#not impossible but sort of yikes
akagamiko · 2 years
@ikkaku-of-heart​ [IKKAKU] :  "So, unless proven otherwise, should we assume all gingers within a certain age range are your kids? I mean, Eustass Kid is basically your mini-me, Nami doesn't know her birth parents, and Drake...well, ok, he does know who his dad is but from what I've heard, you'd probably be a step up in that department."
He’s got enough sense about him to at least attempt to wince at her question. Maybe he should have been more embarrassed than he truly felt. 
“Y’know, there are other redheads in the world, Ikkaku.”
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Just because he got around didn’t mean he was responsible for all of them. Surely a fair share may have been his, but that didn’t mean they all were. Or at least he seriously hoped not.
“Eustass Kid is my mini-me because he was practically begging me to make him into one,” he said flatly. Shanks wasn’t sure how old the other red haired captain was, so--no, no. He was not going to even entertain that fault. “S’pose nothing’s really impossible. Except for Drake--he’s far too old to be mine. His old man was a real peace of work, though.”
He rested his arm on her shoulder and gave her a faux-irritated sideways glance. “The real question is: why do you feel the need to put these thoughts in my head?”
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forshadowing · 6 months
realizing the host's friends consider me an "evil" alter like hmm. well that isn't concerning whatsoever
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cheegu3 · 1 year
◡̈⋆ʜᴇʟʟᴏ(●’◡’●)ノ bestie back at it again in your ask box 🕺💃 may I request yandere seventeen profiles please 🥺🤌 thank you (ㅅ˙³˙)♡mwah❣️
hi bestieee, apologise for the delay :p
tw / trigger warning: yandere themes, murder, blood, manipulation, possessiveness, jealousy, swearing, mentions of vomiting, reader gets called a slut, gaslighting, abuse, dead animals, man-handling, 18+ (sexual themes) - YIKES, this really has it all lmao
{Seventeen - yandere profiles}
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yandere type: strict
S.Coups is strict with you, but although he can be violent he isn't very sadistic.
There's not much enjoyment in punishing you, it's just something he knows he has to do - to make sure you'd be molded into the perfect partner for him.
You'd be expected to follow strict rules and be on your best behaviour - he didn't tolerate any brattiness or disobedience.
With all of his demands, you'd end up with him being the only person left in your life. He was the only one you talked to, spent time with and saw during the day; which of course wasn't accidental on his part.
'' Don't test my patience, you know what will happen if you do '' he warned lowly, taking a few steps towards you.
You were cornered now, nowhere to run but into his arms. All the confidence you had just a minute ago came crashing down and you were getting ready to beg for him to be lenient on you - as he'd expect you to do.
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yandere type: sweet + manipulative
To you, he was the sweetest boyfriend you had ever had. No matter what, he was always there to take care of you.
Scraped your knees or hands from some minor injury? It didn't matter, he'd be there in seconds, cradling you and putting a plaster over the wound.
Had a bad day? Jeonghan would show up outside your work with a bouquet of flowers and a wide grin on his face, ready to take you on a long and romantic date.
Needed a ride? He would drive you, anywhere and any time.
As time would pass and he continued to hide underneath his perfectly crafted personality, you'd start to believe your boyfriend could do no wrong.
'' Do you know what a psycho your boyfriend really is? ''
Your stared down at your coworker that you had by chance stumbled upon in an alley on your way home from work. She was beaten up badly, blood dripped from her nose and she had a black eye.
'' My boyfriend? '' you scoffed in disbelief.
'' Why are you suddenly bringing him up? ''
'' He did this to me! ''
You left as soon as you heard that, thinking it was the most ridiculous lie you'd ever heard - and Jeonghan who was watching from the shadows, smirked proudly, ready to kill the girl once you'd left.
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yandere type: calculative
Joshua was far too dangerously smart for you - always being one step ahead and being a torture to deal with.
Overall he was sort of a classic yandere but it would be way harder to get away from him than others, near impossible. He knew you like the back of his hand; what you'd say next, what your fears were, what you liked and what would make you break.
But even though Joshua was smart, he didn't bother hiding his yandere side to you - he may be a psycho but he wasn't fake. Plus it would probably be too much of a nuisance if he had to put up an act in front of you all the time.
'' I'm going wether you like it or not, my friends are waiting for me ''
Your boyfriend tilted his head slightly, knowing he was sure to enjoy this spectacle you tried putting on now. He couldn't wait to see your brave face fall soon as he'd win, once again.
'' Oh really '' he drawled tauntingly making you halt your step.
'' Yes, really '' you spat back.
'' I don't think they'd be happy to see you since you were talking shit about them on social media '' he sighed innocently.
Rage burned inside of you as you ran up to him, fists clenched to your sides.
'' What the fuck did you do? ''
The corners of his lips curved upwards into an amused smile.
