#oc: Natsuki
ashwithane · 2 months
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new dnd character just dropped! their name is natsuki and it’s a little kitsune archivist gremlin
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mxanigel · 4 months
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Thanks to kind suggestions from @poetikat and @korblez, I have new portraits for my Watcher, Natsuki! I'm pretty pleased with how these images turned out despite the respective picrews not being explicitly for godlike characters.
Her purple hair + blue skin combines my favorite colors. ^_^ And I don't know whether moon godlike are supposed to have pointy ears, but I'm giving them to Natsuki because I can.
picrew links: top right | bottom left | bottom right
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tanjir0se · 1 month
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Half-baked backstory below the cut !
Star breather, dual wields two Nichirin that can connect into a long staff. Energetic, reckless, kind but extremely stubborn, thinks she’s really funny but literally isnt.
Met Natsuki at final selection and barely made it through thanks to his help.
Began training in first aid/Kakushi work at the Kocho sisters’ house for wayward girls (very bad at it due to natural inability to follow directions/listen/not make trouble)
That came to an end after Kanae was killed, she wanted to fight for revenge so was paired with Natsuki (Tomioka’s first attempt at mentoring/taking a tsuguko (didn’t work)(made them both weirder))on a mission where she discovered kind of on accident that she could star breathe
Given to Tengen for Tsuguko training 1. Because she is also a dual wielder and he requested and 2. because if she broke one more thing at the butterfly mansion Shinobu and Aoi were going to go insane
Grew close with Natsuki because they were assigned to multiple missions together because 1. Tengen kept volunteering her because he was ALSO going to go insane if Sakuya didn’t learn to grow some fucking responsibility and later 2. Because Tengen found it INCREDIBLY funny that Giyuu’s tsuguko had a crush on his
On a mission that could have made them both Hashira, Natsuki was turned into a demon by Kokushibo. Devastated, Sakuya was unable to slay either of them and later quit her training despite Tengen’s insistence she stay and went back to kakushi work/rogue slaying. Like, kakushi by day and slayer by night. Ig
She has run into Natsuki (now a demon) several times and neither can manage to kill the other so they end up weird half secret friends ?
Natsuki 🌌
Void breather—>Demon. Extremely shy, thoughtful, intelligent and determined but insecure and prone to overthinking. As a demon, superiority complex, hates both humans and other demons, almost feral. Wields a [REDACTED because Cam hasn’t decided yet lmfao]
Self taught with his own breathing style because he tried literally every other one and nothing worked. He had to work extremely hard and do almost everything the hard way to finally make it to final selection. Considers himself to be a naturally unlucky person.
Became Giyuu’s tsuguko because the Master saw something special in him (maybe the fact that he invented void breathing lol) and thought their personalities would mesh, but also that it would be easy for Giyuu because he and Natsuki were fairly similar in age.
They do mesh! But Natsuki is functionally mute so. Um. He learns a lot from Giyuu like sword wise but not so much …socially.
Despite feeling like the odd one out/a fish out of water because his friend Sakuya already knows all of the Hashira due to her learning from Shinobu, and he can barely manage to speak to his own mentor, he gains power and skill extremely quickly because he’s extremely determined and just wants to work hard.
EXTREMELY shy and finds himself disappearing into the background, except to Sakuya, who initially believes he doesn’t like her and makes it her mission to get him to
(He did like her he just sucks at saying it)
(He is completely in love with her and Sakuya, known dumbass, is oblivious)
He opens up to her on their missions and tries to protect her both out of love and out of a sense of ‘paying her back’ for the many, MANY times her medical training has saved his ass. They bond over their as of yet undetermined tragic backstories.
After being turned into a demon he retains next to nothing about his former life but is captivated by the times he sees Sakuya from a distance. The closer he gets the more he remembers so he finds himself seeking her out.
I’m going to start going through my ideas for Star and Void breathing because they’re cool as hell and I want to make move names !!! Also I haven’t made a self insert since LITERALLY 2011 so. Turns out it’s really fun cool and based and everyone should do it always
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elementkittenklaws · 1 year
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Happy Trans Day of Visibility! (featuring my newest character, Natsuki)
(reblogs appreciated!)
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snorsii · 2 years
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hot boy summer ft. my gay ass ocs
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5poundlobster · 4 months
☆OC: Natsuki
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Name: Natsuki Moriyama Nickname(s): Natsu-senpai Age: 20/21 Birthday: 11/17 Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight
•Appearance Hair color: Orange/red Eye color: Orange Height: 178 cm (5' 10")
•Relationships Parents: Admires them Siblings: Is an only child Friends: very small group for friends Partner(s): Takashi Morinozuka
•4 facts about her: °Insecure about her height °Loves fashion and also wants to be a clothes designer °Is really good at sports and used to sub in school sports teams °She's an otaku
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radiantrudi · 12 days
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It's the Cool Ass Trans Club!!!
club members include me, @murninatair, Livvy and Noty!
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buttercatrho · 5 days
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i wanted to draw but didnt know what so heres a bunch of ms paint doodles of whoever i could pick out of my brain
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toxicfucksaround · 9 months
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Doki doki girlfriends club
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un-bear-ably-weird · 1 year
Just those gay boylosers who i am quite fond of
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cookikixp · 20 days
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this was a dtiys for my friend on insta (cried bc i kinda suck at paper,,, traditional art damn..)
their name is @/aikaku_143 on insta
annd natsuki bc my friend wanted me to:3
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pluss another thing i drew for my friend on insta (dtiys)
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↑ this for @/ozymandias.jpg_ on insta
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cage-cat-yt · 26 days
Part 3 of art dump, one drawing after this one
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The Medic one is my favorite he's so babygirl even tho he'd probably kill me 😭 also the colors on Natsuki look nice :3
Anyway, thanks for reading! Remember to self care and hydrate and I hope you have a good day :)
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mxanigel · 4 months
Incoming Pillars of Eternity rambles! (I tried to make my thoughts coherent. Emphasis on tried.) Now that I've reached Defiance Bay, I've been devouring the game this weekend to help me recuperate from recent life stuff, but this morning I had to pause to digest how much the events have affected Natsuki.
