#over the counter weight loss drugs
trashmouth-richie · 8 months
͎l͎͎e͎a͎͎v͎͎e͎ ͎m͎͎e͎ ͎i͎͎n͎ ͎t͎͎h͎͎e͎ ͎d͎a͎͎r͎͎k͎ 🦇🌑
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a spooky tale of the night things went bump in Hawkins, the aftermath and how things had been affecting your boyfriend, Eddie months before you both were on the run.
tw: possession, ptsd, nightmares, drug use, cheating, vecna lives, mean!evil!Chrissy , mean!Eddie, a sprinkle of Steve and Dustin! yay we love them. Mike wheeler, ew! This runs the same course as season 4, I just thought it would be cool to see Eddie’s life before spring break of ‘86 and what it would be like if he had a girlfriend, you baby— that’s you!
eddie x fem! reader
“No, no!” 
  He could feel the razor sharp teeth sinking into his flesh, gouging his sides like butter under a hot knife. It was all too real. 
  It always was. 
  The nightmares presented around the anniversary of that day. The day you almost lost him. 
  You did what you always had, holding him close to your own body, pressing your lips to the plains of his shoulder blades, running the pads of your fingers over the pink marred scars delicately to remind him it was just a nightmare. 
  That he was safe with you.
  You weren’t around when it happened. he didn’t want you down there, instead your position was right side up with erica and Lucas at the Creel House. 
  “I’ll be fine,” He had teased, rolling his eyes as you fretted and pouted that you couldn’t go with him. He kissed the knuckles of your right hand, those infamous dimples dipped into his cheeks, “I’ll be right back.”
  Only he wasn’t right back.
  He was choking on his own blood when Steve hoisted him through the gate into the disheveled remnants of the Munson trailer. 
  A day burned into your memory. A day he still suffered from. No matter the amount of medications he was on to help numb the nightmares. 
  “It's okay Eddie,” you whispered softly into his skin, “you’re here with me,” 
  His shoulders begin to release the tension he was holding, fist gripped hands softened as much as the guitar calluses would allow. 
  He shifted his weight to his other hip, facing you. His puffy eyes moved erratically trying to gain security in your face as you smiled softly at him. 
  His hand presses to your chest to feel your heartbeat trying to mimic his breathing to yours. He’s warm, sweaty and hair a nest around his face.
  He would take it all back if he could— selling to that bitch Chrissy to make a quick buck. Running and hiding at Rick’s. Dodging your phone calls because you had been in another fight about whether or not he could just move hellfire so Lucas would be there, and why he was selling to Chrissy.  
  Moves and counter moves. And those 4 days, Eddie had made the worst ones. 
  “‘m sorry, fuck, I’m so sorry.” 
  Years had passed and it still felt like it was yesterday. The red lightning striking behind his eyelids every night before he went to sleep, a reminder of the world that crawled with demons and creatures beneath his feet, just aching for another gate to open and make the two worlds collide. 
  The embarrassment hung heavy on his features, tinging his marble cheeks pink, a silvery tear fell from his grove of lashes. 
  Guilt riddled through him from those days, and the months leading up to it, he had no idea what was happening.
  He promised Steve and the others that he wasn’t a hero, then cut the sheet and rammed through the door to give them all time.
  Scoffed and told you he’d be fine then ended up laying in a puddle of his own blood, Dustin screaming for him to stay awake. 
  Swore to Wayne that he would graduate that year, but ended up hospital bound for months and missed graduation again.
  Flashes of your face, your eyes, the sweet nectar of your lips played through his mind. Your voice was the only thing he heard, maybe it was the loss of blood that numbed him, he wasn’t sure. But one thing remained, your voice was the only thing he could hear.
“Ed please, please let me come with. I wanna be with you.” 
  Your relationship was hanging on by threads in March of ‘86. He had loved you for years, knew every single freckle and imperfection on your skin. He loved the way you had shown up to every concert cheering for them when the bar was silent and empty. He had been the one to teach you a little about cars when you sat on the ground beside him watching as he cranked a wrench this way or that. He knew the spots to kiss below your ear to summon the pretty noises, just for him. 
  You were the love of his life, and he was yours. Two outcasts finding each other and sticking like glue. 
  But the past year had been hard on him, he was back in school again, super senior times two, and he fell deep into the facade the town had molded him into. He was angry, feeling the weight of the heavy chip on his shoulder, the pounding ache in his skull.
  It wasn’t your fault, but somehow you were the easiest to push away. 
  He became mean, became everything they thought he was, leaning into his reputation. And as much as he fooled the others you knew that wasn’t the Eddie you had fallen for. 
  The Eddie you knew was sweet. And not just a nice guy but affectionate in ways you didn’t know anyone could be. 
  He’d open doors for you, carry your books to class, pick you up before school and drop you off every day, even on days you worked at the bar wiping slimy tables, he’d wait for you shift to be over, tipping and whistling when you walked away, letting the whole bar know you were his girl. 
  He wrote mushy songs about his love for you that would make the rest of the band gag. Promising you the moon and the stars while laying out on the top of his van, Eddie was wrapped around your finger, just as much as you were around his. 
  November was the month she had left, and it was always tough for him, but that year it ate at him. The pain from abandonment spread like wicked vines in his chest and he lashed out at anyone who crossed him. 
  It hurt when he started picking fights, bickering over what songs you played in your car, tossing the tapes out the window, laughing when you got mad. It hurt worse when he ignored you all together, heated fights ending with him unplugging his phone from the wall jack, not wanting to hear your pleas. 
  He stopped calling, stopped staying for your shift at the bar, claiming he had something else to do. DnD and weed became his only escape, usually finding solace in your arms, your kisses, but he had outgrown them, outgrown you. 
  That day was the same as any other Friday. 
  He had picked you up for school, wearing his hellfire shirt and greeting you with a sleepy smile and a morning cigarette, one he had inhaled and held while he pressed his lips to yours, only breaking away and pushing the smoke from his lungs and into yours when they were screaming. 
  “You look pretty, who’s the lucky guy?”
  It was a running joke between you, but somehow the joke fell flat when it was rumored that Chrissy Cunningham was seeking him out. 
  you blew the smoke between your lips and settled into the velour seats of his van, “oh just some curly haired metal guy, always wears the old leather jacket we found in Indianapolis three years ago, super good lookin’ kind of a dick, lately.” 
  He scrubs his hands down his face, “c’mon babe don’t start this shit again.” 
  You were still hurting from your argument last night, he just couldn’t understand how it was a big deal that Chrissy seeked him out to do special k with her, at his trailer, alone. 
  “I’m not starting anything, I just think her intentions are more than getting high.” 
  “It’s an easy sixty bucks, triple what it’s worth— I’d be stupid to turn it down.” 
  “Or just stupid to do it.” 
  The two of you had argued for hours over this, ending the phone call with a slam into the receiver on Eddie’s end. And tear stained pillows on yours. 
  Crazy to think now how that was what was killing you, your boyfriend who was pushing you away. 
  You were so naive, then. Not knowing that within a day's time, Chrissy would be found dead in Eddie’s trailer and he would be missing. And whatever her intentions truly were wouldn’t matter. 
  “No need to apologize,” you whispered into the dark, fingers moving his bangs from his face. 
  He pulled away, reaching for the lamp on his side table and pulling his knees to his chest. “Thought I was past this shit.” 
  “Your doctor said the possibility of them coming back is higher than them leav—”
  “I know—” he barked, rubbing the heel of his palm into his eye, “sorry, fuck I’m tired of it— it’s been six years!” 
After Hellfire was over, Eddie paid Mike to make sure you got home safe, which led to you throwing the velvet bag of dice at his chest, demanding answers. 
  “So I’m not allowed to be at your place when she’s there?!” your finger nails dug into your jeans as your hands pressed into your hips. 
  “Oh here we go—“ Eddie breathed out annoyed, “it’ll take a half hour, tops.”
  “so since it won’t be that long it shouldn’t be a problem for me to be there when Chrissy and her skanky ponytail show up, right?” 
  “Well, I’m driving her there.” 
  You almost laughed in his face at his hurtful joke, but when he peered down at you, you knew his dimples wouldn’t show up and he’d tickle your sides kissing you frantically and laughing. 
  He was serious. 
  Driving that cheap tramp to his place, making a sale, doing k and then what? You could see the web she was stringing along, and you knew he did too. He was just playing dumb. 
  “.. wow munson, (a name you only called him when you were mad) hope she swallows.” 
  Rolling his eyes he muttered, “Jesus Christ sweet—” 
  “Don’t sweetheart me!” You said shoving his chest with all your might, he didn’t even tip back onto his heels. “You can use the sixty dollars to pay for your new script when you catch something.” 
  “Grow up, it’s not like that,” he grumbled, blowing you off and walking away from you. 
  “Really?” You chirped, following him to the back of his van, “tell me what it is like then, because last time I checked- I didn’t have guys over at my house without you.”
  “It’s just a sale,” he gritted through his teeth, slamming the back of the van door, “don’t fucking pretend like you weren’t doing the same shit before we started fucking.”
  That was exactly your point. And the fact that he could say it and not even bat an eye or see what her intentions were was fucking insane. 
  Your tongue pressed into your cheek and you ripped his guitar pick necklace from your neck, and threw it as his reeboks, “fuck you.”
  Stomping over to Nancy Wheeler’s station wagon, you hopped in the passenger seat. 
  “Drive Wheeler.”
  “Huh?” Mike said confused and nervous that he was the one to drive you home. 
  “Fucking drive!” 
  Whatever could have or would have happened between Chrissy and Eddie never did, she was dead within ten minutes of being at the trailer. 
  And Eddie fled, making a pit stop to grab the only thing important to him, the only one who would believe him, you. 
  You had never seen him like that before. His eyes were wider than they ever were. At first you thought he was fucked up on some bad shit, maybe Chrissy convinced him to do some coke or even worse. 
  “Aww the princess wouldn’t put out?.” You seethed before attempting to slam the door in his face, he caught it with a thick hand and shoved his way in. 
  His face was ghost-white pale, eyes wide and scary like he was a little kid and witnessed a true monster lurking beneath his bed. 
  “Shut up, we have to— c’mon,” he grabbed your wrist and drug you up the stairs to your bedroom, once there he began opening up your drawers and tossing clothes onto your bed. 
  “What the hell are you doing?” you protested, trying to stop him from ripping your entire room apart. 
  “I can’t,” and this was the first time you saw your boyfriend break, he was always strong, holding you when your own mom left with her many boyfriends, brushing your tears away at the end of a sad movie, but here he was, tears stinging his eyes, crying while he held a combination of his clothes that you kept in your dresser and yours. “…can’t explain— right now, please baby, fuck please! Help me!” 
  you did as you were told, opting to ask questions later, you nearly tripped down the stairs with how hard Eddie was dragging you behind him, he stopped in the kitchen and grabbed the first food items he could think of, and thirty seconds later you were in his van, watching him wipe tears from his eyes as he sped through town. 
He had never told you the most frightening part of his nightmare, and it wasn’t the bats or vecna or the way he felt like he was suffocating. Or Chrissy’s body snapping like a fucking twig under a bears claw, it was worse than all of that. 
  “It’s the same thing over and over again,” Eddie said between puffs of a cigarette, your warm hand rubbing his back like you always did on bed nights,  “I’m lying there almost dead, and I can see Henderson, feel the bats teeth, but…”
  “It’s okay Eddie, it was traumatizing— but you’ve come a long way, and I’m so proud of you.”
  The truth is what scared him the most. 
  “You’re scaring me Eddie,”
  “Yeah- well I’m pretty fucking scared right now too, I have no idea what I— fuck I’m losing my mind.” 
