#or if you want to plot how they do hmu!!
traumamade · 9 months
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@holysound sent [ CHIN ] .ft dean and leon
[ CHIN ]:          as they stand close to one another, the sender hooks a finger and tenderly lifts the receiver’s chin, tilting it up so that they can look at one another, and running a thumb across their skin lightly.
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He is not used to this. He's not used to the way Dean hooks a finger underneath his chin and treats him so tenderly with the way he lifts his chin. He is not used to being treated like he is made of glass or something to be cherished.
His head tilts slightly as thumb runs across his skin, he's not sure what to make of this. What the hell is he even doing and why is Leon soaking it up so much?
Breath hitches, he's touch starved, that's why. He's so damn touch starved that he'd accept any kind of touch at this point. Which is why he doesn't pull away.
There is booze on his breath, he may be a bit tipsy, but he's sober enough to know what's happening. Why, though, is beyond him.
"What are you doing?" He breathes softly, his voice does not hold the same sharpness it once did. It's soft, quiet, as if he thinks if he says the wrong thing that touch will go away completely.
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stormbcrn · 7 months
a historical, fantasy, period and medieval friendly character survey.
bold your muse's preferences, italicize what they prefer sometimes.please repost, don't reblog ! credit.
roses / cherry blossoms / orchids / tulips
winter / summer / autumn / spring
thunderstorms / sunshine / snow
indoors / outdoors
meat / fruit / sweets
extravagance / traditionalism / minimalism
god fearing / non god fearing
cats / dogs / horses / birds
sunrise / sunset
day time / night time
fire / earth / water / wind
reading / writing
rising early / sleeping late
wine / ale / neither
fur / silk / satin / lace
rubies / pearls / sapphires
horse back / walking / carriages
love / power
having company / being alone
lakes / rivers / oceans
knife / sword / bow / poison
gold / silver
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antihcroes · 11 months
okay i'm fully online now. i ended up going to the store to get a pepsi bc ... i didn't get to finish mine while we were out to eat & i was really upset about it -
also real quick i wanna say, for everyone voting on the which taylor album is steve poll, if you go by his playlist (bc ik i have my spotify on my disc.ord & some of you follow me) ... i don't recommend that bc i need to update his playlist ... anywaysss i'm here now. gonna work on stuff, gonna message people & yeah!
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cursivebloodlines · 11 months
so i've still neglected messages because i have been working on replies! managed to get through a decentchunk today so v pleased with that. it would've been more if i didn't get so distracted by screencap hunting LMAO. (no ragrets) oops. i still owe more threads but i'm qutie pleased with my progress today :) it's well after 3am now so i think my body needs bed. sweet dreams lovelies and hopefully i'll do more thingies tomorrowwww :) i am sorry to those waiting on dms from meeeeeee!! i had been letting my drafts build up so needed to get some done! anyway much love. have a nice night <3
also my draft countis not 100% up to date so if anyone's checking dw!! i will update in the am :)
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jo6hny · 4 months
Casual - Hazel Callahan
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Pairing: College student! Hazel Callahan x College student! Reader 
Contains: the angst that comes with a “casual” relationship, some fluff, a smidge of smut (for the plot), reader’s kind of an asshole in this, happy ending!! 
Word Count: 4.4k
Summary: Hazel and Reader are in a “casual” relationship.  Based on Chappell Roan’s song!
A/N: First time writing wlw please spare me and i also haven't written in a long time so :< I also take requests for hazel and kit, my inbox is open and i also need mutuals so hmu pls :)) 
Knee deep in the passenger seat and you're eating me out Is it casual now?
“Seriously, Hazel. Get a grip, she’s using you.” PJ rolled her eyes at the brunette after having to listen to the same story about you for nth time. It was always like this. She always yapped to her friends about how you made her feel in love but conflicted. How she never knew what your relationship was and how she could never find her grip over you loosening. 
Josie nods at PJ's statement. She knew that her friend could use better words especially since Hazel is sensitive, but she needed the truth. They were both tired of giving the latter hints. Josie especially couldn’t help but feel hurt on Hazel’s behalf after she’d heard about your ongoing “casual” relationship. 
“I don’t know guys,” Hazel trails off, fidgeting with her rings. “Maybe tonight will be different. I’ll have the courage to ask her about us again and we’re gonna be official. I know it.” 
The two girls couldn’t help but sigh at their friend’s hopelessness. But they couldn’t do anything but be supportive. They’ve tried their best to warn her about the dangers of being with you and yet nothing seemed to faze the blue eyed girl. She didn’t care, she was in love. She looked at you like you were the universe. It didn’t matter that you keep brushing her off whenever she asks about your relationship. It didn’t matter that she’s met half of your family but you only introduced her as a “friend” No, none of it mattered to her. What mattered was that she was in your orbit; that you saw her. 
2 years ago she would have never dreamed that you would spare her a glance. You were never the type to date losers. And yet here she was, knee deep in the passenger seat of her car, eating you out and having the time of her life. Hazel lapped up your juices, not wasting a drop. The brunette swore to herself that she would never get tired of how you tasted. How soft you felt under her palms. 
“Fuck Hazel, right there.” You moaned, gripping her hair as you found release. 
The younger girl looks at you with a sense of pride as she props herself up on her elbows. You take a hand and caress the sweet girl’s cheek, looking at her with admiration. 
“Did I do good?” She asks with a seemingly innocent tone. Oh, how sweet she was. How kind. It broke your heart to lead such a good person on. 
You nodded, adjusting your clothes and sitting up. The brown haired girl sat next to you on the driver’s seat. She looked nervous, like she was bottling something up. 
“Is something bothering you?” 
Hazel sucks a breath in. She was fidgeting with her rings and that’s how you knew that she was nervous about something. You put your hand on top of hers to calm her down. 
“It's just that,” She starts, not able to make eye contact with you, “I wanted to ask you something if that’s okay.” 
You purse your lips. You know where this was going. She was going to ask about your relationship again. You didn’t have it in you to break her heart today. Not when she just gave you the best head of your life. But you couldn’t exactly give her what she wanted. It wasn’t that easy. You adored Hazel more than anything in the world, and she meant more to you than any other person did. But you couldn’t bring yourself to make things official. It was all too real, too heavy. Being vulnerable and leaving your heart’s responsibility to another person was something you just couldn’t do. You couldn’t afford another heartbreak. It’s not like Hazel would, though. You knew that she would treat you well, but you couldn’t promise the same for her. 
“Hazel, baby.” You said, giving her hand a squeeze. “If this is about what I think it is, I’m sorry. I can’t give you an answer today. But you know what you mean to me.” 
Hazel nods, biting her lip as she tries to fight off tears. You could feel a crack forming in your heart at the sight of your girl with glassy eyes.
“It’s okay.” She breathed. It was not. But she had to pretend that it was. She didn’t want to lose you. She knew that many others sought after you. So she nods and she smiles. 
Hazel settles into class and takes a seat next to PJ and Josie. The pair looked at her expectantly and she could only give them a sad stare. They already knew what happened from the looks of the brown haired girl. The campus crush strikes again. Hazel spends the rest of the class with her mind not on the lesson, but on your relationship. Dark thoughts started to muddle her mind, she wondered what was wrong with her, why it was so hard for you to give her a chance. 
PJ puts a hand on her shoulder, shaking her out of her trance. 
“Hey, we’re going to the cafe and maybe study, you wanna come with?” She asks, both her and Josie look at her with sympathy. This was the only way they knew how to cheer their friend up. Neither were the type to be touchy or give words of assurance. Plus, they knew Hazel wouldn’t want anyone else but you to touch her anyway. 
Hazel simply nods, not having the energy to respond verbally. 
They head to the cafe nearest to their building and occupy a table near a window. This was your table. Well, both of yours. Hazel brought you here the first time she asked you out and it became your meetup destination from then on. 
Josie sets a drink in front of her and takes a seat across the table.Her friends look at her expectantly. They want to know what went down, expectedly. Hazel doesn’t know if she has the courage to tell her friends about her rejection. It wasn’t like this was the first time anyway, but it still hurt. She can’t help but feel ashamed of her hubris, how she spoke highly of herself and how sure she was that this would be the time you would change her mind only for her to come back like a scared dog with her tail tucked between her legs. It’s like she never learned when it came to you. 
Hazel opens her mouth, racking her brain for words to describe what went on yesterday. 
“Shut up.”  PJ interjects, looking at something behind Hazel. Something beyond the window and on the outside of the cafe. 
“What’s going on?” She asks nervously. 
Josie gives her a disappointed look, nodding her head towards where PJ was staring. It was you. With a girl who wasn’t her. Now, she wouldn’t immediately assume malicious things whenever she sees you with someone else but this time it was different. You had your arm wrapped around the woman and the both of you were smiling at some stupid thing she couldn’t comprehend. Hazel’s body started to feel warm and tears started to well in her eyes. She felt stupid. Her lip quivered and she was holding back a sob. 
“We should go.” Josie says with caution. Her friend takes her hand and leads her outside away from the cafe. Away from you. 
“I’m sure that was nothing.” PJ says, which was very unlike her. Usually, she’d take this as an opportunity to spew insults and talk about how you were using her. How people saw Hazel as some girl that you fuck on her couch. But this time she chose to bite her tongue. She already saw how broken her friend was and she didn’t want to add to it. Especially not since Hazel was the only person left in the friend group without a solid relationship. 
“Right.” Hazel choked out. She couldn’t bring herself to speak. If she spoke, she was sure that it would continue on to a sob. The blue eyed girl didn’t want to break out sobbing in front of so many people. But she couldn’t help the hurt she felt. 
It’s been a week since the incident. Hazel was ignoring you. She didn’t need Josie or PJ’s words to convince her to do it this time. The hurt in her heart was enough. Though she couldn’t deny that it was difficult to do. You would hit her up and all she could do was ignore you. A small voice inside Hazel was deluding her, telling her that you care because you didn’t stop messaging her. But she knew better. Just then, her phone pings and it was another text from you. 
MY girl (mine): baby are you okay? It’s been a week. i’m worried about you, yk.  MY girl (mine): text me back, okay?  MY girl (mine): i miss you. 
Hazel groans at the last message you sent. You certainly knew how to reel her in. Did you actually miss her? Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to give you a bit of an update. No. She had to stay strong. This relationship had dragged on for too long. She was going crazy without confirmation from you. She needed security, stability. She needed you to tell her that you wanted her. But she knew better. The brunette throws her phone across her bed and decides to continue ignoring you. 
Just then, a knock on her door interrupts her train of thought. Hazel’s stomach drops and she feels nervous for no reason. Her mind was feeding her delusions again. What if it was you? Had you come to check up on her? The knocking continues and she forces herself to get out of bed to make way towards the door. Her hand hovers over the doorknob, she didn’t know how to feel if it was you on the other side and if it weren’t. She’d been doing so well at staying away, but her being called for you. Every part of her being yearned for your touch, for your voice, for you.
“Hazel? It’s me.” Your voice is muffled by the door but she definitely knew that it was you. Her heart jumped, her pulse was racing. Her mind was screaming right now. So you did come to see her! She couldn’t help but smile at the thought of your concern. Maybe you did care for her, maybe a part of you felt the same. 
She wiped the smile off her face before opening the door. She didn’t want you to see how excited she was. Not that it wasn’t obvious from how she glowed. 
“Hey.” She greeted, opening the door a bit too excitedly. “What are you doing here?” 
