#not just a girl
believesthings · 27 days
Not Just A Girl - Chapter 9 // Jason Sudeikis x Reader
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A/N: I was originally going to do a “fade to black” situation here but you guys have been so lovely on your feedback to this story that I figured you deserved some smut, as a treat.
Warnings: smut
You wake up to a steady chirping noise – a steady loud chirping noise. Even through the closed door – and now a pillow over your head – you can hear the insistent alert. You groan. You were having such a lovely dream.
After several cycles it is clear to you that the noise isn’t going to stop. You flip the pillow off your head groggily. Dear Lord what time is it? You check your phone so see it is a little past two in the morning. Is that Jason’s alarm already? Surely he isn’t sleeping through that irritating noise. You pull yourself out of bed and stumble to the door to investigate. You call out as you walk into the hallway. “Jason?”
Jason opens his door a moment later, still adjusting his clothes. Sweatpants? Interesting choice. Judging by his curious expression the source of the noise is not his alarm. “Hey?” He adds a question mark to the end. Clearly still half asleep.
The steady chirp-beat-chirp-beat-chirp pattern sounds louder now while you are standing out in the hallway. There is a delay and the chirping patterns starts again. You hug your arms at your waist, trying not to sound as tired as you feel. “What is that noise? Is that your alarm?”
“No…” Jason tilts his head during the next delay and then breaks into laughter when he sources the noise. “Oh hell. It’s the smoke detector. Must be the batteries.”
“…You’re kidding me.”
While he is turned to look up at the ceiling you note that his shirt is on inside out. A hastily thrown on article of clothing? You didn’t need to put on any clothes on my account, Jason. Why again were you sleeping in the guest room? He spins and is off down the hallway to the kitchen. “Hang on. I think I’ve got some batteries somewhere.”
The smoke detector is still merrily chirping away. It’s always the middle of the night when such things happen. You’re in a full blown giggle fit when he returns, batteries in hand and a chair in tow.
“The joys of owning your own place. No front desk to call for such things.” You move to hold the chair steady while Jason installs the batteries. He reaches up to tend to the device and his shirt pulls up revealing some of his well-defined torso. Your fingers immediately send a request to your brain expressing their desire: Must touch! To maintain control you grip the chair a little more firmly than needed until Jason once again stands on the floor beside you. With the batteries changed the both of you stand in wait, watching the device to make sure it doesn’t sound off again.
That’s when the next unit down the hall starts to chirp, sending you into a fresh wave of laughter. Jason holds out his hand, holding the extra batteries out to you. “Your turn.”
Still laughing, you palm the batteries from him and slide the chair down underneath the next unit. “Please tell me there aren’t any more of these things. Unless you have more batteries somewhere?” Jason hasn’t dropped his hand and it dawns on you that he’s waiting to help you step up onto the seat of the chair. Standing in the chair you consider the detector a moment. You hadn’t been watching when he had pulled the other one down from the ceiling. You bite your lip and take a random guess that it unscrews from a mounted base.
You can hear Jason laugh quietly over the chirps. “I’ve never seen someone concentrate so hard while changing batteries in a smoke detector.”
“I wasn’t watching to see how you did it.” You admit sheepishly. The unit finally clicks loose and you are able to pop out the old batteries. Oh sweet silence.
You pause after pushing one of the new batteries into place to look down at him. He has taken up a stance just off and behind your right shoulder. “Yes. I got distracted – oh hush.” Ignoring his merriment, you press the second battery in next to the first and you stretch to twist the detector back into place. “This is really your area you know. Shorter people don’t normally mess with things on the ceiling. Particularly not in the middle of the night.” You fiddle with the old batteries in your hands while you wait, anticipating another alarm sounding off but nothing happens.
“Figured you’d want to participate since it did rouse you from bed. Anyway - you’re doing just fine.”
His voice dips slightly with the word fine which sends a shiver down your spine. “Well I do know how to install batteries.” … I know how to install batteries? Good job on screening thoughts before they tumble from your mouth.
Jasonholds out his arms to help you off the chair. His hands slide up from your waist to grip just below your arms as you step down. Once you’ve settled onto the floor he waits a beat before releasing you.
Apparently the pair of you are going to see who drives the other crazy first. Even considering your stubbornness you’re a lingering gaze away from cracking your resolve.
Jason scoops up the kitchen chair and takes the old batteries from you to dispose of them. You start to go back to the guest room and then pause. He is lost in thought when he reappears from the kitchen, one had running through the hair on the back of his head. When he notices you still standing in the hallway he smiles. “We should be good now – it’s safe to go back to bed.”
You nod and let him pass you by with a softly repeated goodnight. You stop in the doorway to the guest room. Oh come on, out with it. This is ridiculous. You take a breath. “Jason?” You wait until he turns and makes eye contact before continuing. “Are we really going to sleep like this until I go back to LA?” You wave both your hands towards the opposing rooms.
“Are we? If that’s what you want. It’s completely up to you.” Jason slowly walks back towards you while he speaks as though you’d startle and run.
Him. You want him.
“Well then –” You exhale and smile up at him now that he is within arm’s reach. You hook your hands behind his neck and pull him into a kiss. Lip locked, you take a step back to draw him with you backwards into the guest bedroom. Thank goodness your bag is off towards the sidewall. Now is not the time to stumble over things.
