#or purple or red with pink ig lol
20w14a · 2 years
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Draws favs as other favs, call that blorboception
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 1 year
being gorgeous
HAHA SORRY I'M A LITTLE LATE TO THE 2.0 REVEAL THIRST PARTY i passed out while writing this yesterday and it shows. and then i've done nothing else today except for write, eat a donut, write, reheat some pork chops, write, join an online meeting, and write. it's 8:23 am. bonus points if you can pinpoint the exact moment i dropped my phone and fell asleep last night. and also the point where it turned morning here and i started getting goofy. literally no matter what happens all roads lead to Oh My God Why Is Shu So Beautiful
funny story while i was writing this: i wrote p much all of this on my pc and i have all of the noctyx puppets around my desk area but taichou is the only one that's actually on the desk and when i was starting out for the day i couldn't concentrate because he was just staring at me like ._. so i turned him around to face the wall and somehow that was what kicked off 3631 words???
shoutout to 🍰 anon for making soooo many of my neurons activate. we have a mutualistic symbiotic relationship and i think i'm going to go insane. i've spent the better part of the last 24 hours just writing this and nothing else i think i've actually lost it.
tags: established relationship, suggestive content, making out, 2.0 outfit, praise kink, humiliation kink, hurt/comfort, self-image positivity ig?, soft dom reader, gender neutral reader, sex references under the read more but there's no actual sex lol
⚠ suggestive/sexual content, praise kink, and humiliation kink under read more. content under read more is not intended for minors
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
All that muscle, and still Shu finds himself between a wall and a hard place. He wanted to try on something new, and naturally you were the first to check him out.
And, God, you checked him out. He wore a loose black robe covered in the skeletons and bones you were so used to seeing on a daily basis. The robe nearly grazed the floor of the changing room, and as he shuffled his feet, the fabric wrapped around the outline of Shu’s strong calves before returning to rest. A plume of fur adorned one shoulder while the other bore a moon pauldron that only drew your eye to the broad shoulders underneath. He tied his long hair up into a ponytail, the dark interrupted by streaks of pink and blond by his bangs, and purple hair fell down his back and caught the gleam of his bright eyes.
Though those bright eyes were cloudier with the shyness of being the center of your attention. He resolved himself to confront it. He cleared his throat and met your gaze, and asked, “Do you like it?”
“Shu, look at yourself.” You grasped him by the shoulders and turned him around to face the mirror. “Of course I do. You’re beautiful.”
He tried to keep a straight face, but there was no way he’d be able to hide his red ears with his hair tied up. “How do you just say things like that so easily?”
“Because it’s true,” you said. You rested your chin on his shoulder, right next to the armor, and watched the mirror as his face turned to roses the same shade as the marking on his forehead.
You get comfortable. “You’ve always been so handsome no matter what you do.” Your hands hold him by his waist, but it doesn’t take you long before one roams upwards. His waistline slopes out to his chest, and you feel Shu’s body shift as your hand slides under the fabric and cups one side of his chest. The mirror serves as a reminder that you were practically on top of him. “But honestly, Shu, you look so hot I can’t believe it.”
“I- I do?”
You mutter in agreement before you kiss his neck, languid and low where it meets his collarbone.
Shu gasps in surprise as it turns passionate, traces of your teeth along skin usually hidden by his hair. He softens into you as you fondle him, and when you circle his nipple he knows he’s doomed.
Teeth sink into his skin, and his breath hitches at the sudden pain. It quiets as your tongue soothes the mark, and goes blinding as you flick his nipple in time with a long lick. Shu can’t help but moan at that. His shoulder rises as nervous energy drips down his body from where your lips cling to his neck, and he knows you can feel him tremble as you toy with his nipple.
The kisses rise higher on his neck, a line of desperation even though you know you have all the time in the world. It’s more like you need to make him know he’s cherished. You weren’t kidding when you complimented him earlier; he’s always been good-looking, and you’ve never been shy about that. But trying a different look made him just as tense as he was excited, so you’re here to shoo all those insecurities away. After all, you’d be lying if you said his new look didn’t turn you on.
You take a glance at the mirror's reflection. Shu's eyes are shut. His long lashes flutter between his makeup, and his lips are parted as he takes all the sensations in. Meanwhile, you look sly and calculated as you cast a sideways glance to your reflection. A bit of your tongue pokes out of your mouth and along your latest attack.
Using the mirror, you take Shu's head in your hands as your lips run over his ear. His eyes snap open into lovely crystal, stunned and sparkling.
“I don’t think I can resist you,” you whisper. "Look at yourself."
He averts his eyes. "I mean, I'm not all that."
"Oh, you are." You turn him to the mirror as your fingers glaze along his chin. Your nails lightly scratch at his jawline, and he can't help but stare at the movement in the mirror.
Out of the corner of his vision, he catches his expression and nearly kicks himself. Was he really that out of control? His horrors are realized when he notices the bead of saliva at the corner of his mouth. He swats the back of his gloved hand over it.
But you catch Shu's hand before he can even wipe it away. "Don't."
"Stay still."
Following your command wasn't so hard. He was frozen in place anyways.
It takes everything he has to not react as you drag your tongue up his jawline between the fingernail scrapes. His heart hammers as your lick curls perfectly around his lip to catch the saliva before sliding it back into place inside his mouth.
He follows what feels natural, and when his tongue meets yours, fire runs in your blood. Outside it, too. Sorcerous flames kick alive around his head, then fade just as quickly as they appeared. He's a light show even in his invisible unconscious, and sparks course in your open-mouthed kiss in jolts of hot heaviness.
The hand that caught his earlier leads him as he takes a step back, then another, and his third ends flush against the wall. Shu's ponytail swirls around from the movement, and brushes along your body as you pin him to the wall of the changing room.
There's a loud smack as you end the kiss, breathless and heated. Shu's lashes blur over his enchanted purple eyes, and a few strands of black and gold-blond hair get in the way of his face.
"So handsome," you say, and move his head back to the mirror. "You can still see yourself?"
He barely rustles out a yes, but you feel his head nod slowly between the nails on his jaw and tangled in his hair.
"Good. I'm glad you get to see how handsome you really are." Your grasp crawls up to his cheek. "Watch yourself, and don't dare to look away. I want you to see yourself become a beautiful mess. Can you do that for me?"
Another nod, slower this time.
"Say it."
Shu swallows, and struggles to put the words together. He didn't think he was ugly per se, but he always thought of himself as just plain average. One of the many so-so faces out there in the world. All your praise breaks through those thoughts like an arrow smack-dab in the center of a target, however, and he's abashed at how easily you can say something he's never considered himself as.
