#oh also as much as i like rotating the thought of canon i do think daiya being alive would add a whole nother level to it
memoriashell · 2 years
rotating blorbos in my mind like a well adjusted human being.
#* zhi speaks#a rare actual post from me? in this economy?#anyways getting these thoughts out in the tags as if speaking this into existance will cure me#nyways for whatever reason latest brain fixation has been big time on ishimondo bodyswap#like on one hand i think it'd be really funny as a soulmate bodyswap#waking up and being like. wtf this is. this is my best friend's room??????????#peak mondo denial stages of grief. friends to lovers slowburn arc real#but also like. a regular au that's a bodyswap would also be really good with them#esp. when they're still on bad terms. like. understanding each other through experiencing life in each other's shoes#the loneliness that is knowing someone will come home at some point but most of the time the house is empty vs#knowing the house is empty and it will always be empty and no one will be coming home anymore and that is a different kind of loneliness#because a gang can be family but it is not your whole family and it cannot chase away the ghosts that linger in an empty home#WHOOPS didn't mean to get all poetic prose there anyways.#everyone in class 78 thinks wow fast friendship bc they start hanging out w/ each other but NO#they don't know how to act like each other so they're just dependent on the other to try and act normal hahhahaha.#enemies to friends to lovers slower burn arch wins.#oh also as much as i like rotating the thought of canon i do think daiya being alive would add a whole nother level to it#would pick up on it in .5 seconds bc he practically raised mondo and also taka sucks at lying but he's too good to actually call him out#helps taka do the pompadour and eyeliner and calls it a day. meanwhile mondo has given up on trying to lace taka's boots#anyways sorry if u read all this i think. i will probably never write it but i am roating thoughts in my head
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hanetea · 4 months
Flowers in the Winter
| Persephone retelling but make it Gojo Satoru x Reader! | Part 1 | part 2
Summary: 6 months of the year I am technically married to Satoru Gojo; and the other 6 months, well... I still am married to him. Word count: 1.3k CWs: Teen!Gojo, he's a warning in itself..., Timid!reader, Reader!POV Canon compliant till I say so, rom-com, slow-burn, how slow? maybe like 3 chapters slow, fluff, angst, eventual smut a/n: Hi everyone :D this is my first fic back into fanfiction, currently there is no beta reader and this is mildly edited, hope you guys enjoy regardless
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6 months of the year I am technically married to Satoru Gojo; and the other 6 months, well, I still am married to him.
"But where is he?" Suki with a mouthful of chips asks as I play with the ring on my finger.
"Hes in Tokyo" which gains an audible gasp and Ohs by my group of friends.
"That's so far!!"
"So he's a city boy?"
"How do you guys talk to each other?"
‘We don't really talk at all when we are far away actually.’ I thought nervously rotating my ring more.
"6 months and we can go back to our normal lives " his back is turned against me as he ruffles his hair trying to undo the hair gel that was keeping his unruly white hair slicked back for the ceremony.
I jump at his loud groans and sighs as he tries to loosen his Kimono, trying to be comfortable inside his room. Honestly, probably ready to slip booty naked with the way he reached for his oversized shirt as if preparing to change. The problem was that I, the recently wedded bride, was also in that space.
‘Moreover, what does he mean by 6 months?’
"This is so tacky, honestly those oldies just do whatever they want" he grumbles under his breath, huffing and puffing around.
But all I could do was hold a small smile, too nervous to say anything.
'Satoru Gojo is not a kind man' my mother and her teachings engrained how much of an insult to empathy Satoru Gojo is. She made sure our interactions before the confirmation of vows was limited to zero. This was the first time I ever interacted with this man, and first time to be in his presence without my mother as well. If I didn't vomit from sheer nerves during the ceremony, there's certainly nothing stopping me now. 
"MAN!! tradition sucks absolute ass!" His voice bouncing off the walls without a care of his vulgar language nor his tone.
The Gojo clan, whose strength is only possessed when a child with the 6 eyes and limitless technique is blessed into the family, has a tradition of getting married young. Satoru Gojo, blessed with both, was forced into marriage at 15, to a wife of their choosing.
While I, however, possess no cursed technique, and contain an abysmally low supply of cursed energy, The Gojos must see something in me as to why I was chosen right? Maybe they think me and the young heir could get along because of our similar ages-
"Are you mute or something? Staying quiet like that isn't going to make my mood any better y’know" 
Ahhh this man is so rude.
"6 months is a lot of time away from each other though" Tsukasa says while fixing her empty bento box, ready to put it away.
"We aren't exactly talking during those 6 months" I said while sipping my tea as I got pitiful eyes from the two of them.
"Like... zero contact?" Suki asked, to which I nodded.
They both groan in unison, typical for 16 year old girls who have only been in an all girls school. Who wants nothing more but the excitement of a budding romance.
Unfortunately for them, there was nothing exciting, or romantic about yours. 
"That's so lame! And he doesn't call you at all?" Tsukasa pushes 
"He does, he calls the night before I visit him" which the conversation only contains with 'you coming?' 'Yes' 'okay see you then' . Not that I ever looked forward to it anyways since it's always at 12am on the dot.
"But you usually visit him at their family home right? So this will be your first time visiting him in his new Tokyo school." Suki points out. Gojo recently got accepted into the Tokyo technical school, the students there are supposed to dorm within school grounds, so instead of his family house I'll be staying with him on campus.
That is, if he's even staying there at all...
"I don't know, i don't even know which station to go..." I couldn't even eat the past 3 weeks just thinking about it.
"WAIT you're telling me..." 
"No way..."
Because Satoru gojo refuses to contact with me during the 6 months,
I don't even know where I should be staying for this visit.
“Baby…” my mother looms at my bedroom door as I’m crouched to the floor, packing what was the last of my personal items before disappearing from her sight for 6 months.
This was the second year after my wedding doing this bizarre arrangement. Not a day goes by with her constantly reminding me of how many months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds I have left before I leave, But I know that it never gets easy for her to see me go. 
“Must that child continue to torment me by hogging you all to himself?” she says with venom in her voice.
But it never gets easier how much she hates Satoru Gojo. 
“Since Gojo is a student for Jujutsu technical school, I doubt I’d spend a lot of time with him… him being a sorcerer and all…” I said meekly hoping not to fan her anger even more.
She turns away with a scoff, “I'd very much like it if he didn’t show his face to you at all” she leaves with weight in her steps and a temper that could cook an egg.
“But…” a marriage where the couple avoid each other even as far as living so far away, is not so unheard of in jujutsu society. After all, you can force a marriage all you want but you can't force the couple to like each other. Then again most sorcerers, if given the choice, wouldn't bother with getting along with their wedded partners and would rather choose a life of avoidance from each other. You can't exactly miss someone you don't know.
‘But I don't want a marriage like that’ I sighed inwardly,
A little thud rang inside my room as I turn to see a picture frame plop face flat. “Ahh I hope it didn’t crack-” it was a picture of me, and a picture of my husband, Satoru Gojo. It was our wedding picture. 
Our faces were very monotonous, most wedding pictures are usually done without any smiles. But ours however, shined juvenile unease. Mostly coming from me. I caught myself smiling a little, as I carefully touched the picture. After all, despite me being so obvious with my nervousness, the one who really takes the cake is the man blessed with the six eyes pouting. I sure do hope it's not because he's mad that he’s married to me-
The picture frame leaps from my hand at the noise, and I barely caught it mid flight. I turn around to see a bright flashing of light coming from my phone, with the contact name ‘Satoru Gojo’ displayed on its screen.
‘Shoot! It's already 12??’ I internally scream, scrambling to grab my phone. It's a ritual for me to walk around my room to wait for his call, just to not sound jumpy, I mean after all this is my first time hearing from him in months! 
‘Ahh will he get mad that I made him wait?” I tap the phone on my chin pondering, 
I mentally scream as I click the answer button, I'll worry about panicking later.
There was light shuffling on the other side, I crossed my fingers hopping I don't get yelled at for not answering fast enough-
“Hello? Were you busy? You took a while to answer the phone.” suddenly I felt everything around me stop for a second
I carefully looked back at the caller I.D., But it clearly displayed the name ‘Satoru Gojo’
“I’m sorry but who’s this?” 
“HUH!?” for the voice in the other line belonged to a 16 year old Gojo, who’s voice dropped a few octaves making him sound like a completely different person.
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becauseplot · 7 months
Hi hello yes more thoughts about this hgduo pre-canon, hunger games/wars au(??) because my brain is rotating them at incredible speeds. (Obligatory cannibalism tw because yeah the lore do be like that.)
Bad originally finds Cellbit while the kid is trying to use a dagger to carve up a body to eat---key word trying. Bad stands back and watches him struggle for about thirty seconds before speaking up: "You're holding that wrong." (The kid jumps about two feet in the air. "WhhUH---") "Also you're not supposed to carve with a dagger, silly. You should really be using a knife. Here." And Bad passes him one of his hunting knives.
Bad mentally dubs Cellbit "Dagger-Kid" because he doesn't know Cellbit's name. When Cellbit later admits he doesn't know his name either, Bad officially dubs him "Dagger-Kid" or "Dagger" for short. ((For the rest of this I'll be calling Cellbit "Dagger")) ((Also I'm not 100% on this name yet but we'll see.))
I should note that I also think it would be funny that every time Dagger does something notable or reveals a new quality about himself, Bad tries to give him a new name. Like, they scavenge a piece of chocolate off one of their victims and Dagger loves it, so Bad tries to suggest, "Oh oh! What if we called you 'Sweets'! Or 'Chocolate'? 'Coco,' maybe?" all of which Dagger (playfully) rolls his eyes at. Bad rotates through nicknames regularly, but Dagger personally sticks with the first name Bad gave him.
Dagger was on his own for two months before he met Bad. He is injured and half-starved and utterly exhausted. The first time they make camp together, Dagger promises he'll take the first watch, but he nods off before even Bad can fall asleep. It's the first time Dagger has felt safe enough to truly relax, so his body just crashes. He sleeps for twelve hours.
This one's honestly more of a general qsmp headcanon I have but it goes here too: Bad teaches Dagger how to throw knives (for combat) and how to do knife tricks (for fun). Current-day Cellbit still remembers how to do the tricks, and he'll often use them as a way of fidgeting when he's thinking---with a pen or pencil instead, though.
One of Dagger's natural talents is stealth. He's not as quiet as Bad, but he's definitely good at it; his cat-hybrid traits definitely lend him a hand here, too. It's the main way Dagger survived before meeting Bad, stealing supplies out of camps while people were sleeping.
Bad, being a demon, doesn't need to eat, drink, or sleep as much as mortals do, and certainly not as much as a teenage boy. To him, it only seems practical that he gives himself smaller portions of their rations, or takes longer nightwatch shifts. But Dagger (who can scarcely imagine ever being not hungry or not tired, much less at the same time) is still grateful and feels somewhat indebted to Bad, even after Bad explains.
Dagger (a cat hybrid and a little more than a bit messed up) bites to show affection. Usually Bad's arm. Any normal guy would be injured by the force of Dagger's bite---Dagger doesn't really seem to understand that not-biting-hard is an option---but Bad doesn't really mind it.
