#paris is literally on fire and that man is still alive somehow??
astralflows · 1 year
really surprised macron hasn't been murdered yet
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yourangryorchard · 1 year
I should change the photo on this thing
but it is what it is.
it’s December 21, 2022 11:40pm
and I’m thinking about you. Not in a wanting type of way or anything—I’m just thinking about you.
As I was sitting here on my bed, watching all my favorite tiny desk concerts, I found myself going down a rabbit hole of the past and I got stuck when my mind landed on you. It made me revisit this page. It’s been almost 10 years since I met you. I truly hope you’re happy.
You know what I realized by revisiting this page? All the feelings I had down in the posts below, no matter how ridiculous and dramatic they may sound, are as real as real can be. It all reads so cringe to me without context, sure, and you may look back and be inclined to agree with me… but even reading it now as a grown ass young gentleman, with time weathering down emotions and clarity on his side, I can say with full confidence that that love displayed below was, and is, real—and I say “is” because the love is still alive and well within me. It’s like a flame inside me that won’t burn out… or maybe I just don’t feel the need to douse it. Regardless, it’s a flame within me that burns gently and quietly, like a little candle. More precisely like one of those three wick candles from bath and body works. (Paris Cafe is my fav). I’ve learned to live with that lovely little flame, quietly. I’ve learned to love you from afar and I think I’m doing such a great job at it tbh. I hope it isn’t weird that I continue loving you. I do not control that part of me. I do control how I demonstrate that love, and I will continue to do so as discreetly as I can.
I want to make it very clear. This is not a testament to how deeply I love you. The love I hold for you isn’t the main focus, although it is what I’ve spoken most about.
This is a testament to how much I love the love that I have for you. I love that little fire inside of me. It makes me feel the most human I’ve ever felt. In times when your name has been brought up in conversations of the past, I’ve spoken highly, and even almost defensively, about you. I notice that little flame burns a little more passionately when that happens. And I love that that passion is there. That’s how I know I love the love I have for you. I do not covet you. I do not care about whether or not you think of me. I do not care if you even remember me. I do not want anything from you. Losing you was the worst pain I have ever experienced. True. But to this day, I would do my best to stop the Earth from spinning if you were to ask me to. That flame is real and I love it. It makes me happy to know it still lives on. The only thing about this subject that could make me happier than that, is knowing you’re doing well.
I’m happy with the man I’m progressing to be. There are a few things I need to work on, but don’t we all? The important thing is that I’m happy because I choose to be. What I can’t control, I try not to let bother me, and what I can control I try to handle with care and level headedness. I’ve calmed down quite a bit. Don’t get me wrong, todavía soy cabron, but only when necessary. All I really care about is experiencing good experiences. And I plan on doing exactly that. So I’m doing alright. We gettin there
Anyway… shout out to you. You don’t owe me anything and I deserved everything you threw at me. Don’t apologize. I wish I was never the one to cause you any pain. I would have done anything to reverse every decision I made to hurt you or somehow transfer the pain away from you and into myself at the very least. Te quiero por siempre, and I mean that in the most caring way possible. That love I’m describing literally has me on a happy high right now. I’m happy just describing it. I feel the warmth.
Motherfucking shout out to THAT fasho.
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batmomimagines · 7 years
Part 1 | Monday
Prompt: Could you do a Batmom story where somethings happens to her, for example she gets kidnapped or gets in a car accident and the kids and Bruce’s reactions? And like, she isn’t immediately fine. Maybe some happy flashbacks? Love your blog! Thanks doll!
A/N: Another little series!! And like always, Dick is first as he is the older of Bruce’s army of children! Enjoy ;))
“Hello, Mr. Grayson.” The woman behind the reception desk greeted flirtatiously. For the first time ever, Dick ignored an approach from the opposite sex and made his way to the usual room without another word. 
