#or maybe im going to erase his entire existence
sethdomain · 2 years
Rip camp camp u will be missed
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sillyyuserr · 1 month
My take on ‘teruaoi’ in the new chapter ❗️❗️ (spoilers obviously)
Ive seen people take in the new teruaoi thing differently, from how it could erase akane’s entire personality to the exact opposite, but i think personally the teruaoi thing might be good (for now at least)
for the entire manga since very VERY early on (book 1), it was established that akane was entirely for aoi, not changing himself or pretending to like things aoi likes, but like worshipped her with his entire being, but he seemingly prioritizes her happiness, above actually being with her.
so when he found out teru and aoi were getting engaged, he tried to go back to the clock, and remembered he needed the other clock keepers to do so.
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Realizing he can’t do anything, despite how much he doesn’t like it, he lets it be. Maybe aoi’s happier with teru? Who knows.
for just about the first time in the entire manga, this almost COMPLETELY severs akane from aoi, giving him (again for the VERY first time in the almost 10 years tbhk has existed) a chance to be just akane.
we need to remember akane is under the impression teru likes aoi, he might assume since one is happy, the other is too. Whenever teru teases him with ‘what if i asked out akane-san’ he never considers or even thinks aoi will reject him, he assumes they’ll be happy together since teru’s happy (spoiler neither of them are)
rounding this back to my initial point, since aoi is no longer apart of his personality (if he really does accept teruaoi as is) he will act simply as him, not as aoi’s fucking worshipper but yk just him
the only time i think we’ve seen this before is when aoi’s in the far shore and teru&akane are like going around town after the karaoke date but before they actually go back to retrieve her.
And during this time may i say teru was almost making moves on him?? Like not blatant but i’d say some of the most compelling evidence that ‘teru likes akane’ is shown all relating to aoi, but ALWAYS when she’s conveniently not there to witness.
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Whether aoi’s stuck in the far shore or being married off to someone, whenever aoi’s not present and/or in some kind of difficult situation terukane really pulls through. 😭 who knows maybe it’ll be another ‘coming back closer than before’ kind of falling out they’ve had like 5 times already after this arc. HOW MUCH CLOSER CAN YOU GET LIKE KISS ALREADY
maybe this might push akane to do things he’s never done, maybe we see a side of akane we’ve never had the chance of seeing before, who knows.
this is simply all my interpretation, if you see something different here pls tell me im very interested. Terukane REAL
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I miss Milo Murphy's Law :(( did you have any Season 3 ideas?
of course milo and zack getting chased by something big and round in the first episode (maybe some topiary thing because it would be spring)
milo and his new telepathy!! chad feels kinda down and milo gives him a hug and tells him he hopes he feels better soon. joni is uncomfortable in class because it's way too cold and milo gives her a spare jacket. bradley is nervous about not doing well on his math test and milo wishes him good luck and tells him he'll do great. amanda forgets her eraser at home and panics for a second before milo, from across the room, tosses one onto her desk.
(and all the whole everyone's just like ".........how'd you know when I didn't even SAY anything" and milo's all "well, what doesn't kill you on an alien planet only gives you telepathy!" and no one can tell if he's joking or not)
oh and speaking of bradley: an episode where he and milo get trapped in a classroom or just have to spend the entire day together and within the span of 11 minutes of one-on-one interaction with milo he kinda has a "huh. you're not so bad" kinda moment. he even lets milo hug him for an entire 2 seconds at the end!!!!
for the sake of continuity some recurring character/s have their "a big round thing is rolling through the school and it may or may not be caused by my own actions so I need to stop it before things get destroyed!!! also 'just roll with it' is magically playing in the background idk how that happened" subplot
an episode with the kiddos (the entire mid-afternoon snack club group + chad pls) spying on mr drako (chad insisted) to determine whether he really is a vampire. in the end there is still no definitive answer and everyone but chad is tired
i need dakavendish follow-up i need them to be the biggest losers in existence with each other
they absolutely have to call each other "balthazar"and "vinnie" at least once
joshua pruett mentioned that they were playing around with dakavendish being promoted and actually getting opportunities to save the world but they (particularly cavendish) end up hating it. I need that to happen. I NEED IT. the angst potential has entered the room
ZALISSA FOLLOW UP!!!! a bit of awkwardness perhaps bc they are dorks. romantic directness on the same level as S2 milanda please
also more milanda more milanda more milanda im-
another school dance episode!!
zack has to take care of his twin siblings for the day and they want to meet the other two members of the infamous trust triangle so he goes and invites milo and melissa over. chaos ensues and by the the time milo and melissa leave the house the front section of zack's lawn has been burnt to a crisp and the twins have fallen fast asleep even though it's barely 7 in the evening
MEETING YOUR SECOND DIMENSION COUNTERPARTS???? since season 3 was supposed to be directed towards interdimensional stuff??
bonus points if dakavendish is canon in the second dimension
milo goes over to amanda's house to work on a project at one point and amanda already warned her parents about murphy's law and told them to baby proof their most prized possessions. they both end up taking a liking to milo and his positivity while also being slightly terrified of him. by some miracle the project does get finished but not without the typical dose of chaos and fires
an episode dedicated to bradley, mort, chad, and amanda and what they do all day when they're not actually part of the main plot
and more bradley mort chad and amanda in general I just love of all of them
more saneal!! I need them and milo to go to a dr. zone comic con together and dress up and be the gigantic loveable dorks that they are together
doofenshmirtz still needs to continue his professor time arc so he's still gotta be there ofc but give him less screen time than s2 pleaseeee. it's milo murphy's law and at the end of the day the focus should always be coming back to milo, zack, and melissa as well as dakota and cavendish
dakavendish finally gets that trip to hawaii
the murphys go on vacation for spring break and yet again total chaos ensues
more school field trips to the museum
for the sake of middle school shenanigans and continuity another sports-academics thing. I'm coining the term cherography (chess-marathon running-geography) but literally anything would be fine by me
the kids go to a public middle school so the inevitable standardized testing episode must be done
I'd love to see a school talent show or a school play episode (run by amanda and assisted by milo of course)
episode/s where melissa is just trying to go about her day with milo and zack when she suddenly disappears after getting caught up in the newest Time Travel Related plot of the week. zack and milo are confused until suddenly she and savannah reappear out of nowhere to deliver an out of context warning ("DONT GO NEAR THE DUMPSTER" or "GO BUY COTTON CANDY NOT ICE CREAM") before disappearing again to fix things
just more melissa and BOTT shenanigans in general honestly i love to see it
an episode focusing on the mml gals!! it could be brigette and sara it could be amanda and melissa and lydia it could be all of them it could be other characters but just an episode like that!
there's a mandatory science fair thing and milo and zack are partners so they decide to go with the most convenient option possible which happens to be a potato-powered lightbulb. somehow they literally flood the school gym with their potato-powered lightbulbs but as it turns out half the class didn't bother to or forgot to do their projects so they just take the lightbulbs and use those as their projects. by the end mrs. murasaki gives everyone a 'C' for functioning but unoriginal projects apart from melissa and bradley as well as amanda and joni
yeah that's all from me but first and foremost I wish mml would get renewed!!!!! for s3!!! usvfkajnfkajmfmalmdlanfms
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dominom3th · 22 days
Welcome to my Dumpster! Here is where I draw random ahh shi and or show my Undertale au called Under1% that I am working on a comic for.
Please uh, feel free to send me requests on characters youd want me to draw cause honestly im open for anything! Id also wouldn’t mind taking the sorts of requests where you ask my ocs or any other Utmv characters to do something. Who knows? Maybe they’ll get into crazy shenanigans ;)
Enough introduction or whatever- ill talk about the real reason for why this account even exists in the first place: MY AU!!!!????!?!?!?? :OOOOO NO WAY- Yes guys im creating a FLIPPIN STORY!!
An Undertale au where crazy crap happeneds. Such as: Chara and Asriel make a deal and fuse their codes together so that Asriel doesn’t become a flower. They then take on the name Clara and live inside the code of the game yet not erasing their existence entirely like Gaster did.
There, they learn to navigate the timeline and go to the future before Frisk falls to steal 6 souls and kill ALL humans. Papyrus, whos story is a little different from the og and is a royal guard trys to stop them and fails. Yet when Clara takes the souls a glitch happens with their code (and some spoilers) that cause the whole underground and all monster to go permanently to 0.5 health. Making everyone split up and distrust each other.