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yandere type: delusional + aggressive
This man genuinely believes you are just as obsessed with him as he is with you.
And if you even thought about doing anything that would break his fantasy - think again. He will immediately become aggressive, and in some cases violent.
Before you were together, he would leave you sickeningly sweet love-notes as if you were already dating. They terrified you, which he observed, so he was sure not to mention that it was him that had left them.
If you managed to shatter his delusions once you were together, which would be incredibly hard, then he'd feel some sort of resentment towards you. But he wouldn't let you leave him anyway.
Jun accepted it.
'' Fine. If you don't love me now, that's okay '' you heaved a deep sigh of relief, getting ready to gather your things in his house.
However, you didn't get far as his next words made you freeze.
'' I'll make you love me ''
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yandere type: possessive + clingy
Hoshi would be quite insecure and possessive over you, leading to him resorting to extreme clinginess to make you do whatever he wanted.
He feigned innocence and would even force tears out if he needed to. Whenever he heard that you were going out, anger started bubbling inside him. But he couldn't risk you seeing him as anything but a sweet and helpless boyfriend who just '' loved you so much ''. So he clenched his teeth every time and went out, ready to put on the best acting performance of his life.
It might've felt a bit humiliating in the moment, but as soon as your eyes would turn glossy as you'd hug him and cancel your plans, murmuring apologies to stop him from crying - it was all worth it.
'' Babe, it's been months since I've seen my friends '' it was getting hard to get your words out as you felt tears start to well up, like they always did when your boyfriend pulled this antic.
'' If I cancel again, they won't ask ever again and our friendship will probably end ''
He didn't answer. Only sniffles could be heard in the room which had now fallen silent. His eyes were red and puffy from crying for so long. It had been an hour now, way longer than what it usually took for you to give in.
Hoshi kept his anger underneath the surface, waiting patiently until you would say the magic words; only then could he finally relax.
'' I'm sorry '' you sighed, defeatedly.
There it is
Your boyfriend smirked into his hands that were hiding his face from you.
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yandere type: sadistic
The worst to deal with. He could be violent, but he preferred to watch you suffer without him having to lift a finger; it made him feel more accomplished somehow, boosting his ego in a sick and twisted way.
But since any and all kinds of suffering were of great amusement and pleasure to him, you'd experience physical violence too. It would often be after you'd done something to piss him off, something that needed a quick lesson.
His psychological tortures were more of just a side-quest for him. You probably hadn't even done anything wrong. But just the act of planning something meticulously and then watching you as you'd fall victim to it - felt so rewarding and addictive, he couldn't resist it.
So I guess you could say that bit was a hobby, one that came with him no matter how well behaved you were.
'' Didn't you like my gift? '' he tilted his head while a sinister smile crept up on his face.
You backed away from him, head shaking frantically as you felt bile coming up your throat at only the mention of that sick prank he had pulled on you.
'' Why not? ''
The box was still in view, its contents scattered due to you dropping it as soon as you took a peek inside. The dead rat's eyes stared back at you, almost looking eerily alive.
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yandere type: cold
Woozi would be the type to come off as cold or distant even though he didn't really mean to. It was just a bit hard for him to express his feelings. So he'd rather skip the awkwardness and just not voice his thoughts or opinions to you, ultimately making him a mystery.
It was hard for you to read him. He was locked up in his studio, writing and producing most of the day, which meant you barely saw him.
But when he'd come out, he didn't look like he had missed you; immediately he ordered you around, telling you to make both of you food.
While eating there was silence - no questions about your day, nothing about his and he would barely even glance at you.
It was all very confusing. For someone who claimed to be in love with you to the point of obsession, it sure looked like he just said that for a laugh now. Did you even act like a couple?
It felt more like a prisoner - guard, type of situation since he still barely let you go out. The only time he showed affection would be right before bed, when you couldn't see his flushed face in the dark.
'' Come here '' Woozi said sleepily.
You could hear the covers ruffle and assumed he had opened his arms to make room for you, so you slowly shuffled into his warm embrace.
You felt him breathe in your scent and relax, as if you were a sedative to him.
'' I love you '' he murmured into the crook of your neck.
'' I-I love you too '' you said, a bit confused.
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yandere type: stalker
Approaching you and actually getting into a relationship would be a difficult task for DK, who had only watched you from afar.
Yet the more he watched you - the more he knew that just stalking you wouldn't suffice. He wanted to be close to you, hold you and make you laugh, just like all those people around you that he had to get rid of.
He craved being the reason you'd smile while looking at your phone or the person that made your face twist in pleasure.
Being so in love with another person while they had no idea, or if they knew they still probably wouldn't reciprocate his feelings - made him feel something dark inside.
Once he'd reach that point he didn't care about all the sweet manipulation it would take for you to date him - because his self-esteem was so low that he believed you'd never accept him.
That's why he just took you one day.
