#number one comfort oc tho
bearhugsandshrugs · 6 days
Hey, what is this change in Raphael fanon you’re referring to? I think I noticed the same thing, but I wanted to make sure. Please don’t feel pressured to answer if you’re not comfortable with the question 🫶
Anyway, I just wanted to say that I really liked your take on him and feel like nobody writes him like that anymore (the other writers who did also stopped).
Hey! Let me preface this by saying that this is in no way to dunk on the fandom. I think it's pretty natural that as time progresses, certain fanon takes "stick" / gain more traction / become more popular. It's also not to say that my perspective of the character is "good" and another is "bad", it's more that the current dominant fanon perception of Raphael (and Haarlep) doesn't resonate with me.
Over the past months, most part of the Raph!fandom that is visible to me seems to have arrived at the conclusion that Raphael is smitten with the player character, rather than him being a manipulative fiend that uses charm to get what he wants. That leads to characterizations of him where he "loves" a Tav/Durge/OC, where his actions get attributed as driven by that player character (as opposed to them being an important tool to him).
As someone who's written a somewhat softer Raph in my own fic (and I only barely made that work for myself by making him human, and the ending – SPOILERS – very much is intended to contradict any perception of him being selfless/in love/able to love how humans love) I don't think it's true of his character.
Him being able to love is an interpretation that I don't personally agree with. Of course people can HC that! More power to you!!! Have fun with it. It's just a take I don't enjoy because to me, it takes away a lot of the complexity and a core part of his canon personality.
Related to that there's, again, from my pov, an infantilization that comes along with that.
Raphael as incapable. Raphael as a helpless plaything for Haarlep. Raphael as a dork. Raphael as comic relief. Raphael showing up because he "loves" the character instead of manipulating them. And so on. Same as before: It's, to me personally, a reduction of his character, and quite frankly, boring. He is more powerful than this fanon version portrays him. He is more frightening, and ruthless, and evil, as fanon seemingly wants him to be.
For Haarlep it's even more so that he gets reduced to that funny side character. The darker sides of that character often gets left out. Again, the dominant fanon perception of that incubus feels very one-dimensional and underserving of the complexity and outright shrewd brutality Haarlep displays (and probably needed to survive for this long under Raphael's roof).
They're both evil characters. But they can't be in the current discourse. They're getting washed into a softy, funny, cutiepie version. And that's not what I think the characters are.
To some degree this also happens to Gortash btw. But I digress.
Again. Not saying this read on the characters is bad, it's just one I personally don't agree with, and that I don't find interesting.
Now to the part about people enjoying my take on him in my writing. First, thank you so much for saying that! I really appreciate it. And I mean, I do see that Keeping Score and Folie á Deux are still two of my most-read fics to date, with tens of thousands of hits altogether. But the thing is. People don't comment on finished/older fics, not to mention reblog them lmao. I'm pretty sure that Folie has gotten 50-65% of its hits after even the expansion (chapter 6) was written. Did it get any comments since then? Ha.
Keeping Score also got a significant number of reads after completion. But I can count the number of people (!) on one hand who commented since I finished it end of 2023. So. Unless you tell writers you enjoy their work, we won't know. Because I cannot tell who clicks on the fic and leaves again, or who devours it all in one sitting.
Sorry for the tangent. It's just a pity to hear now, all those months later, that there are people out there who liked my depiction of Raph when I was pretty convinced that no one actually cared. Anyway!
I hope this doesn't start any drama, because legit, I don't have beef with anyone. I am happy that character is giving so many people joy. I have my Gorty delusions to keep me entertained. But you asked, so here's a long answer, hoping I gave enough context to make it understandable.
Happy headcanoning and shipping, everyone <3
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hikari-ni-naritai · 6 months
emily's oc masterpost
your quick and easy guide to my various girlies. to be updated as i inevitably make up more Women.
Link to the isekai I'm writing featuring at least one of these girlies
my characters are spawned from 2 sources: ff14 and d&d. my eventual goal is to make girls for every spellcasting class, but we're not quite there yet. some of these girls can be adapted to other settings and systems, but some are too specific. section titles link to my tags for that character. you can also see posts referencing multiple ocs in this tag
Hikari Ni'naritai (aka hikari finalfantasy, my ff14 main)
25, 5'4", cis, aroace, moon miqote
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hikari is my most developed girl for obvious reasons. a former conscript of the garlean military in othard, hikari changed her name and defected to eorzea in an attempt to escape her vicious past. if youre not familiar with japanese, 'hikari ni naritai' translates to 'i want to become light', and she's made this a personal creed. her story after defecting follows the events of the game pretty closely, though her meteoric rise to the status of Hero did untold damage to her mental health. her favorite things include fighting, sugary sweets, costuming, and fishing. she started adventuring as a mage, but shes too stupid to cast spells and is much more comfortable in a physical role. her primary driving force is her need to be a perfect, shining example of infallible heroism, and her secondary motivation is redeeming her enemies, because as the worst person to ever walk the earth, she has to believe that everyone can change so she can believe in her own change.
Aoi Furukane (ff14)
28, [height to be updated, shes shorter tho], cis, bisexual polyamorous, au ra
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aoi is hikari's normie friend! they met on the ship to vesper bay, separated when aoi continued to limsa, but met back up again later. aoi left a comfortable life in kugane to go where the wind takes her, which happened to be adventuring in eorzea. she was present with hikari through stormblood, but didnt take part in shadowbringers, and now serves in a more supportive role as hikari's problems become more and more world-threatening. she'll probably go to the new world with her for dawntrail though. even when shes not involved though, aoi serves as hikari's confidant and closest friend. she was the first to learn about her past and often lends an ear to her depressed ramblings. aoi's a mage and a healer. her hobbies include scrapbooking, crochet, wearing leather jackets, and helping cid finalfantasy test fucked up motorcycles. i never thought id say this about a character before it became obvious but i imagine her in a relationship with aymeric. she'll probably pick up others but i havent finished playing through the game with her yet so idk who she vibes with besides him.
Euthalia "Lia" Pontikos (D&D Lore Mastery Wizard)
1024, 6', cis, pansexual aromantic, elf
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Lia is a monument to my hubris. she is the epitome of what i believe a wizard is. lia is an elf who has exactly two hobbies: studying magic and having weird polymorph sex. she's always looking for new knowledge and experiences, but she has trouble forming connections with others and doesnt emote well. after pioneering and mastering magic as an adventurer, lia grew bored and developed a spell to travel to a different random universe, where she would be able to study the magic there from scratch. she's repeated this process numerous times, visiting a number of worlds and developing a minor interest in cataloguing curious similarities between worlds, until she landed on a world that didn't have magic. luckily, it was technologically advanced enough for her to get a job working on warp speed space travel, and she stole their prototype ship to escape that universe in a desperate gamble. she's now spent the last 500 or so years searching for a way to gain some kind of inborn magic to use in case of similar emergencies. she hasnt managed it yet.
Anestesia "Nest" Blackmoor (D&D Eldritch Knight)
17, 5'7", girl-adjacent (she/they), demisexual lesbian, human
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Nest is the daughter of two particularly shitty nobles. Due to their poor behavior as a child, their parents sent them to a remote boarding school to learn proper decorum. this did not work, obviously. they often snuck out to play with a family of orcs they found while exploring the woods around the school, where they learned to fight. nest's primary hobby is getting into unnecessary fist fights, and their second hobby is protecting girls. occasionally these goals align but mostly they just like fighting. surprisingly, nest is actually smart, and they picked up a baseline level of magic at school, which theyve been working to incorporate with their swordplay. nest is still figuring out their sexuality but im sure if they find a girl to protect, that will sort itself out pretty quick.
Violet (D&D Clockwork Soul Sorcerer)
real age ???, physical age 14, 4'8", Girl Presumably, aroace also shes 14 chill, human?
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violet's one of the girls who requires a specific setting to work. she was a mid-tier modron in Mechanus in the service of the god of order Primus. modrons can be promoted from one tier to a higher tier when a spot needs filled, and by a similar process violet was 'promoted' to a human, as a sort of experiment to see if order could be restored to the material plane in this way. however, between the confusion of the human experience and her lack of clear orders (she was simply ordered to Increase Order), violet was a failure. she woke up in a dark bedroom, so she put everything in the room in alphabetical order and left through the window, where she walked due north until she luckily came to a city with a temple to primus in it. a worker there named Enba (created by @neurodecadence) took pity on her and allowed her to stay, where she was given a name and earned her keep organising the library every day. after a year, she felt the presence of her god leave her and realised she somehow misunderstood their directions. now she is searching for a new way to bring Order. violet has a curious interest in fashion, though she doesnt understand it at all. she's colourblind. she reorganises her things every day, with different sorting methods. she gives off the air of something very obviously trying to imitate a human girl, but in a cute way rather than an unsettling way.
Valyrie (D&D Vengeance Paladin)
35, 6'3", trans woman, demisexual lesbian, half-elf
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valyrie was orphaned when her hometown was burned down. she was rescued by a priestess of a temple and taken in, where she was raised as a holy assassin. she's a proper follower of the god they worship, but her duties to the church come second to her quest for vengeance against the person who destroyed her home and family. officially, her title is Priestess, and she introduces herself as such, but she prefers to wear a priest's outfit. she likes the pants. she keeps most of her body covered to hide her burn scars. valyrie is a dex-based build and her physique is most similar to a starved child stretched on a torture rack. she rarely smiles because her smile scares children. she's soft-spoken but firm. she could sneak a knife into a public bath.
