Former US Intelligence Agent David Grusch says under oath that the US government is in possession of UFOs and non-human biologics. (Via: PopCrave)
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aslamat · 12 days
The Haunting Melody: Exploring the myth of the cursed music box
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Music has been known to inspire the feelings, relax one’s spirit, and there are those who believe and do act on that statement it even heals the heart. While attempting to create a structure for a potential story, one must consider the fact that what if the tune itself evoked insanity? It is a music box with a fascinator music and an ability to create anything it wants – a death of innocent people; The Haunting Melody remained a subject of discussion. In the following blog post of the music blogs series, we’ll focus on revealing the background of this truly creepy music box, as well as the details regarding its eerie melodic pattern, and its powers that seem to have a mind-bending effect.
The Origins of the Haunting Melody: The story telling has it that the music box was made by an ingenious yet troubled composer of the late 1800s. This musician, who was a perfectionist and could not compose a single piece without delivering the perfect melody, devoted himself for the music box. There are also good examples in the life of an artist; for instance, as he painted he became more and more obsessed with his work, he lost his friends, his health, and even his mind. It was the only thing that continued to remain close to him and so he left all his feelings in its beautiful melody.
The Curse Unfolds: Going back to the music box’s accounts of its curse, the earliest that can be traced originated in the early 1900s. The story of the music box has a starting point, a crucial Initial situation: a young couple, newly wed, received the music box as a gift from a mysterious stranger. They loved the tune of the music so much, and the beauty of the model, that they continued to dance and play with it even as death drew near. In their interactions, they were apprehensive, fighting, and overtly self-centered with time that had gone by. Witnesses claimed to have heard voices and screams during nights in the apartment of neighbors. There was one evening, they were discovered seated side by side on the bed with their hands held, lifeless while the music box continued to play.
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The Trail of Tragedies: Since then, tales of deaths related to the music box have circulated the community, leaving a haunting aura surrounding it. One family received this box from their distant relative for generations, but they were bombarded with internal problems and fundamental conflicts that led the members to disown each other. A musician with much energy and motivation fell for this melody to the extent that he devoted his efforts towards reproducing this melody, and being a sensitive musician, he developed a schizophrenic condition that led to attempted suicide one day. An inheritor who purchased the box at an auction was discovered with a pool of blood near his chest, among his collection, the music box continued to play the same melody.
That’s the science behind the curse Of seeing those to whom one has Given the rod, and then trying to Take it back again.
Researchers have attempted to explain the music box's mind-bending power through various theories:Researchers have attempted to explain the music box's mind-bending power through various theories:
Brainwave Entrainment: It can be intended to match the brain wave rhythm whereby the listener is put under deep relaxation and puts them in a position where they can be controlled and commanded to do as the song instructs.
Emotional Resonance: Music box plays a very tragic melody and the song, it can touch the deepest fear and anxiety in the listener’s soul making the emotional state of the character unbearable.
Cultural Significance: The music box can be seen as a vestige of a given culture, as well as a cultural object with semi-phagic features that evoke paradigmatic experiences, thus, historical and archetypal associations, associated with fear.
Breaking the Curse Numerous destruction attempts of the music box resulting failures, it keep reappearing, always managing again into hands of an unsuspecting victim. Some people think that only way break curse is understanding musician's intentions, to untangle mystery behind haunting melody. Other people suggest that music box should be locked away, concealed from humanity, to prevent happening additional tragedies.
Conclusion The Haunting Melody staying enigma, testament to the power of music for evoking emotions and manipulating the mind. We continuing to untangle its secrets, must proceed with caution no to succumbing to its curse. The music box reminders delicate line between creativity and obsession, sanity and madness. Will you dare listen its haunting melody, or is heeding warning of previous fallen ones your choice? The choice yours.
