#of course i love getting literally any asks about these two 💞
theflyingfeeling ¡ 9 months
hiiiii, good morning! 💖💕💘
i present to you a delulu thought of the day: olli started wearing a bandana around his neck only because it allows aleksi to pull him in for a kiss way easier than before (or for something else iykyk 😏😳)
what else can explain the sudden aparition of such a fashion accesory? nothing ofc, it's for smooching purposes only 🥰💖
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(or aleksi could just give him a collar haha now imagine how that would look like 😳)
Hiiiiii good morning!! 🥰💕🥰💕
First of all, I love the tiny bandana on Olli!! 😭 Delulu headcanon accepted, but may I also suggest its purpose is also to hide the teethmarks Aleksi had nibbled on his neck earlier 😌
a collar on Olli, you say? 😳 why, he'd look hideous 🥴
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peachesofteal ¡ 1 year
hii!! idk if you’ve already talked about this but how did simon and soap meet darling?
p.s. dead disco has me in such a chokehold i reread it literally all the time💞
Hi! I'm so glad you like Dead Disco, I have loved writing it too and am really enjoying exploring their relationship. I love an opportunity to talk about my pairings and explore them a bit so I wrote something as an answer to your Q. Thank you so much!
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How did the guys meeting darling? Ghost x Soap x female reader 1.2k words - no warnings/tags - takes place before Dead Disco This was not edited, just a brain to typing ramble. Sorry for any mistakes.
It was at a bar. Not the dive kind, that you were particularly fond of now, but an upscale, too fancy for you type place. The kind where they serve cocktails in thin rimmed glassware with crystal clear ice cubes and two ounce pours of whiskey that cost triple digits. 
You were there for a party, a bridal shower, of all things. Zipped into an uncomfortable dress, feet already crying from the too tall heels that you chose. The champagne soured your stomach, the fake smile you had plastered to your face slipping more and more as the minutes ticked on, the pressure of too many eyes, too many people, too many questions finally starting to wear you down. The bride-to-be was beautiful, and you were miserable. 
Not because she was getting married, of course. You were thrilled for her, proud of her for actually pulling the trigger on happily ever after even if it was something you’re not sure you believed in. She was happy and that’s all that matters. You’re a supportive friend, after all. But, you were tired, the social aspect of a gathering like that quickly overwhelming you, forcing you to slink to a table in the back where you could hide your bare feet under the pristine tablecloth and slump over in your chair, fixing your eyes on your phone so you could escape, if only for a moment. 
Your reprieve didn’t last long before a gaggle of aunts and well-meaning middle-aged women swarmed you, endless questions spouting from their mouths, inquiries about how you were, how your job was, if you were dating anyone being passed around between them like you were some science fair exhibit to be analyzed and dissected. 
You slipped away when they were distracted, fleeing the table out the side door of the banquet room and down the back stairs to where the brick patio of the street level bar was, which was open for regular business and customers, seeing as it was a Saturday afternoon. 
You met Johnny first, that day. You had turned the corner of the stairwell and nearly stumbled into him, your body skidding to a stop when you felt the cold brick on your bare feet and realized you had left your god damn shoes upstairs. He had been leaning against the wall with an almost empty beer in his hand, mohawk slightly grown out, t shirt accentuating his arms, soft shadow of stubble lining his jaw. You clocked him right away because he was beautiful, gorgeously handsome in the way that made you want to sidle right up next to him and take a closer look. There was something in his eyes, when he registered your presence at the bottom of the steps, something… hot, a heat that curved around your neck and across your throat, down to the very center of your stomach, the feeling of it awaking something desirous, something needy inside you. When he gave you a sweet smile, your knees felt light, and then he gestured to you, a sweeping hand motion that felt like an invitation to come over. 
So, you did. 
His name was Johnny. He was brilliantly charming and utterly funny, while also being extremely intelligent and cordial. He was easy to talk to, and the two of you struck up a conversation without hinderance, the flow of the back and forth actually enjoyable and not a drag like most interactions you had with men lately. He was interesting, and sweet, and sexy and you were trying really hard not to drool as he asked you questions about yourself, what you did, where you were from, who you were. You were so engrossed in him that you didn’t even see the other man, the one in the mask that had arrived to stand opposite him, until he was practically casting a shadow over you. 
He was huge. The width of his body, his neck, even his palms had your eyes subtly widening and your gaze tracing him from head to toe out in wonder, and confusion. Even though he was wearing a black cloth mask over his nose and mouth, you could make out his bone structure, the angles of his face and cheeks telling you that he certainly was beautiful underneath it, and he had a crop of sandy brown-blonde hair that contrasted his eyes, their copper brown hue refracting in the light and nearly startling you with how stunning they were. He pinned you with them, your body frozen where it stood like you were an animal, unable to flee, or speak, or formulate a sentence. You just stood there, blinking at him like you had suddenly gone dumb. Throat dry. Lips parted. 
And then, he handed Johnny one of the beers he was holding. Their fingers grazed, and Johnny’s thumb lifted, stroking along the back of masked man’s hand, an affectionate, soothing gesture that you couldn’t look away from. Something so small, so simple, communicated a million words between them within a second. 
There was something about them, something different that you couldn’t put your finger on that drew you in, pulling you closer and closer into their orbit, until the man in the mask looked down and said:
“Yer not wearin’ any shoes.” The deep, rough timbre of his voice scratched something in the back of your mind, and you felt butterflies thrash in your belly. Your body grew warm, embarrassment snaking up your spine and you took a step backwards, a hand nervously rising to find a piece of your hair to fidget with while you tried to manage a smile and explain. 
“I uh, left them upstairs. At the shower. I was at a bridal shower.” Masked man cocks his head like he’s considering your words. 
“Hurt your feet?” You nodded immediately, a tinge of relief cooling the heat of your embarrassment, and Johnny gave you a sympathetic smile before he turned to man in the mask and gave your name, the Scottish accent shifting the pronunciation so that it sounded all that more attractive. For a moment, he didn’t say anything, just regarded you silently, like he was processing you, x-raying you, seeing you inside and out, trying to decide what to say next, before his voice softened and he said, “I’m Ghost.” Johnny tsked aloud and Ghost shifted, his shoulders tensing and relaxing, eyes narrowing above the mask before his chest deflated with a sigh. “Johnny.” He warned, to which Johnny rolled his eyes, and slung his arm around your shoulder affectionately. 
“What do you say you get your shoes, and we go find another bar?” You nodded your agreement immediately, not caring if these two were going to throw you over their shoulders and hide you away forever, or not. You already knew, you’d be going wherever they went. “Atta girl.” He gave your shoulder a squeeze, and you high tailed it up the stairs, pausing to look back for just a second to see him placing his hand on Ghost’s ribs, the gesture reciprocated by Ghost stepping closer and lowering his forehead to Johnny’s, an intimate glimpse that had your heart rattling in your chest. 
You were a goner. 
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zombifiedheartg ¡ 7 months
Yandere Mike and alters( team up if you want! ) with a darling that is the most sweet,caring and calm person of the world! That would never ever make something bad and protects everyone!
If you can't is ok! Take your time,rest well and have the best day of your life!!!! 💞
of course <3 and thank u so much, ur so nice! i didn't include chester for this, i'm sorry !! , i'm so sorry this took so long & it was pretty short :( i rlly hope u enjoyed it raaahhha
yandere mike & alters x caring darling..
cw : delusion, basic yandere behaviour, obsession, mentions of harming ppl, violence in general, mal in general, mike being clingy, manipulation & gaslighting , sexism, jealousy of course .
˚﹟🪐 'ಇ.
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he thinks you're the sweetest thing thats ever happened to him!! your caring nature is so alluring to him, you're like a dream. most of his life he's been made fun of, ridiculed and just overall bullied.
but with you, it's refreshing not to be mocked almost 25/8. and you always defend him, it's so nice! he's attached himself to you, he's so clingy.. he never goes anywhere without you. where you go, he goes.
it's so suffocating and annoying not to have any alone time, but you'd never tell him that, you don't wanna hurt your precious boyfriends feelings do you? the guilt would just eat you alive!
you're an angel to him.
the weird glances you get from people as he practically hangs on to your waist are worth it.
he's more possessive than he'd like to think, he gets jealous sort of easily. i mean, he trusts you! you're most loyal person he's ever met! another trait he loves about you, but it's not exactly you he's worried about.
he just doesn't think any guy or girl that flirts with you actually deserves the attention you bring them.
mike can't help but think your kindness is a bit too much, people never actually repay the favour. you practically give the world to others and get nothing in return! it's so unfair,
he'd never treat you like that. you aren't a stepping stool to him. you're so much more than that, why can't you just properly accept his love?
he also loves how calm you are, you can easily defuse any situation. your aura overall is just enchanting, it's usually so hectic on the island, surrounded by people who are polar opposites, followed with chris's sadistic life-threatening challenges, you always make him feel at peace somehow.
and that's something he always longs for.
''god, you're so cute!''
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none of the diamonds and other valuable things he's found in his adventures compare to how much you mean to him.
you're a real sweetie, and he loves it!
your compassion has quite the charm, he's found himself with a few scratches here and there after a wrong turn during exploring, and to see your beautiful face up close as you tend to his wounds, he's never been happier.
but lets be honest here, he's kind of a sexist at heart. he prefers to be the ''chivalrous'' one. sure it gets annoying when he doesn't let you do literally anything, but you'd never tell him that.
you're like a pushover in his eyes. so he'd rather cling on to you to ''protect'' you. you obviously don't need protection.. you're perfectly capable. he's seen the way you handle yourself, you could kick someone's ass for him if he asked! he babies you.
but this way, it boosts his ego to see you immediately going to him for help.
and you can really tell someone off if they tried anything, you're so trustworthy. he's honestly obsessed with your company.
he gets quite jealous. he knows you like talking to people and just overall being nice to others, but he can't help it. that person's lucky to even get a spare glance. let alone hear your voice.
''you're a treasure, aren't ya?''
༘ 💋 ⋆。𓍢ִ໋🌹 .
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oh you're a darling!
she adores how graceful you are.
you two are for sure the cutest couple on this island. you're the perfect person for her! you're just lovely to be around, she treats you amazing aswell!
she's one of the more tame yanderes. she's alot more gentle around you
she likes to teach you dances and such, sure she has way more experience, but she just wants to be close to you.
her love for you is passionate! she's so obsessed with you, you're always on her mind. and she always finds a way to include you in every conversation..
it's a bit of a problem for mike on the other hand. most of his friends are just tired of hearing about you, but svetlana can't help it! if anything, they should be glad to be hearing about you.
when you defend her, she just swoons!
and don't get her started on your beauty, your kind nature just intensifies it!
''your form is just wonderful!''
༘ ⋆。˚🎗
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damn, you're a doll.
he's always around you with an arm around your waist, or your shoulder. it's kind of a way to let people know you're ''his''. and he just likes touching you
he always takes your basic human decency towards him as a flirt. every time you even interact with him he's filled with butterflies,
he likes how calm you are, and how easy you take his flirtatious comments with just a small giggle. it's so appealing, sure he likes it when you're flustered, for some reason he's attracted to your peaceful-ness.
he was already cocky, but now that he's with you, it's just intensified. he feels so lucky to be with you. but who wouldn't?
he brags about you so often, it's tiring.. but also endearing, you're always the first person he goes to when he has a chance, that's a thing alot of the yandere's have in common, they can't stand to be away from you.
he tries to impress you as much as he can, whether that be with his looks, or his strength, he just wants to hear words of encouragement from you.
he gets jealous pretty easily, even if you're doing something as simple as helping someone, i mean c'mon, only the vito should hear his belˈlettsa's voice! he knows its just the way you are, but jesus.