Once Frisk falls, it is their choice while being “guided” by Clara to either teach these monsters to trust again, or betray it. While trying to find who….they really are.
Update: i am going to be posting a small non canon comic here soon called Glitch-Sent! It’s about Cent in the Omega timeline having dreams of waking up in his old deceased timeline (now just a void) while Error shows up tryna kill him.
I update everyday a new art for Under1% so check my account once in a while theres always something new!
cent!sans ref sheet
UNDER1% Papyrus ref sheet
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fleurfay · 3 months
Writeblr Intro (cuz i forgot about this)
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AYUP everyone my name's Fleur, i'm a 19 years old woman, im cishet and painfully neurodivergent (AuDHD and MADD). Im also brazilian and christian so there's that! (Trilingual beast coming at ya!)
I've been a writer since who knows when, started to write fanfiction in the worst fandom i could've started (...the beatles), went to an amazing fandom -that turned out to not be that amazing but my writing and storytelling evolved exponentially so im grateful- to now being more focused in original works
I'm currently writing a book with my friend (@serenity-of-waffles)*, and i might probably work in scripts for comics, animations and maybe games????? Let's see-
yeah im an artist too hehehe
Genres i enjoy reading/writing: Fantasy, Scifi, Romance, Thriller/Suspense, Horror, Slice of Life, Supernatural
Here comes the lists of things i like to see in a book and that i tend to write it in my own stuff:
A good well written romance sometimes doesn't kill ^.^ (im a cliché beast, careful)
Tragic Backstory? Sign me in
Supernatural ocurrences and creatures. Analog Horror, Psychological Horror as well
Super heroes? Yes
Mythological metaphores
I write for both Youth and Adult (im a sucker for children's books they can get so dark suddenly and is amazing)
Mystery elements yesyesyes a good suspense
Deep relationships
Consequences. I love consequences.
Historical plots and period inspired fiction
Super powers, creatures, magic, a whole well made worldbuilding (Tolkien wannabe)
SOOOO what am i looking for??
FRIENDS! People to rant about my silly stories and worlds!
More writers to follow and engage and and- ykwim
Current WIPS? hmmmmm
• Eden Fables: The Inkweaver's Diary - (*NOT WRITING ALONE) So this one i won't give much detail, just know that me and my friends we're going absolutely insane over this book and the entire possible series and is our child, you're not fucking ready. The best fantasy book i ever written in my life TRUST ME. Blame Tolkien and C.S Lewis for inspiring us so much- (sorry for the vague synopsis muahahahah) A story of a boy displaced in time and space as he finds his heart and returns to his throne, finding a family along the way while dealing with the craziest adventures.
• Boreal City (future comic :O) - A retrofuturistic cyberpunk super-hero universe about many different points ot view and adventures that are actually connected (like the Marvel Comics universe or DC comics). Its being one of my favorites so far im having so much fun doing it hehe
Its very inspired by many superhero and retro-cyberpunk media, i cant count here how many hehe Synopsis (for at least one of the stories): From a family of superheroes, turned into a villain by his own demise, and disappearing for 5 years, GlitchWave makes his stupendous comeback in an unexpected redemption arc, and it all starts when he meets his brother again.....
• Gritia's Great Mystery - An amazing story about a corrupt kingdom trying to hide all evidence that god exists, aside from other...cruel crimes against certain groups of people. The aesthetic is a mix of enlightnment era, renassaice and victorian age, all together mixed with elements of thriller, romance, mystery and BIG drama. Maybe one of my most serious stories, since i wont hold back in the critics n shit
The Crown Family of Gritia, for centuries, tries to make the existence of the Mighty King, aka god, a tabboo, or even erase him from all existence, alongside his followers. Anything that goes astray the status quo is suscetible of punishment (or worse....)
That makes Spencer's life a bit complicated, even if he doesnt know abt the Mighty King's existence, he's part of a secret society...lets see where this goes right?
OOF DAMMT I SPOKE A LOT HUH SORRY IM A TALKER! Hope to find more writer friends along the way ^.^
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thesherrinfordfacility · 10 months
so i saw this post and the reply underneath it
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and what if ... god was turned mortal and born as ... agnes nutter ...
oh i love-loved that art, i know it was meant to be based on the moon meme but it's so good!!!✨ but let's get into a little bit of speculation, eh? now's a good a time as any!!!
hmm, came to earth as agnes nutter? it's an interesting thought and would be really cool, but im not entirely convinced. but agnes was absolutely meant to be a personification of god, i think that's without doubt.
but i think there might be some kind of clue as to what happened - and will happen - to god in agnes' brief but important narrative. if we take her story as a hypothetical direct parallel to god, agnes ended up being hunted down and burned on a pyre as a witch, but then did an ol' bait and switch and blew everyone and herself up (bitch behaviour, gorgeous, stunning).
but what if this is similar to what happened to god?
we know that the last canonical time her voice appears is speaking to job, when she starts challenging him on asking her questions. to me, she's essentially saying that he has no right to do so, which echoes the same kind of rhetoric that is implied by the fall. aziraphale and crowley can't seem to hear what she is saying - her voice from their perspective is muffled - and i know others have remarked that her voice sounds manufactured (like, in the narrative itself). also in job, there is a key lighting difference - heaven is swathed in golden heavenly light, compared to the stark white it is now.
however, despite the voice being fake school of thought, im inclined to believe that she is actually present. this, to me, is supported by aziraphale's dynamic in heaven; gabriel and michael obviously have the wrong end of the stick where concerns job's fate, that much is true, but i do think the general vibe is that they are a touch more collaborative with him than in s1, where it felt much more cold, and laden with subtle but aggressive superiority:
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essentially, it feels more here that they are indeed following god (obviously still immoral in doing so, but they seem so much more innocent and almost teamlike?). im possibly projecting and misinterpreting here, but i do think nonetheless there is a big difference between the character behaviour of the angels between job and 2019.
now there was this brilliant meta put forward by @amuseoffyre✨ that looked at gabriel's weird iterations when he 'remembers', and how it overlaps with what sounds like god's voice. it frankly hasn't left my brain since, because to my mind, the book of life might come into this. the theme of memory being lost, but also possibly memory being scattered, is very prevalent in s2. my thoughts on the book of life are that it essentially doesn't necessarily erase life/existence, but in the context of angels specifically erases the essence of their divinity (ie. falling) - which maybe to angels is the same as losing who they are, and by extension parts of their memory.
so what if god was written into the book of life? well im not 100% convinced that it's as simple as that - it's GO after all, it never is that simple. in any case, for what purpose she might have been written in (other than metatron essentially being machiavellian by nature but that's by the by) is similarly uncertain; i could imagine a good ol' fashioned power struggle possibly has a hand in it somewhere. but again, this just doesn't seem to be quite right.
for this next bit, where i think possibly god might have gone/done, im going to refer to nietzsche and his famous statement, "god remains dead, and we have killed him." to me, this doesn't mean that god never existed or a lack of belief in god is now absolute, but instead that other belief systems potentially will replace, and have replaced, god. now, that could be belief in science, or other theology and philosophy, or just plain belief in oneself. and the prospect is dangerous, as nietzsche also elaborates, because it's irreversible, and there will always exist the need to replace it with something in order to avoid complete nihilistic belief.
so going off of this, if god is no longer untouchable - unquestionable - where does that leave us? well, it leaves us like job; being put through trials and horrors that are being challenged for their necessity and the morality in exacting them. it starts us on the same journey as aziraphale - does god truly intend this to happen? if so, why would she? is this a system - a god - i want to trust and believe in anymore? (coincidentally, crowley on the whole, and particularly at start of s2, appears to have gone straight to the nihilistic end of the spectrum following the fall, and through his development since the fall is instead slowly working his way backwards to finding faith in something again, and meet aziraphale in the metaphorical middle).
but back to the story, and agnes: i think the above is going to be posed in s3, and would tie in narratively with what i anticipate will be a recounting of the fall. that collectively - same as the witchfinders and the village did to agnes - humanity and heaven and hell may start to question the power behind god, and whether god herself can be challenged in her plan, the morality and ethics of it, and what it means for true free will. the only issue is, i think, is that in god possibly having retreated after job, because that's when that line of questioning kind of started amongst her people and amongst her angels, metatron has rushed to fill the vacuum and pretends that he is still acting in her name.