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thehauntingvisions17 · 3 months
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wolphstarr · 3 years
goodnight folks! 💤 make sure you check for monsters under your bed beforehand! 😨😰😰 source: @travelchannel @discovery @discoveryplus #shitmypants #travelchannel #horror #discovery #discoveryplus #discoverychannel #ghost #paranormal #paranormalphenomena #paranormalcaughtoncamera #caughtoncamera #breathtaking #scary #scaryaf #trembling #wolphstarr #network #marketing #socialmedia #digitalmarketing #networkmarketing #channel #explorepage #exploremore #exploremore #paranormalactivity https://www.instagram.com/p/CToLoCLIghH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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renovatio06 · 3 years
Taking a Closer Look | Thanatos TV | EN
Taking a Closer Look | Thanatos TV | EN
I’m pleased to notice that both my interviews I conducted on behalf of Thanatos TV | EN are nearing the 2,000 views mark each. The first one was released in November and has been up there since. The second one launched in December and hit the 1,000k–views–mark in about a day. My part was in researching and implementing the technological feasibility of shooting three camera angles simultaneously…
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mycosmicvoid · 4 years
The Paranormal and Skepticism - as Discussed in Steve Volk’s “Fringeology”
I have sat and thought, since uploading my introduction post, about where I would even start. There's so much to touch on that I almost didn't want to approach it at all, but it only makes sense to start with a more general post. I want to start with the topic of “the paranormal” and the acceptance of such phenomena (in the sphere of this book, at least, considering the vastness of the topic). “Fringeology” was written and published in 2011 by Steve Volk, a writer with enough humility to subtitle his book, “How I tried to explain away the unexplainable and couldn’t.” He makes a good argument for the reasons why people can’t accept an opposing view to their own, and to put it plainly: why it’s really not so crazy to accept that paranormal phenomena exists, scientifically or otherwise (along with tons of other concepts to expand on separately). To begin, he offers a few quick examples of the connections between the paranormal, science and history- alchemy has led to modern chemistry, as Francis Aston used predictions from occultists to discover the isotope. Hans Berger invented the EEG originally wanting a mechanism for measuring psychic events. Plato told the story of Er, a soldier who died in battle, experienced the afterlife, and was revived days later, and President Lincoln dreamt/predicted his own death. Although these are just a few examples, they serve the argument that paranormal phenomena is present in situations, lives and even myths seemingly important enough for us to want to expand on. “…Taking the paranormal seriously means we gain a greater understanding of the world regardless of the outcome.”[1] An example of this would be the NDE: the Near Death Experience. It is a phenomenon that has been heavily associated with the paranormal, but is now a topic studied in our modern medical and psychological science. On the other end of the spectrum are committees and individuals dedicated solely to disproving paranormal and psychic phenomena. Volk mentions this one above all: CSICOP (The Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal), founded by humanist philosopher Paul Kurtz in 1976, a committee Volk pegs as the foundation for the modern skeptical movement. However, they voted to discontinue further scientific investigations after the Mars Effect study (conducted by Michel and Francoise Gauquelin, proving that extremely talented athletes and sports champions were found to have Mars “around the Ascendant and Midheaven in their birth chart more frequently than chance would allow.”[2]). In fact, according to Volk, CSICOP changed their name in 2006 to CSI (Committee for Skeptical Inquiry), so they no longer had to have the scientific method in question, which I find interesting and ironic for a committee with the mantra, “We can’t let the mystics rejoice.” Also mentioned is a good point made by Dr. David Jones, a man who believes that hard, rational thought traces the contours of the problem, not its answer. When you think about it, the main argument by skeptics (of anything, really) is the use of “logic.” As explained by Jones, “Logic is based on society’s current storehouse of accepted knowledge,”[1] which changes constantly. even though it’s an argument used all the time, the most obvious example of this is that “logically,” at one point, the whole world also agreed that the earth was flat. Specifics aside, I like the simple summary it ultimately comes to with Volk, which is basically that if “paranormal” refers to what is unexplained, then reality itself is paranormal. “The mystery of the world exists apart from our judgment of it.”[1] If you want to hang on to the concept of “logic,” even Volk elaborates on the fact that our version of logic does not equate to what is true, by explaining that our brain isn’t built to give us a true and accurate perception of reality. There is too much stimuli to assess, so the brain creates a model of the world that allows us to survive, comfortably so. It brings the “important” things to the forefront and suppresses anything else (like the paranormal, perhaps?), even though the image that this creates is wrong.
