#or shouldnt have been reprimanded for some things she did
soaking-wet-cat-punk · 8 months
ok but where's my scene in the mark of athena where leo's working on teh ship and he's leaving all his shit around again. and percy's on edge for some reason. and then leo drops his shoes on percy's bed for some reason. maybe it was the closest place. maybe he meant to ask percy to clean them later. whatever it was, it did something. and percy was angry. all the toilets flooded, and the whole ship came running becasue they could hear him yelling at leo to keep his own goddamn belongings in his own goddamn room. and the others stepped in, of course. hey percy, leo's been leaving his shit all over our beds, too, he's working. what's gotten into you?
and percy slams his fist on the table and the kitchen sink bursts at the faucet. and he storms out of the room. annabeth chases him and everyone's sure she's going to reprimand him, but then hazel almost stumbles upon them and hears her saying, it's okay, they won't hate you, they'll understand. he'll keep his things to himself. don't worry, it's okay.
and yeah, a couple days later percy comes out with bags under his eyes and dissheveled hair and says im sorry, i was out of line. please keep your things to yourself but im sorry. i shouldnt have yelled. um leo im sorry can annabeth and i talk to you for a second. sorry. um. yeah.
and that's the day leo learns about smelly gabe.
Where is my scene rick :( pls my crops are dying and my mother was yoinked away to the underworld :(
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dizzydizney · 2 years
Really like your blog, you seem fun
What do you think of Mal?
(Her canon characterization)
Aww well first of all, thank you!!! Secondly...
Honestly I think canon kind of failed in a ton of places and Mal's character development is one of those places
Let me say I don't hate Mal. I don't seriously hate any character, but she's far from the bottom of my list. Honestly she might be in my top 5 at this point, or at least #6. But I know that's mostly bc of what's in my head rather than what's presented on screen
But I think people in the fandom give Mal too hard a time. Acting like she's the only one that ever did anything bad when everyone in her group was raised on the Isle, in shitty homes with shitty parents
Like how is Mal the most irredeemable awful trash person when she's just been going along with what her mother wants bc she's terrified of her mother? Just like everyone else in the Core Four is scared of their parents. Like it's her fault she didn't assimilate as quickly as everyone else did? Bc her mother is the most powerful, and the scariest, and she's got the biggest fear of disappointing her. Thinking that Maleficent could still find a way to get to her and make her pay if she screwed things up
And also she's the only one in the Core Four that started dating the main prince of the nation. So not only is she away from home, out of her element, and grappling with a huge shift in her character, now she's got to be the perfect princess and do all this royal press tour shit with Ben. She doesn't know how to act. And we see her anxiety continuously thru what're basically magical panic attacks throughout the second movie. And yeah, trying to spell Ben was out of line, but it was a stupid impulse decision that she probably would've regretted anyway, that only happened when she was under a huge amount of unfamiliar pressure and stress
And then the third movie?? Not only is she still adjusting to Auradon life and now on edge bc she thinks another adversary is lurking in the shadows to come get her or her friends at any second, but the actual royal family is forcing her to make decisions for the whole kingdom! Not the old king and queen who are more mature, experienced, and should be smarter than a bunch of teenagers. Not even the new king who's their son and should have the current authority. But the girl from the Isle that's basically just gotten used to Auradon life and already has like fifty other things on her plate
Idc what anyone says, Mal was set up with that decision. Beast, Belle, even FG all could've offered up a different solution but they elect to put that burden on the shoulders of a teenager who's been a part of the kingdom for >2 years and isn't even officially queen yet. Bullshit. She was their scapegoat for if things went wrong. You can't change my mind
So yeah like idk a lot of the little things could've been adjusted in the story to make Mal's character and development go along more smoothly. But the big things that the fandom gets pissed at her about, I honestly don't think it's her fault. At least not to the degree where I think she's an irredeemable monster
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1990jeevas · 3 years
I love it when people talk about things they're passionate about, tell me something cool!! Anything you want, just something you find interesting or want to talk about :D
hello anon my beloved, I am in a bad mood so you will be receiving a passionate, yet lowkey of pissy rant about why villainizing bakugou makes me wanna vomit and its NOT just because I'm a dumbass kinnie :)
tws: child abuse (emotional and physical), near death expierences, bullying, kidnapping, suffocation, lots of trauma in general tbh. if you've seen bnha then basically just keep all the general triggering plot stuff in mind incase i missed any warnings
also, note: I havent caught up on bnha in a minute, I'm at like the start of the war arc but I barely remember shit there tbh so like. probs missing new stuff. also bnha spoiler warnings lol
so, for starters, the homie bakugou has like,, a good handful of issues that come from his childhood that explain why he's an ass. he was always praised and never actually reprimanded for being a twat which led to him having a huge ego that ended up fucking him over majorly. this ego was something that his mother acknowledged him having, but literally didnt try to fix it with anything other than violence. see here:
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like, instead of trying to help him, she hits and insults him, which is probably what led to his weird inferiority/superiority complex. being constantly told by others that you're outstanding and one day you'll be a top hero because you're rude and aggressive and then going home and being hit by your mother for those exact same behaviors is bound to fucking confuse a child.
so like, now that we've established that its definetly canon that his mother (parents? I think he said parents at some point but masaru doesn't seem like the type so 🤷) hits him though we don't know how much or how often (though if bakugou was as much of a little shit back then ((which as far as we've seen- he was)) then it was probably often), lets talk about how regardless of all that 1) hitting your kids as "discipline" not only doesn't work but is abusive lol like idc if it's spanking/popping them on the mouth for talking shit, slapping them across the face "on occasion", etc. shits not okay 2) hitting your kids!!!! does not work!!!!!!!! it is literally PROVEN not to work!!!!!!!! hitting a child who has done something wrong doesnt teach them to stop doing something it teaches them to be scared of you, which will cause the child to withdraw, removing part of their support system (assuming said abusive parents would even offer that up) and will most likely lead to them thinking they're a bad person, not that their actions were bad, which are two different things. so, ya know, that would clearly have an effect on a kid. like, as someone with a mother who reminds me all too much of mitsuki: I have acted like a complete shitbag and taken my anger out on people to feel better in the past because of the way my mother treated me. though it was nowhere near what bakugou did, I still know first fucking hand what a mother hitting and insulting her child will do, especially if they have no proper outlet for that (friends, a safe place to vent) which bakugou never fucking had.
theres also the fact that just talking to your kid the way mitsuki does (saying it's his fault he was kidnapped because he's weak, all while hitting him) is not??? okay?????? ive seen people arguing that this was just a joke in poor taste but like her son was KIDNAPPED and even if it was a "joke" there's literally NO WAY that would EVER?? BE FUNNY??????? she just sounds like the kind of parent who at the very least says shit without thinking that would traumatize bakugou (because being told right after being kidnapped it's your fucking fault by your mother is absolutely traumatizing) but it comes across as her being emotionally abusive.
mitsukis character as a whole comes across as a shitty mom who doesn't realize she's a shitty mom and thinks bakugou being an ass isn't at least partially her fault even though she's admitted to realizing he has always had an ego problem and doing nothing to fix it except for hitting and yelling which obviously did nothing but make him just as loud and violent as she is.
this is obviously not the entire reason why he's a dick but he was never properly taught that the shit he was doing wasn't okay and people not stopping it and/or praising him endlessly even tho he was a bully is basically the same as encouraging it, thank you very much.
moving on from that, let's talk about bakugous other traumas and how he naturally responds to them. hint: it's with either full blown panic or a fight response (verbal or physical, though usually physical. also sometimes it's the panic followed by the fight response.)
so far in bnha (keep in mind that I am not caught up, I've only read up to the beginning of the war arc and i barely remember those bits so) bakugou has...
nearly died via sludge villain (he was unable to move and was being suffocated to death- keep this in mind)
lost for the first time ever and against deku of all people (this nearly sent him into a full blown panic attack, likely because of that sexy little inferiority/superiority complex combo. think of this as like. gifted kid burnout lite. he has always been the best of the best and now suddenly he is being beaten by somebody who has always been weaker than him, which immediately makes him start thinking he was never actually that good, he's actually a fucking failure, a goddamn fraud)
won the sports festival by default (bakugou counts this as yet another failure because todoroki didnt try his best. had bakugou lost to todoroki full strength, he would've taken 2nd place with a bit of bitching, but he still wouldve taken it rather than refuse the medal as it would be a reminder that he failed. instead of accepting that like UA shouldve, the staff chained and muzzled him on live television and then had all might, his fucking idol, force the medal into his mouth. remember the sludge villain incident and how he couldnt move and was suffocating to death? yeah.)
been kidnapped because of the way he reacted to winning during the sports festival (he was aggressive and tried to refuse the medal because he felt he didnt deserve it and was then retraumatized by being chained up and muzzled. his "villainous attitude" was a fucking trauma response, do not tell me otherwise)
was then chained up once again by the LOV after being kidnapped,,, do we see the "retraumatize bkg" theme yet?
"ended all might" (he literally blames himself for all mights retirement because had he just not have been weak, all might wouldve had more time, right?)
my point with all of these is that bakugou has been severely traumatized and has then had his trauma responses (aggression, fight) used to further demonize him. not all people with trauma react the fucking same and the way the fandom just refuses to acknowledge anger as a valid form of trauma response is gross as hell.
moving away from that topic, bakugou has literally never had any actual friends, they all just used him and didn't care about him which absolutely will fuck up a kid, especially one who already has all that other shit going on. bakugou deadass never had a support system or people to help him grow as a person, let alone properly work through his fucking emotions so it's not surprising that he would take out his bullshit on the one person who tried to help him especially considering he saw dekus actions as him thinking he was weak. bakugou was raised to not seek help, he thought somebody strong shouldnt ever need it, so for somebody like deku (who bakugou percieved as weak and helpless already) to offer up help? deku must obviously think bakugou is even weaker than him, what other explanation could their possibly be!
speaking of which, there's his heaps of insecurities that he basically hid by being a twat and bullying others for most of his life. kid was so insecure he bullied deku for fucking years cause he thought deku looked down on him, thought he was better than him, etc. and that only got worse bc his idol then decided to take deku in, train him and even give him his quirk. there's probably some shit im missing but still he's got issues and always has had issues. that being said, he's actually improving and working them out now which is what makes him a really good, interesting character. it's also nice to see a character who is a dick without some tragic backstory (like his backstory is sad but its not the classic "my family was fucking slaughtered and i turned into a raging bitch who murders people" type shit) bc that rarely happens and it's like most assholes don't actually have a story like that they're just assholes lol
now lets talk improvement! lil bitch has been getting better since he got into UA and im so happy abt it!! he had a rough start what with deku suddenly having a quirk and all but like he is really improving now and it highkey shows that bakugou just mostly needed people who 1) didn't constantly praise him and actually criticized him instead 2) actually fucking punished him doing stupid shit and 3) some motherfucking friends
Since going to UA he's gotten actually feedback from teachers about his weaknesses and how to get stronger, he's lost against others, hes been told he has a shit attitude and is a dick, told he should be nicer and leave deku alone, etc etc. He hasn't gotten in trouble too much with teachers but others give him shit for what he does and aizawa has punished him too, while still acknowledging that bakugou is an amazing and dedicated student, something which no one else had done up til that point. and uh???? homie actually has friends who like,,, don't use him and also call him out when he's a dick. like specifically kirishima has done this shit and him and bakugous relationship is clearly very healthy and beneficial for the both of them. makes me feel all happy n shit, ya know
bottom line is: while it is absolutely valid to dislike or even hate bakugou because he is a massively flawed person who has been very cruel to others, villainizing him for the way he acts which in large part seems to be from a lack of guidance, a shitty mother and heavy amounts of trauma, is fucking awful. his actions cannot be fucking excused, he needs to apologize and continue to grow, but he is also a fucking teenager, who is just now being told that the way he acts is unacceptable by people who dont fucking abuse him (and I swear to god if any people who think mitsuki isnt abusive interact with this fucking post I will fullstop hardblock you, I do not fucking care) and actually treat him like a normal person instead of some prodigy child or someone who needs to be fixed.
people are free to debate my points or whatever bc I know some of this stuff is up to interpretation but like. dni if you're just here to say you hate bakugou for xyz reason or that he's irredeemable. also especially dni if you compare him to fucking endeavor yall bitches make me gag.
anyways thxs for the ask anon <33 sorry this is a kinda messy info dump lol
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viktorxsheep · 3 years
Summary: You're starting to feel really insecure and terrible about yourself, but theo comes to the rescue
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Prompt: “Please don’t say that about yourself. Please don’t believe that. You’re so much more than that. You’re so…"
Pronouns: She/Her
House: Hufflepuff
Warnings: self deprecation
The girl kicked the ground and sighed, she always felt like this. Every single morning she felt horrible about herself, but she could never let anyone know- especially theo. Y/n hummed as she walked out of the sunny hufflepuff common room,transfiguration books in hand. Why couldnt she tell theo? Well the answer was simple. The poor slytherin already had too much on his plate. From his mothers death and his father being a death eater, he was worn down.