It's unfamiliar. A new feeling, really, and likely the one he was dreading when he decided to wear something new for a change. Shu doesn't consider himself a head-turner—that's usually reserved for one of his friends, and he's used to watching them in the limelight from his own comfortable corner of darkness—so now that he's the one against the wall with eyes on him and nowhere to run, hot shame tempers his blush. The mirror only intensifies the feeling.
He looks back at himself. His hair's already messed up from the hand against his scalp, and one side of his neck peppered with the indentation of fangs along the soft skin. Not to mention his decidedly uncute face, with hands far prettier than his own around his jawline, murky eyes crinkled from his perverted pleasure, and yet another string of saliva down from his swollen-red lips. It was probably left over from the kiss. He thinks he should call it disgusting.
Your face rests along his in the mirror, and he can feel your breath on his cheek as you massage his flustered face. You're way more attractive than he is, and he has to wonder: does such an average-looking guy like him really deserve to have such a beautiful person dote over him like this?
"It's okay to indulge yourself, you know," you suggest. Your voice is golden caramel and rich chocolate. "You really are gorgeous. Even if you don't believe it."
Gorgeous. The word bounces around his head. He's never been called gorgeous before, and he nearly turns away on instinct.
The new feeling, he decides, is being gorgeous.
You smooth over one of the long locks of hair along his chest, where you teased him earlier. It feels like silk through your fingers, and as you reach higher Shu's eyes widen just a little more. Then you see the glassiness between the color, and you realize there's more going on in his head than you thought.
"I'll take care of you, if you want me to." You put your agenda on hold just to make sure you aren't about to overwhelm Shu. "Do you want me to?"
"Reader, do you really think..." Shu lowers his head as he fights to form the sentence. "You really think I'm... that?"
"I do."
"And you're not just saying that?"
"You are, I swear. Here, let's take a break real fast." You step away and give Shu some space, but he keeps his back against the wall. He exhales, and the color drains from his face. “Stop me if you need me to. But when we met, I thought you were really pretty. I really liked your sense of style, and the colors in your hair, and I liked to sneak looks at your biceps." You laugh a little at that. "I love your eyes a lot. They're really bright, and whenever you smile, they always squint a little.
"That's one of the other things I really love about you, whenever you smile. You like to laugh. So you smile often, and it's always because they're something to be happy about, and that makes me happy too. Sometimes because it affects me too, and sometimes, just because I love whenever my partner gets to enjoy himself."
You scratch the back of your head. "And, um, I came off a little strong when I saw you, so I'm sorry if I scared you. I didn't mean to do that at all. It's just that I got used to seeing your usual outfit, so now that you're trying something new..." You laugh again, but this time it's a gentle giggle, and without lust fueling you, you feel a bit embarrassed. "I mean, I really did think you were beautiful before, especially once we got closer, and I got to explore you more. But this is a whole other level. You've really outdone yourself. Like, I couldn't even hold back when I saw you, I was just so attracted to you that I didn’t even think. I really should have, though. I didn’t mean to cross a boundary.”
Shu’s eyebrows raise. “What? You didn’t do anything wrong, it’s just that…”
He trails off. He slumps over and slides down the wall with a sigh as he sits. His ponytail rests along the floor and along one of his sleeves. "I know you compliment me often, but I never thought you seriously meant it. No one's ever said things like that to me before."
"Really?" You sit next to him. "Should I stop?"
"No! No, you're fine. I mean. I think... It's not like I didn't like it." Shu buries his face into his hands and groans. "I really liked it, actually. I think it was just too new, and it's second nature for me to deny how good it feels, and—" He cuts himself off to muster up his courage. He lowers his hands just enough to peek out, but his fingers thread through each other and hide his face. "I've never been called gorgeous before."
"Was that okay?"
"It was perfect," he admits. His eyebrows relax, and his eyes squint. You don't need to see the rest of his face to know his lips curved up. But he dilutes his swoon with another sigh, and you can tell he's disappointed in himself as he drops his hands to his side. "I wish I wasn't in my head when you said it. Sorry for ruining a good moment."
"You didn't ruin anything, Shu, what are you talking about?" You reach to hold his hand, but hesitate, unsure if he wants to be touched. But he turns his palm over to met yours, and you connect. "I'm glad we're talking about it, and I'm hoping that it's helping you work through it, too. I'd hate to do or say anything to you that you couldn't handle."
"Thank you. That's really sweet of you." You take in how he wraps his fingers around yours and squeezes. "I'm going to calm down for a moment."
You sit together for a moment. His face is a slideshow between thoughts, and you rub circles along his hand with your thumb as he recomposes himself. You trust him.
You send comfort through your fingertips on the changing room floor, and his deep breathing turns to silence as a minute passes by. Then Shu turns to you, and lifts your hand in his. "Do you want to try again?"
"You're up for it?"
He nods, and this time it's with all his energy. "I was really looking forward to it. Can we?"
"Of course, Shu, anything for you." Already you're starting to feel warm. You get up to your feet, and bring Shu with you.
You're not so sure if Shu is aware of this, but even in his weakest moments, he moves elegantly. Not so much that it looks practiced, but he rises nimble like the shadows he channels his sorcery through. His long hair rests on his sleeves, then slips behind his back airily as the leathery wing along his torso flares with the motion.
He doesn't let go of your hand, even as he steps back and rests against the wall.
"You're okay with this?" You ask.
"It felt nice."
Your hand lets go of his, but it doesn't break away from his glassy-clear skin, and instead takes in the shape of his arm. His inner wrist is so soft, but the skin gets pleasantly rougher as you continue upwards into the plush of his forearm, and by the time you reach the peak of his biggest muscles, the plush turns firm.
The other holds him by his hips right under the sash of his robes. You can wrap yourself so easily around his waistline, and the urge to snatch him up is stifling.
But you're on a mission, and Shu's straight nose is dusted with pink, and when your hands both squeeze his body, a short gleam of fire spirals out behind him, and yet, his vivid, royal eyes are what captivate you the most.
You're so lost in his long lashes and the flecks of galaxy that you feel helpless, even with him pinned underneath you. "Shu, can I kiss—"
You get your answer before you even finish the question.
It's like you never paused in the first place. He enters your mouth first, and you match his movements, crossing along his tongue as if it was your lifeblood. It probably is. Shu has a tendency to unlock hunger like you've never known it before.
His arms unconsciously flex at the contact. Aroused, you drive forward and force him further against the wall, and when you hear the rumble of a moan between your connected lips, your fingers clutch harder at his waist.
Your bodies are flush against one another, and as you lean forward, you feel the telltale silkiness of his hair. You don't dare to open your eyes as you fumble around for a tuft to tangle your hands in. Shu pulses in your mouth as you take hold, and parts just enough to aim for your bottom lip as he returns the favor and bites. You hear a lewd, liquidy smack as he hurriedly glosses over the nip, then back to your parted lips. Every time there's even the slightest tension between his hair and your fingers, you notice, he rushes to kiss you harder.
