#ocxcanon week
octahyde · 2 months
ocxcanon cringe
It’s OC X Canon week on Twitter and idk if I’m gonna do it and if I do it’ll take months and none of it will be posted anyways but i thought I’d post and give a rundown of my ships hi
(picrew used)
I don’t have many but I’m putting them under a cut just because that’s easier
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Yuzuki X Wren- Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns
The YuzuWren… my everything… I made them in 2020 because that was the year I started really getting into making OCs and finally played 3oT after being hesitant and skipping out when it came out due to how badly the concept of multiple villages was implemented last time. (Thank FUCK Marvelous learned from tott. Anyways) Especially because during the time of playing the file, I realized I had been repressing some horrific, horrific trauma of something that happened to me. They’re what got me through it and I ended up getting a solid 100 hours through their file!
Wren is a trans man. Along with his interest in farming, Daryl refused to accept him as a man. Gay Uncle Frank took him in not only to help get started with farming, but also to help him with transitioning. (As a side note I did not realize Wren starting to transition when he moved to his farm meant he was getting his hrt top and phallo from fucking Ford until months later and felt so FUCKING sorry for him.) (Another side note- Daryl refuses to accept Wren’s transness even after he becomes “proud” of his farm and hopes he’ll grow out of it, Marlena is happy to see how well her “daughter” is doing, and Lynn is genuinely really supportive but rarely gets to see him because of how she’s still young and lives with their parents.)
When Wren first visits Tsuyukusa, he starts helping out Omiyo and Umekichi whenever he had down time to make things a little easier for them. Obviously, this lead to occasionally checking in on Yuzuki as well. Wren got interested in Yuzuki’s jewelry early on and started trying to make more time to talk to him. From being sexually harassed from being so frail and feminine looking in his childhood, Yuzuki was very empathetic to Wren- he’s cis and he can’t possibly imagine how much harder they were for Wren having that his entire life. Finding out Yuzuki was also the unfavorite child to a significantly more horrific degree than Wren was likewise made Wren more sympathetic to him.
Anyways they get married and have gay sex and live an r/childfree life because I have having kids in these games LMAO can you tell they’re my darling yaoi
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Mistel X Roland- Story of Seasons (3DS)
I started this file a while ago but recently got back to it!! And doubled the hours I had on it before in a week. Uh.
Roland was a born and raised city boy who always hated how busy the city was. He always loved growing his own vegetables on his apartment balcony and, eventually after doing research on agriculture, decided he’d do best on a farm. When a lot opened up in Oak Tree Town, home of his favorite writer, he couldn’t refuse and set out immediately. Indeed, it wasn’t long before Roland started visiting Iris regularly to talk about literature with her. Mistel, the autistic little freak he is, got curious about Roland very fast and kept attacking him with questions every time he came to talk with his sister. Roland found it incredibly annoying and started giving Mistel little presents when he visited to satiate him while he talked to Iris. This backfired, however, as it only got Mistel even more fixated on him and made him start prodding at Roland even more than he did before. Worst of all, Roland was beginning not only to not mind it, but also starting to enjoy it! At some point, he started visiting less for Iris and more for Mistel. Not that he had a crush on him. He’d never admit he had a crush on him. Eventually Mistel beat him too the punch and asked him out, and that’s where my file currently is!! Very excited to get to when he’s disproportionally hornier than every other LI in the entire series LMFAO
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IdiYume- Twisted Wonderland
This one is really REALLY embarrassing for me because I haven’t done romantic yume/self ships since like… middle school
My sona is a catch all one I made a few years ago; Beatrice “Trixie”/“Trix” Hart. Normally I use her/him to terrorize anime boys platonically (she was first created to be an assistant to Klavier Gavin in Ace Attorney, and I think it shows with the name LMAO), but as I got more into the series and read Book 6, I Needed to kiss Idia Shroud and used him for this as well. His name stays the same minus the nickname because, well, I’m a trans dude keeping his gendered birth name lol.
He’s a second year Pomefiore bnuuy beastman at NRC and is BFFs with Cater. Him and Idia vaguely know each other, but generally dislike each other. Online, though, he’s Idia’s favorite vtuber and ok this is too embarrassing for me sorry JDKDWKKFSKFB
I prefer them a lot after NRC, though- I view them as both being transhet (because I am transhet. bye). Idia’s boymoding at NRC, and Trix is girlmoding quite literally everywhere except the all male school he goes to. After they graduate, they start transitioning together. Its a very very intimate experience for both as they support each other through everything.
