#not that he doesn't like prog
blujayonthewing · 2 years
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geddy-leesbian · 4 months
Luis would get banned from using the aux cord in Leon's car
he'd ask if he could just put on one song and 16 minutes later Leon would be like "you said ONE song pass the fucking aux cord"
and Luis is like "yeah babe it's almost over then I will"
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astrxealis · 2 years
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bg-brainrot · 8 months
Hello, I am writing Astarion fanfic with no signs of stopping 👋
Note: All Astarion x Tav, all written with gender-neutral pronouns and from second-person POV. Will continue to update this! This blog is all BG3 + Astarion
Love at First Knife
Rogue!Tav and Spawn!Astarion
This series is based on my double-rogue playthrough. Tav is an assassin rogue, chaotic neutral, chooses mostly good options but a ton of options just for the laughs or the money. Astarion remains unascended. Everyone shows up sooner or later, though main group includes Karlach and Shadowheart.
The Trap is Set: Two 8 strength rogues get stuck and need to wait for rescue; one of those rogues doesn't like being trapped underground
Failed a Dex Save and Fell for You: the gang plays Truth or Dare and Tav starts to realize their feelings
Healing Threads: Astarion is an expert at embroidery -- Tav finds this out through an injury. They later find out *why* he’s such an expert
The Night They Slept Together: Tav pines, and their relationship with Astarion shifts ever so slightly. (They literally do just sleep) [Tumblr]
One Small Bedroll, Two Confused Hearts: oh no, one bed! But both Astarion and Tav are scared to admit they're catching real feelings
Failed Every Insight Check and Fell all the Harder: Astarion POV, he begins feeling some new feelings. It's only after Moonrise Towers that he can put a name to them. [Tumblr]
Stolen Hearts: Tav "picks" Astarion over Karlach (Tav and Karlach were never really together but oh well, semantics)
NEW! To be Known: Astarion reads a book and wonders what it means to be known. [Tumblr]
A Stolen Moment: Tav and Astarion are on a thief date
The Rogues that Slay Together Stay Together: Tav goes down protecting Astarion, Astarion has never been this worried
A Pair of Penguin Pebblers: Both Astarion and Tav love stealing, they steal through a shopping episode and go on a date afterward
The Smut Peddlers of Sharess' Caress: the group finds smut written about Astarion and Tav [Tumblr]
A Bad Counterfeit: Tav is replaced by a doppelganger and Astarion immediately notices something's wrong, some angst as he comes to term with being a "hero"
Hugs for a Vampire: Rogue!Tav and Astarion's romance as told through hugs [Tumblr Masterlist]
More than Vampiric Charms: After some banter between Jaheira and Astarion goes too far, Rogue!Tav reassures Astarion [Tumblr]
Would You Still Love Me?: Rogue!Tav asks the question everyone wants to know the answer to "would you still love me if I was a worm?" [Tumblr]
Of Bets, Bluffs, and Briefs: The gang plays strip poker, though it seems like not everyone (Astarion) is playing by the rules [Tumblr]
Brawls Fair in Love and War: What starts out as a scuffle turns into a full out tavern brawl for the gang [Tumblr]
Alone in a Crowded Camp: Astarion reflects and realizes that company isn't so bad. [Tumblr]
Their First Winter Together: Astarion and Rogue!Tav enjoy a lot of winter firsts in this fluff-filled extravaganza [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12]
Unraveling Plan Meet Immeasurable Insecurity: Tav tries their damnedest to propose, only to be rebuffed by Astarion at every single turn. [Tumblr]
(smut) The Thousandth Time: Astarion and Rogue!Tav make love for the thousandth time. In a bathtub. [Tumblr]
Random post-game rogue!Tav headcanons
A Star in the Dark
Evil!Dark Urge and Ascended!Astarion
Evil!Dark Urge and Astarion have a tumultuous relationship, make dubious choices, and become a power couple. *This playthrough scares me so I'll update this sporadically hah
(smut) In My Head: Dark Urge has an all new kind of daydream after Astarion approaches them
(smut) A Bloody Sacrament: Astarion licks Dark Urge clean after they bathe in a pool of blood [Tumblr]
Tav x Astarion fics that don't belong to a series
IN PROGRESS When He's all but Forgotten How to Love Again: Elf-Tav reincarnation story, they dream of him in their reverie, and go out to find him once they reach maturity [Tumblr Masterlist]
IN PROGRESS The Consequences of Convenience: Tav enters a marriage of convenience with their unromanced, best friend Astarion-- feelings ensue.
Spicy Astarion Headcanons (both A!A and Spawn!A)
Horny Astarion Headcanons (both A!A and Spawn!A)
If you're looking for some more fics, check out my fic recs here!
If you're wondering which Hozier songs fit which pairings, check them here!
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randoimago · 1 month
Hi Kat! Holly here. Since you're writing for jjba again, can I request the same thing that I requested the last time? Bucci Gang with a S/O who loves rock music?
Take your time and have a good day/night!
Fandom: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Character(s): Abbacchio, Bruno, Fugo, Giorno, Trish, Narancia, Mista
Note(s): I tried to tie this in with each of their stands and it was very interesting considering how many types of Rock music there are
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Abbacchio won't judge your music taste, especially if you have some prog rock or some psychedelic rock stuff in your list. He'd make a list of recommendations for songs he enjoys for you as well that he hopes you actually listen to.
Bruno enjoys listening to rock music with you and is sure to mention some indie bands you'd enjoy if you like certain bands. He would take you to bars or small places with live music so you can hear some of his favorites.
Fugo has a good spread of interests with various rock genres. So listening to rock music with you is something he doesn't mind doing, it makes good background noise while he preps lesson plans for Narancia too.
Giorno's music taste is a bit all over the place. But if there are good instruments then he's happy to listen to the song. Especially if the lyrics are more than "sex, drugs, rock and roll". Pays more attention to your reactions to the music since he likes how happy you like.
Mista prefers more punk type music, but rock music is also a favorite. So he'll sit with you while you have your music going. If he has control over the radio then he absolutely skips over songs you love in favor of something he likes more (most of the time he does it to mess with you).
Narancia is more of a hip hop/R&B/rap guy, but his stand is also called Aerosmith so he has some love of rock music. Doesn't mind sitting with you and jamming out to some rock music either. Dancing is always a fun date idea.
Pop is Trish's thing, but she doesn't mind some rock music. Joan Jett, Heart, groups like that are favorites of hers. But she's up to listening to your music with you.
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@abellaheart-blog @joestarfoundation
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spenglersweetheart · 2 months
Soooo…I don’t wanna seem like I’m taking up your time or nothing…but…hear me out..
Reader works with ghostbusters and one day while the other three are on call it’s just reader and Venkman. They are working on the mood slime doing different tests and such. Venkman comes in to do his usual annoying and flirting technique when the reader shows him a ring on their finger and grin
“Sorry toots I’m taken by Dr Egon Spengler”
Then they just continue with work while venkmans just confused like “hEs EnGaGeD”
no bc i actually don't mind you're actually helping with writing muse because lately it was dead so you're doing my brain a justice !! :)
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( note, i could not decide who to put for the gif so enjoy all three of them <3 )
Sorry, Venkman, I'm Taken
technically an x reader but love interest isn't in the story? lol idk what to make of this.
WARNINGS : none! just peter being annoying lol
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YOU WERE JUST TRYING TO WORK WITH THE MOOD SLIME. While the other three were on a call, you were stuck with Peter Venkman. Sometimes it was bearable. Other times? Well, let's just say he was a bit of a flirt. An annoying flirt. Sometimes you can handle it, sometimes you couldn't. It just depended on how you felt and how patient you were at the time.
This day. You were not so patient.
You were conducting different tests for the slime. He was supposed to be helping. But all he did was pretty much hover over you with his poor flirtatious tactics. You weren't trying to give in to that behavior, as you deemed it immature.
