#omg that took ages
moomoogothgf · 1 year
After colors, emojis!!!
😍(I'm pretty sure you're cute just from talking with you even without pictures x)💕✋(only if you're okay, maybe either as punishment for not eating enough, or gentle in public to show everyone how much your cellulite covered ass wobbles)🍩🍰🐷(I wonder how a fat pig like me and a fat cow like you would talk ;)🐽🔴👕👐💣◯Ѡ(and let's add boobies because what's a cow without huge milkers? ;)👂 👉👈🍭(you deserve it! you're good cow bbw princess after all ;)🍫🔃 I'm sorry that's a loooot!!! But some are the same from the colors' ask x)
😍 I think you’re cute. oh thank you soo muuuuch <<<3 you know I could send you some pics :3. Maybe even some with my face if we get along
💕 I want to cuddle with you.
ohh I can just imagine the combined squish being just absolutely DIVINE 🤤🫠plus what's cuddles without some hand to mouch snacking?
✋ I want to spank you! I'm more than okay with it >:3 Punishment wise it whould take quite a bit of effort since I have a sky high pain tollerance, but don't ever be afaraid to give me a good smack to send theese sexy orbs of dough wobbling and slamming into eachother 🍑
🍩 I want to feed you. Now THAT is what I wanna hear
Feed this greedy cow to be into an absolute lardass Stretch out my stomach for nother reason than seeing how much food you can cram in me <3
🍰 I want you to feed me. I will feed you all the sweet fattening buttery food you desire. I'm gonna sit on you and feel your flab expanding under me like the pillow you were meant to be
🐷 Let’s have some piggy play!
I actually never tried it but it seems like it could be really fun 🥺🐮
🐽 I want you to tease/humiliate me. You wanna be humiliated for being a fatass ?For eating everything in reach of your chub covered fingers? For swelling with excessive overconsumption like an expansive growing island of lard? Do you piggy🐖?
🔴 I want to stuff you silly.
Well that wont be too difficult given I can only eat 2 pizzas and my poor belly allready screams "nooo more".I wonder if you shoveling more whould eventually shut it up🤭
👕 I want to grow you out of your clothes. You may... but only if you buy me cute nad or gothic replacements for everything you tear off me with my flab. I'd murder for a super large purple victorian dress that shows off my cleavage
👐 Belly rubs! Hand em over 🔪 and don't forget the extra oil
💣 I wanna feed you till you burst. Bet, just get me into a seat and don't release me untill my gut swells up like an overinflated hot airbaloon
◯ You need a fatter gut. yeah but TBH I'm not that big into being all gut :/ I'd still love for it to hang and get more erogenous as it swells tho
Ѡ You need a fatter booty. yes y e s
I need it so big it gets stuck in doorways on the regular and I need pant's at least 2 sizes bigger than the rest of my wardrobe. Expand my ASS to ridiculous proportions
👂 I wanna hear your naughty secrets/fattening fantasies. Well I'll be sure to pop on over to your DM's. They whouldn't be secerets if I released em all here whould they >:3?
👉 *pokes/pinches your gut* more
👈 *pokes/pinches your ass*
🍭 I wanna spoil/pamper you.
that just sounds like an absolute dream 🫠😍
Being a spoiled BBW princess getting even biger off of french food and melted butter as drink.🥺
🍫 I want you to spoil/pamper me.
of course my leige <3 I'll even put on a maid outfit for you as I bring you everything you desire... don't you even think of getting up? And ignore your gut swallowing more and more of your legs ;3
🔃 I want to mutually gain with you. Do you still want to after all you've read? If so
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 118
Everyone is freaking out. The titan tower was broken into, no signs of who it was, and Tim- Robin- is missing. There’s blood on the walls, taunting them, implying that Tim is going through agony, and they can’t deal with another dead Robin, they can’t- 
Meanwhile Tim is bemused, maybe a little concussed because that would explain things maybe, as he’s found himself in a living room full of books and there’s a pair of kids too? One is straight up adoption bait- wait no there’s three, with two of them being adoption bait and the third being a redhead. There’s a trio of small children there already playing by the couch he’s been bundled into. 
Where the heck is his mask- or his bo staff or any of his supplies- is that the fucking Red Hood?! No, couldn’t be, must be the concussion, because why would the Red Hood be feeding him a bowl of soup?
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atdawn · 5 months
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To live in this world you must be able to do three things.
