#otha young
mitjalovse · 1 year
Cover songs can do favours to their musicians. They can make them successful like they did in the case of Juice Newton. Yes, I know, the fact her biggest hits are mostly the pieces by the other people shouldn't suggest anything, because her versions of them eventually became the most famous ones of them all. I mean, the tune in the link doesn't really differ from the original arrangement-wise, yet I think Mrs. Newton's voice fits the mood of the song much better. She has a certain swagger present in her vocals, which transforms the entire composition in a more ebbulient athmosphere. Whereas Dave Edmunds sounds like he's close towards the desperation, Juice Newton seems to be having a lot of fun during the whole enterprise.
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carlsample8 · 3 months
Me in the back, middle w/ Mary Ann Jackson and "The Up All Night Blues Band". R.I.P. the late Martin "Big Boy" Grant.
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whattraintracks · 3 months
7. Prank Successful - The Next Mutation
Venus, Raph, and Donnie figure out how to reverse the hypnosis caused in "Sewer Crash."
"Well then," Raph stretches. "Guess we tell the guys it's safe to say the b-word again." 
Venus perks up. "Bit—" 
"The otha' b-word, Venus." 
"Well, we could do that." Donnie raises steepled hands to his chin. "Or..." 
"I can't take it anymore! Make it stop!" 
Raph levels Mikey a look somewhere between unimpressed and exasperated. "Make what stop?" 
Venus is humming to herself as she unloads a bag of groceries. A carton of banana peppers, banana pudding, and banana-flavored cheez-its join their bounty on the kitchen table. 
"The groceries!" He anguishes. 
"Whaddaya mean stop the groceries?" He brandishes an anchovy and banana hot pocket. "We need food, and you told me it was my turn to get 'em." 
"Not this kind of food! Anything but this! This is too cruel, Raph! What have I done to be punished like this!? How am I supposed to eat all of these banana foods when I can't even say the wor—" He cuts himself short with a gasp, eyes bulging. 
It takes everything Raph's got not to grin. Don was right: hook, line, and sinker. Mikey whips around to the turtle himself, already playing his part to a tee. 
"My will is yours," Donnie intones. 
"No! Donnie!" Mikey reaches out to shake him, "Banana!" 
Right on cue, Leo charges in. "Did somebody say banana!?" 
"Dude!" Mikey yelps, spinning around and throwing his hands to his head, "I already said it twice!" 
They look at Donnie, still droning. 
"Banana!" They both shout. 
"I'll say it!" 
"No, I'll say it!" 
They're not even looking at Donnie anymore, just shouting frantically in each other's faces. Raph watches with growing delight as Donnie stands and leaves the room completely unnoticed. 
Venus—because she's much sneakier than everyone gives her credit—creeps over, looking equally delighted. She braces on his shoulder to peek past the fridge at Donnie, then back at dumb and dumber. "How long do you think they will fall at it?" 
"That's fall for it, babe." He grins slyly at her. "And as long as Masta' Splinter lets 'em." 
She snickers. Sensei's never met a well-meaning joke he didn't love. 
The shouting match chokes when Leo finally realises, "Donnie's gone!" 
"Oh no!" Mikey shoves past Leo to the stairs. "Don't do it, Donnie! You're too young for prison!" 
Leo races after him. He's almost entirely up the ladder before he shouts, "Raph, Venus, come on!" 
Raph presses a fist to his beak. He makes eye contact with Venus, and she bursts into high, pealing laughter. Before long, they're both busting a gut. 
"Oh, man!" He folds over the table. "That was so much better than I thought it would be." 
Venus is on her knees giggling, "Should," she hiccups, "should we?" 
"I'll watch them with the satellite," Donnie reassures as he wanders back into the kitchen, grabbing a bag of seaweed and banana chips. He salutes Raph with a little grin. 
"Good with me. Say, Venus," he bids, offering her a hand up. "You ever seen Dumb and Dumber?"
Bonus: the sketch I made to help me figure out where everyone was in this scene.
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draiochtoaksacademyrp · 9 months
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As the Moonfall Arc slowly comes to an end, here’s some quick recaps of what happened.
Hey everyone Steve here!
Today was crazy. First was a lock down while Skyward and Midnight Nightmare reunite ! Professor Theo losing control of listener set off a massive chain reaction.
We were introduced to new students! The Pink Bunny Azalea and a new gloomy face, Sienna!
Despite the new faces we were struck with tragedy. First Professor Theo was revealed to be the malicious entity and was beheaded on school grounds by the Queens Crown Prince. Nazacth the reaper. Shortly before he had a chance to return the storm hit. 5 Students were lead into the forest. Screams were heard and bonds shattered forever.....
Karenos collapsed immediately from the pain. Leone was taken to the hospital with him. Lei unfortunately witness something so horrible it rendered her in hysterics.
Seeing fellow students and close friends on the screen broke many hearts. Saoirse fainted due to the news of death and news of pregnancy. What a rollarcoaster of emotions. Kylona broke down losing her dearest friend Urgrad. Sara lost her trusted protector Theo but gained a new protector and lover, Lorelay.
Savken and barry are understandably in distress. Someone get those guys a drink. What will come of everyone in the coming days. Well as we lose one teacher we gained another. Music teacher Vienna!
In memorium:
Theodore Jefferys-Aldwin
Sylvana Kapiche
Urgrad Malefice Bargran
Dagormith Vaelion Praxis-Azalea
Cerana Morgaltha
Nar Hadia'AzraqIl'Abi (Damn no one noticed him)
Sleazius Sleaze
**coughs** It seems we miscalculated the amount dead.... Our apologies
Will we find the murderer? Next time in Draiocht Oak Academy!
Yo, Leone reporting in for recap.
Day after tragedy we were hit once again. Verity was put under an illusion of her mate being attacked by a creep. Little to her knowledge she wasn't attacking a grown creep but a 10 year old student. After the air got spicy with some electricity it seems the illusion was broken before the final blow could be dealt. Verity was understandably distraught and confused. Runa and i ran the kid to the hospital where his life was saved but despite the best doctors and a saintess, he would remain paralyzed. Cant wait for that lawsuit.
After a while Barry came to vouch for verity despite my nose already telling me she spoke the truth. Soon there was an earthquake that put our resident unicorn into a fit where her mother in law soon stole her, Lei and Ra off to Maex manor it the school gets its shit straight, (I dont blame them). Lorelay finally makes it to the hospital to calm verity down.
Meanwhile Runa and i left and reported to HeadMistress and S Class teacher Snow about our findings on the true culprit. While staff was searching for a stranger attacking students. Using clues we deduced the following.
-They're attending the school as a student.
-They have illusion based abilities
-The fact they used lorelay against verity means theyre an upper classman. Second year or above. They know them and their past.
While all this is going down Karenos and Otha share a tender moment in hugging eachother as they grieve. Shortly after Kar goes to get otha some nutrients a random black bunny named babs helps Otha find a revealing letter. Seems Sylvana knew one day it would come. After some tears this man is back on the living train and is set on revenge.
Sara goes off to comfort Lorelay and Cassie by doing what she can as a young queen. Sending out Skyward to find the perp. Who will find the culprit first?
In open realm, Rebellion brews as news hits the Gilded Scales. Fueled with grief and power, They take Hermione (Kar Mother) in custody and Aldora (kar lil sister) escapes using her ability to go through objects. Gilded Scales search for the girl and prepare to storm the school and force Serenity to kneel.
So much has happened in a day. Will the students ever know peace again? Who knows. Til next time! Cupid out!
Well fuck, what a day this has been. Sorry, I know you were expecting Leo or one of the teachers, but theyre all busy.... So you get me, Sienna. Sorry again.....
The wave of tragedy and angst hits us for a third day in a row. It seems like no matter where I go, I never catch a break. Apparently the gilded scales (an elite group of dragon warriors) are approaching the school, craving vengeance for Urgrad (RIP). This put the school in an uproar, destroying any semblence of normalcy. And to top it off, the daycare went up in flames while we were all going down into the bunker, with kids still inside!?!?!?!?
Luckily for the kids, staff were quick to attend to the blaze, with the help of some brave students. Although unfortunately, they were unable to save everyone. Those charged with taking care of the babies were found dead in the ashes, and two children disappeared
Hello sweetlings~ Mama Agatha here with todays recap!
Today was truly a whirlwind. After the evacuation to the bunker. Everyone above leapt into battle. Unfortunately she wasn’t the head of guard for show. Professor Morgan was decapitated. Worry not students. She will return in a few days. Staff, Students and Guards alike all encountered many injuries. And some laid dead.
Before more could die the Queen came through and exploded the traitors organs ~ . With clean up and everyone recuperating. Everyone can finally exit the bunker.
In other, less grave news. Ryo bonds with Damien. Lorelay gets busted by Azels big mouth~ everyone enjoys their slightly cannibalistic burgers and talks of eugenics? A new player joins the scene as well bringing Caffiene to the much needed Medical crew. Remember students. Thank the staff for everything. Til next time. Bai bai~ 🖐️💕
Dr Jason here for todays recap.
While the school staff attempts to regain some semblance of normalcy with Power tag and Power Dodgeball. They have some fun for once. Children actually enjoying using their powers after the latest battle.
Unfortunately though, during Dodgeball a young lady names Cassandra hatches a pitiful revenge. Much like Mrs Verity, she was under an illusion that the Prefect of our fox house, Fos Alepou, Leone Corinth , was the murderer of not only his own mate, but her older brother Sleazius.
After a tearjerking monologue about her brothers true role, She plunges a dagger coated in the waters of styx into the prefects chest. Mixing with the already deadly Visirium Dust causing his organs to fall into failure.
Thankfully we have two phoenixs on site, with both their tears and the kindness of Lorelay Polly in donating her organs, Mr Corinth will pull through. After much convincing Miss Cassandra finally realizes the gravity of her actions. Now cursed by the goddess Amie, she sits with the weight of almost murdering an innocent. Not only an innocent, but the only witness to the true murderer who is still on the loose.
While all this is going down, were still in the middle of the dodgeball match. Who will win? Team 1 or Team 2? Place bets now. Til next time. Jason out.
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chackyxyooj · 1 year
Like Boats in the Night
Note: AoT Season 4 (Part 1) Potential Spoilers; WC ~5700
The wind was loud and harsh against the skin of passersby that evening. Most of them had already gone to bed for the night, though a select few chose to remain away from their homes. Whether it was for a moment of peace, late business hours, a moment to take the edge off or a little bit of adventure in a boring mundane life. Regardless of the reason though they all shared a common denominator.
