#on if i made the correct choice
silly-songs-with-saph · 3 months
I still can't clean out my suitcase because the clothes still smell like you and your room.
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zytes · 6 months
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this manatee looks like it’s in a skyrim loading screen
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nancywheeeler · 1 year
hopeless time loop. the way out isn’t to save everyone. the way out isn’t to save even one person. the way out isn’t to change anything. the way out is accepting how it happened the first time is how it always will be. that’s how you acted, that’s how they acted, that’s how you would have acted every time if you weren’t given the curse of hindsight. the way out is accepting you can’t fix the past; you can only forgive yourself for it.
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leeblissy · 4 months
*by this I just mean those who currently are or have previously been in LAIOS' adventuring party, not your favorite OVERALL character! please feel free to put your favorite of all time in the tags! also I'm keeping the poll sp*iler free for those who just wanna watch the anime so I KNOW I've missed party members!
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its-leethee · 8 months
I am so accustomed to seeing the adults in children's media portrayed as antagonistic obstacles for the child protagonists to outwit and overcome. So, I really appreciate how in The Dragon Prince, Callum, Ezran, and Rayla are able to approach and rely upon the adults, strangers even, that they meet during their journey. The specific examples I want to talk about are both from 1x07: the doctor and the mercenary.
When Ezran and Callum meet the doctor, he is genuinely concerned for the boys, even though he can tell that they're not being completely upfront with him. He gives them his hospitality and listens without judgement or reproach while they tell him about the accident with the egg. When he realizes his expertise is inadequate, he keeps his promise not to tell on them, and points them towards hope.
Rayla's meeting with the mercenary is more tense; he is understandably skeptical of her intentions after she chases and corners him in an alley. But when he realizes her sincerity, he heeds her plea for help. His words ("but it'll burn you") and his body language (his hesitation, his worried facial expression) belie his empathy - at least, until he sees that she's an elf, and his prejudice overcomes him.
I also want to give a mention to Villads and Lujanne, who stepped up as mentors/guides for the trio, and offered their assistance, advice, and kindness without expectations of recompense.
In reality, most people are good and want to do right by others(1). The vast majority of the strangers and people you meet are not scheming, nefarious opportunists-in-waiting. If you approach with vulnerability and ask someone for help, they will honestly try to assist you.
I just find it such a refreshing, appropriately wholesome take. Grownups aren't out to get you, kids. As someone who was raised in the "stranger danger" era, I am glad to have tdp's more nuanced and honest version of reality to show and discuss with my own children.
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rorah · 5 months
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For the DimilethExchange 🫰 My gift for AvaritiaFf (is Avaritia here on tumblr dot com?)
The ecchi rom-com manga is here too. Some silly Hopes Onsen shenanigans. This time with a quick attempt of a flashy cover 💗✨ ENJOY!
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The main post is here. IT has a second chapter (and MAYBE, there's the possibility of a continuation.... But it's not set in stone yet)
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like-sands-of-time · 5 months
And they were dyads
Oh my god they were dyads
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bardofavon · 4 months
thinking a lot about how fatal flaws are misconstrued as being moral failings when actually hamartia is a moral neutral.
the best kind of fatal flaw, in my opinion, is one that’s both a character’s greatest strength and biggest weakness at the same time. it needs to be their biggest weakness intertwined like vines with what makes them admirable. it’s their very virtues that bring them to ruin!!! it’s something they can be lauded for that spells their death!!
it’s macbeth’s ambition. it’s oedipus’s loyalty to his state and unending thirst for truth and justice. it’s hamlet’s obsessive contemplation and wish to make sure his every decision is the right one. it’s being loyal to the point of blindness or confident to the point of hubris.
in any other story they could succeed because of these traits, but they aren’t in any other story, and in theirs it’s exactly what damns them.
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andromerot · 7 months
someone needs to do a study on fiction podcast fandom twitters racial headcanons for characters. literally how did they all decide unanimously that jonathan sims was south asian
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AshtonIrwin94: More of You - Chris Stapleton 🤠
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Well, well!
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Look who’s finally back in town! Hello again, world! What did I miss?
