shouldn’t have talked to you like that when we first met.” He added with a sob, “I-... I’m sorry… your… majesty?” The respectful title felt sour on his tongue, his stomach twisting with shame even as the suffocating grip continued to soften, and Bowser’s look of rage became a self-satisfied smile. “That’s better.” Luigi took the opportunity to once again try to reach for the fire flower in his pocket, but Bowser– feeling him struggling– once more tightened his grip while his free hand reached over to squish the man’s face between his thumb and forefinger.
“You know… Princess Peach was so eager to ruin our wedding trying to save you…”
“Not just me! She was trying to save the Kongs too!” Luigi tried to argue, though with his cheeks painfully pressed in the koopa’s grip it came out as “Nuff jush meh! shewesh tine ta sefta konds tuh!” Bowser paid little attention, and continued… “... I wonder if that would be the proper wedding gift? I’ll let her keep you, just so long as she follows through with her marriage vows.”
When Luigi’s face was finally released he racked his mind for the next thing to say. The right thing to say. Suddenly, his mouth moved before his brain could form a plan, and all at once he found himself speaking from the heart. “Why can’t you just leave her alone?!”
The volume was soft, but the tone was sharp. Bowser responded with equal impulsivity, rearing back and flinging his captive into the wall. “Why!? I’m King of The Koopas! And what are you!?” Luigi had just enough time to adjust his body so that his back took the brunt of the impact instead of his skull, saving him from being immediately knocked out. Rolling to the ground, he heard the tyrant continue...
“You… the stupid underling of an undersized nobody! You’re going to wish I never stooped so low as to ask for your name!” Luigi braced his body up on an arm and dug his hand into his pocket. The fire flower was still there, slightly smashed but radiating warmth. As soon as he grabbed it he felt its energy coursing through him, offsetting the pain of his injuries enough to let him climb to his feet.
Bowser, seeing the powerup activate, charged his captive like a bull, horns positioned to run him through. Luigi met the attack with a flash of bright green flame intended to do nothing more than disorient, and in that he was successful. Bowser was lost for a second of blindness, barreling into the wall as Luigi dove out of the way. Evading the flying debris he scampered toward the door they’d come through. It was heavy, but it had been blessedly left unlocked, and as soon as he wrenched it open he slipped through and ran as fast as his legs could carry him. _____
The sound of stone shattering reverberated through the castle. Peach heard the rumble. Her heart stilled, and her grip on the bars of her cage tightened. “Kamek!” she called, turning her desperation toward the magikoopa guarding her. “Please, you have to stop him!” “With all due respect Princess, until you become the queen of The Dark Lands I don’t take orders from anyone except His Highness.” “I just want Luigi safe! I’ll agree to anything if you’ll only–!” “Even if I believed you… which I don’t…” Kamek interrupted, placing hand on his cheek, recalling the punch that knocked him unconscious the last time Peach agreed to wed, “... once he gets this angry, there is nothing even I can do to stop him.”
Peach opened her mouth to respond, when a flash of red appeared in the corner of her eye. She and Kamek turned in unison to see Mario appear in the entrance of the throneroom, charging toward them at top speed with a look of unshakable determination on his face. He was not nearly quick enough. Kamek, with ample time to draw his wand, cast his spell, and before his would-be attacker was even halfway across the room he was encased in a field of blue magic. “Hee hee hee! Cocky, aren’t we?” Kamek cackled. The captured plumber replied with nothing but a frustrated grunt, gritting his teeth as he was lifted in the air. “No!” Peach shouted. She threw herself against the bars in frantic desperation, but they did nothing but clang noisily under her efforts. Kamek barely even spared her a glance, his attention fixed firmly on his prize. “That’s two plumbers I’ve caught in one night! Although… I believe Lord Bowser’s orders regarding you were to ‘kill on sight.’” With that, he intensified the spell with a twirl of his wand, certain that the sordid affair would be over in seconds. But then, Mario’s body– or what he thought to be Mario’s body– crumbled in a very unusual way. There was no blood or breakage, but instead the little man fell apart like a dry sand castle, disappearing into the air as a fine powder. Kamek stood for a moment in stunned silence. Wand still outstretched he stared at the empty air in utter befuddlement, noticing all too late when Mario appeared once more, emerging from his hiding place behind Bowser’s throne. Armed with a hammer, he leapt down the steps leading up to the throne with a single bound, and swung. The magikoopa was downed with a single blow that sent him flying across the room, slamming into the base of one of his king's many statues. There he lay slumped and still, his cracked glasses sitting crooked on his face.
Princess Peach beamed with joy and relief. “Mario!” "Princess!" Mario rushed to her side. Before she could ask anything else he hurriedly confirmed her suspicions as he pulled a ring of keys from his back pocket. “I had a spare double cherry. Toad is busy getting us an escape vehicle, so I provided my own backup. Now hold on, I’ll get you out of here...” “No! Mario, wait!” She reached through the bars, took the plumber by the wrist and slipped the key ring out of his hand. “It’s Luigi! Bowser, he- it’s all my fault! I–” She bit down on her lower lip, cutting herself off. No. Now was not the time for panicked confessions. Not a second could be wasted wallowing in guilt. In an instant she collected herself and tried again. “Bowser took your brother! I heard a crash coming from the westmost tower. I think that’s where they went. You have to go. Now.” "Luigi?" A troubled look flashed across Mario's face. He nodded, but conflict shone bright in his blue eyes as he slowly backed away. Worry for his brother demanded he hurry, but concern for Peach stilled him. What if the key she needed wasn’t on the ring? What if Kamek regained consciousness? What if someone else caught her trying to escape? Perhaps he should try hitting the door to her cage with the hammer... would that be faster? Would that draw too much attention? “Go on,” Peach urged, jangling the keys in her hands, “I won’t be too far behind, I promise!”
Again, Mario nodded, this time with greater determination. "Please, be careful!" With that, he turned and sped out of the throne room, leaving the princess to sort through the dozens of keys in search of one that could unlock her cell.
_____ Bowser pulled his head from the wall and shook the rubble from his horns as his fiery red eyes glanced about the room, quickly finding the ajar door and the speckled trail of blood leading out of it.
He let out a grunt of annoyance, but he felt little more than that. Luigi hadn’t gotten far, he could still smell the man’s open wounds. Even before Bowser exited the cell he could already sense that Luigi had gone up the stairs to the battlements rather than down them toward the main corridors, probably preferring to try and find an escape route along the castle rooftops rather than risk the crowded halls down below in his injured state.
A risky choice. A stupid choice. There was nowhere to hide up there. Outside, thundering clouds of ash blacked out the sky, robbing the land of any semblance of sunlight. The world was lit solely by the molten rock that flowed about the castle’s base and the golden embers that floated about the air– burnt remnants of what little managed to grow in this accursed land.