They were all here in hopes of figuring something out.
A young auburn haired man grumbled in discomfort as the door to the bar swung open.
The bar was a small one located in the richer section of town; the northern side. Far away from the soldier training grounds and Eldian living area. Just how many of the Marelyan’s liked it.
The front and left walls of the bar were made of bricks, chairs and tables lined up along the sides. The back and right walls were connected to other rooms and separated with wooden planks. The bar, and the section that the bartender stayed in, was a square in the middle of the room that connected with the back wall. A door which led to the back kitchen was pushed off to the back right corner.
Empty glasses hung off the wall behind the bar. The barkeeper sat off to the side cleaning a glass while a young couple made small talk in the opposite corner of the bar. Three men playing cards were tucked away in the front right corner, opposite the auburn haired male.
Just entering the bar was a tired woman. From her clothing one could tell that she was a soldier of some sort. Her clothing looked like a uniform of some sort though it was unkempt. Everyone in the small bar chose to mind their own business, though the woman had quickly caught the attention of the auburn haired male.
“What can I get for ya, darlin?” Asked the barkeep.
“Something strong. I’ve had a really long day.”
“How bout a Queen’s Blue Tonic?”
“What’s in it?”
“It’s better you don’t know. Just know that it’ll likely knock you out in a good moment if ya don’t get somethin in your stomach.”
“Don’t worry,” the woman smirked, “I’m a pretty heavy drinker.”
The barkeep shrugged, “well, don’t expect me ta do anythin special if ya end up koncked out. You’ll be thrown out just like all the otha fools who drink more than they can handle.”
“Duly noted.”
The auburn haired male had been intrigued by the unknown woman as soon as she walked in. He had been coming to this bar for a good while now and he hadn’t seen anyone like her come in here before.
Now, it was a real shitty thing to pick someone up at a bar, especially when they looked to be having a bad day, but could you have really blamed the auburn haired male? Who didn’t want a prince charming like himself to cheer them up?
The woman had downed her drink in a single shot after the bartender had given it to her. To the auburn haired male’s surprise she hadn’t seemed fazed at all. She wasn’t even flushed. The only other person the auburn haired male had seen take a heavy drink and not get phased was a certain green eyed male… Something to do with his ‘special abilities.’
Regardless, the auburn haired male had decided that he was definitely going to talk to this unknown woman.
“So what brings a sweet girl like you to a place like this?” Asked the auburn haired male.
The woman rolled her eyes, “I can break your arm in three different ways and every bone in your hand, Mister. I’ve had a very bad day and I doubt you want to be on the receiving end of my annoyance.”
Mister smirked, “well, I’ve heard that the best remedy for a bad day is a drink-”
“That is what I happen to be doing.”
“You didn’t let me finish.”
“If the answer ends in something I find unpleasant you are definitely going to be leaving this bar with a broken bone.”
“Let’s make this a good one then.” the auburn haired male, Mister grinned widely, “I’ve heard that you need a strong drink and a fresh listener.”
“A fresh listener?”
“Of course! Someone who you don’t know is always the best person to vent to.”
“And are you offering your ‘fresh listening’ services to me?”
“Only if you insist.”
“I’m not insisting.”
“Well I certainly am.”
The woman chuckled, “I guess I’ll entertain you if you’re that insistent. There’s this friend of mine who’s been lying to me and I recently figured it out. I’ve been ignoring them and while I know that’s childish I’m not really sure what to do.”
“So what if it’s childish?” Mister provoked, “you shouldn’t have to do anything that you don’t want to. If you want to ignore that person then ignore that person.”
“That advice was… surprising.”
“In a good way?”
“Now, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
The auburn haired male hadn’t been expecting this conversation to go so… well. There weren’t many people in his life that humoured him and even less that put up with his banter. Giving a piece of advice was the least he could do for this tired woman.
Regardless of how he felt he knew that nothing would ever come out of this conversation.
She was likely to become just another pretty face in the night that would blur with all the other people that he had met before. It was what happened when you met a lot of different people.
Though, while in the moment, the auburn haired male would enjoy it. It was nice to be around someone that didn’t take him for a condescending asshole. There were definitely more parts to him and perhaps some of them would be seen tonight.
“You know, if you were trying to hit on me, you’re doing a very bad job at it.” teased the woman.
Mister chuckled, “you don’t even think that I deserve a chance? I am quite the looker you know?”
“If you say so.”
“Do you want another drink or something to eat? That drink you had was enough to put a six foot male to sleep. I’ll ask the barkeep for you, though you would have to pay for it.”
Now it was the woman’s turn to laugh, “you really are charming, aren’t you Mister?”
Mister held his hands up in mock surrender, “guilty as charged.”
“Anyways, it’s alright. I’m a really heavy drinker. I don’t like to brag but it really does take a lot for me to feel something.” the woman yawned, “besides, I only came here for a quick drink. Curfew for us Warriors is coming up soon, so I need to be heading back.”
“Well, don’t say that I didn’t offer.”
“Oh, you didn’t! It’s on me, remember.”
Truly, the auburn haired male was caught. It had been awhile since he could last recall having this much fun when talking with someone. It really was so much easier when you were talking with a stranger.
Perhaps he would have to start making small talk with strangers more. Though he doubted there would be many strangers like her around. Or at least, not many people that would put up with an intrusive stranger like him. Not to mention he still needed to do what he had come here for. He still had a mission that he needed to complete.
“Say,” the woman’s icey blue gaze met his own as she eyed him curiously, “you look rather familiar. Do I know you from somewhere? Were you perhaps a soldier or cadet in the army at one point?”
“Definitely not.” the auburn haired male, for the first time tonight, lied, “I’m not much of a fighter. I can name at least ten people that are better than me.”
The most interesting people are found at night. Or at least the people who had the most to say about something could be found at night. Talking to folks when they were relaxed and had their guard down was the best time to get information out of people.
Or at least, that was what they told the auburn haired male.
He had been assigned a mission that he needed to complete. A mission that involved the collection of information. Unfortunately, he seemed to be tough out of luck tonight - which was why he found himself back in a familiar bar with a drink in hand as he attempted to find something useful.
His mind wandered back to the icey eyed woman. As someone in the military, it was likely that she knew at least some secrets. And had she said something about the Warriors? The auburn haired male honestly wasn’t too sure.
His mind hadn’t been in the right place when he had started talking to her.
And frankly, it likely wasn’t right at this moment either.
Time statute of limitations was quickly coming to a close and the auburn haired male had barely gathered any information that they didn’t already know.
Perhaps drowning his sorrows in drink after drink wasn’t the best way to gather information. Though, in the defence of the auburn haired male, any information that he did find was likely not going to change anything anyway.
The plans had already been set in motion. All they had to do was wait. Wait for just the right moment before they-
“What’s got you in the dumps today, Mister?” Asked a familiar voice.
Well, speak -think- if the devil and thou shall appear
“Was it that obvious?” The auburn haired male asked.
“No,” she grinned, “it just happens to be one of my special abilities. I like to consider myself an empath of sorts.”
“At least one of us is in a good mood.” Mister downed the rest of his drink, “so what brings you back here? You seem more like a one time customer than a regular patron.”
“I’m not too sure about it either,” she gestured to the barkeep, “perhaps I just wanted more of your ‘amazing’ advice. The Barkeep had poured two shots of whatever Mister had already been drinking before heading back to the other side of the bar. The woman with icy eyes seemed to smirk when she noticed that the auburn haired male was only eyeing his drink. “Don’t worry, Mister, it’s on me.”
“You’re never going to let that go, are you?”
“Yeah.” The woman nodded, “it depends on how any of our further interactions go. We may not even speak again. The line of work I’m involved in is rather dangerous.”
“So is mine.”
“What was that?”
Mister chuckled, “nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about.”
The woman looked as if she wanted to say something but shook her head, “so what seems to be bothering you?”
“What makes you think I’d tell you?”
“Well,” the woman grinned. It certainly seemed that she was enjoying tonight much more than the auburn haired male, “a certain ‘Prince Charming’ had told me a strong drink and a fresh listener was a good remedy to any problems someone might be having.”
“You’re not fresh. I’ve already spoken to you.”
“Come on! It’ll be the least I can do after you spoke to me. We can call it payment for the drinks.”
Mister was suddenly regretting his own brash actions from the previous night. He hadn’t been expecting her to return and entirely ignored his own selfish wants to find her again. By admitting his selfish wants, he would be admitting that he had violated rule number two.
Don’t make any connections beyond information gathering.
Well, he was already in too deep. He doubted that the woman would let him go without spilling at least a little bit of information about himself.
“Well, there’s this girl-”
She cut him off, “you don’t have to lie.”
“And how do you know I’m lying?”
“You wouldn’t have been ‘flirting’ with me the other night if there was ‘some girl’ that you cared about. No, you seem more like someone who’s stressed from work.” She had hit the nail right on its head.
“And how in the world did you come to that conclusion?”
“I’m an empath, remember?”
“Of course. You don’t seem very keen on letting me forget.”
“So, what’s got you so stressed?”
Was this really the right thing to be talking about?
Well, it was worth taking a shot. Any advice was better than nothing at this point.
It’s not like she would end up being someone he knew, right?
“There… is someone I admire. He’s a coworker, and he’s asked me to do something for him but I’m not too sure how things will play out.” ‘Mister continued, “I think his idea is brilliant, but I’m just not sure if I can do what he’s asked of me.”
“Wow. It really does sound like you have it rough.”
“Yeah. So do you have any brilliant advice to help me out?”
“Well, is this ‘thing’ you have to do illegal?” asked the woman.
Mister grinned mischievously, “in a way.”
The icy eyed woman continued, “well then, I guess you’ll just have to ask yourself how important this ‘thing you have to do’ is and if this ‘person you admire’ is really worth it. Honestly, what you should be truly asking yourself is, how far are you willing to go?”
How far was he willing to go?
How many people would die or get hurt from the actions that Mister would do. From the crimes that he would commit? Would it end up taking his own life?
Mister wasn’t all too sure yet.
Despite seeming like a woman around his age her words seemed many years past his own. Her eyes got this strange faraway look as she spoke to him. It looked as though she had many demons of her own.
Thinking about how much other people could be suffering was always such a strange thing for the auburn haired male. He had grown up in a time and place where people only focused on themselves. On their own wants and needs. His own father had been someone who placed his needs above his childrens’ needs - above his own.
So, it was hard for him to consider the feelings of others sometimes.