“I wanted to see you. You’ve been ignoring me.” You reply, looking at her with a bit of hurt. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. I got sick.” She lies, fake coughing. Hazel couldn’t help but feel guilty. She couldn’t tell you the truth, though. She wasn’t very confrontational and she was too scared that you’d shut her down. All she wanted right now was to bask in your presence and let herself enjoy the fact that you went out of your way to see her. 
“Aw, you should have told me, Haze. I would have brought you meds too.” The brunette looks down and sees your hand with a plastic bag full of what she assumes are snacks. 
“Are those for me?” Hazel replies with shock and fascination. You’d never done anything like this for her before. This caught her off guard. Usually it was her that did all the effort but here you were with all her favorite snacks. Her heart warmed at the thought. Maybe PJ and Josie were wrong about you. 
You roll your eyes playfully. “Obviously, dummy. Can I come in?” 
The blue eyed girl nods and lets you in. You settle on her bed and put the plastic bag full of Hazel’s favorite snacks and drinks on her desk. It took you a bit longer to come visit Hazel than you’d intended. You were well aware that she was ignoring you and that she was lying to your face. But you couldn’t blame her. She must have had her reasons and you knew that you were a major part of it. You felt guilty. Hazel didn’t deserve to be stringed around like a rag doll, but you couldn’t let her go either. Which is why you swallowed your pride and came over to hers with all her favorite snacks. You didn’t even have to make an effort on remembering what she liked because it was all ingrained in your mind. If it were any other girl, you would have let them stay away but Hazel was different. 
“Do you feel okay now?” 
“Uhm…yeah. I guess.” 
You pout, not knowing what to say to her. Instead, you pat the empty spot beside you and gesture for her to sit. Hazel takes the cue and as soon as she does, you wrap your arms around her. 
“I missed you, Haze.” You whisper, burying your nose on the crook of her neck. She smelled good, clean. She smelled like home. 
Hazel’s arms tighten around you as she reciprocates the feelings. You feel a weight fall off your shoulders, one that you never knew you had. It was always so easy to be with her. Sure, she was sometimes awkward, and sometimes she yapped a lot, but she was your girl. She felt like a warm cozy day in bed. She enveloped your mind and senses and it scared you dearly. 
“Tell me what’s wrong, Haze. I know you aren’t sick.” You mumble, holding her tighter. 
Your lover sighs and takes a minute before replying. Your heart was pounding. 
“I saw you the other day near the cafe.” She trails off, rubbing her palms on your back. “You were with a girl.” 
“It was a friend.” You reply, cutting off allegations before Hazel could make them. You knew where this was going.
“I knew that,” She says, giving you a reassuring smile. “I told PJ and Josie that too.” 
Hazel felt as if that wasn’t true, but she didn’t want to ruin the mood. It’s not every day that she has you in her dorm room all to herself. And it wasn’t like you two were a thing anyway. The thought of your relationship seemed to dampen her mood even more. The brunette couldn’t help but noticeably frown. 
You lifted your head from her embrace and looked at her, your eyebrows furrowed.  
“There’s something else that’s bothering you. I can feel it.” 
“It’s just…” She starts, readying herself for what she was about to say. She really couldn’t hold it in any longer. Hazel could just not get why you two couldn’t become official. 
“Don’t you want to be mine? Or like each others” 
Your face feigns confusion. “What do you mean?” 
“Like, girlfriends.” She shrugged, avoiding eye contact. “It’s not like we don’t already do couple-y things, you know.” 
“Hazel,” you sigh. “Please don’t start.” 
“I love you.” She blurts out. You could feel your breath hitch and your palms grow cold. This couldn’t be happening right now. Your chest tightens at her confession and you feel sorry for her. No words could leave your mouth right now and all you could do was stare. 
“I’m sorry.” She says, noticing the lack of response. 
You put a hand on her cheek. 
“No, baby. Don’t apologize.” She looks at you with her big blue eyes that were filled with regret and sadness. Hurt filled your chest as you saw how tears started to fill her eyes. 
Letting go of your embrace, she said, “I just don’t get it. I don’t get why you don’t want me.” 
“Haze, that’s not true at all. You know that. I do want you.” You counter, trying to get her to look at you. 
“Then why can’t you admit it? Why can’t you commit to loving me?” She shoots back at you, her voice cracked. 
A lump formed in your throat and you couldn’t find the words. It’s not that you didn’t love her, you did, with all of your being. But you couldn’t commit to being with her because of how afraid you were to hurt her. Hazel wasn’t like you. She’s pure, kind, and thoughtful. You on the other hand had a reputation for breaking hearts. You simply couldn’t bear the thought of breaking her heart. Being with you meant people would judge her more than she already was. More than you already were. 
“Please leave.” She whispers as she takes your hand off her cheek. The sound of her sniffles filled the room. 
“I’m really sorry, Haze.” You mutter, getting up. Maybe giving her space would be the right thing to do. Hazel deserved better than a girl like you, after all. She would be better off with someone who’d be proud to love her. 
Hazel looked at her phone for the nth time today, hoping that she might catch a stray message from you. Unfortunately, you seemed better off without her as she hadn’t received anything for the past two weeks. She even texted once and you didn’t even read the message. 
The brunette groans into her pillow. She regretted ever pushing it with you. Honestly, she wished that she kept her mouth shut. Maybe you’d still be in bed with her if she had. But a part of her was relieved. Relieved that at least everything’s clearer now to her and she managed to say what she always has. Hazel loved you more than anything in the world. More than her stamp collection and that says something. But she knew when to let go and wave the white flag. She couldn’t keep going in the relationship blind and not knowing what to do. Though, a small part of her still puts up hope that maybe one day you’ll choose her. Maybe. 
Her phone pings just then and her head shoots up. Hope fills her heart up as she looks at the notifications on her screen. 
MY girl (mine): Hey! Sorry I didn’t reply to your texts. LOL. I think I’m ready to be girlfriends now :))  Come over to the party over at Isabel’s later? 
Hazel frowned. Something wasn’t right. There was a tugging at her stomach that told her to be careful, but it was quickly overridden with excitement. 
Hazel: sure bby ill be there!! see u <33 MY girl (mine): Great :)) 
She arrives over at Isabel’s after a good fifteen minute walk. Hazel slowed herself down, she didn’t want to seem too eager to see you. Plus, she wanted to rehearse the potential conversation in her head before she saw you. In her hands was a bouquet of flowers and a handwritten letter that she wrote when she first met you. It was full of adoration and compliments about how captivating you were and how you captured the girl’s heart. To say she was excited was an understatement. The day was finally here. You two would be official. 
“Hey Haze!” Isabel greets her as she makes her way to the door. 
She waves her hand at her and asks your whereabouts. Isabel tells you that you’re over at her room, something about needing to lie down because your social battery is low. Hazel chuckled at that and thought about how you and her were similar in many ways.
Making her way upstairs, she rehearsed every talk point she wanted to bring up. Her hands were sweaty and her heart pounded but she was feeling optimistic. 
Standing in front of Isabel’s room door, she takes the knob and opens it. Her heart drops at the sight in front of her. There you were kissing the girl she saw you with near the cafe. Tears  flooded her eyes as she choked up a sob. 
The sound of Hazel’s sob alerts you and you push the girl away. 
“Hazel, oh my god. It’s not what you think-” 
The blue eyed girl storms out of the house faster than you could finish the sentence. You run after her but not before slapping your friend. She kissed you without prior knowledge and somehow you had a feeling that she might be the reason why Hazel was here. 
Catching up to your lover, you spot her walking away from Isabel’s house. 
“Hazel, wait! Please.” You pleaded, grabbing her arm. Tears were also evident in your eyes. Somehow you knew that this moment would define the way Hazel saw you and it burned you with agony. 
“You lied to me!” She yelled, not being able to contain her feelings anymore. She had always tried to be patient and kind. It was never in her nature to yell or be aggressive but this time all of the anguish inside of her built up and she couldn’t help but lash out. 
“Hazel I didn’t know you would be here and it’s not what it looks like, please.” You sob, pleading with her. She didn’t seem to believe you. Her eyes were filled with hurt and doubt. 
“You-” She said in between sobs, “You said you wanted to be with me. That you wanted to be together. You lied.” 
“Baby, I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m sorry.” You said. 
Hazel takes her phone out of her pockets and shoves her phone in front of you. There, you saw a text from your number but it was not written by you.  You were right. Your friend did set the whole thing up. Disbelief filled your senses at the betrayal. You knew she had a thing for you but you couldn’t believe that she would do such a thing like this. Everyone knows not to approach you especially because they’ve seen you with Hazel and because you reject anyone else. 
“Do you know what they call me? They call me some girl you fuck on the side. I can’t believe I let this go on for so long, I feel so stupid.” She said, her voice breaking at every word. Hazel’s words were filled with venom and each felt like poison injecting itself in your bloodstream. The day you feared had come to be. In an attempt to run away and shield her, you broke her heart without notice and without care. 
“Hazel, I’m so sorry. You’re more than that to me, you know that.” 
“Just because you say that doesn’t mean I feel it.” 
It felt like something sharp struck your chest. How could you be so blind? You thought that keeping her at arms length would be the safest thing to do. But now you see your lover as she breaks in front of you. 
“You’re not stupid,” You say as you get closer to her. “And I do love you, Haze.” 
At that, Hazel froze. She didn’t know if she heard it correctly. But she did. Did she? It felt like a trick on her mind. The girl’s brows furrowed and her mouth hung ajar. 
“Do you really?” She whispers, scared that if she said anything louder that everything would disrupt. She was afraid that she was dreaming. 
You nod, wrapping your arms around her chest. 
“More than anything in the world, Haze.” 
Hazel looks at you, searching your eyes for any signs of trickery and lies. But all she could see was sincerity. 
“I’m sorry that I hurt you. I thought that it would be better for the two of us if we weren’t anything. I thought people would judge less. Stupid on my part, I know.” You apologize, breaking eye contact. 
“You’re not stupid.” She assures, her tone was soft and kind. 
“I kind of am.” You sniffle, giving her a shy smile. It was time to face your fears. You couldn’t handle seeing Hazel hurt and you had to admit that your heart screamed for her. It was as if you were made on this earth to love and care for her. 
“It’s okay, I am too.” She reassures you and it makes you laugh. Hazel smiles at hearing your laughter. 
“So where do we go from here? Girlfriends?” 
Hazel purses her lips, thinking about your friend she caught you in a lip lock with. 
“I don’t know, what about the person you were kissing earlier?” 
“That was nothing,” You said, shaking your head, “She was jealous of you. And she was the one that sent you that text. I’m so sorry for roping you in this, Haze.” 
“It’s okay.” She replies, Hazel believed in you. Her gut was right about that text message. Next time she saw that “friend” of yours she was sure to put a punch in. She hadn’t forgotten about her days at the fight club after all. Maybe she should put her skills back to good use. 
“So…” You trail off, cutting her thoughts off. 
“Girlfriends?” She asks, retracting from your arms and handing you the flowers and letter she had. 
You beamed at the brunette and nodded eagerly,  “If you want me to be.”
Hazel looks at you, bewildered. 
“What? of course I want you to be.” She said, not catching your teasing tone. This makes you laugh at how adorable she was. 
“Never mind.” You reply as you lean closer, putting your lips on hers. The kiss was eager but definitely not rough. It was a kiss shared between lovers that have reconnected. Lovers who finally bared their hearts with each other. It was soft, beautiful, and it made your head dizzy. 
“I love you, Haze.” You said in between kisses. Hazel smiles and continues kissing you. 
In the far distance, two girls had their eyes set on you from the beginning as the fight between you and Hazel ensued. They were both taking bets on what the outcome would be. When you kissed and made up, the other had to pay up. 