Luigi, trying to ignore the oppressive heat, ran along the tops of the castle wall, one hand over his wounded stomach, the other putting pressure on his injured thigh. Thankfully no organ or artery had been punctured as far as he could tell, but at this rate moving too recklessly would sap him of strength before he found a place to hunker down and rest– some secluded archway or tucked away window sill, where he could settle his heartbeat, and tend his wounds. He didn't make it far before heard Bowser’s thundering footsteps fast approaching, his predatory silence far more frightening than any taunt or threat. But while the koopa was fast– far faster than any human– what he had in speed Luigi matched in agility, even in his injured state. Turning toward his pursuer, Luigi shielded himself behind another burst of green flame. He dove beneath Bowser’s legs and weaved about his flicking tail, taking advantage of every tiny gap and blindspot like a skittering insect, aiming flashes of fire at the koopa's eyes until finally Bowser– at the end of his already limited patience– tucked himself completely into his shell, and spun. “Whirling Fortress” was the name of the maneuver. He rarely ever used it, in most cases it was overkill, and if Luigi hadn’t had a powerup to absorb the blow no doubt the spikes would’ve done far more harm than sending him flying into the parapet. But it did the trick, disempowering and disorienting the green plumber enough for Bowser to once more take hold of him, and this time he intended to take full advantage of his position.
After pinning Luigi to the ground with one hand, Bowser grabbed the calf of his uninjured leg with the other, and twisted it all the way around like a ragdoll. A pained screech filled the scorching air as the joints of Luigi's knee, hip, and ankle snapped. The scream rose in volume and pitch as bone shattered soon after, until at last his leg was left twisted in a ghoulish, unnatural position. Bowser, satisfied, released his hold to let the mangled limb fall limp to the stone floor. “There. No more running away. No more hiding.” Luigi quivered from the shock, wide eyed and whimpering incoherently, but as pathetic as he looked, Bowser was surprised he had maintained consciousness. His vague sense of being impressed quickly turned into disgust, however, when then whimpering became retching, and Luigi poured the contents of his stomach onto the ground. “Look at you…” Bowser grumbled. He took hold of the back of Luigi’s head and smeared it against the mess he had made like he was disciplining an animal. “You can’t even take a little pain without losing all of your dignity.” “P-please.” Luigi sputtered, unaware that this time begging would merely trigger a fresh flash of rage. The grip on the back of his skull tightened, claws digging into his scalp as his face was brought back down against the bile-smeared stone with staggering force.
His nose was first to give way, his breathing immediately clogged with blood and a new, searing pain that reached behind his eyes. When he felt his head yanked back for a second blow he struggled to turn his face to save the nose from further damage. This resulted in his jaw and cheek taking the brunt of the impact. He barely succeeded in spitting out broken teeth before the third impact stole his will to struggle, and the fourth plunged him into darkness. The pain continued in unconsciousness, shockwaves of agony rippling out into every part of his body. Seconds felt like hours of drowning in the taste of rust and vomit before he at length awoke, dangling in the air by his wrist, held tight in that familiar, scaly grip. Bowser was talking to him… saying something… Luigi tried to open his eyes. Only one would open halfway, giving him a blurred glimpse of a scowling, draconic face. “Did you hear me? I asked you what exactly your plan was,” Bowser huffed, impatiently repeating his question. “Did you think you could jump out at the last moment and save Peaches the way you saved your brother? That you could bide your time until you found the right opportunity to make a fool out of me again?” The violent grip on Luigi’s wrist made it clear that he wanted an answer. After a few gurgling breaths, Luigi managed to speak with an agonizing slowness, feeling like he was chewing sewing needles with every movement of his jaw. “I just… don’t wa..nt… you to… hurt… anyone,” he stuttered, barely audible. Bowser rolled his eyes. “Adorable. Unfortunately…” Luigi felt his wrist break. He let out a meek cry, immediately strangled by the pain of his shattered mouth. “...You are going to pay me back for everything you’ve done.” Bowser leaned in closer to ensure he was heard, even as his prisoner teetered on the very edge of consciousness. “Once your brother is dead, once Peaches is finally mine, only then will I end your life the way it should’ve ended when we first met!” Luigi was too lost in the fog of agony and bloodloss to properly comprehend what was being said, nor did he notice the distant thud of wooden doors being kicked open, but Bowser's attention was immediately drawn to the new arrival on the rooftops. He half-expected to see a troop of palace guards, rushing to assist in a pointless, but noble effort. To his pleasant surprise, Mario alone emerged from the doorway to the battlements, as if summoned by the whispered threat. He rushed toward them, hammer upraised. When he was close enough to get a good look at his brother, that confidence immediately evaporated and he froze, a look of utter horror and disbelief etched into every detail of his face. Bowser wished he had a camera, but he knew it would only be a second before the plumber’s horror turned to rage. To prevent any further resistance, he gripped Luigi by the skull and made his position clear: “One more step and I’ll tear his head off!”
This successfully kept Mario paralyzed. His feet remained fixed to the floor, chest heaving, teeth clenched, white-knuckle grip tightening around the handle of his hammer.
Peach eventually found the key to her cage. It was bright silver and etched with the words “the key to my heart” in cursive letters, small enough to miss the first time she searched. Nauseated by the adornment, she hurriedly unlocked the door to her prison. Just as she emerged into freedom, the princess was startled by a cannonball crashing through the wall nearby. It wasn’t close enough to hurt her or the unconscious magikoopa, but it rattled her senses, and with her hands balled into fists she rushed to see who or what had created the sizable hole in the side of Bowser’s throne room.
She– to her utter delight– was greeted by Toad, calling to her from the deck of a stolen airship. It wasn’t one of those dinky clown cars or a Shy Guy balloon, but a true airship– built like a miniature galleon and equipped with loaded cannons.
Toad alone was at the helm, struggling to comprehend the controls, but learning quickly as he kept the ship steady.
Princess Peach immediately boarded the vessel on his invitation. She took a place in the crow's nest, and as they stuttered off toward the western tower she gave direction and kept lookout. They dipped low, flying close to the base of the castle to avoid as much attention as possible. Whenever a few unfortunate guards noticed the stolen ship and took aim to take them down, Peach called out their location, and Toad returned fire to great effect. These defensive measures, plus the earlier damage to the throne room, caused a small crowd of guards in clown cars to gather at their tail, but their galleon proved swift and sturdy, easily outpacing their pursuers.
Mario tried to think of a plan, but he was utterly transfixed by his brother’s body. It didn’t look real, smeared and crushed and bent all wrong. He could hear and see shallow, labored breath, joined by a groan of agony when Bowser began walking forward while dragging his broken victim behind him. Mario didn't know what to do. "Save him!" his mind screamed, barking substanceless commands in a flood of terror, "Get him out! Do something! Fight back!"
“The hammer.” Bowser growled, “drop it.” Mario obeyed. No sooner had the weapon left his grip he was plucked up in Bowser's free hand, arms pinned to his sides in a vice-like grip. Bowser, now with a plumber in each hand, slammed Mario into the parapet to ensure there was no powerup at play. Mario instinctively responded with a pained grunt, but otherwise seemed to pay no notice of his own position, keeping his attention fully on his brother. “Luigi!” He yelled, tears cracking his voice and blurring his vision. Luigi didn’t respond, but laid slack with his head still wrapped in Bowser's hand, the slow rise and fall of his chest the only indication that he was still alive. “You know, I originally planned for you to watch him die,” Bowser admitted with a tired sigh. “But I changed my mind. I think I’m done with you.”
No sooner had he said this, he reared back and threw Mario over the wall. A steep vertical drop awaited him, nine hundred feet down toward a wide river of molten rock.