“I’ve got you.” He chuckles when you emit a squeak upon backing into the bed. You’d lost track of your progress into the room. After following you into the bed he peels you out of your pants while his lips migrate their attentions down towards your collar.
Your hands have once again find their way behind his neck and you finger the tag that hangs from his collar. Hmm. Too many pieces of clothing are still in play. “Your shirt is on inside out, by the way.”
He pauses sucking at your neck to sit back and pull the collar of his shirt away from his body slightly to examine it. “Is it? Um, well – easily solved.” He snatches the back of his shirt just over his shoulder and pulls it off over his head. He starts to turn the shirt right side out and push his arms back through.
Ever the comedian.
When you take it from him to toss it aside you mutter, “Don’t you dare…”
Your brain is in sensory overload. Never in your wildest dreams would you have imagined that Jason Sudeikis would have you pinned to the bed, his lips and hands exploring your body. Ok, scratch that, this is exactly what you imagined in your wildest dreams. But those had been just fantasies. You never thought that you’d ever end up coming to know the man, let alone end up beneath him.
After getting you out of your pants so quickly he had taken his sweet time removing your tank top and finally your underwear. Thus far you’ve been careful not to leave any love bites but if he continues to nip at your skin you’ll be happy to give him the same treatment – let him worry about explaining it on set. Jason has worked his way back up to your collar bone. He apparently really enjoys the sounds you make when his lips massage the areas around your neck. Dear Lord Jase, you’re prolonging this to the point it is borderline torture.
Jason stops in the middle of kissing you and stares at you. Did you just say that last thought aloud? It takes you a second to not sound completely out of breath. “Um… what?”
He shakes his head, unable to dim the giant smile plastered on his face. “Nothing. I – I’m happy. Am I not allowed to smile?”
Your body is one giant mass of frustration and he’s stopping to smile at you. But God, what a beautiful smile it is. You manipulate your hips to remind him of the circumstances and he chuckles – an interesting sensation with your bodies pressed together as they are. He shifts away from you to reach towards the bedside table. “Jason? Looking for something?” You’re starting to laugh from his odd behavior.
He pauses, looking momentarily perplexed. “Oh… right. Guest bedroom. Hang on.” He moves to get out of bed and then changes his mind and leans back to you. He gives you a quick peck, hesitates, and kisses you again with a little more force before getting up. “Don’t. Move.”
You prop yourself up on your elbows to watch him dash out of the room in nothing but his underwear. You can hear him crashing around his room before a dim light reflects down the hallway. God if he hurts himself… “Jason? Are you okay?”
“What?” He calls back.
You’re sitting up now. “Whatever you’re doing. Can’t it wait?” Are you really begging him for sex? This is slightly embarrassing. Under the sheet you pull your knees up towards your torso and press your fingertips to the space between your eyebrows.
With your eyes closed you hadn’t realized that Jason had reappeared in the doorway. You jump when he speaks. “I wanted to make sure the alarm was set loud enough on my phone and… well – the way things are going – no. It couldn’t.”
Now you’re even more embarrassed. Jesus. Where was your head? You were so focused on instant gratification that you’d blocked out everything else. Jason still had to work in the morning and all you were thinking about was getting him into bed with you. Ok it has been awhile – a very long while – for you but that’s no excuse. How early was his call time? “Ah – right…”
The bed shifts with the added weight as Jason rejoins you. He pulls your hand away from your face and kisses your palm. “Darling, please don’t hide from me…” He starts to massage his thumb into your palm while he waits for you to respond.
“Not hiding, per se – embarrassed.” Your cheeks are burning. You’re either going to die of embarrassment or unsated tension. Your body hasn’t quite decided yet.
You look up to see Jason nodding with his eyes slowly working their way down the exposed part of your body, following the blush as it extends over your skin. “I can see that.”
Unsated tension just gained the upper hand.
His eyes meet yours again and he starts to get up out of the bed. Before he releases the hand he had been massaging you use it to snag his fingers. “Now where are you going?”
He is caught, half standing. He blinks at you. “Um, to put on something more than my pants? You – um? I’m confused.” He allows you to pull him back so he is seated on the bed again.
You shift to tuck your legs beneath you and move up onto your knees, letting the sheet fall down onto the bed. “Darling –” you lean forward to lightly brush your lips against his. “Embarrassment doesn’t equal doubt. And you don’t need clothing right now - you’re not even going to need your pants soon.”
When you pull away again Jason gives you an approving nod, “Is now a weird time for me to tell that I find it incredibly sexy when you call me darling?"
All you can do is laugh.
He cups your face in his hands and brings his lips down to yours. The kiss was slow and tender, both taking your time.
You surrendered yourself to that kiss, releasing all the sexual tension that came out of that night. You both seemed to hold onto each other as if your lives depended on it. The kiss became more and more heated and you stopped to breathe only when the burning of your lungs became unbearable. eyes unconsciously went to the bed. Jason was trying to think, but that became increasing more difficult with each passing second. He thought about what had happened that night with the smoke detectors, what you'd said about staying in the guest room for the rest of your time here. He thought about all that might have been that night, how he might have preferred to have a decorated room and a candlelit dinner, something more romantic to accompany this, but you were together and that's all that mattered.
Your heart was racing. You could tell something had shifted within him—the look in his eyes, the way he touched you, it was different. It was more intense, more connected, more passionate, just more. You knew at that moment he wasn't going to stop where this was going and you knew that you weren’t going to stop this either.
