doodleybugg · 6 months
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Boycott. Please remember to boycott. Focus on these three. You can make a difference.
Edit: See this link for more on what to boycott from BDS. And here as well.
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doodleybugg · 9 months
remembering the time i literally changed my name for someone and they ended up being an abusive prick
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doodleybugg · 9 months
why is your cat green?
She’s built different 😌
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doodleybugg · 9 months
I was being cancelled because apparently it was classist to put feathers on dinosaurs.
Both dream me and irl me were very confused.
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doodleybugg · 9 months
Shout Out To Tao’s Mum
not only did she
(Bare minimum) respect Elle as a trans woman and respect her as a girl (which as a trans person myself, just makes me so happy, because personally, my parents friends see me as ‘The Trans Friend’ rather than just a guy)
but she also
2. she didn’t tease Tao for having a crush. This is the main thing I want to talk about. Since fourth grade I haven’t told my parents about a single crush I’ve ever had, because when I do, I just get teased. It made me so happy for Tao when she just went ‘yep, go get her’ and didn’t make fun of him in any way.
also bonus points respect to her for thriving as a single mum.
there really isn’t enough recognition for Tao’s mum
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doodleybugg · 9 months
i will ALWAYS clap my hands excitedly and lean forward in my seat when someone tells a character to "keep your dog on a leash" only for it to turn out they're referring to another person
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doodleybugg · 9 months
A silent Spider-Man is a terrifying Spider-Man - if he’s not cracking jokes, then it means he’s 100% focused on taking you down. You, a run-of-the-mill two-bit hoodlum, are running for your life from a Spider-Man who has not uttered a single word.
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doodleybugg · 9 months
you will not convince me to take care of myself with the promise of power and magic
nobody believes you. They all think you made some sort of bargain or deal. Maybe even consuming souls… but the truth is that you became the most powerful mage in the world by getting enough sleep, studying, and eating right.
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doodleybugg · 9 months
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She’s a battle-scarred, jaded super-soldier loaded with biomechanical upgrades and chemical augments. All she wants to do is wear cute clothes and paint.
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doodleybugg · 9 months
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i am allowed to spend my time creating things, even if they are not beautiful.
there is no such thing as a "real job." all forms of work are real and valid.
there is nothing that i need to accomplish to be worthy. i am already worthy.
doing nothing is good for my soul.
i am not defined by what i produce.
my worth cannot be measured by my paycheck, my job title, or a list of professional or academic achievements.
i do not need to monetize my hobbies, it is enough to spend time doing something i love.
i will not let society decide what success looks like. i can define what successful life looks like for me.
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doodleybugg · 9 months
oh sure barbie has a thousand different professional qualifications, but when was the last time she was allowed to kill a man? the patriarchy must end
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doodleybugg · 9 months
big fan of marriages of convenience. marry your best friend for tax benefits. marry your roommate for college tuition breaks. "marry" your love interest for plot-contrived reasons at a fake wedding, then accidentally fall in love & get married for real in the epilogue. so many possibilities!
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doodleybugg · 9 months
I feel like if you scream at a small animal loud enough it would simply explode 
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doodleybugg · 9 months
Late to the party but Misfits and Magic is if Camp Half-Blood kids went to Hogwarts.
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doodleybugg · 9 months
I lived in Taiwan for a time and I saw monkeys swing on trees 
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doodleybugg · 9 months
hm.. feel like writing
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doodleybugg · 11 months
Asks you've (probably) never been asked before
Reblog to Join !
What smell do you think you'd recognize the fastest?
If you were a sound effect, what would you be?
What fanfic trope do you think is the least likely to ever happen?
What is the most human thing that you've ever seen done by an animal/machine?
What is something you know a lot about, but don't have much of an opinion on?
What's something that always reminds you of the same thing every time you see/hear/etc. it?
What song do you feel like would be the same color as your favorite color? (If your favorite color was a song, what would it be?)
What's something that'll never happen that you've put a lot of thought into anyways?
What's a job you've never imagined having/wanted to have, even since you were a kid?
Usually trains of thought are resonated with, well, trains- what's something else you'd use to describe your thought process?
What's an idiom you love, but are never able to use?
What's something you bought without thinking and don't regret buying?
Did you have a favorite outfit/shirt/jacket/pair of shoes/etc. as a child? If so, what?
Would you rather be able to draw, but not write, or vice versa?
What's a word you have no clue how to pronounce?
What's a sleepover activity you've never done before?
What fills you with nostalgia, despite being relatively new?
What's something you've done enough you feel like you should have memorized it by now, but still need reference to do?
What's something you did as a kid that your parents still don't know about?
Has there ever been a food that you don't like, but a bunch of your friends/family love?
What's a fact about you that you'd feel willing to share to anyone, no matter who they are?
What's a strange assumption about humanity that you made as a kid, if you had one?
What's a food you would've liked, if it weren't for the aftertaste?
how many oceans have you swam in?
Think of one of the people you follow. Why did you follow them originally? Did the reason change overtime?
What accent do you have now and What accent would you have if you got to choose one?
what’s your favorite color of nightlight?
Quick! come up with a name for a music album!
Strangest thing you ever looked up a tutorial on?
What’s something you’ve known existed for a long time, but only gained a interest in recently?
Please include the question if you can! Makes things a whole lot easier on our end :)
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