the conclusion i come to after all this ridiculous rambling is this: i think that god did intend to step back from heaven, but didn't leave anything to fill the void - hence the absolute chaos that has ensued since. i think she has surrendered herself over to the allegorical pyre, seen it coming and has accepted that her death - the loss of blind faith in her - is needed for humanity to progress.
maybe the last thing she'll do is a bait and switch; who that metaphorical mix of gunpowder and roofing nails will hit, and why, i don't know...
or maybe it won't happen at all, and this is where the parallel diverges from agnes' story? actually reaching a peaceful and acceptable ending, where free will will actually flourish and determinism borne of her omniscience will dwindle into nothing?
if you or anyone made it to this point, well-bloody-done because that was A Lot!!!✨
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roobylavender · 6 months
im not sure your take on this but god now that age charts are being brought up it really fucking weirds me out the ages bruce pursues a relationship with talia and selina, its not necessarily the age gap but more so the maturity level. if it were later on in the girls life yet you keep the same age gap i’d be more okay with it but…idk the fact that selina is NINETEEN like to a 26 yr old would that not just be a. teenager to them ?? shes so young. same with talia
i mean to be fair to selina i think people get her timeline mixed up often esp because the long halloween is more prominent on batman reading lists than is her early post-crisis reading. the late 80s were used to revitalize selina with a new origin before she was inevitably thrust back into the present-day canon of tim's tenure. so there's a whole decade or so of her life after she first donned the costume that we were hardly privy to (with the exception of a few stories), but that was implied by writers to have been fairly isolated in the sense that selina's interactions with bruce were neither constant nor often. she led her own life and lived in her own corner of the world and survived, etc., and maybe a handful of times did their paths cross on the bigger heists albeit ultimately without much consequence (e.g., mindy newell's little bird story in the 80th anniversary spectacular). once 90s dc canon generally started to take on a more universal, event-focused quality writers integrated selina into the main batman storylines and began developing the romance between them consistently while they were both well into adulthood
what the long halloween did in comparison is make a mess of all of that progression because it not only rewrote selina's late 80s origin but also depicted her in reference to the more powerful character she'd become by the time it was published in the late 90s. so loeb's selina is less a 19/20 year old prostitute with a whole worldview to develop and more a seasoned socialite with a concrete goal and specific skillset honed presumably over the years. they're two entirely distinct characters and the 00s canon that followed increasingly took more from loeb than it did newell to the point that i think most new batman readers believe the long halloween is the definitive origin story even though it is very much not and only became heralded as such due to its overwhelming popularity. ultimately, on one hand you have the early post-crisis canon which set bruce and selina apart for a large part of their masked life and only began to concretely develop anything between them maybe ten or more years after the fact. on the other hand you have the long halloween canon which set them up as something akin to equals from the get-go and erased the existence of the original power imbalance entirely. and then you also have brubaker who tried to meld the two somewhat but like i said earlier ultimately pandered more to loeb's characterization even though he made his foundation out of newell's narrative skeleton. all of this to say: i don't think there are necessarily huge issues in their relationship as pertains to age if you distinguish the various timelines. but there certainly are issues as pertains to social class
talia in comparison is obv a lot trickier. i always go back and forth on whether i want to designate her as 26 or 22 upon debut. obv 26 would be the (somewhat) nicer option and there's plenty of evidence as to denny's research work being poor when it comes to the al ghuls. he may very well have believed that medical school is an institution you attend after undergraduate school in egypt the way we do here in the states. but the truth of the matter is that a lot of countries don't operate the way we do and actually allow you to attend a specialized / graduate school straight out of high school. such is the case for a career in medicine in egypt. and then on top of it all.. i honestly do think there is racist exoticization at play with the creation of talia's character. the older white savior paired with the considerably younger exotic heroine is a tried and tested trope across decades! one of talia's hallmarks upon debut was her universal sex appeal to the point that it's all people talked about in the comment columns at the time. and of course there was a very sexualized aspect to her relationship with bruce in general as depicted by neal adams. so it's hard not to come away with that reading of her character and even harder not to try to reconcile it with her very unforgiving treatment thereafter
which is why i'm as much upset by the age gap as i am honestly interest-piqued by it. bc it sucks on its face for sure. but with the right amount of care it is a really powerful lens through which to analyze talia as a character over time. her initial powerlessness to the two men in her life, her increasing emotional and physical isolation, her susceptibility to abuse, her constant experience with abandonment, etc. like would someone so young not become bitter over time at having to be left alone to fend for herself so often while the men simply get to go on? whatever the tragedy of their relationship bruce always gets to go back to a home. he always gets to go back to alfred or dick or jason or whoever else. but who does talia have? in a world where every interaction between bruce and her father emotionally bludgeons the latter to the point of delirious possessiveness, where does she go? who does she turn to? she has absolutely no one. and she has to be the one who finally makes the decision to break off on her own bc she's so tired of never feeling like she has any power. the fact that she goes through all that she does in pre-00s canon before she even turns 30 is so insane! and if any writer had bothered to dwell on that fact then we might have seen her receive far more empathetic storytelling than she actually does. i very much think a huge reason as to why her character assassination was so easy for writers to indulge in is bc they never recognized how much she was a victim
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kenshimybeloved · 7 months
Hi! I love your posts! I thoughts to share!
So I was listening to Kenshi's clash intros and I was focused on the language Kenshi uses in the line "her name was Suchin."
The word here is "WAS," his canonal baby mama is, for whatever reason, not in the picture. So Kenshi IS single and canon Johnshi is not off the table yet--my delusional era lives another day!
Also, it makes me wonder if this means Takada is already around. My current working theory is that he is and that Cassie is too, just that her mother is Cris in this timeline. I really hope this is the case.
I love being delusional literally until one of them dies I am going to hold out hope that they’re endgame 🙏🙏🙏
So my working theory that I don’t really have much evidence for other than I think it *might* work with what they’ve given us so far is that Takeda has already been born bc we’re getting him in a DLC pack (which isn’t concrete that he’s canon, just kinda would be weird of them to create him just to ignore his existence later on and then randomly bring him back as a playable but not canon character), but as for Cassie im not really sure. I think maybe when (or IF) they introduce Sonya to the storyline she’ll have already had Cassie (my only evidence for this is that she looks EXACTLY like Cassie in MK11, so if they wanted to reuse Cassie’s face model they look related). The only problem is age- Sonya looks super young to already have even an 18 year old (which im assuming would be the lowest age they’d go for a playable character). Even with Kenshi and Takeda- im not sure if they ever say his age but im assuming early 30s, so maybe they really ARE just kinda letting us play as Takeda just because they can and it has nothing to do with the story. Or it’s entirely possible they’re gonna give us the Kombat kids and erase the fact that they were originally the children of already existing characters and make them related in a different way (like maybe Sonya and Cassie are sisters and Takeda is Kenshis nephew or something). Really really really hope we get them back bc I love them but I’m not super hopeful unfortunately :,((( I’m just gonna keep reading Johnshi fics where they adopt Cassie and Takeda later on and manifest 🙏🙏🙏
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year
Heinkel Astrea himself >:D
Sexuality Headcanon: i think it could be one of several possibilities. he could be straight... he could be on the aroace spectrum... he could be bi and not even know... but we do know what he is for certain..... hes louannasexual................................................
A ship I have with said character: heinkel/louanna PLS THEYRE MARRIED OKAY......... louanna really looked at the astrea family Baggage and still went "im still gonna marry this man <3".... and like the way heinkel speaks about louanna T^TT "reinhard is me and louannas treasure..." "dont take away louannas way home"... LIKE FUCK MAN..... heinkel may be a piece of shit now but he took like those marriage vows of like in sickness and in health SERIOUSLY. its been like twenty years and hes been searching for a cure for louanna all this time. it drives me BONKERS...