Jason broke the kiss. He looked into your eyes and searched for any sign of hesitation. He saw nothing but passion and pure longing. The sight of your naked body sent such an intense surge of lust through his body that he wondered how it was possible that he thought staying in the guest room was a good idea. He kissed your lips briefly before moving his mouth to your neck through the valley between your breasts and further down until he was kneeling in front of you. Your eyes met briefly before he ran his tongue over your folds, teasing you, and causing you to throw your head back and moan.
As he was doing this, you took the opportunity to hook your legs behind his back and pull him towards you. Jason, still on his knees, obliged your silent request and positioned himself between your legs. He kissed you again, this time it was neither tender nor slow. Your hands worked on the buttons of Jason’s shirt, desperate to feel his naked skin against yours. Jason made himself useful by taking off his sweats. He was just as desperate as you to feel your naked skin against his. You lay back onto the bed pulling Jason on top of you. He discarded his sweats off to the side.
Jason took the time to worship every inch of your body. He loved the way you moaned when he kissed the spot on your neck just over your pulse. He loved the way you whimpered when he ran his mouth and his hands over your breasts. He loved how you impatiently writhed underneath him, grinding against his already rock hard erection, in search of a release. He hovered over you and looked directly in your eyes. “You're beautiful," was all he could say.
"I want you," was all you could say.
He smirked and found your lips again. He brought you into a heated kiss that only left you wanting more. You made a move to remove his boxers, the last piece of clothing separating them, but jason stopped you. “Not yet," he whispered.
Before you had a chance to question his motives, Jason launched a full assault on your senses. He was kissing you with renewed intensity and his hands were suddenly everywhere at once. He was determined to get you off at least a couple of times before you got to the main act.
Jason rolled you both over positioning your lithe, naked body on top of his. He let his hands slide over your form reveling in the smoothness of your skin. Keeping one hand on the swell of your ass, he brought his other hand to the base of your neck and pulled you down for a feverish kiss. He ran his fingers through your hair massaging your scalp and willing your body to relax—to surrender to everything but him and the pleasure he was going to give you. Without reducing any of the passion or intensity, he purposefully slowed the tempo of kiss. While you were kissing him senseless, he moved his hands to the back of your thighs gently pulling them apart so that you had one knee on either side of him. He then put his hands on your hips and began guiding you up and down over his shaft.
You were so lost in his kisses that you didn't realize the position Jason had you in. Suddenly, it wasn't just the sensation of his warm mouth that was driving you mad. Even with his boxers still on, you could feel every bit of his hardened cock. Your instincts immediately took over and it was no longer necessary for Jason to guide your hips up and down. you remained locked in that kiss, your arms positioned over his shoulders as he leveraged your body up and down over his. Jason was more than willing to let you use his body to pleasure yourself. He himself was lost in the kiss while his hands had free range over your smooth, perfect skin. When your body began to speed up over him, he knew you were close and he put those skilled hands to work. He, not so gently, grabbed your ass and began thrusting his hips in tandem with yours. You sat up, exposing your upper torso to jason’s hungry eyes. You hated to break the kiss, but your body was desperate for a release and you needed to focus all your energy and attention to what your lower half was doing. You closed your eyes and threw your head back while continuing to rub against jason. He took that opportunity to latch his mouth onto your left breast while fondling your right breast with his hand all the while continuing to grind against you. It was all the added stimulation you needed and within seconds, your body was convulsing with euphoric energy. It took all of his self control not to come with you especially since you called out his name over and over as you rode out your orgasm in his arms.
Exhausted, you collapsed against him, completely blissed out. He kissed your head and laid you gently on the mattress. He could still feel your body pulsating and before you had the chance to catch your breath, he began stimulating you again. He moved off the bed and, being sure not to break eye contact, he pushed his boxers down exposing his still very erect cock. You grinned at the sight of his beautiful, strong, body while still trying to gain control of your breathing. Seeing Jason naked and obviously turned on was not helping matters. Nor did it help when he moved his body over yours. With his arms extended on either side of you, Jason hovered over you, your bodies would not have been touching at all save for the fact that the tip of his very hard and very eager cock was pushing against your lower stomach. You licked your lips drawing jason’s attention to your mouth before reaching down to stroke him. Jason let out a grateful moan before letting his body fall gently on yours, naked flesh against naked flesh. The kiss was heated from the beginning as you both reveled in the feeling the other completely naked.
Although loving the feeling of your hand on his cock, he reluctantly pried your fingers off him. He needed to slow things down a bit or he would never last until he was inside you. In your eagerness to give him some pleasure of your own, you attempted to grasp him again but he slyly moved away. Kneeling between your legs, Jason took a moment to appreciate the view of your naked body. He flashed you a smirk before pushing a finger into your wet folds. Your eyes rolled back and you let out a breathy moan. You began to move against his hand and he watched in awe as your body writhed in pleasure. He expertly moved his fingers inside you, circling your clit with his thumb. Not being able to resist, he dipped his head down to taste you as you lay gripping the sheets and calling out his name between moans of pleasure. It wasn't long before you were nearing your peak once again, at which point Jason redoubled his efforts employing the use of his fingers and his very talented tongue. Your body shook with the effects of your second orgasm of the night. Jason, once again, stopped to enjoy the view. Seconds after your body stopped shaking, Jason was leaning over to the nightstand to retrieve a condom.
