#or the times they had fun together like the football game scene
autistichanseo · 1 year
Friendly reminder hanseok does not care about hanseo in a brother way. Or love him. Like. At all.
At most he cares about hanseo in a “I spent so long moulding you into my puppet it would be a waste to have to kill you. You’re also one of the only people I know will immediately listen to what I ask with no hesitation while others I have to threaten or condition it’s just easier.” (before he went to prison you could add a “I also don’t want to go to jail so I need you alive and at my side so I can use you as a scrape-goat to go in for me.”)
Oh and that if you use the scenes of hanseok’s eyes being “watery” while he was about to shoot hanseo or the times they had fun together (I’ll talk about the fun thing another time separately cos ppl rlly don’t understand abuse dynamics 😭) as a way to like say hanseok cared for hanseo, you owe me a fiver. thanks 💕
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repulsiveliquidation · 3 months
Alone || Leah Williamson
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warnings : mentions of bullying, death, loneliness, rude namecalling. smut is at the end but i promise there is a happy ending. words in bold are from a poem above, but i can't remember who wrote it!
I like being alone was something that you always convinced yourself of growing up. Dad was always high on some binge drinking spree with his equally deadbeat friends and Mum tried her best to be a parent but with a useless father and barely any money coming in, you quickly learned how to keep yourself occupied and take care of yourself.
One day, the police showed up at your door and knocked. Mum stopped folding the laundry and you poked your head in just in time to hear the officers tell your mother that your father had tried to rob the local liquor store and was shot by the police who arrived on the scene. Having been ostracized from the community long ago due to your father’s behavior, the news of his death only increased the cold shoulder you and your mother got from the town.
Parents in your hometown seemed to teach their children bad manners from a young age; all the kids in school knew to stay away from you. No one sat with you at lunch, no one ever wanted you on their team for PE. God forbid you were paired up together for a group project, no one ever wanted your company.
Secondary school was rinse and repeat. No one sat with you at lunch, no one ever wanted you on their team for the science fair. Once, you were assigned the popular girl for the English project which was 25 percent of the class grade.
“You’re doing the whole thing yourself and you better not screw with my portion of the project, you got that you freak?” Megan warned, having cornered you in the girls’ changing room after class.
“I’d watch that tone if I were you, Meg,” came a voice from the end of the showers where you were cowering.
“Stay out of it Williamson or I’ll sock you!”
“I think you’re the only one about to leave here with a black eye Meg so I’d watch your tone.”
“You’re not defending the freak are you?”
“I’m doing what’s right, I’ve had it to here with your snarky attitude,” Leah challenged, grabbing the bully’s arm and pulling her away from you. “Leave her alone.”
“Fuck you, Williamson! Everyone will know you like the freak!”
“Call her that one more time and I’ll tattoo it across your forehead!”
Megan leaves the changing room with a loud huff and you hide yourself more in the shower cubicle. You’d never interacted with Leah Williamson before. You knew to stay far away from the popular girls and the captain of the girls’ football team was one of them.
Leah smiles kindly and reaches a hand out for you. You don’t take it immediately, half expecting her to make fun of you and demand you do her homework for her. Leah realizes this and shakes her head a little, sitting on the floor with you. You’re about to ask her to leave when she opens her mouth first.
“I’m sorry about her and all of them. You don’t deserve to be treated like that.”
“I’m used to it,” you mumble, pulling your legs to your chest and hugging them.
“I’m Leah.”
“I know who you are,” you answer quickly, pushing yourself up to your feet. “You don’t have to pretend to be nice to me,” you say just as the tears threaten to fall. You do not need Leah to see them, it’ll give her one more thing to tell everyone about.
You grab your torn backpack and rush out of the changing room before she can answer you.
Leah stands there a little hurt, her efforts of extending an olive branch failing only motivate her more. She knew about the whole scandal or whatever it was that happened all those years ago but learned at a very young age that Amanda hated it all.
“You treat that family with the same respect you give everyone else, Leah you understand? No one deserves such unkind neighbors.”
You do not know what compelled you to sit in the stands of Leah’s football game against a rival school. There was a ticket in your locker with a note hoping to see you there. Thinking it was a prank, you wanted to throw it away but decided against it, which meant that the cloudy England sky and shitty concession food was your plan for the afternoon.
“Hi, you got my ticket!”
You had your eyes glued to your phone, your hat pulled down over your eyes to block out the stares you normally got. But that familiar thick local accented voice rang loud in front of you, you looked up to see Leah grinning at you with her mother Amanda right behind her.
“You put the ticket in my locker?” you asked sheepishly, watching as Amanda sat next to you.
“Yes darling, her father couldn’t make it and she didn’t waste it so she wanted to give it to you.”
You look up at Leah and her grin is almost brighter than it was before. She was all dressed and ready for the game, hand reaching out to pat your head before running back onto the pitch.
“I’m so glad you’re here, I hope you stay the whole game!” she yelled out, jogging towards the rest of her teammates.
“She didn’t have to give me the ticket,” you mumble under your breath. More people are staring now, you could feel it. Amanda reached around your shoulders and rubbed your back, smiling down at you.
“No, but she insisted.”
Leah was relentless in her pursuit of you. There were more notes in your locker that were not malicious. They were written in the same writing as the first letter that had a football ticket in it, always signed LW.
Soon the letters became more personalized and directly from Leah. People talked a lot in this town and word got out fast that Leah was making friends with the freak. She didn’t seem fazed, the teasing she could endure; the bullying you normally received almost doubled overnight.
Ever since Leah started giving you the letters in person, all the people who had crushes on her had increased their hatred of you.
You were walking home after one of Leah’s games, headphones in and head down like always. You didn’t see them coming for you and didn’t hear them either. Megan and her girls had followed you the whole way until you turned into a dark alley; it was a shortcut to your house and you’ve never seen anyone else use it before.
Carla pulled your hair first. You turned and before you could defend yourself, Megan slapped you across the face. Alice tripped you as you tried to run away, slipping face-first into a muddy puddle left by the rain that morning. Rebecca, the ring leader, grabs your shoulder and turns you around, eyes seething with anger.
“I have wanted Leah Williamson for a very long time, you pathetic little bitch. What the fuck did you do to her in that bathroom that day when Megan was beating sense into your stupid brain huh?”
“Being a bully isn’t a quality I look for in a girl, Becca.”
Leah stands there with her kit still on and her hair sticking to her forehead. Her hands on her hips and chest heaving suggest she ran all the way here. She looks down at you before stepping towards you and reaching a hand out to you. You take it this time and she pulls you up and into a hug.
“Are you okay?” she asks, brushing your hair out of your face. You nod and she cups your cheek, thumb rubbing over your cheekbone that was slightly red from Megan’s slap earlier.
“What did I say about testing my patience, Rebecca?”
“Leah, she’s the town freak! What could you possibly see in her?”
“Everything I don’t see in you, Becca. What would your mother say if I let it slip over tea next week that her precious girl is a sly little liar? She doesn’t need to know about your little stunt with the principal I walked in on last week now does she?”  
“Don’t you dare!”
“Then you leave her alone,” Leah sternly warns, eyes shooting daggers at the fleeing girls.
“Come on, I’ll take you home. I saw them coming for you after the game and I followed them. I’m glad I found you in time!”
“Why are you being nice to me?”
“I think you know I like you a lot more than you’re letting yourself believe.”
“Why me, Leah?”
She takes your hand and walks towards the main road with you. You see Amanda in the car waiting, shaking her head at the two of you.
“Are you okay, love?” she asks you as you climb into the backseat with Leah. She hasn’t let go of your hand the whole time, rubbing the back of your palm with her thumb gently. You like the feeling of her hot skin on yours, it’s such a simple comfort and you can’t even remember the last time you felt it.
“Yes, Mrs. Williamson. Leah got me in time.”
“Please dear, I’ve told you to call me Amanda.”
“Mum, can she stay over tonight?” Leah chirps, holding your hand tighter. You blush a little, looking at her with a single thought in your head; you deserve to allow yourself a little bit of love.
“My mum is okay with it, I can stay.”
“Great! I’ve put a set of clean clothes in the bathroom for you too so…”
“Thank you, Leah,” you say quietly, eyes avoiding her piercing blue ones.
“Of course.”
The whole night goes by perfectly. Amanda cooks a delicious meal that you shamelessly have three servings of. Since it was a Friday night, Leah insisted on movie night. There were throw blankets and pillows all over the floor but you were hesitant to cuddle close to Leah. Having not made a single friend in years, you were scared that one wrong move could ruin the little bit of joy Leah had given you in such a short period.
Leah however, could not hold herself back anymore and was honestly quite annoyed at you. She had been showing her affection towards you for weeks and you were still hesitant to reciprocate them.
“You don’t like me back, do you? You’re just doing this to be nice.”
You look at Leah in horror. No, no, no! This was not how it was supposed to go.
“Leah,” you start, sitting up. “No one has ever wanted to be my friend my entire life. I have my useless dead father to thank for that. When you started giving me those letters, I genuinely thought you were planning some long term practical joke but tonight you’ve shown me that you truly want to be my friend, maybe more.” Leah sits up too and you continue.
“I’m scared, I haven’t done this in a long time. I don’t want to make a wrong move and scare you away. I want you so bad, if everything you’ve left in your letters is true then I want this, I want us. When you scored that goal last week when you rarely do, you looked at me. You did a hand heart towards me and I genuinely thought you were showing it to someone else in the crowd but you pointed at me.”
Leah had tears in her eyes, the tough captain of the school girls’ football team seemed moved by your words. She leaned in and you let her, pressing your lips to hers. You were sure you felt fireworks and that she did too. Her lips were soft and she loved that you smelled like her body wash.
You pulled away and blinked fast, hoping that she wasn’t a figment of your imagination. By the time you’d blinked about fifty times, she was still there, her stupid smug smile on her face.
“I really like you,” you tell her, head leaning on her shoulder as you turn your attention back to the TV.
“I really like you too,” she whispers, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead as she pulls you into her side.
In the days that come, Leah warned all those who regularly mess with you that they now mess with her too. She also warned that if she caught wind of people calling you names, especially freak, they would go home with it etched across their faces.
You’re sat at the dinner table with Leah in your home years later. Grace is sitting on her playmat, totally engrossed in her building blocks. The sunset pours into the living room and you’ve never been happier in your life.
There’s nothing in your life you’d want to change. You thank your lucky stars that the Lioness sitting in front of you took a chance on you that year in secondary school. Life had only gone up since getting together at 17. You went to college and Leah played for Arsenal. It was hard when you moved for a year to Spain to study but Leah fought hard to make sure the connection was there, flying every other weekend to see you.
The moment you graduated, Leah proposed in front of all your friends. Yes, you made friends! The Spain host family you lived with was more than welcoming and gave you a sense of belonging that you had never felt before. The little community you built for yourself gave you a chance to heal and forgive all those people who wronged young you.
She looked up at you with a face of pure admiration. The ring glimmered in the sun, the diamond was the perfect carat for her perfect girl.
“I have never been surer of anything in my life, will you marry me?”
You’re both standing at the altar, hands held in front of all your friends and family. The Arsenal and Lioness girls are rowdy in the front, cheering their captain on. She had just shared her vows and it was now your turn.
“When I was little, I convinced myself that I liked being alone. I was always the last to be picked, last to be called, sometimes the teachers forgot about me. By the time I was in secondary school, I had accepted that I was going to be alone all my life. Until I met you,” you look up at Leah and see that she’s already got tears in her eyes. You continue, feeling a little emotional yourself.
“I was sure that you were playing a prank on me, wanting nothing more than to humiliate me in front of everyone like they always did. I waited and waited and nothing happened. You saved me from those girls that day and in the car ride home I knew you were different. For the first time ever, I wanted your company more than my own.”
“Don’t stop, please don’t stop…”
“Never, babygirl,” Leah coos, hands gripping your hips from behind as she fucks into your pussy hard. You whine into the mattress and grip the sheets, pushing your ass back into her hips. She angled her hips just right, hitting your sweet spot just enough to send you right off the edge.
“Leah!” you cried, reaching back to hold her strong thigh. She was relentless, pounding you through your orgasm. She flipped you over a minute later, her strap pushed back into your sensitive hole just milliseconds after pulling out. You’re about to squeal about being sensitive when she wraps her hand around your neck so lightly. It’s barely there but her skin on yours sends electric shocks through your system.
You buck up into her and bite your lip, forcing her cock straight into your pussy. She gives you that smug smirk that boils your blood and gets to work, rutting into you with purpose. Her hands knead your breasts religiously, face buried between them in an instant. You cradle her head that rests on you, legs widening for her subconsciously.
Your body submits to her willingly and you can barely think when the hand around your neck gently tightens. Your eyes roll into your head and you grin deliriously, oxygen leaving your head as quickly as it gets there.  
Her hips, although practically laying on you, do not relent, pounding into your pussy obediently. Her harness rubs your clit just right and you can barely make a sound to warn her before you gush all over her cock and your thighs. She squeezes your neck just a little harder than usual and it sends you straight into another orgasm right after the other.
She only slows down when you’re shaking like a leaf and turning a little pale, kissing you gently. You grin and reach out for her, she pulls her harness off and settles between your legs. You pat her head and kiss her forehead, fingers running through her blond hair. She presses kisses all over your neck and you sigh, grateful for the chance at a proper life the woman in your arms had given you.
“I love you, Leah,” you mumble into her hair and you feel the captain mumble her answer into your neck. You giggle and settle into the warm bed with the love of your life, excited to see what life has in store for the two of you.
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celiastjamesoscar · 11 months
No Hard Feelings
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Pairings: Sam Carpenter x fem!reader
Summary: Tara makes plans with you to go to dinner and watch a movie, but she forgets and can’t go. So she sends Sam in her place
Warnings: slight spoiler for No Hard Feelings (small scene, no significance to plot), light cussing, mentions of Ghostface attacks
Read part 2 here
Word count: 7.6k
Tara sat on the floor of her and Sam’s apartment with a mountain of papers spread around her. To her demise, her past self thought it would have been a good idea to put off her month and a half project so she could-in her words-"be older so, therefore, wiser,” and she would get a better grade on it. Now, her present self wishes she could go back in time and politely murder her past self, as she would have to stay up all hours of the night even to get a passing grade on her project. She could call Y/N and ask for help, but she knew that the girl was probably busy doing who knows what.
Since the move to New York City, Tara found it hard to make friends she could trust; the only real people she did trust were the Meeks-Martin twins, Anika, her roommate Quinn, Y/N, and Sam.
Tara met Y/N when she first moved to New York through Anika, as she was her roommate. Anika introduced her to the core four one night while they watched movies and swam at their shared apartment. When Y/N first met everyone, she immediately clicked with the group, except Sam.
Sam was naturally standoffish towards new people, especially Y/N. Sam didn’t know if she disliked the girl because she shared the same love for horror as Mindy, her undeniable charm, her beautiful features, or the fact she was a fucker that fed off of Tara’s little fucker energy. So together, they just become this giant mass of fucker energy that wreaks havoc on innocents. Sam tries her best to make sure that her and Tara are not left alone together-God only knows what mischief they would get up to if left unattended-but that usually meant she was the one keeping an eye on them. From dragging them out of karaoke bars to forcefully stopping them from shooting fireworks at each other, Sam has seen enough to know she wasn’t too much of a fan of Y/N.
On the other hand, Tara and Sam haven’t always had the best relationship (Sam left her for five years with her alcoholic mother), but they loved each other dearly, and everyone knew that. However, Tara does things to get under Sam’s skin for fun. For example: going to frat parties after Sam told her not to, getting too drunk at said parties, throwing up because of the alcohol after Sam specifically told her not to, waiting until the last minute to do projects, and the one Sam hated the most, trying to set her up with her friends. Tara would spend days writing out plans of setting Sam up with her friends, pouring hours she should have spent doing homework into Sam’s love life.
Sam found it funny how Tara and Mindy worked together to try and set Sam up with someone, even though she never went out with the people they set her up with. She also admired their dedication to it, but she would never tell them that. Tara would invite some of Chad’s football friends over for a game night and hope one would hit it off with Sam, but Sam shot down every guy. Eventually, Tara got fed up with it and asked Sam, “Are you ever going to give a guy a chance?” Sam just looked at Tara with the most trustworthy eyes as she spoke, “I’ll never give a guy a chance again.” And with that, Tara stopped trying to get Sam with men.
Since that conversion, Mindy had been Sam’s “wingman” in picking up women, and it was not going well. At all. They’d go to a bar every other weekend, Mindy would point out a woman that Sam might be interested in, and immediately get shot down.
“What about her, Sam? She’s pretty, plays the guitar, and keeps looking over at you?”
“The fuck do you mean ‘no’?”
“No, she looks like she bites.”
“Biting can be good in some instances.”
“Okay then, moving on. What about her-”
And it continued like this until Mindy eventually had enough of it. “Dude, your sister refuses to give anyone I point out a chance! At first, I thought she was wary of getting romantical with someone because of he-who-shall-not-be-named, but now I think she’s doing it out of spite.” Mindy complained to Tara over a game of Uno one night.
“She’s not doing it out of spite; she’s doing it because she knows she’s getting set up.” Anika butted in while placing down a blue five. “You just need to set her up with someone without her knowing it’s a setup.”
And at that, Tara and Mindy shared a telepathic thought when their eyes made contact and simultaneously reached for their phones. Not reading the room, Chad threw down a blue draw two while standing up and yelling, “Uno!”
Mindy sent him a glare before speaking, “Do you want me to call her, or should you?”
“I’ll call her; just wait for me!” Tara exclaimed as she left the table with her phone in hand, walking about ten feet from the group before dialing Y/N’s number. Mindy and Tara’s plan began to hatch that night.
Tara would invite Y/N to the apartment everyday. She would even invite her over if she had somewhere else to be later that night, leaving the poor girl alone with either Sam or Quinn. Y/N was rather fond of Quinn; she enjoyed the redhead’s stories about her strange hookups and they played a very intense game of Blackjack on occasion. On the other hand, she hated being left alone with Sam. Sam would either not say anything or just glare at Y/N; she didn’t know which one was worse.
Sometimes when Y/N was over, Tara would excuse herself to leave her and Sam alone for long periods. Naturally, the two of them would sit in awkward silence while the tv played in the background. They would occasionally discussed what was on TV, but that never lasted more than four sentences.
Of course, Y/N was drawn to Sam: her beautiful tan skin that she sometimes dreamed of stroking, those beautiful brown eyes that reminded her of old brick libraries and vintage books she sometimes got lost in, and her protectiveness for her sister.
She's Everything. Y/N’s just Ken.
In the present, Tara groaned and rolled around the floor, “Why do I do this every time?” She whined while looking at her papers.
“I know; I thought you would have learned your lesson by now,” Sam joked as she watched her little sister dramatically roll around the floor. “I told you to spend at least twenty minutes a day working on it, but nope. You said you would be smarter by putting it off, and now look at you.”
Surprised by Sam’s words, Tara quickly sat up and looked at her sister before falling back onto the floor with an exaggerated groan. Sam rolled her eyes at Tara’s actions and sat on the couch. “What are you working on?” Sam questioned as she picked up a piece of paper with chemical formulas.
“I’m supposed to show what acid, like from soda, does to teeth. But I hate chemistry, and I’m seriously considering dropping this class.” Tara stated as she picked herself up off of the floor and stretched. As she was stretching, there was a knock at the door.
“Don’t worry. I’ll get it. You just finished your project.” Sam said as she got up and walked towards the door, ignoring the slight grumble of words Tara let out as she sat back down on the floor.
As she approached the door, Sam looked out of the peephole, as no one in the apartment was expecting any guests. When she saw who was at the door, she uttered a small cuss word as she opened the door, “What are you doing here?”
Y/N scoffed at Sam’s words but spoke with a gentle smile, “Tara and I have plans tonight to go to dinner and see a movie; I’m here to pick her up. Why? Are you jealous I’m here for her and not you?” She finished with a smirk that Sam wanted to smack off her face. She just scoffs at her words but lets her into the apartment.