______ Shading her eyes with her hand, Princess Peach caught a glimpse of Bowser atop the western side of the castle. She saw signs of a brief scuffle, then… a familiar red shape plunging over the side. Her heart stopped for a moment when she realized what she was seeing, and she urged Toad to increase the ship's speed despite the fact that they were already pushing the vehicle well beyond its limits. Toad, noting the panic in the royal's voice, did as he was told, and as the ship came into position with the stuttering groan of the overworked engine Peach leapt from the crow’s nest to catch her falling friend. Mario was snatched from the air with perfect precision. The floating properties of Peach’s dress cushioned the free fall just enough that when the two hit the deck of the ship, they were unharmed.
When Mario realized he was alive– saw that he was in good company– he reacted at first with a relieved sigh. The moment of joy was short lived, and his eyes were drawn back to the battlements overhead. “He-… he’s hurt!” The tone of his voice made Peach nauseous. Her fears all but confirmed, she held Mario a little tighter and turned to Toad. “Raise the ship’s altitude! Hone in on Bowser’s position! Hurry!”
“Yes, Captain Princess!” was the cheerful reply, Toad clearly not yet aware of the severity of the situation. With a salute he tugged on levers and twisted the great wooden wheel, drawing the bow of the ship upward at a sharp angle, sending them veering toward the rooftops where the shadow of Bowser loomed against the thundering black sky.
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lionsongfr · 10 months
Warrior's Way Snacks
Now this year is the lore it was mentioned that “We’d especially like to thank Arvelle for her generous donation towards our food budget”, and in the pamphlet for Warrior’s Way itself it mentions that “Food is available to participating warriors at all times throughout the course of the event.” So that got me thinking, what kind of food would dragons and beastclans eat during such an event?
Unfortunately, Warrior’s Way is during the summer and the heat can stifle anyone’s appetite- leading to warrior’s struggling to have the energy and hydration necessary to fight. Larger meals most likely would be served in the early morning and after sunset, and battles probably would be held off during the hottest middle of the day. But warriors would also need small meals and snacks to sustain them throughout the day. So, what kind of snacks could they expect?
Live Hornworms- a staple insect for insectivores, this import from the Mire is high in water and can be gut-loaded with either Fire Flower (for magic boost), Redblood Sapper (iron for blood), or Greenpod Bloom (calcium for bones and muscles). They are contained in large barrels with a cooling charm upon them, keeping the insects less active and from perishing in the heat.
Pickle Platter- while our most of our dragons do not sweat (I think maybe Light, Earth, and Ice dragons do), there are beastclans who definitely sweat. And with sweat comes the craving for salt. Pickled foods are high in salt, curb sugar spikes, help blood clot, and can provide the necessary electrolytes to relieve muscle cramps. The most common pickled foods are Basilisk eggs, Dubious Cucumbers, Wild Onions, Zeeba/Rambra sausages, Noxious/Leopard Caterpillar, and Kelp Beds Mackerel. Occasionally, Blacktongue Pepper is added for a spicy kick!
Cold Lume Daffodil and Spearmint Tea- every Fire Flight forge has a pot of tea cooling nearby in a large clay pot for refreshment. While Fire dragons typically prefer Cindermint, the cooling and refreshing combo of Spearmint and Lume Daffodil is a blessing on a hot summer day.  Peppermint tea may also be used for creatures having nervous stomachs for their upcoming battles.
Blood Red Smoothie- to many a Wildclaw’s sorrow this does not actually have blood. This smoothie combines Spinach, Blood Acorn, Strawberries, Blood Spath, Goat milk, and ice into a frothy, highly caloric, and nutritious drink. Sometimes it is easier to drink all of one’s calories than eat them, especially when it is hot outside. (Plus the Spirals brought these cute curly straws to drink them with!)
Cold Cut Wraps-unlike bread, flat breads can be quickly made and can be easily sized per creature.  Creating a wrap with cold cuts of meat, vegetables, and condiments makes for an easy to carry and customizable snack for busy warriors. Some favored cuts are: honeyed Featherback ham, smoked teriyaki Rainbow Trout, roasted lemon pepper Woodland Turkey, and spicy Flameleg Millipede.
Energy bites- the Longnecks are known for their Berry and Nut trail bars and the Centaurs for their Ration Pouches, and dragons have their own Elk pemmican tins and Cricket protein bars. Energy bites are a variant on this idea, mixing granola with a fat (Goat yogurt, Sunflower butter, Elk fat, ground Mealworm), Sugarbee honey, and dried fruit (Blueberries, Raspberries, Mushrooms, Butcher’s Fig) into round balls. The bites are then cooled overnight and put into bags made from Sweet Potato Vine (which is also edible), which can be carried about the event.
Shrimp and Potash Gazpacho- served by the cup or by the gallon (Imperial sized), this is a chilled soup for the seafood lovers. The base of the soup is the tangy and sour Miniature Potash Peach along with Cucumbers, Golden Peppers, and Wild Onions. And then anything seafood can be added to it! Most common is sweet Jumbo Shrimp, Pastel Scallops, and feisty Blue Swimmer Crab.
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Watch Your Step
Epilogue for Sweet Treats AU: by character | chronological | epilogues
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Warnings: these drabbles will include dark elements such as noncon, control, intimidation, and other stuff that may not be specified. Take this as you chance to scroll by.
Note: love you all.
Please let me know what you think <3
You stare at the shelf. The selection is limited, much like everything else in this town. It’s good. It means no one important will be around. At least, you thought so.
Your mind wanders back to the cafe and the man who sits daily with demands that only Birdy serves him. And that other man, the one who walked in and turned the air frigid with just his appearance. Coco said he had a lot of questions. Well, so do you, like who the fuck is he?
Ah, fuzzy peaches. That’s what Birdy asked for. You think of grabbing some of the sour cherries but you really shouldn’t. You’re certain your careless work time snacks are starting to catch up to you. You certainly feel some extra jiggle in your ass.
Right, well, you’ll forego the sweets but you should get something for Coco. She’s been… stressed. You’re all on edge but lately, she’s been wound tight. 
You go to the rack of chocolate bars and consider the various labels. Your vision blurs as your mind wanders. You don’t know how she did it for years. Birdy almost spent a whole year with her psycho and you, a couple months, but Coco, she was in it. She was resigned to it. 
Now she’s like a dog let out of the pound. She’s lost and confused but too proud to admit it.
Maybe you are too.
You settle on salted caramel but as you reach for the bar, another hand appears and smacks into your own clumsily. You back away in surprise and face the man as he gives an apologetic look. You scrunch your nose at the trim of hair above his lip. It must be a popular style around here. You thought for sure that jackass at the cafe was the only one tacky enough to support a tash stache.
“Sorry, I guess we had the same thought,” he chuckles and plucks out the salted caramel bar, “here.”
He offers the chocolate. You eye it and take it from him. You wiggle it with a dry smirk and turn on your heel. You strut towards the counter and put down your wares as the cashier rings you through.
You thank her and take the candy. Is there not enough sugar at the cafe? You shake your head and march out of the store.
The winter brings with it early evenings and a bitter chill in the air. It’ll be a strange Christmas but the holidays have never been very special for you. You stroll past the red and green storefronts. Coco wants to do candy cane hot chocolate as the special. You told her to do whatever, you don’t know much about food besides what tastes good.
You stop at the hobby shop. Half thrift and half novelty. There’s a used acoustic guitar in the window with flowers painted on the body. No, save your money. Even these snacks are a drain on the pot. You told the girls, you gotta be smart. Be ready to leave at any moment and moving is easier with money.
“You play?” A deep timbre permeates your mindless gazing.