“Damn, I didn’t think they’d actually end up together.” PJ said disappointedly as she rummaged her pockets for twenty dollars that she lost to Josie. 
“I told you, dumbass. They have the hots for each other.” Josie replied, not revealing that Isabel told her all about how you wanted to be with Hazel but couldn’t because of your issues. She admits that she was iffy about you at first but now that she saw you going after Hazel, she decided that you weren’t that bad after all. Though, that was something she’d keep to herself. For now though, she’s enjoying her victory and beaming with pride as her friend finally gets the girl. 
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cowpokeomens · 6 months
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Pairing: Will Ramos x Reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: 18+ this is straight up self-serving porn!!!!!!! Minors go away!!!! Anyways this has got everything: Biting, p-in-v, blowjobs, fingering (female receiving), breeding kink, big ole praise kink, me projecting how badly I want to swallow William's load, I think that's it but by all means DM me or reply if you think I should add something!
Literally no one hmu unless it's to talk about this photo. It has nothing to do with the story but I wanna fuck him so bad so I'm putting it here. It's my blog I do what I want.
Yes I was listening to Dress by Taylor Swift as I wrote this!!!! Yes it's one of the horniest songs in her discography!!!! Leave me alone!!!!
This is straight up porn, no plot in sight, no beta because I'm insane, no fucks given because I'm a whore! Enjoy.
Will was about to vibrate out of his fucking skin. 
He’s irritable, too- a far cry from his usual “Sunshine and Rainbows” disposition. People kept trying to make conversation, ask him about the tour, compliment the new album. It would end with a curt, “Yeah, it was a lot of fun,” as his eyes would be dragged from whoever he was talking to back to you.
The dress was unfair. It was diabolical, even. He searched his memory, trying to come up with a reason you’d put him under such physical and emotional duress. He did the dishes last night, made breakfast this morning- he even folded the laundry! In terms of “deserving of death by nefarious garments,” his conscience was clear. 
Yet there you were, clad in the slinkiest little black dress that he never knew you owned. You had spent hours in front of the mirror, perfecting your makeup, carefully styling your hair. It had been fun for him to watch; Fun to listen to your “Ultimate Emo” playlist and jam out while you painstakingly applied a swipe of lipstick, a striking mark of eyeliner. It was fun. 
He stopped having fun the moment you stepped out in the goddamned thing. 
“Zip me up?” You had asked, batting mascara-ed lashes at him sweetly. His brain had short circuited for a second, rebooting completely when it started overheating. Zip you up? He wanted to eat you up, toss you over his shoulder like a caveman and keep you in bed for hours. 
“Where are you going in that?” He asked incredulously. Your breasts were about to fall out, fabric clinging to the small of your waist. There were other details- lace and ribbons and shit he didn’t have the vocabulary for when his head was running on all cylinders, much less now. You turned around so he could reach the zipper better, and he genuinely wondered if the anime nosebleeds were onto something with how quickly the blood rushed to his cock at the sight of your ass stretching the fabric.
“Um, to the jamboree your label is hosting?” You retort with a giggle. “C’mon, we’re going to be late to this shindig if we don’t leave soon.”
He had complied, after some whining, zipping you up and kissing you softly on your shoulder, willing his cock to miraculously soften. 
Then you had arrived, and he was swept away by record executives, you saw a group of gal-pals, and he had to keep his hands to himself.
For hours. 
Will’s hands itched with the urge to reach out and touch you, twitching at his sides. Someone said something that must have been fucking hilarious, because you were laughing, head thrown back, chest heaving-
I can’t do this. He thinks to himself. This is a task for men stronger than me.
Quickly downing the last dregs of his cocktail, he impolitely excuses himself from the group he was speaking with, maneuvering through the mass of people to where you stood. 
“Hi baby!” You call when he enters your line of sight, smiling brightly. You’re in a small group of people who also greet Will upon his arrival, immediately asking about the tour. 
“It was a lot of fun, thanks for asking.” Will mumbles distractedly, eyes never leaving you. “You ready to blow this popsicle stand, love bug?” 
Your eyes widen slightly in surprise. “Oh, sure.” You quickly excuse yourself from the group, leaving with warm goodbyes and tight hugs. Will thinks he’ll catch on fire before the two of you make it out of the building, but then you’re walking over to join him, the two of you quickly working through the crowd.
“Is everything okay, Will?” You ask when you’re both out of earshot. Concern is evident in your tone, and Will fights the urge to smooth the crease between your eyebrows with a kiss. 
“Yeah, just itchy is all.” He murmurs to you, placing a kiss on the top of your head as you both exit the building. Itchy was a good word; He was practically crawling out of his skin with the urge to get you undressed, underneath him. 
Guilt overtook your pretty features. “Oh baby, was the party too much? If you felt overstimulated, we could have left earlier-”
“No, I’m fine, pretty girl, really. It’s just-” He sighs, stopping in the parking lot to dig his keys out of his pocket.
“Did I do something?” You sound so sad, eyes widening. Will could practically see your mind sifting through the evening, trying to find some misstep.
“No, no baby- stop. I can see you overthinking, you didn’t do anything wrong, I just-” He sighs again, pausing by the car now. He glance around the two of you, making sure you were alone, before guiding your hand to his groin. 
Your eyes went dark at what you found there. “Holy shit, you’re- how long?” You stammer, sounding hoarse.
“Ever since you put on that fucking dress.” He admits sheepishly. 
“C’mon.” You nod towards the car, motioning for him to get inside. 
You made quick work of shutting your door, Will about to start the car when you stop him. 
“Leave it off.” You command, making his eyebrows shoot up in question. “Less conspicuous.”
“Less conspicuous for wha-” Will’s question was cut off as your lips locked with his in a searing kiss. You gripped his shirt in your hands, dragging him closer to you. 
“All hard for me, huh?” You whisper against his lips. 
He’s nodding before he realizes it. “So hard, baby, all fucking night, all for you.”
You’re nodding with him, already drunk off of the power you have over him. “Let’s get you taken care of then, yeah?” 
You tear your lips away from his to better unbutton and unzip his pants, tugging the fabric down the best you could in the cramped space. He hisses as you pull his briefs down so that his cock can spring free. 
“Holy shit.” You breathed, taking him in.
He’s always been big- you were familiar with that part- but you’d never seen him after being hard for hours. The veins on his cock were bulging angrily, the tip shiny with precum and deliciously red. 
“Poor thing,” you say in a saccharine voice, leaning in to kiss the cherry-red tip. 
He outright keens at that, hips barely jerking up, like it was taking everything to hold himself down. “Don’t be mean, pretty girl.”
You give him one last grin before you’re swallowing him down, stopping three-quarters of the way down to soothe your gag reflex.
“Fuck-“ Will gasps into the air, one hand coming up to tangle in your hair. His grip tightens, and you feel your control over the situation slipping away. “Fucking tease tonight, huh? Not enough to wear your slutty little dress, couldn’t wait to get my cock in your mouth either, could you?” 
You whimper almost silently at his words, but he feels the vibrations of it on his cock. “Little slut likes that? Does she want me to use her pretty mouth?” He continues, pulling you up by your hair just enough for you to be able to speak.
You relinquish any semblance of control you had when you manage a small, “Please.” 
He grins at you, so far from his regular, cheerful smile, and pulls you in for one last kiss. It’s sloppy and wet and wonderful, and you’re almost sad when he yanks you away by your hair again to guide you down to his cock. 
“Open.” He commands, the gruffness of his voice making you quickly do as you were told. His cock is in your throat immediately, but before you can gag, he’s pulling you back up roughly. You manage half a gasp of air before you’re being shoved back down, swallowing him again. He continues fucking your face at a brutal pace; Soon spit is covering your chin, and you can feel you mascara running down your cheeks in the form of tears. 
“So fucking good for me.” Will grunts, hips thrusting up to meet your face. “Such a good girl, taking what she’s given.”
The praise makes you moan- or at least, as much as you could with him fucking your mouth so thoroughly. You’re lost in the sensation of him so deep in your mouth, breathing deeply through your nose as he uses you. His thrusts start becoming irregular, a chant of your name and “fuck” falling from his lips as his movements grew shorter and shorter. 
Oh, you think. He’s so close, you can see it in the tension of his body, in the drawn-up expression on his face. You want nothing more than for him to finish in your mouth, to make you swallow it down, but he pulls out abruptly, chest heaving with labored breaths. 
“Is something wrong?” You’re pouting, you can feel yourself pouting. 
He sees your face and huffs a laugh, still panting. “Pretty girl wants my cum that bad?”
His words- the vulgarity of them- color your cheeks pink. Although… Yeah. That was exactly what you wanted. You nod, the smallest movement. 
You think you hear him stop breathing, but then he speaks again. “C’mere, honey, I’ll give you what you need.” He motions to his lap, where his cock is beckoning you like a siren at sea. You hastily go to unzip your dress, but he stops you. “Leave it on.” His gaze drags down your form, back up to your throat, where his eyes linger for a moment before he’s looking into your eyes again. “Leave all of it on.”
His words make you shiver, but you obey, crawling over to straddle his lap. He yanks your panties to the side in record time, immediately thrusting two fingers into you. You mewl at the sensation, eyes squeezing shut as your hand comes up to slap over your mouth to muffle the sound. 
“Nuh uh, let me hear.” His voice is in your ear, nose rubbing against the lobe of it. “Let me hear your pretty sounds- God, you’re so fucking wet.”
You could hear him moving his fingers inside you, even over your own noises. You grind down into his hand without consciously realizing you’re doing so, chasing the pleasure his fingers brought you. You open your eyes blearily, wanting to see him, only to find that he’s studying that same spot again, right at the base of your neck. Jutting your chin up so that your throat is completely vulnerable, you give him a meaningful look. 
He accepts the offer, teeth coming down to bite at your pulse point. The moan that escapes you is profane, dwindling to the pathetic whimper of an injured animal as he sucks at the skin where he bit, soothing it with his tongue. Your chest is next, ample cleavage on display for his lips to lock onto, sucking a hickey into the sensitive skin with ease. The hand that’s not fucking into you grips onto your waist to leave another bruise, pulling you impossibly closer.
You know what he’s doing- Marking what’s his, letting everyone know who you belong to. And you couldn’t care less about the perception of it, lost in the pleasure of his lips and the sensation of being owned. Arching into his mouth, your hands tangle in his hair as your legs start to quiver with unadulterated want. 
“‘M close, Will I’m-” You pant, tugging at his hair desperately. 
“I know, pretty girl, be good and come for me so I can fuck you properly.” He whispers into your neck, and that’s all it takes to hurtle you over the edge, shaking with your orgasm even as he replaces his fingers with his cock.
It’s so much more- more girth, more length. It stretches you, fills you up to the brim. You’re still in the aftershocks of coming as he starts fucking you in earnest, yanking you into his chest until you feel like you can’t get a breath in. You’re practically wailing, the sensitivity of getting fucked so quickly after orgasming overwhelming, but it’s perfect. 
“You’re my girl, right?” He’s grunting, holding you stationary while his hips rock up into you at break-neck speed. “My pretty girl, all mine.”
You nod, incoherently babbling, “I’m yours, I’m yours, I’m yours-”
“Want my cum?” He pulls back just enough to look in your eyes. It’s all love there- an all-consuming love that illuminates his gaze like a flame. “Want me to fill you up? Put a baby in you- Keep a baby in you?”
You’re nodding again, unintelligible sounds falling from your lips in response. “Please.” You finally manage to stammer out. 