Sam took in her outfit as she walked in: black dress pants, a black blazer, and a black lace strapless corset top. If she didn’t know any better, she’d assume you and Tara had a date planned, which hurt her heart a little.
“Hey, Tara, you ready to… go?” Y/N asked as she looked around the living room and found scattered papers everywhere.
Tara looked at her with bug eyes before frantically searching for her phone. Once she found it, she checked the time and date, which resulted in her smacking herself on the forehead. “Oh my god, I am sorry, Y/N. I completely forgot about our dinner and movie night; I just got so wrapped up in my project.” Tara apologized as she stood up from the floor.
“Oh, that’s okay,” Y/N stated as she popped her head to her left. Sam noticed that Y/N does that whenever she’s upset or doesn’t like talking about something. Sam hates that she sees the little things that Y/N does: rubbing the back of her neck whenever she’s anxious, bouncing her right leg when excited about something, and picking her nails whenever she’s stressed. The list goes on of the little things Sam noticed about Y/N, but she’d simply defend it as making sure Y/N wasn’t lying to her about whatever she and Tara were doing.
“No, it's not. You’ve already bought the tickets and made the reservations for dinner. I don’t want it to go to waste because I pushed off this stupid project.” Tara complained as she turned towards the spread-out work. “Is there any way I could make it up to you?”
“I’m serious, Tara. Don’t worry about it at all. We can go another time.” Y/N suggested. She didn’t want to see Tara upset over some movie tickets and a dinner reservation.
Tara sighed as she looked at Y/N, “But you’ve gotten all dressed up-you look amazing, by the way-and I don’t want it wasted.” Tara said as her eyes slowly drifted towards Sam, who was listening in on the conversation from her bedroom doorway, and a brilliant idea popped into her head. “Actually, what if I found someone to go with you?”
Y/N’s eyebrows furrowed at the question but told Tara to continue. She had no idea who Tara had in mind but hoped it wasn’t Sam. She could hardly stand to be in the same room as the movie. Let alone go on a dinner and movie date with her. Not a date, though, because Y/N would never think about Sam in a more than platonic way. No way at all.
“Uhh, sure. Who is it?” Y/N as she looked at Tara with wary eyes, already knowing who Tara had in mind.
Tara looked at Y/N with innocent eyes and a mischievous smile, “Sam will go with you.”
“Abosulety not,” Sam said as soon as her name left Tara’s lips, already walking back into the living room, “I am not going anywhere with her.”
“Sam, you are going whether you want to or not. You’ve been talking about going to see No Hard Feelings since the trailer came out, and now you can watch it; I’d be a bad sister if I let you pass it up.” Tara reasoned while staring at Sam with determined eyes. She has the perfect opportunity to force her two favorite people together, and she’ll be damned if she lets Sam wiggle her way out of it.
“Tara, please, it’s not that big of a deal. If Sam doesn’t want to go, she doesn’t have to go.” Y/N pleaded, hoping Tara would let it slide.
“Yes, I agree with it,” Sam stated rather dryly.
Y/N turned to face Sam and pointed at her before exclaiming, “Hey! Do not call me ‘it’! I have feelings and thoughts!”
“Yeah, feelings and thoughts of being a pain in the ass,” Sam said as she rolled her eyes at Y/N.
“I will fight you right here and now, Samantha!” Y/N declared as she walked towards Sam, invading her personal space.
“Don’t call me ‘Samantha,’ you fucker.” Sam stated as she pushed Y/N’s shoulders, causing the woman to stumble backward away from her. Y/N ignored how gentle the push was and fought the urge to smile at the thought of Sam not wanting to hurt her.
“Hey! Knock it off, you two!” Tara commanded as she stepped between the two women, even though she wanted to see how their ‘fight’ would end. “Sam, go get changed into a nice outfit. Y/N, you’ll help me with my project while you wait for Sam.”
Sam opened her mouth to argue with Sam, but Tara's glare caused her to close her mouth quickly. So instead, she sauntered into her room and looked for a decent outfit. “I’m going to shower and get ready; give me thirty minutes.” She called out from her room.
Y/N grumbled while sitting on the couch, waiting for Tara to give her instructions. “Why are you making me take her? I know that Mindy wants to see it. I can just take her instead.”
“Because, Y/N, you and Sam will have fun. You’ll go to a fancy dinner and watch Jennifer Lawrence in a comedy. It’s like the ideal date.” Tara said with a devise smirk on her face. Tara knew Y/N’s feelings for Sam and used that as leverage over the girl.
“You’re an asshole. You know that?” Y/N said as she looked at Tara with pleading eyes, hoping she’ll just call Mindy and explain the situation to her.
“Wrong. I’m just a little guy, so I cannot be held accountable for my actions.” Tara informed as she sat down on the floor.
Y/N scoffed at her words and rolled her eyes, “You cannot use your size to justify yourself for being an asshole.”
“Yes, I can, and I will. Now shut up and help me with this.” Tara stated as she turned on the tv and picked out a movie for them to watch while they passed the time. Y/N looked up at the tv once the film began playing. “‘The Babadook’? Really?”
Tara knew of Y/N’s irrational fear of the Babadook and loved to tease the poor girl about it. They’ve had many arguments about the movie: Y/N claiming it’s the scariest movie ever to exist, while Tara defends it saying it’s a comedy movie. Y/N believed Tara had lost her mind. Tara believed Y/N was a baby.
“It’s my favorite movie. Why wouldn’t I want to watch it?” Tara questioned as she began working on her project while Y/N made zero effort to help.
Y/N scoffed at her words before uttering, “I’d stab someone too if they told me their favorite movie was ‘The Babadook.’” Tara playfully hit Y/N’s leg while rolling her eyes before returning to her task.
Tara told Y/N about the Ghostface attacks she and the core four survived after knowing her for a few months. Tara knew she could tell the girl anything and wouldn’t be judged. Y/N listened to Tara talk about the trauma her and her friends went through, and when Tara was done, Y/N lifted up her own shirt to show Tara where she had been stabbed in her stomach.
It was in the left lumbar region. Y/N had little cuts that littered her torso, but none went into her body besides the one. Y/N explained to Tara that she understood what she went through, as she was eight years old when Jill Roberts tried to murder her. The two bonded over their shared trauma of Ghostface stories and quickly used it to joke with each other.
As Tara worked in peace while watching the movie, Y/N sat away from the tv, refusing to watch it. They patiently waited for Sam while the annoying sound of Samuel’s voice could be heard in the background.
“I hate that kid; he deserves every bad thing that comes his way,” Y/N stated coldly, refusing to watch the tv.
“You just hate little kids,” Tara replied, turning her attention to Y/N. “You should check on Sam; it’s been over thirty minutes.” Y/N didn’t see the smirk on Tara’s face.
“So she can stab me? Yeah, no thanks.” Y/N shrugged. Sam could stab her, and she’d thank her, but Y/N would never tell anyone that secret.
“Just go check on her, you giant baby,” Tara stated as she threw a shoe at Y/N. And with that, the girl got up and walked over to Sam’s room, gently knocking on the door, hoping the woman was ready to go.
“Sam? It’s been over thirty minutes. Is everything good?” Y/N asked quietly, afraid Sam would strangle her if she spoke any louder. Not that she would complain: Sam could do almost anything to Y/N, and she wouldn’t complain.
“Yeah, I’m good. Just give me a minute.” Sam called out from behind the door.
Not even a minute passes before Sam calls out again, “Could you help me with something? I’m in a bit of a bind.”
Y/N looks at Tara with wide eyes, silently pleading with the girl to intervene, but Tara does nothing but mouth “Babadook-dook-dook.”
Y/N flipped Tara off before replying to Sam, “Yeah. Of course. Just let me know when it’s okay for me to come in.”
Sam instantly replied to Y/N and told her to come in, so she did. Sam was facing a full-length mirror in the corner of her room. She wore a black dress with a leg slit on her right leg that wonderfully highlighted her curves. She wore black heels as well. When Sam turned to face her, Y/N was left speechless. The dress had a shallow dip that showed off Sam’s cleavage beautifully, and Y/N had to fight herself not to stare at the woman’s boobs.
Sam noticed the way Y/N stood straighter when she walked in. She saw the way her eyes refused to leave her own. And she noticed how Y/N wiped her palm on her pants, trying to get rid of sweat.
“I need help zipping up the back,” Sam admitted with a defeated tone, turning back towards the mirror.
“Y-yes, of course,” Y/N mumbled while approaching the goddess before her. She went to grab the zipper on the lower part of Sam’s back but accidentally bumped her hand against Sam’s ass, causing the woman to stare down Y/N’s eyes in the mirror.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.” Y/N apologized while refusing to meet Sam’s challenging gaze.
She grabbed the zipper and gently began pulling it up. Y/N looked into Sam’s eyes through the mirror, and they held each other’s gaze until the dress was zipped up. The atmosphere was so full of tension that Sam swore Tara could feel it in the living room. Sam wanted nothing more than to throw Y/N onto that bed and make her her own, but she had to show some restraint as she didn’t wish for Y/N to get the idea that Sam liked her. She could hardly tolerate the girl, let alone care for her enough to want a relationship. No way at all.
Y/N let her hands linger on Sam’s back before whispering, “Okay, all done.” Afraid her voice would give out at any second. Sam slowly turned around to face Y/N; they were so close that their breath fanned each other’s lips.
“All ready?” Sam questioned, still making eye contact with Y/N.
Y/N nodded as she spoke, “Yeah, let’s go.” She wanted to stare into Sam’s eyes forever but quickly glanced away, afraid Sam could read her not so pg-13 thoughts.
They left Sam’s room and bid Tara goodbye before going to the apartment level. Once they had left, however, Tara quickly sent Mindy a message, telling her that their plan worked and that Sam and Y/N were on their way to dinner.
A month and a half ago, Mindy and Tara devised the “perfect, fool-proof plan” to get Y/N and Sam together. The plan was relatively simple: Tara puts off doing her project, makes plans with Y/N to go to a fancy restaurant and movies the night the project is due, and then bails because she hasn’t started the project. Tara had done her entire project in one night and stashed it in Mindy’s room, so now all they had to do was sit back and relax while their plan unfolded.
When they reached the ground level, Y/N walked out in front of Sam and held the door open for Sam as they walked out onto the street. Y/N gently touched Sam’s lower back and led her to her car. Sam ignores the way her touch shot sparks throughout her body. Y/N opened the door for Sam—which Sam scoffed at—but she climbed in nonetheless. Y/N walked around the driver’s side and got in.
The two sat in awkward silence while Y/N started the car. Her phone automatically connected, and the soft voices of Julien Baker, Phoebe Bridgers, and Lucy Dacus could be heard. Y/N looked over at Sam after pulling out onto the road. “You look beautiful.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
Sam refused to admit that Y/N’s words caused her face to heat up, and a small smile threatened to appear on her face. She’d never had someone call her beautiful before, but to hear that word fall from the lips of someone she wanted to strangle and kiss all at the same time, she thought her head might explode.
The two drove the entire way to the restaurant in silence; the only thing that filled the silence was their fast-beating hearts and the graceful voices of Boygenius.
When they arrived and walked into the restaurant, Sam had to clench her first, trying not to murder Y/N violently. The restaurant they were at was an upper-class one, and Sam felt out of place, borderline uncomfortable. She began fidgeting with her hands, and her eyes nervously darted all over the room. Y/N noticed this and slowly reached for Sam’s hand, hoping the girl would accept the lifeline, and she did. Y/N held Sam’s hand down by their waists as she approached the front desk. “Hello, I had a reservation for two under L/N.” She spoke politely to the hostess. The hostess quickly looked through her book before leading them to a small table set up just for two.
Y/N gently pulled out Sam’s seat for her and pushed it in once she sat down. Y/N then walked over to her seat and joined Sam at the table. The two looked at their menus silently, waiting for their waiter to take their order. A small but enthusiastic man approached their table, “Hello, my name is Matt! What can I get for this lovely couple?” He asked with a gentle tone.
“We aren’t a couple.” Y/N and Sam both stated at the same time while looking at the man. He seemed a bit taken aback but quickly recovered. After that, they both ordered their meals and watched the man disappear.
Y/N laughed to herself before speaking in a matter-of-fact tone, “he thought we were a couple.”
Sam rolled her eyes at Y/N's comment but didn’t say anything in return; she knew arguing would have been useless.
“So, what do you do in your free time?” Y/N questioned as she leaned her elbows on the table, eagerly awaiting Sam’s response.
“Why do you want to know?”
“Because I would like to know you on a more personal level. I don’t like the level I’m on right now.” Y/N stated as she looked into Sam’s eyes, maybe sneaking a glance at her boobs as well.
“Fine, but you have to stop looking at my boobs,” Sam said with a playful smile as she called the girl out.
“I’ve only done it a couple of times!” Y/N defended with a blush on her face that Sam noticed. “I promise to stop looking. For now.”
Sam nodded and drank her water before discussing her interests, and Y/N listened. Y/N loved the sound of Sam’s voice and wished she could hear the woman talk forever. She had the kind of voice that could put sirens in a trance, and Y/N loved it.
The pair bonded over their love of nature and wanting to live in a cabin in the woods. They both loved reading and discussed their favorite books. As their food was brought out, Y/N brought up different scenario questions, and they went back and forth with their answers.
Talking with Sam was just as easy as breathing for Y/N, and Sam would hate to admit it, but she slowly felt herself loosen up around the girl. She could see now why Tara trusted her; she was easygoing, normally calm, and always had a good smile. Sam felt like she could trust Y/N with anything, which terrified her. She hated the idea of trusting someone that wasn’t a part of the group from Woodsboro, afraid that if she let anyone in, they would betray her. So, she began asking Y/N what her interests were; she wanted to know more about the girl in case she became a threat, and definitely not because she started to warm up to the girl.
Y/N talked about her love for horror movies, even though Sam already knew that. She mentioned her fear of the Babadook, and Sam found that hilarious (and cute). She even mentioned a “band” she was in with her friends.
“I play the guitar for my friend’s shitty band,” Y/N admitted with a slight frown as she picked at her food.
Sam noticed the slight frown and the way Y/N’s eyebrows turned down, “You in a band? I don’t believe it. Bud why do you sound so disappointed?” She questioned.
Y/N sighed as she looked up at Sam, “It’s not a band; we just do shitty covers of songs for fun. That’s about it. But we don’t do it as much anymore because we all moved to different states for college.”
As Y/N spoke, Sam felt her heart break a little when the woman mentioned how her friends had moved away from each other. Against her better judgment, Sam reached across the table and grabbed Y/N’s hand, squeezing it gently, subconsciously rubbing her thumb on the back of Y/N’s hand, “I’m sorry about your friends moving, Y/N.”
Y/N’s eyes quickly shot toward Sam’s hand, and smiled at the contact. She wasn’t used to Sam being nice to her, so seeing this new side of Sam was interesting, but she slightly missed the grumpy Sam she had grown accustomed to. As Y/N admired how Sam’s hand squeezed her own, Matt quickly made his way to the table, a knowing smirk plastered on his face when he saw the women rapidly pull their hands back when they felt his presence. “Alright, ladies, how are we doing the check today.”
“Seper-” Sam began to say, but Y/N quickly cut her off.
“Together, please,” Y/N stated while looking at Matt, refusing to acknowledge the death glare sent at her from the end of the table.
“Okay, I will be right back with your check,” Matt said, hoping to leave the tension-filled area as soon as possible.
Once he left, Y/N looked at Sam with puppy dog eyes and gave her the most loving smile she had ever seen, which made her heart yearn. “When you told me about what you like to do, you always mentioned how Tara liked to do them. You always said, ‘Tara and I’ or ‘I do this because of Tara.’ You never said that you do anything for yourself. I’ve known Tara for roughly six months now, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen you do anything just for yourself; you are always taking care of others. You never let anyone care of you. So tonight, I want to do that. If you’ll allow me.” Y/N said softly, hoping she didn’t push things too far. She wanted Sam to know she cared for her and saw her as more than just her best friend’s sister.
Sam didn’t say anything back. She couldn’t. Sam tried to muster up words, even a thank you, but nothing left her lips. She simply nodded her head, praying that Y/N would understand her predicament. Sam never had anyone in her entire life do something for her that was out of the kindness of their heart. They always expected something in return, but when Y/N smiled at her after she handed Matt her card and asked her if that was okay with her, she felt every doubt she had about Y/N slip her mind. Y/N ignored the tiny tears that formed in Sam’s eyes, and Sam felt like kissing her for not saying anything about it.
Once Matt returned Y/n’s card, they left the restaurant and got into Y/N’s car. Sam was the first to break the silence as they drove toward the movie theater. “Thank you,” was all she said. Y/N looked at her and smiled, admiring the alluring woman on her passenger side. She started to let her eyes wander down to Sam’s breasts but was interrupted by Sam yelling, “Watch Out!” Y/N quickly slammed on the brakes, almost running the red light.
Sam was getting ready to rip apart Y/N for being reckless but was interrupted by Y/N’s laughter. Sam didn’t understand why the woman was laughing, but she soon joined in until she gained enough sense to ask her why it was funny. Y/N turned up the radio as Taylor’s voice softly sang, ‘You almost ran the red ‘cause you were lookin’ over at me.’ Sam rolled her eyes and softly slapped Y/N’s arm as the other woman drove again once the light turned green. They both ignored the way Sam’s hand never left Y/N’s arm.
The movie theater was in an outlet strip mall, surrounded by food places and clothing stores, but most importantly, a dollar store. “Come on; we’ll go to the dollar store, buy our sneaks, and get our popcorn and soda at the theaters,” Y/N said as she got out of the car and approached the store. Sam laughed at Y/N’s words but quickly followed behind the woman.
As they are walking, a faint song could be heard playing over the speakers, and Y/N suddenly spins around in a circle with her arms stretched outwards, singing, “To live for the hope of it all. Cancel plans just in case you’d call and say, ‘Meet me behind the mall.’” She ended while pointing at Sam.
Sam stared blankly at the girl while saying, “I will never call you nor tell you to meet me behind some mall,” with a serious tone but a playful glint in her eyes. Y/N just scoffed at Sam’s remark, goes to say something, but closes her mouth, as they approached the front doors of the store.
Y/N held the door open for Sam, then led the woman to the candy aisle in record time. This clearly was not the woman’s first time sneaking in candy. “I’m going to get some sour patch kids along with-What the fuck?!” Y/N exclaimed as she bent down and got a closer look at the candy.
“What’s wrong?” Sam asked while laughing at Y/N’s words. She reached for her own box of sour patch kids.
“I’m going to cry. They don’t have cookie bites,” Y/n said as she stood up and pretended to wipe a tear from her eyes, “my life is over now.”
“You can probably buy some at the theater,” Sam suggested as they made their way to the checkout.
“Yeah, but I’m not paying $6.50 for a box of candy,” Y/N grumbled with a slight pout on her lips. Sam almost kissed it off of her.
“Whatever, stop being a baby,” Sam stated when she saw Y/N cross her arms as if she was throwing a fit. Y/N mumbled something under her breath at her remark.
Sam paid for her snack while Y/N paid for hers and left the store. Y/N led them back to her car, where she grabbed her backpack purse and put the snacks inside, then they made their way toward the theater. Once again, Y/N held the door open for Sam as they entered the theater.
The two got their tickets and ordered drinks and popcorn while Y/N still groaned about her cookie dough bites. After entering their auditorium, they sat down and silently watched the previews. They had rather good seats, third row from the front and in the middle. Sam just hoped it wasn’t too busy for no particular reason at all.
Once the lights start to dim, the screen cuts to a woman walking through a puddle on the ground, and Y/N immediately turns to Sam, “We come to this place for magic,” she says along with Nicole Kidman on the screen. “We come to AMC theaters to laugh, to cry, to care. Because we need that, all of us.”
Sam rolled her eyes at Y/N’s words, trying to pay attention to Nicole, but then turned toward Y/N once she stopped talking, “If you do not stop, I will leave.” Sam threatens.
Y/N smiles as she continues, “That indescribable feeling we get when the lights begin to dim, and we go somewhere we’ve never been before.”
