#third mlm ship tournament
mlmshipbracket · 5 months
Third MLM Tournament Winners!
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Completed Bracket
Here are the winners for the Third MLM Tournament Bracket:
In First Place we have....
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In Second Place we have...
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And in Third Place we have...
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Congrats Gigolas on winning the crown for best MLM ship in the Third MLM Ship Bracket! Congrats as well to our second and third place winners and all of our competitors. You fought hard and well.
Honorable Mention:
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Note from the moderator: I would like to thank everyone once again who participated in this tournament, From those who made submissions, to those who reblogged and commented, to adding propaganda, and to those who simply only voted. I hope everyone had a fun time as I did watching the interactions and seeing who made it through round after round. It always is a fun time rooting for favorite's and seeing who wins. As this tournament has ended, a new year has begun therefore keep an eye out for further MLM Bracket Tournaments. There will still be opportunities to submit and vote for more of your favorite MLM ships this year. Once again, Thank you. Have a Happy New Year Everyone!
MLM Ship Bracket Masterpost [HERE] Original Match-Up's [HERE] ROUND FIVE (Finals) POLLS (ENDED)[HERE]
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onepiece-polls · 8 months
One Piece Shipping War - Battle for 3rd Place
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KidKiller art by @anj-does-stuff. Check out the full art and original post here!
Propaganda under the cut.
Propaganda for Kid x Killer:
The loyalty, the way they praise each other, their past, the aesthetic, Kid's reaction to seeing Killer with a SMILE in Wano, the fact the Kid's hobby is listening to music while Killer's is playing the drums, they are made for one another.
That sweet sweet captain/first mate loyalty…can’t be beat
Killer and kids are cannonicly ride or die
Murder couple, captain x first mate will always have special place in my heart, childhood friends bonus, love that they're just unashamedly bastards together and separately
OMG they care so much for each other!!! Kid called Killer his partner! They are mates for life! 💕
Child. Hood. Best. Friends. You want more? *cracks knuckles* Growing up beside one another, calling one another partner, only ever seeing Kid crying and losing his hard head persona when it involves Killer, Killer calming down after being reunited with Kid for a bit, KILLER KNOWING WHERE - down to the centimetre- TO CUT HAWKINS’ ARM SO HE DOESN’T HARM KID!!! THE!!! CENTIMETRE!!! That’s some intimate level of knowledge right there!
Propaganda for Sanji x Usopp:
PLEASE they are so great for the needs love/gives love dynamic because it goes both ways.
My fav somewhat rare pair. I specifically love on skypiea when Sanji sacrifices himself to save Usopp from Enel. (And of course the scene when they wake up from their injuries holding hands!!!!)
It is simply the best Sanji ship I’m afraid
Consider: they cute
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animebw · 10 months
The Anime Binge-Watcher's Queer Anime Ship Tournament!
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The third round rages on! And I'd like to apologize to all the big yaoi shippers keeping up with this poll; I can practically feel the indecision tearing you apart through cyberspace. But one iconic MLM ship must triumph over the other, so will it be Kawoshin or Victuuri that makes it to the semifinals? Cast your votes now!
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cloverebi · 4 years
alrighty here are my thoughts + opinions on before the dawn. i’m writing this now and scheduling it to post the day it comes out since my copy inexplicably arrived a week early lmao.
-starting out with a negative i feel like it was a major missed opportunity to not confirm explicitly scarlet as gay :/ it’s not a secret rwby has zero mlm rep and i thought FOR SURE that they’d take the opportunity to confirm scarlet as gay here in a mainline entry to the series considering that it’s implied (if not confirmed lol) in the manga which. yknow. not many people read. i was pretty confident they would but. welp. i WILL acknowledge that they did point out that him and nolan (who i rly liked) seem to be ...friends (TO PUT IT MILDLY)  + and if there will be a third book (which it seems there might be) i wouldn’t be surprised if they make them a couple. but after the fg thing i’m not really willing to give them the benefit of the doubt in these scenarios.