In Blackwater Woods, Mary Oliver
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iamacolor · 18 days
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Should we break the clock? Should we? Let's try that.
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halucynator · 2 months
a ppt for @goosecoven's powerpoint night!!! i hope you all like it and like your recs alksdksjad also if you pretend youre clicking on the bottom scrolly thingy or the names on laptop (idk if it works on phone) it looks like youre actually scrolling tehe
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tagging people in the ppt in order so they see it just in case!
@bleechella @bodybetters @arobarbie @a-beautiful-fool @theladyinwhite13 @the-red-archer @alltheliars @abodyhasbeenfound @fresasconsal @pissedabouthumidity @i-must-confess-i-am-an-idiot @loveyouanyway @todaywasafairytaletv @andi-is-bored @theautistmwitch @berryzxx @halucynator (sorry i think im funny ajksdhksh)
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comfy-lavender · 1 year
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🍓Strawberry Stimboard!🍓
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jayktoralldaylong · 1 month
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You know what? This is.... Paces the room and slaps the wall with an open palm. No, this is definitely..... Punches a hole through the wall.
At this point, at this point, if I was Laurent, I would just let my uncle kill to be fucking honest. This is the height of things that have happened and I am losing my mind. It's not like I'm surprised, it's just the overwhelming audacity and endless betrayal.
I'm the one with unnatural feelings? ME?? YOU'RE the one who f*cking RAPED ME at the vulnerable age of THIRTEEN!!! I would lose my shit.
Not only has the Regent let this stupid believable rumour foster because everyone is well aware of how much Laurent worshipped his brother Auguste, but now he raises it as a countermeasure against Laurent ever revealing the truth. Like who the fuck are the people going to believe? Their bitchy prince or their seemingly benevolent leader with a heart of gold (he goes around fucking children!!! He's been bedding Nico since he was TEN!!! SCREAMS IN UNDILUTED RAGE!!)
I can't! I can't stand him. How?! Omg. Hoooow can people lie like they speak the truth? How can they do it without a shred of remorse? He took advantage of a young child at the time he needed him the most and he's flaunting that vulnerability, he's using it to his advantage because no one knows he likes children, because those who do know would never fathom that such a good man would do such a thing to his fucking nephew! He turned his nephew into a viper, he is the reason Laurent has no friends, no allies, betrayal and betrayal and yet another betrayal. And when the truth about Damen comes out everything is going to fall apart and I can't stand it. I can't stand any of this! I'm losing my mind. How? How has Laurent possibly put up with this for nearly ten years? I would have just given up and let the Regent take me, this is madness!!
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wayfinderships · 2 months
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"Never seen those guys around here before, how odd..."
Yayyyy I finally drew One Pieces Panchi for the first time in ages :> for those wondering when this takes place, it takes place in Mock Town before my s/i joins in. Panchi has lived in Mock Town for quite a while so they know the usual people pirates that walk by and Luffy's crew immediately catches their attention!
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cringengl · 1 year
"Delusional fangirls": the 'never ending story' of the dismissal of byler being rooted in misogyny.
As someone who is passionate about both feminism and fandom culture, when I got sent this ask a little less than a month ago, it made me ask myself the question on why shipping byler has been viewed in such a negative light, and you'll never guess, but it's rooted in misogyny.
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Even if this ask is a troll, it's clearly replicating what can be seen not just in the Stranger Things fandom, but in general fandom culture, showing the prevalence of this issue. Although this post will be looking specifically at byler, what I'm discussing in this post isn't an issue specific to byler, even if I will be considering some things that are byler specific, such as the likelihood of byler endgame.
Before we start, I just want to talk about why I'm talking about misogyny instead of homophobia (though homophobia will be discussed a little later but it's not going to be the main focus of this post). Homophobia and why people dismiss byler has already been talked about a lot (for example, I've seen posts about people saying that making byler endgame would be a 'risky' move and as Stranger Things produces a lot of money for Netflix, therefore they won't do it, the belief that they wouldn't/shouldn't break up a heterosexual ship for a homosexual one or the failure to put Will outside the 'tragic story of a gay kid that falls for their straight best friend' box).
The dismissal of byler as a 'valid' ship is just as much down to misogyny as it is homophobia and it's an issue that I haven't seen as talked about, likely due to how byler is made up of two guys. If anything I've seen way more people call the byler community misogynistic, and whilst these things aren't necessarily mutually exclusive, I do want to open up the conversation about how misogyny deeply affects the public perception of byler and byler shippers as well as talk about how ingrained misogyny is in fandom culture.
