#page 5531
pesterloglog · 5 months
Jane Crocker, Jake English, Roxy Lalonde, Fefetasprite
Act 6, page 5521-5540
golgothasTerror [GT] began pestering gutsyGumshoe [GG]
GT: Greetings!
GG: Oh. Hello, Jake.
GT: Im not interrupting anything am i?
GG: Um, not really? Roxy and I are just setting a few things up here.
GT: Ah i see. I would be happy to message you again later if it would spare you any inconvenience.
GG: No, it's fine! It's really nice to hear from you, actually.
GG: I was starting to worry you might have forgotten.
GT: Uh.
GT: Forgotten?
GG: Oh no...
GT: Forgotten what now?
GG: Never mind.
GT: Wait dont tell me.
GT: Is it a tomb or a crypt or somesuch? Are you preparing for another grist seeking expedition??
GT: Oh shit did you schedule my assistance for the raid and i forgot all about it???
GG: No, Jake.
GG: We didn't need your help raiding a tomb. But thanks for thinking of us.
GG: I don't know what this clueless pair of damsels would do without you.
GT: Blast.
GT: Well what in the name of willy howard tafts great tub choking bottom could i be forgetting then?
GT: This is going to drive me CRAZY! Can you give me a hint?
GG: Yes. It has to do with the day I was born, which was almost exactly sixteen years ago.
GT: Of course! Your birthday!!!
GG: Didn't you get Roxy's invitation?
GG: It was my understanding that she gave you and Dirk notice weeks ago.
GT: Yes thats right. Now i remember. The date sure snuck up on us quick didnt it?
GT: Sorry you know how things can slip my mind. The gourd on my shoulders isnt the steel trap it used to be. Nothing like the well oiled puzzlebuster you've got up there.
GG: Mm.
GT: Well damn.
GT: Looks like the egg monster took quite the spirited dump on my face this time.
GG: Jake. I... what?
GT: I feel so dumb. Ill be right over.
GG: Well, if you recall, the party is actually tomorrow.
GG: Like I said, we're just setting a few things up.
GG: Roxy is putting up some decorations. I baked a cake. You were of course free to join us early too. I just thought since I hadn't heard from you in quite some time, you had better things to do.
GT: You baked a cake for your own party?
GG: Yes. So?
GT: I dont know something seems amiss about that. Isnt that against tradition or inviting bad luck or something?
GT: But I guess it makes sense since you love baking cakes. Its like a present you give to yourself!
GG: Jake, what was it you actually wanted?
GT: Oh. I just wanted to get your advice on some stuff.
GT: But since ive been a heel and forgotten about your party maybe i shouldnt bother you with that?
GG: Mmm.
GT: So sixteen big ones huh! The ole sweet sixteen.
GT: Last one of us to notch the vaunted one sixer. Its a big step! I knew youd make it, i always said i believed in you didnt i?
GT: Just kidding, the inexorable nature of times passage virtually assured you would get that old so you didnt really have anything to do with it. I mean not that i dont still believe in you, i do.
GG: ...
GT: I cant believe its already been...
GT: How long?
GT: What, like a year already since we entered? Holy moly, where does the time go.
GG: It's been more like five months.
GT: Oh.
GT: Well thats still a pretty long time.
GT: I have to admit its been a longer stint than i expected. Certainly one involving more downtime than i would have guessed.
GT: I really thought we would have been treated to more action, what being legendary players of a mysterious cosmic game. But no, it seems the primary duty of the so called nobles is to wait around twiddling our thumbs.
GG: Mmhmm.
GT: I am really beginning to wonder when these fabled heroes will arrive? And are they really going to be those we have been led to believe?
GT: I sure hope so. Id so love to meet my pen pal. Dear old departed grandma. But as a feisty youngster! What a hoot thatll be. And you with your poppop. Lets not forget about him.
GT: Not to mention the young strider and lalonde relatives. I bet theyre a barrel of laughs. I met them once but i was too shy to say anything. Then i got in a fight. Did i ever mention that jane?
GG: Yes.
GG: Many times.
GT: Not to say its been all downtime and doldrums. Exploring has been great. Finding treasure, solving riddles, becoming better friends. I wouldnt trade that for anything.
GT: And maybe we are getting close to something big happening regardless? Every day it seems like more and more undead creatures crawl from out of the shadows. Bigger ones and stronger ones. Does their presence herald something worse coming, just as the legends indicate our presence heralds something better?
GT: I just wish we could actually kill the fucking things. Even the little ones can absorb so much damage before yielding any spoils!
GT: Remember jane? Remember at the start how we kept trying to kill them?
GG: Mmhmm.
GT: We would all gang up on like an imp skeleton for an hour just clobbering it repeatedly. Knocking its bones down, waiting for it to reassemble and keep coming at us. Only to finally be rewarded with a shitty pittance of grist!
GT: But i guess the silver lining was it forced us to explore ruins more often and scavenge for loot there. So i think weve learned a lot more this way.
GT: But it sure makes resources hard to come by, having to get them exclusively from chests and whatnot. Sometimes i wonder if weve been missing out on a really rewarding part of the game by neglecting to build up our houses? Makes you wonder. But it just costs so much! Better to stick to making more practical stuff dont you think?
GG: Mm.
GT: Sometimes i wonder if the heroes had the same problems in their game. Do you think they found an easier way to kill skeletons?
GT: Were they just as shameless as us when it came to splurging our precious grist on swanky new duds?
GT: Did the same enigmatic bard haunt their game? And if so which hilarious dead trolls did he throw into the flashy blobs?
GT: Mr erisol tells me he knows many things about the heroes because he saw them in action when he was alive. But he wont tell me a thing about them! These troll sprites sure do love keeping their secrets dont they? Heheh.
GG: That's nice, Jake. I'm kind of busy though.
GG: What did you actually want to talk to me about?
GG: Actually, why don't we just talk about it tomor-
GT: Okay we can talk about that if you insist.
GT: Really jane you sure know how to twist a fellas arm!
GT: I just wanted to get your take on what you might call my own personal ultimate riddle.
GT: It involves dirk.
GG: You don't say.
GT: Its true. I havent seen him in a couple days.
GT: I have been laying low for a while but i just received another series of pushy inquiries from him.
GT: Maybe i shouldnt be too hard on the guy since he was probably just concerned, not having heard from me and all.
GT: But i still couldnt help but detect a tone of desperation, like he could sense i may be having doubts.
GT: This kind of thing has been all too common unfortunately.
GT: Im not sure its going to work anymore.
GG: Mm.
GT: He can be so needy!
GT: If only he could just relax and trust that i wont spontaneously tire of his company.
GT: Although the irony i guess is that his overbearing tendencies are beginning to fulfill his own paranoid prophecy.
GT: Its such a shame. Weve had so many capital adventures together.
GT: I dont know why he has to be like this. He always was an intense fella. But in person... holy cow.
GT: I wonder if it has to do with the fact that he grew up alone in the middle of the ocean? And now he doesnt know how to deal with people without suffocating them?
GT: But then again i grew up under similar circumstances and i think i turned out pretty much ok socially, at least i hope so. Do you think so jane?
GG: Mmmm!
GT: Actually it just occurred to me. Its funny he didnt mention your party in his text.
GT: Im SURE he wouldnt have forgotten. He never forgets ANYTHING what with all his calculations and his computerized brain. Both figurative and literal.
GT: I wonder what his game was? He invited me on an expedition without mention of your party as a potential conflict...
GT: If he sensed i could use some space perhaps he was concerned that if we both showed up to the party it would be awkward?
GT: Or maybe he didnt want to mention he was going to the party in case it would spook me away from attending?
GT: Argh! Do you see jane?? This is what his endless machinations do to you!
GT: Anything he says could be part of some grand convoluted scheme and it just makes you agonize and boggle and wonder until your brain hurts and you just KNOW its a battle you cant win.
GT: You know what i mean jane?
GG: Mmhmm.
GT: Do you think i should just bite the bullet and end it?
GT: Its probably the right thing to do.
GT: Boy am i not looking forward to that conversation though.
GT: Its going to be a doozy. What did i get myself into here?
GT: I think ive made a lot of mistakes honestly.
GT: Not the least of which was getting this shitty tattoo, now that i think about it.
GT: Yes yes i know we all thought it was a riot at first.
GT: I guess it still is maybe? But lately ive been wondering if it might not have been an act of sound judgment.
GT: Can you believe that jane?
GG: Hmm!
GT: I dont know. Its a real pickle im in here but i do feel better just being able to get it off my chest.
GT: You are such a good friend jane, always ready to listen to my relationship woes. What a trooper!
GT: It never ceases to amaze me how excellent you are at this friendship business. Where would we all be without you?
GT: In a way you really have been the glue holding us all together on our adventure. Gosh youre a standup gal.
GT: Oh which actually reminds me of ANOTHER thing thats been bugging me about dirk.
GT: He can often be almost hilariously self absorbed. Dont even get me started on when he starts going off on these long monologues about his philosophical gobbledygook.
GT: I'm not sure he actually has much of a filter when it comes to what others regard as interesting points of conversation.
GT: Not to rag on the guy too hard but i guess at times i would just like to see a little more self awareness from him is all.
