#or they accidentally hurt them out of fear
WHAT’S THIS?! TADC Headcanons?!?
— As the youngest circus member, Jax has definitely played FNAF and immediately thought “oh yes this is awesome” when he got into his digital body. However, sadly, no one else has played FNAF or gets his occasional references. 
— Bubble has a knack for showing up unannounced, absolutely silently. One minute, you’re chilling in your room; the next, Bubble is also chilling in your room. 4 inches behind your face. Silently.
— As there’s only humans, NPCs, and AIs in the circus, where does Jax get the bugs to harass Ragatha with?  My theory is that he bribes Caine to get them and Caine, being a natural prankster, is all too willing to indulge and make bugs appear out of thin air. 
— Ragatha is terrified that the bugs will crawl in where her stuffing should be like the Oogie Boogie Man. She was creeped out by Nightmare Before Christmas. She will never tell this to Jax, though. 
— Caine has accidentally bit one of his eyes before, just like someone biting their tongue. It hurts every bit and much much more. It hurts so much he glitches in and out of cyberspace for a few moments in pain.
— Gummigoo is actually an abstraction that has regained control using an NPC as a channel/shell for their essence. This is why he’s so self-aware and determined to return to the Circus, even if he’s not aware of it or his past life in the Circus. 
— Bubble watches reality TV (with a big bowl of popcorn) and, while Caine acts like he hates it, he watches it for all the big romantic gestures so he can know what to do for the Moon when he wants to flirt. 
— Bubble made Caine a big box of chocolates to give to her on Valentine’s Day. He still feels very touched by the gesture.
— Caine, on the other hand, is a huge fan of game shows and is actually imitating a game show host persona. He’s actually a lot more introverted when just one on one. 
— Kinger does not know how to play chess. He does love a good game of Candy Land, though. 
— Jax has an exclusive copy of GTA VI. How did he get it? Nobody knows. When he’s in his room, he’s just off playing it, though he doesn’t like it as much as GTAV. He taught Kinger how to play and he’s actually pretty good. However, Kinger forgets after every time they play. 
— Gangle can and does slither like a snake from time to time on those ribbons; it just freaks out Ragatha so she doesn’t do it. 
— Gangle has an irrational fear of ball pits. Mainly because she’s worried they’ll get stuck in her smaller coils. 
— Zooble was once disassembled and used as a hot wheels ramp/course by Jax as a prank. Caine thus has banned the use of Hot Wheels from the Circus.  
— Caine and Bubble have full internet access. He keeps up to date with trends and sprinkles in references that the Circus cast obviously don’t get.
— Caine and Bubble have a lot of inside jokes and no filter when they’re together. Bubble is also comfortable saying anything to Caine.
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nomoreusername · 3 days
Out Of Our Hands
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Pairing:Newt x gender neutral reader
Summary:When you get infected and keep hiding it, the plan to do that until the end falls apart when you accidentally hurt Newt.
They were getting worried. They were starting to notice. They were looking at me when I passed by. They would be too careful with what they said. They know that something was wrong.
Something is. Something hidden under my sleeve.
I kept my mouth shut. There was no reason to speak up. There was no cure. There was no solution. There was just getting Minho out and accepting my fate. It's that simple. Painful to the point where I've numbed all of my emotions but simple.
I like the roof. It's empty. It's quiet. It's high up enough to where if I jumped this hell would end.
I'm not allowed to though. Not until we save Minho.
Up here though, I pretend that isn't happening. I pretend that there's nothing to fear. I pretend that there's nobody that needs to be saved. I pretend that I don't need to be saved.
I do need to be. It's just that I can't. I can't, and Minho can.
Looking at the ground, I closed my eyes as tears streamed down my cheeks. Letting them, I just hummed to myself as I kept wondering why. Why couldn't I be fast enough? Why couldn't I be immune? Why couldn't I rescue my friend, then get back to the Safe Haven, marry Newt, and start a family?
As I was deep into my mind, falling back into my endless spiral of destruction, someone tapped my shoulder. Quickly opening my eyes and turning around, I saw Newt, standing there with a strained smile.
"Love, are you alright? You weren't down for dinner,"He pointed out.
"I'm fine,"I lied, looking him right in the eye so he would believe me.
