#papillon anon
yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
I just wanted to thank you for being such a huge comfort blog during covid your posts got me through a really rough time :’) this community was so fun to be a part of and I’m glad there are still some familiar faces around
I, ON THE OTHER HAND, COMPLETELY REINVENTED MYSELF!!! I chopped all my hair off bc I decided that having sexy hair was not worth the sensory issues and also because I love the way a pixie looks on me (my head isn’t a weird shape like I thought it was) and once I started going to school in-person again I met a bunch of new people and recovered from isolating myself for an entire year and I’m WAY MORE CONFIDENT NOW
I actually took quite a large break from playing Genshin around my second semester last year and I only now started playing because Cyno came out👁 (I have been waiting for him since the trailer I LOVE HIM A NORMAL AMOUNT)
I actually joke pulled on Tighnaris banner because I wanted to get collei and umm I got collei,,, but I also got fox boy,, and then keqing so I had a guaranteed Cyno. I think this was Genshins way of bribing me to start playing again😭 it worked. I finished a bunch of quests I’d been putting off and I’m getting closer to starting the Sumeru archon quest ! !
Anyways today felt like a fitting day to come back from the dead because I literally had the most perfect day and it made me realize how far I’d come since my days as an anon in ur blog :’)
I hope everything is going good on your end as well and I’m glad your posting again (btw how’s that psychology major coming along?)
- Papillon 🦋
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aaaaaa you're so sweet as ever, thank you too for keeping me company during the covid era, honestly it still feels like the pandemic is still rampant here but that's just me stuck inside at this point. but ah!! im so happy you're alive and better than ever! Oh look at you all, really growing up and finding your identities, even if it's been just what - almost two years i just feel so proud of you all for making it through the worst parts of our era and turning out for the best *wipes tears* Ah motherly tears
That makes you, me, and some others who also came back for Cyno! It's like the second coming or some shit lmao we love our boyo eventhoughiendeduppullingfornilouandsimpingforherhard
Oh please get that archon quest going, make sure to pace yourself by the way cuz that shit takes HOURS but it is SO WORTH
Again again, so happy you found your way back, I missed you just the same! And that ahah I graduated back in July! I'm now getting ready to take my board exam to have my professional license, four hours+ every saturday and sunday for 6 months hence why im quiet during the weekends but it's going well!
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14dayswithyou · 5 months
Had to immediately go through the Teo tag after day 3, dying over this tag you wrote. Day 4 spoilers?
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✦゜ANSWERED: That was a vague Day 3 spoiler, actually!! 😼 But there's another tag on that post which can be considered a spoiler for Day 4 (and onwards)... >:3c
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papillonaskblog · 12 days
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If you don’t know already, I am the world famous Papillon, owner of Furtum Fabrics. My brand is known all over Teyvat for its top quality silks and embroidery, worn by the most famous figureheads, even the Chief Justice himself~. Any questions you may have about my brand or even about myself, feel free to ask! Just only if it doesn’t get too out of hand…
//ooc: this is my Genshin OC, Papillon! I did a little background about him on my main blog @/blauwu, so go look at that if u wish so 👁️👁️
//: anyone can interact
//: no nsfw, please. i won’t respond to anything that makes me feel uncomfortable :(
//: u can call me ‘blauw’ or ‘blauwu’ outside of character! (i also use they / she pronouns)
//: other ocs and canon characters r more than welcome, i love to see people getting creative~
☆ 🦋 = Papillon
☆ Papillon answers = answering asks
☆ Papillon speaks = replying to threads / outside of asks
☆ Papillon rants = regular text post
…Anything else is just other regular tags.
Thank you for reading~!
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pastelpaperplanes · 3 months
I'm curious; why do Blitzwing and his parents look so,,,stricken? Horrified? To see each other exactly? LOVE the expressions tho
Anon is referring to this art post!
Their reunion is supposed to be both relieving and absolutely devastating. Their boy is alive after all these years through both the war and the Decepticon’s exile…Blitz is here and he is right in front of them, but this person is also a stranger to them.
They see that yes this IS their boy. And yes, Blitzwing is STILL Blitzwing, yet nearly not at all.
Wartime has not been kind of their son in the slightest, and to see how his continued survival through so many years of war has ravaged him, pulled him apart into pieces, cut away, and added so much to their boy to the extent that it takes so much more to recognize him as a triple changer—Papillon and Firstwatch are rightly horrified. Someone has hurt their baby.
Whats worse, Blitz readily assumes that he is someone they most likely no longer recognize, both in appearance and as their son. Those are his parents.
But do they know what stands before them? Would they even still see him as their son, and not just some “war-torn abomination “? Would they still love him? Could they even be capable of still loving him after what he was turned into?
But of course they recognize him, of course they love him and no force in the universe could change that. Those are his parents and he is their baby.