This picrew is them 10 years post NRC when they’re fully transitioned because that’s usually what I think about with them. :) They’re very happy and love each other and their 3 cats and their younger brother and his 2 dogs.
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Chenya X Beau Rhodes-Twisted Wonderland
My most recent ocxcanon ship and the one I have the least amount of development on because there’s so little known about RSA and Chenya is only allowed out of RSA Jail every now and then for enrichment. Beau is twisted from the rose from Beauty and the Beast! He also grew up in the Queendom of Roses, but a different part than Chenya Trey and Riddle. Him and Chenya were roommates their first year at RSA. Beau is very mature and committed to his work and studies in floral arrangement, in contrast to Chenya who’s. Well. Chenya. They end up balancing each other out; Chenya helps Beau lighten up, and Beau has better luck than most convincing Chenya to stop fucking around when he needs to.
The biggest aspect, to their dynamic, however, is something else.
I think NRC is one giant cringe compilation to RSA. They love hearing about the insane things that happen there. And, well, Chenya is childhood friends with the most ridiculous human being ever born, Riddle Rosehearts. And also Trey Clover, man who has spent his entire life being in love with the most ridiculous human being ever born, Riddle Rosehearts. Beau and Trey met as first years from Chenya introducing them, but whenever Riddle came up there was a silent “dude just wait until you meet this guy next year.” Beau didn’t know what he expected but Riddle met all of them.
Chenya does convince him to go to an unbirthday party with him though. Eventually. And he surprisingly does have a great time. That doesn’t stop the “I’ve had to listen to him talk about being in love with this guy for 8 years dude” conversations though.
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pekinaso · 2 months
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Spent March 18th–March 25th doing an OCxCanon art challenge on Twitter, so here are my entries from every day for 8 days!
Day 1: Dialogue prompt: "It would be weird if we kissed" — Minnie teases Beelzemon with the suggestion as she starts flirting with him (technically canon, once she's like 20yo she makes the first moves).
Day 2: Dialogue prompt: "Seriously, I mean it. Thank you" — Anne thanks Death for helping her out in a fight, though the Horseman is of few words (canon somewhere in the story).
Day 3: Prompt: "Out in nature" — Anne finds Death sitting alone in a mysterious hidden oasis, and offers her hand for him to take (canon in my story).
Day 4: Prompt: "Taking care of each other" — Minnie tends to Beelzemon's latest wound, and he pulls her closer with his tail while she does (probably pseudo-canon regarding my story).
Day 5: Dialogue prompt: "Come closer" — Beelzemon wraps his wings around Minnie as she tells him to come closer to her (probably canon).
Day 6: Prompt: "An intimate moment" — Death allows Anne to remove his mask, and makes no attempts to stop her (canon in my story, just maybe not exactly like this).
Day 7: Prompt: "Date night" — Minnie and Beelzemon prepare for a night out while donning some more formal wear (non-canon).
Bonus Day: Prompt: "Missing the other" — Anne, now a demon, has important business to attend to in Hell that cannot be ignored. With her in Hell and Death on Earth with his siblings, he re-dons his mask as he waits for her return, and Anne counts the days until she is able to return to him (canon).
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autobot2001 · 1 month
My Love For You
Author: Autobot2001 Genre: Fanfiction Fandom: Transformers Rating: T Warning: Mention of poor mental health Pairing: Drift X Jamie (OC) Description: Drift plans a date night for him and Jamie. His friends are supportive. Drift hopes to remind Jamie she's loved and how much he loves her.
@chaos-company angstpril day 23; swept away @theocxcanonweek; "You're my everything."
Drift knows Jamie’s depression makes Jamie feel unloved. Causing her to feel she doesn’t have friends never mind a mech that loves her romantically. Remembering how great February was reminds him of how complicated Jamie’s mental health is. Drift isn’t sure if reminding Jamie how much he loves her is helpful or would make her negative thinking worse, but he wants to plan a date.