He’s almost smiling, a joyous kind of pleasure overtaking his features as his thrusts grow erratic for the second time that evening. Your grip on him tightens as you feel yourself get closer and closer, tears springing in your eyes from the overstimulation. 
It hits you like a fucking train, face curled into his neck in a silent scream, legs spasming in every direction. He fucks you through it, coming in hot spurts inside you, thrusts growing sloppier until he finally nestles himself deep within you, setting you down gently in his lap again. 
You’re panting and trembling, completely collapsed against his chest. The both of you sit like that a few long minutes, his hand rubbing at the exposed part of your back soothingly. When you feel an iota of strength return to your body, you’re craning your neck up to kiss his cheek. 
He’s grinning, turning to look down at you. “Well shucks, thanks for the kiss, honey.”
You’re giggling with him, pushing yourself up so that your back is straight. You hiss as the movement moves him inside your sore hole, a shudder passing through your body. 
“You better cut that out, I’ll fuck you again if you’re not careful.” He warns teasingly, hands gripping your hips lightly. 
You flash him a grin, and then ready yourself for the chore of him pulling out. You know it’s going to be tender, but you still yelp as he slips out of you. Flopping into your seat, you give yourself another minute to collect your breath. He tucks his cock away, zipping up his pants carefully and starting the car.
You zone out for a moment, only recognizing the long silence that has stretched between the two of you after a few minutes more have passed. You look over at him, a question on your lips, when the look on his face makes you pause. 
He’s staring in between your legs, a small pout on his face. “It’s leaking out.” 
You throw your head back, barking a laugh at his distress. “I have an IUD as well, my love, I don’t think it’ll work no matter how hard you try.”
His eyes go dark at your words. “Then I’ll just try harder next time.”
Before you can respond, the car is in drive, and you’re headed home. You quickly buckle your seat belt, pulling down the passenger mirror to clean yourself up, stopping when you catch the first glimpse of your reflection.
Your makeup has smeared everywhere. Black streaks run down your cheeks in rivulets, your lipstick smudged around your mouth. Your tits are littered with bruises, lovebites of various colors decorating your skin. You look like a slutty fucking mess, You think to yourself. You’re searching for a napkin to wipe your face when Will speaks up again. 
“Leave it.” He flips on his turn signal, pulling onto your street. His jaw is tight, and you swear you can see a bulge in his trousers. He turns to look at you as he puts the car in park in front of your house, eyes already glossed over again. “Leave all of it.”
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petricorah · 3 months
i wanna start making comics but like. i dont really know how??? are there any tips that you could give me perhaps?
i've been working on trying to compile a list of resources for people (@aangsfrogs--i didn't forget!) who want to make comics for a long time. It would consist of some of my personal tips and a lot of links to other people's PDFs and youtubes. But that's...a hefty project, so if you had any specific questions for the meantime, my askbox is open!
But, for just beginning, here would be my tips:
Read comics. Read manga and webcomics and cartoons and medical comics. There is so much out there, and reading is such a big way to learn. If you see something you like, take a moment to think about why you like it. Are the expressions or colors appealing? Did it make you feel a certain emotion? Analyze what the artist may have done to get across what they did. (Is it the camera angle? the style they chose to draw in? the paneling? the pacing? the color? etc.) Doing this over time will help you recognize the tools available for telling stories through this medium, and you'll be able to put them in your own work.
Try to think about what you want to make comics about. What moves you? What topics interest you? What ideas or tropes do you love in media or think about often? What do you hate and wish was done better? What characters are you drawn to, or what characters do you want to create? (What about them compels you?) I find it's hard to create an idea out of thin air, but if you start writing down random ideas you have, you'll start thinking about them, and over time, you'll have a bank of things to pull from when you want to create.
Lastly, anatomical skill or knowledge of color does not a comic make! You don't have to know much to begin, and there aren't rules. Just start drawing what is meaningful to you!
This is just cursory and doesn't get into super specifics like paneling or scripts or plotting or colors or thumbnailing or....etc, but I'll try to expand my list of resources and get that out! And, hmu if you have any specific questions on topics!
happy drawing~
Book list under readmore:
Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics and his Making Comics. These books are taught in like, every comic class ever. While not my complete favorite, they do a good job of showing some history and fundamentals, and how easy it is to make comics even if you don't have a lot of drawing experience.
99 Ways to Tell a Story: Exercises in Style by Matt Madden: Really good if you don't know how to start analyzing comics. (Also it's just a fun visual exercise.) It shows the same short story done in 99 different styles with different emphasis on different moods and points of view.
The PreHistory of The Far Side: A 10th Anniversary Exhibit by Gary Larson and The Calvin and Hobbes: Tenth Anniversary Book by Bill Watterson: Two great books with work from my two favorite cartoonists. They both have writings from the author about getting ideas, developing stories, and being a comic artist.
Uncanny Bodies: Superhero Comics and Disability, edited by Scott T. Smith and José Alaniz and Black Comics: Politics of Race and Representation, edited by Sheena C. Howard and Ronald L. Jackson II: These two aren't really about making comics, but they are great collections of analysis about old and new comics alike.
By no means a complete list, but some good ones that I can think of off the top of my head.
There's also the book Webtoon School: Everything you need to know about webtoon creation and story writing. To be honest, I didn't read this completely through because it was a bit more fundamental than I was expecting, but it gives a good cursory look of how to write comics if you're just starting out! It covers some history, how to write stories and arcs, etc.
Also, look to your favorite writers! A lot of webtoon/webcomic artists do tutorials or youtube videos. for instance, velnxi has this great tutorial up I really suggest looking at here.
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greetingfromthedead · 5 months
Burn (Vash x F!Reader)
🎆✨Happy New Year!✨ 🎆
Plot: After staying the night at an inn the morning gets a bit spicy... there's not much plot here.
Series: Tempest Wind, but made to work as a oneshot
Pairing: Vash x F!Reader
Raiting: NSFW!! 18+!! R!! Explicit!! Minors DNI
Tags: Established Relationship, Fluff, Smut, Early Mornings, I Have Never Been Good At Tagging Stuff
Word count: 1.8k
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Author's Note: Some smuttiness to start off the year with a bang... cause you lil freaks seem to enjoy that. This is from my upcoming fic "Tempest Winds". On that note I am looking for beta readers / proofreaders so if you are interested, hmu!
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Vash wakes early in the morning with the sunlight creeping in through your room's window, he places a kiss on your head and nuzzles his face into your hair. His actions wake you from your sleep and you squeeze him a bit, holding tight and pressing your forehead into his chest.
"Good morning!" you whisper into the small space between your bodies.
"Morning, Sweet Pea!" his breath ruffles your hair. "So where do you want to go? Where should we head to?" he say as he snuggles you closer, he's like a giant snake wrapping himself around you, his long limbs engulfing you, holding you tightly.
You run your nails gently over his back and feel him shiver under your touch, soothing the tickle with the palm of your hand.
"Where do you suggest we go?" you ask.
"More East? Or would you rather take a steamer from Terminal?"
"I would avoid the steamer, I feel like there are too many people."
"Then we will stock up on some food and water and head East and perhaps North after that to September or November." his hand is tightly holding the small of you back, making your bare skin tingle. His head shifts and you feel his breath by your ear.
"Have I told you how wonderful you are?" his voice so low and tender, "You are beautiful, strong and kind. You're funny and tough and the fire burning in you is so warm." he pauses for a moment, "I am so glad I found you and I will keep following you across any desert no matter how hard you try to get rid of me! Cause you are stunning in every single way. My lovely Sweet Pea!"
His hand traces under your shirt on your back and he hugs you again, his heart feels like it's on fire, the same flame that burns in your eyes, the untamed and wild inferno. Once again he feels so much, like he is going crazy, the desire to be with you, to hold you and keep you safe. The feelings so overwhelming they almost feel aggressive. But it's actually nothing but love.
Your fingers trace the curvature of his body, the high points and valleys of his muscles. You feel the different textures of his skin under your fingertips. You trace over his chest, down over his abs and bellybutton, creeping onto his hip and up along his side. You take your time to truly appreciate his body for what it is. His tight hug restricts your movement, but you end up moving your hands onto his back. At the start you feel it with your fingertips, the augmentations, the scarring and his skin that's still whole. You try to remember every inch of it, to burn it into your memory. With the second pass you use your nails, scratching his back gently and it sends shivers up his spine.
Vash lets out a little moan by your ear when you trail over an especially sensitive spot. Your face is still buried in his chest, your nose filled with his comforting scent. His hands touch your back, traveling gently over your skin and feeling the dip of your side, grabbing at your waist. You hear his heart beating hard and fast, a certain stiffness in his arms. The breathing by your ear is deep and quick. It feels like your insides are on fire, despite the comfort this doesn't make you feel calm and peaceful. The feeling is intense and raw, it's rough around the edges, the flow of it so strong it carries your hand to the waistband of his pants, feeling the edge of it, your fingers between his skin and the drawstring. Your other hand is looking to grab hold of something, traveling up and intertwining with his hair. Your body tenses, squeezing his leg between your knees and you look up to find his face, but before you can focus on that, his lips are on yours. They seem to try to be gentle at first, but quickly turn into the mouth of someone with an unquenchable hunger. His lips force yours to open, his hand on your side pulling you up, closer to him. The other one slides down onto your ass. Your fingers are pulling on his hair as your other hand finds the front of his pants.
He holds you as he rolls onto his back and it takes minimal adjusting for you to end up sitting on him with your legs to either side. His hands grab the back of your thighs pulling you up a bit more before sliding over your sides, bunching up your shirt as they go. Your hands travel along his arms, moving his hands onto your breasts before leaning in, his parted lips already waiting for yours. His hands squeeze the soft tissue through your underwear and it makes you exhale. The pressure on your chest disappears as he grabs your shirt to pull it over your head, breaking the kiss. His hands greedily move over your back onto your shoulders and neck, the straps of your bra slipping down.
He turns again, pinning you between the bed and his body. His lips move from your lips to your neck, over to the collarbone. You find yourself holding his hair again as his kisses reach your chest, trailing diagonally across before pushing the underwear out of the way to focus his lips and tongue on one of your breasts. A moan escapes you and his hand moves down your body in-between your spread legs. You feel the metal stroking you through the fabric, making both your desire and his burn out of control. It feels like nothing is enough, like you've waited for something your whole life and it's in your reach at last.
His other hand travels under your curved back to undo the hooks of your bra. You want to feel him, all of him, you want to grab him, squeeze him, stroke him, dig your nails into him. He drives you wild by moving down with his kisses, removing his weight completely as he kneels between your legs, holding both of them for a moment. You see his eyes, there's an edge to them you don't normally see, a fire much like the one you feel. He lifts your leg to rest on his shoulder as he glides his hands to your thigh to undo the clasp of the gun holster and put it aside. He releases that leg and repeats this with your other one to remove the knife sheath. His hands move down your thighs over your ass and hips to undo your pants. It feels like he is teasing you as he pulls off your pants. He lays down again, coming closer as soon as they are off, one of your legs between his as he kisses you again, one hand keeping him up, the other exploring your bits through the thin fabric of your underwear before pushing it to the side and playing with you. The breathy moans sounding out his name are music to his ears as his lips move onto your neck again.
One of your arms is thrown around him, your nails digging into his back, the other has untied the drawstring and is feeling him down, stroking along the length of him before pushing down his pants. The hunger still growing in both of you, the desire to explore more of each other.