She knew that other than herself, Theos other support system was blaise, so she had to stay strong her lovely green wearing boyfriend. Y/n was finally at the transfiguration classroom, sighing as she gathered as much energy as she could to remain happy in a way. She took a seat next to her partner in class, ernie. "Hey y/n, what's up? You weren't there at the great hall this morning" the h/c girl shook her head. "I spent all night working on my potions essay, I overslept a bit". While that statement wasnt a lie, it wasnt the full truth. The entire night as she did it,her mind was plagued with thoughts of how unworthy she was-to be at this school, to have friends, Theo, family or anything else.
Y/n had hope the day was going to be a little better, and those feelings of uselessness would tire out. Yet this all came crashing down as she got her transfiguration test back, and a big fat failure on it. Those thoughts of feeling like a burden just added on more and more each task that failed on her, from her test failing, falling off her broom in quidditch, spilling her drink on Zacharias Smith (who glared at her for the entire rest of the day or when she messed up a charm and instead of a singing teacup, they got one that screeched. It felt like the feeling of being useless and a failure was eating her deeply. She had been so tired and didnt understand why she always felt this way.
The last straw was in potions, usually she was pretty okay at the subject but this time luck really wasnt on her side. She accidently placed a wrong ingredient inside and it blew up on her. "Oh helga..." she closed her eyes, trying to stop the tears from rushing down her face as snape reprimanded her for that mistake. "I didnt think you were that idiotic l/n, i said newt eye but you placed a fishes. 10 points from hufflepuff for sheer ignorance of instruction"
Theodore looked at her from his cauldron, he knew that she accidently put it in by mistake. He also knew something was wrong, definitely wrong. In the day she usually always ran toward him in the great hall during morning to give him a hug. Or his daily kisses before entering a classroom if he saw her, he was going to kiss her but she just ran past him. Theo didnt even receive his regular hugs at lunch!
As the class ended, and y/n ran away to an alcove that nobody went to, he followed.
Theodore excalimed, seeing his girlfriend frozen in place and staring at the ground. Y/n hopped up in suprise, theodore was always so quiet so she could never expect him. "A-ah, theo. Whats up?"
Theodore furrowed his brows, stepping forward. He wiped away her tears with his thumb and looked her in the eyes. Y/n wanted to push him away, tell him she didnt deserve his affection but it just felt so good. "What's wrong?" He softly asked, in the most gentle way he could. "...no-nothing" he raised a brow, and y/n sighed.
"I just...feel like I'm useless you know" that suprised theo greatly, before he could respond she ccontinued. "I feel so tired everyday, and I feel like such a burden to you and everyone. Sometimes i feel like a big pile of mush and trash"
Theodore took a deep breath as he caressed her face, letting him kiss her forehead. "“Please don’t say that about yourself. Please don’t believe that. You’re so much more than that. You’re so…” he paused "lovely...I know these feelings wont go away so fast, but I'm there for you, you know? Why didnt you tell me sooner?" The hufflepuff was crying as she gripped onto his shirt. "I-I didnt want t-to be a weirdo or a bu-burden. You have so-so many problems and I shouldnt add to that" theodore shook his head and stroked her hair. "Oh my darling, you're never a burden. I'm sorry if it ever seemed that way,but i love you so much and I'm always here to listen to your problems. This relationship shouldn't be just you helping me you know? Let me take care of you for a while"
He smiled a little sad smile as she burrowed her face into his chest. "...but I'm not really pretty, or anything...or smart"
"Does it matter? As I said earlier, to me you're lovely. Your face, your eyes, your nose, stomach, thighs, your entire body with all its perfections and imperfections. You're a kind individual who matters so much to me. You're never a burden, never to me. I've never been interested in anyone before but the moment you tripped onto the floor when we were in 3rd year that sold it. It dosent matter if you're not a genius, you're MY love, so it dosent matter"
The h/c girl was crying into his shirt, and he hugged her tightly, refusing to let go.
"So let's go get some hot chocolate okay?" "..okay" He kissed her lips and took her hand in his, a smile on his face. Theodore never talked alot, he always kept sentances short-but when he was with y/n he just couldn't help but ramble about anything. The way to his heart is heavily guarded-but she had a key that could somehow open it...and he wouldn't change a thing.
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xsugarysweetsx · 4 years
Bam! Im gonna hit you with more various Honoka hcs.
⁃ So when Noka was a baby, neither her dad or Shirou knew what the hell to do with her wings.
⁃ Her first word was "Siro" which was exposed to be "Shirou"
⁃ She would fly around and their dad would make Shirou chase her down.
⁃ When Shirou and Noka were taken in by their uncle, he just slept and let her do whatever.
⁃ Their uncle, also known as Eraserhead, was a very kind guardian
⁃ He went to each of Shirou's ballet concerts, and did Noka's hair for picture day
⁃ If you looked through his search history it would be filled with "how to do a braid for beginners"
⁃ Aizawa bought Noka various art supplies and bought Shirou new shoes whenever they needed them
⁃ Didnt want them to become heroes
⁃ Cause he didnt want to see the two children he practically raised to be hurt
⁃ But because of their ties to All for One, the government forced both of them to become heros to "prove" that they had severed their bonds with All for One
⁃ Shirou's dream was to become a professional dancer and Noka's was to become a professional artist
⁃ And Aizawa was not happy that the two lights in his life were torn from their dreams
⁃ And so Shirou got accepted into the hero program, in class 1-A
⁃ He chose the hero name Shifter
⁃ Cause he could shift into any organic form
⁃ When he got 3rd place at the sports festival, Noka ran around her uncle's apartment screaming with joy
⁃ Noka is literally his biggest fan
⁃ Noka's first friend was a small purple haired boy name Hitoshi Shinsou
⁃ So naturally, she called him Toshi
⁃ And she refused to call him anything else all throughout middle and high school
⁃ Shinsou and Noka have sleepovers all the time and you can't tell me otherwise
⁃ When people would tell Shinsou that his quirk was villainous, Noka would always speak up cause she knew Shinsou wouldnt contradict them
⁃ Noka is always like that
⁃ Speaking up for others and herself. And her smart mouth tends to get her in trouble
⁃ Shinsou would fuss over Noka's wings. Like if they were dirty or a few feathers were out of place, Shinsou would sit her down and fix her wings.
⁃ "Toshi, your inner mom is showing"
⁃ "Its not my fault you cant take proper care of your wings"
⁃ When she told Shinsou about her acceptance into U.A's med course, he couldn't have been prouder
⁃ Noka is actually the one who encouraged Shinsou to train with her uncle.
⁃ But before that lets talk about Noka's time at U.A. so far
⁃ She was first introduced to class 1-A during the first combat training
⁃ Healed everyone who got very minor injuries
⁃ At the USJ attack, Shigiraki deteriorated part of Noka's hip. But her extremely enhanced natural healing abilities stopped the deterioration
⁃ So she has this big ass scar on the back side of her left hip
⁃ She wanted to absolutely murder Shigiraki for letting the Nomu loose on her uncle
⁃ But she doesnt have any damaging fire power
⁃ So she just tried to heal her uncle's wounds the best she could
⁃ Nearly gets herself killed many times with her smart assery
⁃ And gives everyone around her a heart attack in the process
⁃ During the sports festival, she helped RG heal all the students
⁃ Reprimanded Deku for overusing OfA
⁃ Oh yeah, she learned about AfO and OfA from her time with All for One
⁃ Is kind of like to Deku like Recovery Girl is to All Might
⁃ So fast foward to the internships
⁃ She interns with another oc of mine, Snow
⁃ Who is a healer but with incredible attack powers
⁃ Coincidentally, Noka was patrolling Hosu when the nomus hit
⁃ She recieved Deku's distress signal and ran to the scene
⁃ She didnt attack the hero killer, but ran to help Native and made sure he didnt bleed out
⁃ The hero killer didnt bat a single eye at her, deeming her not a threat
⁃ In the end, she didnt harm Stain so her hero guardian? didnt have to take any blame for her actions
⁃ Noka however did get nearly ripped in half by a nomu, so she had to stay in the hospital with Todo and Deku
⁃ So— Summer training arc
⁃ She just looked at her class and said "fuck this" and flew over the whole forest
⁃ She actually beat the wild wild pussycats back to the camp
⁃ She got to know Kota, telling him how she never wanted to become a hero
⁃ Kota may or may not have developed a kiddie crush on her 😳
⁃ But anyways, when everyone else saw her all nice and refreshed, needless to say they were upset
⁃ Some more than others
⁃ *remembers Bakugou nearly blowing off Noka's face because she cheated*
⁃ Aizawa just smirking at his niece cause shes so much like her mother
⁃ "They said to use our quirks. Its not my fault your quirk is too grounded"
⁃ "No I wanna eat, goodbye—"
⁃ Focuses on her attack and the healing capabilities of her quirk
⁃ Let me set the scene
⁃ At the beginning of UA, our Noka could barely heal up a small cut
⁃ But now, she can close up major wound with little to no effort
⁃ P r o g r e s s people
⁃ N e ways
⁃ So when they do the haunted quirk thingy
⁃ Hairi and Noka are paired up, to their delight
⁃ But they aren't able to go into the forest before the attack happens
⁃ Apparently, the league came for Bakugou and Noka
⁃ Cause the "master" wanted his first nomu to return to him
⁃ But all Deku knew was "they are after Kacchan and the master's first Nomu"
⁃ Nobody knew who the first nomu was except for Noka
⁃ See, AfO took and gave Noka various quirks, eventually ending up with her current quirk(s)
⁃ Eventually, Noka is cornered by Dabi
⁃ His fire power vastly out matches hers
⁃ But she puts up one hell of a fight
⁃ And Kurogiri took her before she woke up and fought back even more
⁃ So everyone was panicking when they couldnt find Noka
⁃ Aizawa was panicking them most
⁃ His precious niece was missing, no, taken by the league
⁃ The students had never seen their teacher so frazzled
⁃ The thing that broke Aizawa more was the look on Shirou's face when he told him that his baby sister was missing
⁃ His precious baby sister
⁃ His whole world
⁃ Shirou didnt go out of his room for days
⁃ He was there when they were to save Bakugou and Noka
⁃ All Might fought AfO, and won
⁃ But there was no sign of Noka
⁃ Shirou nearly tackled Bakugou, demanding, no, more like pleading for him to tell him where she was
⁃ Bakugou merely said "She's gone, and I dont know where she went"
⁃ The whole class was in a panic
⁃ Where was Noka? Was she hurt? Was she scared? Was she in danger?
⁃ And the question that hung on everyone's mind the most was
⁃ Is she alive?