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angel-gone-south · 8 months
Oh dearest writer I am requesting (again) what do YOU think tweek, clyde, kyle, jimmy and pip would call the reader (if that makes any sense 😅) like ig "petnames" but I hate that word more then anything (even more then my mom 🤭)
🖌 anon (as always)
Nicknames for the Reader!
i did romantic AND platonic if that’s okay
Drug mention
Stan Marsh
Platonic: Dude, Bro, “Lil Homie” or “Big Guy” depending on your height
Romantic: Darling, Honey, Baby. Typical shit unless he’s in a goofy mood, then it’s something stupid like “booboo bear”
Kyle Broflovski
Platonic: Dude, Bro. Classic.
Romantic: Babe, Dear, Honeybun. He never calls you Honeybun in public though, that one is for him only.
Kenny McCormick
Platonic: Babes, among other things that are probably not normally platonic (doll, pretty, etc)
Romantic: Doll, Prince/Princess, Hot stuff (or hotcock/pusspuss when he’s stoned out of his gourd)
Eric Cartman
Platonic: This is Cartman we’re talking about. He calls you derogatory things based on your appearance and background no matter what.
Romantic: Same thing, mostly. But alone he’s much sweeter, or he just adds “my” to the beginning of whatever slur he calls you. He’s not used to love.
Butters/Marjorine Stotch
Platonic: Fella, Buddy, Bubba, etc.
Romantic: Baby, sweetheart, darling, etc. Constantly giving you the sweetest compliments too. “Handsome boy” or “pretty girl” or simply just “gorgeous”
Craig Tucker
Platonic: Dude. Bro sometimes but he’s a very Dude guy.
Romantic: We all know he calls his partners honey, but also I think he would call you cupcake or love. Maybe even just baby.
Tweek Tweak
Platonic: Bro, my guy. Uses your name a lot.
Romantic: Hun, Cutie, just the most sickeningly sweet shit. He’s smitten.
Clyde Donovan
Platonic: Dude, bro, guy. Regardless of gender.
Romantic: Something stupid. Little lady/baby boy/my darling when he wants to embarrass you. Bae in front of his friends.
Tolkien Black
Platonic: Simple and straight to the point, he uses your name. Occasionally dude.
Romantic: I’m sorry he’s the guy to say pookie unironically 💀 he also calls you “little bug” though which is honestly adorable
Jimmy Valmer
Platonic: My man/Little Dude/Miss lady. He’s a jokester, whaddya want?
Romantic: Sweetums, cutie patootie, lovebug.
Scott Malkinson
Platonic: Dude, your name. Very simple.
Romantic: He’s probably so nervous but I think he would call you sugar, hon, and babe. He’s also definitely fond of dear and darling.
Pip Pirrup
Platonic: Friend, Chap, other British things.
Romantic: Love, sweetie, baby, missus/mister/mx. He adores you to the bone.
Damien Thorn
Platonic: Puny, worm, other such insults.
Romantic: Mortal. Also refers to you as “the Tolerable One” and “Mine.” Sometimes, when he’s feeling extra sappy, he calls you his little angel or firestarter.
Gregory (of Yardale)
Platonic: He does NOT know what that means so prepare for a litany of Prince/Princess, My Liege, etc.
Romantic: Others include: My sweet, love, sunshine, baby, little flower, beautiful, gorgeous, etc.
Christophe “The Mole” DeLorne
Platonic: “Friend” is the best thing you could squeeze out of him.
Romantic: lots of French. “Papillon” (butterfly), “Mon cher/Ma chérie” (my dear/my darling), “Amour” (love). He prays you don’t understand. Never point them out he WILL stop.
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diamondchili · 5 months
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oops!!!! my hand slipped!!! have some fankids of my favorite king ohger ships :>
Nico comes from Nicodamus peregrinus, a species of red and black spider, and Philip comes from Tenodera philippina, a species of purple-winged mantis <3
(id in alt text!)
some headcanons about these kiddos below the cut:
for Nico:
-shes not at all concerned with acting like a prim and proper royal. youll find this kid knee-deep in mud, sticks in her hair, eyes wild and laughing all the time
-she has different nicknames for the shugods than gira and argues with him on what they prefer to be called
-on that topic, gira is dad and jeramie is papa (translated anyway?)
-when jeramie tells her bedtime stories (which is often!) she HAS to add to the story, and 9 times out of 10 she gets more excited and less sleepy. jeramie knows he should stop so she actually goes to bed but he loves making up stories with her!! sometimes gira will come in and gently remind them of the time :’)
-she loves to sneak into the throne room and jumpscare her dads during important meetings
for Philip:
-he loves books but not fiction. this boy reads encyclopedias cover to cover and loves every word
-personality-wise he’s a lot like rita, in that hes very softspoken, but still passionate about his interests!