''ay, can't get enough of me, huh?''
੭﹕ ̊ ̟ 🩸
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god it irritates him so much, you're so nice and benevolent its infuriating. he wants your attention fully focused on him most of the time, how can that happen when you're too busy caring for some fucking dork that probably wouldn't even spit on you if you were on fire.
he only likes it when you're gracious to him. with the others though? no way.
he's for sure way more violent than the others, he'd actually hurt you if it meant you'd just fall in his arms.
and you totally just foil his plans, he knows if he hurts anyone that even dared to get close with you, they'd still end up with you somehow, except with closer proximity. which is worse!
but that still doesn't stop him. he'll go as far as to kill that person. he knows who you'll go to for a shoulder to cry on..
he also can't help but think your harmless nature is adorable. you remind him of prey, just so innocent and full of life. he thinks the fact that you won't do anything bad is sorta annoying because he finds himself getting scolded by you for nearly murdering someone.
''what, you think they'll give you the same treatment i do? you can't be that stupid..''
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ctheathy ¡ 1 year
Hi I love your story and I read your secret histories story and I love it, I wanna ask if your not busy how about a yandere secret history tails x reader where she is a kind and sweet person who never judge someone by their appearance and she dotes and pampers him a lot
Yandere Secret History Tails w/ sweetheart!Darling
Secret History Tails x Reader
Yandere Headcanons
Short Concept
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Author’s note : Why hello, Nonnie!! Of course you may, my darling, hope you’ll be able to enjoy<3<3 My apologies for slight inactiveness, I assure each and every one of you that more headcanons of our lil ol’ psycho and other characters are also coming up; things have just been a teensy tiny bit busy for me lately, but I do try keeping up with the requests. Don’t want to let yall down💞
Quick note that I do not write for gendered Readers much though!! Accidents can happen when requesting, and I promise I am not upset, but just so everyone understands that gender is not something I’m going after.
Due to the request describing identical characteristics for the Reader as the one in my A Once Innocent Act of Tenderness fic and no specified choice of content was asked for, headcanons with that particular darling were chosen =} Just see it as a minor backup continuation of the story.
A Once Innocent Act of Tenderness ➷
[Gender-neutral Darling|Female Darling|Male Darling]
Potential ⚠️TWs⚠️ :
Delusional mindsets • Obsessive + Possessive behaviour • Murder + Torture mention • Forced relationship • Co-dependency • Kidnapping • Worship • Psychological abu$3 • Brainwashing trauma [On Tails’ part] • Tails may as well get his own TW tbh
Outwardly there doesn’t seem to be all too big of a difference between yandere Secret History Tails and his neutral version. They’re both still very much sociopathic, show clear signs of unhinged behaviour and may get obsessive streaks from time to time, are manipulators at heart, can remain atleast somewhat delusional about both of your relationship with one another and they too view you as something much more above than any other mobian that might have their ways in their pathetic unworth of a universe. And although he normally could have recovered from this mindset slowly with the help by his side, his full on yandere form however, does not. And all honestly speaking, it wouldn’t even be likely to occur in the first place without a specific darling that is kind and has been there from the very beginning; when his trauma of brainwash has developed into something else ...and certainly not something in a positive light. It’s safe to say that this version of his may even be more disturbed than the sanity of his usual self, and that information alone is enough to bring in that you’re going to be stuck on quite the bumpy ride.
While his usual worshipping behaviour would hold nothing malicious behind it, this case is a little more ... interestingly different to say the least. Unlike his casual form who most easily said puts you in the place which was originally meant to be taken by Sonic after you’ve came along and properly earned it; this state of his and his already existing delusions have caused him to literally believe you to be his own personal guardian angel, being there for him in order to protect him from all the wrongs, misery and injustice in this existence. Unlike usual, at an early point he knows that the “real” Sonic of his dimension doesn’t want him, just letting the hedgehog take advantage of his seemingly non-lucid state and torment him to no end; causing him to both grow incredibly touch starved for any kind of gentle offering and worsening his already unstable mindset. And the one simple change that makes all the difference between the two is how he’d normally find himself giving in over time torwards your doting nature with him in particular, while this version of his had already emotionally snapped before he even got the chance to do so. Now the only motivations being left to linger in the back of his mind being the one entity that’s been sweet to him right from the start, and the desperate desire to just take them in as his own--His property. The others have been able to keep you and your dearing behaviour all to themselves for far too long by now, it’s only fair.
As information that’s been given before, a darling like this has him fairly taken aback, the sweet demeanour being, quite sadly said, totally foreign to him. On one hand he wants to give in, wants to achieve the gentleness that’s right on the end of the line and so easily accessible, the desires for the consideration and care becoming close to unbearable to him; but right at the same time, he feels suspicious torwards the close to angelic aura around them, feeling as if it’s nothing more and nothing less than some mere act. This distrust being caused by the harassment he’s got back when he wasn’t even in this position as Sonic’s best friend, despite the lack of memory from it. You’re too sweet for your own good, too perfect; of course it couldn’t be genuine. Another thing potentially stalling him is the fact how Sega has quite literally made him believe how his existence is meant to be surrounded by Sonic, it becoming closer to convincing him farther how it holds absolutely zero meaning without the blue hedgehog being in the picture. But even despite these thoughts of protest, the fox can only take so much. there’s gonna be some point where he cannot suppress these feelings anymore.
Even though his usual self is no exception to causing deaths of those that just so happened to cause immense discomfort or pain to you; another thing that can be written off as a big change is that he’s a whole lot more violent torwards any potential rivals, quite literally going off for torture right off the bat, unlike his casual self who just wishes to get the job done with by blowing the said mobian into hundreds of little bits by his excellent yet dangerous explosives. His yandere form however ... Is absolutely not comparable; his actions now being much more similar to how he treated his victims at the end of secret histories. The two-tailed fox absolutely has zero restraints over himself and is often completely out of control when doing so, the blood of his nemesis covering the floor and walls and psychopathic laughter filling the air. Another important aim being how unlike he would have behaved with Sonic’s case, he would be a whole lot more secretive about the entire murder thing around you. He wouldn’t want to upset his precious and divine admirer now, would he? You’d slowly notice those around you starting to disappear into thin air, each and every acquaintance vanishing only to never see the light of day ever again.
Something else I could picture is that he specifically holds immense grudges against any other Tails counterparts of his, going as far to just take care of the little issue almost immediately after notice. Despite being the filthy imposters they are, he’ll likely feel as if their chances with you rival his own, knowing just as well that they’re close to identical in appearance and intelligence. And if anything, he likely feels the most threatened by them, knowing they could all charm and lure you in all the same way you were captivated by him to begin with.
As for his behaviour torwards his darling after legitimately cracking and taking them in out of said ‘‘protection”, it could mostly be written down as both having a rather clingy and worshipping attitude, yet surprisingly distant right at the same time; not wanting to scare them off. You’re not going anywhere, he knows that much, but having them dreadfully fear him to no avail in improvement over time would absolutely crumble the fox to pieces. He absolutely doesn’t mean any kind of harm torwards his darling, to the point of quite literally not daring to lay a finger on them; but if it wasn’t already obvious before, he has clear limits to his patience. Although not directed torwards them, he can be found growing aggressive due to the lack of emotional touch and is often one to take it out on the unfortunate bystanders nearby, gifting you their still beating hearts as his own little way to show his graciousness torwards you, not realising in the slightest how terrified it truly makes them.
Don’t get me wrong, he adores you with your entire being, he really does; but he has never learned to express them the right way. And I cannot really help but see him as a whole lot more repulsive and abominable as a yandere due to one particular reason. The core of his delusions stop him from thinking properly while it causes refusal torwards the evidence literally laying in front of him; being blinded by unrealistic beliefs and inflicting them onto his poor darling in a sense of purification, all while holding them hostage in a cold and dusted basement. He’d also be a whole lot less obedient to what his darling has to say, feeling as if he’s protecting them despite their protests. You’re silly, of course your naiveness wouldn’t let you catch up with all the potential threats--those rubbish imposters just wandering around you throughout the day. And although the confidence in his beliefs has caused them to become close to being the actual truth in his own unhinged headspace,
that hasn’t stopped him from psychologically harming his darling over and over again.
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icycoldninja ¡ 7 days
Hey 💞 sorry if my English is so bad haha I really love your Headcannons (even though I have to translate them sometimes) I'm a big fan of your writing <3
This is the first time l've made a request, sorry if it's bad, feel free to ignore it if you like 🛐
I was wondering if u could do a headcannon of the Sparda Boys + V with a Fem Reader similar to Jennifer Check from the "Jennifer's Body" movie, it's one of my favorite movies and I thought it would be interesting to have a guys reaction to someone with a body and personality similar to hers, being that she is a girl who ends up becoming a demon due to a failed ritual.
Maybe a reaction to seeing her devouring someone after knowing her "human" side, she trying to seduce them or simply finding out how she became a demon, I'm just leaving some ideas but obviously you have all freedom to do it as you like
Thank you for your time, keep up the engaging writing of yours! ✨
Hey don't worry, your English is great. :) Though I'm not familiar with this movie, you've given me enough information to work with. I hope I did it justice. Please enjoy!
Sparda boys + V x Jennifer Check-like Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Dante was initially lured in by your charms, finding you to be exceptionally beautiful and lovely.
-Then he sensed something was off about you; he couldn't explain why, but you didn't seem exactly human. It took him a while, but he eventually realized you were a demon. After asking you (reluctantly, of course), he was shocked to find you were a bit of both. A human, turned demon because of a ritual.
-He likes how strong you are--it makes getting you onto your back that much harder.
-Watching your levitation in action is also fun for him, and since he can fly too, this means you two can go on midnight hover dates across the countryside together.
-Immortality (save for being stabbed in the heart) means you have virtually nothing to fear during missions, though you should still exercise caution.
-Though he doesn't approve of you feasting off of innocent humans, he'll round up some unruly thugs or prisoners from the nearest jail for you to devour.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil could feel in his bones that you were no mere mortal. You had to be something otherworldly, something supernatural; perhaps, even something evil.
-He decided to approach you about it one afternoon, completely out of the blue. Imagine his surprise when you readily confessed and revealed you were a human-turned-demon thanks to a ritual that went wrong.
-Vergil was understandably upset at this revelation since demons had been the core of all his struggles throughout his life, but soon realized that you'd been changed against your will, meaning you were as much of a victim as he was.
-He would prefer if you kept your succubus activities to a minimum around you, but on certain occasions (such as demon mating season) he will indulge.
-He doesn't want you to turn him or any other humans into demons, nor does he want to watch you feed. It disgusts him, and awakens his killing instincts.
-You are very understanding of this and do your best to only eat people who deserve it and to do so out of his sight.
□ Nero □
-Nero was first your loving boyfriend, then your victim--that is, you seduced him with your feminine wiles and succubus charm.
-He knew you were a succubus almost as soon as you set to work, but was so lost in pleasure, he forgot to question you till morning.
-Nero was surprisingly chill about all this, though he did ask if being turned into a demon against your will gave you any trauma.
