#oasis archives
lonely-soul-02 · 11 months
Calling Oasis historians...
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Can anyone help?
Going through my old CD singles from back in the day and discovered this.
I have no memory of it and it has literally been sitting in my collection undisturbed for 21 years!
It includes an 'exclusive interview with Noel, Liam and Gem' but to play it you need a PC with a disc drive, which I no longer have, of course.
Does anyone know what this interview could be and if it's on Youtube?
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deerspherestudios · 2 months
I love your game <3 like don't even worry about answering this it's just for you, but I love your game. Genuinely love it. I think about it sometimes and feel happy that it exists. I play it through sometimes and enjoy how well made all of it (dialogue, set up, the art, characterization) is. I hope your days are good, and if not, I hope they turn good— failing that, I believe wholeheartedly that you can turn them good <3 Good luck with everything
Waaa thank you so much ;;;; ❤️❤️❤️
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maeo-png · 11 days
‘peter tells jon elias’ plan and lives and goes with jmart thru the apocalypse’ is concept i don’t think people have realised has immense comedic potential
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cryptidvoidwritings · 3 months
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instagram story: Feb 17, 2024
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welcometoteyvat · 3 months
sorush :]
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dazeddemona · 2 years
women these warriors and such
beat me every shade of blue it is I, who will take reign -- over u.
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over u.
over u.
i hope to share my art, my pain, and my progress, virtues, psycho-dull-icky annotations and furthermore, I hope to paint these beautiful vixens in cascading colors and may they inspire us all through the night
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ihavethedreamies · 30 days
Oasis | S.Coups
Choi Seungcheol (S.Coups - Seventeen)
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Rating: M (18+) MDNI
Word Count: ~4.6k
Pairing: S.Coups x AFAB!Reader
Genre: Sci-Fi AU!, Reader-Insert, Smut, Some Plot, Hookup/One-Night-Stand/Strangers to Fucking
!!This is smut…if that much isn't clear you should probably leave now!! MDNI!
Warnings: She/Her Pronouns used, Violence (mentions of weapons, but nothing else), Pet Names (Doll, Sweetheart, Princess, Pumpkin, etc.), Daddy Kink (as required by law), Swearing, Kissing, Thigh-Riding, Cockwarming, Couch Sex, Slight Breathplay, Soft Dom! S.Coups, Unprotected Sex (Use a condom!), He's got some ~fancy~ tattoos ;)
Author's Note: Okay this one was…normally I can stay calm writing, but not for a Scoops. He's just so fucking hot…
-> Hoshi's <-
-> Woozi's <-
-> Wonwoo's <-
I am cross-posting this on Archive. Please reblog! If you know anyone that would like this or future fics but they aren't on here my name and icon are exactly the same on the other site. Happy reading!
Taglist: @gaslysainz
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The only problem with being in a small village in the middle of the desert is there were very few places to hide. You turned a corner around a sandstone building into an alleyway. Luckily, there was a pile of crates with a small enough hole for you to hide. Crawling into the space, you tried to stay as quiet as possible while also catching your breath. You worried your panting would be too loud. You clutched your bag close to you, not wanting to lose the contents again. Having found what seems to be an extremely valuable artifact, you had tried desperately to get it back after it had been stolen. You had reported the chunk of crystal to the Assembly and they said it was possibly valuable enough to bring to headquarters. Though, while you were camping out, about a third of the way through a four-day journey, your camp was ransacked, and your crystal stolen. You followed the thieves that turned out to essentially be a gang, and you took it back. They had found you though and had been chasing you for a good hour. They obviously understood the crystal's value if they were pursuing you so intently. Peaking around the crates, you saw a few of the goons run down the street past the alley, but you weren't brave enough to get away yet.
"Fuck!" You shrieked, a hand having grabbed your braid at the base, hauling you out of your hiding hole. Your hands grappled at his, trying to get him to let you go, legs scrambling on the ground.
"You stupid bitch-" He grumbled, yanking your hair harder till you fell back against his legs.
"Where's the rock?" He snapped and you just glared up at him, not wanting him to realize if you looked at your bag. You grunted at the tug on your hair, but immediately stopped wiggling when you felt something metal press against your neck.