"You're pretty quiet today, toots. You're not your usual self," you hear him say.
Toots. It never fails to make your nose scrunch up in disgust. That nickname made you feel like absolute garbage. But you dealt with it, mainly because you had to work with him.
"That's because I'm concentrating. It's kind of hard when you're blabbering in my ear," you tell him as you look at the cassette tape that's on the pool table.
You're looking at the Farewell to Kings cassette tape that's sitting next to the Jackie Wilson one that Egon has used prior for the experiment. It makes you wonder how it would react to Prog rock instead of the rhythm and blues.
"I wonder what it'll do for this tape," you mutter to yourself, before grabbing it.
You walk over to the radio, Peter following you like the lost puppy that he acted like. You didn't like being so close. It was a thing for you. The only one who could get that close to you was Egon. And right now, you were missing that company.
"Guess we're feisty today, huh?" Peter asks.
"Only because you won't leave me alone," you mumble, "You're supposed to be helping me. You could be doing something useful."
"I am doing something useful."
You close the cassette radio. Turning the tune to Cinderella Man. You turn back around to face him. Your eyes narrow before you walk away. He still follows you around.
"And what exactly are you doing?" You question, crossing your arms, "Because the only thing you have been doing is following me around like a lost puppy."
"I'm observing the mood slime, thank you very much," Peter answered, "I'm observing its reaction to you!"
You rule your eyes. "Oh yeah? And how is it reacting?"
"Very, very positive, toots," he tells you.
He tries to get closer, but you put your hand up so that he doesn't. You happen to raise the hand that had a ring on your finger. You had enough of his flirty antics and advances, and it was about time he knew that you were taken by one of your own colleagues.
"Sorry, toots," you say, almost mockingly, "I'm taken, Venkman. By Dr. Egon Spengler."
His eyes widen in shock while a smirk of amusement crawls onto your lips. His reaction was priceless to you. You just wondered what he had to say about it.
"Wait," Peter says, "He's engaged? Before me? How did Spengs get engaged before me?"
You finally put your hand down. "I dunno. Maybe because he doesn't creepily flirt. He's just himself," you say. You give a smile before walking away. Leaving Peter to think about his life decisions.
"I can't believe this," he muttered, before walking in the opposite direction.
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moremousewrites · 3 months
What the modern au! companions listen to
A (slightly unserious) list of my headcanons for what the companion's music taste is
as previously established, he's a diehard TOOL fan. He'd probably make his students write an essay about the pythagorean theorem and how it applies to their music for extra credit. Tara cannot stand it.
Yes she likes goth music. But she's gonna be niche about it and say she's into dreampop and protopunk. She loves Nico and Nina Hagen. Don't try to talk to her about it
I'm very convinced she likes visual kei. She listens to it while she trains MMA and Brazilian jiu jitzu. She just has a huge playlist of songs she's ripped from sharing sites so she doesn't have a favourite band.
You bet his ass listens to postpunk exclusively. New Order is his favourite band. He should be in the club.
His daddy issues makes me believe he really loves prog rock. Especially RUSH. I think his fav song would be Free Will (no pun intended)
I think she loves skapunk. She got into it bc of tony hawks pro skater and eventually started listening to the Planet Smashers as one does
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msmargarita · 11 months
✨🤓Johnathon/🕳️ Spot Headcanons✨
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These are some headcanons I wrote for my two fics:
i'm not going to turn into a cosmic anomaly and leave you forever
i'm really serious this time, baby
It has !!spoilers!! for both of those fics!
It's basically an AU unless I somehow foresaw the future and guessed what happens in BTSV!
Beware the keep reading button. This is HUGE.
🤓 Johnathon HCs!
HE IS A GEMINI. Like come on. Talks a lot, nerdy, silly guy. He is a canonically silly guy! In his first fight with Miles he pretends to have hurt his nose (he doesn’t have one) to trick him. So silly! I would bet there's Capricorn somewhere in there too. And Pisces. I’ll make this man’s whole birth chart if you dare me. Just dare me. I’m insane.
Jason Schwartzman used to be in a band in the 00s. I think it would be cool if Johnathon also had some sort of interest in music. I think he would have tried to learn guitar in college but only got a few chords in before life got too chaotic and every now and then he thinks of picking it back up. 
He is also one of those guys who fanboys over old ass music, especially from the 60s and 70s. Loves Jazz, Funk and Prog Rock. Look at this man and tell me he is not a prog rock guy. He is a nerd, he might even be *shudders* a math rock guy. I also think he would have one completely random favorite artist that has nothing to do with the things listed above, like, idk Lizzo. Or Princess Nokia. He just looks like the type.
I think everyone agrees Johnathon is at least in his thirties, but I put him down as thirty-three in the end. I did that because Olivia is thirty-five tops in ITSV (according to Peter) and since he was her subordinate it makes sense that he would be just a little bit younger than her. 
“But hey! That's too young to get a PhD!” you might say, but I think Johnny is an overachiever. I think he was one of those super genius kids that got in early in college and lived for academia. A teacher's pet even.
He is a workaholic, so when he quits his job he gets really lost and doesn't know what to do with himself. He might have a new job soon doing what he loves, so you’re going to need to be on his ass so he doesn’t fall back into his old habit of overworking. 
I like to think that Miles would get an internship under Johnathon a few years in the future and they would learn a lot together. Jonathan would probably take a week to figure out he is Spider-Man and would cover for him when the boy needs to disappear. This actually sounds like a fun drabble to write about.
Johnathon may be a genius, but like he said, he is not too familiar with relationships. I think he might've had one or two in the past, but everything slowed down when he started working at Alchemax. “I’ve been told” is referring to those past relationships, in which he was probably told that he works too much and never has time to spend with his partners. He’s not been with anyone for a long time and his game consists of buying the first comic book he saw on a shelf in order to ask you out.
But that doesn't mean he is cold. Quite the opposite really, Johnathon is very touchy-feely. He hasn't been with anyone for a while and misses touching and being touched. He is most comfortable when being at least 70% curled around you. 
He smokes Dunhill Carltons (he likes to feel fancy), but less now that he isn't as stressed from work. Like he said, he used to go on walks to smoke and pass by the comic book store you work at before you guys had even met. I like to think he developed a little crush back then.
Had his tattoos done in college, so they are very faded now. He doesn’t think of redoing them because the mere thought of having to stay seated for hours in the same place feeling pain stresses him out. He was a lot more easygoing when he had them done.
He did have a superhero phase when he was a kid. He would fantasize a lot about having superpowers and flying away when the bullies showed up. Never thought about fighting back. Before becoming the Spot, he wasn't the confrontational type. The hero thing fizzled out as he grew older, but he would always dream about being stronger. Being a better version of himself in a kinda superficial, but understandable way.
He still has a bunch of action figures, he thinks they look cool. If you give him one, he won't even care if he knows the character or not, he just likes them.
Even though Johanthon says he is “good-looking”, he does add “for a scientist” in the end. I think he tries to mask his insecurities with humor, always putting himself down with a joke, always saying he’s too old, too corny, too nerdy. In the back of his head he knows the hair and the glasses are kind of a look, but he doesn’t feel handsome. You help as much as you can, but that’s an obstacle for him to overcome by himself. I think after i’m really serious this time, baby he gets better at this.
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🕳️ The Spot HCs!
For clarification: the story of i’m not gonna turn into a cosmic anomaly and leave you forever stretches the plot of ATSV to a few weeks instead of a day. Just think of it like Spot taking a little longer to power up instead of a few hours.
Since he was forced to do crime to survive, I think he would've thought to himself: "Well, since I have to go rob a store anyway, might as well be that one where that cute cashier works at." 
Yes, Spot starts tracking and following you after you two meet. He uses his computer nerd powers for evil. A very unhealthy way of dealing with a crush, I think.