(The truth is that deep down Dagger really wants to hug Bad, but he knows Bad isn't a very cuddly person, and yeah Bad might give him a hug if he asked but he's too afraid to ask so all that affection stays bottled up until it rises rises rises and he just doesn't know what to do with it anymore and it needs OUT---)
Bad thwacks Dagger upside the head with his tail whenever Dagger is being a "little rapscallion" and eventually Dagger starts retaliating. His tail isn't as long or flexible as Bad's but he definitely does try.
Bad has a lot of stories to tell. Some true, some made up on the fly. He's always liked telling stories, and Dagger is a captive audience. He learns Dagger loves mysteries, and suddenly, all of his campfire stories are about spies, and detectives, and red-string cork boards and espionage.
The thing Dagger fears the most is that one morning he'll wake up and Bad won't be there because Bad decided Dagger slowed him down and thus abandoned him. He thinks about this near-constantly. (The thing Bad fears the most is that one morning he'll wake up and look at Dagger and start caring like he used to a long, long time ago. He does not think about this at all.)
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insanelyadd · 1 year
ME DEARLY BELOVED FOLLOWERS, you probably started wondering why I like Fresh so much. Why I have been lovingly rotating him in my mind like a rotisserie chicken.
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SO ANYWAYS I AM GOING TO DO MY BEST TO WRITE DOWN EVERYTHING I’VE READ ABOUT HIM. This is not complete simply because I haven’t read EVERYTHING on the old RP blog CQ ran for him. This is also mostly from the perspective of his character so other facts like Fresh using he/they pronouns and having furby bombs and canonically liking kissing (okay actually that does play into his character slightly) won’t be the primary focus of this analysis. This also, All, my own interpretation.
This analysis will be in three sections: His original characterization, his Monologue, and finally what could be inferred about how how his character changed due to the Event that gave us the Monologue.
His Original Characterization
The first thing you need to know about Fresh is that his goofy 90s persona was chosen specifically because they thought it would be non-threatening. This plays into a major part of his personality, which is that, baseline, everything he does is for survival. Once everything needed for that is met and taken care of the next major component is that he does whatever he wants to do to entertain himself.
He possesses people to live, but torments people on occasion (not too often, making enemies would go against the survival thing, unless he’s assessed that they would be a harmless enemy perhaps). All his weapons are innocuous at first glance to once again pass himself off as non threatening (oh hey the furby bombs come into play here, huh, he also uses a wiffle bat).
He doesn’t feel most emotions, but he can feel a few, (and at one point CQ said that the longer Fresh is in the same host the more he can feel? Not sure if that still applies, take that with a grain of salt) but those emotions are fear, anger, and amusement primarily (though affection and others are not off the table, it would just take A Lot of work for him to get to that point). Primarily his emotions that he portrays are all ones he’s imitating based on what he thinks are non threatening reactions. He easily pretends to be chipper or indignant but he doesn’t truly feel most of these emotions. According to posts written by CQ he is not genuinely flirty though him imitating “safe” emotions might put him in situations where he does that (most likely just to entertain himself, which is the primary reason he likes kissing. He doesn’t understand why kissing is meant to be important and does it because he’s amused by people’s reactions to it. Absolutely no thoughts [about kissing] behind those glasses.)
He is also very full of himself. He thinks he’s better than other people (but obviously he recognizes that as being a negative/”unsafe” thing to voice so he keeps it to himself and privately believes it). He thinks he’s better and deserves good things (this is directly stated in The Monologue), which is another reason he amuses himself by scaring people. IT’S IS ALSO A RESULT OF ANOTHER MAJOR COMPONENT OF HIS PERSONALITY: He has an ideology that people are primarily driven by selfishness. This is likely a direct result of him being a literal parasite who needs to harm others to live. He is really unable/unprepared to comprehend that people can care about others so much that they would put their loved ones before themselves. When this is challenged it typically makes him irrationally angry and ready to hurt people (even ones he “pretends” are his friends, and even though this contradicts his need to survive at any cost) to prove to them that they should never trust anyone. This is also why on occasion in a few comics CQ has done Fresh will offer up being possessed to desperate people with the lure that they won’t feel pain anymore (which is implied to be a lie because people who can read souls and Fresh himself say they can hear the host screaming, possibly in agony).
Okay so I’m going to explain the events leading up to The Monologue, and then I’m going to share the whole monologue here, then I will analyze it (plus here is the link to the post with the monologue and a more in-depth recap of events from Fresh’s old RP blog)
There was a huge multi-blog RP event (these used to be very common, I don’t go to the RP scene anymore though so I’m not sure if they stopped or I just stopped seeing them, basically a whole bunch of blogs get together to RP through one big common event, typically a party that they are all attending) called the LoveBall that Fresh went to with the plan to infect as many people as possible with parasites he produced and from there infect the whole multiverse (which he claims is to “help” them all). Fresh directly states that he’s not a Sans here, even though this was before his redesign when he was still possessing one (STARES DIRECTLY AT EVERYONE CLAIMING I AM A SANS SIMP FOR LOVING FRESH).
Anyways he gets confronted by another Not Sans, who takes him to The Last Corridor (judgement hall) and Fresh is sure he’s going to die, though he still tries to act unbothered. They talk a bit and it is revealed to Fresh that he is a fictional character (he could see the whole multiverse was code too which is a fun detail), he’s clearly taken aback but still tries to play it off as it’s explained to him that him and the other Not-Sans and everyone they’ve ever known are Nothing, and that it would be for the best if he doesn’t try to get OUR attention.
…….I’ve thought about a lot of stuff lately. Ya know. All these inner thoughts I ignore or avoid listenin to. And I realized. Ya know. Maybe I wasn’t lookin to ‘help everyone’. It was some excuse, ya know? I like messin with people. I like the concept that in some way, I’m more clever, or amusing, or hilarious, or-…. simply put, I’m BETTER then the rest of em. I’m better and I deserve to get what I want, and I wanna mess with people and I want to hurt people, and since, ey, I gotta possess people to survive, I might as well ENJOY the process as well, ya know dawg? I wanted to take over the multiverse because yeah, it extended far beyond somethin so noble as ‘helpin’ people, I wanted to take over because I COULD, and because it was FUN, and because I couldn’t be STOPPED. I wanted the power to enslave E͏̷͏V̨̀͜E̸͠͠R̡̢͠Y̸͢͟T҉̢͠H͏͜͞Ì̴̕N̡̨̕G͡. The power to enslave everything. But. I can’t do that. Can I?
B̷͠E͢͝͡C̕͠͝Ą҉̀́̀U̡̢S̀͏E҉́͢͟ ̷͜͞Ó̡̢F̢̧͝ ̶Ỳ̨́O̢̢̢Ù̶͡.̨̛ ̵͜͜R͏̷͢Ì́Ǵ͝͞H̡̡͟T́͞?̛͜͠ You’re the voices Error hears. Aren’tcha. The voices Error always talks about. Always chats with. You’re ONE OF THEM. BEYOND THE CODE. YOU’RE WHAT I WAS WARNED ABOUT. YOU’RE WHAT HE WAS TALKING ABOUT. BEYOND ALL OF MY KNOWN EXISTENCE. BEYOND ‘THE GAME’. You’re toying with Error. Askin him questions. We’re all your toys. Every single thing I’ve seen, every Universe, every single creature I’ve come across or possessed, every bit of data…. is something you are capable of manipulating, right? And now.I got your attention. Just like he warned me against.
….y-ya know. I won’t stop. Right. I’m gonna keep possessin peeps, and runnin around and having a radical time.
That’s what you WANT, right?? That’s what you’re lookin for, to be amused, and have a laugh! Well you’re in luck! THATS WHAT THE FRESH IS HERE TO DO! No worries, my good ol chums!!I’ll keep it up. Everything.
Right?? THATS WHY YOU’RE TALKING TO ME NOW. Right?? You are amused by me!!! Ah hahaha wicked brah! I’m glad! I’ll just- keep–
I-I…. I’ll just. Keep up my dated lingo. I’ll heelie right into every situation and make a joke of myself, and then when peeps drop their guard I’ll do somethin creepy or hilarious– OR BOTH! Ah hahahahahahaha. That’s what you want. THATS WHAT YOU WANT?
….don’t kill me. Don’t kill me. Or worse. Whatever you’re capable of….
I… I’ll do what you want!!
I PROMISE. just….just.
Don’t kill me. Please.
So one of my favorite details here in the monologue is the fact that it starts with him outright stating that he thinks he’s better than everyone else and it ends with him begging us not to kill him. His hubris hit an unmovable wall at 100 mph.
I really feel like the monologue speaks for itself, so onto the next part!
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Post Event Characterization Implications
So one of the things that could probably be inferred by this is that all three of his major motivators, His Need to Survive, His Want To be Entertained/Amused, and His Ideology of Selfishness are basically shoved into a blender. I’m sure he still believes in inherent selfishness but his ego about it should be at least slightly bruised, knowing that he’s just as microscopic and inconsequential as anyone else in the multiverse. As for his need to survive and want to be entertained, they’ve both been subverted to different extents. His want to be entertained is completely subverted where instead of being the one being entertained by bothering people, he is now the one wanting to do the entertainment because they believe it is necessary for their survival.
I imagine he is being eaten alive every day by the worry that he’s not being interesting enough and will be abandoned and effectively killed for not entertaining us enough. Though he might be able to push that out of his mind most of the time to continue what he normally does, because he might be able to convince himself that we have to like him for who he is to some extent or he wouldn’t have gotten this far, which seems very plausible given how good he is at hiding his fear and anxiety during his confrontation with the other Not-Sans.
Anyways he’s a bastard and he’s great and I am unfortunately in love with him. He probably wouldn’t be down for it but I will still imagine holding his hand and then picking him up and slam dunking him into a trash can (lovingly).
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spilledkaleidoscope · 8 months
I am still not normal about the pale emitter amnesia au
everyone’s been talking about it from Harry’s POV but I am fascinated with the effects that would have on Kim, beyond the initial confrontation. I think a big part of his character in canon is how well-defined his sense of self is— it’s where he gets his “cool” from. Sometimes his identity is at odds with the world, and he’s very careful about what parts of himself he shows to others, but at his core Kim is someone who very much Knows who he is…
which is why it’s so fascinating to think about who he becomes when all that knowledge is stripped away in an instant. I think because he doesn’t have anything in his past that he’s actively trying to forget, he would struggle a lot more with the amnesia than Harry does— kind of in an “oh God, I used to be a fully realized person and all of that is just… gone, wtf do I do now” sort of way— and I’m still trying to figure out how the hell he’d recover from something like that.
(this of course does not even address the effects that, in turn, would have on Harry— how unmooring it would be for him to lose the person who has been his anchor, when he himself still knows so little about the world. Thinking about him telling Kim info but it’s all stuff pre-amnesia Kim told him & taking morale damage)
anyways there’s not really a question in here I’m just Having Thoughts & wanted to share
YEYEYE im also rotating the whole thing in my head! It's interesting that you specifically mention the way this may impact Kim's personality - that's actually sth I went into a bit for the (abandoned) swap AU fic I dabbled with a while back. Kim essentially being influenced by 1. Having a constant state of stress at not understanding a lot of what's happening around him (and how he's Supposed to act) and 2. Rebuilding himself on the information he can gather - even though it may be wrong. It resulted in a way more brash, angry Kim who refused to cooperate with most people and operated on the assumption that anyone might be a threat to him.