(i went back after writing this post and i actually missed scarlet calling nolan a “pretty boy” in his head which is pretty gay but once again im not giving them any credit until it’s as explicit as coco being a lesbian is tbh)
-speaking of missed opportunities. i’m sad sage didn’t get more development :( like yeah he got a few lines which is more than he got in the show but he was really just. there. considering it seemed like team SSSN would get more screentime in this book it’s dissapointing that it seems he’s doomed to be a side character forever.
-this is so small and it’s kinda dumb but i feel like it’s weird how they mention that _SSN was at haven academy while sun was in menagarie? like it’s no surprise that V5 is kinda messy on a lot of fronts but i just wonder why we never saw them there if that was the case... we see neptune at the train station in v6e1 so he (+ presumably his team) was around i guess... idk. feels weird. maybe someone with an encyclopedic knowledge of the rwby timeline can confirm its been that way all along but whatever
nvm! it checks out. forget i said anything.
-THERE REALLY NEEDS TO BE A GLOSSERY OF PEOPLE!! holy shit they name drop a ton of people who were like.. background characters at the vytal tournament never named in the show and it’s just like... i remember some of these people but there should absolutely be some kind of list of who some of these people are... especially the NDGO girls who just. i don’t remember any of their appearances :/ i feel like someone who’s not a very invested fan would be super confused cuz... i am and i STILL was
the first two were what i disliked the most, but i feel like there were positives too
-i liked nolan!! somebody losing their entire team isn’t rly something that’s been explored in rwby (other than kinda with team STRQ) + it’s pretty dark to think that he lost like... his three closest friends in the world. rwby as a whole gets dark sometimes but i think this really stands out you think about it. it reminds me of the scene in after the fall where CFVY fails to save the people from the grimm in the cave (?) because it’s a moment where you gotta just think “wow the world of rwby is super fucked up sometimes”. (it is annoying how they chose the one white character on BRNZ to be the one who survived... like another thing that rwby does not have a lot of is characters of color and... they chose the one white guy on the team to be the only relevant character... -_-)
-i really like how the beacon refugees have a little support group in shade ;-; + i really liked sun’s conflict with them about how their meetings separate them from the native shade students in a bad way. i thought that was a good scene
-i like how sun’s team doesn’t accept his decision to leave them after beacon! i really liked his conflicts with scarlet. i’m glad they made up in the end too. i just wish we saw more of it (especially when sun + neptune hugged... i ship it bitch!!)
-the crown was really interesting... like i was convinced that it was gonna turn out that salem was bertilak + carmine’s employer, and that CFVYSSSN were gonna realize something like “oh shit this is way bigger than we first thought” and then we’d pick up with that when rwby + gang show up in vacuo. i kinda feel a little underwhelmed? not saying they were defeated too easily i just now wonder... what would a third book possibly be? considering it feels like they set up for one w/ bertilak running away to get his revenge on carmine for... using him as an aura battery (that was super fucked up what jax and gill were doing... lmao)
overall i liked it minus its issues! i think after the fall was a little better but i still enjoyed this one. 
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mlmshipbracket · 6 months
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~ Updated bracket for Round Two is above ~
OFFICIAL POLLS BEGIN TODAY AND will last until Monday, December 11th
Apologies for posting next round so late. Ended up going on a trip with friends and did not have enough time to prepare and post the next polls. Thank you for your patience and enjoy voting in Round Two!
Happy Voting!
REMINDER: All match-ups were randomly generated using a randomizer to ensure a higher likelihood of randomness as ships were pitted against one another.
Polls posted will include submitted propaganda (with edits for spelling/punctuation). Feel free to include your own propaganda (in the reblogs, comments, tags, or submitted via 'ask') for which ships everyone should vote for and hype up your favorite ship if you want them to win! Feel free to add text, art, or videos to your propaganda as well!
I will continue linking propaganda and ongoing polls so keep an eye out for those throughout the ongoing weeks.
Remember, get those votes in. Reblog, comment, tag. Get as many others to vote and get your favorite ships to Round Three!
As I have seen some arguing in previous polls I wanted to clarify:
You can vote to your heart's content!