Spot can eat but he doesn't get any nutritional value from food. When you drink wine together or when he burns his tongue (?) from tea it's just a placebo effect. I like to think that Johnathon's mind is still inside The Spot's body, so he eats just for habit. He says he gets hungry all the time, but it's actually a deep need to consume everything around him. The little rascal.
As he powers up, Spot gets more confident in himself. He thinks the stronger he gets the further away he gets from Johnathon, his old self. Which, in the end, turns out to be true.
I think at first you don't really believe Spot is an actual supervillain which is why when you see him after the fight in Mumbattan it's such a shock. In a way, you did the same thing Miles did when he underestimated him, even if for whole different reasons. I think even though he knows you care about him, Spot knows you don't see him as a threat and that makes him want to impress you more. 
Spot knows that the reason you keep getting new jobs is because his own crazy supervillain life keeps interfering with yours, so he tries to keep it as much hidden from you as possible. He thinks what you don’t know can’t hurt you! As Johnathon, he feels guilty at first that you’re changing your whole life to go with him to New Jersey, BUT this time it was your choice! Not because of supervillain shenanigans!
He does love you (even if it was too early to know) and wants to be with you, but his head is so lost in the supervillain game, he thinks he can’t stop now. You never really realized how serious he was about “being stronger”. Which is why you never tried to stop him.
I chose I’d Rather Be With You as a theme song because I think it’s a song Johnathon/Spot would enjoy. But I also like how the lyrics match both their feelings towards you, in both fics. He wants to fly away with you once he gets all powered up, he loves your smile, etc. He does want to be your friend until the end as the Spot, but as Johanthon he is really committed to work on his bad habits in order to be with you. We gon' make it this time, baby! I cry, damnit. 
It’s also a surprisingly gender-neutral song, with no physical descriptions in it! Anyone can put themselves in the lover's place. Bootsy Collins is cool like that.
I like to think that, in the end, Spot didn't erase himself from the timeline. He just reloaded an old save. Does that make sense? Like you said, your relationship will always have happened, just in an old, non existent dimension. And since Johnathon and you still get dreams and deja vu about the whole thing (think of it as dimensional residue or whatever), you do have all the EXP of the old save. Johnathon, after going through the literal end of all existence and then forgetting about it, feels something compelling him to finally take a chance and enter the comic book store. It’s like when your body goes through something and it remembers later, even if your mind doesn't. Here's a (hopefully) comprehensive timeline:
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the end.
Thank you for taking an interest in my weird AU! I would kill for you 💖
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deth-of-a-junkie · 5 months
i have a lot of postal dude headcanons, so ive split them up.
so heres my postal 1 dude headcanons
p1 dude has a special interest on the jets and weaponry used in ww2 and the vietnam war, but also the U.S military as a whole. he specifically likes to collect vintage U.S military memorabilia and propaganda. he can go on for hours about the faults of the government and government greed and corruption, he hates the system. he also knows a lot about JFK assassination theories and will go on for hours about them.
oh yeah. postal 1 dude is autistic.
he also has a spin on guns. he knows them all by name and loves to learn about different manufacturers and how each one are built. he knows how to deconstruct them and put them back together. he even has some guns he's made himself. legal? probably not. he doesnt care.
p1 dude also prefers reading in books for information instead of searching the web for them, so amongst the mess of his house is just piles upon piles of books.
p1 dude also is great at poetry. he loves writing too, which is why i think he started his diaries.
he also loves drawing! he loves going out and drawing scenery the most, he also likes drawing nude figures. he finds the human body to be interesting.
p1 dude is religious. im divided on if i see him as someone whos spiritually aligned closer to catholics (though i wouldnt call him a straight up catholic, he doesn't like the church.) or pagen.
talking about pagen dude, correct me if im wrong, i dont know much about pagenism (but ive been trying to learn more as of recent), but he specifically worships greek gods. out of the gods, his favorite is ares.
he hangs around poostall dude a lot. they arent really friends, they're kinda opposites of each other, but poostall looks up to him as a mentor in philosophy among other things.
he used to be active in his local punk scene when he was younger. he has a lot of cds and tapes of obscure bands that almost no one has heard of.
he loves metal more then anything though, and he also has a large collection of horror films (all on vhs, a few of dvd. he doesnt have his dvd player plugged in so he only uses it if he has too. also refused to buy blueray. if its the only option he burns it onto a disk himself.).
his favorite genres of metal are melodic death metal and prog metal. i would also say dsbm but i feel like thats too corny. he loves opeth. also death.
he's non-speaking most of the time by choice. the older he's gotten the more he started to isolate himself, and he usually chooses to ignore people when theyre talking and not respond at all, mainly just people who ask for directions and stuff on the street he'll just ignore. he just doesnt feel the need too, he likes to stay invisible.
talking about that, he hates leaving his house. it used to be because of anxiety but it slowly became due to his other mental health issues getting worse, especially his fear of everyone being out to get him/everyone else being demons/whatever your interpretation of his reasonings behind postal 1 is.
3 in one shampoo. also uses hand soap to shave instead of shaving cream. also uses hand soap to wash his face...
he needs glasses. his sunglasses also has his normal prescription lenses in them, his eyes are sensitive to light so he chose to make them sunglasses too (i believe this is possible. if its not, well it is now). he also has a 2nd pair that are just normal glasses, he uses them only to read or when he's walking around his house at night. (this is totally not me self reflecting with the realization that i just found out i need glasses..../s)
I DONT KNOW HOW I FORGOT TO MENTION but also has a special interest on nuclear disasters, nuclear power plants, and radiation. theyre not separate theyre all apart of one fixation that branches off the core idea of nuclear power. like he cant have one without the other. if that makes sense.
also uses he/they. he doesnt out right say it, he doesnt use social media so its not like, in a bio or anything. he just naturally picked it up. will also accept she being used to refer to himself, but is not something he states publicly or asks people to do. he was surrounded by the queer community growing up as most of his highschool friends were apart of the community so he just one day realized he wasnt opposed to it being used in reference to himself.
he is an ASSHOLE. he used to be more considerate in his youth but the older he got the grumpier he got. he is SCARY when he insults someone. like he will have an entire ass speech of him just degrading someone until they literally have nothing left to say for themselves.
doesnt get angry though. he's calm when hes upset and frustrated, or will straight up just make fun of and make harsh jokes about the situation (i mean that like. if he gets into a disagreement with someone on the street he will laugh at them and mock them by teasing them. thats what i mean.)
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celticbotanart · 8 months
ALRIGHT, since Halloween is just around the corner and this blog is ALSO about sharing and talking about my full-time hyperfixation (music), I want to make some recommendations of "unusual" or just unknown songs that very well fit the theme! I've mentioned before that I love making thematic playlists and that I have rules for them everything (it's serious shit!!), so I wanna share some of the songs featured in my "Ecclectic Halloween" playlist. The two basic rules I applied for that playlist are:
The song MUST include anything supernatural, spooky, bizarre, "murder/serial killer", classic creature and so on
The song can be of ANY genre; is it metal? Prog? Disco? Electronic? Soundtrack? COOL, ALL ARE WELCOME!
Let's get started!
1 - Rainbow - Tarot Woman
As an unapologetic 70s dad rock advocate, I HAVE to start with one of my fave bands of the genre! The song begins with a DOPE synth/keyboard solo, and then iconic Dio (the one Dio from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure was named after) comes in with a bunch of cryptic imagery, like the predictions the tarot woman is telling him as she turns the cards side on:
Something in the air Tells me to beware - No, no, no! Her love is like a knife She'll carve away your life - So go, go, go! Beware of a place, a smile on a bright shiny face I'll never return, how do you know? Tarot woman! But I don't know, I don't know!