"If I get this back from you, the boss might just promote me-"
"Kind of hard to get a promotion with an extra hole in your head." A new voice spoke and you could feel the gangster freeze behind you, the knife pressed to your neck retreating slightly. You assumed this new man had pressed his own weapon, a blaster most likely, against the guy's head.
"Drop the knife." This new man's voice was steady, strong, and you felt safe already. You heard the blade clatter on the ground, and the hold on your braid released, so you scrambled away from the gangster. Instead of going forward, you basically crawled around and behind the aggressor, and stopped once you were safely behind your rescuer. Just from behind, you could tell he was strong, his bare arms showed his biceps were nearly as big as your thigh, maybe bigger. Smooth geometric tattoos painted his arms, looking similar to a circuit board. His hair was bright red, slicked back just enough to keep the longer strands out of his face, the ends resting just above his shoulders. He had a belt strapped around his torso over his vest, various things attached to it along with several ammo cartridges. Another strap around one of his thick thighs had the holster for his blaster and his pants were tucked into a pair of knee-high combat boots.
"Now screw off before you can't." The man pulled his blaster away, but literally kicked the guy's ass, sending him onto his face a few feet forward. The gangster scrambled to his feet and fled. Once he was gone, the man before you turned around finally and your breath left you right after you had caught it back. He was fucking gorgeous. You wondered if the slit in his eyebrow was from a scar, or just for looks, it was hard to tell in the dark light.
"Are you okay, doll?" He kneeled in front of you, even like that you felt tiny…Tinier than usual. You wondered if he could see your reddened face in the low light.
"Y-yes." You nodded, letting him wrap his hands around your arms to help you stand up. Your own hands went to his biceps, trying hard not to squeeze to test the muscle there, and your shaking legs finally got you up. You wished he didn't have the leather gloves on so you could feel more of his bare skin on yours. After you were both up, the top of your head only reached his chin, and he smelled good-
"Why were they after you?" he asked and you had to step back to look at him even with your head tipped up.
"Uh…" You weren’t sure if he was trustworthy, even if he saved you. Maybe he just wanted the crystal for himself…
"It's okay, doll. I'm a Ranger." He pulled the chain around his neck up and out of his shirt, an upside-down triangle-like designed pendant on the end. You recognized it, and the title, so you relaxed. They were basically freelance, vigilante, bounty-hunter guys. They would help people in need and take out or get criminals without having to worry about legal red tape. It was an elite group, and their identities were not widely known. Sighing in relief at the news, you opened your satchel and pulled the crystal out. It wasn't refined and it was pretty heavy. You handed the rock to him and he looked it over, holding it easily with one hand while he holstered his blaster. The thin but tight black shirt he had on under his utility vest struggled over his chest as he did so, when he spoke you finally brought your attention away.
"This is a diamond, doll." He smiled and your jaw dropped. No wonder it was so valuable. That would make sense why the Assembly Headquarters wanted it, they had the largest bank on the planet.
"Yep." He once again held the gem in one hand, pulling a device out of a pocket of his utility belt. The Ranger clicked the end against the gem and looked at the panel on the side as the device beeped.
"About 13 hundred carats." He smirked, arching one of his thick eyebrows.
"Where'd you find this?"
"I'm a Scavenger, so I look for scrap and crashed ships or satellites. This was in some wreckage out near Dekkos." you told him, a bit surprised he handed the gem back to you.
"Are you bringing it to the capital?"
"You will probably have more of those gangsters plus anyone else who finds out after you, why don't I escort you?"
"You would do that?"
"Of course, doll. I'm Seungcheol, but my team calls me S.Coups."
"S.Coups?" you questioned and he chuckled, a bit embarrassed.
"Uh, the S is for Seungcheol, and then coups like coup-d'état."
"You overthrow someone?"
"Well, kind of. Our first mission was to get a corrupt mayor out of power, so…" He smiled, somehow his extremely handsome face looked cute.
"Are you sure you don't mind escorting me?"
"I told you," he leaned forward so he was more eye level, "of course I don't mind."