So when he goes in for another round, you move your mouth away. His eyes flutter open in confusion, then shocks into surprise as you drag him in front of you. The mirror reflects his surprise right back at him.
Your head perches on Shu's shoulder. "You up for this, baby? You want to see?"
The heat returns. His reflection is another reminder of how he's totally at your mercy, and all the shame that comes with being so whipped that he already looks this ruined.
But you called him beautiful earlier. Gorgeous.
He kind of likes the shame.
"Yeah," Shu says, breathless. "Y-yeah, I do."
"Good boy," you coo, and that washes a whole new set of feelings over him that he files away for later. He tucks his chin away, embarrassed at the name, but he's still focused on the reflection as your reach to the top of his head and the beginnings of his ponytail.
Shu grew his hair out long, and you comb through the ponytail as it loosens down his back. "Pretty boy," you say. Your voice is tempting so close to his ear, especially as you gather his hair together. "Pretty boy with pretty hair. You take good care of it."
He lets out a hum deep in his throat as you smooth through it, only for it to turn into a startled choke as you grab at the base of his head. He chides himself for not seeing through your plan, but not enough to stifle how the choke turns into a moan as you pull. His neck jerks back. Then your lips make contact with his nape like a vampire to prey, and the moan turns into an even more humiliating yelp. The mirror proudly displays his neediness, but the high pitch is yours alone to keep.
"Didn't mark this side earlier." You mutter as you blow cool air over your latest kiss, and bask in how he shivers storms. "You like that?"
"Mmm, feels good," he says, voice wavering.
"Sounded like it, too. I liked hearing it. Gives me a chance to keep playing around with you."
His common sense tells him to protest, but he's too enthralled by the rough kisses and pulls. You tug on his hair to move him instead of asking him, and the way that you can command him without even using words both impresses and mortifies him.
It's the bites that send him over the edge, though. His nape is your territory. The first hickeys have already darkened on the other side, and when he sees you ravenous over his elongated neck, it's dirty and starved and lovely.
You press a kiss under Shu's ear and he jolts at the pleasure. When you suck, he inhales shakily, and lolls his head to the side. He had no idea that he just put himself in the perfect position. "Just like that, stay still. That's perfect." You weave your fingers through an open seam in his outfit, and when you leave your next mark, it's with your hands over his chest underneath the fabric. You grope his cleavage. "Perfect, perfect, perfect."
"H-how did you even— nngh, ah!"
His nipples were already hard enough, but then you just had to go and twist the damn thing like it wouldn't send him so far down to hell that he'd come back up in heaven.
"Just like that, Shu, baby, you're doing so well!" A flick on the bud here, a pull on his ponytail there, your words barely able to ring out as you frenzy between the kisses and the licks.
Whatever noise hangs in the air, it's downright pornographic, and it's only when Shu sees his open mouth in the mirror that he realizes that's his voice. It wobbles between a cry and a huff. Pink and purple dances around his hazy reflection, but as aroused as he is, he recognizes them as his harmless fire. He didn't even know he did that.
The fire trails behind his head as everything goes hot. He can barely think straight, but the only thing coursing through his mind is that he's never been able to feel delight like this before.
Where you stand behind him, Shu rolls his hips, his neck still held back against your body. You've been doing such a good job of keeping yourself together, but the slow coursing is a death sentence. You welcome it wholeheartedly.
"Mm, Shu...!" That elegance is seriously biting you in the ass right now. Even when he's horny, he's graceful, but you ache for more.
And even when he's submissive, he's strong. You tend to forget that those biceps aren't just for show.
Shu practically plucks you out of the embrace and to his side. His voice is husky but whiny. "Mirror or not, I'm not about to go down on you standing up."
"Let's get you a bed," you negotiate. The sooner you can get all you love out of your system, the better. "Lead the way, gorgeous."
He doesn't waste any time at all. He holds his arm out along the small of your back and rests his hand against where your hips connect with your thighs, and as you shuffle out of the changing room he keeps you close to his, brushing up against you all the while. You'd almost think he was preening.
"Gorgeous," you utter. Hopefully he learns how one day.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
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pawmimo · 2 months
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i had sm fun working on this and i'm glad it's finally finished!!! also had an excuse to draw usagi lol
RED: tt- number1.floyd.leech.fan ig- fizzy_fazzy_the_silly_clown
ORANGE: tt- boiledleafwater ig- suntanshippr
YELLOW: ruggie asked not to be tagged
GREEN: @vanrouge13
TEAL: @callmestrawberries
BLUE: me :3
PURPLE: @peppermintbanne
PINK: @caged-heartz
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ditzyclown · 1 month
In my cult of the lamb game I have a whole ass bat family, it started with Putre as I wanted some followers to work through the night (and who better than a bat) and then things escalated from there-
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with his first bio daughter asking for her sister from dark wood (who are you fooling girl, you are surprise adopting lol) to him having another bio son to the adopted daughter to ask for her brother in darkwood TO THE BIO SON TO ASK ME TO MURDER THE NEE ADOPTED SON AS SOON AS HE WAS INDOCTRINATED
Anyway more silly info bellow
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-Putre is the priest and one in charge to keep the materials for rituals safe and ready to use while alerting the lamb if they are ever low on materials
-Is extremely grateful to have his brother in the cult and to even grow his family in the cult, he's relieved that his two biological kids will never have to see the horrors from the lands of the old faith and that his adopted ones at least won't have to suffer... He's not sure how to feel about how anytime he, his family or another cult member dies the lamb revives them always....
-Based on my game he's friends with almost everyone on the cult, including Baal, narinder and shamura amongst others. (Dad energy was that powerful ig)
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-Is the younger one of his siblings (though he's not so sure anymore)
- He's black with blue painting
-Fion is still finding his place at the cult, he does bring food from outside occasionally despite Putre's insistence to not exit cult grounds
-Putre asked for the lamb to rescue his brother from dark wood. The lamb made it but not in time
-Had to be revived
-the eye painting in his forehead was scratched by heretics so now the scars look like an X over them.
-His ears also got a bit shredded, can't echolocate as well :(
-After recovering from the fact his lil bro got game before him (lol nah he was just in shock), he actually was pretty happy to see Putre doing well and for him to be an uncle.
- He's white with red painting
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- Hungre is the eldest child (Kept young by the lamb themselves along the majority of kids born or brought into the cult)
-Wanted a sister and decided the lamb would be the fastest way to get one
- Has not seen the lands of the old faith once in her life.
-Has a good heart
-Loves her family and the cult, Leshy often teaches her how to do pranks and how to make art crafts with camellias too!