In this scenario too... I would think that his fear/discomfort around the Pale sits so deep that when he learns what happened to him it would be a lot more disturbing than Harry learning how he got into that situation.
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zagreuses-toast · 10 months
I come from a place of sheer curiousity and I just wanna ask genuinely- you say that you're a fan of 13s/ the chibnall era. Why? Doctor who is my favourite show and I've connected with every incarnation deeply and immediately, but have never been able to "click" with 13, despite my best efforts. What is it that you like about her? What is it that you like about chibnalls writing? I want to know and I want to like her/it too, but as of right now, I just... don't. Obviously you're not obligated to, but can you explain why?
Ok so this ended up being a Long Post, so I'm putting my response under the read more. Also I'm assuming you've actually watched the Chibnall era up to The Power of The Doctor, if you haven't then heads up for spoilers and stuff that might not make much sense without context.
Oh and I'm gonna @ @rearranging-deck-chairs and @ssaalexblake because I see their DW opinions all the time and they're really good and they can probably give more nuanced answers on some things. (Idk how well I did on explaining why I liked some of them, and it really is up to personal preference on some things)
Thirteen herself:
There are a lot of reasons I like Chibnalls era, but one of the biggest ones out the gate is definitely Jodie and her acting in the role of the Doctor. I think the way she balances bouncy gregariousness with the colder more angry and mean aspects of the Doctor is great. She does this thing where she can just make her eyes go dead and then smile like it's a threat, like she's gonna bite, especially when going up against villains. It's great. And Jodie herself is a delightful person.
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Beyond just physical acting choices, I find the thirteenth Doctors struggle between her anger and secrecy, vs her desire to connect and her joy at life very very compelling. She keeps this distance that's really interesting I think, where she's genuinely attached to and trying to be a friend to the Fam, but still trying to keep her whole past out of the deal, which doesn't work that well, as we see in s12 and Flux. She's surrounded by death and haunted by the knowledge of how little time she has with her friends, (Grace, and she just came back from bill) but she still wants and needs that connection, and she learns to live in the present a bit. I made a whole post about her final regeneration speech here. I love her arc a lot even if it hurts. Also she's such a horrible hypocrite about so many things, which also makes her a fun character to rotate in my head and study like a bug. I do see it as being on purpose, some people seem to think it's just bad writing that she contradicts herself but imo that's a big part of her character.
Chibnalls writing:
I personally like the timeless child plot because :
There are a lot of stories and ideas in the Chibnall era I like, and a lot more I find very compelling. Whatever your opinions on the writing (and I definitely have had a lot of critique for some bits), there were a lot of ideas introduced that were fun and interesting. One of the weaker points of the era IMO is having so much fun stuff set up, but only shallowly or quickly exploring it, and then adding more stuff on top.
A lot of things didn't get the exploration/screen time I thought they deserved (especially characterization and interaction/dialogue wise). But that just gives my brain more to chew on at the end of the day, and I do love what was done during the seasons itself, not just all the potential stuff.
1) I can connect with it, I know Chibnall was coming at it from a place of being an adoptee, but as a native person the story of a kid taken and raised into an imperial/colonial society, who had their history stolen and their body exploited to further that societies ends, hits very close to home.
And 2) I have a "everything is true at once" approach to canon and I think the more origin stories we make for the Doctor the funnier it is.
This era had a lot of repeating themes, ideas that showed up and we're explored in a lot of different circumstances, often with a rule of 3 aspect to it. One is themes of Empire and Exploitation. Particularly through the stenza in s11 (empire using up planets, introduced to us basically doing foxhunts for clout, but with People instead of foxes), the dalek specials, the Cybermen in s12, and Division/the timelords in flux (as well as the sontarans &co).
Within that there's the repeating motif of how by exploiting people or their beliefs for power the imperial power/bad guys sew the seeds of their destruction. From Tzim Sha using the Ux and them turning against him, to the Division being destroyed by the Ravagers, who they tried to use to get rid of the Doctor/the old universe (and the doctor and even the master going rogue in the first place). Hell even Kerblam! (I know I know) Has a version, where the AI system being used to do terrible things is the one to call the doctor for help!
Another standout are themes of breaking cycles, Ryan is estranged from his dad and was distancing himself from Graham, but they both put in the work and grow extremely close over their two seasons. He also chooses to leave the TARDIS when he realizes he's absent from his friend's lives and wants to be present. And the Doctor gets to break the cycle of exploitation that Tecteun started, when she meets a vulnerable being with mysterious power (the energy being from TPOTD) she helps it free itself, on a way she wasn't helped.
Individual character stuff:
Going again into more individual character stuff I love, I've gotta give it to Sacha Dhawan for being a fucking superb Master. His acting is bonkers amazing and he does a great job portraying the sorta huge personal crisis the master is going through, and externalizing via evil schemes. At the end of Twelves run we saw Missy try to be like the doctor, to get her friend back (and even succeed a bit) but end up dying for it. Now we come back to a master who died trying to be like the person they see as their only equal, and has discovered (wrongly) that they were never equal to begin with, that the doctor is so much more than them. So he tries to make her like him instead, and If she won't become like him and kill them both along with the rest of gallifrey, then he will become her properly this time (by body snatching), ruin her legacy, and die with her eventually (overtaking her in the same way his whole existance has now been caused/overtaken by the doctor in his eyes, because of her being the source of regeneration)
Also can we talk about the Yaz?? I've been dying to talk about Yaz!!! I love her a lot and I find her fascinating, shes probably my favorite companion based on just sheer amount of time spent Thinking about her. Her doctorification/character arc is so good
Yaz is into the travelling and saving the day lifestyle the Doctor gives her for the responsibility of it all, for feeling useful and capable and good. Her early characterization Monet's include her complaining about not having more interesting jobs as a cop because she wants responsibility, she wanted to be important and helpful (that's the entire reason she became a cop, to help people like she was helped when she was in a dark place, and she finds a better way of doing that with the Doctor). And she GETS THERE, narratively and on a character level, she spends three years on earth with her own companions! She co-pilots the TARDIS and can fly her herself! She saves the day when the master steals the doctors body! And most of all SHES EXTREMELY SAD AT THE END BECAUSE THE PERSON SHE LOVES DIED BEFORE HER!! JUST LIKE THE DOCTOR !! (ugly crying) (I could write a whole other post about thasmin, good and bad, but a lot of people have put it better than me)
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Also, I'm a big TARDIS girlie, she has somehow ended up being one of my favorite characters in doctor who, and the chinball era does so much fun stuff with the TARDIS!! Different writers take different approaches to the TARDIS, and how alive vs inanimate, or how active vs passive she is. I think the Chinball era had something special in terms of the way the TARDIS was depicted, and I loved it a lot. We never really get to see past the control room but it's a gorgeous control room! And throughout the era the TARDIS just feels so alive, it's always humming and beeping and chirping, I especially love the moments when the lights change color to match the doctors mood (mostly to blue, for sadness, sometimes red to yell at that dalek that one time). And speaking of the doctor, starting with ghost monument thirteen has a bunch of sweet moments of banter or just ~emotions~ with the TARDIS. I genuinely teared up a bit when she entrusted the timeless child memories to the TARDIS,and before her regeneration speech when she asked the TARDIS to look after her. Because who can she trust with her past AND her future except her oldest truest friend.
I could add a lot more of specific things from the era I love (solitract my beloved) but I think this is getting long enough as is lol.
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ofdarklands · 23 days
level 90 at last!
so! about black mage
i've been thinking how to describe playing black mage, and i think the simile i used this morning in chat works well enough:
black mage feels like trying to run with a pot full of boiling water in my hands. with other jobs i feel light and agile, but black mage plays like how seeing emet selch as solus run would feel. look at that guy go. i didn't know spines could do that! you can hear his knees crunch, also
mechanically, it's really not nearly as bad as i feared it to be, even though i don't think i'd managed to figure out a decent rotation myself on the first or even third try so, thank you internet people for the guides!
anyway, the boiling pot wheezing trot sensation is not unique to it, though it is the most noticeable of all the casting classes i've played. i'd say rdm>summoner>whm>>blm in increasing awkwardness
so, while i acknowledge that blm is an optimizer's paradise to get the Biggest Booms, probably, playing it feels like it's almost fighting against the game instead of flowing with it and due to that it's just not very enjoyable, for me. it's got the same inflexible rotation that makes dragoon my least played class despite it being very canon for mitr'a
and from a physical perspective my fingers are not very precise on the keyboard, so i tend to fuck up the routine by accident quite often and then i have to correct it or start over and eeeehhhhhh. and my can't-remember-to-click-despair situation. dunno what the problem is with that one, to be quite honest. brain said no i guess :( that one's on me
woops this got longer than i thought so have a readmore
the good:
aforementioned big damages, when i manage to keep the rotation on track. sadly not as much of a plus for me, personally, but it's relevant still
against one enemy, getting immersed in the rotation can be pretty fun, until the 5 aoes come, the boss leaves the arena, and i sigh deeply while creakily running around, not casting
lasso spell goes brrr. it's got a very funny sound effect, in my heart
the 'return to leylines' spell is also great. i've used it mostly to instantly dodge when there's more than 2 sequential aoes. you can play around with these two spells
shoutout to the simplified job gauge for letting you actually understand anything about it. sure it's 3.5 things to keep track of, but for 2 of them you get informed about their readiness with convenient sounds and flashing borders so whatever
big staff to hit people with
cone hat funny
big lb meteorites. very good very cackling
the bad:
moving feels heavy, even when using the instant cast abilities. i keep lagging behind the group even in normal content, and sometimes clicking the right person to yeet to can be a bit hard in alliances or wall to walls. this class needs to do some cardio
clicking fire IV 3 times, then 1 fire I then fire IV 3 more times is. very boring. sorry. rotation 40 years long and rigid like the brutalism. the funnest parts are the thunder procs and the ice phase before going back to fire and the occasional instant cast. oh you sneezed and misclicked and dropped your fire badge thingies on the floor? sorry idiot you get to start over from the top, but sadder this time
this one i only noticed here at the end, but i feel it's very important, maybe more than the rotation: the best and biggest animations it has are the ones for the ice spells, which you use the least. xenoglossy, foul and flare are also good. amplifier, manafont and triple cast feel nice and dramatic to use. paradox i just got but it's also nice with the color mix. the rest i don't even remember, had to go cast them on a dummy. it's fireballs and fire columns it's all fireballs! the blm animations have a lot of boom but they need more heft, if that makes sense? more flying shit going from you to the target, shit shrapneling from the target, rings of fire, fiery eldritch runes, anything. if rdm can shoot 50 explosive roses at a guy for some reason and drk can summon shields of runes, blm can do something fancy also. casting a finisher skill called 'despair' should look like i'm sucking their souls out through a straw
also more casting positions. summoner has a lot and they're pretty different! they got floating symbols and shit. blm has 'slightly crouched' and 'staff held high' in variation 1 and 2, and that's about it from what i can tell besides the selfbuff ones. add some evil runes at least. the paradox wide armed one (i think you float a little?) is a good addition though
anyway, final verdict: it's a good class, but it's very rigid and inflexible to get Big Damages, which is not an exciting exchange, for me. i prefer to be nimble and do less damage but have a more varied and forgiving rng based rotation. also more utility skills! i miss peloton or having a group shield or heal, or even rdm's rez; makes me feel actually useful instead of being just a giant cone hat that produces flamethrower on command. i don't think i'll play it too often, i'm afraid, even though it's a perfectly alright class, and i'm sure i'll get better with time
HOWEVER. if dawntrail allows blm to throw meteorites outside of lbs i might reconsider. they can be small! even magical molotov cocktails if we must. but i want physical flamming objects to hit my enemies and i want to see the animations do that with some flair. just ole fire and spite booms and a couple icicles is not enough. i want to flatten them
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muzzleroars · 1 year
Me remembering a random russian proverb and going like "oh. that reminds me of gabe actually"
The proverb in question is "Перед смертью не надышишься" (Pered smert'yu ne nadyshish'sya), literally "Can’t breath enough before death"
It can mean:
"Putting it off won't make it any easier"
"At the last moment, you can not manage to do what you had to do beforehand"
"You can't make up for lost time"
"It's too late for that now"
And it's also sometimes interpreted as like,, "well it's too late for that now, so no point in trying anyway"
And this made me think of AUs/HCs where Gabe actually Dies™️ (and I've pretty much accepted that it's the most likely thing to happen in canon too. who knows for sure tho, maybe not)
Like. He has so much stuff to do, so many topics to think of, so many emotions to go through (esp if he has Feelings™️ for V1, or anyone else for that matter), but whelp! too late for that loverboy!