GG: Jake.
GT: Did i tell you what happened on our last expedition together?
GG: Jake.
GT: I cant remember if i mentioned. Oh man but thinking back on what happened its even more ridiculous in retrospect.
GT: Where do i begin?
GG: Jake!!!
GT: What?
GG: Shut up!
GT: Huh?
GG: Shut up!!!
GT: Errr.
GT: Did i say something wrong?
GT: I dont...
GT: Wha...
GT: Ay caramba.
GT: What in tarnation is the matter jane?
GT: Whoa there.
GT: You seem really worked up. Maybe we should just calm down and talk this through like sensible adults?
GT: Also youre going kinda heavy on the caps there arent you? Sort of makes it seem like your shouting. Just saying.
GT: Yikes.
GT: Well ok then.
GT: Can you tell me why youre so upset with me?
GT: Is it because i forgot your birthday party? Because i do feel awful about that.
GT: Really i feel like a tool about forgetting. You know how i am. I forget stuff.
GT: I mean...
GT: Shucks buster. If i knew how to make it up to you i would.
GT: If it ameliorates matters any i am sighing pretty much the shucksiest buster of contrition i can manage.
GT: I thought shucks buster was...
GT: Sorta our thing?
GT: Uhh.
GT: Ok?
GT: I suppose i could go with shoot buddy. Or...
GT: Fudge junior?
GG: .................
GT: Or maybe forgo an analogous catch phrase altogether heh.
GT: But i clearly stepped in it big time with you and id really like to know what i did.
GT: Hmm.
GT: Wasnt it a few days ago?
GT: I didnt realize it was so long ago. Sorry about that.
GT: Again all i can say is where does the time go? I guess i have trouble keeping up with everything im supposed to. Which it would seem includes personal relationships as much as calendars.
GT: Im not much of a leader of people. Not like you are jane. I think when it comes to adventuring maybe im more of a solo act?
GT: Which now that i think about it might be contributing to my problems with dirk. Maybe thats part of the reason why i needed some space?
GT: Oh brother there i go again blustering about my problems. I guess i see what you mean.
GT: But really if you wanted to talk sooner then why didnt you get in touch with me?
GT: It feels as though im always the one to say hello to you lately.
GT: Huh?
GT: Used to feel what?
GT: Now hold the phone.
GT: Jane i think i may finally understand whats been going on here.
GT: In retrospect i cant believe ive been this blind.
GT: Youre right i really can be deplorably thick sometimes.
GT: Looking back i can see how many of our conversations must have been torment for you.
GT: You really should have told me how you felt sooner!
GG: YEAH. I...
GG: I know. :(
GT: If you told me you had the hots for dirk i would have backed off without another word.
GT: What are friends for!
GT: Wait...
GT: Did i say something dumb again?
GT: Consarn it.
GT: I think maybe something is getting lost in translation over our respective chat clients.
GT: Maybe we should wait until tomorrow and just clear the air face to face at your party?
GT: Aw come on jane. Be a sport.
GT: I say jane. Before you do anything rash...
GG: STFU BUSTER!!!!!!!!!
ROXY: jane
ROXY: yo uh
ROXY: janey
ROXY: u ok there
ROXY: janey uh
ROXY: that aint a reasonable thing you said
ROXY: jaaaaane
ROXY: stoppit :(
ROXY: ur upsettin fefeta
ROXY: just
ROXY: think of fefeta is all im asking
ROXY: poor fefeta :'(
FEFETASPRITE: 3833 < 383
ROXY: lol yeah
ROXY: my girl fefeta knows whats up
ROXY: she been around the d bag block a time or 2
ROXY: em i rite fefeta
FEFETASPRITE: 3833 < 3;3
ROXY: shit yes gimme a paw bump
ROXY: jane u want in on this action
ROXY: come give us a fist fulla sugar
ROXY: complete the 3way for max girl power + solidarity against dumb dudes
ROXY: janey jeez dont leave us hanging here
ROXY: jane that was the piss poorest paw bump ive ever seen
ROXY: that was like a negative bump
ROXY: we are going to have to bump long and hard into the night to dig us outta this fuckin bump hole you dug us into
ROXY: w/ that tragic bump
ROXY: that bump was like
ROXY: shakespearean
ROXY: makes me want to weep softly and leave a bouquet somewhere
ROXY: someone plays a sad trumpet in the distance
ROXY: look fefeta just sniffled a little at how sad that bump w-
ROXY: ok god
ROXY: was just tryin to cheer you up
ROXY: take ur mind off whatever the hell that was
ROXY: you werent serious about calling off the party were you
ROXY: here let me just get the chess guys to help put the table back on the roof
ROXY: and maybe salvage the cake out of that sand dune over there...
ROXY: aaaaand NOPE the chess guys just finished eatin it
ROXY: lets just bake another k?
JANE: I'm not in the mood for a party anymore.
ROXY: so it sounds like
ROXY: u got jaked
JANE: >:(
ROXY: why yes
ROXY: that is the face of a girl who just got english'd with extreme prejudice
ROXY: he was a block head and forgot your birthday didnt he
ROXY: im sorry jane
JANE: Yeah, me too. Can we maybe not rehash the whole terrible conversation though??
ROXY: yeah we dont have to
ROXY: just maybe try not to hold whatever dumb shit he said against him forever?
ROXY: thats just how the guy is
ROXY: its like
ROXY: he doesnt mean to be a douche
ROXY: but its just kind of a byproduct of the whole ridiculous jake english experience
ROXY: like his dunkass shenanigans leave behind a residue that looks like douche and tastes like douche but it aint the real thing?
ROXY: like douche substitute
ROXY: "i cant believe its not douche"
ROXY: um
ROXY: im just trying to say not terrible things about him in hopes you dont start hating each other but i guess this isnt what you wanna hear now
JANE: >:(
ROXY: soooo yeah
ROXY: i guess jakes dumpin dirk soon?
ROXY: hahah like the writing wasnt so on the wall with those two from day one
ROXY: poor dirk
ROXY: ive wanted to say something to prepare him for that but
ROXY: never had the heart to bring it up i guess?
ROXY: what can u do....
ROXY: hey
ROXY: but the silver lining is
ROXY: i mean if you can forgive him for shitting on your bday and stuff
ROXY: maybe this is finally your chance to make a play 4 the j man??
ROXY: ehhhh??? ;)
ROXY: so you really think youre just
ROXY: completely over him?
ROXY: wait rly
ROXY: as in like you dont give a shit if he dates anybody or
ROXY: i seeee
ROXY: iiiiiinteresting!
ROXY: nothing!
ROXY: i was just...
ROXY: it was a joke!
ROXY: ok maybe not a total joke
ROXY: but still mostly a joke!
ROXY: im only
ROXY: trying to
ROXY: blurgh
ROXY: i dont know
ROXY: jaaane no
ROXY: dont say that
ROXY: i had a problem :(
FEFETASPRITE: 3833 < 38(
JANE: Now...
JANE: I just want to be alone.
ROXY: jane wait
JANE: I have to go!
ROXY: where are you going!
ROXY: good lard
ROXY: all my friends are being disasters
ROXY: welp looks like its just us
ROXY: party nite w gcat and fefeta
ROXY: fefeta???
ROXY: oh dangit
ROXY: hey you know i could have used some support there
ROXY: where was all that profound shippin expertise when we really needed it!
ROXY: usually i can barely shut you up girl
ROXY: maybe you just clammed up at all the drama?
ROXY: hehehe youd have loved that pun
ROXY: the one i just said about the clams
ROXY: aw its ok you had enough drama in your lives
ROXY: you deserve some rest
ROXY: good night sweet princess
ROXY: sooo
ROXY: gcat
ROXY: i guess that just leaves the two of us
ROXY: wow this is
ROXY: great?
ROXY: you gonna behave urself
ROXY: not do anything too uh
ROXY: vexing or cheshire catty
ROXY: i hope?
ROXY: oh mother fuck
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 3 years
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“UNEMPLOYED ASK PROPRIETORS' AID,” Montreal Star. August 27, 1931. Page 3. --- Circulating petitions in an effort to secure proprietors' signatures to protest against the use of steam shovels on public works in Montreal, several unemployed are planning to forward these protests to the Federal authorities.
Having organized, under the direction J. O. Perreault and Raoul Pichette, the unemployed are going through various districts to obtain the signature of Montreal proprietors in an effort to get them to oppose the use of steam shovels on public works.
An hour after Ernest Monette of 6569 Chateaubriand street and Albert Prevost, of no address, had broken into a Stop and Shop store at 5531 Western avenue the night of August 23 they were arrested by Constables Connelly and Gillan on St. James street west. This morning before Judge Couillard of Rimouski in the police court they were each given a month in prison.
0 notes
hsrips · 2 years
Could I get some Janes? Any Jane you haven't done would be fine!! (preferably from the pages 5521-5531, 5692, 5694, 5695, 7188-7204)!
sorry if this is a lot its ok if you only do a few!!!:))/gen
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There will 8e a second post
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dc-yaz-works · 3 years
Happy Batman Day🎉
It has become "yesterday" in Japan time, but BatmanDay is not over yet in the world😘 Happy BatmanDay~✨🦇🎉 This day is celebrated with various projects and bookstore sales in Japan as well.