“Little,” you answer dully as you peek over your shoulder. It’s the same man. “Don’t like being followed.”
“I’m not following you,” he tilts his head.
“I’m walking in the same direction. Just happened to catch up.”
“Sure,” you cross your arms and raise your chin defiantly. “Well then, go on. Be on your merry way.”
His eyes twinkle as he watches you. He scoffs. He pushes back his shoulders, emphasizing his broad silhouette. He’s a big guy but you’re wily. You dealt with worse in New York.
“Sweet tooth?” He nods to the wrapper poking out of your jacket pocket.
“Nosy?” You counter.
His jaw ticks and his eyes drift over, “you must not be from around here.”
“Is it any of your business?”
“Ha, I only say that because the locals tend to be a lot nicer. You seem like the city type.”
“Oh, and you seem like the dumb type. Not interested.” You sigh and tuck your hands into your pocket and twirl away, “if you follow me another block, you won’t get to wherever you’re going.”
He chortles as you step to the curb, “frisky.”
You glance back from the corner of your eye as you cross the street. His shadow is unmoving as he remains where you left him. You squeeze the heavy metal shape in your pocket. If he so much as takes a step towards you, you won’t hesitate to unfold the blade.
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i-am-inurmom · 1 year
Man I’m really craving some Allspice, amaranth, artichoke, acai Banana, barley, basil, bay leaves, bok choi chai Seitan pot pie, marbled rye, Bedhi'd black eyed peas, bing cherries Chioggia beets, hold the meats, gooseberries Cayenne chestnut, chia, coconut, custard Dahlia dates, saffron, dijon mustard, Durian, curry, kale, kasava Clove, eggplant, flax, demitasse, kava Garlic, kumquat, lychee, oca root Jalapeños, garbanzos, starfruit, snakefruit Lavender, lime, karela, kohlrabi Juniper, jak, wakame, wasabi Papaya, papalo, marigold, mango Oregano, sake, lemon, luo han guo, Kiwi, catnip, carolina reaper Egusi, icaco, Poppies, asparagus, queen anne's carrots Broccoli, a gac, Collard greens, butter beans, vanilla Pomegranate, pineapple, sarsaparilla Rambutan, dragonfruit, tapioca Atemoya, akebia, rose mocha, Amanita muscaria, chive, potatoes Watercress, sprouts, quinoa, tomatoes Parsley, sage, rosemary, Watermelon, marijuana, rhubarb Tamarind, tarragon, turnip, swiss chard Blueberry, caraway, fennel, cacao Boysenberry, cumin, cantaloupe (wow.) Celery, sesame, yam, anise, zinnia Kolas, granolas, marconas, gardenias Lentil, cabbage, vital wheat gluten wiener Ghost pepper, muenster, gewurztraminer, Apple, fig, pear, peach Pine, hazel, walnut, beech Spelt, millet, teff, taro Shallot, ginger, maca, farro, Yarrow, kalendula, kombu, chlorella Cilantro, pecan, citron, portobella Pumpkin, radish, onion, rice Ginkgo, olive, maple, ice, Thyme, strawberry Papaya, cattail, sherry Mulberry, plum, mimosa Argyreia nervosa, Cucumbers, maypops, shamrocks, Bourbon apricot sour Truffle, samphire flower, Squash, zucchini, macaroni, porcini, vermicelli Avocados, pistachios, cinnamon, royal jelly Persimmons, hemp hearts, green goddess Celastrus paniculatus Kombucha and oranges!
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missoneminute · 8 months
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Combing my two biggest interests - The Libertines and perfume, recalling the scents which defined that era for me.
Libertine by Vivienne Westwood - Notes of Pineapple, Lily-of-the-Valley, Oakmoss, Labdanum and Musk. Released in 2000 and sadly discontinued. (A tester strip from this perfume was pasted into one of Peter’s early journals.) There are many perfumes that have had this same name since, but only one that smelled exactly like the year 2000 - mossy, earthy but soapy and clean, playful and lively, wiping off the grass stains of grunge and soaring into a new millennium, determined to cause trouble before it had consequences.
Stella by Stella McCartney - Notes of Rose Oil, Peony, Tangerine and Amber. Released in 2003. The syrupy rose jam scent of nights spent losing your mind - sleepless weekends, the eye of the storm of a cultural shift. Everything is alive, everything is exciting, everything is happening, and you can’t stop pressing your nose to your wrist, or a lover’s neck, to breathe it in, the hint of sour among all the flowers.
Prada Amber by Prada - Notes of Bitter Orange, Patchouli, Benzoin, Sandalwood, Labdanum and Tonka Bean. Released in 2004. A little sexy, a little dirty, things were getting messy. Sold via the cleanest of clean girl advertisements that were a total lie. This is the scent of a skanky cult - filthy and addictive, sweetness left on skin days after a kiss. An almost incoherent blend of vanilla and knees caked in mud - an ad for clean sheets when the bottle contains what went on between them.
Anglomania by Vivienne Westwood - Notes of Cardamom, Rose, Violet and Leather. Released in 2005 and also sadly discontinued. Where Libertine smelled of 2000 this smelled of 2005, the height of indie sleaze - leather jacket rock ‘n’ roll, hats and suits and ties and ironic nationalism, the celebration of all things British, driven at least in part by the explosion (and implosion) of The Libertines in English music and fashion culture. Weaved in with the spice of Brick Lane, the bootleg band shirts of Camden, the incense burning in the corner of your ashtray-scented flat.
Youth Dew Amber Nude by Estée Lauder - Notes of Cinnamon, Ginger, Carnation, Amber and Sandalwood. Released in 2005 and discontinued. The amber era for perfume, and the start of Tom Ford’s reign with ingenious collaborations that took dusty heritage brands into the modern age with their glamour intact in a time where we looked back to look forward. All the trash gathered up and made beautiful, injected with new life and resold at a premium. But didn’t it smell delicious, just like history, just like old money.
Belle d'Opium by Yves Saint Laurent - Notes of Jasmine, Incense, Tobacco, Peach, Rose and Patchouli. Released in 2010 (and yes, also discontinued). Rich and bold and witchy, the end of an era creeping in, all things indie drifting away, diluting but leaving their indelible mark - one last gasp of the rock star girlfriend, clad in her vintage faux furs and laddered tights, the messy glamour, the scent trail of a fearless era falling away, all those heightened, drunken memories of dollar store incense and roll-on oil remade into its final form.
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gojo-mochi · 1 year
What One Piece’s Characters would smell like and Parfums they use
A/N: Let’s all pretend that everyone showers regularly or something alright
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Top Notes: Aquozone, Patchouli, and Bergamot.
Middle Notes: Sandalwood, Oak, and Green Mandarin,
Base Notes: Amber, Cedar, Pinetree, Leather, and Seaweed.
This man was born for the sea. So, as it should be, his scent somewhat matches that of the sea herself, but is mixed with the alluring wind of forests. Luffy is usually the first one to jump off the ship and run amok on a new island, barreling through dense thickets and tumbling across wet patches of dirt. The sea wind gently caresses his hair as the woods whispered their names onto his clothes. If you were one of the lucky people to be granted a hug by this rubber-man, you would first notice how his hair smells just like the sea air, salty and fresh, and somehow refreshing… just like his signature smile. As you lean in closer, the scent flows into something earthly. Sunkissed leather mixed with the tingles of pinecones and evergreen gives you a warm feeling inside that you can never forget.
