#palestine infographic
decolonize-the-left · 5 months
Airstrikes and missiles struck dwellings and public buildings on Tuesday including Al-Amal hospital in Khan Younis killing five, among them a five-day-old baby, reports indicate. “No child in the world should be killed, let alone one sheltering under the emblem of a humanitarian organisation; this has to end,” said Gemma Connell, a team leader from UN aid coordination office OCHA, in a video posted on X soon after the attacks. According to Ms. Connell, the hospital was “clearly marked” with the logo of the Palestinian Red Crescent.
“Safe zones are death traps,” Al Jazeera correspondent Hani Mahmoud says, reporting from Rafah.
“Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have been evacuating from the northern Gaza City, running from the horror of the war, only to get bombed in what is called a safe zone,” he added. He spoke to Rafah resident Ahmed Abu Sinja, who said “My wife and the kids decided to sleep in their aunt’s room on the lower floor thinking it would be safe. When the bomb hit my brother’s flat, the roof collapsed on them, killing my wife, my daughter, my sister, my brother and two children.”
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Other updates from Jan 5, 2023:
Heavy bombardments are reported near Deir el-Balah, including at the Nuseirat, Maghazi and Bureij refugee camps as Israeli forces residents to evacuate south.
Lebanon has filed an official complaint to the UN Security Council, saying that Israel had fired six missiles in the attack that killed Saleh al-Arouri.
Israeli defence minister says operations in southern Gaza, which have included the bombing of refugee camps and previously declared civilian ‘safe zones’, will continue.
At least 22,600 people killed and 57,910 wounded in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7. The revised death toll from the October 7 attack on Israel stands at 1,139.
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palirev-web · 4 months
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Inspired by this post by @alex-just-vibing. PaliRev values the contribution of all people to the liberation of Palestine, and we encourage you to share this around your schools or with others to give accessible options for us all to show solidarity for the Palestinian people.
[image id: an image with a white background, bordered on the bottom left and top right with green, corner illustrations, an olive garden branch drawing on the bottom right, and a drawing of a boy sitting down with a backpack leaning on him, looking downwards sadly on the top right. there is a low opacity palestinian flag behind black text reading "HOW DO I SUPPORT PALESTINIAN RESISTANCE IF I CAN'T DONATE?" below this is a list in smaller black text, bulleted with light green arrows. the list reads:
"- Wear shirts, pins, keffiyehs, anything outwardly pro Palestine.
Email your Representatives, Congress, White House. Tell the people in charge you want a ceasefire.
Talk to your local library about holding an educational night about the genocide and/or Palestinian culture.
Make schoolwork about Palestine! Writing about news? Focus on Palestine. Making questions for a test? Use Palestine as an example.
Find social media accounts for your representatives and schools, and make a fuss. Comment and @ them!
Show up to local actions (i.e. protests), join and organization, and follow Palestinian journalists! (next line) - Motaz Azaiza, Plestia Alaqad, Hind Khoudary, Bisan Owda -
Educate yourself on anti-Palestine talking points (Palestine toolkit) and how to refute them in a calm manner.
Speak up! It's scary, but don't let other people's bigotry go unchecked. You'll find that other people agree, and speak up from your example.
Don't engage with people unwilling to learn. Your goal is to educate people who are and make those comfortable with genocide feel UNCOMFORTABLE."
below this in light grey text reads "@PALIREV.WEB". /end id.]
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"End the genocide. End the occupation." [@/theslowfactory on X. May 16, 2024.]
Slow Factory created an infograph attached above in this X post with pictures/icons above the following information: zionism is: genocide, starvation as a weapon, 3 million displaced since 1948, ethnic cleansing, state sanctioned terrorism, ecocide, supremacy, rupture of International Law, domicide, scholasticide, settler colonialism, 40,000 plus murdered since October 7th, crimes against humanity, 9,000 Palestinian hostages held with no charges, illegal land annexation, battle-testing murder tech on sieged and concentrated population, facism, torture and abuse of Palestinian hostages, segregation, 300 Palestinian children in cages/year.
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heritageposts · 5 months
The announcement about the ICJ says it's for "provisional" measures, is this an actual ruling on the case itself or something else?
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South Africa is requesting that the ICJ move urgently to prevent Israel from committing further crimes in the strip using “provisional measures” – essentially an emergency order that can be applied even before the main case begins. It argues that provisional measures are necessary “to protect against further, severe and irreparable harm to the rights of the Palestinian people under the Genocide Convention, which continue to be violated with impunity”.
