#original odo edit
pepimeinrad · 2 months
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Mirja Boes & Ralf Schmitz Die Dreisten Drei (2003-2004) LOL: Last One Laughing (2024)
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quarks-pussy · 8 months
Odo: So how was your day?
Quark: I got surprise married.
Odo: What?
Rom: He got kidnapped.
Odo: Oh, okay.
Odo: Wait, what?!
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colleendoran · 1 year
Neil Gaiman's CHIVALRY: From Illuminated Manuscripts to Comics
One of the many reasons I wanted to adapt Neil Gaiman's Chivalry into graphic novel form was to create a comic as a bridge and commentary re: comics and illuminated manuscripts.
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We're often told that the first comic book was Action Comics #1 featuring Superman, a collection of Superman comic strips that morphed into comic books as an art form.
Sequential art predates Action Comics #1.
Action Comics popularized sequential art book storytelling that had already appeared in other forms in fits and starts throughout history. Comic books didn't take off as a popular medium for several reasons, not least of which was the necessary printing process hadn't been invented yet and it's hard to popularize - and commercialize - something most people can never see. 
You find sequential art in cave paintings and in Egyptian hieroglyphics. I've read that comics (manga) were invented by the Japanese in 12th century scrolls.
And sequential art appears over and over again in Western art going back well over 1000 years, and in book form at least 1100 years ago.
The most obvious example of early sequential art in Western art - as a complete narrative in sequence - is the Bayeux Tapestry. 
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At 230 feet long, this embroidered length of cloth was likely commissioned around the year 1070 by Bishop Odo, brother of William the Conqueror. It depicts the Battle of Hastings in 1066 and the invasion of England by the Normans. (The tapestry was made in England, not in France, but it is called the Bayeux tapestry because that's where it is now.)
Imagine what a task it was to embroider this thing. Whew. And you thought it was hard learning Photoshop.
This work of art is important in the history of sequential narrative, but the Norman invasion is also important to the legend of King Arthur - and another important English legend - for reasons we'll get into later. 
It's complicated.
All this is why you see this art in the background of this page of Chivalry.
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Using the Romanesque art style of the tapestry in panel 1, I've added the Latin phrase "Rex Quondom, Rexque Futurus" - "The Once and Future King", the final words of Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur as inscribed on King Arthur's tomb, and the title of T.H. White's famous Arthurian novel.  (EDIT) and it has been kindly pointed out to me that QUONDOM should be QUONDAM, which is hilarious and annoying and this is how history gets rewritten by accident.
My original intention was to draw this Bayeux Tapestry scene out and juxtapose it with shots of Galaad interacting with the children, but the two page sequence I imagined didn't really work as well in reality as it did in my head. 
Foremost among my concerns was that the tapestry reference might be too obscure for most readers. I wanted to weave the visual meta-text of Chivalry into the story (For further reading on this project and my use of visual meta-text, symbolism, and history in Neil Gaiman's Chivalry, go HERE. And HERE. And HERE. And Yet again HERE.) in such a way as it would enhance the experience for people who "got" the visual meaning, while not dragging things down for people who didn't. So I cut this scene down to one panel.
The tapestry is a complete, long form comic strip created over 1100 years before some people claim comics were invented. So, I loved being able to reference it here.
But even more interesting to me are the sequential art sequences that appear in illuminated manuscripts - comics in book form.
I once got into a rather vicious argument with an academic who insisted illuminated manuscripts were comics. I said no. She said yes. Then she insulted the lowly comic artist and blocked me on Facebook.
My point was not that you can't find sequential art in illuminated manuscripts. My point is that an illustrated book isn't de facto a comic. Most illuminated manuscripts are illustrated books. Some illuminated manuscripts contain sequential art.
Just because opera is music, that doesn't mean all music is opera.
Just because comics books are books that doesn't mean all books are comic books.
And just because some illuminated manuscripts contain sequential art, that doesn't mean all illuminated manuscripts are sequential art.
But one is.
Let me show you it.
One of the earliest examples of an illuminated manuscript with comic art is The Bible d'Etienne Harding which you can see in this really bad jpg here, sorry, best I could find.
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Created around the year 1109, property of a French Cistercian monk, it combines sequences like this with pages of text and illustration.
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Not a comic book IMHO, but an illuminated manuscript with sequences of text, illustration and sequential narrative.