-A very pale pink almost white looking
-Second eldest (adopted) child
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-Cautious in nature from her life in darkwood
- Was born years later after the death of the bishops but still is untrusting of Leshy since he looks like those shrine statues....(He also wears heretic clothing!)
-Was also unsure about the lamb at first and clinged to Putre and Hungre
- Wears a long red dress to try and imitate her dad church attire
-After having a little brother Feno decided "And another One" and did the same strategy as Hungre and asked the lamb
-Grey fur
- Wasn't bothered that the one the lamb managed to find wasn't a Bat, he's adorable!!
-Has better flying abilities than Hungre since she had more space to learn (tcotl devs place expand the cult grounds I will sacrifice my firstborn for it)
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- Second youngest
- Angy that he isn't the youngest brother anymore
-didnt like that the lamb didn't kill thorar when he asked for
-Has yet to warm up to him
-Once tried to sneak out of the cult out of curiosity to see what was so scary about the outside
-As soon as he saw a purple spider and the god merchant (Wich I Named Light) he turned tail and ran
-Has yet to learn to fly
-He's a dark blue
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-Rescued form darkwood
- Doesn't understand too well what's going on
-A bit afraid of Pano since he heard him request the lamb to kill him
-Is still getting used to sisterly love and having a new parent
-Putre often holds him when it's night since he's still getting used to the moon necklace more slowly than the bats and still gets groggy and sleepy
-Misses his family, darkwood..... not so much
-Since he was mostly hid by his original family (only for heretics to still find them) he hasn't really seen a shrine/statue of Leshy he doesn't know he is one of the bishops (and neither that the other weird followers are bishops themselves)
-Black fur with grey paint
I might give them more lore or change a few things
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hello everyone!! i'm the person who ran the TUA color polls for each of the seven siblings over the last few weeks. sorry it took so long but i'm here with results! i'm going to have charts first because they are flashy, easy to look at an understand, and also won't make the post too long above the keep reading :DD without further ado, the results of the poll: "Which color do you associate with [Hargreeves]?" !!
[keep in mind that the labels are above the charts, and viktor's may be hard to read because the chart maker i used only had a white background- same if you're on dark mode i apologize]
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analysis and words under here if you're interested lol :D it’s basically me just rambling for WAY TOO LONG about analysis lmao
okay so going into this, my hypothesis was that everyone’s colors were more or less determined by their s2 outfits. the fashion was iconic and stood out a lot, so it was very likely to stick in people’s brains.
my personal choices in order of siblings are: blue, orange, yellow, pink, green, red, and blue again. i chose green for five because of like.. chalkboards? i feel like he gives the green vibes y’a know? for the rest it was mostly determined by outfits and vibes etc.
but i’m sure nobody wants to hear me talk about my own opinions for too long [afterall, i didn’t even vote in the polls to keep them unbiased as possible] so here’s my analysis of YOUR choices
blue green and yellow were all the top choices for luther, which makes sense to me. blue ended up winning. they’re all generally cooler colors. when i think of luther i think of less stand-out colors, something solid and steady. blue is the most popular favorite color. it has a lot of range, just like luther. he wears it a lot throughout the seasons. blue is associated (not to bring color theory onto the color theory website or anything) with a feeling of sadness, and also responsibility. i really see him as a very tragic character tbh, à la s1 characterization.
diego was surprising to me, because even though my prediction of orange was correct there was a large amount of black in play. red was third after that. i don’t see it as that surprising considering his outfit from s1 lmao. let’s be honest they’re all emo anyways. red and orange are both associated with fire. diego probably would do arson if he thought he was doing the right thing. red is very agressive of a color, but orange is seen as a little less in your face. it can represent change too. but all in all, i think that it was chosen most often because of his orange and black polka dot shirt from s2. slay ig
allison was surprising to me at first, because i didn’t expect so much purple. i think that the pink might be because she’s a girl though. the red is what confused me the most. i would love to hear anyone else’s thoughts because i’m honestly not sure. @creepy-not-crawly (❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️) was talking with me about the polls, and said this about allison having yellow win:
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purple is associated with royalty and we all know she’s a queen. ofc, yellow won. we ALL remember that dress from s2. she’s also fairly optimistic for the first two seasons, and s3 largely revolves around her trying to force herself to be happy. yellow is associated with happy, and she was happy when she was with ray and trying to get it back s3. i have a post about the whole tone fuck up from s2/s3 here X so read that if you want!!
alright klaus. green came out (haha get it) in first and i think this one was essentially due to the association of ghosts and supernatural things in general with green. it’s SPOOOOOKY you know? it’s represents change and growth. the guy is trying. also the military is associated with green uniforms (at least in the US), so it can be easily linked back to the vietnam war incident from s1 and his connection to dave.
five had the most votes and it ended up with the closest results to one color taking half the pie. blue won, and red and black followed. i think for the red, it might be because of the metaphorical and literal blood on his hands. as far as i can tell, his powers- some of the most distinctly colored in the show- were a major factor: (credit to @dead-peppermint and @the-time-travelers-admirer in that order)
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and his iconic uniform is mentioned as well. (thank god the old man got a change of clothes in s3, manifesting for s4) blue represents responsibility and we all know he has so much on his shoulders (insert joke about how hunched over he was s3 because aiden gallagher has been aging over these past 5 crazy years but he’s supposed to be playing a 13 y o boy). blue is also associated with calm- the man needs some calm in his life, à la that one part of s3. and last of all, sadness. i think most of us remember “HE’S LOVED THEM FOR LONGER THAN THEY’VE BEEN ALIVE” (link post cus i can’t find it) and he spent so long mourning his family, and is probably still mourning them.
og ben is probably the most underrated character imo, so i was excited for this one. i predicted red because of that one scene (UGHHH SO TRAGIC) when he was a kid and covered in blood like “can i go home now” (🥺). my dear mutual @/deadpeppermint from before left these thoughts:
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blue and purple tied for first, with red and black in second. honestly the leather jacket? hoodie? thing? and generally emo vibe really lent itself to that lmao. i think purple and blue are also really good colors for him, because he is a king and also responsible as heck (or at least, he tries in comparison). i’m still crying over how he left in s2 ISTG BRING HIM BACKKKK (srsly tho line i want to make a post about his absence affected s3 ughfhfhfhfhfhh) but that brings us back to blue meaning sadness, and oh my lord does this boy represent grief!!! he’s soooooo <3
and finally omg we are at viktor! this graph is fucking hilarious to look at because it just looks empty. the white violin had an association with color, and you could NEVER GUESS which one (sarcasm). i actually forgot about this next was blue, and i think it’s cute that blue was on top three, even top two for 5 6 7. and the. @/deadpeppermint once again with thoughts:
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sorry for all of the errors i'm losing my mind.