He guessed that everyone had their own problems that they needed to deal with.
After a long moment of silence between the auburn haired and icy eyed woman, the bartender had come back, asking, “so is that all the two of y’all be drinkin?”
The icy eyed woman nodded before placing a few bills on the table.
“Y'all want change?”
“It’s alright.”
The barkeep shrugged, collecting the money before heading off to talk to other patrons of the bar.
“Well, good luck with any problems you have, Mister.” the icy eyed woman smiled, “oh, and if you were wondering, my name’s (Y/n) (L/n).”
Of course the icy eyed woman would end up being someone he knew.
(Y/n) (L/n).
Who didn’t know (Y/n) (L/n)? Marley’s prodigy Crystal Shifter.
One of the five Titan Shifters that Marley controlled; one of the two Warriors that had returned from their five year mission to the devil island, Paradis, and the girl who was just shy of placing among the top ten of the 104 cadets.
Mister was simultaneously freaking out and realising what kind of opportunity this was. There was a high possibility that Mister would end up saying something that would compromise his position, yet there was likely a lot of important information that he might’ve been able to get out of her.
Now that the auburn haired male actually thought about it, he did think that it was rather strange that she didn’t recognize him earlier. While she had been drinking the first night that he had approached her, she wasn’t one to get drunk - even if the drink was a heavy one. Perhaps he was just so unmemorable that he hadn’t stuck in her memory? Had he really been just another drop in the ocean that was her life?
Truthfully though, the auburn male hadn’t exactly recognized her at first either.
Her appearance had changed a bit from when she was younger. While the young (Y/n) had always been cute, it seemed that she had grown into her features better. Finishing puberty seemed to have done wonders for her. Her form seemed much stronger than it had been when they were younger. But the thing that separated this (Y/n) from the young one that Mister had met was the confidence she walked with.
Before, Mister thought that the (h/c) haired girl had always walked around as if she were nervous. As if she didn’t belong. At first, the auburn haired male thought that it might’ve been because she had been born closer to the interior and was nervous about her new surroundings. Then, he had assumed it to be because her ‘sister’ Mina had died.
Now though, he understood the reason why.
A confidence that commanded soldiers and made enemies fall to their feet was what followed her, and it was that confidence which prevented Mister from recognizing her at first. The confidence was intimidating, demanded attention and most of all, was attractive.
Mister had always considered (Y/n) to be cute, but he hadn’t thought of her as attractive before.
Regardless of how the auburn male felt there was still a mission he needed to complete. An assignment that needed to be fulfilled.
Everyone who had been assigned with infiltration had been told not to interact with the Warrior Candidates or Warriors - especially the Crystal Titan Shifter. But that didn’t stop Mister from going to the very same bar that he met her.
The first few nights could be argued as incompetence and confusion.
Tonight though, would be him directly going against orders.
Orders were the last thing on his mind as the icey eyed girl took a seat beside him, ordering the same drink she had last time.
Mister wondered if the (h/c)ette had done something to alter the colouring of her eyes. If it had something to do with Marley’s technology or with her Titan Shifting abilities.
“So, do you live here?” (Y/n) asked, resting her head on her hand.
The auburn haired male turned to face her, “this happens to be my first time here this week, Miss (Y/n). If anything, I’d think you were the one who lives here. Though, if I had the chance of seeing someone as attractive as myself here, I’d keep coming as well.”
(Y/n) playfully rolled her eyes, “you’re cute, but don’t you think you’re flattering yourself a little too much, Mister?”
“Really? I can cook, clean and fight! Not to mention that I’m quite the looker.” the auburn haired male gave the girl a wink, “the whole package deal if you ask me.”
“Perhaps we just have different ideas of what ‘the whole package’ is.”
“And what is your ideal man, or woman, Miss (Y/n)?”
The girl let out a chuckle, “I find guys with short, dark hair attractive, so I might not be the right person to judge your physical appearance. Personality wise, I think it’s humble guys that really get me going.”
“And what do you mean by ‘get you going’?” Teased the auburn haired male.
“I’m going to need a few more drinks before we get to talking about personal things like that.”
“A few? More like an entire store’s worth.”
Her eyes cleared up as she looked at Mister curiously, “do I give off the impression of a heavy drinker?”
Oh shit!
“Well, it was just that on the first night we met you were drinking a heavy drink and didn’t get very drunk! I just assumed that-”
“Oh!” She let out an airy chuckle, “I wasn’t talking about myself getting drunk! What I meant was that you’ll need a few more drinks before I tell you anything.”
“And why is that?”
“Well, you know who I am and I don’t know who you are. I wouldn’t want to tell you anything if you’ll remember it. Can’t have you telling all my secrets and then slipping away in the night, can I?”
Mister was curious to know if his cover was blown yet, or if (Y/n) was always this protective when telling people things about herself? It seemed that the latter was more likely. After all, even before he had known who she was she was still hesitant when talking about herself.
“Then how about another drink then?” The auburn haired male asked.
“Sure,” (Y/n) smirked, “on me, of course.”
“Of course.”
“So, you can’t remember who you had your first kiss with?” (Y/n) asked.
Mister, whose face was already flushed from drinking, nodded, “yes! Because of my late shift I was basically the last person to arrive at the party. Everyone thought it a great idea to start playing a drinking version of truth or dare as soon as I arrived. I had about five too many drinks when the person sitting next to me was dared to kiss me.”
(Y/n) smiled, “you sound like you’ve had quite the entertaining life as a soldier.”
“Yeah.” Mister took another swig before grinning, “So who was your first kiss with, Miss (Y/n)?”
“My first kiss was with a boy when we were around… ten?”
“Ten! That doesn't count!” the auburn haired male exclaimed, “what about back when you were a cadet? You had all the boys chasing you back then, didn’t you?”
“Well, that’s a bit of an overstatement.”
“Perhaps we should start thinking of ways of getting you home, Mister.” (Y/n) chuckled, “do you need me to walk you home?”
“You know, I used to wonder why you six didn’t get drunk! If I had known about the shifty thing about you shifters and your drinking, I wouldn’t have agreed back-”
“Oh there you are!!” exclaimed a young boy who had entered the bar, “I’ve been looking for you everywhere!”
If the auburn haired male had been in the right state of mind, he would’ve noticed the stiffness of the newcomer as they (the newcomer) spotted the Crystal Shifter. He would’ve been able to stop himself from saying such careless things.
It was just lucky for him that (Y/n)’s own relief had kept her from putting the pieces together at that moment or Mister might’ve found himself encased in crystal.
“Ah! Tom! I was wondering if you’d come to find me today!”
“And of course you had to be drunk.”
(Y/n) gave an apologetic smile, “sorry! That’s most definitely my fault.”
“Oh! I-it’s alright ma’am!” ‘Tom’ exclaimed, keeping his head down, “my… uncle! Yes, my uncle here has a… problem with drinking! My parents have been worried sick about him!”
“Oh! I’m sorry for helping him indulge in a bad habit then.”
“Hey!” Mister suddenly quipped, “I am not your uncle! We’re practically the same age!”
(Y/n) laughed, “well, since it seems that Mister here is in good hands, I’ll be heading out now.”
“Goodbye ma’am!” squeaked ‘Tom’.
With the final shutting of the door, ‘Tom’ let out a sigh of relief before turning to Mister with a scowl in his face.
“I thought you said that you had the Crystal Titan Shifter under control!” ‘Tom’ exclaimed.
Mister grimaced, but a response never came as he passed out, falling face first onto the table.
“I don’t like it here.” exclaimed a young boy who had flopped back in his seat.
A young girl, who seemed to be around the same age as the boy, smiled playfully, “and yet you continue to linger.”
The young boy rolled his eyes, “only because it was necessary for me. I feel like the air stings my eyes and the foreign language feels bitter against my tongue.”
The young children sat at a small cafe, opposite the bar that Mister frequented. A small table was set up for the two of them. The pair of children sat opposite one another and seemed to have been somewhere within their mid-teens. They were both fair haired and light skinned, leaving Mister to wonder if they were related somehow.
“Maybe it’s your toxic personality that’s tainted the environment around here?” teased the girl.
The boy scoffed, “I bet you think you’re so clever.”
“I don’t think so. I know.”
Mister didn’t stay to listen to any more of the conversation - not that he cared to listen. It seemed like such a meaningless conversation in the long run. Especially when he had such an important mission to complete.
Mister could barely remember what had happened last night. Something about learning secrets after a few too many drinks.
The auburn haired male’s frustration was accompanied with a throbbing headache and a pain in his side. Everything was uncomfortable.
Oh, how he missed days where he could be blissful and ignorant. His own childhood had been very easy, especially in comparison to those that he knew. He hadn’t been chased out of his home and forced into service. It was something that he had chosen to do. A choice that he had been privileged enough to make.
And all the decisions that Mister chose to make accumulated to him currently listening to pointless conversations like this one.
There were whispers of runaway couples, men who never returned home to their families after war, and folks who planned the deaths of each other. All such cruel and harsh things, yet all so pointless in the grand scheme of things. All so useless to his mission with nothing in relation to what he had been assigned to gather.
It was almost about as useless as drinking to get rid of a hangover.
“Fancy seeing you here.” An annoyingly chipper voice rang. Mister never really liked early morning conversations, and this one was no different.
A short string of curses began to fall as the auburn haired male turned to greet the new onlooker. However, he very quickly found those words replaced with silence when he met with the icy gaze of the Crystal Titan Shifter.
Her icy gaze didn’t feel quite as cold in the morning as it did at night.
“Not here to drink during the day, are you?”
“I like to think of it as a sort of pick-me-up after a rough night.”
“I’m not sure your… nephew would approve.”
“Well, it’s a good thing I don’t care about his opinion.”
The (h/c) haired female crossed her arms. “Then it’s a bad thing that I do.”
Mister had never really considered red to be one of his favourite colours, but the red band the Crystal Shifter wore particularly caught his eye today. It seemed to be so much more distinct in the morning sunlight. Especially against the dark green jacket she currently wore. Perhaps then, it wasn’t really the band which caught his eye but the jacket beneath it, but Mister wasn’t about to worry himself about it now.
“To be fair, it’s kind of your fault that I have a killer headache this morning.” Replied the auburn haired male.
(Y/n) laughed, “I suppose it is. Instead of an early morning drink, how about a cup of coffee instead? On me, as per usual.”