The ship you vote for can be:
canon or not!
the cutest/most adorable
or just your favorite ship
There is no actual criteria for voting.
Its all who you believe to be the best ship
This is why propaganda is important, to convince others your favorite is the best.
With that out of the way-
Round Two polls are beneath the cut or [Find by Tag]
Round Two Polls!
Side A
1. Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones vs. Astarion Ancunín/Wyll Ravengard
2. Prince Gumball "Gary Prince"/Marshall Lee vs. Gregg Lee/Angus Delaney
3, Dean Winchester/Castiel vs. Legolas Greanleaf/Gimli son of Gloin
4. Luca Paguro/Alberto Scorfano vs. Detective Hunch Curio/Daniel Fucks
Side B
5. Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth vs. Squalo/Tiziano
6. Dream/Hob Gadling vs. Bruno Bucciarati/Leone Abbacchio
7. Ike/Soren vs. Elim Garak/Julian Bashir
8. Lelouch Lamperouge/Suzaku Kururugi vs. Gol D. Roger/Silvers Rayleigh
tag key-
polls- #masterpost, #first mlm ship bracket, #second mlm ship bracket, #third mlm ship bracket, #mlm ship bracket 2023, #mlm ship bracket tournamnet 2023
other-polls- #other tournaments
preliminaries- #thirdprelims
rounds- #thirdr[1-5]. (ex. thirdr1)
propaganda- #propaganda
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mlmshipbracket · 6 months
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~ Updated bracket for Round One is above ~
OFFICIAL POLLS BEGIN TODAY AND will last until Saturday, December 2nd.
You will notice previously the tournament had been divided into two brackets. I realized now after the preliminaries we would be down to 32 ships. I decided to condense it to one bracket, still in its original order. The tournament shall continue as a normal bracket does.
Happy Voting!
REMINDER: All match-ups were randomly generated using a randomizer to ensure a higher likelihood of randomness as ships were pitted against one another.
Polls posted will include submitted propaganda (with edits for spelling/punctuation). Feel free to include your own propaganda (in the reblogs, comments, tags, or submitted via 'ask') for which ships everyone should vote for and hype up your favorite ship if you want them to win! Feel free to add text, art, or videos to your propaganda as well!
I will continue linking propaganda and ongoing polls so keep an eye out for those throughout the ongoing weeks.
Remember, get those votes in. Reblog, comment, tag. Get as many others to vote and get your favorite ships to Round Two!
As I have seen some arguing in previous polls I wanted to clarify:
You can vote to your heart's content!
The ship you vote for can be:
canon or not!
the cutest/most adorable
or just your favorite ship
There is no actual criteria for voting.
Its all who you believe to be the best ship
This is why propaganda is important, to convince others your favorite is the best.
With that out of the way-
Round One polls are beneath the cut or [Find by Tag]
Round One Polls!
Side A
1. Takasugi Shinsuke/Sakata Gintoki vs. Jack Harkness/Ianto
2. Astarion Ancunín/Wyll Ravengard vs. Juno Steele/Peter Nureyev
3. Blaine Anderson/Sebastian Smythe vs. Prince Gumball "Gary Prince"/Marshall Lee
4. Gaston/Le Fou vs. Gregg Lee/Angus Delaney
5. Dean Winchester/Castiel vs. Luo Binghe/Shen Qingqiu
6. Legolas Greanleaf/Gimli son of Gloin vs. Odo/Quark
7. Luca Paguro/Alberto Scorfano vs. Adrien Agreste/Luka Couffaine
8. Fizzarolli/Asmodeus vs. Detective Hunch Curio/Daniel Fucks
Side B
9. Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth vs. Fiddleford Hadron Mcgucket/Stanford Fillbrick Pines
10. Squalo/Tiziano vs. Shawn Spencer/Carlton Lassiter
11. Kurogane/Fai D. Fluorite vs. Dream/Hob Gadling
12. Bruno Bucciarati/Leone Abbacchio vs. Stede Bonnet/Edward Teach
13. Ike/Soren vs. Jean-Paul Beaubier/Kyle Jinadu
14. Noe Archiviste/Vanitas vs. Elim Garak/Julian Bashir
15. Lelouch Lamperouge/Suzaku Kururugi vs. Edwin Paine/Charles Rowland
16. Gol D. Roger/Silvers Rayleigh vs. Johnny Silverhand/V
tag key-
polls- #masterpost, #first mlm ship bracket, #second mlm ship bracket, #third mlm ship bracket, #mlm ship bracket 2023, #mlm ship bracket tournamnet 2023
other-polls- #other tournaments
preliminaries- #thirdprelims
rounds- #thirdr[1-5]. (ex. thirdr1)
propaganda- #propaganda
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mlmshipbracket · 7 months
Submissions for the third MLM Ship Bracket Tournament are now open! This is another opportunity to submit your favorite men loving men ships to be pitted against each other and see who will be crowned victorious.