Sam quickly looks around, only seeing four other people spread throughout the room before whispering, “Stop it right now, or I will walk out. I’m serious, Y/N.”
“Not just entertained, but somehow reborn together again. Dazzling images on a huge silver screen–hey, where are you going?” Y/N asks whenever Sam gets up to leave. Whisper-shouting at Sam as she walks up the aisle, “Sam, come on, stop being an asshole.” And with that, Sam walks out of the theater. Y/N felt her heart shatter when Sam left; she felt she had fucked up her one chance to be with the woman of her dreams. All she wanted to do was make Sam laugh and forget about all her problems, but all she did was make it worse. Y/N was an overthinker, and her thoughts quickly filled up with outcomes of her and Sam’s situationship–if one could call it that–and none of them were good.
Filled with shock and not knowing what to do, Y/N quickly sends Tara a text message telling her that Sam had just walked out on her. Tara soon responds with a thumbs up, saying, “Very nice.” Y/N grumbles at the text message but shuts off her phone and slides down into her seat, praying that no one else in the theater just watched the perfect woman leave her.
The intro to No Hard Feelings begins to play as she gets ready to text Sam, ‘I’m sorry I continued talking after you told me to stop. I should have listened to you. I was just trying to make you laugh, and I didn’t mean to upset you. Will you please come back and watch the movie? If you don’t want to, I will take you home. I am so sorry, Sam. Please give me another chance. I really like you, and I don’t want to mess this up,’ but before she hits send, Sam walks back to her seat and pretends as if nothing happened. Y/N quickly turns off her phone, hoping Sam didn’t read any part of the pitiful message she almost received.
“Jesus Christ, Sam! Don’t do that! I thought you had left!” Y/N whispered while Jennifer Lawrence appeared in the background screen. Sam chuckled before shoving a small candy box into Y/N’s side.
“You got me my cookie dough bites? Why?” Y/N quietly asked while looking at Sam like she had just hung the moon and stars.
“So you won’t bitch the whole movie. Now shut up; Jennifer Lawrence is on screen.” Sam said with her eyes glued to the screen, trying her best to ignore the woman she’s put in a trance beside her.
When a beach scene comes up, Y/N leans forward in her seat; her lips form into a mischievous smirk while her eyes are lustful. Sam is about to ask Y/N why she is so suddenly interested in the movie when a naked Jennifer Lawrence storms the beach and beats up three teenagers, even suplexing one. “I want her to do that to me,” Y/N muttered, staring at Jennifer Lawrence like she was a god. Sam just scoffed at the woman, her chest getting heavy with jealousy, but nodded in agreement because same.
When the movie ends, everyone begins to leave the auditorium except Y/N. “Hey, the movie’s over; let’s go,” Sam says quickly, placing her hand on Y/N’s shoulder while she stands up.
“There might be a post-credit scene, so we must stay,” Y/N says, looking up at Sam with puppy dog eyes.
Rolling her eyes at Y/N’s words, Sam states dryly, “Not every movie needs a post-credit scene.” Y/N stares at Sam before getting up, causing Sam to move her hand from Y/N’s shoulder. Y/N frowns slightly at the loss of contact but doesn’t say anything as they leave the room.
When heading towards the doors to leave, Y/N quickly stops as she exclaims, “Oh my god, Sam! I have to get your picture next to it.” Sam turns to look at what Y/N is talking about and then rolls her eyes.
Y/N has stopped in front of the Barbie poster. “I am not taking a picture with the Barbie poster, Y/N,” Sam said as she crossed her arms.
“Yes, you are. Now get it in front of it.��� Y/N said as she put the popcorn bucket between her arm and side and took out her phone.
“Sam. Get it in front of the poster. Now.”
“Because it will be funny, Sam! Just do it for me.” Y/N pleaded, already having her phone opened to the camera. Sam rolled her eyes at the woman and walked over to the poster. She stood with her hands by her side and didn’t even bother to smile. “Come on, take your picture.”
“No, you have to smile and do the pose Margot Robbie is doing.” Y/N motioned to the poster beside Sam.
Sam turned her head and looked at Margot Robbie's pose, “absolutely not, Y/N. You wanted a picture of me next to the poster, and you will get it. Just take the damn picture you-hey! Do not throw popcorn at me!” Sam exclaimed as she reached down the front of her dress to grab a stray piece of popcorn Y/N had thrown at her.
“I will continue throwing popcorn at you until you do the damn pose!” Y/N deadpanned, getting ready to throw more popcorn. Giving in, Sam raised her right leg slightly and lifted her left arm up into the air with barely a smile. Y/N quickly took the picture with a giant smile on her face, definitely because she had gotten Sam to do the pose and not because when Sam lifted her leg, it showed off more skin.
After the picture was taken, Y/N showed it to Sam, “See? You look so beautiful in it too.” Y/N said honestly as she tried to fight the blush that crept up her neck. Afraid to speak, Sam just nodded and told Y/N to send her that picture as they left the building.
When they arrive at Y/N’s car, Y/N again holds the passenger door open for her while saying, ‘My lady,’ as Sam gets into the vehicle. She smiles at the woman’s words as the door closes. Y/N jogs around to her side and gets in. “So, what did you think of the movie?” Y/N asked as she started the car and drove back to the Carpenter’s apartment.
“It was good; I’m glad that raunchy comedies are coming back; too many superhero movies,” Sam joked as she looked at the beautiful driver.
“I agree with you on that,” Y/N said as she stopped at a light and looked at Sam, quickly glancing at the woman’s lips before turning her attention back towards the road. Y/N hoped that Sam didn’t notice how she smiled when she looked at Sam’s lips, wondering if they felt as soft as they looked. As they drove, Y/N asked Sam to text Tara on her phone to let her know they were on their way back.
“Why can’t I just text her from my phone?” Sam questioned as she took Y/N’s phone from her hand.
“Because I might have texted her and told her that you walked out on me during the movie, so I feel like a text from me would be best.” Y/N reasoned as she brought the car to a stop at a light.
“Okay,” Sam simply said, not wanting to argue with the woman, “What’s your password?”
“Any significance?” Sam questioned while she typed in the password.
“Yeah, that’s when my wife was born. Natalia Alianovna Romanov,” Y/N stated with a dreamy voice.
Sam didn’t respond to Y/N, as she opened Y/N’s phone to the text message Y/N almost sent her. Her heart was flattered when she read, ‘I really like you, and I don’t want to mess this up.’ She felt her entire body heat up over those few words, and she couldn’t help herself as she thought about having a relationship with the younger woman.
Not wanting Y/N to know what she just read, she quickly backed out of the chat and entered her chat with Tara, “Alright, right do you want me to say?” Sam questioned as she read the text message Y/N had sent to Tara.
“‘Just kidnapped Sam, heading back to the apartment now. I severed minor damage, but I will live.’”
“Really? You kidnapped me? Alright then.” Sam laughed as she typed the message out. Y/N nodded her head in agreement.
The drive back was filled with jokes and laughter, and Sam pretended she didn’t notice how Y/N drove the entire way under the speed limit. When they arrived at the apartment, Y/N walked Sam back to her place. As Sam opened the door, she felt sadness fill her chest as she prepared to say goodbye to Y/N. “Despite my better judgment, I actually had fun with you tonight,” Sam said as she stood in the doorway to her apartment.
Tapping her foot on the ground, Y/N grinned at Sam, “Yeah, I had a lot of fun too, Sam. Even when you walked out on me.”
Sam laughed at Y/N’s remark and subconsciously moved closer to Y/N. When Sam stepped closer, Y/N rubbed the back of her neck while her eyes darted around the room. She took a deep breath before asking, “Would it be alright with you if we did this again sometime?”
Smiling at Y/N, Sam leaned in and kissed her cheek, leaving behind a faint outline of her lipstick, “Of course, Y/N, I’d love to go on another date with you.”
Flustered and taken awake, Y/N automatically placed her hands on Sam’s hips before dropping her hands back down to her sides in case she made Sam uncomfortable. “Yeah, a date. Of course,” Y/N said as they made eye contact and simultaneously looked at each other’s lips. Sam slowly leaned in to kiss Y/N when a voice called behind her, “Hey, you’re home!”
Tara practically ran to the door and quickly stopped when she saw how much space Y/N and Sam put between each other. “Am I interrupting something?” Tara questioned with a raised eyebrow.
“No.” Y/N and Sam both exclaimed; now Tara knew that she had, in fact, interrupted something and was getting ready to smack herself for it too.
“Well, alright then. I’m just going to leave you two to it then.” Tara said as she sent Y/n a playful wink.
After ensuring Tara was far away, Sam returned to face Y/N, “Text me when you get home, okay?” She said as she placed her hand on Y/N’s cheek.
Y/N lightly pressed her face into Sam’s hand and gently kissed her palm. “I will, Sam. Don’t worry.”
They shared one last smile before Y/N left, but she stopped halfway down the hallway and sent Sam a wave. Sam softly smiled and blew Y/N a kiss, which the girl pretended to catch and place on her heart before turning to leave Sam with a yearning heart that they both shared.
When Sam saw Y/N disappear, she shut the door and made sure to lock up the front door before quickly disappearing into her room, sending Y/N a text asking if she had made it out to her car safely.
Unbeknownst to the two women, Tara crawled out from under the couch after listening to their entire conversation. She quickly sent Mindy a text, “Our plan worked!”
(I projected a little bit of my fear of the Babadook onto the reader ngl)
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Guilty as Sin? — Chapter 6
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pairing: professor!javier peña x f!reader
rating: series is 18+ only, minors DNI, professor/student dynamic, jealousy, brief glimpse of drunk Javi, phone sex but not really, oral (fem!rec), protected piv, dirty talk, little bit of angst thrown in at the beginning, sort of rough!javi? but nothing too crazy
word count: 4.8k
series masterlist
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A month went by, summer fading into early fall and bringing a slight chill to the air with it. Things between you and Javier were only slightly awkward, and only when you were alone together. In class, he treated you like a prized pupil but nothing more. In your TA lab, he spoke to you like a colleague. But to say either of you seemed content with the emotional and physical distance after the night you shared together would be a lie. 
You thought of him incessantly, his lips often becoming the focus of your mid-lecture daydreams. You liked to imagine that he stole glances at you too when you weren’t looking, but his gaze never seemed to linger long. He remained respectful, but there was no denying the lingering tension between the two of you. 
Even so, there was nothing that could be done for the secret longing you felt every time he walked into a room. You’d come to peace with that fact. Mostly. 
It was hard not to think of him as you got ready for a date that was set up by your new friend, the one you’d taken to sitting by in Javier’s lectures, Mayte. She’d been so eager to pull you out of the funk your “situationship” left you in, though you managed to leave out just who that situationship was in. The guy—Kade—she set you up with was a friend of her older brother, who she assured you had good taste in friends. That had yet to be seen. 
He’d invited you to the UT vs Texas A&M football game—not your usual scene but a fun chance to get out of the house. You wore a simple pair of jeans and a new sweater you’d recently bought to help boost your confidence. Casual, but put together at the very least. 
You insisted on arriving separately, wanting a quick escape plan if shit went sour—which it usually did. Meeting him in front of the ticket office of the stadium, you were surprised to find out he was handsome. Tall, with dark brown skin, and even darker eyes. He looked to be in shape underneath his long-sleeved University of Texas t-shirt and joggers. Perhaps maybe too in shape. 
“Hey,” he greeted you with a smile, pulling you in for an awkward side hug. 
“Hey,” you replied, nervously fidgeting as he led you up to the security check in. 
“You’re prettier than the pictures Mayte showed me,” he offered, glancing at you from over his shoulder as he waited for the guard to scan the tickets on his phone. You gave him a forced chuckle. After all, you weren’t sure if that was supposed to be a compliment. 
After making it through security, he led you over to the concessions counter and the long line in front of it. 
“You’re tall,” you observed, hating the way charm seemed to evade you when speaking to men. Except for Javier, that is. 
“Yep,” he chuckled. “So…do you come to games a lot?”
“No,” you playfully scoffed. “Football isn’t really my thing.”
“Oh,” he muttered, turning to face the menu. 
A damn near intolerable silence fell over the two of you for a while, both of you quietly shuffling ahead each time someone moved out of the line. When it was time to order and the cashier asked if it would be together or separate, things got even more awkward as you replied in unison. 
“Together, please.”
“Separate’s fine.”
The conflicting responses had the cashier raising an eyebrow. 
“I’m actually fine, so…go ahead,” you said, gesturing for him to order. He gave you a look of irritation before sighing and walking off without explanation. 
You looked at the cashier for help processing what just happened, but she looked just as confused as she shrugged as asked, “First date?”
“Last date, too,” you chuckled, choosing to find the humor in the situation rather than letting it chip away at you. 
You found the exit of the stadium, shaking your head as you swung the glass door open only to hit—
“Javi,” you breathed. There he was in all his casual glory. A simple t-shirt and jeans that threatened to make you fall to your knees. 
“Hey,” he managed, his voice breathy as he took you in. For the first time in the last month, you actually felt something from him. Longing, perhaps. Regret, more realistically. You were about to comment on his presence at such a big event, Javier not exactly seeming like the type to show up to a college football game, but were cut off by an appearance on his left. 
There, slipping her hand around his arm, was a bright eyed blonde that looked to be in her early thirties. 
“Excuse us,” she said, pushing past you and dragging Javier along with her. You watched with a look of horror as he gave you a lingering glance from over his shoulder before disappearing into the crowd. 
You felt sick—not the kind of sick that makes you want to curl up in a ball and cry. No, actually and truly sick. You forced your feet to carry you out of this godforsaken stadium, the fresh air helping to settle your stomach a bit as vomit threatened to creep its way up your throat. Funny how your heart had such control over your body, taking its frustrations out on your poor stomach. You mentally blacked out between the stadium entrance and arriving at your car, only remembering the fit you threw once you were safely in the confines of it.  
Sure, one could argue that you, yourself, had just been on a date with a very handsome man, and that Javier had every right to date around as well. But that would be a logical way to deal with these feelings of betrayal, and when it came to Javier, logic never won. 
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You attempted to drown out thoughts of how Javier’s date was progressing as the evening faded into night, busying your mind with studying for the bar exam. You stayed up late, sleep evading you no matter how tired your eyes grew. It seemed every time you closed your eyes you saw his face, that look of helplessness in his eyes. 
You wanted to smooth the worry lines on his forehead away with soft kisses, wanted to shove that pretty blonde off of him and claim him as yours. Jealousy, it seemed, had turned you primal. 
As you settled into bed, this time vowing you’d actually manage to go to sleep, your phone started to buzz on your nightstand. You scowled at the bright light, reaching over and accepting the call without thinking. 
“Hello?” you demanded. 
“Hey.” Javier’s voice both soothed and wounded you at the same time. “Shit. I didn’t—I thought I’d get your voicemail.”
“Javi?” you asked, as if you couldn’t pick his voice out in a crowd of a thousand. “What—it’s like…shit. It’s three in the fucking morning. Why are you calling me?”
“I know,” he sighed, his words slurred. “I just…couldn’t stop thinking about you.” 
You scoffed, rolling onto your back to stare at the ceiling. “Figured your date would’ve kept you distracted.”
“There’s that jealousy I love so much,” he crooned, and you could practically see him smirking. “She was a mistake. I just…I don’t fucking know. Needed to try to get you out of my system.”
“And did it work?” you asked, your tone still clipped. “Did fucking her make you forget about me for a while?”
“I didn’t fuck her,” he promised. “Didn’t even make it through the game. Well, actually that’s not true. I caught the end of it at a bar, then proceeded to get piss drunk because I couldn’t stop thinking about this girl you might know. Clever, brilliant, has the prettiest pussy I’ve ever fucking seen—“
Definitely still piss drunk, then. 
“Javi,” you groaned, covering your face with your palm. “You’re being…cruel.”
“No, I’m not,” he argued. “I can’t stop thinking about you. Having to see you day in and day out, not getting to talk to you, not trusting myself alone with you. Now that’s fucking cruel.”
“So what?” you snapped. “You called me up just to tell me how much you want me but can’t have me?”
“I called you up to tell you I don’t give a fuck if I can’t have you,” he said, his voice so deep and warm it made your thighs squeeze together. “I fucking need you, cariño.”
“Yeah?” you asked, hating—and loving—the ease in which he coaxed you back into this mess of a situation. You bit your lip as you slipped your free hand down your stomach to the waistband on your bottoms. “Tell me how bad you need me, Javi.”
He groaned into the line, the sound of his zipper coming undone urging you to slip your hand further into your bottoms, your fingers finding you soaked with need. 
“Fuck,” he groaned. “Need you so bad. That pretty pussy, the taste of you on my tongue.” 
You let out a soft moan at the memory of Javier between your thighs, the scent of him on his bedsheets surrounding you. “Next time, I’m gonna give you my dick. See just how much of it you can take. How’s that sound? Bet you’ll take it all, won’t you, baby?”
“Shit, Javi,” you whined, swirling your fingers around your swollen bud. “Your voice…”
“Yeah? You like touching yourself listening to my voice, cariño?” he husked, a teasing lilt to his voice that made you throb with arousal. “
“Mmhm,” you moaned, slipping two fingers inside of yourself. 
“Good,” he said. “I’m fucking my hand to the sound of yours, too.” 
“Let me come over,” you begged. Your hand didn’t feel good enough, not like his did. “Please?”
“It’s late,” he cautioned.  
“I don’t care.” It was Friday night, after all. There was an entire weekend ahead of you to catch up on sleep. 
“I’m too drunk,” he said, sounding as if he was trying to convince himself rather than you. “Tomorrow night.”
You deflated a bit, slipping your hand out of your bottoms. 
“Doesn’t feel good when you’re not here,” you admitted with a pout. “You not only ruined me for all men but also for myself, apparently.” 
Javier laughed, the sound bringing a smile to your face. “God, I’ve missed you.” 
“I missed you, too,” you whispered, bashful and girlish. The exact kind of tone you used to tease your friends for using with their significant other. Funny how the tables have turned. 
“What were you doing at the game earlier?” he asked, thankfully picking up on the fact that your body had no interest in feeling good unless it was with him. “Didn’t take you for a football fan.”
“I’m not,” you chuckled. “Just had a…date. If you could call it that.”
“A date, huh?” You grinned at the way his tone seemed to shift. “And how did that go?” 
“He told me I looked prettier than I did in my pictures, asked for a separate bill at the concession stand, and then walked off when I told him I didn’t want anything,” you explained. “Pretty tame compared to some of my dating horror stories. Actually, I’m not sure I’ve ever been on a good date in my life. Not even with my ex.”
“How about we fix that tomorrow?” he said, his voice a casual drawl. You bit your lip to try and tame your smile. 
A date with Javier. Not a hookup, not a one-time thing to relieve some tension. A date. 
“I’d like that,” you said. “Where you gonna take me?”
“That’s a good question,” he chuckled. “Anything I should steer clear of?”
You weren’t sure you’d ever been asked that before a date. Typically, if they even bothered to make a plan, it was just going out for food at a restaurant they loved, going to see a game that you had no interest in, or worse, a male-led action film. 
“I’d probably steer clear of places where men congregate in crowds,” you chuckled. “And places that are loud. Besides that, I’m pretty flexible.”
“I hope to find out just how flexible you are, cariño,” he crooned. before chuckling at himself. Drunk Javier certainly was a lot more generous with his flirtation, and you made a mental note to get him drunk again sometime just to hear that filthy mouth run freely. “No men in flocks and no loud rooms, I can work with that.”
After setting a loose plan for tomorrow night—Javier picking you up at six and whisking you off to a surprise location you still had yet to figure out—you ended the call with a shit-eating grin on your face. Sleep evaded you again for an entirely new reason. 
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Javier arrived at your place with five minutes to spare, his melodic knocks causing you to jolt as you reapplied your favorite lip balm—if tonight went the way you hoped it would, lipstick would only cause a mess. You hurried to the door, swinging it open with a grin. 
“Hey,” he breathed, a boyish smile creeping up on his face as took you in from head to toe. 