-If it did, Nero understands and is literally always there for you if you need a shoulder to cry on or just someone to vent your troubles onto. He'll just awkwardly sit there, a tiny smile on his face as he listens to you share your secrets.
-He is surprisingly supportive of everything you do, and would gladly offer himself for you to feed upon if it didn't entail his immediate death.
-To compromise, he finds victims for you (where he finds them is unknown) and just drops them at your feet for you to eat.
● V ●
-V was bewitched by your supernatural beauty; though he understood the dangers of associating with demons, he still loved you and chose to subject himself to your charms.
-He admires you and your eternal beauty, and can think of several poems which he thinks you are very similar to.
-Your demonic powers amaze him. They shouldn't, but they do. V just can't stop silently obsessing over how strong you are, how fast you are, how you seem to be immune to everyone and everything, and so forth.
-He does not approve of you eating humans, though, even if you need them for sustenance. Since you have yet to find a working alternative, you'll just have to sneak out occasionally, have your "meals", then come back and say you were out with your friends.
-Hopefully you can keep your feasting a secret because V can kill you since you're a demon. He won't be too happy to learn you've been hurting innocents and lying to him about it at the same time.
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lady-of-endless ¡ 1 month
thank you also for the trade!! i’m so excited for it!! <3
okay so my name is anayeli but i also go by sora, im 16 and im hispanic! my pronouns are she/her, but my gender is unlabeled. my sign is aquarius and my personality type is INFP.
i’d like to be perceived as a stand user also, and i love animals sm (even if im allergic to them) iggy is one of my favs. im honestly pretty introverted and i usually only talk to people if they talk to me first, i like to stay indoors a lot but once im outside it’s hard to get me back inside. im honestly just like a big nerd and i have many childish interests and im really bad at hiding it. i tend to get burnt out a lot if im consistently socializing and i sleep a lot because of it LOL, but usually that’s enough to recharge my battery. i’m definitely a night owl and i love staying up until the sun rises, mornings are not for me i dread them the most. even still my makeup and hair is always done and i like to dress in like a y2k mcbling-ish style. i have a huge fear of driving for some reason im a designated passenger princess LOL. i don’t really play any sports but i do occasionally hit the gym. i’m honestly kind of a negative person i usually only speak badly of myself rather than highly. i listen to all kinds of weird music, ill literally listen to anything besides like normal mainstream, i cant function without it. i’m a big fan of video games even though i don’t get the chance to play them often. i’m honestly more book smart than street smart, im really slow and honestly kinda like dumb LOL. making decisions and pressure is not my thing. my love language is gift giving and physical touch, im not very good with words and get flustered easily 😭 but i also have a very sensitive temper when it comes to defending the people i love, and i also have enough self respect to defend myself, whether it be verbally or physically
tysm for reading!! i really hope it wasn’t too much 😭💞
Author's Note: My God, this was a hard one. Why? Because you seem such a nice and complex person. Again, I'm sorry for not being able to make up my mind and choosing two charters. Hope you'll enjoy this, thank you again for this trade! GIFs are not mine, I'm thanking the creators for them.
I match you with...
Muhammad Avdol
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- He is also more of a mediator in general and this will make you two get along well right from the start. Plus, as much as he tries to act as the voice of reason for the group he too has a sensitive temper sometimes.
- He is drawn to you because of your uniqueness and realness. He admires how in tune you are with your feelings. He understands when you need to take a step back and recharge your social batteries.
- I feel like you two would work surprisingly well. Despite him looking rather serious, he too likes to have a good laugh and engage in childish antics when he's in a good mood.
- Iggy admits that he only finds you and him the most pleasant to hang out with in the group, so when he notices the spark between you and Avdol, he's pleased.
- If Avdol finds you asleep, don't worry, NO ONE will get to disturb or wake you up because he'll make sure of that. Both he and Magician's Red who becomes very protective of you.
- As a professional fortune-teller, of course he'll ask the cards about how your dynamic will change in the future once he realizes that he's falling for you. Joseph catches him while doing that and it's game over for him. Poor Avdol won't be able to look at you affectionately from afar without Joseph winking at him and teasing him about his crush.
- Avdol doesn't mind the fact that decision-making is not your thing but the fact that you speak badly of yourself saddens him. He wishes to understand the reason why but won't be too demanding as he doesn't want you to feel pressured.
- He would find your style very unique and he'll be curious about that weird music you mentioned. He's curious and open-minded, of course, he wants to know more. Side by side, you two would make an interesting contrast. He'll even gift you one of his bracelets!
- He doesn't mind that you prefer not to drive. You'll be his passenger princess. He'll always keep your seat warm with Magician's Red ability.
And because I couldn't decide...
I also match you with...
Kakyoin Noriaki
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- If you and Avdol would work because of the contrast, you and Kakyoin would work because of some similarities you two have.
- He notices you because of how you defend the ones you care about and also yourself, despite having an introverted nature. It's something he admires.
- He's also introverted so it will take a lot for you too to warm up to each other. But once you do, everything gets so much fun.
- He too recharges his social batteries by sleeping so this will earn some playful teasing from the other crusaders about you two. Joseph, wanting to be the mature one, but failing, will make you two share a room when they make stops on the journey. Why? Because you both sleep a lot, no other reason, nope. Not because Joseph secretly wants to be a matchmaker, nooo.
- It hurts him to hear you speak badly of yourself when in his eyes, you're more than worthy of praise. He takes this matter into his hands and showers you with encouragement, compliments, and so on.
- Hierophant Green is very curious of you, don't be scared if you notice him staring at you or floating over your shoulder when Kakyoin lets him out.
- Aesthetically wise, he's such a big fan of Y2K style. Your outfits will make him feel butterflies in his stomach. Eventually, he wants to match your style somehow.
- The only drawback is that you'll have to fight for the title of passenger princess because he doesn't really like driving.
- You're enjoying video games and also being a night owl? You two will definitely spend so many nights playing video games together
And a random choice: N'Doul - he would meet you during that fight in the desert and he thinks you're different from the aggressiveness of the other crusaders. You spark his interest.
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ryuichirou ¡ 7 months
More replies~
Some of them are related to our OruVil comic from yesterday, some related to our headcanons, the rest are about various characters and ships :)
Anonymous asked:
I would love to thank you again for the Oruvil content!
It makes me happy seeing art of them even if it's not all romantic.
I REAALLLLLY adore seeing your art of them! 🌟💞
Thank you so much, Anon!! <3 I really appreciate the love they’re getting, they absolutely deserve it.
I would love to draw more stuff with them, both neutral and romantic…
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Ortho would also do this to Vil
I low-key see him having an argument with him and suddenly he would repay a video of Vil and him boning and Vil moaning just what he's denying or if like Vil's refusing to admit he was with Rook last night and Ortho just projects a video of Rook and Vil making out
Oh Ortho, you’re way too powerful to have any relationship with – it’s impossible to win an argument with this boy… it also sounds like an episode of Black Mirror lol
I feel like Vil would know better than to lie to Ortho though – not only Ortho always has A VIDEO BECAUSE HE STALKS PEOPLE 24/7 JESUS CHRIST- but Idia was also smart/dumb enough to give him the lie detector thing, so even if Ortho has nothing to show… he still has all the proof needed to see that his lover is lying lol
Anonymous asked:
Thinking about Silver on the receiving end of a condom-user for the first time getting surprisingly disappointed by it lol like he went into it with his partner's preferences on the full front of his mind and agreed with the safety concerns for it, but by the end, he kind of wanted to feel when their pleasure peaked and filled him.. like with his father 🥰
...... the only top I could think of that (properly) used condoms off the top of my head was ortho, so that made a whole different funny image to think about hehehe
(this is related to our condom hc post lol)
Not gonna lie, when I was reading the second part of your ask I thought “oh, Trey I guess?” and then you hit me with Ortho and I screamed. A boy who only uses condoms because he finds them sexy and has no other reason to wear them whatsoever because he is a robot + a boy who should use condoms but got so used to being taken without them that he feels underwhelmed and sexy when it’s used. What a combo indeed. It also reminded me about that one Ortho vignette in which he gave Silver his medical attention…
But also, poor Silver! Of course he wouldn’t like how it feels… thank you for your training, Lilia, way to ruin his life again 😔
Anonymous asked:
I remember the overblot ships asks, how about something else? Phantom Ortho and Overblot Vil?
Sorry for the late reply, Anon! And probably for a disappointing one.
I thought I would come up with something more interesting, but to be honest combining Overblotted boys with each other is a bit difficult to me; it’s much easier to imagine them visually, but coming up with possible interactions is more tricky, especially considering the nature of the whole overblot thing and Ortho’s phantom specifically – his whole being is way too attached to Idia (literally). Maybe I’m overthinking and overcomplicating it though, I tend to do that…
Maybe Phantom Ortho could trigger a relapse in all the previously overblotted boys. And Ortho did seem upset when Vil denied his invitation to join his and his beloved Idia’s new world…
Visually though, it would look pretty good; their designs are two of my absolute favourites :(
Anonymous asked:
Idia and Azul having a double date with Vil and Ortho. Basically disaster...
… Mostly because Azul just keeps talking and talking and talking and talking and it’s painfully obvious that he uses this double date just to make sure the great actor Vil Schoenheit considers him family, because technically he is family, since both him and Vil are dating the Shrouds, which means they have so much in common, which means-
Idia and Vil would be so utterly annoyed. At least Ortho is having fun!
Anonymous asked:
Does anyone else really not like the 'VilRook as Epel's parents' trope?
Some people probably don’t; we personally like it, despite usually hating on this type of trope. We are huge haters of the whole “aww they’re family” thing in general lol
But with Pomefiore it hits different somehow. Maybe it’s because the family thing is not the only thing that they have + their interactions and relationship between all three of them in general are complex and interesting, and the family trope doesn’t simplify any of it (Plus, this won’t stop us from liking Rook/Epel...) I won’t talk too much about it though, since this doesn’t exactly answer your question.
Anonymous asked:
There’s an animated series (it’s Scott Pilgrim but different idk the series) and one clip keeps popping up on my socials involving actor characters where one suggests to the other to “go over the lines in your trailer” and it cuts to the trailer shaking. I just wanted to mention it because it reminds me of Neige/Vil (especially with Vil trying to keep everything under wraps) every time it pops up and it’s your fault <3
Anooon I’m so glad whenever someone’s blaming us for a ship they think about lol <3 You’re very welcome.
I really love that Vil is 100% professional and keeps his personal life as private as possible, but he could also get horny and try to find a compromise, and sometimes a compromise is go to the trailer and “go over the lines” lol I approve of you associating this scene with him and Neige.
Anonymous asked:
New headcanon: Jamil knows how dangerous otters can be since he had to do research on what animals could be harmful to Kalim, so the first few times he heard Floyd call Kalim 'Sea Otter', his reaction was like that one meme of the confused lady doing math.
(this is related to some of the previous replies)
LOL poor Jamil. His life is full of unfortunate and unpleasant surprises, but this? This is simply confusing. The sigh of understanding an relief he would let out when he hears that Floyd’s reasoning is simply “’cause he’s cute”. I guess Jamil gave the merman too much credit in how he picks his nicknames…
Anonymous asked:
What do you think the relationship between Floyd and Chenya would be? I've seen everything from being besties who love to annoy Riddle together to enemies who're fighting over Riddle, so I'm curious about what you think!
