new au time new au time
ronance magical creatures au inspired by my own personal dark ages (klance fan era) but they’re both so fire coded its insane!!!
anyone that tries to argue against fire coded robin with me will lose fr
okay imagine… fire nymph nancy… DRAGON ROBIN….
fire nymph nancy who’s so passionate and powerful and literally fiery who’s wicked with a crossbow… nancy with pointed ears and dark red lipstick and like a leather corset thing R U SEEING THE VISION??
dragon robin who is… strong… and looks so imposing when In Reality she's only not chill like 25% of the time
i'll do another post that describes their meeting but for now i feel like i need to provide The Vision
-robin is taller and stronger and awesomer. she's got the full package, horns, wings, tail, freaky eyes, claws, some scales in some places. im thinking they're a mix of red and gold
-nancy is the same height (haha short) with pointy ears, blue eyes that glow red and orange and yellow when she uses her powers/is upset, unnaturally red veins (that ALSO glow when she does crazy shit) and hidden wings that are translucent red and gold and tipped with fire
-hidden because a nymph's wings, in my mind, are CRAZY vulnerable, easy to damage and incredibly painful when damaged, but they aid a lot in combat and transport. only shown to people that nymph's trust. (like 2 people have seen nancy's wings not including her family lol)
-nancy is a total badass with either a full sized cross bow or 2 hand ones that are smaller and strap to her wrists in the guards she wear and spring out when she needs them. she hunts magic poachers for sport and exposes crime rings (she struggles to get people to listen to her but. she's literally ALWAYS right.)
-robin is curious and unemployed. she explores!! mainly on her own until she meets steve (sea nymph) on one of her travels, who is also eager to explore. they get into all sorts of trouble seeing new things and stumble into nancy entirely on accident
-upon first impression it's "omg she's so pretty she's literally on fire rn" and "why is this total dork JACKED??"
-they end up sticking together "for convenience" (they want to kiss with tongue)
i will elaborate on this further if y'all want me to ok lol bye
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
Tuvok/Chakotay and the melancholy romanticism of liking each other, maybe even loving each other - but loving an unreachable someone else more. 
#Tuvok/Chakotay is a noir-ish classy sadness to me most of the time even though I mostly draw them fucking around bc its funnier#and less embarrassing#these guys 1000% accidentally fall into what could be love - they don't know - but it's not on purpose#Tuvok doesn't really know what the feeling is...it's not what he feels for his wife (all encompasing - identities intertwined)#and it's not like what he felt for Jara(?) as a teenager - that passionfire type of infatuation#but he does....like him....in a more than friendship way...and in a deep way....#Meanwhile Chakotay's stressed about whether he actually likes Tuvok or if Tuvok is just the closest he can get to Janeway#and even if he DOES actually like him - is it fair for them both to get into a relationship when Chakotay's still in love with Janeway?#Is it worth it? And on the other hand - why deprive themselves of it just because of some crush that's never going to happen?#+ the added drama of Chakotay being betrayed by Tuvok in a BIG way and them having a history that turned out to be lies#I love complicated relationships#Chakotay and Tuvok having an intimate(not sexual) moment and Chakotay very quietly going:#When I do this - do you think of T'Pel?#(Would it hurt you if I did?)#...I don't know.#(Do you think of the Captain?)#......-he moves away from Tuvok and the moment passes-#tfw your friend turns out to be a spy and you become enemies and coworkers and best friends in-law <- bc Janeway#and then you kinda start to like him..................and then it deepens..........but you never forget that you are not THE loves#of each others eyes - and is that enough? Is that fine?
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First Kiss: Billy Hargrove- PassionFire
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
Pov: Reader
Warnings: Talk of virginity, implied smut, 18+, First Kiss, talk of mean/abusive ex-boyfriend, helpful friend, sweet Billy, fluff, smoking. drinking, soft!Billy.
Summary: You’re hurt by your now ex-boyfriend when he breaks up with you for not giving up your virginity; Billy is more then willing to help
A/n- Fireflygraphics for dividers
WC- 2.5
Stranger Things Master List // The Adults Master List // Series Master List // First Kiss Master List
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The tears hadn’t stopped, for hours I had been crying my eyes out. I knew why Jamie had broken up with me but I couldn’t really imagine why it was hitting me so hard. He and I had the talk about the fact that I wasn’t really comfortable with giving up my virginity, or truly anything that stripped my virginity away from me. Espically not when he was drunken mess from the lunch date earlier. 
Had I walked all the way to Billy’s house? Yes, I had walked all the way toward Billys. I hadn’t meant to just walk out of my house. Well maybe I had, my mind was clouded and I wasn’t able to think about anything other than needing someone, a shoulder to cry on. 