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vyorei · 8 months
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Some charts regarding damage to healthcare, housing, schools, the death of children and journalists, the fuel crisis
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transfloridaresources · 5 months
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[Photo ID: A color image of an adult with a keffiyeh wrapped around their face, standing in front of a gray sky holding two large Palestinian flags on a pole. Text in a dark gray box over the image reads: 'How to avoid centering yourself in strikes for Palestine (& beyond)' and 'transfloridaresources.' /End ID]
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[Photo ID: A color image of an adult with a keffiyeh wrapped around their face, standing in front of a gray sky holding two large Palestinian flags on a pole. Text in a dark gray box over the image reads: '01. Announcing your actions isn't necessary We are here to support Palestinians and boost their voices. Do that. Remove yourself as much as possible from the things you are doing to support the strike. This includes things like only showing art / signs you've made without your presence in the photos, sharing posts without commenting on them yourself, etc.' and 'transfloridaresources.' /End ID]
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[Photo ID: A color image of an adult with a keffiyeh wrapped around their face, standing in front of a gray sky holding two large Palestinian flags on a pole. Text in a dark gray box over the image reads: '02. Focus on what you CAN do. Nobody needs to hear the reasons why you can't do a specific thing. There are many ways to support the strike beyond not working / spending money. Just do ANYTHING. Do what you can and be silent about the rest.' and 'transfloridaresources.' /End ID]
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[Photo ID: A color image of an adult with a keffiyeh wrapped around their face, standing in front of a gray sky holding two large Palestinian flags on a pole. Text in a dark gray box over the image reads: '03. Ask yourself 'Who is this for?' before speaking, especially to another person. Oftentimes, bringing up disabilities and other struggles is a way to alleviate guilt at 'not doing enough' and is seeking comfort and reassurance from the other person. Ask yourself if you've considered who the other person is and what they might be struggling with as well before assuming you're the only person with these problems. Strikes always require a sacrifice and the cause is greater than you. Don't burden others with coddling your guilt, especially anyone of BIPOC identities if you’re white.' and 'transfloridaresources.' /End ID]
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[Photo ID: A color image of an adult with a keffiyeh wrapped around their face, standing in front of a gray sky holding two large Palestinian flags on a pole. Text in a dark gray box over the image reads: '04. Ask yourself 'What am I inspiring?' before speaking. When people comment with excuses for why they can't do something, it not only inspires others to use that same excuse, it distracts from the focus of the action. Suddenly we're not remembering Palestinians anymore, we're focused on 'this is too hard for me to do, actually, I'm just gonna sit this out.' Would you want someone to say that about helping you? Is that what you’d want people to be talking about instead of helping in any way they could realistically offer?' and 'transfloridaresources.' /End ID]
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[Photo ID: A color image of an adult with a keffiyeh wrapped around their face, standing in front of a gray sky holding two large Palestinian flags on a pole. Text in a dark gray box over the image reads: '05. Don't double down. If someone, especially anyone of BIPOC identities & especially anyone Palestinian, tells you to stop talking & stop centering yourself - do that. Do not get louder about the reasons you are suffering for XYZ thing. This is about Palestine. They are suffering. We are here to support them. This is about them. Those without food, medical care, homes, families, friends, etc. You could be speaking to someone who has direct connections to this in some way. Respect that and learn to be quiet.' and 'transfloridaresources.' /End ID]
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[Photo ID: A color image of an adult with a keffiyeh wrapped around their face, standing in front of a gray sky holding two large Palestinian flags on a pole. Text in a dark gray box over the image reads: 'We should all be outraged and uncomfortable while witnessing genocide. It is not 'life as usual' right now.' and 'transfloridaresources.' /End ID]
If you learned something from this post, please consider a donation to Palestine Children's Relief Fund, Care for Gaza, and/or Muslim Aid USA.
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dayinadream · 6 months
Infographic| Statistics on the Israeli Genocide in the Gaza Strip (07 October-27 December 2023)
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Via Euro Med Monitor
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drsonnet · 7 months
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In Gaza, family portraits have become portraits of 2023 Genocide.
THIS IS CLASSIC GENOCIDE. Hundreds of Palestinian families in Gaza have lost multiple members to the indiscriminate Israeli bombardment, while numerous families have been entirely wiped off the registry.