Dick inhaled a deep breath once he caught sight of you. His mom. His protector. The most important woman in his life. It looked as though you were merely sleeping, but he knew better. No matter how many times he wished you were dreaming about the rare family vacation in Paris and whatnot, he knew it was virtually impossible. Especially now that you were officially declared brain dead. 
Once he reached your bedside, Dick took your hand in his. The only thing telling him you were still somehow alive was the heat radiating off of you. It consumed him. But unlike the other times, it brought nothing but despair. Because he knew. He knew you were legally and medically gone. 
It’s been months since that teenaged girl ran you over with her car on the streets. Your other wounds would’ve healed perfectly through time, but the severe trauma to your brain was the nail in your coffin. Literally. But none of them could let you go. Not yet. They weren’t ready. Dick doubted they ever would be. 
“Hey, momma,” Dick said, forcing a small smile. You might not be able to hear or feel him, but you were still breathing. That was enough to keep him and the others going, if only for a little while. “I miss you. We all do. So fucking much.”
The quiet volume he used to speak to you reminded him of his preteen days. The days when he would tiptoe to yours and Bruce’s room after a nightmare. He could vividly remember you never turning him away and always beckoning him into your warm, loving arms. 
Ten-year-old Dick quietly snuck out of his room. The hallway was dark, the only light guiding him was from the window. It was quiet, too quiet for his liking. The noise from outside made him fidget nervously and his body instinctively was tense and ready for any type of attack.
He paced down to the master bedroom, which was only a few doors down from his, luckily. Dick bit his lips and hesitantly grabbed ahold of the doorknob.
He slowly twisted it and walked inside, wincing when the sound of a loud creak entered his ear. Fortunately, Bruce was still on patrol or else his adoptive father would’ve no doubt threw a bat-dart at him already. When your safety was involved, the man could be quite frightening. More than usual, of course. 
Dick froze when he heard a tired groan. “Bruce?” You said confusingly. You fluttered your eyes open and averted them towards his direction. “You’re back earlier than usual.” 
“It’s not Bruce, mom,” Dick spoke up, trudging closer to you. He closed the door behind him and waited nervously from where he stood, not knowing if you’d turn him away or welcome him. He wasn’t a kid anymore. He was Robin now. He shouldn’t be frightened by stupid nightmares, but yet he was. 
“Little Wing?” You murmured, sitting up. You smiled sleepily. “Come over here, Dickie. It’s alright.”
Dick internally sighed in relief before practically sprinting over to you and jumping onto the bed. He quickly went under the covers and grinned happily when he felt your arms wrap around his shoulders. 
You pulled him closer to your side, smiling fondly. “Nightmare?” You whispered, understandingly.
Dick pursed his lips and nodded. “I’m sorry for waking you up.” 
You chuckled and shifted so that he could comfortably lay his head on your chest. Running your hands through his jet black hair, you hugged him tighter. “Don’t be, sweetheart. Do you wanna tell me what your nightmare was about?”
“You.” Dick murmured, voice thick with fear. 
“Me?” You asked in disbelief. 
Dick hurriedly shook his head. “Y-you were kidnapped!” He tried to explain. “A-and Bruce and I didn’t make it to you in time save you! The Joker e-ended up k-killing you! I-I saw your b-body, mom! It was so real! It felt so real.”
To calm your hysterical son, you nuzzled your nose in his hair and rubbed his back soothingly. “Sshh, it was just a dream, little wing. I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere.”
Dick sniffled, hating how immature and childish he was acting. Nonetheless, he basked in your loving and motherly touches and slowed his rapid breathing.”I-I’m sorry.”
“Stop apologizing, Dick.” You smiled assuringly. “My father used to say that fear can not only hold us back, but it can drive us as well. It’s up to you how you want it to control your life. And I highly advise you to listen to him. Quite the character, my father was.”
Dick lifted the corners of his lips into a small smile. “I wish I could’ve met him.” 
“I wish you could’ve too.” 
The pleasant silence that followed was peaceful. You were on the edge of falling asleep when Dick spoke up again. 