"Can I call you Cheol?" you asked him, his name was kind of long and you weren't sure about his nick name…
"Of course, doll. What do I call you?" You told him your name in response and when he said it with a smile, your ovaries exploded.
"I know its late, but I was planning on getting to the next town over, it's about an hour, is that okay?" he asked you as you followed him to the main street and toward the edge of the village. You had wrapped the diamond up in a head scarf you had and tucked it back in your satchel. Cheol suggested you grab your stuff from your rover and leave it for the time being, since more goons might know it's yours. He wouldn't even let you carry your own bag.
"That diamond is enough for you to carry, (Y/N)." When you got to his own rover, you halted in shock. Not only was it new, but it was a really nice model too. Yours was nearly thirty years old and was not exactly top of the line, even new.
"Oh, this belongs to the whole group. I just have it most of the time since I'm the leader."
"You're the leader?" You hadn't known that.
"Well, kind of. I'm co-commander along with Woozi." He opened the passenger door for you and you climbed up onto the wheel and into the rover. The seats were nice, and actually seats versus what looked like a restaurant booth. The inside panels were just a flat holo-screen, and it even had heating. Your rover only had air-conditioning, so at night it could be kind of cold. You asked him a series of questions as you drove to the next town, and he answered each one humbly. Your eyes kept flitting to his hands on the steering wheel, then up his arms and traced every line of his tattoos, to his side profile-
"Your eyes might burn me, doll." He tried not to smirk, casting you a knowing side glance. You floundered for an excuse.
"Its fine, sweetheart." Seungcheol rested back in the seat and you shuffled in your own seat, your face not the only part of you heating up. By the time you reached the next town, all you wanted to do was get in bed, and maybe get him inside you…
"Do you mind sharing a hotel room, I can keep you safer that way." His suggestion was genuine, truly just wanting to protect you. And you were more than willing.
"That's fine!" Seungcheol smirked, walking past you into the hotel, one much nicer than the inns or motels you usually stayed at. You cringed at your own eagerness, following after him with your head bowed in embarrassment.
"Can we get a suite with two bedrooms?" He pulled his credit chit out, the hotelier tapped on her console telling you there was one available on the fifth floor. You watched her as she worked, and she kept looking up at Seungcheol and all over him. She wasn't blind, you didn’t blame her. He took the room and you balked at the price.
"Don't worry, doll." He cast you a gentle smile, so you didn't. Judging by his rover, even if he claimed it was the whole group's, he had money to spare. You followed after him, casting a glance back at the hotelier who was glaring at you. Wanting to stick your tongue out at her like a child, you restrained yourself and waited for the elevator with him. Right as the lift was reaching the ground floor, a group of about seven entered and headed toward the elevators as well. Because of this, the lift was full, and you pressed your small self into the corner, Seungcheol working as a barrier between you and the group of men that had entered as well. You doubted they even knew you were there. They had left the button pressed for the fifth floor, and you both waited for them to get out, then headed in the opposite direction. He tapped the clear card against the lock and it dinged, opening with a click. He carried both of your bags in and you looked around the suite in awe, never having stayed somewhere so nice.
"I'm going to shower quick." Seungcheol deposited your bag in one of the bedrooms and headed toward the other. There was a bathroom attached to each room and so you followed suit. Only taking a rinse off since you had showered the night before, you found yourself watching some show on the couch. You had changed into shorts and a tank instead of your leather leggings and vest. Your knees were pulled to your chest, feet resting on the cushion, and you were really trying to focus on the show. It was so hard though to not think of him in the shower. He was too freaking hot and there was only a door in between you and him. Naked.
"Fucking fuck…" You huffed at yourself, trying to snap out of your pervy thoughts, but it was futile. Especially since he had just come out in nothing but his pants. At least he wasn't just in a towel, but his muscular and toned body was perfectly on display. He had more of the circuit-like tattoos curling up over his shoulders and down his chest and sides of his stomach. You had noticed earlier not only were his arms and thighs thick, but he had a butt too. Fuck. He saw you gaping at him, it was kind of hard not to. It was like you had zoned out…or in rather, on him and he huffed a laugh, a bit embarrassed. However, he felt more smug than anything and his own eyes flicked over your mostly bare legs and the low cut of your tank. He would be lying if he said he wasn't just as attracted to you as you seemed to be to him. It was up to you make a move though… When you snapped out of it and your eyes met his, he was smirking and hummed with an inquisitive tone.