You still had no idea what he had planned, but he gave you a few things to work off of: casual clothes, a hoodie in case it got cold, and an overnight bag. 
Your eyes fell to the bouquet of red carnations in his left hand, your brow raising at the gesture you’d only ever seen in movies. “Never had someone give me flowers before.”
“God, I hate your exes,” he sighed, shaking his head as he held the flowers out for you to take. “First of many, I hope.”
Your mouth twisted as your grin bordered the line of full on goofy. You lifted the bouquet up to your nose, breathing in the fresh scent. “This is very sweet of you, Dr. Peña.”
“Oh?” he chuckled. “Back to Dr. Peña now, huh?”
“Mmhm,” you smirked. “Maybe if you impress me tonight I’ll call you professor.” 
“Jesus,” he groaned, invading your space. He settled one hand on your hip, the other cupping your cheek as he leaned in and kissed you like a starved man. You grinned into the kiss, pushing at his chest to coax him away. 
“Bold for a first date,” you noted, relishing in the dimpled, lust drunk smile he gave you. 
“You’re right,” he said, stepping back only to have you pull him in tighter, your lips finding his again. Javier hummed softly into the kiss, his thumb stroking over your cheek. He gave you one last peck, something so soft and tender that there was no confusing it for anything but sheer affection. “We should get on the road, though.”
“The road?” you asked, your brow raised. “You whisking me off somewhere?”
“Mmhm,” he hummed, tugging you tighter to his chest. “Figured we could take a little trip to the lake. Wouldn’t have to worry about anybody seeing us.” 
You weren’t sure why all the sneaking around was so thrilling to you. Surely, it would grow old eventually, but today certainly wasn’t that day. “In that case, I should probably bring my laptop.”
“I’ll just give you an A,” he said, stopping you from walking back into your apartment by giving you another dizzying kiss. 
“You’re not my only professor,” you reminded him with a smirk, relishing in the near-possessive squeeze he gave your hips before letting you go. He waited in the doorway, watching you dart around your tiny space collecting the last of what needed to be packed. “You’re allowed to come inside, you know?”
Javier chuckled, “Good to know.”
“Not like that,” you snorted. “Although…”
“See, that’s exactly why I can’t come in,” he said. “I might just say to hell with our reservation and hole up in here with you all weekend.”
“The walls here are too thin for that,” you joked, stuffing your laptop and notebook into your bag. Slinging your bag over your shoulder, Javier finally came inside to help you with your overnight bag. 
“Come on,” he coaxed, nudging his head toward the door. “Thicker walls await.”
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The ride from Austin to the small lakeside town of Horseshoe Bay was a little over an hour, that time spent in conversation with the university’s most unsocial professor. But he wasn’t that crabby, brooding professor with you. No, Javier was an entirely different man. You’d begun to piece together a more concrete idea of the man you’d become fascinated with almost instantaneously, rounding out his sharp edges with bits of his past. 
He’d told you about his family, or at least what remained of it. He was an only child, his father a rancher in Laredo that he only sees on holidays due to the distance between them. His mother had passed years ago, you learned, right after Javier had graduated from high school. 
You listened intently as he fed you bits of his childhood, painting the scene in bright yellows and an achingly palpable nostalgia. He claimed he was a quiet child, not fully coming into his own until college. 
At this you felt a tug of familiarity. You’d never been popular, not until college rolled around and offered you a fresh start. 
In exchange for his past, you told him about your own—your parents, the world you came from, the sort of girl you were as a child and how she never really left you, even now. He rested his hand on your knee as he listened to you, glancing at you every now and again with that look of sheer interest that made it difficult to remember what you’d been saying. 
It was all so deliciously vulnerable and intimate, the giving of one’s past to a soul who never had the chance to experience it with you. Javier didn’t seem the type to open up unless he felt it absolutely necessary, which only added to the frenzy of butterflies in your stomach. He felt you were necessary, that you were deserving of receiving him in the past, present, and if you’d be so bold to guess, future. 
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By the time you arrived at the hotel he’d booked, it was half past seven. The stars had come out, stealing the spotlight away from the red autumn sunset over the resort. You stood beside him as he checked the two of you into your suite, your stomach flipping with anticipation over what was to come. 
This was no one-night stand or temporary fix to the issue at hand. No, this trip marked the first time you’d sleep in his bed, the first time you’d share dinner with him, the first time you’d get to feel him, the first time that you’d get an unfiltered glimpse at the man you’d fallen for without ever truly knowing. A small part of you trembled because of that fact, that this entire fantasy could come crumbling down overnight, but despite all of your concerns, you simply couldn’t bring yourself to truly consider the possibility. 
Truthfully, if he hadn’t irked you yet—a woman who’s admittedly very easily irked by men—then it wasn’t likely he’d begin to now. Beyond that logic, there was a different part of your psyche—the part that believed in true love despite the scars earned in attempt to attain it—that felt safe in his hands. Perhaps it was the way he’d handled the situation with Derrick, or maybe it was the amount of willpower he displayed the night he asked you to come over. Either way, Javier had firmly established himself as a good man in your eyes. 
A good man that was capable of conjuring the filthiest of fantasies inside your head. 
The tension between you only seemed to tighten as you made your way up to the suite. You walked behind him, admiring the broadness of his shoulders that tapered into a slim waist, his strong hands carrying an overnight bag in each. You had half a mind to shove those bags to the floor so that his hands could hold you instead, but managed to find the patience necessary to make it into the room. 
“The key’s in my front pocket,” he said, turning to face you as you reached your suite. You licked your bottom lip as you reached out to slip the card from his pocket before deciding on something a bit more sinful. Sliding your hand across denim, you bypassed his pocket in favor of palming him through his jeans. Javier raised an eyebrow at you, his eyes falling to your hand as you gave him a squeeze. “That’s not my pocket.”
“Oh, is it not?” you asked, feigning innocence. “I must’ve gotten lost.”
Javier hissed as you stroked him through his jeans, his now hard length straining against the confines of the rigid denim. “If you don’t hurry up and—“
You slid your hand away, slipping the keycard out of his pocket with a smirk. “So impatient.”
“I’m the impatient one?” he asked through a chuckle, opening the door of the suite and guiding you inside. “I’m not the one who couldn’t keep their hands to themselves.”
You stood in front of the massive king-sized mattress you’d be sharing with your professor. Biting your lip, you couldn’t help but imagine the things that might occur later on between you in those crisp white sheets. Javier seemed to follow your train of thought as he came to stand behind you, his fingertips trailing down your arm until he was weaving your hands together. You pressed back into him, exposing more of your neck. Javier leaned in, his lips soft and warm against your pulse as he pressed a featherlight kiss there. 
“I made dinner reservations,” he mumbled, tracing the line of your jaw with the bridge of his aquiline nose. You let out a soft gasp as he nipped at your jaw while bringing your entwined hands between your bodies. He guided your hand to the bulge in his jeans and pressed himself closer, a sinful sigh slipping from his lips. “We should get going.”
He made no move to do such a thing, instead choosing to spin you around and crash his lips into yours. You moaned into it, cupping his face with both hands as he gently laid you on the mattress. He stood up straight and watched you with a drunk look in his eyes as he peeled off his sweater, throwing it across the room. “Had to change anyways.”
You followed his lead, stripping off your top layer in a scramble before moving to do the same with the skirt and tights you’d worn with the hope of taunting him, but he stopped you. Instead, he unbuckled his belt and set it beside you on the bed with a sinful gleam in his eyes.
“Skirt on?” you asked, giving him a smirk. Javier popped the button of his jeans undone and unzipped himself, shucking his jeans down just enough to free himself. 
“Mmhm,” he hummed, stroking himself a couple times before lowering to his knees and tugging you to the edge. 
“And the tights?”
He smirked as he pressed a kiss on the inside of your thigh. “Depends on how much you care about those tights.”
“Not at all,” you purred, combing your fingers through his hair. Javier gave your flesh a tender bite--a signature of his, you were learning. Spreading your thighs wider to accommodate his broad shoulders, Javier ripped the tights in half where your thighs met to expose you to him. 
You’d forgone underwear for this specific reaction--Javi’s dark eyes flaring with desire, that skilled tongue of his swiping across his bottom lip, his hands gripping the meat of your thighs so hard you hoped it would leave a mark. 
“Fuck me,” he groaned, wasting no time as he leaned in and tasted you like it was the first time. Just like before, your mind was sent reeling, trying to comprehend how something--or someone--could possibly make you feel this good. He tasted you with unabashed eagerness, clearly using his free hand to stroke himself as he drank you down. “You wanna come like this, baby? Or do you want my cock?”
You moaned at the question, feeling yourself empty and fluttering around nothing. 
“I want your cock,” you managed, albeit a bit more bashful than his delivery. 
Javier placed a far too sweet kiss on your swollen bud before standing again, the sight of him and his dominance and his tenderness all driving you mad in different ways. You wanted this man, wanted to have him and keep him all to yourself, wanted to know him and be known by him in a way that no one else ever had. If this was to be your end, those strong hands and kind eyes, then at least it would be a happy one. 
He stroked himself with one hand while he walked over to his bag and located a condom. Tearing the foil open with his teeth—a sight you’d never imagined could be so fucking arousing—he returned to you, rolling the condom down his length. 
“You’re so…beautiful, Javi,” you breathed, watching him as he lined himself up at your entrance. He paused there, bending forward to kiss you with such tenderness, such affection that you nearly forgot where you were and what you were doing. He took those few seconds of dazed bliss to press into you, just enough to acclimate you to his size. He swallowed down your gasp, giving you another inch before stilling again. 
When he was finally fully seated inside your warmth, you let your head fall back against the mattress, a choked moan filling the room as he ground himself deep, his lips finding your pebbled nipples. “Fuck, Javi.” 
“Is it good, cariño?” he asked, his voice taking on a rougher edge. 
It wasn’t just good, it was…perfect. The way he felt, the feelings he stirred within you, the look in his eyes when he lifted his head from your chest to watch your eyes roll as he withdrew himself only to press back in. Absolutely, devastatingly perfect.  
“So good,” you moaned instead, holding his face in your hands as he picked up his pace, his hips snapping into yours. 
“Shit,” he hissed, dropping his head to watch himself disappear inside of you. 
You balled up your skirt to sit around your waist, determined to let him get the perfect view as your eyes squeezed shut, the sparks of pleasure from each thrust making it hard to see straight. 
“Feelssofuckinggood, baby,” he slurred in a moan, sounding almost as drunk as he did on the phone the night before. “Such a perfect fucking pussy.”
You keened at his praise, lifting your hips to meet his thrusts. Javier groaned, pinning your knees toward your chest as he stood upright and began to fuck you without inhibition. All you could do was cry his name and lose yourself in the clouds of euphoria as his hips snapped into yours hard enough to carve his name into them. 
“Fuck,” he hissed, hugging your thighs to his chest and guiding your ankles to rest on his shoulder. “You’re gonna make me come, baby. That what you want? Hm?”
“Fuck, yes,” you whined, feeling the knot in your belly tighten at his voice. 
“You gotta come first,” he panted, licking his thumb before bringing it down to your swollen and throbbing bud. Your walls clamped down on him, earning a growl as he picked up his pace. “C’mon, baby. C’mon.”
“Javi, shit—“ Your vision went white before you could even get the words out, your walls fluttering around his cock as you came harder than you ever had before. Javier let out a strangled moan, leaning down to kiss your lips as he sought his own release. “Good fucking girl.”
You clung to him for dear life, fearing that if you let go, you’d float off into oblivion and never return. Javier hissed, soft moans filling the room along with the sharp slap of skin as he pumped himself into you once, twice, three times before pressing himself as deep as he could go. He laid his head on your chest as he came, whispering filth in Spanish that had you ready for another round.  
“Fuck,” you sighed, content and satiated for now. A laugh slipped past your lips before you could contain it, causing Javier to lift his head off your chest, a lazy, and yet almost smug, smile on his face. 
“What?” he chuckled. 
“We’re fucked,” you said, laughing again, this time joined by Javier. 
“Completely and utterly fucked,” he agreed. 
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263 notes · View notes
sc0tters · 10 months
Not That Bad | Ryan Leonard
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summary: Ryan and you have been at odds for years, your new friendship with Will though seems to push his buttons even more.
request: yes/no
warnings: mature scenes, p in v, swearing.
word count: 2.36k
authors note: Ryan got the most requests out of all of the new draftees for this but I will say it made me laugh how many of you wanted Ryan smut. If this is shit though nobody is allowed to tell Kenz. I wrote the ending for this at the football game that I’m at so yeah, enjoy!
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It felt like hell seeing you get along with him.
The way you let out a cheer when you beat Will for the second time in a row in a game of uni “you’re cheating!” The blonde groaned as he watched you kick your legs as you giggled.
Ryan wasn’t a jealous person, you didn’t even fit into a category of people that he liked. But the way Will ran his fingers up your bare leg it made Ryan think about doing some pretty aggressive things.
What made it worse was that Gabe didn’t seem to care that his best friend was definitely flirting with his twin sister “didn’t know they were friends,” Ryan mumbled as he clenched his hand around his glass.
Gabe laughed as he watched you deal another round of cards “let’s join them,” he nodded as he got up “deal us in y/n!” He called out as he sat on Wills sun lounger.
It made you furrow your eyebrows as it left Ryan to sit on your own “no cheating dickward,” you grumbled as you sent the taller boy a glare.
Nobody really knew why but you two never got along, for the few years that you were in high school together it seemed like you were in this never ending competition. It started off with academic rivalries where you each had to do better than the other, quickly to morphed into him competing for the attention of your friends and you with his. Eventually it simply turned into you two just hating each other.
It was tough for your twin brother as you and his best friend could never see eye to eye but Gabe gave up trying to improve your relationship with his friend “wouldn’t dream of it princess.” Ryan smirked as he watched you redeal the cards.
You rolled your eyes as you began to play “just behave.” You flipped him off as it caused him to laugh.
The game with another win to you “I’m gonna go cool off,” you announced as you got up.
Will let his lips form a pout “don’t miss me too much when I’m gone,” you smiled as you squeezed his chin before you pulled Gabes shirt off of your shoulders before you let it fall onto the blondes lap.
Ryan’s anger came back as he watched you send the boy a toothy grin before you made your way down to the lake “could you like not stare at her like that?” Gabes words pulled Ryan out of his thoughts as he had been watching your ass move.
His cheeks turned a shade of pink “it’s freaking me out,” Gabe added as he scrunched his nose in disgust.
Your swim was peaceful, it always was. But the way the boys watched you was something you felt to your core, you would have thought that it was Will’s eyes that made you feel weak in your knees but it was actually Ryan’s.
The way it almost burnt holes in your back sent shivers down your spine “we’re going on the boat later y/n.” Gabe announced totally unaware of how his friends eyes never left your body “you wanna come with?” Will addd as he handed you a towel.
You smiled as you wrapped the fabric around your body “I’ll let you and the boys have fun.” You shook your head as you knew that some of the boys from the lake house next door were going to come over.
But of course the quiet night you hoped for was never truly going to come, even your parents had gone out for dinner. Yet here you were sat with Ryan on the couch “is there seriously nothing better you can do than annoy me?” You groaned as you sent him a glare.
He had been bouncing his leg on the table for the last five minutes and you had enough “not when this is just so easy,” Ryan shook his head as he smiled.
It never made sense to you how he always found this just so easy to push your buttons “have a nice night Ryan.” You sighed as you got up grabbing your iPad in the process.
The boy frowned as he reached out to grab your hand “I’m going upstairs where you can’t annoy me.” You explained as you rolled your eyes.
That comment made him frown “and don’t follow me,” you added as you made your way to the staircase to go upstairs.
Ryan knew he should have stayed on that couch but when he thought about that sight of you in that blue bikini he couldn’t help but feel his shorts grow tight “fuck it,” he sighed as he got up and followed your trail.
Your bedroom door was barely open as you pulled your hoodie over your head wanting to change into something more comfortable “look can we-” Ryan cut himself off as was meant with the sight of you in your bra and shorts “Ryan!” You groaned as you grabbed a random top from your bed as you put it on “sorry.”
The boy rocked his feet as his eyes went to the ground “why could you just go on the boat with the rest of them rather than coming in here to piss me off?” You walked over to him as you pointed your finger in his chest “you are so infuriating as you sit here and act like you know all.” The speech that you had built in your mind was now coming out “I really don’t think I’ve met a guy more irritating than you honestly.” You ran your fingers through your hair.
His smile reminded you of the reasons why you you disliked him so much “I don’t get why I’m even telling you this because you clearly don’t care.” You let out a dry laugh “just fuck off,” that was the last thing you said as you turned around to walk back to your bed.
But Ryan had different ideas as he grabbed your hand and pulled you back to him “sometimes you just need to shut up.” He mumbled as he hooked his fingers under your jaw as he kissed you.
It almost knocked you off of your feet as you gasped. Gabe would have killed you if he knew the thoughts that went through your mind as you kissed him back “for a girl who hates me you seem to enjoy this.” Ryan smiled as he pushed you onto your bed.
You rolled your eyes as you scoffed “I’m not enjoying this,” you flipped him off as it caused him to laugh “if I pull those shorts down I’m not gonna see a wet patch on your pretty little panties?” He asked as he licked his lower lip “I’ll be as dry as the fucking Sahara desert.” You forced a smirk onto your lips.
Ryan couldn’t help but when he leaned back down to kiss you “you could make your life so much easier if you just stopped being so difficult.” He mumbled as he brushed your hair out of your face letting himself tuck it behind your ear “such a pretty fucking face.” He added as he swiped his tongue across your lower lip letting the taste of your strawberry lipgloss invade his tastebuds before you opened your mouth.
A groan came from your throat before you spread your legs so he could get as close to you as possible “got me thinking you actually like me Rye,” you smiled as your tongue darted out of your mouth “like that new nickname.” Ryan mumbled as his hand went down to your waist.
The picture of Gabe and you that sat on your wall stared back at you as your eyes shot open “we should get a move on.” You mumbled as the boys eyes went wide.
Ryan pulled himself off of you as he feared that he had crossed a line “the boys won’t be gone for ever.” You pointed out as there was a devilish smirk on your face “I only need five minutes to make you come.” Ryan shot back as he pulled his shirt over his head revealing his bare toned chest.
Your mouth watered as you took in the sight “if you like this that much you can touch it.” His voice teased you as his hands brought yours to his torso.
Not a single word of complaint left your lips though “just hurry up and fuck me before I change my mind.” Your tone was serious as he pulled you up to your feet “gonna show you the best night of your life.” He tapped your nose causing it to scrunch.
You smiled as you shook your head “like to see you try.” That statement caused the next few minutes of your life to be probably some of the hottest of your life. Sure you weren’t a virgin but the way Ryan kissed down your body, starting at your neck moving to the valley between your breasts that was emphasised by the bra you were wearing. Going down your stomach until he got to the waist of your shorts “just hurry up please,” you pleaded causing the boy to move back up your body as he hovered over you “like it when you beg.” His smirk was clear as he let his lips dance ever so dangerously close to your own.
You would have rolled your eyes, truly you would have but when his hands went to the buttons on your shorts you couldn’t help but feel the anticipation grow in your stomach “god you are soaked,” he gasped as his fingers traced over the wet patch on your panties.
A guttural moan left your lips as you looked at him with hooded eyes “please Ryan.” You whimpered as you heard his shorts land on the ground as his boxers went with it.
Ryan had never been more grateful in in his life for putting a condom in his wallet “gonna fuck you so well,” as he hooked his fingers in the sides of your panties so he could pull then down you unclipped your bra and threw it across your room.
The eagerness in your throw made him smile as he rolled the condom over his cock “you sure you want this?” Now Ryan didn’t want to ruin the moment but he still had to make sure that you were okay with this.
A smile formed on your lips “you think I’d be butt naked if I didn’t want to fuck you?” You couldn’t help but laugh as you sent him the first genuine smile that you had ever sent him “I had to make sure!” He explained as he matched your amused expression.
To begin he was gentle, he kissed your lips as he let his cock tease your clit before he let it thrust into you. Your hand wrapped around his arm as your face scrunched up “just move,” you blurted out as you had adjusted to his size.
