#ominous noises
horsemeatluvr23 · 2 months
hermits talking about downloading tumblr because reddit is a hellhole and the chat going NO DON'T... EVERYONE SCATTER.... so funny to me. like... do they know......
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the-devils-deed · 2 years
MY HEaRT HURTS OMG IIn this AU, is Cuphead and Mugman not living with/or related to EK ??? Or is this apart of their job ??
[ BTW THE LATEST COMIC GRGGRGR /pos iim gonna snatch ur style istg ]
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So to answer that question. Yes, but also no. One is with Elder Kettle, one is with the Devil. I’m assuming you can tell who’s with who.
And it’s okay, feel those feels! This AU is a little dark and rough 😅
And that is also okay, I’m happy to see you like my style so much!!!! Thank you!!!! 🥺🥹💖✨
PLEASE!!! Have a cupcake 🧁🤗
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gollancz · 8 months
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Happy Paperback Publication Day to @jonnywaistcoat and FAMILY BUSINESS!
DEATH. IT’S A DIRTY BUSINESS. When Diya Burman’s best friend Angie dies, it feels like her own life is falling apart. Wanting a fresh start, she joins Slough & Sons – a family firm that cleans up after the recently deceased. Old love letters. Porcelain dolls. Broken trinkets. Clearing away the remnants of other people’s lives, Diya begins to see things. Horrible things. Things that get harder and harder to write off as merely her grieving imagination. All is not as it seems with the Slough family. Why won’t they speak about their own recent loss? And who is the strange man that keeps turning up at their jobs? If Diya’s not careful, she might just end up getting buried under the family tree. . .
'A triumph, thriving on relatable fears, hyper-realistic dirty homes, and understandable grief' - Fantasy Hive
'It completely blew me away' - FanFi Addict
'Don't read by yourself in a strange hotel room if you want to come out psychologically unscathed' - Me, specifically, learning lessons the hard way so that other people don't have to.
If you want a book that will:
Make you twitch at strange shapes outside the windows as the nights get darker
Break you in the smallest ways with the simplest observations of the meaning of humanity and love
Give you new and exciting things to be scared of that actually, on reflection, had probably always been lurking in the depths of your psyche just waiting to be called up
FAMILY BUSINESS is the book you want to grab.
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spinjitsuburst · 4 months
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am i funny yet
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gaemms-chamois · 1 month
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i've been obsessing over wiš'adel's floating drone gun things?? especially with the sticker sets out now like are these guys sentient? she's pissing them off. they're pissing her off. where the fuck did she get them
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Prompt 21
This past winter, Geralt grabbed a tower of books from the library and holed himself up in his room for practically the entire season. Eskel walks in one night, intent on just checking in on his brother, only to poke around and find that every book that Geralt is painstakingly studying is medical books, from how to deal with a sore throat to the most rarest of diseases. Eskel asks Geralt why he needs to know all of this, worried Geralt might be losing his mutagen-induced healing factor?! Is he getting sick!? Are his wounds not healing over time!? Oh GODS! Oh nvm- Geralt says he's fine :) He's reading all of this because... He met a human bard he wants to keep safe? Odd... Especially for Geralt... But whatever makes his brother happy! I just want a scene after some nice gay brotherly teasing that's like "Ow- Oh no.. Geralt, my arm was scratched by a branch. Hold on, I need to-" And geralt is like FROTHING and is like "WE NEED BANDAGES, THREAD, A NEEDLE, DISINFECTANT, NUMBING SOLUTION, AND I KNOW FOURTEEN DIFFERENT NATURALLY MADE POULTICES I CAN MAKE, AND I KNOW A HELPFUL SPELL A HEDGEWITCH CAN CAST AND-" "It's just a scratch, Gera-" "SHIT, SIT DOWN, I GOTTA FIX MY HUMAN BEFORE HE DIES AND I LOSE ONE OF THE ONLY GOOD THINGS IN MY LIFE"
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theluigiguy-vids · 11 months
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I love seeing everyone get into Ghost Trick and get utterly dumbfounded and confused about this little lamp fella
they'll find out
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spaciebabie · 2 years
Spacie what are you saying in sun/moon butt Morse code i have to know
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galaxytoons · 11 days
something’s coming…
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And it seems to be quite mesmerizing.
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ghostreblogging · 6 days
Help there's a ominous drumming noise that keeps coming from my headphones. I tried turning it off and on I it plays over my music and it won't stop help. Its Not even music it's just the same two rhythms over and over again
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starheirxero · 5 months
GOT DISTRACTED WHOOPS. anyways this was a part of a much bigger ramble but the few parts I wanna highlight are these bc I think abt it kind of a lot. For context in some padts: me and a friend were talking about how "sleep mode" could be the time that robots take to work on sorting files in their mind n such.
no but also ough. with solar flare developing sentience also it would make sense for them to have folders where they sort certain things by what they felt at that moment. getting yelled at and putting it in a “bad feelings” folder. having a cat come up and brush against their leg and putting it in a “good feelings” folder. they ofc also have like, a “weird feelings” or “mixed feelings” or “unknown feelings” folder but they Like to be able to pin down whether it’s a good or bad feeling first bc it makes them feel like they’re Getting themselves a lil more. or smth yk
Just having a while where the overwhelming-ness of being is hitting them and then on top of that they have a gazillion unsorted files that confuse them and they “wake up” feeling just as spent, if not more, than when they first entered sleep mode and they’re just like. blehg
it would b slow. but i think it’d b nice if their internal files becoming more and more sorted also reflected how they’re starting to finally get their footing on existence n such. yk
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unanchored-ship · 1 month
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Urghh more I Must Betray You art... I spent like 3928392 hours shading the hair just for it to disappear under the final effects
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dougielombax · 7 months
*presses play button on recorder*
“You hear that shit?! This is what pies hear when they DIE!”
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suchamazingness · 4 months
Suddenly struck with understanding for white girls in horror movies that ignore every hint of the genre
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magiefish · 6 months
#tragedy enjoyers we are *not* winning#maybe its the oversaturation of david tennant in the media#maybe its his unjustified return to doctor who#maybe its just because im sick of the fandom obssession with 10 to the neglect of all other doctors#or maybe its just because i hate obvious nostalgia bate and the bcc's obvious cowardice retreating back to rtd rather than try something new#but man i was looking forward to watching 14 kick it only to be ROBBED#tbc i dont have anything against tennant personally im just tired of seeing him everywhere#like does he sleep? does he eat? does he spend time with his family? idk#also really disappointed that they made Ncuti play second-fiddle to an old white doctor. like cmon thats so cowardly. fuck you.#and i wouldnt hate the whole '14 stays on earth with donna' thing IF THEY HADNT DONE THAT BEFORE WITH ROSE#AND IF THEY HAD CLARIFIED THEY HE CANT REGENERATE#AND TAKEN THE TARDIS AWAY#AND ACTUALLY EXPLAINED WHY THE FACE CAME BACK LIKE GIRL THE TRAUMA RECOURSE WAS RIGHT THERE#It's just. its always fucking tennant that gets the special treatment isnt it? every other doctor has to cease#but he gets out of jail free#(also if it was about finding family again and taking a break. Susan Is Literally Chilling One Century Away)#on the positive side i did like the toymaker. he was severely wasted but i liked him he was fun#i really enjoyed the dance sequence it served like no purpose but it was a lot of fun#also the soundtrack. i like ominous 'la la la la' noise. they better release it soon.#anyway rant over#doctor who
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what's ligma?
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