You watched in wonder as he opened the package and placed the condom over the tip of his throbbing cock. Jason paused and your eyes met for a moment. He then took your hand in his and kissed it lovingly before bringing it down to his other hand, the one holding the condom over his cock. He wanted to let you know that it was still your decision—that they could stop now if you wanted to. You didn't. You eased your hand down and covered him with the latex. Much to Jason's pleasure, you slid your hand over him a few more times than necessary to ensure the condom was in place.
Jason gently moved your hands off him and hovered over you once more. He kissed you softly before positioning the head of his cock at your entrance. He teased the wetness of your folds causing you to instinctively spread your legs further apart and pulling him closer. You tried to look down between them, but with a knowing hand, Jason tilted your head back so you were facing him.
"Look at me, Baby. Keep your eyes on me," was his gentle command.
You nodded. "Ok," you answered obediently.
Jason distracted you with a slow, languid kiss before he gently pushed the head of his cock into you. You moaned in pleasure and expressed her gratitude by responding more vigorously to Jason's kisses. After a few seconds, Logan pulled out and thrust in more deeply. You gave a surprised whimper and Jason could felt your body immediately tense.
"Sshhh, it's ok," he comforted. "I'm right here. Relax."
You tried to do just that. He unclenched your muscles and moved your legs further apart. "I'm ok," you assured him.
Jason kissed her lips and stroked your face He pulled back and spent a few seconds rubbing himself over your folds. you momentarily forgot about any discomfort and reveled in the pleasant sensations he was eliciting. You knew he was holding back for you and while you appreciated it, you wanted to know the feeling of having him completely inside of you.
"It's ok, Jason. I'm ready," you whispered.
Jason once again pushed into you. He moved slowly careful not to cause you any more discomfort than necessary. He based his actions on your reaction to him. Whenever he felt your muscles begin to relax, he push in a little deeper. He knew he was near the barrier and his body was fighting a losing battle. He needed to be inside you. With one more loving kiss and one last reassuring look, he thrust completely into her. He looked into your eyes and you heard him whispering sweet nothings.
"It's ok, baby. Look at me. I'm right here." He grunted as he continued to move inside of you. "You're so beautiful,". You're so amazing," he whispered between thrusts.
His sweet whispers made your heart swell with emotion and you began to move with him. Feeling her respond to him was all Jason needed. His thrusts became less slow and less gentle and your dull ache turned into an pleasurable one. You hooked your right leg over his back allowing Jason to plow deeper into you which succeeded in pushing Jason past his breaking point. You wrapped her arms around his neck and in breathy whispers, encouraged him to let his body have what it so desperately wanted.
"I've wanted this for so long, Jason" you confided. "Just let go, baby. I'm not going to be far behind you."
With that, Jason's body completely took over. He pumped wildly into your willing body. He moaned out your name at the feeling of you clenching around him, feeling your third orgasm of the night build up around him. He tried to be careful when collapsing on top of you. You could feel the violent beating of his heart as he lay motionless on top of you. After a few seconds, Jason rolled you on your sides so he wasn't crushing you with his weight. He looked into your eyes and could manage nothing but a euphoric smile. There were no words to express what he felt at that moment, you happily laid there staring at each other until their breathing returned to a normal pace. Jason then kissed you softly. He wanted to say something beautiful and meaningful, something you'd always remember.
"Hi," was all he could come up with.
"Hi, Jason" you responded with an equally euphoric smile on your face.
He brushed your hair off your face and placed a kiss on the tip of your nose before reluctantly getting out of bed to dispose of the condom. He peaked his head back in, "Be right back." Before you can even comprehend what he means, you hear him making all sorts of noise in what sounds like the kitchen. What on earth? He retuns with bottled waters, a Snickers bar, and a bag of peanut M&Ms. He then grabs bag of chocolate covered espresso beans he'd brought you earlier that night and deposited everything on the nightstand.
"Wow. That's quite the spread you got there."
Jason climbed into bed and immediately pulled you into his arms.
"Well, I figured I couldn't go wrong with chocolate" answered Jason
"You figured correctly." You say snuggling into his side.
"Ok,. M&Ms or espresso beans?"
"Or? Don't you mean And?" you said playfully.
Jason laughed. "Of course." The two of you sat up in bed laughing and talking about nothing in particular as Jason fed you the M&Ms and espresso beans. After some nagging from you about his early morning start you both finally settled in to get some sleep.
"You ok?" asked Jason as you laid your head on his bare chest.
"I'm perfect," you answered yawning. It had been a very long day.
Jason kissed your head and engulfed you in his arms. The night hadn't turned out exactly how he planned— but he was falling asleep with you in his arms and it was the most perfect moment of his life.
A steady beeping wakes you. You mutter into the pillow. “Uugggh. Oh hell, not again…”
“That’s not the smoke detectors, That’s my alarm.” Jason's reply is muffled because he is talking into the side of his arm. You laugh and wriggle your body further into his. Best. Trip. Abroad. Ever. Traveling around with the cast during the filming of All Your Monsters was great but this is something completely different. Maybe it is just the company you’re keeping.
