#otherwise i wouldn't have cared one bit i'm not gonna lie
hate to admit the fact that ingredients made me cry, but i'm blaming everything on jeff so it's fine. if he cries i cry. that's just how the laws of physics work (or whatever. i'm a humanities major. don't ask me sciency stuff)
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tojivu · 5 months
bite me ❤︎ ! ⋆ jjk men
an. my first multichar work !
cw. hickeys/lovebites with gojo, geto, toji, nanami + the terrible aftermath. suggestive, otherwise quite sfw. f!reader. suguru isn't a curse user.
playing. bite me by enhypen.
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GOJO SATORU is a cocky fucking bastard. just 12 hours ago, he had you wrapped around his finger — quite literally, as well — and his lips were practically superglued to the delicate skin of your neck and collarbones. it didn't occur to you, though, that your boyfriend didn't have the weekend off; after all, he did tell you he was going to be home the entirety of it.
well, you should've known that satoru would do anything to have his way with you — a little white lie, that's what he tells himself — but he had to admit that he couldn't think very straight, otherwise, he wouldn't have let you leave so many.
it's 11 in the morning when you receive a text from shoko. you can hear the disgusted yet unsurprised tone through the pixels, asking you why your boyfriend was sporting roughly 4 — yes, they were so obvious that she could count — patches of purple on his neck and jawline.
shoko: satoru looks like he got in a fight with a leech lol
when satoru comes home, the mortified feeling intensifies by tenfold — they're much more obvious in real life. the colour has faded a little, but hickeys are still hickeys, and your boyfriend is still an imbecile.
"you have no shame," you turn your head away from the man standing at the entryway of your shared home, and back to the television. "you said you were gonna be home. you left before i woke up—"
"important jujutsu stuff," satoru interrupts. he takes his blindfold off, quick footsteps as he makes his way to the couch. your arms are folded together, an attempt to show satoru that you were upset. "couldn't be helped, baby. 'm sorry."
you turn your head towards him, eyebrows furrowed when you realise your boyfriend doesn't care one bit — he thinks there's nothing wrong with people knowing he's unavailable, and even more so when you're the reason.
"can you at least use some of my foundation?"
GETO SUGURU has a little bit of dignity, but the collar of his shirt is a little too low to be coincidental. he secretly loves it whenever his friends ask about it, tease him about finally having a girl when he's been alone for so long.
it's a friday afternoon when he's at the gym getting his daily workouts in, and his cheeks flush when satoru nudges his bicep and lets a hearty laugh out; "aw, suguru's gotten busy, huh? this why you didn't turn up yesterday?"
suguru groans and tells satoru to shut the fuck up, but there's no denying that he was in fact busy. nevertheless, of course suguru had decorum; he covered himself up in front of the public and his family, but he really couldn't care less if his closest friends knew about what he was up to.
besides, his neck wasn't as bad as yours — he could only feel guilty as he watched you paint colour corrector and various shades of concealer on your neck, even doing the chilled spoon method; eventually giving up and settling for a scarf when they don't do the trick.
"i didn't know you were going out today," he says from the bed as you sit across the room at your mirror. "i fucked up."
"'s okay, sugu!" you smile reassuringly, contrasting the worried look on your face that spells it out for him — the sweet tone of your voice only makes suguru feel worse. "the scarf will work fine."
"i'm still sorry, baby. really."
he really isn't. but the guilt makes up for it, he thinks; he only hopes your mother doesn't catch a peek of the purple hiding beneath the fabric.
TOJI FUSHIGURO also does not give two fucks. this man could leave the house absolutely littered in bite marks from your pearly whites — he loves looking at himself in the mirror in the morning, when you're still fast asleep, just admiring the artwork that is his body and the proof of the love you have for him on it.
this wasn't the case with the girls he used to mess around with, though. he absolutely loathed having any evidence of a woman on him, whether that be the scent of her perfume lingering on his clothes or in his apartment — or her messages appearing on his lock screen and his friends asking about it.
yet, it's different with you; but he supposes everything has been different with you. he thinks he's serious this time, about the relationship you two have — and he wants everyone to know that too, though he'll never say that out loud.
"tojiii?" you whine, arms stretching out as your eyes adjust to the sunlight that pours into the bedroom. you turn to his side of the bed, and you're not surprised when he isn't there — it's ironic. the first time you woke up in bed alone after a night with toji, you panicked and thought that he disappeared.
it's just then that your lover opens the door, duffle bag slung around his shoulder diagonally; his right shoulder hits the doorframe, almost fitting the entire width, and you feel heat rush to your cheeks when you see the hickeys on his neck.
you use your arms to push yourself up, sitting cross-legged on the sheets. "did you go out like that?"
"like what, princess?"
you smile at the name, but your lips don't part to answer — toji knows you know, but it's annoying how he acts so natural about it. he sets his bag down and his strong arms wrap around you, picking you up as if you're light as paper.
"show off," you mutter against the crook of his neck. "you need to start wearing hoodies to the gym."
toji catches a whiff of your scent and thinks you're dense for saying such a thing — he is finally proud to have someone by his side, so he might as well let everyone else know. he has to.
"not happening."
NANAMI KENTO does cover up, but he wouldn't mind if someone saw them. he's very mature about it, really — not embarrassed in the slightest. after all, you were his wife and he was your husband. things are bound to happen between you two behind closed doors.
that doesn't mean he wouldn't try to conceal them, though. he asks to use your makeup to hide them — only to be fucked over when your shades don't match all too well. it's only then that he lets an exasperated sigh leave his lips, and you feel a hundred times guiltier.
"i'm sorry, kento," you bite down on your bottom lip out of worry. "maybe we can use the spoon?"
he shakes his head. nanami was running late, and he had to leave immediately.
"it's okay, darling," he presses a kiss to your forehead. "yaga won't be upset."
you knew gojo would tease him endlessly, and you also knew that nanami couldn't stand him. you almost tell him to stay home for a little longer so you can figure out a way to fix this.
"it's nothing to be ashamed of. we're adults," he reminds you, as if the events of last night and the evidence of said events do not. "i'll see you when i'm home?"
you sigh, middle and thumb fingers rubbing your temples. if only you were thinking straight — but you knew that was almost always impossible with kento. "okay. have a good day at work, ken."
kento plants one more kiss on your lips, and he has to pull himself away before another second passes; he always had trouble stopping himself with you.
he supposes that habit has come to bite him in the ass, now.
"thank you, sweetheart. i will."
yeah, gojo will never let him live this down.
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280124 — is this ooc.
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thyandrawrites · 9 months
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I'm gonna talk about this panel again, actually
Yes, Nagi's obliviousness to how he hurt Reo's feelings is frustrating yadda yadda yadda
But from the pov of Nagi being secure about their relationship, Reo hurt Nagi's feelings as well, and I feel like this gets rarely acknowledged?
Imagine this. You're Nagi. You don't wanna be in blue lock. You don't even want to attend. The summon letter you received interested you so little, you only opened it cause Reo did. You tagged along because Reo, your best friend, cared about it.
Then you learn blue lock is a special training program that will pit all the competitors against each other in a fight with only one winner. You don't wanna be Reo's enemy, and you don't want him to be yours. You try to leave, reasoning you don't want to face the day you'll either have to win against him and crush his career, or get eliminated yourself and crush his dream. You try to explain this to him. He doesn't understand—doesn't even want to listen. You sigh and keep tagging along, for his sake. Your heart isn't in it, but Reo believes in you so much you want him to be happy. You tell him, "stay with me till the end", knowing that parting will be inevitable at some point, despite his delusions otherwise. He tells you, "it's a promise, Nagi", and you believe him cause Reo puts his entire heart into his promises.