It's no more a "comic book" than a newspaper is for having text, illustration, and comic strips in it.
IMHO, academic lady.
And here's a look at the Old English Hexateuch (hexateuch refers to the first 6 books of the Bible) which I think is far more visually complex and interesting work, and comes much closer to the illuminated manuscript as comic, but still intersperses large sequences of text and illustration with sequential storytelling sequences. So I don't consider it a comic, but a book with sequential work in it.
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Now this work below is a different matter. This is from the Holkham Bible Picture Book, circa about 1330.
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This thing is genius. It measures a little larger than a modern comic, around 8"x11", and almost every page of it is like this spread here. 231 pages of beautifully rendered art, with repeated use of banderoles - "speech scrolls"  (basically word balloons) -  and captions, and (mostly) real sequential art. I've never seen anything else that comes even close to it, and by all accounts, neither has anyone else. 
It may not be a modern comic book - but it's a comic book as far as I can tell. I don't think there's any other illuminated manuscript that is as complete, sophisticated, and innovative a sequential storytelling work.
If this were printed and seen by more people, the comic book medium would have taken off centuries earlier, IMHO. But it wasn't. It was tucked away in a monastery somewhere and few people ever saw it. It ended up being forgotten for centuries until it popped up again around 1816 when a banker sold it to an avid book collector, Thomas Coke, Earl of Leicester, who inherited Holkham Hall and its library and set about restoring and expanding it. 
The banker wrote, “a very curious MS. just brought here from the Continent. . . which I think one of the greatest curiosities I ever saw”.
Sequential art got invented over and over and over by one artist after another until one day centuries later, some teenaged boys found their newspaper strips gathered together in a cheap format, and suddenly comic books were popular and like new.
And then a lot of people who didn't seem to realize that books had had pictures in them for centuries got all up in arms about the harms of books with pictures in them.
I think it's funny that it is called the Holkham Bible Picture Book. There really was no "comic" art language when this work was created or when academics began to catalogue this sort of thing. Will they change the name now?
Who can say.
Anyway, another Holkham Bible Picture Book reference for you.
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Look familiar?
I referenced it in this scene in Chivalry.
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One of the fun things about the Holkham is that it opens with a discussion between a friar who has commissioned the work and the artist. The friar admonishes the artist to do a good job on the project because it will be shown to important people. And the artist responds, "Indeed, I certainly will and, if God lets me live, never will you see another such book."
He wasn't kidding.
You can see the entire manuscript HERE. 
Sponsored by my Patreon. Thank you.
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t0ast-ghost · 5 days
Deep Space Nine S5 EP6 (Trials And Tribble-Ations) Hiii >:) I’m backkk
Here we go:
- I like the bad cop, also bad cop thing the time guys got going on
- “We took on a passenger.” *switches perspective* “Humans!” Bashir is so not prepared to talk to anyone
- Hi Julian hiii
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- Miles and Julian teasing Worf <3
- Bright energy colour to symbolize the prophets are fucking around
- I started watching this on my phone but decided to switch to my computer but then got distracted by dishes so I went to do dishes with my headphones on and thought ‘I should play some music’ so I pressed the button and all I hear is trumpets and I remembered I was watching deep space nine (I have no attention span apparently)
- I love the silly little exposition. Like “Which enterprise? There have been five.” “Six.” And “His ship. James T. Kirk.”
- “Man was a menace.” Damn right he was
- Bashir’s hair is styled like McCoy’s oh my- oh my heart
- “I’m a doctor not a historian.” I SCREAMED
- we love Jadzia Dax. I said we love JADZIA DAX!
- I like how the shirts hang a bit over Miles and Julian’s hands
- DO NOT fuck someone in the past, goddamnit Doctor
- He’s just sitting there
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- Miles out of his element because this ship is patch-worked together differently than his
- I love Odo getting some peace in his life. GET THIS GOO A PET
- Poor Worf
- Sisko with the flip (edit: assuming it’s a communicator flip)
- I love that all these random Klingon commanders get a backstory via Dax just chilling with them
- I like how Sisko describes Kirk in this episode because in the original Kirk was just pissed off at the station scientist
- “Your flap’s open.” Miles looks down almost immediately
- JULIAN THIS IS NOT A PREDESTINATION PARADOX! DONT! (Sidenote: I’m my own grandpa song mention)
- Miles is so done with Julian’s hyperactive bullshit
- “Fine! But I can’t wait to get back to deep space nine and see your face when you find out that I never existed!” Omg I love this man. He’s such a loser.