Doctor Anarcha "Ann" Marion (D&D Theurgy Wizard)
30, 5'6", cis, lesbian, human
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Ann Marion got her medical license revoked for performing experimental healing magic on a patient, resulting in his death. the patient was doomed anyway, and she only did it as a last resort, but it was determined that the pain experienced by the patient caused him to go into shock, accelerating his death and therefore placing the blame firmly on Dr. Marion. despite the class's roots as a 'wizard with ties to a god', dr marion is more attempting to replicate divine acts through intellectual arcane means. she rejects the gods for creating humanity to be so eminently fallible and murderable. her goal is to overcome death and evil through advanced medical technology. she has since completed her work on her healing spell (including an anesthetic preparation) and continues to experiment with more advanced healing. in its early stages, dr marion's healing spells would leave a visible herringbone-pattern scar, but she's perfected it now. she has several of those scars on left her arm from where she practiced on herself. she has a pet adder that she's modified to replace its venom with healing potion. her primary combat spells are for healing, but she does also work with necrotic spells, poisons, and diseases for damage.
Cassidy (D&D Fey Wanderer Ranger)
32, 5'11", trans woman, lesbian, half-elf
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cassidy comes from a very large family. her parents are a legendary 5-member adventuring-party-turned-polycule who've spawned a catastrophic number of exceptional children. each of her dozens of older siblings are independently famous or powerful in some way, including her identical twin brother. cassidy took a more mellow path in life and got married. unfortunately, her wife died in childbirth, and cassidy did not deal with it well. she left their child with her wife's parents and went off to try and find herself adventuring, even though she knows she'll never live up to her family's reputation and skills. she is so tired.
Lady Adela, Witch of the Veil (D&D Peace Domain Cleric)
???, 7', cis, aromantic lesbian, erstwhile elf
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Lady Adela is the rotting corpse of an ancient evil reanimated by a god of peace and forced to serve. she hates this so so much. she once subjugated the world as the dreaded Witch of the Veil, leading terrible armies against the forces of good and laying waste to whole cities with a single wave of her staff or swing of her blade. now, adela is forced to do good deeds and protect others under penalty of death. she cannot even suggest violence. as such, she relishes any opportunity to kill afforded to her by her work as an adventurer. her primary goal is to reclaim the relics of her ascension from the old days (her Veil, her Blade, and her Staff) so she can break the god's hold on her and resume her quest of world domination. critically, this will not work.
Elyria (D&D Arcane Trickster Rogue)
23, 5'3", cis (derogatory), bisexual, human
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Elyria is an annoying nightmare of a woman who shows up in a number of universes and has been noted by Lia as a 'curious and irritating multiversal semiconstant'. she's an accomplished and deadly assassin with a fanatical obsession with the holiest god she can find in whatever universe has spawned her. she dedicates all her kills to the god she worships and claims her arcane tricks are divine magic granted to her because she is a holy servant of the lord. she frequently uses a nun's habit as a disguise for her work, and she also uses it to indulge in her nun kink. sometimes these two goals intertwine. its her greatest joy to defile the divine with her earnest, misguided worship. whatever god she worships hates her so so much and wants her dead. despite intelligence being her spellcasting ability, i think its her dump stat. shes dumb as hell.
étoile (D&D Undying Patron Warlock, Pact of the Tome)
???, 3', sexless girl, aroace, doll
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étoile was created by a mad wizard in the throes of apotheostic euphoria as a tool through which she could maintain a connection to the material world as she ascended to godhood. She can't speak, but she's able to communicate concepts and feelings telepathically. She's not shy per se, but she takes a while to open up to others and doesn't readily offer information about herself. But once she's more comfortable, she's very open about what she wants and how she feels, in her own way. If she likes you, she'll let you write your name in her Cursed Book so she can write messages into your brain or maybe save your life. The wizard god IS potentially watching everything through her eyes, but it's impossible to know when, and étoile wouldn't have told you anyway.
Caroline Miller (D&D College of Lore Bard)
23, 5'5", cis, we'll call her "bicurious", human
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Caroline Miller is a normal girl with no problems. She grew up as the middle child (of 5) in a loving family who ran the mill in a midsized rural community. She's very friendly and quick to pick up on others' emotions. She decided to become an adventurer because of a local coming-of-age tradition wherein the mayor, an amateur diviner, foretold that she would make an excellent adventurer. She attended some local seminars on adventuring basics before moving to the city to intern with an established party and get some hands-on experience. With her natural charisma and familiarity with the family lute, she took on the mantle of Bard. At the end of her internship, she celebrated by getting drunk with her party and dying a streak of her hair pink. Now she's looking for a party to call her own.
Robin (Soul bound to Weapon possessing a Body)
???, 5'10", cis, lesbian, looks human at least
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Robin is the closest thing I have to a universal game avatar. She began as an NPC in my DnD game, but I've created her in Monster Hunter and Bloodborne and will continue creating her in any action game that lets me. She was created initially as an excuse to have a scythe-wielding character in my game despite scythes being extremely unwieldy, so her general lore is that a powerful wizard bound her soul to a scythe, and then some other more kind wizard created a body she would be able to possess so she could pass as human. Unfortunately, since she needs to maintain contact with the body to possess it, she's had to learn to wield herself as an effective weapon. The exact weapon she's bound to changes from game to game, and her canon is more fluid than most of my other OCs to allow her to fit other settings. She's a generally carefree woman who loves adventure and fighting, and she doesn't tend to think too deeply about anything. Her Monster Hunter incarnation specifically is a chaser.
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youredreamingofroo · 4 months
oc questionnaire!!
I got tagged by @buttertrait !! Thank youuu (even tho it wasnt a direct tag AJUHSG) I'll be doing this for the one, the only, Roo 😈
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name: Harvey Norman
nicknames: Roo (best known as Roo, and really does not like being called Harvey)
gender: heavy genderfluid, but hes masc leaning 🙃
star sign: libra, just like me
height: 5'9-5'12, i always envision him being a little taller than me, but i always go back and say he's as tall as me, so 💀
orientation: gay, very, very, very gay
nationality/ethnicity: he's white, and he's Swedish! Very... very swedish
favourite fruit: Mangoes, this guy would eat a mango even if it said highly toxic, he FUCKS them up
favourite season: autumn, despite the fact that he gets depressed in colder seasons
favourite flower: Dahlias because they remind him of his sister, Deliahna (one of her nicknames is Dahlia), and Roses for story purposes 😈🙃
favourite scent: for a serious answer, and not really his favorite scent but one of his favs, new books... even though he doesnt even read that often. For an unserious answer, windex 😵‍💫 i dont blame him, it smells GOOD
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: anything but Tea
average hours of sleep: this guy basically dies in his sleep, so 8-9 hours, maybe 10-12 if he goes to sleep earlier (and yet, with all these hours, his ass is still tired)
dogs or cats: cats all the way, hes just like me fr
dream trip: going back to Sweden to see Deli, he can't go back cause it's far too expensive, but he really truly misses her and just wishes he could go back to Sweden, and take Deli alllllll around Sweden and maybe even Scandinavia, it'd be a sightseeing trip for the both of them :)
number of blankets: 2, a big ass comforter, and a small one, the small one always ends up on the floor despite it being literally tucked around him like a baby and the comforter is still intact around him when he wakes up LMFAOO
random fact: on the topic of sleep, Roo sleeps, again, like he fucking died (idk if this needs a TW so lmk ajdnbasj), so anytime he went over to other people's houses, as a kid, teen and adult, everyone would freak out because he just goes completely limp in his sleep, his heart rate also tends to drop to dangerous levels, anywhere from 20-30, but anytime he's gone to get his heart checked, they claim he's fine and that there's nothing actually wrong with his heart, he just has an abnormally low sleeping HR.
im tagging EVERYONE!! if you see this, tag YOUR IT 🫵🫵🫵
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kitty-lennon · 11 months
OK since I had some nice returns about the height hc I wanted to share with you some of my other Hc!! (it get a bit long)
- Robbie / Glanni are faes (principaly due to Bound, that fic have been engraved in my soul) and also are two different person
- Robbie took care of the kids before Sportacus was around and have taught them about their special interest (Trixie and pranks/mischief; Pixel and love for gadget/tech and all; Stingy.... Stinginess; Ziggy and finding comfort in sweets, also Robbie made him that super hero suit)
-Latabæ and Lazytown are two different towns, and Latabæ is in iceland
-there is a Jives and Penny counter part in Lazytown but they are older and away to university. They still love to play with the kids
- Latabæ kids gang are teens while Lazytown kids gang is well, kids (/ almost preteen)
- ìþrott is older than Sportacus by a few years, and they aren't related by blood. They still view each other as Brothers tho. Also ìþrott passed down the number 10 title to him (will explain this more if asked)
- Àfram Latabæ Íþróttaálfurinn and Glanni Glæpur Í Latibær Íþróttaálfurinn are the same, he got badly made fun of by Glanni and after fighting the bitch away from Lazytown decided to get a makeover bc he indeed was a bit out of style.... Not that Glanni finds it better (except the abs)
- Glanni is a real menace that's holding back o' taking the world bc like Robbie, he's too much of a softy but won't admit it. (doesn't stop him from being a wanted criminal that have done heinous crimes but he had arguably good reason, as much as a morally gray flamboyant vilain can)
- Robbie and Glanni are distantly related blood wise but Glanni took care of Robbie most of his childhood and make sure he wouldn't take the same road as him in Villainy. (in love with this one, I love secretly soft vilains)
- Robbie is nb/ Agender, just doesn't give a single fuck about pronouns or gender, Glanni is identifying as man but like she/her and dressing either hyper masc or hyper flamboyant, pink and feathers and fur everywhere, glitters in his pockets and strass on his gun
- Sportacus is cis he/him a'd confident enough to wear a dress and make up even if it's rare / for his traditions as an elf (he like it tho bc it's comfy and fun to move around in a dress) Íþróttaálfurinn is the same, and often have his nails painted and likes to help the girls with their hair
That's the most I could think of hard enough to materialise in words!!