2 - Blackmore's Night - I Guess It Doesn't Matter Anymore
From the same breed of the first song, cause Blackmore was the guitar player / composer for Rainbow - except that Blackmore's Night is a project he made way later (late 90s), with his wife Candice Night, who sings all the songs and composes with him. This song is about the CLASSIC tale of someone giving a lift to a mysterious woman they found wandering at the side of the road; when they get to the place she wanted to go and asks to leave, the driver turns around! And the lady, she's suddenly gone!!!!!
Standing in the rain, the cold and angry rain In a long white dress, a girl without a name She stood beneath the light, Glowing like a candle bright I guess it doesn't matter anymore (...) Finally she spoke, 'come pull off the road' Saying she was headin' home I turned and she was gone, I was all alone
3- Loreena McKennitt - The Bonny Swans
You might be asking: "Oriel, what the fuck, why is soft spoken-christmas songs-traditional folk medieval instruments Loreena McKennitt in this playlist at all??? With a song named like THAT?? What is so scary about pretty glorified ducks anyway?" - And to that I'll say right off the bat this is the most metal song in the entire playlist, and I say this unironically. This song is inspired by an old ballad and it tells about a girl who was drowned by her own sister out of jealousy of her betrothed; the sister kills her so she can have the lad for herself. It already has murder, as you can tell - but it gets WORSE, as the body of the drowned girl floats down the river and is found by a miller's daughter; a passing-by bard then uses the dead girl's bones and golden hair to make a harp that plays on it's own, possessed by the dead girl's spirit???? She (as the harp) asks to be taken to the court, the bard takes her, and AS A CURSED HARP MADE OF BONES the dead girl outs her sister as her murderer, in front of the entire family and the court. Look. If this isn't METAL AF, I don't know what ELSE can be. The "bonny swans" from the title comes from the comparison Loreena makes of the pale girl's body floating in the water, to swans swimming along. kkkkkkkkkkk JESUS.
He made harp pins of her fingers fair With a hey ho and a bonny o He made harp strings of her golden hair The swans swim so bonny o He made a harp of her breast bone With a hey ho and a bonny o And straight it began to play alone The swans swim so bonny o He brought it to her father's hall With a hey ho and a bonny o And there was the court, assembled all The swans swim so bonny o He laid the harp upon a stone With a hey ho and a bonny o And straight it began to play lone The swans swim so bonny o
4- Sting - Moon Over Bourbon Street
Probably one of the most fun songs in this, because it's a song written by Sting, inspired by Anne Rice's "Interview With the Vampire"! The song is under Louis' PoV, and he laments his current condition as a vampire and also as a man of god, as he wanders through New Orleans's streets. This Sting's live performance of this song (the live in Berlin, 2010) is my favorite by far - there's a whole ass epic orchestra and even a theremin! hehe
I pray everyday to be strong For I know what I do must be wrong Oh you'll never see my shade or hear the sound of my feet While there's a moon over Bourbon Street It was many years ago that I became what I am I was trapped in this life like an innocent lamb Now I can never show my face at noon And you'll only see me walking by the light of the moon
5- AQUA - Halloween
Yes, THAT AQUA - turns out they DO have more songs other than Barbie Girl, and they actually slap - I was there in the 90s, when the Deep Eurodance Magic was written. I LOVE this one because it has such a fun vibe, and obviously, inspired by the "Halloween" movie franchise - Lene plays as the girl alone at night who receives a call from René, playing as the psycho who's after her. They even act that scene at the begining of the song dsjfhjsdgf so cool!
The sound of shoes, a shadow that moves Something odd is tic tac ticking Someone's in here, I'm so full of fear The telephone is ringing!!
6- E Nomine - Das Tier In Mir
ONE OF MY ALL-TIME FAVES IN THIS PLAYLIST. E Nomine was (?) a German electronic music project who DARED to mix in dark techno/trance beats AND CHANTS IN LATIN, as this deep-voiced dude sings/borderline-raps in German. ITS HARD TO EXPLAIN, BUT I PROMISE, ITS SO SO SO DOPE. They also sang about all sorts of religious / dark fantasy themes - they have an entire album based on the Bible, which I promise, they made it a LOT MORE RAD AND COOL than it sounds; and another album about the supernatural and all kinds of creatures, like vampires, ghosts, werewolves, demons. "Das Tier in Mir" or "The Animal In Me" is their "werewolf" song - it starts off with this kid singing in Latin about the forest, and the moonlight, and the song goes on with Deep Voice Dude singing under the werewolf's perspective; it even features a dramatic transformation sequence!!
[Latin]The forest is hidden, in the moonlight, My home is the forest In the starlight (...) Dark clouds and dark thoughts, The full-moon night smashes my barriers down. The animal desire that I massacre comes in me. I feel this bloodlust here and now. Deep in the night the twinkling stars, A sweet smell is drawing me into the distance. But careful if my passion gets aroused quite gently in the night And the hunter wakes up in me! (Translation from here - it's rather clunky, but that's the gist of it!)
7- E Nomine - Mitternacht
Yep! Another one by E Nomine, BECAUSE THEY JUST SLAP TOO HARD. "Mitternacht", or "Midnight" is pretty much about the Witching Hour, all the spirits comes out when the bell strikes midnight!! This one is SUCH A FAVORITE of mine because it sounds EXACTLY what a DJ would play as vampires dressed in fancy, old outfits and masks waltz around in a haunted, opulent manor
When the gondolas are in mourning and the dead's lament resounds horror is breathing down your neck When the clock starts striking cold thick fog is touching you gently ...midnight! [Latin] midnight, dark night, cruelty of the soul the bell is ringing twelve times ...midnight! (Translation from here - same from previous song, kinda clunky but we get it)
8- Dead or Alive - Something In My House
Another classic banger with the catchiest fucking tune ever, by You-Spin-Me-Right-Round-Baby-Right-Round Dead or Alive, sung by ICONIC genderfucker wizard Pete Burns (the Gender Envy of him in this video is real). I have to admit, this one is SLIGHTLY cheating on my rules, cause the "something in my house" in question is not anything supernatural - it's a metaphor for a gone-wrong relationship, lol. Ngl, I think this is kinda fucking brilliant. But like, the spooky, Halloween-y vibes are all there nonetheless: wolves are howling, Pete is singing in an old castle and looking 200% like a vampire. Even if I'm cheating a little, it still fits!
There is something in my house - my house, It's just a ghost of a long long dead affair, There is something in my house - my house, I just keep a hearing you runnin' on up my stairs, But you're not there
9- League of Legends - Fiddlesticks, The Harbinger of Doom
Finally, some soundtracks! I don't play LoL, but I absolutely love some of the character's themes, and Fiddlestick's is one of them! For what I've got, Fiddlesticks is like this ancient, nightmare-ish Freddie Krugger-like entity, and BOY, does the song reflect exactly THAT. It SOUNDS like a horror movie, and I'm obsessed about it!!
When fields lie calm and wind stands still (Run home, run home) As the crows make night of the fading Sun (Hide now, hide now) When the trees do bow, as if they weep (Stay down, stay down) Though its light beckons forth, a melody calls out (Too late, too late)
10- The Alan Parson's Project - The Cask of Amontillado
And!!! Last but not least!! Closing this playlist with THIS ULTIMATE DAD PROG ROCK BANGER, which as you can see, is inspired by Poe's tale "The Cask of Amontillado". In fact, the entire album where that song comes from, "Tales of Mystery and Imagination - Edgar Allan Poe", is inspired by his work. Yeah there are also songs on "The Raven" and "The Fall of the House of Usher" too for example! It's just so cool! But "The Cask of Amontillado" is by far my favorite, specially with the instrumental part at the end, ughhhh <3
By the last breath of the four winds that blow I'll have revenge upon Fortunato Smile in his face I'll say "come let us go I've a cask of Amontillado" (...) You who are rich and whose troubles are few May come around to see my point of view What price the Crown of a King on his throne When you're chained in the dark all alone
This is definitely a long ass post, and I really had to cut it even shorter bc of Tumblr's dumbass video limit, but that's alright. I might even put up a part II, hehe I hope you like the Halloween-y songs recs!!