I had only ever been to Billy’s once or twice. Nothing more then to tutor him, a one off exchange between the both of us. I was tutor him once a month and he would help me with othe basic things. If I thought about it he was the one that introduced me to Jamie. I knocked on the front door only once, before i rang the doorbell. I could hear the rock music playing in the house at volumes I doubt his father or stepmother would allow. “What the hell do you…” The door had opened Billy was standing there. In nothing but an old beat up white tank top, and his signature jeans. 
“Y/n?” He questioend, he was aware of the tears I had running down my cheeks. Or tears that had stained my cheeks. “Billy I know that I’m here unannouced. I just didn’t know where else to go and Jamie he… well Jamie broke up with me.” I said in a ramble of mixed words. He kept his eyes on me for only a moment before the anger swept through his facial expressions. I had a quick moment of doubt, a moment of realizing my mistakes of trekking down to his house on Cherry Lane. “Billy… I’m sorry I think it will be better if I just leave.” I said hastily. Before I could turn to walk away he was grabbing my arm pulling into the warmth of the house. 
“Did you walk all the way here?” he asked his voice a little horse from what I would only guess he was trying to push down the anger. I only shook my head and then he was slamming his bedroom shut. His room smelt of cologne and smokes. Something that always had my head in a twist. “Why would you not just call me? You know I would come and get you?” He asked, to many questions and my own thoughts were cloding my already foggy brain. The bed was softer then I imagined it would be and it bounced as I moved on it. 
“Hello Mcfly? Are you there?” Billy asked waving his hand over my face. “Yeah I’m here. I just I’m sorry I need a second?” The words tumbled out of my mouth and the urge to cry was boiling over in the back of my throat. “Goddamn it Y/n.” Billy said throwing a punch into the air. “I’m sorry. Okay I’m sorry.” The tears had started to run again, I’m sure why or why I had even walked my sad ass all the way towards Billy’s. 
Billy hadn’t yet looked over at me up until that moment. “Fuck I’m sorry Y/n. I just don’t know how to deal with you know.” He said with a shrug of his shoulders. “Of course the crying I forgot.” I said. I looked over at Billy for the first time. Looking at the sharpness of his jawline as he sat down beside me. I brushed the tears from under my eyes, and breathed hard. 
We sat in a cold and harass silence for a little to long. The room growing smaller as it more and more uncomfortable. I wondered where his parents where, and where was his witty red headed stepsister. I was dragged out of my thoughts when I heard Billy ask me a question. “So, if you don’t mind telling me what happened?” He asked, as he got up from the spot next to me and grabbed his smokes. 
Billy wasn’t always the most emotionally supportive friend or really a good friend at all. I had seen the small arguments that his father and Billy would get into. Things would be thrown, voices would get louder then normal, and punches would go flying normally hitting Billy in the chest, stomach or square in his perfect face. 
Did I mind telling Billy what had managed to happen. To have me to end up at his door on a random night. No, I honestly didn’t mind that’s why I had walked all the way here, to talk to someone about it. To let it go into the air and away from my over thinking mind, that was currently mualing it over. “I don’t mind Billy. Just promise you won’t go crazy on me?” I asked. I licked my chap lips, and looked over at him. He was ever so sightly taller then me. No matter if we were standing or sitting down. 
He sighed heavily, like my requests was a rather hard on to swallow down. “Yeah I promise.” He said exhaling a puff of smoke. So my story from earlier in the day began. “So I guess I should start earlier in the day right.” I said looking down at my hands. My fingers dancing between the fabric of my shirt and messing with my short nails. All I heard was a small hum for me to continue with my story. 
“Jamie and I had just gotten back from a lunch with his friends. You know the ones from the basketball team?” I asked, but continued on. “So we had gone and everything was okay. Jamie had picked me and was all gentlemen like. I don’t know how they managed it though, somehow where ever we went with Jamies friends they were able to get some sort of alcoholic drinks. I wasn’t sure of what kind, but I’m not a drinker. I never have been, so instead I watched as the boys and their girlfriends who were to prim and proper to know just how disgusting day drinking was. Drink and drink til their hearts were content.” I said, taking a slow breath, looking at Billy he was still interested in the story. 
“But a subject was brought up during lunch today. A topic that you don’t normally talk about in fucking public or with other people who aren;t in your relationship. Jamie had been asked how good of a fuck I was, and if I knew what I was doing.” I said, my words getting caught in the back of my throat. To be honest as I talked about it outloud the words seemed dirtier, and heavier then before. 