"Are you sure?"He asked, trying to put a hand on my shoulder. With my head reminding me that soon doing that would turn out with some kind of blood, I flinched and pulled away, still refusing to look at him. With both of us silent, it was clear that something needed to be said, but nobody quite knew what. They didn't know how to say it in a way that wouldn't destroy the other.
Only all of that is me.
"Did someone hurt you?"He whispered. Resisting the urge to ask if a Crank counts, I shook my head no and went to leave. If I stayed with him something would happen. I'm not sure what, but I'm not allowed to be by people. Not when I'm like this. Not if I didn't have to be. Why would I put someone in danger just for the selfish reason of my own comfort? Especially someone I love? Especially my Newt?
"Y/N,"He called as I walked over the door. Completely ignoring him, I pulled on the rusted handle, just needing to get out of here as fast as possible. Tuning out him asking what was happening, I glared at the metal door. Going to try it again, this time willing to dig my nails into the keyhole just to escape, before I had time to react Newt pulled on the handle.
It took what seemed like years to process it.
His hand was in the way of my nails.
My nails scratched him.
I drew blood.
I'm a Crank.
If he's not immune, he will be too.
I may have just given him a fate worse than death.
Pulling away, he just wiped it off on his pants as I managed to look at him. Shaking my head no, I knew that if I had one wish, it would be to take that second away. It would be for him to be immune. It would be for him to not be affected by whatever the outcome is.
I can't though. I can't so I may have just ruined him. He worked so hard on himself, and I may have just destroyed it all.
Only this time, he wouldn't be able to get another start.
"No, no, no, no, no,"I rushed out, looking at the red on his hand. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so, so, so sorry,"I repeated, wrapping my arms around him and repeating my apology.
"It's okay, love. You didn't mean to,"He tried to assure me.
"I'm sorry,"was all I could keep getting out as the tears poured until I was sure there was no water left in my body. Until all I was, was a bite and a doomed soul.
"Y/N,"He whispered, pulling away and pressing his palms to my face. With my heart shattering until the cracks couldn't even be seen, I was forced to realize how awful this actually was. Now that I had to think about if Newt wasn't immune, I had to think about just how agonizingly taunting it would be. To know your time is limited but not be able to do anything about it.
"It's okay. A scratch isn't going to kill me,"He said softly.
"I'm a Crank, Newt. I'm turning into a Crank,"I finally confessed.
"You're what?"He uttered, his eyes going unnaturally wide as he just stared at me in disbelief.
"I'm a Crank,"I managed to repeat.
"How?"He asked in a cracked voice. With the shame building up in me like never before, I rolled up the sleeve I had spent so long admiring for keeping my secret.
Now I hate it. I hate that it helped me not say anything. I hate that it's part of the reason I could have just dragged my love, my soulmate, my reason to keep fighting, down with me.
"Y/N,"He whispered, taking my arm and almost studying the bite mark that was now surrounded by veins, as if to be sure this was real. As if I would try to hurt him.
But I may have done something worse than hurt him, and we won't even know until tomorrow morning.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I would never do that to you. I would never try to make you suffer, and I'm sorry. It won't even fix anything, but it's true. It's all I can say. I love you, and I'm sorry. I will love you forever, and I'll be sorry forever,"I swore.
"Don't be sorry, okay? Don't resent yourself over this. No matter what, don't blame yourself."
"Y/N,"He said firmly, pulling my sleeve down and taking my hand in his. "You can't help not being immune, and I can't control it if I am. You never wanted to be infected, and you didn't mean to scratch me. Those are the only things that we know, and none of those are worth blaming yourself over,"He coaxed, pressing a kiss to the back of my hand.
I didn't believe his words. Not all of them. All of these events, and whatever the unthinkable outcome may be, go back to me. There's no other way to put it.
"Come on. Let's go to sleep, love,"He suggested. Not wanting to do any more damage, I just nodded and let him lead me down the stairs and to our rooms. After carefully opening the door he kept his hand in mine as he shut it. With neither of us having near enough energy to change and barely enough to walk, we just collapsed on his bed since it was closest.
That, and why would we try and separate right now? If we know that our time is limited, what's the point in staying apart?
What's the point in doing anything but falling asleep beside each other, knowing that no matter what, we will always be loved? Even if something should be breaking us apart, making us fight, making us hate each other, how could we? We are each other's everything. We're each other's rock, each other's light, each other's world.