The situation is so gruesome that doctors coined a new acronym to describe the status of orphaned children at Gaza hospitals: "Wounded Child No Surviving Family," or W.C.N.S.F 
Families in Gaza — Visualizing Palestine
Genocide : It is defined as a mass extermination of a particular group of people.
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philsmeatylegss · 2 months
Have seen very little discussion on this website about the situation in Haiti and figured maybe I’d try to start the conversation?
For those who aren’t aware, Haiti is the only country that led a successful slave rebellion which led to the establishment of an independent country, and a day hasn’t passed where they haven’t been punished for it. The country never had a chance to flourish as the west made sure to suck it economically dry and then dip when nothing was left.
This has left the country horrifically unstable in every way possible. However, the last few years, it has been on the brink of collapse due to absolutely no political leadership and as of now, Haiti has completely collapsed. The country is mostly run by gangs all competing for power. There is no where for refugees to escape. The west has completely abandoned any meaningful intervention and it has mostly been South American, Middle Eastern, and African countries who only seem interested in trying to bring peace. But since 2024 has begun, it is a terrifying place to be full of completely innocent people being screwed over by the west for standing up for themselves.
Of course, this is heavily over simplified and I have no personal connection to Haiti. So under the cut, I’m adding much more accurate and insightful information, as well as fundraisers, books, petitions, and Haitian run businesses and social media accounts. As someone who is studying history, it doesn’t take long to realize most nations struggling today have been victimized for wanting autonomy and freedom. From Palestine to Sudan, to DRC to Ukraine, there is so much preventable tragedy. As someone from a country who has historically inflicted these conditions on a lot of these nations, it’s frustrating to feel powerless to the injustice. I truly find the only thing that puts my mind at peace is education and spreading awareness. Don’t let their suffering be in vain.
*please correct me if any of this information is inaccurate*
Basic information:
HAITI: A Brief History of a Complex Nation
Britannica: History of Haiti
How Haiti Was Forced To Pay Reparations For Freedom
[video] A Super Quick History of Haiti
The Root of Haiti's Misery: Reparations to Enslavers
Timeline: Haiti’s History and Current Crisis, Explained
[video] Why Haiti is in a Constant State of Emergency
A Brief History Of Haiti
The Haitian Revolution and the Hole in French High-School History
[video] How the World Destroyed Haiti
A Timeline of Haiti
Haiti: a history of intervention, occupation and resistance
[video] Fighting for Haiti
How Toussaint L’ouverture Rose from Slavery to Lead the Haitian Revolution
The Disappearing Land : Haiti, History, and the Hemisphere
History of Haiti
A History of United States Policy Towards Haiti
What is the history of foreign interventions in Haiti?
Haitian history and culture: A selection of online resources
The Black Jacobins: Toussaint l'Ouverture and the San Domingo Revolution
The Haitian Revolution
Silencing the Past
Fault Lines: Views across Haiti's Divide
Awakening the Ashes: An Intellectual History of the Haitian Revolution
Haiti: The Tumultuous History
Written in Blood: The Story of the Haitian People 1492-1971
The Haitians: A Decolonial History
Why the Cocks Fight: Dominicans, Haitians, and the Struggle for Hispaniola
Outrage for Outrage: A History of Colonialism in Haiti and Its Legacy
Avengers of the New World: The Story of the Haitian Revolution
Black Spartacus: The Epic Life of Toussaint Louverture
The Black Republic: African Americans and the Fate of Haiti
The Farming of Bones
The Rainy Season: Haiti Since Duvalier
The Uses of Haiti
The Butterfly’s Way: Voices from the Haitian Dyaspora in the United States
*rating of 80+ on charitynavigator*
Hands Helping Haiti
Heartline Haiti
Hope for Haiti
Haiti Outreach
US Foundation for the Children of Haiti
Hands Together for Haitians
Haiti Empowered
Mission of Hope Haiti International
Haitian Health Foundation
Haiti Partners
Haiti Cardiac Alliance
New Life for Haiti
Locally Haiti
Clean Water for Haiti
Meds & Food for Kids
Haitian Roots
Project Medishare for Haiti
Friends of the Children of Haiti
Childrens Nutrition Program of Haiti
Haiti Crisis Relief Fund
Haiti Emergency Fundraiser
Urgent Need to Complete Our Haitian Adoptions
Desperate Plea to Help Haitian Family
Haiti Food Emergency
Help a Deaf Haitian restore his life in Maryland
Help a friend get her sister & 3 kids out of Haiti
Daniel Jean - Haitian friend relocate to the US
Help Support My Family in Haiti
Support Young Haitian Artists!