I shook my head and continued on with my my heart breaking story. “He laughed about it, telling everyone that I was prude, and didn’t ever really staisfed him at all.” I chortled, not that it was funny or a joke at all. Just sounded funnier now that I had time to think about his words and just how stupid of a guy he truly is. “Are you sure this is Jamie that you’re talking about? The same Jamie I know?” Billy asked me raised eyebrows in wonder. 
I rolled my eyes. “Yes, and please just let me finish and then I’ll get out of your hair.” I said with a huff before returning to my story. It wasn’t like there was much, beside the argument we had in the drive back to my house, and the argument we had before he broke up with me. There wasn’t much more to tell. 
“For the rest of that god for saken lunc hI sat in the uncomfortable silence of his friends girlfriends speaking about me like I wasn’t there and him and his friends laughing about the fact I was still a virgin. I hadn’t even kissed him yet.” I said. “We left not shortly after, and the car ride was horrible. I wasn’t able to hold it in any longer the anger boiling and finally tipping over the edge. I yelled at him as he drove me back to my house. He called me a prude once again and then a bitch for not just  giving him what he wanted.” I said my fingers twitching within my lap. Looking down at the carpeted floor. The stains from whatever Billy brought into his room had seeped into the flooring. 
And for the first time in the entire day I smiled. “The fighting didn’t stop, not even when he followed after me half drunk into my house. I tired to push him away but he wasn’y having any of that. So, he grabbed me tightly around the wrist.” I pushed my sleeve up showing the growing bruise that was caused because of his grasps. “I did try and get away Billy. I screamed at him to let me go and pushed him away, until his cold and dark eyes looked back at me and told me that he never not once in out entire relationshoped loved me, and that I was better off alone. The lost and little lamb that I was, was better off alone because nobody would want such a prude like me.”
It was silent for a moment before I started to speak again. “You know the rest Billy.” I said with a shurg of my shoulders. I was tired the crying, and screaming taking a lot of me. I sat there still, before I felt Billy’s rough hand touch over both of mine. “I knew I shouldn’t have shared you with my friends.” I heard Billy whisper out, his thumb rubbing a soothing circle into my skin. The touch was intimate for many a reason. But the most obvious one was the simple fact that Billy wasn’t one for touch, or any true sign of emotion. 
“Shared me?” I questioned. Shared me what the hell did that even mean? There was no pretending that the crush I had on Billy was ever going to go away. The crush had grown and been growing even through I was dating Jamie. “All of those damn guys are just pricks. Not to mention their dumb, dull girlfriends.” Billy said, his hand still resting into my mine. Thumb still rubbing soothing circles into my hand. 
“Yeah I get that, but what do you mean share me?l I was intrigued more about what the implications of his words meant, not by how his words made me wanna melt into his sheet. “Just be honest with me Billy. I’m a big girl and I can handle it.” I just for once tonight wanted the truth.whether it was cold and harsh or  made me feel giddy. I don’t know what was happening all around me. This felt like a hazy dream that I had dreamt a million times over. He deeply stared at me, a few whispys of his golden hair falling infront of his forehead. They were distracting me from another part of his handsome face. Those sky blue eyes that somehow pierce right into your heart. 
A heavy sigh left him before he composed himself. “I just mean that… you’re were my friend first ya know. I shouldn’t have let you out for the wolves.” Billy said. He looked like he was trying to hold something back, and the grip he had on my hand was getting stronger. “Billy? Please.” Was all I had left to say. The truth, please just the fucking truth that’s all I had been searching for all day long. 
“Fine, you want the truth don’t you. You can’t just leave it at the front door can you? Fuck,” Billy said voice growing deeper by the second. His eyes casted down to my bruised wrist. “I should have just kept you for myself. Treated you better than some asshole who clearly doesn’t doesn’t know who they have in their arms.” It was like pulling teeth with Billy to just get him to talk about the simplest emotions. 
I wanted to laugh, but that felt wrong. This must be a true joke right. Billy would never, never fall for the innocent, shy girl that was only his friend because he got something out of it. Right? “Now you’re tight lipped.” Billy commented as I had gone silent. I went to say something but things wer eswirling around in my head. “That’s okay. I get it, big bad Billy can’t help but like the girl that’s to cute for her own good. Who lets people walk all over hee. I should have protected you from an asshole like Jamie, but I thought that you would never. I mean never take a liking to me. I was a dick to… well to everyone. Maybe you alrady knew that, but then you still end up here at my doorstep. So, that must mean something right?” Billy rambled on. 