The average dismissal of byler as a ship tends to look like this:
All bylers are teen girls.
All bylers are stupid and delusional.
The motivation to ship byler is born out of a fetish of mlm relationships.
Not only is this a summary of what that anon sent me in May, but it's also a rhetoric that can be seen across multiple anti byler statements/posts/comments etc. It's way more common than you may think.
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So what is the fangirl stereotype?
A fangirl by Oxford dictionary definition is mainly characterised by the word "obsessive", which has been constantly portrayed in a negative light by the media, and isn't exactly a new phenomenon, with Beatlemaniacs being called "the dull, the idle, the failures" in a 1964 New Statesman article. In fact it hasn't been until the 2020s where the epidemic of constantly making fun of teen girls has finally been criticised.
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The most common stereotype of a fangirl is someone who is screaming, crazy and rabid, with "rabid fangirl" having its own Urban Dictionary definition.
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Even fangirls of fanbases that are most notorious for 'crazy, rabid fans' have come out and said that they have been misrepresented, such as the comments section of this documentary about One Direction fans made by Channel 4 in 2013.
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The stereotype of having a fetish for mlm relationships.
Another common stereotype of fangirls is the fetishization of mlm relationships. Whilst this is a very real issue that needs to be addressed properly, I very clearly remember seeing women talking about "getting off" to scenes in Call Me By Your Name when the movie first came out, however this accusation is often misplaced, meaning it loses it's power as an accusation, leading to the perception that it isn't as big of an issue that it actually is.
Girls, women or even afab or feminine presenting people who ship two men together are often seen as people with fetishes and accused of such. Not only is this sexist as it assumes that women's interests are sexually motivated, but it also reduces women's intelligence by suggesting that the only reason that they are interested in it is because of a sexual factor. This also ties back to the oversexualisation of gay relationships due to traditional, religious, conservative roots- classic homophobia.
And whilst this might sometimes be the case, this ideology ignores something extremely obvious: not all fangirls are straight (which clearly shows why we need lesbian visibility day haha).
This era we are in right now seems to be the dawn of LGBTQ+ rep that seems to be more and more prevalent and the amount of mainstream movies and TV shows that have positive and well developed queer rep is growing day by day. However, queer representation had been previously very hard to find and even now is not perfect (remember that one lesbian purple cyclops from Onward that appeared for like 10 seconds, said the easily censorable word "girlfriend", and was then never seen again??).
Whilst fandom spaces with TV shows and movies such as Stranger Things may have lots of female or female presenting/aligned people, there is also an abundance of queer people in almost any fandom, especially one with existing queer characters or ones that claim to be "an anthem for the marginalised and imperfect", which of course leads to the abundance of queer women, and can also be seen in the byler tag.
However I do want to point out that obviously not all people in fandom spaces and the byler tag are female and/or queer, but a lot of them are and this does vary fandom to fandom. Furthermore, I really don't know the actual ratio of different genders specifically in the Stranger Things and byler fandom- however I feel that it doesn't matter as shipping and other fandom traditions have been associated with teen girls and women anyway. The suggestion that all bylers are teen girls is a sweeping overgeneralisation and the fact that it's used as an insult and a way to demean this ship is sexist.
Queer representation and shipping mlm ships- even if they are not canon.
So how does this link to the abundance of shipping male characters? This is clearly something that has been going on for a long time, as illustrated beautifully through this reddit post:
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And you might be wondering that if there are a lot of queer women in these spaces, then why isn't there more sapphic ships? And of course the answer is misogyny.
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Women in TV shows and movies are so often underdeveloped and fall victim to millions of sexist stereotypes that make them unlikeable and boring, such as 'damsel in distress', 'strong and unfeeling' or they just have a 2D personality. Furthermore, female characters in media are just less numerous in media. All of this is is we have measures of the Bechdel test.
This is also not helped by the constant cancellation of wlw shows after only one season, which does not allow for the development of the characters or their relationship (I Am Not Okay With This, Warrior Nun, First Kill, Willow, Paper Girls etc).
This idea is only supported by the arcane fandom, where the most prevalent ship is Caitlyn/Vi on pretty much every social media site and ao3, likely due to the focus and development on their relationship.