⁃ The emptiness of Noka's desk was deafening
⁃ Their smart ass classmate was nowhere to be found
⁃ And they all felt guilty
⁃ But none more than Bakugou
⁃ For he was the last to see her alive so to speak
⁃ And her last words to him were "Forget about me ya big oaf, you hear me? I don't want you sulking, or I'll personally beat your ass."
⁃ Forget about her? How could he do that?
⁃ Noka was the only person who didn't put up with his bullshit
⁃ From day one she put him in his place
⁃ And honestly shes the closest thing to a sister he has
⁃ During the hero license exam, all of class 1-A decided that Noka would be really upset if they all sulked and failed their exams
⁃ But the fact that only Todoroki and Bakugou failed would make her fall into hysterics
⁃ When class 1-A met the big three, Mirio told them that Noka was strong and stubborn to a fault, so they shouldnt worry about things that arent in their control
⁃ To which they asked how he knew her
⁃ Apparently Shirou, Amajiki, and Mirio have all been friends since elementary school
⁃ So Amajiki and Mirio had been there a lot for many crucial parts of Noka's childhood
⁃ When the work studies started, Deku went on patrol with Mirio and Shirou, AKA Lemillion and Shifter
⁃ Shirou couldnt help but feel so much guilt crushing him when Eri jumped out of Deku's arms
⁃ Cause Eri reminded him of his little sister
⁃ Speaking of little sister
⁃ For the last 2 months, Noka had been experimented on by Kai Chisaki
⁃ In the mean time trying to protect Eri and building a loving friendship with the young girl
⁃ But ive alreadly talked about this part
⁃ So skipping to when they save her
⁃ It was a total shock for them
⁃ To see this wingless, pale, frail, bandage wrapped girl
⁃ And even more so when she spoke
⁃ Not having that bite that their Noka had
⁃ But a softer, more broken voice replaced her normally boisterous and confident voice
⁃ In the big battle agains Chisaki, Noka got slammed against a wall
⁃ Which in normal circumstances would be fine, but with her body in such a week state it immediately cracked her ribs and spine
⁃ Ochako helped get her friend to the ambulance as quick as she could
⁃ Shirou saw a fluff of pale pink hair out of the corner of his eye
⁃ He immediately turned to run towards the medical stretcher, but was stopped
⁃ He kicked and screamed something along the lines of "THATS MY BABY SISTER. PLEASE LET ME SEE HER"
⁃ In the most broken voice you would ever hear
⁃ In the hospital, after Sir. Nighteye had passed, Deku, Kirishima, Amajiki, Shirou, Ochako, Tsu and Aizawa were all waiting anxiously for Noka's surgery
⁃ When all of a sudden the door explodes open and the nurses and doctors are shoved out by an invisible force of heat
⁃ Noka was using her ability to set herself aflame and be healed in the ashes
⁃ But no one knew wtf was going on cause she learned the trick at the Hassaiki hideout
⁃ So p a n i k
⁃ But after the doctors confirmed her stablility, they all went back to school
⁃ The whole class bursted into tears when they told them about Noka
⁃ Jirou, Kaminari, Momo and Mina all being the most emotionally impacted
⁃ Bakugou was almost crying witb relief but he disnt show jt
⁃ They weren't allowed to see Noka for a whole month
⁃ Only family were allowed
⁃ She was hard at work recovering and going through therapy and they didnt want to disturb her
⁃ But when they (Kirishima, Deku, Ochako, and Tsu) did visit, they were shocked
⁃ There was this soft spoken, trembling, woman, and this was after a month of intense therapy
⁃ They hadnt event started physcial therapy yet, they wanted to get her tk the point she could be around others without going into a panic mode
⁃ Thus she needs the wheelchair
I have a bunch more random hcs but this is so long anyways. Im so sorry >_<
It’s fine anon but seriously you gotta start posting!
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neokollection · 5 years
Kissing Out of Jealousy
NCT U + Yuta
‘Can I request a NCT U kissing you out of jealousy?’
A/N: I’m sure there’s already a reaction of this, but I’m here to add another :^) This is assuming you’re dating for some members, but for some you’re not dating, they like you- THIS IS LONG BTW!! [Kinda more like a mini drabble per each member]
** Language, some suggestive themes, but nothing explicit ** ik some ppl don't find jealousy cute so don't read if you not into that..
Taeil wasn’t the type to get jealous easily or behave pettily- Rather, he was just protective at times and would feel he’d have to interject to save you from situations... Whether you were feeling uncomfortable or not- Yet a part of your boyfriend also felt slightly neglected, a faithful dog waiting on the other side of the fence with it’s tail wagging at the sight of it’s owner, even though it’s owner was petting the neighbor’s cat.
He called out your name in the hopes of getting your attention as he watched you and Ten staring at your screens before nudging each other continuously with a laugh to show the other a recent entertaining Tweet. He was all for you bonding with the other boys, but he’d missed you this week and throughout the day constantly stuck by your side. Placing the bowl of steaming popcorn upon the coffee table, he took his seat beside you on the couch, hand patting around for the remote he’d dropped there moments before.
“OMG- You have to show that to Mark,” Ten gasped, covering his mouth to conceal his wicked grin as he looked at the meme you’d stumbled upon of Mark’s shorts.
“Let me see,” Taeil added, not wanting to miss out and curious as to what was so funny.
He leant in, eyes flickering to Ten as he watched the younger lean back into the couch, thumbs moving rapidly upon his screen. Taeil listened amusedly as he heard your small chuckle in his ear, a smile gracing his lips as he saw your screen before drawing back partially.
“You’re amused so easily,” he chuckled, nose nearly brushing your own as he leant nearer, a hand shooting to your waist to tickle you gently.
“Says you,” you squirmed with a bright smile.
Finally, his forehead rest upon your own, his antics stilling as he closed the gap between the two of you for a quick kiss. Embarrassed about kissing so openly with Ten by your side, you felt a blush creep upon your cheeks as you pulled away shyly. You could have sworn Taeil’s gaze jumped from your lips to your eyes to Ten before he closed the gap once more- You let out a muffled chuckle against his lips as your hands went to the front of his shirt to slow him down and steady yourself.
“Ew- God- Could you not?” Ten whined in disapproval, scooting away.
You could feel Taeil’s smile against your lips before he drew back, eyes as lively as ever.
Smothering you and being that cute couple to show off and make others wanna gag, but not let you think it’s a jealousy thing-
Easily, one of the most jealous man you’d ever dated. He had his share of insecurities that make him question whether he’s worthy of love and attention, and an anxiety about losing the person he cherishes the most... So, seeing your interactions with your old classmates made him feel even more insecure in the moment. He’d had a stressful and busy week and hadn’t gotten to see you much, merely late calls that usually didn’t last long because he’d coax you to go to sleep early since you’re busy as well. Meeting a few of your old high school classmates, totally coincidentally at Gong Cha was all it took for him to have a small internal freak out. He already didn’t like that they were guys, even more so that they’d known you longer than he had technically... He felt excluded- He always wanted to be a part of every part of your life and have you in every part of his- To him your soulmates and he didn’t like feeling as though someone had a leg up on him in regards to you.
“You look great! Wow- It’s been a minute, but wow-” one of your old classmates gushed, stunned by how you’d matured and glowed up through the years spent apart.
You gave a small chuckle in return, “I’m surprised you recognized me-”
“I mean how could I forget (Y/n)?” he joked, gesturing towards you, followed by a few hums of the other classmates beside him.
You weren’t exactly sure what he meant by that- You didn’t think of yourself as too memorable of a person during high school. You’re boyfriend disliked it even more, a scowl etched into his features- He didn’t like not being in the know or what exactly the man meant.
“Well, it’s a small world I guess,” you wrapped up awkwardly, “It was nice to see you,” you added, able to feel Taeyong’s calculating gaze.
Sighing to yourself, you took a sip of your tea, inviting Taeyong to ask whatever he was going to ask.
“Were you popular in high school?”
“No,” you huffed, “Not really anyway- I’ve already told you about my high school- I wasn’t even friends with those guys... I can’t believe he recognized me.”
‘You’re just too pretty to be forgettable’ was what Taeyong had been thinking, but decided to keep it in. He could still feel their fleeting gazes glancing towards you as they sat down in laughter- He didn’t like that... What were they talking about? You? Were they laughing about you? Who knew what prude remarks they were making.
“I’d have dated her back in junior year if I knew she was gonna turn out like this-”
Feeling jealous, protective, and anxious he stood, causing you to look up at him, “Where are you going..?”
“Bathroom,” he informed before bending down, his hand coming to cradle your jaw as he sealed your lips together in a sweet kiss- Lips tasting of caramel.
Your lips followed his own as he drew back, swiping his thumb endearingly across your cheek before giving it a gentle pinch. You pulled your face from his grasp at the action, playfully pouting at your cup of tea as he left the table.
“I know right-”
The voices got louder as he approached.
“Could you keep your voices down?” he asked, yet it wasn’t really a question- His tone and gaze icy and curt before he brushed past their table to the restroom.
Tossing in jealous Yuta because that’s hot-
You didn’t have to be dating Nakamoto Yuta for him to feel as strongly as he did. He felt like you were already his, his sweet, his dear, his precious- And he wasn’t going to let the world or anyone else take that away from him. You loved him as a friend- The two of you had crossed the boundary of friendship a few times with late night kisses and drunken texts- But there was something about his possessive nature that made you hesitant to progress any further with him. Just being his friend you felt like a prisoner-
“I have to drop by my brothers’ dorm to give him back his battery pack-” you began, halting as you remembered.
“I’ll go with you,” Yuta chimed, slinging an arm around your shoulder, pulling you into him as his other hand pulled the drawstrings of the hoodie harshly, causing it to close around your face.
You stumbled into him mid-step as he did so, whining dramatically as your hands attempted to shove him aside.
“My brother doesn’t like you,” you interjected, pulling the hood free from your mess of hair as Yuta released you.
With a shrug he focused his attention on taming your hair, the action causing your face to heat.
“You shouldn’t go into the boys dorm alone,” he reprimanded, motherly as ever.
Jaehyun. Your brother’s roommate and soccer teammate of Yuta- was coming down the very path you were on the quad.
“Jaehyun!” you called out suddenly, happy to find a delivery man.
His eyes darted from his phone to you, his brows knitting together seconds later-
“Hey,” he began, slowly letting his gaze drift between the two of you before to your hoodie.
“Uh... Is that your hoodie?”
“I stole it from my brother- Don’t tell,” you chuckled.
Letting out a soft chuckle of amusement, Jaehyun shook his head, “That’s not your brother’s- That’s mine. I’d been looking for it all week-”
“Oh my God!” you gasped, dropping the tote bag from your shoulder, “I’m so sorry! I- It was on his side of the room... So I thought-”
“It’s fine,” he interjected, “It looks good on you-”
Yuta’s gaze narrowed at that remark and before he even had a moment to stop you, you were peeling off the hoodie and offering it to an astonished Jaehyun. You saw no issue with it, you were wearing a t-shirt underneath.
“I’m so so sorry! Also...” you began, picking up your bag, “Could you give this to my brother?���
“Sure-” Jaehyun nodded, scratching the nape of his neck as you pushed the goods into his hands before whipping around and grabbing the side of Yuta’s plaid jacket to bring him in tow with you-
“O my God... That was so embarrassing-” you rambled, feeling your face hot in embarrassment.
Suddenly, Yuta’s feet stopped moving, causing you to stop. He removed his phone from the pocket of his jacket before slipping it into his jeans, removing his coat.
“What are you doing?” you asked dumbly before catching on, “N-No, I’m not cold or anything-”
Silently, he draped it over your shoulders before his hands slid to the open front of it, grasping it before pulling you closer by the collar. His lips melded with your own, needy and passionate, jealousy brewing in his heart at even a simple encounter. His hands slid down to the zipper, zipping it quickly as he pulled away, your arms constricted, a smug expression on his face before he began walking again.