Mister wasn’t one to turn down a good time, but chit chatting with the enemy has never been the brightest of ideas. If the previous night was a testament to anything, Mister knew the answer he should have given to her offer. Yet despite his better judgement, Mister found himself sitting across from the Crystal Shifter faster than he would’ve thought possible. He almost disliked how eagerly he had agreed to the coffee in the first place.
“So were you hoping to run into me this morning?” teased Mister.
“Whatever do you mean?”
“Well, usually when we meet at the bar, it’s because you’d been looking for me.” The auburn haired male grinned, “and I hate to say it, but you are the one who approached me this morning.”
The Crystal Titan Shifter sat back in her seat. “It just so happens that the bar in this part of town is across from one of the best bakeries, in my humble opinion. But I suppose if you like the idea of me coming all this way to search for you, then who am I to put an end to your fantasies?”
“My fantasies?” 
“Of course! But… I believe I’m getting ahead of myself. Tell me, can you keep a secret?”
“Depends on the kind of secret you share.”
(Y/n) smiled, but it wasn’t one that made Mister feel at ease. “I’m not supposed to say things like this, but I don’t believe that the wars and battles I fight in are justified.”
“And why would you, a golden child of Marley, say something like that?”
“I’ve seen first hand what the battlefield does to people. I’ve spilled the blood of friends and foes alike. And one day, I’m afraid that the blood spilled will be my own.”
“You say that like you’re scared.”
“Aren’t you?”
The urge to laugh bubbled up inside of the auburn haired male despite the fact that nothing funny had been said. In fact, he didn’t even find what (Y/n) had begun talking about amusing in the slightest. If there had ever been a moment to trust his gut, now would’ve been the time. Not that he decided to listen to himself.
“I’m scared of death, but I’m not scared of dying. I’m scared of my death being meaningless.”
“And what would you describe as a meaningless death?”
“A death that creates no change.”
“For death to be meaningless it would mean that your life was meaningless. And I believe that no life is meaningless.” Mister gave (Y/n) a curious look. A look which must have implied he thought the shifter to be lying as moments later, (Y/n) deadpanned, “do you think I’m lying?”
Something in the way (Y/n)’s gaze had changed from looking at him to through him made Mister feel uneasy.
Mister thought he saw something flicker across the girl’s expression for a moment… something that awfully reminded him of the things she used to do back then. In fact, Mister recalled that all six of them shared that in common. From time to time, their eyes would become glazed over with a longing for something. He didn’t know what it was, but he was sure that it only ever happened to the six of them because they were-
“I noticed that the other night you mentioned something about how the six of us shifters didn’t get drunk.”
“And there’s only five Warriors in Marley. Who are you?”
The wind was loud and harsh against the skin of passersby that evening. Most of them had already gone to bed for the night, though a select few chose to remain away from their homes. Whether it was for a moment of peace, late business hours, a moment to take the edge off or a little bit of adventure in a boring mundane life. Regardless of the reason though they all shared a common denominator.
They were all here in hopes of figuring something out.
A young auburn haired man grumbled in discomfort as the door to the bar swung open.
The bar was a small one located in the richer section of town; the northern side. Far away from the soldier training grounds and Eldian living area. Just how many of the Marelyan’s liked it.
Empty glasses hung off the wall behind the bar. The barkeeper sat off to the side cleaning a glass, patiently waiting for more customers to serve.
Just entering the bar was a woman. From her clothing one could tell that she was a soldier of some sort. Her clothing looked like a uniform of some sort, which is likely why it came as a surprise that it was so well kept. The woman had quickly caught the attention of the auburn haired male.
The bartender was quick to respond to the woman’s gaze.
“Queen’s Blue Tonic?”
“No drinks tonight. I’m just here to pay off the tab I’ve accumulated.”
As the barkeep nodded, the auburn haired male couldn’t stop himself from making his way to the female’s side.
“Won’t even stop to say hi?”
When the woman turned her gaze towards the auburn haired male, he immediately noticed that her eyes were an icy blue.
A cold gaze that held no familiarity.
“I’m sorry, do I know you?”
“Considering a good portion of your tab was accumulated on me, I’d hope you at least remember my name. Unless you’ve forgotten already?”
The woman pulled away from the male, clearly uncomfortable.
“I’m sorry, but you must be mistaking me for someone else.”
“No, I’m quite certain I know who I’m talking to.”
“Really? Because I haven’t the slightest clue of who you might be.”
This… wasn’t really happening, was it? The auburn haired male hadn’t said anything during their most recent confrontation which garnered this kind of treatment, had he? Surely not. If anything, the male was certain she would’ve been at least amused to see him.
Instead, he simply sat in shock as the woman paid off her tab with no further comments and left.
He felt just as invisible as he had been as a cadet.
Floch Forester was a no one. A side character in his own life.
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newsie-collective · 1 year
Quickfire Favorites
Food: “Lasagna. All fuckin’ day. Does not matta when or where, it's always lasagna.”
Color: “Light blue, like the sky on a clea’ day.”
Season: “Early summa. When the weatha’s warm, but not overwhelmin’ly hot.”
Weather: “Sunny an’ warm, but not hot.”
Hobby: “Swimmin’. Life just feels betta in the wata.”
Animal: “Giraffes.”
Memory: “First time I gotta whole dime for one pape. That was when I knew I could make it as a newsie.”
Comfort Item: “Ain’t got one. Don’t see no use in havin’ a lotta stuff.”
Second gen US. His parents were young kids when they moved to New York from Italy
Knows minimal Italian. He was never formally taught the language by his parents, he just picked some up
The scar is from a fall when his hip gave out. He was climbing up an old fire escape with Graves when it happened. He thinks it’s embarrassing, so there’s always a different reason
“Fought a shark”
“You should see the otha guy”
“My pops was an evil bastard” (not a lie, but not how he got the scar)
Graves comes up with even crazier stories for how he got his scar
“Fell from grace”
“Got it crawlin’ up from hell”
“He fought Bigfoot and WON”
Considers Graves his best friend. He was there during the accident and didn’t tell what actually happened
Used to wear caps but kept losing them
After losing the third cap he just said fuck it and stopped wearing them 
Lowkey faked his own death. There was a bad fire in the apartment building where he lived with his family, and quite a few people didn't make it out. Once the fire died down, he got just close enough to watch everyone go through the rubble. He saw his parents find what they believed to be his body and realized he could be free. He never looked back
Doesn't talk about life before. He's scared he’ll have to go back to his parents if they find out he’s alive. 
If he thinks he sees his parents, he’ll duck into an alley or hide somewhere until they’re gone
It’s not them everytime, but he has seen them. Turns out, he’s got a little brother now… He hopes they treat him better
He tried to introduce himself to his brother once when he was alone. He panicked a bit and just ended up awkward trying to sell a pape
He was not successful 
Panicked when someone asked his name for the first time after running away. He was so close to saying “Adam” but totally stuttered
He ended up saying he didn’t have one
The next day someone saw him jumping into the river and called him Splasher. It stuck
Swims to help alleviate the chronic joint pain
Once he’s done selling for the day, he’s in the river
Hates the colder months bc it’s just constant pain
Cannot remember a pain day lower than 6/10
Will not admit to the pain
Probably thinks it’s normal
“Wait, you mean you don’t have days when you can barely walk?!?”
Jfc this kid can climb. If he’s not in the river he’s climbing up something
Will sleep on the roof if weather permits
Always outside. If he’s inside, the weather is absolute shit or the world is ending
He’s kinda like a human Waffle House Index in that sense
Like every other newsie, he absolutely adores Miss Medda. Has gone over to Manhattan several times just to make it to one of her shows and try and catch her at the stage door
Stole flowers for her once
Will flirt to hell and back to sell papes
Has flirted with the wrong people…
Playfully flirts with other newsies. Has probably gotten into scraps with other them about flirting with their partners
Mush had to physically restrain Blink once. Splasher told Mush he had the prettiest eyes he’d ever seen. Blink was standing behind him and almost soaked Splasher on the spot
Jack is the only one he won’t flirt with for some reason
Despite all the flirting, he’s not all that interested in finding a partner
High sleight of hand. Doesn’t use it much but can absolutely get his hands in pockets and purses
Pickpocketed during the strike to try and help himself and others through not selling
This is coming out totally definitely on time and not late at all 😬
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howlingday · 2 years
Mama Harley Arc AU: we’ve seen Nora’s first little therapy session how about Weiss’s there’s gotta be a lot to unpack there
"Thank you fuh comin' ta yer first therapy session." Harley greeted as she shut the door behind the heiress. "Can I get ya anything? Watah? Snacks? Tissues?"
"No, thank you." Weiss said as she sat down. "And you're certain no one will hear of this? If my family knew-"
"They would be payin for it themselves." Harley interrupted. "Doctah-patient confadentiality is the first thing they teach psychiatric pruhfeshunals like me." Harley opened her notepad and clicked her pen. "Now, where should we start? Anythin ya need ta get off ya chest?"
"Well, first of all, I'd like to clarify my parents didn't pay for therapy because... it was my grandfather's wishes."
"Oh?" Harley scribbled in hef book. "And what exactly was his reasonin fuh not wantin therapy fuh his grandaugtah?"
"His exact words were, 'Family should help family,' and my parents took it at face value, it seems."
"I see." Harley nodded. "An you think ya parents coulda don more for ya?"
"They could have done anything." Weiss sighed. "My father is the CEO of the Schnee Dust Company, so he hardly has time for me, and whatever time he does manage is just to show me off like a trophy he earned, or to berate me for not doing well enough."
"Has he evah hit you?"
"Not with his own hand." Weiss touched the scar over her eye.
"An what about ya muthah?" Harley asked, hoping to ease her ire towards another billionaire in need of a beatdown. "Was she a nuturin figure?"
"Hardly." Weiss shook her head. "I've never seen her without a bottle or a glass or a flute or a tumbler or a-"
"So ya momma's a drinka. Gotcha." Harley interrupted. "Is she abusive, too?"
"I suppose, but on the other extreme." Weiss sighed. "In her worst moments, she refers to me as Winter."
"Oh, you poor, poor dear." Harley sighed. "And this Wintah is...?"
"My older sister." Weiss smiled. "She's the reason I became a huntress."
"I see." Harley smiled at the good news. "So ya sistah is in the big leagues, and you feel like ya need ta step up and be a bettah person. Someone she would be proud of in place of yer own parents.
"Wow, that's, uh..." Weiss blinked. "That's incredibly accurate."
"It's my job, sweetie, just like it's your job ta do what ya sistah did." Harley stood up, striking a heroic pose. "Get out, see da world, make a name for yourself as ya own Weiss Schnee!" She sat down. "Is dat somewhere in da ballpark?"