An online fan event was also held yesterday. This is an event where fans who like DC, Marvel, and other anime and comics outside Japan gather.▽
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It's a fun event where Japanese fans who usually make art works and fanfiction present their works, and there are many people who make fan zine according to this event.😚 (The web site is written in Japanese so looks confusing, but since it is held online, it can be accessed from all over the world. I hope it will be an event where many people from overseas will come to enojoy someday...💭💭)
I have also participated in this event as an exhibitor. I made a web page to introduce my work for exhibition at the event booth. Information on merch, which is scheduled to start pre-ordering in the future, is also posted, so please take a look if you like.😊
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(I feel like I was more into coding web pages than creating the work itself.🤔 I love the task of editing html / css... The organizer said that the next event will be held in March next year, so I would like to prepare more works by then.)
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ROBIN BROS zine, which I participated in writing, was also published at the time of the event.✨ It was sold out during the event, but the organizer said it would resume sales on September 21st. The contents are in Japanese, but they are sold by distributors that also support overseas shipping. If you are interested, please check here as well.😉
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i-am-a-passenger · 4 years
Number Log
Book 3 hasn’t even dropped and here I am writing mall rats fanfiction...
Summary:  Simon has been keeping a log of every Apex member's number when one day he realises that he's never actually noted down Grace's number and jumps at an excuse to spend time with her. 
ao3 / ff.net
113 - Saoirise, 908147 - Jonathan (Jon), 746 - Michael, 579 - Tanesha, 65796 - Milton, 168 - Jane, 1789 - Patience, 6547 - Sandeep, 5531 - Pete, 575 - James, 65472 - Ronja, 941 - Luke, 25 - Joshua, 156 - Kiesha, 7621 - Maleka, 1383 - Chadira, 69 - Charlie, 17 - Faith
Simon sharpened his pencil while skim reading over the log he was keeping of everyone’s numbers. He flipped the page and cross referenced a few of them - they’d picked Faith up just a few weeks ago and she wasn’t making as much progress as was expected. Then again, his log said she’d started out at just 9. They’d found her just in time.
He turned the page back and wrote        - Todd.
Todd sat on the edge of a maskeshift bed in the pharmacy they’d converted into a hospital for any injured Apex members. His broken foot had been revealed to be just a broken toe which Simon had carefully taped to another so it would heal straight. Simon was normally the one that tended to these sorts of injuries while Grace handled explorations, so he was used to it. Normally Simon joked around with the kids to get them comfortable enough to not fidget when he pulled out splinters or bandaged scrapes, but today he had other things on his mind.  
Simon tried to smile at the boy while glancing at his right hand. Todd had his hand resting on the bed so Simon couldn’t see his number, just a feeble glow emanating from the edges of his fingers.
“How’re you feeling?” Simon asked.
“I’m okay.”
“That’s good. Now-” Simon lent forwards, “Jane told me your number went up when you kicked that nasty null and broke your toe.”
Todd’s face brightened, “Oh yeah! It went up to 218!”
“Really?” Simon tried to hide his disappointment. Going up by eight points was hardly a feat, but he couldn’t let Todd see that. “That’s great! You must’ve given that null quite a kick! Can I see?”
Todd thrust out his hand while grinning but his smile quickly faded when he saw Simon’s expression.
“Your number…” Simon stated, “has gone down.”
Todd looked at his hand, which clearly read 212.
“I-I hadn’t realised! I promise I didn’t do anything to make it do that!” Todd insisted.
“Are you sure? It couldn’t have just gone back down by itself… and you were doing so well…” Simon said sadly.
“I’m sorry…”
Simon silently wrote down 212 next to Todd’s name.  
“It’s alright Todd- you’re still just a kid. Your number’ll sort itself out and if you keep trying hard then hey, maybe it’ll even be like mine one day.” Simon gloatingly held out his arm and turned it slowly so Todd could drink in the full glowing beauty of the glowing lines.
“That’d be so cool! What do you get when you have the highest number?”
“You get to be the best.” Simon answered and said softly, “Like Grace is.”
“Is that it?” Todd looked disappointed and his number whirred as it dropped to 210 again. “Sorry!”
“It’s alright Todd.” Simon said glumly- the boy was clearly a lost cause if he couldn’t keep his number steady for even 5 minutes. He crossed out the two and put a zero. “Just stay off your foot for a while.”
He closed the number log and left the pharmacy with it in his hand.
The Mall was mostly empty aside from a few kids milling around the loot drop- but since the car Grace went to check out hadn’t had anything worth bringing over they were just raking through old treasures. Grace really hadn’t been happy about that car. The train wasn’t designed for passengers to live in one car and the difficulty finding food without straying so far from the base you couldn’t get back was meant to encourage them to travel - so if they couldn’t get more supplies soon they’d have to send out a team of scavengers. If they got lost that would be devastating but it wasn’t like Simon and Grace could let The Apex starve. The bags of cotton candy Grace had brought back from The Lucky Cat was hardly a good meal. Grace was probably worried. They were losing food and they’d lost a passenger.
A knot tied itself in his stomach as he remembered how Grace had lashed out at him when they boy took the exit. What did she mean show some respect? The boy with the chrome null and deer had taken the exit- the only people who did that were people too weak to see the truth, yet alone live it like they did. Grace knew that. Didn’t she?
Of course she did! Grace had been on the train longer than him, her number was bigger than his- bigger than anyone's. She was the best. Grace was so capable and clever, brave and responsible, and Grace was also really funny. And kind. And, if he was being honest, beautiful.
And angry at him.
As The Apex’s leaders him and Grace had their disagreements. Grace had initially been against the idea of trying to bring over soil from other cars and grow their own food saying cars not designed for produce wouldn’t let plants grow- apparently she’d read it in her book. And he was always against Grace going off to explore cars by herself. But those were understandable arguments, even if he didn't agree with Grace he could understand her. And he was always safe in the knowledge that beneath all the petty arguments him and Grace believed the same thing. So why had she been so mad at him?
Grace was probably in the pawn shop she’d converted into a storage unit for interesting or valuable items salvaged from train cars. She spent most of her spare time there- reading or working on something. He could go and ask her for an explanation but she didn’t like to be bothered when she was working. And bother her was the last thing he wanted to do if he’d already done something wrong. If only he had an excuse to go talk to her…
Simon sat down on one of the broken escalator’s steps and started idly flicking through the number log. It always brought him a sense of peace and purpose to look at the progress him and the rest of The Apex had made over the years. It was crazy to think he’d started at just 5301. He wondered what Grace’s starting number had been. He flicked through the book but there wasn’t any mention of her name. When he reached his most recent log he realised that no one had ever actually transcribed Grace’s number.
Or at least not until today.
Grace shook the red spray can up and down as she prepared to tag the golden mask she’d ripped off a null.
At first she’d been using it as a disguise but now that The Cat knew it belonged to her there wasn’t any point- she may as well have some fun and decorate it. She taped the stencil over it and started spraying when the bell at what had once been the shop front rang.
Grace heard the unmistakable clink of Simon’s weird partially metal shoes and grinned. She quickly pulled the freshly painted mask over her head and hid behind the door.
Simon gently knocked on the door behind the dusty counter and pushed it open when Grace jumped out at him. The old white t-shirt she wore for painting was splattered with red paint and so was her mask so for one second Simon didn’t recognise her and nearly jumped out of his skin.
“Boo!” she said and laughed at his reaction. Simon grinned at her, happy that she wasn’t angry at him anymore and decided to play along.
“Oh no a null!” Simon said with mock horror, “What have you done with Grace, you monster?”
“Something terrible. You should forget about this ‘Grace’- you’ll never see her again.”
“No way.” Simon solemnly placed a hand over his heart, “Grace is unforgettable!”
Grace laughed and removed her mask. “So what are you here for anyway?”
“I was noting down some of the kids numbers after Todd’s went up and I realised that we’ve never actually noted down your number in the log.”
“Yeah, I guess not.”
“So…” Simon asked sheepishly, “can I?”
“What ,you wanna write it down in your little book thing?”
“Uh. Yes.”
She shrugged. “Okay.”
Grace removed her opera glove, revealing the glowing green digits snaking up into her tshirt’s sleeve. That was new. Simon had been sure that her number only reached her elbow, a little higher than his own one. She tugged the sleeve upwards to expose her angular, dark brown shoulder that was now studded with digits.
“Woah…” was all Simon could say.
“Yeah, pretty cool right? It went up by like, a whole ten thousand when I set the mirror police on that chrome girl. Maybe even more.” Grace said casually while stretching out her arm so Simon could drink in all of it, “It’s okay…” she said smugly, “Admire me…”
“Have you checked if it goes up any higher?”
“What?” Grace smirked, “do you want me to take my shirt off?”
“But of course...”
“Aw stop it. And nah. Just the shoulder. I’d like to get it so big it goes around my neck one day though- like a necklace.” Simon watched Grace draw her hand across her delicate bare neck as she talked, “Wouldn’t that be pretty?
“Yeah.” he said distractedly, “Yeah it would.”
“What about you?”
“Me? Well… So long as I can get mine above yours and wipe your smirk off I’ll be happy.”