You’re remarkably well rested considering all the interruptions to your sleep schedule. You can feel Jason roll in the bed just before he wraps his arm over your midsection. His breath on your neck gives you goose bumps. “I should get up for work.”
You are enjoying the warmth of his body pressed against yours but the unrelenting noise of the alarm prevents you from falling back asleep. “Did you get any sleep?”
“Enough.” He takes a deep breath. “Ok. I’m getting up now. Getting up to go to work.”
“And to turn off that alarm?” You wait but he doesn’t move. “Would it help if I got up too?” You let the question hang and are met with silence. You sit up and his arm falls down into your lap. You prod him, “Well?”
“I’m thinking….” He is smiling and keeping his eyes closed as though that will forestall the day. “Debatable.”
You scoot from his grasp to get out of bed. After plucking a shirt and some underwear from your bag you peek back over at the bed. Jason has shifted only slightly but you’re happy to see that he at least has his eyes open now.
“Right. So are you going to get up to turn off that alarm or am I going to have to accidentally make a phone call at an ungodly hour in the morning?” You’d much rather jump back into bed with him but you know that is impractical. Rather than tempt yourself by watching him get out of bed you make your way into his room to search out and silence his alarm. You call out to him moments before sighting the phone laying where he had apparently tossed it onto the haphazardly arranged sheets on his bed. “Where is your phone? Oh…”
Jason finds you examining the lock screen of his phone – a beautiful shot of a London sunrise. He tosses his shirt and sweatpants into his laundry bin before reaching around you to slide his finger over the screen and pressing the sequence to unlock his phone and then silence the alarm. The picture that you are now greeted with is of you - one that he captured from one of the first few days you spent with him in LA. He kisses your temple before smiling down at the picture. “Maybe we can update that this week.”
You carefully place his phone on the side table before turning to swat him towards the bathroom. “Maybe. Now go shower – I’ll make you some coffee? Tea? If you have time - maybe some sort of breakfast depending on what you have in the kitchen…”
He pauses just before entering the bathroom to look back at you, surveying your attire head to foot. “If you’ll be making breakfast dressed like that I may need to supervise.”
Right. You’re still in a shirt and underwear. Funny how he makes you forget such things. You shake your head at him. “Jason. Shower. Supervise tomorrow if you feel so inclined.”
Jason takes a few steps into the bathroom, doing a slight shuffle when his bare feet hit the apparently cold tile floor. "Wouldn’t you like to join me?“
Yes. But no. That would be counterproductive. If you stand there too much longer you’ll lose your willpower to stay out of the shower. Maybe if you put on pants, or he puts on more clothes, or both… Or if he would stop almost-dancing about the bathroom. You shake your head. "I’ll shower after you leave. Is that a yes or no to caffeine? Breakfast?” You don’t wait for his reply, turning to head to the kitchen.
Jason's voice echoes to you from the bathroom just before you hear the water for the shower being turned on. “They’ll have something there, probably. But – yes to coffee. Yes. Please!”
The coffee machine appears to require special packets in order to make coffee. While searching the cabinets you stumble upon a French press and a bag of pre-ground coffee, opting for the simpler method rather than continuing the quest for the packets. While the water heats in the kettle on the stove you retrieve your phone from the guest bedroom, straightening the bed sheets and picking up your discarded clothing. You start back to the kitchen and then do a u-turn while muttering to yourself. “Pants. Pants would be good.” 
tag list: @my-soupy-brain @tegan8314 @tortilla-maria1 @nerdgirljen @cavillsim @superloveeverything
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everythingshania · 2 years
Are you ready Twainiacs?!?!?!
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July 26, 2022
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"I maybe a Rock And Roll chick but Shaina Twain still has a place in heart!❤ I just finished watching "Not Just a Girl" on Netflix and it was so good! At at the age of 5 I adore this woman. She was my idol and I wanted to be just like her! Now I'm 25, she's STILL the one that I adore!"
~Kota White
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dio7r · 8 months
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124K notes · View notes
gahhhb · 3 months
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[ Devour ]
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spinaholi · 2 months
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31K notes · View notes
bambiali · 2 months
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iiammrandi · 4 months
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kn1ght-l1ght · 11 months
Posting this iconic piece of media that I just NEVER found online isolated except in an archived reddit thread
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inkskinned · 13 days
please i love you i'm begging you bring back suspension of disbelief bring back trusting the audience like. i cannot handle any more dialogue that sounds like a legal document. "hello, i am here to talk to you about the incident from a few minutes ago, because i feel you might be unwell, and i am invested in your personal wellbeing." "thank you, i am unwell because the incident was hurtful to me due to my childhood, which was bad." I CANT!!!!
do you know how many people are mad that authors use "growled" as a word for "said"? it's just poetics! they do not literally mean "growled," it's just a common replacement for "said with force but in a low tone." it's normal! do you hear me!! help me i love you please let me out of here!!!
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churroach · 23 days
Full of Desires
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believesthings · 1 month
Not Just A Girl - Chapter 4 // Jason Sudeikis x Reader
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Summary: You're a new up and coming actress. At your first awards show, you run into your celebrity crush, Jason Sudeikis. Trying to navigate the bond you form with him while both juggling your respective careers proves to be quite the task with some unexpected twists along the way.