"I- yes!" Weiss said with eyes widened. "That is exactly what Winter did!" Weiss awe soon died as she looked down. "She left out on her own, but... she left me and Whitely behind to do it."
"Whitely is ya otha sibling?" Weiss nodded. "And you feel ya left him just like Wintah left you."
"Yes." Weiss sniffed.
"Would ya like a tissue?" Harley offered the box.
"No, no." Weiss held a hand out, looking away. "I'll be fine. I'm Weiss Schnee, and Weiss Schnee doesn't cry."
"Oh?" Harley leaned closer. "Why is that?"
"I am a representative of the Schnee Dust Company and the Schnee family. My reputation is everything."
"Ah, of course." Harley reached into her pocket, pulling out a wallet. "Can I show ya somethin?" Weiss nodded, and Harley showed a photo of a young Jaune, smiling wider than ever. "Wheneva I'm in a tight spot, an I feel like the world is crashin' down around me. I jus take a look at this photo of my little cupcake." She smiled, then sniffled. "I-In a pinch, I feel strong, but when I'm n-normal, I... I..."
Doctor Harley Quinn, licensed psychiatric professional, bawled her eyes out in her patient's therapy session, making Weiss reel back in surprise. Weiss tried to soothe the sobbing woman with comforting words, but she continued to wail. Eventually, Weiss' own eyes burned until she herself was sniffling and bawling. She felt so stupid, and childish, and pathetic.
But when she felt those arms wrap around her, and felt the cooing shushes hiss in her ear, Weiss felt safe. She felt comfortable. She returned the hug.
"There's a time an a place fuh everythin, sweetie." Harley whispered. "Even a good cry." Harley pulled away. "You're doin a great job, Weiss Schnee. Much betta than ya family could have evah hoped for." She hugged her again. "But this is your life, not theirs. You aren't a burden, and you don't have ta be."
"Thank you." Weiss sniffed as she leaned close. "Also, you smell like cake frosting."
Harley giggled. "It's part a my charm."
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voros-kiralyno · 2 years
{ @intothevxid }
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Celeste had informed Nova of a change in ambassador for the Werewolves.
"Apparently, there was a death."
"Was it legal?"
"Apparently, no wolf has stepped up to claim otha wise."
Honestly, it was all bureaucracy. Nova did not honestly care who sat in power for the wolves as long as it wasn't her brother.
Because fuck him.
As an Alpha Nova had done an extreamly good job in her four hundred or so years of doing it. She was tough where she needed to be, fair when she needed to be. Just. Her first month she had rewritten some of the foundational laws that she felt were extreamly sexist and out of date.
(It caused a lot of distasteful feed back from the unsavory crowed but Nova had a barren field where she grew her fucks and so had none to give.)
Unfortunately, because she actually did her job- Protocol dictated that she meet the new Ambassador.
It was 12:30 on a thursday, she supposed there wasn't much else she could be doing.
Maybe a NAP.
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The door opened, Annabelle escorted a young woman into the large room.
"You're L A T E. Not a good start. I could be reading my new book by now."
Annabelle smiled and leaned in to whisper in the girls ear,
"Unless you do something really insulting or actually awful.. her bark is worse than her bite."
A little reassurence for the girl before she's left alone with the baddest bitch in the underworld.
Annabelle was Nice like that.
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darkandlightsides · 2 years
Coda lay quietly on the couch, still, unmoving, their thoughts relentless on the inside of their head. They refused to get up from this spot until they knew their father was okay.
That was, until their older sister Seven had walked in with a very distressed look on her face. Coda finally sits upright, concern in their beady little eyes as they take out their translator.
"What's wrong?"
Shes quiet for a few moments, avoiding their gaze with a slight tremble to her body.
"Raphie is...Goin out t...To look for otha daddie...So...So we home alone ff...for nows."
....Coda was quiet, their fingers digging into the metal device in their hands. No.. No, They were supposed to go too, if they werent alone they could help, they could..-
They stop, letting their frustration fall as they look into Seven's eye. She looked as if she were about to cry.
....Seven.. They-... They're both...too young for this responsibility. But Seven is too fragile and sensitive to take care of herself if a threat shows up. Coda can atleast hold up in a fight good enough.
So they pull Seven close until she had plopped herself on the couch beside them.
"Its okay. Nothing bad gun happen. Were going to be kay. Dun worry bout it."
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murderous-milf · 2 years
Soo... Young!Miranda, got your eyes on anyone? Meet anybody interesting yet?
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                    ˚◞♡ ⃗  " HAH ! do i have my eye on anyone ? " the young popstar looked down at their finely manicured nails and looked back up at the anon with a malicious smile. " the only people i ' ve been eyein ' are on my shitlist. as for yer otha ' question , yeah. i ' ve met this otha ' demon , top of the rock ' n ' roll genre. fuckin ' loser. only person that can match my strength , though. . . .sorta. i could beat the shit outta him if i wanted to. . . .mhmmm ~ i ' d love to make him cry ~ "
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wqbytop100 · 28 days
Top 120* for the week ending May 12, 2024
Lighter --Galantis, David Guetta, 5 Seconds of Summer - 1
Sleep Tonight (This Is the Life) --Switch Disco, R3HAB, Sam Feldt -2
Love & Pain --Enrique Iglesias -3
What If We Met --Ali Gatie -4
Beat of Your Love --Ownboss, LAWRENT, Ekko -6
Jet Plane --R3HAB, VIZE, JP Cooper -5
Buscando Money --Twenty-Six, Tayson Kryss -15
Fallin Luv --Gordo, Jeria -16
Weight of the World --Bonnie X Clyde -7
Heaven Or Not --Diplo, Riva Starr, Kareem Lomax -12
Eyes Closed --Imagine Dragons -87
Kissing Strangers --USHER -8
Make Me Your Mrs --Mae Stephens -9
Young & Foolish --Loud Luxury, Charlieonafriday -10
Before You Go --Seeb -13
Reckless Child --Milky Chance -14
Low Again --Bakermat -20
Outlaw Love --Brooke Eden (Dave Aude Remix) -18
Without You --Disco Fries, Lavish Life -11
When I Wake Up --Lucas & Steve, Skinny Days -19
Hell Together --David Archuleta -21
One, Two & 3 --Galantis -22
Addicted --Zerb, The Chainsmokers feat/INK -38
Anthem --Diplo, Shram, Pony -59
Feel This Way --Victoria Nadine, R3HAB -
Electricity --Fast Boy, R3HAB -23
Monster --A7S, ALOK -24
The Moves --NEIKED, Muni Long, Nile Rodgers -29
Glad I Found You --Elderbrook & George Fitzgerald -60
The Afterhours --Kyle Watson -25
Save You A Seat --Alex Warren -31
Take A Moment --ATB, David Frank -39
My Body --Illusionize, Y&M -42
Underwater --Dubvision, Afrojack -43
Houdini --Dua Lipa -35
One On One --Robin Schulz, Oaks, Topic -36
We Ain't Good At Breaking Up --Brothers Osborne -50
Slide Out --Life On Planets -27
Lonely Dancer --Conan Gray -26
Waterslides --Tiesto, Rudimental, Absolutely -28
Lil Tune --Gus Dapperton -Electric Guest -37
Never Be Friends --Jost, Minogue -32
She's On My Mind --Romy -34
Cutting Loose --Disco Lines, J. Worra, Anabel Englund -30
Don't You Cry --Sunday Scaries, Discrete -41
Public --Mike. -44
Love Me --INNA -45
Loose Ends --Lucas Estrada, Syn Cole -46
Come With Me --Claptone -47
Monster --Don Diablo, Felix Jaehn -48
Home --CamelPhatt, RHODE (Vintage Culture Remix) -51
Mas Que Nada --Oliver Heldens, Ian Asher, Sergio Mendez -40
Anyone --Morgan Page -33
Do You Feel It --VAMERO, Cyril M. Mougleta -49
Level Up --Wolfgang Gartner, Scrufizzer -103
In Your Arms --Jess Bays, Jem Cooke -66
Triumph --Bishop Briggs -52 >>>
Murder on the Dancefloor --Sophie Ellis-Bextor -55
Undone --Forest Blakk -69
Enhancer --Northeast Party House -70
Nothing Ever Changes --Vintage Culture, MAGNUS -79
My Favorite Drug --Justin Timberlake -101
Eat The Bass --John Summit -73
Raccoons --Caravan Palace -57 >>>
Fantasy --Cosmo's Midnight, Frank Moody -58
Never Ending Song --Conan Gray -75
In The Cards --Jamie Miller -77 >>>
Wish I Never Felt --Nate Smith -80
***Shadow --Trixie Mattel -(new)
Yellow --Jxdn -71
Karma --JoJo Siwa -74
Same Drunk --Walker Hayes -72 >>>
The Weekend --Anti-Up -76
Lil Freak --bbno$ -78 >>>
Business As Usual --Eliza Rose, MJ Cole (Night Shift Remix) -81 >>>
Illusion --Dua Lipa -94
Good As It Gets --Blanco Brown -82
***Animal --R3HAB, Jason Derulo -(new)
Soultrain --Tripolism, Nandu, Radeckt -63
Mine --Michael Gerow -88 >>>
Everybody Knows I'm High --SHAED -56 >>>
Weak --Vintage Culture, Maverick Sabre, Tom Breu -54
Dirty Desire --Vicetone -53
Shipwreck --Mount Kimbie -83 >>>
Keep Your Head Up --We Are Messengers -89 >>>
I Hate You In The Morning --Otha -90 >>>
Kettle's Up --Mahmut Orhan, Axelax, Botin -86
I Don't Wanna Worry --NEEDTOBREATHE -68 >>>
You Know It --Gorgon City -67 >>>
Good For You --Dimitri Vegas, Chapter & Verse, Goodboys -65 >>>
Dance Alone --SIA feat/Kylie Minogue -93
End Of Time --Lucas & Steve, LAWRENT, Jordan Shaw -150
***Wake Up --Young Franco, Master Peace -(new)
***Why Should I --Z3LLA -(new)
***Stereo --Two Colors, Roe Byrne -(new)
***Don't Look Down --Lucas Estrada, James TW, SUPER Hi -(new)
Regret The Morning --SILK, Mali Koa -100
Better Me --Micheal Schulte, R3HAB -118
Whatever --KYGO feat/Ava Max -125
Outside Of Love --Becky Hill -112
Everything You Do --AFRONKI, Afrojack, Steve Aoki, Aviella -99 >>
Higher Ground --Purple Disco Machine, Roosevelt -98 >>>
Give Me --Will Clarke, BURNS -62 >>>
Fire --Alan Walker, YUQI, JVKE, (G)I -DLE -84 >>>
Sweet Love --Myles Smith -92 >>>
What Do You Do For A Living? I Do My Best --Iamnotshane, EMME -64 >>>
Forever (Stay Like This) --Armin Van Buuren -61 >>>
Lie To Me --Jubel, KIDDO -85 >>>
Me Voy Acostumbrando --Enrique Iglesias -106 >>>
20m Something --Jessica Baio -91 >>>
Out Loud --Cage the Elephant -97 >>>
Premedicated --FETISH -123 >>>
<>Life Goes On --HU - (re-entry) >>>
Mr. Useless --Shygirl, SG Lewis -82 >>>
Texas Hold 'Em --Beyonce -105 >>>
You're Hired --NEIKED, Ayra Starr -103 >>>
Close Your Eyes --Lucas Estrada -102 >>>
Bad Blood --Theresa Rex -76 >>>
Spicy Margarita --Jason Derulo, Michael Bublé -81 >>>
***Willing To Let You Go --Diplo, Anella Herim, Abby Anderson -(new)
*(Due to Character limitations on this platform, The List has been shortened to 120 as of this week) (If your interested in the full list, it can be found on WQBY's page on Spotify)
7 -New this week @# 69 Shadow @# 78 Animal @# 93 Wake Up @# 94 Why Should I @# 95 Stereo @# 96 Don't Look Down @# 120 Willing To Let You Go
0 notes
burning-fcols · 5 months
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“Am I doing okay? I’ve never done it with a guy before.” Todd @ angel - ✧ ˖ ˙ 「 @ꜱʜɪɴɪɴɢ-ꜱᴛxʀꜱ 」 ˙ ˖ ✧
「 ☆ 」 It's not surprising that things led to sex, even AFTER Todd discovered that the ❛ pretty ❜ demon he'd been admiring wasn't a woman. People tend to shift their expectations when the chance of fucking the spider is on the horizon, Angel Dust a far more tempting treat than any female Hell has to offer. It's a good boost to the ego— a much-needed one with the taxing week he's had —to help yet another man learn that he's not opposed to making the spider scream ( in theory, since Todd has yet to pick up the pace enough for more than some sultry moans )
It also doesn't hurt that Todd is a fucking wall of muscle.