Ryan kissed your lips as he began to move his hips “this pussy was made for me fuck,” he gasped as he had to do everything in his power to not come on the spot.
You had to admit that he was impressive as you began to grind your hips to met his “keep doing this for me please,” you wrapped your legs around his waist.
The boy groaned at your gestured as it forced his cock deeper inside of you “I’m not going anywhere princess.” He smiled as he placed soft kisses down your jaw letting his lips nip at your skin causing you to wrap your fingers in his hair.
Your spare hand moved between your bodies as you began to rub your clit “making me feel so good.” You cooed as you pushed your head deeper into your mattress.
The sounds of moans bounced off of your walls “you’re enjoying this a lot aren’t you baby?” Ryan asked as he kissed the shell of your ear.
All you could do was nod as your brain turned to mush “answer me princess or else I’ll stop.” He warned as his thrusts began to slow down.
That seemed to circuit something in your brain “yeah Ryan,” you nodded repeatedly “making me feel so so good.” You added letting out a groan of relief as he picked up his pace.
He pressed a kiss on your temple “won’t make you say anything more doll,” Ryan seemed to use all of the pet names in his arsenal on you but you didn’t even cares as he continued to kiss everywhere that wasn’t your lips.
It caused you to pout as you puckered your lips “princess is so needy,” he teased you as he clicked his tongue still fulfilling your request though as his lips seemed to swallow the moan you let out when you as you clenched around him since you were close.
Your eyes screwed shut as you swore you were seeing stars as the white specks graced the backs of your eyelids “you did so good baby.” Ryan was proud that he even got that statement out as the way your moans fell from your lips and your pussy practically cut off the blood flow to his throbbing cock and that spurred on his own orgasm.
He slid out of you causing your body to shudder at his action “Ry,” you mumbled as you watched him get up.
The boy smiled at how soft you were now acting “I’m gonna run you a bath okay?” Ryan announce as he held his hands out for you to grab.
A playful grin found it’s way onto your face “look at you being all soft,” you laughed as he hooked his hands under your legs so he could carry you bridal style “not many girls get this treatment.” His statement made you laugh once more “don’t worry,” you pecked his lips “your secret is safe with my I don’t kiss and tell.” You added as you wriggled your eyebrows.
“I’m not living this down am I?”
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lfghughes · 1 year
imagine Jack dating a university girl, she being a cheerleader and him going to the games to watch her dance, often dragging the boys with him, going to university parties, making friends with her friends (even though he doesn't really like football players)
a/n: I'm feeling like the biggest sap today and this just increased my sappiness
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“You boys are still coming tonight right?” Jack asked the boys around him, specifically John, Dawson, and Nico. They had all just finished their morning skate and a few days back he had invited them all to his girlfriends game tonight. Or well the football teams game but his girlfriend was a cheerleader there and Jack liked to show up as much as he could to her things since she always tried her best to show up to the games she could go to. “Yeah, we’re still in. Wanna ride all together?” Dawson asked and everyone agreed it would just be easier.
One good thing about the amount of times Jack had gone to games was that everyone at this point was now used to seeing him there with at least another teammate so he would get some hellos but the whole picture and autographs thing passed. It was always fun when the boys got to come out with him, watching another game in person. If he could do it more often Jack would have.
Anytime his girlfriend did anything though, his eyes were on her and watching her every move. At one point when she had found him in the crowd, he gave her a small wave and the smile on her lips grew from ear to ear as she waved back. “Careful bud, you’re drooling a little.” Dawson teased, bumping you with his shoulder. “You act like you don’t do the same every time your girlfriend walks into the room.” Nico instantly teased Dawson.
As the game came to an end, the boys walked down the bleachers towards the field and immediately Jack opened his arms as his girlfriend ran into his arms, lifting her up slightly. “You were amazing out there.” He whispered to her, giving her a quick kiss. “Hey, so there’s a party at one of the football guys house and it’s okay if you guys are tired but maybe you would wanna go?”
It definitely wasn’t Jacks scene but also he did enjoy going out for drinks and he knew she liked spending time with her friends and doing all these school things so he nodded his head before turning to the boys. “She’ll be my ride home anyways if you guys wanna bounce.” Jack told them so they didn’t have to feel like they had to go but they waved him off. “We can use a few drinks tonight.”
“The legend himself came out to see us.” A voice rang out which Jack recognized right away. In the times he had gone out with everyone he had gotten to know the football team pretty well and had made genuine friendships with some. “What’s up dude, good game by the way.” Jack told him as he dapped him up. “Your girl tell you about the party at my place?” He asked and Jack nodded his head. “You already know we’ll be there.”
Times like this were always fun for Jack because he was still young but with being in the NHL he didn’t get to have as much of a college experience as Luke had and as his girlfriend was having so this was his moment for that. “Alright babygirl, ready to go?” Jack asked as he lifted her up, tossing her up over his shoulder as she squealed. “Jack!” She laughed and he wished he could live in this moment for a little longer, feeling so free and young.
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stormoflina · 5 months
Okay, so this is regarding that fantastic anon I got over the totally absent DomiTrent content in socials. There I shared my reasonable (or so I think) opinion on the matter, so here's the very unhinged one.
Just as a reminder, this is pure fun, I made it all up, based on speculation, I don't know anything and none of this is factual. Now, that we got that out of the way, let's do this.
So, we all know and remember (and grieve and miss!) September, the literal peak of DomiTrent, right? It all started when Trent assisted Domi's first ever goal for the club they had that very cute celebration. DomiTrent thruthers were born that day. Then, literally every Inside video we have, they are suddenly next to each other. The sm media only have themselves to blame, because it was them who launched them first when they posted them hugging and laughing and arriving to training together! This kept happening, I mean them being literally obsessed with each other. And the official socials were milking the heck out of it!!
The scenes when these dropped? Girly, they dedicated half of that Inside video to them! They KNEW what they were doing with including a literal clip of Trent sniffling and clinging to Domi like a coala. Engagements were flying.
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By this time, they were all over, everywhere. Neither of them could give an interview without being asked about each other. People were obsessed with them, and the sm media was very aware of that. They were posting singular posts about just the two of them having the most basic interactions, they were totally milking it. The fact that Mo posted them together on the hot tube only added to the fire.😭
Then, the bum tickling/fingering controversy happens. Bumm. It's unexpected and uncontrollable. They were just literally caught on live, there's no editing them out, making it a certain way, nope, it's out of control and it's everywhere. And I mean everywhere. And while we were having a field day here, not everyone was... There are hundreds of comments like this (and this is only twt):
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At this point, there are viral tweets going on how both of them, especially Dominik is gay. News just dropped he broke up with his girlfriend, too. First, its all fun, clearly a joke, then it's just like the tweets show, it reaches a certain circle. It reached the Hungarian media too. Now, there are close-minded, homophobic older football fans, and there are Hungarian close-minded, homophobic older football fans. Let's just say, it did not look good.
Right after the whole bum-touching incident, Szoboszlai's dad goes to a Hungarian live broadcasting of the next Liverpool match. Of course, they pull the video out about him and Trent and ask him about it, basically, that what is Dominik doing, looks like he got comfortable in LFC already. It was light-hearted, the question, his dad response ... seemingly too,or at least tried very hard to be to. I think there was pa certain edge to it. They were trying to ask about Dominik's bromance with Trent, as most journalists did at the time, but he dismissed the whole thing and cut the conversation short with only saying that "He [Dominik] likes to clown around".
(He said "bohóckodni", which does mean clown in mirror translation. It could be also translated as joking around, but jokes imply that it's fun and light-hearted, not to be taken seriously, while what he said, again, had some real edge to it. Kind of like "fool around". A disapproving tone to it, basically.)
After that, silence. No more DomiTrent content, they even got moved in the training from being in the same group. To me, for a time, It looked like the sm team was actually going out their way not to show them together. Like the first game they had a post about them was when, against City, showing a pre-match training shorts video? That's a bit odd, considering that they were living off posting of the two just literally breathing next to each other.
So, here's what I think. I think Dominik's management did not like what was being assumed about him. That he was building up a reputation of being the "new gay acting guy, obsessed with Trent". It's not something, that at the moment, could be accepted. Not in football, and definitely not in the Hungarian footballing world. When his dad was asked about it in live TV, I think that was the last straw. I don't think he was impressed/happy about Dominik in that regard, that this was even something that people brought up and connected his son with. I think, essentially, pressured by his dad (who admittedly still have a huge influence in his life, on his agent), his team must have told the Liverpool sm team to basically stop showing them together to silence those shouts.
Again, this could have been done by the Liverpool sm team, done or supported by Trent's team, the players themselves, anything and anyone, we don't know. We don't even know if it was really an intentional move to quit showing them together. I think it was, In my mind, have no question about that. What I shared above tho? Bit of fanfiction-like😭 but in my mind, based on how his dad reacted and just the culture/Domi's relationship with his dad, could totally see it.
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sommerflue-22 · 1 year
i loved the childhood crush fanfic of yours! im wondering if your making a yuichiro choice one?
A/n: aaaa thank you sm! and ofc! i hope you like this one too :D
Childhood Crush | Yuichiro Tokito
Muichiro version
Featuring: Yuichiro Tokito, aged up!Yuichiro
Content Warning: gn!reader, modern setting, fluff, not beta read
Word Count: 1.7k
At first, Muichiro was the twin who caught your attention. How could he not? He was a kind kid, soft-spoken and very polite. Not to mention, he smiled a lot. You were in the same homeroom class with him back in your first and second year of elementary school. After that, you were separated. You didn't play with him during recess anymore, but it didn't matter because you made friend with his twin.
Yuichiro was an active kid, always running around playing tag or football whenever he had the chance. You were his seatmate for a whole semester during your third year.
One day during PE, the teacher paired you two to play badminton. It was a match made in heaven. You hit the shuttlecock back and forth, not even letting it drop. Sure, Yuichiro was strong, but you managed to match his energy. The game was really intense, your other classmates started to abandon their own games and watched you and Yuichiro instead.
From that day, you and Yuichiro were pretty much inseparable. You played together during recess, sat next to each other in science lab, exchanged collectible cards. Just two active kids having fun every day.
You remembered the first time you realized that, hey, Yuichiro is such a good friend... but he made your little heart beats a little faster, unlike the other kids.
Yuichiro came to school one day, eyes wide and a big grin plastered on his face.
"(Y/N), (Y/N)! Guess what?!"
"You have to guess first!"
You pouted, annoyed, but gave yourself a few seconds to try guessing the reason Yuichiro's joyful expression. "You... got yourself a new bike?" Yuichiro did tell you he wanted a new bike.
"Ah, I wish! But no!" Yuichiro circled the table and sat next to you. "My Dad got me that dinosaur movie's DVD!"
You gasped, "No, he didn't!"
"Yes, he did!" Yuichiro bounced his feet, excited. "Do you wanna watch it with me after school? Mui don't wanna watch it, he'd rather watch cartoon."
"Eh? Sure! I wanna see the movie too!"
"Alright! Let's go to my house after school!"
The movie was all you talked about with Yuichiro all day. Even during recess, you both didn't join the other kids playing football. Instead, you sat with Yuichiro on the swing set and talked about dinosaurs. When the school bell rang, signaling the end of the class, you both were all packed up and ready to go.
Thankfully, the Tokito's house wasn't really far from school, only a ten minute walk. Once you got there, you borrowed the telephone to call your mom. You told her that you're in Yuichiro's house, about to watch a movie. Your mom let you, but also told you to go home before it got dark.
"All good! Let's go watch that movie!" You gave Yuichiro a thumbs up and he led you to the living room.
You sat comfortably on the sofa as Yuichiro put the CD in the player.
"Yay, it's starting!" Yuichiro plopped down next to you soon after.
"No, it's still the main menu! You gotta push that one there, the 'Play Movie' one! Give me the remote, you're so slow!"
You grabbed the remote from Yuichiro's hand and played the movie.
It was really cozy in the Tokito house. The sofa and the throw pillows were fluffy and soft, the floor was heated, and Yuichiro's mother made them hot chocolate. She also gave you two a bowl of popcorn and a few bags of chips to eat during the movie.
There were a few scenes that made you two jump, but you laughed them all off. Instead of getting scared, you and Yuichiro just commented on how cool the dinosaurs looked. The movie was interesting, but it was quite a long one. Almost two and a half hour long.
Things got a little bit boring when you reached the part where the characters had to plan an escape. It was a lot of talking, not enough dinosaurs. It was the first time the two of you fell silent. You kept your eyes glued to the TV, though, wasn't about to risk missing a dinosaur appearance.
You yawned as the two main characters got left alone by their other friends. They were supposed to guard the front door as the others went to find supplies. You weren't interested in their 'romantic' banter.
You were about to reach out and grab some popcorns when you realized Yuichiro had fallen asleep, his head rested on your shoulder.
Your heart started to beat faster than usual. You didn't know why, maybe because you were afraid of waking him up. As much as you liked watching the movie with him, you couldn't blame him for falling asleep. The movie was still on its boring part and school was tiring. It was normal for him to get tired and fell asleep.
You stayed on your seat and decided to watch the movie again. Wrong move. The two characters were kissing. Mind you, neither you nor Yuichiro knew the movie had a little bit of romance in it. You were just there to see the dinosaur.
But the scene that was unfolding in front of your eyes really made your stomach fluttered. It was your first time seeing two people kiss, and hug each other oh so tightly right after.
I wish I can hug Yuichiro like that...
You couldn't believe you thought about hugging Yuichiro like those characters. It was a tight hug, a really intimate one. They also did it after they kissed each other.
You tried to forget about that feeling, but it never left. It stayed in the back of your mind, coming forward every once in awhile, during random moments you shared with Yuichiro.
By the time you were in the 6th grade, you fully understood that you did like Yuichiro... a little bit (a lot) more than a friend. Yet you never told him.
Apparently someone from another class had a crush on one of the Tokito twins. You had no idea which one, but you saw Yuichiro got pissed off when he found out. You saw him got angry because other kids teased him.
You thought it was better not to tell him about your little crush.
So you kept it to yourself.
You went to the same middle school and high school as the twins. You watched as they grew up to be really attractive. By the time you graduated high school, Yuichiro was already towering over you.
Oh, he's a bad news, alright, you told yourself. Yuichiro was tall, ripped, really good looking, and you waited for him to finish his kendo practices so you knew what he could do with those muscles.
The day after your graduation, you and Yuichiro drove down to the beach and had a little picnic to watch the sunset. It was something that the two of you loved to do since the ninth grade. For Yuichiro, it might be completely platonic. But for you? You loved to pretend that those sunset picnics were dates.
"So... you're moving out this weekend?" Yuichiro asked.
"Yep." You answered, still munching your chips. You got accepted to a really good program in a reputable university. The thing was, it's located on the other side of the country.
"My, my... It won't be the same without you here," Yuichiro whistled. "I mean, we've been friends since like... what, elementary school?"
You laughed, "Back when you still believe in Santa Claus."
Yuichiro threw an almond at you. "I was an imaginative kid... But, anyway... I hope you'll like it there! I'm really happy for you, you know. You deserve this. So go out there and explore the world! Make friends with a lot of people, fall in love with a few, then maybe one day I'll receive an... I don't know, a housewarming party invitation? Or maybe even a wedding invitation?"
You smiled, watching as he popped and almond into his mouth. He had no idea...
"The point is... I'll always be your friend. You can call me anytime."
You sighed. "Well... It would be great if I can find someone else out there, maybe date them, got my heart broken, fall for someone new, repeat the cycle... but I don't think I'll be able to experience those stuff... at least not in the near future."
"Eh?! Why not?!"
You turned to look at him right in his eyes. "Because of you."
Yuichiro blinked a few times before his eyes widened.
"You don't have to reciprocate. I just need to tell you that... just to let you know." You let out a laugh.
"Ah... thanks..."
Surprisingly, you didn't feel sad. You felt relieved. You finally let go of something that you've been holding onto for so long.
The two of you sat in silence as the sun set. Once you could no longer see the glowing, orange orb, you stood up.
"Right, we should get going, then!" You clapped your hands once. "Let me get the trash and dump them. Oi, Yui, stop zoning out and fold the mat."
You picked up the trash and walked to a nearby trash can. Once you disposed them, you went to a faucet near the stairs to the parking lot to wash your hands.
As you were washing your hands, you felt a pair of strong hands wrapped around your waist.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
You let him hold you close, feeling the warmth of his body embraced you, sheltering you from the cold wind.
"Because I don't want you to hate me."
"...Since when?"
"...third grade..."
Yuichiro chuckled, you could feel his breath on your nape. "Oh, (Y/N)..."
Yuichiro turned your body around and soon you were engulfed in his scent, earthy and clean. Your heart was beating like crazy, but so was his.
"So... do you wanna... try it out?" Yuichiro asked, voice quivered at the end.
You chuckled. He was nervous.
"Only if you want to." You lifted up your chin to meet his face.
He rolled his eyes as he leaned down to peck your forehead.
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punkshort · 3 months
i had an idea to add to the ‘str’ extras post. i came across an insta account that details “things ____ loves/hates” (i will link an example, credit to them for the idea), thought it could be an interesting, insightful look into sheriff!joel, of things you haven’t touched on but that makes up the wonderful man we have grown to love!
no rush if you decide to do it just a fun lil thing i thought of <3
I like this idea! And I am very much looking for a distraction so I decided to have a little fun with it and make a photo collage to go along with my answers:
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Classic romance novels. I think he likes to keep it a secret but he has a soft spot for the classics (I thought wuthering heights was kind of apt... two people unable to be together, etc...)
Coffee. It's an obvious one, but maybe not so obvious is he prefers to share coffee with someone else. That's why he always found himself going to the diner, even before reader came on the scene. He just likes to be around others, even if it is his annoying younger brother.
Texas - duh. Sheriff Joel couldn't imagine living anywhere else, especially up north. He is a southern boy through and through.
Lazy mornings. Those are rare for him. Sarah tends to have a busy schedule, even on the weekends, so when he gets the chance to sleep in a little or just lounge around before having to get up, he really enjoys that (especially if reader is there, although he hasn't been able to have many mornings with her... yet 👀). To go along with this, he also really likes kissing. Just making out with no goal in mind. Slow, lazy licks and soft little noises under a warm blanket on a Sunday morning with nowhere to be? Perfection.
Old movies. Especially at the drive in. Something about the nostalgia of it really makes him happy. And that romantic side of him can't help himself. It's usually his go-to first date idea.
Football. As Sarah mentioned once before, he really enjoys American football and annoys her with it. Sarah really looks forward to the spring and summer because there's no football on TV and she doesn't have to listen to him yelling in the living room every ten minutes.
His favorite pair of jeans. He's had them for years, the knees are getting worn out but he loves them and won't part with them.
Sarah - obviously. Even though she keeps him on his toes and super busy all the time, he would drop anything for her. He is always struggling to balance work and home and he tends to stretch himself too thin and not take enough time for himself, but he tries to make every single soccer game and school event because he loves seeing how talented Sarah is.
Hiking, specifically with Sarah. It's something they like to do in the summer, at least one weekend a month. Occasionally he can convince her to camp out overnight, but she hates sleeping in a tent so it's a hard sell.
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People who don't use their seatbelts. It's so easy. Just do it. He's seen too many accidents in his line of work and he hates when people don't use them.
Snakes. Sarah never lets him forget about the time when he was nine years old and he went to put on his boot to go play outside and was surprised to find a snake sleeping inside. To this day, he can't put his shoes on without checking them first.
Oysters. It's a texture thing, he thinks they're gross. He doesn't care they are an aphrodisiac, he doesn't need it 😉
Line dancing. Even though he's from Texas, it makes him cringe every time he sees people doing it.
Snow/being cold. He prefers the heat. It's what he's used to and he doesn't like shoveling snow on the rare occasion Texas gets any accumulation.
Lip Gloss. He likes kissing. A lot. And he thinks lip gloss is too sticky.
Wool Sweaters. Because he runs hot as it is and wool just makes it worse. Plus, it's itchy.