Information and Rules for submitting your favorite gay ships can be found below, along with the submission form at the bottom. Please make sure to read all rules and information. If you have any questions feel free to submit an ask and I'll be happy to answer.
Submissions must be made through the form linked below
Multiple submissions are allowed per person, but only submit an MLM ship once
Previous ships from previous MLM ship bracket will not be considered for submission [HERE] & [HERE]
Ships will be added on a first come, first serve basis, ships with more submission will take priority
There are 32 slots open, any remaining slots will be filled by me
Make sure to mark any spoilers
Submissions close Sunday, November 12th (You have one week)
If you have any questions about submissions, information, or rules please use the ask button
Ships must be fictional
Ships must be male (cis or trans) or masc nonbinary /genderfluid 
Ships for this poll are couples only
Ships can be canon or fanon
Ships can be from a variety of fandoms and genres including but not limited to: TV Shows, Movies, Plays/Musicals, Games, Cartoons, Anime/Manga, Books, Graphic Novels, Comics, Webseries, Webcomics, and Podcasts  
No original characters (OC’s)
No Bandoms
No Minecrafters
No real figures such as celebrities', youtubers, or streamers
Note: Any ships submitted which do not fit the above mentioned criteria will be disqualified from participation in the bracket
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mlmshipbracket · 7 months
Third MLM Ship Bracket Preliminary Polls
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The Third MLM Ship Bracket Tournament has its match-ups!
OFFICIAL POLLS BEGIN TODAY AND will last until Saturday, November 25th.
Polls will begin with one a one week preliminary round before moving on to Round 1. You will notice we had 40 ships included in the bracket. Due to simplicity I chose to split the ships evenly between two brackets. The winners of each bracket will face off against one another in the finals.
DISCLAIMER: All match-ups were randomly generated using a randomizer to ensure a higher likelihood of randomness as ships were pitted against one another.
Polls posted will include submitted propaganda (with edits for spelling/punctuation). Feel free to include your own propaganda (in the reblogs, comments, or tags) for which ships everyone should vote for and hype up your favorite ship if you want them to win! Feel free to add text, art, or videos to your propaganda as well!
I will be linking propaganda and ongoing polls so keep an eye out for those throughout the ongoing weeks.
Remember, get those votes in. Reblog, comment, tag. Get as many others to vote and get your favorite ships into Round one!
As I have seen some arguing in previous polls I wanted to clarify:
You can vote to your heart's content!
The ship you vote for can be:
canon or not!
the cutest/most adorable
or just your favorite ship
There is no actual criteria for voting.
Its all who you believe to be the best ship
This is why propaganda is important, to convince others your favorite is the best.