"Yes?" He teased and you choked on your saliva some, eyes flitting back over his bare chest.
"You curious?" You nodded dumbly.
"Come here, then." Seungcheol smiled and he nearly guffawed at how fast you leaped off the couch, but you approached much slower. You stopped right before him, hand coming up and hovering over his skin. You flitted your gaze up to his face and he nodded, taking a sip out of the bottle he was holding. As soon as your fingertips met his warm skin, the other hand flew up and you brought them down to rest on his abs.
"Fucking hell." You whispered and he really tried not to laugh, but you could feel his chest rumble a bit. Tracing each curve and angle of the tattoos snaking over him, you noticed they seemed to let out a slight reddish glow, lagging behind your tracing fingers over the black lines. Your mouth was hung open as you touched him like he was the best thing you had ever had the pleasure of touching, and he smirked harder. Getting annoyed with his smugness, even though it was warranted and caused by you, you dug your dull nails in a bit and scratched down. Seungcheol sighed, a low groan rumbling out after and your cunt clenched around nothing.
"What-?!" You squeaked as he crouched a bit, wrapping one around your upper thighs under your butt, and easily lifted you up against his shoulder. He carried you over to the couch, his bottle still in his hand and you wondered if he could hear your heart pounding. He could probably also feel your wet leaking through your panties and shorts.  You glanced down and saw that the tattoos were on his back too. The man sat on the couch, adjusting you on his lap so you were straddling one of his thighs. You nearly whined, having to spread your legs pretty wide to accommodate, and you could feel the hard muscle through his pants. While they weren't super tight, with how he was sitting, the stretched over his thigh just right. He smirked again as he took another drink, your shorts so thin he could feel your pussy clench as you settled.
"Whatcha thinkin' about, doll?" Your fingers were lazily and lightly rubbing over his skin, it tickled a bit. Those tattoos definitely shimmered when you touched them…
"Can I ride your thigh?" Your voice was so soft that despite how close you were, he almost didn't hear you.
"You want that, sweetheart?"
"Yes, -dy." He barely heard the last part, your face blossoming red when you let the word slip, eyes widening in panic. Seungcheol groaned when he heard it, adjusting his footing and bounced his leg under you a bit, forcing it up and against your needy cunt.
"You wanna ride daddy's thigh, pumpkin?"
"Fuck, yes please~" You gasped, but held back from moving, nodding.
"Go ahead, then." He took a casual sip from the bottle, glancing over your shoulder at the TV like he was actually focusing on it. He licked his lips, swallowing a chuckle when you began to grind down onto his leg, so hard he felt your pulse from your core. Your little mewls grew louder when you leaned forward, losing strength in the rest of your body, resting your forehead on his collarbone. Your fingers dug into the waist of his pants on either side of you, getting closer and closer. While Cheol had his number of sexcapades, he had never had a girl be this eager to fuck herself on his leg. Most of the time he was worried if they would find out he didn't, by any means, mind getting called daddy. You were the first one though to jump on it immediately, and with no hint or prompting from him. He was thanking fate that he was the one that rescued you.
"I'm-" You gasped, your hips stuttering.
"Close, pumpkin?" He finally put the bottle down, his arm curling around your waist, helping you keep your rhythm. His face got close to yours, so much so your lips were barely touching and he swallowed your moan, invading your mouth with his tongue. You fell apart then, whining as he helped you ride out your high, catching every little noise you made with his lips. Your head was swimming, you nearly gasped for air when he left the kiss. Your panties were sticking to your even wetter folds, and he could feel that your slick had soaked through his pants too.
"Did a good job, sweetheart."
"Thanks, daddy." It seemed you were a bit shy with the daddy-kink play, but you had started it.
"What now, doll?" Your eyes met his, unsure with what answer he wanted.