You still don't care that much about football. You'd rather be at home, secure that Reo is where he belongs, in a place filled with likeminded and driven people like him, and nothing like you. But you persist. For his sake, cause he still believes you more than you ever believed in yourself, really. At some point, soccer starts to become kind of fun. You can see yourself finally getting invested, and you tell him "I want to try to make an effort". Isn't this what he's always been wishing for all this time? For you to try, on your own, without bribery? And you tell him, "You and I are going to be best in the world. That's a fact." You believe so much in him, just as much as he believes in you. His dream was never yours, but you want to see it happen anyway, not for Reo but to keep staying with him until the end. Cause you like being with him. It's comfortable. It's fun. So you tell him, "later, Reo. I'll be waiting for you," because you'll always find your way to him, no matter what. You swore your future to him, and he to you.
You part ways with him and immediately feel lonely. You've never been apart for long, but you think his dream might be starting to become yours too, a little bit, cause you keep thinking about it—about ways to make it happen, still. You were beaten once, and it was enough to make you fear you and Reo wouldn't make it, and you don't want that. Neither does Reo, you know this. So you part ways even if it hurts. Even if Reo wasn't happy about it. He promised you he'll stay with you till the end, and Reo keeps his promises, so why would he lie to you?
But then, just after two days apart, he tells you, "You and I are rivals now, Nagi," and you don't understand what he means. His eyes are so cold, dull, and he slaps your hand away. He never refused affection before. Reo always initiated it, but not anymore. And he tells you "I'm going to crush you," and you don't know why he would say such a thing. You'll win the world cup together. That's a fact. So you don't say anything back. It hurts, but you don't protest it. Reo believed in you first, it's your turn now to believe in him. You singlemindedly continue to believe in that dream, even if he doesn't seem to care about it anymore.
And then it happens. Just like you predicted on day one, you're up against each other, but you give it your all. You never wanted him to be your enemy, but that's how he feels, and you knew this day would come sooner or later.
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So you put it to the back of your mind. You don't listen to the doubt in your chest, even if you think Reo might have forgotten, after all. But you haven't, and that's all that matters to you now.
Then you win, but it was a close match, so you know he'll keep advancing. That's just who Reo is. He's so talented, so driven. So you tell him you'll be waiting for him. Again. Trying so hard is a pain, but you're willing to do it however many times it takes to become strong enough to chase that dream again, with Reo at your side. You don't know what Reo is feeling, or why he doesn't want to be your friend anymore, but you think he'll understand this, at least. This all-consuming drive that fires you up from the inside, this excitement. Between the two of you, Reo was always the more passionate one. Except now he's not. He's slumped on the ground, and he doesn't get up. He tells you, "if you're gonna throw me away, then just do it," like that idea ever crossed your mind, like it's not utter nonsense to you. He looks at you with defeat written all over his face, waiting for you to offer him an excuse to give up on the world cup. To give up on you.
And you think, what happened to making you the best stiker in the world? To staying together till the end? What happened to your promises to each other?
Did that dream matter so little to him? Did you?
*head in hands*
Hhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Nagi's love is quieter but I promise you (ha!), if you look at it closely enough, it's wayyyyy more intense, holy shit. and Reo is as much to blame for his shit communication skills as Nagi is... Just cause Nagi didn't cry about it, it doesn't mean he wasn't upset too
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readerhead · 1 year
Hits different
summary: it has never been so difficult getting over a guy
pairing: Matt x reader
warnings: some angst? idk, maybe if you have abandonment issues can be a little triggering (let me know if you think I should add any)
word count: 1.2k
a/n: okay, I'm really excited because it's my birthday! I wanted to gave you a gift because of that (I don't care that they should the other way around, I'm a giver <3). Now that I'm of legal age in Thailand, I want to communicate you: ANOTHER ONE BASED ON A TAYLOR SONG. Sorry, it's just midnights always makes me think of Matt. It's my first time writing "angst" so I hope you have an enjoyable time reading this :)
The reflection on the dirty mirror of Josie's was judging you. You were a complete mess, from your hair to your makeup. The long hours taming your hair, quickly went to the trash. All frizzy and disheveled now. The burgundy lipstick, blurred. The mascara, smudged and dry under your eyes. Your dry throat made you gulp and the acid on your taste buds reminded you of how you were throwing up in a stranger's shoes moments ago. A stranger you briefly made out with. Not that you really wanted, but your friends told you you needed this. Finally, you finished washing your hands of your vomit and decided it was time to call it a night. Why was everything feeling so wrong?
Someone called a cab for you. Was it one of your friends? Josie? Perhaps the stranger? Once inside you started weeping, trying to not make any sound. The driver gave you a sad look from the rearview, as if your emotions were contagious.
You remember clearly why your stomach had that reaction. While kissing that guy, you started wondering if he was also kissing others. Did he like another? Was that the reason he disappeared? Was he in love with another? Did he even think of you? The image of him kissing a random woman, being there for her, loving her was what made your insides turn around, leaving a disgusting gift near the bar's door.
“If he’s the one, you’ll know” your friend started comforting you when you started shedding tears at the song that played on the radio on your first date which was blasting through the speakers.
“But he treated me so well. I love him. I’m so in love with Matt that it hurts.” you didn’t remember how you started talking about him, but you also didn’t remember talking about anything else.
“What hurts?”
“My heart. It’s like a little rodent is gnawing it bit by bit, after being sanded down with sandpaper and then burning every piece in the sun. And the worst is that I can't do anything to stop it.”
“Come on, girl. Love’s just a lie. A trick from companies, lawyers and the government to take your money.” another friend tried to cheer you up.
“You’re literally gonna get married in two months.” she shut up knowing you were right. “I wanted him to move in, even gave him a key, and he ran away.” you took another sip from your drink. “He was so perfect. Like out-of-a-Jane-Austen’s-book perfect.”
“He wouldn't be so perfect if he let you go.” you were quiet, thinking. “You know what you should do?” You look at her hopefully. “You should flirt with other guys, maybe kiss a few and if one of them’s lucky enough bring him home. That always made you get over any guy before.”
“Exactly. You used to switch from boy to boy like they were toys. Always saying you needed space or ghosting them. That the freedom felt like a beach breeze.” you were so disgusted. Matt wasn’t a fleeting random guy, he was the man that made you want to settle down. “Always shunning commitment.”
A couple weeks had passed. You woke up from dreaming of him. This time you blamed it on the movie you watched last night. ‘This ending is more realistic, otherwise he had left her’ this was what you said to the screen with your mouth full of popcorn when the love interest died. You found one of his blue shirts in your closet. Damn, you loved how those fit him. You took it and when the scent of him started invading your nose, your eyes started watering like a reflex, without your permission. That morning, every time you closed your eyes you remembered something about him.
“Do you think I can do it?” with his head in your thighs, you were massaging his hair while insecurities about your work were eating you alive. The feeling of his locks and his relaxed face were the only thing easing up your stress.
“Of course you can. You are the most capable person I’ve ever known.”
“But do you believe in me?”
“The faith I have in you could make the big guy up there jealous.” the outside of his eyes wrinkled. The reason? Easy, the sweetest smile you have contemplated in your life. All your self doubting was gone at those words accompanied by that view.
That’s the memory that popped up to your head when you passed the couch in your living room. The next one happened when you were waiting for the coffee to finish.
“That can’t be true! It’s not fair.” the wooden spoon pointing at Matt.
“Yet it is.”
“Bullshit.” he laughed.
“I doubt Columbia taught me wrong.”
“Maybe your professor lied to you.”
“And he took all the time to learn braille so he could change what was written in my books?”
“Maybe. There are a lot of creepy crazy people out there.”
“Could you just stop arguing and give me a kiss?” he said, grabbing the wrist that was still threatening him, getting you the closer he could.
“Only if you agree with me.”
“I agree that it ain’t fair.”
“It works for me.” you gripped his shirt, sealing the conversation with a kiss.
Before him you would have argued that injustice was inherent to human kind, however he made you believe in the good, in people, in this world.
You looked at your phone, killing time scrolling to social media. You saw a post of your friends, they went to a bar last night and you didn’t blame them for not inviting you after the little show you put up on the last night you went out.