Drift knew the others would be supportive. He laughs hearing Lily tell Sunstreaker they should also go on a date tonight. “Hey, at least we’ll be out of the house,” Lily claims, ‘but Sideswipe won’t be coming with us.” “Hey!” The others laugh, but Drift thinks how Jamie doesn’t realize the friends he has. He hides the sadness with a smile. No one knows how much he’s been faking a smile this week. That the vacation hasn’t been enjoyable. “You’ll be with me,” Crosshairs says, “we’ll watch a movie in the theater room. Drift and Jamie watch movies in the living room on their dates.” “How would you know?” Lily asks, “you spy on them?!” The others laugh while Crosshairs is silent.
Sunstreaker and Lily leave for their date at five. Crosshairs and Sideswipe go watch movies and eat their dinner in the theater room. Using a groundbridge, Cade and Vivian choose to spend the night at their Texas home. Cogman enjoys helping Drift with these dates.
The silver, human-sized butler can see something is troubling Drift, but he doesn’t ask. He suspects Crosshairs will notice and attempt to talk to Drift. He worries Drift is doing what he hates Crosshairs does; refusing to talk about what’s on his mind until he’s angry. Drift and Jamie decide to eat their dinner in the living room. Both having chicken parmesan with a garlic sauce. Drift laughs at how much parmesan cheese Jamie adds.
Drift knew the two wouldn’t be talking while eating. He’s used to watching TV while eating. Drift and Crosshairs spending much time with Jamie partly contribute to the absence of topics to discuss. Drift remembers when the two mechs cannot return to Jamie’s dimension with her, she’d talk about her pets when they return to her dimension, or she returns to theirs. Now she doesn’t do that. Drift thinks. She seldom talks. The mech struggles to not ruin his mood thinking about this.
Once the two are done eating, Drift moves Jamie onto his lap. The smaller femme leans on him. “You remember when I told you I loved you, I said it was instant? You could say I let myself get swept away. Twelve years later and I still love you. You’re my everything. I just wish I could help you better.” Drift hugs Jamie and kisses her forehead. Hoping she’s not thinking negatively. He was hoping she’d respond like she had been doing in February, but isn’t taking it as she doesn’t love him. Drift doesn’t like how Jamie doesn’t always show her love and is afraid to say they are together, but he understands why. What he hates more is knowing humans don’t care like Cybertronians do. Yes, they’re still not perfect, but Drift feels like Cybertronians are more understanding and caring than humans.
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majesticstrwberii · 1 month
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yet again, another art flopping on twitter
Yosano Akiko, the dazai of bsd wlw ships and her wonderous godddesses
After 250 layers and exactly 10 hours, it is finally finished..
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vanillahina · 3 months
OCxCanon Week - Day 2
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Mundane Tasks - Baking!
Kieran and Hanako are baking an apple pie with apples they gathered at Apple Hills. And Hanako is hard at work!
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asenarieka · 2 months
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Day 6 of OC x Canon week “An intimate moment”
It’s quite simple but I still like how it turned out ‘^^ 
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rhaemaya-valwynn · 2 months
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The art (courtsey of @ahoge-fish once more for oc x Canon week: play fighting, since I missed it due to being sick again)
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Annnnnnd the reference (courtsey of yours truly)
God I love it when my gremlin terrorizes that man....
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moonbreeze19 · 2 months
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we were too close to the stars i never knew somebody like you, somebody falling just as hard - reflections
alarin tumblr debut?? for tsme week?? i think so i think yes! u can consider this a late day 6 post or day 7 i suppose, whatever u prefer!
(in summary: my oc, rin, and alain, have lived in my head rent free for 3 years now. they mean the world to me. i love them. to me, they are THE it couple <3)
details/about them below the break
rin yukino is a hyper competitive trainer with a (shiny) mega gardevoir, goal focused and independent to the point of flaw. born and raised in kalos, but with family from sinnoh, she had spent much of her childhood fitting into her parent's mold for a perfect daughter. she was a straight-a student, principal violinist, preparing to attend a top university - at 18, she realized that wasn't who she wanted to be anymore. she became a pokemon trainer instead.