-he and rita def understand each other more, but he’s also a bit of a mama’s boy. himeno is like his shield at big events bc she’ll talk for him and has big fluffy skirts to hide behind <3
-calls himeno mama and calls rita papa, like papillon! (thanks, anon!!)
-himeno tries SO HARD to understand and support her wallflower of a son she really tries!! and she does a good job, philip loves both his parents so dearly!!
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lady-de-mon-coeur · 10 months
Hello! Do you have ml fanfic recommendations? Well written english or French and ft romance? Thank you!
Hey there, lovely anon! If I get your ask right, you wanted romance-focused fic recs, didn’t you? So here you go.
First of all,
french recs
Juste un baiser by @mind3ll
Tout avait commencé par une innocente discussion entre Rose et Mylène, et qui aurait parfaitement pu n'avoir aucune conséquence. Du moins, jusqu'à ce que Chloé s'en mêle. Puis Alix. Puis Alya.
Et que la question de qui avait déjà embrassé quelqu'un se trouve soudain au centre de toutes les conversations.
Le battement d'ailes du Papillon by @miraculous-floconfettis
- Ladybug, viens vite, j'ai trouvé le repère du Papillon !
A l'autre bout du fil, le cœur de Ladybug manqua un battement. Chat Noir avait trouvé la tanière de leur ennemi ! Mais lorsque son coéquipier reprit la parole, les mots qu'il prononça lui glacèrent le sang.
- Viens le plus vite possible au manoir Agreste. Dépêche-toi, je t'en supplie.
A very accurate depiction of Adrien processing his trauma after finding out Hawk Moth’s true identity. Lots of hurt/comfort, fluff and Adrinette being a married couple without even realising it.
Trouve-moi si tu peux and Embrasse-moi si tu peux by @mind3ll
Adrien jubilait.
Il avait enfin l'opportunité de découvrir qui se cachait derrière l'identité de Ladybug.
Et en tout bien tout honneur, histoire de couronner le tout. Tout ça grâce à un petit jeu entre eux, un simple jeu qu'il avait initié sans trop y croire.
Détransformation de choc by Alixe
Un combat qui finit un peu brutalement, une relation qui peine à se mettre en place, un père qui s'en mêle... La vie de héros n'est pas toujours facile.
Doux chantage by Jade DeTour
Un soir, Chat Noir découvre le secret de l'identité de Ladybug ainsi que l'identité de celui qu'elle aime. Il demande trois rendez-vous en échange de son silence. Ladynoir, Marichat et Adrinette avec un peu de Ladrien.
Éclosion by ElinaLT
Marinette reçoit une fleur et une lettre, d'un mystérieux 'admirateur secret' comme l'appelle Alya. Elles cherchent désespérément de qui il pourrait s'agir... la découverte s'annonce pleine de surprises.
I never get tired of recommending this fic. It’s just so sweet and heartwarming. Please consider giving it a try, even if you’re not into Marichat.
I'll Guess Your Heart, If You Guess Mine by PurpleHeartsOne
When Chat Noir stumbles upon Marinette holding her kwami, Tikki, he finally figures out that his lady, the girl he loves, is none other than his classmate Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Marinette is terrified that he's figured out, and she's not ready to know who he really is, since she's a firm believer that their identities should be hidden and is scared of the consequences if their identities are revealed. As a compromise, Chat Noir decides to set up a deal, he'll give Marinette three chances to guess who he really is underneath the mask, and if she doesn't guess right, he won't reveal himself. But Chat Noir has full faith that his lady will be able to guess who he is.
A story about Chat Noir falling in love with who his lady is, and Marinette falling in love with Chat and easing her worries about the identity reveal.
A multi-chapter set in s4. A must-read imo.
It's You by @inner-sakura
She’d gone through this exact moment a million times in her head. Imagined dramatically declaring her love and having him passionately reciprocate. She’d spent hours picturing the way his green eyes would soften and warm as he too declared his undying love for her, before sweeping her off her feet and carrying her off into the sunset. The fantasy always ended this way, the two of them madly in love.
It never ended with Adrien gazing at her blankly, his face smooth and expressionless.
[AU where Marinette succeeds in confessing to Adrien after the events of Frozer, and everything devolves from there.]
Too much angst, hurt and comfort in this two-shot.
Kiss shy by @emsylcatac
Marinette was on a mission. Three weeks into an impromptu reveal, the same three weeks into a relationship with her partner. And yet, they still hadn’t kissed. She didn’t know how much more she could take.
So tonight, she would kiss him. Right on the mouth.
I just love these precious beans.
rumour has it by summerset
When Alya reveals to the class that Marinette kissed Chat Noir, Adrien is very confused. Why would Marinette lie about kissing him? He decides to take matters into his own hands, and make the rumour a reality.