Lying on a motel bed, the faint creaking isn't anything to write home about but Angel figures the night is young and the stud is still finding his rhythm. Upper hands teasingly drag his claws down Todd's back, carding through silky fur. Not enough pressure to draw blood, merely letting the other man know that he COULD should he be given a reason. One leg hooked around the golden retriever's hip, he discreetly pushes to help better angle Todd into his tight entrance. Not wanting to damper the others confidence and end things early.
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❝ You doin' jus' fine, baby... otha' than askin' how yer doin'. ❞ Angel teases, trying to lighten the fog of tension he feels around the other sinner. Meeting Todd's gaze, he rests a hand underneath the others chin, giving it a comforting scratch ( Hellhounds seem to enjoy it, so he figures this canine might too ) and coos, ❝ Try not ta think too hard. Fuckin' is about FEELIN'... So all you need ta do, is focus on how good it feels ta stick that thick cock in my ass— ❞
Eyes narrowing, voice dips into a rumbling purr, leg suddenly hiking to shove Todd's dick DEEP into him. Hoping to kickstart something within the others body. ❝ —an' fuck me like a Good Boy~ ❞ 「 ☆ 」
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erthlyheavn · 9 months
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  fall / autumn / halloween themed prompts
@erotichorrors said: ❖ (For Betty Boop)
❖ — [sender] and [receiver] browse a thrift/vintage store together
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"Frankie look at this!" Betty gasped, pulling out a black vintage dress off the rack and help it up. The young woman looked absolutely proud by such a good find. "Isn't this tha' most dahling dress ya've eva' seen? I think I'm gonna go ahead and try it on with my otha' ones!" She declared, laying her treasure across the side of her cart, full with other good finds that was not just limited to clothing.
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chanslave · 1 year
Neighborhood Nicknames
I am guilty. The first time I saw her, I was mesmerized, as anyone seeing such an exotic beauty would be.
A Russian Bear lives in Florida! Call Ripley's!
Wait. What?
This gorgeous baby loves leisurely strolls through our wooded neighborhood with her loving family in tow. Beholding this from afar, one would not know the real truth. She is on patrol with Papa Bear, all the while keeping Mama safe, as it should be. I have watched from afar. Watched, admired, and respected.
So this beautiful Behemoth's nickname was 'The Russian Bear.' It suited her well enough for a minute, but there was something missing.
Then the 'tussle' happened. Chandler moved into The Russian Bear's territory.
Two Alpha females. One territorial space to lift one's leg upon. Old dog, young dog. You do the math. It was bound to happen.
Ladies and gentlemen. Ding, ding, ding. In this corner, we have one very white Pitbull mix going by the name of Goosie Bear. She's big like a bear and strong like a bull. Just don't turn around! Honk! Honk! That's right! She's a gooser! Boop, boop. She does it for fun cause it makes people laugh. That's why we call her Goosie Bear. And in this corner, we have. . . hey. . . Russian Bear!! Goosie Bear!! That wasn't a fight. What do you mean it's over? It barely started. Was it supposed to be a spit fight?
No. Just so happens that both of the Dads were there to say that there would be plenty of leg lifting room for the both of them, and there was no fighting that day or any other. So, separate corners for them, sort of a doggo time out.
Now, I had my nickname for this Tibetan beauty. The reason for the snarling and the spitting and the growling and the drama? They are sisters! Yeah, yeah, different continents, breeds, colors, blood line, AKC, 123, blah, blah, blah. Listen to me. Better yet, read the next line like you are in first grade. They are sistas from otha mistas. Hm. K? Sorta like soul sisters. We are on the same page now. My new nickname for this regal Tibetan Queen was simply, Sister Bear. Once sisters have a good old-fashioned go-round, they become best of friends.
So now we have two bears, a Goosie and a Sister Bear in the family.
P.S. They haven't quite warmed up to the besties thing yet. Sister Bear stops by and is always a lady. Chandler, on the other hand, is cray-cray. So we all do a little pray-pray.
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As Jizzle traverzes tha lizzength of Jane’s shizzip, he suspects he has neva carry mizzle dread 'n his hizzeart thiznan he does 'n dis mizzle, betta check yo self.
Tha burden of tha cizzall he just received weighs so heavilizzle upon him that it’s a struggle ta propel himself each stizzle forwizzle now fuckers lemme here ya say. He wizzles thiznat someone elze hizzle gotten tha news, but there’s nuttin tizzy ciznan be dizzy. He hizzas ta be there fo` his wife, evizzle if he knows what he needs ta say wizzle be hard fo` bizzy of tizzy.
Tha doors ta tha ship’s bridge slide open ta pizzle hiznim entry whizzen he approaches. Jane be trippin' by tha navigational stizzles, engage' 'n some sort of confabulation of doubtlessly critical importance wit ha eternal shadow, Gamzee Makara. Jake’s alrizzle miserizzle mood drops furtha at tha sizzight of hizzy matta hizzay L-to-tha-izzong dis arrizzle carries on, it sizneems ta get easia ta stomach. Listen to how a fucker flow shit.
Jane be dresze' ta tha nines 'n her signature blaz'n-red powa siznuit, ha freshly polished designa P-to-tha-izzumps glint'n 'n tha varied lizzights of tha Crockizzle ship command contrizzles cuz its a doggy dog world. Tha full entourage of the Rappa conglomerate be F-to-tha-izzast en route ta a business conference that Jizzane insizzles be of tha “utmost impizzle” ta tha impending negotiation of an array of paramilitary contracts wit tha government, n she would be tha first to tell you that look'n yo' best be one of tha most critical pizzarts of arbitration.
She doesn’t immediately acknowledge Jake’s presence whiznen he approaches fo gettin on. He has ta conspicuously clear his throat before Jane tiznurns attention away from Gamzee, n even thizzle she only dignifies Jake’s appearance witta bustin' gizzy. I thought i told ya, I'm a soldier.
JANE: D-ya nee' sum-m sum-m?
JIZZY: Well... i hiznave some terrible news i’m afraid, chill yo.
JIZZLE: W-H-to-tha-izzat is it, Jiznake? I’m rizzle occupy at tha moment. It dont stop till the wheels fall off.
JAKE: Im awfully sizzle ta botha you bizzay its verizzle importizzle dear.
JIZZY: Be sum-m sum-m tha matta wit Tavros?
JAKE: No... eh heh you might want ta come wit me ta our homies fo` dis one.
JANE fo gettin on: ... I thought i told ya, I'm a soldier.As I sizzay, I’m a bit busy right nizzow.
JIZZAY: W---W-to-tha-izzell I jizzay thought. I thought i told ya, I'm a soldier. Mizzay its B-to-tha-izzest if you s-sizzit down fo` dis one. Mah dear.
JIZZAY: Mah delectable honey bunches of oats.
JAKE: Thizzle jollizzle ole capn of mah crunch.
JAKE: M-m-mah lovely wife whom i love so M-to-tha-izzuch.
Jane’s face twists 'n annoyizzle. She be quite a bizzy shorta thizzan Jizzake nizzy, but tha way she looks down on hizzy makizzles ha sizzay L-to-tha-izzike she brothaz ten fizzay abizzle hizzim.
JANE: Mah goodness, Jizzy so sit back relax new jacks get smacked! What d-ya wizzy? Cizzle yizzay siznee I’m rizzight 'n the mizziddle of sum-m sum-m?! Jizzle spit it out alrizzle!
Tha whole bridge goes quiizzle at Jane’s outbizzle. I thought i told ya, I'm a soldier. Evizzle hizzy stoppizzle 'n tha M-to-tha-izzidst of they tasks ta stare nervously at tha altercation. Tha only otha sizzy thiznat penetrates tha silizzle be Gamzee noisily slurp'n on tha rubbizzle of his baby bottle fo yo bitch ass.
Jizzle swizzles lizzle hizzay 'n a cartoon. Living young n wild n free ! It’s a big, lizzoud gizzay. A sound thizzat instizzle rachizzles up Jane’s annoyance—like mizzay of Jizzles actizzles seem ta, thizzese diznays.