Tag List: @my-soupy-brain @tegan8314 @tortilla-maria1
Once again you wake up entirely too early of your own accord. To work out some of your nervous energy you wander down to the weight room to move for a bit. Your realize once you've made it down there that you've left your phone in your room but you don't need your phone for the a half hour, right? That's the new thing these days, Isn't it? Technology detox? Sure, why not give it go.
Your callback isn't scheduled until 10:00 which gives you plenty of time to obsess over every little detail you can imagine into being before having to slip into the persona of Mia and hopefully finally get conformation regarding the part.
Comfortably tired from your workout, you head to the elevator to go back up to your room and happen to spot your new friend - the security guard from last night - leaving as he gets off his shift. He looks even younger outside of his uniform. Quite the shift, you marvel, for someone so young - but then you often held off jobs while you were working in theater, just son you could afford the rent.
You give him a friendly wave which he returns with an exhausted by happy smile. On the elevator, you remind yourself to relay your promise to Jason when you call him later in the day. You've decided on calling him around lunchtime so as to hopefully not interrupt his day. He made you promise that you would call after your callback, but he never specified when.
A glance at your phone tells you that 30 minutes with it, while freeing, is actually quite impractical. You've not got numerous messages to shift through.
Knock them dead, Honey.
From your mother.
The award looks great. Go get us another to match!
From your Father, with an attached photo of him, making a goofy face next to your award in a newly built cabinet.
Todd had sent a series of messages - first regarding the fan mail that he wanted to pass on to you at your earliest convenience, a.k.a. come clear some of this clutter from my workplace - followed by directions to the building where you needed to go today, a brief pep talk... remember your training, so on, so forth - and then an oddly phrased text requesting that you call him after lunch because by that time he thought he would know something you would like to hear.
You had sent him the list of places that you had been interested in renting while you stayed in town, perhaps he would have news regarding that? You can't live in the hotel forever, despite how tempting it would be to do so.
Will also opted for a series of texts:
If they don't choose you for Mia, they're mad. - x
Followed by:
Can't wait to see you and discuss your new boyfriend.
Then another one:
Jo said the pair of you went house hunting without me. You owe me drinks!
You try to remember where he is and what he could be doing at the moment, judging if you can call and chat. Is he doing interviews? Maybe a photo shoot?
The next text doesn't help clear up where he could be.
The makeup trailer seems empty without you. When will we be able to coerce someone into making All Your Monsters 2?
You save the texts from Jason for last.
Good Morning, Darling. Don't forget your promise to call.
You can't help but grin. "Or what?" You think to yourself.
Before protesting again, my phone is on silent and I'll be checking my messages at every available moment until I hear from you.
You shake your head and laugh, imaging Jason sneaking glances at his phone every time the director calls cut. Though it makes you smile you'd feel incredibly guilty if you got him into trouble on set.
Also, we had food provided during our breaks from a wonderful little breakfast spot downtown. I'd love the chance to take you.
This makes you blush. Breakfast with Jason. Breakfast following...
Before your mind can stray too far down that distracting line of thought another text arrives from Todd:
Did you get the directions I sent?
Really, he worries far too much about your sense of direction.
Yes, I'll let you know when I get there.
You pack up a few things into a satchel in the hopes that you can window shop at some point during the day. To pass the time and distract yourself from the butterflies in your stomach you use your phone to scroll through the media links that Todd has sent you. There are so many articles speculating on your connection with Jason - curiosity makes you scan through the titles.
The new woman in Jason's life, Battle of the Co-stars over before it began? Goldstein out on day one as Sudeikis cuddles up with new woman.
After reading through a few of the articles you get distracted by the copious photos linked to the sites: publicity photos of each of you at the awards show with candid shots from the night sprinkled in, more from the after party, walking along the street, even a few from your date the previous night. Scrolling through the pictures you are reminded of the long days during filming All Your Monsters when you would pas the time by searching our various funny pictures and sending them to Will. You spent an entire week sending him the same photo of a squirrel with his cheeks overstuffed - it had driven him crazy.
Rather than sit around in your hotel you decide to go ahead over to the location for your callback and maybe find a quiet spot to sit and center yourself before having to disappear into the character of Mia.
You arrive far earlier than just a few minutes, which all works out according to plan -- finding a place to sit and collect yourself proves a bit challenging. As far as options go, sitting in the lobby isn't much help because of all the foot traffic... there is a row of chairs near the door that you were directed to go to, but that puts you in the awkward position of having to see who walking of the room just before you have to go in. Everything has been kept incredibly quiet regarding the project.
You can hear voices coming from within the room through the door, which was left slightly ajar. You know better than to try to knock on the door to announce your arrival, for all you know they could still be with the previous pairing and interrupting that would be awkward beyond even your standards. You realize the voices have grown a bit more insistent and you can actually make out the words of the person who is currently speaking and it is n=certainly not dialogue from the pages you've been given.
"I just don't see the wisdom in it..."
Part of the response is lower than you can make out... "-thought we had agreed it would be best for production."
"Well things changed, maybe we don't want that anymore."
"Do we scrap all the other choices we've made so far then too?" Someone was very unhappy about something regarding this James & Mia movie. "You said - you said that casting unknowns was the most beneficial!"
Oh - your stomach flips. Oh, you really shouldn't be listening to this, any of this. You should get up and walk back out to the lobby and wait there until it is closer to your appointment time. What if they open the door to find you sitting here? You want to flee but now that your ears have picked up on the conversation your body seems to refuse to let you escape.