'' This is your new home now '' Dokyeom crouched down to your level and pulled out the rag that was stuffed in your mouth.
He couldn't wait to hear your beautiful voice, finally speaking to him.
'' Who the fuck are you? '' you spat at him venomously, shooting daggers at him with your glaring eyes.
A frown appeared on his lips. Not exactly what he had expected.
'' Well work on that attitude, hm? '' he smiled.
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yandere type: obsessive + jealous
Knows every little thing about you. It creeps you the fuck out because he won't reveal how he knows it.
Things from your childhood that only you knew or your friends and family knew; there wasn't a thing that was secret from him.
Of course he kept it a secret from you though. What would you think of him if you found out he would get crazy with extreme jealousy at times, and beat up anyone you had ever taken a picture with?
Searching them up on social media, never giving up even if it took weeks to find a specific person and then going to their homes or stalking them - just so he could beat them to the brink of death.
It was the only way he could get all that jealousy out.
Mingyu hated seeing you enjoy yourself if it wasn't with him. But he hated it even more when you made other people happy. That was meant for him, and him only!
'' Where did you go? ''
Your boyfriend froze in his steps at the sound of your voice. He could hear from the slight huskiness that you had just woken up.
A quick glance at the clock told him it was 4am, so you were probably just up for a glass of water. If he played it right, he might just be able to pull himself out of this.
'' Go? '' he sounded confused, looking at you as if you were crazy.
His eyebrows raised.
'' I didn't go anywhere ''
'' Oh...I thought '' you lost your train of thought and licked your lips, suddenly feeling like the confused one.
Maybe you were just imagining things after all...
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yandere type: violent + possessive
Prone to violent outbursts and it's hard to read him. He could have an extreme temper, especially if things didn't go his way - what he wanted you to understand was that things had to go his way, and he wouldn't accept it any other way.
You'd witnessed him lash out at people working close to him and whenever he did he was ruthless and violent, perhaps a bit sadistic too in the way his eyes glinted with burning passion inside.
That alone, was enough for you to be terrified of him when you two were alone. Any small thing could set him off so it was like walking on eggshells 24/7, which was exhausting.
Minghao secretly loved when you were too tired to care, making small mistakes that gave him an excuse to punish you. Arguing made him feel alive after all.
Most of the time, it was when you didn't feel like being rude to people trying to flirt with you or befriend you. You'd feel his burning eyes on you, even if you were across the room from him - because he hated people touching what was his.
'' You shouldn't have done that ''
Minghao's low voice would usually send alarm bells ringing inside your head on any normal day, but you had just had a long day and couldn't be bothered to put up with his childish act so you brushed it off - another mistake.
His lips formed a sour smile as he watched you with amusement.
'' Have you forgotten what I can be like? '' his fingers found your chin, forcing you to look straight into his eyes.
'' Maybe I have to remind you because it's been too long. You've become a spoiled little slut, going around eying other men ''
Finally you understood that you had fucked up, but it was late, way too late.
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yandere type: controlling
Seungkwan feels a need to be in control with you and your relationship. He's not exactly sure where this is coming from, but perhaps certain insecurities arise due to past relationships.
It turns into a bit of an addiction - he decides what you eat, when you shower or sleep, when you go out or what you wear.
But why? If he's not in control of every little thing in your life, he turns ballistic, thinking that you're gonna cheat or leave him, or some other insane thing.
Whenever Seungkwan feels like he's losing control, he'll take it out on you. Because, he's not quite sure how else to fix it. Punishing you for it always makes him feel better, but don't cry - it'll irritate him.
In the end, you're being treated like a doll more than a person but that's exactly the way he likes it. Perfect can't disappoint him in the end, right?
'' I look so stupid, babe please let me change '' you begged, eyes pleading to your boyfriend.
He looked very pleased however, letting you know it was falling to deaf ears.
'' No. You look good, trust me '' he came over to give you a peck, a small smirk decorating his lips.
You were covered from head to toe, wearing something quite childish and he knew that, but at least no one would try to hit on you now when you'd go out with your friends.
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yandere type: classic
Vernon is a classic yandere - you behave and he'll be generally kind to you, if you misbehave then...not so much.
It was a normal relationship for the most part, if you ignored his yandere tendencies that is. It would mostly present itself in jealousy and some control issues.
For example, he wouldn't stop you from going out. But when you did he needed constant text messages and at least one phone call. If you did that, he'd feel calm as he trusted you.
If you didn't, he'd storm right over with anger evident on his face as he'd forcefully drag you away while flashing a charming face to your friends, so they'd suspect nothing.
Then he'd spend hours punishing you in ways that would leave scars, to make sure you would never forget your mistake.
'' You deserve this '' he'd say, in an almost apologetic way before he'd slash your skin with his knife.