“Did you mean it?” He asked quietly. “When you said you weren’t going anywhere.”
He could see your soft smile through the darkness of the room. It was like a warm fire in the middle of the tundra, and it brought a sense of security, one Dick knew only you could bring. 
“We both know I can’t live forever, little wing.” The thought made his chest tighten in distress. “But,” you added, “I won’t go anywhere unless you’re ready, that I can promise you.”
Dick showed his happiness by cuddling closer to your side. You giggled and pressed a kiss to his temple. “Love you, momma.” He muttered exhaustingly. His eyes fought to stay open, but sleep, like death, was something you couldn’t escape without help. 
“I love you too, Dickie.” 
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kiss-my-freckle · 4 years
Two plans because there are two women, two Katarinas. Magic in the dialogues. Understanding Skovic’s memory extraction mirrors Orchard’s for a reason. Both are performing Recovered Memory Therapy, but Orchard’s is less invasive, so she’s far more safe. 
Part 1 of 2: The first plan 1991. Real Rostova becoming imposter Reddington
Skovic: Now, your friend would like for you to go back to 1991. Let’s go back to the day when Katarina Rostova reached out to you - let you know she was alive.
Take note this woman already knew Katarina Rostova didn’t commit suicide. She’s acting as Katarina Rostova. Skovic himself doesn’t know, so he’s asking questions he has no answers to. To discern what the woman doesn’t know, I only pay mind to what questions she herself asks of Ilya. Skovic’s questions aren’t proof of woman herself not knowing. 
Skovic: Ilya? Ilya, can you hear me? Ilya: Yes. Skovic: Can you tell me what you see? Ilya: I see her. With me. Skovic: How do you feel? Ilya: I’m relieved. I thought she was gone.
Note the stress on “her.” He sees “her” because she hasn’t gone under the knife yet. Katarina Rostova in 1991, yet to become Raymond Reddington.
Katarina: I went into the ocean to end my life.
Ilya: I heard about Cape May. The drowning. Her suicide. Skovic: But there was no suicide. Ilya: No. No.
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Katarina’s intent was to end her life. She fully admits this. Take note to Ilya’s smile, how happy he is that she’s alive, then woman’s response to that smile. 
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Skovic: Do you remember what happened that night?  Ilya: She made contact at the embassy.
Young Ilya: The world thinks you’re dead. Ilya: I thought they were dead.
Take note, he speaks of more than one. He thought “they” were dead. Hard to say who he’s speaking of other than Katarina, but they could be Masha or Dom or Lena. 
Katarina: We did the right thing. Young Ilya: I’ve nothing but love for you.
Katarina: I am marked. Ilya: She needed to disappear. Needed a plan. Skovic: Tell me about that plan. Woman: You’re losing him. Skovic: He’s resisting the memory. Woman: Ilya? The plan. Tell me what you remember about that plan.
Ilya is resisting. The issue with his memory extraction actually explains why Liz was switching roles during her Braxton recall with Dr. Orchard. Ilya is placed in 1991 with real Katarina  - while in the presence of imposter Katarina. Imposter Reddington isn’t in the picture. Imposter Katarina acting as real Katarina - is able to con him as he’s thrown back into 1991. Had Red still his own face during Liz’s memory recall, she wouldn’t have switched roles. She switched Raymond with someone else at the fire, and not her father because she believed he died on the floor of the burning house. Ilya is resisting. Have Skovic shut up and let imposter Katarina speak. She’ll get more information while his mind is being scrambled between past and present; while his mind is basically being tricked.  
Young Ilya: No one knows. ⋘⋙ Impossible. [ Typewriter: “R” “e” “d” ] Young Ilya: A fugitive and traitor to his country. Young Ilya: Reddington’s dead. Reddington’s - Young Ilya: I don’t think you’re entirely grasping what I’m suggesting. Katarina: What are you suggesting? Young Ilya: Becoming Reddington. Purposefully stepping into into the shoes of a man -
Ilya: into the shoes of a man destined to be condemned as a traitor. Woman: But how?