Parfums I associate with Luffy: Kenzo Homme by Kenzo, No. 19 by Sukimuki, and Malbec Ultra Bleu by O Boticário.
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Top Notes: Olibanum, White Musk, Myrrh, and a bit of cleaner/acetone.
Middle notes: Ylang Ylang, Sandalwood, and Yuzu.
Base notes: Oud, Frankincense, and Jasmine.
No, he doesn’t smell like moss, alright. (No matter what a certain Curly-eyebrow(ed?) Cook would say). I would say his scent doesn’t hit with most folks at first glance (Just like his scary resting bitch-face). The first whiff you get when facing Zoro is the somewhat bitter and sour smell of his sword polish. When you have three swords to take care of, you must have to use a lot of polish to keep them all pristine. Chances are that the smell will rub off on you as well. Once you get used to the polish(?) (cleaner?) smell, you’ll find that it swirls into alternate hues of floral and woodsy. You’ll find yourself getting lost in this confusing stream of different scents with floral, fruity, and woodsy overlays, slowly pushing that bitter scent(s?) out. Only then will you finally get to see what hides underneath all that frowning and indifference.
A/N: I chose the floral and fruity notes since Zoro likes to drink sake a lot! And Sake is usually brewed with both flowers and fruits ૮꒰ ིྀ ⍝ ⍝ ꒱ა!!
Parfums I associate with Zoro: Haxan by Parfum Prissana, Anubis by Papillon Artisan, and Macaque – Yuzu Edition by Zoologist (A/N: A fav!!).
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Top Notes: Tangerine, Mikan (A/N: Japanese Orange/ The Fruit that Bell-mère grew!, Peach, and Sorbet.
Middle Notes: Candle Wax and Orange Blossom
Base Notes: Ink, Tea, and Honeysuckle.
As a former resident of Cocoyashi Village, the sweet, tangy fragrance of tangerine(s?) and mikan(s?) would follow her everywhere, even if she didn’t end up bringing some of the fruit trees on board. Smooth, charming, and fruity, these are the first thoughts that pop up in a stranger’s head when face to face with this orange-hair(ed?) cutie.  And they wouldn’t be wrong! Whereas those who are closer to this navigator will find her aura soothes into something comforting and homely. I imagine that Nami likes to work into the late nights or early mornings on her maps, surrounded by empty ink pots, hand stained by ink, candles almost melted to the base, and a cup of warm tea that Sanji keeps on refilling while gently trying to get her to rest. I also imagine that Nami keeps a half-empty bottle of Mikan based perfume that Bell-mère once made; it’s not the best or longest lasting perfume, but it smells like home, and that’s enough for her.
Parfums I associate with Nami: Paradisi by Jorum Studio, Sorbetto by Brocard, and Figues & Argumes by Lancôme
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Top Notes: Gunpowder (A/N: Yes there are parfums that smell like gunpowder), Orchids, and White flowers.
Middle Notes: Leather, Nettle, and Galbanum.
Base Notes: Vetiver, Violet leaf, and Patchouli.
It hard to pinpoint what exactly “God” Usopp would smell like, though here I will try my best to explain my thoughts on it. As an almighty sniper and crafter, gunpowder and oil would be the main scents you’d get from him. The next whiff, however, will confuse most as they come across vibrant splashes of greenery among (us) a bundle of flowers. Having  his own garden on the Sunny where he grows his ‘Pop Green’ ammo and having trained on the Boin Archipelago, it would make sense that the plants he takes care of will rub off on him in some way. It has a much heavier scent, leaning more on forest vibes than the lighter and fruitier greens that Nami has. I imagine he talks to Nami and Robin while gardening and trade tips between the three of them.
Parfums I associate with Usopp: Forest Lungs by The Nue, Amour Nocturne by L’Artisan, and Nefertiti by Maher Olfactive.
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Top Notes: Cigarettes, Spices, and Neroli.
Middle Notes: Black Tea, Pink Pepper, and Musk.
Base Notes: Labdanum, and Tonka Bean.
Sanji would tend to stay away from strong smelling parfums or colognes when working in the kitchen, as smell is a huge part of tasting food. On a daily basis, Sanji would smell like cigarette smoke, the numerous spices he had in the kitchen, and sort of lemony. When he’s off the job, he picks parfums that would at the very least leave a long-lasting impression on whoever he’s trying to swoon that day. Deep and heavy, but not uses overbearing. The subtle savor of freshly brewed black tea that Sanji made cling to his form was followed by a whiff of something earthy and slightly sweet. It makes you yearn for a closer sniff, to fully envelop yourself in this soothing scent.
Parfums I associate with Sanji: Club De Nuit BY Armaf, Royal Oud by Creed, and Eau De Citron Noir by Hermès.
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Top Notes: Cotton Candy, Sugar, and Vanilla.
Middle Notes: White Musk, Lavender, and Eucalyptus.
Base Notes: Vetiver, Berries, and Cedarwoods.
Oh, sweet, sweet, Chopper, of course this adorable little guy would smell like the fluffy, sugary confection known as ‘Cotton Candy’. For the first whiff anyway, as this little Reindeer always has his nose on the lookout for sweets. On any island that the Straw Hats dock on to make a supply run, someone will get this little guy a snack or two. Whether it be Franky offering his little bro this cool new soda he came across or Zoro and Sanji both coming in with cotton candy in hand, arguing that Chopper should take theirs over the other (He takes both anyway). Chopper is always munching on something sweet that will ultimately smear all over the fur on his face.
Robin will routinely help him out by dabbing his face with a wet cloth. So, underneath the first honeyed layer, you’ll get a more herby and still slightly sweet smell emerging. His natural animalistic scent is mixed in with the smell of all the herbs in the medicine he makes. It is not as bitter or antiseptic smelling as you think; it is more akin to walking through a very clean forest path.
Parfums I associate with Chopper: Foxcroft Fairgrounds by Solstices Scents, Sun Men by Jil Sander, and Zucchero Filato by Kyse.
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thehighconfectionary · 2 months
Discover the secret to a restful night's sleep with our delicious and effective sleep gummies. Made with natural ingredients, these gummies are specially formulated to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality.
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factual-fantasy · 1 year
Yoooo 30 asks??
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Look, I’m still working on it. I’ve made more progress on the timeline already, its probably around half way done. Just be patient and I’ll come back around to it soon.
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Ehh.. I am really not a fan. I personally don’t like ships and that specific one I have a sour taste for. Its definitely not a part of my AU. 
Of course nothing against anyone who ships it, they are fictional characters after all. I just personally am not a fan. :/
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Ah, so actually I forgot to mention in that post that I changed the 1-UP story a bit.
Originally Mario and Luigi were traveling to Bowsers castle to save Peach. At some point Mario absorbs a 1-UP mushroom after trying to pick it up. Then they encounter a gang of Koopa-troopas. One of them throws his spear and lands a lucky hit on Mario and kills him. Only for Mario to stand back up. Mario coming back to life scared them so bad that they just ran.
But I realized this would mess with the story. They would run back and tell Bowser, In which Bowser would take the Mario bros more seriously and probably send more troops after them. AND Mario would be fresh out of an extra life for the Bowser fight. 
Sooooo I changed it up a bit. Mario absorbed the 1-UP mushroom on the way to Bowsers castle. Bowser doesn’t take them seriously. He lets his guard down and kills Mario effortlessly.