“H-Hey! GET THIS off me!” empty sleeves flopping by your sides as you hobbled after him.
The type to give you a little taste of his cold shoulder and reprimanding you for being careless [about making him jealous basically].
Respectful and mature bub who wouldn’t do anything unless the two of you were dating, and for a while.
He couldn’t understand why Xioajun was so clingy towards you- I mean... He understood it in a sense since he was also in a way- But it was different. You were taken- Xiaojun should have taken a hint from him by now. Kun was constantly swooping in to interrupt the too of you, the hint of a small grin gracing his features each time to hide his unkindly thoughts towards the younger.
“Does Xiaojun bother you?” he questioned, watching as you pulled on your socks from the doorway of your bedroom, his shoulder resting against the frame.
Cocking your head to the side, you couldn’t understand what Kun was hinting at or why he was asking.
“He’s always around you...”
“Yeah,” you chuckled, “We’re friends.”
You stood, ready to pass by your boyfriend and slip on your shoes by the doorway, yet he didn’t budge.
“Well...” he began, “I don’t want to sound ...clingy, but I don’t like it-”
“There’s nothing to worr-”
You were mid-roll of your eyes, when he cut you off, his warm hand enveloping around your own, “You’re mine, right?”
There was a hint of something swimming in his chocolate gaze, as if a saddened part of him needed reassurance.
“O-Of course,” you admitted, blushing to yourself from feeling caught off guard.
“Then I have a right to be like this,” he added, voice softer.
You open and shut your mouth dumbly, not sure what to say in response. Yes? He to a degree had a right to feel jealous- But... There was really no reason to be jealous over Xiaojun- Tugging your hand forward gently, he drew you to meet his lips, lilting his neck down. His kiss was delicate, lips plush and substantial, but movements gentle and loving. Your knees felt weak, as if it was your first kiss again.
“Don’t worry about it,” you nearly whispered as he drew back, “I’ll try to be mindful,” you added, referring to distancing yourself a bit so Kun wouldn’t get the wrong impression again.
“We’re going to be late...”
You drew back to take a breath before your lips were smothered again, his nostrils flaring in anger and also the need for oxygen. You whined gently against his lips, attempting to pull back once more. You panted, out of breath before placing a hand on Doyoung’s chest to keep him at bay.
He leant back over the center console, resting his head back against the padded seat. Finished clicking in your seat belt you looked at him.
“When you dress like that,” he began, nodding forward, “guys get the wrong idea.”
“Like thinking you’re single and something for them to ogle at,” he added, cutting you off, “You have no idea what kind of sleaze bags were looking at you and what they were thinking-”
His fox-like eyes flickered back to you, taking a moment to glance at the obvious cleavage you’d put on display.
“I dressed up for you- I just… I wanted to feel sexy and make you-”
“Make me what? Upset?”
“No! Proud to be with me- To be attractive to you…”
Raking a hand through his hair he let his gaze fall upon your own.
“Don’t you get it?” he began, jabbing the keys into the ignition, “You’re always attractive to me- I always want you- I’m always proud of you- But I want to be the only one to see.. You don’t deserve them looking at you like that and it makes me sick,” he trailed off, quickly casting his gaze forward as he pulled away from the curb.
You felt a tingle jolt along your spine at his words.
He’d been giving you a snarky attitude all day; curt remarks and dismissive glances. Sighing for the final time as he pretended to ignore you, you let your tongue poke at your cheek in annoyance.
“Look at me,” you probed.
His fingers halted before smashing the pause button on his game, tossing the controller aside him on the sofa as he let out his own sigh, his gaze continuing to be fixed upon the TV screen.
“Why are you being like this?”
You hated how beautiful his profile was, the slope of his sharp nose and outline of his soft lips.
“Why won’t you even talk to me?” you added, raising your tone.
“If you want someone to talk to why don’t you ask Taeyong?” he quipped, voice laced with venom.
Huffing in exasperation, you let your hands fall to your hips.
“Are you serious?”
Finally… he turned his dark gaze towards you.
“Yeah,” he nearly shrugged, attitude as petty as ever.
“You’re such a child!” you shouted, unable to control your emotions as you stormed away, frustrated and wanting to cry.
He paused for a moment before standing.
“I’m childish?” he asked, tone brazen and perplexed.
You stopped, turning on your heel-
“Then what?” he questioned, “Is Taeyong the man?”
Before you could spit out a reply he grabbed onto your elbow.
“I’m the only man you should see,” he barked.
“You are my only man…” you murmured, hurt he thought otherwise.
Cupping your face, he pulled you into him, lips messily finding one other before passionately embracing.
Omg I hate this one…
Far enough. Was what Jaehyun had been thinking.
His jaw was set, his lips pursing each time his eyes narrowed slightly, causing one of his dimples to gently show.
Sure, it was Taeyong’s birthday, but that didn’t mean he had the right to flirt with you-
“Is that right?” you giggled, after listening to one of Taeyong’s stories.
Your fork idly toyed with the pasta in your dish as you gave Taeyong your attention. The rest of the lunch table seemed chatty, side for Jaehyun whom pouted by your side. His silence was slowly steeling your attention away from Taeyong as you began to worry.
“You’ll have to excuse me for a moment,” you interjected, glancing towards the bathroom.
Your plan was simple, take a break from Taeyong by using the restroom before retuning and turning to Jae to give your attention and ask what was up. As you stood Johnny began speaking to Taeyong, allowing you the perfect cover to escape. As you did, someone snagged you by your belt loop. Your forlorn boyfriend looking up at you with eyes you couldn’t place.
“Where are you going?”
“Bathroom,” you whispered, your brows furrowing in concern at his oddness.
He released you, standing himself to follow you.
“Why are you being so weird?” you inquired, rounding a corner with him.
“I’m jealous,” he admitted.
“Wh- How? What’s there to be jealous about?” you stumbled.
Instead of answering or explaining, he cornered you against the wall once the two of you were hidden from sight in the hall of the bathroom.
“Babe,” you began, your voice lowering.
Being under his gaze in such close quarters you felt trapped, trying to think of what he’d want to hear to be reassured. You bit your lip in thought. Warm lips clashed with your own, not too aggressive, nor gently. The breath that had gotten caught in your throat came out as a sigh against his lips as his hands slid from the wall on either side of your shoulders to your hips.
“We can’t do this here,” you nearly whispered, your lips brushing his own in temptation.
Ignoring you, his hasty lips met yours again, causing you to let out a small moan of protest.
“Oh- God-” Ten sputtered, shielding his eyes from the entrance of the hallway as he saw the two of you.
Your fist came in contact with Jae’s pec as he broke away from you.
...When you came back to the table you could feel everyone’s gaze upon the two of you, lowering your gaze in embarrassment as Jaehyun wore a smug grin.
Cold shoulders were never fun, especially when dealing with your best friend Sicheng. He sat several rows in front of you in the lecture hall instead of beside you, scrolling through his phone and clearly avoiding your texts. You bit your pen cap in annoyance as you stared at the back of his head.
“Maybe they broke up-”
It was a hushed whisper, but you were able to here it.
“Just go talk to her-”
Evidently Sicheng heard it too, his thumb having stopped scrolling and his ears perked.
“Hey,” a gentle voice said, taking the seat beside you.
“H-Hi,” you fumbled, baffled as to why Mark Lee was sitting next to you.
“This seat’s not taken, is it?”
“No,” you enunciated, making sure it was clearly loud enough for Sicheng to hear in an attempt to be petty.
“Cool- Well, uh, there’s this party at Alpha Delta Si later,” he began, “If you wanted to go, you could be my plus one- Honestly, we’ve had this class together all semester and I thought you were cute-”
You were flattered by his invitation, but frat parties weren’t really your scene.
Glancing over his shoulder at the encounter, Sicheng was caught by your gaze.
“Oh- Uh, I’ll have to think about it, parties like that aren’t really my thing-” you declined politely.
“O-Oh,” Mark nodded, retracting to his seat in thought as the professor entered.
The entire lesson you and Sicheng fumed with thoughts of each other, unable to concentrate. The lesson seemed to end in record time, not that you were paying attention.
“So, um, if parties aren’t your thing we could do something like uh... get ice cream, or-”
Once you’d stood to stuff your belongings in your bag, Mark was back at it again. However, your sleeve was yanked by the ever so thoughtful Sicheng, pulling you from the row and tugging you up the stairs of the lecture hall. You stumbled after him dumbly until he shoved the door open with such force you were scared for a moment.
“Stop-” you shot, pulling from his grip.
“Was I interrupting something?” he asked bitterly.
“What the fuck is your problem? I thought you-”
You could feel the gaze of several classmates in the hallway, feeling embarrassed. Behind you, Sicheng saw the door of the lecture hall swing open with none other than Mark and Jeno, his eyes narrowing as he caught Mark’s gaze. Swooping in, his hand clamped over your forearm to pull you to meet his lips, his blunt nails digging into your sweater. He was overwhelming, figure looming over your own, hasty lips pushing against your own, you felt lost in your shock.
“Let me up,” you huffed for what felt like the fifth time.
A hum of disapproval left the boy who’d constricted himself around you.
“Woo- I’ll be late for my shift...” you tried, sighing to yourself.
“Don’t go,” he murmured.
“I have to go- My supervisor will be mad if I’m late again...”
“Your supervisor,” he began, sitting up, his fluff of hair bouncing, unfit of his narrowing eyes, “I don’t like him.”
“It doesn’t matter if you like him or not-”
You struggled in his hold, but he draped a leg over your hips to bar your escape, hugging you closer.
“He’s creepy.”
“Yeah, he is,” you agreed with an airy chuckle, “But that doesn’t matter, I need to keep my wage-”
Rolling on top of you, you let out a whine under his weight. Cutely, he blew the hair out of your face, not daring to remove his hands from wrapped around you for fear of you escaping. You giggled and writhed at his actions, shaking the hair from your face. He plopped a soft kiss upon your lips, smothering your own before drawing back momentarily.
“Don’t go.”
His lips didn’t give yours time to spit out a retort, softly melding with yours with passion. Had it been any other day or any other occasion, you would have skipped whatever event there was to stay with him, but you couldn’t miss today... Shaking your head to shake his lips off your own, he groaned against your lips, unrelenting. You couldn’t help but let out a chuckle of anguish against his lips, following it with a low whine. He bit your lip in retaliation gently, shifting on top of you as you squealed and wiggled beneath him.
“You’re being childish,” you gasped, nostrils flaring with the need for air.
Yukhei’s deep voice reverberated through your being as his lips brushed your ear.
“Why are you watching that?”
In your defense, you hadn’t searched for it, rather it was in your suggestions and you just so happened to be curious by the amount of views it had. A Doyoung, Boss focus cam- Nor were you expecting your friend-with-benefits to be up so early... He usually slept well past ten.
“I couldn’t sleep,” you partially lied.
“Do you like him?”
“Uh,” you stalled, glancing over your bare shoulder, “It’s not like I know him-”
“I mean,” he corrected, “Do you think he’s sexy?”
Your expression morphed into one of confusion at his most likely horny what-the-fuckery.  If you said yes would he set up a threesome?
A warm hand slid over your bare arm, trailing to your shoulder before moving to your throat. He didn’t like that answer- Though the two of you weren’t official, he had real feelings for you- Which is why he called you baby, and told you to stay the night when you’d start searching for your clothes the night before...
“What about me?” he groaned gently.
Dropping your phone aside, you rolled over to your side, your hand going to his wrist to stop the growing pressure he applied.
“Yeah, you’re sexy,” you rolled your eyes, knowing he was immaturely jealous.
“Am I sexier?”
He drew you closer, his nose brushing against your own as he awaited your answer.
“I’m not sure,” you teased, withholding a giggled at how his eyes widened.