People who talk about themselves too much. Especially women he's been on dates with. He likes learning about other people, but when it becomes apparent they have no interest in learning about him, it's a turn off.
Golf. Because all my Joels hate golf. For no particular reason at all.
Thank you so much for this ask! It was a lot of fun putting together.
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randombush3 · 2 years
Completely and Totally Unattached
florence pugh x footballer!reader
part two to Good In Bed
summary: everything stays completely and totally unattached. why wouldn’t it?
words: 3470
warnings: there’s a sex scene, and maybe cocaine i can’t remember (what a concerning thing to say btw)
notes: THIS IS A TRILOGY. i thought about making this one way longer, but i’ve decided to split this part into two. don’t even ask about the game timeline because i don’t want to talk about it.
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Everything is perfect for a while.
You smile when you see her and she starts to invite you over hours before any sex really happens; you wake her up in the morning with a coffee and a goodbye kiss and a face that makes her question the feelings that aren’t in the arrangement.
One evening, you find an invitation to a Tiffany event sitting menacingly on her coffee table. She eyes it with caution once you inquire, and declares she hates events and won’t be going. “I hate going alone,” she mumbles in stark contrast to the confidence of her previous announcement, “and Livvy is in Oxford that weekend.”
You wait for her to ask you instead but she doesn’t. Not then, anyway.
It’s a feeble, meek, pathetic text, but you see it before she can press delete.
FP: Could you come with me?
You scramble to unlock your phone, making the sleeping Katie leaning on your shoulder whine. To keep the air of secrecy alive, you cast a glance around the others on the bus. No one else knows you’re fucking Florence Pugh.
You: Yeah, of course
Florence gets herself together when you reply, and calls you. You’ve started to associate the number with more than sex, but it’s okay. It’s a friendship.
“Thank you so much,” she begins, voice uncharacteristically tender. “You don’t happen to know your measurements? Suit or dress?”
“Suit,” you answer easily. She is quick to imagine what that would look like. Though a bit outdated, you have a set of measurements typed hastily in your notes app. “I’ll text them to you.”
Then, the day of the event comes and you spend the night attracting the gaze of everyone in the room, and having them wonder when Florence Pugh decided to make friends with professional athletes. You beam at her the whole evening, and she fights her blush when Barratt West brings up the new designs for engagement rings.
“We’re just friends,” you tell him casually, as if the statement won’t pierce through her eardrums. She’s not sure why it bothers her so much.
And then it’s almost like an epiphany.
Florence Pugh loves the footballer she sometimes wakes up beside.
Almost an epiphany, because these feelings haven’t suddenly pounced on her. She’s just decided to acknowledge them.
She figures that all three rules are broken: Livvy had known the minute her best friend was checking her phone a little too often; you stay over; she loves you.
Nothing feels different. Even if she worries she’s been utterly exposed every time your bodies touch, you treat her exactly the same as you did the night before she came upon this realisation. She supposes that means you don’t feel the same way. She knows she shouldn’t carry this on.
She tells herself she should terminate the arrangement for another two days as a form of self-sabotaging procrastination, but Thursday night’s musings turn into drinks with Livvy on Friday.
“How’s Y/n?” her best friend asks her, prying because it’s fun.
“I don’t know.” You’re in Brighton for an away game and it’s taking up the whole weekend. It’s an abnormally long weekend, Florence tells herself. Time is going slowly for everybody. “I think I’m going to break it off.”
“My unattached sex with Y/n is no longer that,” states Florence plainly. She hides the grimace that comes with saying it out loud, and swirls what’s left of her whiskey around in her glass.
“I told you she’d catch feelings,” Liv teases, nudging her friend. Florence stares at the green surface of the bar, tapping her feet against her stool. “Footballers aren’t—”
“She’s not the one with the feelings.” Livvy pauses, shaking her head; she doesn’t understand.
Eyes narrowing in suspicion, Livvy tries the sentence out, “she’s not the one with the…”
“Don’t.” Florence holds her index up to her friend’s face. “We both know now. Don’t make me say it out loud.”
“Have you told her?”
Why on earth would she do that?
The answer is conveyed in the pointed look Florence shoots her.
Her and Livvy speak no more of the matter, continuing their night in the overpriced cocktail bar. It’s packed with the rich and famous, so it isn’t a hard task for Florence to befriend some producer or other. He extends an invitation for her to join him in the bathroom, cheeks rosy and eyes glazed over. She finds herself accepting, but only does the cocaine in front of her. He tries to kiss her but his lips feel wrong; rough when they should feel soft. It’s not a difficult puzzle to solve. She doesn’t really want to kiss anyone other than you.
Florence decides not to put a stop to your agreement that night.
The producer hints that they should get going, get out of here, go to somewhere more… private. It makes her skin crawl. He hasn’t done anything wrong. He’s just not you.
She has never felt so embarrassed of her own internal monologue. She wants it to shut the fuck up. You like her sounds out mercilessly on repeat, echoing and echoing and echoing, until she’s scratching her scalp a bit too harshly. You’re still not back because it’s only Sunday.
You’re on the team bus. Asleep. She shouldn’t know that, but she grows curious of your whereabouts and checks Instagram. A teammate you often mention — teammate and best friend you’d drunkenly explained in attempt to not let her get to know you — is sure to house some video or other, and she’s correct. Katie McCabe has posted a picture of you fast asleep with a familiar green jumper bundled into a pillow.
She hates that she’s endeared. Instead, Florence makes a mental note to chastise your use of her cashmere clothing, and focuses on how annoyed that has made her feel.
With each passing minute she stares at the picture, she imagines her feelings for you smothered beneath the fabric, suffocated until they don’t exist anymore.
- - -
Much to your dismay, you are not loved enough to be woken with a kiss. The whistle blown in your ear is quite far from that.
“We’re here, sleeping beauty,” Katie follows with equal shrillness and volume. You press your face further into Florence’s jumper. It smells like her. “Get up, Y/n!”
“Fuck you,” you groan, yawning as you slowly stand up. “I was having a good dream.” Katie smirks. “A dream about kittens,” you clarify truthfully.
You join the huddle your team forms outside the bus. Most of the girls chat quietly, everyone exhausted from the hard fought win. A few of your teammates ask you to join them for a late dinner. Katie tells them that you have plans of your own before you can form a sentence.
A black town car parks in front of you, earning wolf whistles from almost everyone. “Someone fancies herself to be Ronaldo,” jokes Kim quietly. “Got room in there?”
The driver rolls down the window. It’s the middle of November in England, but he’s wearing aviators. “I was told to pick you up,” he says, voice gruff but familiar. There have been a few times where Florence has decided you can’t stay over and has sent you home in this black town car with the very same man. You didn’t realise she actually had a driver. You forget to associate the Flo that gasps your name like it’s a prayer with Florence Pugh.
“Thank you, Douglas,” you reply with a smile. The Arsenal badge you wear proudly makes him scowl. “I hear West Ham haven’t been doing well this season.”
“You’re lucky I’m contractually obliged to drive you to Miss Pugh’s building,” he tells you. You take it as playful, but it probably has some truth to it.
Thankfully no one else seems to catch the conversation, fawning over Leah and Beth’s joint appearance to collect their respective players. Katie sends you a wink as she gets into the car in which she’ll be the fifth wheel.
- - -
Florence thanks whoever is watching above that you got some rest on the bus.
She’s helpless the minute you walk through the door with a cocky grin. You don’t have time to comment on how desperate she must be if she’s sent a car, because you’re jumped and are carrying her to a stable surface before you get a chance to take your shoes off. She likes the idea of making out in the middle of her hallway, not doubting your strength (how can she? she’s seen you naked) and ability to be able to do so. However, Florence takes pity on you and grants you the opportunity to rest your arms before they’re put to very good use.
You have your joggers halfway down your legs by the time you get the two of you to her bedroom. She stands up as soon as you set her down on her bed. You undress quicker.
Your lips seem to cover every inch of her, but you focus on her shoulder as you pull her closer, hands wrapped around her torso. One hand shifts south, tugging the elastic band of her panties, warm palm soothing the trail of goosebumps your touch leaves. It’s soft and tender and Florence is not about to let herself do anything but fuck.
She grabs that hand and pulls it away. “No,” she says, and you stop immediately. “Get on the bed.”
Your haze of arousal clears, and you’re concerned. “You alright?”
Fuck you for caring.
“Yes,” she states impatiently. “Get on the bed.”
The victory is easy, and you sprawl out against the white bedsheets confidently. Your pose makes Florence want to absolutely ruin you.
She throws you the strap and tells you to put it on. You blush as she watches you, and try not to die when she rewards you by mounting you without delay (cause of death: too attracted to women).
You gasp as you cup the hips rocking into you, and Florence finds that unacceptable. She is not going to tolerate any ardent touches. How dare you remind her of how she feels.
“No,” she says, pushing your hands off her. “I’m going to ride you until one of us snaps, and you’re going to keep your hands away from me. Okay?”
The unexpected dominance isn’t not doing it for you, and the consequential look on your face finalises the control Florence has regained.
“More than okay.” You nod to punctuate your breathless stammer of a sentence.
Florence pulls out every trick she’s ever been taught about sex, employing every element of herself to complete the show she is giving you. And just like magic, it works.
She does eventually relinquish control of the top after an orgasm or two, sated by the way your muscles tense as if you haven’t allowed yourself to breathe in a long time.
You don’t know how it happens, but you find the groove of your usual dominance soon enough to have her asking for more as you press up against her in every right way possible.
Florence Pugh realises you might be a little too good in bed.
To console herself, she pretends each thud of the headboard against the wall is hammering the bubbling feeling of love far, far down.
The feelings survived the suffocation, and will survive this too, but it isn’t for lack of trying.
It’s late by the time you’ve both washed up, but you don’t make an effort to slip into her bed. She misses the days (nights) where you’d stare longingly at the pillows but never be granted permission to stay, and regrets ever giving in to those eyes.
You sit rigidly at the foot of her bed, accidentally staring at her, perplexed. She finds it all too endearing how your face usually lays your thoughts bare.
“What was that about?” you ask carefully, wrapping your tongue around the words slowly. You’re being cautious. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, that has got to be the best thing I’ve ever experienced. It was so hot? You were so hot, and you’re always hot — I always find you hot — but that was a new level of fucking sexy, and I’m getting distracted. You just seemed determined. Are you, well, is everything okay?”
“Of course,” she brushes off.
You know it’s a lie. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist.
She hates it when you call her that. It makes her skin crawl. In a bad way. A bad way, most definitely.
“You’re really going to pretend to care?” she asks bitterly. This is apparently her plan B. “I’m fine.”
“Oh,” you reply, dejected, “okay. I was just—” You decide to leave it, ending your sentence there. She looks at you expectantly, and you climb in beside her, slipping underneath the covers as comfortably as one would in their own home. “I’m playing next Wednesday.” Florence nods encouragingly; she knows that. “And, uh, my brother was going to watch but he’s been asked to help out with a faulty set, so I have a spare ticket.”
“Oh, I’m sure you’ll find—”
“Can you come?” She squints at you. You repeat the question. “Obviously you don’t have to, but it’s the Champions League so the game will be good and there’ll be food and I can actually set you up in the executive box, now that I think about it. So you don’t have to sit— ‘cause my ticket would be in… What?”
Head propped up by her arm, Flo smiles. “By all means, continue.” You frown. “As long as you win,” she agrees. “Goodnight, Y/n.”
You feel a little used. “Goodnight, Flo.”
As Wednesday approaches, you become absent from Florence’s bed. It leaves her sexually frustrated and a bit hurt emotionally, but when you call her from Leah’s guest bathroom and explain everything she forgives you. Her anger is redirected towards your manager.
Jonas has created a new rule that only seems to apply to you. If it’s just for sex, players are heavily encouraged (commanded) to spend the night before the game away from their distraction. When announced, he purposefully avoided looking at you, perhaps allowing you to have a shred of dignity left. Leah offered her spare bedroom because it used to be yours when you first moved to Arsenal.
A harsh, impatient knock on the door ruins the conversation. “It’s late, you should be in bed,” Leah reprimands you. “Be responsible. Or I’ll tell Jonas.”
You are not in that man’s good books right now. “Don’t tell Jonas,” you grumble, flushing the toilet to make it seem like you had a reason for being in there. “Night, Mum.”
Unlocking the bathroom door, you traipse out with your phone volume as low as possible until the spare room is sealed and private. The joggers you’re wearing will be fine to sleep in, and you’re too lazy to change. Once Florence hears the rustle of your sheets, she’s quick to speak up again.
You bite your bottom lip. You should be getting some rest, and tomorrow’s game is important. But there is something anchoring you to the sound of her soft breathing on the other end of the line. You don’t want to hang up. “So… what are you wearing?”
You’re not going to apologise for what’s about to happen at Leah’s place, even if your friend drinks two coffees the next morning instead of one. And Leah’s not going to talk about the name she hears you moan when she walks past your room at an unfortunate time.
Until she runs into you in the car park after you part ways to grab something you ‘left behind’ (it may have been a certain someone’s bum but the specifics are of little importance), and in turn walks right into Florence Pugh dressed to the nines. And then, from the car the actress just got out of, emerges Leah’s stammering teammate offering a half-hearted explanation because Flo really does look drop-dead gorgeous and you’re not quite over it yet.
Jaw set, Leah grinds her teeth judgmentally. “So this is your…”
“Friend,” Florence supplies, not caring if it’s futile and a waste of breath. She looks at you, and you nod in agreement.
“Yeah, Flo and I are friends!” Not a single person in this conversation believes that. “Sorry, quick introduction: Leah, this is Flo; Flo, Leah.” Your hands wave around the space between them, nervously trying to distract the piercing stares of one set of green eyes and another of grey. “She’s going to watch.”
The two women look each other up and down. Leah crosses her arms, Florence takes a step closer to you. “I’m excited,” the actress says, though it’s unenthusiastic and entirely provocative; a jab at the sport Leah clearly adores.
“We’d better get going, shouldn’t we?” you squeak, feeling Florence’s hand rest on your waist. “Leah?”
“Yeah,” she acknowledges, though she makes no effort to back away from the silent battle. Five more uncomfortable seconds and she stands down. “Let’s go.” Leah grabs your arm and you furrow your eyebrows, leaving Florence to find her way to her seat.
“What was that?!” you hiss once you’re out of earshot. “Have a pissing contest with her, why don’t you!”
“She’s messing with your feelings,” Leah states as if it is a fact taught in primary school. She’s about to continue, but Lotte slaps you both on the bum and tells you to hurry up.
Both her and Katie give you disapproving looks when they spot her in the crowd. You’re sure you see steam coming out of Leah’s ears at the sight of Florence being engaged in conversation with her mum. You kick the ball at her stomach to snap her out of it.
Florence has done her research. It’s a thing she does: research. Reading up on characters, accents, producers, interviewers, actors, and, most recently, you. She likes to think it’s not stalking if she sticks to Google, but amends that mentality once Google becomes too sparse for new information and your Instagram is filled with little insights into your life.
When the arrangement was new, she only cared about who you were, making sure you weren’t married or something ridiculous like that. Before today’s game, she added to her mental factfile with details of how you play. A few updated statistics from the ones she skimmed before ogling at your social media, but most notably a new article from Sky.
Will Y/n L/n leave Arsenal?
It seems that a rumour is being circulated around the WSL that you’re to be traded to Barcelona. You haven’t made an official comment, but the speculation is that you’re outgrowing Arsenal. Florence then went down a rabbit hole of how club transfers work, conveniently knowing that you’ve signed onto Arsenal for another two years. It settles the growing anxiety in her stomach at the thought of you being in another country for an extended amount of time. Moving doesn’t make sense, and you are quick to shut it down when she asks.
Amanda, Leah’s mum, is glad to have Florence to talk to. She’s always been a fan of gossip, and Florence indulges her by talking about what happened at the Oscars. “I love my daughter, I love that she loves football, but it does get tiresome,” Amanda tells Florence with a hushed voice as if she is slandering the entire sport. “I was always a bit of a netball girl, anyway,” she confesses. “Oh, who’re you here to see? I was going to ask.”
Florence remembers that this woman loves to gossip. “I’m keeping the seat warm for Y/n’s brother. He’s a friend.” Your brother was a colleague who has served no other purpose in the arrangement other than his rager of a birthday party in which Florence kissed you on his balcony and you snuck away from everyone else.
“Y/n’s lovely! She’s come a long way, what with her family situation.” Florence is intrigued. “We used to take her to training when those awful people looking after her wouldn’t give her the bus money. I was glad to hear when she moved out.”
This was not on Google.
Florence doesn’t like having her privacy invaded, and so she nods passively along, not asking any questions. Maybe she’ll bring it up with you later.
The whistle blows and the match begins.
Florence can’t help but cheer along with Amanda’s enthusiastic encouragement.
There’s a moment when you look up and see her grinning right back at you, beside the family of other players. She looks like she belongs there.
You want her to belong there.
And, yes, you get tackled because you’re distracted, but you realise you have fallen in love with Florence Pugh.
tags: @pewpughpew @ridleypugh @jeyramarie @flosbelova @kassies-take @delfiore @yelenabelovasbxtch @xsophiesx @slut4milfs69 @sunshadesnrainbowz @wandasbb @karsonromanoff
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belovedspector · 4 months
Double Jeopardy!
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Pairing: Joel Miller x gn!reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Summary: You met Joel at trivia night at a local bar. While watching old Jeopardy! reruns together, you realize Joel bears a striking resemblance to a certain game show host.
Content: No outbreak/modern AU. Fluff, use of pet names (darlin’), slightly insecure Joel
A/N: Just a silly little fic based on this silly little post I made. This got a little out of hand (it was literally just supposed to be one scene), but I had fun with it! Enjoy! :)
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It’s been a hell of a week, and it’s only Tuesday. After a disastrous work day full of dumbasses and delays, Tommy insists on going to the bar, and it doesn’t take much convincing at all before Joel agrees.
The bar is crowded for the middle of the week, Joel thinks. Groups of people are gathered around nearly all the tables, and the stage is illuminated.
“Music tonight?” Joel asks the bartender after flagging her down.
“Trivia night,” she says, handing Joel and Tommy their beers.
The brothers manage to snag two bar stools next to one another, chatty idly about everything other than work.
After a few minutes, a man gets up on stage, and the game begins.
Joel has never been much for trivia. He’s not dumb by any means, but he’s also not one of those people who can name all the presidents in alphabetical order, or whatever. Still, he finds himself captivated by the game before him, watching just as intently as he would any football game.
You draw his attention early on, even from across the room. You’re the spokesperson for your team, and Joel can tell you know your stuff. It also doesn’t hurt that you’re easy on the eyes, even in your simple t-shirt and jeans. As Joel watches the game unfold, he can’t help but silently root for your team, and he’s pleased to see you and your teammates take home the (plastic) trophy.
You’re beaming as you head over to the bar for a refill, serendipitously ending up on Joel’s end of the bar.
Tommy elbows Joel in the ribs. Joel glares at him, but Tommy just gives him a look and gets up from his stool, wandering away to God knows where.
Joel clears his throat after you’ve ordered your drink. “You’re awful good at that,” he compliments.
You feel heat rushing to your cheeks, and you smile despite yourself. “I watch a lot of Jeopardy!” you say by way of explanation.
Joel considers this. He hasn’t thought about that show in years, didn’t even know it was still airing. “That Trebek guy still hosting?”
“Oh, no.” You shake your head with a slight frown. “He died, like, three years ago.”
You look almost sad about it, Joel thinks. He almost wants to apologize for your loss, but realizes how ridiculous that would sound. Instead, he asks, “Who’s hosting now, then?”
“Ken Jennings,” you answer, perking up again.
“Ken Jennings,” Joel repeats. “That sounds familiar.”
“Yeah, he had a seventy-four game winning streak in”—your eyes turn up towards the ceiling in thought and you scrunch your nose up in a way that Joel thinks is adorable—”2003, I think?”
“Ah, must’a heard about it on the news back then,” he says with a nod.