A Timely Reveal by LiquifiedStars
Adrien realised that having kissed Marinette as Chat Noir was now causing him complications with his now Girlfriend. His attempt to reveal himself however is interrupted when a girl suddenly falls through a portal, and she looks curiously like him. Written for the Miraculous Fanworks Discord.
I know I recommended this fic too many times before and I’ll do it again. Just read it.
wax lips to wax lips by @ladyofthenoodle
Adrien has been struggling to make sense of Marinette for a long time now, but today is especially confusing. Between Nino’s panicked hedging and Marinette’s own verbal gymnastics, he feels like he’s been whipped around by Ladybug’s yo-yo and tied up in knots.
Still, he isn’t going to let some confusion get in the way of their friendship.
Even if things have just gotten really, really confusing.
(it's the statue scene, from Adrien's point of view!)
Seven Seconds by alvares715
Adrien finds a lost video on his phone.
Set in season four.
Episode “Felix” aftermath. Very angsty fic. Another one must-read imo.
Accidentally Not In Love by Lucid
Marinette confesses to Adrien and he rejects her. It takes him less than 24 hours to realize he's made a huge mistake.
Can't Help Falling For You by FelicisMagic18873
Ladybug decides to talk Chat out of his crush for her by making him realize that he might end up not liking who she was behind the mask. It decidedly goes out of hand pretty quickly.
Very sweet one-shot, you can literally feel Chat Noir’s love for Ladybug through the words.
Thank you for your ask, anon! Hope you found something to read. Happy reading!
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favouritefi · 4 months
oh no! I hope the rest of your week goes better! idk much terror-wise tbh, but how about smth like the ones you normally draw as dogs drawn as cats or vice versa?
Thank you for this sweet anon I’m sorry I never got around to drawing this but it’s such a fun ask so here’s my thoughts for this au of the catboy au:
Hickey - papillon
Jopson - border collie
Little - Bernese mountain dog
Hodgson - silken windhound
Irving - English cocker spaniel
Tozer - Maine coon
Dundy - Nebelung
Collins - Turkish van
Des voeux - munchkin
Peglar - cairn terrier
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milkybonya · 1 year
slip ☆ big naughty
order 070, anon: large taro milk tea with banana tapioca pearls, pudding, and regular tapioca pearls for big naughty
! : suggestive (kissing/making out), swear words/explicit language, a lot of bickering, kind of cliché and fast paced
# : enemies to friends to lovers, fake dating, academic rivals, big naughty (Seo Donghyun x gn reader, ft. bestie Haon
[💌: yes i keep using old photos of bigna because he looks cuddly n sof and what about it !!!! also my fav song from hopeless romantic is papillon. and why is he going to so many festivals pls do a world tour sir we're waiting]
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"oh, fuck off y/n," Donghyun snaps.
"i literally just want to sit in my seat," you say, pointing to your spot that Donghyun is sitting in.
he scowls at you and sticks his tongue out, turning back to his friends.
"what the fuck is your problem?" you sigh. "why can't i just sit in my seat?"
"your mom," he replies, laughing with his friends.
you groan and sit in his spot instead. he watches you carefully, trying to find more things he can pick on you about.
"what did you get on last week's assignment?" he asks.
"your mom," you reply with a smirk, proud of your retaliation.
"touché," replies Donghyun. "well, i got 99%."
"i got 100 so suck it," you say, turning back to him and sticking your tongue out.
you hear someone laugh and recognize it immediately as your friend, Haon. he walks into class and sits in his spot usually next to you, but currently taken by Donghyun.
"suck it fr, Donghyun," Haon says, opening his books.
"shut up, you can barely even pass half the time," Donghyun whines.
you burst out laughing and Donghyun smiles to himself.
the two of you are sworn enemies, academic rivals.
"but you guys enjoy this, don't you?" Haon asks you as he eats his lunch with you in the cafeteria.
you shake your head.
"he's so annoying, i can't stand him. he's literally so dumb and immature."
Haon shrugs, continuing to eat.
that week in class, a new assignment is announced. you're ready to do research and present the best ppt ever... until they say it's a creative project... and a group project, too. a group project in pairs. assigned pairs.
"i'm placing the two rivals in this class together because i'm sure if you actually work together, you can get something spectacular done," your teacher explains.
all eyes on the class turn to you and Donghyun. you can see Haon laughing somewhere within your peripheral vision as you try to look straight ahead.
"y/n and Donghyun, you'll be the first group to present. come take your assignment sheet."
you look back to see Donghyun rolling his eyes and sighing, exaggerating his every move and sound. so, you get up and fetch the sheet yourself.
everyone gets 10 minutes to read the assignment over before the class continues, and you drag your seat to Donghyun's desk so you can both read it over.
"this is so dumb," Donghyun sighs.
"i.. think it's quite fun, actually! we're given a lot of freedom for the presentation.. what should we do?!" you ask.