I know that if he isn't immune I gave him a death sentence. He knows that too, but for now, we'll pretend not to. For now, he'll just hold me close to his chest as I wrap my arms around him, praying that this won't be the last time I fall asleep with my boy by my side.
And despite what I am, I know that he's doing the same.
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bluebugjay · 2 hours
I've been trying to work out why Edwin's demon / torture is a spider made of baby doll heads and I think it's because it's something so dangerous made up of completely harmless things.
Spiders generally are harmless, smaller than us and yet they're one of the most common fears. And then dolls are also something a lot of people find creepy (within certain contexts) yet are completely inanimate and again harmless. And they've been put together to make something genuinely harmful and terrifying.
This could either represent the way Edwin dies, accidentally sacrificed to a demon by a group of young boys who seem to genuinely think it wouldn't actually work. Simon even says it was only to scare Edwin and never to actually summon a demon. The way something supposed to be mostly harmless (at least in comparison to what actually happened) was the reason for all of their deaths. So Edwin has to relive that over and over in hell. Something as silly a fear as spiders and dolls becomes a genuine real life nightmare.
It could also represent the queer aspect to why he died. Simon orchestrated the whole thing because of his own internalised homophobia he was projecting onto Edwin and the rejection he felt from him. He wanted to scare him, to hurt him because he was hurting himself. Being queer is harmless but they lived in a world that taught them it was evil. Simon thought it must be torture to be gay and so that's what he (unknowingly) inflicted onto both of them. Something that shouldn't be feared, that is harmless becoming torture.
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lovecoredeity · 18 days
fun scene idea that I’ll probably never get around to drawing: someone grabbing a wanted poster from a board or wall only to reveal a missing persons poster featuring the same person as on the wanted poster underneath it (also the reward for them as a wanted person is higher than the reward for returning them when they were missing)
#basically this is something fun I imagine for my oc cashmere#as of right now she’s simply missing (presumed to be kidnapped at least that’s what the family she is from told people)#as of rn in her story she isn’t wanted for anything but that can change I’ll probably have her (attempt to) commit treason against her#own family or something#I think it would be fun that her family is willing to spend less when she’s missing than when they’re mad at him and want him back to be#punished for angering them#I have attempted to draw this out before but was like#it would be better as like an animation tbh but#I can’t animate I’m not going to animate my tablet does not even have the storage for me to animate#maybe a quick animatic if anything but like#idk#it’s more of a fun idea than anything#I imagine what leads to cashmere committing treason is that upon being back in the hands of their family they begin to realize that they#can’t lie to theirself anymore their family is terrible and the reason they died in the first place and snaps#i feel like they found themselves in a situation where they attacked someone out of fear and rage and blah blah that is seen as treason#it would probably be his dad that gets attack im ngl conquest deserves it#or they accidentally hurt them out of fear#I am unsure#*shrug emoji* I’m just making up shit for cashmere as I see fit and per what I find most interesting and fun <3#also cashmere is my only oc rn who would have both a missing and a wanted poster#sure most of my ocs would find themselves wanted for one reason or another or targeted by others#but some cashmere is useful as a tool to their family and having a runaway child is bad for their reputation they’d ofc want her back to#keep her quiet and keep people from finding out that she ran away#they also still think she’s sickly and wouldn’t want anyone to find out who she is that she’s sickly and for word to spread#basically they want cashmere back so their reputation isn’t damaged and so they can go back to using her as they please#I put a lot of suffering into this character#and I will continue to do so because as my favourite this is what happens#sorry I’m babbling
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snobgoblin · 10 months
I FIGURED IT OUT... yippeeee ignore my nasty ass fingerprints I'll clean it in a minute
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dutybcrne · 1 year
It’s easy enough to tell just how much something really got to Kaeya based on the air around him. He’s so carefully in control of his own emotions and Vision alike, his true feelings tend to go unnoticed or masked as something else. But if it really threw him or a loop or upset him in some way, a notable change in temperatures ( proportionate to how much he was affected ) is the surest sign, regardless of his poker face.