anyways if anyone (unlikely lmao) has actually read this, or even scrolled down- hi! also goddamn! i hope someone enjoys this post because i have literally postponed so many projects for this weird little side thing. MMMMM DATA. i would make some kind of conclusion, but i'm damn tired and i think that my whole hypothesis kind of worked out! TYSM TO EVERYONE WHO VOTED!! and the people who left thing in the tags or talked to me about it? A MILLION LOVE FOREVER
i plan on doing more analysis in the future, but this is kind of dipping my toe in with a more fandom centered analysis. also! shameless self promotion! this whole thing started because i made a little animatic? thing? and started wondering about the colors because i ended up assigning them. CHECK IT OUT HERE X SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL SMASH THAT LIKE BUTTON MR BEAST TIKTOK FORTNITE. anyway. i literally have two other things that have been done for a while which i'll be posting in due time. if anyone is wondering why i haven't been posting art (idk, maybe?) it's because i was holding off on this crazy monster of a post! i'm really excited to make animatics because the music bro it's got me ITS GOT ME THIS DAMN SHOW. i am a self taught beginner artist tho, so i mean be ready for that. (that makes me sound so pretentious STOPP) anyways here! 🎩👑👒🧢 swaggy hats and a 🦉🦋🐞🐠🪿🦜🐁🦔 lil guy to go with it! 🥰🫵 see ya besties ily. i am so ill.
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ixiraider · 3 months
Turned a popular color/species combo into the most controversial pet and 100x happier for it.
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My title is a joke lol, but whew! SleepingBeast got a MASSIVE overhaul and I’m so happy with her now!!
For those who may remember, she’s been through a LOT. I created her a few years ago (4 or 5 now?) because I saw that the title to a song from my favorite band was free and I figured it would be a cool name to have, but I had 0 direction for her. She was a fire Xweetok for years but I had no clue how to customize her. I also didn’t want to give her up though, especially because I’d only have wanted her to go to someone who loved the band/song haha. So she eventually became a lab rat and after a little while of nothing became a pastel Aisha.
Now, I know this is sacrilegious to some, but I’m not really an Aisha fan. But this was back when pastel was one of the most, if not THE most, expensive PB colors on the site, way before it was a weekly quest prize and the cost went down to something affordable (though to my knowledge still a pretty coveted/desirable color for its customization potential), so I decided to see if I could learn to like her. I don't want to word this as if I only cared about the zap because it was expensive or rare or something, it was more like, at the time, I never even thought I’d own a pastel pet unless I got a FFQ or something, so I didn’t want to just instantly keep zapping when I had been given an opportunity to experiment with customizing a pet I usually wouldn’t have even thought much about. Like, how sad would it be if I zapped her the next day and she became like a red Grarrl or something lol. Plus pastel Aishas are a really cute strange sickly green and orange color combo that I genuinely like. Reminded me a little of a gourd. So I bought Greg the Clompkin to match.
Anyway, to make a long story short despite my best efforts I never really grew attached to SleepingBeast in her Aisha form. I experimented with multiple customs, tried giving her a backstory, had her on my main account for awhile… nothing. I don’t really enjoy customizing Aishas and I could not for the life of me find a wig or hat or head item that fit the vibe I was going for and she just looked kind of unfinished/bald lol. But I knew that I couldn’t just give her up as I still really liked her name, AND at this point I was super attached to Greg the Clompkin, probably more so than SleepingBeast herself at that point haha.
THEN the new baby body paints dropped, and in my rush to get the pink one for my baby Chomby I also got a purple one from one of the multiple capsules I had to open (f gacha style p2w), and although at the time I had no immediate plan for it I knew I wanted to use it for someone. The purple is suuuuuper cute. I started experimenting with what it looked like on various different babies and when I saw that the baby Vanda with purple baby body paint retains its big orange eyes I fell in LOVE. And knew exactly what had to happen…
None of this is actually that interesting but, I guess it was just really funny to me, as I was morphing her I was just thinking about how contentious Vandas are to this day in comparison to beloved pets like Aishas. But that’s the fun of playing the game for yourself and not getting too caught up in external “values” of certain pets or colors ig. I love Vandagyres (she's my third!) and I ADORE her. Just look at how cute she is now 🥺🖤
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foxlin-fantasia · 10 months
💫 14 associations : Hanaka Houjou
tagged by @archaiclumina & @reconditerune !! ty!
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🌸 animal: red squirrels. ( i genuinely couldn’t think of anything & asked my gf. it’s canon now ig /shrug ) for a ff based creature, she’d be a red chocobo or a tabby coeurl kit. 
🌸 color: pink! coral & rose pink are p distinct on her, but i also think pearlescent white, warm-toned colors, + gold accents are also fitting.
🌸 song: fellow feeling by porter robinson ( most things made by porter are a vibe tbh but THIS song?? oof from the lyrics alone; almost like i could hear the words being said as her own. the sound itself is v modern, but the initial calm that turns into chaos all contrasts so well against with what is being said in the song & kind of silhouettes what i imagine it must feel like for Hanaka to use her Echo / aetheric abilities?? it’s intense, maybe a bit scary to witness. she is incredibly strong when her power is wielded deftly, but it’s a painful process. also her h/c’d english VA* *subject to change is doing the speaking in the song! it’s all v good!! )
🌸 number: 2. She likes multiples of two. She usually prefers to go second in most things in her life, letting someone else take the lead so she can learn from their example. She is the kind to observe first, then act; always preferring a one-two step kind of plan.
🌸 day or night: she is the early morning, specifically the hours of 3~5 AM, when the world sleeps & the stars shine brightest. She is like dawn break over the horizon, shooing the stars to their beds with her sun-like smile. She is the comfort of knowing you’ve survived another night, the bleary sky a meld of purples & pinks into new day blues or early morning golds, dotted with flickering stars who will soon rest behind the fluffy clouds. Hanaka loves the night skies, but she herself is very much the dawn.
🌸 plant: victoria rose forget-me-nots; felt like a fitting plant, as a lot of her WoL narrative deals with remembering / seeing / sharing memories with others. pink flowers for bonus points!
🌸 smell: initially, she smells like the plum & cherry blossoms she likes to use as her daily accessories. Her true scent is of Othardian poppies, Doman black tea, ginger root, natural musk, & a touch of something sweet akin to a marshmallow. ( it’s my headcanon that Hanaka just… always smells good lol because of her ability to sprout flowers from her body to heal herself & she is also just very well-groomed when able! )
🌸 gemstone: angel aura quartz, pearl, or argyle ( pink ) diamond!