  His foot was pressed flush with the floor, no time for stop signs. 
  “Just tell me what happened so I can help!” you yelled, unable to calm yourself out of fright.
   He turned to look at you and you swore he aged 10 years, “She’s fucking dead, I don’t know how, I don’t know why. She flung into the air like a fucking squirrel or some shit and then she- she, and then she snapped.” 
  “She snapped? Like she went crazy? Like a witch?”
  “What? No, not like a witch! She snapped like her bones fucking snapped and then she fell to the ground and she was— dead.” 
  “We need to hide, it won’t take very long for someone to notice there’s a dead bitch in my living room.”
  “You were right.” 
  “She— Chrissy, she wasn’t there that night to buy from me. I didn’t, I swear to you, I had no idea.” 
  “It was so long ago Eddie, it doesn't matter now.” 
  “It does..”
  “I wanna be with you.” 
  Running from the cops, finding out about the upside down and helping your new found friends discover vecna and his curse still couldn’t stop you and Eddie from bickering. 
  He was pissed that you had dove in the water after Robin and Nancy, even more pissed when you resurfaced and found you helping Nancy wrap up a badly bleeding Steve. 
  You were mad that he ate all the honey comb back at Rick’s before you even woke up, leaving you with a rumbling stomach and a growing hatred for him. 
  And worst of all, you were still upset that you were both in this mess. Imagine if he had just listened to you and Chrissy would have died at her own house or better yet at Jason’s. You and Eddie wouldn’t be reeking like an ogre’s armpits and your socks and underwear wouldn’t be soggy.
  And now he didn’t even want you with him.
  “I’ll be fine,” he said with an eyeroll, his chin dipping into the green vest, “I’ll be right back.” 
  Chrissy didn’t come over for drugs, the minute her door slammed in the van she was all over him, rubbing his thigh and walking her nails up his chest. 
  It felt good to be wanted by someone else. He wouldn’t deny it. He felt like you were his past and he wanted something new, something… more. 
  Someone like Chrissy Cunningham. 
  She wasn’t prettier than you were, but she was cute, and he had a crush on her for as long as he could remember. 
  Plus, her boyfriend was the biggest asshole in all of Hawkins High so how great would it be to find out his girlfriend was cheating on him with the freak? 
  He thought of you.
  His girl.
  Your smile, your witty little jokes, the way your curves felt in his hands, how you were the first girl to actually give a shit about him. 
  He loved you, goddamn he fucking loved you. 
  He started second guessing everything that was happening. Suddenly Chrissy’s nails felt like talons and her perfume smelled like rancid rotting fruit, he pushed her away in disgust, and her eyes flickered a sinister shade of milky blue. 
  But before anything could happen, before her lips could even touch his, and before he could tell her to get out and find another way home, she was dead. 
Blood was fountaining from his mouth, he made Dustin promise to take care of the others. And before Dustin could beg him to stay, he heard your voice. Pretty and musical, 
  Eddie bear. 
  You had called to him like an angel. 
  My sweet sweet Eddie, how fucking dumb are you? 
  He couldn’t get away from it, he tried to focus on Dustin’s voice but it was no use. 
  I’m glad you’re dying, you worthless fuck. Now you can lie with that whore, forever. 
  “I— I know it was Vecna, but it— fuck baby it’s your voice.” 
  You didn’t cry easily, not anymore. But the tears hit the tops of Eddie’s bare shoulder before you can catch them. And you sob into his neck. 
  “I love you, sweet girl— I’m sorry I’m so sorry.” 
  It wasn’t a secret how much you didn’t like Chrissy, even now when she’s been buried for years you still couldn’t forgive her. 
  You had heard what her plans were when you were stacking paint supplies for Ms. Greenly in the supply closet earlier that week. Her locker was right next tk the closet door snd you could hear everything she was saying. 
   She was talking to Carol about her plans of seducing Eddie, how he had become so hot this past year, how Jason wasn’t filling her needs anymore. But maybe if she got under some trailer trash like Eddie— it would help her appreciate how good she had it. 
  She had just wanted to use him for her own benefit, using the fact that he had liked her years before to win him over. 
  “Plus,” she added, “have you seen the dog he’s dating? Barf.” 
  You may pried open her locker after that, and you might have poured red paint on her Pom poms. But it wasn’t anything she didn’t deserve. 
  Eddie never told you about what he heard when he was fighting for his life that night. 
  You had cried so hard when Steve rolled up to the creel house and hollered for you to get in, Eddie was sprawled in the back nearly dead. You jumped in beside him, holding his head in your hands and asking a frantic Dustin what had happened. 
  The rest of the days were a blur. Eddie was stable but in extreme amounts of pain. Feeling guilty that he was the one to come back and Max was still in a coma, bones shattered like Chrissy’s were. 
  You rarely left, visiting every hour you could and sharing Eddie’s hospital bed. 
  “I’m sorry baby, I’m so fucking sorry,” he repeated it almost every hour, you thought it was for him almost dying and refusing to let you come with, but now you understood. 
Six years has passed and you both left Hawkins the week after he was cleared from the hospital. Both unable to stomach the idea of staying in a town that quite frankly was formed on the hubs of hell. 
  Hawkins was your home, but it was filled with toxic memories. Ones that you and Eddie had put behind you, ones that never got brought up. 
  You were in love again, no longer fighting, promising to be together until you were both old and gray. Eddie was the same boy you fell in love with in the band room years before, sweet as can be. Your hero. 
  And maybe it was Vecna’s curse brewing that wedged between you and Eddie to begin with. Vecna saw that he was valuable, much more use to him as a leader among an army of the undead than just an undead soldier. 
  That was Will’s theory at least, explaining why Eddie was distancing himself, why his head hurt all the time why he became so mean and vile, and why he was driving you away. 
  Vecna acted through Chrissy, taunting and teasing him, coming into his dreams and promising him power, riches, and companionship. 
  The nightmares were like a ticking clock, acting on the same four chimes as Vecna worked, four nights of hell for not obeying his orders, for not joining him. 
  For now, he waited in the shadows. He’d wait for however long it took. Waiting for his right hand Kas, to return. 
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badbihk · 2 years
I just need a part two on cry on it can either be a buy dial by accident from y/n calling jack when she’s with her new partner having sex and jack THought SHES running back to him when he wasn’t expecting that call he gets jealous but then the next day he sees y/n is with someone better and jack sees them one day from afar and thinks of everything then did together and he starts to regret it so like a karma to him since he ended up being lonely
Will he?
part one.
I decided to have them talk because I felt that would be a real reality check if she was clearly uncomfortable with him around. i hope you enjoy.💕
I got knots all up in my chest
Just know, I'm trying my best
jack had been up all night staring at his phone, it had been 8 months since you left and went no contact. you had him blocked on everything now. the only updates he got about you were from urban; who you still kept in touch with. he wasn’t sure how to feel, it felt like there was a weight lifted of his shoulders. he no longer had to worry about hurting you, but without you he felt like he couldn’t breathe. more like the air had been sucked out of his lungs, and it had been that way since the moment you left. jack finally unlocked his phone and began calling urban. he knew you and urban had hung out two days ago, and since then he had done his best to avoid him. of course he was curious to hear about what you’ve been up to, but he couldn’t help but feel jealous urban was the one you went to.
“ i was just calling to see how it went with y/n the other day? how is she doing?”
“ wow I don’t even get a hi. you immediately ask about her” urban laughed. “she’s good. she’s been seeing someone for a few months now and she’s happy.”
in that moment jack felt like his world shattered. he was at at a loss for words.
“look I got to go” jack muttered before quickly hanging up.
he knew you would eventually move on, but part of him had prayed you would just wait for him. he clicked on your instagram through the burner account he made just to watch you. he looked at your account everyday, at least two times a day.
Cause, when you look
When you laugh
When you smile
I'll bring you back
And now I'm sad
And I'm a mess
And now we high
That's, why I left
That's, why I left
jack stared at your pictures for hours. you were so beautiful and most importantly you looked happy. it broke his heart that you were so happy, while he was miserable. he turned off his phone and forced himself out of bed.
“jackk where are you going” the blonde girl in his bed said while rolling over to grab where he just was. “ come back to bed”
he rolled his eyes while walking out the room. she was so annoying. he stopped in the doorway and turned to her “look you weren’t even supposed to spend the night. just make sure you are gone in the morning”
jack made his way downstairs pouring him a drink. what he really needed was a fucking blunt, but this will do for now. he knew he was a mess. ever since the night you left he lost himself countless times. rather it be the instagram models, the alcohol, the drugs, sometimes all three. all he knew was that he couldn’t be alone with his thoughts, because when he was his mind was engulfed in you.
his phone ringing broke his train of thought, the familiar ringtone echoing throughout the empty house. he knew he was a little tipsy, but not enough to be hearing things. he picked his phone up off the counter to see exactly what he had dreamed of for the past 8 months. you finally calling him. he knew you would finally come to your senses. he quickly answered.
“Y/N?” he asked
“baby please don’t stop” you whimpered out in the other end of the line, your voice muffled and raspy. “fuck right there baby im about to cum”you cried out. the sound of skin to skin ringing in his ear.
he hung scrambled to hang up the phone. what the fuck? was this some kind of sick joke. he ran upstairs and busting open his bedroom door.
“get up i’m not done with you” he demanded while stripping his clothes and walking towards the naked girl sprawled out in his bed.
“ive been waiting for you to say that all night” she smirks while getting on her knees in front of him.
Will your tongue still remember the taste of my lips?
Will your shadow remember the swing of my hips?
Will your lover caress you the way, that I did?
it had been three days since jack received that call, and he hadn’t been sober for a second since. he didn’t know what your goal was. were you just trying to rub it in his face that you left? were you trying to hurt him the way he hurt you? were you trying to prove to him you moved on? maybe you didn’t even mean to call him and this was the universes sick form of punishment. punishing him for everything he had done to you in the past 4 years. jack picked up his phone and tried to call you for the 12th time today. he didn’t care if he looked crazy, he knew he was crazy.
straight to fucking voicemail. just like the other 11 calls he placed before that. he was truly losing his fucking mind.
Will you notice my charm, if he slips up one bit?
'Cause I don't need to know
I just wanna make sure you're okay
I don't need to know
I just wanna make sure you're all safe
jack was fucked. after three weeks of repeating the same cycle of fucking random girls every night, drinking until he passed out, and smoking into his lungs felt like they were going to explode he felt like enough was enough. today he would actually go to the studio and try and make some music. he hadn’t released a single in almost a year. he decided to get some coffee, a red bull, and some food on the way; knowing he would need the energy. as he pulled into the parking spot at the 7/11 he recognized your car instantly. he felt his heart jump out of his chest. he walked in the gas station scanning around to see if you were there. of course you were looking just as good as the last time he saw you, hell even a little better. he walked up to you with a childish smile on his face.
“ Y/N i didn’t expect to see you here” he says softly trying not to startle you since your back was turned to him. “ you look good”
“jack….hey” you say awkwardly while turning around and looking for your boyfriend. jack noticed your eyes wondering and it made him want to shoot himself. were you really that uncomfortable being around him that you had to search for your boyfriend?
“ ive been trying to call you but im pretty sure you have me blocked” he said in a joking tone “but ive been wanting to talk to you about us, about everything. i really miss you. nothing has been the same since you left”
as if on que, your boyfriend comes back into the aisle you were in.
“ i found those drinks you’ve been wanting to try” your boyfriend says before looking up to see who you were with. “you good?” your boyfriend says looking between you and jack.
“yeah she’s good man i was just asking her how she’s been-”
your boyfriend cuts him off “ i wasn’t talking to you, i was talking to her” he says firmly while placing his arm around you.