With that out of the way-
Preliminary Polls are beneath the cut or [Find by Tag]
1. Preliminary Polls Part 1
Side A
1. Ethan Chandler/Dorian Gray vs. Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones
2. Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter vs. Prince Gumball "Gary Prince"/Marshall Lee
Side B
3. Fiddleford Hadron Mcgucket/Stanford Fillbrick Pines vs. Connor Walsh/Oliver Hampton
4. Dave Bowman/Hal 9000 vs. Dream/Hob Gadling
2. Preliminary Polls Part 2
Side A
5. Upsher/Doff vs. Luo Binghe/Shen Qingqiu
6. Milo Thatch/Commander Lyle Tiberius Rourke vs. Adrien Agreste/Luka Couffaine
Side B
7. Minho/Thomas vs. Jean-Paul Beaubier/Kyle Jinadu
8. Dr. Walter Curnow/Dr. Maxim "Max" Brailovsky vs. Edwin Paine/Charles Rowland
tag key-
polls- #masterpost, #first mlm ship bracket, #second mlm ship bracket, #third mlm ship bracket, #mlm ship bracket 2023, #mlm ship bracket tournamnet 2023
other-polls- #other tournaments
preliminaries- #thirdprelims
rounds- #thirdr[1-5]. (ex. thirdr1)
propaganda- #propaganda
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mlmshipbracket · 5 months
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OFFICIAL POLLS BEGIN TODAY AND will last until Monday, January 1st!
REMINDER: All match-ups were randomly generated using a randomizer to ensure a higher likelihood of randomness as ships were pitted against one another.
Polls posted will include submitted propaganda (with edits for spelling/punctuation). Feel free to include your own propaganda (in the reblogs, comments, tags, or submitted via 'ask') for which ships everyone should vote for and hype up your favorite ship if you want them to win! Feel free to add text, art, or videos to your propaganda as well!
I will continue linking propaganda and ongoing polls so keep an eye out for those throughout the ongoing weeks.
Remember, get those votes in. Reblog, comment, tag. Get as many others to vote and get your favorite ship crowned the winner!
As I have seen some arguing in previous polls I wanted to clarify:
You can vote to your heart's content!
The ship you vote for can be:
canon or not!
the cutest/most adorable
or just your favorite ship
There is no actual criteria for voting.
Its all who you believe to be the best ship
This is why propaganda is important, to convince others your favorite is the best.
With that out of the way-
Round Four polls are beneath the cut or [Find by Tag]
For First & Second Place
Legolas Greenleaf/Gimli son of Gloin vs. Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth
For Third Place
Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones vs. Elim Garak/Julian Bashir
tag key-
polls- #masterpost, #first mlm ship bracket, #second mlm ship bracket, #third mlm ship bracket, #mlm ship bracket 2023, #mlm ship bracket tournamnet 2023
other-polls- #other tournaments
preliminaries- #thirdprelims
rounds- #thirdr[1-5]. (ex. thirdr1)
propaganda- #propaganda
13 notes · View notes
mlmshipbracket · 6 months
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~ Updated bracket for Round Three is above ~
OFFICIAL POLLS BEGIN TODAY AND will last until Monday, December 18th
REMINDER: All match-ups were randomly generated using a randomizer to ensure a higher likelihood of randomness as ships were pitted against one another.
Polls posted will include submitted propaganda (with edits for spelling/punctuation). Feel free to include your own propaganda (in the reblogs, comments, tags, or submitted via 'ask') for which ships everyone should vote for and hype up your favorite ship if you want them to win! Feel free to add text, art, or videos to your propaganda as well!
I will continue linking propaganda and ongoing polls so keep an eye out for those throughout the ongoing weeks.
Remember, get those votes in. Reblog, comment, tag. Get as many others to vote and get your favorite ships to Round Four!
As I have seen some arguing in previous polls I wanted to clarify:
You can vote to your heart's content!
The ship you vote for can be:
canon or not!
the cutest/most adorable
or just your favorite ship
There is no actual criteria for voting.
Its all who you believe to be the best ship
This is why propaganda is important, to convince others your favorite is the best.