And him either desperately trying to do at least something with the little time he has left, OR just. Giving up. Shutting down and waiting for everything to end
And about the "putting it off" part, makes me think that Gabriel must've had at least some trauma/issues related to the Council (about the time when they took the light from him, if nothing else), so it could've been hard for him to go back here, and actually deal with it, face it head on, but he did it anyway because it's not gonna get any easier if he waits
me rotating gabe in my head like in a microwave rn
as much as i obviously enjoy exploring gabriel as a fallen angel, i 100% agree that he's going to die in canon as ultrakill sees the world at the end of its lifespan and that goes for just about everything in it. and on a character level for gabriel, i think it makes sense for the exact reasons this proverb brings up: gabriel has had an end of life epiphany and, like everything else, it is too late now. his world has crashed down around him in his death throes, and all he can do is what is most important in the precious few hours he has left while the rest, all of the personal trauma he must harbor, will now remain forever untouched. but we've already seen whatever gabriel will do with that time remaining will be worthy of it.
the majority of the day he has left has likely already been spent, but he has used it fully to contemplate his long existence and then hearken to newfound autonomy - after which, he swiftly dispatches the entirety of the council to liberate heaven from their rule (the way he chooses to slay the final councilor has interesting parallels now to his execution of sisyphus, and i'm sure that figures into gabriel wishing to right wrongs he can't take back). we know after this he will depart forever from heaven, and his only destination can be hell to meet once again with v1 as he promised. gabriel has so much he could do, so much it could be argued he needs to do, but with his death impending and the very world around him crumbling with it, there is actually very little left for him to do realistically. gabriel is leaving a life full of regret that he will never remotely understand because he has no time for it, but he's ensuring that whatever can be tangibly, immediately addressed is. his life will never be put into context for him, but his death will be.
because gabriel leaves behind a cruel, bloody life that he once thought to be one of supreme order but is, instead, a mess. his time spent serving god had wronged so many, it had likely constantly gone against his own internal morals (that he no doubt punished himself over and over for, torturing himself over sins he now understands were compassion) - yet those feelings don't matter because ultimately he upheld god's will, he carried his banner of violence against humanity, and now there is no one to confront or repay with god and humans all dead. and under the rule of the council, he became a dog he must be disgusted with - they were not god, they never held that ultimate authority that at least he may have been able to shift the blame onto somewhat. they were angels just like him, perhaps higher in rank but not his ruler and certainly not his maker, yet he conformed to their every order, he furthered their political gains again at the expense of his morals. secretly he cared for those in limbo. secretly he cared for the ferrymen. secretly, perhaps, he was some kind of friend to hell. but then the council came and he obeyed them as unconditionally as he had god, reining terror on the citizens of hell and becoming their blight after ripping minos's crown from him as judge of hell. these are the festering regrets he will never account for, will never make reparations for - they are all dead, and he is dying.
so what can gabriel do except address his death and what brought him to it - a poor substitute for making sense of an entire life now left undone, but he seems to working within what he has instead of giving into panic or despair. and all he has left, all he has time for and all he knows he can manage in the hours remaining, is going to see v1 one last time. i'm sure with this, gabriel has a definite goal in mind: i think foremost is fully immersing himself in his feelings for v1 and just what this machine did for him. ultrakill, despite all appearances, is a love story in many ways, and i strongly believe gabriel's feelings toward v1 will be woven into that theme. he wants to feel his love as fully himself and now that he has realized it, to wrap himself in it after the revelation has occurred and allow it to flow through him with acceptance. it happens through a fight, of course, but what i don't know is what gabriel's ultimate goal for that fight will be - does he want his last act to be stopping v1, to have them die together in a sense, or does he desire to be killed by v1 rather than letting that loss of light take him? maybe gabriel would be content with either, but i think of him as a character with now well-defined ideas of what he wants, so i believe he's more likely to want something concrete.
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good-beans · 9 months
hi i'd like to know about your transfem fuuta thoughts please. if that's ok
"if that's ok" as if I haven't been rotating transfem fuuta in my mind for a long time and dying for an excuse to post something 👀👀👀 Thank you so much Ah!! I was able to format my little ideas and headcanons into an actual write-up, I just love this concept so much! All the big murderous twists in the series and I’ll never get over it is what it is...
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So, as much as I enjoy headcanons about some big revelation moment, I think that Fuuta Terminally Online Kajiyama has been very aware of his identity for a while. He just never really got the motivation to do anything about it. He knows he's not completely satisfied with his gender, but isn't constantly suffering over it, so he thinks telling people/transitioning would be way too much of a hassle at that point in his life. He also struggles with people taking him seriously given his height, attitude, etc -- unconsciously he's also worried it will only make matters worse in that area.
He wouldn't dare say anything to his parents, and wants to avoid hassle with his friends. People paint them as judgy incels sometimes, but if they were really calling out ‘bad guys’ online, I always got the vibe they were those annoying type of progressives who will harass people for not being accepting in the perfect correct way, you know? They'd be outwardly supportive but there's still a level of high expectations and performance that comes with it, and so deep down Fuuta understands there'd be a "hassle," but can't really define why.
I mentioned in another hc post that Fuuta and his sister have a silent supportive relationship. I feel like she's the one person in his life who knows everything and is super accepting -- this is understood even though neither have said anything out loud. (When he was younger, she definitely forced him into skirts, dresses, and accessories "to check something for her beautician work.") She's noticed all the times he's picked a female avatar in games, or cosplayed in ambiguous outfits.
Then, Milgram. Thinking his life will be over soon anyway, he opens up to a few of the prisoners about himself. Their unexpected openness keeps it on his mind more often than before. Still, nothing changes. Through some rocky verdicts, he's declared innocent and released.
Back in the real world, he's pretty fucked up from the whole ordeal, and starts off extremely isolated. He's in touch with his family, but distant. He maintains contact with some of the other released prisoners, but it starts off only over the phone. He changes schools or maybe drops out completely. Having deleted all online accounts after the incident, he gets to work setting up a new online presence. He was planning on using an alias anyways, and goes with something gender neutral. "To be extra safe that no one guesses it's me," he tells himself.
Letting his hair grow out begins as an accident -- just a side effect of never going out or minding his appearance. One day he realizes how long he's let it go and grabs some scissors to cut it. He makes a comment in his chat, and someone begs him to send a picture first. He goes to take it, but is suddenly disgusted and ashamed of his self-neglect. He's forced to make himself selfie presentable first: brushing his hair and throwing on something clean real quick. When he goes to take the picture, he realizes it looks good. It feels good. He puts the scissors away.
Soon, the prisoners/some new online friends coax Fuuta to hang out more. That's when she decides to reintroduce herself into society as someone new. She ventures out with the name of a favorite video game character. (I'm going to continue saying Fuuta because I genuinely can't name a single popular character from games she'd play, but just picture the most painfully obvious one you can. The kind you hear and go "oh okay. You play X too much, huh." And please send me your thoughts so I can work them into my own personal canon 👀) 
She doesn't have any hatred towards her deadname, it's more the pain of association: she remembers it said accusingly from the mouths of ex-friends. She remembers that name being called a murderer. She's not trying to deny/run from that past, she just wants to be someone better. Well, some days it is her way of running away, but most of the time it's a healthy separation from the past.
Encouraged by the positive reception and abundance of privacy in her isolation, she finally starts to explore her appearance more. Mikoto left behind some earrings during a visit -- she pierces her ears herself and tries them on. (If she doesn't like them, the holes will just heal, right? She's not weak, she can take a little pain...) Yuno/Mahiru stayed over once, and left a bit of makeup in the bathroom. She tries that on too. With a beautician in the family, this self-styling comes very easily. Fuuta's cowardly tendencies have her torn between embarrassment and her typical 'fuck you' attitude that she can do whatever she wants.
You know when you solve a tiny problem and suddenly you're smacked with how much of a huge problem it actually was? Fuuta never believed she had any issues before, but all of the sudden she's happier. Every day is easier. She has more friends. True friends. She does better with school/work. Her personality is still fiery, but it's more passion than irritability now. Self-hatred she didn't recognize starts melting away. She smiles more. She laughs more. She has plans for her future. She's excited about her future. 
(Shameless art plug hehe, before I had the timeline nailed down I did a little drawing of that selfie Fuuta takes when she realizes she's satisfied with this appearance, and now has newfound motivation to move forward in life.)
Over time she experiments with other elements of transitioning, and maybe changes her name to something a bit more subtle lol.
Unfortunately, I don't think it would go over well with her parents, but she never much cared for their opinions, anyway. One day a bit in the future, she bumps into her old friends in the street. Once recovering from panic, she's pleasantly surprised that they don't recognize her. Fuuta thought her appearance/fashion wasn't that different, but to fair, the friends figured they'd remember a stunning redhead with a very noticeable eye injury if they'd met before...
And just a few quick prisoner reactions (because in my heart they're all making it out ;--;):
Yuno has similar relationship as Fuuta's sister, offering immense help without unnecessary words. She's Fuuta’s go-to contact for trying new things and asking questions. 
When Mahiru first finds out, she goes a bit overboard with a makeover attempt. She and Muu provide their most frilly, glimmering outfits. They paint her nails and do makeup. They style her hair. This obviously turns out to be way too much, earning them a Fuuta-typical rant. Still, she's secretly moved by their enthusiasm and kindness. 
After that, designer Mikoto tries his hand at helping. Fuuta had been really worried the two of them would lose their guys nights out and relaxed friendship, but their relationship never changes.
Shidou is very accepting and very awkward. He's trying!! He gets excited, sending her all this information and help for medically transitioning.