- Neat! When beaming in DS9 they continue to move rather than have a frozen image like in TOS
- “Benjamin, look.” Yeah I’d check out Kirk and Spock too, completely fair Jadzia
- I didn’t realize they’re just imposed in the background for a second
- YEAH JADZIA! You know what’s up (Spock does have beautiful eyes)
- Normal behaviour
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- The fact they made Miles mistake someone for Kirk instead of making him recognize Scotty is a damn shame- Never mind it’s funny
- I forgot how protective Chekov is, it’s adorable
- GET HIM SCOTTY (Chekov then jumps over a table to tackle someone)
- Julian punches someone really easily and then remembers ‘oh yeah it’s supposed to hurt’ he’s ridiculous
- OMG WAIT did Julian and Miles meet Kirk?!? OMG THEY DOO IMG OMG. ONG
- Hi Kirk hiii girlypop hiiii
- Autistic man finds stim toy (edit: not sure who this is about)
- Kirk’s ass Kirk sitting on the tribble lol
- “He had the hands of a surgeon.” DAX AND MCCOY CANONICALLY FUCKED?!? I mean.yeah
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- The shot of the tribbles eating the grain
- He’s so babygirl :)
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- Spock repeating the statistics that Jadzia said earlier and so she just gives Sisko this look of, ‘see? Even Spock agrees.’
- Jadzia throwing tribbles on Kirk. Priceless.
- Bones! I love Bones!
- What’s got Spock looking like that? He’s gonna bite someone get him off the bridge!
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- “Would have done the same thing myself.” YEAH. I’d wanna see those gay men too
- Oh I forgot about Quark with the tribbles :)
I miss TOS now. I miss my bbygirls.
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Something that's bothering me about all the Barbie movie memes I've been seeing going around: the ones that say "This Ken is __." That's not how they work. You can give a Barbie a distinctive attribute: "This Barbie is the boss," "This Barbie is a nerd," whatever. For Kens, all you can say is "He's just Ken." "He's another Ken." "This is also Ken." The whole point is that that's all they are. They're just "(a) Ken."
The way to do a proper tribute to the Barbie posters is to stop trying to say something specific about male characters and actors, or do it in a way that fits into the "He's just Ken" template. Use it to lean into the irony, given that most popular media focuses on the traits and skills of the male characters, and tends to make female characters generically hot. You can also use the "There's only one Allan" for humorous effect.
I don't do complicated edits, but here's how I'd do it for a few of my fandoms:
Star Trek: The Original Series
Uhura: This Barbie speaks thirty-seven languages.
Chapel: This Barbie is a nurse.
Rand: This Barbie keeps the ship running.
Kirk: He's just Ken.
McCoy: He's another Ken.
Chekov: He's Ken too.
Sulu (the bare-chested fencing pic, obviously): You guessed it. He's a Ken.
Spock: They also make a half-Vulcan Ken. [An example of how you can mix it up a little while still staying within the template]
Scotty: There's only one Scotty.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Kira: This Barbie is an ex-terrorist.
Jadzia: This Barbie is actually seven Barbies and a worm.
Ezri: We haven't met this Barbie yet. [or something like that]
Leeta: This Barbie is a union organizer.
Keiko: This Barbie is a botany researcher.
Kasidy: This Barbie is a smuggler.
Winn: This Barbie is the pope.
O'Brien: He's just Ken.
Bashir: He's another Ken.
Worf: He's Ken too.
Garak: Plain, simple Ken. [Staying with the "just Ken" theme, but in a referential way]
Quark: Latinum Magic Ken [Get it? Like Earring Magic Ken?]
Sisko: Please call me Dad. [Like the Will Ferrell poster that says "Please call me mother"]
Odo: Neither Barbie nor Ken, but a secret third thing. [Going off script a little, but riffing on the gender theme]
The Avengers (2012 & 2015) [this is hard because there are so few female characters, but that's what makes it a fun challenge!]
Natasha: This Barbie is a trained assassin.
Wanda: This Barbie can control minds.
Pepper Potts: This Barbie is a CEO.
Maria Hill: This Barbie is the boss.