Mario then gets back up.. 
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I haven’t actually fully thought it through.. although I had an idea of them being lost and needing help. In which the toads take them in.
At some point they walk through a great garden of Power-ups. In which all of the Power-ups rise and open their eyes. They all bloom, stand up, and glow. All presenting themselves and making themselves visible to the hosts.
This happens in front of Toadsworth. He knew right then that they were the hero's of prophesy.
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I was when I was a kid! Man I must have made 100s of Sonic OCs back in the day.
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The idea I’m leaning towards is that Bowser wants Peach, AND Daisy’s land. Because their kingdoms sit on sturdy, plentiful land and it grows Power-Ups naturally. Meanwhile Bowsers kingdom is kind of a disaster..
Now the reason why Bowser doesn’t just mow them over with his troops, is because Peach and Daisy’s kingdoms stand together. He is greatly outnumbered, its 2 kingdoms against 1. He was only recently able to capture Peach and break this security that they’ve had for decades. He really thought he finally had the upper hand..
Well, that was until Mario showed up and ruined everything.
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I think that would be alright. I’m sure you know the line between copying and inspiration. Just don’t cross the line and you should be golden!
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YES! Well, sort of.
The reason why they closed their eyes is because Luigi already had an Ice flower within him. So he was not an available host. And Mario in that moment was, well, dead. He did not register as an available host to expel their power.
So they just, shut their eyes. Waiting for a new host to appear...
Which is 15 seconds later when Mario wakes back up-
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Thank you! Also that’s an awesome idea!
Yes, the Power-ups do react to the Bros emotions. Which means no matter which one he’s using, Luigi’s powers tend to fly out of control due to his anxiety.. I don’t think there’s any Power-Up that helps Luigi keep his anxiety in check, but the ice flower is probably less explosive then the fire flower <XD  
And yeah! Mario is better at managing his powers because he’s really good at suppressing his feelings. Although that doesn’t mean they wont react at all. Any spike of adrenaline, any slowly boiling anger, the Power-Ups will respond..
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Actually, the Fire/Ice flowers are one of the only Power-Ups that don’t wear off overtime. :0 You have to use all of its power in order for it to go away.
Although the Super Shroom? Yes, it goes away either once you’ve used it all, you get hit really hard by something, or you’ve had it for an expended period of time.
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YES! That’s the first time she’s seeing Mario. And BOY was he scary! <XD He legit DIES, and then COMES BACK TO LIFE, and THEN, threatens BOWSERS LIFE.
He real spooky :0
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 In the AU as far as I’ve planned, sadly Mario doesn’t actually kill Bowser. Although he really wants to.
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Ooooooorrr, I could just make things angsty with no happy ending because I like angsty things! :D
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Both! I wanted to make Bowser seem more dragon like instead of turtle like. And I also wanted him to be more royal and greedy looking.
Actually, his design was kind’a rushed.. he was supposed to have a crown and a lot more colorful jewelry. Buuut I just wanted to make the comic soo... he doesn’t look as cool as he could have :/
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Thank you! :DD But also uh, The comic is unfinished if that’s what you mean- the last post probably says “next part here! :)” and then I never finished it :/
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They are not twins, :/ Mario is the older brother by like a year and a half or so. :}
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FireAlpaca! :D
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Thank you! And yes! Wario, Waluigi and Rosalina are all in this AU! :D
Rosalina actually has a fleshed out story and a comic planned. But BOY would her comic take forever to makeee... uhggg... just thinking about all the coloring that would take makes me tired.
And as for Wario and Waluigi, oh yeah they exist. But I don’t quite know how to fit them into the story yet.. I have a couple ideas but I want something bigger for them. I want to make Wario and Waluigi important. So they don’t really have any story planned out yet.. :/
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1: I actually didn’t know Magmaargh were a thing! So I didn’t put them in my AU-
2: Sadly no, Mario does not get his own castle <XD
3: Wario and Waluigi are not human, although they are brothers. They are a very tall and strange species of critter that looks like a human, but not quite. Peach, Daisy, and Rosalina are actually the same species as Wario and Waluigi. Although they don’t look as grotesque as the Wario bros do..
4: No, Peach doesn’t have a whole castle dedicated to paintings, although there could be an art museum somewhere in her castle halls or in the kingdom itself :0
5: XD No Wario is not immortal, although that would be really funny-
6: Heck NO! XD Sure Wario is pretty strong, but his strength no where NEAR rivals Bowsers ands ESPECIALLY not Donkey Kongs! Sorry Wario but you’ve been out matched-
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Mario and Luigi can only absorb one Power-up at a time, an exception being the 1-up mushroom. Of which they can have multiple.
If Mario tried to grab a Fire Flower and an Ice Flower at the same time, one of the flowers would be absorbed into Mario and the other one would close its eyes.
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That’s about right actually. My Bowser is cruel and evil, but he’s not totally black and white. There’s a heart in there somewhere.. and although he isn’t the best at showing it, he does care about his kids. And he puts their wellbeing above his own, and above his own kingdoms, every time. with no exceptions.
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Their life system works like it does in the games. Find 5 1-up mushrooms? You have 5 more lives! You die 6 times? Game over..
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Nah, Luigi was so anxious that be burned through all its power within like 2 hours. It wasn’t in his system long enough to do any harm thankfully.
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I didn’t write him into this AU, although that isn’t to say he doesn't exist. Maybe he’s living off in some far away kingdom as the royal scientist or something XD
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1: The Boos are free to leave the mansion as they please. In fact some of them freely roam the forest instead of staying cooped up in the mansion. So sometimes yes, if you’re really fun to mess with they’ll chase you out into the forest a little ways. Although they don’t tend to actually leave the forest.
2: “Oh my gosh there’s TWO of me- Oh my gosh I’m tiny- Oh my gosh I’m a raccoon- oh my gosh I’m a lion- Oh m-”
3: They’re probably a lil spooked by these giant mushroom people. But overall they think they’re chill. 
4: That’s a good question! I thought that maybe they think this Yoshi is crazy for leaving the safety of their island for these people. But some of them think “He left the safety of this island for those people.. they must be something special..” and might have even considered following him.
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That’s alright, you can give Calico Jack a coat because you were inspired by mine, but you gotta design your own jacket! <XD
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Honestly, you’ve probably heard this before, but just draw it again. And again, and again.
The first time I try to draw something it comes out looking kind’a garbo. But I look at the drawing, note what I didn’t like, and draw it differently next time.
After drawing it again, it’s bound to look better. Even if it doesn’t that’s okay! Just take notes, and draw it again.
If you’re struggling on how to draw a specific part of something, try looking at how other artists draw that thing if you can. Maybe take inspiration from them and try drawing it that way!
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The weird mushroom? No that’s creepy <XD
The Super hammer? Hmm.. I’m not sure..
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I haven’t gone into too much depth with Peach and Daisy, although I know that Peach is very classy and lady like. While Daisy acts classy for her kingdom, but she’s a real crazy person on the inside. She’s loud, rowdy, and isn’t afraid to get dirty.
This is probably really close to canon, but what’s been changed is mostly how Daisy feels about it. Daisy is jealous that she cant be perfect like her friend Peach, and she’s embarrassed that’s she like this on the inside..