"i say we write a song. i know a thing or two about music. and you can come to my place; i have the equipment," Donghyun quickly explains while looking down at his phone.
you sigh. this is going to be tough.
Donghyun's house is big, clean, and extremely organized. you look around like a tourist at a foreign museum, taking in everything and also trying to find any baby photos of Donghyun to use as blackmail. you find his class president promo poster on the door of his room and immediately take a photo.
"everyone's already seen that. it won't do much for you," he says nonchalantly, making you jump as he walks from behind you into his room and onto his bed.
"let's go to my studio; it's easier to work there," he says with a smirk.
deep down, he's excited. he's excited for you to see the studio and feel shocked. he's excited to show you that he's more than just a bookworm. why is he excited? he doesn't know.. well.. because he gets to show off and one-up you, right?!
you follow behind him, imagining his studio as a tiny closet with a cheap mic, but you're suprised to find a soundproofed room filled with art, a weird toilet-chair, and a setup that looks like it belongs to a producer.
"wha--?" your jaw is dropped as you look around.
Donghyun's face is burning up, your shocked face makes him feel so proud he could die right now and die happy.
"Donghyun, this is all yours?" you ask.
"yeah, it's whatever. anyways, come sit. let's figure out what we want to do," he says as he sits in his chair, leaning back and turning on the desktop.
it takes a while for you to come up with ideas because you're still so in shock, but eventually, the two of you come up with the bare bones draft of a song. by then, it's pretty late and you decide you should go home.
right as Donghyun is sending you off at the door, his mom walks in.
"oh, hey Donghyun! i'm home.. who is this? a friend from school?"
"i'm y/n, Donghyun's classmate. we were just working on a project together," you say with a smile.
Donghyun's mom smiles back and nods, saying goodbye to you along with his son who glares at you as you leave.
"what kind of classmate do you glare at as they leave, huh Donghyun?" his mom asks him once you're gone.
"a classmate i hate."
back in class the next day, you excitedly race to Donghyun to talk about the song you've made.
"i was thinking about it all night! i have so many ideas now... we can incorporate some of our favourite poets' work into the song.. we can also sample some classical artists because we're gonna talk about how copyrighting and stuff is a blurry line, right?!" you ramble on.
"excuse me, do i know you?" Donghyun asks, trying to glare at you but breaking out into a laugh.
his laughter makes you crack up, and you don't notice Haon staring at you. the classroom's biggest rivals are suddenly laughing together?
you spend all of lunch talking about the song with Donghyun, and you go back to his place that night to work on the song again. his mom brings you fruits and wishes you luck as the two of you keep getting more and more ideas for the song.
"what about a music video?!" you suggest.
"let's make Haon the villain," Donghyun jokes.
"hey, hey.. don't bring my friend into this!"
the next day, you use your lunch period to film the music video. at this point, all sorts of rumours are spreading throughout the school. most of them involve you and Donghyun dating.
"i heard from someone that you went over to his house and spent the whole night making out with him instead of studying. what do you have to say for yourself, y/n?!" Haon asks you before a class begins.
"they can all fuck off. everyone will see when we present that we've actually been working hard," you explain.
at Donghyun's place, the two of you meet to add the final touches to the song and music video. you're so invested on fixing up a specific scene that Donghyun speaking makes you jump.
"don't you think it's so dumb that everyone thinks we're dating," he says.
you raise your brows at him while your heartrate returns to normal. "you heard it too?"
he nods, running his fingers through his soft, dark locks.
"yeah," you agree with a scoff, "it's really dumb."
"what if we fake date to make them think they're right and then a week later or something tell everyone ha we were just pranking!" Donghyun explains with a toothy grin, his hair falling back into his face.
"huh? w-why would we do that?"
Donghyun shrugs. "because it's fun."
you don't see the fun in any of this.
"okay, if you agree to fake date me, i'll... purposely fail the next test."
you perk up at the sound of that and Donghyun smirks.
"deal, then?"
"no... what would fake-dating entail?" you ask, leaning back in your chair next to Donghyun.
he presses the keys on his keyboard as he speaks. "acting like a couple but not actually being a couple?"
"okay, i know that much, but are we talking full pda or--"
💌: (pda means public display of affection, things like holding hands, kissing, etc that a couple does!)
"gross!" Donghyun yelps, pushing you and covering his face as it turns pink.
"get your head out the gutter! we'll just go with the flow, nothing too wild," he explains, pushing the hair out of his eyes.
you find yourself agreeing and the next morning, the day of your presentation, Donghyun is at your front door.
"Donghyun?" you ask, shocked.
"we're dating, aren't we? so let me walk you to school," he says, slipping his hand into yours.
"fake dating," you clarify as you lock the door.
"well.. anyways, all ready for the presentation today?" he asks, pushing his glasses up with his free hand. he grins at you; a small, curious grin.