Taking your mug you sat in the stool nearest to your fridge, the one that gave you a better view of your hall. Perhaps he would show up. At least that's what you told yourself every morning when you had breakfast sitting there, boring your eyes in the door as if it was going to make him materialize.
People usually talk about opportunities as trains and you were more than willing to take it, but you were waiting in a disused station waiting for one that never came again. You were exhausted from all these metaphors in your life, reminding you how you lost him. You had enough with literal events. It wasn't easy seeing him in the news a couple days before when his firm won a big case against some big fish called Fisk.
You were so immersed in your thoughts that you almost didn't hear it. What was that sound by your door? You didn't want to get hopeful, it could be just your neighbor. Was that a dingling in your lock? The only one with your house keys was… It couldn't be him, could it? Were you still dreaming? The expectation had you holding your breath and, when the door finally opened, you didn’t know how to feel.
“I know you probably just want to kick me out,” did you? You had daydreamed hours and days about this, how would it be like the next time you see each other, if he would be the one reaching out for you, if he would really want you back. “you have every right to do it, but at least I think you deserve an explanation. Then, if you want me to leave, I’ll understand.”
a/n: am I a bad person for leaving an open ending?Maybe? Anyways, the song is 'Hits different' by the genius Taylor Swift. I know it's in the title but I put it here in case someone doesn't know it :)
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will80sbyers · 7 months
Omg, so true! We were all expecting Byler to happen in volume 2, what were we thinking?? Of course a twist like that would happen in the last season, and M*leven have to look like they're going strong right now for it to work. Which is also why I think David said that "Mike seems to love Eleven", that's what the audience is supposed to think at this point.
But sometimes I think we're just deluding ourselves and Mike is supposed to be straight and Will will get his happy ending, but it just won't be with Mike. You're one of my favorite Byler blogs, so I was wondering, how confident are you about Byler endgame right now? And do you think we should prepare ourselves for disappointment?
Sadly it's always best to prepare for disappointment when we're talking about queer representation but personally I'm back at 70% now
I'm sure that if Byler does happen it will happen in the finale at this point, idk why I was convinced it would happen in s4 when there's still one season to go obviously it wasn't gonna work!!! 😭
I should have hoped for just a hint more that it was going to happen, and in a way we got it with the Vickie and Robin parallel and them talking in the finale because Vickie broke up with her boyfriend which is paralleled to Mike and El....
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I don't think David was completely lying when he says that Mike loves her, but I also think there are too many hints and parallels and narrative devices in place for it to not mean that Mike does feel the same for Will or will end up with him in the end
This parallel would be completely nonsense if that wasn't the way it was going to go, there was no need to put it in place otherwise
Plus we also have to remember all the movies in the inspiration board of season 4 where there are so many love triangles that resemble the situation with willelmike so closely like Little Women and all the others that we found...
There's too much to deal with next season and if Mike and El are just okay like this it means that their story is:
Boring and repetitive
Badly written because they aren't written with the same care of the other ships, they don't make the fans love them as much
Weirdly being paralleled to couples that have big incompatibilities like Steve x Nancy and Karen X Ted etc for no reason??? They even have a parallel with Bob and Joyce on them starting the season by kissing and now even in the play Karen and Ted were making out all the time meaning they completed the parallels of "couples that don't work are making out excessively"
And they left the painting lie to be resolved when they could have concluded that storyline in s4 or not used it because that inherently makes Mlv look like they are falling apart
Because the feelings that make Mike feel like he could be vulnerable with his girlfriend are Will's declaration of love for him like.... That looks BAD no matter what
Even if Mike was completely genuine in his declaration for El the fact that he gets brought to it by Will looks extremely bad for Mike and El as a couple...
It doesn't make any sense to do this to the supposed "main ship" so it's either byler endgame or Mike is dying
But if Mike dies no one will have a happy ending in that stupid show so I don't see how that could be an ending that "we want" or a happy ending in general like they are saying it will be... Killing Mike would make too many people depressed as fuck and it wouldn't be a good story
But I still have a bit of doubts because maybe they want to follow the awful storytelling of IT and kill a member of the group thinking it's something good or whatever reason they want to delude themselves with... when it will actually always be a shitty ending and a bad decision and mainly what makes me not want to rewatch any IT movies even loving the characters in them
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strawberry-cowmilk · 1 year
♡ don't stop dancing ♡
-> asmodeus x mc
a/n: so, somehow the old version got labeled as mature. I like this fic so here's a 'censored' version with less swearing and other vulgarities!! ♡♡
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: reverse comfort, crying, insecurity
It's a nice distraction, you know? Going out, talking to friends, forgetting why you were sad last night. Was it because your favorite eyeshadow sold out? Maybe you messed an assignment up? It was an important one after all. Did you realise nobody you've been with ever truly loved you? They just thought you're a cute score, a doll. Or did you secretly hate yourself, the shell that is the way you look isn't pretty enough to fool others into thinking you're not messed up underneath? Who cares, right? You have an audience, everyone you know (and, well, those you don't). Don't you dare make them worried for you! Leave them with a smile!
Oh, don't misunderstand. You're not manipulating anyone! Your toxically positive image is technically not a lie. It's still you, but without any flaws. But you have hard days too, you know? Sometimes you vent just a tiny bit of that cooped up frustration and feel terrible afterwards. It's just who you are, but you can't stop dancing, so pull yourself together and smile for the camera! Devilgram's gonna love this! You look so beautiful!
How many times have you felt so bad and unloved you impulsively went clubbing several nights in a row? With the pure intention to find somebody who's willing to spend the night with you? Just to quench your thirst of your messed up image of love. Honestly, who wouldn't pass up a chance to be with you! You're so pretty! But honey, deep down, you know that's not love. But, you've become the perfect identity, somebody should take a bite of you, right? What was all the work for otherwise? And then the same somebody makes you leave their place at dawnbreak. Then you walk back home in shame, only to repeat the cycle again. Ah, don't forget the times you were convinced you were totally over an ex, only to miss them again five minutes later. One day, enough will be enough. How much longer can you play the actor? What if somebody sees right through you? What if the facade crumbles? Actually, nevermind. You know it's too much when you're leaning against your bathtub in your grandiose bathroom, crying your eyes out.
It's not unusual for Asmo to stay in his bathroom for hours, but this time, you couldn't help but worry. Maybe the average person couldn't notice, but you could tell he was acting a little off for a while. Perhaps Lucifer noticed too. It might be a bad idea, given how much your stomach fluttered. Still, you knocked on the door regardless. 'Hey, are you okay in there?' you could faintly hear some shuffling and running water before the demon replied. 'Yes, everything's okay! The bath temperature just isn't right yet.' No, something was definitely wrong. Asmodeus always calls you some sort of pet name when you suddenly show up. Also, he always takes a bath first when he enters the bathroom. Considering the demon's been in there for hours already, it would be odd if he went in the bath now. You pursed your lips briefly before knocking again.
'Can I come in?'
'No need, All is good!'
'I just want to see you.'
'Mc! You can wait for me to leave the bathroom if you miss me so much!'
'It's not that, I just want to check if you're alright.'
'No need, hon!'
'Asmo, I'm coming in, okay?'
Just as you thought, something has happened here. There wasn't even water in the tub, just some splashed on the floor in front of the sink. The mirrors were covered with towels, robes and clothes. When you looked Asmo in the eyes, you saw the redness around his amber irises, and slight the dampness of his lashes, yep, he was crying earlier. You sat down on the edge of the tub, patted the spot next to you and waited for Asmo to join you. His shoulders were all stiff and his smile was forced: you caught him doing things he didn't think the world should know. Why didn't he send you away, though? One time Solomon walked in on Asmo using a smile trainer and he flung a vase at the sorcerer, making him leave.