“im good my love” you say kissing his cheek “i was just about to come find you”
without saying a word jack turns around and walks away. he knows he should’ve said goodbye but how could he? how could he accept you happy with another man when he used to be that man for you. he was the one that made you feel safe and secure. now he was nothing more than your crazy ex that couldn’t leave you alone and watched your stories from secret accounts.
Will he play you those songs, just the way, that I did?
Will he play you so strong, just the way, that I did?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Will he treat you like shit, just the way, that I did?
'Cause I don't blame ya
as soon as he got back to his house he lost his shit. he started breaking everything in sight, as he sobbed uncontrollably. throwing all the framed pictures he had of y’all against the wall, shattering them. punching the pictures of when he was happy that hung on the wall. glad piercing through his skin, leaving blood dripping everywhere. it was like everything he had been bottling up the the past 9 months was releasing all at once. it was one thinking knowing you had moved on, but seeing it? seeing the way your eyes light up when you looked at this guy, the way you relaxed into his touch when he put his arm around you, the way he respected you. it made jack sick to his stomach. Jack couldn’t believe the way he treated you. the thought of this guy doing the same was enough for him to commit homicide. in the end he knew he had no one to blame but himself. all he had was a broken home and a broken heart. guess karma finally caught up to him after all.
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imachaoticghost · 3 months
Mafia! Modern Warfare II AU
Summary: An introduction to the whole world of Mafia! MW
Pairings : Valeria x wife! younger! half mexican! Reader
TW: Canon typical violence, may be OOC, canon divergence, AU, MAFIA, alcohol, use of reader, suggestive content, I can't write accents to save my life, smoking, mention of drugs.
A/N : My pen slipped (and I made the divider). Translations are at the end.
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The music was deafening, blaring on her and making her head hurt in a constant pulsation of uncomfortable pain. Not enough to actually hurt, yet. She sighed, calling a waitress to pick up the drink she had just made, placing it on the counter. She ran a hand through her hair with another sigh, not noticing Soap, hanging around a few feet closer than before.
"You 'right there lass?" He shouted over the music with a tint of concern in his cheery tone.
"Yeah, yeah, 'm fine." she laughed "just got a headache creepin' on me" she shouted back.
"You can take a break y'know?" He joked, still seeming concerned.
"I know, I know. I'm fine tho, really" She reassured, smiling. As much as she did want to take her break she was waiting on an important contact. The bartender nodded, going back to his own section.
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A man walked in the club. His dark clothing contrasted with the rich men and women, but they were all way too busy to even care. He sat at her bar and she walked closer with a polite smile. "What can I get for ya?" She asked, putting up a texan accent.
"I'm looking for Sam." He stated, as if he didn't want anyone to bother him.
"You're sitting right in front of 'er" She grinned and the man stared her down with a mocking expression.
"you're telling me you're the intel dealer" He sounded even more mocking than he looked. She chuckled and put her elbows on the counter, leaning her weight on it, crossing her hand and exposing just enough cleavage.
"Yessir, in flesh and bones"
"There's no way a sweetheart like you is the biggest informant out here. I mean, the most you would have is little girl gossip" He mocked.
She shrugged "Your loss honey" She mocked back, moving onto the next drink.
"Wait," He called "I need that deal"
She turned back to him. "Alright, here are my conditions. One, an eye for an eye. What you so much need, I want back, just the same. Second, no one gets to know who I am." The glint in here eye scared him, a mix of mischief, of interest and of a devilish fire. "So, do we have a deal?" Her grin was just as warning as her look, but it quickly faded when an older man in a suit called her, turning innocent. "One second" Her voice sounded so sweet she almost seemed harmless. Almost.
"Anything I can help you with Price?" she shifted her accent back to her usual neutral one, moving her hair to uncover her dyed hair.
"I just wanted to check on you, wouldn't want to overwork my staff." He joked. "Soap said you didn't look very well, you had him worried there."
"Really? Oh, no, I'm fine. I just have a slight headache" She smiled sheepishly.
"You should really take a break" Suggested Price.
"As soon as I finish with my order I will" She assured. He nodded and let her walk back to her bar, eyes lingering on her in worry before turning away. She took a breath, taking back her texan accent and covering again her dyed hair, taking a confident stroll towards her client.
"So, do we have a deal or not? I don't have all day."
"Fine" Grumbled the man.
"What d'ya need? If what ya give me is enough I might just as well give it to ya" She grinned again, the devilish glint back in her eyes.
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She blew out a puff of smoke as she waited for the phone to send her to voicemail. It felt nice to not have to fake an accent and let her voice rest, settling in her normal tone. "Hola Amor. La Araña is planning on moving a drug shipment tomorrow night in between Las Almas territory and 141 territory. Around 2 or 3 am. Hard drug. Have fun and good luck." She hung up right after.
She heard the emergency exit door open and she quickly threw her cigarette on the floor, putting it out and straightening up. "Oh, hey, I didn't know you were here" Noted Kyle when he noticed her.
She chuckled softly. "I needed some fresh air" The other man hummed and pulled out a pack of cigarettes.
"D'you mind?" She shook her head and he started smoking, settling them both in a comfortable silence.
"I didn't know you smoked" she teased and he snickered.
"Almost all of us do. Simon not so often, due to the mask and all, but he still smokes when he manages to catch a break. Chills us out, you know?"
"You seem to know each other quite well" she teased again, noting the information in the back of her brain. He nodded, saying how they were friends since a long time.
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Her expression almost showed her concern when she read the messages. "Kyle? Do you mind if I make a call?" She asked sheepishly.
"Not at all darling" he smiled. She refrained from wincing at the pet name. She dialed her wife's number and prayed to whatever being would hear her.
"Que paso Hermosa?" She heard V's voice and let out a breath in relief.
"Hola mamà" She let her wife know she was being heard by someone exterior. "Te deje un mensaje mas temprano sobre un paquete que tenias que recoger mañana. Una araña blanca creo. No vayas porfa, los azules van a estar allí y no quisiera que te los cruces."
"You're at work right? I'm guessing one of those little rats are standing besides you. So the drugs La Araña is moving are being intercepted by cops." The girl let out a hum in confirmation. "Y como sabes eso chiquita?" The voice Valeria used made her weak at the knees.
"Ale me aviso, ese tonto no sabe lo que anda haciendo"
"Good girl" The line went dead without even a good bye.
"Adios a ti tambien" muttered the young woman.
"She hung up on you" Teased Kyle.
"Yeah, that's my mother's attitude" Joked the girl.
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She sighed, dropping her bag on the floor and her keys on the table. Suddenly the door snapped closed and a pair of hands wrapped around her. One on her stomach and the other over her mouth. She gasped, going to pull the hand away from her mouth until she felt the cold hands slide under her dress shirt and over her neck.
"You should be more careful Karma, you never know who's waiting for you behind your door" Whispered her wife huskily. The young woman melted in the older's arms, finding herself unable to answer with the way the cold hands rested and moved against her skin. Valeria chuckled mockingly before pulling on the girl's jaw to kiss her deeply.
"You did a good job today love. I think you deserve a little reward"
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"Que paso Hermosa" - "What's up Beautiful"
"Te deje un mensaje mas temprano sobre un paquete que tenias que recoger mañana. Una araña blanca creo. No vayas porfa, los azules van a estar allí y no quisiera que te los cruces." - "I left a message earlier about a package you had to go get tomorrow. A white spider I believe. Please don't go, the blues are going to be there and I wouldn't want you to cross them."
"Y como sabes eso chiquita?" - "And how do you know that chiquita"
"Ale me aviso, ese tonto no sabe lo que anda haciendo" - "Ale told me, that fool didn't know what he was doing"
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A/N : I swear my pen slipped. I might write the rest of the scene, depending on how my friends that read my blog react to this one. If you like it, tell me or I might not do a part two or the headcannons I'm planning.
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mochatune · 2 years
I once again apologize if this isn’t accurate I just barely see fics of my fave fandoms covering heavy topics and I feel like someone needs too.
Yb Peter x drug addict reader hcs (reader is specifically addicted to vyvanse)
- Peter already knows, I mean come on he literally stalks you for a living.
-Peter isn’t stupid, he smokes when stressed so he can relate in a way although your doing harder drugs than him.
-how did he find out? He sees you pop one of the blue pills every morning through the secret cameras installed but he knows you don’t have any prescriptions or even ADHD for that matter, your name isn’t even on the bottle.
-when he decided to kidnap you is when he took action, he didn’t really mention it while you both were getting to know each other because he would blow his cover knowing you would rather die than share your little habit with people you don’t know let alone are close with.
-he originally tried weening you off so you wouldn’t suffer through withdrawal, he was there for you every step of the way but despite that he still kidnapped you so your stress was at an all time high. Your technically didn’t really recover at all and still thought about it at every waking moment, even in your dreams you thought of just taking another pretty blue capsule.
-they made you confident, like a day could never go bad with one of those 60mg bad boys keeping you mentally healthy or at-least your false perception of mentally healthy.
-productivity and happiness are unlimited with the unprescribed meds, you also loved them because of how much weight they made you lose over the course of a couple of months. Used to being chubby and now all that’s left are stretch marks from past stretching of the skin, how could you possibly quit when they offered you all these wonderful ‘health’ benefits?
-the energy of it all made you dizzy with happiness of what it would be like to take it again
-quitting wasn’t an option for you, of course Peter figured this could happen so the medicine cabinet is locked up along with him watching you use the toilet so you couldn’t break into it
-Peter feels bad, all he wants do is give you a hug and tell you it will all be better but your terrified of him and quite frankly it’s triggering a relapse despite you never mentally recovering from the loss of your crutch in the first place.
-Peter is becoming desperate for you to be comfortable around him now aswell, it’s been months already in his care. He’s almost willing to do anything for you to just stop being so difficult
-eventually you’re so desperate for atleast a fourth of the feeling they gave you that you snort some coffee left on the counter, it doesn’t work obviously. The rush only lasting for a bit but it felt like enough for the time being
-it seems funny, like a joke. Someone so desperate for a release that they do anything that looks like it will take effect in sight, anything to get rid of the mental pain?
-In short the desperate measures you took had you end up restrained with peters hawk like gaze never leaving you for a minute, you’re kept in a dirty basement attached to a pipe but even then you’re restless. cursing him out and telling him how much of a shit human being he is.
-at one point he thinks of giving in to you’re demands, maybe you’ll like him more? He cares about you’re health a lot or he just likes to believe he cares about you more than he really does but if this makes you so happy then he may aswell do this to get your love and affection
-Peter is considerably shallow and quite frankly desperate so he might just give you what you’ve been wanting for so long. He really isn’t above fueling your addiction, after all he isn’t exactly great at managing his growing addiction with you either.
-he does give in but only once, or so he thinks. The second he puts it in your mouth (rather forcefully might I add, like giving a child a tablet to shut them up) you’re immediately complaint with all his demands and stop cursing him out, you’re still squirming to get out but it’s a start.
-of course at first you didn’t want to be complaint let alone even speak to him but you didn’t really care anymore, you felt you had nothing in the real word. Peter has gaslighted you so much over the course of your stay that as long as you at least had the medicine you could let yourself sink into Stockholm syndrome
-after an hour when it’s fully kicked in you become more affectionate and you even ask him to stay with you in the dirty basement, you’re becoming talkative again.
-he’s over the moon and after a couple of weeks of giving you the meds he swore not to give you he lets you come back upstairs and your almost as complaint as a trained dog.
-Peter is an enabler who’s all about control, if you throught the was going to keep your best interest at heart for the risk of losing your affection then you’re dead wrong.