(it's 2am when I'm writing this, I'll probably upload it way later wand I'm sure I could come up with more tbh they probably seem too logical to me rn to not be canon)
PLS PLS PLS don't even hesitate to ask me about your headcanons so we can talk about them I love that!! It's more than alright to judge my hc even if I think they are pretty basic, but I don't think I'll change my mind about them (I'll hear you out still tho!)
OK last blorb, if you have ocs you can also message / ask / pm about them and info dump on me I would LOVE to hear about them.
Tbh usually I get in fandoms along with some friends, and I love plotting / playing / drawing [with] our ocs. So tell me if you would be fine with it, it would be immensely fun to populate the towns with our silly characters and watch them interact.
Alright, stole enough of your time now, thank you if you read this far! I really like the community here and hope to interact a bit more with all of you nice people, Have a nice time out there ✨✨
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Little less than super, soldier
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Basically an oc x zemo fic but I'm going to write it in y/n style because that's what I'm comfortable with ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also I am still working on Avatar and Spiderman fics just taking a self indulgent break because the FOCUStm is on Zemo rn.
Your characters background is clear as the story progresses but if you'd prefer to know it going in this is a post on it! And this is a short fic of that info too ✌
This is a part one... I got so excited and wrote a few more ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Summary: Sam gets back up from an old friend, meanwhile y/n is struggling to deal with Zemo.
warnings: for now canon typical violence, tho later chapters will contain mild body horror. Warnings will specify.
Nicht - Don't
Tut mir leid - I'm sorry
Soldat - Soldier
(My german is very basic so feel free to correct me!)
Sam hadn't seen you in years, not since he watched you walk away from him, Bucky and Steve. He couldn't argue with their decision, it was for the best. You were a wreck and despite his best hopes he knew you were right. If anyone knew you were alive they'd use you again.
Still he wasn't too surprised when you turned up at his house. He'd only been back from dust a few days earlier but he'd heard from others that you'd been there. Stepping up to help when people around the globe needed you. He hadn't realized the broken person he'd met screaming in a cell had so much heart.
Still you were a ball of nerves, being overly polite and stumbling over your questions. It was a far cry from the swearing, snapping venom you'd spit when the Avengers had you and it put him a little on edge. You just wanted to know if he was okay, if they all were and that you'd be leaving again. He'd given your shoulder a squeeze, despite the flinch, and wished you the best. You'd settled quickly under his had and that was the first time he saw you really smile.
He found the number a few hours later. A tiny scrap you'd somehow tucked into his own jean pocket. A small note, "Just in case." He felt oddly proud of who you'd become and kept it into his wallet.
That day passed into fond memory but every so often a little note and number would turn up. A small reminder you were out there and willing to help again. A few times he thought to call but he didn't. No point worrying you or pulling you back for nothing.
Only this wasn't nothing now. He and Bucky were stumped and with the threat of super-soldiers and he knew you'd want to know. Though the idea of dragging you back it was horrible. He felt the weight of his decision bearing down on his shoulders. Sam slumped further into his chair as he eyed the message. Then with a last deep breath in, his thumb tapped the glass.
Sent. Delivered. Read. Ellipsis.
Then nothing. He waited, head in hands, regretting it immediately. It wasn't like you wouldn't be a huge help but dragging you back like this? It just didn't feel right. Even if you came what could you know anyway? Hydra weren't exactly open with you about things whilst in there clutches. Hell you might end up coming to draw gun fire and that thought twisted his gut. Sam watched the screen until his eyes burnt, then let his head hit the desk.
The buzz startled him some time later. He flung out his seat, scrambling to the message. Bucky, whatever he had been up to after visiting Zemo he was ready to meet. Sam's shoulders sagged as he read the text. He wasn't disappointed, not really. He knew he was asking too much by contacting you. The risk to your freedom was eminence. There was no telling who was still out there looking for you, other than SWORD anyway.
Still Sam couldn't help but feel down as he got his things ready. God only knows what Bucky had done and meeting him across town in some garage didn't bode well.
Maybe you'd settled down somewhere, maybe you were happy. He hoped so, that you'd chosen yourself. Sam fortified himself, squaring his shoulders as he headed to the door. No point stalling, he needed to find out what Bucky had been up to.
He swung the door out quickly but found his feet rooted in place. There you were, frozen with a hand in the air ready to knock. A mess of hair, in sweatpants and an old thread bare t-shirt, looking rather stunned. He stared a moment, watching your mouth bob open and shut, over night bag slipping down your shoulder.
"Y/n!" Sam couldn't help the grin that spread across his face. To his relief your posture relaxed and you returned his smile. "Come on, Bucky might have something, we'll meet him across town."
You knew you should try to stop bouncing your leg but every time you lost focus it jumped to life. You didn't want Sam to see you worried like this. He'd always been so kind to you and you didn't doubt he'd let you leave if you asked. You couldn't however, no matter how much it felt like jaws were gonna snap down on you.
He'd been so nice in the car over, being careful to avoid touching you, asking after your life, avoiding making you speak any specifics. You appreciated that, although your run down, rented flat and part time jobs were hardly worth the effort. Hell you'd struggled enough making nice with coworkers, maybe a fresh start would be nice after this.
You'd wanted to call Sam. You'd wanted to check in with him and his family. For a time you even considered contacting Wanda but you never liked someone else in your mind with you. No you'd resigned yourself to the loneliness. Maybe you should get a pet.
"Is it Bucky?" Sam offered, eyes glancing to you before returning to scanning the room. "You know after Wakanda he's..."
"Yes I know." You interrupted, stilling yourself again. You'd actually gone to see him shortly after checking in with Sam. A guilty part of you had felt relieved when he'd disappeared. Though after the five year absence you felt you had to see him too.
He'd been starting therapy at the time, was working, he was doing well all things considered. Still you'd felt the need to check, to be sure the Soldat was gone. You'd left then satisfied that the man you'd known wasn't behind those kind sad eyes and that this Bucky that stood in his skin was not a threat. Still an incredibly able soldier just not of the winter variety. Anyway it wasn't him you were worried about.
When Sam had fully explained the situation you'd blanched. These flag-smashers had access to the serum. Not the same one you'd had pumped into you but a better one. One that left them with the strength and power of Captain America, not just side effects.
Still no matter what it cost, you couldn't leave knowing the serum was out there somewhere. So you'd focus on that, let it anger you, burn away any doubt and drive you forward.
You heard him before you saw him. Loud deliberate steps, Sam must have let him know you'd be there. Unless they were so as not to startle Sam. Regardless there was little more than a tight smiles shared before Bucky led you both further in to the garage.
You wouldn't say you were on comfortable terms with him yet. He was still guilt ridden about the Soldat's memories with you and you were still a little unnerved with a new man wearing the same face. It was nice to see him so happy though. Even in this circumstance his mood seemed far different than you'd ever seen him. Here's to therapy you supposed.
Bucky's plan seemed rather extreme. Break Zemo out and have him help. You had to admit it seemed rather extreme. The ex Colonel was part of an elite intelligence op and had a history of hating Avengers. Though he also hated super soldiers more so that might keep him on their side. Enemy of my enemy and all that.
Except you'd be among the enemy in that case. It wasn't outside the realms of possibility that Zemo didn't know about you. After all his search through the leaked files where rather singular in their aims. Your particular information had been lost or redacted so heavily that without specific knowledge on you it would be hard to link the two.
You continued to follow behind Sam, keeping your eyes on the shadows, watching your back. Some stress was elevated when Bucky flipped the lights on, continuing his back and forth with Sam after shooting a soft look at you. Nothing got past his notice.
If they kept this bickering up you'd be there all day. You slunk over to a car under the lights, perching on the open bonnet. You couldn't help the fondness in your smile as you watched their amusing relationship. Giggling to yourself as Sam rolled his eyes with his whole body, raising his brows to you.
"Look, let me just walk you through a hypothetical. Can I just walk you through a hypothetical." Bucky started.
"What did you do?" Sam questioned, his brow furrowing as he turned back to face him.
You felt tense again, arms uncrossing from your chest. You weren't quiet sure what was going on now. Clearly Sam had caught on to something you'd missed. Bucky launched into a far too detailed plan and you felt a shiver run down your spine. Every hair stood on end as the dawning realization hit.
"You didn't..." You almost whispered as Sam interrupted again. Then the door was opening and your ears were ringing. Your heart pounded in your throat as Sam charged forward in front of you. You were still stunned, now behind them both as Zemo entered the garage, dressed in a guards uniform.
He caught eyes with you for a moment, taking his hat off before returning to Sam and Bucky's argument. His eyes seemed to drift back to you before he interjected again.
You found yourself standing under his scrutinizing gaze, drifting closer to Sam, inching him further between you and Zemo. You barely followed what was being said, waiting for him to pull a gun or stop staring. Either was preferable in this moment.
"Okay." Sam spoke, defeat in his tone. You clenched your jaw. You didn't like this. If the guy wasn't gonna attack he was going to manipulate his way to his release, you were sure.
Still he seemed cooperative, leading you all back to a larger room filled with old cars. They were expensive things but you didn't let your eyes wander from him. Choosing to break the middle of the pack, you kept yourself between Sam and him. Despite his words and values you wanted to remain vigilant. If you could do nothing else you'd shield Sam.
Other than a few snide comments he seemed true to his word. He drove the group of you to an airport in mostly silence. Peaking back at you and Sam through the mirror.
"So all this time you've been rich?" Sam said incredulous at the sight of the privet jet on the tarmac. You'd calmed down a little, walking by him and Bucky's side as you followed.