You know, Anon, I think there is a reason why we don’t see these two interact: the Universe won’t let them, because we won’t survive this lol Both are so chaotic that you’d never guess how exactly it would go with them. Just like you said, they could annoy Riddle together and get along surprisingly well, but could also act like two boy hamsters in one cage if you know what I mean.
A lot of it depends on Floyd actually. I feel like Che’nya is pretty chill and playful all the time, and if he gets bored he just leaves. But Floyd gets annoyed and fussy… So if he likes the weird partially invisible flying dude, they would become besties. But if he doesn’t, he would be super irritated by him lol
Anonymous asked:
do you think floyd would ever do riddle or epel in his mer form or not because they’re too….small
Oh come on Anon, as if their smallness would stop him~ If he gets a chance and he’s in the mood, he would very gladly hunt down both Goldfishie and little Guppy~
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villxinmiixx ¡ 2 years
💌 could i get some headcanons for nine and muscular in the lights off series? your brain is very huge and i love the idea of them as bouncers 😳😵‍💫… also this is my first time requesting on tumblr so if i broke a rule or smthn i’m so sorry!
“bouncer” headcanons 🤭
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characters; nine, muscular
♡ reader doesn't have a specified gender
♡ genre; cute fluff
♡ extra; i apologize if you guys think certain parts of any of these hcs are remotely toxic, it's just what i think they'd do alright? if you're disturbed with any part of the hc you're allowed to click off or skip a part or two &lt;3
♡ note; i love you anon for requesting muscular omfkgoeocoi ilyilyitlyitlyiltkt also don't worry bb you didn't break any rules you're such a sweetheart omfg if you guys want an nsfw one just tell me <;33
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 NINE; ( SFW )
BOUNCER! NINE is a quiet yet caring boyfriend, there are times where he doesn't allow you in the building and there are times you're just in the corner sitting around with a drink in your hand waiting for him to go on break.
BOUNCER! NINE will notice quickly if you were in trouble, just INSTINCTS go; “YOUR LOVER'S GETTING HIT ON” or something like that and will literally choke that person until someone had to hold him back.
BOUNCER! NINE that will literally protect you from anyone and anything from danger <33 you might not notice some of his efforts due to the fact he's always reserved and quiet ( but of course makes time for you ) but god damn the moment you realize he's doing so hard to protect you and make you be safe it's literally the sweetest and cutest thing ever i can't.
BOUNCER! NINE that's literally so in love with you he lets you sit on his lap and play with his hair or poke his face and laugh whenever you do something weirdly cute during his break times.
BOUNCER! NINE that realizes your asleep on his shoulder and would pat your head and carry you to the other building where the employees live in ( if they wanted to live there ) so that you can rest on his bed <33💝💞💓💖💞💝
BOUNCER! MUSCULAR that wraps his arm around your (shoulder/waist/etc) whenever he's guarding the building and letting people in letting the people know you're taken asf &lt;3
BOUNCER! MUSCULAR that grits his teeth when he sees HIS BOSS talking to you about muscular's behavior as if you were his parent instead of his partner.
BOUNCER! MUSCULAR that yells at waitresses and waiters when they ask what was the drink/food you wanted again because they couldn't hear you the first time.
BOUNCER! MUSCULAR that gets cocky when you visit him in the club in attractive clothing and cling to his neck with your arms saying “miss me already?” with a smirk on his face 🥹🙏
BOUNCER! MUSCULAR that would turn his voice into a normal volume when he realizes you're asleep so that he wouldn't wake you up
BOUNCER! MUSCULAR that would take off his clothes except his boxers and cuddle you from behind/in front of you to sleep along with you <33 💝💓💞💓💝💓💝💖
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♡ note; i'm so sorry that you guys have to wait for me to post something remotely close to a fic 😭 i seriously have no motivation to write hence why this is so short.
©𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐱𝐢𝐧𝐦𝐢𝐢𝐱𝐱 - 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐍𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐞𝐝, 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐝, 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧; 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝.
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prpfs ¡ 1 year
(admin I love the scooby doo theme going on right now. it's literally so cute!!💞)
But hi!!! I'm 21F looking for a fxf roleplay. I have no plot in mind but I have a few I can brainstorm, but of course I would love to write one with you too. I'm looking for something dark and smutty, preferably a ratio of 80/20 smut to plot. I'm okay with dark themes like incest, teacher x student, kidnapper/stalker/yandere, drugging, noncon and hypnosis. Just tell me what you like.
But I'm only looking for fxf. (I'd preferably like to be the dom but we can talk about it). I'm in a few fandoms but these are the ones I'd like to rp more attack on titan, jujutsu kaisen, my hero academia, and maybe naruto (sakura related ship). I'm fine with shipping canon x canon if you want, I'll do any ship I'm not picky. alternatively there could be a genderswap guy character if you want. it's up to you. Dnd if not, then I could play a female canon character and you can play a (female) oc. but no ocxoc, I'm just not in the mood for that.❣️
My responses vary from two to three paragraphs, but I enjoy quicker responses, so they usually vary from one paragraph or maybe two. I'm not asking for too much length but no single sentences or two. I do have finals in a week or two, so there might be an hour delay during this period, but once the week is over, I'm free, so I'll be available full-time. so please interact with this and I'll get back to you!
Leave a like, and anon will get back to you!
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freedomfireflies ¡ 1 year
Ok question regarding promises promises Harry stopped being friends with calli after her parents passed but remained friends with Derek when his did? Were you implying Callie’s assumption of why he left might have been more of a projection on the worth she saw in herself at that time in her life rather than what he saw in her? I maybe reading far too much into it but if what Harry said is true and her psychosis began to show after her parents passing, him distancing himself was less about image, and more about self preservation. Which I can assume was proven by his follow up friendship and decision to stick beside Derek who went through the same thing calli did.
This is SUCH a good question, and so fair! I love your analysis of it and interpretation! I literally got giddy reading this??
So (the way I see it anyway), the Callie that Harry knew when they were kids was sweet and fun and outgoing. Shy, of course, but a lot more energetic and lively around him.
After her parents died, she shut down. Disappeared into herself because she didn’t know how to handle the trauma. She wasn’t the Callie that Harry was used to, and watching her go through so much pain and change wasn’t something that a little kid or even a teenager was prepared to understand.
Harry met Derek AFTER Derek’s parents died. So he never saw any change in Derek because that version of him was the only one he’d ever known (if that makes sense).
I think you’re right on the money. I think it’s a combination of both her projection/assumption of his intentions AND his selfishness.
I mean, this a teenage boy getting ready to go through puberty and high school. I think he knew that what she needed (besides a therapist) was a friend that could help her through this grief and to the other side.
And I think he knew that for one, he couldn’t be that friend because he didn’t know how to help.
And two: he just…didn’t want to. He didn’t want to devote that time and energy. He wanted to play video games and get high and be friends with someone that didn’t require so much “work.”
And because of who he became friends with next, she assumed it to be more about cliques and status than about his emotional maturity on the matter.
SO LONG STORY SHORT (I’m so sorry, I don’t know why I got so carried away): I could almost argue that YOU get to decide what the motive and misunderstanding was.
Because that’s the whole point. A huge miscommunication and tragic ending that could have been avoided if maybe they had just…talked? Or been willing to listen to the other!
Ironically, I was just thinking about maybe exploring a sequel so this is the perfect gateway into that 😭
Thank you SO much for reading and asking and putting so much thought into your question and observation! It truly made my day, and if this didn’t really answer your question (or honestly if you think I’m just wrong), please feel free to send more 😭💞💞
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Some emojis for you... 💞 🤲 and 🧠 (our beloved Frau from NE because I can't get enough of hearing about her )
Thank you 🌼
💞 Who’s your comfort character?
-Oh God. So many to choose from. I love them all dearly, but probably Richard. He’s my special boy who can do no wrong (even when I make him do plenty wrong).
🧠 Pick a character and I’ll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
-Oh Frau, my love. <3
She had a much more punk/alternative style in her early-mid twenties. This was especially true when she was living with Tatjana. There’s a scar on her left nostril from where someone (she can’t remember who) convinced her to let them pierce her nose with an embroidery needle when they were both drunk.
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a WIP?
I haven’t really started on any upcoming chapters yet. So here’s literally everything (1500 words) that I’ve written for my Monster Hunter AU
The mayor jumped as the sack landed on his desk. He reached towards the drawstring that held it closed, grimacing as he seemed to be going over in his head if he really wanted to look inside. Finally, he bit the bullet and opened the bag. His hand flew to cover his nose. The smell was unbearable. “So that’s it then?”
Richard nodded. “That’s the alp head you wanted.” He eyed the mayor as the man opened up the sack’s flap once more to get a better look at the creature’s decapitated head. “Is there a problem?” Richard asked.
“No, no.” The mayor replied. He let go of the sack, and wiped his hand on his jacket sleeve. “It’s just…smaller than I expected.”
“Uh-huh…well, you’re a busy man. I’ll just be collecting our fee so we can leave you to your work.” Till had told Richard many years ago that collecting payment was often more difficult and far more dangerous than combat itself. He learned quickly that Till was right.
“Oh, of course.” The mayor leaned over and opened up the bottom drawer of his desk. He pulled out a small wooden chest and began counting the coins inside. Richard found that it was never a great sign when the money wasn’t put together ahead of time.
The mayor set a small sack of coins on top of the desk beside the much larger one containing the alp head. “Here you are. As agreed.”
Richard prepared himself for disappointment as he reached for the payment. Upon picking it up, he indeed was disappointed. He tossed the bag up and down in his hand. “It’s light.” he stated bluntly.
“It’s small.” The mayor corrected. “Just like the alp head.”
Richard squeezed the bag in his hand, feeling the shape of the coins press into his palm. “Yes, but two hundred was the agreed upon price.”
It seemed he thought that the sword on Richard’s back was just for show, or that he was above using it on an ordinary man. He was, but the mayor didn’t need to know that.
“I’m sure it hardly took both of you to kill it.” He was right. It had been rather easy to take out, but it had gotten in a few good swipes that damaged their armor all the same.
“Two hundred was the agreed upon price.” Richard repeated.
The mayor folded his hands and placed them on top of his desk (far away from the alp head). “Well, I’m changing the terms of the agreement. Perhaps if you had also brought me the head of the witch that summoned it, we wouldn’t be having this discussion.” Ah, politicians. The most vile and vicious of all monsters.
Richard sighed. “Very well. I had hoped to just let my partner wait outside while I took care of the payment, but it seems that I’ll have to go get him.” He turned and headed for the door. “It’s a shame, really.”
“Why is that?” The mayor asked.
“Because,” Richard couldn’t help but smile. It was a good thing he was facing away from the other man. “between my partner and I, I’m much nicer.”
“You’re just trying to intimidate me. I’ve met rabbits more threatening than that man.” The mayor squeezed his hands together tighter, digging the tips of his fingers into the back of his hands. He was determined to remain steadfast in his resolve.
Richard turned around and shook his head. “It’s an act really. He has a soft spot for children--doesn’t want to frighten them you see. Unfortunately for you, he’s quite the misanthrope otherwise.”
The mayor glared at Richard like he was trying to appear unimpressed by his threats. In reality, he was trying to recall the size difference between Richard and his partner. It had been several days since he last saw the absent hunter, but at that moment he remembered him being roughly the size of a grizzly bear that was standing on its hind legs.