A BROTP I have with said character: ......................im pretty sure you know what im gonna say LMAO. YEAH. YEAH. ROWAN AND HEINKEL?? ROWAN IS THE BEST POSSIBLE BROTP THAT COULDVE EVER HAPPENED FOR HEINKEL. deadbeat alcoholic dads of extremely powerful teenage sons club??? theyre literally insane. i love how they first meet because its the most pathetic thing ever. like rowan just seeing heinkel half-dead in some ditch and just deciding to help this random ass guy??? rowan dragging heinkel away like when you grab a cat by its scruff??? heinkel going "this guy is smiling at me but its not mocking... i dont know what the fuck it means" because heinkel doesnt know what fucking FRIENDLINESS is anymore...... theyre insane. im excited for the development thats gonna come out of them meeting. they foil so much T^T
A NOTP I have with said character: anyone other than louanna :((((((((((((((( pls..... pls dont separate them shes already in a coma :((((((((((((((((((((((((( ......except ill make an exception for rowan and heinkel because. they have 95 mental illnesses and theyre ALWAYS making it everyone elses problem... theyd be so horrible together and i can only see it happening if theyre drunk and the world is literally gonna end. they are Terrible. but they Would be entertaining...
A random headcanon: heinkel gets sober in all the timelines where wilhelm is erased <33 because its like. wilihelm gets erased, heinkel and reinhards relationship is better, so its like.... things are a little better for heinkel now. obviously his whole complex feelings on reinhard are either lessened or erased entirely, but i also feel like heinkel got at least Some of his insecurities because of how wilhelm probably was as a dad. and bc wilhelms gone - WELP nice going heinkel half of your insecurities are gone!! so, well, maybe heinkel wants to be fully sober and present for reinhard now. he wants to be in reinhards life as his dad...
General Opinion over said character:
if i met him irl i would immediately pull a pridebaru and poison heinkel's drink. HOWEVER, i am also screaming and crying over heinkel's heartbreaking tragic corruption arc where he goes from a very earnest and hardworking person whos trying his best with all the shitty cards handed to him. and then he turns into *GESTURES TO PRESENT DAY HEINKEL*
i need him to get his shit together and have the most GRUELING, PAINFUL, NAIL BITING redemption arc of all time. he's just so fucking pathetic 24/7 it's like... like im sitting here and reading every scene hes in and im going, god hes like one of those sad dirty exhausted stray dogs you see backed into a corner and theyre just like growling and snapping at everything that comes close. like we vaguely know that its Possible for him to get his shit together at least a little bit (see: pride if), and we Know that heinkel used to be a very affectionate person to louanna and reinhard, and the fact that tappei said he'd make heinkel the mc if subaru didnt exist indicates that heinkels Probably gonna have some insane development, especially given the debut of the rowan-heinkel dynamic... i cant wait for it T^TT i just like how hes Terrible... but hes also clearly very human. what a well-written character. i hope he goes for anime onlys kneecaps in season three.
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I want to erase the entire teen wolf movie from my brain. WHAT WAS TAHT???
All of this and not even mentioning the terrible directing in this movie. None of it moved smoothly at all like ot was weird to watch and even the acting was bad like all around this was a shit movie.
They gave us literally nothing we wanted. The only okay thing in this movie was Eli and having Scallison back, but not even they could save this movie. I kind of wish they had never made it and so I'm going to try to pretend that I've never seen it and that it doesn't exist.
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yumikeki · 5 months
How I'd go about reintroducing Mephiles back into Sonic lore(sorta)
So this isn't going to be super structured, its gonna be really rambly but its basically cuz i'm repeating the whole thought process I had while looking stuff up, brainstorming etc so sorry if it gets a bit long, so I'll put design stuff and the whole thing under a keep reading link. Got it? Good. Lets uh, do this.
So to go back to the very beginning, the sonic channel poll. That was a wild time haha. When i first saw it I wasn't initially interested in Mephiles. I would've voted for Vector or Sonicman tbh. But seeing people talking about how cool it would be to reintroduce a character that got wiped out of existence made it a bit more entertaining to me. Which made it suck a little more that he didnt win. But hey, im not complaining about Sonicman, good for him. But that got me thinking about how difficult it would be to reintroduce Mephiles. After all, he came from a very infamous game that still leaves scars in Sonic's history, and having him just come back when his whole story revolved around a game that ppl do not want back is tricky. At least with Silver they rewrote his future a bit, and Blaze already had lore. Elise might still exist but they can mention Soleanna without having to explore too much of its past game story. Mephiles was pivotal to a plot that Sega does not want to bring back. So, i don't think they'd want to bring him back in his initial form. I also think they're trying to stray from the god stuff Sonic 06 brought into the series(besides the End).
But then I thought about IDW's canon. Where its almost sorta filler, it'll acknowledge the games but the game will only reference its characters and story in passing(so far). IDW would probably be the best place to put Mephiles so that he gets an arc without it affecting the mainline games, but still exist. Still I think we need to go further in. Solaris was not only killed in the future, but erased from existence in the beginning. Existence was rewritten to what it is now, how to you bring back a character that was not only killed, but erased? Well for the killed part, what about reincarnation? Weakened to a mortal form with lesser powers(still reminiscent of the past, but not to the time manipulation powers it once was. Essentially, mostly just the shadow powers with some new perks, but no time travel or time god powers). There can be many ways to introduce a reincarnated character, but I have an idea in mind ill elaborate on later. Next, for the erased part. Well, my idea was, why not use Null Space? Maybe what Eggman assumed was a realm created by the Phantom Ruby was actually a pocket dimension where things that didnt make sense in the new reality were put into. It has so little lore and its not very explored, rewriting it a tad wouldn't be a big deal. There was things in Null Space, despite it being described as a place of nothingness. Everything that was from the 06 reality that couldnt fit neatly into the new one was put into this pocket dimension that's essentially the void. Thats where "Mephiles" has been this entire time.
Back to the reincarnation bit, having a character like this means that while this character is in fact Mephiles, it also sorta isn't. I think this grey line where it brings back Mephiles but can be its own character in time would help ppl feel more confident in bringing him back. He wont be 100% the same, but he still has those qualities that made him seem so cool in the first place. Cold, manipulative, and destructive. Trying to always be one step ahead of others.
My idea of bringing Mephiles back would be in the form of a child. Why? Well when I think of being reverted to a weakened state, i sometimes default to children. Children also represent untapped potential, the ability to grow and change, and be easily influenced by their environment. For a character that beckons to the past but also has the ability to grow beyond it, being a child makes sense to me thematically. Also the idea of the edgy, cold merciless personality being in the body of a child is endearing to me. I actually designed a hedgehog form for this character that's supposed to harken back to Mephiles' initial form, but look like his own person. Its not what I think is the ideal form for the character, but hey i tried. My tablet broke tho so its only a doodle.
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I like the straightjacket look of it, and it's loosely based on the scepter of darkness because this body is a mortal cage for Mephiles' soul. Its supposed to look like a creepy edgy kid, Mephiles himself is kinda offputting in that way anyways. Might simplify the little thorn spikes from the shoes or waist, or remove em entirely. The coat is also supposed to cover his body markings, in case one would want to keep his identity a bit of a surprise, initially. The claws are summoned, not inherently a part of his body. Looks like Mephiles' hands, just bigger. Also partially inspired by Sig from Puyo Puyo.
Since this is Mephiles-but-sorta-not, he needed a new name. I wanted to keep it close to the original Mephiles while still having its own identity, so I did research. And uh, it was probably very obvious for most but he's supposed to symbolize both God and the devil? So Mephiles is short for Mephistopheles from Faust, which also became another name for Satan. Iblis was a demon in the Islamic tradition that is also another name for Satan somewhat. And Solaris, which is a name that harkens to the sun(being a sun and time god), also harkens to Satan's original name Lucificer(meaning light-bringer/bearer, keep that in mind). Plus with the 6's of different features in the first phase and then turning into an angel of light in the final, its kinda obvious who Mephiles is supposed to represent. Well, besides also being a fusion of the concept of God, for relating to light and time. On a side note, looking into a game ive played but had no interest in, Sonic 06 really was supposed to be such an ambitious game. It had all these plot intricacies, metaphors, and the weight of fighting a god was supposed to be really heavy. It was supposed to be the biggest fight in Sonic history. The biggest bad who ever bad-ded. It was meant to be so important. It was probably obvious to most, but it was only by looking into it that I got an appreciation for 06. Its just a shame that it ended up how it did. But anyways, back to names. So I wanted to follow the same theme as Mephiles, Iblis, and Solaris, being that they are all names for the Devil. Lucifer was considered the original name for the Devil, but I dont want to be that obvious. Well, i looked into the name, and Lucifer actually had greek origins with i believe the God of Venus. Well, another name for the god of Venus was Phosphorus(which guess what, also means light-bringer!). So i shortened it, and behold, the new name is Phos. So we have a design and a name! Whats the story?