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quigonswife8 · 1 year
Namor, Namora, Attuma: teaching you how to swim headcanons.
Originally was just gonna write this about Namor but because I love Namora and Attuma too, thought i'd add them.
A/N: Okay so in the final script of the movie it says Namor’s birth name is 'Ch’ah Toh Almehen' and I was just wondering if ya'll would like me to use that as the name the reader calls him from now on, or just stick with having the reader call him K'uk'ulkan?
Also: I've been changing Namor to K'uk'ulkan in my other fics I've written, as like he said, Namor is what his enemies call him, and K'uk'ulkan is what his people call him [the script says those in his realm]
I still think [if I don't use Cha'ah Toh Almehen in my fics for his name] that K'uk'ulkan still fits, as I think that's what his partner would call him [apart from the terms of endearment] and not Namor. Maybe, I dunno, let me know :)
Warnings: nearly drowning, that's it.
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Namor had noticed how you stared at the water, like it was a stranger, as you walked along the shore at night.
"Something on your mind, in yakunaj(my love)?"
-You glance over at Namor, a chuckle leaving your lips.
"I was just wondering..."
-Hands behind your back:
"...how it's so easy for people to swim. Wish I knew how..."
-This is when he stops, and you mirror his actions.
"You don't know how to swim?"
-He has been alive for around 500 years and you’re the first person he’s met who doesn’t know how to swim.
-This intrigues him, and the perfect idea comes to mind.
Namor takes one of your hands, and begins pulling you over to the edge of the water.
-He stops, but he doesn't let your hand go.
"...let me teach you."
It's night, it's not exactly warm, and you're fully clothed. Still you find yourself agreeing to this because 'there's no better time to do things than the present.' right?
-Since it's the first time he doesn't have anything for you to hold onto as he hadn't known about your inability to swim.
-So you just hold onto him, and he keeps you upright with his hands held onto your waist.
-Gives you simple instructions since, again, it's your first time learning how to swim.
-Some playful words thrown in that makes you relax a little more.
-The next time, he brings you something to hold onto.
-And guides you, at first, making it easier for you to learn with simple instructions.
-Namor is the best person to possibly learn how to swim from, as he knows it best.
-Will give you a nudge along the way and as time progresses and he finds you are getting better he'll give you space. He stays nearby, though, and he'll watch with a smile.
-Praises you the whole time and even more when you become an amazing swimmer.
-Asks for your help when he plans to attack the Wakandan’s, and you let him know that you’ll be there.
-To see you come a long way makes him beyond proud.
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Namora had decided to show you this beautiful hidden area of a beach for your second date.
-You can't stop the smile from growing.
"Báab wéetel?(swim with me)"
-Her hand held out for you to take so you can join her in the water.
-Only to be met with the guilty look on your face.
"Ba'ax yaan ma'alo'ob tu láakal(is everything alright?)"
Finding that there is no point in lying, you admit how you can't swim.
-Namora's expression, one of surprise, soon changes into care.
-Then she approaches you, a hand still held out, and you wash as a smile falls on her lips.
"Yaan in ka'ansikech túun(I will teach you then)."
-Namora is very patient. She will be there with you the whole time not leaving you until you are both confident that you can do it on your own.
-Her hands on your waist, guiding you, walking- well, swimming- you through everything
-The two of you do this for a few weeks, returning to that same spot, to resume the training.
-Brings something for you to use the first time you swim without her.
-Though Namora stays close by because it helps to calm your nerves.
-Loves watching you get better over time, and is super proud to see your progress.
-Is there for you every step of the way and will encourage you alot.
-She does give you a nudge if you need it.
-By the time you become really good is around the time when everything happens with Wakanda.
-Namora tells you about the plan to fight them, and since you can swim, and pretty amazingly at that, you tell her you'll be there to help.
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-He had pushed you in the water to get you out of danger but he was unaware of the fact that you couldn't swim.
"A..." falling inbetween the crashing washes. "Attuma!"
-The water, heavy, pushing you down, filling your mouth with it's disgusting taste.
-Further away you're pushed, the harder it gets to stay above water.
-Then you begin to sink to the bottom, the heaviness of the water making it hard to breathe, making it hard to stay awake.
"Attuma." you say in hopes he'll realise that you need help and rescue you.
-As your sight begins to blur, and before you are surrendered to the sea, you're grabbed, and pulled out of the water.
-It's Attuma who pulls his mask off and puts it on you so you can get your breathing back to normal.
-Doesn't say anything until you're fully okay enough to talk and even then he's not sure what to say.
"Ba'axten ma' ta báab?" (why didn't you swim?)
"I...I don't know how"
-Attuma instantly feels terrible because you could have died thanks to him.
-It's not until a few months after that does he go to you and ask you if you would like him to teach you to swim.
-Waits for your hesitancy after that awful event, but he's surprised to hear you say yes pretty much straightaway.
-Will lead you back up onto the surface, taking you somewhere where it's more secretive and gives more privacy.
-Then he turns back to you, "Ts'o'ok a li'iskaba?(are you ready?)."
-When you nod he leads you into the water, handing you something to hold onto.
-Is a bit hesitant at first, which is a first. He'd nearly lost you the first time you were in the water [the first time without a suit].
-Though to see you relaxed and wanting to do this calms his nerves.
-Stays by your side despite you having something to hold onto.
-Attuma is a serious person. He is strong, a warrior, fearless. When he had nearly lost you, though, he hard become softer. Softer than he already was with you.
-Will continue to feel guilty for nearly killing you.
-This is why he isn't hard on you and is very patient with you, because you deserve to be treated this way.
-He owes this to you.
-Will give you encouragement along the way, and corrects you in a friendly way if you have done something wrong.
-He may not be hard on you but he'll still correct you if you have done something wrong cause it helps a lot.
-You're so happy that he's your teacher, you have learnt so much from him.
-When your lessons are over you thank Attuma for everything but he lets you know that, again, it's the least he can do.
-You try and let him know it wasn't his fault that you nearly died because he didn't know but he still blames himself.
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alienguts · 1 year
Music (Ash Williams x GN!Reader HCs)
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Warnings: none
A/N: Evil Dead Rise comes out this week, so fuck it, we're having Ash week while I clear out my drafts.
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Ash has somewhat rigid tastes in music, let's say.
He knows what he likes and he's not that willing to give anything else a chance.
He has the most Dad™ taste ever. Think of any classic rock band from the 1970s and 1980s and he's a fan of them.
He goes through phases where he likes one band more than others but he's never stopped liking a band altogether.
Well, apart from when Genesis stopped being prog and went more pop...
Ash constantly says that he hates pop music and detests disco, but you've caught him dancing to ABBA in the kitchen more than once.
"It's a catchy tune, babe, you can't blame me."
He will let you have control of the radio in the car but you turn to a charts station and not a rock station, expect some whining.
He does it just to tease you, he doesn't think your taste in music is that bad.
If you have the same tastes as him, though, you're a match made in heaven.
The two of your probably won't be able to afford it, but you pool together your pay checks as often as you can to see your favourite bands live in the nearest cities.
It likely takes hours to drive there and back, but it's always worth it.
He knows how rowdy shows can get and how handsy some people are when they're drunk so he becomes a human shield for you.
You always tell Ash to not get into a fight with someone and thankfully, it hasn't happened yet.
One of his favourite ways to pass time after work is to put on a record and smoke with you before bed.
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aotopmha · 1 month
At lvl 87 Endwalker quests.
The Venat duty absolutely destroyed me.
