#so dual wielder it is
tanjir0se · 1 month
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Half-baked backstory below the cut !
Star breather, dual wields two Nichirin that can connect into a long staff. Energetic, reckless, kind but extremely stubborn, thinks she’s really funny but literally isnt.
Met Natsuki at final selection and barely made it through thanks to his help.
Began training in first aid/Kakushi work at the Kocho sisters’ house for wayward girls (very bad at it due to natural inability to follow directions/listen/not make trouble)
That came to an end after Kanae was killed, she wanted to fight for revenge so was paired with Natsuki (Tomioka’s first attempt at mentoring/taking a tsuguko (didn’t work)(made them both weirder))on a mission where she discovered kind of on accident that she could star breathe
Given to Tengen for Tsuguko training 1. Because she is also a dual wielder and he requested and 2. because if she broke one more thing at the butterfly mansion Shinobu and Aoi were going to go insane
Grew close with Natsuki because they were assigned to multiple missions together because 1. Tengen kept volunteering her because he was ALSO going to go insane if Sakuya didn’t learn to grow some fucking responsibility and later 2. Because Tengen found it INCREDIBLY funny that Giyuu’s tsuguko had a crush on his
On a mission that could have made them both Hashira, Natsuki was turned into a demon by Kokushibo. Devastated, Sakuya was unable to slay either of them and later quit her training despite Tengen’s insistence she stay and went back to kakushi work/rogue slaying. Like, kakushi by day and slayer by night. Ig
She has run into Natsuki (now a demon) several times and neither can manage to kill the other so they end up weird half secret friends ?
Natsuki 🌌
Void breather—>Demon. Extremely shy, thoughtful, intelligent and determined but insecure and prone to overthinking. As a demon, superiority complex, hates both humans and other demons, almost feral. Wields a [REDACTED because Cam hasn’t decided yet lmfao]
Self taught with his own breathing style because he tried literally every other one and nothing worked. He had to work extremely hard and do almost everything the hard way to finally make it to final selection. Considers himself to be a naturally unlucky person.
Became Giyuu’s tsuguko because the Master saw something special in him (maybe the fact that he invented void breathing lol) and thought their personalities would mesh, but also that it would be easy for Giyuu because he and Natsuki were fairly similar in age.
They do mesh! But Natsuki is functionally mute so. Um. He learns a lot from Giyuu like sword wise but not so much …socially.
Despite feeling like the odd one out/a fish out of water because his friend Sakuya already knows all of the Hashira due to her learning from Shinobu, and he can barely manage to speak to his own mentor, he gains power and skill extremely quickly because he’s extremely determined and just wants to work hard.
EXTREMELY shy and finds himself disappearing into the background, except to Sakuya, who initially believes he doesn’t like her and makes it her mission to get him to
(He did like her he just sucks at saying it)
(He is completely in love with her and Sakuya, known dumbass, is oblivious)
He opens up to her on their missions and tries to protect her both out of love and out of a sense of ‘paying her back’ for the many, MANY times her medical training has saved his ass. They bond over their as of yet undetermined tragic backstories.
After being turned into a demon he retains next to nothing about his former life but is captivated by the times he sees Sakuya from a distance. The closer he gets the more he remembers so he finds himself seeking her out.
I’m going to start going through my ideas for Star and Void breathing because they’re cool as hell and I want to make move names !!! Also I haven’t made a self insert since LITERALLY 2011 so. Turns out it’s really fun cool and based and everyone should do it always
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sea-lanterns · 4 months
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foxglves · 3 days
so of course I am elated that my two favorite sports teams made it to the finals, because no matter who wins I'll be satisfied, but also my two favorite sports teams made it to the finals, which means all of the sports bloggers I follow are aligned with one or the other, which means my entire dashboard is going to be overrun with nuclear levels of toxicity for the next. month or so. my mutuals were ALREADY sending death threats to each other earlier in the playoffs when it wasn't the finals ? and these teams weren't even playing each other ?
oh well. I know asking you all to be chill won't accomplish anything so I will simply live in my own beautiful world and enact my own kindhearted will.