With that out of the way-
Round Three polls are beneath the cut or [Find by Tag]
Side A
1. Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones vs. Gregg Lee/Angus Delaney
2. Legolas Greanleaf/Gimli son of Gloin vs. Luca Paguro/Alberto Scorfano
Side B
3. Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth vs. Bruno Bucciarati/Leone Abbacchio
4. Elim Garak/Julian Bashir vs. Lelouch Lamperouge/Suzaku Kururugi
tag key-
polls- #masterpost, #first mlm ship bracket, #second mlm ship bracket, #third mlm ship bracket, #mlm ship bracket 2023, #mlm ship bracket tournamnet 2023
other-polls- #other tournaments
preliminaries- #thirdprelims
rounds- #thirdr[1-5]. (ex. thirdr1)
propaganda- #propaganda
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mlmshipbracket · 6 months
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Edit: ~ Correct Updated bracket for Round Four is above ~
OFFICIAL POLLS BEGIN TODAY AND will last until Monday, December 25th
REMINDER: All match-ups were randomly generated using a randomizer to ensure a higher likelihood of randomness as ships were pitted against one another.
Polls posted will include submitted propaganda (with edits for spelling/punctuation). Feel free to include your own propaganda (in the reblogs, comments, tags, or submitted via 'ask') for which ships everyone should vote for and hype up your favorite ship if you want them to win! Feel free to add text, art, or videos to your propaganda as well!
I will continue linking propaganda and ongoing polls so keep an eye out for those throughout the ongoing weeks.
Remember, get those votes in. Reblog, comment, tag. Get as many others to vote and get your favorite ships to Round Five!
As I have seen some arguing in previous polls I wanted to clarify:
You can vote to your heart's content!
The ship you vote for can be:
canon or not!
the cutest/most adorable
or just your favorite ship
There is no actual criteria for voting.
Its all who you believe to be the best ship
This is why propaganda is important, to convince others your favorite is the best.
With that out of the way-
Round Four polls are beneath the cut or [Find by Tag]
Side A
1. Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones vs. Legolas Greanleaf/Gimli son of Gloin
Side B
2. Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth vs. Elim Garak/Julian Bashir
tag key-
polls- #masterpost, #first mlm ship bracket, #second mlm ship bracket, #third mlm ship bracket, #mlm ship bracket 2023, #mlm ship bracket tournamnet 2023
other-polls- #other tournaments
preliminaries- #thirdprelims
rounds- #thirdr[1-5]. (ex. thirdr1)
propaganda- #propaganda
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mlmshipbracket · 7 months
Third MLM Ship Bracket
Submissions (CLOSED)
Preliminary Bracket/Info/Rules/Preliminary Polls
Full Bracket/Round 1 Polls
Round 2 Polls
Round 3 Polls
Round 4 - Semifinals Polls
Round 5 - Finals Polls
Tournament Winners!
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mlmshipbracket · 1 month
Fourth MLM Tournament Winners!
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Completed Bracket
Here are the winners for the Fourth MLM Tournament Bracket:
In First Place we have....
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In Second Place we have...
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And in Third Place we have...
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Congrats to Ineffable Husbands on winning the crown for best MLM ship in the Fourth MLM Ship Bracket! Congrats as well to our second and third place winners and all of our competitors. You fought hard and well.
Honorable Mention:
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Note from the moderator: I would like to thank everyone who participated in this tournament, From those who sent in submissions, to those who reblogged and commented, to adding propaganda, and to those who only voted. I hope everyone had a fun time as I did watching the interactions and seeing who made it through round after round. It always is a fun time rooting for favorite's and seeing who wins. I'll be taking a break from this blog for awhile as after four brackets back to back I need some time to energize. But do not fret, there are other brackets planned out for this blog, which can be found in the masterpost. Keep an eye out for those later on. In the mean time take care and I appreciate everyone involved in getting these brackets to where they have. As always, Thank you.
MLM Ship Bracket Masterpost [HERE] Original Match-Up's [HERE] ROUND SEVEN (Finals) POLLS (ENDED) [HERE]
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mlmshipbracket · 10 months
First MLM Tournament Winners!
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Completed Bracket
Here are the winners for the first ever MLM Tournament Bracket:
In First Place we have....
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art by Behindxa
In Second Place we have...
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art by bodaciousbasil on tumblr
And in Third Place we have...
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art by Lukellios on DeviantArt
Congrats to our Top Three winners and all of our competitors. You fought hard and well.