I was planning to get Elpis done this weekend, but I struggled almost an hour and an half (maybe even twoish hours, didn't precisely track it) on this duty until I, for probably first time while playing this game, turned down the difficulty of a solo duty, and I'm pretty exhausted, so the rest of Elpis is left for another day.
It's a fantastic encounter because it sells you just how powerful Venat truly is really well, but it's another bit of gameplay proof to me that the difficult content of the game probably isn't something that is for me (and makes me incredibly grateful for the lower difficulty options for solo duties).
(At the very least I know progging some of the Savage content and especially Ultimates would probably drive me up the wall.
Extremes, I do want to give a try because they generally seem less time-intensive and lenient. I won't *completely* exclude tougher stuff, but at the very least I know that kind of content would get unfun fairly quick for me because of what it is by nature.)
It's the orbs that got me with every class I tried; just couldn't get enough of them in time, but as said, I'm pretty grateful for the 'easy' button.
With this out of the way, I think there is actually a good amount to say about all of the lvl 86 and 87 content up to the solo duty.
It can be actually summed up pretty easily: it's all just a lot of characterization, but it is characterization for a bunch of different characters and essentially an entire culture. More than any other zone, I think it is the motivations and perspectives of the characters that matter the most.
You've got the friendship between Emet and Hythlodeus, the father-daughter relationship between Hermes and Meteion and as I see it a student-mentor (maybe?) relationship between the WoL and Venat.
Between these are less focused dynamics like Venat teasing Emet or the cute budding friendship between the WoL and Meteion.
Then we have the individual characterization for all of them, too.
But before I fully go into them, there is a pretty big general thought I have about Elpis:
It is fanservice.
It is such unquestionably, blatantly, unflinchingly obvious fanservice that it should bother me so much more than it does.
For crying out loud, the entire portion of the story starts with Emet filling you with his aether. They're fully indulging the Emet simps.
But it is also substantial and thoughtful every step of the way, and I think really well told, so I really like it.
So, I'll get into exploring all of the characters in their basics. You could probably an entire massive post about every single one of them, but I just want to go into them in the most concise, simple way for now.
I'll start with Emet-Selch. I think my favorite part about Emet in Elpis is how he reacts when he learns about his actions in the future.
He cannot comprehend how he could be so disrespectful towards the sacrifice of his brethren, while all across the questing during the zone, his actions especially show just how much he cares about the well-being of the Star and his brethren, and that is the exact reason why he ends up doing what he does.
The reason why everything happens is because of who he is as a character. It is fantastic character-based plot writing, which is kind of a trend across all of Elpis (and happens to be probably my favorite type of writing, I love it when things happen because of who the characters are).
It is delicious Greek tragedy fodder.
Next, I've talked a bunch about how I no longer think character arcs are the be all and end all of good character writing and I think Hythlodeus is probably the best example in FF14.
He is just a super fun and likeable good (tease-y) friend. And he doesn't need to be more as a character.
(And everyone loves him!)
Obviously he has much less time on screen than everyone else, and he would probably get old after a while if we had him for a bunch of expansions, but I think he is proof that all you need for a great character is a likeable base personality.
His teasing dynamic with Emet is super fun and his presence only emphasizes why what Emet does and believes in the future makes sense.
Next are Hermes and Meteion.
The more I think on it, the more I feel like they're the thematic core of the story. And both are also carrying another type of narrative I love: stories about feelings.
Technically you can argue all stories are to some extent about feelings because stories are kind of there to make you feel.
But to me Endwalker is specifically about mental illness, more specifically perhaps about depression and despair and overcoming it.
It's fascinating, every time I even type about these ideas, I feel an unease, as if it shouldn't be a big deal, as if I'm making a mountain out of a molehill but also as if I was judging people for it. I feel there is still an unspoken stigma to it.
But it is a very serious issue. I myself have struggled with these thoughts, and though I luckily have found my answer and have gotten better, I still see and feel that judgment and disapproval directed at anyone who is suffering.
"Just stop being sad!"
"It's not that big of a deal!"
And in that sense, I feel Hermes is probably the most real of all of the characters in Elpis.
Is he the anomaly for essentially experiencing depression? Is he the anomaly for not agreeing with the norm of just discarding animals, thus other lives on a whim? For not seeing death as "beautiful" as his culture does?
As someone who has been there, dismissing or simplifying Hermes' struggle rings false to me. This is what mental illness does, what depression does. Mental illness makes everything bigger, creates tunnel vision, so Hermes can't see the good around him and so turns to look for purpose elsewhere.
I remember seeing a video title along the lines of "Hermes should suffer more" or again talking points about him "just being sad" and while it might have been for clickbait purposes, I think I've seen sentiments along those lines a bunch of times and I feel like many people just miss the point of his character and maybe even have this opinion towards him because of how they view emotional struggles like this.
Obviously stuff like this is super personal and hits different for everyone, but fictional characters are also not real people; they serve a narrative purpose and in this case Hermes represents someone going through this kind of struggle.
Among other things, he is a general thematic symbol, an idea within the story.
Even if he had the most awful ambitions imaginable, what message would further torturing a character going through this kind of emotional struggle ultimately send?
The idea of fantasy as a filter exists for a reason; were it real life all of these characters, even the more heroic ones, would be morally abhorrent.
But fiction allows us to explore some of these heavy ideas within its safe framework. And you're not obligated to like art like this, either. I just think that's the brand of fantasy FF14 is going for and I fully read most stories within this framework and really enjoy them.
I don't need characters to be morally good for a story to be good, but I actually do also think Hermes is a pretty good example of a narrative distinguishing between the sympathetic and antagonistic parts of a character's actions.
You're not empathizing with him wanting to destroy the world. The entire point is to just understand where his perspective came from. That is the framing I see.
But again, a text can have many reads. In the end I just disagree with a bunch reads on Hermes.
But to move on from Hermes, I think if Hermes is the most "real", Meteion is probably the most tragic.
She is by nature essentially an empath. If Hermes is the adult suffering from mental illness, Meteion is the child feeling the consequences with no say on the matter.
Meteion feels what Hermes feels and those are often negative feelings; and when he sees Meteion suffer from it, he in turn feels guilty. And Meteion suffers from that in turn.
Hermes very clearly cares for Meteion, but he also ends up using her for his own ends just like the other ancients do creations. His entire reason for creating Meteion was for his wish to see other civilizations to be fulfilled. It's selfish. Hermes is not immune from his culture's principles.
And while it hurts him to hurt her, he still does it. It's a crazy good complicated relationship.
As I said, I think there is so much more to say, but I think I'll move on to the final pair.
Truth is, I'm not 100% sure what to label the Venat/Azem/WoL relationship because while teacher-student is a strong sense I get, I also get a very strong "simple friendship with a fellow traveler" feeling out of it.
I can see why the Emet/Hythlo or Emet/Azem/WoL ships are so strong, but I never got that sense out of Venat.
And I don't see the parent/child parallel that strongly either despite all of the mommy jokes.
I need to think on that more.
But what I do love, is characters that *love* the world.
Who unconditionally, fiercely love it.
Life is a miracle to her and so she aims to protect it with all of her being.
And she didn't use to think that way. It is the pursuit of knowledge that lead her to that conclusion.
And to me, that makes her a fantastic meta parallel to me as a player because that is how I grew to see FF14 as I saw more of its story and then got to eventually play it.
Because at first I wasn't interested in doing any of the side content, only the main story, but as I went on I became interested to the point of wanting to do the blue quests, then yellow quests, then tribe quests, and any of the side content.
My plan for Dawntrail is to really take my time and really take in literally all of it, down to eventually the least significant yellow quests.
It'll take time, but that is my eventual aim with the entire game currently.
I grew to love this story, this world and all of the characters in it.
I'm not sure if this is the meta intention with Venat, but that is how it worked out for me as a player.