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revvethasmythh · 25 days
I do think the idea of Dorian taking Otohan's blade is interesting! Although I believe he still has the Gambler's Blade from Bertrand, so he might use that instead.
I spent so long rewatching 94 for a specific piece of info that ended up not even being in the episode, it was in the cooldown for the episode, so sorry it took so long to reply, i was in deep battle with myself (could NOT remember where robbie said this one thing).
that said, yeah! he might be using the gambler's blade! a la the cooldown, robbie said dorian is fully unequipped right now, no weapons, no nothing (which is why he was afraid of arriving at the fearne and orym fight, because he apparently had no armor or weapons on hand) but I wasn't sure if that's just because robbie hadn't equipped the items from his backpack yet for the love of RP (hasn't had a quiet moment to do so) or if he was in actual need of items. the way robbie said it made me think he needed some items, but the bells hells liveshow art shows him with a rapier, so he might still end up using the gambler's blade!
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nomiyakazehaya · 3 months
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sorry, kh brainrot really got to me, y'all 😔 very eepy and tired, hand and wrist ache
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animezinglife · 4 months
There's something so satisfying about Delphine being her usual motivated, whip-cracking self and making her wait impatiently while your character has a moment with her boyfriend.
Relax, Delphine. The dragons will still be there tomorrow.
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gynandromorph · 5 months
vein in my neck throbbing because i want to play the sorcadin and wizorlock but i'm still in act 1 on my magic missile tactician build file like haven't even done the underdark or creche yet act 1
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clovernment · 10 months
ukitake mvp for literally refusing to fight with a kid he said GO HOME CHILD
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nonbinaryphantom · 11 months
for reaper au valerie i have this one gif playing in my brain everytime i think of her
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afterthefeast · 6 days
new warden is lugh tabris btw!! he’s sort of the perfect city elf; family-oriented, deeply embedded in his community, kind and charming and funny. a perfect future elder. committed to helping city elves as much as he can; idealistic but still practical. deep down however he is a deeply angry man, and the smooth exterior covers a rage he doesn’t know is there until it’s too late (he has brutally slaughtered vaughan). this is sort of the start of lugh discovering the concept of direct action. i’m kind of going for a sort of classic farmboy-becomes-hero vibe but the farm boy is a city elf and therefore can never be the hero he has to be the sidekick. but really he is the Hero. i am romancing alistair for this reason
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kenobihater · 3 months
giving obi-wan both a kal dagger and a beskad in the MTB re-write as a treat 😌
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catcr4ft · 5 months
+5 Wis ……… finally ……….
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Okay, it's 2:20 something pm at night and I need to be dying in bed but I needed to share this thought first (wasn't able to earlier cuz of endless chores).
So you know that little brother Cameraman with the red shirt and that comment about him being Plunger Cameraman's apprentice. Well I thought 'hey why not, right?' Maybe he convinced P-Cam to take him under his wings because he wants to be brave and skilled like him and his late older brother and to make his brother proud wherever he is. P-Cam does so because the little brother's dead bro was one of his closest companions (being a black Cameraman and stuff) and he feels like he needs to protect his friend's only surviving family left in some way. He can't be there all the time to protect the little brother so this was a better choice.
Also sorry for dumping random thoughts on the character you hyperfixating but this thought won't leave my head all day 😅 Am sure you can come up with something more amazing for these guys ^⁠_⁠^👍
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thinking intensely about the twin lightning swords from the seven swordsmen of the mist
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paranormal-potatoes · 2 years
turns out, using shields can help
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arb0k · 2 years
holy shit the new 5e thri-kreen race is busted
120ft telepathy alone would have been a nice major feature but they get that, advantage on all stealth checks, natural armor, and the extra arms
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