Also yes! Peach and Daisy always comment on Mario and Luigi’s “cute” rounded ears. While Mario and Luigi low-key kind’a wish they could have cool elf ears too-
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julietpricee · 4 months
Day 10 - Sharpuary (Breakfast)
Who doesn't love a side of peach with their pancakes? 👀
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TW - suggestive dialogue and swearing immediately. (MC is aged up to 19, and it's set in modern day... purely for one reference).
Bang! Smash! “Fuck!”
You shoot up abruptly in bed as the commotion wakes you from your deep slumber. The vacant spot beside you quickly explains who caused the noise coming from the kitchen, easing you up slightly. After a loud exhale and a quick roll of your eyes, you lie back down to stare at the ceiling. 
‘What a disaster,’ you think to yourself before covering your face with your hands in desperation. 
This trip was supposed to be a break for the two of you; a chance to get away from Hogwarts and your studies, to finally enjoy some alone time, but yesterday was an absolute disaster…
The previous late-night study session proved to be a mistake as you slept through your alarm, meaning you failed to meet Aesop at your agreed time. This put him in a sour mood from the start. 
You felt so guilty when you found him standing in the rain, clutching onto a handful of flowers he’d clearly picked on the way there. It didn’t matter how much you apologised, or the excuses you gave him, the pain his leg was causing him from having to stand and wait for you was too much to feel even a hint of sympathy towards you. 
From that point on, it just got worse. The cottage he had arranged for the two of you, was nothing like the description and was offensively cold, which did nothing for his already painful leg.
After an awkward hour or so of unpacking and settling in, he was adamant that he’d cook dinner for you, despite struggling to even stand. You tried to help him, tried to look out for him and tell him to rest up but that just added fuel to an already very heated fire. 
You must have argued for hours. 
You hated going to bed angry with anyone, especially this early into an already controversial relationship. But here you were, waking up from the worst night's sleep you’ve ever had, having not spoken a word to Aesop since yesterday. 
The bedroom door slowly opens pulling your attention away from the ceiling. Aesop hesitantly walks in holding a tray filled with two plates of pancakes and a large china tea set. He offers you a warm smile as you sit up in the bed, which you quickly return. 
“Morning dear. I thought we deserved some breakfast in bed today.” He places the tray across your lap before opening the curtain beside him to let in some light. You look over Aesop's figure as your eyes adjust to the light, admiring his big arms and wide shoulders and admiring every freckle and scar exposed outside the apron which covered the majority of him. 
You quickly shoot him a confused look. “Where’s your shirt?” You question him, letting out a laugh as he sits on the bed next to you. 
He chuckles softly, ignoring your question to point at the writing on his stained apron. You let out a hearty laugh as you see ‘Kiss the Chef’ sprawled over the apron in comic sans. 
Once you compose yourself, you lean in and softly kiss Aesop, lingering in his space for an extended moment. He rests his hand on your cheek, holding you in his space for even longer.
“I’m sorry for yesterday. This trip shouldn’t have started out as miserably as it did,” he said softly, looking empathetically into your eyes. 
You looked down into your lap as the guilt bubbled up inside you again. “It’s my fault, Professor. I should be the one apologising, not you. If I was on time your leg wouldn’t have hurt half as much and then we would have avoided that whole mess.”
Aesop held your chin, moving your face to look at him. “What have I told you about calling me Professor when we’re alone? It’s Aesop, ok?” 
You smile at him, feeling slightly embarrassed. “Sorry, Aesop.”
He returned your smile but quickly turned serious. “I was frustrated yesterday. Having stood around for over half an hour waiting for you, really took a toll on my leg and it only got worse as the day went on. It was a completely avoidable situation and that’s why I was so frustrated by the end of the night.”
You look back down into your lap, hating how disappointed he was in you. Aesop quickly pulls your face back up to look at him. 
“Hey, let me finish. There are days when I wake up and my leg is completely unusable, it’s not that I’ve pushed myself too far or done something to aggravate it… it just happens over seemingly nothing.” 
It was Aesop's turn to avoid your gaze by looking off into the distance. “Avoiding situations like yesterday will help keep those days to a minimum but it won’t stop them completely. We won’t always be able to avoid that mess as you called it, because that mess is my life.”
Your heart breaks as Aesop speaks and you lean closer to him, being careful not to tip the tray over which still sits on your lap. You place your hands on his cheeks to hold his face. “That’s not what I meant, Aesop.”
He looks back at your face. “I want to be better. I need to be better… for you. My leg might not improve but the way I deal with it can.” He takes your hands from his face and holds them tight. “I never want to be the reason you’re upset and I promise I never will be again.”
You wanted to tell him right there how much you loved him, but it was far too soon for that. Instead, you leaned in once more and placed a soft passionate kiss on his lips. 
“We can both be better,” you begin. “We’re a team now, right? I’ll help you if you help me.”
Aesop smiles at you, giving your hands another gentle squeeze. “Right, enough of that, I’m starving,” he announces “Let me go and grab the syrup.”
Aesop stands up and very casually turns around to head for the door. He quickly reveals that his humorous apron is, in fact, the only item of clothing he chose to wear this morning. Your eyebrows shoot up and your mouth gapes as your eyes fixate on his peachy backside.
He looks back at you with a wide cheeky grin.
“If you hurry up and get that juicy butt back here soon, I’ll do more than just kiss the chef,” you call out, causing Aesop to practically run out of the bedroom and into the kitchen as you let out a hearty laugh. 
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AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53448181/chapters/135725101
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murderballadeer · 3 months
marcie in a coat 🧥 of flowers 💐 steps into a candy 🍬 store 🏬 reds ❤️ are sweet 🍯 and greens 💚 are sours 🍋 still no letter 🚫✉️ at her door 🚪 so she’ll wash 🧼 her flower 💐 curtains 🪟 hang them in the wind 🌬️ to dry 🌵dust 🧹her tables 🍽️ with his shirt 👔 and wave �� another day goodbye 🌅 marcie’s faucet 🚰 needs a plumber 👨‍🔧 marcie’s sorrow 💔 needs a man 🧍‍♂️red ❤️ is autumn 🍂 green 💚 is summer ☀️ greens 💚 are turning 🔄 and the sand ⏳all along the ocean 🌊 beaches 🏖️ stares 👁️ up empty at the sky 🌌 marcie buys 💸 a bag 🛍️ of peaches 🍑 stops 🛑 a postman 📫 passing by and summer ☀️goes falls to the sidewalk 🛣️ like string 🧵 and brown paper 📦 winter ❄️ blows up 🌬️ from the river 🏞️ there’s no one to take her 🧳 to the sea 🌊 marcie dresses warm 🧥 it’s snowing 🌨️ takes a yellow cab 🚕 uptown red ❤️ is stop 🛑 and green’s 💚 for going 🚶‍♀️sees a show 🎭 and rides back down 🚕 down along the hudson river 🏞️ past the shipyards 🚢 and the cold ❄️ still no 🚫letter’s ✉️ been delivered 📨 still the winter ❄️ days unfold 🌅 like magazines 🗞️ fading in dusty 🧹grey attics and cellars make a dream 💭 dream back to summer ☀️and hear 👂 how me tells 🗣️ her wait 🕰️ for me marcie leaves and doesn’t tell us 😶 where 🧭 or why ❓she moved away 📦 red ❤️ is angry 😡 green 💚 is jealous 😒 that was all she had to say someone thought 💭 they saw 👁️ her sunday window 🪟 shopping 🛍️ in the rain 🌧️ someone heard she bought 💸 a one way ticket 🎫 and went west ⬅️ again
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quibbs126 · 6 days
I am curious about the three new dragon ships in your inbox (and your current fankid list as a whole! Would you share them with the us?