"Has your journey been good? Has it been worthwile?"
She asks and while my most immediate thought is "gotta get that audience survey in there", a split second later, all can I think of is "yes".
At this point I have about 700+ hours in the game and the only bit of content I've disliked is traversing the ARR, HW and a bunch of the SB zones.
But going back to Venat, I like that despite being so graceful in image, she has fun and joy in her.
Her being the previous Azem is very fitting in that sense and is another aspect of her character that makes me view her as a adventuring friend.
My overall thoughts about Elpis so far are really that I love how well-defined the characters and the relationships between them are; it is a feast for someone like me who loves character-centric stories.
I look forward to what is coming next; really nearing the final stretch here and I look forward to covering it as I go through it.
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bunchashapes · 1 year
any music recs?
i could have made this very short or entirely too long. i opted for the latter:
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I know. There's a lot of music out there. Well have no fear, because I've selected, organized AND categorized a fine number of music selections, just for you! I tried to keep it to just stuff you probably haven't heard of before, but I make no promises. Hopefully you'll find at least one new thing you can take with you into 2023.
Sounds good! Let's start with a few of those:
Vulfpeck - Okay you may already know about Vulfpeck. Sorry. If you HAVEN'T, they're a wonderful group of dudes from Michigan that are all insanely talented. They have a wide-range of styles they cover and pretty much every member has gone on to do other solo stuff, which may also suit your interests. They also have a spin-off band called The Fearless Flyers that I'll cover a little further down.
Jacob Mann (As well as his Big Band) - Jacob's solo stuff has a nice laid-back feel to it, while his big band stuff is slightly more bombastic, but all of it is fun and groovy. Great example of a musician effectively switching between different toolsets, whether its a whole group of talented musicians at his disposal or just a bunch of nice Roland presets.
EMEFE - They haven't been very active lately but EMEFE is an incredible ensemble with plenty of amazing music for you to listen to. Their live album from 2017 makes me wish i could go back in time and watch it live.
Louis Cole - Louis Cole's also pretty popular, but maybe you haven't heard of him! Originally hailing from Knower, he's collaborated with a ton of musicians (including Vulfpeck AND Jacob Mann Big Band, mentioned above) as well as produced an impressive array of solo music. I can't understate how much I love this guy.
Thundercat - Know who else he's collaborated with? Thundercat. Have you listened to Thundercat? You should really do yourself a favor and listen to Thundercat.
Sammy Rae and The Friends - Only learned about Sammy Rae very recently but The Feeling (linked) was an earworm that lodged itself in my brain for months. Infectiously positive vibes, a great ensemble and really brilliant singing.
Silk Sonic - Okay they played at the Grammys so it definitely doesn't count as a deep cut but listen to Silk Sonic anyway okay? Okay.
Can do. Your metric of kickass may vary but at least one of these should work for you:
King Gizzard and The Wizard Lizard - King Gizz has put out such an unbelievable volume of music that it's hard to just recommend ONE thing from them. I've linked Nonagon Infinity, a great little album with the fun gimmick of seamlessly looping front to back. They really haven't put out a single bad album, so just go wild.
Royal Blood - Royal blood's bassist plays through an octave pedal, giving their stuff this fuckin' beefy sound that's well-rounded enough you'd never guess the band is just a bassist and a dummer. Their style has gotten poppier lately but it's still all worth listening to.
Tricot - Tricot's been around for around 10 years now and their stuff has only gotten better over time. I feel like Math Rock is kind of an obtuse genre for most people but their recent stuff is absolutely worth checking out even if that's not your usual sort of thing. Makkuro (真っ黒) is my favorite album of theirs by far.
Thank You Scientist - Stranger Heads Prevail is probably one of my favorite prog albums ever and you'll probably like it too. Insanely good ensemble (the amazing triple threat of sax/trumpet/violin is such an integral part of their sound) and really fun vocals.
Nova Collective - Another incredible prog group. As far as I know they've only put out one album but it whips ass.
Ask My Bull - These guys popped out of the woodwork a few years ago and I've been obsessed with them ever since, I can't wait to see what they do next. If you're a horn-loving freak like me you absolutely need to listen to them.
Fearless Flyers - The previously aforementioned Vulfpeck spin-off band, guest starring Mark Lettieri of Snarky Puppy and the incredible Nate Smith on drums. Their album Tailwinds is easily one of my favorite albums ever, the addition of a sax trio takes their stuff from incredible to legendary.
Daikaiju - Kaiju-themed surf rock. That's really all that needs saying.
Well you're in luck! A wide range of things fit the bill:
Snarky Puppy - A powerhouse jazz/funk/rock ensemble full of insanely talented musicians. Just give this song a listen, you won't regret it.
The Dear Hunter - Dear Hunter (not Deerhunter. Different band) has remained my favorite band since high school. The band has a number of different projects, A collection of EPs for each color of the rainbow, a 5-part rock opera/narrative concept album (with a 6th part that may be a movie??) and other more straightforward albums that still cover a broad range of genres and styles. I think they're great and hopefully you will too.
Hiromi Uehara - Hiromi's probably my favorite pianist ever. Just watch that video. She's ridiculous. She also plays in an incredible trio and guest stars on my favorite Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra song! Preposterously talented and insanely fun to watch. I love her.
The Bad Plus - Speaking of great trios, you can't go wrong with The Bad Plus! Really vibrant arrangements and generally incredible musicianship throughout their work.
Esperanza Spalding - Obscenely talented bassist AND singer AND songwriter. As someone who sings and plays bass (not at the same time, of course) watching her do effortlessly do both at the same time is mesmerizing. I love her.
Chon - Chon's also pretty big now but I want you to imagine you're me at a Dear Hunter (see above) concert back in 2015 and one of the opening bands walks onstage and you're like "well okay what's these guys' deal" and then they start playing these fucking insane picking solos in perfect unison. I literally couldn't believe what I was seeing. I wish everyone could experience Chon through those eyes.
You need ambient? I got your ambient right here.
Hiroshi Yoshimura - I was first exposed to the wide, wide world of Japanese ambient music back in college and in all my years since then, few things have been able to beat Yoshimura's atmospheric soundscapes. If you need music to shut your brain off (and who doesn't, from time to time), look no further.
Chihei Hatakeyama - Another Japanese ambient powerhouse, Hatakeyama's got a huge discography of music and all of it will knock your lights out (very pleasantly).
Green-House - Very much inspired by Japanese ambient, Green-house is described as "music for plants". I only wish there was more of it.
Joep Beving - Not exactly an ambient artist but a masterful practitioner of minimal, atmospheric piano. His style is understated but filled with emotion, a great mix of more classical elements with a modern cinematic flair. Great to work to!
You got it boss:
Yellow Magic Orchestra - You've probably heard of these guys by now. I've only known about them for 6-ish years after they had a moderate burst of fame here but I think it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say these guys were one of the principle pieces of genetic memory that coalesced into the DNA of modern electronic music. All three of the principle members, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Haruomi Hosono and Yukihiro Takahashi (rest in peace) have all had really prolific solo careers in a ton of styles of music that are all worth your time.
T Square - An absolute titan of Japanese jazz fusion, their album Adventures is a veritable Rosetta Stone of video game music, directly inspiring a good number of video game songs including the dang mario brothers theme! Their stuff is an absolute joy to listen to.
Tatsuro Yamashita - Yamashita is often called the king of city pop and is (according to wikipedia) credited for pioneering Japanese "soft rock". Having grown up on the pacific coast, there's some ineffable truth in his schmaltzy surf music that touches me deep in my soul. You may not have the same experiences as I do, but I hope listening to him will allow you to tap into that divine spark and enjoy it for yourself.