I was in shock for to many reasons at this point. Was he was rambling because he was letting his guard down, the millions of walls that he had built. He was still talking, but I wasn’t paying attention to the endless flow of words that were falling out. I was paying attention to how his tongue jutted out and licked over his lips. A shiny glaze making them glisten in the little light that he had. I didn’t know what was happening, not even after I started moving towards him. 
His hand was still on mine, so I leant in. “Billy.” I whispered. “Will you stop talking and just make up for the lost time.” I begged in barely a whisper. That signature smirk crossed over his rambling expressions. He reached me. A hand coming to cup the back of my neck as he leant down and pressed his lips against mine. 
The kind of kiss made me feel like the time around us had stopped. It wasn’t a kiss that I would ever be able to explain to my friends. It was like stars had aligned, and everything for just that one moment was perfect. Billy had taken my first kiss, and when we broke away from each other. That signature smirk hadn’t left his face, he was very cheeky. “How was that for a first kiss huh?” He asked. I rolled my eyes, “How about you ask me later. Like I said you have to make up for a lot of lost time.”
I winked at him, before going in for another deep and lustful kiss. This was going wherever it was supposed, without any further pushing on either of our parts. He pushed me down onto the mattress. His free hand roamed down my chest and found a spot on the side of my ribcage. Billy’s other hand stayed on my cheek, holding me closer than before. 
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Completed on: 02/05/23
Posted on: 02/06/23
The Adults- @yourfavdummy
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hautepunkboutique · 3 years
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Happy Tuesday! Africa Map Earrings and Haute Punk Hair! Hair: @essenceimanii #hautepunkboutique #hautepunk #passionfire #fauxlocs #browardbraids #miamibraids #atlbraids #dmvbraids #dmvbraider #melaningoddess #panafricanism #blackpride #blackgirlmagic #blackpowermovement #shopblack #shopblackowned #blackownedbusiness #afrocentric #afropunk #melaninpoppin #browngirls #buyblack #naturalhairstyles #NaturalHairJourney #naturallyshedope #protectivestyles (at Coral Springs, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQeX297Hjhm/?utm_medium=tumblr
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happyslamtennis · 6 years
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Rafa defeats a strong Martin Klizan in Barcelona and ups his winning streak to 42 sets in a row on clay!! 6-1 6-4 6-1 6-1 6-4 6-3 6-0 6-1 6-0 6-1 6-2 6-2 6-2 2-0 6-3 6-4 6-0 6-2 6-3 6-1 6-2 6-2 6-3 6-1 6-4 6-4 6-1 6-3 6-3 6-2 6-0 6-2 6-4 6-1 6-3 6-2 6-4 6-4 6-1 6-3 6-0 7-5 Rafa is now only a few fist pumps closer to becoming the 4th player in the Open Era to hold 400 victories on clay: Guillermo Vilas 659-162 (.803) Manuel Orantes 502-150 (.770) Thomas Muster 422-127 (.769) Rafael Nadal 399-35 (.920) FYI: these are ALL LEFTIES! & fewer clay events exist on the tour these days.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #kingofclay #slayonclay #rafaelnadal #rafanadal #tennis #tennispro #passionfire #rafatude #winner #tennisstats #sportsstats #sportsnews #tennisnews #BEASTMODE
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martintrungkien · 3 years
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#Saado #Sandal #Sandals #Mix #Color #Colormix #Red #White #Black #Pink #Blue #giay #giaysandals #HS04 #PassionFire #phylon #light #speed #Young #Active #American #Brand #Material http://bit.ly/sandalntk http://bit.ly/saadosize https://www.instagram.com/p/CJtStUEJ3zu/?igshid=dvxlysck871l
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ohgrief · 3 years
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laurent tag dump .
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maggiesimonelli · 7 years
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Red Rose Passion Circle by Maggie Simonelli #encaustic 22 kt. #goldleaf , oxidized #copperleaf, aluminum leaf, Chinese #cinnabar , #cochineal pigments and 16kt #palegoldleaf edge on beveled birch panel 45" #Nesliscommission #passionfire #red #redrose
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followcb · 3 years
My Dreams ♡ By Rumi
so far in... that I know
no other . . .
zero outside
commitments, no distractions
fully here and committed
present and dedicated
steeped in (my) dreams
nurtured by Rumi
passionfire like
no other . . .
kindness tenderness
extraordinaire (this is . . .)
no ordinary love
sown in sacred seeds
of life's infinite
universal garden
eternal vines
from here to heaven
and that why I . . .
am feeling mighty fine
delighted elated excited
so fucking happy
(no other . . .)
to be here
being nourished
from this rich soil
god gave us to grow in
©️ @followcb ☆ November 17, 2021
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wild-aloof-rebel · 3 years
Are there any fics with David or Patrick comforting the other while they grieve the loss of someone (preferably not a major character)? Thank you
here are a few with people we’ve never seen on screen...
along for the ride by the_hodag
learned behaviors by goingmywaydoll
comfort... by startswithhope
All The Time You Need by maxbegone
people come and go but our love never dies by passionfire
Everything I Do is Stitched With Its Color by al_ex_an_d_er_hamiltons (this one’s part of an AU series)
if you want to expand your options, there are several more where one of them is grieving the loss of a parent...