#hc; kaeya#//You know it's BAD bad if ice actively starts forming on himself/nearby without him noticing or in spite of him trying to keep calm#//But that usually only happened if something's truly threatening a loved one and he can't do a damn thing about it#//Or otherwise brought out of him by certain folks he's attached to. Like a certain claymore user for instance#//If Diluc ever tried to initiate reconciliation abruptly or even began to pry into his business; Kae is deffo bound to freeze something#//And he would sure hope Diluc wouldn't try to grab his shoulder or otherwise touch him unexpectedly; bc he'd give the man HELLA frostburn#//Pyro and Cryo do Not mix well; especially not if he was already stressed to begin with#//Anyone else trying to pry would get a chill in the air; whether bc of annoyance or rising stress#//Though Jean could also get him to freeze smth if she catches him off-guard a lot easier than most#//Especially if it flusters him--he would accidentally make a flurry burst of ice crystals the moment the feeling hits#//She and Diluc are the people he is/was most attached to; so ofc they're the ones who can get the strongest reactions out of him#//Diluc genuinely angry; whether at Kae or someone near; is also v likely to make him freeze the ground or smth he's holding#//Same with Jean; he assumes--he has yet to see her actually angry; but he genuinely Fears how it would go#//And the thought alone makes frost spread#//The traveler is depending on what exactly it is they do. Angry with him; it's a chill. Hurt; chill; maybe some frost depending#//Otherwise he's got a good handle on his emotions around them#//Y'know how in Frozen when Elsa froze her own room & then later in the prison when she froze her cell & shit started breaking?#//Yeah; that was what happened the first sleep after The Confrontation and during his stay at the Winery#//Both bc of Diluc lashing out and bc he was finally able to process Crepus' death#//Mans could not sleep Anywhere without the room ending up sealed in ice#//And only got worse each and every time Diluc's Vision flickered and dimmed#//He is thoroughly convinced the fact that he kept it on his person constantly is the reason he didn't get himself sick or worse#//He felt so awful for the staff and Adelinde especially if it got bad enough that she needed to get him to come out so it all could melt#//Or otherwise pull him out of his spiraling so he didn't actually compromise himself; the structure; or anyone else#//Would always act like she needed him to fetch her something; but he Knew. He Knew; and was mortified each and even time#//It got easier to control as the years went by; especially after/whenever Diluc replied to his letters#//But occasionally a particular nightmare would get him. Sometimes does in present day; but he's quicker to recover than back then#//When Jean got sick; her desk space had frost coating it while he worked. And when he heard she disappeared on Barbara?#//He froze and broke her inkwell; his coffee mug; and several pens#//All of which he replaced and swore Noelle to utmost secrecy
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movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
And what if I said Banner could also make positive constructs with her abilities and likes to uplift the other ads by showing them their bests selfs and how he believes in them.
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It must be nice being genuinely loved back by a guy you love. There, I said it.
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sovonight · 2 years
#my only note for the next part of the sith au is ‘‘cela accidentally hurts jaq and he’s ok with it but she’s deeply not’’#and yet somehow it's not at all writing itself. HMM#maybe it's bc i'm also trying to fit ''jaq's best friend thinks cela's manipulating him and tries to convince jaq to 'break up' with her#but only ends up breaking jaq's trust in him & jaq does something terrible to him#thus taking his first real step to the dark side'' in there too#& also trying to retcon the end of the last part to delete everything that happened after leaving korriban bc it was too big of a timeskip#& also trying to think up what cela would possibly do for jaq's training/lessons#& at some point during all this establish that the jedi jaq failed to kill has gotten news back to the council that cela's still alive#so now the council wants cela dead* by any means necessary (*something close to death but not quite)#oh and somehow cela has to seriously reflect on her place in revan's army and wonder why revan Does keep her around and become#convinced that 1) she's on thin ice 2) jaq becoming her apprentice was orchestrated by revan who's using him to secretly evaluate#her DS level. which is partly bc she finally saw his korriban vision and read it as him being eternally loyal to revan#but also partly bc she needs an excuse to push him away bc she's afraid of letting him love her#oh and somehow their developing force bond is like stifled and one-way bc of cela's refusal to let him in#and jaq should somehow almost die from it to make cela think emotional connection is bad#and everyone who knows cela's entire backstory should believe that there's no way for cela/jaq to happen without one of them dying#and in fact revan's banking on it#but it turns out cela's refusal to fully connect with him is exactly what's been making jaq like a finite battery that can be drained & die#so like as usual the big bad is a fear of intimacy and the whole thing ends with cela accepting jaq's love#and once she Does connect with him & complete the force bond jaq is now more like a wire connecting cela to the endless force#zero resistance
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laviedavantgarde · 2 years
If someone who can tell me how to navigate coming out at a workplace when you have to be closeted at home, that would be very great.