Grace snorted, “In your dreams Simon!”
Simon laughed but it stung a little to know that he was forever behind Grace just because she’d been on the train longer. It was maddening to always be the second-in-command, the back up leader if anything happened to her. He wanted to prove to her that he was just as important and capable as her, just as deserving of admiration. The thought of Grace admiring his number suddenly came to him. Wouldn’t it be nice if Grace could look at him the way he looked at her? “I know, I know. Can we start?”
Grace offered her hand to him palm up and he took it. Grace’s hand was warm and soft, and her pale palm was lit emerald green by her number. It had been a long time since they’d touched like this. When they’d first got on the train they’d held hands all the time, the world had changed so suddenly and the train could be so frightening- and they only had each other to hold onto. But they’d stopped doing that for some reason. Maybe because they were older? Things were different now. They had been for a long time but that didn’t mean he had to like it. He ever so slightly squeezed her hand- wondering if she noticed.
If she did she didn’t give any indication and just gently smiled at him as he copied down her number.
“So…” Grace began conversationally, “How are the kids doing?”
“Well I dunno… I think the chrome null shook them up a bit. And so did the other thing that happened.” Simon tried to only vaguely mention Jesse’s exit just in case Grace blew off at him again. It had been a while since they’d been alone together, just like they used to be, and he didn’t want to ruin this moment. “I’m trying to remind them of their progress with their numbers just in case they start getting ideas.”
Grace slowly nodded. “Yeah. That null was so real looking it was scary. You know I honestly thought she was a passenger when I first saw her! Isn’t that funny?”
“Yeah I guess so.Todd said so too, but then he saw that she didn’t have a number and theeen he... went ahead and broke his toe.”
“How is Todd doing anyway? His foot okay?”
“Todd was fine when I saw him- oh!” Simon remembered the main reason he’d even gone to check in on Todd and said with the glow of a proud parent, “His number went up!”
Grace smiled back at him awkwardly.
“Though it went down a bit after I talked to him.” he admitted, “But I promise I didn’t do anything to make it do that!” Simon insisted. “Or I… didn’t do anything on purpose. I-”
“Simon.” Grace’s voice was unusually sharp.  
“Yes Grace?”
“Simon I’m… I’m a little concerned.” Grace had always thought of herself as a logical person- nulls had no numbers, people did, so therefore nulls weren’t people. She’d have figured it out even without the book. And people were people. And people were what she cared about. After years of raising kids who started with numbers like 4 or 8 how could she not have faith that everyone could join their ranks? And if everyone could join The Apex, and The Apex was  important, that meant everyone was important. But after seeing Simon’s disgust at Jesse taking his exit she’d had the horrible, nagging doubt that Simon wasn’t logical. Or not like her, at least.
Now, she loved Simon’s passion more than anything but he did listen to his heart more than his head. He’d always try to talk her out of exploring cars and complain endlessly when she was gone for longer than he expected for one thing. But if Simon couldn’t understand her logic then logically he needed to be corrected. But illogically, there was nothing Grace wanted to do less than hurt his feelings.
“Now you know that I trust you more than anyone and that you’re not just my second-in-command but my best friend.” She began gently, turning her hand palm down to hold his, “And I care about you because I care about every member of The Apex but well… I guess you especially. And… and that’s why I have to mention that you care too much about the numbers and not enough about the people that have them.”
“What do you mean? Getting our numbers up is the whole point of the Apex- that’s what you believe too. Right?” Simon said uncertainly.
Grace sighed and let go of his hand. “Simon we both know that’s not what I’m talking about. Simon… I didn’t say that The Apex is wrong, and that numbers don’t matter. What I said is that people matter more. If someone has a tiny number they’re still a huge deal, and sometimes… sometimes people are even a zero and choose to take their exits. But they’re still people Simon! They’re still humans- humans that were probably in a lot of pain and loneliness because of what happened to them. We have to respect all of them.”
“I know I know." He muttered, "But you really can’t expect me to believe that someone like, what was his name? Jesse? Someone that let a null take advantage of him and then chose to take the exit is just as important as me or you. Yeah right.” Simon scoffed.
“But Jesse was important." Grace shot back, "It’s not his fault that null took advantage of him- nulls are programmed to trick passengers into getting their numbers down, if anything it’s our fault for not getting to him sooner. Or not getting to him at all. You say Jesse was weak for taking his exit but we were weak for not being able to help him. You can’t pin the blame on some scared kid Simon! It wasn’t his fault that he did what he did. But it was- is ours for letting it happen. And right in front of the other Apex members too!" She said in exasperation, "We might have some… difficult questions to answer. And what happens if some of them decide to get their numbers down thinking they’ll go home?”
“Oh so now it’s fine to want people’s numbers up?" Simon almost yelled, "I don’t understand what you’re saying. Either you’re on my side and getting your number up like the conductor wants is good, or you’re with the nulls and that dumb robot and want everyone kicked off our rightful train!”
Grace hadn't seen Simon get so riled up in a while. She looked at him sadly. Why couldn't he understand her? Simon had always understood her and been so kind. It was almost scary to see him so angry. Couldn't he see he was scaring her?  
Why couldn't he think logically?
“Simon… you really don’t get the nuance do you. Simple Simon." She teased but he didn't smile like he normally did, "Okay let me.. Let me think of a way to explain-”
Simon looked away in embarrassment. Now she was talking down to him. He shouldn't have lost his temper like that. “I’m not one of the kids Grace. You can just tell me things straight.”
Grace paused and then said slowly, “Okay then. Let’s say that my number is smaller than yours. It goes down, or it was always like that. What does that mean?”
Simon looked at her in confusion. “Well it… it means that… it means that you… made a mistake?”
“Let’s even say that I have a medium sized number. Only 5 no… 4 digits." Grace calmly continued, "Maybe even 3. Does that change how you view me? How you talk to me and act towards me?”
“No of course not! Grace we’ve known each other for years I’ve seen how capable and talented and..” he stopped himself saying beautiful just in time, “And... smart and strong you are. It wouldn’t change that.”
Grace tried to remain serious but she couldn't help but smile at his flattery. “So… does that mean… that if my number was at 13 you’d still listen to me? And at 12? 11? 10?”
“Yeah yeah. Even at 10 you’d still be Grace, unfortunately for me…"
Grace decided to graciously (ha) not respond to that. “How about at 4?”
“4? Yikes… I’d be lucky to catch you just in time.”
“So you understand that it’s not the numbers you should be looking at, but the people?” Grace asked.
“I suppose I understand. Sort of.”
“And what would you do if…” Grace asked carefully, “if my number reached zero and I got my exit?”
Simon didn't say anything. Grace worried he was going to have another outburst. He looked away from her, silent, and when he looked back he looked so sad Grace was caught off guard.
“If we’re being honest… I-I think I’d cry." Simon said in a sad, serious voice she'd never heard him use before.
"You leaving me and going away like that is just… it’s awful." Simon tried not to show it but whenever Grace left to go explore the train without him, all he could think about was what would happen if she got hurt. Or got found by One One and taken away- away from him. The thought of Grace leaving to never come back made his heart ache. "If you left I’d probably stop caring about The Apex and try get my number down just so I could follow you.” he admitted.
Grace was so shocked she couldn't say anything for a few moments.
“Simon… That’s… Coming from you that’s a lot. I- thank you." Grace reached out and touched his hand again with her numberless left hand. The numbers did affect the skin, specifically how it felt temperature wise, making everything slightly duller. So when she touched him with her normal hand she felt the unfiltered warmth coming off him for the first time, "Me too.”
“Yeah…” Simon said bashfully.
“And you wouldn’t think I was…" Grace hesitated as she remembered what Simon had said about Jesse, "weaker than you if I did make that choice? Worse?”
"I mean I-I wouldn’t be able to understand it, and I’d be so mad at you and so…so... upset and- and lonely. And I’d hate myself for letting that happen to you.” Grace squeezed his hand sympathetically and he slowly squeezed back, “But I wouldn’t ever think that there was something wrong with you."
"Glad to hear I'm flawless!" Grace said smugly.
Simon rolled his eyes and grinned, happy that things were back to normal between them.
“And don’t worry about Todd okay?" Grace said cheerfully, "He kicked that chrome null on impulse and if you get your number up by doing things spur of the moment it goes down really quickly. Because you haven’t really changed who you are at the core, and your number reflects that. Look- my number’s gone down too.”
Grace held out her arm so Simon could see how much her number had shrunk over the course of their conversation. Her shoulder was bare again, and the green numbers stopped in the middle of her upper arm. She'd lost a few hundred at least.
As she looked at her arm Grace suddenly had an image of her number completely vanishing and a thought occurred to her.
“Graaaace…” he answered playfully.
“What would you do… if I didn’t have a number?”
“You mean if you were what, a null?”
“Yeah. What would you do in that situation? I’m curious...”
“Well uh…" Simon frowned, "I guess I’d have to dislike you, not because of anything personal- but because like… you’d be a null and that’s how we have to treat them. So I guess I’d try to leave you alone. I don’t like it when we have to wheel a null that looks or acts like a person. I know they’re not really real but it’s just- I know that you’re much braver than me and probably never hesitate but it’s just- I just can’t get it out of my head that I’m hurting a kid."