"I'm a Baron Sam, my family was royalty until your friends destroyed my country." Zemo spat back. You couldn't help but snort at his comment. You regretted drawing his attention again when he stared back at you. You looked away until his attention left, drawn else where.
Bucky and Sam eyed you a moment and the indignation flared in you again. "What? They dropped that city on me." you hissed quietly. You weren't sure you wanted Zemo to hear that. Sam looked stunned blinking at you before he was turned back to the plane. You fell back in step behind the group as you approached.
You suppose you never did tell him about that. Just letting it stew with your general hatred towards your then captors back then. It'd been a huge loss to you. A life built there crashing down on top of you, leaving you broken and pinned for days. You shook the memories away trying to forget the carnage.
Zemo greeted an old butler looking guy at the steps. To your delight he was wearing the little white gloves and everything. Sam awkwardly nodded and you gave the man a genuine smile as you passed. He was just like the caricature on TV. He looked to be 100 and considering his familiarity with Zemo he could've known him all his life.
It soon set you on edge to be at his mercy 1000 feet in the air. With a knowing look he could fly you all anywhere and you'd be none the wiser. Certainly wouldn't make a change from most flights you'd been on, at least your hands would be free.
Zemo smiled at you as you boarded, gesturing to the seat opposite his own. You ducked your head, shifting quickly to the back behind Sam. If the staring was bad in the garage you sure as hell didn't wanna experience it in direct line of sight.
You didn't catch his name but Zemo spoke to the butler in Sokovian for a moment, implying he'd give out of date food to Sam and Bucky. Angered you huffed, Zemo turning at the sound. You caught his eye, keeping a glare set on his smug expression.
"Nicht." You bit out through gritted teeth. Your Sokovian was rusty but you saw the slightest change in Zemo's expression, before it settle back into a cat like grin.
"Tut mir leid." He nodded, turning back to face forwards again. Sam's head peaked at you from round his seat but you just slumped back into your own. Staring out the window and gripping the arm rests as the plane took flight.
Not long into cruising altitude Zemo angered Bucky. You hadn't been paying them much attention by this point. You'd found yourself relaxing and had become dazzled my the ice on the window and fluffy clouds below. You were startled back by the sudden movement of Bucky. Jumping up and catching Bucky's eye as he took his hand off Zemo's neck and slumped back into his seat, his book back in his hands.
Cursing under your breath you moved to the seat in front of Zemo now. You resigned yourself to a task to keep you awake, stop them from killing one another.
Zemo spoke an apology, but it seemed more probing than you liked. To your relief Sam seemed to turn the conversation back to lighter topics. You slid further into your seat a moment before Zemo began pushing again. You glare into him, not missing the way he glanced at you when he said "innocents die."
A small pang of fear hit you but you bit back a response. He'd clearly caught the hint of resentment you felt towards what happened in Sokovia. Still you kept your gaze level as you bit your cheek and allowed Zemo to continue.
Madripoor, you'd only ever been there in passing. The lawless nature allowed you to obtain some fake documents for relatively cheap. It was too risky to stick around though, too many dangers, too much risk of outing yourself.
Worse still Bucky was gonna have to put on an old mask.
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jamessunderlandgf · 4 months
tagged by jackie @gwynbleidd i love u so much truly 🫶🏻 i’m doing this interview style tag game for my rockstar girlies (gta, rdr 🤭) cs i do not talk abt them at all ever. if u even care (kidding)
tagging: @ravensgard 🌿 @simply-jason 🌿 @sikoi 🌿 @teamhawkeye 🌿 @jackiesarch 🌿 @corvosattano 🌿 @marazhaiaezyrraesh 🌿 @yrlietlanaevyss 🌿 @rosayoro 🌿 @rvchelking 🌿 and you!! 🩷
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NAME: agent jennifer daniels of the federal intelligence bureau, los santos sector 😎.
NICKNAME: jen (do not call her jenny tho she hates that), agent daniels (sarcastically), eye in the sky, various derogatory terms exchanged between her and pretty much everyone she talks to.
GENDER: she’s One Of The Girlies. a girl’s girl in a world of egomaniacal men. “save me, women. save me!”
STAR SIGN: the most sagittarius woman to ever sagittarius.
HEIGHT: 5’10. without the boots.
ORIENTATION: i actually haven’t thought abt it but now that i am, she’s a bisexual queen, leaning towards women.
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: argentinian! born in argentina and has duel citizenship between there and the united states.
FAVORITE FRUIT: pineapple. she eats a metric fuck ton of it, truly. she brings a container of it to work, midnight snack, etc.
FAVORITE SEASON: she’s the most comfortable during a san andreas autumn cs the weather is forgiving towards her wardrobe. —sexy patterned fur coats. knee high boots. she likes the aesthetic and looking expensive and a lot of that is layers and unforgiving textures. summer is good for the other half of her wardrobe tho, being silk button ups. mesh. high heels. low cut blouses.
FAVORITE FLOWER: lupine. she tried to grow a little plot of it at her home in rockford hills but didn’t have the patience to maintain them, so she gets a bouquet delivered once in a while to display.
FAVORITE SCENT: she loves a heady wine scent, like a deep cherry or a gourmand-type. she likes to smell edible.
COFFEE, TEA, or HOT CHOCOLATE: coffee and a cigarette on the balcony every morning. and on her way to work. and when she’s briefing with her colleagues. and when she’s flying. and in her office. and when she’s bothering dave. and when she’s beefing with steve cs she’s bored. and on her way home. and with dinner. and before bed.
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: like, 10. she needs her beauty sleep or she will be absolutely miserable in the morning, and make it everyone’s problem.
DOGS or CATS: neither. if she’s gonna be around a dog it has to be her size and scary as hell, but not constantly barking— like a mastiff guard dog.
DREAM TRIP: either back to argentina, or somewhere in the southern hemisphere where she can lay in the sun for 18 hours and get absolutely piss drunk in public.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: she has one silk sheet and a massive down duvet.
RANDOM FACT: she drives a really obnoxious lilac purple pegassi vacca. and it’s unreasonably souped up— neon light kit, spoiler, led headlights, sport tires, custom leather interior, all of it. everything. government money baby. 🤑
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NAME: lieutenant eileen carlisle to you 🫵🏻.
NICKNAME: lindy, linds, miss carlisle, the desert hum.
GENDER: she/her, the milfiest milf i have.
STAR SIGN: she’s gotta be a virgo i just feel it in my bones.
HEIGHT: a touch above average for the time, 5’4. but she has the attitude of a woman who is 6 feet.
ORIENTATION: she says she’s straight but that will not stop her from being homoerotic towards women.
ETHNICITY/NATIONALITY: american. she was born in new york city and fled before she was even 18.
FAVORITE FRUIT: she loves a good crispy apple and every byproduct in between.
FAVORITE SEASON: spring, when everything is in full bloom and alive.
FAVORITE FLOWER: wildflowers. entire fields of them. she would sleep in a field of wildflowers— the ground to be her bed, the sky her awning.
FAVORITE SCENT: fresh coffee and leather.
COFFEE, TEA, or HOT CHOCOLATE: she hasn’t been able to get her hands on tea in a long time so she settles for coffee.
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: fucking zero genuinely. she can’t sleep on a bedroll, she’s a night owl, coffee keeps her up, she can’t sleep through the gang stirring at the break of dawn, she’s a light sleeper in general. no rest for the wicked, she would say.
DOGS OR CATS: dogs; she was always around them so she welcomes the company.
DREAM TRIP: somewhere cozy and quiet. she’s kinda been sold on the tahiti trip if she’s being honest.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: none. even when she had a bed she would kick it off mid-sleep.
RANDOM FACT: wants to so badly own an orchard and make jams and shit. she wants to be an artisan and make good clean cash :( she thinks it’s too late for her, but she will never not yearn for the fruit.
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storyweaverofgondor · 7 months
Christmas Art Requests: Closed
Yes, I'm doing it! :D
There will be limited open slots.
This will be first come first serve.
I will reopen requests when i finish the current batch. (fyi If get more then two requests i will rollover the extra ones to the next batch)
You can send an ask or a dm with your requests.
Max three requests per person (I will likely only chose one. But i might do more if i am so inspired)
I reserve the right to refuse certain requests
The art will be posted Christmas day (Or Christmas Week, depending on the number of requests.)
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Any requests involving mech or armor will most likely be just a sketch, not full color (This includes Starlight Express, unfortunately. I love it but it takes me forever)
No gore.
No sex (Kissing in romantic ship art is as far as i will go)
You are allowed to request things I don't know. (Correct spelling of the title of the show or movie, etc. and a picture of the character you want is required tho)
OC requests are allowed but require a reference picture.
Max three characters in a picture.
Anon requests are allowed (But be aware i will not be able to tag you when i post your request)
For the Cats fandom, I'm not comfortable with Romantic Victeazer, Jemtoria or Demeulrina (I will draw them just not romantically) Other then that i am fine with any Cats ships. <3
I will draw characters or pairings from Cats non-replicas (Full body+ close up of the make-up refs if possible but any references are appreciated)
Slot 1: @herooffire101
Slot 2: @queen-with-the-quill
Slot 3: @afairytalestray
Slot 4: @statisticalcats2
Slot 5: @uppastthejelliclemoon
Slot 6: @amethyst-labyrinth
Slot 7: @jellicle-chants
Slot 8: @bombawife
Slot 9: @per-the-jellicle-magician
Slot 10: @thedragonchilde
Slot 11: @munktoria94
Slot 12: anon
Slot 13: @goblinlovesmusicals
Slot 14: @realreulbbrband
Slot 15: @queen-with-the-quill
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ansbobcar · 3 months
Darts (OrKa scenario)
Orter x fem oc (my oc Rinka) my friend helped make the shipname :D
Feel free to imagine it as a x fem reader tho if you want. (Gotta encourage y'all to write more)
Anyways I'm too lazy to write it properly I got inspired by too many manhwa scenes and that one kdrama called Nevertheless well the ost mvs atleast so here you go:
_ _ _
Rinka and Orter are at Joe's again but instead of opting to do the monthly endurance drinking game that he won 24/25 times. He suggests a different game.