🌸 season: late winter to early spring, right after the deep winter frost thaws; still cold outside but the snow is melting, maybe an occasional snow flurry. The plum trees have blossomed & warmer seasons are on their way; bird calls return to the mornings again, signaling the end of hibernation. The crisp air smells of rebirth & sweetness.
🌸 place: Yanxia. She was born in a small farming village beyond the Glittering Basin, now lost to war & time.
🌸 food: hanami dango ( her favorite dango flavor is azim strawberry! )
🌸 eorzean deity: i associate her with Azeyma ( mostly due to aesthetics ), though her patron is Althyk! Althyk makes more sense for her narratively imo.
🌸 eorzean element(s): earth, the element of substance & endurance. Her abilities draw from this element the most!
🌸 drink: maehwa-cha ( plum blossom tea )
i tag: @uldahstreetrat , @crowdsourcedloner , @cindernet-explorer, @petitfarron , @gatheredfates , @evuniel & whomever else is wanting to! ( also no obligation to those tagged do this either ofc )
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kippyzzworld · 1 year
intro post cuz i never did one RAAGGHHH
u can call me kipp or kaii, i’m 16 and i use he/him prns
idk i’m not that interesting
fandoms: osemanverse, saiki k, anime in general tbh, vocaloid
hobbies: sleeping, listening to music, making character playlists, dyeing my hair
hair colors i’ve had: pink, red, purple, blonde, split dyed purple and blonde, split dyed purple and blue, split dyed red and pink, blonde w blue streak
me in general: usually quiet but if u get me talking i won’t shut up until u ignore me or tell me to shut up, my friend says i have cool life stories so i can tell u those if u want
kin list?1?!: daniel jun, frances janvier, micheal holden, jimmy kaga ricci, akito shinonome, kaidou shun, reki kyan, miya chinen, miyano yoshikazu, Kangel/Ame-Chan
things i like: music, lots of music, vocaloid, bus rides home, my headphones, my old cat sushi, my friends (most of the time) being alone, sitting with people w/o talking, sleeping, painting, fun hair, people that respect personal space
discord is kaikai.k1t4n
tumblr msgs r open, dm to me friends/mutuals
asks r open idk if it shows up lol
okay that’s it ig
osemanverse character playlists i’ve made
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Wanted to share some WIPs since I can do that (and I totally didn't remember i was able to do that until tonight what are you talking about--)
Divider because it's long lol
So since I'm the Internet Explorer of art memes/trends, I have been working on the color wheel thing from a few months ago. If you're on the TLT discord server I posted this a few weeks (a month..??) ago:
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It's my barebones sketch of the wheel. So fast forward to now this is what I've got done:
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"*Sr. Pelo tounge click* Nah Nahhh NaaahH".
It took me so UNBELIEVABLY long to get right *deep inhale* Anyways--
I also experimented with a newer take on Rust's design. I believe Helvetica (I'm sorry if I spelt that wrong) was the one who posted a drawing that had Rust's skull as a like physical piece on top of the visor, rather than a part of it (Like a screen), which I thought was REALLY neat so I took inspiration from that. Not only that but I did some more research into helmets--totally didn't just have IG recommend me a guy that does motorcycle stuff with his helmet on so I can get vitually any angle I want. So it should look a LOT better than before lol
What's y’alls opinion? If love some feedback on if the newer version of Rust looks better or like if there's something else I could do to improve on his design (not anatomy because I know it's wonky; I tried lol)
I have to make several canvases for this then merge and spurce them up when done. Zero_One's hand will be erased so it looks like his thumb is over the edge and his palm is inside the box. Idk feels like it fits him, ya know?
Next thing I've got is another big meme dump:
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This is the base with colors representing different characters; some of those have already changed* lmao There is a lot of Zero and Rust shipping here
Zero_One is orange. Rust is green. Army is red. Tesla is purple. Doc is blue. Zelimir/Prometheus is pink. Giest is white. Crimson is Menoetius.
This canvas is so big it nearly crashes SAI so I have to divide and conquer just like the color wheel lol
This is also where my newest genius poly ship came from:
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I felt bad that Giest was left out and I feel like Army has enough love for both angry bastards (lovingly)
*as you can tell this sketch is one of the changed parts
That's all for now lmao Might add some more WIP stuff tomorrow but idk what all I want to share
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kaoharu · 8 months
🍫🍰💘💐🍦❣ ^_^!!!
ask game !!
YAYYY thank uu for the ask ruyaruya i can always count on uu 🫶 answers utc cause its a Lot
🍫 do you have a favorite chocolate or sweet?
hmhmm i like mint chocolates like andes the most i think . . . i like all chocolate except for straight up dark chocolate . . . its ok if it has a sweet filling like caramel or smth sometimes tho
🍰 what’s your favorite dessert to eat? do you have a favorite to make?
i loveloove all desserts ever . . . i rlly like tiramisu lately tho !! also i love making creme brulee tho i barely make it . . . i just think using a butane torch on the sugar is fun 👍
💘 you would fall in love with someone who…
hmm this is kinda hard to answer . . . i usually fall for my friends its kinda awkward :looks out the window: but ig i tend to like ppl who will match or at least try to match my energy and like. are nice to me ( this makes it sound like my standards are so low help i promise i dont fall for everyone whos ever nice to me. i have more self respect than that . . . )
💐 how would you woo someone? how do you flirt?
oh my god im the worst flirter of All Time actually. i dont even know if what i do counts as flirting 😭😭😭😭😭 when im flirting its kinda just me being friendly and wanting to befriend someone on steroids . . . i like to listen more than talk usually if that makes sense ❓️ is that even flirting god know 👍
❣ red, pink, or purple? glitter or sequins? silk or velvet?
purple or pink depending on the shade :D !!! glitter > sequins easy choice and i like the feeling of silk better :3
🍦 what are ten things you love about youself?
in no particular order
my voice 👍
my height at a nice 5'1 which id been aiming for since middle school
my handwriting ( it took me all of middle school to perfect my neat but intentionally a little messy handwriting . . . which sounds rlly weird but it looks good w/o seeming tryhard-y or wtvr lol )
my reflexes ( im not athletic in the least but like i have pretty quick reflexes from playing games + having to watch babies growing up . . . if that even makes sense . anyways i survived so many random occurances thanks to my reflexes yayyy )
my hair :3 except on the days that it doesnt want to cooperate /silly
my silliness ( im running out of things to say helpme )
my ??? musical ability ??? does that count
my ability to not be self conscious abt the clothes i wear 👍 overcame that hurdle long ago :looks out the window:
my oddly decent health . . . ? i only get sick like maybe 2-5 times a year
my awesome aura or smth. i attract fun ppl at times i think :shrug:
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gillianthecat · 2 years
This or That
tagged by @negrowhat (Thanks!)
hot shower or cold shower 1 // texting or calling // earbuds or headphones 2 // paperback or hardcover// matte or gel 3 // 12 hour clock or 24 hour clock // blue or green // sunsets or sunrises // tulips or orchids// candle light or moonlight // sci-fi or horror 4 // pen or pencil // pandas or koalas // gold or silver // sneakers or boots // denim jacket or leather jacket // pink or purple // chocolate or sour candy // deodorant or perfume 5 // drive-in movie theater or the cinema // pastel colors or neutral earth tones // lemonade or fruit juice // past or future // 6
1. although coincidentally and unusually I just took a cold shower - it's hot where I am 2. headphones are usually more comfortable but i end up using earbuds more 3. i don't actually know what this is referring to. nail polish? 4. i'm a wimp about horror 5. i stopped wearing artificial fragrances after knowing many people with sensitivities and now I can no longer stand the smell 6. for many of these it depends on my mood or the circumstances. although I suppose that's true for most people, lol.