Fuuta invites Kazui to their first pride parade <3
Though there's no return address on the package, Fuuta receives a gift of miscellaneous earrings and piercings in the mail with a note that they'd suit her well…
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starryo · 1 year
Okokok i have more questions about this au because I’ve been rotating it very rapidly in my head all day
1. How does everyone react to akiras betrayal? Does it hurt more or less than akechis? Because I’m assuming that he’s still an older brother figure to futaba based on how you said he still hangs out at Leblanc, but how would she react to learning that he’s a murderer?
2. Do they even suspect him like how they suspect akechi? Or are sumire and futabas good word enough to throw them off the scent?
3. How does the engine room play out? Does he confess everything or do they not realize what’s really going on until 3rd semester?
4. Interrogation room? 👀👀
5. How does sumire react when she learns what her sisters been involved in?
Ok that’s it for now I’m just… I’m buzzing thinking about this au
OH BOY OH BOY those are some 👀👀 interesting question 👀👀 you have there. i’ll try my best to answer the ones i’ve already thought about!! these answers are definitely subject to change further down the line though.
it would definitely hurt more than akechi’s betrayal, which is honestly a really low bar considering akechi pretty much only really talks to akira and sumire prior to him blackmailing his way into the phantom thieves. futaba is pretty chill actually with her older brother figure being a murderer part, she’s done actual criminal activity before and she’s super attached to akira. i’ve always kind of seen futaba’s beef with akechi to be more over the fact that he killed her mom than him killing in general? haru is the one you should be more worried about hehe.
they don’t really suspect akira! there isn’t a pancakes moment in this au and akira can’t help befriending ALL of the phantom thieves even despite their new roles. it’s a little funny that you bring up sumire and futaba here, because they (along with akechi but he is a new addition) are actually the ones that kind of know there is something going on. it’s a side effect of having a close relationship with akira. kasumi used to be part of that group too but she found out the truth already. the other two try to justify or turn a blind eye to whatever details they notice. the other phantom thieves hardly notice a thing though, and sumi + futaba’s good word definitely helps. i haven’t completely figured out exactly how a lot of the pt react to prince detective akira’s views on the pt yet though.
bold of you to assume akira would let goro get hurt in the same way he did in the original timeline. both the interrogation room and engine room scenes will be different from canon! it makes me giggle and kick my feet and im keeping it a secret for the full experience when i present it (which i hopefully will, if not i will describe what it would have been)
see above.
akira does a real good job hiding all traces of kasumi’s involvement (he is already risking a lot by even befriending some of the pt pre-canon, because they get on shido’s radar. he has the excuses of connections for the nijiimas and the yoshizawas at least, but he stayed away from the other pt for a long time because of this reason) so sumire doesn’t find out for a long time. kasumi is also a relatively new addition to akira’s team, since she only follows him into the metaverse in the beginning of april. sumire doesn’t find out until akira’s palace though, and with kasumi she is less upset about the accomplice part than the trust parts (also canon sumi’s complex about her sister shows its claws). she likely would have been more upset with the accomplice stuff if she had found out at the same time as finding out about akira’s role, but because she finds out after, she already had some reconciliation over that fact.
i’m so glad that you like my silly little self-indulgent au so much!!! i really didn’t think people would be that interested in it aldhlsjdk thank you for your questions!!
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tavina-writes · 3 months
For the fanfic ask meme: T, X, and Y:
T: Any fanfic tropes you can’t stand?
X: How would you categorize your fanfic reading?  Are you a voracious reader?  Do you carefully pick and choose?  Something in between?
Y: What are your thoughts on your personal satisfaction with something you’ve written vs. the popularity of your stories?  Do you tend to be most satisfied with your most popular stories?  
oh man, Ceru thank you so much for letting me procrastinate on writing this fic :DDDD
T: I am oddly really picky! I both really adore and also can't stand lots of different romance tropes, (and tbh other tropes) and it's really about context? Even if I say "oh I don't really like x" I tend to also...either write x or enjoy x in certain contexts, so I think for this I'd say that I can like most things in the right context, and there's nothing I really can't stand in universe, just more stuff that I dislike on a meta level.
Okay false, I thought of something: I hate not self aware ~cute~ farmcore and gardening adventures. Farming and Gardening are about WAR and SUFFERING and DEATH and LIFE and not about ~cute.~
X: I used to read almost everything and really often, but uhhh in the past two? three? years I've kind of, fallen off the fic reading bandwagon. I still do read fic! But almost exclusively because it was recced to me, I barely ever wander through character and ship tags anymore, which is a real shame! Maybe I should get back into doing that.
Y: I'd say there's a lot of stuff that I've written that hasn't gotten as much attention as the stuff that's "most popular" that I'm really fond of. TBH if I've published it, I'm really fond of it in some way. People often surprise me with what they really liked of my works or what they thought was really good!
I have to say, I'm still so fond of After tomorrow — who can say? which I wrote last year on a whim, and 有谁例外| Who is the exception? which I'm still rotating in my brain even now, but I know the "this is really far post canon" and "fic for a drama you certainly have never seen isn't really...lots of people's tea. So in a way, I can also see why certain fics that I really like and think of as some of my best work are like, "and this fic was beloved by you and two tumbleweeds."
:DD thanks for the ask!
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Clean Again
Chapter 5: THE LONG LIST read on AO3 | previous chapter | tumblr chapter index make sure to check AO3 for this fic's playlist and other extras!
Corey comes to fix Reader's sewing machine.
general warnings for this fic - angst, fluff, eventual smut (MDNI), canon-typical violence, canon-typical gore contents/warnings for this chapter - alcohol consumption, stalking
4,237 words
@rebel-blue @heartrot666 @wolvesandvampires @cordelium @toxicanonymity @multifandom--mess @hersweetrevenge @futurewife @yllcm @ethanhoewke dm me or reply to this post to be added to the list💕
You stand in the living room, slowly rotating in a circle. Evaluating. Your eye lands on a candle and you lunge forward to light it. Then you step back and think. Too romantic. You blow it out. Another thought occurs to you and you run to the bathroom. You tear down the hand towel on the bar over the counter and stuff a new one into it. You tidy the bunched up fabric, but not too much. The kitchen! You sprint to the sink and dump out the mesh trap you keep in the drain. You dash back to the bathroom and apply a spritz of perfume down the inside of your shirt.
Corey’s coming over tonight.
Yesterday Veronica asked you to meet up for coffee before work. You arrived at the cafe across from the record store and found her at a little table on the patio. Before you could even pull a chair out to sit down, she was demanding information. All you had texted her on Monday night was a message mimicking hers.
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“Oh my god, spill!” She exclaimed excitedly. 
“He’s gonna fix my sewing machine.” You said with a laugh.
“What does that mean?” Veronica gave you an exaggerated scandalized look.
“My literal sewing machine. It’s been jammed for weeks. I can’t figure it out. But he’s a mechanic or something? I’m not really sure, but he knows machine things and he’s coming over tomorrow to fix it.”
“That’s your first date?” She said, amused.
“Well, I’m also gonna make him dinner.”
“Oh my god, cooking on the first date? You slut!” Veronica slapped your hand playfully and you both laughed. “What are you making him?”
“I don’t know yet! He said anything is fine except spaghetti. I wanna pick something kinda simple cause I know I’m gonna be super nervous. I gotta look at what I have in the house.”
“So how did the conversation go? How did you wind up asking him to fix your sewing machine?”
“The first time I saw him was in the like, technical hobby aisle. I was getting books about sewing machine maintenance because I thought I could figure it out on my own. I haven't gotten anywhere 'cause I keep getting scared I'm just gonna irreparably fuck the machine if I do it on my own. I saw him on that aisle again and I just said ‘Do you know anything about sewing machines?’” She didn't need to know you'd chased after him, even if you kind of felt like he'd wanted you to. You know she would not approve.
“Your opening line was ‘Do you know anything about sewing machines?’” She asked, incredulous. You nodded your head. “I cannot believe that worked.”
“Me neither,” you admitted.
“He’s a mechanic or something? That’s sexy.”
“Yeah,” you squeaked, covering your face.
“Mr. Library, the sexy mechanic. You’ll have to let me know how it goes.”
“Of course!” You reassured her. “Actually, I was planning to text you like, right before he gets there and after he leaves, like, for safety.”
“You fucking better, or I will come over there, guns blazing,” Veronica said. “What’s his name?”
“Corey,” Veronica purred. The two of you burst into giggles like you used to in the back of class in high school. 
You stand in front of the mirror on your dresser now, putting earrings in and taking them out. You want to look put together, like you tried, like you care. You also don’t want to go overboard. He’s just going to be fixing your sewing machine. But it’s more than just fixing your sewing machine. You haven’t been on any dates since you broke things off with Hurley. You’re already so infatuated with Corey it scares you. You just want things to go well. You’re not sure you can handle it if they don’t. 
You go back out into the rest of the apartment, making sure it’s clean in the right way. Tidy without being sterile or stuffy. You pull the blanket down off the back of the couch, then toss it back up, so it doesn’t look so manicured. You flip through your records, looking for something to play, or at least to put on your little easel so it looked like you had been listening to it. You don’t know what kind of music he likes, so it seems fruitless. 
It doesn’t matter now anyway. You can hear someone walking up the gravel path. He’s here. You text Veronica, hitting send just as there’s a knock on the door.
You open the door and you’re instantly taken aback by his beauty, the same way you were the first time you saw him. He looks great. He’s dressed in the simple way it seems like he always is, but it suits him so well, and you’ve never seen him in a sweater before. The way it hangs off his broad, round shoulders entices you to wonder about his body, so you look up at his face instead. His eyes, surrounded by halos of lashes, his pillowy lips. You feel your chest flushing.
“Come in, make yourself at home. You can take your shoes off if you want, or whatever you’re comfortable with,” you say, stepping behind the door to let him in.
“Oh, thanks,” he says. His work boots clatter to the wooden floor. You close the door awkwardly behind him.
Your phone goes off extremely loudly. Both of you jump. You had the volume turned up so you could hear if he called or texted while you were preparing for him to come over, but now the sound is deafening.
“Sorry, it’s just my friend checking in. She’s nervous about you coming over, 'cause you could be a serial killer or something.” You try to make a face that indicates it’s a joke, but for a split second he looks at you with something cold and hard in his face, and you remember the fear you felt in the library the first time you made eye contact. The hairs stand up on the back of your neck, but his face is already soft again and you manage a smile. 
“Sewing machine’s in here,” you say as you lead him to the dining room. "I don’t know if you need them but the books I got from the library are right next to it. Can I get you something to drink? I have water, tea, beer…?” Corey just shakes his head and sits down in front of the machine. “Okay, let me know if you need anything. I gotta put the water on for dinner.”
You scamper into the kitchen. You pull out all the pots and pans you’ll need, using the water running into the pot for the pasta to cover the deep breaths you’re taking to try to steady yourself. He said no spaghetti, but that other pasta was fine. But is it fine? Should you make something else? You double check that your phone is on vibrate before sending Veronica another text.
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Then you go back into the dining room.   
Corey has a screwdriver kit you didn’t notice him bring in, all different shapes and sizes including ones you've never seen before. He’s already got the machine split down the middle, a neat little pile of screws in the lid of his tool set. You watch him silently for a second. He has one of your reference books open to a diagram you’d tried several times to understand. He shows no signs of confusion. He doesn’t acknowledge that you’ve come back into the room, so you clear your throat quietly. 