"Darts?" - Yeah. (fyi idk how darts work so this is like not accuratteeee)
The gist of it is that whoever hits the lower target has to drink a shot and that after x number of rounds, whoever has the higher score winsss and gets a favour from the loser. And if you've read the fandom wiki - Orter is god at darts.
Oh yeah and this is without magic too so Rinka's garbage at it. "How do you do this without magic?"
"Let me show you."
They're both pretty comfortable with each other (I mean they're like fake dating dating out of convenience) and too concentrated on the game to really take a moment and consider how close they were with each other. Like the sides of their heads were practically beside each other with his arms guiding hers. They both don't notice it even when she gets her first tiny win (the dart actually hit the thing) in an ocean of fails.
I'm telling you they're oblivious to the fact they ACTUALLY like each other romantically. Nobody even points it count because THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BELIEVE THAT THEY'RE IN LOVE. (It's genuinely stupidly effective that Kaldo, someone who knows Rinka really well, can't spot the half-lie.)
Rinka's like tipsy at this point (they played like a bunch of rounds) but thinks she can keep going with the drinking.
So Orter wins obviously but he doesn't utilise the favour straight away like she did. (Not yet published EP 7 moment)
He's saving it for when it's necessary to use because she's pretty accepting when she trusts that person to doing stuff.
They head back to his office and like: the two heavy drinkers were now officially drunk.
Orter's open about his feelings/thoughts he sounds more like a flirt/clingy lmao while Rinka's shy (her usual persona is more like a cool older sister type, so her being shy/hesitant which is more in line with her as a teen is like partial truth.)
So mannerism switch from the typical OrKa interaction.
Orter brushes out some loose strands from her face (hairstyle is now down and free) and she's like not used to the feeling of being the center of attention still.
"Don't be startled when I say shouldn't hide yourself. You're pretty" She's taken aback by this (yeah bro has never stated she was pretty, it's a big deal). "Not even a thank you? You're too humble for your own good."
"You're starting to sound like Ryoh."
"How so?"
Lists their similarities until he's like right at her face and she's like super conscious of him. Bro's eyes feel like they're looking right through her which wells up more fear in her than expected.
But it's still calming.
They get interrupted by a phone call by Renatus that a super important corpse went missing.
_ _ _
Extra thought/crack interaction:
Drunk Rinka: Oh god what the hell is he doing up in my face? Does he know... he shouldn't know how would he know AAAAAAAAAAAA
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skz-kiana · 1 year
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kpop oc’s
they know eachother from back in sydney! they were childhood friends along with chanlix 👁️. juliet actually left to korea in 2014, a year before kiana. juliet was one of kianas only friends that were actually a girl in school so she sort of formed an attachment to her so when she left she was really sad </33 . she trained hard with her trainer ,then did an audition for jyp and sm and got into jyp. chan, being the leader he is, got in contact with juliet again and arranged a meetup for aussie line and that’s how they got in contact again 💁‍♀️.
their relationship is very fun. they like messing around and causing chaos 🙈. but a lot of times they are also just calm, enjoying eachothers presence and making up for missed time. they have a lot of playful philosophical debates with eachother. sometimes when one of them have a comeback there’s a 87% chance that the other will be featured on one of their challenge videos. a iconic baeji moment is when kiana was doing a vlog for her birthday and when she went downstairs it was dark, and when she turned on the lights juliet was there waiting for her with a balloon in her hand and confetti in the other💔💔.
these two met backstage at an award show because their schedules overlapped. kiana was walking texting her members because she finally found a vending machine and she accidently bumped into yumi and made her drop her chips on the floor. they exchanged a lot of apologies (even tho it was kianas fault) and ended up talking more while kiana walked with her to buy yumi a new chip bag😭 when yumi checked the time on her phone they realized they had to get back to their seats and before she left kiana asked her to film a quick tik tok with her. they did and the staygenes loved it so she asked jungwon for yumis number and then boom!!🫡
their relationship are like siblings! kiana has that effect on most people that when they talk to her they get comfortable with her real quick because of her personality. yukia love doing tiktoks (most are for their private tiktoks). they have that kind of relationship where they act like they don’t care about eachother jokingly and tease eachother a lot, but when something happens they are quick to be at the others side and either comfort or defend them.
these two met on a very embarrassing accident 😭 cece was doing some dance practice to aespa’s next level. winter had previously texted kiana to come visit aespa while they were practicing then later they could go hang out or get lunch so of course kiana said yes. they didn’t specify a room #, they just said they’ll be just playing next level so kiana js went with it. but she accidentally went into the room cece was practicing in, she didn’t even knock or check to see who it was she just opened in there and shouted “did you miss me?!” and cece just stood there so confused while kiana looked embarassed. kiana started saying a bunch of sorrys and cece was just laughing and said it’s fine. they met again while kiana was leaving sm later , and had a talk then later exchanged numbers. every once in a while this moment gets brought up and kiana feels like crying😵‍💫😵‍💫
their relationship started off peaceful for the most part then slowly started getting more chaotic. its now to the point where when any of nct or skz sees them together they already wanna leave (love them tho 🫠) they always have fun when they are together and they also love their quiet peaceful moments <3 (happens once in a blue moon tho). nobody even knows how they manage to see eachother so much , but they are around eachother a lot. like baeji, they try to collab when one of them has a comeback.
these two met around 2021! txt just had a comeback so they hosted a party and invited all their friends so obv kiana got invited !! when she got there she knew everyone (for the most part) but then she saw ivy and yeonjun and she’s like 😮😮 who’s this? (she didn’t know who exactly his gf was) so she goes up to them and asks who she is and yeonjun introduces ivy as his gf and she’s like Oh mY GOD. she quite literally dragged ivy away and they started talking and now they’re like this 🤞🏾🤞🏾. kiana is ivy’s biggest supporter fr. she’s also like one of those elementary students who found out someone’s dating and is all corny about it , constantly saying “ewww they’re holding hands.. too much pda for a couple like you😒😒” (she stopped after yeonjun hit her in the head infront of ivy 😶)
their relationship gives off sibling vibes sometimes, but more so of the loving ones and not the chaotic playful banter one. they will argue (as a joke) sometimes and start drama for fun but they really care about eachother <33 they really love matching with the other too, when you see them together it’ll be hard not to see something similar about what they’re wearing. whenever ivy goes, kiana will be there too (supporting her and being extra) MAMA? kiana is screaming louder than all the other idols. concert ? kiana will find a way.
sorry this took so long omg😭😭 people featured are @ivy-diaries @mazeofyeni @ateezjuliet @i4juni
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prometheanglory · 1 year
I LIVE LAUGH LOVE FOR THE BEEFY ASKS FOR ETERNITY AND ALWAYS and ty for ur service of offering a 2 parter grins so evilly (and i apologize for the length bc im wordy and vinh requires words… it makes for an unwise combination for word count) this actually took me months on-and-off to write since…. july 1st oh my god
👖 JEANS - what is their go-to outfit?
IT DEPENDS ON WHERE SHE IS? if she’s back at home: prefers to dress conservatively, tho she does adorn herself with a lot more flashy jewelry. her color palette is more broad, but she sticks to cream-colored dresses if she has to go out in public (her chitons are quite varied. they swing between unremarkable or notably contemporary) (reason being: her mother manages a chunk of her wardrobe). she prefers to wear her himation/veil higher up (or have it cover her completely) namely for modesty’s sake — but she feels obligated to lower it when in the company of her higher-ranking relatives, since they are a prouder crowd who prefer a more prideful look to her. while she may not put heightened emphasis on trends, looking presentable and appropriate is critical to her.
off the mountain, vinh still upholds a lot of her classiness + modesty but now prioritizes looking more put-together and formal… from a modern lens! fond of darker colors, and seldom wears anything that doesnt cover her neck or her arms in public. her go-to outfits tend to avoid pants. pants feel weird to her. they reveal + hug everything way too much. and while she’s coming around to being comfortable with showing some legs, she’s still a far cry from going anywhere without tights or pantyhose. jewelry from vinh here is much more sparse + simple, like a string of pearls or a thin golden necklace. she doesn’t like to look ostentatious without clear reason. a long skirt with a long sleeved shirt will do the job fine.
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
THE PROMETHEAN TORCH. THE FORGE OF HEPHAESTUS. FIRE. HEARTH FIRE. DUTY AND OBLIGATION… originally i was just looking 4 a convenient excuse for why her hair is on fire but then it kinda just spiraled from there. so she went from loose self insert to full-fledged oc.
i think the first thing i decided about vinh was her number-two status? ik i always bring up her weird case of generosity/duty/etc but when i first drafted her up, she was always kinda meant to be tailing idia… or well, just always bringing up the rear for someone else (originally, this aspect of her personality was much pronounced within her dynamic w leona) despite her qualifications(*) to take charge — she has never had any genuine interest in moving beyond her position, and embraces it as a supporting role. promethean fire is a tool to greatness babie!!!
**qualifications can be defined as numerous things. some may look to her status and prestige; others may look to her academic and physical performance. it is also possible to look towards her focused and cool personality.