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nextinline-if · 1 year
I'm tired of watching creators get stepped on (with a clarified statement regarding the forum poster)
I don't frequent this forum - I went here to investigate pirating. Several people have insisted that the person going by the COG founder's name is not actually him, so here's my updated post. I retract that it's Dan but not what else I said. I still stand by what I said.
Hi, it's me, your friendly Vi with something on my mind. Unfollow if you will but I gotta speak my mind on behalf of the authors who spend countless hours creating the games that bring you joy. Sure, I've been away from Tumblr so I'm probably late to this but oh well. Still decided to post this.
I moved my game to Twine in August because I don't want to be associated with Choice of Games (COG). Here's a great example of why...
People in a forum asking for and sharing pirated content from indie creators' Patreons.
The author saw it and responded:
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[ID: A snippet of what the text reads. Please take this down. This is just...really not cool guys. My hands are trembling as I right this, because I'm both hurt and stunned that someone would take *everything* from my Patreon and post it. If you ever want - redacted game name - to get finished, then try not to do things that will cause me to have a breakdown. Please. /ID]
Here's the response from someone going by COG's founder's name (per screenshots below - apparently it's not him but I do wonder why he lets someone use his name or isn't aware?):
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I know this image is small, so here's what it reads:
"Let me tell you something, those who haven't subscribed to your patreon isn't magically gonna subscribe if they don't get stories elsewhere, and those who have already did that means they care about you and I'm pretty damn sure they aren't gonna unsubscribe anytime soon. If something anything changes due to the leaks then it's your popularity, readers are gonna be more interested in your titles and perhaps once they have enough money then they can even subscribe and donate that money to you, right now many members of this forum don't have enough resources to purchase things online such as patreon subscription, hence they had to rely on leaks to sate their excitement of reading the stories. Do think about it, from their perspective and if you can then try to make old stories and demo available for public this way they may not needs to rely on leaks and will read from official source.
Sincerely, Dan Fabulich"
What I said originally when I thought it was Dan: The guy is probably a millionaire (or, at the very least, well off compared to most indie creators) and he has the nerve to create an entitled response like this to an INDIE AUTHOR who uses choicescript.... wow. To an author who yes, has a pretty good following but is spending 1000s of hours creating for the enjoyment of others.
New statement: It's still fucking the way this person is speaking to an indie author. Still seems odd to allow a forum to use your name (and also basically insinuate it is supported by your company)...I would certainly be angry. But then again, I'm not rich and living off indie authors' work.
He (still) has more money than most of us indie authors ever have in his pocket from creating a company that pays pennies to the writers who make it money. People who just rely on passion to create these stories. Even if you make money on Patreon, most people cannot be sustained full-time. Most of the pirated content is not from bigger authors (but some is).
And before anyone says anything, yes, I am aware that many people can't afford Patreon and "don't want to wait." I get it. I promise you, I know the struggle. But like, it's fucking entitled to think you deserve to read someone's work without their permission.
And it's fucking entitled to throw the authors that pay for your lifestyle under the bus. (I still believe the company does this).
I am SO grateful to the majority of you out there who are kind, supportive, and overall amazing. But this is not okay!
Vi, out.
P.S. as an anon suggested, I will try to contact Dan to see if he's aware of this person using his name to make statements like this
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mokutone · 1 year
I kind of adore how in ur tags you're talking about his foot position being off and everyone (including me) in the tags is too busy being memorized by tenzō's arm and armpit hair to notice or comment.
ITS REALLY FUNNY!!! AND HONESTLY KINDA HEARTWARMING!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! LMFAOOOO also u + everyone else is right body hair is sick as HELL!!!! its easy to forget to add onto drawings too
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neddea · 1 year
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...a friend asked me if I could draw Vashwood in cowboy outfits and now this is seducing me way too much
Anyway have some cowboy Vash sketches
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tlcartist · 3 months
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What a difference 3 years makes
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sofigrace · 1 year
unpopular opinion
while orym is correct on his hate for ludinus he is also incredibly biased
If ludinus was pro-gods and instead did all the things he did to open the divine gate so the gods can be free and closer to their believers, orym would still be against him
I think the part of the fandom that have him as the "only morally correct blorbo" are being extremely reductive to his character.
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