For context, Natsuki is a crime-solving moon godlike scientist ranger who initially leans clever, rational, stoic (except for certain things). Diplomatic tendencies partly arise from navigating her pursuit of science and clues and from being a moon godlike. Rational thinking because scientist and because that mindset helped her develop archery skills early on. Prefers honesty to lies but will bend the truth if it helps someone else. Yet becoming a Watcher and learning more than she ever wanted to know about Awakening and soul manipulation… well, that understandably changes a person. She never expected to be considered benevolent. But benevolence is understandable when you're able to read someone else's soul, isn't it?
Recent Caed Nua things:
Natsuki explored more levels in the Endless Paths and got gut punched by Kana's discovery of the truth of the Tanvii ora Toha (Book of Virtues, ooooof)
Was called to court over a dispute of ownership and ended up able to keep Caed Nua because said disputer is a pathetic person
Loves her Mechanics bonus from resting at the stronghold -> she's much less likely to trigger traps now! to her companions' relief
Recent events:
Natsuki imprisoned the impostor of a drug dealer (who later escaped…) and probably meddled too much in the relationship between the real drug dealer and his ex? fiancee
She helped a kid get a fancy dagger and totally burst his bubble by revealing she'd already discovered the secret stashing spot near the amphitheater
Wandered catacombs in search of the source of a long-dead voice and accidentally moved forward a main quest by stumbling into the temple of Woedica (a moon godlike trying to wear a hood doesn't go well, haha) -> ended up taking down creepy catacombs dude and then convincing the quest-giver to destroy the amulet
Spoke at length with a talking statue and has a growing concern with how souls are treated in this world (okay maybe that's more me than Natsuki) with a side effect of starting to wonder whether pursuit of science is worth the cost
Was a bit too giddy about offering Aloth as a "volunteer" to investigate his soul duality condition (she made the two of them talk to each other like adults and was adamantly against him destroying the data gathered in the process)
Retrieved a scroll and instead of returning it, she buried it because a god(?!) asked her to
Discovered Durance's involvement with the Godhammer
Later stumbled across a piece of the Godhammer bomb
Was wholly unprepared to enter the North Ward of the Sanitarium (what. the. fuck.) and ended up killing Azo
Found a ghost who didn't realize he was a ghost playing guide at the above-ground entrance(?) to the temple of Woedica
Drooled with Kana over the bookshelves in the Hall of Revealed Mysteries but came to her senses long enough to use Grimda's key to help an animancy researcher get a text useful in their studies
Figured going to Heritage Hill wouldn't be a big deal and then got wrecked
Also now they're getting attacked by assassins in Defiance Bay
But hey, at least those events boosted Natsuki's reputation enough for Edér to access the records he's been seeking…
Okay. So the Heritage Hill thing. It was bad enough to stumble across the plight of a terrified child surviving amidst the unliving. And then find that an undead soldier was luring her compatriots to their deaths. But that damned tower. Specifically, talking to Icantha about it. The pride of hers that Natsuki felt, the pride Natsuki had to chip away from to reach a rational conclusion, the pride that resonated with Natsuki's own sense of identity. The pride that casually manipulated countless souls… for what purpose? Knowledge? Power? Control? People aren't playthings, aren't resources, aren't materials. They are people. The living shouldn't be abused by the dead.
Yet what it takes for Natsuki to chip away at that pride… is talking like she once herself did about being a scientist. About pursuing knowledge and understanding and wisdom. She convinces Icantha to give up that pride under the hope that Natsuki will carry the knowledge forward on her behalf. And then Natsuki overloads the tower so that no one else can abuse those souls. Despite knowing the souls would be destroyed, it's better than them being abused. Isn't it?
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Now Natsuki has too many questions storming through her already overly-taxed mind: What does it mean to be "good"? What does it mean to pursue knowledge? Can knowledge be gained without harm or sacrifice? When is that knowledge worth the cost?
Her remaining tether is helping her companions. Who occasionally seem to notice when she's faltering. Thank the gods for Sagani and Edér and, well, everyone in her party.
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jdrider02 · 3 months
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crossover mecha AU stuff idk 3-14-2024
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im so full of hatred, like a Twinkie of cream
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Thanks for Tumblr for ruining the quality 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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zuccki · 4 months
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Soo, let's continue with my oc mha kids! Now the Kirishima family~
Natsuki was born after an internal fight, some life-changing decision taking and many following miscarriages. Children were the last Katsuki was aiming for, but bonding with Izuku's son made him feel a certain type of emptiness - both of them got pregnant at the same time but only Haruki was born, because Izuku wasn't after ratings and didn't make becoming number one hero his main life goal. And he also had a very experienced, calm and supportive spouse(Rody), whereas Katsuki made Eijirou as nervous and uncertain as he was and also got very distant at that first time.
Haruki made Katsuki change his mind, but Natsuki was born only around 4,5 years later - and only after Katsuki completely quit hero work for that time. Born one month early, she's gonna live for all those before her - and she's doing it successfully, believe me!
A bit about her quirk: since she's mostly like Katsuki, they thought it's the same explosion. As it +turned out, if she gets really agitated, her skin may harden very insignificantly. Maybe with time and lots of training she might get somewhere with it? For now, she only gets really embarrassed when it goes all over her face (because that's what fifteen year old teens care about, even if she's the daughter of two famous heroes)
Follow me on Twitter for more!
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