🌱 SEEDLING - what is their most vivid memory from childhood?
she didn’t rly have much of a childhood :,) such is the fate of being the eldest daughter, but that doesn't mean she didn't have any adolescent experiences! i'd say one of her most vivid memories as a child were around her days as her grandfather's protégé. instead of eating mud and frolicking with her parents, she'd spend her days tailing him and studying to develop her magical skills. her grandpa wanted to understand where exactly her limits were with her magical prowess though, so what started as a simple lesson turned into an impromptu magic brawl.
the intent was to just go until vinh called it off, but vinh's always been a high-achieving people-pleaser. implying that 'she couldn't take it' didn't rly end up happening. the only thing that ended up stopping her grandpa from whacking around a pseudo-preteen with lightning bolts for 30 more minutes, was the fact that vinh's mom showed up and forced them both to stop (via her unique magic) bc that's the only way she could've done it without aggravating the issue further.
this incident was what gave vinh her closest brush to what over-extended use of her unique magic could entail, because of her rapid mana depletion also ended up depleting her temperature immunity. meaning that vinh was actually burning herself pretty severely without the safety barrier of her excess mana.
as all concerned mothers would, mamaphrodite was pretty pissed that her own grandfather would be so inappropriate with a girl who is many centuries his junior and barely has her leg out the door in experience. the only reason why vinh would continue her education under him + the head temple (until her eventual promotion to the head temple's hiereiai) would be due to vinh's own request (read: begging and insistence) to overlook this and let her stay.
📎 PAPERCLIP - a random fact.
she has a very very very poor alcohol tolerance — one shot does more than just get her tipsy. most people wouldn’t be able to tell she’s drunk tho. she’s the type of drunk who doesn’t really get aggressive or excited. she’s just very… compliant. almost-entirely silent. her inhibitions flew out the window and it left nothing behind but low ambitions. its hard to spot because shes not exactly super chatty and rebellious. being stone-faced and doing people weird favors isn’t even out of character for her… but the extent to which she’ll agree is the key to figuring it out.
want her to follow you? sit in this spot and not move a muscle? blow something up? clean your bathroom? get in the kitchen and make you sandwich? brush your teeth (why would you ask her to do that)? she’ll do everything to a T as asked. until she sobers up, at least (which… may take a while. depending on how much she drank.)
anyway, it goes without saying that vinh does not like being drunk. it is a lesson well-learned in her family that neither she nor her dad are meant to drink, but it’s only vinh who listens to that lesson and abstains from drinking.
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don’t want to show other people?
she doesn’t like to show strong emotions to anothers. it’s not that she goes out of her way to present herself as cold, it’s coincidence that vinh’s idea of being mild-mannered means being very muted and distant.
strong reactions spurred on by anything (negative or positive) is improper and unnecessary, even outright uncomfortable. this notion extends to ‘intimate’ or ‘vulnerable’ feelings as well. it’s not right for her to be seen prone or viewed as ‘in-need’. vinh prefers that her thoughts, feelings, and biases stay strictly with her unless otherwise prompted (or that these feeling somehow act to the benefit or desire of others).
the point she makes pointedly clear is she prefers to be seen as a pillar and a service, rather than a person.
💘 HEART W/ ARROW - what traits do they look for in a relationship? do they believe in love at first sight?
truth comes first — she does not believe in love at first sight applies to her, and this rhetoric can be similarly applied to how she feels about true love. it probably exists. it definitely exists. but it’s not real enough to be a rule, so it’s not really relevant. love = attraction but attraction ≠ love. she doesn’t want to disappoint anybody with a promise of love when it wasnt love they were seeking. the eyes are often hungrier than the stomach, so to speak.
in a relationship, i think she’s always subconsciously looking for maturity and understanding, or at least some semblance of reassurance of her value...? but more accurately, i think she looks more towards the explicit lack of said-criteria. not all at once and definitely not to an extreme ofc, but it's just easier for her to stomach mediocrity. as starved as she may be for connections, she’s kind of backed herself into a corner of being equally repulsed by it. so. this works out decently(*) for her. she doesn’t mind bearing the brunt of the emotional and manual labor you’d expect from a relationship, even if she never is quite there emotionally.
☀️ SUN - are they a morning person? what is the first thing they do in the morning?
absolutely a morning person, but she’s Also simultaneously a night owl. she doesn’t really have much of a choice, seeing as her body doesn’t need sleep very often. aside from the usual morning hygiene routine, vinh's first priority in the morning is definitely just a random assortment of tasks ranging from waking up, freshening up, finishing up last-minute assignments… it’s usually busy, but she sees it as tame.
outside of that, her morning duties also include delivering any documents to whoever requested them, waking up/setting out uniforms for other students (largely contained to ignihyde — and only if they asked her, but there’ve been other instances). she also brings breakfast back from the shops or the cafeteria if people ask for it… it’s mainly idia who’s made a habit of this service, bc nobody else uses it as frequently as he does.
🪤 MOUSE TRAP - what will always lure them into certain danger? a loved one in danger? a promise of something they are always searching for?
i think it’d be best explained as ‘for the betterment of others’ that she’d do something dangerous!
though an endangered loved one could (would) have her up on her feet immediately, to say that the decision to leap into the fray comes ‘easily’ to her is never true. of course, she’ll do it — who else could? to the extent that she can? she extends this service outwards towards the public if she deems the threat large enough to require her attention or has otherwise been brought to her.
you could take this magnetism to danger as a testament to what she’s always seeking (the ability to be of use/be valuable/be capable/etc). the other answer you scrape from this though, is that vinh’s sense for accomplished duty comes from a place of being mutilated in some way.
👑 - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
to be entirely honest, she doesn’t want to be remembered. or at least, she doesn’t want her name or face or… really any facet of her to be connected to it? she knows thats a bit impossible, her status and her goals don’t align enough for such a thing. it’s just wishful and moody thinking.
if she has to be remembered, she’d like for it to not gloss over the unsavory aspects of how she ever came to be. people are free to remember her actions or what she did, whether it helped them or harmed them. she doesn’t want to be an untouchable exemplar because she managed to help some people. it is nothing but the right thing to do, the natural thing to do, and it does not need an audience.
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👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
to be entirely honest, she doesn’t want to be remembered. or at least, she doesn’t want her name or face or… really any facet of her to be connected to it? she knows thats a bit impossible, her status and her goals don’t align enough for such a thing. it’s just wishful and moody thinking
if she has to be remembered, she’d like for it to not gloss over the unsavory aspects of how she ever came to be. people are free to remember her actions or what she did, whether it helped them or harmed them. she doesn’t want to be an untouchable exemplar because she managed to help some people. it is nothing but the right thing to do, the natural thing to do, and it does not need an audience.
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orchidyoonkook · 3 months
I could read stories that have love triangles, poly relationships and even side relationships with other members. But it's so rare for me to enjoy ships with between members though. Like let's say there's the story where OC x Member are in a relationship with Member x Member as side ships. Maybe. I'm not so into side couples, but there are times when I'll make an exception if that couple is well written in stories.
And if the ship isn't harmful (in my opinion), then I'd have nothing against people who enjoy those ships.
I'm just personally not into those ships.
Yes! For example.. There's this boy. So our mothers were childhood friends, and we were actually raised more like cousins than friends. And we were close.
We aren't close anymore. That's besides the point.
People kept telling us to date, get married and even have children.. Everything that you could think of in this situation that would be worst than the last too.
That was awkward. We aren't attracted to the other in any romantic or sexual way, only a familial way. It was always so annoying to hear that from people all the time. That wasn't the only time either. There is a lot of people who just try coupling me with guys I'm close to because of how close we are or we were.
That's what I imagine with the members. The group is like a family, they act like brothers more than a lot of other ships. So I can't imagine them romantically or sexually together in that way. That's my opinion.
And I don't date for a number of reasons that have nothing to do with this. So I'm not getting into that.
Oop sorry this is so late!!! I had to work (🤮) and then I forget to check notifs cuz I suck at being online. REGARDLESS!! Onto:
I totally get you. But I am more lenient on side couples as it’s not the main pairing and therefore I don’t have to go through the motions with them. I’m way more comfortable with love triangles and poly stories tho. Especially if it isn’t harmful 😊. (I don’t mind dark fiction/ romance)
And I had the exact same thing happen with my next door neighbour. I moved in when we were two cuz were the same age. And our parents always had us in the same classes growing up and they always used to tease us that we would get married one day. A true childhood friends to lovers situation. But as we got older we grew apart and honestly now could not be more different. But again the difference between our situations is I still consider him one of my best friends. I just don’t see him all that often. But out relationship has grown into that kind of comfortable adult type where we hug goodbye and it’s not awkward. I’m really grateful for him still.
A situation closer to what your describing is more like me and a friend I met in 6th grade. I was always more of a “one of the boys” girlie so I had almost exactly what happened to you happen to me with him which made highschool awkward sometimes. But we remain close as well. He’s in a relationship now and so am I. And we never dated.
In regards to the boys, you get it. That’s exactly how I see them. They’re brothers. Best friends. Family. They’re so comfortable around one another that I don’t even think about it. But their business is theirs and mine is mine. Diction will be fiction and as long as no one goes too far, all is well that goes on. I’m happy for them regardless.
I respect your boundaries about dating! Thanks for being clear 😊
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Hey y'all!!!! Welcome to my blog!!!!
A Little Bit About Me:
Hi! You can call me Tonberry!
pronouns: she/her
i love writing with my entire being
huge anime nerd (multifandom)
im just a student figuring out life and vibing along the way! :)
here's the link to my pinterest account! and here's the one to my spotify!
also, go follow @thatoneartistinthecorner she is super flipping talented
FOLLOW MY SIDEBLOG!!!! @tonberry-reads
Now to the Good Stuff!