-Peter doesn’t really love you, he loves the feeling of you with him. The feeling of your warm body against him or when you just look him in the eyes.
-Peter is whipped and is quite frankly not above drugging you up if it means you continue to treat him with love and care as he will do the same in return x10
-by you convincing him to give in is a very dangerous path though, had you been less troublesome he would have cared more about your well being. it’s not your fault entirely though, Peter is the one who kidnapped and manipulated you, Kept you against your will.
-he’ll use your dependency on vyvanse to his advantage and will become more strict with how he gives it out overtime as he becomes more used to the affection given to him.
-didn’t look him in the eyes long enough? None today. Tried to escape? Good luck trying to get that back for a couple of weeks
-he effectively has a reward and punishment system for you as he gradually becomes more cocky and power hungry for your love.
-Peter isn’t a great guy and will quite frankly just fuel your habit despite how much he believes he cares for your well-being and health
-maybe deep down he wants to be a good boyfriend for you, to nurture you and make you happy but the reality of his nature is not so bright
Yeah.. sorry this got dark quick. I wanted it to be wholesome but Peter as a character is just not mixable with that, he’s not a good guy no matter how hard I tried to sugar coat this headcanon. I apologize if this is an inaccurate representation of drug addiction and Peter as a character. Forgive me
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talesoftheadultstore · 3 months
Hilarious story with drug mention
Alright so, at my shop there's usually one person working per shift and that one shift is the extent of time we're open. Sometimes the boss comes in to work the counter if she wants me to do something specific that I'm better at, such as looking through camera footage or yearly inventory.
So I'm busy counting pantyhose near the counter where my boss is working and a regular and his friend comes in. They strike up a conversation with her, the one she knows is catching up, she's also learning about the new guy a bit. I'm listening in of course, not on purpose but like I am 4 feet away.
The new guy somehow gets to the topic of weight loss and says he lost over 100 lbs in like 2 years without exercising or anything medical. My boss is almost leaning over the counter at this point, mouth gaping open, and asks him how he managed that.
I look over because I'm also curious as fuck. He smiles and says cheerfully "Cocaine!" Like to me, it's almost a cartoony voice he says it in.
Her face. Just. Drops. So hard. And I duck behind the pantyhose stand and covering my mouth with both hands trying to keep in a huge laugh. Like, lungs burning, barely containing the noise, and I end up coughing once it passes a bit more.
Boss has no idea what to say. Just a stuttered "o-oh. I see."
And he proceeds to continue talking about it until he leaves like 5 minutes later while I'm hiding and in tears until he leaves, and then as soon as the door closes, I finally laugh because it's still somehow hilarious. Like, I don't think drugs are funny but his delivery and her shock was.
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lunarsilkscreen · 7 months
Mind-Altering Chemical
Alcohol, Marijuana, and Opium are ALL mind-altering chemicals. We call them recreational because of the way it alters your mind. Beer gives you a buzz or gets you drunk (depending on how much she goes fast you drink it. Marijuana gets you high or wasted, also depending on how many edibles you consume. Opium works similarly to Marijuana. We just don't like it because we're racist, and I'll be damned if China is gonna get rich off my dumb ass. (Support small business--Smoke local)
I don't smoke. Because it makes me want a pack of Reds or Djarum Cloves. BTW: Nicotine is also a mind-altering chemical as is coffee.
Nicotine and Caffeine don't count when we're talking about mind-altering chemicals, because they don't have the hard-hitting effects like beer and MJ do in those larger doses.
I know people that can sip a single beer over a day and call that a buzz. But we all know that doesn't count.
"How have you used Opium if you're both racist and don't smoke?" Well, I was prescribed Vicodin when my wisdom teeth were removed. AND IF YOU DIDN'T KNOW. Vicodin is an opioid.
I hated that BTW, I had that and motrin to take for the pain, and all I did was play Paper Mario off the Wii store, poorly, for an entire week. It was all I could do, I was too high for anything else.
But I did get to finish "Thousand Year door" so there's that.
If you're wondering: fentanyl is a locally (as in US) produced synthetic opioid prescribed to people who Vicodin, Percocet, or other don't work. (all opioids) and by don't work: I mean don't work for what they're prescribed for. Usually to old people, but profit margins started creating opportunities to put fentanyl into everything. (Something that could be corrected by making weaker drugs Legal, instead of using fentanyl for everything.)
I'm talking about this because there's a difference between *those things* and other drugs prescribed for mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety.
(F* Wellbutrin.)
Which can also be prescribed for other conditions such as nerve-ending damage, arthritis, and pain. (Which suggests that anxiety and depression can be caused by pain receptors, when you don't actually feel pain.)
You don't typically get high or drunk on prescription anxiety meds, but they allow for you to function, and to deal with your day to day when you're otherwise checked-out.
Hey, hey. This is important, because people do something called self-medication. This isn't like addiction, where you're chasing that high, or drunk state, or "just trying to forget".
Because people self-medicate with Tylenol, Motrin, Tums, and all sorts of things in your "over-the-counter" aisle. Which by the way, costs $100 If you stock up on all of them for the month. (So much for Medicare).
Before smoking indoors was banned, nearly everybody smoked. Not just because it was the cool thing to do, but because nicotine actually has several benefits: including, focus, anti-anxiety, and energy (as well as weight loss).
Same with coffee. It's why [coffee and cigarettes] were considered necessary items up until the 21st century.
I wouldn't be surprised if this wave of autism and ADHD has to do with the efforts of just detoxing from both cigarettes and coffee. Because until now, until it was admitted that it was an actual thing; that's just what you did in order to function.
That's what you did to appear and act normal. Because it worked.
This is gonna get into a chicken-egg thing where "well how do we know they didn't *cause* ADHD and autism". Because if that was true then motrin and water caused your broken leg.
I'm just gonna conclude here:
Look, old people are gonna die soon anyway, we should at least listen to them, when they take drugs either recreationally or because they're in pain from the ravages of old age.
They should be taken care of, so that we can get their input and feedback on what actually works for conditions, what doesn't, and that can pave the way for medicinal breakthroughs that can actually improve health going forward.
That's an investment for the future, and respect for the past.
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polypeptide555 · 11 months
Semaglutide for weight loss - What you need to know
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①.What is Semaglutide?
Semaglutide is a glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist that helps to regulate appetite and insulin. It works by stimulating GLP-1 receptors in the brain, which causes the body to feel full after eating smaller portions of food. It also helps reduce fat levels in the body by increasing insulin sensitivity, helping to control blood sugar levels. It is the first FDA-approved drug since 2014 for chronic weight management in overweight adults or adults with general obesity.
②.Here are five reasons to consider semaglutide for weight loss.
1.Semaglutide helps you lose weight gradually and safely.
Semaglutide works by reducing your hunger and cravings by lowering your appetite and slowing down digestion, making it easier for you to stick to a low-calorie diet. It also helps reduce the amount of fat stored in your body, leading to gradual and safe weight loss.
2. Semaglutide can help you keep the weight off.
Unlike other weight loss medications, which only work while they’re in your system, semaglutide has been shown to promote lasting weight loss by helping you stick to a healthy diet and lifestyle even after discontinuing the medication.
3.Semaglutide helps improve metabolic health.
In addition to helping you lose weight, semaglutide also reduces your risk of developing type 2 diabetes by improving your body’s ability to use insulin, as well as reducing inflammation and cholesterol levels.
4.Semaglutide is generally well-tolerated.
Most people who take semaglutide experience minimal side effects, such as nausea, headache, and constipation. The most common side effects are usually mild and can often be managed with lifestyle modifications or over-the-counter medications.
Please click to learn more.https://www.polypeptide.ltd/
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lindamarry1 · 11 months
Exploring the Effectiveness and Safety of Weight Loss Medications: A Comprehensive Guide
In today's world, where obesity has become a global epidemic, weight loss medications have gained significant attention as a potential solution. These medications, when used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle, can assist individuals in achieving their weight loss goals. This comprehensive guide aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the effectiveness and safety of weight loss medications. As we delve into the topic, we will also shed light on Mounjaro weight loss, a reputable website that offers weight loss medications. 
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Understanding Weight Loss Medications 
1.1 Defining weight loss medications
Weight loss medications, also known as anti-obesity drugs, are prescription or over-the-counter medications designed to aid in weight reduction. These medications can be categorized into different types based on their mechanisms of action, such as appetite suppressants, fat absorption inhibitors, and metabolic enhancers.
1.2 Common types of weight loss medications
Some common weight loss medications include phentermine, orlistat, liraglutide, and bupropion/naltrexone. Each medication works differently to help individuals lose weight, whether by reducing appetite, blocking the absorption of dietary fat, or influencing metabolism.
1.3 How weight loss medications work in the body
Weight loss medications target various aspects of the body's physiology to promote weight loss. They may act on the brain to suppress appetite, affect the digestive system to inhibit fat absorption, or impact metabolism to enhance calorie burning.
The Effectiveness of Weight Loss Medications
2.1 Clinical Studies and Evidence
Numerous clinical studies have evaluated the effectiveness of weight loss medications. These studies often compare the outcomes of individuals using medications versus those following a placebo or non-medication intervention. The results show that weight loss medications can lead to greater weight loss compared to lifestyle changes alone.
2.2 Average weight loss with medication
The average weight loss achieved with weight loss medications varies depending on the specific medication and individual factors. However, studies have shown that individuals using weight loss medications, in combination with a reduced-calorie diet and increased physical activity, can expect to lose 5% to 10% of their initial body weight over a period of several months.
2.3 Factors influencing effectiveness
2.3.1 Individual response
The effectiveness of weight loss medications can vary among individuals. Factors such as genetics, metabolism, underlying medical conditions, adherence to medication, and lifestyle changes can influence the degree of weight loss achieved.
2.3.2 Adherence to medication and lifestyle changes
The success of weight loss medications is closely tied to an individual's adherence to the prescribed regimen. Consistently taking the medication as directed, following a balanced and calorie-controlled diet, and engaging in regular physical activity are essential for optimizing the effectiveness of these medications.
Safety Considerations of Weight Loss Medications 
3.1 Regulatory Bodies and their role
Before weight loss medications are approved for public use, they undergo rigorous evaluation by regulatory bodies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These agencies assess the safety and efficacy of the medications based on data from preclinical and clinical trials.
3.2 Common side effects of weight loss medications
Weight loss medications may cause side effects, which can vary depending on the specific medication. Common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, constipation, dry mouth, dizziness, and insomnia. These side effects are generally mild and diminish over time as the body adjusts to the medication.
3.3 Potential risks and precautions
3.3.1 Interactions with other medications
It is crucial to consider potential interactions between weight loss medications and other medications an individual may be taking. Some weight loss medications may interact with certain antidepressants, antidiabetic drugs, or other medications, leading to adverse effects or reduced efficacy.
3.3.2 Allergies and contraindications
Individuals with known allergies to specific weight loss medications should avoid using them. Additionally, weight loss medications may be contraindicated for individuals with certain medical conditions, such as uncontrolled hypertension, heart disease, or a history of substance abuse.
3.3.3 Long-term safety concerns
Since weight loss medications are relatively new, their long-term safety is still being studied. It is important to discuss any concerns or potential risks with a healthcare professional before initiating a weight loss medication regimen.
Mounjaro Weight Loss: A Reliable Source for Weight Loss Medications 
4.1 Introduction to Mounjaro weight loss
Mounjaro weight loss is a reputable website that offers a range of weight loss medications. They provide a convenient and reliable platform for individuals seeking medically approved weight loss options.
4.2 Safety Standards and quality control
Mounjaro weight loss adheres to strict safety standards and ensures that all medications available on its platform are approved by regulatory authorities. They source their medications from trusted manufacturers and regularly monitor product quality.