You nod alongside him. “Yeah, he does a really good job.” You pause to take a sip of your drink. “God, and don’t even get me started on the hosting debacle that happened after Alex’ death.”
Joel has no idea what you’re talking about, but he chuckles anyway. It’s been a while since he’s talked to anyone like this. Is this what flirting is like nowadays? Well, he supposes, it’s working on him—you’ve got him completely enamored with you and your little game show facts.
You and Joel end up closing down the bar together. It’s just the two of you and one slightly disgruntled bartender who has been dutifully cleaning all the tables around you. To be perfectly honest, Joel has no idea when Tommy had gone home; he’s been so wrapped up in you the whole night. Tommy will definitely give him shit about it the next time he sees him.
You had, in fact, gotten started on the Jeopardy! hosting drama at some point. There are a lot of names thrown around that Joel doesn’t recognize, but you’re so damn enthusiastic that he doesn’t have the heart to stop you.
Eventually, the discussion turns away from game shows. You talk to each other about everything and nothing, the conversation flowing as freely as the drinks.
All good things must come to an end, though.
“Alright, I’ve gotta close up now,” the bartender announces.
After a playful squabble over who will pay the tab (which Joel ends up covering), you reluctantly make your way out of the bar, the neon “open” sign going dark behind you.
Joel, being the gentleman that he is, offers to walk you home. You pick up right where you had left off at the bar, but, all too soon, you’ve reached your place.
“I had a really good time tonight,” you say with a smile, twirling your keys around your index finger.
“Yeah, me, too,” Joel agrees. “I don’t want to be too forward, and there’s no obligation, but is there any chance I can get your number?”
You beam at him. “I thought you’d never ask. Gimme your phone.”
Joel complies and watches as you add in your contact info and send a text to yourself.
He returns his phone to his pocket and says, “I might be pushing my luck here, but any chance you’d wanna go out to dinner one night?”
You smile again and nod enthusiastically. “I’d love that.”
“Alright,” Joel says, smiling back. “I’ll be in touch.”
He’s feeling bold. The alcohol is still coursing through his veins, giving him the push he needs to lean forward and kiss you on the cheek. He hopes he’s not imagining the way he feels your skin warm under his lips.
You giggle—an honest-to-God giggle. You’re going to be the death of him. “Good night, Joel,” you say.
“Good night, darlin’,” he returns, making sure you’re safely inside before heading back home, grinning like an idiot the whole way.
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You go out to dinner that Friday.
“I’m missing Jeopardy! over this, you know,” you tell him while you scan the menu.
“Well, I’m honored,” Joel says with a laugh.
“I think it’ll be worth it,” you say with a broad smile.
Friday dinners become your thing. You usually meet at a restaurant, but, a few weeks in, Joel has an idea: he invites you over for takeout and Jeopardy! You seem thrilled at the prospect.
And so, he finds himself sitting next to you on the couch, a pizza box open on the coffee table in front of you. He’s got the TV tuned in to the right station, and it’s just a matter of minutes before the show will begin.
Just like on that trivia night, Joel finds himself totally wrapped up in the fast-paced game. He quickly learns that you like to shout out the answers, and he joins in when he can. It’s the most fun he’s had in a long time.
All too soon, it seems, half an hour has gone by, and the credits are rolling. Joel clicks the power button on the remote. The TV screen goes dark, and the living room falls silent.
“So?” you prompt. “What do you think of Ken?”
“Jennings ain’t bad,” Joel admits, “but he’s no Alex Trebek, that’s for sure.”
That Tuesday, you invite Joel to trivia night. You fall into an easy routine: trivia on Tuesdays, Jeopardy! on Fridays, date nights every other weekend. For the first time in a long time, Joel feels content.
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“They have old episodes that you can stream, you know,” you say one night after the show ends.
It’s been a couple of months, and things are going quite well, if Joel does say so himself. You’ve met Tommy and Sarah, and they’ve both given their stamp of approval.
“That so?” Joel asks, tightening the arm he has around your shoulder.
“Yeah. I can set it up, if you’re not all Jeopardy!’d out for the night.”
“Pfft, never,” he says.
You grin, grabbing the remote and navigating to Pluto, picking an episode at random. A younger, mustachioed Alex Trebek fills the screen.
As the episode plays, you’re still answering clues like normal, but you also keep sneaking glances at Joel throughout the game.
Finally, during the Double Jeopardy round, he pauses the show. “Okay, what is it?”
“What do you mean?” you ask a little sheepishly.
“Why do you keep looking at me?” He runs a hand across the scruff on his cheek. “Do I have something on my face?”
You laugh. “No, nothing like that. It’s just…” You hesitate.
“Yeah?” he urges.
You cut your eyes between Alex on screen and Joel on the couch. “You look kinda like Alex Trebek,” you blurt out.
Joel is stunned into silence for a moment. He studies the man on the TV, with his graying hair and mustache. He’s not a bad looking man, but—
“Are you sure?” he asks. He feels almost shy all of a sudden. He knows he’s getting older; his hair is more gray than brown, and the lines on his face have gotten deeper. But, still, does that mean he’s old? Getting compared to an old, now-dead game show host has brought all of his anxieties about aging to the front of his mind.
You nod. “Positive,” you say, pulling him out of his thoughts before they can spiral any further. You grin. “I’ve always had a thing for him, you know.”
“W—Who?” Joel stutters, not sure he’s heard you right.
“Alex Trebek,” you clarify, your grin widening.
Joel hums. “That so, darlin’?” he asks mildly, but he’s not quite able to keep the smirk off his face. “What do you think—should I get rid of the beard, just keep the mustache?”
You slap his shoulder lightly. “Shut up,” you mutter. “I shouldn’t have told you that.”
He breaks out into a wide grin and leans in to steal a kiss. “You know I’m kidding, darlin’.” He looks to the TV screen again, and then he turns back to you, eyes softening. “I could do a lot worse than Trebek, I s’pose.”
“It’s a compliment!” you insist.
“I know, I know,” he says, kissing you again. “God, I love you.”
The words slip out without him even realizing. It’s not until he sees your eyes widen a little that he comprehends the weight of what he’s just said. Fuck. He’s gone and fucked this whole thing up, hasn’t he? Can he…take it back? But he doesn’t want to. It’s true, he realizes—he really does love you.
“I love you, too,” you say breathlessly, wrapping your arms around him tightly.
Joel breathes a sigh of relief as he hugs you. He takes another glance at the TV from over your shoulder, where the still image of Alex Trebek stares back at him. Joel must be imagining it, but…it almost looks like Trebek is winking at him.
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A/N: Thank you so much for reading! Please feel free to let me know what you think! :)
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jongseongsnudes · 2 years
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warning; 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔 1.1k words.
*ding ding ding*
“finally! school’s over!” your classmates cheer at the sound of the final school bell, most of them already packed and ready to go.
“4.30,” a deep voice comes from behind you, almost scaring the living daylight out of you. you had barely turned your head when you see haruto walking right past, his bag swung over one shoulder, looking like he had walked right out of a manga. a bunch of your classmates are running after him as he exits the classroom but are you really that surprised at the scene?
as you had predicted, haruto really did become an instant hit at school, attracting a string of fangirls and even fanboys. the cold boy immediately blended in with the popular clique, the football boys, having joined the team during lunch break without having to go through try outs.
“he’s so hot...” your best friend beside you is practically drooling, her eyes glued onto the new student who had just left, “please tell me you made a move on him when you had the chance???”
“are you crazy, why would i do that? he’s alllllll yours buddy.”
“true, you have niki already. whatever have fun tutoring your man, i’m gonna go see if haruto is single.”
“hey-” before you could even complain about her words, she was already out of the door, leaving you behind with surprisingly enough... only one other person in the classroom who was still packing up his bag.
“what’s with you and that new kid?” niki suddenly appears from behind you, his chest slightly brushing against your shoulder. the small interaction was enough to have you freaking out, your hands already gripping at the straps of your school bag, unable to contain yourself.
“who? haruto?”
“yeah whatever, that kid,” he strangely sounds so annoyed, his face wrinkled together as he looks down at you, waiting for you to answer, “you guys seem close.”
“no? he’s new so i just showed him around this morning. i haven’t even spoken to him since.”
niki rolls his eyes before storming off, leaving you completely confused at his sudden change in attitude. why was he even annoyed? what did you even do!
you trail behind him down the hallway, watching as the popular boy happily greets almost everyone that walks by, a complete opposite of how he was treating you earlier in the classroom. and of course, his expression immediately goes grim again once you both reach the library, where he hurries to settle down in the usual spot while you take the spot beside him.
“i heard your game was rescheduled til next week,” you try to make conversation as you unpack your textbook, your tone though light, has a hint of awkwardness in it.
“... anyway so today we’ll look over topics 12 and 13, the two topics you missed out on yesterday,” you slide the textbook over to him but he looks completely bored, tossing his football up and down in his hold instead, “they’re pretty easy topics so it won’t take much time. we can finish faster today if you need to be somewhere.”
with no response at all, you shrug it off and begin teaching the boy anyway, trying to block out the awkwardness. you’re not sure why he’s suddenly like this, a complete contrast of how he was this morning and two nights ago at your door step.
were you overthinking all of this? were you just making up scenarios in your head while this was all normal for him?
as you were trying to explain a specific question, you suddenly get that strange feeling of someone staring at you and as you turn your head, you catch niki doing just that. his eyes are entirely on you instead of the textbook, causing your cheeks to immediately heat up.
“do- do you have a question about something? am i confusing you?”
“do you like that kid?”
“wh- what? haruto?” you almost choke at his random question but the look on his face tells you he’s very serious about it, “what does that have to do with anything?”
“just answer the question.”
“because i don’t want to!”
“you like him then!”
“fine! yes! i like him! i like him so so so much! happy?!” you’re completely puffed out at all the yelling you just did, annoyed at the boy for being so ridiculous for no specific reason. why he was so pressed on the topic of haruto, you’re not sure but you’ve had about enough of it. “lets just stop. i don’t want to continue today.”
you rush to gather your books into your bag and get up to leave, the tall boy also quickly following you out the library. he is literally right behind you, his presence looming over your shoulders all the way out towards the school gate but you don’t care. you’re too worked up to care.
to your surprise, niki reaches out to grab your arm, spinning you around to look at him. his face is clearly fuming but once you catch his gaze, his expression immediately softens down.
“what niki?”
“i-” he stumbles about, looking completely lost for words but you know he’s desperate to say something. “i didn’t mean to yell. we can go back and continue.”
“it doesn’t matter. i know you’ve never liked me tutoring you but don’t worry, today was our last session anyways.”
“what- already?”
“yeah it has been two weeks already niki,” you attempt to wriggle your arm out of the stunned boy’s grip but he doesn’t budge, not letting you go, “are you done? can i go now?”
“i’ll walk you.”
“no... thanks,” you mumble off, unsure of whether to tell him the truth about your plans or not. it’s technically none of his business and knowing how frustrated he got over the topic of haruto, you decided not to.
“miss class president, you’re early,” both you and niki turn towards the deep voice to see haruto standing outside the gate, a lollipop in his mouth and his phone in his hand. you then turn back to look at niki, who has now let go of your arm, the expression on his face tells you he’s confused, his mind obviously attempting to wrap around the situation.
for some reason, niki’s soft eyes has you feeling all sorts of things, especially with the way he let you go so suddenly after seeing haruto. is it a reach to say that you suddenly felt... sad?
“lets go then,” haruto comes over and slides your bag off your shoulder, easily swinging it onto his own before walking off.
in that moment, you silently wished for niki to say something but the boy stands completely still. what wishful thinking. how you and him got yourselves into a situation like this, you’re not sure but you don’t want to think about what was to come from here.
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taglist; @i-dalso @wony6ung @jeonjungkookkk @j4yluvr @soobsbby @astra-line​ @drunkanddazedalways @shine-your-light​ @02zprotector​ @yabukkura​ @sonmil @byunhoebaek​ @artgukkx​ @nowrosesaredead​ @lhsng @abdiitcryy​​ @y4wnjunz​ @uuvjungwon @dehydratedami @enhasengene​ @enhacolor @my5colors @kyutiepeachy​ @miiiwaa @miixsh @vantxx95​ @1115phile​ @outrologist @9900z @axartia​ @yuakagi @bunhoons​​ @3nh4luvr​ @duckieanon​ @manaswi-madhusudan @skylaryoung2002 @lix-freckle3​ @uuwonnie​​ @emoworu​​ @kyoyangwon​ @sunshine-skz​ @paolennenicole​ @cherryblushtzy @carateum1 @ahnneyong​ @hhganyu​ @duolingofanaccount​ @hseungi​​ @omgjwon​ @jays-blue​ @jaykedpotato @gobighee​ @jiawji​ @taekbokki​ @wonwon-ie @mavlogist​@thedemonundernikisbed ​ @rosie-is-everywhere​​ @kuleo26 @ii4enha-jwn​ @thejjrl​ @taytaymuse @cococake​​ @sunooslover​ @inlovewsimjaeyun @muffinminnie​ @sashamifasolla @yoonjin96 @choibeomgogi​ @flower-lise @princesjy​ @she-is-dreaming @n-wjns​ @simksl @love-enhaa @mimikittysblog​ @letapostropheesgo​​ @f0rlov3rs ​  
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dorizardthewizard · 5 months
Galactik Football season 3 rewatch, eps 16 - 18
Episode 16:
Nice levitation trick Simbai, but she's just allowed to use the Breath like that? Maybe because she's a flux society member? It does make me realise, since the wars were not so long ago, how many people are walking around who could previously use the the Breath all the time but now aren't allowed. That's kind of crazy!
I do like the idea of them actually learning how to use the Breath in more creative ways!
This soundtrack for Tia's training session is pretty cool
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Well done Mei for wearing more weather-appropriate clothes this time!
Mice telling Mark to get it together kdjfskfd time for lover boy to get dunked on for once
Callie: Do you miss playing when you see your friends on the field? D'jok: Um, I- Callie: Certainly you must think they are still bitter towards you after beating them on Paradisia?
Callie those are some horrible questions leave the man alone 😭
I am once again asking for more Lun-Zeara action. Btw has she ever spoken a line? Fucking Stevens may have spoken more than her
I support the Snow Kids but I love seeing the Wambas winning and having fun <3
Artegor: Listen Barry, to be frank, I'm not a fan of your work
HE'S SUCH A BITCH LOOOL after my rewatch I want to make a compilation of Artegor's commentator moments
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Lun-Zaera is CHILLING lmao, also I just checked the wiki for the spelling of her name and it's about as consistent as the Wamba's hair colour.
Why is Woowamboo being such a dick. She's trying her best!
Awwww D'jok cheering on the Snow Kids
Mei is carrying the defence in this match like the queen she is <3
Artegor contributes a more technical analysis of the game which is pretty cool
WOOWAMBOO FOULING?? I mean fouls aren't really rare but still, he's being far more aggressive than before? Sure, the Wambas aren't going to just be fun-loving when the GFC is at stake and they're as competitive as any other team, but when you combine this with the way he was talking to Lun-Zia it's just jarring?
Also WAIT. Woowamboo is ginger? So the player that switched to the Lightnings for the Paradisian tournament was just someone else? Fair enough as you wouldn't switch your star player, but yeah my bad. Actually wait, he literally has grey hair in the Netherball scenes in season 2. WHAT IS THE TRUTH
Well at least Woowamboo seems more accepting of Lun-Zia now that he's seen her give it her all. Nice to see her settled in with the rest of the team!
I just had a thought, where is Maya in all this? We've seen Mama-Ice pop up and check on (scold XD) Micro-Ice but we didn't see Maya interact with D'jok at all? Wouldn't she have gone to see him instead of only hanging with the Snow Kids?? And now that D'jok's “retired” and hanging out by himself at Genesis, isn't she gonna look for him? She knows football was so important to him, so to give it up is a big deal! Ah well, we'll see.
Episode 17:
Yaay more Tia and Mei being besties
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Side note I like Kim-8's vibes, she's just cool
That scene in Ballow's restaurant where he's talking about leaving dirty business behind, all while henchmen are constantly coming up to him with dodgy items like stolen paintings is so hilarious jfdskmn
aww I love Artegor trying to convince D'jok to come back, especially with him telling him how hard the SK took it when he left. It's also interesting to see Artegor refer to playing with the Snow Kids as a responsibility - they're a symbol of hope for the people of Akillian, who didn't even want to go to their first match in the stadium due to the trauma from the glaciation.
He also reminds D'jok he's a Snow Kid, which reminds me of their conversation in season.... 2? Where Artegor tells him he'll always be a kid from Akillian. It's also nice that once he's voiced his opinion, he changes the subject instead of pressuring D'jok to answer. He's really developed from the demanding Shadows coach he used to be.
Poor Artie, he can never watch a full match LOL
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Do you ever watch an old video and get jumpscared by a comment you don't remember making? Because I wrote this on another upload 9 years ago and I still don't know how they messed that up LOL.
I mean yeah sure it COULD be a new ability they've unlocked like how the Snow Kids are finding new ways to use the Breath. But they don't show the Cyclop's hypnosis thing at all, the animation is exactly the same as the Xenon's flux, and Callie even mentions their "hypnotic" flux and how the players can barely stay on their feet, which doesn't really match what's on screen sooo yeeeeeaahhh this is just an animation error. A pretty big one though.
So team Paradisia have no problem using their flux? Which was a synthetic one to begin with? And the technology for it is no longer available? Or do they just get it implanted once and that's it? So what was up with them going into those pods to “charge”? How does this work???
sfkdgfkjdf Mark went too hard on the sauerkraut, I love this gag about Mark and food
YESSSS SONNY! FATHER SON BONDING TIME FINALLY. His speech about the Pirates always being by his side even in tough times is sweet, and makes sense for D'jok. He's been through a lot with the Snow Kids and they're basically family now, and family wouldn't truly turn him away if he was sorry for what he did. At least, they wouldn't stay mad forever.
BENNETT YOU LEGEND. But also a bit reckless of Sonny to stand with D'jok right in the middle of an open area
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Sonny: We're trapped!
Um no you're not, there's a staircase right there
Poor Cyclops, always getting clowned on :( ARTEGOR IS A SAVAGE IN THIS MATCH
BALLOW OUTING THE CON ARTISTS FDKFDKJDF I'm sorry I know it's a tragic moment for Sinedd but THAT'S SO FUNNY
The way they animate Sidney rolling around is hilarious. Also Thran only thought of finding Harvey just now? Wow, talk about second-class citizens.
It's so funny how this is the last episode in the official playlist, like they just gave up uploading HD episodes 2 years ago. Unless it's a regional thing? I'm editing this in Austria rn and the official English uploads aren't available unless I use VPN, are the French eps all uploaded in HD at least?
Episode 18:
Aaaaand I'm back to 480p uploads from 10 years ago. Thank you for your service youtube user lykaon868
I do get to see the intro and outro now though yaaaay
Wait what? We ended last episode on D'jok wanting to talk to the Snow Kids and with this one we just skip ahead to him being on the team again? I mean... they were building up to that moment for sooo long and we don't even get to see it? What???
It seems Tia and Rocket have accepted D'jok back but Micro-Ice and Ahito aren't so enthusiastic. It's strange to see Ahito so resentful but it's a refreshing change to see him react like that.
Micro-Ice's reaction on the other hand isn't taken very seriously and it's presented as them squabbling immaturely but like... he's right to feel hurt! We could've had some good Micro-Ice angst topped off with a heart-to-heart between two guys who canonically consider each other brothers, but here we are.
Sinedd's parents were... I M P O S T E R S ?
Sharky why are you revealing this as a scoop when it just puts you into hot water for not doing a background check before inviting them on the show
This is the serious - silly contrast dynamic I had in my head for the Shadows LOL. Although it's sad this kind of implies the Shadows only care for Sinedd as a player and not a person, telling him to get a grip after something like that? Although maybe their whole thing is that they TRY to act tough but really they're all feeling like that one guy who ran out crying lol. It IS a bit weird to insert comedy like that into this kind of scene though, kind of undercuts it for me.