'So, is everything okay?' the avatar of lust asked innocently, oh the irony. You carefully placed your hand over his. 'Asmo, are you okay?' That was when something in him shattered, like a glass cup colliding with the floor. He stared at you with widened eyes before clinging onto you, letting the sobs shake his body. Had he so desperately waited for somebody to ask him that? To 'save' him? The sudden change in mood took you by surprise, but you gently embraced the demon back, letting your fingers trail up and down his spine. Asmodeus held you when you were upset and cried, now you're doing the same for him.
'Mc, it was never okay! Not even back in the Celestial Realm!' He coughed a little before continuing. 'I was praised for my beauty, but I wasn't even the best there! But it was all I had. I ignored all my problems to make them think I'm beautiful inside and out...' Asmo squeezed you a little closer to himself, as if using you to hide behind. You carefully played with a lock of his hair in an attempt to comfort him. '...and then, and then after we fell, it became worse. I'm literally a monster now, Mc! I'll never even be pretty! I'm a fraud! Nobody cares about me, nobody loves me!' That was when the uncontrollable sobs came back. Honestly, you were fighting a couple of tears yourself. To have Asmodeus be so open with you, is it because he trusts you so much or because nobody else bothered to check on him?
'Hey, listen to me.' you spoke gently after the demon was cried out. 'You are more than just how you look, or what others think of you.' You tried to look him in the eyes, but he was hiding his face in the crook of your neck. Asmo couldn't believe his ears. His whole life he's been reduced to seeing himself as an accessory. Won't others hate him if he was vulnerable? Or think he's a burden? Right now his face is all red and puffy, if he showed you this 'ugly' side of himself, would you leave him?Reluctantly, Asmo pulled himself away from you, and stared right into your gaze. You didn't run, or look disgusted or anything. You just smiled. Are you proud of his little act of bravery? 'Mc, you're really sweet. Thank you.'
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comp-lady · 7 months
Hi there! I’ve been admiring your blog & writing from afar and was wondering if you had any advice or tips on writing unashamedly?
What I mean is, I notice you also write Copia/Terzo or “copiiia” and your authors note in the chapter posts via tumblr are very assertive and to the point.
I would like to post some more Copiia content (as I like Secondo and Copia along with a few other blogs) but I worry about backlash or losing mutuals even though I deliberately state that they aren’t related because I disagree with that portion of the Ghost lore.
Any tips?
Thank you!!
- ✨🐀
Thank you so much!
I would say make sure you tag it as best you can. The popular ones are c1/c2/c3 or Copiiia or Copiia.
Otherwise, not gonna lie, my advice amounts to just. Not giving a fuck. I've been in fandom too long to be concerned about what is, ultimately, an extremely loud and hateful minority of people projecting their obsessions onto other people. Harassing people en masse because they dare to use their imaginations and have a bit of fun. I'm crawling towards my mid-thirties, I've been in fandom since I was roughly 12-14, I can't bring myself to care about the opinions of others. I have actual, important things to be worried about.
I mean these are the same people that would be fine if I wrote Copia as a serial killer, but if I write that he's not related to Terzo or Secondo and they kiss then that's a crime?
I write for myself, and I write for the handful of friends I talk to that are like minded.
I think I've avoided receiving much backlash because I am an active blocker. The moment I see someone dropping hateful rhetoric over fiction I block them. If I lose a mutual in the process? Oh well, that's not the type of person I want to be around. I've been friends with people where I altered what I wrote to appease them, and all that toxicity did is set me back in my writing. It hurt my confidence in my writing. I'm free of that now, and I have no intent to go slide back because some people see the Ghost lore as gospel.
Mutuals and followers and friends who don't agree, but know how to keep scrolling? Know how to be mature about it? Much more valuable than any that throw a fit.
Also the lore? The lore for Ghost has the structural integrity of a jello shot. Toby Foam is out here doing whatever amuses him, not building some grand story, and if anyone doubts that look at aNY interview where the interviewer tries to ask lore questions. Tobias always gives half answers and shrugs them off. The lore is a gimmick to him, a bit fun on the side of what is actually important. Which is the music itself.
When I started Empire I was sure that there wouldn't be a lot of readers. That I would post, maybe gets a handful of hits each time I posted a chapter, maybe the occasional comment. And yet there are plenty of people that read it. Regularly!
If you write the Copiia content there is an audience for it. There are people that will love it.
Also? There area lot of haters that just ship it in secret, because they're more worried about other people's opinions than just enjoying themselves.
This all ran away from me, go forth! Write! Have fun! Those who matter won't care that you're writing copiia. You get worried about what you're writing my askbox is always open!
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stromuprisahat · 5 months
He kissed her without her consent and we know she was attracted to him because the book was in her pov but he never did care for her consent in the ROMANTIC setting. I get not caring about it in the stag/powers thing hut coming onto her when she is saying that she hates you is..
I know I'm gonna regret writing this, but if you need a verbal consent for every kiss, you should probably avoid 99 % of romantic media.
Are we talking about the most awkward first kiss ever, that took even him by surprise?
The kiss in the tent by the Fold, that was clearly powerplay and making a point. (Girl, you think you can manipulate me by insincere temptation?! I can insincerly buy your fake acting.)
The weirdest not-a-sex-dream ever? The one, where the only logical explanation is Alina's mind is lying again, because the Darkling is neither a shapeshifter, nor able to bother her should she not long for his company?
“You cannot lie to me. Do you think I could have come to you again and again, if you had been less alone? You called to me, and I answered.” I couldn’t quite believe what I was hearing. “You … you were there?” “On the Fold. In the palace. Last night.”
Siege and Storm Chapter 23
Later, I could never be sure if I’d done it deliberately, or if it was an accident, my bruised heart plucking at that invisible tether. Maybe I was just too tired to resist his pull. I found myself in a blurry room, staring at the Darkling.
Ruin and Rising Chapter 8
The girl is self-gaslighting about easier things to stomach, am I to believe she wouldn't change the target of her desire, when half asleep? When dreaming and reality melt into the most malleable substance? Hell, I can affect my dreams at that stage, and I don't live in magical world.
Even that "affirmation" isn't really affirmation:
He was pressing, trying to provoke me. Instead of shying away, I moved closer. “You came to me wearing Mal’s face that night in your chambers. Was it because you knew I would turn you away?” His fingers tightened on the table’s edge, but then he shrugged. “He was the one you longed for. Do you still?” “No.” “An apt pupil, but a terrible liar.”
Ruin and Rising Chapter 9
When Alina mentions the event, Aleksander reacts with contained anger. Why? He doesn't like Malyen, but they've been talking about him this whole time, why would he mind reminder he even used that face to get to Alina? Perhaps because it wasn't his choice.
Why would Alina "see" something that wasn't his doing? Because as much as she was lonely- therefore Aleksander came to visit her-, she wanted Mal to come to her and listen. And her half-asleep mind could easily provide.
His following question is a bit of a barb. Alina (according to expectations) answers that no, she has no need to long for Mal anymore, but why would she reach to Aleksander otherwise? Now that she knows how the Tether works? Like Sasha says:
“An apt pupil, but a terrible liar.”
She can control their visits, but she's still dishonest about her own feelings.
I have no idea what other kiss this might be about.
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eighthdoctor · 7 months
Hmmm two semi-related questions that have been rattling around in my brain for awhile:
1) Do you think there is much of a BDSM/kink culture on Azeroth?
2) Many a joke and comment have been made about Jaina and her Many Suppressed Kinks, but why *is* she so repressed?
cut for holy shit yeah we gonna talk sex (also I keep talking super strongly about things but this is all personal opinion--founded in canon but nevertheless, if you want to write Jaina otherwise be my guest)
1-Is there a kink culture on Azeroth? Glad you phrased it like this, because I don't think there's anything so organized.
Kink, sure. We're all primates (.........or something) and humanoids come preinstalled with a Thing about power and hierarchy, and some of us are going to turn that sexual. Every society on Azeroth has some form of kink, both in the sense of bondage/discipline, dominance/submission, sadism/masochism stuff, and in the sense that there's things that are taboo and edgy and so therefore super hot to some subset of individuals.