You were about to answer his text after putting off his calls, but you didn't want to interrupt the flowing conversation, of course that enraged him - next thing you knew, you were here in his basement again, getting punished.
You whimpered while looking at him through tearful eyes.
'' Say it ''
'' I deserve this '' you said weakly.
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yandere type: clingy + unpredictable
Quite unpredictable too - he could he smiling one second and then be incredibly angry the next, without you knowing what you did wrong.
As soon as his smile would fade, you knew you were in danger - as he'd tend to get very violent when he was angry. Dino would man-handle the fuck out of you, just to prove a point that he was stronger than you and the one in '' control ''. He did this whenever he felt threatened, which was quite a lot.
'' Let's go home now '' your boyfriend suddenly uttered, making you turn around.
'' What? We just got here '' you protested.
You had gotten dressed up and everything for the occasion, it felt mildly irritating that he wanted to leave the party straight away.
'' I said- '' he stepped closer, teeth clenched '' We're going ''
You had to stop yourself from rolling your eyes or getting angry, that would only make the whole thing worse. Whatever he wanted, he got, not matter how obscure it was.
You weren't even sure what had set him off this time but it was better not even questioning it, just going with whatever he said, for your sanity and safety.
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adalwolfgang · 3 months
I'm a very new anon here ^^
But could you if you're up for it please write some yandere chop top hcs? Im surprised there's not more for him
A/N: This is my first time writing for chop-top so this was fun. But that also means he might be a little ooc for some.
'Chop-Top' Sawyer
(Credit to @mo0nlyte for some ideas)
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Literally acts like a dog with a bone when it comes to you.
You got family? Friends? Anyone else? Not anymore you don't. Just him and his family are the only people you need. Even then he try's to keep you away from his own family while also showing you off in the process. He just can't help but flaunt you around. I mean look at you! You're adorable!
We've all seen him stutter when he get's nervous or excited, oh but with you? Gibberish. Dude has to repeat one word five times just for you to understand him.
But now if he is mad? Yikes.
If he even notices you thinking of escaping the property, you're better off dead. He'll talk the most fluent speech in his life. Hell it practically gives both a Drayton and Bubba a heart attack hearing him talk so 'normally'. If this man isn't stuttering, that's when you know he's anything but happy.
I feel like at the start of this whole ordeal, he would semi-respect your boundaries. I can't stress the semi enough.
He would test the water early in small portions like for example, when he first had you tied up in his room in the corner, he would bring you food and feed you himself. He would also on occasion pat your head if you were good and say words of affirmation. Again, semi.
If you show any sort of fighting back towards his actions or words, 100% delusional. Believes that you'll come around sooner than never no matter your protest.
He'll start getting more bolder, like cuddling you, forcing you to walk around the property with him, sleep in his bed instead of the floor, hell sometimes help him with chores around the house to give you something to do. But he'll never leave your presence. So escaping is practically impossible.
If he does for some reason need to part from you temporarily, don't expect him to be gone long. Even then, as much as he hates it, he'll get one of his brothers to watch you while also threatening them to not lay a single finger on you unless you try to escape. Again, hella possessive.
As much as it may shock others, his brothers start to grow worried and confused as hell. Like Drayton was well aware his brothers, hell his whole family, was crazy. But one of his brothers being crazy for a person? Let alone being all lovey dovey? Might as well tell him the sky is falling!
Overall, there is no escape. You wouldn't make it past their property line let alone the nearest town without getting caught. So you'd best get used to your new life quick before you go insane, or worse, dead.
Or is it the other way around?
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panlight · 8 months
Let's say that vampirism actually enhances a person's WORST trait (rather than an innate ability or power). What would be each Cullen's enhanced flaw?
I keep trying to answer this and I keep coming back to like, twisting their positive traits into a flaw, so I guess that's where my brain is going with this.
Like, Carlisle. I think if negative things were enhanced we'd end up with someone who is like . . . 'saving' everyone. He knows best, he wants to help, congrats you're a vampire now whether that's something you'd ever have wanted or not. He'd like amass a huge coven much more quickly and before he himself had really beaten the bloodlust/thirst stuff, so either it's just way too many vampires to keep in line and they start killing lots of people, or it really becomes a cult-like sort of thing with his natural ability to draw people to him also being twisted/corrupted. Probably wiped out by the Volturi early on because yikes.
With Edward I guess it would be his judgmental streak? Already in canon he is pretty quick to decide this person is bad based on a few idle thoughts, thoughts this person might actually consider intrusive, or thoughts they would never voice nor act on. He's probably leave on his rebellion much sooner because he would be convinced he'd ridding the world of monsters and Carlisle's like, "he's just like my father." I think whether he can still read minds in this scenario or not wouldn't really make a difference, he'd still appoint himself judge, jury and executioner.