In fact, skeptics are so dedicated to disproving, that a popular tool used are psychological evaluations (the go-to explanation: if you believe, something is “wrong with you”). From what I’ve seen, they popularly come in the format of a questionnaire, one of the most famous being the Fantasy Prone Personality (FPP) test, proposed by Sheryl Wilson and Theodore Barber in 1981, “the debunker’s dream.” Fantasy Prone people are more likely to believe in something mainstream science rejects, and answering yes to 6 or more questions automatically makes you Fantasy Prone. With this logic, having one paranormal experience in your whole life can result in a 6+ “yes” response. Despite that being a main problem, Volk also mentions that your belief in your experiences aren’t always concrete- sometimes we have more vivid belief in certain things depending on what is happening in our lives at the very moment. Another famous psych-based test would be the Magical Ideation Scale, meant for “irrational thinking.” Apparently, people with confirming answers to a certain amount of the provided statements are more likely to develop a schizophrenia spectrum disorder, and people that are considered to have an “FPP” are more likely to have experienced childhood trauma. Although this is not unlikely, skeptics use these tools to prove that anyone with a sort of paranormal belief have them simply due to mental illness and trauma. From what I remember, Volk does not mention the condescending nature of these tests, but it’s something I noticed almost immediately. Imagine having to take one of these questionnaires given to you by your psychologist because you’ve discussed experiencing something paranormal, and the first thing you hear is that the test is to measure irrationality. This is just one of the many, many examples of reasons why experiencers have not and will not come forward. There is a sort of obsession with needing to be what we consider “logical” and “rational,” however, “Prosaic explanations aren’t always available - that is, unless we allow our commitment to the rational to make us downright irrational.”[1]
In an interview with Steve Volk given by Greg Newkirk (paranormal investigator and co-creator of the docu-series “Hellier”) on a temporarily posted live stream, Greg proposes that there should be a sort of Magical Ideation Scale for nonbelievers. Volk replies with nothing other than, “Absolutely.”[3] As i look back in my notes regarding his book, I realized that this idea was actually mentioned- Volk asks the question of why there aren’t comparative studies on “sane belief” and why people hold those opinions, and includes the viewpoint of skeptic Chris French, who believes there probably is a scale for nonbelievers, but being at the hard end of the skeptic spectrum is due to just being born not open to believing. According to Volk, French is a committed skeptic but believes we should continue to learn and revise our beliefs as we do so. Another interesting comment Newkirk has made in the past regarding the book was about the aforementioned perception of logic. Volk credits Edward de Bono as an “expert of creative thought” who argues that the West’s tradition of settling disagreements by argument is “over-reliance on logic”[1], while logic is more of a partner to free, associative thinking. Simplified by Newkirk, “The ‘wacky stuff’ is just a way of looking at the world differently,”[4] and in Volk’s eyes, “…What is today seen as wacky often leads to tomorrow’s progress.”[1] Volk isn’t afraid of being ignored or discredited due to the “wacky stuff”- in the Newkirk/Volk interview, Greg asks how skeptics have responded to “Fringeology.” Steve replies quick-wittedly, “They didn’t read it and hate it.”[3]
I wanted to explore the viewpoint of Volk and some of his examples regarding the paranormal generally, as I find it may be easier to begin with a sort of overview when discussing certain works and writers in this community- Nearly all of them have specific differentiating details regarding their own theories. I think it’s important that writers such as Volk explore the world of skepticism, as it is an obscure way of thinking in itself.