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Series I Write For:
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (both anime and manga up to part 8!)
Final Fantasy (XV, X, VII, VIII)
Kingdom Hearts
Hunter x Hunter
The Arcana
One Piece (I am super behind in this show, but don't mind spoilers, so send them in!!)
Jujutsu Kaisen (anime only)
One Punch Man (anime only)
My Hero Academia (manga and anime)
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Spy x Family
Black Butler
Chainsaw Man
Avatar the Last Airbender
there will be spoilers on my account just btw!!!!
Requests are: OPEN!!! (for this event only!!!!!)
What I Will Write:
character x reader
Ships (canon character x canon character) (it depends on which ones tho)
female readers
male readers
gender neutral readers
fluff alphabet - clickable link
angst - go to this post
matchups!! you can find the rules right here!
also, just feel free to ask me if you have any specific questions or ideas, i wont bite!
What I Won't Write:
poly relationships
OC x character
yandere themes
certain AUs (ask me!)
angst - go to this post
I will not write for a young reader! Like anything under 13-15. As an adult now, I just don't feel comfortable with writing for a reader that is a child. I will only do it for matchups
thanks for understanding!!! <3
When Requesting:
specify everything!!!
feel free to ask questions if anything is confusing or if you want something super specific
please be patient, as it does take a while to write
check if your request got through by checking the current works in progress down below!
Extra Little Stuff About My Account:
Masterlists (all clickable links):
JJBA (2)
Kingdom Hearts
Hunter x Hunter
The Arcana
One Piece
Jujutsu Kaisen
One Punch Man
My Hero Academia
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Chainsaw Man
Current Fics In Progress:
Zuko x firebender!reader who talks about the past with the gaang
Iida reacting to reader telling a dangerous story lmao
Ramattra x reader who is his secret admirer
Kakyoin in the hospital and reader takes care of him <3
Mista x reader where they see each other after a long while due to work reasons <3
Lucio with s/o who loves to spoil him :)
Alastor and reader in the rain <3
Current Headcanons In Progress:
Hazbin Hotel characters with a fem!reader who yells their full name from the kitchen
Current Number of Matchups in Progress:
Matchup Rules! - clickable link
I have some lovely anons on this account! If you want to have a little anon nickname let me know!!!
Anon List:
♡ anon (heart anon)
🌻anon (sunflower anon)
🚁 anon (helicopter anon)
🌸 anon (flower anon)
🗡️ anon (sword anon)
🇪🇸 anon (spain anon)
🦝 anon (raccoon anon)
🫁 anon (breathing anon)
thank you so much! enjoy and please stay hydrated!! love, Tonberry
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wonolic · 10 months
I'm sorry if this comes out weird but if it's okay can I please ask for some head cannons with Yui but how would she be in a romantic relationship with Yuutsu
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By the way she is an OC of mine you can find more information about her on my patreon
Tumblr and sorry if this request sounds weird again and you don't have to take it if you don't want to
Yui's relationship with Yuutsu ! 🌸
OMG, thank you so much for your ask! I'm really happy that you trusted me to do it. 🩷
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I'm really sorry if I don't portray your OC like she really is, it's just that I never made a request like that before. I hope you enjoy it!
Yui is so in love with that girl she can't even hide it, it's like her pupils become heart shaped when she sees Yuutsu.
Yui would try everything to help her girlfriend out with her social anxiety problems and make her prioritize her own mental health. Yui would try hard to make
Yuutsu see she's not bothering nor a burden to her, also, would totally support Yuutsu and attend pride parades with her.
Yui finds it sad how Yuutsu is so self-conscious about her own body and feels bad about having a small chest, so Yui always tries to make Yuutsu see the good side of having small chest and how cute she looks with it!
She finds it incredible how intelligent Yuutsu is, always prizing her about it and asking for help/advice because she knows Yuutsu is the best giving it.
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Yuutsu and Yui would try and do so many hairstyles on each other and it's such a cute moment between the two of them. I can totally see Yui brushing Yuutsu's long hair every night before they go to sleep.
They would totally watch anime together, principally Sailor Moon; would pick one night to focus on binge watching Nana, Sailor Moon and various magical girls anime while eating their favorite sweets and hugging.
Sometimes, she'll feel kinda nervous when around Yuutsu and doesn't know how to act, just a silly smile from Yuutsu is enough to leave the poor girl flustered.
When walking together, people would find their relationship cute because of their aesthetics that look like they complete each other + both of the girls are so pretty and sweet together it's almost impossible to not like them.
When Yuutsu is scarred/has nightmares and go to hide in her closet, Yui follows her, does her maximum to comfort Yuutsu and make her feel safe again, reassuring that she's there for Yuutsu and that she can count on her for anything.
Even tho I think Yui prefers dogs over cats, I do think she loves cats and that she would treat Snowball and Cinnamon as if they were her own pets and with the utmost love and care.
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Yui is Yuutsu's fan number 1 and comments on all of her videos at least three times, like I said before, she supports her girlfriend in everything! Yui will even learn how to paint and decorate nails, just to make her girlfriend happy.
Sometimes uses Yuutsu's sewing machine when she can't find her stitching bag, and even tho Yui isn't skilled as Yuutsu when it comes to sewing, she tries to make some handmade gifts for Yuutsu.
Would frequently visit the maid coffee shop Yuutsu's work on, she'll be okay if it isn't Yuutsu who will serve her, but she gets so happy and puts such a large smile when Yuutsu is the one serving her.
Again, please, forgive me if I didn't do what you wanted or didn't portray your OC in the right way. Please, feel free to send more requests in the future! See you in the next post! 💗
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courfeyracs-swordcane · 9 months
lots of questions for alonzo (although i'd be interested to know all of these for any of the ballad brothers characters):
🎮 Video Game Controller - what are three of your oc's favorite hobbies?
🖊 Ballpoint Pen - does your oc have any tattoos? do they want any (more) tattoos?
🩹 Adhesive Bandaid - does your oc have any physical and/or mental disabilities?
💯 Hundred Points Symbol - share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
🌈 Rainbow - what is your oc's sexual orientation/gender identity? what pronouns do they use?
🐶 Dog Face - does your oc have any pets?
🍎 Red Apple - where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
❤️ Red Heart - what are three of your oc's positive traits?
🤍 White Heart - what are three of your oc's neutral/questionable traits?
💔 Broken Heart - what are three of your oc's negative traits?
💛 Yellow Heart - how many languages does your oc speak? what language(s) are they learning, if any?
🖤 Black Heart - has your oc killed or seriously wounded anyone before? have they even broken someone's heart and/or broken someone's trust?
🎂 Birthday Cake - when is your oc's birthday? how old are they? what are their sun, moon, and rising signs (if known)? what about their tarot card, ruling planet, and ruling number (if known)? do they fit the typical traits of these sun, moon, and rising signs?
😊 Smiling Face With Smiling Eyes - what are your oc's career/general life desires? what do they want to get the most out of life?
🤓 Smiling Face With Glasses - is your oc chatty or quiet? are they at ease in social situations, or are they more shy?
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Family With Mother, Father, Son, And Daughter - how many people are in your oc's immediate family? how many people are in your oc's extended family? do they have aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc? who in their family are the closest with? are they close with their birth family, or do they have a found family?
OKAY IT TOOK ME A WHILE (and I’m still working through the last set) bUT.
🎮 Video Game Controller - what are three of your oc's favorite hobbies?
Oh god. Well. I mean first and foremost this is definitely not a guy who wants anyone to think he has hobbies. He’s very particular about What Anyone is Allowed To Know About Him at Any Given Time (hint. It’s not very much.)
That being said. Things he does that aren’t his job.
1. Sneak out to go sit in the corner of the room his sister is squatting in and bicker.
2. Sneak out to go hang out in the doorway of his kind-of boyfriend’s horrifyingly poorly ventilated necromancy basement lab and try and convince them to go touch grass or smth (he will not go in)
3. I think he plays like fuckin handball or smth
🖊 Ballpoint Pen - does your oc have any tattoos? do they want any (more) tattoos?
He does not! Not comfortable with identifying marks like that and also not really capable of that kind of self expression? I think if he had anything he felt strongly enough about he might get one but he doesn’t really. have that. (or if Ari came up with something stupid and funny enough they could definitely talk him into getting a tattoo. For the bit.)
He’s got piercings tho!!! Several in his ears and one eyebrow!
🩹 Adhesive Bandaid - does your oc have any physical and/or mental disabilities?
There’s definitely SOMETHING wrong with him in the brain! Unsure exactly what it is yet but I’m thinking he’s probably just like. really REALLY good at masking?
I think he’s the least physically disabled one in the thing so far? Like. Kyrie definitely did not come out of All That unscathed. One of Punk’s eyes is fucked up (thanks Kyrie)(<— lore that exists as of literally right now). Ari lives in a fucked up basement that’s full of entirely unventilated toxic fumes and they literally do not fucking go outside ever, which has definitely Had An Effect on both their brain and their little twink body (negative).
Also I think when Alonzo dies that kind of sticks around afterwards? He came back right but he gets hella chest pains/can’t always breathe (comes and goes)
💯 Hundred Points Symbol - share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
(THIS ONE I JUST DONT HAVE I THINK IM SORRY)(it really depends on the others at hand— this guy is a fully different person in different situations/around different people)(Kyrie doesn’t know much about the years she was gone besides that they were Bad. Ari doesn’t know anything about what/how much he’s invested in anything. Punk probably knows him the best (on account of the Proximity) and they don’t know hardly any facts about him at all)
🌈 Rainbow - what is your oc's sexual orientation/gender identity? what pronouns do they use?