“I’m not braver than you Simon,” Grace said softly, “You’re just as brave as me. I know what you mean I.. I get that too. Doubts and things like that. Don’t get hung up on it.”
Simon got flustered and looked away. “Well jeez. Thanks Grace. I didn’t think you ever had moments of like, I dunno, weakness and stuff like that.”
“I’m only human, Simes. Not like the nulls.”
"I know I know-  once they get crushed and the orb comes out and you realise that it was never alive in the first place. It was just pretending to be human, trying to get you to trust it so it could trick you. Makes me absolutely sick. Is that what they think of us humans? Some kind of costume they can wear? Absolutely disgusting.”
Simon remembered the reason they were even talking about this and considered what he’d do if he met a Grace that didn’t have a number.
“But I guess if… if one of them acted like you it’d be different and… and if I had to wheel you then I don’t think I’d be able to do it.”
“I wouldn’t be able to wheel you either.”
“Such flattery!”
“Eh. Don’t get used to it, socks and sandals boy.”
Simon shook his head. “I make one wardrobe error and you never let me forget it.”
Grace gestured at Simon’s entire outfit and raised an eyebrow, “One?”
"Okay maybe I make several wardrobe errors." Simon said stiffly, "but that's rich coming from you, miss whatever those weird tags on your sleeves are."
"I guess we're both pretty awful-" Grace admitted.
"We deserve each other."
"-But you're still worse."
Simon stuck his tongue out at her while Grace reached for her discarded gloves. It wasn’t until she let go of him that she realised they’d been holding hands the whole time- like they used to.
She pulled her gloves back on. Simon watched as the lilac satin covered up her long arms inch by inch until only a few stray digits were uncovered. It was weirdly therapeutic to watch her slide her long fingers in and tug the fabric up. She had such nice arms.
“You know Grace… I always wondered why you wore your gloves when if any of us deserve to show our numbers off it’s you. But I think I can understand now. You don’t want to show it so people won’t treat you weird and like you’re better than them, or something, right?.”
“Yeah pretty much. Plus it can be harder to get past certain nulls if they see how big I’ve grown it- but don’t get me wrong I love showing off my number. I mean look at it- Isn’t it beautiful? Grace pulled the glove back down and raised her arm so that the glow shone over her face, reflected in her dark brown eyes.
“Yes,” said Simon, but he wasn’t looking at her number.
Grace turned away from him and pulled out a box from one of the old shop’s filling cabinets. Simon watched as she started digging through the things she’d salvaged from the cars they raided. Clearly she wanted to get back to her work. Simon closed the number log and begrudgingly got up to leave, sad that whatever intimacy they’d been sharing was already over.
“Where are you going, socks and sandals?”
“Huh?” Simon said, lingering in the door, “Don’t you want some space to focus?”
“No it’s okay. Anyway, I got something for you. I meant to give it to you right after I came back from The Lucky Cat but y’know, stuff happened.”
“You got me a present?!” Simon asked excitedly and Grace grinned. Simon could be such a kid.
“Here,” Grace handed Simon something small wrapped in a candy wrapper. He had to appreciate the thought, even if it meant whatever his gift was it was probably covered in residue candy. “I had to smash a crane game to get it for you so you’d better like it.” He took the wrapper and there was a postman figurine.
“Oh my god he’s perfect! Wow, look at the paint job-” Simon closely inspected his new treasure, “They did the greying bits in his hair and everything-  they even did his buttons a different colour! Now that’s what I call attention to detail! I love him, I- thank you Grace.”
“You’re welcome, Simon.” Grace tapped her fingers on the box she’d pulled out. It had been a while since her and Simon had just spent time together just the two of them. Which was to be expected from looking after a horde of squabbling children, and she loved looking after The Apex, but that didn’t mean she didn’t sometimes miss the days when it was just the two of them against the world, exploring the train all by themselves as if no one else existed. Simon probably had things to do and he clearly wanted to get going. If only she had an excuse to talk to him…
“Hey um, if you want I can… show you some other stuff you might like?”
“Really? Sure!” Grace pulled out another filling drawer and started laying out various trinkets, describing what null she had to trick or punch to get each one while Simon watched her.
It was true what Grace said about number’s gained from impulsive or quick decisions- you lost them almost as quickly as you gained them. Grace’s number had unwound itself from her shoulder and was almost level with her elbow again. In order to really get it up you had to build up yourself, put in years of dedication and learning from mistakes, trying your hardest until your true essence shone out of your hand in a beam of pure green. It took years to make a good number, kind of like, Simon supposed, it took years to make a good friendship.
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raendown · 4 years
Pairing: MadaraTobirama Word count: 5531 Chapter: 5/5 Rated: T+ Summary: They wake in a forest far from home. Bodies lay dead and broken across the clearing. All they can remember is their names. (Madara falls in love with a single look.)
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
KO-FI and commission info in the header!
Chapter 5
The moment the sun rose over the horizon Madara was out of bed and dressed, ready for the day. Since no one knew that he was himself again there was no one to drag him in to work and mess up his plans. It felt strange to woo a man that he’d already caught and although he knew it was odd Madara couldn’t help comparing it to insurance, in a way, except that if any terrible accidents happened the only thing that was going to break was his heart.
Well, and maybe a few bones as well. It depended on how angry Tobirama was in the case that he took exception to Madara's way of reacting to the situation. That was also a danger he needed to consider.
He had everything ready by the time Tobirama came wandering in to the kitchen with messy hair and a disgruntled expression, scolding him without words for leaving the bed cold. Utterly adorable. Madara took a step forward with the intention of pulling him in for a kiss and then stopped, covering his mistake with an awkward smile, hoping Tobirama didn’t notice. If he was going to confess at some point to already remembering everything between them then he didn’t want to be accused of taking advantage of the man. Wooing him was different then allowing them to be physically intimate. He did know what boundaries were, as much as some people seemed to think he didn’t.
That did not, apparently, stop Tobirama from crossing the space between them and planting a sleepy smooch on his cheek. Madara tried not to be too obvious about the stupidly mushy expression on his face as they ate breakfast together. It was nice to be desired. Even if he wasn’t stupid enough to take advantage of it he was certainly not going to stop himself from enjoying what he could while it was still available. Just in case.
“Alright,” Tobirama sat back after his bowl was empty. “I know that look in your eye. You’ve got something up your sleeve; out with it.”
“I want to take you somewhere,” Madara told him. Obviously not what the other had been expecting. Naked surprise filled Tobirama’s face before he was able to get it back under control.
“That sounds like someone has been making plans.”
“I have,” Madara easily admitted. “At some point we’ll have to go back to work so I thought we should enjoy this pseudo vacation while it lasts and go spend some time together properly.”
He waited a little impatiently as his partner eyed him, probably trying to determine whether he was serious or if he had some kind of hidden motivation, until at last Tobirama sat back and allowed himself a smile. The look in his eyes was so pleased that Madara wanted nothing more than to lean over and pull the man in to his lap, to kiss him until they both ran out of oxygen.
Taking his hand would have to do, soaking in the happy contentment between them.
“Where are we going then?” Tobirama asked.
“Patience. It’s a surprise.”
Even though that cost him the hand in his own Madara didn’t fret. By the time they got to their destination things would be fine. As it usually did, conversation picked up easily as soon as they left the house and very few people gave them a second glance as they strolled through the village side by side at an easy pace. Neither acknowledged it when Tobirama was the one to slot their fingers back together again. Acting smug would only ruin the romantic atmosphere that Madara was trying so hard to build.
The moment they turned the corner to where they were going he knew his plans had been figured out as Tobirama went stiff with excitement at his side and a pair of red eyes swung round to pin him in place.
“Are you taking me on a date to the library?” he demanded.
“I was hoping to surprise you with it but yes, we are going to the library. At this time of day there should be practically no one around but us and if we come now then there’s hours until I need to drag you away for food. Did I do good?” There was little point in asking when he already knew the answer but Madara had never been one to deny that he was a sucker for compliments.
“You did very well,” Tobirama said. He took the time for one quick kiss before using their linked hands to drag Madara forward at a hurried pace. “Come on, I know exactly which section I’d like to look at first!”
He easily ignored Madara's laughter as they both darted inside the building, shooting past the front desk clerk who made absolutely no move to stop them. It would not have surprised anyone if Tobirama was a frequent enough visitor that he no longer had to sign himself in to take books out. No one else seemed to be around, just as he predicted, so they were entirely alone as they wound their way through the stacks and shelves all piled high with books of every size and color. Madara was fairly sure he couldn’t count the number of times he’d been in here on both hands but if he used his toes that would probably cover it. He’d never been much for admitting he needed help and signing a book out of the public library had always felt tantamount to screaming it to the population at large.
If things worked out the way he hoped they would he had a feeling that he would be spending a lot more time here in the future. The thought was not a terrible one. Something about the silence and the scent of parchment lent an extra peaceful quality to the scene of Tobirama hunkering down in a corner the instant he had a book in his hands, eyes shining the way they only did when his mind was disappearing in to other realms.