Haitian Artists Need Your Help
Help My Mother and Brother from HAITI PLEASE
Urgent Help for Marc Henry and his family in Haiti
Help Michaël in Humanitarian and Political Crisis in Haïti
Lycender Chery & Family
Trapped in Port au Prince, Haiti
Help Rosemica have surgery for her tumor!
Help My Family escape from ruthless gangs
Haitian Orphanage School: Classique Mixte du Rivag
Help Support a Hard Working Mother of Two
Haiti Emergency Relief of artist community
Help Save Gabe's Life and get him from Haiti to US
Aid for Haitian Artist Mario and his Granddaughter
Haitian-Owned Businesses
Kreyol Essence
LS Cream Liqueur
Creole Me Up
Fanm Djanm
Makaya Chocolate
Kòmsi Like
Créations Dorées
Aeva Beauty
Levie's Essential Care
Bel Ti Boujique
It’s Seasoned™
Cremas Absalon
Kreyol Pale Creole Konprann
Bijou Lakay
AYITI Gallery
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godloveyell · 7 months
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Libs are selling us a choice between genocide and maybe slightly less genocide. And they’re shocked we aren’t keyed up to vote for their guy.
One last infographic to remind us of the democracy we live in.
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This is what they consider worth electing one genocide enthusiast to protect.
Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds.
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lesbiandardevil · 5 months
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buy an esim for gaza if you can
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kazswift · 7 months
deleting tumblr for god knows how long bc of all the crap going on right now. you antisemitic idiots are the reason why israel exists in the first place goddamn
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palirev-web · 3 months
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After the last infographic, PaliRev received many questions on the meaning of the kufiya and culturally appropriate usage. Palestinians have asked that everyone willing wear the kufiya in solidarity with their struggle and to unite. Of course, this should be done with respect to the importance and history surrounding the kufiya, and proper care shown to the garment. Thank you all for your strength!
[image id: an image with a white background. Medium sized gray text reads, "WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT". Below, large text colored with the Palestinian flag finishes, "PALESTINIAN KUFIYA". There follows an olive green block with white lettering. A white circle partially covers the left-hand corner, a depiction of a Kufiya surrounded by olive branches. The kufiya is a white and black checkered scarf with tied ends. The first line of text is bolded. It reads, "Also known as a keffiyeh, shemagh, or hatta, the kufiya was wrapped around Palestinian rebels' faces during the British Mandate of Palestine and 1936-1939 Arab Revolt to avoid arrest. When banned by authorities, Palestinians all wore kufiya to protect rebels. After illegal Israeli occupation forces banned the Palestinian flag from 1967 to 1993, the kufiya was used to symbolize national identity."
A low opacity gray text between boxes reads, @PaliRev.
Below is a white box with a slight shadow outlining it. In olive green text, one section asks, "What do the patterns represent?" Beside it is an image of the kufiya's design, with a fishnet pattern on top, three bold black lines in the middle, and two rows of olive leaves on bottom. Black text reads, "The fishnet pattern is for Palestinian connection to the sea, knotting together, and the barbed wire of occupation. As the tree lives 300-600 years, olive leaves represent resilience and ties to the land. The bold lines represent trade routes across historic Palestine."
A second section header in olive green text reads, "Who can wear the kufiya?" Below it, black text says, "You, me, and anyone in solidarity with Palestinians, resisting oppression, and honoring its significance and history. The kufiya is not restricted to any group or gender, a symbol of cultural heritage and identity for many in the Middle East, but an international symbol of activism and unity."
A small olive green box at the bottom of the shadowed white box has white text in it which reads, "Where can I get one that supports Palestinians?"
Below the white box and at the bottom of the page are four QR codes with labels beneath them. The first is Hirbawi, the second is Handmade Palestine, the third is KUVRD, and the fourth is Palestine Shirts. /end id.]
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capybaracorn · 6 months
Old numbers but still relevant otherwise
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vyorei · 4 months
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Updated Infographic regarding the current figures of the genocide of Gaza
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demonlimbsacoustic · 3 months
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Every hour in Gaza:
15 people are killed - six are children
35 people are injured
42 bombs are dropped*
12 buildings are destroyed
(*Based on the first six days of the war, according to the Israeli army)
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