The dark side of ability to love, to me, is possessiveness and jealousy. So an Esme with flaws intensified I see as someone who is very possessive and jealous of those she loves, to a manipulative and unhealthy degree. Lots of guilt-trips and "don't you love me?" and all that. Carlisle probably can't keep a job because she's jealous of the time he spends there; the kids probably don't go to school because she wants them with her, etc.
SM seemed pretty happy to highlight Rosalie's flaws already; her vanity, self-absorption, her rudeness. But I think if her power is beauty than the enhanced flaw has to be related to that too, so either enhanced vanity or maybe she's more like a Heidi type who can lure people in not just with looks but with a little something supernaturally extra. Whether she still abstains from human blood or not, she could still use and manipulate people with that kind of power.
Emmett's competitiveness and impulsiveness could be the enhanced flaws. It would be sort of like James, I'd imagine, constantly compelled to put himself (and his family) in increasing levels of danger. It could also enhance his temper; instead of being kind of playfully competitive, he gets actually violently angry.
I mean Alice, let's be real, already manipulates reality and the people in to her will based on her visions. She does so in an attempt to bring about the 'best' future possible, but it still veers into questionable territory pretty quickly. If her sort of pushiness and desire to know and control everything were enhanced, it would take what is already sort of there in canon and push it all the way into a really dark place where she's pulling the strings and creating a future that solely benefits her and doesn't care one bit about who might be harmed in the process.
Jasper lack of self-control intensified would also be, uh, really bad. I suppose he would have been killed by Maria pretty early on if he was that impossible to rein in, unless he killed her first and then the Volturi would have to step in because there is this out of control killing machine who can't control himself running around. If we stick with his gift being corrupted/turned into a flaw, that charismatic streak that he had could turn into a power to actually make people do things, like mind-control of sorts. I personally don't like mind control powers because the lack of free will really squicks me out, but I can go with something like hypnosis, where like some people are more susceptible than others and you can't really get someone to do something they wouldn't do as themselves. So like he couldn't compel the average person to serve as his Renfield or to murder people on his behalf, but he could find people who were susceptible to the power of suggestion AND who had that darkness already in them and get them to do almost anything.
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alice on a wednesday
annie found alice to be impossibly glamorous. she was a woman in her mid-forties. an artist of some note (annie had googled) and a professor at a local university. she had a personality that was somehow both bubbly and cool. she had very good posture and was an engaged conversationalist. she often asked annie about herself as often as she talked about herself, and annie, bamboozled by her bright eyes and alien beauty, shared too much.
"how are you? how's ryan?" alice asked inquiring after annie's boyfriend.
"he's okay, i think?" annie said. "he seems really distracted with work lately."
"a.k.a. you're not fucking," alice said.
annie chuckled and tried to regain some professional composure. "it's okay. it's fine."
"annie, honestly, it's not," alice said. "you're a woman in your prime and he should be getting you off a few times a day, lest you seek pleasure elsewhere."
"i wouldn't do that," annie said.
"i would," alice said. "and i would not feel guilty."
annie had not been surprised to learn that alice had never managed to make a long term relationship work. but romance never much concerned her. alice's worries and annoyances fell into two categories:
her mother, a wild russian immigrant who was perpetually causing trouble and
her own neurological health
alice was a brain cancer survivor, and told annie when they met that in a sort of spiritual, kooky way, she believed maintenance of her mental health was key to staying in remission. annie said that medically, she couldn't really agree, but liked the notion of it.
a side effect of alice's brain surgery was that she'd lost the ability to raise the volume of her voice -- she spoke at just above a whisper. she mitigated this condition by using a wireless lapel microphone and a little box-sized amplifier she kept in her purse and set on the table in front of annie during their sessions. it lent her voice a lightly robotic quality that annie found oddly soothing.
she asked alice if she'd ever been unfaithful in a way that had hurt anyone.
"i don't think i hurt them in a way that was unfair," alice said. "sooner or later, the people who stay in my life as friends or fuck buddies or what have you learn to travel at my speed. and why shouldn't they? it's a fun speed."
"but early on, some hearts get a little bruised and beaten."
"yes," she admitted. "when i was 17 years old, i slept with my boyfriend's older sister, and i remember he was pretty mad about that," she said. "he beat the shit out of her."
"oh, fuck," annie said. she didn't swear around most of her patients but alice never clocked it.
"yeah, i got violent with him after that, clawed him up," she said, laughing. "i still keep in touch with the sister. they made up, it's all okay."
"i mean, is it?" annie asked.
"who knows," she said. "you have a brother, right?"
"yes," annie said, impressed at alice's recall.
"robbie," alice said. "i assume you have never competed with robbie over a woman."
annie laughed. "no. i mean, that must be very rare. unless you have more histories with siblings?"
alice grinned her catlike grin. "not negative stuff no, but I have in fact had sex with two sets of twins. two women, two men."