Woman had no idea Raymond is an imposter. That’s why Ilya was resisting and why she’s asking how. This is despite Raymond dying in Katarina’s arms and “her” actually arranging the surgery and offering up the details to become him. 
Katarina: That would be impossible. Young Ilya: What if it’s not?
Ilya: We devised a plan to steal the money used to frame Reddington and disappear. Woman: But the plan, it didn’t work.
Take note this woman already knew the plan didn’t work. How did she know? Because she’s not an idiot, she was a spy. She can’t show her face or use her own name because they believe she’s Katarina Rostova. That’s quite literally why she uses and even responds to the name. The only reason they’d have to set her up this way, is if the real Katarina is still alive and well, and what plan they had to help her disappear didn’t work. 
Ilya: Not like we thought. Woman: No. Help me to remember. The plan. Who did it involve? Ilya: It was myself - Katarina - Dr. Koehler.
Again, conning him out of information. He’s to remind her about their plan as if she somehow “forgot” it. Imposter Katarina tricking him while he’s face-to-face with the real Katarina back in 1991. Take note he doesn’t say, “It was myself - You - Dr. Koehler.” He’s at least fighting enough to speak in third person, trying to keep them differentiated. 
Woman: And the person under the knife - the man who walked into the banks and impersonated Reddington - tell me what you remember about him.
This is where she made her mistake. She used male nouns and pronouns. A man didn’t have the surgery. Katarina did. She completely separated past and present Katarina. She lost him completely because Katarina herself went under the knife, so Katarina herself wouldn’t ask what man went under the knife. 
Skovic: He’s guarding the memory. Even in this state, he knows there is a secret he should not reveal. Woman: Who was impersonating him, Ilya? Skovic: Stop! I need to bring him out. Woman: No! Not yet. Skovic: No. His blood pressure’s through the roof! I need to push Lidocaine. Woman: Then stop! Let him rest. But we are not bringing him out.
Skovic has no idea. He thinks it has to do with his training. 
Skovic: Your friend - he has been trained to resist interrogation. I believe at the deepest, subconscious levels, he is able to avert, to resist.
Yes. Because the woman interrogating him just separated past and present.  That’s why she was able to find out Red is an imposter, but not who Red is. Knowing he’s an imposter is enough. And if you don’t believe that to be the case, I’ll remind you of Garvey’s dialogue. 
Garvey: Whatever you imagine the answer might be, it’s better than that. Reddington’s power is legendary. With this, I control that power.
Garvey: You know, all this time I’ve given you to think has prompted me to do some thinking of my own. And uh - I got to tell you, I’m stumped. When you consider all the people on the planet who would be interested in the contents of that case, and you multiply that number by an even greater number of unspeakable things those people would do to get it, how the hell could it end up in the hands of a little pissant like you?
That’s why I question whether woman will return with or without his truth. She could very well return without it, and use Liz as leverage just as Garvey tried to when he attempted to kidnap her. The world doesn’t know Red is an imposter. He’s now at risk of being revealed publicly as he was in S5. 
Ilya being specific when he told her to go to hell. “YOU go to hell.” Kaplan specific on the bridge. “I loved YOU, Raymond.” Kaplan accepted the man Katarina became, not the monster she helped him become. Instead of telling Katarina to go to hell, Ilya specified imposter Katarina. 
Woman not knowing Red is an imposter, one now has to rewatch her scenes with Raymond - as she believes he’s the real Raymond in those scenes. And because she believes he’s the real Raymond, one should question if she knew the real Raymond, if she’s acting as the real Katarina - who actually did know the real Raymond, and if she assumes Raymond himself believes her to be the real Katarina. Having two imposters complicated the storyline. Woman can know Raymond is an imposter while Raymond not know she’s an imposter. But he does know because he’s the real Katarina. But she can go on believing he doesn’t know. Now that she knows he’s an imposter, the woman herself should, just as the audience, review what transpired between them since the moment she kidnapped him in Paris.  