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I assume you really love all animals even the strange ones like snakes or possums!
Anon look at these pics and tell me they’re not to be loved
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…assuming you mean opossums and not possums, as possums are a group of animals not related to opossums, while opossums are a genus of 6 species- however out of these 6 only one lives in the US and Canada- Didelphis virginiana- and for some reason its‘ English name is apparently Possum. Huh. (Except for the 5. pic, that’s an actual possum)
Also they’re just cool (even if I barely know anything about snakes/nothing about opossums)
Fun fact: o/possums are regarded as "nature‘s pest control“, since they eat bugs, small rodents, dead stuff, ticks, and practically everything considered a pest! Most of them are also immune against rabies! They also sleep 18h a day, what a vibe. And that doesn’t even include that they can play dead for a few minutes or multiple hours in a row.
Not sure what to say about snakes tho that isn’t already common knowledge lol, they slither around (sometimes they do that sideways, which looks really funky, and on slippery surfaces they turn into an accordion instead), can get REALLY big (or tiny), come in funky colors, some of them can kill you x100 with their venom, they live everywhere except Antarctica and a few other places, can devour animals WAY bigger than they are, popular in all kinds of mythology,
and there’s an island in Brazil with nothing but a single lighthouse that is so infested with snakes it‘s illegal to go there because you WILL die. The snake to land ratio is 1 snake per 1 square meter. Which is a 1m x 1m square. 1m roughly equals 1 big step. Or 3.28 ft. Also said snakes happen to be one of the most venomous in the world. …so that’s a not so fun and actually quite morbid fact.
So yeah- wholesome little critters and absolutely metal lizards. Both very cool.
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thegreatestheaver · 2 months
still reeling from an awful hallucination I had last night at like 5am what the fuck was that
#eye dee kay hallucinations aren’t new but they’re always small and annoying typically#the scariest thing is when I hallucinate my phone ringing but it’s not actually ringing#but this was literally on a whole other level dawg#uhghghghghhh#I’m extremely paranoid abt just. someone hurting me. like. all the time#it used to be really bad I used to sit at my windows and just. watch. them for hours incase someone tried to break in and hurt me it was bad#I still get really bad about it especially in public but carrying a knife helps a little bit whatever#my ex always used to threaten to tell my mom about my issues (he had her phone number) right#basically. I hallucinated that him (and some other girl I know. she wasn’t related so idk why she was there) cut a whole in .#the screen of the window that I look out of the most when I’m losing my mind paranoid .#I also get really paranoid often about leaving things unlocked. the fear of accidentally leaving thing unlocked terrorizes me on the daily#so I accidentally left a window open. not a good start#then they cut a hole in the screen door n were about to come in my room and um. kill me#anyways yeah he was about to climb in my window and I was freaked out but I have. a knife on me almost 24/7 so I threatened him out to leave#I tbink i was also in some type of paralysis idk it’s rare but it’s happened sometimes. with the hallucinations.#he left eventually and then I could move again and ofc I didn’t actually move I was in my bed because it was 5am#um. I don’t wanna say I’m scared of my ex but. I’m kinda scared of him. like. irl. he’s really tall. and really strong#and could kill me . um#I Cut him off a while ago but he still knows my address and now I’m paranoid about that yay !!!#bleh#I wish I was still asleep but uhghgh activities#I already told my best friend abo ut it since I tell her Everything but oh my god#what the hell#I thought I was getting better ☹️ the main phone call hallucinations I had were becoming less and less#uhg
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rodismancave · 7 months