Note from the moderator: I want to thank all of those who voted, commented, reblogged, and tagged posts and polls for this tournament. I also would like to thank those who submitted ships for this tournament. This bracket would not have flourished and succeeded without the participation of the varying fandoms. I hope everyone who participated enjoyed watching the progression of the tournament, whether or not your chosen ship won or lost. Its all in good fun after all. Feel free to reblog or comment on this post. I would love to hear your excitement for your winning ships, lamentations for those who lost, favorite moments, and feedback. Take care to all and I hope to see you around in the future ~
MLM Ship Bracket Masterpost [HERE] Original Match-Up's [HERE] ROUND FIVE (Finals) POLLS (ENDED) [HERE]
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mlmshipbracket · 8 months
Second MLM Tournament Winners!
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Completed Bracket
Here are the winners for the Second MLM Tournament Bracket:
In First Place we have....
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In Second Place we have...
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And in Third Place we have...
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Congrats Spirk for winning the crown for best mlm ship in the Second MLM Ship Bracket! Congrats as well to our second and third place winners and all of our competitors. You fought hard and well.
Honorable Mention:
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I noticed this ship fighting hard, those who fought for Shawngus to make it this far in the bracket should be proud.
Note from the moderator: I want to thank all of those who voted, commented, reblogged, and tagged posts and polls for this tournament. I also would like to thank those who submitted ships and propaganda for this tournament. I hope everyone who participated and watched the progression of the polls enjoyed themselves, as it is all in good fun.
Feel free to leave comments and feedback for this bracket is appreciated. I am planning on having further MLM brackets on this blog so start thinking of further ships you would like to submit and keep an eye out for further submission posts and future polls. Feel free to take a look at the masterpost to get a glimpse of the future polls I have in mind.
For now, take care everyone and I shall see you soon ~
MLM Ship Bracket Masterpost [HERE] Original Match-Up's [HERE] ROUND FIVE (Finals) POLLS (ENDED) [HERE]
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mlmshipbracket · 5 months
Fourth MLM Ship Bracket Tournament
Welcome to the New Year everyone!
I hope everyone enjoyed the Third MLM Bracket Tournament and its outcome. It's not over though, there is still more to come. Remember, the Masterpost shows the roadmap for MLM tournaments held on this blog. Feel free to check that out in order to know what to expect.
Next, I would like to announce that submissions for the Fourth MLM Ship Bracket are now open! This is the last opportunity to submit your favorite men loving men ships to be pitted against each other and see who will be crowned victorious.
This Fourth tournament is going to be different from the previous three tournaments. This Fourth tournament is going to be the biggest MLM bracket held so far on this blog, up to 64 spots open, therefore there will be more time to submit your favorite MLM ships.
Information and Rules for submitting your favorite gay ships can be found below, along with the submission form at the bottom. Please make sure to read all rules and information. If you have any questions feel free to submit an ask and I'll be happy to answer.
Submissions must be made through the form linked below
Multiple submissions are allowed per person, but only submit an MLM ship once
Previous ships from previous MLM ship brackets will not be considered for submission [Found Here],  [Here], and [Here]
Ships will be added on a first come, first serve basis, ships with more submission will take priority
There are 64 slots open, any remaining slots will be filled by me
Make sure to mark any spoilers
Submissions will close once all slots have been filled
If you have any questions about submissions, information, or rules please use the ask button
Ships must be fictional
Ships must be male (cis or trans) or masc nonbinary /genderfluid 
Ships for this poll are couples only
Ships can be canon or fanon
Ships can be from a variety of fandoms and genres including but not limited to: TV Shows, Movies, Plays/Musicals, Games, Cartoons, Anime/Manga, Books, Graphic Novels, Comics, Webseries, Webcomics, and Podcasts  
No original characters (OC’s)
No Furries
No Bandoms
No Minecrafters
No real figures such as celebrities', youtubers, or streamers
Note: Any ships submitted which do not fit the above mentioned criteria will be disqualified from participation in the bracket
@tournament-announcer , @tournamentdirectory
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