Tony: He's just Ken.
Clint: He's another Ken.
Thor: He's Ken too.
Sam Wilson: Ken again!
Hulk (not Bruce, that's what makes it funny): You guessed it. He's a Ken.
Steve: Vintage 1945 Ken [Yes, I know Ken didn't exist til 1961]
Loki: There are no Kens like me. [There's the Allan variation]
Nick Fury: Please call me Mother.
Agent Coulson: He's a suit. OR
Iron Man: He's a suit.
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mlmshipbracket · 6 months
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~ Updated bracket for Round One is above ~
OFFICIAL POLLS BEGIN TODAY AND will last until Saturday, December 2nd.
You will notice previously the tournament had been divided into two brackets. I realized now after the preliminaries we would be down to 32 ships. I decided to condense it to one bracket, still in its original order. The tournament shall continue as a normal bracket does.
Happy Voting!
REMINDER: All match-ups were randomly generated using a randomizer to ensure a higher likelihood of randomness as ships were pitted against one another.
Polls posted will include submitted propaganda (with edits for spelling/punctuation). Feel free to include your own propaganda (in the reblogs, comments, tags, or submitted via 'ask') for which ships everyone should vote for and hype up your favorite ship if you want them to win! Feel free to add text, art, or videos to your propaganda as well!
I will continue linking propaganda and ongoing polls so keep an eye out for those throughout the ongoing weeks.
Remember, get those votes in. Reblog, comment, tag. Get as many others to vote and get your favorite ships to Round Two!
As I have seen some arguing in previous polls I wanted to clarify:
You can vote to your heart's content!
The ship you vote for can be:
canon or not!
the cutest/most adorable
or just your favorite ship
There is no actual criteria for voting.
Its all who you believe to be the best ship
This is why propaganda is important, to convince others your favorite is the best.
With that out of the way-
Round One polls are beneath the cut or [Find by Tag]
Round One Polls!
Side A
1. Takasugi Shinsuke/Sakata Gintoki vs. Jack Harkness/Ianto
2. Astarion Ancunín/Wyll Ravengard vs. Juno Steele/Peter Nureyev
3. Blaine Anderson/Sebastian Smythe vs. Prince Gumball "Gary Prince"/Marshall Lee
4. Gaston/Le Fou vs. Gregg Lee/Angus Delaney
5. Dean Winchester/Castiel vs. Luo Binghe/Shen Qingqiu
6. Legolas Greanleaf/Gimli son of Gloin vs. Odo/Quark
7. Luca Paguro/Alberto Scorfano vs. Adrien Agreste/Luka Couffaine
8. Fizzarolli/Asmodeus vs. Detective Hunch Curio/Daniel Fucks
Side B
9. Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth vs. Fiddleford Hadron Mcgucket/Stanford Fillbrick Pines
10. Squalo/Tiziano vs. Shawn Spencer/Carlton Lassiter
11. Kurogane/Fai D. Fluorite vs. Dream/Hob Gadling
12. Bruno Bucciarati/Leone Abbacchio vs. Stede Bonnet/Edward Teach
13. Ike/Soren vs. Jean-Paul Beaubier/Kyle Jinadu
14. Noe Archiviste/Vanitas vs. Elim Garak/Julian Bashir
15. Lelouch Lamperouge/Suzaku Kururugi vs. Edwin Paine/Charles Rowland
16. Gol D. Roger/Silvers Rayleigh vs. Johnny Silverhand/V
tag key-
polls- #masterpost, #first mlm ship bracket, #second mlm ship bracket, #third mlm ship bracket, #mlm ship bracket 2023, #mlm ship bracket tournamnet 2023
other-polls- #other tournaments
preliminaries- #thirdprelims
rounds- #thirdr[1-5]. (ex. thirdr1)
propaganda- #propaganda
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silverteacups · 8 months
someone actually DID ask! me!
anyway. favourite covers for the pjsekai characters :3 and maybe some unnecessary commentary on their vocals because WOW
mizuki akiyama
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i'm gonna be unoriginal and say villain...... their "shingai", "hanabira" and "ageku no". woah
i think i'll put otome dissection as a runner-up though, AMAZING high notes
ena shinonome
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nomad!! such an underrated song but so pretty
HOWEVER runner-up is, without a doubt, aishite, aishite, aishite
guys..... those notes at the end were so pretty did you HEAR THEM?