Now the BL version!
crying in the shower or making out in the shower // give cute boy line ID or stalk his IG // share his earbuds or share his closet 1 // manga or manwha 2 // long dangly silver earring or dark leather cuff // time loop or reincarnation // blue engineering smock or red engineering smock // kisses at the beach or kisses in the mountains // cactus or chili plant 3 // fairy lights or spot lighting // ghost boyfriend or vampire lover 4 // hard sub or soft sub 5 // stray cat or … actually that’s your only option // Hawaiian shirt or blue shorts 6 // evil ex-girlfriend or predatory fujoshi 7 // suit jacket or leather jacket // high school or university // kitchen drama or office drama // forehead kisses or check kisses // Viki or GaGaOOLaLa 8 // Japanese arthouse depth or Korean high concept 9 // pink milk or yakult // censored Chinese BL or trashy Thai pulps 10 // body swap or dead body // sexy or story 11 // back hugs or lap sitting // piggyback or cradle carry
1. this is probably based entirely on a scene from the non BL The Devil Judge 2. i've never read either (for some reason processing text and drawings together is hard for me) 3. i haven't encountered one in a BL yet, but I think they're pretty. 4. although i haven't watched either of these plots in a bl yet 5. sometimes i need them bigger or a different color. or to turn them off for screenshots 6. especially when hanging on by one button (hi fighter) 7. i hate them both, but at least the evil ex-girlfriend can sometimes turn into an interesting character. predatory fujoshi is nothing but a creepy fourth wall breaking plot device that gets me riled up just thinking about it. 8. it would have been viki a few days ago because gagaoolala initially ate my email address. but now that they've finally let me register i concede they are by far the better queer and bl option 9. the only one i've seen so far is Color Rush and i have to confess it didn't work for me... please don't hate me 10. look, censorship is evil. but i'm a sucker for angst and subtext. 11. obviously they go best together. if i can only have one it really depends on my mood which i choose.
I’m not sure who hasn’t done this yet.  @lelephantsnail? @placetneplacet? @moonchildridden? @halfmoon-trueself? Everyone, please consider yourself tagged if you see this and want to participate.
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💐👑🎀 for Andersen, Minami & Circe! Please and thank you!
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💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
Blue Carnation: Spirituality, fascination, committed love. Artificially made, out of reach. Black Velvet Petunia: Death, gloom or strength, uniqueness. Red Columbine: Aspiration, passion, anxiety. Pink Primrose: Neglected merit, inconsistency, bashfulness
👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
Andersen doesn't have grand aspirations of legacy. Even his name is borrowed, after all, so nothing engraved within is his. There's no point trying to control how others will see you, right? As long as he did what he wanted he'll be satisfied. But if he could choose, if at least one person enjoyed his stories, found meaning behind them, even just one... then that alone is enough.
🎀 RIBBON - how would they fit into other worlds / aus? what aus would you like to try out? what fictional world would they fit / not fit into?
Andersen would fit pretty well in a lot of worlds. Specially meta ones lol. I'd be up for any ig
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💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
Cherry Blossom: Transience, mindfulness, fresh start and good times. Pink Azalea: Thinking of home, womanhood, fragile love. Poisonous and potentially deadly. White Delphinium: New life, boldness, achieving goals. Pink Rhododendron: Wariness, beauty, hard work and success,
👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
A genius, someone who surpassed what was thought possible, who made life enjoyable for those who seek refuge in technology. A niche following would be best, since Minami thinks the masses are ignorant. Being acknowledged by them means nothing to her.
🎀 RIBBON - how would they fit into other worlds / aus? what aus would you like to try out? what fictional world would they fit / not fit into?
Minami is a bit more complicated since it requires modern stuff, or equivalents. Tbh I'd like to play more with her Avenger in FGO idea but brain empty.
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💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
Yellow Chrysanthemum: Sorrow, neglected love. White Dahlia: Inner strength, remaining graceful, standing from the crowd, purity, staying focused. Purple Cyclamen: Sincerity, resignation, separation, poisonous. Purple Daisy: Mother and child, elegance, pride, royalty. Peony: Healing properties, medicinal, care.
👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
The Great Witch Anella, mistress of all magics, of golden blood blessed by the sun itself. Anella is a workaholic who has never stopped researching magic, that MUST be how people remember her. A lifetime of achievements in transmutation, potions, poisons, sacred and profane rituals alike. Sure, she had some petty spats now and then, but centuries of work count more!
🎀 RIBBON - how would they fit into other worlds / aus? what aus would you like to try out? what fictional world would they fit / not fit into?
She's newer so I haven't thought much about it. Anywhere with magic she fits like a glove. I'd be up for anything too!
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feral-mouse · 1 year
Bouquet and tulip for all kiddos👀
Hehe it was fun doing research for these uwu. Since it's gonna be long, I'm putting it under the cut lol
💐 [BOUQUET] If you could send your OC a bouquet, what flowers would make it up and what is the overall message?
Ok so it took me some time to look up a bunch of flower meanings so I can mix and match them lol. I'm not that good with flowers so idk if all of these meanings will work. I also accidentally turned it into more of a "what bouquet represents them" as opposed to "what do I wanna tell them personally" 😭. Ig it's just time to be mean to some of my ocs lol. But this is what I got
Dan is getting a boquet of peonies and white roses. These represent his want to start over with new beginnings while trying to hide his shame by being optimistic and compassionate. He feels like he could do better with himself so he's embarrassed to admit why he wants to change so much 😔
Randy gets a nice one lol. His is filled with orange roses and heliconias to show his immense passion for the things that he likes (human flesh). He's a very happy guy. He's filled with a lot of energy and desire to eat.