Of course, he would do everything in his power to never back himself in to any position where he would be forced to admit that he enjoyed it here. Making fun of Tobirama for his studious ways was almost a staple of conversation between them. That his mockery would now be edged in fond tones rather than true disdain would not change anything else. He just hoped that no one bothered to take notice of the fact that his time without memories had instilled in him a surprise love for reading that hadn’t been there before. Until Tobirama influenced him to take the time for a quiet afternoon of losing himself in the words on a page he’d always believed it would bore him to tears if he tried.
They passed a pleasant hour in utter silence, each with their own book to read from yet seated close so they could lean in to each other’s sides. Madara found himself utterly distracted when Tobirama began to absently play with a lock of his hair. He couldn’t feel it since the hair was too long for there to be a tug but from the corner of one eye he could see pale fingers coiling it up and the letting it unravel over and over, pausing to turn a page, then beginning the dance all over again. It was ridiculously sweet even if he guessed the other man had no idea he was doing it. Even more so, in fact, if that were the case.
Without interruption it was likely they might have spent the entire morning in that cozy little corner. Unfortunately that was not to be. Both of them looked up when a shadow fell across their pages barely more than an hour after they arrived. Tobirama was noticeably slower to drag his eyes away. When he did they found Izuna standing over them with both eyebrows raised to his hairline.
“Look at the two of you all comfy,” he murmured. “What a…pleasant surprise.”
“Izuna, I didn’t know you liked to read,” Madara said. A very true statement. He’d never seen his brother pick up a book for leisure before. By the scrunching of his nose he could tell what he should have assumed in the first place; he was here for something to do with his work.
“I could say the same to you.”
“Ah. New habit I suppose.” Just to tease, because that’s what brothers did, he gave his partner a besotted look. What use were these memories if he couldn’t use them to get on his sibling’s nerves?
Disgust showing a little too clearly on his face, at least Izuna did not pretend to gag. “If you’re going to be like that then maybe I should come back to get what I need later. And bring disinfectant. Everything here is probably contaminated now with your…ugh.”
Offended, even if only slightly, Madara would have snapped something back at him if Tobirama didn’t surprisingly beat him to the punch.
“If they are contaminated by anything it would be your mere presence, I should think.” He followed his statement with a delicate sniff. “Do be kind to the books and disinfect yourself while you’re at it. This knowledge is irreplaceable.”
“Hey! I’m irreplaceable!”
“Are you though?”
Madara looked back and forth between the two of them with his eyebrows pinched. That was odd. Until now he’d hadn’t known Tobirama to have any sort of opinion on Izuna at all without his memories; he wouldn’t have had much time to form one with the way Izuna had been so carefully trying to avoid him. It was possible that he had picked up on the fact that the other disliked him and instinctually responded in kind. He was an intelligent man but he was also fairly catty, it was plausible.
Very strange, though.
“Ugh, fine, I get it. I’m not welcome here. Stay as long as you like, I’ll just come back and get what I need another day.” Izuna glared at his old rival, incensed when he got no more reaction than a mild look.
“If my presence is what bothers you”-Tobirama carelessly inspected a creased page in his book-“then I might consider staying here for a few days. To protect the books, you understand. So much precious knowledge should be defended from those who do not understand how to utilize it properly.”
“Are you calling me stupid, Senju!?”
“Were those the words that passed my lips?”
Entertaining as it was to watch the two of them go back and forth, Madara knew he should put a stop to this before they got anywhere close to their usual levels of aggression. The scene before him was eerily similar to any of the dozens he could now recall from the last few years and if he didn’t know any better he would have thought everything was back to normal. He wondered if maybe Tobirama’s memories weren’t starting to leak through after all.
If that was the case then he needed to step up his game wooing the man. And to do that he needed his brother gone. They could have a lovely reunion later when he wasn’t trying to secure the future he was finally so sure that he wanted.
“Alright, alright, calm down you two. Izuna, you know that I would defend your honor until the sun burned out but Tobirama would kill me if I let any harm come to these books. Can we stick a pin in this little catfight?” He tried to offer his sibling a winning smile, unsurprised when the response was a snort.
“Fine. I see how it is. Choosing his side, huh?”
“Well he is my–”
Izuna cut him off before he could finish that sentence. “Don’t. Just…don’t.”
“Afraid of hearing a truth you don’t like? One would think you might be used to this by now.” Tobirama smirked in the face of his rival’s growl. “It’s been long enough at this point.”
“Go fall on a kunai,” Izuna spat.
Then he turned and stormed away with his hands clenched in to fists.
In his wake Madara stared at his partner with narrowed eyes. What an odd way to phrase that statement. Without his memories Tobirama should have no idea how long they had supposedly been together so to taunt Izuna like that was very strange indeed. Suspicious almost. Even if all of his memory hadn’t returned, to know that they had only been together for the months since that disastrous mission should have garnered some sort of reaction or questions from such an inquisitive mind. No matter how he turned that phrasing over in his head Madara couldn’t think of how else Tobirama might have meant what he said.
After a minute or so of indecision he decided he needed to question it. Doing so could ruin his plans but if they had already been ruined, if Tobirama was waiting around just to play him, he didn’t want to waste his time on the possibility of extra heartbreak.
“What did you mean by that?” he asked. His partner turned to him with his brows lifted.
“By what?”
“You said that it’s been long enough. How would you know how long we’ve been together?”
He only saw it because he was looking for it. If he hadn’t been so suspicious he never would have taken note of the single twitch, easily converted to look like a natural shift, but that was enough. Madara's breath hitched and for a moment it felt as though his entire world had just stopped.
“Oh,” he whispered, just barely loud enough to cover the sound of his own heart breaking. Then indignation crashed down over him and he shoved his finger in the other man’s chest to shout, “You remember!”
“You’ve got your memories back!”
Madara surged to his feet only to turn and continue to point in accusation. “Because you shouldn’t know that we weren’t together before this whole thing started! That’s why you were winding my brother up! You hate him – and you remember that!”
“You remember too!” Tobirama was on his own feet in an instant with a flabbergasted expression. Somehow that wasn’t what Madara had been expecting.
He watched Tobirama open his mouth to say something and then close it, head whipping off to one side. When Madara followed his line of sight he found the single librarian on shift with their head popped around the corner to stare blatantly at the scene they were making. His partner snarled, turned to shove their books back where they belonged, then took Madara's wrist in a tight grip and in the next instant they appeared in the kitchen where they had sat and passed a peaceful breakfast together just that morning.
Were he possessed of any self-preservation instincts whatsoever Madara might have leapt back from the man who brought him here but after spending weeks and months together staying as close as possible was second nature.
“Do you have anything you’d like to share?” Tobirama asked expectantly.
“Fine!” Madara exploded. “Yes, I remember. But so do you! When exactly were you going to tell me that?”
His partner glared. “When I found a good moment to do so.”
“Oh sure! He was waiting for the right moment! To do what, humiliate me the most?”
“No. Much as you have a talent for thinking the worst of me, that was not my intention.”
“Wasn’t it?”
Madara clenched his teeth, afraid that if he didn’t his face would betray him and reveal all of the emotions bubbling up inside of him. The fear and the sorrow threatening to take control. With every word that passed between them all he could think was that this was exactly what he had feared. Reverting back to the antagonism that had always marked their non-existent relationship before was just too easy but oh how he wanted the softness back. There had only ever been one person he had truly been able to show it to and the thought of losing that was painful.
Until he stopped the snarl forming on his face in its tracks, blinking rapidly. If he wanted to stop this he could. Generally he wasn’t but just this once he could be the bigger person. That much was within his power. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath and then opened them again to speak in a much calmer tone.
“When did you remember everything? Was it all at once or in pieces?”
“All at once,” Tobirama answered, visibly thrown off-balance by the sudden assertion of self-control.
“Okay. And when did that happen?” His guess was right there in the library since there hadn’t been any changes in behavior before then that he was able to spot. Nothing that stood out anyway.
“The night when you said that you had those bad dreams. I was already awake because my memories returned and I couldn’t go back to sleep afterwards.”
Madara gawped at him.
“Are you serious!?” he demanded. “Those weren’t bad dreams! That was me recovering my own shit!”
“You- really?”
“Oh my god, are you seriously telling me that we’ve both been dancing around each other trying not to give anything away for two days?”
He studied the micro expressions on Tobirama’s face intensely as the other man ran a hand through his hair. “It would appear so. That is entirely unexpected. It seems both of us are to be commended on our acting skills; or perhaps scolded for our poor observational ones.”
Nothing in that sentence gave away how he felt about the situation, much to Madara's annoyance. He hated few things more than being left in the dark about how other people felt and now more than ever it was important that he know how to proceed. One misstep here could lose him everything that he hadn’t had the proper time to build.
Despite his first instinct to damn Izuna for interrupting them he cast that thought aside. If not for that little spat between the two of them he might not have known that Tobirama was recovered for several more days and the gods only knew what sort of fool he would have been making of himself in that time.
“So why exactly were you holding your horses?” Madara asked. “If you already knew everything…”
“I was, well-. The lab. With my memories I knew everything I could accomplish in my laboratory and I was able to find one of my old projects meant to recreate the mind sharing techniques of the Yamanaka. I did not wish to say anything just yet in case I was able to finish the technique. With that I would have been able to show you what is in my thoughts without all these messy words tangling everything and making it more difficult.”