4.3 Available weight loss medications and their effectiveness
Mounjaro weight loss offers a variety of weight loss medications, each with its unique mechanism of action. The website provides detailed information about the medications they offer, including their effectiveness, potential side effects, and usage instructions.
4.4 Customer Testimonials and Reviews
Mounjaro weight loss features customer testimonials and reviews, allowing individuals to gain insights from others who have used their services. These testimonials can provide valuable information about the effectiveness and customer satisfaction associated with the weight loss medications offered by Mounjaro.
Lifestyle Changes and Weight Loss Medications 
5.1 Importance of lifestyle modifications
While weight loss medications can be effective, they should be used as part of a comprehensive weight management approach that includes lifestyle modifications. Adopting healthy eating habits, engaging in regular physical activity, managing stress, and getting adequate sleep are crucial for long-term weight management.
5.2 Synergy between weight loss medications and lifestyle changes
Weight loss medications can complement lifestyle changes by providing additional support for appetite control and metabolic regulation. When used in combination with a healthy lifestyle, these medications can enhance weight loss outcomes.
5.3 Incorporating Diet and Exercise for optimal results
To maximize the benefits of weight loss medications, individuals should follow a well-balanced, calorie-controlled diet and engage in regular physical activity. A healthcare professional or registered dietitian can provide personalized guidance and support in developing a suitable diet and exercise plan.
Choosing the Right Weight Loss Medication 
6.1 Consultation with healthcare professionals
Before initiating any weight loss medication, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional. They can assess individual needs, consider medical history, and provide guidance on choosing the most appropriate medication based on effectiveness, safety, and potential interactions.
6.2 Assessing individual needs and Goals
Weight loss medications should be tailored to individual needs and goals. Factors such as weight, overall health, medical conditions, and lifestyle should be taken into account when determining the most suitable medication.
6.3 Considering the medical history and potential contraindications
Individuals with certain medical conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or kidney problems, may require specific considerations when selecting a weight loss medication. A thorough assessment of medical history is essential to identify potential contraindications and ensure the chosen medication is safe to use.
In conclusion, weight loss medications can be valuable tools in the journey toward achieving a healthy weight. They can provide an additional boost when combined with lifestyle changes such as a balanced diet and regular exercise. However, it is essential to recognize that weight loss medications are not a one-size-fits-all solution, and careful consideration should be given to safety, effectiveness, and individual circumstances. Mounjaro weight loss stands as a trusted website offering a range of weight loss medications, but it is always advisable to consult with healthcare professionals before starting any medication regimen. By understanding the effectiveness and safety of weight loss medications, individuals can make informed decisions to support their weight loss goals and improve their overall well-being.
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usfreehealthcare · 1 year
side effects of losing weight too fast
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Lose 10 kg in 10 days! You can eat as much as you want and still lose weight! Size down in 1 day! If you believe the advertising, you can lose weight quickly. Trending diets and nutritional supplements for weight loss promise slim bodies in no time. Most consumers spend $33 billion annually on weight loss products. Do any of these products really cause rapid weight loss? Is it safe to ingest? And what are the dangers of losing weight too quickly? Here's a look at some quick weight loss claims and the available evidence.
What is Fast Weight Loss?
Many sellers promise "quick weight loss," so it's hard to categorize them all.Most quick weight loss methods fall into the following categories. Tablets and Dietary Supplements Dozens of diet supplements promise to accelerate weight loss. In general, they claim to inhibit nutrient absorption, increase metabolism, or burn fat. Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD) One of the most proven methods for rapid weight loss is the Physician-Supervised Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD). Most of the information we know about rapid weight loss comes from studies of people following these diets. worms, gadgets, magic There seems to be no end to the questionable ideas being promoted in the name of rapid weight loss. Most of them promise to replace diet and exercise.
Does Fast Weight Loss Work?
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates dietary supplements. However, treat it like food rather than medicine. The FDA also does not review claims made by over-the-counter weight loss products. Unlike pharmaceutical manufacturers, dietary supplement manufacturers do not have to prove the safety or efficacy of their products before marketing them. This means that dietary supplements do not have to be approved by the FDA before being placed on the market. Other than very low calorie diets and weight loss surgery, no other product, pill, or diet has been proven to result in rapid weight loss. It is not intended for serious weight loss and may have side effects.In a fast weight loss program, it is not pills or some kind of food that burns fat, but the drastic reduction in calories associated with exercise.
What are the dangers of rapid weight loss?
Rapid weight loss causes physical stress on the body. Possible serious risks include: Gallstones occur in 12-25% of people who lose a lot of weight in a few months. Dehydration can be prevented by drinking plenty of water. malnutrition. It is usually caused by not eating enough protein for several weeks. An electrolyte imbalance that is rarely life threatening. Other side effects of rapid weight loss are: headache hypersensitivity and irritability Malaise dizzy constipation Irregular menstruation hair loss muscle breakdown The risk of rapid weight loss increases with the length of the diet. A diet without protein is very dangerous.
Is rapid weight loss always a bad idea?
Crash diets can have adverse effects, but so can obesity. Therefore, a very low calorie diet (VLCD) is recommended for those who are overweight (Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than 30) and who do not have specific goals such as exercise. A good choice for those who need to lose weight quickly because of such as weight loss surgery. Consider weight. VLCD is a medically controlled diet that lasts for several weeks. Diets are nutritionally balanced but expensive - people end up spending thousands of dollars. VLCD reliably reduces weight by 15% to 25% in 12 weeks. This is for those who have completed the program. 25% to half of people fail to complete the program. If you stop dieting, your weight will return to where it was before, but this will happen quickly. Some experts say it's better to use sustainable approaches to weight loss than conventional diets. Of course, most people who want to lose weight quickly usually do so on their own.Often the goal is to achieve a short-term goal. B. Reach your dress size or look good on the beach. Starving is definitely not a good idea. However, if you are medically fit, there is no harm in doing short-term, severe calorie restriction. You should tell your doctor what you are doing and make sure you are getting protein in your diet (70-100 grams per day). Take a multivitamin and eat foods high in potassium (tomatoes, oranges, bananas). Also remember that crash diets rarely help you maintain a healthy weight. Most people will put the weight back on quickly. Read the full article
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Evan has been wanting privacy since mid-2020 basically; he does not want any sort of interaction with fans.it is natural that there are going to be rumors popping up. his agent/PR team is awful because they don't have him getting any type of interviews or positive PR that get his message out or in any way get him publicity to counter act the negativity that is being spewed. so we have the vaccum created and the rumors keep going. the weight loss could be stress, mental health issues, physical health issues, prep for an upcoming role. a good PR team would take note and maybe deal with some of this. he did just start in a huge show on netflix. I just think who ever is handling him doesn't do it well.
it's part of celebrity that folks will speculate over every little thing, and naturally there will always be negative people who become involved with these rumors. i don't think there is anything wrong with wondering why a person has lost weight, or being concerned.. and yeah - we know he has struggled with substance abuse, so it's natural that people could be worried this is a factor in his weight loss. but i don't think the fandom as a whole is freaking out about his weight, so i wouldn't even deem it appropriate for his PR people to make a statement and just draw more attention to the issue. this goes for many things, every little gripe or issue a few people on the internet have does not require a response because then you look like you're on the defensive. and like you said, there's so many different reasons a person may be looking thinner than usual and it's not at the point anybody should be freaking out.
social media just makes people unusually cruel and bold, i remember when the shade room reposted one of the last IG videos chadwick boseman ever made and everyone was calling him a crackhead, making jokes about how skinny he was. obviously he was very private and did not announce he was dealing with end-stage cancer so everyone was just kind of like, why is this man so skinny all of a sudden? is it for a role? is he on drugs? that type of thing. it's just a different perspective, but because of this i'm glad evan is not on social media.
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doodleybugg · 1 year
if request are still open it would be really comforting for me a one shot about the Umbrella Academy comforting one of their sibling struggling with a restrictive eating disorder, and supporting them
of course !! thank you so much for requesting this <33 i hope you’re feeling okay and are on the road to recovery but if not that is also okay !! not everyone’s eds are the same but each and every ed is a hell of a struggle and i wish you well
cw ;; ed (anorexia), gn!reader (you/they pronouns used, no mention to genitalia etc), ed comfort, i absolutely hate luther but watch me try to make him a nice brother here rq, cal counting, tough talk, readers power is to read minds when they focus hard enough, au (when the gang time travelled at the end of season 2, it worked, they got back to the og timeline)
it was luther who noticed it first. noticed you counting calories before dishing up your plate during supper. he dismissed it almost entirely, assumed you were on one of those keto diets, what with their growing popularity. and you were looking rather thin. much thinner than normal.
allison wasn’t far behind, caught you scrutinizing yourself in the full length mirror against the wall in your bedroom. she was a little less gullible, but seemed satisfied when you pretended to be analysing the outfit you were wearing. she helped you match a hoodie you liked with the ripped, baggy jeans you wore and left again, humming softly to herself. you smiled at your reflection, relieved she didn’t catch on.
but as another agonizingly slow week passed, more people took notice. not of your disorded eating entirely, but small habits you couldn’t exactly hide. like the scale you kept in your room, or how insanely good you’ve gotten at doing math in your head despite how horrible your grades were back in school, how you just kept losing weight. even klaus mentioned it. klaus, who was always hopped up on drugs or guzzling a drink, had made a comment about how five’s fourteen year old hand could probably wrap around both your wrists with ease.
“i’d take that action” diego chuckled, but spotting the way you pulled your sleeves down well over your hands and crossed your arms, he froze. “what is with all this weight loss recently, y/n? it’s like you’re barely there.”
five looked through the kitchen doorway from where he stood next to the counter, into the dining room where you sat on the table next to klaus, and diego sat in a chair a couple spots over. allison was god-knows-where, probably sitting in a phone booth calling that same number again. you could recite patrick’s number by memory now, and maybe you were a little sick of it. luther was somewhere in the hallway across from the upstairs living room, you could hear his footsteps as he neared the bathroom, then he went back in the direction he came from. was he pacing?
you looked up, catching diego’s stare. he expected an answer, you were sure. an answer as to why you could see the bones in your limbs and why your cheeks were so hollow you could trace the outline of your skull. klaus had probably tuned out of the conversation by now, you thought, but you turned your head to the side and he was listening as intently as you’d ever seen him. his eyes, though bloodshot and bleary, were wide with interest. he, too, wondered the same as diego.
“i- i don’t know. is it some sort of crime to be skinny?” you laughed, nervously.
five made a noise from the kitchen, a small grunt as he shut the fridge. you could hear the worry in his tone, “well, no. but you’re not exactly skinny, y/n. skinny isn’t the word i’d use when i can count your ribs.”
you thought about your next move. he was closer to the truth than you liked him to be. in fact, now that you did think about it, everyone was.
the constant “have you eaten?"s, or the "want me to grab you something from subway?"s. the fact that, when you woke up two days ago, the scale was back in the bathroom you stole it from.
it looked like it was getting difficult for klaus to follow the conversation, as he’d moved his focus to rolling up a joint. you could probably go for one right about now, but the conversation at hand needed to be dismissed.
the front door opened with a creak, the house’s age showing, and you scrambled to escape the situation.
"allison!” you shouted, making sure to put a smile into your tone of voice as you rose from your spot on the table.
“she’s still not home?” viktor’s voice called from the doorway as he shook of his shoes. “it’s late, maybe i should- what’s going on in here?” he asked as he entered the dining room.
you sighed.
“i could ask the same.” luther spoke from the bottom stair, frozen mid-step. was the tension in the room that thick? you’d have to assume so based on their posture. each looked like a statue, unsure whether moving would set anything off.