"yep! i'm so excited... i think the reactions will be legendary," you say.
you both try to ignore the butterflies you feel each time you look at your interlocked fingers.
"they're holding hands?"
"i told you they're dating!"
"is it a prank?"
"y/n just wants to make Haon jealous."
the whispers start the second you and Donghyun enter the school grounds while holding hands, and they don't stop.
Haon races up to you in class once you're in your seat, demanding answers.
"i haven't seen you in a week and you say it's because of this project and now you're holding hands with your sworn enemy?!"
you shrug in response and he sighs.
looking back at Donghyun, you find he was already looking at you. quickly, he looks away, his cheeks red.
"okay, class. let's start the presentations! Haon and Seunghoon can go first," the teacher says.
you watch your best friend sigh as he stands, shuffling over to the front. you cheer him on and watch eagerly as he presents, but you're also nervous for your turn.
well, you don't even have time to be nervous! you're up next!!
the class murmurs as you both walk up and Donghyun smiles at you, lovingly? you can't tell if he's putting on the fake dating act or if his small smile and warm eyes are genuinely shooting out love hearts for you.
you shrug it off and focus on the presentation. luckily, you and Donghyun both present without any mistakes, and both the class and teacher love it!
"i knew something good would come out of pairing you both together!" the teacher says.
after the class, so many people come up to you both with questions about the song. Haon jokingly tells everyone that no paparazzi is allowed.
"move back!" he shouts, gently pushing the students away.
while Haon is unknowingly distracting them, Donghyun whispers into your ear.
"on the count of three, let's run."
"one." he smiles at you.
"two." he takes your hand.
"three!" he pulls you towards him as he sprints out of the class and you trail behind him.
your laughter echoes through the halls as you both stop in an empty classroom to catch your breaths.
"why?!" you ask Donghyun, who shrugs his shoulders.
"this is so much better," he says, panting while smiling.
"agreed," you reply.
there's an awkward silence between you both and you look around the classroom, not noticing Donghyun's eyes on you.
"can i kiss you?" he suddenly asks.
"huh?!" you whip your head around.
Donghyun's eyes are sparkling. he's serious, genuinely meant the question he asked.
"yes," you reply, knowing you mean it but not knowing why.
before you can try to find out, Donghyun is pressing his lips to yours and cupping your cheeks. his kiss is warm, and soft. you see stars; you feel butterflies like never before. he's practically taking you to heaven but brings you back down the second he pulls away.
"i-i'm sorry," he says, sheepishly, looking ashamed but cute with his cheeks all rosy.
"no. i wanted to," you say, reaching for his hand.
why are you reaching for his hand? your body is acting on instincts that you aren't even aware of.
you hear a low whistle from outside the classroom.
"so this is where you ran off to?" Haon asks, stepping into the class.
you quickly let go of Donghyun's hands.
"you have a lot of explaining to do, y/n," Haon tells you.
an hour spent at a café with Haon and he's had his jaw dropped the whole time as you've been talking.
"okay and so basically now you both kissed and you're wondering if you have real feelings for him?" Haon asks.
you slowly nod, taking a sip of your drink. your friend shakes his head at you, smirking.
"you fucking idiot. you've had feelings for him this whole time and haven't known! just date him for real already," Haon says.
"it isn't that easy! who knows how he feels about me," you point out.
Haon laughs, "he asked if he could kiss you. you don't think he likes you?"
your phone vibrates on the table. Donghyun's caller id flashes on the screen.
"answer it," Haon says. "i bet he wants to confess."
"hello?" you speak into your phone, stepping outside of the café so you can hear better.
"hey.. you're not busy, are you?" Donghyun asks in a small voice.
you look back at Haon. "no, why?"
"about what happened today.. i want to say that i don't regret it. i wanted that.. and i still want it.,"
"what do you mean?" you ask.
"i like you, y/n. for real. let's date.. for real?" he asks.
"you idiot. why aren't you telling me this in person," you joke.
"because i'm shy. answer me first," he whines.
you laugh, telling him that you feel the same.
"everything is happening so fast," you say.
"you're right, but let's not waste any more time. do you wanna come over?" Donghyun asks.
Haon looks up moments later to find you rushing in to grab your things.
"i'm so sorry Haon, i've gotta go," you say.
"just go. go to him," Haon says, sipping on his drink.
at Donghyun's house, his mom invites you in and you walk straight to his studio. the second you knock on his door, he opens it. clearly, he's been waiting.
and he wastes no time before he pins you to the door and his lips crash onto yours, tenderly melting against you as his hands slowly come down to wrap around your waist. he sighs in relief as your cool hands cup his warm cheeks, pulling him closer.
"was that okay?" he whispers after he pulls away.
"yes.. we like each other and we're dating now, right?" you ask.
Donghyun shyly nods. he takes you by the hand toward his chair, inviting you into his lap after he first takes a seat.