#i love characters who fuck up momentarily#i know ppl portray dr.ift as this malevolent being incapable of doing wrong bc hes trying so hard to do it right#but i think he deserves to be a little annoying and to accidentally push ppl away bc of that#sometimes youre trying to convince ppl youre the better good SO BAD that you end up being a little too convincing and also annoying#and perhaps even hurtful#maybe youre fucking crushing it. maybe youre screwing it up. not everyone is going to simply Deal With It.#anyway i dont think hed ever question ro.d on the name change thing.#i think hed understand#he did get his name changed then changed it back to detach the person deadlock is from himself#its like. a coping mechanism#but also its not like roddy ever says anything#dont get me wrong i think they share all sorts of stuff#i think theyre good friends#but i dont think rodimus is the type to bare his heart to anyone even if he trusts them#its not out of fear of vulnerability. well not entirely anyway#its this deep fear of being seen differently#being seen as something disgusting and rotten#drift is one of the few ppl who get it. sure they share sins. they share a life#but its not quite the same#nyon was not at war. he was not consumed by anger. he simply was someone with the power to destroy it all#and he took that power without so much as blinking until it was done.#and not even after that. canonically its like#nobody remembers nyon. rod has completely detached himself from it#who gives a shit abt a city nobody remembers? why should he#anyway#hmmmmmm.#ahem.#sorry#ooc / misty forest
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dutybcrne · 11 months
Something something, Kaeya developing a simultaneous pyromania-pyrophobia after Le Confrontation
#hc; kaeya#//Him developing an obsession with fire shortly after#//Both bc it reminds him of Luc & misses him; but also bc there's something about controlled fires he's set that gives him a sense of safety#//Fires he's set or otherwise has a handle on; Kae finds soothing; feels oddly peaceful and content in the face of them#//Fire was once a source of nothing but solace for him; after all. The one thing he was sure would never hurt him bc of their wielder#//On the other hand; he also feels a massive aversion to fire if it gets to close to him/he feels the heat a bit too much#//Whether bc he didn't realize how close he got; or something else was the starter/source#//Outright burns can send him into an anxiety attack or worse; depending on severity and how aware he was of them prior to it#//Even flickers of fire at the corner of his vision set him ill at ease; and he might even be More aggressive as a result#//Friends like Amber and Klee with Pyro Visions are safe; though. He might get a bit uneasy around Amber; but Klee he trusts entirely#//He knows Klee would never intentionally hurt him; if she ever does accidentally; he would never get upset nor trust her less#//If anything; he'd be more scared FOR her; acting like SHE was the one who got burned; making sure she's completely okay#//Amber on the other hand wouldn't get away with hurting him so easily; even accidentally#//She would be on the receiving end of a venom-laced; yet honey-sweet scolding she may or not feel holding that extreme malice#//He would never go out of his way to hurt her; but she might find her patrols far more aggravating and even a little more dangerous#//All within reason; of course; he'll swoop in if she's truly in danger of dying. But his spite knows few bounds#//Diluc's flames themselves make the pyromanic-phobic sentiments war#//Leaves him almost seemingly petrified in place (in awe or fear; even he doesn't know) more so the closer those flames are to him#//Kae's eye will always linger on them for a few moments upon manifesting; no matter what dangers are about him#//Tends to get himself and sometimes even others hurt if he doesn't snap himself out of it fast enough. Typically himself though#//Then gets him annoyed that he had such a reaction; and will play it off as himself being a idiot or gaslighting anybody who asks#//He is always quite tempted to try and goad Diluc into turning his flames against him again; make him feel that same fear from that day#//Thinks it might fix him if he gets a second dose he can properly process; esp since he'd fully intend to get such a reaction#//Being far more mentally prepared bc he was actively asking for it; he reasons#//But he can't bring himself to; no matter how badly he wants to kick that wasps' nest sometimes; esp in his lowest moods#//He fears what would happen if that ends up severing things between them for good#//He'd rather keep Diluc annoyed at him and always feel that itch; then scratch it and be cut off from him again/permanently#//He copes with letting Klee sets off sparks in his hands--harmless enough to not make him spiral; enough to sting a bit and make him FEEL#//Calms him; it does. On the plus; it helps him help teach Klee extreme Vision control. So he has an excuse if questioned#//Will probably never fully trust Diluc's flames near him ever again. Deffo doesnt't like having Amber's either
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yawnderu · 8 months
Perfect Life — Dad!Simon "Ghost" Riley x Mom!Reader
The first night the baby is home, Simon is so elated, mind racing 100 miles per hour. He glances at you and the sleeping baby between both of you, afraid he would crush her in his sleep despite knowing he sleeps like a rock.