“Do you want company or do you need to be alone to focus?” 
Corey waves you over. You grab a dining chair and place it closer to him before sitting down. He glances up at you briefly, then goes back to his work. You sit there with your hands clasped in your lap, watching him. At first you feel super awkward. You still kind of can’t believe this is happening. That you saw him more than once, that asking him to fix your sewing machine worked, that he’s here, in your dining room. But as you watch his skillful hands remove piece after piece, working with quiet determination, you settle down. It feels like the most natural thing in the world. When you hear the water start to boil, you resent having to go back in the kitchen instead of getting to watch him longer. Then you remember what Veronica said yesterday morning.
“Oh my god, cooking on the first date? You slut!” That makes you smile. It is slutty, in its own way, doing something for him that other people might reserve for later in the relationship. Performing an intimate and domestic act for a stranger. You’ve never let a man know where you live without hanging out somewhere else first before, you’ve never had a man in this apartment at all. You’re breaking all your rules for him. It's scary, but the rules didn't protect you last time anyway. Might as well see what happens if you do things differently. 
By the time you have a free moment away from the stove again, Corey is reassembling the machine. There’s a mound of dust and little fabric scraps on the table.
“Is this what was wrong with it?” You indicate the dust bunny, embarrassed.
“Yep,” Corey says simply.
“Damn, I thought I kept it pretty clean,” you say, trying to defend yourself even though Corey doesn’t seem to be judging. 
“It’s the machine’s fault. You can’t clean where I pulled this from without opening the whole thing up. Bad design.” He shrugs.
“Oh. Thanks for fixing it.” You sweep the dust bunny into your hand and drop it into the trash can. “Dinner’s almost ready.”
“It smells good,” he says quietly.
Riding here, the road rumbling under him, Corey tried to prepare himself for your questions. He knew you would want to try to get to know him. When the guys at work ask questions about his life, he gives half answers if they're persistent. If they seem like they would let it go, he just grunts. No one can find plot holes in the revised version of his life if he never shares it with anyone. But he knew that wouldn’t work with you. And if he was going to do this, whatever this was, he had to let you in, at least a little.
He was grateful you seemed happy to watch him work on the sewing machine in relative silence. Being able to do something with his hands helped him calm down. But now that diner is on the table, it’s time to talk, and his anxiety creeps up on him. He tries to push it down with the beer you brought him. Your cooking is surprisingly delicious. He regrets being too uncomfortable to really enjoy it. Hopefully next time, he catches himself thinking. If there is a next time.
“So you’re a car mechanic? Or are you like, an appliance mechanic? It wasn’t clear the other day.” 
“Both,” he takes the beer bottle from his lips to say. “I work at a garage, and I repair old electronics and appliances to sell just for myself. You mend clothes?”
“Oh that’s my little side business. I also work at Plymouth Records, downtown. The mechanic thing is so cool. How did you get into that?”
It’s gonna be a long night, Corey thinks, wanting to do this to be close to you, but already feeling the wear of talking this much for the first time in so long. 
“I was gonna go to college for engineering, but…” he trails off, scared to give you more information than that. 
“But college.” You finish the sentence, making a face. “I dropped out too.”
“What were you studying before you dropped out?” He asks. He feels so relieved to hear you didn’t finish college either. He hopes the circumstances of your departure were much less traumatic than his, but it feels good to have a thing like that in common. It’s been so long since he felt like he had anything in common with anyone. 
You laugh ruefully and it surprises him to hear the edge in your voice. “I had so many majors. I wasn’t in college because I had something I wanted to study. I was in college because it’s where I was ‘supposed to’ be.”
Corey wants to say something meaningful to that. He can’t imagine not wanting to go to college. He’d hung all his hopes on it before the thing with Jeremy. It was his ticket out. But he understands suffocating under other people’s expectations. Doing things, not because you want to, but to avoid the consequences if you don’t. He’s done that his whole life, with the exception of one glorious and horrific week. He couldn’t possibly get into it, so he settles from solemn nod.
“Where are you from?” You ask.
“Illinois,” Corey says, then immediately regrets it. He doesn’t want to lie, but he could be less specific. 
“Oh yeah? I could tell you weren’t no southern boy,” you say, exaggerating your subtle accent. “Where at in Illinois?”
“Not a town you’ve heard of.” He hopes against hope that that’s the truth. His manslaughter trial didn’t make huge waves, but it had definitely made the rounds on social media nationally, and there was the podcast that nurse had mentioned. Michael Myers’ massacres, and his own, were probably much bigger headlines. Front page maybe even. He had killed nine people that week. He had no way to even estimate how many Michael had done beyond the two he’d been there for. That had to make the front page nationally. Or trend on Twitter, or something. But he couldn’t be sure. He’d avoided the news studiously since he left.
“What brought you here?” 
That, Corey can answer truthfully. Vaguely, but truthfully. “It was hell living there. I couldn’t wait to get out,” he says. “What about you?”
“I’m from here,” you say. “I was gone for a few years, but I wound up crawling back.”
The conversation lulls. Corey is thankful that you allow it to. Mixed feelings roil inside him. He shouldn’t be here. He shouldn’t have accepted dinner if he was going to help you, and he shouldn’t have helped you. His cover will be blown, he’ll go to prison. He’ll be sentenced to death, but he won’t ever die. He’ll just wither immortally in a cell, watching all the other killers be walked to their waiting KFC.
And yet, it’s so nice to talk to someone. To put on a front and pretend to be normal. To get to know a pretty girl. He lies to himself every day that it doesn’t hurt. That he likes being alone. That even with his mother breathing down his neck his whole childhood, he was always really alone, and his complete isolation is just the logical conclusion of things. The way he was born to live. 
Of course none of that is true. He remembers the way he felt about the Allens before the accident with Jeremy. How he’d hoped someday he could experience a love like the one they had, before he destroyed it.
Then there’s you. Rubbing your finger around the rim of your glass in mock-absentmindedness. Pretending not to look at him, but studying him intently. You texted your friend just in case the man you invited into your home was a murderer. He is. But you’re safe with him, at least right now. He thinks about the way you caught him in the library. And again he feels aroused at the idea that you’re a hunter too. He wonders if you could survive an encounter with Michael, if you have the fight in you like Laurie did. He finishes his beer.
“You’re a good cook,” he says, breaking the silence. 
You give him The Smile . “Thank you! I was worried it was too similar to spaghetti.”
“I might actually eat your spaghetti.”
“You should be so lucky,” you reply, laughing. You’re flirting. He’s flirting, and you’re flirting back. He almost can’t believe it. 
The rest of the evening is easier for Corey. He relaxes just a little. When it’s time for him to go, you walk outside with him. You stand out there in your sock feet with no jacket even though it’s a chilly night. Your eyes light up when you see his motorcycle.
“Is this what you drive all the time?” You ask.
“Yeah. Do you like motorcycles?”
“Uh, I think so? I’ve never ridden one.” You step closer to it. 
Corey almost offers to give you a ride, but he hesitates, thinking of Allyson. The only other person he’d ever ridden with. Will giving you a ride lock you into her fate? 
“I might be scared to ride it, honestly. As lame as that is,” you say, letting him off the hook. 
“It’s not lame. My dad died in a motorcycle accident when I was little,” Corey says, surprising himself by sharing so easily. 
“And you still ride this thing everywhere?” You raise your eyebrows in exaggerated disbelief. 
“I don’t have the best sense of self-preservation,” he confesses. 
A smirk curls your lips. Corey can see you realizing the shy, reserved boy you’d spent the evening with might have an edge to him. You have no idea how sharp that edge is.
“Let me know if there’s anything else you need fixed,” he says, straddling the bike and putting his helmet on. 
“Do you want the long list or the short list?” You say sarcastically.
“The long list. Text it to me.” Corey’s bike roars to life. You laugh and shake your head. “I’m serious!” He shouts over the rumble of the engine. 
You reach out and put your hand on the top of his helmet. Then you walk back to your door, turning around to wave at him before you go inside. He waves back, and watches you disappear into your apartment. When he can't see you anymore he rides away.
As you close the door, you let out a little excited sound. You can’t help but squeal. Things went so well! You send the all clear text to Veronica as you make your way to the kitchen, not even annoyed that you have to clean up. Corey had been so nice, scraping both plates and putting them in the sink. You’re touched by the small gesture of respect. You reach into the basin and, without really thinking about it, you pick his fork up off his plate and put it into your mouth. You stand there for a second before you catch yourself. You pull the fork from your mouth and laugh out loud at yourself as you load the dishwasher.
After that’s done you bring a glass of water into the bedroom and set it and your phone on your nightstand. You want to text Corey and tell him thank you for such a lovely evening, but you don’t want to come across as clingy. You tell yourself you’ll decide after you do your nighttime routine. The water barely spurts out of the faucet in your bathroom. You struggle to get your toothbrush clean under the unimpressive flow, and it takes forever for your cupped hands to fill with water to splash on your face. 
When you come back into the bedroom, skin moisturized and hair braided, the decision of how soon to text Corey has been made for you.
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A little heart appears over your last message. His transparent attempt to have reasons to come back over charms you. As if you wouldn’t just invite him because you like him. You smile as you tuck yourself into bed.
Your bedroom door is crooked and sticks closed, so Corey takes it down and glues a bunch of toothpicks into the screw holes, then when the glue is dry, he saws them flush before he hangs the door back up.
Some of your outlets are loose, the weight of the cord pulls the plug halfway out as soon as you let go. The two of you check every outlet in the whole apartment, plugging things in and watching them slip back out, putting stickers on the ones that suck. Next time he comes over he flips all the switches in your breaker box. The two of you crawl around in the dark as he replaces each stickered outlet, you holding a flashlight steady for him. It feels strangely intimate, and you both speak in whispers, leaning in to be heard.
The light bulb in your closet is burnt out and your high ceilings keep it out of reach, even on the step stool you keep around. Corey stacks your dining chairs under the bare bulb and climbs the precarious pile.
“Be careful,” you warn him from outside the closet. He scoffs and holds his hand out for the new light bulb. 
“There’s a spider in here,” he says when the light comes on. 
“Cool,” you say. “Is it poisonous?”
“Um… I’m not a spider expert. It’s just a regular spider, I think.”
“Just leave it,” you instruct. 
 “You don’t want me to kill it?” His muffled voice sounds surprised.
“It’s not hurting anything. If that’s where it wants to be, I’m not gonna stop it.” He gives you a confused look when he jumps down from the chair stack. “Are you judging me?” You ask.
“Never. I’m just… impressed.”
“I have a soft spot for maligned creatures,” you explain. 
When you’re not with Corey, he’s always on your mind. You’ve started hearing motorcycles everywhere. Whenever you hear one rumbling along, you think of him, and say a quick prayer to no one for the rider’s safety. 
He’s smart. He seems scared to make jokes, like he doesn’t think he’s funny, but there’s a dark edged humor to him that surprises you pleasantly every time. When you talk it feels like he really listens, like he’s taking notes. 