"wanna watch a movie with me?" he asks.
in class the next day, the two of you act as normal... as normal as a couple who were enemies before, then fake dated and are now dating for real could act.
people still don't know if your relationship is real or not, and some snobby popular girl comes all the way to your class from hers just to find out.
"it's real.. right? Donghyun, you wouldn't be dating your rival.. right? c'mon, i know you like me--"
she's cut off by the sound of your boyfriend scoffing.
"excuse me? like you? who even are you?" Donghyun asks, not even looking at the girl but instead focusing on drawing circles on the back of your hand as he holds it in his.
the girl is dumbfounded and storms away. you look at Donghyun, surprised that he stood up for you. he kisses your nose and giggles.
"i have to get used to this," you say.
"used to what?"
"you defending me for a change."
Donghyun shakes his head at you.
"get to your spots, everyone! we have a test today," the teacher says.
you look back at Donghyun before going to your desk, and he throws you a wink.
it's after class that you realize why--he kept his promise. he purposely failed his test because you agreed to fake date him.
"why would you do that, though? we stopped fake dating," you explain during lunch.
"but you still agreed, and a deal is a deal," he says with a small smile.
that night, you go to Donghyun's house again. in the studio, you recount the events that happened with that dumb popular girl and how Donghyun failed a test for the first time. you both laugh your heads off until a long silence prompts you to speak again.
you kneel down so you're eye-level with your boyfriend as you say, "Donghyun, you did really well today. i'm so proud of you. you did so much for me.. i don't deserve it."
"can i kiss you?" he suddenly asks without hesitation.
as soon as you nod yes, he presses his lips to the corner of your mouth, below your lips and above your chin. his touch as he gently caresses your cheek with his thumb is warm and soft. when he pulls away, even though you weren't kissing him, you miss the feeling of his lips on you.
his eyelids flutter open and he stares at you with stars on his eyes, his cheeks dusted red.
you unconsciously whine and pout, wanting to kiss him, making Donghyun break into a smile.
"you missed," you say, pointing to your lips.
"you're crazy," he tells you, but he still kisses you for real this time and butterflies rage within you as he pulls you onto his lap. it feels like you're melting onto his chest as one of his hands hold the back of your neck and the other your back.
Donghyun's phone starts vibrating on his desk but he pays it no mind, fully focusing on his racing heart and how sweet you taste, how warm you are to hold and how much he loves you.
he tells you this, breathes and mumbles it against your lips and you have to hold onto him because you feel so weak.
"D-Donghyun i can't.. i need a break.. my heart is exploding," you stutter.
he holds your waist and lets you lean back, admiring you.
"you don't think my heart also feels like there's warfare happening in there?" he asks with a toothy grin.
"i hate you," you say while smiling.
"oh? why are you sitting in my lap then?"
"fuck off."
"did you mean 'fuck me' instead? cause i will--"
"SHUT UP!" you shout, standing up.
Donghyun is a laughing mess, clapping his hands together and gasping for air.
"i'm sorry," he says with a smile, reaching for your hand as you jokingly turn your back to him.
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skepticalarrie · 1 year
i'm kinda new to larry and one thing i've noticed is that louis has repeatedly said his tattoos don't have any meaning/significance, how do larries know that he's lying about it? even in the band (the "it's just a boat" clip i watched which i will admit was kinda sus on harry's end) he said "people always think there has to be meaning for tattoos" (idk if that's exact quote), he's repeatedly said it so why do larries put so much emphasis on their complimentary/matching tattoos? they could legit hold no weight idk how to feel about them considering louis has always said the same thing about them over and over and over again? it kinda confuses me
Well because we have eyes, anon 😂😂 And when you add the tattoos on top of the pile of other "coincidences" it becomes very clear there isn't such thing as a coincidence. I mean, what did you expect? That they would say they have matching tattoos?? lol I think it's one of the most obvious connections between the two of them, it's literally all over their bodies and it's hard not to notice the running theme on their tattoos, they were very bold about it. So of course they're going to put a lot of emphasis on denying that. They were never even low-key about it, they took all their nautical tattoos from a website called Bowsprite and Scuttlefish (it's not available anymore) but you can still google the images.