(somewhat unimportantly, her usual trainer design consists of teal highlights in her hair, orange earrings shaped like the heart that goes through a mega gardevoir's chest, and a lot of black and gray. she matches diva, her gardevoir, like alain matches his charizard. they're both extra like that.)
she meets alain viard when they're both 22, shortly after the events of TSME act 4. she's on the gym challenge, and he's... alain. they battle, and he wins. twice in a row. then they go from rivals to rivals with benefits, then maybe even friends if they weren't both so emotionally reclusive i mean haha what-
alarin, aka rin "i'm stronger on my own" yukino and alain "i only destroy those around me" viard
even if he's won both times, alain can't help but be attracted one of the few people who can keep up with him, who cares about winning nearly as much as he does, who treats pokemon battling like it's all she has. he knows the feeling. he thinks she might understand him.
she's half of the reason behind both his decision to fill out his team beyond charizard and his decision to challenge the gyms
when they fall apart, just a month before the team flare crisis, i like to think of them like a supernova. short lived but bright and brilliant. doomed from the start.
the details of their falling out are complicated, so we'd be here all day if i tried to explain.
rin fails to stand by him during the fight against lysandre. she doesn't have the courage to. but she does, however, find him in the aftermath. she helps him heal and pick up the broken pieces. that's where 99% of their relationship really comes from.
i filter them into the category titled "couples written by taylor swift's the great war" and if you know you know
because it's important to me, rin gets along great with mairin.
at first she's a bit annoyed by her over-enthusiasm. rin is cold, blunt, realistic, and introverted, mairin is the opposite of all of those things. but once she sees how much mairin means to alain she does a full 180
and mairin's only ever had older brothers (both in her biological family and in alain), so having rin around to show her how to do her hair, her makeup, AND annoy the hell out of alain when appropriate is her favorite thing ever.
they are very good at bullying alain into taking care of himself (because he is very bad at that, as we all know.)
eventually, rin will go on to become one of the kalos elite four, after malva gets arrested (for being Very Fucking Evil).
one of my favorite things ever to think about is how the random internet people would claim "rin is only with alain to try and get famous" (and also make lengthy twitter/x callout threads on how alain is a problematic person because of his team flare involvement, and therefore decently-well-known league challenger rin yukino is also problematic by proxy), only for alain to generally avoid the public spotlight (there are lots of headcanons here. in short, he goes to university) and rin to be hired as elite four. and then she becomes far more famous as a result. and then the internet trolls are like "...oh." and a majority of the general population doesn't even know she and alain are a thing, because it's only obvious if you scrolled intensely through her instagram account.
i don't know why alarin getting stupid hate threads on twitter/x is the funniest thing to me but it really, really is!!
the internet is convinced alarin is a manipulative ploy on rin's end and one day she reads one of the twitter threads making all these claims about what she's done and she just goes "bitch i did what" and finds it absolutely hilarious
ANYWAYS that is all for now!! this post is so long and this is barely scratching the surface?? they mean so much to me i'm so sorry 😭😭
if literally anybody ever wants to hear about them i will share more. i would cry happy tears.
thank you so much for reading this if you did!! i'm so glad i got to share them for tsme week!
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caramelizedgutz · 4 hours
GIANT ART DROP INCOMING!!!! (multi-fandom or just varied stuff!!)
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cinnamonconi · 7 months
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YGO OC Week, Day 4: Relationships
I drew this for pocky day too! | @ygoc-week
While Kousei worked at Heartland Tower, he was against the idea of getting close with others. He barely talked with anyone at work, and people tended to avoid him. He’d stay until late in the archives, as he also had to compensate by studying on his own. He’d just follow orders from Faker and work on his daily tasks, but after his first meeting with Chris, he would suddenly start to find him everywhere he went
His relationship with Christopher is the most important one, as he was the first person he considered his friend, and felt comfortable enough around him when they both worked at Heartland Tower.
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texasflowers · 1 year
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HigoKlara nation.......... population: ✨me✨
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vampyrictus · 8 months
i am thinking about laera and astarion.
astarion saying, "i love you", but also "i adore you."
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empressofthelibrary · 4 months
how the fuck is the "no it would be weird if we kissed... unless...?" prompt the one that's throwing me? this is usually my jam.
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squeesquoo · 1 year
So, I finally got around to doing day 2 of OC x Canon week! For this, I chose the prompt "Just one little kiss..."
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I just thought it would be cute! I would also like to mention that I will be doing OC x Canon week VERY slowly, as I have a lot going on rn, so I can't really draw on a daily basis ✌
Anyway, here are the prompts again, for those who may be interested!
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caescloud · 1 year
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Day 3: Caress of the Face
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cutexiora-blog · 1 year
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Fifth day! "Theres this myth about the Yuki-Onna, but the thing is, she is also scared and shy when is close to mortals. "Forgive me!" say a scared Ofelia after scaring them by accident
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