mafuyu asahina
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saisei is really pretty how could i not
but bug is a close second!
kanade yoisaki
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saisei again :3
i wanted to put a lot of covers in second but i had to go with IDSMILE
her voice is so soft and pretty <3
rui kamishiro
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as you like it, probably with literary nonsense in second
tsukasa tenma
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journey, 88☆彡 in second (though i was considering putting literary nonsense here instead)
nene kusanagi
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starry sky melody, with into the night in second
best wxs vocalist imo (rui in second, then tsukasa)
emu otori
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odore orchestra, telecaster b-boy in second!
i was gonna put positive☆dance time here but it didn't make it
toya aoyagi
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utsuro wo aogu, with the runner-up being traffic jam (ft. kohane)
edit: that used to say "runner-being being"
akito shinonome
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this was SO hard i love all his covers i'm pretty sure 😭
airhead/garando in first, alter ego being the runner-up :3
if they get covers for gekokujo and shanti (any of vbs) then ALL of my opinions for them will change
edit: giggles. i was so right. anyway alter ego in first and Something in second. the eh? eh? eh? in the shanti covers was so silly
kohane azusawa
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NEO in first, beat eater in second, but odo was close!
you can hear the improvement i love it so much
an shiraishi
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egoist (ft. akito although the line distribution was awful for him, though colopal did say they'd fix this), then machi - machi would've gone first but imo it sounded a little forced
anyway uh same as i said with akito, her voice in gekokujo and shanti>>>
edit: I WAS SO RIGHT. gekokujo in first, beat eater 2nd, odo came close
minori hanasato
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milk crown on sonechka, then ai no material probably. i love her voice
haruka kiritani
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the earth's final confession (shizuharu is definitely in my top 3 duos in terms of vocals), then nostalogic
which i just realised is also shizuharu
edit: I CHANGED MY MIND it's IF and then booo! probably
airi momoi
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marshmary, then romeo and cinderella (im so original this is the rarest opinion ever guys)
shizuku hinomori
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literal ANGEL. she is from HEAVEN. she is not of this WORLD
anyway shoujo rei in first, nostalogic in second (shizuharu ftw)
ichika hoshino
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calc (so glad this song came to EN recently), then made to order
saki tenma
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from tokyo, then stage of sekai! saki is really sweet but guess who's sweeter (and way more underrated)
edit: hare wo matsu, then teratera and ikanaide
honami mochizuki
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this was another really difficult one because her voice is so fucking gorgeous
"but it doesn't suit leo/need's music!11!!" SHUT UP do you actually listen to leo/need. points at regulus.
as i was saying
morning glory in first (also my first master FC. edit: wow that was a while ago now), awaiting clear skies in second
shiho hinomori
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last but not least, my girlfriend
but not actually i believe in poly/need because come on they're so gay
this was ALSO hard so i'm doing my top 3 (「1」 being my favourite)
「1」, meteor pulse, stella
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daystarsearcher · 1 month
Thanks for the tag @envexenveritas. Saved it for the weekend when I had a bit more time and brainspace:
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
481,422 (Damn, if I wrote this much on my original fic, I could have a second novel done by now)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, Doctor Who/Big Finish and Holby. In the past I've written for Star Trek: the Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space, and I went through an intense Law and Order: Criminal Intent period in college.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The World Has No Place In Our Bed: Doctor Who, Kate/Osgood. You all love a fake marriage fic!
So Then This Happened: Doctor Who, Kate/Osgood PWP. There are things I'd change about the writing in this, but I guess you all like it!
Empty Spaces: Star Trek: the Next Generation, I looked at the whole Lal situation and decided to make it worse. People love being sad about Data, and who am I not to oblige?
Ghosts in the Machine: Doctor Who, TARDIS POV. One of my earliest fics and I still love writing her POV.
I Know My Sister Like I Know My Own Mind: Doctor Who, Kate/Osgood with Bonnie as the wingman. This was a fun one to write that I still have a soft spot for but kind of surprised to see it crack the top 5!