“shit!” klaus mumbled, accidentally spilling an uncrushed flower onto the ground below his feet. that’s what jumped the conversation back up, oddly enough.
“listen, i don’t know if you need it right now, but i’m here for you. we’re here for you.” diego spoke slowly. as if he were a hostage negotiator asking you politely to let these innocent people go. at least, that’s how you interpreted it. he was just trying not to startle you like he must have with his earlier question. you nodded, trying to keep your expression blank, neutral.
“do you need it?” he raised a single eyebrow.
five entered the room next, toast on a plate and an avocado in his hand, knife dangling between his fingers. you saw him almost drop it, but defying gravity, the knife instead flew onto the table with a clatter. diego’s doing, trying to catch your attention again because you let his sentence hang alone.
“no!” but you spoke too quickly.
“y/n…” viktor trailed off at the sight of distress on your face.
“really guys! it’s just some lost weight, what are you all on about?”
“what about that diet? you’re still on it, right?” luther questioned, a large hand on your shoulder. you shrugged it off.
“diet?” five asked. he took a bite of his toast, though even while eating you noticed he couldn’t count as looking relaxed. be it this conversation, or the constant threat of the world ending, he alwayslooked concerned.
luther cut you off mid-sentence, “spotted y/n counting as they ate. what’s it called.. kety? keto? it’s getting popular.”
and five instantly caught on. you could see it on his face. you could hear it in his thoughts. eating disorder, eating disorder, again and again as he buffered, crumbs along his lips. he set down the piece of toast and eyed diego. diego was thinking the same thing. you cut off your focus before you could hear much, but you caught the words bones, why, and food.
diego’s thoughts were much more scrambled than five’s, but way less than klaus’, you’ve noticed. still, with how ignorant he always was, when he was in that asylum he must’ve met someone else with an eating disorder. someone like you, the thought crept up your spine and you shivered.
“fine, what?” luther asked, still confused. he didn’t catch on as quickly as the others. viktor looked distressed, glancing between you, luther, diego, five, luther. wondering who was going to tell him.
“y/n has an eating disorder.” five didn’t stutter. you flinched. suddenly the words felt all too real when he said them aloud. luther’s mouth fell slack as he put everything together. 
“bulimia?” diego asked. he seemed to choke on the word, like he couldn’t imagine you having the disorder. you shook your head, eyes stinging, tears threatening your composure.
“an..” you trailed off, unsure if you could even say it. everyone’s eyes were on you. you’d tuned so far out, making sure not to read anyone’s mind, that you couldn’t even gather your own thoughts. diego nodded, seemingly educated on the word and it’s meaning.
you heard the front door open again, and someone shuffling nearby.
"hello?" allison's voice was hesitant, as nobody was just aimlessly wandering around the house as normal. you raised yourself as if to stand, but catching the way five raised his eyebrow, like a threat, you decided better and stayed where you were. allison clip-clopped her way to the dining room, shoes still on her feet, actively shrugging out of her black leather jacket. she, just like viktor and luther, froze under everyone's stare, though for not as long and definitely not as awkwardly obvious. 
it was five who spoke next, gave her a patient run-down of the situation, stopping every-so-often to give you a chance to chime in with "it's not like that!" or "really, guys, it's no big deal..", although you knew he would roll his eyes and shake his head at your antics, in the most caring way he knew how.
and, surprisingly, life continued. it wasn't the same, how could it be? but it kept going.
now luther would offer to workout with you, given that you ate a full meal with him either before or after. and every time you entered the kitchen it was like the conversation stopped - it did - until you'd taken a bite of something where someone could see you.
diego was still shocked, seemed to inch away from you whenever you were in too close of proximity. but you could tell it wasn't that he saw you any different, no, it was that he was scared you'd be the one seeing. seeing how eerily knowledgeable he was with the whole subject, he had the language under his belt. he could spot each of your nervous behaviors, and eventually had connected them to what they had meant. twitching fingers? maybe you could use some water. picking at your skin? he'd better go hide the scale. better yet, what if he'd just throw it out? it wasn't like anyone here needed it now. especially not you.
you felt like a criminal under lockdown, but you guessed that was how you all were raised. with a father that didn't have time for you past bank robberies or petty crimes, and no caregiver past a literal robot and a talking ape. this situation couldn't ever be normal with the umbrella academy. when the most affection you were shown was a kiss on the forehead from electronic lips, or a distant and cold breeze when the cameras panned away and your father's ile was replaced with more wrinkles and disappointment.
that's probably where this all started, the eating problems. or, that's what the therapist allison accounted for you says. because when children don't have control in their lives, they find something they can control. be it eating, sleeping, talking. and your childhood? you couldn't remember a thing you had sole control over, complete autonomy with. except the eating. except the weight loss that would finally get you the attention you so desperately needed and never, never got.
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donut-cloud · 2 years
Lifesteal incorrect quotes
Subz: Ashswag, fuck off. Subz: And by "fuck off" I mean "fuck off right back here and listen", you insufferable prick.
Branzy: Sleep is the body’s best safety mechanism. Rekrap: How so? Branzy: It keeps you from screwing up for 8 hours.
Leow0ok: The odds of this happening by coincidence are vanishingly small.  MrCube: I would say infinitesimally. McClutch: And I'd say teenily-weenily. We all know words.
Branzy : I’m afraid of clowns. There, I said it. Rekrap: Branzy , if you don't like clowns, why are you dating a clown?
Subz: Do you ever get pre-annoyed? Like you already know someone is going to piss you off? Branzy: What? No, I— Vitalasy : *enters room* Subz: *jaw clenches*
Branzy: Are you alright with constructive criticism? I don't want to sound mean. Ashswag: No, go ahead. I want to hear it. Branzy: It sucks. Ashswag: That's not constructive criticism.
Branzy: My heart is guarded but like… very poorly. The kind of guards that would let 3 kids in a trench coat into an R rated movie.
Branzy: Don’t worry, I have a permit. Rekrap: ...This just says “I can do what I want”.
Subz: When you've been on the internet for as long as I have, you develop thick skin. McClutch: Purple isn't your color. Subz: Purple brings out my eyes you prick! *Chases after McClutch*
McClutch: I truly believe that water can solve all your problems. Vitalasy : Weight loss? Drink water. Subz: Clear skin? Drink water. Ashswag: Want to get rid of someone? Drown them.
McClutch: WHY DID YOU KILL HIM?! HE COULD HAVE HAD HOPES AND DREAMS, HE COULD HAVE HAD A FAMILY!!! Vitalasy : McClutch- Vitalasy : It- it was just an ant-
Clown: Someone will die... Branzy: Of fun!
Ashswag: Branzy has no idea I’m high. Branzy: You’re high? Ashswag: Oh, I’m sorry. Ashswag, leaning over to Subz: Branzy has no idea I’m high.
Subz: Mint is just cold spicy Branzy: What the actual fuck is wrong with you.
Ashswag : Slash gamemode creative. Rekrap: Dude, this isn't Min- Ashswag: *starts levitating*
Subz: I'm a nice person, but I'm about to start throwing rocks at people.
 Clown: Is something burning? Branzy, leaning on the counter: Just my desire for you. Clown: Branzy, the toaster is literally on fire.
McClutch: Did you like the food I made? Vitalasy : No, not really. McClutch: But I put my heart and soul into it! Vitalasy : No wonder it tastes so cold and dead.
Ashswag: Now, the recipe calls for 2 shots of vodka. Ashswag: *upends the bottle*
Ashswag: Drink your school, stay in drugs, and get 8 hours of drugs.
Subz: I need life advice. Branzy, sipping Gatorade and eating cookie dough: You came to the right person.
Branzy: Can we go to a haunted house? McClutch: What’s wrong with the one we live in? Branzy: Wh-what? McClutch: Goodnight, Branzy.
Subz: I think we can all agree I’m the ten amongst these threes.
Vitalasy: So I have made the decision to trust you. Branzy: A horrible decision, really.
Ash: Something’s off.
Vitalasy: Maybe you’ve finally developed human emotions and feel bad for terrorizing the server.
Ash: No, but that IS funny.
Branzy: I really like murder mysteries
Clown: I've been a suspect in four murder cases.
Vitalasy : I can’t believe all these people are wearing black. black is supposed to be my thing, they’re all just posers. Branzy: Vitalasy , for the last time, we’re at a funeral.
Ashswag: So, I've been thinking Subz- Subz: That's dangerous.
Branzy: But who gets which pencil? Ashswag: Since they're my things, I get the good one, McClutch gets the broken one and you don't get one because fuck you.
Subz: I need to dye my hair. Branzy: ... Subz: Or get another tattoo. Branzy: ... Subz: Or a new piercing. Branzy: Why? Subz: To, you know, appease the mental breakdown gods.
Spepticle: What is the big deal about borrowing money? I do it all the time! Sometimes, I even pay it back!
Ashswag: Am I a human? Am I a god? It doesn't matter. I'm going to burn your house down.
Branzy: Is this a good idea? Branzy: Probably not. Branzy: Do I care? Branzy: No.
ClownPierce: What doesn't kill me better start running, because now I'm fucking pissed.
Vitalasy: In case you haven’t noticed, I’m weird. I’m a weirdo. I don’t “fit in” and I don’t WANT to fit in. Have you ever seen me without this stupid hat on? That’s weird.
McClutch: Say no to drugs. McClutch: Say yes to drugs. McClutch: It doesn't matter if you say yes or no to drugs, cause if you're talking to drugs... then you're on drugs.
Ashswag: Yeah, well I've never died so how do I know that god is real.
Branzy: I'm yet to properly begin my history notes BUT!!!! I got 100% on a quiz about european countries so who's the REAL winner here.
McClutch: I hate when people ask me, 'What did you do today?' Buddy listen, I woke up at noon and then it was five p.m., okay? I don't KNOW!
Ashswag: Be right back, gonna hit the toilet for a quick power sob.
Ashswag: Arson? Oh, you mean "crime brûlée".
Vitalasy: Pros and cons of dating me. Vitalasy: Pros. You'll be the cute one. Vitalasy: Cons. Holy shit, where do I begin-
Ashswag: I’m sick and tired of being called 'mortal' like, you don’t know that. Neither do I. I have never died even ONCE. Nothing has been proven yet. Stop making assumptions. It’s rude.
Branzy, holding up their class notes: And then this doodle of a burrito because when I first read Aristotle, I thought it was pronounced like “Chipotle”. Branzy, in shock: Wait a minute, is it “Chip-o-tottle”?
 Vitalasy: You were wise to seek help from the world's most deadly weapon. Vitalasy: It's me.
Leow0ok: [pulls out a knife]
PrinceZam: how many of those do you have?
Leow0ok, pulling out more: how many do you need?
Branzy: Do you think lava would be spicy?
RekRap: Branzy, please do not eat lava.Chief: Eat it and let us know.
ClownPierce: Actually, since it’s made of molten rock, it probably tastes bland and dusty.
Branzy: Clown , you’re the only one who understands me. 
Branzy: Clown talks in her sleep sometimes. It’s adorable.
ClownPierce, sleeping: Fight me… you motherfucker… square up…
Branzy: :)
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jaipurjoints · 3 days
Living with Knee Pain: Knowing When It's More Than Just a Temporary Discomfort
Living with knee pain can significantly impact one's quality of life, affecting mobility, independence, and overall well-being. While occasional discomfort is not uncommon, persistent or worsening knee pain may signal underlying issues that require medical attention. Dr. Lalit Modi, a respected Knee Replacement Surgeon in Jaipur affiliated with Jaipur Joints, provides valuable insights into distinguishing between temporary discomfort and more serious knee conditions, guiding individuals towards appropriate management and treatment options.