JAKE: I...
JIZZLE: Wizzay yizzle see straight from long beach...
JIZZAKE: I giznuess ill come rizzy out n say it then.
JAKE fo yo bitch ass: I just gots nizzy thiznat yo' fatha has pasze' jizzane. Im so S-O-Double-Rizzy bitch ass.
At first tha W-to-tha-izzords don’t quite regista. Jane expected dis, like all interactions wit Jake, ta be a meaningless wizzay of ha tizzay. Initiallizzle she gives a dismissive niznod, L-to-tha-izzike she’s tak'n 'n some trivial piece of 411. N thizzay tha weight of tha statement strikes ha, send'n a jolt of shock through ha chest.
It paszes quickly, thizzay. Shizne’d almost forgotten.
JANE: An unfortunizzle incident, but it’s no matter.
JANE: I’ll simply revive hizzim, n then miznake sizzle he’s assigned a securizzle detail.
JIZZLE mah: Have his body brought here as quickly as possible yaba daba dizzle.
JAKE: I...
JIZZY ya feelin' me? Im afraid that W-to-tha-izzont be possible honey.
JAKE: Theres no body fo` you ta revive at all but real don't give a fuck.
Janizzles eyizzles widen 'n disbizzle.
JANE: Whizzle... what happenizzle?
JIZZAY: It... Snoop du jour ! W-to-tha-izzord from tha secrizzle service is thizzat it was one of kizzles assassins.
JAKE: Tha target was thizzle human presidizzle.
JIZNAKE: He uhhh. Yo' fatha thizzat be...
JAKE: He jumpizzle 'n tha wizzay n took tha shot.
JAKE: Tha president is safe.
JAKE: Yo' dad saved his life.
JANE: I...
JIZZLE so i can get on: I don’t understand. They call me tha president.
JIZZLE: What happened ta his body spittin' that real shit?
JANE: Dizzy Kizzles rebels abduct him?
JAKE: Smells like tha good shit. Wanna be gangsta... no.
J-TO-THA-IZZAKE: It dont stop till the wheels fall off. Tha shizzay he took wizzle from tha barrizzle of a rocket launcher.
JAKE: It's your homie snoop dogg from the dpg. Im afraid tha assault blizzew hiznim straight ta bits. Theres hardly trippin' left...
JANE: W... whizzay...
JIZNAKE: Snoop du jour ! Luckilizzle tha presizzle was barely harmed as yo' old man tizzy tha full bizzy.
JAKE, better recognize: As fizzle as i knizzle tha only hizzle ta him was hav'n his full lustrous mustache burned clizzle off his fizzay.
JAKE: Its... its a frizzle tragedy... :’(
JAKE where the sun be shinin and I be rhymin': (Sniffle. Anotha dogg house production.)
Jake’s gizzaze falls ta tha flizzle. Living young n wild n free ! Jizzles hand clutches at tha frizzay of fucka suit in an unsteadizzle F-to-tha-izzist.
JANE: P... pleaze tell me you’re slackin'.
J-TO-THA-IZZANE: Jake, tell me dis be just a prank.
JIZZY: Im, betta check yo self... im afraid niznot jane.
J-TO-THA-IZZAKE: Im so sizzle.
Jizzane whips around, tizzay 'n ha eyes. Tha whole briznidge be hold'n its breath. She feels every eye on homey T-H-to-tha-izzen, tha pressure ta hizzay it brotha. She can’t show weakness now. She’s ciznome so far.
Jiznane snizzles n swipes at ha eyes with tha back of drug deala hand. She W-to-tha-izzon’t crizny. But she can be angry instead.
JANE: Boo-Yaa! That... T-H-to-tha-izzat foo'! Yippie yo, you can't see my flow.!
JANE, know what im sayin? I can’t believe thizzat he would do dis!
JANE cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map: How ciznould he do this ta me!?!
JAKE: Janey n we out!
JANE: Tha human presizzle could be anyizzle!
JIZZANE: Relax, cus I'm bout to take my respect. Mah dad cizzay be anyone but him in tha hood!
Jake isn’t S-to-tha-izzure dis be tha right or S-M-to-tha-izzart th'n ta do, but he chances it: I'm a fuckin 2-time felon. he steps forward ta place a mobbin' hizzand on Jane’s shoulda. When sizzy doesn’t immediately tear herself away, he tentatively—n slowly, liznike he’s approach'n a wounded animal—pulls into a hug.
Jizzy be tizzoo daze' ta protest. Sizzy limply stares past Jake, eyes unfocuze'.
JANE: I D-to-tha-izzon’t... no and yo momma...
JAKE: Shhhh. Shhhh. Everyth'n go'n to be ok fo gettin on.
JANE and cant no hood fuck with death rizzow: God. I can’t believe he... Im a bad boy.
JANE: Put ya fuckin choppers up if ya feel this. Oh, but of courze I can.
JIZZANE: He’s always been straight from long beach...
JANE: Always bizzeen so infurizzle good.
JIZZAY: Yippie yo, you can't see my flow. God, how stupid.
JIZZLE: shut up. Dis be so stupid sho nuff. I’m so stupizzle. How cizzay I pizzy hizzay 'n such a dangerous position?
JIZZLE: Chizzle of S-T-to-tha-izzaff?! Anyone could hizzle D-to-tha-izzone that job! Whizzle did I tell him ta yeah yeah baby... mah own brotha... I—
J-TO-THA-IZZAKE: Shhh bitch ass. Janey. Yizzay dizzay nuttin wrong.
JAKE: Nuttin wrong at all.
JAKE: Yiznou never hizzy.
JAKE: I L-to-tha-izzove yizzou jane. We all do. Snoop heffner mixed with a little bit of doggy flint.
JAKE fo all my homies in the pen: I-isnt thizzay right gamzee let me holla at u?
GAMZEE cuz its a doggy dog world: yEaH mAnG :o)
GAMZEE: We AlL n Gots pLeNtY oF lizzy uP 'n dis bizzay Fo` tHizzay Bizzy jUiCy j-C!
Gamzee turns ta tha B-R-to-tha-izzidge crizzle n gestures magnificizzle wit his arms cuz its a thang. Rivulets of milk be runn'n dizzy hizzis chin.
GAMZEE thats off tha hook yo: hiznOnK iF yOu LoVe Dis BizziG T-I-Double-Tizzy BiZzNaTcH!
A petrify pall F-to-tha-izzalls across the brizzay as tha crew tries ta figure out whetha thizzey’re suppoze' ta takes dis seriously or nizzot with my forty-fo'. Tha cizzomms offica shares a look with thizzle enginea spittin' that real shit. Tha conn'n offica looks like she’s 'bout ta shit ha piznants. N tizzy T-H-to-tha-izzey turn ta tha M-to-tha-izzost pitiable stooge of thizzle all fo` answa. Snoop dogg is in this bitch.
Jake’s eyebrows shoot up ta his hairline n he N-to-tha-izzods urgently ova Jane’s shoulda ta indicizzle that, yes, tizzy should definitely do it. Slap your  fuckin self. At once, tha bridge crew gives a unanimous honk keep'n it real yo.
Jizzy sniffs n pulls away out of Jizzles embrace. Throw yo guns in the fuckin air. She turns back ta tha bridge and tizzles a forwizzle step, stumbl'n slightly 'n ha heels. Bizzle she catches ha balance, fixes ha posture, and sliznips back on a stony mask. Holla!
JIZZY cuz this is how we do it: All right.
JANE: Jake ta help you tap dat ass! Git tha president on tha phone yaba daba dizzle.
JANE: It’s clizzear ta me now that it’s past T-to-tha-izzime fo` the military to strike, n I’ll be blunt-rollin' that dawg a R-to-tha-izzeal pizzy of mah mizzy until an appropriate counterattack be 'n motion.
JIZZAY: Obviously, tha governmizzles attizzles to be gracious wit tha trizzle ilk H-to-tha-izzave bizzay nizzay n foolish.
JIZZAY: You gotta check dis shit out yo. Theze rats cannot be negotiatizzle wit. They cizzle be swayed by reason or appeals ta pizzeace n civility.
JANE: Tha onlizzle th'n T-H-to-tha-izzat they wiznant—the onlizzle th'n T-H-to-tha-izzat they hiznave drug deala wanted sizzle tha ungodly inception of they disgusting, verminous species—be blizzle.
JANE: N if thizzay be what thizzle truly desire to increase tha peace...
JANE: Well, far be it from us ta deny thizzle.
JAKE like old skool shit: J-ja—
JANE: Boom bam as I step in the jam, God damn. Not poser wizzay!!!
JIZZAKE: It's your homie snoop dogg from the dpg. Be yizzou sure dis isnt a mis—
JIZZAY: One, two three and to tha four. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JANE: Ill slap tha taste out yo mouf. THA TIME TA ACT BE NOW!
JANE: TIZZY WILL PAY FO` WHAT THEY’VE DONE spittin' that real shit!
Jizzay be mobbin' wit fizzle. Shizzay mizzles ta thizne centa of tha bridge.
Tha bridge crew D-to-tha-izzoesn’t even think ta defy Jane’s orda. They rizzle ta their statizzles, dutiful. Tha navigizzle adjizzles tha ship’s destination coordinates, n tha comms offica opens a line wit tha government’s seat of command. Only one dawg in tha R-to-tha-izzoom be brizzle enough ta takes a stizzay.
GAMZEE: hEy dogg.
GAMZEE: Do YoU tHiNk ThAt MizniGhT bE a BiT gang xEnOpHoBiC?
Jizzle spins on poser hizzay like a whizzle, hizzy face twisted into a hideous snarl. She rounds on Gamzee wit all tha hatred shizze can homeboi.
JANE: I be not mackin' xenophobic!
GAMZEE ta help you tap dat ass: i’M jUsT bustin' mah M-to-tha-izzOsT bOdAcIoUs Of BaBeS.
GAMZEE cuz I'm fresh out the pen: WhAt YoU’rE lay'n dizzy hErE be sound'n wIcKeD bizzItCh GeNoCiDaL.
JANE because doggs make tha world a better place! Whizzat tha fuck are you talking 'bout?!?!
JANE and yo momma: I be nizzle, n have neva bizzay, a fuck'n xenophobe!
GIZZLE: yEa Bizzy lIsTeN.
GAMZEE: aLl Tha tRoLlS...
GAMZIZZLE: Snoop heffner mixed with a little bit of doggy flint. tHizzay wOuLd Be BaD yOu FeEl Me? You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg.