He let out a chuckle too, able to catch onto your teasing attitude.
“I must be since I’m the one with you and not him,” he muttered with a smile, rolling over on top.
His lips claimed your own in an arduously slow kiss, his hand fumbling to reach over and turn off your phone.
Alone, in bed, on his phone- Mark’s evening was rather bland. He’d been on a call with you while you’d been getting ready to come over, content with just listening to your voice.
“Why do you take so long to get ready?” he questioned with a sigh, “Just come over already.”
“I have to look good,” you countered, “You said Johnny was home...”
And here it was, the recent reason for Mark’s despise of Johnny Suh, one of his closest friends.
“Bro- So what... You’re coming over to see me, not him-”
That was true-
“Yeah, but if I do see him-”
“Whatever, just hurry up,” Mark complained, his tone snappish as he hung up.
It was hard getting friend-zoned, let alone having the girl you like be into your best friend instead.
Fifteen minutes later you were checking your reflection on your phone before the door, collecting yourself before ringing the doorbell.
Answering it, Mark felt his heart clench- You looked ridiculously cute, glossy lips, curled lashes, slight wind-blown hair, and the oversized Puma hoodie you’ d bought last week to match your leggings. He wish you were getting all dolled up for him, causing a pang of jealousy to stab him.
“I’ll pay for delivery since you paid last time,” you remarked, stepping through the doorway to remove your shoes as your eyes searched for the giant of your affection.
Yet he was nowhere in sight... Making your way to Mark’s room with your bag, dropping it to his bed and plugging your phone into his charger. You heard the distinct sound of the refrigerator opening, bottles rattling- Perhaps it was Johnny. Turning on your heel, you planned upon seeing whom it was, but a Mark Lee was blocking your path, having just entered the threshold of his room.
“Lemme see,” you pried, your brows furrowing as he closed the door behind himself.
“It’s Taeil,” he lied, knowing what you were after.
You still wanted to check for yourself, even give the senior a greeting.
“Uh, let me through,” you paused as Mark remained in his spot.
“Why’s it always go to be about him?”
“I- What do you-”
“You know what I mean,” he interjected, raising his voice, “All of a sudden everything’s about him-”
“That’s not true,” you tried, folding your arms defensively.
“Yes it is,” he retorted, taking a step toward you, his bad attitude and mood nearly radiating off his figure, “We can’t even hang out like we used to because you’re always preoccupied with him-”
“I can’t help that I like him!” you shot back.
It took only another step and Mark was in front of you, his hands flying to grip your shoulders as his nose brushed yours for only a millisecond- You couldn’t contemplate what was taking place and before it registered, his lips were on your own, sticky lip gloss transferring.
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sablesides-ask-blog · 4 years
Mulan and Loceit!
Sorry if it's not what you expected, havent seen any Mulan movie since I was little so I dont remember much about it ;-;
Logan was quite content with his life, and he was rather smart for someone of his social status. But of course there was only one thing anyone ever seemed to want from him, a husband. He'd just never seen the point in love, or feelings in general for that matter, it all seemed pointless. Yet there he was, getting ready to see if he could ever land the husband his family so desperately wished he would. Make-up itched, and clothing to, everything itched and he hated it. He hated these pointless rituals and matchmaking, hated love, hated feelings. But he sat and smiled, because that's what a good son does, sits and smiles and gets a spouse to carry on his family's legacy. His grandmother had given him a cricket, he never understood how that was going to help him, it was highly unlikely that such superstitions were actually true.
But Logan found himself hoping his grandmother was correct in her assumptions as he walked to the matchmakers house. He hoped he wasnt sweating, makeup ran when in contact with liquids, he thought about how stupid makeup was again.
He wasnt sure when he'd been called, he barely remembered it, but next thing he knew he was sitting on the floor, pouring tea for matchmaker and pretending to have a genuine smile. He didnt have to pretend for much longer, the tea stains on the matchmakers face made her look almost as if she had a beard. She reached for the teacup, and Logan noticed the cricket his grandmother had given him poking its head out from the cup.
"Let me refill that for you-" he said, taking the cup quickly and trying to stall for time. The matchmaker eyed him suspiciously. Logan felt beads of sweat on his forehead and began to panic. This was a bad course of action.
Next thing he knew, or at least wish he knew, the matchmaker was on fire and screaming at him to get out.
"YOU WILL NEVER FIND A HUSBAND, YOU WILL BRING ONLY DISHONOR TO YOUR FAMILY!" the words cut through Logan like a knife. He didnt care about finding a husband, or feelings, or love. But he did care about family, and the disappointed looks from his own haunted him.
It seemed like the day couldnt get worse. Yet somehow, it did. Logan's mother was told she would be sent off to war, and there was nothing Logan could do to stop it. He'd stayed up for hours thinking and devising plans, watching his reflection in the pond, wondering what he'd done to become such a terrible son, when he came to a realization. He walked to the wardrobe his parents had always told him to stay away from, that it was for his mother only, he shouldnt touch it. But when he opened the wardrobe and took out the armor inside, he couldnt see why. Perhaps they thought him to fragile for war, but he disagreed. As he put on the armor and took the sword his mother used to show him when he was little, he felt stronger, smarter, even. He hadnt thought it possible for him to get any smarter than he already was, he suprised himself every day now it seemed. He raced to the stables and found his personal favorite horse, a tan palomino.
"You think you can handle a journey like this? It'll be a while before we can get back," Logan didnt know why he talked to the horse, it was such a stupid thing to do, but it seemed to understand him, he could have sworn he saw it nod. No matter the reaction, he climbed onto the horse's back and set off for the army, completely uncertain of whether or not he would return.
About half way through his journey, as Logan slept one night, he heard something moving in the field. He blinked his eyes open and looked up to see the shadow of a dragon on some stone. "What the-"
"GREETINGS MORTAL- IT IS I- REMUS!" said the dragon. Logan looked around, and noticed a small green dragon with brown lines on its nose nearby, the cricket was holding a torch toward it. "IM HERE TO TELL YOU TO-" the dragon seemed to notice Logan staring at him, "Oh-"
"You're here to help me." said Logan, who quite frankly was not expecting much from the dragon.
"I know more about this than you do, violence is my thing," said Remus the dragon, who was small and nonthreatening.
"I'm sure you do," said Logan sarcastically, but he decided to e
accept the dragon's help anyways, he supposed a talking dragon for company was better than no company at all.
He hadn't expected this to be an easy feat, not remotely, but the addition of General Deceit was something he absolutely couldnt wrap his head around. The general had scars all along one side of his face, he almost looked like he had scales. The rest of the army found him intimidating, Logan found his pushing frankly annoying.
Logan would make one mistake and hear "I've seen better from a servant," behind him. It was, to be frank, a drag. Remus tried to help him several times, but that only seemed to get him into more trouble.
"Alright, I think I've seen enough from you," Deceit's eyes were cold and unforgiving as they bore into Logan's own, he'd never been scared of the general, but this particular instance was an outlier. "Your time in this army is done, I expect your things and you to be gone by morning, Logic," the name had been used on a whim, Logan frankly didnt understand how anyone bought it, but that wasnt his place to say. He watched as Deceit stormed off to watch the other recruits, and he made a decision. He was going to practice until Deceit had no choice but to let him stay.
It worked like a charm, Logan would never forget the look on Deceit's face as he gaped at Logan, sitting atop the log that so many others had desperately tried to scale the previous day. He took great pleasure in Deceit's revocation of his previous command. But this was a war, he had to remember that.
It hadnt really felt like a war, hed been having so much fun talking with the other recruits, and been so caught up in hiding his identity that he had almost forgotten. Which was why when they came upon the decimated remains of another village, Logan didnt know how to cope. They were overtaken soon after, and amid the confusion Logan had managed to screw something up that he couldnt repair.
"What, exactly, is this?" Deceit had his hand wrapped around Logan's arm, despite the opposing armies supposed defeat, Logan had made a grave mistake. He had forgotten all about the markings he'd left on his arm the day of his matchmaking, he'd hoped they would have come off by now, he wished they had. "So you're not even a soldier, then?" said Deceit, the hiss in his voice clearly audible. Logan tried to sputter out a response, but to no avail. He was left there, in the cold, as the rest of the army fled back home. Remus tried to console him, but it was no use. He'd failed to gain honor in any situation, he wasnt a good husband, he wasnt a good soldier, and he wasnt a good scholar. He wasnt good enough at anything.
Logan's horse whinnied, he turned around to see his enemies rising out from where he'd thought they'd disappeared. Frantically, he got back on his horse, Remus latched onto his shoulder, and fled back home, hoping to warn Deceit before it was to late.
The journey seemed endless, but finally, Logan made it. He searched the crowds and streets for Deceit, catching a glimpse of his yellow eyes withing a parade.
"Deceit!" he rode up beside him, the man ignored him. "Deceit, the armies didnt die back at the mountains, we're all in danger! You have to listen to me!"
Deceit turned to face him "I dont take orders from a low-class man who couldnt even land a husband, you are not a leader, and you are not a soldier, stay in your own line." he growled. Logan glared and lead his horse away.
"How dare he! Well if he doesnt want to listen then we can just watch everyone die from out here!" said Remus angrily. Logan ignored him, he was to busy trying to formulate a plan so his idea wouldnt come to fruition. He finally landed on something, but it still required Deceit's help.
By the time he'd returned to the palace however, enemy forces had already arrived. He enlisted the help of some of his army friends as a distraction and ran off to find Deceit.
"Do you believe me now!" he said, halfway sarcastically. Deceit through him a sword and rolled his eyes. Together they fought through the army. Logan had never really noticed it before, but Deceit's intimidating demeanor was actually very pleasing to him, and he fought quite well for someone with so many injuries so close to his eye.
Logan hadnt expected any rewards, he'd expected a reprimand, punishment, maybe even death for what he'd done. Yet as he faced the crowds of people cheering for him, he felt happier than he ever had in his life, he watched Remus giving him a thumbs up, watched his parents beaming up at him from the audience, and then he felt a hand on his shoulder.
He turned to face Deceit once again. The man rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. "You uh, fight, well, for someone-"
"So nerdy?" Logan finished his sentence for him. Deceit flushed and Logan laughed. He said his goodbyes and headed back home.
He'd fully expected there to be no more suprises in his life, fore everything to go back to normal as soon as he put everything back in place. He should've known better, his life had been nothing but surprises recently, but at least this surprise was a pleasant one. Deceit's smiling face was a sight Logan had only ever dreamed of seeing again, and his words were something that caused even more joy.
"I'm in love with you, Logan, I dont know how or why, but its true," Deceit had told him. And Logan had smiled, hed felt it to, he'd never known what the word meant before, hed always thought of himself as a glitch in that particular system, yet here he was. Young, clever, and in love,and what a set of things to be indeed, he wouldnt change any of it for the world.