"yikes," annie said. "i mean, not to sound judge-y. i can't imagine having sex in front of robbie."
alice laughed. "i'm basically an only child, so i don't know. i think it's different with twins. they're copies of each other. and the women, like it or not but we live in a society that sexualizes female twins so by the time i met them they had a lot of experience with each other."
"huh," annie said.
"it's initially sort of gross but when you get down to it, i don't know," alice smiled. "kinda hot."
"what did you mean when you say you're basically an only child?"
"i never told you about amanda?"
"no," annie said, fairly confident. sometimes she forgot things her patients talked about, but not alice.
"when i was 15, my aunt killed herself," alice said.
"oh god," i said. "your mom's side?"
"no, my dad's sister-in-law," she said. "his brother's wife. and you know, that was crazy, so my uncle and his daughter who was 17, they came to live with us for a year. they moved from israel."
"that must have been a series of shocks for them," annie observed.
"yeah, i mean, my cousin amanda just did coke and fucked guys in my room, but it did feel like having a sister for a while."
"in your room?"
"yeah in my room, in my bed. i used to find like, thongs and condoms in my bed."
"i don't know what it's like to have a sister, either," annie said. "but i don't think it's like that."
annie went to ryan's apartment after work. he talked to her in an almost uninterrupted stream for an hour about things going on at work until, her relentless ability to pay attention nearly failing her, she stood in his kitchen and pulled her skirt and panties off. he stopped talking and stared at her exposed bush. "hey," he said.
"hey," annie said. "fuck me."
"ok," he said.
he took her over the sink, roughly, like animals, his fingers on her clit, his lips on her neck. he was a little soft at first, like he'd forgotten how to get hard in the two weeks or so since they'd last had a vanilla, post-date screw. but all annie had to do was get a little vocal. "i'm so fucking wet," she told him, and felt him stiffen right up.
they came at the same time, annie's contracting pussy pushing his cum out around the base of his shaft. she felt it between her thighs and heard it hitting the tile floor. as she pulled away and turned to kiss him she touched herself and brought her fingers to her lips. his eyes lit up. she had him back, at least for a while.
she spent the rest of the evening in a blouse and panties, sharing a joint with ryan, watching TV with him, and then mounting him again on his couch. she didn't take her panties off this time, just pulled them aside. sometimes uncomfortable, but very effective when one wanted to feel particularly slutty. she put her tits in his mouth, bounced to orgasm on his cock, and then sat on his thighs and stroked his cum out onto her bush. cleaning herself up in the bathroom she laughed imagining telling alice about it. she was sure she'd approve.
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film-in-my-soul · 6 months
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a place to rest your head | 6,480 | ginnydear
Summary: “Whoa,” Bradley says, stepping into the bathroom and letting the door close. He leans back heavily against it, tilting his head to the side. “What the hell is happening here?” “Can’t you tell,” Jake starts, turning so he’s facing Bradley entirely. “Penny’s doing a new chippendales thing.” Bradley snorts, shoulders shaking slightly as he laughs. “You’re missing the bowtie.”
riding into the sunset with you | 6,736 | alecjbi
Summary: While searching through the group's old Facebook posts, Jake finds a photo of Bradley that he can't seem to get over.
Don't Stop | 7,134 | Earthangel_44 / @yikes-00
Summary: Bradley can’t think. His breathing is ragged and his skin is tight and he wants to scratch it off but he wants Jake to hold him close. He wants to bury himself into Jake’s arms and never leave but Jake won’t fucking touch him. “Jake,” Bradley’s voice is broken and Jake hushes softly. He’s still not touching Bradley. Jake opens Bradley’s door and walks Bradley into the room. “Shhh, darling,” Jake whispers. He’s surrounding Bradley again. “I’m here. Tell me your lines.” “I need you to touch me,” Bradley whispers. His eyes fall shut and his heart slams in his chest. “I need you, Jake.”
feels like the first time | 7,737 | ginnydear
Summary: “Like what you see?” Jake teases, ignoring the part of his brain that needs Bradley to say yes. Desperately wants to know that Bradley is as into this as he is. When Bradley looks up at him, hand sliding up Jake's chest, across his collarbone to cup his jaw, Jake nearly whines.
darling, you’re the one i want (in paper rings, in picture frames, in dirty dreams) | 7,966 | cryinginthebronco / @cryinginthebronco
Summary: Jake sighs deeply for the third time in ten minutes as he’s standing in front of a mirror. “I look like an idiot,” he says finally, turning around to look at Bradley. Bradshaw laughs from where he’s sitting on their bed and looks up from the book he’s reading. When he sees the look on Jake’s face, he puts the book on the bedside table and walks over to Jake. “You look stunning as always,” he says, leaning down to press a soft kiss to his fiance’s lips.