Kink culture? Terminology and munches and people passing down advice about how to slap so you don't hurt someone? Less so.
Definitely there are cultures where BDSM (especially the D/s and S/M sides) is more socially acceptable than among Azeroth humans, I am looking specifically at orcs, you cannot tell me that a culture with honor duels is not also into consensually beating the shit out of each other during sex. There are peoples who are much more into polyamory and swinging, and who are super into high protocol D/s stuff (hello collective quel'dorei fanon to justify Jaina/Sylvanas/Dark Rangers but also I don't care it's great).
But see previous ask about monsterfucking, it's all so racialized that unless you are that race it's not talked about, and if you are, it's not super deviant because what, an orc likes CBT? Not a surprise. The problem here is how much does the 'deviance' aspect matter in kink? Western civ is so sex-negative that we've stigmatized basically everything that isn't cishet PIV missionary style, so how much of what we consider kink wouldn't be erotic if it was normalized? Idk this isn't my field but it is relevant here.
At any rate: I'm not because I'm happily married but I could reach out to a kink subculture and find a compatible partner who lives in my area on like...several different platforms. And one way or another I could have done this 60 years ago too (possibly more! I just know through the 60s). This bit I don't think exists on Azeroth, I don't think there's that level of organization and communication.
Which leads nicely to:
2-Why is Jaina so repressed?
Not a simple answer, even a joking one, just a bunch of interlocked issues.
First: Kul Tiran is based off Britain, and it's specifically based off a sort of temporally variable Britain from approximately 1485-1850 so like, I am free to pick the most deranged bits of British social norms and waltz off. Jaina, due to school, probably didn't get a sex talk from her parents but rather from someone in Dalaran (awk) or more likely, the library. She's not from a sex positive culture. She's not even from a sex neutral culture. She's from a country where "lie back and think of England Kul Tiras" is complete sex advice, and then she went off to school.
Second: Not that school isn't a GREAT area to learn about sex but we have no evidence that Jaina was a social butterfly and a lot of evidence that she wasn't, and then she goes directly from Dalaran into war.
And then she's Lady of Theramore and then she's on the Council of Six and then there's whatever the fuck she's doing during Legion, and while there are periods in here where her life sucks LESS and it is completely VIABLE for her to do some sexual exploration but it's also like. These aren't periods where she's going to be going "ah yes I want to interrogate the bit where my deepest desire is for Thrall to rail me hard, pinning my hands to a wall, not letting me go even if I ask", among other reasons because she's not around anyone who is both definitely sex positive AND a social equal who she's interested in learning from.
Related, three: Boy does she need therapy.
Kink means vulnerability, and Jaina's a switch but she's more of a sub, and being a sub means a lot of vulnerability, and letting yourself be vulnerable. I cannot think of something Jaina is less likely to want, especially after Theramore.
In order for Jaina to explore her kinks, she needs to acknowledge that she has them and--ideally--stop shaming herself for having them, which means making peace with the bit where she really, really wants someone to call her names and make her crawl and slap her around. Which is a lot for anyone to process, really, never mind how much Jaina specifically is an advocate for equality and compassion. And she wants to be hurt in bed?
(Which, to be clear, 2 things: One, because I think introspection is necessary for Jaina to realize her kinks does not mean it's a requirement for others, just that Jaina overthinks everything so she'll overthink this too. Two, I obviously don't see a contradiction between wanting equality in 'real life' and roleplay in the bedroom. I think those go together fine and I am fervently committed to "Jaina is a kinky bastard" headcanon. Jaina has a problem with it.)
So to the extent that she acknowledges at all that she's into Some Shit, she views it as a problem, a flaw to be expunged. Proper, good ladies don't want to be held down and teased until they're crying and begging for something more and then left like that--
Four: With who.
Jaina's canonical relationships (and the only two I'm letting her have in TPtMB (except possibly one night stands?) because I'm evil) are Arthas and Kalec.
If you expect me to think that Kalec does anything but missionary in bed with the lights off, you're wrong.
Furthermore Kalec is not the sort of person to encourage Jaina to explore that inner darkness. He's going to make sure she's enjoying herself! He's not shorting her in bed. He's just not after anything else, he doesn't think she should be after anything else, he genuinely doesn't think she is after anything else, in short: It's vanilla sex only here and no discussion of any alternatives ever comes up.
From Arthas: She's late teens and blonde haired, blue eyed, curves everywhere, a princess in everything but title, there is absolutely no way Arthas does a single thing she doesn't want. None. There is zero way that Arthas Menethil, paladin, who, yes, is going to turn into something else, expose the ugly parts until there's nothing left but who isn't there yet, who's the golden prince, who's joining Kul Tiras to Lordaeron and it's a love match but it's political--
They also do missionary in bed but the lights are on this time.
In sum:
Repressed cultural background where you Do Not Talk About Sex
Went to school as the world's biggest nerd, then it's been nearly nonstop crises for 25 years
Thinks that self-reflection is a spell, has never stopped to wonder if maybe the fantasies are ethically neutral
Dated only men who were boring in bed.
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psn-stalling · 4 months
//hey im the same anon from before, please lmk if i'm going too far!// hey i'm the same anon who's asked about bullying gonna sign off with raichu anon if i keep sendin asks. so like. i dont wanna sound accusational cause my point was never for yall to be mad or upset abt this. but like. you have already said things worse than "Dude PLEASE stop eating stale chips and actually go pick up and take care of yourself because getting held back a fourth time isn't a good look on you." you literally made a whole drayton hate club? like i get joking around and stuff but at best it's kind of a fucked up joke, and at worst its like. literal on god harassment. idk if you realize that just food for thought ig? also like part of the thing is like. even if you used to be a bully. and you're not anymore. like that's good! that's really good! and im very glad about that! but also, progress isnt linear. like its possible to backtrack. and additionally like. just bc you stopped running the gossip blog doesnt mean you can't be an asshole to ppl yk? like that doesnt rlly mean that you like. you're perfect now. both you and kieran are getting rlly defensive abt this which doesnt rlly help either of you either. and like i wanna note. i dont hate either of you! its just. idk. league club is supposed to like. help us all improve right? like its supposed to be a welcoming environment. doesnt rlly feel like that rn. idk. i used to think you were cool. its hard to do that rn.
-raichu anon
First of all, the club isn't even official?? It's quite literally a JOKE CLUB??
There aren't any official things. It's a joke and it's MEANT to be taken that way. Sorry if it came off as otherwise. We don't even do anything?? No meetings. No nothing relating to that. It's quite literally just a bit.
Of COURSE we're going to get defensive about that. Why wouldn't someone get definsive about being accused of that when that isn't the case?! I don't-
The league club is very welcoming I'll have you know- Just because there's a bit about a "hate club" (ONCE AGAIN, THAT'S A WHOLE JOKE) doesn't mean that it isn't welcoming or anything-
It's not like I'm going to care if one person doesn't think I'm cool- A LOT of people have issues with me and I'm not going to waste my time trying to backtrack and please every single person who doesn't think I'm cool now-
... I'm just going to go to bed. I've dealt with enough bullshit today, I'll worry about your remarks tomorrow-
... I don't get whether I'm supposed to be honest about things or if people want me to blatantly lie about it. I'm supposed to be improving here. There is no "backtracking" involved, I'm not going to go back to that-
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sansofficial · 1 year
They didn’t care before? What changed?
"Nothing changed. That's the point. Except you were there. They wouldn't have cared otherwise. So, you know: nothing's changed."
"i see."
[ ... ]
"not gonna lie. i have no idea what i'm doing here."
"Then don't do it. You like doing nothing."
"what, just give up? sure, and i'm supposed to take that from you."
"besides... the old schtick is, uh, getting kinda tired. i should shake my routine up a bit. wouldn't wanna get booed off stage. so, uh..."