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Understanding Normal Knee Pain: Occasional knee discomfort, especially after strenuous activity or minor injuries, is a normal part of life for many individuals. Mild soreness or stiffness typically resolves with rest, ice, elevation, and over-the-counter pain relievers. However, when knee pain becomes chronic, progressively severe, or significantly impairs daily activities, it may indicate an underlying problem that warrants medical evaluation.
Identifying Signs of Chronic Knee Conditions: Chronic knee pain lasting for several weeks or months, accompanied by other symptoms such as swelling, instability, popping or grinding sensations, and decreased range of motion, may be indicative of chronic knee conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, meniscal tears, ligament injuries, or patellar tendonitis. These conditions can lead to progressive joint damage and functional impairment if left untreated.
Assessing Impact on Daily Life: Beyond the physical discomfort, knee pain can have profound effects on daily activities and overall quality of life. Individuals experiencing persistent knee pain may find it challenging to perform routine tasks such as walking, climbing stairs, bending, or standing for prolonged periods. Additionally, knee pain may interfere with recreational activities, exercise routines, work responsibilities, and social engagements, contributing to feelings of frustration, isolation, and decreased self-esteem.
Recognizing Red Flags: Certain red flags warrant prompt medical attention and evaluation by a qualified orthopedic specialist like Dr. Lalit Modi, renowned as a Knee Replacement Surgeon in Jaipur. These red flags include sudden onset of severe pain, inability to bear weight on the affected knee, visible deformity, signs of infection (e.g., warmth, redness, fever), and loss of sensation or circulation in the leg. Ignoring these warning signs can lead to further complications and delay appropriate treatment.
Importance of Timely Intervention: Early recognition and intervention are crucial for effectively managing knee pain and preventing long-term complications. Dr. Lalit Modi emphasizes the significance of seeking timely medical evaluation to accurately diagnose the underlying cause of knee pain and develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to each individual's needs and goals. Delaying treatment can exacerbate symptoms, worsen joint damage, and limit treatment options in the future.
Exploring Treatment Options: Depending on the underlying cause and severity of knee pain, treatment options may include conservative measures such as rest, physical therapy, medications (e.g., nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), corticosteroid injections, and supportive devices (e.g., braces, orthotics). In cases where conservative treatments fail to provide adequate relief or when joint damage is extensive, surgical interventions like knee replacement surgery may be recommended to restore function and alleviate pain.
Empowering Patients Through Education: Dr. Lalit Modi believes in empowering patients through education, equipping them with the knowledge and resources needed to make informed decisions about their knee health. By fostering open communication and providing comprehensive care, he strives to support patients on their journey to optimal musculoskeletal health and improved quality of life.
In conclusion, knee pain should not be dismissed as mere temporary discomfort, especially when it persists or interferes with daily activities. Dr. Lalit Modi, a dedicated Knee Replacement Surgeon in Jaipur, encourages individuals experiencing knee pain to seek timely medical evaluation to determine the underlying cause and explore appropriate treatment options. By addressing knee pain proactively, individuals can regain function, mobility, and overall well-being, enabling them to live life to the fullest. For compassionate and expert orthopedic care, individuals can trust Dr. Lalit Modi and the team at Jaipur Joints to provide personalized treatment solutions tailored to their unique needs and goals.
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Appetite Suppressant: Pros, Cons, Ingredients, Pricing and Results Revealed! PURA$49!
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A well-liked over-the-counter weight reduction supplement called appetite suppressant makes the promise to accelerate weight loss. Does it, however, genuinely function? Continue reading for a thorough analysis of Appetite Suppressant based on comments and reviews from users.
Everything you need to know will be covered, including the definition and mechanism of action of Best Appetite Suppressant as well as their components, advantages, possible drawbacks, and retail locations. You will have all the knowledge necessary to determine whether Appetite Suppressant is the best supplement to aid in your weight reduction attempts by the time this is through.
🟢 Product Name: Appetite Suppressant
🟢 Ingredients: Natural Extracts Material
🟢 Any Side Effect: No
🟢 Effective: Yes
🟢 Approved: GMP FDA GMO-Free & Others
🟢 Availability: Buy From Official Website (Get Up to 75% Discount)
🟢 Ratting : ★★★★✰ 4.9/5
What Is Appetite Suppressant?
An herbal weight loss pill called Appetite Suppressant is made from natural plant extracts like damiana, guarana, and yerba mate. It's intended to assist in controlling cravings and hunger so that you eat less at each meal. This kind of calorie restriction may help with appetite suppressant-induced weight loss.
Appetite suppression is the main advantage that appetite suppressants offer. By reducing your feeling of fullness after eating, taking the tablets helps you resist the urge to overeat. This facilitates cutting back on portion sizes and avoiding between-meal snacks and sweets.
Appetite Suppressant is frequently mentioned as one of the greatest natural Appetite Suppressant and over-the-counter diet pills available in customer evaluations.
How Do Drugs That Suppress Appetite?
Natural stimulant components in hunger Suppressant assist boost energy levels while reducing hunger and cravings.
You get an energy boost from the guarana and caffeine, which helps improve fat burning. Other components, such as damiana leaf, control serotonin levels, which affect mood and appetite.
Appetite Suppressant helps you lose weight faster and more efficiently by tackling weight loss from several directions. Reviews from customers frequently mention how it makes them feel fuller faster, curbs their cravings, and helps them lose weight more quickly than just diet and exercise.
Which ingredients make up an appetite suppressant?
The main natural components of Over the counter appetite Suppressant that support weight loss are as follows:
13.6 milligrams of caffeine
a stimulant that is added to coffee and tea to enhance energy, decrease exhaustion, and speed up metabolism in order to burn more calories.
Leaf Extract of Yerba Mate (112 mg)
a plant from South America with revitalizing properties. It aids in boosting energy expenditure and encouraging fat metabolism.
95 milligrams of guarana seed extract
Studies show that guarana boosts energy and can reduce hunger by up to 11%. As a result, less calories are consumed.
36 milligrams of Damiana Leaf Extract
Native to Mexico, damiana is a wild shrub that has been used medicinally to enhance digestion and reduce hunger. It tells the brain when it is satisfied.
B3 (2.9 mg)
a necessary vitamin that helps the body turn food into energy and lessens lethargy and exhaustion.
B6 vitamin (0.4 mg)
Instead of being stored as body fat, vitamin B6 aids in the conversion of carbs and stored fat into energy. Moreover, it reduces hunger.
The Appetite Suppressant recipe contains these main active components. As you can see, caffeine is a crucial component of the most important and potent ingredients.
The vitamins support healthy bodily function during weight loss. However, evaluations indicate that the most effective hunger suppressants are those that enhance energy, such as guarana and yerba mate.
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Appetite Suppressant Benefits: The Best Diet Pills
Appetite Suppressant, a natural herbal product, provides several benefits for weight loss:
helps you feel fuller more quickly, which makes you eat less. Lowers calorie consumption to support weight loss. reduces appetite and combats the need for food boosts energy levels for more effective exercise increases the effects of diet and exercise on weight reduction composed of organic components clinically validated and devoid of adverse effects
Anyone attempting to reduce weight or dealing with cravings and overeating can benefit immensely from taking an appetite suppressant. It speeds up healthy fat burning by making it easier to eat less and stay active.
How Are Appetite Suppressants Taken?
The dosing flexibility of the herbal appetite suppressant supplement sets it apart from the majority of other over-the-counter (OTC) diet medications.
Six Appetite Suppressant tablets taken once a day with a full glass of water right before meals is the typical dosage. You can choose to take two tablets before each of your three main meals of the day, or you can take three tablets before eating two meals, such breakfast and lunch.
You have to make an effort to eat fewer meals and consume smaller portions for the greatest outcomes. It could be an issue if you don't use an appetite suppressant. This is made considerably easier by the natural appetite-suppressing properties of appetite suppressants.
As previously mentioned, the usual dosage is six tablets per day. But, you can up the dosage to nine tablets per day if you need more assistance or want to get the most out of the supplement.
Taking three appetite suppressant tablets before breakfast, lunch, and supper is the most effective approach to achieve this. The recommended dosage is nine tablets, and this should never be gone over.
The weight loss benefits will be offset by higher usage costs if you take nine tablets daily. Each package of Appetite Suppressant contains six tablets, which can be taken daily for a 30-day course of treatment. This can be shortened to 20 days by switching to nine tablets per day.
Who Is Suitable for Appetite Suppressant Use?
The majority of healthy persons who are actively trying to reduce weight can benefit from appetite suppressants. To boost their weight loss efforts, men and women between the ages of 18 and 65 can safely use the capsules.
Before taking an appetite suppressant—or any diet pill, for that matter—those who are on any prescription medications or who have underlying medical concerns should speak with a doctor.
Taking an appetite suppressant does not need you to change your food or way of living. But it makes sense to exercise more and control what you eat in order to get the most out of weight loss. Appetite suppression can help stable your weight even if you don't make any big modifications to your diet.
If you are expecting or nursing a baby, avoid taking appetite suppressants.
Pros & Cons Of Appetite Suppressant
a herbal formula made entirely of plant extracts reduces cravings and appetite Increases vitality and combats exhaustion; accelerates metabolism No stimulants; suitable for vegans favorable client testimonials clinical proof of the components Made in a facility with FDA approval
Gelatin capsules are not vegetarian-friendly. Available exclusively through the company's website; possible coffee side effects Unsuitable for certain groups
When the benefits and drawbacks are considered, appetite suppressant comes out on top. It enhances your weight loss efforts for less than $2 a day.
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Are Appetite Suppressants a Safe Option for Losing Weight?
When taken as prescribed, appetite suppressant does really have a very good safety record.
The FDA has classified several of its constituents, including as yerba mate, guarana, damiana, and vitamins B3 and B6, as generally recognized as safe (GRAS). For millennia, these mixtures of natural extracts have also been employed successfully in folk medicine.
Jitteriness, headaches, and nausea are the only mild adverse effects associated with appetite suppressants. However, these are rare and usually moderate. One way to avoid issues is to start with just one tablet rather than the maximum three.
At recommended dosages, appetite suppressants are extremely unlikely to create problems for healthy persons who do not have a caffeine sensitivity. However, anyone with medical issues, those who are pregnant, or nursing should see a doctor first.
In general, after being on the market for more than 15 years, appetite suppressant has an exceptional safety record. Thus far, no significant side effects have been connected to appetite suppressants.
Are There Any Side Effects of Appetite Suppressants?
No, feedback from users indicates that Appetite Suppressant has no negative side effects. Jitters, crashes, nausea, and other side effects that many subpar weight loss tablets induce don't occur.
The usage of appetite suppressants for an extended period of time is safe as long as the prescribed daily dosage is followed. It has less stimulants than a typical cup of coffee, even if it does include caffeine.
As their bodies adjust, some people may notice a minor increase in bathroom visits during the first few days. Other than that, no adverse effects are mentioned in user reviews. If anything, the increased control over hunger and energy is quite energizing!
Where To Get A Suppressant For Appetite
Appetite Suppressant is only available for purchase on the official website. For $49.99, a 30-day supply of pills (180 tablets) is included in each package. That makes perfect sense, but taking nine tablets a day and raising the recommended dosage will make Appetite Suppressant a slightly more costly option.
But, if you get two boxes rather than one, you will receive a third box free of charge. For just under $100, 540 tablets can be used for a 2-month course of treatment. That is the ideal option if you want to take the maximal dose while minimizing your expenses.
Purchasing three boxes for the price of two will reduce the monthly cost of using Appetite Suppressant to $33 if you only want to take the usual dosage. That's a wonderful deal, and you can save even more money by taking advantage of the current in-store promotion, which entitles you to five Appetite Suppressant boxes for the price of three.