They stared at one another for nearly an entire minute. Neither one willing to give in. Finally, the mayor relented. He went through the chest once more, and slammed another sack of coins on the desk, causing a stack of documents neatly organized by the edge to topple to the ground. “Take the damn money.”
Richard smiled and took the rest of the payment. “Pleasure doing business with you.”
He found his partner waiting near the stables with their horses already saddled and ready to go. “No trouble, I take it?” Till asked noticing the smug look on his partner’s face.
“No more than usual. I did have to threaten to come out and get you though.” Richard said as he tossed the bags to Till.
“Ah…told him that you’re the nice one, did you?” Till opened one of the saddlebags on his horse, and deposited their payment inside. “My devious Scholle. Sometimes I wonder who’s more dangerous, you or the monsters.”
Richard pretended to think for a moment. “I am. Without a doubt.”
Till chuckled, placing his foot into one of the stirrups of his saddle. He was about to hoist himself up onto the horse when he heard a child’s voice calling out to them.
“Hunters! Don’t go just yet!” A little girl bounded towards them, her braided strawberry blonde pigtails bounced against her shoulders with every step.  A woman, likely her mother, chased after her. She came to a stop directly in front of Richard, and looked up at him.
The girl’s mother finally reached the child, and attempted to pull her away. “Clara, don’t bother these gentlemen.” she chided gently. The woman was slightly out of breath from having to chase after such an energetic child, and some hair had fallen in front of her face.
“She’s no bother. How can we help you, fair maiden?” Richard asked, kneeling down so that he was at eye level with the girl. Like Till, he had a certain soft spot for children.
“Is it true that you killed the alp?” Clara asked, wide eyes sparkling and full of hope.
Till stepped away from his horse to join his partner in speaking to the child. “We did. Is there another that we might have missed?”
Clara shook her head with enough force to swing her braids from side to side. “Can you go check on Herr Schneider? I think he’s in trouble.”
“Who is Herr Schneider?” Richard asked.
The mother sighed. She realized that there was no use in trying to convince these hunters not to bother with her child’s request. “He’s a woodsman. He lives in the forest and comes into town about once a month to sell his wares. Normally he’s quite friendly, but these last few times he’s been acting odd.”
“Odd how?” Till asked.
The tired woman shrugged. “Each time he was very standoffish, wouldn’t make conversation, and seemed like he couldn’t wait to leave town.”
Till crossed his arms. “While it might be odd, that doesn’t mean he could be in danger.”
“I agree--”
The woman was interrupted by Clara tugging on the skirt of her dress. “Mutti, mutti, tell them about the weird man!”
She nodded, and continued. “A few weeks ago, another woman from the village went with me to go and pay him a visit. We thought that perhaps a good meal might lift his spirits. When we arrived at Herr Schneider’s cottage, there was another man there, but I could have sworn that he mentioned that he lived alone…”
Till frowned. “What made this man so strange?”
“There was just something...wrong about him. Being in his presence was so unsettling--so inhuman.“
Richard’s jaw clenched as he thought of the implications. The mother was right. The appearance of this strange man could definitely have something to do with the woodsman’s shift in personality. Perhaps it was nothing magical, but there was a very real chance that this man was under some kind of enchantment, and that was not a possibility Richard was willing to ignore.
“We’ll look into it.” Richard said. Till looked very much like he wanted to protest at being volunteered for this mission, but did not verbalize this.
“You will? Oh, thank you!” Clara cheered and pulled a small woven purse out of her dress pocket and emptied the contents into her hand. She held out the three copper coins for the hunters. “Is this enough?”
The hunters chuckled. “You’re far too generous, fraulein. We couldn’t possibly accept such riches.” Till said warmly.
The woman took her overjoyed daughter by the hand. She gave directions to the woodsman’s cottage, and thanked the hunters before leading her daughter back home.
Richard and Till mounted their horses, and began their journey out of the town. “You shouldn’t have done that, Scholle.” Till said once they had exited the city gates.
“I was under the impression that our job was to hunt magical creatures that might be causing harm.”
Till exhaled through his nostrils. “A man acting strange and having taken a housemate does not warrant our services.”
Richard turned to look at Till. His face was contorted with displeasure. “You heard what that woman said. ‘Inhuman.’ If she’s wrong--all we have to lose is travel time. But if their suspicions are correct and this man is in trouble, then it’ll be worth it.”
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stargaziingg ¡ 2 years
Hi, could I have some headcanons of the om!brothers with a Baker!MC, please? 🥰
I really love your writing!! 💞
om!brothers and baker!mc
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a/n: aH thank you!!! also no idea why this took so long to write, im literally a baker??
pairings: demon brothers x gn!mc
warnings: none, i think
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⇾ if you like baking, lucifer doesn’t mind. the house of lamentation’s kitchen is a great place for such a thing—so long as you clean up after yourself. it’s his one rule for you, really. the last thing he wants is to wake up to a mess, alright?
⇾ he’ll also remind you to try not to let his brothers boss you around too much with their various baking requests. he, of course, doesn’t have any requests. but if you felt so inclined to make him something…
⇾ it’s fairly often that you’ll find lucifer holed up in his study, hard at work, late into the night. times like these, you like to bring him something to eat even if it is just some sweet treats. it’s better than nothing and you know lucifer’ll neglect to eat otherwise
⇾ don’t expect any help in the kitchen, however. it’s not that lucifer won’t, he’s just often too busy to have the time. but he’s more than willing to buy whatever you’d need, least he can do—especially if it’d make you happy
⇾ you’re a baker? so what? (he says, caring deeply) honestly, there’s not a thing about you that doesn’t make mammon love you more somehow. like, you can bake? you baked these cookies? well he guesses they’re pretty good…
⇾ he’s always insanely impressed by the things you make, though he tries not to show it. he fails miserably however and he tends to just boast about your baking. his human’s talented, why shouldn’t he say something?!
⇾ when you inevitably bake some cookies and tell him you baked them with him in mind, he loses it a little. him? you baked these for him? well, of course you did… and he’s just very blushy about it. you should bake for him more often if he’s going to react like this
⇾ occasionally he’ll help you out in the kitchen and he’s surprisingly pretty helpful. he’s so busy hanging onto your every word it’s easy for him to get distracted, but he still knows how many cups of flour you asked for. and he’s happy to help because it’s time spent with you
⇾ you’d almost be surprised how many animes he’s watched that are pretty much entirely about baking. and the food always looks so good too! so, he’s quite enthused to find out that you’re something of a baker
⇾ although it takes him awhile to ask, eventually he’ll be asking if you could maybe try making some of the treats from his favorite shows. he just thinks it’d be so cool and maybe even fun if you’d let him help—
⇾ though, levi’s not too good in the kitchen. his knowledge is primarily from television anyhow. still, he’s happy to listen to you explain everything and he’s still eager to try and help!
⇾ whatever you make, he loves. if you’ve tried your hand at something from his latest anime, it’s even better. maybe it’s because you made it, but it’s way better than he could have even imagined
⇾ he’s never much cared for being in the kitchen. of course, whenever it’s his turn to make dinner, he does it without complaint (for the most part) but it’s not exactly one of his favorite ways to spend time
⇾ until he met you. spending time with you is something satan can’t get enough of and if helping you bake means getting to be with you, so be it. and fortunately, he’s not bad in the kitchen.
⇾ honestly, he’s really helpful. he’ll get the ingredients ready beforehand and he’s someone who cleans up as you go, so there’s hardly ever a mess. and he always enjoys anything you bake, especially when it’s been made together
⇾ what he really loves though is finding new recipes for the two of you to try and make together. it’s something new for the both of you that way, and then you’ll get to try it together. it’s a new experience and he loves sharing new experiences with you
�� he absolutely adores the fact you bake. mainly because anytime you make something, it’s surely devilgram worthy and he can’t resist posting about your latest creations
⇾ actually, you’d probably find a devilgram acc solely dedicated to anything you bake. asmo is nothing if not supportive and posting about the heart-shaped cookies you made is merely something he HAS to do
⇾ hopefully you never need any help in the kitchen though because he’s…not the best. this is not how he wants to be getting his hands dirty, you understand, right? plus, he JUST got his nails done
⇾ he still loves watching you though. he didn’t know someone could be so beautiful when they were just whisking eggs, but you do. expect a few candid photos
⇾ oh. now, it’s not love at first sight or anything but the first time you bake something, beel’s practically beaming. the house of lamentation was really missing a baker, in his opinion
⇾ you end up baking things purely with him in mind sometimes. you have to. whether it means making a double batch or just one batch, but it’s all for him, you do. but you enjoy baking, so you don’t mind too much
⇾ the look on beel’s face when you hand him a full tray of brownies and tell them they’re all his, is truly incomparable. he still offers you one, however, as thanks
⇾ he likes to make requests from time to time, which gives you plenty ideas of what to make in the kitchen. beel also likes to join you while you bake, but he’s not much help since he likes to go for the batter
⇾ your baking becomes one of his favorite foods
⇾ he doesn’t outwardly care all that much. you bake, and you’re good at it. is there more he needs to say? he’s not beelzebub, after all. but he does enjoy seeing how much beel likes you and your baking
⇾ but when you bake him something, even just a single cupcake, that is his. he won’t eat it right away, saving it for later, but if one of his brothers so much as looks at it—! maybe it’s weird to get possessive over something as simple as a danish, but you made it. for him, no less.
⇾ occasionally, when his head is in your lap and he’s on the brink of falling asleep, you’ll hear him lazily ask when you plan on making those…cookies? chocolate cookies, he thinks, he can’t remember. they were good and he simply wants them again. and well. it’s hard to refuse when he’s snuggled in your lap like this.
⇾ he’ll be no help in the kitchen, but at the very least, he’ll come with you to buy the ingredients. and the smell of any of your baked goods is one of the few things able to rouse him from his sleep
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niilue ¡ 3 years
Hyeee!!^^ i saw your recent work about inui with mafia reader!!^^ and can i get (malewife dynamic)mitsuya with (girlboss/dom)possesive but caring mafia f.reader oneshots?:> (she love when he be the receiving and getting pleasure but the reader didn't like to be receiver and she more into giving..) also she like to tease him!!🏃‍♀️
Like inui,, i do like them doing sex and she fuck him against the wall and mitsuya's legs between reader's waist position... she hold him and make out with him(cuz she strong>///<),,,
maybe when the reader came home, then she saw mitsuya at the kitchen and then she hugs him and kiss him until she felt a little horny... so the reader carry/push him against the wall before he could finish the cook (continue0v0~)...( can i get fluff too?<3) after they finish, she carry him to dinner table and she continue the cooking cuz mitsuya can't walk and too tired to stand, so he just stare at her figure doing the cooking^^ (please add more fluff hehe i love both of your nsfw and fluff writing)<33💞💞💞
Thank you and sorry for long description😭🧎‍♀️
ෆ    ִ      ׁ  sub mitsuya
cw; dom reader, fem reader, pegging, rimjob, anal fingering, male receiving, finger sucking, some fluff at the end.
you would be in your office with your face a mess with one or two scratches, your clothes completely stained with sand and dust. you had had a very hectic day and you were not in the mood to continue with the other tasks you had to complete in the office.
as you were packing up your things to leave, in walks kokonoi, one of your coworkers with that smirk you honestly weren't too thrilled to see.
"you look like shit." he commented while still standing in the doorway blocking your exit.
you didn't answer him and looked at him with all the bitterness in the world. koko could only mock your face more. "you almost killed the guy, the boss is not happy at all."