Masayoshi Takanaka - Perhaps not quite as famous as Yamashita, Takanaka is a brilliant guitarist and musician known for that same schmaltzy pacific rock (just look at that damn guitar. I love him) as well as a number of other styles of rock and jazz fusion. He's got a huge discography and it's all incredible.
Casiopea - I would be remiss if I didn't mention Casiopea. I'm not an expert in Japanese music obviously, but I think it'd be fair to say they and T-Square are the two titans holding the glory of late 70's-early 80's jazz fusion like Atlas shouldering the world. Do yourself a favor and listen to Mint Jams.
Himiko Kikuchi - Truthfully I don't know much of Kikuchi's discography other than Flying Beagle (linked) but she absolutely killed it. Do yourself a favor and listen to that too.
I'm always happy to recommend unconventional stuff. Here's a few albums that I love to close us out:
Tom Waits - Alice - First of all, you should listen to Tom Waits. I know you know him as the Funny Voice Guy but he's had such an incredible musical career that starts great and only gets more and more amazing over time. Anyway, in the 90's, Tom and his wife (and writing partner since the 80's) Kathleen Brennan were scoring weird experimental musicals in Germany, namely The Black Rider (also worth listening to) and Alice. The musical is a strange extrapolation of Alice in Wonderland, namely inspired by Charles Dodgson's (Lewis Carroll) relationship with Alice Liddell, generally accepted as the real-life inspiration for Alice. Though the actual specifics of their relationship are uncertain, the age discrepancy and Charles' general fixation with Alice leads many to assume....the worst about their relationship, an interpretation the musical runs with. The actual musical is hard to find evidence of (there's some documentary footage from the 90's and I've found the script) but Tom rearranged his music for the show and released it in 2002, which in my eyes is the definitive version of the music. The album is unbelievably melancholic, heart-wrenching, at times deeply uncomfortable, and absolutely filled with beauty. Lost in the Harbor is maybe one of my favorite songs of all time. If ANY of this sounds even slightly interesting to you, I implore you to check it out. It also has Colin Stetson on saxophone and clarinet, which segues quite nicely to the next album.....
Colin Stetson - New History Warfare Vol. 2 - You may have actually heard Colin's music before, he's scored films like Hereditary, Color Out Of Space and the newest Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie. New History Warfare is one of his experimental solo projects, most characterized by Stetson recording basically everything in a huge room filled with microphones, creating this incredible impression of scale. It's filled with some of the craziest shit I've ever heard someone do on a saxophone; long, galloping phrases with no pauses for air thanks to circular breathing, mixing in the sound of the valves opening and closing, and an incredible unnatural-sounding delay all achieved with live recording. The Righteous Wrath of An Honorable Man is one of the coolest things I've ever heard in my life (you've probably already heard it before) but the whole album is absolutely captivating.
Caroline Shaw - Partita for 8 Voices - Caroline Shaw is an amazing musician, singer and composer. All of her stuff is really beautiful and worth listening to, but few things stand out as much as this composition, written for and performed by a cappella group Roomful of Teeth (which is probably the sickest possible name for a choral group). I feel like a cappella music has a woefully bland perception among most people (thanks in no small part to Pitch Perfect); all lavish arrangements of pop music with absolutely no soul. If this is what you think all a cappella music is, I urge you to listen to this album. It's a masterful blend of speech, song and energy, filled with a vibrancy and passion I have a difficult time putting into words. You really just have to listen to it.
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ddrqoyote · 8 months
ahab lives rent free in my head cause i'm terrified of ending up like him, wasting my life on being mad at shit i can't change, cutting off my family, leaving no legacy, dying in a stupid way trying to do a stupid thing
the band mastodon wrote a song about ahab but there's actually another song of theirs that feels more like him to me, "jaguar god". it's a little like if bohemian rhapsody was a prog metal song and it was about cancer instead. he tries so hard to fight his fate and get revenge but he doesn't even get that close... i don't know, maybe i'm projecting.
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timdrakesbussy · 5 months
Goblin Destroyer: How the Internet Revived an Obscure Local Band
This is something that suddenly appear in my mind when I was waiting for a public transport near my campus but like ... Stardew Valley's aesthetic looks like they're in the 90s in rural Northern America/Western Europe (though still cmiiw since I don't live in neither of those regions).
So then I thought about Sam's band and the real life band called "Panchiko" where the internet basically rebirth this band. (If you want to know about the band, here's a video)
And I randomly think about some kids somewhere in the SDV-verse came across Sam's band's LP (I'm gonna go with Goblin Destroyer) and asked online forums about it but none got anything so far. Doesn't help the fact that the LP was credited only with their first names which are very very common names. The names in the back of the LP only says Abigail, Sam, and Sebastian with their roles which are drummer, guitarist/vocalist, and keyboardist/synth in that order.
OP then gave more information, like how the label seemed to be from either the late 90s or early 00s and it was obvious that they were from the Republic of Ferngill. Small problem though, Ferngill Republic is not a small place. Sure, it's not a big country, but it's still going to be hard to find the people who contributed to this record, especially since it was decades long. Regardless, this was a step forward. 
I personally think they would not take too long (like Panchiko irl) because of my personal headcanon of Sebastian being chronically online even to his fourties.
The forum was very popular with many tried to remaster their songs or figure out just who they were. So then Sebastian rolled around and was like, "Holy fuck, I can't believe you found a copy of this. Thought they threw them all away in Zuzu City back in '98."
AND PEOPLE WERE SHOCKED AND ASKED IF THIS USER HAS A CLEANER COPY BUT THEN HE WAS LIKE, "lmao I'm the Sebastian credited in the back of the LP. Sadly, no. I do not have the cleaner copy, but I think my husband do keep some in his previous house when we still lived in the Valley."
Obviously, people were skeptical because the internet lies a lot. But they still gave him the benefit of the doubt because this was more information than they previously tried to dig. It was true that Goblin Destroyers were from Ferngill, specifically Zuzu City, and it was correct that they were from the late 90s.
Few months went by without a follow-up so most people just brush him off as hoax because that's what they usually did to lost media, claimed to know and kept it somewhere but unattainable for some reason.
That is, until another user joined the forum and introduced himself as Sebastian's husband who has the cleaner copy back in his old home. The husband was apparently, a very important piece in the band because he was none other than Sam -- another name crossed off the list.
Sam apologized and claimed that it took him longer to find than he expected and to compensate, he and Sebastian did a digital remaster for the LP and will put it to streaming services alongside their previously unreleased tracks.
With the band finally found, some questions arrived. Most of the questions were about Abigail, the drummer of the band, and also about them in general. The only things they knew so far were that Goblin Destroyer was a prog metal band from the late 90s, Ferngill, and that two out of the three members are married to each other.
The two claimed that they had no idea where Abigail was; the last time they saw her was when they still lived in their hometown. Sebastian then mentioned that she joined something called "The Adventurer's Guild", and one of the last things they did together was go to the forest and watch Abigail's improved swordsmanship. That was almost twenty years ago. They just hope that wherever she is, she's alive and well because she was their best friend.
They then ended the forum with pictures of them when they were young and some band photoshoots, needless to say that social media will be filled with their pics for a few months or so because of how attractive they were. The couple also added a recent pic and well, they're still handsome as hell.
It took them a while to finally return as a band; they were not the young adults in a small town who were bored and annoyed with how their parents coddled them anymore. They are middle-aged with a family and jobs, so yeah, it took a while for them to perform again. Eventually, though, they were back as a band. At least a duo for a few months, releasing a new single after twenty years.
Goblin Destroyer did not tour or participate in any music festivals until they were hit by a surprise, Abigail finally returned to the band. She revealed that she's been busy with the guild for over twenty years and is a mentor, so she was so out of touch with the news. She also revealed that she figured out that they went viral through her mentee, who told her about it.
Finally, the band was back in business. This was the dream that Sam had thrown away, and to actually have it tenfold decades later was exhilarating, to say the least.
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