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Moreover, male friendships often have a lot more focus on them than female characters and their relationships. This was particularly obvious and blatant in My Hero Academia, where despite Deku and Uraraka (the het ship) being set up to be endgame, the main relationship that has the most focus and development is the one between Deku and his friend turned enemy turned rival turned best friend (??) Bakugo.
Whilst positive and intricate male friendships are never a bad thing, it does become very annoying very fast when those pieces of media also push female characters to the sidelines (and then also oversexualise them, which is often seen particularly in anime and manga such as mha).
So it's no coincidence when mlm relationships become more popular through the want for queer representation, female characters being ignored and the male characters and friendships having better development (as well as the use of queerbait to bring in a wider audience). However, other fans with little critical thinking skills and the general audience tend to jump to the conclusion that the amount of mlm ships that include straight men (even though these 'straight' men are fictional and don't have confirmed sexualities) is due to fetishization and fans being "weird and delusional".
Back to byler.
So let's link this back to byler. One thing that drew me to make this post is due to how bylers have been called "delusional" which was a specific word I saw byler shippers being called a lot in the June/July era.
Even the word "delusional" implies a detachment from reality and one of the most common sexist views is that women can't lead or make good decisions due to their supposed inherent irrationality, which is apparently caused by hormones and being over emotional (despite testosterone being used as an excuse for cheating- high sex drive- and aggression issues as well as anger not being counted as an emotion. One of the biggest reasons that the stereotypes around fangirls are rooted in misogyny is due to the polar opposite treatment of male sports fans, which if you remember the insane violence that occurred when the fake Tubi ad appeared to disrupt the Super Bowl, this idea is insanely hypocritical).
It confused me as even from a general audience perspective, it would seem that byler at least had a decent chance of becoming endgame, so why is it being so easily dismissed?
It is because shipping, especially mlm ships, are strongly associated with fangirls and are therefore seen as weak, delusional and irrational, not something to be taken seriously and likely the product of a fetish.
Not only is this harmful for the perception of mlm relationships in media, but it also promotes internalised misogyny- distancing yourselves from "rabid fangirls" as soon as possible so that your not seen as one and are instead seen as more rational and sensible.
The powerful arc that Mike and Will have gone through for four seasons now doesn't matter, nor the fact that El's independence is linked with Mike's absence or even what the implications of mleven endgame for not just a queer audience but a general audience would be. None of that matters as ships like byler aren't taken seriously, they're dismissed, due to misogyny (and homophobia).
In conclusion, fuck the patriarchy, let's change fandom culture for the better.
Links to things I watched/read in order to help make this post (not including the misogynistic and homophobic is reddit/tumblr/twitter posts lol):
(Do bear in mind that these tend to talk more about music fans/fandom rather than TV shows)
Frailty, Thy Name Is Fangirl: Misogyny and Fandom Culture
Shaming Fangirls: A Practice Rooted In Sexism
How misogyny-laced comments, actions in fan culture can drive others out
Ted talk: For the love of Fangirls | Yve Blake
From Beatlemania to the Beliebers, What Makes a ‘Fangirl’?
The Channel 4 Crazy About One Direction documentary and the ad for the documentary
Fetishizing Gay Relationship: When Ship and Fan Fiction Turn Toxic
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tunamayojazz · 1 year
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toge: mentaiko tuna ikura (you look kinda funny, mister)
gojo: ......
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lalazlandd · 11 months
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Inspo @artoftimetravel on insta
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lexqa · 7 months
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i made a christmas themed lfc advent calendar btw🫶🏻🫶🏻
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lordsooga · 2 years
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Ayy let’s go! I managed to finish this in time for the last day of Linktober: Free Day!
Koh and Sooga are spending some time together playing switch. I ran a poll on twitter to decide which game they should be playing but then ended up making them all anyway (ID under the cut)
[ID: The first image shows Master Kohga and Sooga lounging on their bed in the Yiga hideout. Yiga banners, bananas, pillows, and Sooga’s sword are scattered throughout the room. Kohga’s lying on his stomach, frowning in concentration at his switch, kicking his legs behind him. Sooga lounged on his elbow next to him, holding up a corner of his sheet mask to watch Kohga play.
The rest of the images show four pairs of two gifs. It shows various games being play on the switch. The first of each pair shows Kohga’s chibi head in the corner, providing commentary and the second shows an identical gif without.