Well, I don't have everything planned out, but I did have a few bullet points I'll post here:
Reincarnation of Mephiles, stripped of divine power but has his shadow manipulation still 
Lives in the Null Void from Forces(the Null Void is actually a pocket of space created when the original reality deleted itself.)
When Sonic enters and escapes Null Void, Phos leaves as well. 
Has no memories, bumps into sonic and co 
Wants to learn who he is, gets attached to sonic due to familiarity
Hates shadow, like original counterpart
Shadow does not trust him at all, and Sonic is suspicious but hey, they dont know who Mephiles is anyways. The kid looks sketchy but hes also abandoned and amnesiac, it would feel pretty bad to beat up a child. Maybe not for Shadow lol.
Has extreme empathy, but no sympathy: Is able to read people to an inhuman degree and reflect their emotions like a mirror due to lacking individuality(initially)
Starts off as cold and emotionless, incredibly manipulative due to the ability to detect the feelings of his target. 
Ends up living with Vanilla and Cream as compromise(its really funny that Cream befriends a demon baby)
He does good things and makes friends not cuz he wants to, but because he figures making allies and doing what he can so they dont kick him out will help out more in the long run. When he messes up and his morality is questioned, hes able to barely stay by putting things in his favor and talking it out.
Maybe initially tries to manipulate Sonic, but later learns of the strength of his character.
Gradually not only understands the emotions of others, but begins to absorb them as well, gaining his own feelings based on the ideals of the people in his life, primarily Sonic, Shadow, and Silver(the three who killed him in the first place)
Eventually learns about the truth, plots to regain his other half and reach his deity status somehow
Maybe ties into targeting Blaze for her fire powers? Could be related to what happened to Iblis after the reset.
When he realizes he wants to be his own person and choose his life, its too late and he's becoming Mephiles. 
Sonic and co go to save him, fight ensues, Phos helps from inside his own shattered mind, and is eventually able to revert back to normal, keeping his weakened powers but is not inherently evil or empty anymore. Still kinda cold and crafty but he's doing it for good(or what he believes in good, kinda stubborn like Shadow).
Joins the cast as a regular character. 
So for his powers, I kinda simplified them into a few things:
Shadow manipulation powers. Absorbs shadows, can merge into shadows to hide or teleport between them. Maybe the shadow balls come back, not sure. Can make shadow-y clones too.
Crystalline powers. Harkens back to his past body. Is able to make claws out of a crystal like substance and slash at things. Maybe can shoot them like projectiles too.
Idk if he'd keep his ability to morph into other peoples appearances though. IDW already has that one guy and its not like Mephiles made exact copies. Plus he already has his own body. Considering that Phos is meant to be somewhat empty inside and reflects the emotions of his peers, it could be fitting. Maybe when he becomes more introspective he shifts into the appearances of other characters when he thinks about them. idk.
But uh yea that was everything i had written down(i made notes based on the late night brainworms I was getting that lasted a couple of hours. This was the fruit of that labor haha.) I'm not saying this is the perfect way of bringing him back, its possible people will be upset with this version or not prefer it, but hey i like it so its gotta mean something. Technically by writing this down it kinda guarantees SEGA would not use it anyways, so its not important anyways. I might keep this as my own oc and doodle more concepts of this schemer demon baby in the future though, I think it's really neat. The idea of having a powerful small child with emotionless whims that you pray stays on your side is very cool to me, and this whole thing was fun practice anyways. I hope you guys have a good one, if you have any critiques or ideas you'd like to share id love to hear it. Just uh, be nice to me please lol. I'm trying my best. But yea that's it, thanks for entering my brainstorming personal hell.
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hollisofficial · 11 months
49 and 50 for the OC ask game 😎
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes
100% cena, whos entire existence is based around a meme from jr high. hes since became an actual oc with his own serious story, but his roots still remain and i continue to only make fun of him and redraw him over memes. his seriousness can continue to live in only my head.
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alternatively: geb, who, if they knew what memes were, would fucking love them.
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50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want
UNFORTUNATE FOR YOU im going to talk abt ttt. forever.
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for background: ttt and a decent chunk of other characters only fit into my (human oc) stories via a character named jeanie who can see ghosts. i know. marry sue but i am free<3
ok!! so, ttt is a ghost and hes the second oldest ghost in the story (time on earth wise). my story is set in the way future of (maybe) this world, and ttt is introduced around the time that theres a giant nuclear war and subsequent fallout. while he was alive he was a doomsday prepper which was (for the time) rightfully so. he spends about 5 years living down in a bunker eating a shit ton of shelf stable doomsday prepper stuff. as you can imagine living alone in a concrete hole for years didnt treat him very well mentally, but thats besides the point for now. it will all be erased once he becomes a ghost (and replaced with more trauma). at any rate, he ends up running out of food/water earlier than planned and has to wander out into the wasteland to try to find supplies. he doesnt last too long out there (havent decided on a time but probably a little less than a year). he gets stabbed in the remains of a walmart over a can of beans. and ends up dying.
ttt becomes a ghost! in this universe when people become ghosts its usually for a reason (think unfinished business, need to atone, or have some grander purpose type stuff) but for whatever reason t just got fucked over and wasnt actually supposed to become a ghost. his ghost-ness coincides with a time period where a lot of fucked up things are happening with the deities that are in charge of the solar system and at the time the deities that controlled things like death + fate were MIA. so all in all ttt becoming a ghost was genuinely just a glitch in the system type thing.
because of this ttt is. interesting as a ghost. unlike all other ghosts he doesnt really have an appearance. instead hes just vaguely brown/gray humanoid (ignore the ttt sign on him for now, thats not part of his appearance and i'll get to that later). additionally, t cant remember a single thing about his time as a human nor what his name is, hence the name ttt. i know what his human name is but thats secret information not in the story. most importantly to t's story is that he cant be seen by 99.9% of other ghosts.
the reason behind this fact has to do with the weird mechanics of being a ghost. it kind of works like channels or levels on a tv. when you become a ghost youre randomly given a handfull of 'channels' you can access and this ties into certain powers that ghosts can have. for example: being able to touch a ouija board or mess with radio-frequencies would require you to have access to those two channels- not all ghosts can do so. almost everything runs on channels, even just simple things like 'have an appearance' and 'being seen by others' and 'see others'. theres also an insane number of duplicate channels, so for example one ghost could have quite a large number of 'being seen by others' channels which allows them to be seen by a large number of ghosts that share those channels. conversely, (in ttts case) he only has a few 'being seen by others' channels and quite a few 'see others' so basically he can see other ghosts, but they cant see or interact with him. sorry that was longwinded but i love my ghost mechanics. theres more to the mechanics via a ranking tier system but for the sake of brevity i WILL NOT BE GETTIN INTO THAT.
at any rate. because of weird ghost mechanics and because t was fucked up and wasnt supposed to be a ghost, he cant be seen by almost anybody, but he can still see them. as you can imagine this is horrible. ttt spends centuries wandering through the post-nuked world as a ghost trying to find other ghosts to interact with. as the centuries go on he just slowly loses hope more and more and bitterly resigns himself to the fact that he'll never be able to interact with people in the way that he wants. (small sidenote: despite ttt not having baseline/low level channels like being seen, he does have some fairly high level channels that let him interact with the physical world (think like typical poltergeist stuff like throwing small objects ect). this ofc is not a very good substitute for being able to interact with people).
so anyway, ttt spends centuries being functionally alone again. kinda meant to mirror his time in the bunker. resigning to not being able to mess with anything, ttt just tends to pass the time people watching and trying to entertain himself other ways. one day hes people watching and happens upon a literal murder (theres more to this bc its someone elses story but i wont get too detailed bc its edgy emo). this ofc isnt the first time t's seen something like this and (being a touch bitter abt his unable-to-interact-with-anybody situation), t basically just watches and once the murdered guy's ghost drags himself outta the river t just starts roasting the new ghost for being stupid and getting murdered, thinking he cant be seen or heard.
unfortunately this is the first ghost that can actually see and hear ttt.
the new ghost (whos name is perry) is basically just like. (status: doesnt know hes dead or whats happening) HUH?? WH?? WHO ARE YOU?? ttt proceeds to freak the fuck out bc HOLY SHIT THE FIRST PERSON WHO CAN SEE AND HEAR ME?!? WHAT?!? hes completely elated and brain short circuiting at the same time, so hes falling over his words and trying to explain things and say sorry for being a dick to him (thats the least thing perrys worried about). amongst the confusion perry somehow gets it into his head that ttt is his guardian angel because hes some like shapeless entity that appeared after perry (apparently??) died (perry voice: wh huh what do you mean i got shot???).