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So much for leaving early. The two of you lost all control, chasing pleasure from each other's bodies, by any means, in any position, by doing anything necessary to coax out the release of the other in moans. Both of you getting increasingly rougher, testing each others limits, both of your bodies healing away any marks the other leaves by biting, grabbing, squeezing or clawing. His fingers digging into your flesh left bruises for just a moment, them changing color as he watches. The pain stimulates both of you further. You only stop after both of you are out of breath and out of your minds from the ecstasy.
You're both covered in bodily fluids and sweat. A shower sounds like a great idea to both of you to cool down the fire burning in your chests and to clean up before leaving this town. Of course you go together, deeming that the shower is big enough for both of you. However the attempt to calm you down is thrown aside as soon as Vash watches you step under the water, the droplets wetting your hair and running down your body. He steps closer, his flesh arm wrapping around you under your bust and the other moving up to wrap his fingers around your throat, not actually squeezing but pulling you backwards into him. Vash's lips land on your shoulder, leaving sloppy kisses on it as the water drenches both of you. You feel him lightly between your legs. One of your hands covering the one on your neck, the other looking for balance from the wall. His flesh hand slides down over your stomach, leaving a burning trail behind and his fingers find your folds still dripping from before and start to gently stroke up and down before focusing on the bundle of nerves with slow, but firm circles. Your eyes shut close as you lean more into him, his arms holding you tight. His movements become faster as your pleasure grows slowly. You feel him twitching and it seems almost like you can sense his desire too.
His prosthetic moves from your throat around you again pushing on your upper back and forcing you to bend forward a bit, both your hands on the wall as he kneels down behind you, to worship you. He forces your legs more apart before digging his mouth and nose into you, using his tongue and fingers to make you lose yourself all over again, eyes shut tight, the only thing on your mind is the feeling he brings forth. He enjoys you being like this, he senses your helplessness, like you can't do anything while your fingers curl on the tile, looking for something to grab on to. He tastes you and himself from your past explorations and the hunger grows. Like something unnatural taking over, both of your desires feeding into the other's. He teases you to the point you can no longer hold on and your legs nearly give out as they treble.
He feels you slumping more forward against the wall, sticking your ass up and instead of letting you recover his hands grab your cheeks, his long fingers digging into your hips, his palms spreading you apart as he gets up behind you and pushed his lower half against yours. The water of the shower hits both of you as he grinds between your cheeks for a moment making you gasp before inserting himself, pulling you against him in a quick motion. You have a feeling this won't stop any time soon and you are glad about it. Both of you are happy to release a part of yourself that's normally under lock and key, a wild and unapologetic rough persona.
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Read more Tempest Wind HERE.
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pinkrose504 · 5 months
Hey gang. I have been searching high and low for a rp partner.
I would prefer semi lit to lit (Idrc), at least give a lil something to progress the rp. (I might just try to copy how you respond)
I will double up if you do the same (I rp someone for you if you do the same for me). I actually JUST wanna double up..
I personally rp in 3rd person. I also don't care about your own rp style as long as I can read it and it makes sense.
18+ please, I am a horny bastard and want to do NSFW rp. Along with fun story plot and such lol. (I am 19, turning 20 in June.)
I love OOC chat during rp! Id love to also become your friend while we rp.
I am a college student so I am a bit busy but love to have a rp so I can escape the hectic college world so please don't poop your pants if i don't respond instantly, Ill also text if i'm busy!
I want to rp a fandom. We dont both have to rp in the same one. I am into a good handful of fandoms, right now I am super into Creepypasta and Jujutsu Kaisen. (If we were to rp these I would like you to play Eyeless Jack or Itadori.)
I will play a self insert because I am a SIMP LMAO
I do prefer to rp on Discord but I am okay with rping on here!
I am also okay with you calling me by my name! I really enjoy it, my name is Emilia :3
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v1ctor14aaa · 1 year
~ enha maknae line when u ignore them bcz they forgot ur bday ~
warning: way too long, cursing, mentions of abuse, mentions of trauma, attempted murder
genre: fluff, slight comedy
pairings: enha x y/n (fem reader)
featuring: chaewon (lesserafim), wonyoung (ive)
a/n: here we go, idk if u were waiting for this but eh🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️. im sorry if they are too long, lol i was enjoying sm. i recently just opened my asks so if u have reqs or wants to be added to my taglist hmu! english is not my first language so im sorry for the error if therew is one. lmk if i should stop making plots in these kind of posts lol. ALSO IM SO SORRY THIS WAS POSTED LATE, THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO POST A DAY AFTER THE HYUNG LINE BUT THEN I JUST SAW THIS IN MY DRAFTS...
tomorrow is a special day for you, it's the day you have been anticipating the most. you couldn't sleep the whole night because of the excitement for this day to come, your birthday. you weren't excited because it was your birthday, you were excited of what your boyfriend is planning for your day. however, when a day has passed and it's finally the day, you didn't expect your boyfriend to forget it.
kim sunoo (김선우)
it was night and you were already ready to sleep but when you went in the bedroom, you see your boyfriend smiling ear-to-ear looking at his phone.
"did something good happen??" you tried to peak at his phone but he immediately closed it and hugged you.
"YES but i can't tell you yet baby, it's going to be a surprise!! i will tell it to you tomorrow morning once you wake up."
there we go, what you wanted to hear before your bday starts. you thought that everything seems to be going fine and you were pretty much just glad your boyfriend didn't forget your bday. hearing sunoo, you were unable to sleep due to excitement to what could happen tomorrow in your bday. you've been thinking and wondering what could it be as you change positions on the bed non-stop. sunoo was still smiling and seeing you not being able to sleep he playfully rolled his eyes at you (still smiling), he knew you were excited but if he's going to be that honest he wasn't actually expecting you to be that excited. he saw you excited a lot of times and you weren't really acting the same but he shrugged it off and slept.
----- time skip -----
you woke up at 4am, you thought it was still night time so you checked the clock and saw the time. you couldn't believe you woke up at that time, oh wait let me repeat: you did believe you would wake up at that time because you're so excited and you couldn't wait for sunoo to surprise you. you tried going back to sleep but you just couldn't take your mind off about the "surprise", you were so curious, you were literally moving non-stop in the bed to the point you woke sunoo up.
"y/n, i know you're excited but please let me sleep. it's so early in the morning." he whined.
"can't you just do the surprise right here, i wouldn't be able to go back to sleep." you pouted.
sunoo who is half-asleep still managed to see you pout in the dark, he could never resist it so he sat up and said...
"ITALY, we're in first class too. oh, our flight is actually in 4 hours."
hearing those last sentence made you panic, you ran to the cabinets and drawings to get packing. this whole thing wasn't supposed to be a surprise, sunoo just wanted to see how you would be if something like this happen. he likes to tease you every time but when you do it to him, you will regret your whole life.
midway packing, you were thinking how can sunoo possibly afford 2 first class tickets to italy so you decided to ask him.
"love, how did you afford the tickets?"
"it's not mine's but the company's."
"company? why would the company give you money to get tickets for something like this?"
"well obviously it's for work. i will model for milan fashion week this year, and i begged my manager to get you a ticket as well. isn't that great?" he smiled.
"oh." you were in utter shock finding out that it wasn't for your birthday but for his work, you thought it was sweet for him to beg his manager to get you a ticket as well but you were somehow disappointed. as you continued packing, a lot of thoughts are swarming in your mind. and, those thoughts just kept making you feel down. sunoo noticed how your mood suddenly changed, he thought that maybe you weren't happy due to the fact that you both are going to italy. he tried to ask you what was wrong but you were so down that you couldn't bother to reply so you gave him the silent treatment. sunoo doesn't like it when you ignore him. he would usually try to argue about it but seeing you down made him think if he did something wrong or what made you suddenly change your mood.
----- time skip -----
you both arrived in italy, you had to go out in different time because you were still trying to keep the relationship private since you both doesn't want issues to happen with your career. actually, everyone already knows sunoo is dating someone but they don't know that it's you. anyway, you went out of the airplane first without telling sunoo and that made him worried. he was looking you everywhere in the airplane plus he was a bit mad because you ignored him the whole flight. knowing him, he had a lot to share but you just weren't interested. sunoo's manager told him to go and leave now, he asked the flight attendants if there was any passenger left but there was none. the manager insisted to just call you and ask your whereabouts. sunoo gave in, and since he's a popular model a lot of paparazzi and fans that are waiting for him. no matter how many people were there he only focused on looking for you but there was just too many people that they had to leave immediately.
back to you, you are already in the hotel. already lying down the bed, watching the tv seeing sunoo just went out. when you saw sunoo on the tv, you had to turn it off. you were waiting for him to mention your bday the whole time but your expectations just got turned down, i guess. a few minutes later, sunoo arrived in the hotel. he was calling you non-stop and it looked like he was about to die when he couldn't see you anywhere. the manager volunteered himself to carry the luggages to his room so that sunoo can look for you. sunoo actually ran to his room but didn't see you there which made his heart drop, he was about to cry at this point.
he was about to go down using the elevator but then you went out of a room and he sees you, he ran to you and tried hugging you of course, but you immediately shut the door. he actually jumped when you closed the door because it was so loud, now he's just standing in front of the room, confused. he knocked and knocked but no answer. you feel bad for ignoring him but you just can't seem to talk to him at all. he was even shouting out of your room but his manager stopped him.
"sunoo, don't shout. the people might find out you are here."
"i dont care, i want to be with my girlfriend and talk to her."
"you should go to your room, i think shes just tired and went to sleep. you will be modeling tomorrow morning so you need to rest too."
sunoo was still being stubborn and tried to wait for you to come out but his manager managed to get him inside his room already.
----- time skip -----
it's the day for sunoo's modeling! normally, people would get nervous and excited for something like this but for sunoo, he wasn't even feeling anything at all except being worried. he's been thinking about last night. you were also unresponsive in the morning 'till now, hes at the site and getting ready while you went out to explore some shops. you tried to forget the fact sunoo just forgot about your bday which is why you went out to try and celebrate late. to your surprise while you were walking down the street, there was a huge crowd. well, guess who you saw
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it was sunoo. for a second there, you forgot that you are supposed to be disappointed and mad at him but you got distracted by his handsomeness. like how can you get mad at this boy but you pulled yourself together and kept walking straight ahead but your dear boyfriend did not fail to notice you and shouted "y/n!". you were extremely terrified at that moment, you knew there were a lot of paparazzi and fans around and he just called you that. you were worried that someone might hurt you and suddenly will follow you around to ask questions about sunoo. thank gosh you were fast enough to think of a solution which is... to ignore him. everyone looked at your way but they didn't notice that it was you that sunoo was calling.
at this point, he got irritated of you. he didn't care about his career, he ran all the way to you and held your hand. you were shocked and before you even say anything, you both were already running. he dragged you to somewhere private.
he looked at you with an angry look and said "love, please talk to me. i miss you so much, it already has been 1 day since you ignored me. i want to know if i did or said something wrong. it hurts me that you don't even want to talk to me, i hate it when you do this."
"i...." you were to stunned to speak, this was the first time sunoo raised his voice to you. the first time you guys weren't in good terms or was it just you being so over dramatic that lead to this. you started crying, your back slowly slid the wall and sat. sunoo's heart dropped, he didn't want to make you cry. he didn't know what to do so he just hugged you "baby, no. im sorry, i didn't want to make you cry." you stopped crying and then you found this situation funny, you started laughing. dude, when i tell you, sunoo was so confused. he literally froze and started asking if this was a prank or some shit because it isn't funny.
"no, honey. i just find myself funny for crying for something like this..."