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titsthedamnseason · 5 years
There is this other anon upset about Aline... I understand that they are kids but those kids were JERKS (they made Helen cry, well, the only jerk was Dru, we read her POV, Tavvy did not know better)... of course, my opinion would be different had Aline called out Ty but she didn't 💁🏻‍♀️. Let's not justify shitty behavior. We can understand where it comes from, yes. But that does not give a free pass to hurt others. Also, Aline was not abusing anyone and she even fed them.
everything youve just said…..is so wrong i dont even know where to start.
these small children, dru included, were not “jerks”. they were going through an awful time which yes, means they were not behaving perfectly or being entirely respectful, but not just for the sake of it. not to be “jerks”. they were suffering and having a hard time adjusting to the simultaneous loss of livvy and julian, and were understandably having a hard time adjusting to helen being the one to fill that space. im not saying they shouldnt have been perhaps nicer, but really, they didnt understand the effect their actions were having on helen, and again, were going through such a hard time, that it’s understandable that they werent all sunshine and rainbows. the point is, helen and aline were the adults of the situation and should have recognized children acting childish and acted like the bigger people.
next, your opinion should not be different had aline been talking to ty. hell, some of the time she was talking to ty, and that’s okay. ty is autistic, he isnt clueless. of all the children, ty would understand the situation best because he’s the oldest. not to mention, just because he isnt neurotypical, he shouldnt get special treatment(at least, in this case, i understand this wouldnt apply in all cases). i cant speak from personal experience, because im not on the spectrum, but i do know and hangout with a handful of people who are and what they want is to be treated the same. when we were little and caught doing something we werent supposed to? my friends who are autistic faced consequences just the same. especially for someone as functional as ty, who fully understands his actions, there’s really no reason that aline should exempt ty from repercussions had he also been acting out. that being said, if i recall correctly, ty was too distracted with necromancy to really be bothered with helen, so he wasnt doing much wrong in that respect. again, im sorry if i said anything wrong or offensive to anyone in this part. please let me know if i did because it was not at all my intention and i would like to sincerely apologize, learn, and correct myself if i did.
to be clear anon: no one is “justifying shitty behavior” or “giving a free pass”. yes, the behavior the children exhibited was shitty. guess what? so was aline’s. and at times, so was helen’s. lets not justify their shitty actions either because they exist. but that’s honestly okay. everyone is a shitty person. people can slip up. not do everything perfect once in a while. example a: cassandra clare wrote qoaad. kind of shitty behavior if you ask me but we’re all still gonna be reading her books. prime example of shitty behavior exhibited, but ultimately ignored so we can get the rest of the books understood and forgiven
lastly….the worst one. the one i dread. the one my poor head, does not wrap around. “Aline was not abusing anyone and she even fed them.” i would first like to preface by saying, i specifically said that i was not saying aline was abusive. actually, my exact words were,  “i dont think aline is cruel or a monster who hates children or anything,” so  the sense of me not calling her abusive was there. all i said was the kids were also going through a hard time, perhaps aline could have been just a tad nicer at certain times. not all the time. the kids certainly did need some reprimanding when she gave it to them in some scenes. however, there were just a few times that i felt she was being a little too brutal, which is, again, understandable considering what she was also going through. i still love both aline and helen with all my heart but i can still acknowledge that there were points where they could have handled the situation differently is all.
and now for my favorite part of this whole ask that deserves its own section:
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i think this might give me nightmares tonight. anon, i think that we should clarify something. a few things, actually. one, feeding children is like,,,the barest bones of taking care of them. the barest. im sorry, but aline feeding the children does not impress me. perhaps, the other ways she took care of them did, but i cant exactly say it was the act of her giving them food that wowed me. next, even if someone was abusing children, they could still feed them???? it still counts as abuse, that doesnt cancel it out asdfgvhb let’s all jot this down so we dont forget because OOF
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dekiiru · 6 years
okay sorry it took so long for me to write and post this, but im home now and in the silence to be able to gather my thoughts and the peace to be able to write them down. a lot of this is me working through my own thoughts as i write it so im sorry its so long, but im still a little bit confused on how to feel about this, largely, i think, due to shock.
i had no clue about almost any of the stuff julie did or said to people. i knew of the miles thing to some extent (i didnt know why miles was uncomfortable with him, i only knew about the aftereffects) and i knew about the vague story surrounding why maddy, jay and marina didnt like him, although i had never actually spoken to them before.
my initial reaction to the callout was to get defensive, because that was someone i considered my friend and although somewhere i think i knew or had some inkling that he was like this, i chalked it up to mistakes and people jealous of his popularity because i wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. but the more i read the callout (i never finished it, partially because i had to take screencaps of the posts and painstakingly slowly read through them because the nature of my work makes it very difficult to focus on things for more than a few seconds at a time and partially because by the time i stopped, i had already made my decision regarding him) the more i realized that defending his actions isnt something i can, should, or would do.
and regarding the “sc/hool sho/oter” post, i live in america. in fact, i lived about 5-15 minutes away from where one of these sc/hool sho/otings happened (i lived for several years in roseburg, oregon, and the sh/ooting at u.c.c. happened a year or two after i moved to where i live now). i knew people who went there. i knew one person who died. the day it happened i broke down in the middle of marching band because i had no idea whether or not the friends i knew for three years were alive or dead and that fucking terrified me. and when it happened, i told julie over discord (because i was working when i heard about it) that i did not condone his actions or words and that it was wrong of him to say, but (and i still stand by this), it is not the place of anyone who was not even indirectly affected by a shooting to decide whether or not someone is worthy of redemption. no, julie should not have reblogged that post and while it is totally fine for you to be uncomfortable to interact with him because of it, i think only people who have been directly affected by sc/hool shoo/tings have the right to decide if he is worthy of forgiveness - for that. the rest of it is a different matter.
a few months ago i actually went through this with someone else. i wrote a callout post for daisy, a mercy blog in the overwatch fandom who deleted shortly after i wrote it. (if any of you want to see that callout, let me know and ill send it to you. i will admit here and now that there was something i shouldnt have added in there, but it was added with good intentions, but regardless, daisy’s callout really has nothing to do with the situation with julie and nothing to do with what is happening now. shes gone. im just making a connection to this situation.) it was a very similar situation; manipulation, hypocrisy, turning people against others, saving face and caring more about reputation than anything else. and while i was absolutely terrified of daisy’s situation happening again, where i get really really close with someone and then find out they manipulated the fuck out of me, i was also scared to lose friends, and i think thats a big part of why i wanted so badly to match or whatever, because i really really really wanted a place to belong, where i felt special and unique and yet part of a group and in the end that really fucked me over and made me blind to what was happening. i defended him (albeit not for long, ive only spoken to him for a few months now) for things i shouldnt have defended him for because i was terrified of losing people and im so sorry about that.
as for the callout itself: i will say that i do think there are two sides to every story. im not saying julie is a victim in this or that he is to be sympathized with, because at the end of the day, he hurt a lot of people and its good that the word was spread before more people got hurt. i dont agree that it is “a cis persons responsibility to make sure people know they are cis” because that kind of mindset will only lead to a witch hunt, but im not going to make a fuss about this because i know some other genderqueer people are more uncomfortable about cis people than i am and at the end of the day that is a personal opinion. i think some of the callout was worded with bias which probably, in some situations, did slightly twist the truth, ONLY because it is a callout and it is really difficult not to twist the truth in them even when they are written as formally as possible, HOWEVER while most of the time i disregard callouts (because a lot of them are written entirely based on personal bias because someone doesnt like someone else rather than on an actual need for people to be warned), this one was written very eloquently and very well. as someone who has been on that side of things, im really really proud of the people who contributed to it, especially those that werent afraid of giving their names out, because that is a really really hard thing to do, especially when its for someone really popular. i remember when i wrote one for daisy, i was almost sick to my stomach with the anxiety, and really pleasantly surprised when it was received much better than i expected. i am really proud of you guys, and thank you for letting me and everyone else know the truth of what happened.
however, that callout was not an attack, nor was it intended to be, and by people sending julie hate, youre just making the situation worse. i believe, in my personal opinion, that the best thing to do is to block and move on. we can come together as a community, and while julies actions wont go away, hopefully we can heal and understand from them. and i really want to thank manny for that post, because similarly to daisy, it is the people closest to the person in question who are left most in the dark. as julies friend, i had no idea about almost anything that was there and honestly, im glad now that i do. thank you for understanding that the people who associated with him are not always aware of what he did.
anyway this is really disorganized and im sorry, thats just my thoughts on the matter (as much as i can think anyway), and i hope it makes some sort of sense. i will be hardblocking julie on all of my blogs and changing the urls to both my izuku blog and my ouma blog and my icon for this blog. if you choose to continue to interact with julie, thats on you and i wont reprimand you, block you or unfollow you for it. please do not associate me with him anymore, though, add me to any groups anywhere with him, or tag me and him in the same posts.
and, as i said before, because i really want to get this point across, if you are uncomfortable with me because i interacted with him so much and so intimately and wish to hard or softblock or unfollow me, that is perfectly fine and i understand completely. i only ask if you softblock me that you let me know so that i dont accidentally follow you again, because i dont want to make anyone uncomfortable with my presence.
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toutorii · 4 years
Various Honoka HCS
Cause Im self indulgent 😌
⁃ So when Noka was a baby, neither her dad, Shirou or Daiki knew what the hell to do with her wings.
⁃ Her first word was "Daiai" which was exposed to be "Daiki"
⁃ Daiki would call Noka "baby bird" and mo one will tell me otherwise
⁃ He also called Shirou "buddy"
⁃ She would fly around and their dad would make Shirou chase her down. Cause by this point, Daiki had already “joined” AfO.
⁃ When Shirou and Noka were taken in by their uncle, he just slept and let her do whatever.
⁃ Their uncle, also known as Eraserhead, was a very kind guardian
⁃ He went to each of Shirou's ballet concerts, and did Noka's hair for picture day
⁃ If you looked through his search history it would be filled with "how to do a braid for beginners"
⁃ Aizawa bought Noka various art supplies and bought Shirou new shoes whenever they needed them
⁃ He also worried for his nephew, who went missing right before Noka and Shirou ended up in his custody
⁃ Didnt want Noka or Shirou to become heroes
⁃ Cause he didnt want to see the two children he practically raised to be hurt
⁃ But because of their ties to All for One, the government forced both of them to become heros to "prove" that they had severed their bonds with All for One
⁃ Shirou's dream was to become a professional dancer and Noka's was to become a professional artist
⁃ And Aizawa was not happy that the two lights in his life were torn from their dreams
⁃ And so Shirou got accepted into the hero program, in class 1-A
⁃ He chose the hero name Shifter
⁃ Cause he could shift into any organic form
⁃ When he got 3rd place at the sports festival, Noka ran around her uncle's apartment screaming with joy
⁃ Noka is literally his biggest fan
⁃ Noka's first friend was a small purple haired boy name Hitoshi Shinsou
⁃ So naturally, she called him Toshi
⁃ And she refused to call him anything else all throughout middle and high school
⁃ Shinsou and Noka have sleepovers all the time and you can't tell me otherwise
⁃ When people would tell Shinsou that his quirk was villainous, Noka would always speak up cause she knew Shinsou wouldnt contradict them
⁃ Noka is always like that
⁃ Speaking up for others and herself. And her smart mouth tends to get her in trouble
⁃ Shinsou would fuss over Noka's wings. Like if they were dirty or a few feathers were out of place, Shinsou would sit her down and fix her wings.
⁃ "Toshi, your inner mom is showing"
⁃ "Its not my fault you cant take proper care of your wings"
⁃ When she told Shinsou about her acceptance into U.A's med course, he couldn't have been prouder
⁃ Noka is actually the one who encouraged Shinsou to train with her uncle.