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royvelasco · 7 years
How Travel Changed My Life
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When I was in grade school, I had this very thick book that I kept on browsing every single day. It was a book that shows an overview of every single country around the world. I could still remember those days as I try to understand each country’s history and culture and even speak out some common phrases of different languages. What made my reading experience more pleasing was seeing wonderful pictures of various places. I didn’t know back then that it would be the start of something I would be very passionate about.
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Still a decent shot with The Ruins of St. Paul in Macau despite of the crowd XD
Travel has changed my life way before I started traveling. It all began with an interest that suddenly fired up as a passion. My aspiration of seeing those places from the book turned to reality several years after. I could still remember the very first time I set foot on a foreign land. Together with my friends, we were in awe as we had our first ever trip abroad in Macau and Hong Kong. I knew from there that it would be the start of my childhood dream becoming real.
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Contemplating at Angkor Wat in Siem Reap, Cambodia
Traveling opened my imagination. Traveling doesn’t necessarily mean that you would literally go to places. With that thick book in hand, I was amazed with everything I was seeing from the comforts of our home. There was a time I was hiking Mt. Everest until my mom called me for supper, practicing my French with a local from Paris which turned out to be my Buzz Lightyear action figure, and even hiding from the Khmer Rouge in Kampuchea with the help of my pillows and blanket.
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Receiving a blessing from a monk in Angkor Wat
Traveling transformed me to a planner. Every time I travel with friends, I’m always the one planning everything. If it comes to anything travel-related, I would always be the to-go person for questions and suggestions. It all started when I initiated to organize an out of town trip with friends. It turned out to be a success and my friends were very satisfied with the trip. I like laying out an itinerary as I would want to make the most out of my travel. Traveling made me realized how organized and detailed of a person I am. A little bit of spontaneity might be fun but doing research beforehand wouldn’t hurt. It avoids us from mishaps and somehow gives us a glimpse of the destination.
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Conquered the 272 steps to Batu Caves, Malaysia
Traveling taught me perseverance. If you dream of something, you need to work hard for it. A dream would forever be a dream if you don’t take actions. Traveling is definitely fun but if you have work and responsibilities to take care of, it would be difficult to sort out the priorities. I have an 8-hour office job but this didn’t stop me from traveling. It’s the sole source for my expenses that’s why I always try to be on my very best at work and thinking of sidelines just to continue financing my travels and at the same time contributing to my family’s needs. If you want to do something, you certainly need hard work and patience simultaneously keeping that passion alive.
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Rewarded with an incredible view after that challenging hike to Taraw Cliff
Traveling opened a lot of discoveries and possibilities. I never knew that Vietnamese food and not Thai is my most favorite until I visited Vietnam. I was surprised as we were able to overcome border crossing in Indochina trouble-free. I was very nervous and thought that I couldn’t make it when I was about to hike Taraw Cliff in El Nido, Palawan but then got astonished with the view from the top. I never thought that I could do solo travel for a week. I discovered a lot about myself through traveling and it keeps on revealing more.
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Amazed with the grandeur of the Grand Palace in Bangkok, Thailand
I am not perfect and I am not trying to be one but traveling made me a better person. Traveling created a great impact that positively shaped me to something that I wouldn’t imagine. It’s not just about those wonderful pictures uploaded in Instagram, a blog post about this cool place I was just in to, or even as simple as the stamps in my passport. It’s my strong passion to witness the marvels of the world and the courage to make the journey possible. I am a man of my words and I will keep the fire burning. I’ll continue to set foot to new places as I know that I have so much more to see and I promise that I will never get tired of it.
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Enjoyed our Mekong Delta Tour in Vietnam with new friends
How travel changed your life? Share your travel stories here: https://www.traveloka.com/en-ph/how-travel-changed-my-life-blogger-contest
#TravelokaPH #WhyITravel #TravelokaStories
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