"Look - you can be on board with this or not but that doesn't change the fact that we are going to be telling all of them today and.."
The irate voice was even louder, loud enough to make you wince and unglue from your position. "You still want us to see all of them? You don't consider that - I don't know - a waste of everyone's time? Now that you've unilaterally made the biggest decision we..."
You don't stay to hear the rest of the tirade. You're already walking down the hall as quietly as you can. You don't pause in the lobby but burst out the door onto the sidewalk, the sun shining ahead help as you as your best to take steady breaths.
Pull it together. Breathe in, out.
In. Out.
Ok. So they're going a different way, at least they're going to tell you rather than leave you waiting for a phone call.
Breathe in. Out.
Why wait around to hear they don't want you? You're feeling petulant but quickly find a reply to the question: you never know what other projects these individuals might have lined up that they might recommend for you.
Everything is an opportunity.
You've been turned down for parts you've gotten attached to before. You close your eyes and concentrate on breathing until the urge to dry heave subsides. Opening your eyes, you sigh up at the building. There's one voice you want to hear before you go back inside to face their decision..
Your finger are still slightly shaking as you dial Jason's number. It goes to voicemail, thankfully he did as he said he would and turned his phone to silent.
"Hey-" You scowl when you hear your voice waver and force a smile, trying to change the pitch of your voice. "So, I'm currently standing outside enjoying the beautiful sunshine and thinking of you. Havn;t gone in yet but I overheard something I probably shouldn't have... and well, I think they're going with someone else. Whoever it is, I'm sure it'll do the project wonders. I just... well,,,"
You look down at your watch. "Damn." It took you longer to gather yourself than you thought. You've got to run back inside or you'll be late. To top it off, you notice that in your frazzled state to check your watch, your thumb ended the call. You heave a sigh before turning the phone ring tone down and stuffing it into your bag.
Back in the building you walk with as much confidence as you can muster back towards the proper room. The door is open now, the silence reminding you of the quiet just before all hell breaks loose.
Ok. you are going to go in there and wow them, even if they've already made up their minds. You'll explain everything to Jason later - hopefully over many drinks.
Upon entering the room you are warmly greeted by the casting director, a man who reminds you of your theater teacher from college. He introduces you in turn to the individuals sitting alongside him - almost in order of the chain of command, working from himself all the way up to the man you recognize moments before the casting director says his name - the director of the project. After introductions you drop your bag to the floor beside the chair they've set out in front of them. Was your phone buzzing? It was hard to place to source of the sound over the shifting of all the people in front of you and the added movement of the script and other odd things in you bag. You didn't really need to bring the script with you, but you would thought you have a moment to go over your notes to yourself... of course, that was before you eavesdropped on the conversation that was taking up your brain space. You start to lean over to adjust the way your bag is sitting and maybe pull the pages out but you stop your actions when the casting director addresses you:
"Well, before we get started, Welcome back! You were absolutely lovely in your audition and I wanted you to know that. We loved the interpretation of Mia that you brought to the table."
Were absolutely lovely. Loved. Past tense. As in we don't love your interpretation anymore because someone did something better, but thanks for playing anyway. You keep your breathing calm and level by dropping yourself out of the moment as much as you can.
"We think we've found--" he glances askance before correcting his words. "We have cast our James and are hoping that we might have the right fit for you playing against him."
That - was not what you were expecting him to say. You blink to let the words sink in for a moment before smiling. "I- thank you! I'd love to give it a go."
"Excellent" He beams down the line at the other members of the team, most of whom are smiling - but you notice the production manager, (or were they introduced as the production coordinator?) doesn't seem to be very interested in the conversation. "We're actually going to have to wait a few minutes for his arrival so let's just run through a few lines and then we'll see where we're at." You nod before squaring yourself in your chair and letting your careful construct of Mia take control.
Half an hour later you're up and pacing, you've just finished a particularly tense bit of dialogue with all.. but again, just the one... seeming to enjoy themselves as they are again liking what you are showing them. You've amended small bits of your reactions as a result of your discussions with Jason regarding certain moments. Thankfully a break is called so you can scoop up one of the bottles of water they've kindly provided. You chose not to reseat yourself right away. The energy you've called upon for the scene making you a bit restless now that you don't have a way to expel it. Pacing doesn't seem to be doing to the trick so you let the character of Mia slip back into the corner where you've nestled her away in your mind.
With a glance down at the far end of the table, the casting director then checks his watch, "We;ll just call down to the lobby and see if he's made it yet... we did agree to the 10:30 - 10:45 time frame."
While he makes his phone call, you perch on the edge of your chair to scoop up the script from your bag and flip through the pages to review some of your notes. Remember how tenuous the relationship is by this time. Or Would she allow James to see how horribly he's injured her here or would she strive for impassiveness? In searching our a particular phrase you wanted to highlight you notice writing on pages you don't remember commenting on. A closer look brings you a smile. Jason has written you notes as to his feelings on the scenes. Most seeming to be in agreement with your assessment. Bless him. Your trace your fingertip over is handwriting, figuring he had written it while waiting for you to finish getting ready for your night out.
"Oh - excellent! And you already sent him up? Good!" The casting director clasps his hands together with such explosive force it jolts you out of your thoughts. "Alright, we are delighted to tell you that -"
Well. That makes twice is less than an hour that you've been surprised ( and then delighted) by the turn of events - Brett nods his acknowledgement to you.