"i don't give a shit what the boss thinks, i did my job and besides nobody died, almost." you said fed up, you had a headache and wanted to go home. "move your ass, hajime.
"where are you in such a hurry, (name), you still have things to do." he asked you handing you an envelope. you knew what it meant but you weren't going to do shit right now.
you took the envelope and kept it in a safe place in your office. you walked right past him ignoring kokonoi's unfunny comments and left the place without saying goodbye to anyone.
"damn, how annoying they are."
you just wanted to be with your beloved boyfriend, to see his beautiful face, hear his voice and kiss him to exhaustion. you missed him so much, not even a day had passed and you were already like crazy because you were daydreaming about him.
you looked at your cell phone checking the time and if you had any messages from him, but there was nothing. you sighed looking at the screenshot who clearly was takashi. "all mine."
"i'm home, honey." you announced as you left your shoes at the door and took off your still somewhat stained vest. you were left in a new shirt that you had put on before entering your house. the previous one was very stained with blood and you didn't want mitsuya to see you like this.
"i'm in the kitchen, love."
you heard his calm voice and literally felt all your fierceness return. your work made you very tired and when you were with mitsuya everything seemed to settle down.
you walked over to him, there he was standing with his back to the stove in his typical purple apron, preparing food. he always wore it for whatever he did in the kitchen because he didn't want to stain his clothes. every time you saw him like that you couldn't control yourself.
he turned around and gave you one of his beautiful smiles as he kept looking at the food. "how did it go today (name), are you hungry?, everything is almost ready.
of course you were hungry, but not exactly for the food.
you moved closer and decided to hug him from behind, while you put your nose to the back of his neck, so you could inhale his scent. he always smelled so good. you leaned on him being hypnotized by every part of him, his hair smelled so good, his skin smelled like soap and it mixed a little with the smell of the food. he was definitely very homely.
"i missed you, taka." you said still hugging him and he turned his face to kiss you on the lips.
"i know." he said as if it was nothing and went on with his business.
you were so happy. you took his face and turned it to kiss him properly. you wanted to taste every part of his mouth, you never got tired of it. you kept kissing him until he broke away a little bit agitated because you didn't give him a moment to breathe. "wait, I don't want to burn the food." he turned his attention back to his own thing, but not before you noticed the slight blush on his face, not to mention his ears, they were very red.
"how cute." you mentioned and moved closer to his neck and started to leave little kisses.
mitsuya tried to hide his neck because it tickled him and because he knew that if you kept kissing him he wouldn't finish his meal. but you didn't care.
you licked his ear again and again and sucked on his lobe. mitsuya let out a little moan. you knew he wasn't going to last long by playing hard to get.
it was just a few kisses and caresses but you were so turned on by him, anything from him turned you on too much.
you blew in his ear seeing how he was no longer preparing anything, he just had his hands placed on each end of the table. you turned his body and kissed him being too rough.
you bit his lips, licked them and your tongue ran over every part of his mouth. there was no end that you had not already kissed and left a mark.
"mmm, (name), ahh, wait... wait a... ah." you couldn't even let him speak because you were already so excited and couldn't control yourself.
"i missed me so much mitsuya, damn." now you were kissing his neck leaving a mark or two, you didn't want to overdo it either, but you needed it so much.
you started to move your hand down to stop on his little member. it was only a little hard, but you knew it was only a matter of time before it started to leak. mitsuya didn't have much resistance and that's why you loved to play with it.
"ah, mmm, (name)" he moaned "i missed you too." he said with a red face as he was pulling down his pants, leaving you in dark blue panties to your surprise.
he was ready to kill you. if you were already excited just to see him and kiss him, now it was more than clear that you would break his ass. you stood like an idiot looking at his member hidden by the fabric and how now mitsuya wanted to play with him.
before he could touch you took his hands and placed them on his back. "i'll play with you, doll."
you took his member and rubbed it between your hands and with your other hand you put your hand in his ass. "ahhh, mhhhn, (name), not with your fingers." he asked between moans.
"i want-, ahg, why not better-, mmhm, ahg, i want your tongue."
he didn't have to ask twice when you reached down and pulled her pretty panties to the floor. you grabbed her buttocks and spread them apart to get a better view of her anus. pink and puckered and not very dilated. "have you started playing by yourself, mitsuya?" you asked.
"mhh, yeah, yeah, sorry, i just missed you so much." he admitted, the very image of him fucking himself with the dildo while moaning your name enchanted you. so you just ignored that he was doing those things on the sly.
"takashi , next time i want a video of you, that's an order doll, i want to see you cum screaming my name."
"mhnm." he nodded his head repeatedly, he was so turned on, how nice.
without giving the matter any more thought, you gave his entrance a lick. starting to suck and spread all your saliva on his anus, with your face between his asshole tasting every delicious part of it you could only hear his now more screams than moans. mitsuya was very sensitive in this area, but he himself had admitted to you that he loved it when you ate his asshole.
"(name) (name) (name), i can't, i can't, my legs are shaking too much." said mitsuya, he was very excited and was about to cum, obviously you didn't want it to happen too fast. so before he had time to continue moaning you stopped licking his ass and got up. mitsuya protested a little when he saw you leaving his side.
"ah, but, (name)."
he shut up when he saw you lying on the living room couch. "come doll, sit on my face and let me finish making you come," you said with a sly smile.
still surprised, mitsuya stumbled over to you, because he was still all shaky, but in his face you could tell how excited he was. you took his slim waist and sat him on your face. just like that.
you had him sitting on your face, fucking you completely. with your fingers you squeezed his buttocks further apart and had better access to his now more dilated entrance. with your tongue you moved in and out of his hole, every time he felt you gave a lick mitsuya contracted and pulled forward. the sensation you were giving him with just your tongue and mouth was very strong.
"ahhh, mmmhn, yeah, yeah, ahhh, damn."
he was having a great time, as you grabbed his ass and lifted it up a bit to let it fall on your face. his ass was a mess but not to mention your face, full of saliva and mitsuya's juices. it was very dirty, but you loved to hear his moans every time you decided to please him.
"move mitsuya, up and down." you said.
with every move he made you licked every part of his ass and more, you loved him moving on your face because you felt it gave him more pleasure with the friction of your mouth on him and his movements.
"hhmh, ashhhg, it's too much, it's too much (name)." said mitsuya holding on to your legs to push himself, he kept moving even though the situation made him want to finish already.
with his erect penis, his mouth open and light drops of saliva coming out of it, it was so damn erotic. he looked so needy and you loved it.
"nhg, (name), i'm cumming... so good, so... hmmmng, ah!". finally, giving little bounces on your face, mitsuya finished cumming. making a mess on all your clothes. you carefully lifted your boyfriend and caressed his back giving him a kiss on his shoulders. you got up from the couch and had no choice but to take off your pants and shirt, leaving you only in your underwear.
"(name)". mitsuya called you in a low and affectionate way.
you turned around to look at him. it was the most erotic thing you had ever seen. mitsuya was lying down with his legs open and holding them with his hands, exposing his now more dilated and pink entrance, where you could see the marks you had left on him and traces of your saliva still resting on his anus.
"i want you to load me and fuck me (name), i love it when you take me in your arms and make me yours." he said with such a lewd look on her face as she stuck out her tongue and sucked on her fingers and then slipped them into her entrance. he wanted to continue to lick her entrance so that your big plastic penis would fit perfectly.
"agh, it feels so good." he groaned even with his fingers in her entrance, fuck how dirty you were mitsuya.
"mitsuya, you're going to pay for this."
"suck it, doll."
mitsuya knelt down in front of you and took the dildo in his hands and started to suck it with much vehemence. he would put it in so deep that you thought he was going to choke. he would take a breath and come back and keep sucking it. this whole process he did while looking at your face and every time he took the penis out he smiled, it was so sensual. fuck.
"that's enough, get up." you said you couldn't stand it anymore watching how he literally ate the plastic penis and you just wanted to fuck him.
even though it didn't look like it, you were very strong and taking mitsuya, pinning him to the wall and holding him by his thighs while you fucked him on the wall, wasn't too much for you. besides in this position you could clearly see how mitsuya swallowed all of your penis while you moved it up and down, it was so exquisite.
"fuck, ahg, yes, yes, yes, more, hnnhm." your boyfriend moaned loudly as he held on to your shoulders.
mitsuya with his legs around your waist let you violate his ass. he had prepared himself so well that the big dildo slid in like it was nothing. you held his thighs and made him ride the dildo so well, listening to the squeaking sounds along with mitsuya's panting was a real beauty.
"you take me so well. taka."
"i- i love it, you feel, fuck, too much, mhnn, ahg, good." even mitsuya couldn't handle the heat of the situation and every time he wanted to talk you penetrated him harder.
"come on doll, hold on tight because I plan to give you harder."
"ah! yes, yes." he affirmed enthusiastically seeing how you kept thrusting harder and takashi could only nod his head and drown in his saliva when he tried to moan.
"who do you belong to mitsuya? tell me doll, i want to hear it from your mouth."
"to you, (name)." he said as a big moan escaped him. "ahhh, hnnmg, god."
"i didn't hear you baby, tell me again." you played a little with his patience.
"to you, to you, i'm yours! (name), this body belongs to you." you penetrated him deeper. "fuck, yours, yours, yours, yours, i love it when you fuck me so hard, more (name), more, more, more." he asked you so lost in his lust, still holding on to your shoulders and with trembling lips he came close enough to glue his mouth to yours.
"mmmm, yes, how beautiful you look when I fuck you mitsuya, you drive me crazy."
"ahhg, it's too much, I'm not going to be able to hold on anymore, i'm cumming, i feel like-."
"ok doll, cum, cum for me.
"ahg, mhhmmm, ah, yeah, no- ahhhh." mitsuya tightened his grip on your shoulders, too tightly. he needed to hold back because he was fading so much when he came.
with her face red, her mouth open, her eyes rolling, sweat glistening on her body and a pool of drool running down her mouth, that was the image of mitsuya when she was coming. so fucking erotic.
you felt too soaked with that image alone, mitsuya was still so lost, while you, crazy with desire, kept on giving him harder, more brutal, you wanted to break him. or rather that he would never forget how well you fucked him and that he only belonged to you.
so, it went on after the first time he came, he came again, a white stream stained your chest and his stomach. when mitsuya came he became so noisy and so unstoppable. he kept his erect penis spurting his semen and screaming your name as he came, even when the pleasure didn't let him think.
"name, name, name, name, name." he called out so loudly that you were sure the neighbors could hear him.
before he finished emptying himself, mitsuya pressed his lips to yours again, causing both of you to let out a loud gasp.
"fuck, i love you so much, (name).
"agh, mitsuya, i love you more, god how cute and only mine." you said caressing his face.
after a few seconds where you both recovered, you took mitsuya like a princess. "look at the mess we made in the living room and kitchen." said a now embarrassed mitsuya.
you gave him a kiss on the cheek and with him still in your arms you settled him on the couch. you took a blanket and tucked his naked body, later you would clean him up completely.
after you decided to bathe yourself first, you picked up the mess in the kitchen and living room, then you decided to finish what was left of the dinner. mitsuya was still wrapped in a blanket, watching you finish preparing the meal that he had started but for obvious reasons had not been able to finish, your fault, but you didn't care.
"taka, don't go to sleep, i still have to clean you up."