“Okay I should have expected that it would have something to do with a jutsu but that isn’t quite what I ever would have guessed.”
Tobirama nodded slowly. “Every time you and I communicate we say the wrong things and we end up screaming. Then nothing really gets said. I just wanted a way around that.”
“Right. That’s a good thought.” Madara's whole body jolted. “Wait, no, hold on. You’ve been kissing me and stuff! And all normal! Well, new normal. You remembered everything but you didn’t pull away or stop being all mushy and…and…” Loving, he wanted to say, but it stuck in his throat and wouldn’t come out, held back behind a dam of hope slowly welling up until he wasn’t sure he could keep breathing around it. The light flush spreading across those pale cheeks was like dawn rising to show him that everything might be okay after all.
“Well yes. Those are the- I did want to communicate something you know.”
“You want this,” Madara realized.
“I might.” Shifting uncomfortably, Tobirama made a tight expression. “What we’ve had the last few weeks is entirely unexpected and I am perhaps not quite ready to give up on it.”
From anyone else that would have been barely a lukewarm sentiment but from Tobirama, with all the knowledge he had of this man and all the ways he had known them both to communicate with others, Madara knew enough to read those words for what they really were: a heartfelt confession. They were the words he wanted to say but couldn’t, the words he had turned to jutsu invention for a way to express.
They were everything he wanted to hear.
“So we both snapped out of it on the same night. And we’ve both been hiding the fact that we remember everything this whole time. Because neither of us wanted to lose whatever this is between us and we’ve both been trying to find our own ways to keep it. Do I have all this right?” Madara lifted one eyebrow questioningly at the other man only for Tobirama to give him a look he could only describe as vulnerable.
“You didn’t want to lose this either?”
“Oh. Uh, yeah, I guess I could have mentioned that.”
With a brief wry twist of his lips Tobirama agreed, “It would have been nice.”
“Alright well if we both want this then why the fuck aren’t you throwing me down on a table or something?” Madara demanded. “Take what you want, you bloody Senju!”
Tobirama gave him a flat look. Then he did as he was told. In an instant Madara found the back of his thighs pressing in to the kitchen table with a hot mouth slanted over his own, translating all that passion that had always existed between them in to something much more pleasant than petty bickering. Fingers clawed at his sleeves and Madara responded with burying his own in Tobirama’s hair. Nothing about them was gentle as it had been but this was almost better. This was a perfect marriage of their unknowing softness and the sharp edges they had been cutting each other with for so long.
Hands slid around his waist and for a moment Madara thought they were headed to cup his bottom, not something he was entirely opposed to, but like he always did Tobirama managed to surprise him by continuing upwards to press against the small of his back, holding their bodies just that little bit closer. It was an unexpectedly tender gesture, especially now as they devoured each other like animals in heat.
It felt as though one moment he was pawing for the front of his partner’s clothing and the next he was panting in the aftermath. Spread across the futon, he stared wide-eyed at the ceiling without seeing it. Tobirama’s heartbeat thundered underneath his head as the dregs of adrenaline coursed through their veins and he wondered if they would have ever been able to reach this point on their own without the help of the jutsu that took everything but their names. Even now that he had his memories he couldn’t recall ever learning the names of the bandits they had fell on that day but he wished he had. He owed their spirits a quiet thank you.
Naked, sweaty, and more comfortable than he could have ever imagined, Madara fumbled around with one hand until he located another to twine their fingers together. He grinned breathlessly when Tobirama gently squeeze him back.
“You’ve already basically moved in,” his partner mumbled. “Give it a few weeks trial before we make it official?”
“Of course you would want to declare a trial period. Bloody scientist.”
“Is that a no?”
“Fuck you.” Madara clenched their hands together a little tighter and closed his eyes. “It’s a yes.”
Tobirama hummed, the sound of it reverberating through Madara's skull. “Right. Good. Next order of business. Who should we murder first, my brother or yours?”
A bark of laughter escaped and Madara could already tell that this was one life changing decision he would never regret.
For the next couple of hours that futon saw several things it would never forget and by the time the two of them were staggering out of the house again they both wore dopey smiles of blissful satisfaction. This time as they walked through town their hands remained separated but they walked close enough that their arms might as well have been wound about each other’s waists. Madara hoped they weren’t carrying the scent of the bedroom with them but he honestly wasn’t sure it mattered; everything they’d just done to each other was probably plainly visible with just one look.
Not to say that taking each other raw in to the mattress was the only thing they’d been doing to fire up their blood. Both of them were wearing vicious expressions as they wove their way through town and in to the administration tower where, by happy coincidence, they found both of their prey in the same place. Izuna looked up from where he was handing off a sheaf of documents to Hashirama and as soon as he spotted them his mood seemed to sour. Hashirama's brightened.
“I didn’t expect to see either one of you today,” he said, leaping up to come around the desk. “What brings you around?”
“Got tired of defiling the library?” Izuna grumbled.
Quite empty of any good will for either of these idiots, Madara smirked. “Yes, we moved on to the bedroom shortly after. Be glad you weren’t in the same building.” He relished the sounds of his brother gagging.
“Oh no. No I don’t think we need to hear about that.” Hashirama's steps faltered as he turned an interesting shade of green which clashed horribly with his already browned skin.
“What’s the matter, Anija? I thought you would be happy to see me so happy. Both of us. Together. Not even fighting. Isn’t this what you’ve always dreamed of?” With a perfect mix of innocence and evil intent Tobirama fluttered his eyes at his older brother. Madara had never loved him more.  
“I’m very happy for you both!” Hashirama insisted. “Um, I would just rather not hear about those kinds of things. That’s not the sort of thing a man needs to know about his sibling.”
To the side Izuna was looking at them closely.
“Hold up…” he murmured.
“Is something wrong?” Tobirama asked, turning to him expectantly.
“Yeah, how the hell would you know what anyone has ‘always dreamed of’? As far as you know his dream could have been for you to sell yourself off to the geisha for a bit of extra cash.” Izuna crossed his arms to glare suspiciously.
“That is…hm. He makes a good point.” Hashirama tapped his chin with one finger. “Ah, aside from the geisha part. You know I would never do that to you Tobi. Or I hope you know. But, er, the dream thing. Izuna’s right, there is indeed something strange about that. I just can’t quite put my finger on what.”
Amused by the deeply thoughtful look on his face, Madara just barely managed not to laugh out loud. Watching Hashirama try to think his way through any particularly complicated thoughts was always a bit of a wild ride. He wasn’t a stupid man by any stretch, though you wouldn’t catch Madara admitting to that, but neither was he anything close to a complicated mind. Hashirama preferred the straight forward and easy solutions. Emotions he was good at; reading between the lines of someone else’s words he was not.
“Wait a minute,” he said finally, light sparking in those deep brown eyes. “You said fighting. Why would you mention fighting? No one’s ever mentioned anything about you guys not getting along and you haven’t had even one little spat since you got home from that mission!”
“Mn, not precisely true,” Madara snickered under his breath.
Ignoring him, Tobirama mirrored his sibling by tapping himself on the chin with exaggerated thought. “Very strange indeed. I wonder what could possibly have put the thought of fighting in to my mind.”
“They remember!” Izuna snarled. “And they’re being dicks about it. Fess up, you assholes have your memories back, don’t you?”
“Do we?” Tobirama asked, turning to Madara with false surprise.
“We do indeed,” Madara answered.
As one their faces melted back in to the shades of evil they had worn all the way here and satisfaction rippled through Madara's chest to see both of the other men shrink back with fear. That was good. They should be afraid.
“It’s very interesting to me that neither of you found a moment to correct our assumptions of a relationship that did not in truth exist,” he purred. “Very, very interesting. I should like to discuss that with the both of you. At length. And with much volume. Won’t you take a seat?”
“Now, now, there’s no need for violence.” Hashirama held up his hands as he backed away slowly.
“Isn’t there?” Tobirama asked with deadly quiet.
“You’re both happy! Things ended okay! Everything turned out for the best in the end, you can’t be mad about that!”
Holding his own ground but not looking very happy about it, Izuna snorted. “Trust me, my brother can find a reason to be mad over just about anything.”
“Right now I am mad at you,” Madara growled.
Pulling anxiously at his own hair, Hashirama squeaked a little when he backed up in to his own desk, nowhere left to go. “It’s not fair at all! They’re happy, we did good for them, they should be grateful! Not angry!”
“Grateful?” Tobirama huffed. “That you lied to us? That you tricked us? You are lucky things turned out the way they did. Do you have any idea what we would have done to you if we both still hated each other after this?” Hashirama shuddered at the very idea. As he should.
“So what now?” Izuna asked. His entire body looked tense and ready for whatever was about to come his way.
“Now? Now you run,” Madara rumbled. “Because if I catch you I am going to tear that precious silky hair of yours out strand by strand and make you watch me snip it in to tiny little pieces.”
Izuna blinked. Swallowed. Then he whispered very softly, “Yes, running is a good idea.”
He was gone a moment later with Hashirama hot on his heels screaming for the younger man to hide him too. Alone in the office now, the two left behind shared a look. It was neither soft nor tender but it was very full of love. Madara took a moment to appreciate again how seamlessly they had managed to achieve the perfect balance between their true personalities and the memories of this new relationship, almost as though to love each other was an instinct except they’d needed to strip away the layers of learned responses in order to unlock it. He was glad that they did.