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Artegor just having tea and biscuits 🤣🤣🤣
CALLIE ACCEPT HIS OFFER FOR TEA DON'T BE RUDE. He looks sad after her reaction fskdjfskds honestly Artegor is probably the best character this season
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Tia squaring up to Sinedd I LOVE HER
Also wtf Sinedd, but he was about to go to Mei so I wonder what he was gonna do? Taunt her? Or maybe he regretted it? I guess we'll never know
This is a match with the Shadows, the Snow Kids' biggest rivals, and yet the first half is over in a few minutes of the episode! The matches just aren't as interesting in this season and feel too rushed
I am not immune to some D'jok vs Sinedd action
Not Maya focusing on Sinedd when she hasn't interacted with D'jok this whole time 😭
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Mei is such a savage, it reminds me of Stevens handing Sinedd the ball that one time when there was seconds to spare LOL also pls forgive the shit quality gifs, demonstration purposes only folks
Sinedd: Do like everyone else Mei, don't worry about what I do and just forget me. Mei: But Sinedd- Sinedd: I lost, Mei. I lost everything. Everything.
Oof Sinedd really goes through the ringer every season, huh
Mark is smooth as butter on the pitch but so incredibly cringe at flirting
Warren: The team. The group. That's all that counts, D'jok D'jok: Being a team player Warren, that's what I want to improve!
Sure D'jok, until next season. But it's also kind of weird to portray his arc as if he just needed to learn how to be a team player again, when a big part of why he left was the emotional turmoil from the breakup and him lashing out because of it. That's never really resolved, although I guess the season is trying to say that D'jok became obsessed with winning again, which is what drove Mei away in the first place, but again I'm just speculating here! They had the means for a really good arc for D'jok but fumbled it and decided to retread old paths instead.
Is Harvey alive after all?
I do love that Clamp is still working alongside Sonny. And yaaaay Thran gets to do something!
Wait Paradisia is a dead planet, it didn't blow up or anything. Harvey is a robot so is it that surprising he's still there? Why not look for him earlier?
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copperbadge · 1 year
I started Shivadh!verse this morning, and I am . . . almost a third of the way through Infinite Jes. I have also recommended it to at least three people. It's so fun!!! It's been a while since I enjoyed getting to know new characters this much.
Also, for some reason I got it in my head that one of the books was called "Romancing the Rambler" (I think I was mixing Royals/Ramblers with the general Romance genre?), but when I realized it *wasn't* I thought of how hilarious it would be if someone in-universe wrote a thinly veiled pastiche of Greg and Eddie's romance with that title - maybe a king falls in love with and woos the traveling bard known as "The Rambler" who's come to perform at some sort of royal celebration? I feel like Eddie would love it and read the spiciest passages out loud to a very embarrassed Greg.
I'm so glad you're enjoying it! I had to re-read a bit of Infinite Jes yesterday to check something for Twelve Points, and gosh I loved writing that story, and it's egotistical but I love re-reading it. I don't think that the Questions Game scene is the best prose I've ever written but it might be one of my favorite scenes ever.
At some point I do want to write a story -- either short or novel, haven't decided -- where either someone does write the thinly-veiled romance novel about the royals, or a film crew comes to Fons-Askaz to film a movie (something Gregory's been trying to woo a bit) and it turns out it's a Hallmark film based on Eddie and Gregory's unlikely romance. It's too recursive to do now, but most serieses that run for a long time eventually get rather weird, and I'm figuring around book 15 or 20 I'll hit the Weird Era and write the Hallmark Movie book.
I am admittedly feeling slightly scattered about the novels just now, mainly because everything's moving forward but all of it very slowly -- I'm in rewrites on Twelve Points, but I need to set a date to publish, and I'm working on Royals/Ramblers but I'm stuck a bit and feeling like I need to put Twelve Points to bed before I can keep going. And Simon the Chef's novel is going to take some extra brainpower to do the interesting experimental structure I want to try, so I need to get AT LEAST two of the four books I'm working on (Twelve Points, Royals/Ramblers, Chef Simon, Football Novel) off my plate first. Having four novels in various stages of completion is like, the best kind of problem to have, but it is still a problem. And I can't bump the football novel up ahead of it because Simon's book is set in the summer of 2023 and the football novel doesn't start until autumn 2023.
Also I still need to pin down Simon's love interest beyond "salty-ass chef who just moved to Fons-Askaz". If anyone has strong opinions now's the time to air them. The idea is that whoever they are, they manage to put Simon a little back-footed to start with, and then they're forced to work together -- it's a bit enemies-to-lovers but just light on the "enemies".
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redwineconversation · 3 months
Olympique Lyonnais Behind the Scenes (Episode 5)
This covers the month of January. Better late than never but alas some of us have jobs that we want to keep and cannot be chronically online. The Behind the Scenes translations is one of those times where I wish I was technologically apt because then I could just upload the video and add subtitles, alas, neither OLPlay nor my technology skills will ever make that happen.
I have no shame in confessing to this - I didn't want to do this one because Carpenter is in it and I am so irked by all the fucking Arsenal fans/stans suddenly thirsting for her to join their godawful team after the abuse she is has gotten from Arsenal stans the past two years. To act like she should join that club after what those people have said / done is so completely tone-deaf. Likewise, suddenly using "le clean sheet" every time your goalkeeper does their actual job is not as cute/funny as you think it is. It's annoying. It's so fucking annoying.
I will also save those godawful stans the time and say that Lyon / Carpenter do not address Carpenter's engagement to van de Donk as Lyon is a serious club who doesn't use a player's personal life as a marketing ploy. The purpose of the Behind the Scenes is to get to know the players' mentality and thoughts about the month's events.
Blah blah standard disclaimers apply; @OL Comms I feel like chipping in to contribute my Starbucks fund is the least you could do considering all the free work I am doing for y'all; how amazing would it be if some of you would actually get the mental help you so desperately need; y'all know the speech.
Ellie Carpenter: We had a lot of games. We had Champions League games. I think it was a much needed break for everyone.
Selma Bacha: We really needed to have a break, because there are players who went straight into the World Cup so they didn't have a lot of rest. Everyone benefited from the break. For me, I went to Tunisia, where my family is originally from. So I had a great time with my family. And then we started up again. The break was short.
Damaris: It was good for everybody I think to go home, to be with our families and friends. Just to push football aside and enjoy ourselves. Yeah, that's always a good thing.
Sara Dabritz: We went to preseason camp. It was really good. We spent a lot of time together. We had a nice hotel. It was intense but it's like that in camp. But I think it was good for us to prepare for the [second half of the] season.
Carpenter: The training camp in Spain was a nice way to come back at the start of this year to train well, to get the basics back, get back in the gym. And it was also really fun for the team morale. The camps with the team are always really fun. We have to work fun but also enjoy ourselves off the field.
Bacha: It was hard because you come back from break and you have to dig deep and work hard. So it was really hard because we had a fitness test over there.
Carpenter: The worst moment was probably the running test we had to do, the 1.5km [1 mile] sprint test.
Bacha: Honestly, that's when you realize that Olympique Lyonnais is a family. You can see it in the video clips, we're encouraging each other. The cohesion was top.
Bacha: My favorite moment was the team cohesion activity with the golf carts. Honestly it was so good. We had to do stuff - well, we had to do funny things. It was the best part.
Carpenter: Driving around the hotel trying to find clues, that was very fun.
Carpenter: Yeah, we knew we had Paris FC as soon as we got back from Christmas break. After having been off we thought it might be hard to come back and play against a top team in Europe, in France for sure.
Bacha: We got right into it. We know that those sort of games, they're going to very very big games because Paris FC is a really good team who has really improved and recruited really well. And honestly, it was a big game. We had to work for that win, so the game was won on mentality.
Carpenter: Paris FC has shown that they're a great team, they're a top team in Europe, doing well in the Champions League and, yeah. The intensity was high. I think you could feel that everyone just came back from holidays but we'll fight, until those last five minutes when we did score.
Bacha: Ah, Ada's goal, that's just Ada Hegerberg. That's it. There's no other forward who can do that. Honestly, when we celebrated - even I spoke in English, I said "what a goal". [Hegerberg speaks English when she's annoyed, which is why Bacha brings up the linguistic switch] Her shot was really incredible. You can watch it over and over. If you ask her tomorrow to do it it, she will. And it's true that she's the kind of player whom you can count on in big games. Everyone should have an Ada on their team.
Damaris: Yes, it was a magnificent goal. Speaking for myself, I was far back. It was a long ball, I headed it forward. I saw the ball stay there and I saw Ada [Hegerberg] call for the ball. When you're behind, you can see everything. Right before she took the shot, I was like "well, that's going to be a goal."
Carpenter: Yeah, she's a big game player, she scores big goals. So we needed that in that moment and she did that. So it was very cool.
Bacha: Honestly, it's good for us and it gets us going. I think we've been really good since the start of the season. And when I talk with players on other teams, or other coaches, they tell me that Lyon this year is unbeatable, so I hope it continues like that and we'll bring all the trophies home.
Damaris: The work we did for that game, we worked really hard. I don't think we were really efficient but we had a lot of opportunities to score.
Carpenter: Yeah, I think it was important that we started the year off with three points and continue our perfect streak in the league.
Dabritz: We had the game against Montpellier in the Coupe [de France]. I remember Amel [Majri] scoring a magnificent goal. It was a right on target.
Majri: Yeah, I saw Lindsey [Horan], she won the ball back. I called for it, she passed it to me. I think Ada [Hegerberg] was besides me asking for it as well, but I don't know, I think I was focused on what I was doing. So I just took a shot and it went it.
Bacha: Yeah, it's really great. Good on her as well because you can see she is starting to get her rhythm back. It's not easy when you're not playing all the time. Here, honestly, I'm just so happy for her. I hope she continues like that because she's the sort of player we really need.
Carpenter: Yeah, I love playing with Amel [Majri]. Yeah, I think she's one of the best players in the world I've seen or played with. [is she though...] She's an amazing talent and you can see what she's capable of now when she's getting back to the top of her game.
Carpenter: The team is in very good spirits at the moment, and you can tell that on the field. Off the field, we're a very close group and we work for each other. And on the field, you can see we're very connected. We're just enjoying ourselves out there, we're not too much pressure [on ourselves], we're just trying to play good football.
Majri: So really, when I went to call for the ball, I could see that even if I got it, I didn't think I could do much with it. So I said to myself, "Amel, leave it", so I left it and there was Ada [Hegerberg] and then a goal. And I thought - well I'm not going to lie to you, when I left I thought to myself "I hope she gets it". And to be frank she was doing great work before, because Lindsey [Horan] got past the opponent, and she [Hegerberg] just shot across. Honestly, it's a great goal.
Majri: Yeah, I'm happy because it's always nice to implicated in the build-up to a goal. I think that what I bring in terms of the style of play, I try to be involved in the ball movement, moving with the ball, moving without the ball. And I have good sensations, I feel good. Beyond that it's also the fact that I have been playing in consecutive games. But in terms of full games, I think it's one of my best performances since I have come back.
Carpenter: I guess playing a team one week after the other, twice in a row, it's quite difficult. It was a different Montepellier we faced at their home as well, away. Yeah, it was a tough game, it was one we had to grind out. Yeah, we knew they were going to come out different, like after beating them in the Coupe [de France], we knew it would be a completely different game since they're at home, and they totally showed that.
Bacha: We know that the league and the Coupe de France have nothing to do with each other. We know that Montpellier is a very, very aggressive team. And we knew that playing at their stadium was going to be hard. But here, yeah, it was really hard.
Bacha: The night before the game, I was really focused on myself. I knew there were people coming to watch us, members of my family. And then, corner. It comes back to Eugenie [Le Sommer], who gives it back to me, and I was like - I knew exactly where I wanted to put it. So I pulled it in and placed it on Vanessa [Gilles]'s head. So really, really happy.
Bacha: It's that left foot, it's my left foot. What can I say. But beyond that, I work really hard. I know that I always want perfection. Because I know there are games where the crosses aren't good, but I really want perfection.
Bacha: My second assist for Ada [Hegerberg], it's vintage Ada-Selma. It's that connection that I think not a lot of people have. Honestly, with her, I know where she wants the ball and - honestly, I don't even have to look up. Because I cross, but I already know where she is.
Carpenter: Yeah, Selma [Bacha] is a great crosser, a great assister. Yeah, they're perfect, those crosses, pinpoint. If it wasn't for her we probably wouldn't have gotten the three points. So it was great to have her service [LOL at the Franglais here - the correct word would have been contribution], it allowed us to score goals.
Dabritz: I remember that it was a very intense game. But it's always like that against Montpellier. It's always a game which comes down to the duels, to aggression. They came back with that goal, it was a game which was a little [Dabritz mimes going back and forth] But then we won it and that's the most important thing.
Dabritz: We gave it all on the field. And it's normal to have games which are more complicated than others. And yeah, Montpellier is a good team, I can admit that.
Bacha: That's why I said that Olympique Lyonnais, the mentality - honestly, there are few players who can walk on to this team and say they already have that mentality. [@/any team other than Lyon. A blood lust isn't innate. It's learned behavior.]
Dabritz: We went to Austria for a Champions League game. Those are always special games for us. It's a particular game, playing the Champions League, those games are seen as the highest level.
Carpenter: Yeah, you never know really, when you go to other teams, other countries, how the pitch is going to be. Yeah, the pitch wasn't great. But we made the most of it and we had quite a good game.
Bacha: A stadium which was ... [Bacha laughs] It was a complicated game. No, playing on that pitch was complicated, it was a bit hard. But we started strong. We attacked from the start, even if we were starting to feel the tiredness. But we attacked from the start and were playing simple. And honestly, we were very efficient as well.
Dabritz: And yeah, we played a really good game, with a lot of goals and a really good performance from the entire team.
Bacha: [forcefully] We never underestimate a team. When you play simple and individually you're clean, technically you're clean, and you're all on the same wave length, honestly there are not - we're good.
Carpenter: Getting players back from injury, it's always nice, especially when they're providing assists and scoring goals. That's even better.
Dabritz: Yeah, it was a good goal. [laughs] We really enjoyed ourselves on the field, we had nice combinations, we were explosive offensively. At least I think so. So we were really happy after the game.
Bacha: Yeah, it wasn't an easy game because maybe in our heads, even if I think it's not really like that, but instinctively it's human nature and we underestimated them. FC Nantes came in with their game plan. They're a really good team, I was surprised. The first half was difficult. I think it's a little bit because exhaustion is starting to creep in. But the changes at half time did us some good and we were really efficient. The coach [Sonia Bompastor] yelled a bit at half time but it's normal. It's like that.
Carpenter: Yeah, I think fatigue comes into play there. I think it was our fifth or sixth game in a run. They were a different team, we hadn't really played them before. I think we can put that first half behind us and I think we really came out better in the second half. But yeah, I think we ended the game better than we started.
Carpenter: Yeah, it was so nice to see Delphine [Cascarino] make her return from her ACL. Obviously it's such a long rehab, such a long journey. It's tough to have an injury and go through something like that, and it's her second one as well. But I think she's done an amazing job. You can see in the way she's come back, she still has her speed, has her footwork.
Bacha: It was a really good moment for Delphine, the return against FC Nantes. We saw her struggle, her mentality is just incredible. It's really hard to have the ACL injury happen twice, to have missed the World Cup when we were expecting her, we wanted her there. Now she had the mentality, she dug deep. I'm really happy to see her back because it will really do us good.
Carpenter: Yeah, we knew we were first in the group and obviously qualified, but we also knew we needed to put out a strong performance [they did not]. We wanted to keep the flow going for how well we're doing this month [of January]. On game day, obviously not everything went to plan. Obviously I think fatigue played a little bit in that as well, but that's not really an excuse. We should be better. We had 10,000 people come and you know, the more people that come the better, at least for us. We want to perform well, put on a show, for them to come back again.
Bacha: First of all we have to thank the fans who come out and support us. They're becoming more and more, so we need to thank them and for them to continue coming out and supporting us. After, it was hard because - well personally, I could feel the exhaustion. Then Slavia [Prague] was playing with a really low block. They came to get something at Lyon, even if we were already first and already qualified. At the end of the day we're Olympique Lyonnais. It's not acceptable to have played that sort of game.
Carpenter: Yeah, it was very frustrating. I think games like that, you want to play the next game very quickly after so you can have a good reaction.
Dabritz: We were a little disappointed because we weren't happy with our performance. We wanted to show to the public that we can put on good performances, they came for us. That's why we were a bit disappointed. Beyond that, we want to continue, we always want to improve, progress. We always want to give our best. But it's not always possible.
Bacha: I'd rather it happened to us then than get to the quarterfinals and you're knocked out I hope it will serve as a lesson to us.
Carpenter: No team is perfect in the world. Some teams have draws or a loss and it's not the end of the world. I think we need to remind ourselves that we're also human as well. Not every game is the best game. January is probably the biggest month we've had in a long time. We knew we had a lot of games, we had to get points, play well, perform. I think as a team we did that great, especially as we have some injuries at the moment as well so we had to adapt. I think the team has held up well. We're ready for February.
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coralcatsea · 2 months
How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX?
I feel Hetalia needs some kind of really nice, wholesome ending with the nations all doing something fun and silly with each other. They have many differences, but they can relate to and understand each other in ways no human can, which allows them to come together and feel a sense of belonging. They can't fix the world; it'll never be perfect, but there is hope for the future.
They could play games, sing songs, and reminisce on some Hetalia scenes from the past, like:
America: Remember when we sat around a campfire on that island? England kept chanting like he was trying to summon the devil!
England: That reminds me of when you prank called me and pretended to BE the devil!
Belarus: Sometimes I like to prank call Poland and just breathe into the phone.
Poland: That was you?!
China: On the topic of pranks, how about that crazy April Fools' Day where we all got blackmailed?
France: Hey, remember when I tried to trick you by pretending a marriage registration form was a calendar?
England: I don't know how you ever thought I would believe that!
Spain: Oh, when I tried proposing to Romano he gave me all these conditions!
Romano: There weren't that many!
England: Oh, I recall when America got upset because I didn't give him chocolates for Valentine's Day.
Italy: Haha! You proposed to him? Germany gave me a ring once on Valentine's Day! It turned out to be this whole big misunderstanding!
America: You're always giving me ice cream and chocolate bars and things! I just figured you would give me some then, too!
England: Well, I brought them later and you tried to play it off like it never happened!
America: Haha, did I do that?
Prussia: Oh, speaking of England giving out food, remember when I posted on my blog about how he made me food and everyone thought I died?? Not cool, guys! As if I would be defeated by that!
Germany: We were just concerned.
Prussia: Some of you got REALLY concerned! That was interesting!
Austria: Well, there's no need to be foolish!
Hungary: Yes, you may be a handful, but you have your good points! For one, there was that time you gave me a piece of fabric from your clothes to help me cover up...
Italy: He helped clean my house!
Romano: That idiot cheered me up once when I couldn't get a role in a movie.
America: I like to make movies! You can get a role in mine if you want! Maybe we can make it about...the Pictonian invasion!!
Prussia: Oh! What about a movie inspired by that fantasy game we all played together?
Estonia: Maybe it could be based on this dream I had where you all became women! It was really weird!
Japan: What–?
Russia: I think it would be nice to make a movie about some of the pleasant memories we've been discussing.
Spain: We should include the time I had turtles crawling all over the place!
Canada: Sometimes Cuba and I have ice cream together. That's a nice memory.
Japan: Learning English with England-san and German with Prussia-san.
England: There was that one time Germany and I stopped fighting on Christmas to play football...
Japan: Rooming with America.
Lithuania: Oh, yes, I liked staying with him, too.
Romano: I guess it was all right.
Belarus: ...I didn't like it much. But some parts were okay.
Russia: Don't worry, we can definitely skip all that!
America: How about that time Russia sent cardboard cutouts to everyone? That was hilarious!
Japan: Hmm...when we learned about America's Furbies?
Italy: When I wrote a song for Germany! That's a good memory!
Germany: ...When I first found you hiding in that tomato box.
It ends with them singing a new song, and then finally, Marukaite Chikyuu. Italy then says, "The series may be over, but history never ends!"
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