⁃ But before that lets talk about Noka's time at U.A. so far
⁃ She was first introduced to class 1-A during the first combat training
⁃ Healed everyone who got very minor injuries
⁃ At the USJ attack, Shigiraki deteriorated part of Noka's hip. But her extremely enhanced natural healing abilities stopped the deterioration
⁃ So she has this big ass scar on the back side of her left hip
⁃ She wanted to absolutely murder Shigiraki for letting the Nomu loose on her uncle
⁃ But she doesnt have any damaging fire power
⁃ So she just tried to heal her uncle's wounds the best she could
⁃ Nearly gets herself killed many times with her smart assery
⁃ And gives everyone around her a heart attack in the process
⁃ During the sports festival, she helped RG heal all the students
⁃ Reprimanded Deku for overusing OfA
⁃ Oh yeah, she learned about AfO and OfA from her time with All for One (A/N: please dont kill me im trying to not make her too op 😭😭)
⁃ Is kind of like to Deku like Recovery Girl is to All Might
⁃ So fast foward to the internships
⁃ She interns with another oc of mine, Snow
⁃ Who is a healer but with incredible attack powers
⁃ Coincidentally, Noka was patrolling Hosu when the nomus hit
⁃ She recieved Deku's distress signal and ran to the scene
⁃ She didnt attack the hero killer, but ran to help Native and made sure he didnt bleed out
⁃ The hero killer didnt bat a single eye at her, deeming her not a threat
⁃ In the end, she didnt harm Stain so her hero guardian? didnt have to take any blame for her actions
⁃ Noka however did get nearly ripped in half by a nomu, so she had to stay in the hospital with Todo and Deku
⁃ So— Summer training arc
⁃ She just looked at her class and said "fuck this" and flew over the whole forest
⁃ She actually beat the wild wild pussycats back to the camp
⁃ She got to know Kota, telling him how she never wanted to become a hero
⁃ Kota may or may not have developed a kiddie crush on her 😳
⁃ But anyways, when everyone else saw her all nice and refreshed, needless to say they were upset
⁃ Some more than others
⁃ *remembers Bakugou nearly blowing off Noka's face because she cheated*
⁃ Aizawa just smirking at his niece cause shes so much like her mother
⁃ "They said to use our quirks. Its not my fault your quirk is too grounded"
⁃ "No I wanna eat, goodbye—"
⁃ Focuses on her attack and the healing capabilities of her quirk
⁃ Let me set the scene
⁃ At the beginning of UA, our Noka could barely heal up a small cut
⁃ But now, she can close up major wound with little to no effort
⁃ P r o g r e s s people
⁃ N e ways
⁃ So when they do the haunted quirk thingy
⁃ Hairi and Noka are paired up, to their delight
⁃ But they aren't able to go into the forest before the attack happens
⁃ Apparently, the league came for Bakugou and Noka
⁃ Cause the "master" wanted his first nomu to return to him
⁃ But all Deku knew was "they are after Kacchan and the master's first Nomu"
⁃ Nobody knew who the first nomu was except for Noka
⁃ See, AfO took and gave Noka various quirks, eventually ending up with her current quirk(s)
⁃ He did this to Shirou and Daiki as well
⁃ But Shirou's body wasnt able to handle as many quirks, so AfO discarded him
⁃ Daiki was not aware that Noka was a target, Shigiraki knew he would object and purposely left him out of the loop
⁃ Eventually, Noka is cornered by Dabi
⁃ His fire power vastly out matches hers
⁃ But she puts up one hell of a fight
⁃ And Kurogiri took her before she woke up and fought back even more
⁃ So everyone was panicking when they couldnt find Noka
⁃ Aizawa was panicking them most
⁃ His precious niece was missing, no, taken by the league
⁃ The students had never seen their teacher so frazzled
⁃ The thing that broke Aizawa more was the look on Shirou's face when he told him that his baby sister was missing
⁃ His precious baby sister
⁃ His whole world
⁃ Shirou didnt go out of his room for days
⁃ He was there when they were to save Bakugou and Noka
⁃ All Might fought AfO, and won
⁃ But there was no sign of Noka
⁃ Shirou nearly tackled Bakugou, demanding, no, more like pleading for him to tell him where she was
⁃ Bakugou merely said "She's gone, and I dont know where she went"
⁃ The whole class was in a panic
⁃ Where was Noka? Was she hurt? Was she scared? Was she in danger?
⁃ And the question that hung on everyone's mind the most was
⁃ Is she alive?
⁃ The emptiness of Noka's desk was deafening
⁃ Their smart ass classmate was nowhere to be found
⁃ And they all felt guilty
⁃ But none more than Bakugou
⁃ For he was the last to see her alive so to speak
⁃ And her last words to him were "Forget about me ya big oaf, you hear me? I don't want you sulking, or I'll personally beat your ass."
⁃ Forget about her? How could he do that?
⁃ Noka was the only person who didn't put up with his bullshit
⁃ From day one she put him in his place
⁃ And honestly shes the closest thing to a sister he has
⁃ During the hero license exam, all of class 1-A decided that Noka would be really upset if they all sulked and failed their exams
⁃ But the fact that only Todoroki and Bakugou failed would make her fall into hysterics
⁃ When class 1-A met the big three, Mirio told them that Noka was strong and stubborn to a fault, so they shouldnt worry about things that arent in their control
⁃ To which they asked how he knew her
⁃ Apparently Shirou, Amajiki, and Mirio have all been friends since elementary school
⁃ So Amajiki and Mirio had been there a lot for many crucial parts of Noka's childhood
⁃ When the work studies started, Deku went on patrol with Mirio and Shirou, AKA Lemillion and Shifter
⁃ Shirou couldnt help but feel so much guilt crushing him when Eri jumped out of Deku's arms
⁃ Cause Eri reminded him of his little sister
⁃ Speaking of little sister
⁃ She refused to return to the league, so Shigiraki sold her to giran, who then took her to Overhaul
⁃ For the last 2 months, Noka had been experimented on by Kai Chisaki
⁃ In the mean time trying to protect Eri and building a loving friendship with the young girl
⁃ Ill talk about this another time
⁃ So skipping to when they save her
⁃ It was a total shock for them
⁃ To see this wingless, pale, frail, bandage wrapped girl
⁃ And even more so when she spoke
⁃ Not having that bite that their Noka had
⁃ But a softer, more broken voice replaced her normally boisterous and confident voice
⁃ In the big battle agains Chisaki, Noka got slammed against a wall
⁃ Which in normal circumstances would be fine, but with her body in such a week state it immediately cracked her ribs and spine
⁃ Ochako helped get her friend to the ambulance as quick as she could
⁃ Shirou saw a fluff of pale pink hair out of the corner of his eye
⁃ He immediately turned to run towards the medical stretcher, but was stopped
⁃ He kicked and screamed something along the lines of "THATS MY BABY SISTER. PLEASE LET ME SEE HER"
⁃ In the most broken voice you would ever hear
⁃ In the hospital, after Sir. Nighteye had passed, Deku, Kirishima, Amajiki, Shirou, Ochako, Tsu and Aizawa were all waiting anxiously for Noka's surgery
⁃ When all of a sudden the door explodes open and the nurses and doctors are shoved out by an invisible force of heat
⁃ Noka was using her ability to set herself aflame and be healed in the ashes
⁃ But no one knew wtf was going on cause she learned the trick at the Hassaiki hideout
⁃ So p a n i k
⁃ But after the doctors confirmed her stablility, they all went back to school
⁃ The whole class bursted into tears when they told them about Noka
⁃ Jirou, Kaminari, Momo and Mina all being the most emotionally impacted
⁃ Bakugou was almost crying witb relief but he disnt show jt
⁃ They weren't allowed to see Noka for a whole month
⁃ Only family were allowed
⁃ She was hard at work recovering and going through therapy and they didnt want to disturb her
⁃ But when they (Kirishima, Deku, Ochako, and Tsu) did visit, they were shocked
⁃ There was this soft spoken, trembling, woman, and this was after a month of intense therapy
⁃ They hadnt event started physcial therapy yet, they wanted to get her tk the point she could be around others without going into a panic mode
⁃ But what really shocked them was how her wings hadnt grown back.
⁃ They were then told that they would never grow back, since the bone in them were completely ripped out.
⁃ Thus she needs a wheelchair while she recovers
⁃ Daiki sometimes visits her during the night
⁃ He apologizes to her over and over again for not being there when she was taken
⁃ But also to apologize for abandoning her and Shirou
⁃ She just cupped his wet cheek and said
⁃ "Daiki, I know you had a damn good reason to do what you did. Also you're my big brother. I dont care if you work for All for One, youre still my brother. And you'll always have a home with us. Shouta Shirou and I will welcome you back with open arms."
⁃ Needless to say Daiki just bursted into more tears
⁃ Anyways—
⁃ By the time the school festival comes around, Noka still needs a wheelchair, and isnt the strongest mentally, but she has made tremendous progress.
⁃ After the 1-A concert, Eri sat on Noka's lap the whole time. Except during the beauty pageant, in which Deku held Eri, and Mirio held Noka (cause shes a smol baby)
⁃ Noka was in charge of tesching Eri the basics while she recovered, since the young girl felt most comfortable with her
⁃ When the dual training session came around, Noka still couldnt do much moving around without draining her energy quickly. So she stuck with enhancing her quirk while she built up her physical strength.
⁃ Meaning she healed any and all injuries after the matches were concluded
⁃ Monoma made the mistake of saying something about her not making any progress, and Bakugou was t h i s close to murdering him 😌
⁃ Ever since Noka got back from the hospital, Bakugou has been v e r y protective of his honourary sister—
⁃ But Kendou smacked the blonde before Bakugou could do anything
⁃ Shinsou would totally go like "Noka are you okay? Are you sure you should be out here? How are you feeling? Do you feel sick?"
⁃ Cause Shinsou is a mom
Anyways I have a bunch more hcs but i dont wanna completely bore you. But I was thinking of doing this for Daiki Shirou and Noka as children. Or maybe for Phoebe 😳😳😳 
Comment or send an ask if i should
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butchtaurus · 7 years
here’s me being Bitter !!! after rewatching (aka torturing myself) 2.13 again. sorry mobile users?
1:33 “She’s with me.” think he owns kara already without even establishing what they are to each other yet.
5:52 male ego hurt easily, he thinks kara will move on to some else who’s really trying to woo her and she has to console him
11:05 fighting with Kara to kill Mr. Mxy against her wishes bcuz they do not kill. and also says that he doesn’t want her to deal with “her stalker” implying that she can not fight for herself
11:43 Kara says Mon El is infuriating
15:28 Kara is interrupted by mon el (this point is me just being salty but still)
15:51 he’s explaining that Mxy is creating havoc to impress Kara so ?? you and mxy got things in common
16:03 mon el reveals he knows how to get mxy back to the 5th dimension, keeping yet another secret from Kara
16:10 mon el becomes so infuriating Kara has to yell at him and tell him to leave 
16:51 his male ego is hurt again bcuz he think kara is really tryna get with mxy. they have a big ass fight in the middle of the DEO
17:04 mon el says “i’m sorry i was busy tryna defend your honour” when we know fuckig well kara can defend herself. basically he belittled her bcuz he thinks she’s a “damsel in distress”
17:18 belittles kara again by saying “sometimes you’re not a good judge of what you can handle, so *clap* there is it”
17:39 whines “you are so hard on me, Kara!” CAUSE SHE BELIEVES YOU CAN DO FUCKING BETTER BUT YOU HAVENT
18:05 says “you know what Kara.. i knew that you were a little full of yourself, like a little bit, but this is like off the charts” what the fuck…………………
18:15 kara tells mon el she expects better from him ONCE AGAIN and he says “YOU DO NOT GET TO TURN THIS AROUND ON ME” and tells her that he’s the only one that’s suppose to get mad
18:32 kara says “you know what? i thought you’d changed, i really did but you are still the same macho, [oh here it is, say it] egotistical, [daxamite?] yes! and you have always been!” way to egg her on, then says they were a mistake and shouldn’t have tried to start a relationship
19:15 THE FUCKING BIGGEST KICKER “yeah uh things were a lot easier on Daxam when i objectified women and didn’t care about anyone” yeah who gives a fuck about women, they should just be objects for me to use cuz thats way easier haha!!!!!!!
20:07 going behind kara’s back
24:00 mr mxy and mon el agree to a duel for kara’s hand, as if she is a prize to be won, as if she has no say, as if they don’t care what she says
27:25 male ego hurt again bcuz he thinks just cuz Mxy can give Kara anything she wanted, she’s go to him?