"What do you want me to do to you now?" He arched a brow and your mind ran rampant with all the possibilities.
"W-what do you want to do?" You threw the question back and he tilted his head in thought, humming. You could feel that his cock had gotten hard against your knee, your mouth watered when you glanced down at the tent pitched, wondering just how big he really was.
"What if…" As he spoke, his hand drifted from your hip, over your ass, and into the back of your shorts. You moaned when his fingers hit your soaking cunt, lightly circling the pad over your entrance.
"…you sit on my cock and we watch a movie?" His suggestion took you a second to piece together. Cockwarming? Fuck, yes PLEASE.
"O-okay." You nodded and his hand withdrew. He easily moved you to turn around and assisted with getting your shorts and panties off. Cheol adjusted his position and you rested against his chest, reaching down to release his cock from his pants. Your eyes widened, breath hitching when your hand met the flesh, finally getting him out to see what you had to work with. You were going to get split in half, and you couldn't be more excited.
"Daddy~" You whined, head falling back onto his shoulder, your nose brushing over the side of his throat.
"Can you take it, pumpkin?" He stroked the soft skin under your belly button, the sensation made you shiver, already sensitive.
"Yes, daddy."
"Good girl." You sat up a bit more, propping your hips up as he guided the tip of his fat cock to your glistening folds. A bit concerned when you let out a small choking noise, it soon faded into a moan, which rose into a whine as he sank deeper and deeper. You thought he would be in your throat by the time he was all the way in. Your tight core fluttered around his cock, the delicious burn of the stretch bringing you dangerously close to another orgasm already. When he had about another inch to go, you lost your strength. You slumped back into him, gravity pulling you the rest of the way done so his cock buried in completely. Your cunt twitched along with the rest of you, trying to adjust to the stretch and the intense pleasure it caused. If you were already so sensitive, he wondered how bad you would get after sitting on his cock for a good hour.
"Hm, so good, sweetheart. Taking daddy's cock like a pro." His groan rumbled through him and over you, his strong arms wrapping over you to hold you up and to him. After about five minutes, your brain started to function a bit more, and you tried to get more comfortable on his lap as he started something you really cared not for. It wasn't what the movie was, but you could only think of him splitting you open and his bare chest pressed to your back. You had your legs spread wide over his lap, knees over his so he could easily hold them open for you. Every few minutes, your whole body twitched from the pleasure, your breath shuddering, trying not to move. You really were a princess, more like a queen, taking his huge cock so good and sitting still so obediently. He had to push away the thought of immediately taking you as his wife, but man did he want to. Have you whenever he wanted…
"D-daddy…!" You gasped, cunt clenching hard suddenly and he huffed as you came, not having moved for the last half hour. He wondered how that was possible, and so did you. Seungcheol had to be a drug itself, because you were already addicted. You needed him so bad-
"Fuck, hold on…" He grunted, shutting the TV off and wrapping his arms around you tighter, hand on your opposite hip and the other across your chest so his hand could rest under your jaw. He splayed his legs better, sliding down the couch a bit to get better leverage, and your nails quickly dug into the back of the couch to prepare. He gave a shallow but hard thrust and you squealed, releasing babbles as he fucked up into you. Each thrust shattered pleasure through your body, his skin getting hotter against yours. Moreso than was natural, and you realized you could feel the pattern of the marks covering his torso with the heat. They must have been some kind of cybernetics…
"Want more, princess?" He rumbled and you whined an affirmation, his thrusts still hard but too shallow. You didn’t want to be able to walk the next three days… The hand he had on your hip shifted so he splayed his fingers over your lower stomach, index and middle fingers resting in a V right around where he had his cock inside of you. His other hand your jaw moved down to your collarbone, lying over the top of your chest, his pinky slightly under the hem of your tank. The heat of his tattoos increased, and suddenly it was like every one of your nerves was set on fire. He froze his pace, grunting as your cunt clenched harder as you came again already, soaking down his balls and over his pants. He chuckled as your core pulsed over and over, seeming to never end. You nearly blacked out, gasping for breath and wondering what the hell that was.