"you. you finally talked to me." he hugged you again but tightly this time as if you were going to disappear sooner or later. "now, tell me. why have you been acting that way all these time?"
you went silent again so sunoo sat beside you and changed the topic because he didn't want you to keep ignoring him, he already got your attention and he didn't want to risk it. you both had small talks and laughed at each other's jokes then you finally decided to tell him, you hesitated at first because it was embarrassing to say right now.
"sunoo, i..... i'm sorry for what i did yesterday and today. i wanted you to remember what was yesterday's occasion which is my bday but it seems like you forgot about it but still i shouldn't have acted that way and could've just mentioned it sooner. i was being stubborn, aren't?" you laughed and hid you face because you were so embarrassed. your face got red while you were talking. sunoo rolled his eyes and laughed at you "well, i'm sorry too for forgetting your bday which i can't believe that i did. anyway, my manager is probably looking for me now. love, is it alright if we celebrate your bday somewhere romantic later? im sorry that you didn't get to celebrate yesterday."
"yeah, you should probably go now. bye." sunoo stood and gave his hand to you. "answer my question, love. can we celebrate your lovely bday later?"
"ok. yes. yes, love." he felt relieved and smiled, he kissed you goodbye before running back to the site while you sat again and giggled like you just talked to your crush for the first time. you were wondering, however if what could've happened if you ran away from him earlier. i can answer to that, he would've probably argued with you.
yang jungwon (양정원)
you were so excited for tomorrow because it's your bday and especially because it's also your bf's day off. you can have all his attention to yourself for today not until he received a call.
"yoi, i received a call, i have this client who just hired me. heeseung was supposed to take the case alone but there was some problems that it needed about 2 people to take the case. unfortunately, there were no lawyers available for tomorrow so i had to take the job and help him." jungwon looked sad and so were you. you understood the situation immediately though, he's the best at his job.
the next day, you woke up first. you decided to cook breakfast for the both of you and wake up jungwon. "wonieee, wake up! you will be late for your job." you were about to leave the room but then he suddenly held you hand and pulled you onto the bed. he hugged you tightly and said "i don't want to get out of bed and leave you all alone here, i want to be with you for the whole day. wait, what about you? don't you have work as well?"
"oh uh, i took the day off today because i thought you'd also have your day off." he pouted and hugged you tightly.
"baby, please you're suffocating me. now, go and get out of bed. you'll be late."
----- time skip -----
soon, you got bored staying at your house. weirdly, your phone has been silent. it's a monday so everyone is obviously busy but your bday hasn't sent a happy bday message to you. he also didn't mention it earlier in the morning which made you think if he forgot about your bday now. you shook your head and thought it would be nice to visit him at the courtroom where his case would be held. you went in your car and went there.
when you arrived, there were only a few people there. you thought you arrived late but you asked and said that it'll start in a few minutes. shortly after, people have been entering the court room one-by-one and the judges also sat on their seats. you were looking for your boyfriend everywhere but looks like he still haven't arrived, you were about to sit but you bumped with someone.
"oh, sorry."
"wait, y/n??? baby, what are you doing here?"
"oh, hi! i was just bored at home so i decided to visit you here." you kissed him. he was about to talk but then his co-worker (atty. heeseung) said that they should go at their place now.
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minutes later, the discussion started. you were sitting there not listening to what everyone's saying and you were just looking at him, adoring him. you forgot how handsome your boyfriend is. anyway, you realized that you completely forgot that it was your bday and you didn't want to celebrate it by sitting and listening to someone's case. you went to the mall to go buy some clothes and you were still hoping when will jungwon greet you a happy bday. you were already getting tired so you went straight home, you didn't even care id your bday remembers or not. you were simply tired already and wanted to sleep, and so you did.
----- time skip -----
as you were sleeping soundly, you felt a light tap on your shoulder. you opened your eyes slowly and saw your sister.
"oh gosh, you scared me. how did you get inside?"
"i have a spare key, remember?"
"oh, then what are you doing here? did something bad happened to you?"
"well...." she was looking down and she suddenly hugged you. "i'm sorry for busting out here, late at night but i really need your help." she looked at you, looking like she wanted to cry. you were alarmed at what she said so you asked "what kind of help?".
"m-my boyfriend has been abusing me and i escaped from him today. i can't do this anymore, i'm scared." hearing this made you so angry and just wanted to beat him up right there and then.
"chaewon, you should've told me sooner, i didn't even know you had a boyfriend but by any chance, did he follow you here?".
"no, he did text me though."
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"i made his name in my contacts that in purpose because i was keeping our relationship a secret. i'm sorry, i should've told sooner." reading the texts made you scared as well but you were mad at him for beating your sister.
"chae, go stay here and lock the door, ill try and talk to your fucking boyfriend and beat him up if things go south, if ever that happens ill ask jungwon to be your lawyer and sue him."
"sis, wait, no. h-he doesn't know what you look like and you also don't know what he looks like either. i should come but ill just hide and call the police if something happens. i-ill text him so that he'll just come to us."
----- time skip -----
you arrived at the place. you didn't expect that the place would be a fancy restaurant, you thought that he must be rich. anyway, you found it weird that at a situation like this he would invite your sister to something this fancy. wouldn't people see if he beats up your sister or he's just that dumb, you thought.
"stay there at the bush and tell him you're here and make him go outside. i'll wait for him here"
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you sat at a bench while waiting for him, there was not much people outside so it's easier to know if the person is your sister's boyfriend. you saw someone coming from the main door standing st the front, looks like he is looking for someone.
"SIS! THAT'S HIM!" your sister whispered.
if i'm going to be honest, you were actually scared for your dear life and you were unsure of what to do but as her sister you'll need to defend her and talk to her bf. you walked closer at him and said "are you my sister's boyfriend?" he looked at you with a confused look but soon realized that you came instead of your sister.
"follow me inside." and you did while your sister was still at the bush hiding.
your heartbeat went faster and you were somehow shaking. you kept holding back from punching him and stayed calm. as you walked further, the light went off. oh dear, that's when you lost it. you were so scared of what might happen to you there and scared that this might be your last day. then the lights opened again.
"HAPPY BDAY!!" you were so shocked that you fainted.
hours later, you finally woke up and you were already home. you actually thought it was just a dream but then a door opened, it was jungwon. he was so relieved seeing you finally awake.
"love, don't scare me like that. i thought we went far. i'm so sorry, i should've surprised you in a different way."
"no, don't scare me like that. i fucking thought i would die there, i can't believe these was all your plan." you put your hand to your chest and tried feeling your heartbeat. "my heart is still beating fast right now, i feel like i might've got a heart attack at that point."
jungwon suddenly ran out of the room and went back holding a cake. "you didn't get to blow the candles earlier, happy bday my love!"
"i actually thought you already forgot about my bday, thank you for remembering BUT please no more surprises like this. if you do this again next time, i think i might actually die already."
"don't say that but yes, i won't surprise you like that anymore." he laughed then suddenly stopped, as you both talked he remembers how you acted in the certain situation which made him worry and get concerned for you.
"y/n... if something like this ever happens, don't act rashly and call me immediately. love, i don't want you to get hurt..."
"okay okay, i know love. i still can't believe you asked chaewon for this evil plans of yours."
"yoi wait, did you really think i forgot your bday? were you waiting for me to greet you?" he smirked.
you looked at him shyly and guilty. "uh, noO."
"you know what? ill take my day off tomorrow and let's celebrate your day properly but first let's eat the cake!!"
so you may be confused but.....
jungwon is really not the type to forget your bday, he could never
which is why the storyline here is different
even if he did forget, he would've still remembered hours later because he always think of you<33333
welp, jungwon's might be the only one who has the shortest..... he remembered your bday so...q
if you guys want more with lawyer jungwon just hmu !!
nishimura riki, ni-ki (니키)
you were talking to your boyfriend over the phone and you were reminded that it's your bday tomorrow so you somehow waited for him to mention about it over the phone but to your surprise he didn't. ni-ki is someone who gets more excited in an event than the person who is hosting it or the person who's the event made for so it was really odd of him to not say anything about it.
the next day, you woke up with a messy hair and a drool on your mouth. you checked your clock and saw that you're about to be late for school so you hurriedly went to the bathroom and went downstairs to get your shoes.
"sweetie, you made him wait for an hour now. ALSO GO EAT."
you ran to the door and said "nah, i'm good mom. i think ni-ki's going to get me something later."
you thought that ni-ki is sitting on the bench but when you opened the door running, you accidentally bumped onto him.
"oops, sorry."
"and you're the one telling me to sleep early."
actually, your school is just near your home so everyday you and your boyfriend just go on foot. you guys were having a small talk then you realized that he hasn't greeted you a 'happy birthday' at all.
"so...?" he raised his eyebrow at you. "so what?"
"oh, nothing. so um, have you finished your assignment?"
"since when do i even do that?" you laughed at him, knowing that he'll probably fail in your exam day which is next week.
----- time skip -----
you both arrived at the gate of your school and as you went in, you both parted ways. you two have a lot of similarities but when it comes to education, you both can't even be compared. however, you and your boyfriend are pretty popular. you're the valedictorian and he's just the hot guy everyone knew about.
as you went in your classroom, you sat and wondered what surprise is ni-ki's hiding. usually, ni-ki is bad at surprising because his acting is just terrible that it immediately gives it out but seeing him today made you think that he's finally good at this. you were thinking of him so much while looking outside the window that you didn't notice your teacher already standing behind you.
"ehem, miss y/n. is there something would you like to share with the class? i suppose not."
your seatmate, also your best friend giggled at you. "y/n, i know it's your bday but what made you think it would be a good idea to zone out when the teacher's here or.... you're thinking of that gigantic emo man again? i told you we should've became together instead lol."
"normally, i would've bickered with you for saying that but since you're the first to greet me then-" wonyoung gasped loudly while the teacher looks at the both of you but the teacher let you both go for now since you are the top of the class.
"don't tell me you both literally came here in school at the same time without him greeting you?! i knew you shouldn't have dated that man. it should've been me instead, like im even taller than him." she whispered, actually nevermind the whispered part because literally everyone heard wonyoung that time.
"wish i could say the same but anyway, im pretty sure he's going to surprise me sooner or later. you know him, he can't handle surprises and he's probably so excited right now telling his friends about it."
meanwhile ni-ki......
"hey bro, a dumbass in another class just told me i suit pink. i would literally look like shit if i do anything with pink, i just hate it."
"i think it would suit you fine, don't know." heeseung chuckled.
"shall we fight and see?"
yeah they started play fighting inside the classroom, just imagine that one time where ni-ki and heeseung was play punching each other while hee was holding a dumbbell.
back to you, you decided to visit ni-ki's classroom and maybe sneak up on him to see what is he up to. you looked through the classroom's windows and you saw that ni-ki was just playing and doing some random stuff in the classroom. finally, you thought that ni-ki forgot about your bday. it all makes sense, from him not mentioning about it and he looked like his usual self (like not being excited, etc.) to him just being normal in the classroom. you went back to your classroom and didn't pay attention much to that, hate to admit this but you were upset that your own boyfriend forgot about your bday.
----- time skip -----
the school bell finally rang for break time, everyone started to go to the cafeteria and eat. you also went with wonyoung while you guys were walking in the hallway, wony noticed that you seemed a bit down.
"hey, are you okay? you look like someone just threw up on you. okay kidding aside, are you okay?"
"yeah, i just feel tired right now thinking about studying advance for the exam next week."
"it's break time now so let's eat and stop thinking about your grades for now."
you guys were already in the line to get food and you sat down. ni-ki was waiting for you since forever and when he found you, he sat beside you in the cafeteria. wonyoung was also sitting beside you, at the left side.