What if this time is different? What if he has a nightmare and accidentally hurts either of you? What if someone breaks in? He doesn't have nightmares as often anymore, sleeping with you helps keep them at bay and you both have a fancy security system, yet he'd never forgive himself if anything goes wrong... so he does what he does best; be a guard dog for his girls.
"I love you." He whispers to both of you, laying on his side and looking at you both as if he was examining you in a lab, your breathing pattern he memorized years ago is still the same, and now he's memorizing the one of the little girl in front of him, carving it in his brain just in case if anything is wrong, he'll be able to tell.
It's been almost two hours and Simon isn't sleeping, staying up late and having a bad sleeping pattern became a part of him after so many years serving yet this time he isn't watching an enemy or a facility they're targeting, no, he's watching something much more important. He's watching his wife cuddle the baby in her sleep, her touch delicate yet protective, just as he imagined it would be ever since he found out you were pregnant.
He moves carefully around the bed, hand grabbing his phone and turning the brightness all the way down. Simon looks at you again just to make sure you're asleep before unlocking his secure folder, the corners of his mouth tilting up when he sees the contents of the folder.
It's full of pictures and videos of you, starting back in the day the 141 was formed, until you were heavily pregnant. The latest picture was of all three of you, holding the newborn in the hospital room, happy smiles on both of your faces and pure pride in his eyes. A small chuckle escapes him when he remembers how the nurse he approached seemed scared of him until he asked if she could take a picture of him and his girls, looking around one more time to make sure you were still asleep despite being able to hear your soft snores.
I'm so proud of you. His lips curled up into a soft smile, eyes starting to sting as they did every single time he remembers how far you've come. You look so different from the first time he met you—in fact, you both do, yet you're as beautiful as ever; fresh out of the hospital, no makeup, messy hair, and a peaceful look on your sleeping face while you hold the baby.
Thank you so much. In the quietness of his room and in bed with his two girls, Simon allows the tears to escape his eyes for the first time in years. I didn't even know I could cry anymore.
He plants a gentle kiss on your forehead and does the same for his little girl before laying back down, an arm protectively wrapped around your waist and over the baby, setting a safe distance between him and his little girl in fear of crushing her in his sleep. With one final look at his pride and joy he drifts off to sleep, his behemoth frame used as a protective shield for both of you in case something happens. Deep inside, he knows you're all safe.
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wolken-himmel · 11 months
In which (Y/n) finds a doll that bears a strange resemblance to Vil. The two enjoy some tea until Ace and Deuce show up to cause some ruckus.
The doll turns out to be the real Vil when (Y/n) accidentally kisses it.
Requested by @akemiozawa.
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"(Y/n)? What are you doing?"
You turned your gaze to the door of the Ramshackle living door as if you had been caught red-handed at the crime scene. Your eyes fell on none other than Ace and Deuce, whose gazes were trained at the blond doll seated across from you. They continued to stare at the two cups of tea on the coffee table, a steaming pot in between them.
"Having afternoon tea with my friend," you said, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Ignoring their presence, you took another sip from your cup.
Ace stared at the doll owlishly, then he broke out into laughter. "That's a doll, (Y/n)," he wheezed and almost doubled over.
"Shut up," you said with a roll of your eyes. "Don't hurt Vil's feelings like that."
Your words prompted the most confusion-laced gaze you had ever received from Deuce. "I hate to break it to you, (Y/n). But that's not Vil. That's a doll." The blue-haired boy hesitated for a moment as his eyes scanned the doll curiously. He quirked an eyebrow in realisation. "Although... that doll does look a lot like Vil. Did you make it yourself?"
The doll possessed the same brilliant blond hair with purplish tips that the Pomefiore dorm leader was known for. And its eyes were a soft lavender hue, too. But what was most unnerving was the way the doll carried itself: It possessed the same confidence and elegance that Vil himself exuded. Shoulders not slouched at all and with its chin raised high, the doll seemed to look down upon Ace and Deuce.
"I found the doll in one of the classrooms," you explained fondly. "And since Vil is too busy to spend time with me like always, I've decided to entertain myself with this mini-version of him. He has quite grown on me. So adorable and soft!"
"I've always found dolls creepy..." Deuce began to shudder, averting his gaze from the doll.