Something very bad happened to him. You’ve noticed the scars on his hand and his throat, but the sense that he’s been through something awful comes equally from how extremely guarded he always seems. His reservation is the very thing that reduces yours. You’ve been emotionally unavailable for what feels like forever. You think of all the times you ended things after one or two stiff little dates. Corey’s hesitance makes him feel like someone safe. 
And he’s just so goddamn pretty. Sometimes you have to look away because it feels like gazing at the sun.
It’s not a complete coincidence that you’ve started hearing motorcycles more often, not only an illusion of increased frequency. 
Corey hadn’t let himself follow you home from the library the other day, but finding the same strength now isn’t always easy. In the evenings after work, on his days off, whenever he’s not busy and he’s not with you, he wonders where you are and what you’re doing. He makes himself work on a project, scrub a circuit board with rubbing alcohol and a q-tip. But inevitably he gets antsy.
His bike carves across town. He passes your apartment, he cuts through the parking lot behind the record store, he lurks across the street from your favorite mom and pop grocery. He’s been going to the library more than ever before. Your habit of texting while walking irritates him, but he always softens a little when he feels his phone vibrate. He makes sure you get home safe on nights you stumble out of a dive bar and into a taxi with Veronica and Rose. A time or two he’s left you a little present, dropping a flower from a nearby tree onto your passenger seat through your barely open window. When he sees a meter maid writing you a ticket he runs over and stops her, putting all the coins in his pocket into the machine to buy you more time. 
When he’s with you he’s still nervous, putting a lot of effort into every conversation, always desperate for you to give him The Smile . It still hurts, wrenching the air from his lungs. And it still feels like sinking into a warm bath at the end of a long day. He feels a foreign sensation in your presence: joy. 
The guilt however, is familiar and well worn. The thoughts about Allyson, that he had failed to keep her safe, that he had walked away after promising he wouldn’t. It just gets a shiny new coat of paint. He should stay away from you. What if he implicates you, contaminates you. Is he putting you in legal danger by getting close to you? Or physical danger? And is he disrespecting Allyson’s memory? You’ve already gotten more time with him than she ever will. Is that good or bad? How can he keep you from ending up like her?
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erisenyo · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @ofherlionheart, thank you!!
1. how many works do you have on Ao3? 36?! When did that happen...
2. what's your total Ao3 word count? 1,612,719, and now I'm eyeing the shibari fic and my written WIP where chapter 4 of 6 is going to be 60+ word document pages all on its own...
3. what fandoms do you write for? ATLA! Though I'm starting to eye The Radian Emperor too, if I can figure out the writing style
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
1. Love is in the Hair 2. These Things Written 3. These Things Known 4. These Things Unsaid (lol the middle of the series having the least kudos of the three, middle book syndrome strikes) 5. Lessons in Proper Asset Management
5. do you respond to comments? I do! I do my best to reply to all of them, I love hearing people's thoughts and chatting about the fic or the characters or canon. Though I am currently egregious behind after the holidays, doing my best to catch up...
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don't know that I do angsty *endings* versus just highly emotional situations that end in (hopefully) satisfying ways? To Cleave These Roots We've Made is probably my angstiest run into an ending, and Of Tea and Turtle Ducks (and the Turtle Duck Guy) just had a very high-emotion end. I don't know, what do you guys think? I don't always have a good read on the tone of my own fics lol
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Ohhh this is tough, maybe To Be Named, To Be Known (To Be Loved) or (With Wonder and Care) Reach for Far-flung Dreams, in part because the endings are just a culmination of a lot of like warm feelings? Or Didn't Know What I Was Missing (But I Guess I Found It) because we were all so happy the three of them finally talked lol?
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not really, though Katara in Burning Bright has been fairly polarizing. It's not hate but it's also like...not happy haha
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Oh, do I ever! And...all the kinds (m/m, f/m/ poly, f/f incoming)? Full on, graphic, self-recognition-through-the-boner character-developing smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I don't!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? oh man I hope not. I don't even know how I'd find out, unless someone told me
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! Into Russian!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, though I got close with certain installments in the Zukki series with the way Ash helped me outline haha. I wouldn't be opposed to it, but it feels more like long-form roleplay when I imagine it.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? This is a hard question! Because there's stuff I read fic for and stuff I write and then stuff I've like, read and gently rotated in my head for the rest of my life. But to make it easy--Zukka haha
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I tend not to let myself have too many simultaneous WIPs, and I don't really break my rule about finishing a work before starting to post, so no, looking at the current set. There's ideas I'd like to write that I'm not sure I will, but nothing started.
16. What are your writing strengths? I'd say dialogue, characterization, and building narrative tension and momentum
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Fight scenes lol. I don't know why they're so much harder than smut scenes, they should be the same, except smut is like intensely close and intimate and full of sensation and emotions and fight scenes have to be go-go-go but still full of sensation and emotions just different ones haha
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I've never tried! It seems like it would be difficult, me knowing only the one (and Latin, that doesn't count haha) and so much of the fun of language being in the wordplay and clever turns of phrase and the world of difference between someone saying "father" or "dad"
19. First fandom you wrote for? ATLA! I wrote some original fiction back in the day, but fandom-wise ATLA is my first go
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? So cruel to make me choose! I am a little bit in love with everything I post. And I will cheat by saying either To Open Every Door to Night, To Meet Each Rising Sun or Just Let My Love Adorn You (You Gotta Know that I Adore You) right now, I'm so pleased with how they both came out, and they were so much fun to write. Both really came together so well from what I initially imagined.
tagging @queendollophead-ao3 @lizardlicks @ranilla-bean and anyone else who wants to play! I'd love to see your answers
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hopeswriting · 11 months
concept: spiderverse arcobaleno
(vague spoilers if you haven't seen the movies!!)
LOVE it hello??? omg yesss. but also, what are we actually going for here? spiderverse au as in a crossover fusion with the arco all being spider-man from different universes? because design-wise alone i think it'd be fun to play with if nothing else! i just know reborn would still go for his suit, and i'm not saying there's no way to make it work and cool but what if we DIDNT make it work or cool because where's the fun otherwise. and it cracks me up to think about it because it's like, my dude. nO zerdtfhd. 😭😂😂
OR are we talking a spiderverse au within the khr universe where we tweak the arco curse to make it, like. to make the arcobaleno title a single concept/entity embodied by seven different people each in their own ways, instead of it referencing the seven strongest each in their respective field. if you get what i mean?? so like there'd be AN arcobaleno, but what the title entails would necessitate seven different people who'd be the same but in different ways to fully embody it. do you get it???
and what would the canon events be about then? well, being cursed would just have to be one of them, right? also walking on the path of the strongest/greatest and suffering losses along the way could be another one. and i feel like saying the sky arco would play miles' role here, as a treat. they deserve to flip fate/destiny off whenever they can. <3
oH WAIT what about colonnello as miles?? who's canonically the one who tries to interfere with the curse and--OHHHH okay, okay, consider this please. what if... trying to save a loved one from the curse/to interfere with the curse altogether and failing was another canon event of being an arco? and--hear me out--what if this particular canon event started with bermuda?
it makes sense, right??? especially if we say someone tried to save him from the curse, resulting in him being only half cursed like lal, which we could make as a reason why he survived long enough after kawahira removed the pacifier from him to become a vindice. and maybe he even ends up as a vindice because of the specificities of his half-curse.
talking about kawahira, i guess he'd be miguel in this scenario, right? but what if... he was peter b instead? OKAY HEAR ME OUT VAN. kawahira going out of his way to pick someone with enough potential to become an arco, to nurture them, mentor them, to make sure they do end up the strongest all so he can curse them with the certainty that at least this one will be strong enough to bear the curse........ you get it, right?? the ANGST, the BETRAYAL, the LOSS OF AGENCY AND FREE WILL, the BROKEN SENSE OF SELF!!!!!!
OH WAIT!!! if kawahira is either miguel or peter b, then.... what about making bermuda as either one of the two too? i mean, you know those vibes they had in the movie? 👀 do with that what you will because this is just for you to rotate in your mind. <3
oh i almost forgot, but i think we should just throw tsuna in the mix here. i actually first thought of him to play miles' role, and i know we're talking about the arco here and he isn't an honorary arco or anything (THEN AGAIN--), but his bond with reborn shapes reborn so much, i just like to have him there too when i can to keep reborn the same as we know him to be in canon. and like, it IS just as fun to think about a reborn who never met tsuna and was never influenced by him, but i love tsuna and their bond so he gets to be there too. <3
*GASPS* WAIT BECAUSE WHAT IF HAVING A TSUNA WAS ALSO A CANON EVENT?? and... Something happening to him i guess? like, remember my post about how all the arco have a teacher side to them? the manga basically already paired them up too! reborn/tsuna, skull/enma (the shimon), fon/i-pin, viper/chrome, verde/mukuro (the kokuyo gang) and... i'm sure we can come up with something for the rest easily enough!
and that's all i have off the top of my head i think? sorry for the excited spitballing haha, i'm just really vibing with this au!! so by all means DO tell more if you have more, i'm all ears! 👀👀👀
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keef-a-corn · 1 year
Dat’s right, People, it’s time for ‘Keef watches TFP and you just get the notes!’
This is for season 1, episode 22: Stronger, Faster
Please reblog or comment on this with your thoughts! I really want to know what your opinion of the episode was!
I write down the timestamps, but I watch Transformers Prime on Stan (an Australian streaming service) so they may be slightly off.
ALSO! I try my best to note points for every character, but tend to get a little caught up by Bee (although I think I do a pretty good job with the notes regardless) so do be warned.
00:03 - Said no one to a transformers fan ever.
00:15 - I don’t know what happened to Ratchet’s lip-sync.
00:26 - *throws to the Ratchet fans* FEAST!
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00:33 - Raf’s a smart character, wouldn’t he know that Ratchet needs to test it a few times to make sure it’s stable? …Or does Raf want to put Bee’s life at risk?. O-Ó
00:58 - I get the other shots, but why the Cliffjumper one? His death didn’t have a negative effect on the energon supply.
01:41 - It’s like listening to your parents discussing the taxes.
01:59 - aww.. baby no! I wanna put him in a blanket.
02:08 - could you imagine being a parent in the early 2010s, thinking your child’s just watching an innocent show, then walking in and watching this scene? The episode is honest to goodness about drug addiction and there’s nothing anyone can say that would disprove it.
02:19 - Imagine if that had actually killed him? Like everyone returning after a mission to find Ratchet dead on the floor.
03:12 - an amusing sight
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03:24 - Ratchet’s first move to check if he was better than fine was to rotate his arm/check his shoulder. For anyone who theorises hidden, long-term injuries on the bots, there’s one for ya.
03:28 - I’m sad that his energon was so low… but which one belongs to the others? A possible consideration would be that Optimus is the bottom, then Bulkhead’s above Ratchet, then Arcee, then Bee, from their frame sizes and such. Where Bulkhead and Optimus use up more energon due to their larger sizes.
03:56 - that’s so strategically cruel.
04:49 - Oh Damn.. Optimus ain’t playing around (obviously) but he doesn’t use that tone at any other point. It’s so… uncharacteristically in character of that makes sense.
05:08 - way too high risk. Slim odds of reward. Arcee has a bad habit on taking on too much during fieldwork. It’s incredible how she hasn’t been held back more often.