"baby, i missed you." he was about to kiss you but you immediately put the spoon in your mouth since you aren't really in the mood for his lovey dovey. wonyoung side eyed you because what and ni-ki on the other side was shook.
"should i go to another table? it looks like there's something the both of you need to talk about." then she whispered to you saying "oh, i can tell he still didn't greet you huh?.." she elbowed you about two times and headed to the other tables with your classmates.
"so... jake and the others plan to go to the haunted house after school. wanna come?" you didn't respond, you were still thinking hard whether if he actually forgot about it or what. it wasn't a really big deal to you so you still somehow replied to him with a low tone "sure." ni-ki thought it was weird that you talked like that, he never even heard you that way. you both are always loud, to be honest.
----- time skip -----
classes ended and it is finally time to go home but you remembered you had plans to go to the haunted house so you looked for ni-ki, you were walking down the hallway where your boyfriend and the others at. there was a crowd, there was a lot of people but not that much. you also noticed your best friend there, you were about to call her but ni-ki noticed you walking in the hallway so he ran to you.
"hey, angel. are you ready to go to the haunted house??? don't worry i won't scare you like last time hehehehe" he laughed.
you didn't really want to ignore him but you were busy thinking if he did forgot about it or no, you were to busy thinking that you didn't hear your boyfriend that started talking to you.
"hello? babe? my girl to earth! hello! huh?" he waved his hands up and down in front of you thinking you were zoning out but no, you were still busy thinking. although, you did notice him waving had hands in front of you but you didn't care.
as you reached the crowd, they were talking about going to some restaurant after the haunted house and also heeseung will be the one to drive. wonyoung saw you and she just had to say something about "it".
"y/n, are you really sure of going to the haunted house? i don't want to see you suffer there."
"i'm fine. i forgot about what happened years ago, i mean i still remember but i don't care about it anymore."
"did you tell ni-ki about it? oh, definitely not because if you did i'm sure he wouldn't invite you to go to a haunted house."
"yeah, i think i'll just make him worry but he probably doesn't care as well. look wony, i can manage myself." you knew that was a lie, going back to the haunted house is a bad idea. a lot of tragic events has happened you in there which means if you go back it will probably trigger you trauma again. as ni-ki mentioned, you guys actually went to the haunted house one time. you didn't want to go but your boyfriend was with you so you thought your trauma won't get triggered. as you went in the haunted house, memories has been flashing in your mind. you couldn't breathe properly, ni-ki knew something was off but your acting with him was just so good even though you were shaking a bit. the memories of you getting almost killed by your aunt and uncle inside the haunted house, make you think that they're still there, in every haunted house ready to try and kill you again.
----- time skip -----
all of you finally arrived at the haunted house, everyone was getting ready to go in except you. wonyoung was looking at you the whole time, worried. while ni-ki tried to make a conversation with you in the car but you were busy thinking, not because if he forgot about your bday or not but because of the haunted house. you don't know what might happen to you this time, back then, you managed to act naturally with ni-ki but this time there's a lot of people.
"y/n, okay i'll be serious. why have you been ignoring me? did i-" before he could finish talking jake and the others were calling everyone in the car to go in the haunted house now. you just saw the building but all the memories are already flashing in to your mind. you don't even know if you can go inside because you felt dizzy and scared. you still tried to act natural because you didn't want anyone to think you're crazy at that moment. as you went in, you got dizzier and images of your past is all you can see. you were scared to death and hoping someone can just save you and go somewhere else. wonyoung looked at you with a worried look and held your hand in. "y/n, are you sure you're okay? i don't want to see you get hurt..." your boyfriend heard what she said and approached the two of you.
"why? did something bad happened?? don't ignore me, y/n, please.."
you whispered to wony "yes, i'm fine." you let go of her hand and turned your back. you were not fine. you were shaking terribly and wanted to cry at that point. everyone proceeded to explore and of course, your boyfriend went with you instead of the others, it was just the two of you. you were still shaking and you couldn't handle it anymore, so when ni-ki was busy picking up something, you decided to walk away from him and went in the nearest room. when you went in, that's when it got worsen. the room looked exactly like where you were when your uncle were hurting you. you went to one of the corners and sat, breathing rapidly and covering your ears because you were somehow hearing your aunt's voice whispering to you words. you cried and cried and couldn't handle it anymore, you didn't know what to do but luckily you went to the nearest room and ni-ki just found you in time. he didn't know what to do but he just ran over to you and tried to see what was happening. he was talking to you but you didn't answer. he was panicking so hard that he just hugged you that time, you needed it. for a few minutes, you calmed down while closing your eyes. still hugging him. ni-ki is still worried as fuck and you weren't responding to him. he held your hand and said that you both should go outside now, he didn't care if he's going to leave the others behind.
----- time skip -----
you still didn't talk but ni-ki took you at his home because you begged that you didn't want to go home and there wasn't any safer places for you to be comfortable so he took you to his home. he gave you a glass of water and hugged you again.
"i don't know why that happened but you can tell me whenever you're ready. im sorry i didn't know you were going through something but please i want to talk to you at least."
your mother called, you were supposed to not pick it up because you weren't really in the mood to talk but you still did and you put her on speaker.
"sweetie, do you ever plan to go home to celebrate your bday or are you going to celebrate it with ni-ki." and when your boyfriend heard that he stood up and was like HUH. while you were talking with your mother, he was walking back-and-forth not being able to believe himself for forgetting your bday and you were also going through something that he didn't know. you hang up on you mother and he was asking questions on where do you wanna go, you told him to the movies or in a restaurant. he literally brought a bag like he was taking care of a baby but yes it was full of things that you might need in case you went crying again.
----- time skip -----
you finally told him on what happened earlier, he was feeling sorry for you and was mad at your aunt and uncle.
"i can't believe i didn't notice that that was happening to you and i even forgot about your bday. im really the worst boyfriend ever.." he pouted and hugged you again.
"maybe but you aren't really the worst, if you were you wouldn't care about me at all." he hugged you tightly and you just found comfortable and safe around him, in fact you were luck that he was there earlier of he weren't you don't know what might've happened to you in there.
oh yeah, lol you both technically forgot about everyone. they were calling the both of you but didn't answer but seeing the car disappeared, they were pretty sure you went somewhere.
please do not copy/translate this and post as your own.
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butterscotch-goat · 5 months
Your oc lore, please give it to me, I arrived very late and am rather confused but also incredibly intrigued! (Also side not idk how to explain it but your art is very comforting! Says the man who has seen 2 drawings. But my point still stands lol)
This means so much to me 🥹🥹 Im glad ur interested!!! I'll give u some quick summaries (quick as I can be bc once I start talking about my silly little blorbos it's hard for me to stop-)
SO! First group of OCs is a project I'm currently calling "Escapism" which takes place in 1890s England. (Check the #buttersketch-escapism tag for content of em)
Okay so I started typing and realized I included WAYYY TOO MUCH info but I worked hard on it so I'll still include it, bUT
TLDR: Aster (tired, anxious, hopeful) is magic (plant magic) and is being used for experiments and tests by Charles(friendly guy, stubborn, cheery) and Beatrice(joyful, caring, passionate) until Beatrice herself becomes and experiment when Charles wants to find out what would happen if you attached wings to a human being. Also aster and Beatrice are girlfriends. Charles accidentally kidnaps Martha (extroverted, curious, peppy) because her magical(healing magic) girlfriend Grace died and Martha has info about her magic. Eventually Aster kills Charles and is haunted by her guilt, which is manifested in a character I call Ghost!Charles (self-explanatory)
Here's uhhh escapism for ya!! Sorry,, you don't have to read it there's a lot of text I know-
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Second story which I haven't posted about as much as one I'm calling "Dawn" which takes place in the modern day, and is about demons & angels, heaven & hell & earth type stuff. Simpler than escapism, thank God- (check the #buttersketch-dawn tag for some content of dawn!!!!!)
Here's the cast!! Refs are somewhat outdated but do the job. (Sorry for the last image I don't have a ref for him yet)
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I'll keep this short, for real this time!!
In 2019, Chigs accidentally falls off the edge of heaven and misses earth so they fall straight to hell. They didn't have any evil intent so are still an angel, but they need to find a way back to heaven. They stumble into Dawn's office and Dawn reluctantly agrees to help them. Frappe also barges into Dawn's office to hide, as she's on the run from the police. Gene comes around to check on Dawn and finds an outlaw and an angel. Dawn, Chigs, and Frappe run away to earth. Gene recruits Ronnette to help him track down the trio. The trio accidentally gets separated on their way to earth; Frappe and Chigs find each other but Dawn is left to navigate a modern day earth on her own. HIJINKS ENSUE!
time for some lore that's BARELY plot relevant!
Gene and Lucy used to be boyfriends but Gene broke up with Lucy in the 1920s because Lucy was so drowned in his work and wouldn't care about anything else. They get back together eventually tho :3 I make a lot of Lucy & Abigail content even tho he only shows up in like one flashback scene maybe??? Sorry about that.
Anyway THANK YOU FOR ASKING ABOUT MY GUYSSS I tried to keep it short, also bc it is getting late and I have school tomorrow OFBSHHDHFHDHSJ.
my inbox is ALWAYS open for questions of any kind so hmu if you ever have any!! Sorry again for all the info!!
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indolamine · 15 days
hey y'all 🤍 here's a link for INFO on jiyeon, but i'll include some bullet points here with all you need to know. in case anything here sparks ideas for your muse and you'd like to work on a plot, hmu. i do prefer dscrd, so don't hesitate to ask. oh and i'd appreciate it if you could shoot me a dm first so my account doesn't get banned trying to touch base with the likes (say literally anything, hit me with a send it to me rachel if you'd be so kind). still, if you'd rather just hit like it's fine, i'll reach out once tumblr allows me!
jiyeon is what you'd call an Interesting Girl. someone you don't call or arrange schedules with, just happen upon. someone who never calls you but can be your best friend between 11pm and 3am. a fun girl, you just don't look too long.
both her parents are dead for all intents and purposes, which's proven to be a very character defining event in her life. one of her fathers passed away before she was even code, and the other chose to virtually die to work as a doctor for terrascape when she turned 18.
as single beneficiary to both her fathers, jiyeon found herself young, alone and newly rich. she's not particularly self destructive, but choices were made. luckily? for the most part, she was too stunned by grief and anger to blow away her fortune, which now affords her a cushy life she doesn't dwell too hard on.
she's emotionally stunted, still reliving the loss of her parents somewhere in her mind at every moment. she knows a lot of people, calls them friends but struggles to connect with them, blinking in and out of their lives. death is a constant thought, not quite a morbid fascination but more of a haunting. she knows, poor little rich girl.
she writes -- tries to, anyway. she's got some essays published, wrote for a column for a hot minute, it's her definitive trade of choice. but, and not to get too meta, the thing about writing is that you do have to write. that's the tricky part. merits were a good incentive, though once they're no longer an issue, she finds herself ignoring deadlines and putting off work on the novel she's been writing for the past 4 years. she instead "gathers experiences". she has many talents that she has no interest in seriously exploring, so she entertains herself while the high lasts.
between her writing and her party girl fame, at some point along the way she amassed a following on social media that she hesitates to cut loose. they make her more interesting than she, merely human, could ever hope to be, and she doesn't know how to kill the part of her that answers to their call. it's a lie when she says she doesn't look at what they say.
adult life for her breezes by in parties with half-friends and long bouts of reclusion. she wants to be a little of everything. she enjoys reading, skiing, playing silly little meta indie games about living in hyper realities. she doesn't commit to romantic relationships, yet enjoys the hunt anyway. she takes her time, and it never seems to align with anyone else's.