I do think it's very interesting how this differs when compared to comments. There's definitely a bias toward fluff for kudos (even the sad Data story ends on a hopeful note), while I get more comments on angst. (And I tend to get the BEST and most detailed comments on my absolutely unhinged stuff.)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! But I try to give it at least a week before I respond. If I respond to one right away, then I'll feel guilty for not responding to others right away, and then it starts to feel like a responsibility rather than a fun interchange of ideas and gratitude, and I don't want it to feel like that! Anyway, that's more info than you needed about my OCD but that is why I take awhile to respond. I do adore comments and often reread them when I am feeling down.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmm, I have been trending towards endings with a tinge of hope, so even though Two Birds in A Cage may be my darkest fic overall, I don't think it wins this. In my Osgood Must Suffer verse, Nor Yet Favor to Women of Skill ends in a really dark place with Osgood totally brainwashed, yet the sequel It's True the Girl They Speak of Died sees her reaching for recovery. Similarly, in the Modern U.N.I.T Infernoverse, The Pieces That Get Sacrificed ends on a dark note, but Chess sees the promise of working towards a better self.
I think we have to reach back to some of my earlier, more edgelordy work, like Snuggle for LO:CI, which is just an autopsy of the two main characters, or Goodbye to Ugly Words and Yesterday and Everyone You Knew and Were, which sees Odo losing every bit of his hard-fought individuality and identity. Oh, or Vermin in the Lower Zoo, my AU of an evil First Doctor, that's a pretty dark ending.
Oh, wait, no Plaything, my AU of Pyramids of Sutekh where I slowly strip away everything the Fourth Doctor loves. Oh wait, no, final answer: Careful the Wish You Make: Wishes Are Children, in which I do the same thing to Sarah Jane, but worse.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmm, what makes an ending happier, the overall level of happiness or the contrast to the sadness or pain earlier in the story? I think this question is going for the former, so I'll say either Come to Me Softly, Come to Me Sweetly or The Completely True and Canon Story of Oswin Oswald Seduced Jo Grant, or Jo Seduced Her, or Something.
(Or if you want *waggles eyebrows* happy endings, maybe Respectful Discourse on Power Dynamics in the Workplace?)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really! I feel like I've maybe got one or two mean comments on a fic on FF.Net over the years, but nothing memorable. Edit: oh, I remember! One person got sooooo mad at my characterization of Goren and Eames in Give and Take. Sorry, buddy, people are going to have different opinions about characters than you and write porn about it!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Fuck yes I write smut. It's one of the great joys of my life. I write predominantly F/F these days, though I've written quite a bit of of F/M, and a sprinkling of threesomes. I've made liberal use of the BDSM tag, and I like things that play with power dynamics and trust.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
A few! One of my first fics was a cracky crossover, The Good Ship [Name of Ship]. I also did a LO:CI/X-Files crossover so Eames and Scully could have sex. It's not my favorite genre, but I'll do it for humor and/or smut.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I'm aware of, but it would be a great honor!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really, but The Good Ship [Name of Ship] was written with the input of my best friend from high school, and she (with her fanfic author name) and some of her favorite characters do star in it. This is an important developmental stage for teen fic authors and I refuse to be embarrassed about it.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Impossible to choose. But have this handy summation:
Picard/Crusher, Odo/Kira, The Doctor/Sarah Jane, Bernie Wolfe/Serena Campbell: these ships changed me as a person and filled my heart to overflowing with yearning, making me believe in love across time and space and alternate universes
Kate Stewart/Osgood: I want the older authoritative one to top the shy nerdy one. A lot.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I am fully committed to eventually finishing every WIP. That said, it has been over a decade since I updated Loyalty's Price and that one has some intense worldbuilding that I would have to recall or rebuild from scratch, so uh, don't hold your breath for any updates soon.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I feel good about my ability to replicate character voice and to situate emotions in the body as physical sensations.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
My god, the amount of times characters speak hesitantly, as if their words are testing a fragile sheet of ice, or touch each other carefully, as if the other is wet paper that might tear, or a dozen other metaphors that my brain has just decided to go to constantly. You absolutely see this with published authors all the time so I don't feel bad about it, though, just amused at my dramatic-ass self.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Not something that's come up a lot for me, but I would treat it the same as using another language in original work--seek out a real human to proofread, offer something in exchange for their time.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
My first fic was a Star Trek: Nemesis fix-it fic written in a spiral notebook in high school.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
This changes all the time depending on what mood I'm in, but right now I quite like Chess.
Tagging @ktlsyrtis and @bonnissance if you're up for it!