[ There's a metallic jangle, followed shortly by a noise of surprise. ]
"hey. what was that for?"
"I need a check."
"hmm. you know... you could at least try to, uh... not make it look like a distraction? by tossing literally anything else. just a thought."
"No questions, right? You promised."
[ Another metallic rustle, this time quieter. ]
"uh, okay. used keychain. chain item."
[ There's a snort. ]
"...heh. there's a small, catgirl shaped pendant hanging from it. perfect to conveniently lose all your keys at the same time. it's got everything you need. your bike, your trike... no quike yet, you're still too young. and uh... home. actually, make sure not to lose that one."
[ Another jangle, as the keychain is tossed back to its owner. ]
"someone back there really cares about you."
"Yes. They do."
"They do."
"that's, uh, right...?"
"Present tense."
[ ... ]
"...come on. let's finish that list."
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respitelocklyre · 8 months
I made the cheer squad!!! I have a lil more to say but that's the important bit- updates under the cut like always ✨
Cheer tryouts were waaay different than i expected!! I kind of thought it'd be a big ordeal but it was just me and one other freshman who tried out, so we were obvs accepted lol Not that we wouldn't have made it in anyways since we both looked fucking great!! Especially considering I haven't even done any of those moves since last fall. The squad is pretty small and i don't think they do competitive stuff but that's fine, we never did in high school either. I'm more interested in getting to know the rest of the silkball team we'll be cheering on, if the try-outs were any indication of what's to come 🤭 There's this cute owl-guy I might have my eye on- i think he works at the tavern too!!
Oh yeah, i also got the work-study at the tavern! I figure i'll just quit if i don't like it lol but anyways come say hi if ur on campus- i promise you'll recognize me on sight. I'm pretty easy to spot hehe
Oh oh oh and congrats to Mire for getting on the team too!! and for scoring some points with their crush (they can thank me later~). I wonder if they're gonna be able to play well while being cheered on lmaaooo
Classes have been fine, but tbh i haven't rlly been able to pay attention to them since i've been busy partying, meeting new people, and adjusting to life on campus! It's kinda overwhelming, my contacts have like doubled since i got here. And everything is like...way different, yknow? Obvs I didn't think it'd be the SAME as high school, but the vibes are soooo different is all. idk what to make of it all yet but i know that im LOVING being away from home and enjoying my freedom so far <3 Cathy told me the first month or so would probably be rlly hard but idk what she was talking abt bc no one grounds me for waking them up when i get home at 2 am and not even the raven queen can stop me from eating icecream for dinner now.
In reality, this party was kind of lame, even as Respite typed otherwise to his friends— they'd opted to ditch him for a studying session, so he sure as hell wasn't going to let on that the party was anything but lit. They had a feeling most of them probably wouldn't care, but Willow might feel a touch regretful, so the lie was worth it.
After sending the message to the group chat and briefly checking tinder for any new DMs or matches— maybe he could escape this place and turn the night around— to no avail, they pocketed their phone. How annoying. They rolled their eyes and leaned against the wall, taking a slow sip at the drink they’d been nursing for the past hour. Respite wasn’t really a fan of drinking on the best of nights and all they had to offer here was shitty beer. After a moment of pouting and observing the dimly lit room, they turned and parted the dusty, moth-eaten curtain to look out the window again.
If anyone had noticed the way Respite kept flitting out to the porch or the front window, no one said anything. They did try to keep it discreet, at least, and simply worked it into the way they naturally made the rounds every now and then to talk to different people or get another drink. He liked to move around a lot at parties anyways to make sure that he saw everyone's faces and said hi to them all.
On the opposite side of the spectrum was Mettie, who, shortly after arriving and greeting a few people, had taken an edible or something and parked himself outside on the porch. From there, he seemed to be spending most of his time at the party smoking with other people who needed some fresh air and enrapturing (ensnaring?) them with his long-winded conversation. Respite wasn't sure if this had been his goal when agreeing to come to the party, but it had been the result.
It dawned on Respite slowly that they hadn't really seen Mettie at a party like this before. Well, okay— they'd seen Mettie at one or two big house parties in passing, but they'd never actually spent much time watching him. He’d been the dealer for about 75% of their high school (it was a devastating loss to the community when he’d done his year abroad), so it was hard not to run into him from time to time at parties. But in high school, he was mostly regarded as weird and off-putting. People got what they wanted from him and were generally polite, but it wasn't like he was always invited to stick around. And when he was, it did usually end up like this— he'd put himself in a less populated corner somewhere and make puzzling conversation with those willing to listen.
In their hometown, it had felt like everyone else tolerated it because Mettie was a valuable resource. They knew his penchant for rambling, though, and tried not to engage— Respite himself included.
They couldn't place the feeling as they watched Mettie from the window now, with a handful of people gathered around him, held captive by the way he spoke. These people weren't just being polite, either. They were listening— sometimes even smiling and laughing with him. Sure, they were probably stoned too, but that hardly mattered. It's not like this was the first time it had happened since he’d learned Mettie was also attending Strixhaven. At their cafe shift, during orientation, and at the career fair...things were clearly different here.
A couple of years ago, Respite never would've invited Mettie to a house party with him. It would've been social suicide— he knows; he'd thought about it once early on and didn't even get far enough to invite Mettie before the ridicule started up— and though it had taken a lot to fight against their instinct, they needed to test their theory: Did people here actually like Mettie's company? This party seemed to confirm it for the positive.
In Respite's mind, the jury was still out on whether or not Mettie was cool, but at the very least it seemed like no one was going to corner him in the bathroom and interrogate him about why they saw him talking to the freak who looked like he was one bad day away from shooting up the school (untrue, of course, and tasteless in a way only teenagers could be, but Respite had forced out a laugh at the time).
There was a feeling of relief in that. In knowing that neither of them would be under constant scrutiny from peers and adults alike. Being unknown was freeing in some ways.
But there was a dread in it, too. In losing the structure Respite had spent years delicately building the pieces of their identity around.
A memory from when they were kids came to mind unbidden, of the time Respite had accidentally knocked over one of Mettie's earliest sculptures. It had been unsteady and the base made of air-dry clay toppled easily when Respite bumped the dresser in a fit of energetic excitement, sending it crashing to the ground. The roughly attached bits and bobs came loose and scattered across Mettie's bedroom floor, transitioning from art to disjointed pieces without purpose or clarity in an instant.
For what it was worth, Mettie had taken it in stride even as Respite desperately crawled under his bed with a flashlight to gather everything, apologizing and promising to help him glue it back together. After staying quiet for some time, he'd declared it an act of fate that only added to the piece and gave it new meaning. Respite didn't understand, but they'd been so terrified of being yelled at that they nodded in agreement even as their cheeks were pink from crying. They still attempted to fit some of the pieces back together until Mettie insisted they just put it in an empty shoe box so that he could make something new of it. To this day, Respite had no idea if Mettie had ever fixed it, restructured it, or simply left it as a memorial in his closet.
They wrinkled their nose up at the unwarranted assault of a flashback. Clearly they'd been hanging around Mettie too much already if their thoughts were starting to get this metaphorical. He downed the last of his warm beer, hoping the bile on his tongue would force him to refocus on the party.
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stormkobra-5 · 2 years
If you're still doing ships, could you ship me with one of Oscar's characters, please? 🥺
I'm a bit shy (hence the anon) but I really want to be more out there and 'extroverted'. I have big dreams that are probably unrealistic but I'm chasing them anyway. I like literature, cinema, cooking and anything to do with music. In fact, I love to play the piano. Wouldn't say I'm very good at it but it's fun.
I love parties and stuff but I don't really go that often because I don't know that many people. Also, I have a secret love for cars. I'm honestly in heaven when I'm in a car with friends with no destination in mind. My dream car is a 1969 Mustang Mach 1 fastback. Also, I'm quick to anger and defend my loved ones if someone's being difficult.