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they speedrun getting to know each other bc ttts just railroading the conversation bc hes so excited and perrys still on like “my name… its perry right..?” brain . perry sticks with t for a while (still assuming hes his guardian or smth) but it literally only takes like half a night for perry to realize like . ok maybe im wrong . (ttt hotwires a car and drives the two of them around before crashing it [another pastime] and thats when perry kinda decides like . no i dont think this guy is an angel.) (during the carride perry also keeps phasing thru the seat + out of the car bc he cant do ghost stuff yet) (also ttts able to hotwire + drive the car bc touching irl stuff to an extent is one of his aforementioned powers).
oh also, the name ttt came from perry and t's first interaction. perry asked what t's name was and t (who didnt know his name) just made something up on the spot and ttt it was.
after that the two of them just end up constantly being together (bc perry really hasnt met anyone else yet so he doesnt exactly like, know theres others out there . and t is ofc not leaving perrys side). it is very evident that ttt is basically attached at perrys hip and VERY afraid to lose him. i mean, perrys the first person who hes been able to talk to for literal centuries and now that ttt has that lifeline hes clutching to it for dear life.
the more they get to know each other t opens up and lets perry know that like . yea youre the first person thats been able to see me and ive KIIIINDA been alone and unable to interact with anyone for a few thousand years . no big deal or anything (<-guy whos brain was becoming mush from lack of interaction). perry starts to understand just everything t must have been through + why he acts so.. like that. he assures t that theres no way he would leave t behind.
i dont have very much for what the two of them did between their meeting and the current timeline in the story, but basically the two of them fuck around for 400 years or so. sometime during that time perry finds a super old (prewar) magazine ad for fiji and the two of them decide they wanna go. so now their thing is perry constantly is trying to teleport (one of his powers) them to fiji but he cant bc fiji doesnt exist anymore and he keeps (unknowingly) teleporting them to the remnants of old fiji water bottles. theyre on like a mission to find fiji.
eventually, one of such teleporting incidents lead them to meeting the character jeanie by chance, who, by the power of I Say So (and a whole nother plot i wont get into), can see ghosts. perry and t end up staying with jeanie as well as a couple of other ghosts that hang with jeanie (their names ade hummingbird and ekr). the five of them become very found family. the rest of their story becomes the group getting wrapped up in/uncovering weird deity politics and subsequently trying to change jeanie and his friend pattersons fate and keep them from dying.
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oh yeah, and the ttt thing on ttt's head is a floating apparition of a stickynote that perry controls so the other two ghosts can tell where ttt is.
more doodles:
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cannibalcaprine · 1 year
I need your opinion on a concept and I'm too lazy to pop over to my other acc for a brief minute so anon it is.
OKAY SO, I'm having these ideas that essentially summarize thusly:
The son of a high ranking Cadian, witnessing his parents' murder and being drug off to the Schola Progenium, trained up proper, runs into a psyker who more or less copies down the most important parts of his past before he's totally brainwashed into the perfect commissar. After some years, those since-erased memories get planet back in his skull, along with the knowledge of what was done to him and why these memories weren't there (or were they never there in the first place? there's no way to tell [suspicious looking winky face]), creating a rift between him and his duties to those he's supposed to be loyal to. This is supposed to be part of an epic revenge plan by a rogue psyker (or maybe a group of them) that he's unaware of because I haven't written that part out yet. This sexy nuclear bitchfit winds up carrying out said revenge, slipping off the face of the map for a while, and that's where we pick up with Commissar Shithat! ...Or did he survive...? Because records record that a commissar who attempted to carry out an immense act of treason was killed in the midst of the attempt (whether before or after achieving the main goal is unknown), so perhaps there's something else, something entirely more heinous and demonic, that decided to wear the dead commissar's face for ease of mingling amongst and corrupting humans? Maybe, as prone to violence as it is, it's even an aspect of Khorne itself, or maybe it's just another asshole demon, maybe still, the imperial records are totally falsified and he escaped? Who can say for certain?
The orange part is the part I'm wanting your opinion on, so what say ye? Any answer's a good one, because even I'm aware of how far fetched this might actually be in the grand scheme of things.
I'm sorry I keep bugging you with absurdities, but you're one of the only people I know who's into 40k, and of the two, you seem the most knowledgeable. <3
it reads sorta like something the inquisition would censor to keep the imperial creed intact, and makes sure the general public of the imperium doesn't know about the existence of daemons
an important part of how daemons work in 40k is that they're part of the Warp, they're made of emotion and metaphor the same way humans are made of energy and matter, and since they're part of the Warp instead of part of Realspace, they can't exist very long in our universe without a host
so you can't have a long-term daemonic presence without an effort to make sure it stays, so for a Khornate daemon, it may to keep a consistent schedule of murder and bloodshed
assuming the whole memory reimplantation left a sort of psychic imprint on the commissar, a daemon may have forced itself into his body, and could then cause whatever mutations you get nasty
i hope that made sense, since im going to bed
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Good morning/afternoon/evening! Three things:
If Crowley is crucified Jesus does that make Aziraphale Judas? You sort of touched on the option in your Fall spec but what about if it's referring to something in s3's modern scenes?
I don't really want the time travel/Book of Life/unreliable narrator theory to be true - I love unreliable narrators, so that could work depending on how it's done, I suppose... but in general I feel like that'd retcon too much of this season? - but I'm beginning to think there could be something to it. It's not just the okay-human-hair-does-grow sideburns and the well-there-could-have-been availability-issues-maybe-Crowley-just-changed-his-style sunglasses which you could handwave away. The shape of his Resurrectionist sideburns and the length of his Job hair seem to change as well - you know, the fricken fake hair that someone needed to deliberately change? There's *something* strange going on...
I forgot to save a link to a - I think Google Docs - meta picking apart the opening sequence and now I've lost it. I was wondering/hoping maybe you or one of your followers knew where it was or even just where I could look? Thank you!
Oh wait, four things. Thanks for all your amazing speculation, it's really enjoyable to read. And I'm glad you said you think season 3 will happen because I have no doubt it'll good but I'd feel much better if it was confirmed, so it's nice to see people being optimistic about it!
good afternoon anon!!!☀️ (afternoon for me, anyway!!!) and thank you so much, it's honestly always so nice to hear that my screams into what feels like a void sometimes do actually land somewhere!!!
re: google doc, the only one im aware of is the Magic Trick You Didn't See analysis, but not sure if this is what you're after... can anyone else help?
as for the rest of your ask: couple of tasty things to talk about here, so let's goooo!!!
i think it could be an interesting concept, aziraphale choosing to betray AWCW pre-fall in the interest of protecting - in his mind - the sanctity of heaven. it certainly would be a fitting bridge, imo, in tone and atmosphere between the pre-fall scene and the wall of eden scene. that being said, i think the analogy would have to be handled quite delicately given the general belief that judas was motivated by greed, or political gain*, and im not entirely convinced that GO would be influenced so literally by scripture, even if allegorically - aziraphale = judas / crowley = jesus could feel a bit... on the nose.