"I can use these to affect the nerves of people. I use it to knock out targets, or to ease the pain of someone I’m helping. Can make you real sensitive…" He hummed by your ear, his teeth nibbling on the ridge.
"Where do you want daddy to fuck you next, doll?" You nearly didn't register his question, still trying to find your place in reality.
"Bed…" You knew it was cliché, but…
"Of course, sweetheart." He sat all the way up, the position change shifting him inside you and you gasped, whining in disappointment as he pulled you off his cock. Just as easily as he lifted you before, you carried you to his room, grabbing the end of the duvet and easily pulling the whole thing off, letting it float to the floor. Resting you down like you were as delicate as a flower, you sighed at the cool fabric hitting your back. Seungcheol kissed the corner of your mouth, and you tried to follow his lips, but they left yours, moving down your jaw and to your neck. Letting him move you, he brought on of your thighs to his hip, slinging your other knee over his elbow. Your cunt eagerly sucked his cock back inside and you whimpered as he slowly bottomed out. Giving you just a second to adjust, he leaned down and kissed you again. You mewled, your knee resting over his shoulder more than his elbow, the other leg wrapping over his hip as tight as you could manage. A trail of saliva connected your lips when he finally pulled his tongue out of your mouth.
"Ready, pumpkin?"
"Yes, daddy!" You squeaked in delight as he started to move, immediately barreling his fat cock into you, the head battering your cervix. His pace was so intense, your wet dripped over his groin and down your butt to land on the sheets. It must have been an extremely secure bed frame, because it only shifted a bit despite his powerful thrusts. You couldn't even make little noises, your mouth hung open in a silent moan, drool spilling out of the corner of your mouth. You were so fucked out and he wanted to keep you like that from then on. Always drunk on him…
"So fucking good…" He chuckled, hand gripping your leg at his hip, easily slinging your other leg over his shoulder, folding you in half. You saw stars, the first thrust at the new angle fucked another climax out of you, your cunt squirting and creaming his cock even more and he grunted at the tightness. His tattoos started to heat up again, you could feel the change on the back of your thighs where he pressed down into you. Not sure what sensation he was going to surge you into, you couldn't get ready. The same intense arousal sensitivity started to rise again, but something else hit you. A slight tightening at your neck, but his hands were nowhere near. It was very slight and it didn't restrict your oxygen at all, just giving you a dull squeeze in the best way. Your gasps were from the intensity of your pleasure rather than the press of your throat. Then, your senses shifted, your vision blurred and it seemed like you could only hear the woosh of your pulse and his grunts. You felt his skin on yours hotter than before, his cock seemed hotter too, and the scent of sex intensified. When his mouth went back to yours, it was like you could taste his tongue, taste him even more and his groan vibrated your tongue wrapped around his. Without warning, the heat spiked, and your eyes rolled back in your head. His hot cum pumped into you, your own final orgasm hitting you, rolling over and over, dulling before reigniting into another full climax. The heat of his cum spilling out from where he was inside you seemed to sear over your skin and when he had stopped, your senses returned to normal and it was like someone threw cold water on you. Your hearing returned to normal, and you could hear the noise of the street again. You finally registered that he had pulled away from the kiss, hovering over you with a smile. Not a smirk. You could barely get anything out but a whine.
"Did daddy fuck you good, doll?" You nodded lazily and he laughed, kissing you again.
-> Hoshi's <-
-> Woozi's <-
-> Wonwoo's <-
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Master-Master List
Seventeen Master List
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nemfrog · 7 months
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Oasis. Desert Magazine. January 1957. Cover.
Internet Archive
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I’m so tired of bland, neutral houses & decor, I went back to the archives to find artist Jane Gottlieb’s house in Santa Barbra, California.
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Jane, a color-obsessed artist who transformed her 'beige and boring' mansion into a rainbow oasis spends $5000 (£4,085) a year on painting the colorful house inside and out (b/c the color fades) – despite admitting her neighbors disapprove. Actually, it gets brighter every year that it’s repainted.
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Jane, who lives with husband David,  is constantly coming up with new ideas and admitted her house has gotten brighter as she changes the colors to be even more vibrant than before.