05:53 - Mm.. there’s not enough appreciation for the way vehicon’s prepare to land.
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06:10 - why would he put the ground bridge up there?? HOW ARE THEY SUPPOSED TO GET BACK? + could you just imagine Bee, Bulk and Optimus waiting behind the rocks, trying to make small talk.
06:18 - Slay Ratchet. Damn.
06:50 - so that idea from before… still imagine that. Just because it doesn’t work in canon, doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be pictured.
07:16 - now I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t say that the fact that they included this shot could’ve meant something important, especially how the camera lingered on Bee for a second before the zoom (he’s the focus point in the shot. He’s the least blurry in the zoom). This will not be the last comment I make that’s probably me just thinking too hard.
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07:22 - the side eye.
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07:23 - That sounds familiar..
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07:32 - *cri* He looks so proud. Good.
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07:36 - Oh n o ✨ he’s now become aware of the size difference in a way that isn’t making him worried for the safety of the children (also Ratchet’s canonically called Raf ‘little fella’ I will now abuse this fact.)
07:46 - ‘no secret’ then proceeds to reveal that he’s on drugs.
07:48 - you can see the shift in the other bots features.
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07:57 - … what. Did. He. Say?. W H Y A R E T H E R E N O H I N T S ? !
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08:04 - this one’s a quick translation.. *concerned husband noises* + that slight glare though.
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08:09 - Now kids remember, don’t do drugs. And if Arcee suggests it’s a good idea. It isn’t.
08:20 - Optimus probably has some history with drug addiction/abuse (might not have been him, but a friend *cough cough* Megatron)
08:26 - Damn, Optimus really on edge this episode.
08:43 - expressive story telling.
08:46 - Under influence or not, Ratchet still called Bulkhead ‘Bulk’. He must’ve done so before, but still.
08:50 - Bulkhead’s more likely to respond with a nickname if he gets addressed with a nickname.
08:51 - Ratchet just bitch-slapped Bulk. Damn.
09:16 - oh hells no. Ratchet’s fist should never be that close to Bee’s face like that. + From experience, when someone air punches so close so your face, once you recognise that you’re not actually going to be punched, you relax, but if you still believe you're in danger you're going to remain on edge. Bee keeps himself tilted away, meaning he still sees Ratchet as a threat.
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09:22 - *cri*
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09:25 - Bee’s eyebrows raise higher after Ratchet insults him.
09:29 - pretend he was straight? Yeah. But seriously, what an uncomfortable situation for all of them.
09:42 - that’s a dependency. It’s never a good thing.
09:52 - Arcee’s tone indicates she’s still upset, otherwise she would’ve been a bit higher pitched.
09:57 - There’s something about the way Optimus reactions (physically) when Bulkhead stops him that’s really interesting. I cannot work out what though.
10:05 - that’s how Knockout stands.
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10:10 - I very seriously doubt that Ratchet chose Bumblebee to stay back as a randomised choice. If he had called him ‘Bee’, maybe, but he didn’t. He said ‘Bumblebee’. It was intentional. Considering that Ratchet’s still very strategic, despite being under influence, he would’ve been more likely to put Arcee on the sidelines (she goes against orders, makes unnecessary risks and is not as good at fighting compared to the others + the others are a bit more durable.). There are a few reasons why he might’ve chosen Bee. Although I want to say that it’s super unlikely, I cannot rule out the idea that a drugged up Ratchet could be a bit ableist, explaining why he’d first remove the disabled bot- but, as I said, highly unlikely. What’s more likely is that he’s putting Bee on the sidelines because he sees him as the weakest after he immediately backed down from a challenge. Then you also have the idea that there’s still apart of Ratchet that would put himself in the face of danger to protect Bee.
11:01 - He’s an ass, but he’s got a point.
11:47 - what was gonna be the plan?
12:03 - this is a serious part, why would they include something so comedic? + he do be having a really good aim tho.
12:29 - Torture for the location of something important… the irony. (IYKYK)
12:41 - Optimus’s reaction shot is like every animal reaction to a loud noise in the distance.
12:44 - Really reflects on how often Autobots torture someone from the way everyone reacts.
12:47 - the shot would’ve been more impactful had Ratchet been kneeling, rather than leaning over.
12:57 - Nothing can stop the indestructible force that is Optimus putting his hand on someone’s arm/shoulder to make them calm down.
13:02 - Bulkhead and Arcee standing in the back watching them.
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13:08 - Miner vs Minor. Both make a lot of sense before the rest of the dialogue.
13:11 - ‘servant class, not warrior class’, I need to do my research, damn. Are there classes between Servant and warrior? I imagine there’s probably ones below Servant and above warrior, so the lowest class the autobots would fight is warrior. Are the classes the same for the autobots? *
13:14 - his headlights weren’t coloured properly.
13:17 - with each shot the camera gets closer to them. + Optimus’s really fed up.
13:20 - he got the Lego mouth.
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13:33 - I refuse to believe that the nemesis isn’t moving every five minutes.
14:24 - OH. WOW. Low blow.
14:59 - That was quick. Especially considering that that was not the original coordinates.
15:18 - they established early on that Ratchet could do that.
15:23 - ..where is he going?
15:34 - they either removed a scene or there’s a giant error. Bee wasn’t with them.
16:11 - domineering: asserting one's will over another in an arrogant way.
16:34 - I stand corrected, Megatron isn’t on the ship… for some reason.
16:51 - Knockout hasn’t fought Ratchet before.
17:16 - underrated line + delivery.
17:20 - Megatron’s got a big hand.
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17:23 - that’s what it feels like to loose an arm wrestle.
17:31 - Knockout immediately suggesting drugs.
17:37 - WTFRaG.
17:49 - …Okay but like I know he doesn’t mean it this way, but I prefer to imagine that Megatron’s witness Ratchet sitting in Optimus’s lap.
17:53 - dude wants to drug a whole army.
17:56 - first move. Call out husband’s name.
17:58 - second move. Admit to wrong-doings.
18:05 - Optimus grabbing onto the handrails (I wasn't able to get a clear shot)
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18:08 - He’s so concerned.
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18:10 - FRAGGIN FINALLY I CAN GUESS. ‘Yeah? -on it.’
18:14 - Optimus didn’t even finish his sentence before running to the rescue.
18:23 - her legs are moving faster than she is.
18:32 - he won’t stop moving. It’s beautiful.
18:38 - Oh dear.. oh Ratchy no!
18:44 - Knockout’s had like a 0% success rate with that saw.
19:35 - his eyes are blue
20:07 - he k n e e l s
20:12 - that pool of energon wasn’t there before and he wasn’t actively bleeding.
20:14 - smexy scenery.
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20:21 - babes has been by his side the whole time.
20:24 - ‘you bled out’ >:)
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20:31 - Aww! But also.. he punched Bulkhead.
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12:32 - shut up. You’re crying.
20:35 - he finished his sentence.
20:52 - so energon is a blue crystal that needs to be mined, where it’s then turned into glowing light blue cubes where it becomes a dark blue liquid and is injected into the arm? But if it’s purple it’s dark energon. If it’s green it’s Synth-en. But dark energon stays in crystal form and doesn’t need to be replaced, while normal energon needs to be stocked up and can burn.
21:24 - this is just the plot of Hercules (the Disney movie)
And that was Stronger, Faster
A lot lighter and darker than I remembered it. A very good watch and even if it’s just known for being the drug addiction episode, I’m glad that it’s known.
It’s a very dark topic, but I think it was addressed well. 10/10 would watch in a binge and when being selective about episodes.
*so this touches on my question
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noodleblade · 4 months
Miscellaneous Tag Game (stolen title <3)
thank you bestie:3 @searchingfortheuniverse I'll be working on this while im on and off phone calls~
A band you don’t like that many others do: UM idk...my music taste is all over the place and I really only know the bands i think?? oh- maybe Mother Mother, only because I have not bothered to listen to their music past Junkrat hype videos and that's probably tainted my view a little. For better or for worse.
A childhood memory that you remember vividly: during a summer in greece, idk how, but I got roped into selling watermelons off the side of the road. I couldn't have been more than 6 or 7, but I remember I would put the watermelon in a plastic bag and the farmers thought it was really funny because that's such a...united states thing...to bag 1 whole watermelon in plastic. Anyways, they paid me in cucumber slices with salt.
Least favorite animal and why: HUH LEAST. I'm not a huge fan of like reptiles? Specifically those smaller than a bread box. Too fast, too squirm. Im worried I'll crush them in my hands. (im thinking of specifically florida geckos...idk they are cute but i freak out trying to hold them).
Hot fandom take: just because something is popular and fandom-wide accepted doesn't mean it is good. and not agreeing with it/wanting to engage in it doesn't mean you or your own opinions are bad. the monopoly on accepted 1 true canon is boring.
Do you wear any jewelry, if so, what’s your favorite piece: I try an rotate my jewelry around but I'm usually wearing a few rings, a necklace and a pair of earrings. My favorites are the rings. They are my mom's old ones and I typically wear the same two every day. One is a gold key of greece and the other is a thin black bar but the sides have really small thin heart cut outs.
A movie others liked but you didn’t: HMMMMM probably the new star wars trilogy. felt unnecessary and i just didn't like it? big shruggies
Three things you love about yourself: my writing- its something that I enjoy the most in the world and something that I can claim as mine. I also think I'm pretty funny in a sillay way which is poggers. I like my openness to trying things. Think that's helped make me more well-rounded. I hope so at least.
A place you hope to visit in the future and why: HMMMMM. I want to visit Japan again. For a new place, I want to go to South America. Peru maybe??? Mexico would also be nice. So that's what I'm gearing up towards next.
An actor that gets on your nerves and why: Uh Matt Smith? No reason behind this. but I see his block head and kind of just look away.
Things you’re excited for in the nearby future? I have a lot of little house projects I finally feel like tackling which is exciting. Ive lived in my house for almost 2.5 years and still havent felt like parts of it are complete yet.
Least favorite ship in a fandom you’re in: oof I lowkey kind of hate saying things I don't like on here. bad experiences in the past when people were upset I didn't like a thing they did and got mad at me. But uhhh not the biggest fan of most rodimus ships? but I think mega/rod is my least favorite of them. sorry!
What’s the most toxic fandom you’ve been in? hahaahahahhahahah can you believe Game of Thrones wasn't the most toxic???? it was jjba. I got put on a ban list which was kind of funny. I also got kind of show-ponyed in a toxic discord server for a while which has completely ruined me in the ability to act normal on discord outside of my irl friends. that account is deleted but the ao3 is still circling around.
List three things you find beautiful about life: Friends and family- sometimes I want to kill but I really do love them so so much. I like creating things and creating things with people. I also really like my area as far as nature goes. the beach to swamp ratio sings to me.
Any dreams for the future? I want to go on a really long hike. Maybe like a 2 day one? (< says the person that has gone on a max 2 hour hike before). Also just working on my original fiction again. I miss those fellas.
How are you really feeling today? Motivated!!!! Im a little groggy still, but I've been really excited about life and betterment lately so its overcoming my sleepy brain.
Tags: feel free to do or not: @honkytonka, @elmonstro, @huanted-dennys, @feral-birb-husband, @solarstormstuff @anyone else who wants to!! I'd be happy to read them:3
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