#panel session
(Inter-parliamentary Conference) 6th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue.
"The role and best practices of the legislature in the protection of cultural heritage"
Chairperson (first session):
Ms. Sahiba Gafarova, Speaker of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan
All parliamentarians are invited to participate.
Tea Break (30 minutes)
Chairperson (second session):
Ms. Sahiba Gafarova, Speaker of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan
All parliamentarians are invited to participate.
Watch the (Inter-parliamentary Conference) - 6th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue!
The 6th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan, 1-3 May, under the title "Dialogue for Peace and Global Security: Cooperation and Interconnectivity".
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martyrbat · 5 months
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batman adventures #25
[ID: a pin-up of Waylon Jones up to his thighs in sewer water. He's shirtless as he's holding Batman up over his head, one hand on his upper back as the other is on his ass. Batman's entire body is limp and his eyes seem to be closed as sewage already drips off him. END ID]
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age-of-moonknight · 4 months
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“Tigra,” Vengeance of the Moon Knight (Vol. 2/2024), #2.
Writer: Jed MacKay; Penciler and Inker: Alessandro Cappuccio; Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg; Letterer: Cory Petit
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squids-comics · 6 months
This Science Sunday will be a bit shorter, and will look at this series of panels here!
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Here, The Wizard is attempting to turn The Thing evil with Freudian Psychology! This is an outdated method of thinking and decision making that has a lot of prominence in pop culture because it was one of the first models proposed.
Freud's theory claims that we have three voices inside our head: the conscious ego, the unconscious superego, and the unconscious id. Freud speculated that the ego was comprised of all our thoughts and feelings, and was the decision maker of the brain. He also thought that, while we couldn't hear our superego or id, they would subtly influence our decision making in meaningful ways. He believed the superego compelled you to act selflessly and help people, while following laws and being a good person. The id on the other hand was compelled to seek reward. It would chase junk food and cocaine (which Freud did a lot of). These two voices would subtly nudge your ego towards certain decisions, like the trope of the angel and the devil on your shoulders.
This theory has never been proven, or even had supporting evidence shown, making me hesitant to call this a Science Sunday. Pseudoscience Sunday may be closer. No matter if you believe the theory or not, Stan Lee's understanding of it seems to be a little lacking, as as soon as The Thing has his id enlarged, he immediately tries to kill all his friends. This isn't the kind of instant gratification behaviour the id is known to seek. It also wouldn't make him any easier to control. It might actually make him harder to control, as he'd be more inclined to act in his own self interest.
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gretahayes · 11 months
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Impulse (1995) #12
Jenni and Bart as the twin tornadoes cause their parents are the tornado twins...I hope someday in the future we get to properly meet Dawn and Don, and we find out they're just like their kids. Don and Dawn and their little twin tornadoes.
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axlestuck · 6 months
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Spritevember Day 27 - Kernelsprite This one's a throwback to an old RP of mine. Through shenanigans, the players prototyped Clover, and immediately made all of the imps unkillable. Real smart, guys.
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toffeebeantable · 2 years
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Ritsu had a bad week he doesn’t need this
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miodiodavinci · 1 year
undergoing self-immolation from stress
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error707-thatdude · 10 months
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And today have some panel edits!! The first is a little sona session I've got goin on for funsies with @hawheckin and @yourdweamie ! (a Page of Time, Knight of Space, and Heir of Rage getting up to some shenanigans)
The second is something silly troll edit for my sibling lol
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mangarinspanels · 3 months
If Pirate and Criminal, Why Cute and Baby?
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One piece| Ch.22
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A rap session with Batman from issue #270
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(Panel Session 6) 6th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue.
"Opening eyes and building contact: Tourism connecting people and its role in building intercultural dialogue"
Keynote speaker:
Mr. Fuad Naghiyev,  Chairman of the State Tourism Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Dr. Jafar Jafari, Founding Editor, Annals of Tourism Research
Mr. Jasmin Ademović, the Chairman of the Sarajevo City Council
Ms. Rosette Chantal Rugamba, Founder and Managing Director, Songa Africa, Rwanda
Mr. Miguel Carvajal, Co-founder and General Director, Get up and Go Colombia
Ms. Lucy Garner, Senior Expert on Youth and Talent Development, UN Tourism
Ms. Daniela Otero, Interim Chair, World Committee on Tourism Ethics
Closing remarks: Ms. Zoritsa Urosevic, Executive Director, UN Tourism
Related Sites and Documents
6th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue website Baku Process Home Page
Watch the (Panel Session 6) - 6th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue!
The 6th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan, 1-3 May, under the title "Dialogue for Peace and Global Security: Cooperation and Interconnectivity".
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martyrbat · 9 months
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“What? Are you saying it was all some kind of screwed-up therapy session?” “What other therapy would Cassandra understand? She grew up with no human contact apart from violence. Fighting is her language, Barbara. The core of her being... of her soul. She had things she needed to get off her chest. And so did I.” “You're crazy.” “So they say. But it works.”
[ID: two photos from the 2000 comic Batgirl. The first is from issue one and has Bruce Wayne and Cassandra Cain in their respective costumes with their cowls on. They're standing on the rooftop of Oracle's clocktower and are looking out into the city skyline. Bruce tells Cass, “One rule—no costumed criminals. Oracle will tell you what that means. As for the rest... it's all yours. Remember. On those streets, you... are me. You can start whenever you... uh...” He awkwardly trails off as Cass unexpectedly puts their hand gently on his cheek and stares up at him. Bruce tells them, “That's... really not necessary...” before Cass leaps off the building with their grappling line, eager to begin.
The second photo is from issue 50. The bridge they were therapeutically fighting on just exploded and Bruce dove into the water to grab Cass and pull them into safety. They sit together on dry land without their masks, with Cass laying their head against Bruce's chest as he has his arm around her securely. Cass tells him, “He (David Cain) never let me touch him... hold him... just fighting and hurting...” Cass sits up as they keep a hand on his chest, Bruce holding it as Cass continues, “You hurt me, too... When you sent me away.” Bruce asks, “I need to know once and for all where your loyalties lie, Cassandra. With your father?... Or Barbara?... Or me?” Cass points to the bat emblem on his chest and answers, “No. Not you. This.” END ID]
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age-of-moonknight · 2 months
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“Hunter’s Moon,” Vengeance of the Moon Knight, (Vol. 2/2024), #4.
Writer: Jed MacKay; Penciler and Inker: Alessandro Cappuccio; Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg; Letterer: Cory Petit
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g3nd3rl3ssf00l · 2 months
either am i too deep into fortuna and need to have someone to talk to or are some of my characters looking a little like they came STRAIGHT from fortuna
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gretahayes · 1 year
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Impulse (1995) #8
"Helen's past will shock and amaze you." GEE I WONDER WHY.
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