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When the couple moved in 25 years ago they spent two months ripping out extensions and add-ons which had been built to hide the original modern design of the house.
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The previous owner didn’t like the modern lines so he got rid of every corner and put in all of these add-ons to hide all of these beautiful lines, but the bones were still there.
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Jane doesn’t understand the obsession with beige and brown.
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The neighbors don’t like it b/c it doesn’t match the beige neighborhood houses. She’s lucky she doesn’t have an HOA.
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Jane’s studio and artworks.
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Some people call it the color house, the rainbow house or the Easter house.
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Purple and blue are the dominant colors but outside alone there are three pinks, two purples, one blue, one yellow and two lime greens.
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sir-adamus · 24 days
so one thing that's not made super visually clear in The Lost Fable is the location of the God of Light's little oasis (as we only see the stairs leading up and then the location itself), but the notes in the Archive book indicate it's in the caldera of an inactive volcano
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maeviuslynn · 7 months
Are you new to Thelema?
Are you new to Thelema and looking for good beginner resources? Here is helpful list of beginner friendly books, podcasts, YouTube channels, and other online resources. They are listed in no particular order. Beginner Thelema book recommendations: Easier Crowley texts to start with: * Magick in Theory and Practice by Aleister Crowley * Magick without Tears by Aleister Crowley * The Law is for All by Aleister Crowley Other great intro books to start with: * Living Thelema by David Shoemaker * The Magick of Aleister Crowley by Lon Milo Duquette * The Chicken Qabalah by Lon Milo Duquette * The Weiser Concise Guide to Aleister Crowley by Richard Kaczynski * Perdurabo by Richard Kaczynski * Abrahadabra: Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thelemic Magic by Rodney Orpheus * Thelema: An Introduction to the Life, Work & Philosophy of Aleister Crowley by Colin D. Campbell
Thelema resources online: YouTube channels: * Maevius Lynn: https://www.youtube.com/c/MaeviusLynn * O.T.O. USA: https://www.youtube.com/@OrdoTempliOrientisUSA * Blazing Star O.T.O.: https://www.youtube.com/@BlazingStarOTO * Horizon O.T.O.: https://www.youtube.com/@horizon-oto * Sekhet Maat O.T.O.: https://www.youtube.com/@sekhetmaat5987 * Dionysius Rogers: https://www.youtube.com/@dionysiusrogers3548 * Living Thelema with David Shoemaker: https://www.youtube.com/@livingthelema5221 * Temple of the Silver Star: https://youtube.com/c/TempleoftheSilverStar * Speech in Silence: https://www.youtube.com/user/speechinthesilence * Entelecheia: https://www.youtube.com/@entelecheia * Lon Milo DuQuette - Arcanum Luminarium: https://www.youtube.com/@Arcanumluminarium * Sword and Serpent Oasis Learning Library https://www.youtube.com/@swordandserpentoasislearni8589 Podcasts: * Living Thelema on Apple podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/living-thelema/id935174735 * Thelema Now: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/thelema-now-crowley-ritual-magick/id325185715 * Speech in Silence: https://www.speechinthesilence.com/
Website resources: * Internet Sacred Text Archive: https://www.sacred-texts.com/ * Hermetic Library: https://hermetic.com/ * Thelemistas: https://thelemistas.org/en/ * Thelemapedia: https://www.thelemapedia.org/ * O.T.O. Online library: https://lib.oto-usa.org/ * Ra-Hoor-Khuit Network's Magickal Library: https://www.rahoorkhuit.net/library/ceremonial/ * Zero Equals Two: http://zeroequalstwo.net/ * Qabalah resource: https://nofaithinthehumanrace.com/ * From the Mouth of the Beast. Introductory Thelemic texts: http://lapis-mercurii.org/motb/ * Occult meaning of colors and high res art: https://keepsilence.org/colors/ * Scans from the Equinox: https://keepsilence.org/the-equinox/ Thelemic Organizations: * Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.): https://oto.org/ * Typhonian Order (T.O.): http://www.starfirepublishing.co.uk/ * A∴A∴: * https://onestarinsight.org/ * https://outercol.org/ * https://www.thelema.org/aa/ * Temple of the Silver Star: https://totss.org/ * College of Thelema: https://www.thelema.org/college_of_thelema/
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deerspherestudios · 5 months
New Discord Server!