I mean, I can tell you the three I mentioned, but as for the whole list
That’s uh
That’s kind of a long list
I mean I’ll do it though. Under the cut at least
But to answer your first question, the three dragon ships were
Lotus Dragon/Rambutan
Sea Fairy/Longan Dragon
Lychee Dragon/Stardust
As for the rest of my “requested but haven’t finished yet”, we have
Red Velvet/Crunchy Chip (Blackout)
Twizzly Gummy/Currant Cream (Gooseberry but looking to change)
Mint Choco/Rockstar (Mint Toothpaste, may be tweaked)
Pomegranate/Affogato (Pomegranate Sundae)
Dark Cacao/Affogato (Dark Cream)
Cherry Blossom/Herb (Myrtle)
Latte/Eclair (Beignet, but I think I was going to change it?)
Cherry Blossom/Black Raisin (Grape Vine)
Clotted Cream/Black Raisin (Scotch Bun)
Macaron/Cinnamon (Snickerdoodle)
Licorice/Capsaicin (Star Anise)
Popcorn/Banana (Banana Chip)
Kumiho/Crunchy Chip (Mallow Fudge)
Hollyberry/Pitaya Dragon (Red Pitaya)
Scorpion/Prune Juice (Juniper Berry, but looking to change)
Pizza/String Gummy (String Cheese)
Note on that last one, it’s a double, and I completed the first one months ago, that being Croissant/Roguefort (Beaufort), but I’m unable to show him bc it’s a double
Tea Knight/Vampire, though I’m strongly considering striking that one. I considered it because I assumed that the anon assumed Vampire was immortal and actually closer to Tea Knight’s age, but I now feel like that’s not much of an excuse
Peach/Banana (Pink Banana)
Milk/Purple Yam (Ube Ice Cream)
Red Velvet/Dark Choco (Cocoa Powder, also Strawberry Choco, we’ll see who I make first)
Clover/Carol (Pine Needle, maybe change to Fir?)
Captain Ice/Almond (Tortoni)
Pomegranate/Hydrangea (Spider Lily)
Kumiho/Snake Fruit (Ambrosia)
Abyss Monarch/Dino-Sour (Gummy Shark)
Wind Archer/Fire Spirit (Smoke Watcher)
Abyss Monarch/Black Pearl (Deep Turquoise)
Baguette/Coffee Candy (Coffee Bun)
Golden Cheese/Ananas Dragon (Golden Kiwi)
Truffle/Almond (Black Walnut, might change)
Longan Dragon/Pure Vanilla (Langsat)
Moonlight/Dark Cacao (Midnight Choco)
Red Velvet/Licorice (Black Velvet)
Almond/Latte (Almond Milk)
Blackberry/Adventurer (Blackberry Scone)
Red Velvet/Earl Grey (Teacake)
Herb/Currant Cream (Blackcurrant)
Shining Glitter/Herb (Bouquet)
Herb/Black Lemonade (Mint Lemonade)
Licorice/Royal Margarine (Butterscotch)
Dark Choco/Fire Flower (Choco Cosmos)
Electric Eel/Box Jellyfish (Blue Bottle, but it has to be changed now)
Ninja/Sakura (Mochi)
Burnt Cheese/Black Raisin (Raisin Bun)
Black Pearl/Frost Queen (Sugar Pearl)
Mocha Ray/Starfruit (Espresso Romano)
Raspberry/Chili Pepper (Raspberry Chipotle)
Financier/Pistachio (Florentine)
Milk/Black Raisin (Sweet Milk)
Blue Lily/Bellflower (Canterbury Bell)
Aquamarine/Herb (Sea Kelp)
Dark Enchantress/Timekeeper (Day Lily)
Espresso/Latte (Dalgona)
Starfruit/Stardust (Starflower)
Prune Juice/Capsaicin/Kouign Amann (Bloody Mary)
Black Pearl/Oyster (Pearl Oyster)
Raspberry Mousse/Rose (Raspberry Rose)
Longan Dragon/Dark Enchantress
Wildberry/Chili Pepper (Spiceberry)
Moonlight/Matcha (Moon Drop, but I’m not sure on it)
Matcha/Sea Fairy (Green Tea)
Raspberry/Caramel Arrow
Coffee Candy/Cherry Ball (Cherry Candy)
Golden Cheese/Pure Vanilla/Corpse Flower (Baklava Cheesecake)
Licorice/Black Raisin (Grape Licorice)
Roguefort/Pastel Meringue (Mascarpone)
Stardust/Cream Unicorn (Unicorn Ice Cream)
White Lily/Pomegranate (Amaranth)
Dark Cacao/Frost Queen (Hoarfrost)
Affogato/Cream Unicorn (Coffee Pavlova)
Fig/Cotton Candy (Candy Fig)
Custard III parent (Custard Sauce)
Cream Puff/Walnut (Pecan Pie)
Dark Choco/Clotted Cream (Ganache)
Affogato/Sweet Cream (Bitter Cream)
Dark Cacao parent (still working on the new names)
Sandwich/Hero (White Tomato)
Shadow Milk/Moonlight
Shadow Milk/Cinnamon
Choco Ball/Cream Ball
Goblin/Pimento Cheese
Energy Drink/Jelly Sludge
Electric Eel/Lamprey (Moray Eel)
Royal Margarine/Grey Heron
String Gummy/Brunsgiver
Captain Caviar/Rocky Wolf
Shadow Milk/Lychee Dragon (Lychee Boba)
Cream Unicorn/Choco Ball (Cosmic Brownie)
Energy Drink/Ninja (Rice Milk)
Peeled Carrot/Host
Pastel Meringue/Popping Candy (Meringue Pop)
DJ/Pink Choco (Choco Blast)
Kumiho & Vagabond parent
Cappuccino/Truffle (Reishi)
Cocoa/Black Pearl (Cocoa Bomb)
Matcha/Baneberry (Teaberry)
Rye/Black Raisin (Raisin Swirl)
Cinnamon/Blackberry Tart (Cinnamon Tart)
Raspberry/Bumbleberry (Razzleberry)
Shining Glitter/Stardust (Shining Star)
Kumiho/Cherry Blossom (Mallow)
Tiger Lily/Pomegranate (Açaí Berry)
Rye/Hero (Graham Cracker)
Dark Choco/Sour Butter (Butter Fudge)
Dark Choco/Pastry (Violet Creams)
Crimson Coral/Stardust (Star Sapphire)
Eclair/Adventurer (Shortbread)
Licorice/Caramel Arrow (Swirl Taffy)
Mala Sauce/Bellflower (Horseradish)
The three listed above
Dark Choco alone
Espresso/Eclair (Coffee Cream)
Mala Sauce/Timekeeper
Frilled Jellyfish/Mystic Flour
Twizzly Gummy/Mozzarella
And I think that’s all of them. Unless I missed one that came in my inbox today
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They’re supposed to be sour peach flavored, but everybody’s definition of sweet varies! Okay, now try pointing your finger at a random spot in the room; you should be able to make a whole bunch of flowers appear!! It’ll only last for a few seconds though
Pearl: Hm, *a bunch of sunflowers grow around her*
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