Slowly but surely, Ace's lips morphed into a smug grin. The red-head crossed his arms and began snickering. "You take better care of that doll than of Grim."
"That's not true!" An offended huff escaped your lips. "I just sometimes need a break from Grim," you murmured under your breath. Then you took another sip from your cup, planning to ignore the two troublemakers for now. You still had hopes to have a lovely time with the doll Vil.
Yet your plans were thrown out of the window when Ace suddenly let out a frightened shriek. "Ew! The doll just bit me!" he yelled in fear and, unable to stop his reflexes, threw the doll at the wall.
An unimpressed frown appeared on Deuce's face as he watched his scared friend. "Dolls can't bite, Ace..."
"No, really. It bit me," Ace insisted, trembling. "Are you sure it's just a regular doll, (Y/n)?"
"Now that you say it, Ace... The doll does emit a strange aura of magic," his blue-haired friend muttered after a while.
The doll lay motionlessly on the ground after having been thrown at the wall. Although it faced the ground, the doll seemed to be at least in one piece and without any other notable damage. You immediately rushed over to the doll and picked it up into your arms like a worried mother hen.
"Stop throwing around my little boy like that!" you yelled at the two Heartslabyul students. Meanwhile, you cradled the doll in your arms. "Come now, Vil. You're okay. I'll protect you."
"Stop coddling that cursed doll!" Ace sneered, trying to hide his fear.
A soft sigh escaped your lips while you ran your fingers through the doll's silky hair. Within a few seconds, the doll looked like new. But still, its expression seemed to have morphed into an angry scowl when before, it was a confident smile. "Did your face hit the wall when Ace threw you?" you asked as you noticed the doll's sour expression. "My poor baby, come on... I'll kiss it better..."
You carefully brought the doll to your eye-level. Your two friends were about to call you a freak for kissing a doll, but as your lips made contact with the porcelain of the doll, you felt its small body shift and twist into something else. Your lungs constricted when a puff of violet smoke filled the living room of the Ramshackle dorm. Violent coughs escaped your lips.
A round of gasps echoed around the room once the smoke had cleared up. You three first-years couldn't help but stare at the tall blond male standing there in all his glory. His hands rested on his hips as he stared down the two Heartslabyul students, blaming them for the red bruise on his forehead.
"Vil?!" you three cried out in unison.
Ace let out a cheer despite the precarious situation he was stuck in. "Hah! I knew the doll was cursed."
Embarrassment heated up your cheeks, and you couldn't help but avert your gaze to the ground. All the hours you had spent cuddling the doll and taking care of it, he seemed to remember. You gulped, unable to face Vil. "You... were that doll?"
"What were you thinking, throwing me around like a rag doll, potato?" Vil hissed out like a venomous snake that was about to devour Ace.
"I didn't know it was you! You were a rag doll literally!"
Deuce still couldn't even begin to understand the situation. His eyes kept darting between the three other inhabitants of the room. "How did this even happen?"
Vil let out a sigh, but his frown lessened when you brought him a pack of ice. His long fingers pressed the soothing coldness to his bruised forehead. "I don't know. Epel must have slipped something into my water to get away again. I never realised he was capable to something this potent though... I am quite proud of him," he explained and sat down in the chair the doll had previously occupied.
"Uhm... But I hope you still enjoyed the tea time, Vil..." A nervous smile graced your lips as you finally managed to summon the courage to look him in the eyes.
A little chuckle escaped the dorm leader's lips. "I did, dear. We shall repeat this again some time. It was quite nice to be forced to take a break from my hectic schedule." He took a sip from his previously untouched cup of tea. His tense muscles relaxed immediately. "Your presence is quite soothing, I must admit. Everything was okay until these two potatoes showed up."
"Hey! You bit me!" Ace huffed in dismay.
The room suddenly grew cold when Vil cleared his throat threateningly. "Perhaps I should turn you two into dolls and throw you around, too?" the Pomefiore dorm leader asked coldly.
"Vil, it's okay," you whispered and placed your hand on his arm. "Stress isn't good for your skin, remember?"
At your words, Vil's apprehension towards your friends seemed to die down. A soft sigh escaped his lips as he rolled his shoulders tiredly. "Fine, potato. But only because it's you. Now, I'd like more tea, please."
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