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lesbian-odo · 2 months
welcome to lesbian-odo!
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okay so first of all, here's the tag system:
#lo - catchall for anything original by this blog
#loed - edits, fancams, out of context videos, etc.
#lor - rants or long text posts
#lorb - reblogs with substantial additional stuff (excluded from #lo because i said so lol)
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hi! i'm lesbian-odo! i love ds9 and my favourite character is obviously my beloved soup lesbian lol. this blog is actually run by two people, my wife and i, but we're so similar we're basically just the same person. we even have the same name lol. this is basically just our space to put all of the star trek hyperfixation stuff we have :3
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renegadeshroom · 1 year
just rewatched ds9's apocalypse rising where sisko, odo, and obrien go undercover as klingons. its completely criminal that we never got to see dax as a klingon. what were they even thinking. dax should have been on the mission AND we should have gotten klingon dax. we were sooo robbed!!
edit: turns out that she was originally meant to be but terry farrell couldnt do it bc of a skin condition, oh well 😭
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fourstores · 6 months
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@kirnet tagged me in 2023 character wrapped (CANON CHARACTER EDITION)! thank you ^_^
i cheated a bit here LOL i tried to originally only do 9 characters, and then i couldnt think of anyone, and then i DID manage to remember what i was obsessed with this year and then i could not only just pick 9 FDJGJFG. originally also this was filled with ocs but i could honestly make a separate post JUST with me and my friends ocs. they're my favorite characters ever <3
Chell, Barney, Alyx (half life/portal) // wolf (payday) // amanda (saw) // maria (silent hill) // luis (resident evil) // nadine (uncharted) // alan (alan wake) // kira and odo (star trek ds9)
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pepimeinrad · 2 months
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Der Theodor im Fußballtor (1950)
Hans Moser (Theo Haslinger Sr.) & Josef Meinrad (Theo Haslinger Jr.)
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giomagnetism · 1 year
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I posted 7,784 times in 2022
That's 2,004 more posts than 2021!
818 posts created (11%)
6,966 posts reblogged (89%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 6,271 of my posts in 2022
Only 19% of my posts had no tags
#art - 1,695 posts
#splatoon - 718 posts
#nonsense tag - 514 posts
#star trek - 500 posts
#long post - 323 posts
#video - 258 posts
#pkmn - 171 posts
#marlowe energy - 158 posts
#thou art mine - 118 posts
#loz - 111 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#add. edit: there are several moments in ds9 where—for instance; quark tells odo that he thought he was like that because he's a changeling;
My Top Posts in 2022:
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what too much tacticooler does to a mf
[shiloh is @shadowsplice ‘s]
122 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
idk if anyone’s made a post about XKit Rewritten for the New Twitter Users TM but imo the site is unlivable without it. there’s a firefox version or a chrome version (or if you’re checking for a different browser, make sure it’s posted by April Sylph, she’s the current developer). the settings are configured through your browser topbar with other extensions.
it allows you a bunch of personal tweaks to customize the dashboard, like built-in adblock, blocking individual posts, putting timestamps on posts, shortening long posts, simple accessibility options like enabling alt text on the bottom of images or pausing gifs and animated elements, and hiding a whole bunch of small annoyances:
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[id: a screenshot of a list of customization preferences for XKit Rewritten’s “Tweaks” setting /end id]
some of these are also available through tumblr’s native Dashboard Settings, and there’s a blacklist function using “Filtered Tags” and “Filtered Post Content” under Account Settings.
the sticky “following / for you” banner they put at the top of the desktop can be removed through ublock origin (right-click, select “block element”, and highlight the whole banner and click).
i also use the old, very broken New XKit for Old Blue which reverts the dashboard’s color palette to its old lower-contrast version, but there are again native dashboard themes which you can adjust that with. i would recommend NOT using the beta post editor because it’s much buggier and harder to use but you can’t use the newer features (such as restricting reblogs or marking explicit content) without it. worse than that it gives you a wonderful redundant pop-up confirming you’ve reblogged a post, which can also be removed through ublock origin.
alt+r reblogs posts automatically, alt+q queues posts automatically. also turn off infinite scroll and best stuff first xoxo
130 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
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happy 8/3 day you guys!!!! 😌
143 notes - Posted August 3, 2022
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if humanity killed itself off and left behind a genocidal artificial intelligence that kidnapped ten thousand of the earth’s second-generation of inhabitants in order to create a new supreme life-form would that be fucked up or what!