You realize the casting director is still talking, "...And Brett's schedule being as busy as it is we weren't sure if we would be able to land him for the role, but by the time we get production underway things shouldn't be problematic. We'll try to get through this quickly..."
Your casting director is talking more to the people alongside him than you right now but you still nod in reply. You take note of the expression of those in charge - the director looks particularly pleased with himself, but again the production manager/coordinator - really, you were going to have to clarify that eventually - doesn't appear all that interested in the events unfolding. Actually, as you analyze her expression, you realize that is she seemed merely disinterested in you before, she seems to be seething now that Brett Is in the room. Wow, not doing a very good job of hiding her opinions at the moment... Obviously, it was her protestations that you overheard earlier.
Brett has finished shaking hands with those in charge and scoops you now into a gentle hug. "Surprise..." He murmurs into your ear just before releasing you.
How long had Brett been interested in the role? You think back through the odd few texts the pair of you have exchanged since meeting the night of the award show and you realize that you never mentioned this particular project while talking with him. Apparently, this is just one of those wild coincidences.
How long will your luck hold our concerning your career? You are reminded of your audition for All Your Monsters when you walked into the room and saw Will Poulter sitting there waiting for you. How did you overcome your nerves then? Right, push your own feelings aside and concentrate on the the character... Your drop the script back into the chair and take a quick sip of water while listening as the casting director gives brief directions as to what he'd like to see from the pair of you.
By 11:00 all involved seem to be on the same page regarding the casting of Brett as James and you in the role of Mia - even, to your pleasure, the production manager. You don't envy them the task of seeing the remaining people today... that exchange must be a tough one. Brett nods great fully when they acknowledge that he need to get back to filming for the current project he's working on. He waits for you to grab your bag and walks with you back towards the outside world.
"I'd be happy to drop you somewhere on my way back to the studio."
You shake your head while thanking him. "That's ok. I think I need to walk around a bit." You feel your phone vibrating into your side through the fabric of your bag. " Ah - and I have a few phone calls to make. Long story..."
The pair of your pause in the lobby to say goodbye. Brett gives your arm a brief squeeze. "Which there will be plenty of time to hear now that we're working together. I'll see you again soon."
In the hour that you've been in the callback your phone has gone nuts. You send off a quick text to Todd letting him know of the developments, omitting your little panic attack before the audition though he's surely likely to hear about it somehow. There are both texts and voicemails from Jason You read through the messages first:
Your message cut off, is everything ok?"
Everything is now.
The next:
Todd said he wasn't even aware you'd gotten there. You did go in didn't you?
Oh Damn, you forgot to tell Todd you had arrived since you were so distracted. Well, he knows now.
Forget whatever you heard. You show them how passionate you are about this character and they will have no choice but to be swayed.
Oh God, you've apparently really distracted him from his work.
Darling, answer your phone. Please. You're killing me here. Smoke Signal, carrier pigeon. I'll take anything to know you're okay.
You stop scrolling through the messages. You imagine his voicemails will be more of the same. You quickly dial his number and to your surprise, he answers on the first ring. Before he can say a word you rush out as much information as you can.
"Jason, I'm fine. Everything is fine. I did go - I'm so sorry to have worried you. I got the part, Jason!" You can hear him breathe out in reaction to your news. "I can't believe you called Todd, I'm in trouble aren't I?"
This results in a chuckle. "No you're not in trouble though I wouldn't mind putting eyes on you right now, just for good measure."
You close your eyes to fight back the emotions rising to surface. You want nothing more than to be standing with him having this conversation in person. "Hmm I probably owe everyone on your set apology cakes or something for how much I seem to have stressed you out." Another laugh comes over the line. How you love making him do that. "I very much doubt they would just let me waltz in there with a plate of cookies though... Who all did you call anyway?"
Jason considers for a moment and you can hear him being summonsed in the background which is apparently ignoring because they repeat themselves louder. He responds to them with a bit of hesitation. "Yeah, I'm on my way!"
"Jason, I know this is going to be a long day for you but... could you -" You plan on asking him to call you or at least express your desire to see him.
You laugh. "You don't even know what I'm going to say."
"Doesn't matter. Yes. You had me at could you."
You try to think of something outrageous to demand of him surely because he agreed but you settle for the delight you feel knowing that you'll be able to wrap your arms around him in a matter of hours. "Okay, then." You can hear him being called more insistently and smile. "I'm really going to have to send over dozens of apology baskets. I'll call Todd to get right on that. You said tentatively you thought you'd be done by 8 tonight, right?" Jason confirms the timeframe and you add, "Ok - I'll be there when you're done. Call me if that changes. Now go before they irrevocably hate me for taking you away from work."
You take a taxi over to Todd's office after calling to both apologize for any undue stress - ok, all the undue stress. - and the request that he send over a massive basket of delicious treats to the studio where Jason is working. He laughs, "You want the note to say what?"
"Trust me, it is justified. Please Todd?" You note the taxi driver is doing his best not to laugh.
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mooniluvyou · 5 months
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me fr
cred: kendollisms on insta
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roseforviolet · 2 months
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lanaknowsitried0 · 8 months
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sully-s · 4 months
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Listen, if I had the time I would just make Justice Leauge the mockumentary, lol.
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