"i haven't fallen asleep." he replied with clear sleepiness.
you shook your head and smiled, mitsuya was getting very sleepy after doing that. you hurried and finished everything, so now you took mitsuya in your arms again and took him to the bathroom.
"ah, look at the mess we made in the bathroom too." complained your boyfriend.
"it's your fault, you couldn't even walk, obviously i had to help you bathe, takashi. it's normal that there was a water bump from how much you were moving around because your legs were still shaking."
"and who left me like that?" grumbled the boy.
"i know, sorry, that's why i'm helping you, come on, after lunch i'll clean this up," you said as you helped him put his clothes on, he was upset about the whole mess but you would take care of it.
"thank you for that and for everything." said mitsuya out of the blue.
i smiled, i never lasted any time angry with you, I loved you too much.
you kissed him on the lips and hugged him. "i’m hungry." you said
mitsuya sighed. "you should have let me finish preparing the food a while ago (name)."
"but i was more hungry for you, mitsuya." you said breaking the hug and pouting.
"name, don't say things like that, god."
your boyfriend would blush at any double-entendre joke you said to him. and you loved that. he literally had you at his feet.
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writteninkat ¡ 3 years
Hey Kat how are youuu 💞 i hope everything's fine :) i'm literally so excited to read the my brother's bf fic 😭💕💕 later i saw a post you reblogged: https://writteninkat.tumblr.com/post/657547669698396160 could you turn this into a fic pleaseee 😩 we need that 😭🥺🥺 maybe slutty!Fem reader asking bakugou for study help although she's only horny and while he tries to study with her: explain smth to her she starts that freaky shit hihi
i wish u a great week end. btw i got a big crush on a boy who works with me 🥺 but i'm sooooo shy and NOT ME whenever i'm around him i hate it. i know that we would vibe idk:/ he is a friend of my older sister and i got the feeling that he sees me as a child (he's only 4 years older) i hate it here lmao
Quizzed | Bakugou x Reader
summary: You ask Katsuki for help with your studies but that was all a ruse to let out all your sexual frustrations on him.
w/c: 1.9k
warnings: fingering, oral (m!receiving), katsuki calling reader slut once
a/n: hiii i'm doing well!! <3 hope you are too!! and LMAO i get what you mean!! i turn into a completely different person whenever i'm with someone i like but i try practicing just being my self lol why don't you test out the waters, give him some hints ;)) update me about it then hehe
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Katsuki Bakugou is good at anything and everything he tries. He's got an amazing, flashy quirk, he's smart, has an explosive personality and you can't deny he's handsome.
God's favorite child; that's what he is.
And you're obsessed. You love how he smells so sweet, how soft red spills over the tips of his ears and his cheeks when he's flustered or embarrassed, the deep grunts and melodic moans that slip out his lips.
He turns into your vulnerable little bitch under your softest touch. And you love it.
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College isn't easy, not by any means. Unlike highschool or middle school, you're the one chasing after your professors, you're the one who teaches yourself, you're the one who has to grind in order to get a good grade and graduate.
It's times like these, during hell week, that you regret not choosing the hero course. They don't need to go to college, they become heroes after highschool and from the stories of your friends, hero work seems to be a much more enjoyable job than in a hospital doing rounds.
You sigh, mind tired and body aching all over as you plop onto the couch. Your boyfriend, number two hero Dynamite, is busy cooking the both of you dinner. "Long day?" He asks.
As much as you want to claim that all you want to do is eat whatever your boyfriend is cooking, wash up and cuddle with him till you fall asleep, you can't. You'd be lying.
You're frustrated and you want to let out some steam. And the fact that your boyfriend is cooking in your shared kitchen with nothing but black sweats that hang loosely over his hips and an apron doesn't help.
You nod quietly, sitting on one of the counter stools just to watch him cook. As your eyes greedily rake over his ripped arms, toned back and occasionally his built chest, the gears in your head begin turning as you think about how to get him to fuck your stress out your body.
"Let me guess, you wanna sleep after you fill that tummy of yours?" He doesn't really talk like this, but you appreciate how he acknowledges your trouble. You pout in response, "Can't. I still have to study a few lessons in chem."
If he weren't busy with the food, Katsuki would have seen how your face visibly brightened at your idea. "Help me out? Please?"
He eyes you from the side as he shrugs his shoulders. "I probably won't be of any help, but I can try."
Oh you'll be of big help.
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You have your Chemistry book, notes and the periodic table laid out on your desk as Katsuki walks in with two cups of tea; steam still floating from above it. You feel bad–he even bothered to prepare tea for the both of you but you know neither of you will be taking sips from the tea cups any time soon.
You smile when he sets the cups down, standing from your seat to push him to sit down on it instead. He looks at you with confusion in his eyes but don’t ask, prompting to check the topic you “need help with”.
“Ah, I think I’ve read about this topic before.” The moment his words leave his lips, your hand flies onto his shoulder as you lean over. “So you know how this is the atomic number, right?” You nod at his question, hand running up and down his built shoulder as a start.
He looks over at your hand, his then flicking up at you before returning to your opened textbook, shrugging off your suspicious actions.
By the time he’s finished discussing and explaining the topic, you’ve sat yourself on his lap, one arm over his shoulders playing his ear as the other runs up and down his chest. “You understand now?” He asks, looking up at you as you nod your head.
“Yeah,” You lean over, pressing your lips on his. Your soft pinks stay on his pair a little longer than usual. You pull away slowly, your hand now cupping his jaw as you look deeply into his eyes.
He raises a brow, “What was that for?”
You shake your head, eyes drifting from his eyes to his lips as your thumb traces over his lower lip. “You’re just so sexy, teaching me like this. So smart.”
You lean forward, pressing your lips against his once again as his hands drop to your hips, thumbs caressing the exposed skin. You part your lips from each other, allowing his tongue to slither inside your wet cavern, tasing you.
You rise onto your knees, setting yourself on his lap to straddle him as Katsuki continues to kiss you passionately. All your stress, all your concerns, all your anxiety always washes away whenever Katsuki kisses you, when he holds you, like this.
“You have to be studying.” He breathes into the kiss.
“I’d rather study something else.”
Your fingers hook themselves on the hem of his shirt, pulling it up, exposing his hard abs. You run your palm over the exposed skin, fingers following ever bump, ever rise, every dip before you inch your fingers inside his sweats. Katsuki grabs onto your wrist, stopping you, eyebrows creased in confusion.
“Study.” He says, sternly.
“Fuck me.” You say. Sternly.
Within the next second, your hand is pushed into his pants, caressing his length, fondling his balls, and Katsuki sits there beneath you with his hands clutched into fists and his breathing heavy but controlled.
You slowly wiggle yourself off of him until you’re kneeling on the carpeted floor, your fingers pulling his pants down as your gaze keeps itself in his eyes.
Katsuki closes his eyes slowly, jaw clenched and head craned upward. You snicker, pulling his hard cock out of his pants. Your mouth visibly waters at the sight and you feel your pussy clench at the sight of his wet tip–pre cum already leaking out of it.
You lean forward, sticking your tongue out, pressing it against the base only to run it upwards to the pink head. You enclose the tip with your lips before pushing your head down, taking his entire length as you fight the tears from spilling. You miss this so much–Katsuki’s taste, how he skips a breath and fights his moans when you take all of him, the way he has to physically stop himself from getting too rough with you.
You’re sloppy when giving head–saliva dripping down his cock and the chair, saliva dripping down the corners of your mouth, pre cum smeared on the tip of your nose and cheeks. When Katsuki looks down at you for the first time, and you look back at him with a shit-eating grin and all messy, he cums almost immediately.
You laugh, allowing his release to splatter all over your face.
You wipe a dripping one from your cheek, into your mouth, sucking on your finger all while looking at him straight int the eye.
Katsuki breathes heavily before pulling you up from your knees. He pulls you by the waist, pushing your shorts down, letting them pool around your ankles. He pushes you onto your desk, having pushed all your study materials off the top to give you space. He lifts both your legs up, resting them over his shoulders as he looks at your glistening pussy, admiring the way it looks before pushing a finger in. Pretty and strangled moans slip out your lips as you throw your head back.
“How do you solve for the mass number of an element?”
A quiz? Really? Now?
Your brows knit together as you look down at him, to which he simply raises a demanding brow. He curls the fingers inside you and you feel your soul leave your body for a moment, making you gasp in surprise.
“You–oh god–you add the number of protons and–“ You squeak when he suddenly adds another finger inside, “–and the number of neutrons!”
“Who discovered the first subatomic particle?” Katsuki quickens his pace and you feel your legs shaking. “JJ Thomp–nnggh!–Thompson!”
He adds in a third finger and the stretch has your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
“Give me a rule for naming ions.” He curls his fingers inside you and for a moment your mind goes blank, earning an irritated growl from Katsuki. “Shit, Katsu!” You cry out, “The charge of an ion–oh fuck–can b-be determined–“ Your back arches at the feeling of your high quickly arriving. “–by its place on the periodic table!”
Your cunt clenched around his fingers greedily as your hips move in circles on their own, riding out your orgasm. Your chest rises and falls heavily, finally, it’s been too fucking long.
Katsuki pulls his fingers out of you and you whine at how sensitive your pussy still is. You watch as he brings his fingers into his mouth, lapping up your juices coating his digits and your kitty clenches around nothing, as if you hadn’t just cum.
The pro hero grabs you by your waist, sitting on your chair. He aligns his cock in line with your hole, letting you slowly lower yourself on his cock, your cunt greedily taking his entire length.
“What method do you use when writing formulas for ionic compounds?” You’re already moving your hips before he even finishes his question.
“The crossover method.” You whisper.
“Hump on it, you slut. If you’re that desperate to fuck yourself with my cock, do it properly.”
Following his words, you start rising before lowering yourself on his cock. The feeling makes your legs want to turn into jelly, but the thought of not getting to feel this way has you fighting the urge.
“Give me the formula for Iron and Oxygen.” Katsuki grips at your waist, now moving your hips the way he wants you to move it.
The feeling of his cock stretching you open, the feeling of it hitting your g-spot again and again and again, his fingernails digging onto your skin and your brain wracking itself for the correct answer–everything overwhelms you too much.
“Fe2O3!” It comes out as a whine, making Katsuki chuckle.
“What about Barium and Sodium?”
He’s thrusting upwards now, allowing you to lessen your efforts, giving you more chance to clear your head even for a little bit. “Ba3Na2.”
“That’s right.” He whispers into your ear, “That’s my smart little girl.”
Katsuki carries you by your thighs as he stands. For a moment, you think he’ll head for the bed but he’s setting you back onto your desk. Feeling this, he answers your silent confusion. “It’s a bad idea to study on the bed.” He tilts his head to the side, “You might fall asleep. We can’t have that.”
He begins thrusting into you, your desk hitting against the wall every time.
“Recite the greek prefixes for naming hydrated salts.” You feel another orgasm coming. “One to ten. Do it correctly and I’ll let you cum.”
Weird boost of inspiration.
“Mono, di, tri–shit, Katsu!–Tetra, penta, hexa, hepta, octa, nona–“ He thrusts deeply inside you, pulling an orgasm out of you. You gasp as your pussy clenches around his cock. You look at him in the eye, a smile stretched across your face. “–deca.”
Katsuki continues thrusting inside you, his own high following not long after.
Your body falls onto the desk like lava–hot and pulsing.