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And that's only the nautical ones, so if that wasn't already a massive coincidence, they also have the heart and arrow, the birds, and most importantly (my personal favourites) the Papillon tattoos:
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And god knows how many others. But yeah, sure... maybe we should just erase all the critical thinking and believe what they were saying, I'm sure they would tell the truth about the tattoos and that wouldn't cost them any trouble <3
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
Omg I just realized the missed potential of a butterfly analogy with the whole reinventing myself like how a caterpillar cocoons and then turns into a butterfly. Foreshadowing my own life. damn
- Papillon 🦋
Beautifully poetic! However, know that in our hearts, you have always been a majestic butterfly to us already <3
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cupid-styles · 7 months
to the anon who asked for longer fics
ahem *cracks knuckles*
v i g i l a n t e
it is the absolute best like im not even kidding that book ripped me to shreds and completely broke my heart but it is completely worth the roughly three days of reading time back to back
the authors intermissionfl0wer on wattpad wait heres the blurb
“The city's best hitman and a precious little flower meet at Le papillon blue, New York's most notorious strip club. An angel on his shoulder that hes going to drag down to hell with him, what could go wrong?”
pls pls pls trust me read this i adore the book so fucking much
and she also has an extras book for vigilante and another one currently being written called icarus
(and another called heavenly but thats gonna be written after icarus)
pls trust me i promise its worth it😭
^^^^^ !!!!!!!!!!
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mew-tilated-mogai · 1 year
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Names inspired by birds, butterflies and flying creatures
AKA "the things that go up" ✦ Requested by anon
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Finch ✦ Corbin ✦ Corvus ✦ Talon ✦ Éan
Aero ✦ Jay ✦ Jae ✦ Drake ✦ Wren
Avia ✦ Aviary ✦ Avian ✦ Avis ✦ Hawk
Robin ✦ Robyn ✦ Birdie ✦ Byrd ✦ Mavis
Falcon ✦ Piper ✦ Ace ✦ Lark ✦ Raven
Sky ✦ Skyler ✦ Skylar ✦ Jet ✦ Jett ✦ Gale
Goose ✦ Crow ✦ Swan ✦ Chirp ✦ Beetle
Bea ✦ Bee ✦ Beck ✦ Faye ✦ Bugg ✦ Bugsy
Eileen ✦ Owl ✦ Owlette ✦ Quail ✦ Dove
Duckie ✦ Gull ✦ Eileen ✦ Monarch ✦ Aria
Vanessa ✦ Chrysalis ✦ Blue ✦ Papillon
Iris ✦ Elise ✦ Caelus ✦ Ciela ✦ Cielo ✦ Era
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narcissistcookbook · 8 months
to prev asker doing their IB lit - (i'd reach out directly but they were on anon ;-_-) awesome topic idea! mine was way less original! but word of advice from a former grad - the lit&lang EE is verrry reliant on working with existing sources even when doing original analysis, especially with modern non-'literary' work, so if you haven't already, think about what your specific angle's gonna be for your topic so you can drill it down with your advisor - comparison to existing works, close analysis with a specific school of criticism, etc. (My immediate thought was I'd have loved to do a paper on Moth and using genre to tell a story since the twists on both the spoken word and scottish folk aspects between WILL YE GO and papillon are SO clever and emotionally wrenching, and frankly the IB grading board eats that stuff up lmfao.)
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jonsaslove · 2 years
never stop writing cause i love ur work so much omg 🥹❤️
and on that note do u have any helaemond fics to rec? i’m currently obsessed but like ,, the tags are so clogged 😭 i’ve bulldozed thru all of urs 😌
Thank you so much anon, what kind words! I do have some fic recs for them. There is a lot of talent in the fandom, but I agree the tags get clogged a lot on ao3. Here are some of my personal faves!
Helaemond Modern AU a lovely two part series (for now) that's just sweet and fun!
OnlyFans AU this is so good, beyond the sex aspects the plot is so well structured and the angst is perfect!
stop getting fast, it's not gonna happen I love a good reluctantly in love fic, where they know it's wrong but they can't stop.
won't you wrap the night around me?
I get kinda fascinated with the idea of Aegon knowing, and in this one Aegon is the mastermind behind everything, it's just such a fun fic. But it does feature Aegon/Helaena/Aemond, just as fair warning.
I could recommend anything by MissAtomicBomb so I'm going to keep it to my top 3 here.
hunting season everything about this is perfection, possibly my favourite helmond fic.
keep a prize for me love a good post 1x10 fic
feeding me with both hands just read it, it's incredible
some other canonverse works by different authors!
thyme i will read anything @charmtion writes honestly, long time fan of all the work they have written and this is no exception!
papillon this was one of the first helmond fics i read, still love it so much!
after the dance beautiful piece set post 1x08
contrition a great Alicent POV!
I highly recommend all these fics and any of the authors that appear here as well! Hope you find some new faves anon :)
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kittenwivfangs · 4 months
Ask for u!!
Do u like energy drinks??
If yes-> which ones??
If no-> what's your beverage of choice?
Yes! Unfortunately they don't work very well for me but I think they're tasty! I had a monster energy drink earlier today my favorite flavour would be the papillon one? It's a peach can decorated with butterflies. Although my energy drink of choice is usually a red bull. ( honorary mention to coffee <3)
Although my beverage of choice would be cold tap water or cola as energy drinks fuck with my heart a little :/
Thank you anon <3
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