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Hi fireflies! As of 13th January 2024, the Discord server has been moved to a new one. The old one is still up for archiving purposes, but for new and old players this is the place to go if you'd like to meet other players for Mushroom Oasis discussion, chats and general tomfoolery (so much tomfoolery,,,)
You can join it via the link here!
Disclaimer: Despite being the official Discord, I didn't personally make it! Big big BIG thank you to Ajax and Toast​ for making and managing the new server!
They've been working hard on it for a while now and I'm so happy to see it up and running thanks to their efforts! ❤️🍄
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ravennaera · 4 months
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Oasis playing at The Canal Cafe Bar on Whitworth St West on the 14th September, 1993
Credit: The Lemon Archive
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yuurei20 · 4 months
if ace's signature element is wind (probably) and riddle is fire, etc. are there any other twst boys who seem to have a element that could possible be connected to them? I was trying to remember what Deuce's was but all I keep remembering are his cauldrons..... 😭😭😭😭
Hello hello! Thank you for this question! ^^
Some characters having signature elements might be a holdover from the game's earliest design stages!
The Magical Archives Game Guide explains that when the character selection screens were still being drafted, there was a version where "each character also had an icon indicating their magic attribute."
In the guide's example we see:
・Jamil with a fire element ・An unused Diasomnia character with a water element ・Malleus with a lightning element ・Both Ace and Trey with wind elements
A few of the characters might still be partial to certain attributes, although it seems that the system itself was ultimately abandoned.
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As you say, Ace seems partial to wind magic, which is what he uses as collateral in his contract with Azul (and Azul's whole thing is collecting the particular abilities of others).
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Deuce's collateral in Book 3 is his cauldrons, as you point out, and it is possible that he isn't particularly partial to any one element over any other.
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Riddle seems very partial to fire as you say, while Leona's King's Roar might ally him with "earth?" (If that counts? I am not sure!)
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Despite being mermaids Azul, Jade and Floyd do not seem any more particularly partial to water than they are to any other element, with Azul's contract system making him proficient at a variety of (other people's) magics.
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We do see Azul use ice to freeze a door in Book 6 but he was also trying to keep the door from melting, so ice may have just been the most logical choice at the time rather than a magic that he has a personal preference for.
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Kalim's "Oasis Maker" unique magic might ally him with water (similar to Leona's King's Roar and earth), while we see Jamil use wind magic in a vignette.
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Rook creates what is described as "an island of ice" in Book 6 but, much like Azul's situation, this may have just been the most convenient solution at the time rather than a hint at what element he may have been assigned early in the game's design process.
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Both Sebek and Malleus seem partial to lightning, while Malleus also (accidentally) causes a blizzard in Book 7, so his abilities might lean towards the weather in general (and lightning in particular).
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And then there is Rollo with his fire-based unique magic, and Grim with his own unique fire!
This is what I have noticed thus far, but if anyone else knows of more instances where a character seems partial to one element or another, I would love to expand the list! :>
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thepinklink · 1 year
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Inspired by Chapter 9 of @turtleduckscribbles’ fic Turtle’s Linked Universe Scribbles, called Hotel Oasis. It’s a really funny fic and it’s got the good feels in it too, so you get laughs and the warm fuzzies at the same time ✨ also the stress Legend feels is written so well I could feel it through the screen it was amazing XD
Go ahead and read it here on Ao3 :D
Bonus: Legend panicking at Wild’s ideas and brooding in the mud
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You should always bring your neighborhood historical archaeologist* with you when you go to local breweries, because if you see a weird contraption in the corner, they can probably figure out what it was even if you didn't ask them too and weren't all that curios in the first place.
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The Hawking Valley mfg Oasis Italian Style fruit press!!!
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*prehistoric archaeologists, unfortunately, cannot read and are thus challenged by historical archives research
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