Official Page: https://www.jpost.com/brandblend/article-797556
Based on all the research, an appetite suppressant is definitely worth considering if you're searching for help losing weight more quickly. Thousands of satisfied customers attest to the effectiveness of Appetite Suppressant pills. Clinical research has shown that the natural components help in weight loss.
It's easy to eat less, according to users, who report considerable appetite suppression from day one. Vegetarians and vegans can both enjoy Appetite Suppressant. Direct worldwide shipping is offered on the main website, along with substantial multi-box savings.
Go to the official website of Appetite Suppressant to find out more and to begin your weight loss journey right now! Although customers attest that Appetite Suppressant aids intensify your weight loss efforts, the benefits won't materialize right away.
It's easy to eat less when the pills are taken as directed before meals. This creates the calorie deficit that will eventually cause the weight to drop off of you.
Give Appetite Suppressant a try if you're sick of following tight diet plans and working out a lot but getting no results! It can offer that extra motivation to ultimately lose weight in a sustainable and healthful manner.
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chrislaplante · 2 months
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𖤐 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙
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𝘪𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘭𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘥𝘶𝘭𝘭 , 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖽𝗂𝗌𝗉𝗅𝖺𝖼𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗁𝗈𝗌𝗍 , 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝗂𝗌 𝗇𝗈 𝖽𝖾𝖿𝖾𝗇𝗌𝖾
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𝒂 𝒔𝒖𝒏 𝒌𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒓 𝒍𝒖𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒃𝒚
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⟩ NAME christopher anakin laplante. ( "chris" ) ⟩ ANAKIN note that he will not disclose his middle name unless he has to. only close friends & family know it/use it, or its nickname "ani" ( Aa-nee, like in star wars). ⟩ AGE 28. ( verse dependent ) ⟩ BIRTHDATE june 5th. ⟩ SIGN gemini. ⟩ SEX cis-male. ( he / him ) ⟩ RACE & ETHNICITY caucasian / mixed. ( french-canadian / latinx ) ⟩ ORIENTATION pan - sexual & romantic. ( currently questioning ) ⟩ LANGUAGES english, understands spanish but does not speak it. ⟩ SPECIES human. living conduit.
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⟩ RELIGIOUS BELIEFS he was not raised in a religious household, he grew up having no belief in god nor in any religious institution (atheist). when his mental health became a "problem", he started to question the inexplicable & began to explore spiritual possibilities (landing him with a ouija board). presently, he considers himself agnostic due to the obvious complicated affairs he deals with.
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⟩ EDUCATION high school graduate, college drop-out. ( verse dependent )
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⟩ OCCUPATION student , failed artist illustrator for a greeting card company but takes private commissions on the side to not let his soul die for band merch designs ( usually from local goth-punk bands & the occasional artsy metal band who are still on their " garage phase " ) or for self-published authors who may need something "dark" / "underground" / "unpolished" for their first amazon-exclusive ebook . lead singer in a little band called 𝑺𝖊𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊 ( verse dependent )
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⟩ HEIGHT six foot, four. ⟩ WEIGHT between one hundred sixty four & one hundred seventy lbs. ⟩ BUILD average, thin but healthy, slight muscle visibility. ⟩ EYES blue with specks of green. ⟩ HAIR light brown, bleached blond, long, messy, curls at the ends when clean. ⟩ FACE CLAIM jack kilmer. ⟩ VOICE CLAIM jack kilmer. ⟩ SINGING VOICE CLAIM jasperrvocals on yt.
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⟩ SUFFERS FROM night terrors, anxiety, depression, nyctophobia (fear of the dark), insomnia, blackouts, dangerous intrusive thoughts, prolonged dissociation, episodes of depersonalization/derealization, anxiety attacks, auditory & visual "hallucinations". ⟩ DIAGNOSED WITH schizophrenia, general anxiety disorder, clinical depression, ocd, ptsd & non-suicidal self-injury disorder. ⟩ PRESCRIPTIONS 𐕣 ᴀɴᴛɪᴩꜱyᴄʜᴏᴛɪᴄꜱ (aripiprazole, side effects: low sex drive, restlessness, dry mouth, lack of emotion, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, insomnia, headaches, blurred vision, low blood pressure, "seizures" / helps: hallucinations, paranoia, loss of interest in life). 𐕣 ᴍᴏᴏᴅ ꜱᴛᴀʙɪʟɪᴢᴇʀꜱ (lithium, side effects: trembling hands/tremors, nausea, hallucinations, "seizures" / helps: experiencing emotions). 𐕣 ᴀɴᴛɪᴅᴇᴩʀᴇꜱꜱᴀɴᴛꜱ (lexapro, side effects: nausea, tiredness, low sex drive / helps: mutes extreme lows, anxiety, depression, energy). 𐕣 ᴍᴜʟᴛɪᴩʟᴇ ꜱᴇᴅᴀᴛɪᴠᴇꜱ (clonazepam, side effects: paranoia, suicidal ideation, memory impairment / helps: seizures, night terrors, panic attacks. alprazolam, side effects: paranoia, suicidal ideation, memory impairment, impaired judgement & coordination). 𐕣 ᴇxᴛʀᴀ : he also occasionally habitually will take anything that might help him sleep (over the counter drugs; nyquil, benadryl, etc), even if they could clash with his prescribed medication. ( all of the medications above are verse dependent )
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⟩ SIGNIFICANT OTHER helena elanor rodriguez ( " hels " ). ⟩ FRIENDS matt, pascual & kay. ( verse dependent ) ⟩ FATHER cassidy nathaniel laplante. ( " cassie " ) † ⟩ MOTHER iris arabella laplante ( " bella " ). ( nee de luna ) ⟩ SIBLINGS marabella jade laplante ( " mar " ). ( five yrs chris' junior ) ⟩ PETS none. but he had a cat named "cheese-itz" as a kid.
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⟩ ENTITIES 𐕣 𝖳𝖧𝖤 𝖡𝖫𝖴𝖤 𝖵𝖤𝖨𝖫𝖤𝖣 𝖶𝖮𝖬𝖠𝖭 (stand-in for hekate); she is often gentle, nurturing, comforting, healing. chris is never fearful of her & if he'd surrender willingly to an entity, it would be her. 𐕣 𝖳𝖧𝖤 𝖣𝖠𝖱𝖪 𝖥𝖨𝖦𝖴𝖱𝖤 (stand-in for abaddon); is a male-essence dark figure which looms & feeds from pain, both physical or psychological. its sole purpose is to cause suffering. chris often sees "him" as a tall, menacing shadow, with shades of dark red. 𐕣 𝖳𝖧𝖤 𝖵𝖨𝖫𝖤 𝖬𝖠𝖱𝖨𝖮𝖭𝖤𝖳𝖳𝖤 (stand-in for abalam), always talking, prodding, pestering, infecting what it can. it knows how to feign friendliness but there is something off. something bigger behind it. like a trap. chris can’t quite see it clearly, but it feels like a farce. a costume. a mask. like a puppet trying to lure him into the mouth of a hungry beast. as it should. the marionette is simply trying to convince him. befriend him. to have him fall. the marionette works in the behest of the darkness. that is the only way chris can describe it. 𐕣 𝖳𝖧𝖤 𝖣𝖠𝖱𝖪𝖭𝖤𝖲𝖲 (stand-in for paymon) is foreboding. like a curtain that falls from behind a backdrop to uncover the monster that has been posing as a gutted-out carcass of an abandoned building. but it breathes. it watches. it smells of decay & it has you. the moment it touches you you are tainted. chris can hear its starving rumble , a low guttural growl. something savage. something hungry. like a storm that’s brewing. something that’s been watching its prey , learning its movements before it could even walk. chris cannot describe it as an entity , or a shadow , nor a shape. the darkness is an infection. a disease. & it feels like a watchful heavy mantle. like a cloud of smoke that swallows him whole before he can even see it coming in the horizon. but it’s there. chris knows it. it’s always been there. looming. waiting. waiting for surrender.
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𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔫𝔬𝔴 𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔪𝔢𝔯𝔤𝔢 𝔦𝔰 𝔢𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔫𝔞𝔩
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ᴄᴀɴ'ᴛ yᴏᴜ ꜱᴇᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ yᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ʟᴏꜱᴛ? ᴄᴀɴ'ᴛ yᴏᴜ ꜱᴇᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ yᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ʟᴏꜱᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜᴏᴜᴛ ᴍᴇ?
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usmedilife12health · 2 months
Saxenda Pen Injector 6 mg/mL (LIRAGLUTIDE (WEIGHT LOSS) - INJECTION)
This medicine is used by injecting it into the skin. Please ask your doctor, nurse or pharmacist for the correct places on your body where this medicine can be injected.
Read and make sure you understand the instructions for measuring dose and using syringe.
If you have any questions, talk to your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist.
Always inspect the medicine before using.
The liquid should be clear and colorless.
Check the medicine before each use. If the liquid medicine has any particles in it, appears discolored, or if the vial appears damaged, do not use it.
Keep the medicine in the refrigerator until you are ready to use it.
Remove from the refrigerator and let it warm up to room temperature before using.
Keep the medicine at room temperature once opened.
Do not put it back into the refrigerator. Do not freeze. Discard it if frozen.
Protect medicine from light.
Never use any medicine that has expired.
Please ask your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist how to discard unused medicines safely.
Change the location of the injection each time. Choose a location at least 1 inch from the last injection.
It may take several weeks for this medicine to fully work.
It is important that you keep taking each dose of this medicine on time even if you are feeling well.
If you forget to take a dose on time, take it as soon as you remember. If it is almost time for the next dose, do not take the missed dose.
Return to your normal schedule. Do not take 2 doses at one time.
Drug interactions can change how medicines work or increase risk for side effects.
Tell your health care providers about all medicines taken. Include prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal medicines.
Speak with your doctor or pharmacist before starting or stopping any medicine.
This medicine may affect your blood sugar levels. If you have diabetes, talk to your doctor before changing the dose of your diabetes medicine.
It is very important that you follow your doctor's instructions for all blood tests.
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Tell your doctor and pharmacist if you ever had an allergic reaction to a medicine.
Do not use the medication any more than instructed.
Your ability to stay alert or to react quickly may be impaired by this medicine.
Do not drive or operate machinery until you know how this medicine will affect you.
Please check with your doctor before drinking alcohol while on this medicine.
It is unknown if this medicine passes into breast milk. Ask your doctor before breastfeeding.
Do not use this medicine if you are pregnant. If you become pregnant, contact your doctor immediately.
Ask your pharmacist how to properly throw away used needles or syringes.
Do not share this medicine with anyone who has not been prescribed this medicine.
Some patients have serious side effects from this medicine. Ask your pharmacist to show you the information from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and discuss it with you.
Side Effects
The following is a list of some common side effects from this medicine. Please speak with your doctor about what you should do if you experience these or other side effects.
decreased appetite
constipation or diarrhea
stomach upset or abdominal pain
Call your doctor or get medical help right away if you notice any of these more serious side effects:
depression or feeling sad
fast or irregular heart beats
unusual or long-lasting hoarseness
low blood sugar
signs of kidney damage (such as change in urine color or bubbly urine)
mood changes
unusual growth or lump on the neck
severe stomach pain that spreads to the back
suicidal thoughts
difficulty swallowing
severe or persistent vomiting
A few people may have an allergic reaction to this medicine. Symptoms can include difficulty breathing, skin rash, itching, swelling, or severe dizziness. If you notice any of these symptoms, seek medical help quickly.
Please speak with your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist if you have any questions about this medicine.
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