Katsuki pulls his sweats up, helping you with your own bottoms before slapping your ass. “I’m giving you three more quizzes later.” Your eyes widen at his words to which he grins cockily at. “So make sure you study hard.”
You got to answer every number in your test the following days, but not without a cost. The mere section of writing formulas for ionic compounds has you clenching your thighs together.
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astrobiche ¡ 3 years
Hi hope ur doing well <3 what placements do you think would make someone want to show off their intelligence to people?
Hiii 💞 ouuh good question 👀 this is how i see it (i had to run a few charts for this)
!! Keep in mind having any of these placements does NOT necessarily mean you're someone who likes to show off your intelligence, a placement can manifest in many ways and the entire chart counts !!
Placements indicating someone who wants to show off their intelligence 📖
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📒Mercurial placements in personal planets (gemini/virgo)
Gemini placements are infinitely curious and chatty, they might read a lot and know quite a few things from socializing and being out and about, so they might want to show off just how much of an intellectual they are. I know two people with a gemini sun and virgo moon and they were literally the type of people who would argue with the teacher and be like "well, according to this book i read *names book title and author*, this may not be accurate" 💀
📔Sagittarius placements
Just like their sister sign gemini, these folks could be the type to enjoy teaching to the point they come off as know-it-alls. It depends on the entire chart of course but i know a sagittarius stellium guy (sun/mercury/venus/pluto) and he once asked the professor (who was horribly incompetent) to TEACH the rest of the class and explain the theorem when he realized the professor didn't know shit about it 💀 he had virgo mars too
📚 3h/9h sun/jupiter/mars
3h/9h suns shine the brightest when they're in a learning environment or immersed in knowledge. Sharing it and acquiring it is important for these people to the point they could be known for "knowing too much" or being "jack of all trades".
Jupiter in these houses expands and inflates. The planet is notorious for "going over the top" so one of the manifestations could be the natives going over the top when it comes to knowledge and intelligence.
Mars is power. Where it lands could show the area of life we associate with power. So 3h/9h mars folks could associate intelligence with power so they might want to "assert" their power through the knowledge they so hardly work to acquire.
✒️ Mercury in angular houses (AS/IC/DC/MC)
Angular houses usually represent the foundations of our identity. 1h mercury present themselves as mercurial and come off this way, they see the world through an intellectual lens. 4h mercury were probably surrounded by intellectuals growing up or one of their parent figures is heavily intellectual, passing this trait onto the native. 7h mercury is tricky, they might not be aware of this but it comes out in interpersonal relationships so this placement might not "show off" to everyone but they could do it once you get close. 10h mercury are widely known for their intellect, their reputation is tightly linked to it.
🗒️Mercury aspecting jupiter/asc/mc
When the mind and communication style is imbued with Jupiter's essence, the native can go overboard when it comes to their intelligence. Especially when the aspects are harsh. Mercury tightly aspecting asc/mc (especially conjunctions) may manifest that way as well.
🗃️ 3h/9h leo
Leo in the chart is the area we feel pride in and may want to be praised for, so when it's in the 3h, house of knowledge and 9h of higher knowledge, it could show a desire to flaunt about one's intellect.
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Honorable mentions
🏫 Earth moons (virgo/cap), cap and aqua placements
I noticed this a lot but earth moons seem to love showing off their intelligence. The moon speaks of how we accommodate others so earth moons could try to fix others by showing off their intelligence to make their claims seem more credible like "you gotta do this because according to this scientist.." .
Cap placements in sun/MOON/rising/mercury seem to really enjoy disciplining others and being kind of a more "follow the book" version of the sag teacher so i noticed they might (not always) show off just how much they know to prove to themselves and others that they're worthy.
Aquarius placements sometimes can also like to show off their smarts! They give off unconventional genius vibes too
📑 Mercury - saturn (sounds counterintuitive but the lack of confidence could show in a desperate expression to seek validation)
Saturn may render the planet it touches (the harsher and tighter the aspect the more the effect is felt) more self-conscious and insecure. While it could manifest as a lack or difficulty in communicating, it can also show itself in a desperate attempt to compensate for the insecurity by trying too hard to be perfect. So in some cases, mercury-saturn could make the native worried about their intelligence that they seek validation by "showing off what they got" (especially hard aspects).
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fandom-eclectics ¡ 3 years
Hey Kat!! I have a request for you that I believe you might enjoy writing! May you please do Shinsou, (Character (s) of your choice & each separate) who they get hit by a quirk who turns them into a little toddler, and they’ve got the biggest crush on their female chubby/plus size classmate. She is stuck with babysitting the toddler versions of the guys since they automatically wanted to be with their crush and they personally felt safe and overall wanted to be with her, and maybe they are in the age the toddler version of the guys’ quirks began to appear? And also what their reactions would be when they transform back, and they reminisce what their toddlers selves acted towards their crush? It’s a cute idea that came into my mind and I thought you would enjoy writing it however you feel the most comfortable💞 Muchas Gracias💗💗
Tysm for the request!! I love love LOVE the idea, definitely a genius one! I hate that I won’t be able to do it to full justice, I don’t write or at least I try my best to stay away from specific body types. I just don’t feel comfortable writing about that stuff. I really don’t mean it in a rude way, I just don’t want to mess anything up or write something to wrong way and offend someone. I still wrote the request though, just unfortunately nothing specified. Also, I only did Shinsou, cause this surprisingly took me longer than expected. Yk what just cue the constant apologies for not doing this right 😅. Sorry this took so long btw. Have a wonderful day/night, ily dear 💞
|| 𝕋𝕠𝕕𝕕𝕝𝕖𝕣𝕤 ||
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Characters: Shinsou
Status: Not Proofread
Reader: Nothing specified
Type: Headcannons // Fluff
Warnings: kids? Idk, some ppl hate kids with a burning passion if you are one of those ppl then….be warned.
A/n: I really hope this doesn’t suck. I’ve been around tons of toddlers all throughout my life and they all seemed to have different personalities and annoyance levels so I tried my best to make them each different. Also, I wrote this at like 3 a.m. so if it makes no sense complete apologies.
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✎ Shinsou
You had been crushing on Shinsou for awhile now
But of course you hadn’t confessed your feelings yet because
1. Everything about that scenario was scary…and
2. You genuinely didn’t want to ruin the great friendship that you two had
Even though everyone around you insisted that you where just oblivious and that you could totally see that he liked you
“Y/n, do you not notice him staring in class.”
“Y/n, you are literally the only person he’ll talk to in the mornings.”
“Y/n, he shared his coffee with you the other day, HIS COFFEE, he never does that.”
These where all things Mina and Jirou had pointed out to you
Though, you where still doubtful about telling him
You guys had so much fun bashing the idea of a healthy sleep schedule and sharing coffee
What if when you told him how you felt that all went away?
Of course, you didn’t have time to deal with all those feelings and thoughts because of training and the recent increase in villain attacks
You never would have dreamed, that one day, whilst you were sitting in your dorm room, taking a most needed break, that you were going to get a phone call.
It was from Aizawa, explaining that Shinsou, someone who he had seen you where very close with, had been hit by a villain and turned into a 3 year old
He practically was begging you (or at least, as much as straight faced Aizawa could) to take the kid.
So, you went over to Aieawa’s office, and picked up your crush, but in toddler form.
The first thing Shinsou asks you is “do you have any of that brown stuff Eraserhead was drinking? It was good!”
You quickly tell him that you do not have any, because a caffeinated todler is the last things you need.
However, this was followed up with a series of more questions.
“Why? Can we go get some? What’s it called? Where do you get-“
“Because it’s an adult drink. No, we can’t get any. It’s called coffee, and you can get it almost anywhere.” You answered all his previous questions before he had time to answer more
You decided to head back to your dorm and watch tv, kids liked tv, right?
Unfortunately, since Shinsou was caffeinated AND for some reason extremely energetic? You couldn’t let him out of your sight
You had called Mina up to your dorm room after awhile of watching Eraserhead videos.
Because that seemed to be the only thing that kept Shinsou from asking yo questions about your whole life story
You swore, he wanted to know Every. Little. Last. Thing. About. You.
You couldn’t figure out why though. You weren’t cool or interesting…..you were just….you!
So why would this little three year old wanna know everything?
You had been drinking a lot of water that day, doing your best to stay somewhat on the training diet All Might had given you all this week.
Therefore, it wasn’t long until you had to pee.
“Mina’s just going to stay with you for five minutes, I have to use the restroom.” You reassured him.
He had instantly curled up closer to you and insisted that you stay right beside him.
“Noooo, you can’t goooo, your gonna miss the best part of the video. What am I gonna do without the cool and awesome Y/n?” He whined, giving you the biggest puppy dog eyes.
Needless to say, you just had to hold your pee, and drink nothing else for the rest of the afternoon.
Shinsou, eventually and thankfully, grew tired and started to fall asleep on you
You changed the Eraserhead videos to your favorite tv show since you thought he was asleep
But you where wrong, because he was still awake brought to say one thing
“I really like you y/n.”
The words that came out of the small toddler’s mouth made your heart warm
Of course, you figured it was 1. Because he wasn’t in the right mindset since he was hit with the quirk
And 2. Because he was extremely tired
He fell asleep shortly afterwards, and you kept your tv show on
Watching intently at the screen
Though, you son felt your eyes grow heavy and tired
So you convinced yourself if you just closed them for two seconds, and layer your head back just a tad you would feel completely fine
You did such things and to your later dismay, ended up falling asleep
My word, you wished you would have seen Mina’s face when she came into your dorm to pick you up for Saturday morning breakfast
And she found you, and your purple hair friend/crush, affects of the quirk gone, back to his normal age, asleep on the couch, snuggled up next to you.
She was flipping out! This was absolutely adorable!!
She tried to keep her calm, but ended up waking you with a bunch of intense wikis peeing
“Y/n, Y/N, WAKE UP.” She sort of whisper yelled into your ear.
You quickly jerked your head up, careful not to move the rest of yourself in case small Shinsou was still sleeping.
“Mina, geez, how did you….you know what it doesn’t matter. What’s up?” You asked, your voice still groggy from sleep
“Not important! Do you see who’s asleep next to you!” She pointed out, somehow still whispering yet sneaking in a squeal?
You looked down and saw your friend, Hitoshi Shinsou, all back to normal, completely snuggled against you, fast asleep.
Internally you where freaking out, externally……well you where freaking out but just quietly.
“What am I gonna do Mina? This is gonna be so awkward when he wakes up!” You exclaim, not controlling your volume.
“Y/n? Why are you yelling? It’s 8:00, it’s too early.” You heard a tired Shinsou say,slowly sitting up and breaking the physical contact you two had.
“Oh my gosh, I’m no sorry, I uhm, I didn’t mean to wake you up.” You apologized quickly, becoming even more embarrassed
“It’s okay, waking up to the sound of your voice wasn’t such a bad thing. I mean, well, I don’t mean, I just, you know-“ Shinsou’s rambling was cut off by Mina practically yelling
“Will you two just DATE EACHOTHER already!”
You and Shinsou both looked at each other, looked at Mina, then both said, at the exact same time
“I would but he doesn’t like me.”
“I would but they don’t like me.”
Then you both turn back to each other and immediately start blushing
Turns out even when Shinsou was turned into a five year old he was right
He actually liked you
And…..wanted to date you?
W o w
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You are so loved! <3
You are beautiful! :)
Have a wonderful day/night!
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