His strength is making me stronger by yourbuttervoicedbeau
Hold On, With Me by DoubleL27
In Case You Don’t Live Forever by SoonerOrLater
Tell Me I Was Brave by Streetlamp_Sunset
A Time to Weep by lucianowriter
Diamonds They Don’t Turn to Dust or Fade Away by allyouneedislove21
The Love Left Behind by DelilahMcMuffin
Into a Million Pieces by Rosieboo98
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virovac · 3 years
Sleepless Domain Oc idea
Concept: Dragon themed technomancy girl "Passionfire". Favorite thing to summon are wings similar to those Davinci designed as the idea of a human flight suit.
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She does firework displays for birthday parties and concerts.
Advice for her punny birthname /family name open for consideration
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billscheltema · 6 years
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. Just knowing what comes next isn’t enough. Sure we know a spark starts a fire but do we apply it to our daily living! . Do you have a spark to even start with or do you need an initial igniting in the first place. . Having a spark means there was a fire before. So there is hope! . . . . #sparkfire #firestarters #heatlife #passionfire #ignited #wealthcreation #wellnesscoach #lifecoaching #datingcoach #lifecoaches #lifestylechanges #retirement #retiredlife #retirementgoals #coachingwomen #coachingworkshop #coachinglife #coachingworks #coachingmentoring #wealthgenerators #wealthbuilding #wealthylife #healthiswealth #wealthyminds #wealthyliving #wealthywomen #entrepreneurs #prosper (at Bathurst Downtown Centre-Ville)
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The Adults: First Kiss Master List
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Starts after the first of the year (01/25/23)
The Summary:The readers first kiss 💋
Warnings: fluff, extreme fluff, first kiss, Kiss! virgin reader.
A/n: firefly-graphics for dividers
Word Count: 15,472
Stranger Things Master List // The Adults Master List // The Series Master List
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- Jonathan Byers- Winter Kiss(01/27/23)❄️ - Argyle- Surprise (01/29/23)🎊
- Billy Hargrove- PassionFire (02/06/23)🔥 - Nancy Wheeler- Textbooks (02/08/23)📚
- Eddie Munson- Sweaty (02/11/23)🎸
- Robin Buckley- VHS (02/14/23) 📼
- Steve Harrington- Lights (02/17/23)💡
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The Adults- @yourfavdummy
Completed on: (02/17/23)
Posted on: (11/30/22)-(01/27/23)
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hautepunkboutique · 3 years
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Play Ball!!! . . . . . . . . . . . #hautepunkboutique #passionfire #littleleague #baseballmom⚾️ #baseballmom #majorleague #majorleaguebaseball #blackgirlmagic #homerun #miamimarlins #washingtonnationals #newyorkmets #earringsaddict #earringslover #baseballlife⚾️ #baseballseason #9thinning #mlb #travelbaseball #womanentrepreneur #shopblack #blackownedbusiness (at Coral Springs, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPHQe5YHYGA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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happyslamtennis · 7 years
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Fed missed an important point and Rafa is channelling Andy Murray 😂 #rafanadal #andymurray #Nadal #LaverCup #fedal #lol #omg #tennis #tennisgear #sports #newballsplease #rafacheerleader #passionfire #dontstop
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Kuch aisa ishq bhi hota hai zamaane mein, jo sarr chadhke bolta hai. Ye kehta hai, "Main mohabbat hu wo adhoori si. Kisi ki zarurat hu wo poori si. Main ishq hu huzoor, koi kaafir nahi. Main mohabbat hu janaab, musafir nahi. Kuch aisa chadhta hu seene mein, meri aag se tu waaqif nahi. Mohabbat se janma hu lekin dardo ke makaano mein rehta hu, Par deewaano ki tarah main rota nahi. Main ishq hu - ishq, asaani se hota nahi." #Love #LoveQuotes #LoveLines #UnrequitedLove #HindiLines #HindiQuotes #InstaQuotes #PassionateLove #PassionFire #Passion #LoveOfAWriter #ConfessionsOfAWriter #WritersOfInstagram
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