“The truth is, we don’t have to treat the paranormal the way we do. We don’t need to bathe in it with the believers, or strenuously deny its existence, like the skeptics. And we don’t need to turn the whole thing into a fight.”[1]
[1] Steve Volk, “Fringeology”
[2] The Astrology Podcast Episode 173 Outline
[3] Greg Newkirk live stream interview with Steve Volk for Patreon members (no longer available), 7/19/20
[4] Greg Newkirk live stream book club discussion of “Fringeology” chapters 1-4 
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wildandwokepodcast · 4 years
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I (Caroline) wake up pretty often anytime between 2:30-4am sometimes wide awake and sometimes my eyes just open. A few months ago I woke up and thought I saw my deceased papa standing next to me— it felt so real. I chalked it up to a dream, but later that same day I came across a picture of us together at my high school graduation and he was wearing the same shirt I saw him in. Do you have experiences like this or maybe a case of sleep paralysis 👀 . . . . #paranormalactivity #paranormalphenomena #ghosts #haunted #paranormalpodcast #truecrimepodcast #conspiracytheorypodcast #creepy #podcast #podcastersofinstagram #crimepodcasts #podcastlife #podcasts #womeninpodcasts https://www.instagram.com/p/B9zAS4dp1m-/?igshid=7203byx3tiwu
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tahitianstarseed · 5 years
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This is really intense to watch but I recommend it. 👍This reality series, which comes from the producers of "The Purge" and "Lore," provides viewers with a chilling glimpse into first-person accounts of supernatural events. People who have witnessed horrifying, peculiar or extraordinary events tell their tales, which include how the unexplained phenomena continue to haunt them. Stories include a boy who is haunted by visions of a woman hanging in his closet and sisters who grew up in a real-life house of horrors with a sadistic father who did unspeakable things. #haunted #netflixoriginal #netflixseries #netflixoriginalseries #mustwatchseries #horror #realitytv #realitytelevision #paranormalactivity #phenomenon #paranormalphenomena #unexplained #truestories #truestory #ufophenomenon #janpavlacky #howardtowens #jordanroberts #bensilverman https://www.instagram.com/p/B52fVbqHshm/?igshid=1pjh9mc0zrn3d
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crochetheroes-blog · 5 years
For just $40.00 Mason "Dipper" Pines is a smart, curious, and adventurous 13-year-old boy spending the summer with his Great Uncle Stan in Gravity Falls, Oregon, where he and his sister constantly encounter the town's paranormal tendancies. Armed with a mysterious journal he found in the episode "Tourist Trapped", he and Mabel are the two main protagonists of Gravity Falls and seek to uncover the town's mysterious secrets. The toy is stuffed with hypo-allergenic holofiber. This toy will be a perfect friend and gift. Its height is 21 cm (8,27 inches). Thank you for your time. There is a wide choice of toys. Don’t miss new toys. Enjoy your shopping!
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juniehoang · 7 years
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Shooting another episode of a new #paranormalphenomena #TVshow with @somi_chasing_unicorns . (at Remmet Studios)
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darthtalon89 · 4 years
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Finally finished the episode of @lpontheleft on #HelenaPetrovnaBlavatsky #Еле́наПетро́внаБлава́тская#YelenaPetrovnaBlavatskaya#MadameBlavatsky#occultist#philosopher#author #TheosophicalSociety#theoretician#Theosophy#esotericmovement#HelenaBlavatsky#MastersoftheAncientWisdom#synthesisofreligion#philosophy#Science#Spiritualistmovement#Spiritualistphenomena#spiritsofthedead#spiritmedium#IsiUnveiled#esotericdoctrines#Hermeticism #Neoplatonism#Buddhism#Religion#paranormalphenomena#TheSecretDoctrine#TheKeytoTheosophy#TheVoiceoftheSilence https://www.instagram.com/p/CBC9PJjHSI7/?igshid=14k7sm2iqg03g
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scottsackett · 4 years
UFOs, Bigfoot and The Bermuda Triangle: Paranormal Phenomena of the 70s
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amigofilms2000 · 6 years
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#LaCasaDeFidel #LaRoma #TourInsólito #AMIParanormal #travel #ViajemosPorMéxico #Mexico #CDMX #paranormalvideos #paranormalphenomena #paranormal #paranormalactivity #viaje #fashion #style
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figandthewasp · 6 years
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Dare I? . . . . . . . . . . #monsters #johnmichaelgreer #magick #magicalbeings #occult #esoteric #freemason #masons #masonic #sacredgeometry #druid #levelsofbeing #author #readersgonnaread #booknerd #study #knowledge #norcalbhs #themoreyouknow #paranormal #paranormalphenomena #notabedtimestory #readingwithallthelightson
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304ghosts-blog · 6 years
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#England #Cambridge #mysterious #demons #thedead #haunted #vintage #ghoststories #spooks #paranormalphenomena #legends #wvghosts #haveyouseenaghost #304ghosts #creepy #ads #newspapers #history #paranormal #supernatural #psychiatric #weird #beliefs #apparitions #spirits #psychical #experiments #research
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wildandwokepodcast · 4 years
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Deja Vu has always blown my mind— what are your theories on it? Would you love an episode digging into all the theories 🤷🏼‍♀️👀 . . . . . #dejavu #paranormalphenomena #paranormalpodcast #truecrimepodcast #conspiracytheory #conspiracytheorypodcast #staywild #staywoke #podcast #podcastersofinstagram #podcasts #podcasting #podcastlife https://www.instagram.com/p/B81VJs9JYOu/?igshid=1q5jh1zxh9f40
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