& here's a rolling list of canons that could also serve as potential connections for anyone interested, will add more as they come to me:
she once got involved with a couple for some brief months and it didn't end well
one of the few things she gets competitive about is skiing
she's fucked someone's significant other purely out of spite
she has a writing group whose meetings she misses often but she isn't the only one so she feels like it's a safe space
the person she plays a random weird rpg with incognito is maybe the most consistent relationship in her life, their chats can get very personal and strange and they can go weeks on no contact but go right back to where they left off
the events surrounding gyuok pique her interest because it's the first time terra residents could potentially be hearing from a virtually deceased and because he's essentially a virtual ghost which she thinks is neat
one of her published essays focuses on a celebrity she knows personally and doesn't portray them in the best light, which soured their relationship
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crumble-stew · 1 year
I wanna hear about your PDh rewrite
whats like, the plot your going for
I’d like to preface this by saying I’m a super busy student in my A-Level year so I’m not actually making it. But I can make comics and explain the plot theoretically on tumblr :D
First of all it’s Katemau centric because I’m a useless bisexual.
Now more importantly, there’s two main schools in this, Phoenix Drop High and O’Kasis Academy. It’s also sort of following MCD in a more direct way? I’ll run down all the main cast
Aphmau Floraz - Age 16. She has been homeschooled her whole life and is super stoked to be attending high school. Attends PDH and gets up to general protag shenanigans.
Aaron Lycan - Age 18. Aaron is not a love interest! He’s still FC but they meet online while she’s at PDH and not before. They’re nerdy gamer friends and I <3 them. Platonic nerd aarmau for the soul
Katelyn Adhikari - Age 16. APH’S LOVE INTEREST!!! Katelyn used to attend O’Kasis Academy where she was captain of the girl’s football (soccer) team and also on the student council, run by Zane. Some shit goes down and it all ends with Zane getting Jeffery expelled and triggering a series of events that makes Katelyn want to leave. She now attends PDH and is on the football team there. She’s also Ivy’s ex :0
Nana Ishida - Age 15. Nana is a member of the baking club!! She wants to go to a technical college to become a patisserie chef and she often struggles with not being as academic as some of her friends. Lucinda is always around to give her a pep talk if she’s really struggling :,). She’s also dating Danté. She likes anime but she goes by her own name not Kawaii-Chan. Liking anime is what she bonds with Aphmau over
Danté Captain - Age 15. Danté is not gross in my rewrite, and is much more like his MCD counterpart!! After a messy breakup with Nicole, he was a bit sceptical about dating someone. However, he bonded with Nana over failing a maths test and they really hit it off. He’s really good at boxing but so far he’s never beaten Gene
Lucinda Claire - Age 16. Lucinda is an icon. She’s still a witch and she’s part of like. The main girl four (Aphmau, Katelyn, Nana and Lucinda). She’s been friends with Nana for years and the two are a very chaotic team. Teachers are warned to sit them across the room from each other when they first start, and they turn everything into a competition. Lucinda also knows how to comfort someone after a breakup or smthn, but does not do well with her own.
Laurance Zvahl - Age 17. Laurance captains the guys football (again, soccer) team and he is super messy lol. Ask him about his middle school emo phase and you are DEAD (not really, he’ll just laugh it off, then ask that you don’t mention it). Not much has changed here, but again he’s not a love interest for Aphmau really? I don’t like love triangle stuff too much so I wanna make it more slow burn adjacent. He was adopted by Hayden when he was super young and if you hurt Cadenza he will hate you forever. He did also used to roll with Gene and co
Gene Captain (18), Sasha Smyth (17), and Zenix Martinez-Jones (15) are the shadow knights still!!! They’re sort of Gene’s weird loner group, not much has changed here. Gene wants to be a boxer, Sasha gets away with everything because of her 4.0 and Zenix wears trousers 5 sizes too big for him. They’re silly.
Ivy Vernon (16) and Janus Argan (17) are kinda background antagonists for a bit??? Ivy is Katelyn’s ex and the head of the OKA girls hockey team. She’s an absolute menace . Janus is Zane’s close friend and always wants the best for him. He ends up with Zane. Janus is on the American football team.
Travis Valkrum - Age 16. I almost forgot about Travis because I do not like him at all. No Travlyn here whatsoever lmao. I will lean into the sweetheart thing he had going on in pdh!! Basically a ray of sunshine, and things pickup lines are so suave and cool. He’s really interested in classical music.
THE ROMEAVE BROTHERS: here is where we get really messy and find some main conflict
Garroth Ro’Meave - Age 18. Also no longer a love interest. Garroth Ro’Meave has a heart of gold and is always trying his best. He absolutely loves sports and board games. He could not stand his father and ran away from home in the summer between Junior and Senior year. He enrolled himself at PDH and cannot legally be made to return home, and this sets up a lot of the conflict. Garté is a very famous businessman and politician and the tabloids are finding it hard to avoid discussing the family drama, especially with Vylad being public news. Garrance is also endgame
Zane Ro’Meave - Age 16. Debate team. Anyone who knows me knows I love Zane, and I am so normal about him in this. He’s the student council head (the SC is the Jury, idk if I made that clear) at O’Kasis academy until Garté gets really antsy to get Garroth back. Garté basically forcefully transfers Zane to PDH and says he can’t go back to O’Kasis Academy until Garroth comes home. Character development and chaos ensues, while he’s finally forced to face everyone he’s hurt and his feelings about his dad. Much less importantly, Zane gets a boyfriend by the end. It’s Janus (as in the silver death), who’s been his friend the whole time.
Vylad Ro’Meave Fletcher - Age 15. Sick of her husband, Zianna had an affair with another guy. Garté didn’t like how dissimilar Vylad looked to him and forced her to get a DNA test. He basically forced Zianna to give Vylad up, and he’s currently staying in a foster home. It’s public knowledge that he is a Ro’Meave, but it’s just not really talked about in a serious context (kinda Boris Johnson’s kids). Suddenly he’s at the same school as his two older brothers and getting to reconnect with them, and it’s all a lot at once. He’s also the person who convinced Sylvanna that Aphmau should come to PDH on an open day.
It’d be kinda Sex Education vibes??? More than one main character and it focuses on all their conflicts, but the overarching story is Katemau and the conflict between Zane and Garroth, both of which would come to a peak on the night of the winter dance :)
IM SO SORRY THIS IS SO LONG!!! If you have any questions or characters you’re curious about hmu
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darkrpfinder · 2 months
Angsty nsfw mxm rp
21+ only
Hi 21 here, looking for a long term rp partner for a dark angsty rp. I’m primarily looking for a plot that explores abusive relationships, complicated characters, characters with mental illnesses and the list goes on. I’m really interested in something dark and have very few limits/triggers.
Characters: I try to write versatile characters, (I hate cliches - like bottoms have to be small etc) and try to be as versatile as possible when it comes to characters. I do have a slight preference for writing doms though. (By slight I mean I love writing them.) So if you like writing subs we’ll be a perfect match. Disclaimer, like I said I like to write versatile characters so the doms I write won’t be your typical wattpad alpha daddy lol. I think it’s fun to mix things up, like have the sub be an older guy for example.
Other: I can’t believe I have to write this but trans male oc’s are of course welcome, men are men. So if you have a trans oc you’ve been wanting to write I’m all in. Just wanted to make this clear as I’ve witnessed quite a lot of transphobia in the mxm community.
What to expect: I’m fairly active, my replies vary in length depending on where we are in the story and how much I have to work with, but generally speaking, I love to write detailed replies. I’m a big fan of chatting ooc, sending memes and pics that remind me of our characters, gushing about our characters haha, making playlists and generally getting to know the person I’m rping with. For me it just makes it a lot more fun if we can also get along, chat and joke outside the rp. Doesn’t have to be personal but I like to vibe with the person that I’m writing with.
If this sounds interesting then please feel free to hmu on discord at: pinkmaggit2002x
Note: Please be willing to plot together, if you have absolutely no ideas in mind or expect me to come up with the whole plot alone, then please don’t message me. I love plotting and I love coming up with ideas but I also want you to be engaged, I don’t want to plot alone or with someone who just goes “ok sounds good” to everything I suggest, please be willing to throw some ideas out there yourself.
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soulsuckrrs · 3 months
open to: m/f/anyone plot: Phelia is an informant or perhaps just did a favor for y/m to get some info to help them with something (maybe she owed them) & it did not go very well for her despite being able to get what she needed Phelia was injured & is now mixed in with not so savory people. hmu if you’d like to plot! connection: mafia leader or member, criminal, fbi agent or detective, arms or drug dealer, fwb or old client, ex, rival or enemies to lovers, a paying customer, anything works~
Tumblr media
 Bruised fingers gingerly wrapped around a cool glass, amber liquor covering three cubes of ice as the woman holding the drink brought it to pale lips, hand trembling just faintly as she took a generous drink. Grimacing a bit while she brought her glass back down the slender woman shifted ever so slightly from in front of where she had found the alcohol, too weary to keep standing but not wanting to sit down for fear she’d crash for the rest of the evening, she at least had to make it to her apartment. However, as she swayed some in order to turn around, leaning against the counter, Phelia became drastically aware she wasn’t going to be getting good rest no matter where she landed thanks to the beating she’d taken to get done what she promised. This wasn’t the first time she’d been knocked around, and although Phelia was a very vocally and physically aggressive person when she was upset or needed to be, it didn’t always mean she got out of such situations unharmed, but not without leaving a few of her own marks.
After a moment, letting the few glasses of liquor she’d already consumed wash over her, numbing the ache in her side, cheek and her swelling knuckles, Phelia was able to regain some kind of composure. Which was to say, none at all, simply the facade that she was holding her shit together. “Don’t worry about it,” she wasn’t sure how long they’d been standing there, or whether or not they had already spoken to her before she’d even realized they were there. Naturally, her first response, though, upon realizing someone was sharing the same space as her, Phelia made a determined effort at casting aside any question of her state. In truth, she was far from fine, but she would do everything in her power to make them believe she was. And damn was she doing a poor fucking job. “— I’ll be fine. I got what you wanted.” As if the information would make her damaged state improve.
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prinzundrabe · 8 months
It's ya girl @yurious-george! It's been several years since I made this blog, and since I dropped it. Now after a conversation with @goldkrone-struggle-tweets, I realized how much of a gap there is between the new tumblr tutu fans and the older ones, and considering how much general knowledge surrounding princess tutu I have, reviving this blog seemed apt!
Some things of import:
I originally made this blog when I was 14 and more than a little unwell; if you read something that seems unhinged, dont worry abt it. just ignore it
on that note this blog needs a decent amount of gussying up. you're welcome to poke around but until im up & running smoothly, kindly do not debate old posts. so same as above
I'm going to be focusing more on research rather than meta within princess tutu. so fewer headcanon posts
askbox is open, and you're welcome to ask me anything! I have a lot of general knowledge surrounding princess tutu and related fairy tales, ballet, & operas; if you want to know what music plays in an episode, inspiration behind characters and episode plots, or want me to elaborate on a line of research you've reached a dead end on; hmu!
I'll even archive older fandom posts & lore, like livejournal posts & anniversary events.
tagging my friends, mutuals, and ppl who i've seen around who might be interested in princess tutu meta or have done research in the past: @an-aura-about-you @goldkrone-struggle-tweets @fate-defiant @lesbianfakir @theoandmoon
Now, I must study for my midterms. More to come when I inevitably get distracted.
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