Appearance wise my hair is blonde and I have greyish blue eyes. I'm about 5'4 and I look like I haven't seen the sun in a decade. I never leave the house without eyeliner on. I'm bisexual but my love life is as dull as a piece of bread. Would risk my life to pet an animal (a cat or a raccoon and anything in between)
Ofc 😊 (Psssst, there’s nothing wrong with big dreams that seem unrealistic. I’m going to join the army next year, but I eventually want to go to Juilliard and start acting, too. People always tell me not to hope for something like that, but it’s dream big or go home for me!)
I ship you with...
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Marc Spector 🥺
You’re both extremely sweet. You’re heartfelt, passionate, and you both defend those you care for without thinking— although Marc might have a tougher time of expressing his emotions. He’d appreciate your love of cars and music; he’s lived a tough life, so your music makes him especially emotional because it’s something so beautiful made by someone he loves. He definitely spends more time with animals than people, so your love for them would make him feel like he’s able to express that around you. And don’t worry about having “unrealistic” dreams. Marc always makes it a point to remind you that nothing is impossible so long as you try. (Plus, Marc is, as far as I’m concerned, canonically bi. Not to mention this gif is bi lighting, too 🥰)
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Despite his superhero-mercenary nature, I’m gonna go something domestic for this meet-cute, perhaps.
It was a standard day at the supermarket for you. You’d grabbed maybe some hygiene products and a killer new pair of shoes— otherwise, all you had was a small basket. All you needed now was milk.
But lo-and-behold, Marc Spector enters the chat.
Without looking where he was going as he rounded the corner of an aisle too-fast in his hurry to just get in, buy a new jacket and a screwdriver and get out, he slammed into you full-force. Both of you let out an oof as you both fell backward from the impact— your basket spilt everywhere, shampoo bottles busting, and of course your milk all but exploded, too, destroying the shoes.
“Oh shit,” Marc gasped, and his first instinct was to run. But when he saw you, he froze up; the image of this broad, rugged man covered in milk and shampoo made you actually giggle, in spite of the fact that you’d now have to pay for what you’d had twice, essentially.
Marc scrambled to his feet, trying to assess the damage as he pulled you up with him. “I’m so sorry, miss, I wasn’t even looking where I was going—“
“You’re fine,” You promised him, “Are you okay? You fell back pretty hard.”
“I’m okay,” He said, although it was kind of a lie. His tailbone hurt like hell. “What about you?”
“Just fine,” You waved him off with a smile.
“Let me pay for it,” Marc blurted out, “For the damaged items. And for replacements.”
“I can’t let you—“
“Please,” He implored you. It took awhile of convincing and bargaining before you allowed him to do so. Marc followed you through the store like a gentleman, carrying your things along with his. It was only when the store trip was over that you thanked him, and said, “Let me take you out to dinner sometime. I’ll pay for it. Kind of in return for what you did for me today.”
“Kind of?” Marc challenged with a soft smile.
You bit your lip, feeling bold. “I think I’d also like to kind of consider it a date.” Marc flushed as you added, “You’re uh... you’re a really nice guy. I’d like to get to know you better, if that’s okay.”
Marc fought with himself for three days on whether or not to finally call you and take you up on that offer, but he couldn’t stop seeing your damn smile.
It was the best decision he’d ever made in his life.
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Spookable September
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defeatsthem · 10 months
TW for anyone that might read this, as this extremely dark au has already been discussed with @twotonesoffun. Read this with the utmost caution.
MAJOR TRIGGER WARNING: depression, suicidal thoughts and ideation
This takes place after Max's surgery and beyond. All he could do with his free time was mull over every stupid thing he'd ever done or said in his life.
Day 1:
Yesterday you left. I don't blame you for it one bit. You should've left. Matter of fact, you shouldn't have ever even shown up at the hospital at all. I keep staring at the bottle, the temptation to grab a fistful of pills and just end it right here is so tempting without you here. This house is so bare and I never realized how empty it was until your laughter wasn't here to fill it.
Day 13:
Thirteen days post-surgery. My knee still hurts like a fucking bitch. I won't lie, the worst part isn't getting out of bed by myself or having to resort to an in-house nurse in the meantime to take care of me now. It's humiliating. My fingertip keeps hovering over your name in my contacts, wanting to send a message but I don't dare to. Instead, I just open the video of me fucking that blonde woman to remind myself why I hate myself. Still, the temptation to take all those leftover painkillers lingers. I dunno why I haven't done it yet.
Day 42:
Physical therapy is getting easier, I guess. I can finally get off crutches in a few weeks but... whatever. It's been three weeks since the New Year holiday came and went and I can't believe it's been nearly a year since Seth and I hooked up at that rest top for the first time. I still remember how he felt... how I felt. It's forever engrained in my brain no matter how many times I wanna just forget about him because I'm ninety - nine percent certain he's forgotten about me already. I really need to stop directing this journal to him so maybe with this entry, it'll force me to.
Day 99:
Fuck, I miss you. I almost sent a message to you today, asking you how you were as if you'd even fucking respond. I at least finally flushed the rest of my meds down the toilet finally. They were burning a hole in my chest every single fucking night sitting on my nightstand. It was hard to discard the only thing you'd ever race to see me for. Fuck, I'm writing about him again when I said I wouldn't.
Day 273:
Nine fucking months. I was told I'd be out for an entire year but I'm a damn machine apparently. The past nine months have been an absolute mindfuck, but weirdly enough, it was necessary. I had to be on the brink of killing myself to see what I really wanted out of life. All I want is for him to be by my side again. Luckily, after getting some insider knowledge, I was able to find out where RAW is tomorrow night. I'm gonna go see him again. I can't be caught by security or talent otherwise I'll be kicked out immediately and probably arrested for breaking and entering into his bus but... at this point? I don't have much else to lose.
Day 274:
I'm burning this motherfucking journal right away tomorrow regardless of what happens in the next couple of hours. No one can know I even did this shit or sounded like such a whiny teenager bitch, okay? I can hear his music playing and I'm watching the show, sipping back an IPA from his fridge. The same kind that was in there the first time we met. He never changed, did he? He shouldn't. I can also smell that body wash he loves lingering throughout this entire thing. I don't dare make a sound since his driver is right outside, mingling with the crew. [THREE HOURS LATER.] I can hear his music playing again. He must've done the dark match after the show. At least it gave me some more time to get mentally prepared to see him again. I feel nauseous. Maybe I shouldn't have come...this was so fucking dumb of me. Shit. I hear his voice outside... here goes nothing.
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kayluh1915 · 2 years
Are you still planning to write that one starker mixed media fic? The one you posted about around 5 months ago
Reference to this post.
Hi sweetie! I am, Indeed! I hadn't realized it's been so long since my "mini sneak peek." 😬 I don't want to over-hype it up, but it's REALLY long and still has a bit to go.
I struggle a lot with toxic perfectionism so I'm not gonna lie, it's gonna be a while. I'd like to be optimistic and say another month or two, but it well could be another 6 months. I hope not, but history tends to repeat itself...
I just want it to be perfect! I'm working extremely hard on it and I hope I can get it finished for you guys sooner rather than later!
While you wait, I published a Starker fic back in April called "Perfect." I'm not very happy about the ending, but you can check that out if you like! Keep in mind, though, it is A/B/O. I understand that isn't everyone's cup of tea so I put some more "mini sneak peeks" under the cut!
I hope you guys like it so far and I'll keep you updated on my progress!
These are subject to change and may be different once the story is finished! I also couldn't resist adding in Stucky! 😍😍
ALSO also, let's pretend Elon Musk never bought Twitter, okay? Okay.
“I don’t think we allow children in this program, Mr…” He paused, looking at the embroidered last name on his lab coat. "Parker." Chuckles from the other interns filled the otherwise silent room. Peter gulped, his eyes darting back down to his shoes.