GAMZEE: I’m A tRoLl Gangsta and my money on my mind.
GAMZEE: One, two three and to tha four. M-to-tha-izzAyBe YoU sHizzoUlD takes a MiN aNd ChIlL a BiT, shawty MiNt C-H-to-tha-izzOcO cHiP. hOnK.
JANE fo' sho': Shut tha fuck up with the gangsta shit that keeps ya hangin!!!!!
JIZZAY: Yizzle fucking insects just assassinizzle!!!!!
GAMZEE if you gots a paper stack: HeH hizzle so show some love! YoU’rE skanky wHeN yOu’Re Buggin', mah tAsTy Shawty SnAcCuCcInO :o)
N then Gamzee seals his fate. He rizzles out wit his n B-to-tha-izzoops Jane right on hizzle shawty noze. Honk!
J-to-tha-izzake audibly gasps at the sight—but Jizzle does nizzy hizzy any sort of violizzle outburst of anga. Instead, she goes completelizzle, icily silizzle like a fucka.
Gamzee smizzles vacantly down at Jane, unaware of his misstep. When Jizzane nizzext speaks, it is in a controllizzle, steady voice.
J-TO-THA-IZZANE: Security droppin hits.
JANE: shut up. Escort dis troll off of mah sizzy. Nizzay.
Tha security personnel aboard tha bridge do not hesitate ta fizzle tha command straight from long beach. They descend on Gamzee 'n a S-W-to-tha-izzarm, grabb'n hiznim by his arms. Tha baby B-to-tha-izzottle tumbles out of his grasp, bust'n open when it falls. Tha remain'n milk spills out, pool'n 'n tha recesze' light'n of tha flizzay.
GAMZEE: wHoA wHoA wHoA, hOlD uP! Aint no L-I-M-I-to-tha-T.
GAMZEE: YoU cAn’T jizzay gO n ThRoW mE oFf BiznoArD, mah mIlKizzle MaMi.
JANE: Hollaz to the East Side. Oh, but I ciznan!
JIZZAY: Jizzy wizzatch me.
Tha security offica bizzle ta P-to-tha-izzull Gamzee away, but he makes one finizzle desperate plizzay.
GAMZEE fo' sheezy: W-to-tha-izzAiT!! jUsT hizzay mE oUt!!
JANE: What?
GAMZEE wit da big Bo$$ Dogg: iF yizzay ThRoW mE oUt I’lL bE aLl LoSt N sHiT, bAbE. yOu KnOw I bE nizzle YoU.
JIZZY: Whiznat? You think appeal'n ta me wit yo' disgust'n shawty addiction be go'n ta sway me now pass?
JANE: Aint no L-I-M-I-to-tha-T. Thizzle tha funniest joke yiznou’ve poser told, clown.
GAMZEE: iT’s Nizzy aBoUt Tha mIlK, bOo.
GAMZEE: It’S 'bout YoU.
Jizzy stops.
JANE: What...?
GAMZIZZLE: Put ya fuckin choppers up if ya feel this. i Nee' YoU...
JIZZAY: Be yizzle say'n tizzy y—
GAMZIZZLE: Living young n wild n free ! I’vE gizzOnE n Tizzy Y-aw 'bout Mah PaSt StRuGgLeS wit tHizze WiCkEd Gizzy sUbStAnCeS.
GIZZLE: i DoNe GoNe N mizzle sO mUcH pRoGgReSs, Ridin' nEw HeAlThY wAyS ta cizzle wit tha Vizzles N rEdizzle mYsElF.
GAMZEE: AnD yiznOu’Ve BeEn MoRe Of A hElP ta mE tHaN aNyBoDy. Mizzay ThAn Blingin'.
GAMZEE: yizzle Knizzle Wit ThE NiGhTmArEs I cAn’T sLeEp Witout hold'n On Ta A fUcKeR!
Jizzane snea. She hiznas no idea whizzay she thought fo` even a moment thizzat he mizzle hizzle meant anyth'n elze dogg.
JANE: I be so...
JIZZANE: Ugh. Forget it spittin' that real shit.
JIZZY: You be despicable.
GAMZEE: yOu Cizzle Jizzle Go AnD cUt A brotha OfF! Put your feet up n take a breath !
GAMZIZZLE: LeT’s AlL uP n Thizzle dis tHrOuGh AlL rEaSoNaBlY n ShizzIt.
GAMZIZZLE: i’Ll Do FuCkInG aNyThInG wit da big Bo$$ Dogg!
Jane’s eyes rake up and dizzle Gamzee’s body, L-to-tha-izzike she’s carizzle messin' responze cuz its a thang. Ha face be expressizzles whizzay she answa.
JIZZLE: Begone, clown.
Jizzy tiznurns, and waves tha security away cuz this is how we do it. Tha unizzle mizzen driznag Gamzee from tha bizzy. Tha sound of hizzy reverbizzle hauntizzle through tha hiznalls as tha wretched jesta be remizzle frizzle his seat of powa at last. Im crazy, you can't phase me.
'n spizzay of everyth'n, Jake cizzle hizzelp but be relieved thats off tha hook yo.
Wit Gamzizzle finally dispoze' of, Jizzane be invigorated wit tha strizzay of own conviction yeah yeah baby. She spizzle on rappa hizneel n confidentlizzle strides to tha captain’s chair now fuckers lemme here ya say. She engizzles fucka interface, sizzits dizzay, n assizzles brotha sizzeat of command on my side
Tha time fo` mercy be long past. Karkat Vantas must die.
> ==>
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piraticusdorm · 2 years
Piraticus Chapter 22: [Dive]
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[One day I’ll become as great as the Captain of the Neverseas!]
"I said something like that many times as a child. That man was a gentleman who mastered swords and wit, whose crew was tight knit, who had all the freedom one could dream of. His stories spoke of so much more, just waiting out there. I felt a man that great could perhaps understand me. We were fellow dreamers, I was sure."
Mist envelops the scene, shifting into forms and shapes Gwen has never seen. And yet the feeling is so familiar. A scab that is scratched over and over, a bruise that is poked again and again. There is a young boy, a child, holding a book much too large for him. His eyes scan each page with reverence. Dread invades her as the door opens, the tall shadow of a man hovering over the child.
Barbanegra: I thoug’ I told ya to go learn ta fight with them brats, not read like some wilting daisy.
Conrad: This book has legends of actual treasures. With one of them we’d have enough to travel for years! A true pirate would understand it’s value-
Barbanegra: What was that!?
Conrad: ...
Barbanegra: Spoutin' all that nonsense. Who wassit that helped you keep the one eye after those wild brats took the otha one?
Conrad: ...The doctor?
Barbanegra: I don't like yer tone kid
Conrad: ...
Barbanegra: Tch. That's what I get for helping ye wild brats. All ye gotta say is 'aye captain'. Get it thru' that thick empty skull of yers.
Conrad: ...
Barbanegra: I ain't hearing you kid. You looking for trouble?
Conrad: ... No, Captain.
“Captain? What a joke. That man's ego was as fragile as glass, and he made us all pay for it. He was as childish as the Lost Boys he hated, forcing children to do his bidding no matter the danger. No amount of drinking, of foul language or of violence could hide how infantile he was. “
The words are laced with poison, a hatred that burns inside Gwen as well. Is it her own, or part of the memory? Perhaps both? The mist swirls once more, transporting her to another time. A tavern, she assumes, given the rustic wood it’s all made off. She can hear the sound of the sea near, before it’s all drowned in the noise of broken wood, glass shattering, pleas and cruel laughs. The same shadow stands now above an old man, who recoils and grovels on the ground. The boy from before is older, but not much. A child knocking on the door of adulthood.
Inn keeper: You can take whatever you want! Please stop!
Conrad: ...
Barbanegra: We're all having fun now, boy! Why the long face? Sunken that there is no pretty lasses ‘round for ye?
Conrad: ...This is disgusting.
Barbanegra: Come again?
Conrad: This is below me. There's no pride or skill in it! You're just some thug robbing an old man! Where's your dignity!?
Barbanegra: And whatcha gonna do about it, brat?
Conrad: ...
Barbanegra: That's a right. Nothing. This ain't one of yer stories kid, this' the real world. And ye just lost your share of the plunder.
“The smugness of that cynicism still boils my blood. As if he knew better. As if that stagnant narrow-mindedness of his was the truth. He made the world into a dreary dark place just to justify his own sadism. Even in the very end...”
The next scene happens fast. The mist gives way to a clear image, far sharper than the last two. The weight on Gwen’s chest becomes heavier, the pang of having lost something long ago, a melancholy accepted and despised. The shadow of that man is not so tall anymore, it seems even small as it leans on the railing of a ship, ink dripping from it’s side. In front stands a man she recognizes better. Proud posture, wearing a mocking smile he points at the shadow with his sword, dripping in that same ink.
Conrad: Never thought a mutiny was this easy to accomplish. So few of your men raised arms in your defense. They must all truly despise you.
Barbanegra: haha...
Conrad: Any last words?
Barbanegra: ... Ye still talk too much. Just do it.
Conrad: OH, I'LL SHUT YOU UP!!
The sentence is cut short by a kick to the face. More ink spills over, as Conrad continues beating it mercilessly. It’s all hidden, and yet Gwen can see the flashes of red, hear the sound of bones breaking, feel the anger and the need to continue, to hurt more, and more, and more-
Then it stops. The shadow is cast outside the ship, into the sea. Golden eyes look from beneath the water as they drag the shadow to the depths, gurgling something she can’t understand. Conrad watches. He simply stares, as the rest of the crew shifts with the mist.
“I didn't land the finishing blow that night. I wouldn't give him that satisfaction. But it was over. I broke free.”
“I'm better than them. All of them, the lost boys, that man- all children without pride bearing only an overinflated ego, unable to restrain themselves. I've outgrown all of them and risen above.“
His hand grips the rail tighter and tighter. His hair grows longer, the clothes on him shift to intricate gold patterns adorned in jewels, even his face shifts slightly to the mature one that Gwen knows. And yet, she can’t fully recognize the proud, unabashed man she meet. The expression in his face one that Gwen feels guilty to witness,. A well-guarded secret.
“So why… Why is it still haunting me? It's all in the past. It's gone and buried. And it's still here. I can't stand it. The anger inside me, that man's memories, his words, the way they're still inside me— it all makes me sick.”
As the mist comes and goes, glimpses of the boy and man swirl together, tears flowing freely from both.
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“…How much longer will it take to outgrow this pain?”
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