27:37 kara says “it’s not just the jealous thing monel. it’s the patronizing, ego thing! i told you i can handle mxy and you didn’t listen” which sure she’s tryna really convince him that she’s gonna marry mxy just so he doesn’t ruin her plans but these are true statements that he’s patronizing to kara and he doesn’t listen to her
27:40 says he will listen and respect her which he should be doing already. he shouldn’t have to clarify more than once that he will do those things
28:22 kara says “we’re too different mon el” which is true so why doesn’t she listen to herself. (and i won’t doubt that that comes up later again when she realizes he is not good for her)
30:20 “love isn’t making demands of someone or forcing them to marry you” kara honey you always making demands of mon el constantly cuz he won’t listen to you. “love is putting someone else needs above your own” last episode you saved lena luthor even tho you could’ve fuckin died tbh.
34:42 ’you can’t force love… you have to let it find you’ well kara you tryna force this thing you got with mon el if we being real here
39:17 “you are my kryptonite” aka Kara is the radioactive element that can kill her aka she’s his WEAKNESS, which she shouldn’t be. she should be the thing that makes him want to grow and be better, together. and also it’s not even a good metaphor bcuz kryptonite does even hurt him, he’s allergic to lead?
40:05 “i get that you were upset that i wasn’t listening to you and i tried really really really hard to listen to you this time” BITCH IT SHOULDNT BE THAT HARD BUT YOU TRIED REALLY REALLY… R E A L L Y HARD THIS TIME????? children say this after they are reprimanded for not listening multiple times so they can get what they want
40:25 this binch said she ‘didn’t mean it’ you’ve said over half the stuff you said to him before in several other episodes, you can’t convince me you don’t mean it by now
40:50 except that part “about your infuriating male ego” that was true
and thats when i shut the episode off bcuz i can’t deal with all of this 
so anyways imma be hating ass bitch and wish he would die lol. chris w. seems like a nice guy and nice looking but i cannot deal with this character.
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itdisneymatter · 7 years
Day 01 - Magic Kingdom
Instead of a summary this time around, I'll try to sum up the day in a few words and sentences with a TLDR (too long; didnt read). Mostly to save me from repeating myself too much but also means you can skip on me droming on about nothing.
So the TLDR for today: Magic Kingdom. Custom t-shirts. Magic Bands. Really worth it. Got a good few rides in and hit 2 out of 3 of the mountains. Went for lunch at Belle's castle. Hot, hot, hot. Seen the 3pm parade. Missed out on a few rides but we'll get them in on a return. Everyone really enjoyed it and kicked the holiday off really well. Didnt hit dinner till late. Caught in a thunderstorm on the way home. Soaked.
And now...
First things first, or is that now second. Anyway,  I may have missed one or two details in my less than awake state which had an impact on todays events. We had planned, all going well, that we would head to Disney Springs (previously Downtown Disney) to get some Magic Bands - a watch-y thing that replaces your park ticket making it easier for Fast Passes and the like. With all the delays and the tiredness of yesterday it just wasnt a thing we were able to do. Ah well, best laid plans and all that. It meant however that we now had to try and pick them up when we hit the park today, pushing out our plans slightly. 
Some of us got personalised t-shirts made up (with our name and a specially selected Disney character), so today was a perfect opportunity to wear them.  We skipped on breakfast, and didnt have any bottled water to make a coffee (normally eek but ok for this morning, strangely). Not too hungry anyway so headed to my mum and dad's hotel to pick them up. They are in the same hotel as my sister, so its really convenient as a meet up point as my brother was picking them up in his car and its between both of our hotels. We were pretty spot on time for it being the first day so off we set for Magic Kingdom.
Parked up and within five minutes we stumbled upon a wee gift shop that sold Magic Bands - woohoo!  They have different colours and design so Ann picked up a nice wee 45th Anniversary Limited edition number. Patrick went for Sorcerers Apprentice (to match his tshirt.) Robert went for Up (to match his tshirt AAAND favourite Disney movie). Grace went for Orange Bird, who is a wee orange bird (funnily enough) who used to appear is old, Disney animations. We picked up a cup one time on the first visit to Disney (in 2013) and that cup had Orange Bird on it, and Grace has had an affinity with the character ever since. I went for Aladdin. Mum and Dad picked some funky coloured bands and we headed off to the park entrance. Spotted some of the other party (the ones in the second car) in their custom t-shirts so sped up to meet them just in time to board the ferry to the Magic Kingdom entrance. Tshirts already coming in handy with finding peeps, so colour matching tees in the way to go for future outings I think! Ferry was lovely and all of the kids were getting really excited.
So me trying to Facebook Live the Magic Kingdom entry was a complete and utter failure. I didnt even know how to start the thing - I should be as ashamed, calling myself a techie. Though I did get slightly reprimanded taking my phone out as they had a no selfie policy at security, prior to going in. He had a gun, so I pretty much did what he said and put my phone away. I fell back on my trusty Go-Pro (that I havent used since last time, but how hard can it be, right?). Video to follow as my laptop is ancient and I can barely run wordpad nevermind a full 1080p video clip. 
Full of smiles we headed in and once we stocked up on some water, a first visit badge for Emily and the others picked up their magic bands, we had 20 minutes to get to to our first fast pass - Splash Mountain in Frontier Land (good job I knew the way :P). Bypassed some rides as well as an opportunity to get Dole Whip (marked down on our initial plans), but we made the ride with 5 minutes to spare - phew!
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Magic Kingdom Mountains 1 & 2... check!
Splash mountain. All of the family (save for my Mum, Alessio and Isabella) hit up the ride and it was AWESOME! Grace was quite panicky so was a little clingy (even though she'd been on it before) but Emily and Corrie both first timers absolutely loved it. And for our efforts, our first family ride photo! :D
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Then we headed to Big Thunder straight after - ended up riding on my jack jones which was arite though as I go pro-ed the whole thing (our party's reactions, not the ride itself). We did also get a video for our memory maker which we have never had before but its a really fantasticly amazing this to have (even if the photographers does make you hold invisible fairies and set you up in a variety of cheesy poses).
On a role, we then hit Haunted Mansion, It's a Small World (GG's personal fave), Mickey's Philharmagic AND Peter Pan all before lunch. Not bad, for running an hour or so later off plan.
Be. Our. Guest!
Due to availability and a LOT of pre-planning, our wee family were the only ones booked in to Be Our Guest today. We said our goodbyes to the rest of the party and after arranging a meet up point and time we set off for a now, very much needed, lunch. We decided on some really nice menu choices, including a monster Grilled Cheese Sandwich and Barbequed Pulled Pork. The guys also got the infamous "Grey Stuff" for dessert, which seemed to be the kids favourite course of the day. However the star of the show for me was the French Onion Soup which was sublimely awesome (I'd eat this every day and I'm really really not a soup guy!).
We caught back up with the rest of the party after lunch just in time for the 3pm parade, which was only listed as a might-do due to time so really impressed we managed it. Time to get the zoom lens out! :D A side note on cameras - last time we were here I opted to take a reasonably good performing compact camera instead of my main SLR, for accessiblity purposes. While it was good, I always missed the feel and added control of my main camera, so this year its the exact opposite - Im gonna be a packhorse. Quality over comfort! The parade was really colourful and with the smaller kiddos were put up on shoulders so they had a perfect view (however I must add, its quite difficult to take quality photos through a 70-200mm lens mounted on a 5D with a flashgun, I'll have you know).
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After cycling through most of the main Disney Princess movies in the Parade (except Frozen, which was kinda dissapointing, mainly as *I* wanted to see Elsa), Mickey and Mickey signed off the show to resounding cheers and waves and applause.
A little time to go before our last listed Fast Pass of the Day - Seven Dwarves Mine Train, so we queued up for Enchanted Tales With Belle beforehand. The main premise is that kids (and some adults), volunteer to get chosen to reeact a little scene with Belle. For one of the main roles, The Beast, kids must roar their loudest and Grace got chosen! (though I shouldnt really be surposed by that). She was all chuffed and kept saying her and Robert had switched roles from last time with Robert now playing the part of the mighty steed Snaggleforp, or whatever the horses name is (its late and and I'm not going to google Belle's hor..., right fine... its Phillipe). Patrick, Robert, Corrie and Emily were also picked to be part of the show. Even Kevin was picked as a Knight in shining armor - which he played brilliantly (mostly it was about standing still, but still, brilliantly). They all got presented with a little bookmark as a small token, at the end for taking part.
By now, everyone was feeling a little drained so decided after Seven Dwarves that we would head for home and grab a bite to eat. We are going to be back at Magic Kingdom at least one other time when we can prioritize Tomorrowland, so everyone was on board. Seven Dwarves, I ended up on my own again after having lost my little sidekick Gracie (who opted out of the ride). I didn't mind though as I had my Gopro already to go again. I was slotted in on the first seat with a lady, who immediately asked my name and introduced herself (as Martha?... maybe, it was loud and after two attempts of saying 'what' you just need to go along with it). She just started chatting away all through the ride. In fact, just today loads of people just started up full blown convo's with me out of the blue - I mustve been rocking a approachable/chatterbox vibe in my backward facing hat and camera loadout. Those of you who know me, know me as anything but (listen I try, but I'm the first to admit I'm pretty terrible with words and interesting conversation at times). That being said, it was great to chat with so many different people around the world and just goes to show how friendly and amazing this place really is.
A wee cheeky ride on the Speedway for a few folk, a quick tee shirt pic in front of the castle and we headed home.
An absolutely amazing day with Splash mountain being the clear favourite for most of the kids. And although we missed out on a section or two, we still got loads of rides in and everyone was content with general flow how the day. With everyone on the same wavelength I think its gonna make this holiday a really magical one (sorry for the being soppy, Im getting tired, but we're nearly there).
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Thunder and Lightning, very very frightening.
Michael & Sarah-Jane decided to grab some dinner and get an early night so we said our goodbyes for the day. We headed out to the shop after getting back to the hotel to grab so Beers and water (in order of priority obvs), as well as a few other bits and pieces. We then met up with my Mum, Dad, Kev, Pauline and Emily to go for a bite to eat (I just realised I havent formall introduced everyone in the party, Ill get around to that tomorrow, promise). With it being a Saturday most places were pretty packed and after checking out a few places (unsuccessfully), we ended up in Johnny Rockets (which Robert pointed out was where we went the second night the last time after failing to find a place - kids memorys are scary at times). We got seated but the service was SLOOOOOW! I can fault our waitress too much though, she brought me over a freee refill pretty much as soon as I finished my first drink. It instantly reminded me of Steve Buchemi's in that infamous Diner scene at the beginning of  Reservoir Dogs...
Mr. Pink: Look, I ordered coffee, alright? And we been here a long *bleeping* time and she's only filled my cup three times. When I order coffee I want it filled six times.
Ok, so it wasnt six times, it was one time, and it wasnt coffee (mmm coffee, I really shoulda went with coffee now that I think about it), but it was the single good thing about the service and one that warranted the tip even if it didnt meet Mr. Pink's stringent tipping criteria.
I actually haven't had an appetite since those prissy little sammiches on the plane. Even at Belle's castle and I wasnt particulary hungry even when we sat down at Johnny Rockets. But hey, do they mak a mean burger! Opted for a Smokehouse, which included some Bacon-y goodness and crispy onion rings - good stuff and nearly worth the wait, nearly... but then again it was a long wait. So the whole experience was fairly ok but then it took a big huge nose dive to round off the night...
When we left the restaurant,  its was bucketing it down. I know coming from Scotland we should be used to a little rain, but this was torrential, and we got huge flashes & bangs of thunder and lightening thrown in, in good measure. Big Rain as Grace so eloquently put it (shes just brilliant with words). Our hotel was right across the road, which was handy, but we had to leave the other guys to struggle to their hotel which was pretty much a mile away :( 
Ok, I'm delivering this really late and have no time to edit so apologies, I must try harder during the day in future. The images are also taking an age to download, so might not have all the ones I want in by the time this goes up, though Ill try to add more later in maybe a weekly slideshow or something. See you tomorrow for Day 02 - Epcot which will which will likely being unofficially subtitled - Battling The Storm!
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