*though, if you consider psalms and john, there is the understanding that jesus chose judas as one of his disciples in order to fulfil prophecy which given that i anticipate there will be a further exploration of free will in GO, this could have fascinating Implications✨
but the thing is: the above only really works narratively, in my opinion, if there is an element of unreliable narratorship and memory modification. if crowley remembered that aziraphale hypothetically dobbed him in, i can't quite believe he would be so cordial, or seem as innocent, as he was on the wall. that, to me, screams that he doesn't remember all of the fall specifically (and his conflicting/piecemeal recollections of why and how he fell in s1 would make sense), at which point there would need to be an element of memory erasure.
as for the source of the memory erasure (and anon, im writing this on the assumption that you haven't read all of my musings, so forgive me if im repeating shit youve already read!), this is where i think i think the BOL comes in. i think the whole wording around 'cease to exist' - upon being erased from the BOL - potentially refers to angels losing memories of their angelic self.
however, the issue with this is that we have crowley and beelzebub both remember snippets of their time as angels (funnily enough, when talking about 'extreme sanctions' to frighten the younger angels). so, whether the BOL in fact erases memory, or if instead it erases angelic grace, i think regardless it has to have something to do with the sentence of falling.
im not a huge fan of memory-wipe plot devices for the same reason you've said - i think it removes too much character accountability - but the allusions to it in respect of crowley in s2 are too much to ignore, so there must be a grain of truth to it. and we know heaven has the power to do it - they outright plan to erase gabriel's memories in ep6.
all of that being said, however - i personally don't subscribe to the 'metatron has been fucking about with reality and memory and has been rewriting it using the BOL' theory. personally (and this doesn't mean i wouldnt be 100% on board with it if it turns out to be the case), i think it's a little too convoluted, even if it does explain the sideburn/hair length/sunglasses shenanigans.
i hasten to add here that even i am not fully behind my own time-travel batshit theory, because it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense and is similarly ridiculously convoluted, but i do think there has to be an in-story explanation for these discrepancies (ie. it's nothing to do with wardrobe choices or dt's filming schedule).
the fact that only (iirc) crowley is affected by this weirdness however is compelling, because lbr; who would care enough about crowley himself for there to be any fuckery where his specific narrative is concerned? well, that only leaves aziraphale and crowley himself*.
i have to admit that i need to examine the job and resurrectionist minisodes closer to see which specific scenes show the discrepancies (and possibly look at the 1941 minisode to boot), but the thing is - we know that crowley has the power to affect time. messing about with his own timeline, possibly in a bid to protect aziraphale (?) or prevent him going back to heaven, would account for a lot of his lines and his decisions in s2, and to my mind would account also for the very suspicious colour grading in s2: what is posed as a non-diegetic might in fact be the opposite, and the reason why we're seeing so much yellow and red grading is because it is all literally influenced by crowley's power himself... essentially, we could be seeing a colour signature of his power.
*i know metatron could be in this list; he obviously remembers him and bears a grudge, but im not convinced at this point that he is that threatened by him. he is able to separate crowley and aziraphale rather easily by social engineering - i think timeline/reality manipulation would be a bit overkill...
alternatively (and i can't take credit for this, this was my bf*), could it be that aziraphale in his new status as supreme archangel goes back to try and prevent AWCW falling? crowley rejects his offer of restoration (quite rightly), but aziraphale wants to prevent the pain that follows his fall, fully believing that he didn't deserve it, and goes back to the pre-fall scene to prevent AWCW asking questions?
that would explain in some sense why aziraphale seems to have a concept of punishment during this scene (when, to my mind, there's not currently any firm narrative explanation as to why he should). obviously it doesn't work, aziraphale fucking about with time - and trying to influence/retcon past free will - and AWCW is made to fall as punishment on aziraphale (hence scapegoating AWCW). this in turn would explain why crowley doesn't seem to know why he fell; he 'only asked questions'.
*both bf and i understand that there are a lot of loopholes in this (we were just spitballing about your ask, anon!) and im personally not sold on it because of what it could implicate for the wider narrative, plus it doesn't quite make sense re: the colour grading, the changes in crowley's appearance etc, but it is a valid speculation and could hold some weight... would probably need to think on it more to see if it is more plausible than im currently giving it credit for!!!
just a couple of ideas, and nothing that i firmly believe!!! i think one of these days, because all of my speculations link in together, i might need to write it all up into one long essay - but until that day, i love answering asks like this that make me think more on themes and allegory, and speculate on s3 - frankly, still in the wake of s2, it's what's keeping me going!✨
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ffxiv 5.3 + role quest finale
lol ryne and alisaie are so short.
yeah got spoiled on azem like immediately. wow eli was there for the hades fight and didn't even help hades. like bro we were dying you totally could have sniped us. oh hey g'raha is glowing and more crystallized. you can also clearly see the different in the face crystal which is a blue texture that doesn't have any of the light qualities of actual crystal. bro's getting eaten alive by the tower. bro you are permanently turning to crystal from overwork, that's a big deal. your last plan was to kill yourself, im not thrilled about your new secret plan.
why the hell is the scions room pitch black. why the spendor's kitchen i don't want to owe rowena nothing, and there's literally a kitchen on the other side of the wall in the bar
the sharlayans have british taste buds. there's fish in the bread! that could be good actually like shrimp crackers and fish cakes are tasty but like european style bread? weird.
yeah they went wild with the metaphysics with the crystal exarch. I assume he's not having aetheric instability because either his summoning/travel method is different or the tower is stabilizing him.
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i was thinking about this earlier thicc souls and if the pieces must always add up to 14. because with g'raha now there might be 15/14 pieces of his ancient, which means that with timetravel theoretically there could be infinite pieces of an ancient, like if someone pulled a xehanort 13 seekers. that or timetravelling g'raha pulled essence from all the existing pieces in this timeline. there's also nothing to say that everything must be in 1/14 sized pieces, via dharmic tradition maybe that dog has 1/124489 an azem piece. and let's be real the writers are making it up as they go and remake the story pieces previous writers put down. so in the end it doesn't matter. it'll whatever the newest batch of writers want it to be.
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the devs are pushing the idea that the two g'raha's are the same person but I don't think it's so simple. They do line up in that their memories do not contradict each other. up until the sealing of the crystal tower their memories are the same (assuming this actually is a diverging timelines situation), after that one g'raha's memories end the other's continues 100 ish years on the First. Which then brings up the nature of souls in ffxiv which the writers probably don't know and even if someone wrote something down the next batch would just ignore that. because if you think of memories like percentages the g'raha that lived as the crystal exarch has many more memories than the sleeping g'raha. Would he erased when the two are merged, overpowered by the g'raha that experienced so much more? Now I do think both g'raha's would agree to the merging but it's something to think about. or what if they had conflicting memories. what if g'raha never went to sleep, how would they merge?
ardbert actually hive minded.
this is all very theatrical would have assumed emy not eli, playing out the pc's entire journey in amurot. almost ran into the time limit like 1 min on the clock, should have a longer duration than 30min
salvation of what because from emy there was the assumption that salvation of the first and of the ancient world were mutually exclusive. oh it's the concept of salvation in general.
He's avoiding the question! see yashtola understands how to always be on the offensive (the alliance could learn from her). also yeah remember when minfilia got absorbed by hydaelyn. what makes a person, how much do they forget before they become someone else. does it matter? im on eli's side here if that is how he wishes to exist then so be it.
but that's 12 star crystals where's the other 2. i wonder which one is the pc's. how do you know about the promise. then again there were other onlookers and this who place is hades' magic
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thinking very hard. were those crystals used to induct the black mask ascians? and which friend was it that made the defector's crystal. we're summoning ancients??? more thinking.
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the new writers gave us an explanation for why ascians were bwahaha-evil-ing in hauke manor! arr was just the last cycle of eli drumming up fake problems to raise up warriors of light. feeding a desire for salvation which in turns feeds him. that works pretty well given the arr writers didn't know what the ascians deal was they needed cackling evil mysterious guys.
interesting dungeon. plays a lot like a instance. what is which these new dungeons and jumping off cliffs. hey boss man, if berserker doesnt work out for you, you can try stripping. why does every hit these days give vuln stacks i miss satansha.
im.. soo. eeypy... i dont even understand why things are happening anymore. when will the cutscenes end
i'd say why flee where the army is but they probably didn't want to destroy the city. ohh using the crystal exarch's blood, eli can also pass the summoning toll onto him. if eli got what he wanted why are they out in the woods
im getting war flashbacks of the years spent trapped in the crystal tower raids.
hey ardbert is talking to us.