Ok on the reference spreadsheet I have to keep all my lore straight he’s listed as ‘Gender: seriously??’ and ‘sexuality: ace’ but to get more specific he’s trans his pronouns are he/they and he’s biromantic asexual except he’s also on the aro spectrum because I can’t write characters who aren’t lmaoooo. And the repression.
🐶 Dog Face - does your oc have any pets?
Okay I think that would fix him but no he does not on account of the organization he works for owns pretty much everything he has including his apartment and the clothes on his back and adding anything he’d be genuinely upset about losing into that mix is would be out of the question
🍎 Red Apple - where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
The whole thing takes place in an as-yet unnamed city(-state)!!! I’m still figuring out exactly how shit worked in Kyrie and his childhood but they were definitely both born there and I don’t think either of them has ever really been anywhere else. Kyrie might have gotten to travel occasionally when she was the organization’s golden girl but like. Didn’t get to be anywhere for any meaningful length of time.
As for how he feels, I think he’s very pragmatic about it? It’s the only place he’s ever been and a lot of it sucks but not all of it. It’s fine.
❤️ Red Heart - what are three one of your oc's positive traits?
1. He’s always been the one with the braincell! When he was younger, before Kyrie left, it manifested mostly as being a Very Bright Kid with a Lot Of Anxiety and now it’s more of a. ‘I am the only bitch in this goddamn story with an OUNCE of common sense can you guys not fucking THINK???’ <— guy who is drastically underestimating his capability for dumbassery but still.
🤍 White Heart - what are three one of your oc's neutral/questionable traits?
1. Very very good at talking! I wouldn’t necessarily call him charismatic but he’s very good at just like. casual small talk? He’s got that ‘I will make an exception because he seems very polite’ swag
💔 Broken Heart - what are three one of your oc's negative traits?
1. Repressed as hell in literally every way possible. Allergic to anything genuine and open and vulnerable. He’s constantly playing 3D chess against himself and everyone around him to make sure nothing gets too close. And he is doing all of this while thinking he came out pretty healthy and well adjusted.
🖤 Black Heart - has your oc killed or seriously wounded anyone before? have they even broken someone's heart and/or broken someone's trust?
He has definitely both killed and seriously wounded people! He does that on a regular basis that’s literally his job <3 and he’s very good at it <3
For the second half, I don’t think so? The only people who’s trust he’s breaking are people who are not really emotionally invested in him (organization higher-ups at large) or people who expected this from the beginning (Punk).
Kyrie was definitely pretty fucked up about him joining up w the organization (/just like. Generally how he turned out, esp with it being Really Obvious to anyone who knows either of them that He Grew Up Just Like The Sister He Remembered)(Kyrie at the time having been 18 and angry and trapped in a very small life and desperate to be anything worth taking notice of) but I don’t know if I’d call that a broken heart issue? It did give her lots of issues about letting anyone help her/get themselves involved in her Overthrow The Government efforts tho <3
🎂 Birthday Cake - when is your oc's birthday? how old are they? what are their sun, moon, and rising signs (if known)? what about their tarot card, ruling planet, and ruling number (if known)? do they fit the typical traits of these sun, moon, and rising signs?
Oh shit! Okay that’s one I’ll have to come back to when I have a little more worldbuilding in place I think since I’m gonna hazard a guess that they don’t have the same months or zodiacs BUT he’s 25 (Ari is also 25, Kyrie is 29, and Punk is like mid 30s)
😊 Smiling Face With Smiling Eyes - what are your oc's career/general life desires? what do they want to get the most out of life?
WELL. first of all this is not a guy with general life or career desires— his plan was basically to Be Like Kyrie and then he did that (got the same job at the organization) and now he’s technically a hostage there (he doesn’t really give a shit but it’s not a situation that especially allows for Goals)
🤓 Smiling Face With Glasses - is your oc chatty or quiet? are they at ease in social situations, or are they more shy?
I think he falls on the quieter end? Like he’s notably EXCELLENT at small talk but he definitely defaults more to sitting back and just watching.
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Family With Mother, Father, Son, And Daughter - how many people are in your oc's immediate family? how many people are in your oc's extended family? do they have aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc? who in their family are the closest with? are they close with their birth family, or do they have a found family?
Still working out What The Deal Is There Exactly, but it’s always been just him and Kyrie! and they get a little found family together but that’s like. The point of the story here
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i hope im not too late hehe.. my hospital duty is killing me 🫠 idk how u managed to write and work at the same time
anyways, oc and junnie fluff scene got me giggling and kicking my feet like what? how did beomgyu survived that hahahaha
i would never have thought oc would be able to dom yeonjun.. (it was still freaking hot tho) im glad shes getting more genuine? comfortable? having sex with him and her confidence is finally coming out. but oc thinking about gyu just fucking ruins it 🙂
here are my predictions.. (i thought i am intuitive person but this fic humbled me)
1. jun & oc ends up together, oc moves on and gyu let goes oc and becomes mature, was just confused this whole time because he was just scared to lose his ONLY bestfriend
2. gyu & oc ends up together, cuz gyu had feelings for her this whole freaking time he is just indenial/confused about his feelings because he thought oc didn't like him and doesnt know how to handle it
3. gyu and oc ends up together, gyu knows it all this time he just thought that being friends with oc will last longer than being romantically together
4. jun and oc ends up together, gyu had feelings for her but was too late to confess because oc moved on and now loves jun
either way, i feel like im going to ugly cry because i will feel bad to whoever oc didn't end up with 😭
lastly, i never used patreon so i dont have any idea how to use and pay for it. but i hope i can and support u, and also to soothe my broken heart from the release of the main ending
haha cuz i'm neglecting my other duties like signing up for training and working on my appraisal haha 🥲
i know it was so cute 😣 and it was fun making gyu sit through it lol
yeah well it wasn't an easy dominance which feels natural to them. jun is just a very laid back dude. i know thinking about gyu ruins it but she's been doing it less and less 😪
i know like all of them are sad in a way. i guess the least sad is number one because he doesn't love her and he just gets over his shit and she's happy with jun. and 4th is the worst 😣
haha thank you babe. you don't have to do it if you don't want to but hopefully with patreon i can justify to myself the amount of time i'm spending on writing instead of studying 😂
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lonely--shine · 5 months
Alnair 🌂🧠 Atlas 🍎🎯 Shell 🎓🍀 Ebis ✨🥊🎯 Marcus 🌂
Thanks for all the questions!! :D Let's see...
🌂 - What genre do they belong in? Fantasy! She's an Arcana game OC, so fantasy all the way in.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC? They're the perfect mashup of self-insert to project into and character of its own to explore paths I myself would personally not walk through. I also love how she lets me rewrite canon events however I want xD
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like? In short, pretty good! Atlas has two moms, Naith (they/them) and Irdred (she/her) (and the auntcle/biological father, Laith (she/he/they)) and loves them very much. Atlas picked many interests from them (art, gardening, etc), specially from Naith. And athough he travels far and often (he picked that from Laith), he still keeps in touch regularly and visits home once in a while.
...wow, me giving a character a perfectly healthy background/family. This is rare to happen. Quick, make a wish!
🎯 -What do they do best? All things plants. In magic? That means potions, charms, etc. In daily life? You got him gardening, cooking, brewing tea... If it involves working with plants one way or another, he has you covered.
🎓 - How long have you had the OC? I wanna say May 2021? *goes check* Yeah, I posted about her in June 2021 for the first time, so maybe I had her for like. maybe a month before that. Which means I had her for almost three years already? And she's still so little developed? Gods. In my defence I don't choose what my brain fixates on and also my life went to shit in late 2021 and kept like that for two years, so yeah. I want to take better care of my OCs and stories now tho ^^
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC? At first I just needed someone to comfortably play Asra's and Julian's routes with because it didn't quite work with either Alnair nor Atlas. Then I started wondering if it was possible to have one character that fitted all six Arcana routes. So I gave her an angsty backstory by which her identity was stripped and to be reshaped by the route she takes, gave her the name 'Shell' solely so I could have the play on words "Shell is your name and that's what you shall become" as part of her 'curse', and ta-daa! Yet another OC for the collection was born xD
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name? Okay, bear with me. Ebis is a Submachine OC, loosely based on the Player. And I say 'loosely' because there isn't really any information about Player to base Ebis on. Anyway, in one of the games you get out a padded room and there's the patient number 2183. Which, in digital clock numbers, if mirrored, kinda read like 'Ebis' if you squint hard enough. That's the logic Ebis follows to choose her name, since she wakes up without memories and it's easier to think of herself as 'Ebis' than a 4 digit number anyway.
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Maybe it's a dumb way to decide for a name but if it works it works.
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do? She loves tinkering away with computer software, which is good for her because she makes a job out of it post-canon (I have not written about that, but it exists in my head), and also numeric games for when she wants to scratch that brain itch without dealing with the inevitable bugs. She also loves gardening and not only that but needs to get her hands into the dirt and feel the sun on her face regularly for optimal mental stability. As for hating... I can only think of anything that would involve her going underground? Trauma related thing, after Submachine she's had enough underground for the rest of her life. Otherwise I don't know, I haven't given much thought to it. Oh! But she's incapable of sitting still and doing nothing, if that counts.
🎯 -What do they do best? She's very good at computers and programming... and the less socially accepted side of it as well (by which I mean she knows how to hack stuff, but she doesn't do that post-canon, and in-canon she does by necessity).
🌂 - What genre do they belong in? As the other Submachine OC I guess sci-fi/fantasy? Adventure? There's some post-apocalypse vibes to much of the game as well. Post-canon this would turn to the fluffy slice-of-life this poor tired man (and Ebis as well) deserves.
And that's all!! I believe I have talked enough for the day, thank you so much for the questions, they made my day :D
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