The first of the gifs shows a chibi version of Master Kohga on the screen of the switch. He jumps up and spins around, saying “Master Koga!!! Now prepare yourself!” Kohga in the corner comments “Now that’s a man.
The next pair of gifs shows a redraw of a cutscene from Super Monkey Ball 2 as bananas are being sucked into the air and into Dr. Badboon’s blimp. Kohga commentates that “Maybe I should try that.”
The next pair show a redrawn screen shot from Age of Calamity. Sooga’s back faces the screen and Kohga stands behind him with a flicked wrist. Sparkles twinkle around Sooga’s nice ass. Kohga commentates “Lookin’ good, Soogz~” looking smugly down at Sooga’s chibi head in the corner who blushes through his sheet mask and replies “Mast Kohga, please...”
The last pair of gifs show Master Kohga playing Animal Crossing New Horizons. In the foreground is Elvis, a lion villager that is king themed. He looks nervous, sweating. The focus of the shot changed to focus on Kohga’s character standing right behind him. He’s holding an axe, laughing evilly. Kohga in the corner commentates “No monarchy allowed,” looking angry. \endID]
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bestatsavingface · 1 year
Not Too Late (To Pick up the Pieces)
Summary: A series of vignettes about Dex's life on the autism spectrum.
Notes: eventual NurseyDex, friendship fic, focus on self-discovery and acceptance.
"I get my hair cut once a month." The admission leaves Dex's mouth before he has time to think twice, and the regret is instant when both Nursey and Shitty gasp dramatically at it. He knows they're teasing in the 'good way', but it still makes his stomach twist like every reminder that he does things in ways no one else seems to do.
"There's no way your hair grows fast enough to warrant a trim every month, brah." 
Nursey's not totally wrong, but Dex has learned through years of experience that he can't go more than 36 days between haircuts before his hair grows just long enough to tickle his ears and neck constantly. The sensation is so overwhelming to him even as he grew up that the summer he sprained his ankle in junior high he'd ended up taking his father's shaver and buzzing his entire head when he couldn't walk the five blocks to the barber.
But Dex isn't about to explain that to half the hockey team who's just settling into breakfast. "It grows enough," he says instead, earning an eye roll from Nursey. "I just prefer it, why do I need to wait til it reaches some arbitrary length when I could just put it on my schedule every month instead?"
Shitty sighs, reaching over and running a hand lightly through Dex's hair. Years of practice is all that stops him from flinching away from the touch, but he does give Shitty an annoyed glare in reply. "Dex, my crimson compadre, don't you think you're denying yourself what could be some gorgeous locks? What's the longest you ever had it, bro?" 
Dex debates on telling the truth because he knows it'll just spur them on but he's not a big fan of lying over little things. "I had it to my shoulders when I was really little," Nursey and Shitty both start to exclaim but he cuts them off. "It's the in-between period, that's what really bothers me. If I could wake up one day and my hair is shoulder length again maybe I'd keep it but I'm not gonna put myself through months of annoying and awkward hairstyles to get there."
There's a murmur of agreements and dissents, and Dex is ready to let the conversation die and never bring up his hair habits again when Holster and Ransom sit down next to him, the blond and his breakfast including an ungodly amount of hardboiled eggs between him and Ransom. "What are we talking about?" Holster asks before shoving an entire egg into his mouth much to the disgust of his two seatmates.
"Haircuts and if Dex should let it grow and become the next Jessica Rabbit." Nursey's smirk only widens at Dex's quickly pinking cheeks, dodging the jam packet that's tossed at his head. "What about you Rans, ever thinking about growing out your fro?" Read more on AO3!
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theroyalsavage · 1 month
i know i already came into ur askbox gushing abt how ur into one piece AND aftg but like i just saw a tsc post of urs from like 10 days ago and NDFCJDKSMDNFEJWK ITS STILL INSANE TO ME!!!!!!!!
did tsc kill u (bc it killed me.)
needless to say tsc ate my brain like a very efficient woodlouse. alas i read it in a single feverish sitting and now over a week and a half later i keep thinking of random things i want to say about it and cold texting them to my loved ones who a) don't know what the hell i'm talking about and b) at this point are too scared to ask. like sorry you guys just aren't thinking about the Themes Motifs and Parallels in a book series about mafia lacrosse. maybe you need to reassess your priorities and get on my page
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glowing-eu · 1 year
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HMA 2022 - intro
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