Talk Fast | 8,094 | Thee_Maxwell
Summary: “Oh my god, I am not going to try and hook up with Hangman.” He makes the mistake of glancing over. Hangman’s still chatting with Coyote, but he’s turned to face the table. His legs are spread far more than there should be room for, and he’s got a look on his face like he’s challenging Bradley to come back. Pink tints the tops of his cheeks, and he swats at Coyote’s chest as the man laughs about something. Fuck. Okay. Maybe he’s going to try and hook up with Hangman.
Please see below for more recommendations!
find me a face that i want to hold (that i can memorize) | 8,112 | davidbyrne / @katiesharms
Summary: Jake and Bradley (re)meet at a masquerade party. Or, well, Jake meets Bradley and Bradley meets a hot stranger.
home for the holidays | 8,210 | alecjbi
Summary: “Aren’t you going home?”   “I usually just stay with Javy and his brother and their family,” Jake explained. There was some sort of a sad look in his eye, something far away, like a fresh wound that had just started to scab over.  “Mav and Ice can take care of me,” he tried. Jake just stared at him, unimpressed. “You and Mav would kill each other within a week.”
too good to be true (can't take my eyes off of you) | 8,494 | gr0gu
Summary: "I thought we were going to die," he confesses, "thank you." It comes out raw. It's silent besides the waves of the ocean and the hum of the carrier. Rooster gains the courage to look over at Jake. He's met with an impossibly close hooded gaze. Green eyes pierce his skin and make him feel like he could unravel at any moment. Jesus Christ.
Acting on your best behavior | 9,029 | miiichaaan
Summary: “You’re beautiful,” Jake whispered and stroked a finger over Bradley’s cheek. Bradley swallowed, his voice thick, “Wanna take this to bed?”
Take My Hand and Hold On Forever | 9,054 | Earthangel_44 / @yikes-00
Summary: It happens again like clockwork. Every new achievement or award that Jake gets pinned to his chest. Every time he went to Afghanistan or flew with the F-151, Jake calls Bradley. Every COMM he receives or shiny new ribbon that is placed on his chest, Jake called Bradley.
roadside assistance | 9,069 | alecjbi
Summary: Jacob Seresin was a menace. It was a fact that Bradley had long since accepted, content in the knowledge that the man would likely one day put him in his grave. If that’s how he went out, under the cocky gaze of the cowboy-- well, it wasn’t a bad way to go.
like, what up, I got a big cock | 9,707 | seresins / @lewispullsman
Summary: “Wait. Why is your callsign Rooster, anyway?” Phoenix snorts beer up her nose.
Hold on loosely | 9,754 | Earthangel_44 / @yikes-00
Summary: There is nothing Jake "Hangman" Seresin can't handle after he shot down the plane to save the day except for maybe one certain pilot with a taste for Hawaiian shirts.
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coffee, pancakes for two | 10,375 | ilikeyougreenie / @buckyswolf
Summary: Bradley’s mouth goes dry at the sight of him; strong thighs encased in dark, skintight denim, chunky lace-up boots, white t-shirt, and a soft-looking leather jacket covered in patches. He’s not wearing a helmet - only a pair of aviators - and while Bradley knows he should chastise Jake for not being more careful, he’s too busy drooling over the picture he makes as he pulls up to the front of the hangar. Fuck, he wants to eat him. Or maybe just his ass. Whatever. The bike’s low, seductive rumble cuts out as Jake kills the engine, nudging the kickstand with the tip of his boot before dismounting. He pushes his glasses up into his hair, grinning at Bradley and holding his arms out in an expansive gesture. “Hey, baby. Miss me?”
In Time | 10,692 | little_passions / @littleeverydaypassions
Summary: “You said you wanted a reward.” He explained as he moved his right hand off the counter and placed it on Jake’s thigh. “It’s now or never.” Well, it seemed like Bradley had more to him than expected. Jake couldn’t help the satisfied smirk that came across his face. He loved surprises, especially when they came to him in the well-defined form of Bradley Bradshaw.
The New Revolution | 10,868 | Brenda / @brendaonao3
Summary: Jake Seresin is the biggest asshole Bradley's ever met, with a competitive streak that borders on the pathological, has no idea how to keep his goddamn mouth shut, starts shit just to watch the sparks fly, treats his body like a temple and never lets anyone forget it, runs laps around everyone up in the air (well, everyone except Mav and Phoenix) — And as God is his fucking witness, one day Bradley is going to snap and kill him.
show me again | 11,040 | dracculaura / @dracculaura
Summary: He hasn’t had a roommate on land-based assignments in years, not since flight school, so it takes him by surprise. He just isn’t used to it, not anymore. And he’s especially not used to sharing a room with fucking Bradley Bradshaw.
the way we surrender (tender, no pretense) | 12,757 | vannral / @vannral
Summary: ’”Well, Rooster, you’d better not be expectin’ any flowers, though, that’s not gonna happen.” A small, treacherous part under Bradley’s sternum falters, twists into knots. No. It’s a bad idea. You’re gonna get hurt in the long run. There’s a reason why you two are always at odds.’ In which Bradley and Jake agree to blow off steam together, all the while being in love with each other and convinced this is all they're able to have. It’s a train wreck from the start.