183 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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welcome back to the land of the dead, we thought we’d lost you
520 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ribbonsweetcreme · 2 years
You know what, I want to do another edit
I heard this Odo mix of the Vivids and Virtual Singers and went “a music video could be made out of that” and that’s exactly what I did.
Here’s the original mix, NOT BY ME
If your wondering why Meiko disappears halfway through the edit, she couldn’t leave Kaito and Luka in charge of the cafe for too long.
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Star Trek deep space nine security officer odo collector’s model kit.
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nerdgatehobbit · 2 years
Don’t worry, Lugia, Billy, & Kim will return, but I wanted to mix it up for a bit with my new Mew plush sitting on my Beckett jacket because they’re both associated with genetics! … Listen, it’s the simple things that amuse me sometimes.
Edit: Hang on, it’s acting up on me. Hmm. :/
Edit 2: I figured it out! \o/
Speaking of Pokémon, yes I’ve heard the good news although I am concerned/curious what will be next. Right now I’m still really enjoying Sun & Moon Ultra Legends. Although the Adventures in the Orange Islands are coming up soon- probably less than a year at this rate!
I’m also increasingly curious/hopeful about if Pokémon Masters will have PLA sync pairs after the game’s first anniversary. I mean, if nothing else, it’ll give the app new content while waiting to do Paldea sync pairs. And yes, there’s likely to be Scarlet commentary from me once I have it.
I’ve been playing Dreamlight Valley; I’ve been enjoying it but I haven’t had a lot to say about it. No Milo nor Kida yet. Although to be fair, Belle & Stitch haven’t arrived despite being on the original loading screen. And only Gothel and Scar represent their movies. I don’t even know??
I haven’t yet re-watched SGA’s first mid-season two-parter, but you all will know when I have done so. >:)
XWP’s 3rd season has been a bit of a mixed bag for me so far but I’m still watching & reviewing for my blog. … I still need to resume ALOK’s first season. At this rate I’ll have to start over like I know I’ll have to with Princess Tutu. Though there at least I’ll be able to get screencaps on my second watch now that I have my Blu-Ray disc drive. I’m still figuring how to review Sailor Moon.
Sooner rather than later I’ll be doing my Power Rangers mini-watch. I won’t lie, it’ll be interesting to basically zoom through the first seventeen seasons. Lots of revisiting my favorites! 2023 is going to be the year of Power Rangers & DS9 on this blog. >:D
Speaking of anime, I really liked the first 2 volumes of the Spy x Family manga so hopefully I’ll be able to obtain the anime sometime.
My DS9 watch isn’t especially coherent; on a first watch I’m on the second season but clearly I’ve been going back to rewatch & get screencaps because I want to be just watching on the first time. The important thing is that I’m having a lot of fun! :)
… Although I will say that it’s weirdly impressive how accurate Julian’s hasty backstory will be. Him taking an acute interest/concern about whether or not Rugal’s adoptive parents mistreat him due to who he is. That’s not just Julian being compassionate and/or getting caught up in Garak’s riptide, it’s him projecting due to his own childhood, isn’t it? Same with him calling out Melora’s coping mechanism because he’s aware he’s on the other side of the coin in how they react to people due to a fear of rejection because of who they are.
Meanwhile, Rom hasn’t gotten his development yet, but I have come up with a somewhat depressing Watsonian theory on what was going on in “Babel”. It’s not that Rom couldn’t do the repair, it’s that if he had, Quark would have griped about how long it took him to do so. The idea that Odo caught Quark out because he oversimplified the lie is amusing one. The depressing part is why Rom didn’t actually do so.
I think it’s similar to what went on with Daja and her birth family before the events of the Circle of Magic quartet, where doing manual work was looked down on in Trader culture to the point Daja was scolded/punished for her curiosity about it. To lean into my foreknowledge, Quark hasn’t drunk the root beer enough to encourage his brother’s interest in mechanics, even if it appears to be necessary to do so for profit.
Admittedly the animated Justice League has gone up in my media backlog list after learning about Conroy’s passing. … Not quite literally yet, but odds are I’ll redo the list for real closer to the end of 2022. That’ll probably be the next ramble post.
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