Davis is just getting a bunch of snapdragons because he's an asshole pejjfkksv. I also couldn't find any other flowers that fit him 😭. It represents his strength and underlying deception. If I did wanna send him a message, maybe I could add some black roses to it to be like "you're an asshole and you're gonna die because of it 😤" lejgklakv
Ronny's bouquet is filled with red roses, anemones, and proteas. Yes I am bullying him pejguisov.He longs for a change and to transform himself into the best version of himself that will make himself happy, even if it comes with the cost of scaring everyone else away. The anemones also represent his clashing thoughts, losing hope in humanity while at the same time anticipating that maybe someone will prove him wrong.
Cyrus is getting a single daffodil. I am bullying him too lpsofiks. This is supposed to represent the tragedy of his life by isolating himself from the rest of the world in attempt to protect others as an act of chivalry. But also he doesn't realize that he's only hurting his mental health by doing so 😭
Elowyn gets a nice bouquet lol. She doesn't deserve it but laosjclsivks. She gets orchids and purple irises. These show off everything that she stands for and strives to be. She wants to represent the body of femininity, elegance, etc, all while imparting her wisdom and findings to the rest of the world.
🌷 [TULIP] What is your OC's favourite flower and colour?
Dan would like daffodils. They're bright and look like they got little trumpets at the end of them. He likes the shapes they make lol. His favorite color is blue, leaning on the lighter or tealer side uwu
Randy likes larkspur flowers because he thinks they look funny lol. Why they have little bulb heads? It looks like they got little teeth and have a tongue sticking out. Why they look like that? His favorite color would be neon purple, or honestly neon anything. Just something loud and out there lol
Davis would probably like delphiniums. He likes the clusters they make and would honestly love to put some up around his house. He also likes the color green and prefers darker greens
Ronny would love black roses because he'd think they're cool as fuck lol. Their aesthetic is so sick. Other than that, his favorite color is purple uwu
Cyrus loves sunflowers. There's something about them, maybe it's because they're always associated with happy emotions, but he thinks they're cute. His favorite color would be a very pale light blue
Elowyn thinks gladiolus flowers look very pretty. They look very soft and she wants to put one behind her ear. She also loves the color pink 💖
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biromantickarkat · 2 years
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some ocs ig lol
(id under the cut)
[id: a line up of five people, shown from the waist up.
First up is a tall, oversized older lady named Mariah. she has white skin, blue eyes and long black but greying hair. They are wearing a dark purple top with puffy sleeves and a opening near their chest showing part of a skull tattoo, and a skirt of the same color, along with large earrings shaped as pentagrams, and necklaces with stars on them.
next is a short, thin guy named Xavier. He has red toned grey skin, white eyes and short black hair with grey ends thats shaved short on his left side. Its wearing a grey turtleneck with black jeans, a eyepatch over its left eye, and cross earrings and necklace.
beside Xavier holding onto his shoulder is a slightly muscular person of the same height named Anya. they have white skin, brown eyes and medium light brown hair that curves around their face. they are wearing a gray tank top, with a blue jacket tied around their waist, along with strings tied around their neck and wrist.
next is a average height girl named Alison. he has brown skin, brown eyes and short curly red hair. he is wearing a light brown sweater dress with a pink plaid dress over top. he also has pearl earrings and a necklace. he has his right hand resting over his chest.
last is a tall older man named Maz. They have dark brown skin, dark brown eyes and shaved white hair. He is wearing a white sweater thats tucked into the belt of his white pants. the background is white end id]
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smittenskitten · 2 years
highlight what you like or what applies to you — tagged by @piningintrovert 💗💗💗 thank you
hot shower or cold shower (it's really hot all year round but yeah hot shower it is)
texting calling or email (all three gives me anxiety but yeah let's text)
earbuds or headphones (or my head hurty)
paperback hardcover or ebook (as much as I love paperbacks, ebooks are godsend)
matte or gel
12 hour clock or 24 hour clock
blue or green 😅😅
sunsets or sunrises
tulips or orchids
candle light or moonlight
sci-fi or horror (I am a fan of both)
pen or pencil
pandas or koalas
gold or silver
sneakers or boots
denim jacket or leather jacket (neither. It's too hot to ware a jacket lol)
pink or purple
chocolate or sour candy
deodorant or perfume
drive-in movie theater or the cinema
pastel colors or neutral earth tones
lemonade or fruit juice
past or future
bl version — tagged by @billlkin 💗💗💗 thank you
crying in the shower or making out in the shower
give cute boy line ID or stalk his IG
share his earbuds or share his closet
manga or manwha
long dangly silver earring or dark leather cuff
time loop or reincarnation
blue engineering smock or red engineering smock (because Ram)
kisses at the beach or kisses in the mountains
cactus or chili plant
fairy lights or spot lighting (standing under spot light blinds you)
ghost boyfriend or vampire lover
hard sub or soft sub (I swear I thought it was something else lmao)
stray cat or … actually that’s your only option (indifferent)
Hawaiian shirt or blue shorts
evil ex-girlfriend or predatory fujoshi (noo)
suit jacket or leather jacket (as long as it's not me wearing them either is good)
high school or university (aiii neither! But if story is good either)
kitchen drama or office drama
forehead kisses or cheek kisses
Viki or GaGaOOLaLa
Japanese arthouse depth or Korean high concept
pink milk or yakult (I want to try this pink milk someday)
censored Chinese BL or trashy Thai pulps
body swap or dead body (only because I will complain about this the entire time I watch it)
sexy or story (both. both is good.)
back hugs or lap sitting (there hasn't been enough lap sitting, which should probably happen a bit more)
piggybacks or cradle carry (I am a simpleton)
Tagging a few people @cytharat @oyakou @kinnsporsche @elnotwoods @disaster-j @i-got-the-feels (no pressure)
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hey Sarah! I just saw this IG post that talks about iconic dresses from movies that people want to know, and I totally agree with almost all of them, including those int he comments, lol: Sandara Bullock's purple strapless from Miss Congeniality, Jennifer Garner's in 13 Going on 30, Kate Hudson's yellow from How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, the pink one from My Date with the President's Daughter, and a few of my personal faves Keira Knightly's green one from Atonement!!! , I know the red dress Julia Roberts wears in Pretty Woman is more iconic but I love the little black one more, and the dress Sophia Bush wore in S2 of One Tree Hill to Keith and Jules' wedding (so cool to hear them talk about it on their pod) :) how about you Sarah? any iconic dresses from film/tv you'd love to own?
Omg so fun - I love this.
The Keira Knightley Atonement gown is definitely one of the first that comes to mind. I'm sure there are many more but my head is brain empty no thoughts. I'll think on this and let you know if anything else comes to mind - like I mean the black Givenchy Breakfast At TIffany's dress is a classic.
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