“I-I’m not… not a child, sir.” He stuttered, drying his increasingly sweaty palms on his oversized labcoat. Peter heard Tony shuffle the papers some more. He wasn't actually reading them and got a kick at how much more nervous the kid got the more he shuffled through everything.
“How old are you, kid?”
Peter cleared his throat before answering, trying to get rid of the lump in his throat. “24, sir.”
Silence filled the room once again, the sound of Tony’s foot steps growing closer until Tony’s cisp, expensive dress shoes joined the sight of Peter’s converse.
“You’ve got a lot to prove, Mr. Parker.”
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“What’re yo-”
"Come on, dance with me."
"Uhh, I-I a-are you sure?" Tony's smile grew wider.
"I wouldn't have asked you if I wasn't." Peter hesitated, but allowed Tony to take his hand. He wasn't prepared for Tony to yank him up from his seat so fast. He tripped over his own feet with a squeak, grabbing Tony's forearm to catch himself.
"Tony!" Peter yelped. Tony allowed him to fix himself and Tony led him over to the dance floor.
They danced quietly for a moment, neither one speaking.
"So… Tony, huh?" Peter looked up at him with a furrowed brow.
"You called me Tony."
"I-I didn't."
"Yes, you did. I think I'd notice my name falling from these cute lips " Peter blushed as Tony caressed Peter's bottom lip with his thumb.
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"We'll be back in a little while. Call us if anything changes." With that, Steve and Bucky left, closing the curtain back behind them. Tony focused back on Peter, petting his hair gently.
"I'm so tired, Tony..." Peter said, his voice low.
Tony's heart broke. He's never seen Peter this weak before and he hopes he never has to again. "Then sleep, Honey. I'll be right here when you wake up." Peter hummed, scooting away from him as far as he could.
"What're you doing?" Tony asked, confused.
"Lay with me..." Tony huffed a small laugh.
"I don't think I'm allowed to, Peter."
"I don't care. I want you..." After that, Tony didn't care either. He toed off his sneakers and placed his phone on the guest's chair, climbing into the small stretcher as carefully as possible, being mindful of Peter's IV line and monitor wires. Once he was as comfortable as he was going to get, he pulled Peter close to him and covered them both up with the thin hospital blanket. Once Peter was settled, Tony placed a gentle kiss atop his head.
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villxinmiixx · 2 years
I have a request, What is the reaction of Shigaraki, Geten, Dabi, Mr. Compress, Hawks, and Tokoyami to the Filipino S/O that cooked adobo for them (We need more Filipino representation in these fanfics/ imagines/ headcanons) and I know you can do it better than me.
- mellomarshmello/ keigorgeous
adddooooooobo !
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hawks ( takami keigo ), shigaraki tomura, dabi, mr. compress ( atsuhiro sako), geten, tsukuyomi ( tokoyami fumikage )
+ gn!reader
+ genre; fluff
+ mixx's note; i'm tired 😭
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ャ hawks;
ㅤhim? with a filipino s/o? hmm, i won't say he would give a fuck? since y'know he's a hero, he doesn't discriminate against races or gender or the color of your skin.
ㅤbut i'd say, he never went to philippines before; so realizing you came from and/or have half of the blood of filipinos seemed so cool to him.
ㅤif you grew up eating filipino food and like cooking, there you go! he'd taste anything you make! especially food from the philippines, even if it does look disgusting!
ㅤhe'll still taste it, but of course he's going to be honest about what he likes; he's not gonna let you make food that he doesn't like or may or may not throw it in the garbage! he wants you to use ingredients that he'll actually eat, otherwise it'll be a waste.
ㅤunless you wanna eat it??
ㅤthe first time you cooked adobo for him he was skeptical, due to the fact it's brown?? and it's soup? for all he knows it's probably sh- /J!!!
ㅤbut oh my goodness, the moment he ate adobo with rice, oh my fucking god.
ㅤhe started eating like no tomorrow. the sweet and slightly bitter taste was just ✨perfection✨ to him.
ㅤsafe to say when you make him adobo he brings it to work for lunch/baon.
you also taught him a few filipino words! and now he's bless-ly cursed accidentally saying them on a daily basis!
ャ shigaraki tomura;
ㅤhe does not care what your nationality is. like he gives zero fucks.
ㅤyou could be from belgium and he wouldn't give a fuck-
ㅤwhen you made him adobo let's say he was disgusted, it was a tiny bit slimy and he was staring at it with a brow raised while looking back and forth at you and the food.
ㅤhe's not trying to be rude!! kind of-? he's just- what's the word- surprised?? that you gave him a dish? that may or may not kill him if he eats it.
ㅤbut you assured him that it was edible and you can't die from it.
ㅤso he rolled his eyes and ate it.
ㅤhe said it was good 🤷🏻
ャ dabi;
ㅤjust like shigaraki and hawks, he doesn't really care what your nationality or race is; he literally could care less.
ㅤunlike the others, he actually walked in while you were making the adobo- he said it smelled great and said he can't wait to eat it when you're done 👍
ㅤhe's one of the mfs that didn't care what it looked like, hindi sya ma-arte ( he's not fussy )
ㅤthe moment you gave him the dish, he tasted it without thinking; he said it was good with a bored expression and gave a thumbs up while chewing.
ャ mr. compress;
ㅤhe finds it amusing since he has never tasted adobo or any other filipino dish.
ㅤso he was actually pretty excited!
ㅤhe even decided to set up the table so fancy, he even included those singular candles on the center of the tables like the ones you see in the movies.
ㅤi won't lie he probably doesn't smell anything under the mask unless he does that loud ass sniff, so you probably heard that while you were making the adobo.
ㅤmf was all *SNIFF* lIKE OKAY..!? CHILL... DAMN!! it's like his hoe ass don't got a nose.
ㅤwhen you put the dish on the table, you can see stars in his eyes since he removed his mask; he was astonished really.
ㅤit smelt so good it's just ✨✨
ㅤhe was asking questions like “what's it called?” “who made it?” “is this soy sauce???”
ㅤit was so adorable i can't.
ャ geten
ㅤhe does not pay attention toward whatever food you decided to give him, if it was poisonous he would spit it onto your face, if it tasted gross he'd spit it on your face, if it- yeah you get the idea.
ㅤso when you actually asked him if he wanted to have a change in the meals you give him and make him one of your countrys' best dish... he raised a brow, atleast- he slowly turned his hooded head towards you.
ㅤhorror movie lookin' actin' ass...
ㅤhe shrugged and walked away from you with his hands in his pockets 🤷🏻
ㅤwhich you took as a yes because you already bought the ingredients and you won't be taking a no or an i don't know as an answer 🖕
ㅤwhen you stopped by wherever he fuckin' trains, you were holding a tray with a plate, utensils, etc. and an unknown dish that caught his eye.
ㅤit was oily, and much like shigaraki; he looked towards you and the adobo.
ㅤhis... hooded.. facial.. expression?.. practically spelled out; “tf is this?”
ㅤbut you brought a spoon with the soup to his mouth and told him to say “ah” he reluctantly did and drank the soup.
ㅤhuh. it didn't taste all that bad. it's just the appearance. slimy ass appearance-
ャ tsukuyomi;
ㅤone of the people along with compress that would actually help you make the adobo despite not knowing what the fuck to do.
ㅤyou tell him stories about how your parents would sometimes make this and you'd always be a happy little child when they did.
ㅤyou promised him it was gonna taste delicious and he nodded, trusting you.
ㅤhe even asked if he could let his friends taste it too because he wanted everyone to taste your wonderful cooking!!
ㅤalthough tokoyami does think that you should only make food for him because.. you know.. he's your boyfriend, it's only fair.
ㅤalong with the rest of his class he thought it tasted great!
ㅤhe looks forward eating more of the dishes that came from your country that is made by you <3
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+ mixx's note; it's been so long~ sINCE I HAVE POSTED A FICCC 💢 this was hella fun though!! thank you for asking an amazing hc rq again hexrts! <3
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