But that didn’t mean he wasn’t also entirely pissed off that both of their siblings would simply allow them to make fools of themselves like that. That smacked of broken trust in an awful way and both of them were going to pay for that several times over until they were ready to swear on their own graves to never do something that stupid again. To know that his autonomy had been betrayed in such a way when he was vulnerable, when he was supposed to be able to trust the people closest to him, well. Madara was unhappy to say the least.
“Shall we go hunting, my love?” Tobirama asked and Madara found it within him to smile.
“What a lovely idea. Make it a date?”
“Perfect. Do we need to discuss who gets to hunt whom?”
“I think we both know exactly who we’d like to kill the most.” Madara winked and his partner laughed.
Stepping in close for a slow deep kiss, Tobirama turned his head to eye the massive desk across the room. “I believe I have some date plans for later as well. Nothing says revenge better than contaminating the space they feel safest in, yes?”
“You know, I really like the way you think.”
“Compliments later. Violence now.”
Madara nodded and when Tobirama turned for the window he was right behind the man, ready to hunt down their siblings for the first round of revenge. With his memories he had no problems recalling every last one of Izuna’s usual hidey holes and Tobirama could sense his brother from miles away even without concentrating. The village was bound to be filled with screams before very long.
And if later that night they filled it with more screams of a different tone, well, they were allowed to celebrate being able to keep this dream they hadn’t even known they wanted until it was handed to them on a silver platter. It was only their right to make merry in whatever way they chose to that night, the next night, and every night in the future that they would spend happily at each other’s’ sides.
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Compatible Printers: HP Envy 4500 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505, Envy 5530 5531 5532 5534 5535 5539, OfficeJet 2620 2621 4630 4632 4634 4635, DeskJet 1000 1010 1012 1050 1051 1055, DeskJet 1056 1510 1512 2000 2050 2510, DeskJet 2512 2514 2540 2541 2542 2543, DeskJet 2544 2646 2547 2548 2549 3000, DeskJet 3050 3054 3510 3511 3512, DeskJet 3050a 3051a 3054a 3052a 3056a, DeskJet 2546P 2546B 2546R Content: 2 Pack of Remanufactured ink cartridges replacement for HP 61XL Combo pack (1 Black, 1 Tri-Color) Page yield: 480 pages per 61XL black cartridge & 330 pages per 61XL Color cartridge at 5% coverage Please confirm your printer model before purchasing. Compatible Printers: HP Envy 4500 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505, Envy 5530 5531 5532 5534 5535 5539, OfficeJet 2620 2621 4630 4632 4634 4635, DeskJet 1000 1010 1012 1050 1051 1055, DeskJet 1056 1510 1512 2000 2050 2510, DeskJet 2512 2514 2540 2541 2542 2543, DeskJet 2544 2646 2547 2548 2549 3000, DeskJet 3050 3054 3510 3511 3512, DeskJet 3050a 3051a 3054a 3052a 3056a, DeskJet 2546P 2546B 2546R Please confirm your printer model before purchasing. Compatible Printers: HP Envy 4500 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505, Envy 5530 5531 5532 5534 5535 5539, OfficeJet 2620 2621 4630 4632 4634 4635, DeskJet 1000 1010 1012 1050 1051 1055, DeskJet 1056 1510 1512 2000 2050 2510, DeskJet 2512 2514 2540 2541 2542 2543, DeskJet 2544 2646 2547 2548 2549 3000, DeskJet 3050 3054 3510 3511 3512, DeskJet 3050a 3051a 3054a 3052a 3056a, DeskJet 2546P 2546B 2546R Content: 2 Pack of Remanufactured ink cartridges replacement for HP 61XL Combo pack (1 Black, 1 Tri-Color) Please confirm your printer model before purchasing. Compatible Printers: HP Envy 4500 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505, Envy 5530 5531 5532 5534 5535 5539, OfficeJet 2620 2621 4630 4632 4634 4635, DeskJet 1000 1010 1012 1050 1051 1055, DeskJet 1056 1510 1512 2000 2050 2510, DeskJet 2512 2514 2540 2541 2542 2543, DeskJet 2544 2646 2547 2548 2549 3000, DeskJet 3050 3054 3510 3511 3512, DeskJet 3050a 3051a 3054a 3052a 3056a, DeskJet 2546P 2546B 2546R Please confirm your printer model before purchasing. Compatible Printers: HP Envy 4500 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505, Envy 5530 5531 5532 5534 5535 5539, OfficeJet 2620 2621 4630 4632 4634 4635, DeskJet 1000 1010 1012 1050 1051 1055, DeskJet 1056 1510 1512 2000 2050 2510, DeskJet 2512 2514 2540 2541 2542 2543, DeskJet 2544 2646 2547 2548 2549 3000, DeskJet 3050 3054 3510 3511 3512, DeskJet 3050a 3051a 3054a 3052a 3056a, DeskJet 2546P 2546B 2546R Content: 2 Pack of Remanufactured ink cartridges replacement for HP 61XL Combo pack (1 Black, 1 Tri-Color) Page yield: 480 pages per 61XL black cartridge & 330 pages per 61XL Color cartridge at 5% coverage Show accurate ink level: The items are equipped with intelligent chip that allows you to track ink level anytime Each 61XL ink cartridge is re-manufactured in an ISO 9001 certified facility to ensure smoothly use.
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aryburn-trains · 7 years
D&RGW F3 5531
D&RGW F3 5531 by Chuck Zeiler Via Flickr: D&RGW F-3 5531 at Denver, Colorado on August 26, 1965, Kodachrome by Chuck Zeiler. Built in November 1946 as D&RGW F3 553A ( c/n 3546 ) on EMD Order E692, it was renumbered to 5531 during 1950. The appearance of this F3 may be confusing, and on page 56 of Joseph A Strapac's book, "Rio Grande Diesels, A Pictorial History - Vol. 1", he explains: The most interesting of the F3's was this rebuild. Number 5531 was wrecked at Dos, Colorado, on November 20, 1953, and was sent back to EMD for a totally new carbody featuring the then-current rounded door corners, F9 side panels, and Farr-air grills. Considered a F9m by EMD, it carried all the latest electrical gear, but was still rated at 1500 horsepower. The F3, F7, and F9 roof fan modules were interchangeable. I believe this is Train # 7, The Prospector, scheduled to depart Denver at 6:25 PM, arriving at Salt Lake City at 8:40 AM. Included in the consist is a cafe-lounge car, standard sleepers, and chair cars.
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asexualresearch · 7 years
A narrative/qualitative interview-based thesis on the romantic lives and experiences of young autistic women. It includes asexuality as one of it’s themes for discussion, including one interview participant who explicitly self-identities as asexual. Also includes references to other works that discuss asexuality and autism. This paper is open-access through the university access page above.
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giveawayplan · 4 years
Saranoni Luxury Blankets Mothers Day Sweepstakes - Win Over $3,700 In Products
Saranoni Luxury Blankets Mothers Day Sweepstakes – Win Over $3,700 In Products
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Make sure this fits by entering your model number. Package List: 2 x Black 61XL Ink Cartridge (CH563WN) 1 x Color 61XL Ink Cartridge (CH564WN). Yeild: Up to 600 pages for the black and up to 400 page for color at 5% coverage. Tpye:Remanufactured Ink Cartridge (Not made by HP, Shows Accurate Ink Level). Compatible Printer List: a) Deskjet 1000, Deskjet 1010, Deskjet 1050, Deskjet 1051, Deskjet 1055, Deskjet 1056, Deskjet 1510, Deskjet 1512, Deskjet 2050, Deskjet 2510, Deskjet 2512, Deskjet 2514, Deskjet 2540, Deskjet 2541, Deskjet 2542, Deskjet 2543, Deskjet 2544, Deskjet 3000, 3050, 3050A, 3051, 3052, 3052A, 3054, 3056A, 3510, 3511, 3512, 3516; b)ENVY Series-4500, 4501, 4502, 4504, 4505, 5530, 5531, 5535, c) OfficeJet 2620, OfficeJet 4630, OfficeJet 4632, OfficeJet 4634, Offic4635, 8040, 8045. We Promise: If you have any question, please contact us directly, we will provide high quality after-sales service, to ensure that the customer’s shopping experience. [amz_corss_sell asin=”B01ERAHBWS”] YATUNINK Remanufactured Ink Cartridge Replacement for HP 61XL Ink Cartridge for HP Envy 4500 5530 5534 Deskjet 1000 1512 2540 3050 3510 Officejet 4630 2620 4632 Printer(2Black+1Color,3Pack) Make sure this fits by entering your model number. Package List: 2 x Black 61XL Ink Cartridge (CH563WN) 1 x Color 61XL Ink Cartridge (CH564WN).
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geldegirme · 5 years
Mitaines de gauche et droite Jouets éducatifs, déapprentissage, occupés livres Pages
https://www.geldegirme.net/?p=5531 Mitaines de gauche et droite Jouets éducatifs, déapprentissage, occupés livres Pages - https://www.geldegirme.net/?p=5531
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