I'd say I'm disappointed by not having a more nuanced elidibus take but this is pretty par the course for ffxiv writing. like there's something delightfully existential about someone forgetting why they're doing something but still feeling compelled to do so. but ffxiv is determined to tell a story of heroes and villians. who else are we suppose to have a cool fight with? so as tragic or sympathetic as the villains are in shb they will always remain in the wrong and the pc in the right. his memory loss is treated as a sort woe on him how pitiful and like yeah but they could have done more with that. like this is another sacrifice for the good of the world and unlike emet-selch (and the ascians plan in general) of sacrificing all life on the rejoined source, elidibus' memories and personhood is a sacrifice of the self in the same way the pc, ardbert and co, minfilia, ironworks, and the crystal exarch's sacrifices were of the self instead of others. but the latter's sacrifices are framed as righteous and good, and elidibus' delusional, desperate, and wrong. if one is noble so too if the other. see this is why i like og nier and hnk both the protags are in the wrong (well hnk has no right and wrong good and bad everything is soup)
emy came and saved our asses with his gay little hand wave
eng cut out his "my... promise", i was trying to do like 3 things at once. but something about a sad smile? "it's a shame you won't be able to see it", or something like that. well that's the last paragon/ancient. bye bye.
crystal exarch: he's in the trailers i know what happens to him. but let's ignore that for a moment, take the broader look. It actually have been better for him to remain on the First. He's an effective leader, and more so everyone knows and loves him. the crystarium isn't in world ending crisis anymore they don't need him but they'd do well with him. All his connections are on the First. This could have been his chance to take down the metaphorical hood in addition to the physical one and actually let people in (i still think his 100 year "disguise" was ridiculous had a better chance of telling the pc's he changed beyond reckoning, wouldn't have worked either but it'd be less work). What's waiting for him on the Source are people who have said goodbye to him and who he has not seen in the 100 years he's been awake + how ever much time passed in the doomed timeline. Also the other G'raha. So what lays in the First for G'raha is the known and the Source is possibility, dreams. And after how many centuries of choosing duty he chooses to be selfish which in turn tilts xiv and shb in particular on the side of individualism over collectivism. especially in contrast with the ancient and amurot and the ascians eli and emy which were collective over the individual.
through all this i totally forgot how that spirit vessel is suppose to work. my best reconstruction of events is that unlike the scions who kinda don't have bodies, g'raha does and so he mostly only stores his memories in the test run, that's why he didn't drop dead there. And then as he's crystallizing he stores his soul too.
back to being a little sleeping (not actually) prince. (ok this part annoys me with people saying he's descended from allegan royalty. no he's not the last princess modified her servant's body with her blood. there's no lineage connection between g'raha and the allegan royal line.
why is the pc able to just hop between shards? i don't remember.
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there's another theme for the counter. the devs have been very clear that the whole time travel plot point was about hope.
yeah how's ryne feeling about all her friends leaving. i should do the eden raids.
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you're so right, g'raha would love that
so ardbert is just like fully conscious in there. congrats on getting a roomie pc. slaps roof of wol this baby can fit so many personalities in them. it's not a take my magical strength, nah he's still there. actual hivemind. fellas is it gay to have a man inside of you, your two souls merged together, and you are now living together within one shared body.
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uh i think in ardbert's case it's a bit more literal
hroth men really won shadowbringers. radovan is adorable and so is runar.
i get like the narrative significance of doing ryne last but we started with alisaie so this is a lot of backtracking across the continent. im never getting over the slutty miner shirt. has ryne got her living expenses in order, a steady job?
oh yeah the scions all came to the first nakey and are going to leave a pile of clothes/
nu mou tails are so cute. i hope we labeled whose crystal is whose.
speaking of hiveminds. the ethics of merging with your alternate timeline self that's in the past. at least they dont have overlapping memories. we could have had 2 if the plot happened differently. older g'raha also has his body, we really could have had 2 at the same time. i don't think it'd be better narratively but it is interesting to think about
look at all that animation money. asashi is malding so bad right now. and zenos does not care, he was done before this started.
how did tataru break the unbreakable crystal tower like ironworks and tried and failed to even chip it
yay we're back to unhaikal or whatever his name is. it's jarring how different the writers are
are the scions just ok that a little ascian apprentice that's been hanging out in their headqurters since hw.
if they need corporeal form how has cylva been hanging out on the first for 100+ years and all the time since the 13th fell?
we don't even explain anything too poor beq lugg, we don't deserve them
i still don't understand what they mean by the two boys being oddly similar. is it because both spent time in the void, aprox similar age? If Taynor starts aging again he's going to outgrow uny very quickly
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dezemberzwolf · 2 months
Ff14 for 3 and 5, and zenos with 6 and 8
fandom ask meme!! ask me.... memes >:3
thamk u ilu....
3. which scene I would like to erase from the universe and why.
it technically was erased from the universe via retcon but every time someone mentions to me about the original moenbryda minion desc. that implied urianger was creepy towards her it makes me want to bite the writer again. also yknow what?? the lancer quest where foulques dies. my boy deserves to live so many other random ass shitty npcs get to live. like ok foulques was a dick but like he was a dick because every he knows decided to be racist at him and he HAD a POINT. like maybe some people deserved a stabbing. and yet 'known canon rapist npc ungust' gets to live? im sure theres 800 other things ill think of later bc its not as if the game is free of weird narrative choices, but ill be real. most of the time theres something where im like "this shouldnt Exist" i just vaporize and rewrite it in my mind LMAO. hear me out about werlyt
5. the scene from it that lives in my head rent free.
everything urianger has ever said in his entire life and also 90% of shadowbringers. its really good. for no particular character reason i think a whole lot about when you and the scions go to storm eulmore and u walk in on vauthry and ryne immediately screams 'no, make him stop' bc hes eating a pile of meol and i know. i know. in my heart. that if it wasnt gonna be too heavy gore and a bunch of graphics, the story intended that to be read as him ripping into and eating that lion sin eater that always sat in that exact spot. i know in my heart they ran in on him mid transformation eating a lion raw with his hands. i know this. shadowbringers is normal and fine for everyone involved.
also yknow in endwalker after [6.0 SPOILERS BEGIN] meteion reveals thancred is dead, urianger speaks and she immediately turns to him and goes 'youre full of loathing and dont even know why you still exist here'. that fucks me up every day. do you know how much has to happen for urianger, whose entire motivations this entire time is that he loves people so so much, to Actively Loathe you. to Hate a scared child. and he hates her because she killed thancred. and he doesnt know why its never him who gets to be the one sacrificed. im fine thats fine [END 6.0 SPOILERS]
6. the scene that I think shows just how awesome they really are.
The final fight with him here he speaks to the wol "not as a hero, but as an adventurer", and asks if your journey was a blessing or a curse. I like zenos because he is very much an exact foil for Laurel and that scene just shows that. hes aware of how close they are, and he cares.. he wants to know if someone 'like him', as the wol is, ever actually had a chance to live a life that could be enjoyable. he's trying to connect this entire time the only way he can understand you... i get if people dislike zenos. tbh im like, zenos agnostic outside of the context of him and the wol LOL but. i think at the end hes able to show that he really truly did connect with the wol. he managed to make a bond and some kind of understanding.
at least, with a wol like laurel.... with my other WoLs its like "YOU DONT GET SHIT GO AWAY!!!!!!" poor zenos. anyways him calling you an adventurer instead of a hero at the very end is neat. he cares about you he wants to understand very badly. he loves laurel hes her princess ok in this zenoswol laurel essay i will,
8. a headcanon I have about this character.
theres so much horny zenos fanart and i respect this i understand where it comes from but im also like. this man does not practically know what sex is and cannot flirt. he has only the hunt. if he fucks he does it almost by accident and it started as a fistfight or he has to be instructed into it. he has never seen pussy before. the wols gotta give him a diagram bc he understands concept but not execution. hes got other priorities.
also in In From The Cold when he possesses the wol the actual first thing he does is fall flat on his face because the center of gravity is way too different and hes not used to walking. and laurel specifically is lightly digitigrade and trekking around the snow in stiletto heels zenos gets into her body stand dramatically and then immediately eats shit because what the fuck how are you standing up like this.
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