Slow Ride | 13,559 | Earthangel_44 / @yikes-00
Summary: “Name it, baby.” Bradley’s voice isn’t even recognizable with how low it’s dropped and Jake’s eyes dilate. The flush slowly moves below the collar of his shirt and Bradley’s eyes follow it. “We go by my rules.” Jake says back. His voice lost the authoritative bite and Bradley smirks. “Which are?” Jake swallows thickly and his gaze drags down Bradley’s body. “You have to beg to fuck me.”
Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore | 15,191 | Renai_chan
Summary: Hangman and Maverick have been getting closer these last few days, and Rooster is finding it... unsettling.
peaches and motor oil (a slice of summer sun) | 15,301 | terraces
Summary: A few years post-canon: Mav goes missing. Rooster copes. Hangman’s harder to get rid of than he expected.
And If Your Heart Surrenders | 16,661 | perishablealex / @perishablealex
Summary: Bradley is wearing his aviators and his mustache has beer foam on it. Jake reaches out and brushes his thumb tentatively over the foam, hand lingering on Bradley’s jaw. He feels Bradley smirk a bit as he reaches over to place a hand over Jake’s thigh. He leans in and Jake holds his breath, but Bradley just brushes his mustache against his cheekbone and then the shell of his ear. Bradley says it softly into Jake's ear. Mine. And Jake runs.
learning steps | 20,530 | vannral / @vannral
Summary: ”So, an instructor?” A straight hit. Bradley shifts uncomfortably on the leather seat and clears his throat. ”… Yeah.” In which Bradley becomes an instructor after the mission, Jake keeps showing up to his classes and his students are very curious about their dynamic.
Windy and Wild | 27,329 | Cristinuke / @cristinuke
Summary: Jake pushes for a reason. Bradley figures out he not only doesn't mind the reason, but actually enjoys it as well.
If you're looking for a hobby | 28,454 | NeverwinterThistle
Summary: On the first day of Maverick's new five-week intensive training programme, Hangman admits to being in love with Rooster. He doesn't seem worried about it. Neither is Rooster. Why not take what’s on offer and have some fun during downtime? Hangman’s the one who caught feelings, and that means Rooster gets to call the shots for once. This time, he’s going to be team leader. It’s just a shame no plan survives contact with the enemy.
These Gods Don't Walk | 29,130 | SaintClaire / @radpeacharbiter
Summary: Jake and Natasha are dancing, moving together in wide, easy sweeps over the wings of the plane. Whoever’s piloting doesn’t so much as wobble in the air as they cross from the tip of one wing to the other and back, over and over again. His breath punches out of his chest when Jake picks Natasha up and twirls her out, her legs sailing out into nothingness, the two of them only connected by their hands.
Drops of Jupiter (Tell Me) | 33,100 | Earthangel_44 / @yikes-00
Summary: “Do you?” Bradley counters. Jake’s face morphs into confusion. “Do you want a divorce?” Jake is quiet and the quiet is scarier than when Bradley didn’t think that Jake would take the ring from him. “I don’t know.” Jake says softly and he looks lost. He looks small and Bradley’s heart hurts in his chest. “I love you.” Bradley says breaking the silence between them and a smile twitches over Jake’s face. “Do you?”
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Back on my Batman shit again thinking about how in some of the comics he actually gets like horrifically injured sometimes, like once Bane actually broke his back, and I've been thinking about Batman x vigilante/hero/justice league Reader where he gets absolutely bodied on the job and you manage to swoop in right in time to save his life but is left having to secretly nurse him back to health because it's too dangerous to get back up and out there and he winds up getting really up close and personal looks into your life and falls for you (or, gets more feelings than he already had? Or becomes more protective if it's just platonic)
It'd have to be a pretty dire scenario for Batman to need any help but even he has sidekicks, and I imagine it'd have to be some sort of grand scheme such as, one of The Big Guys like say Two Face or Joker having a sector of Gotham under complete siege, a perimeter formed and everything, making it impossible for anyone to come or go without having loads and loads of other goons on their tail. It'd have to take a lot to wear the Bat down but, you know, the man sometimes runs on 80 hours without sleep and his villains can be especially skilled in their own right and I imagine at some point, you appear during this attack, because not only are you a hero and unofficial coworker of his, but it's obvious you live in Gotham, and while he doesn't usually like others stepping in on his work, the assistance is greatly appreciated when the stakes are starting to get dire and he's surrounded
And then, he gets horrifically stabbed or, maybe he even got horribly poisoned by Scarecrow or Ivy and the two of you barely win or even forced to flee before he has to give you first aid instructions on the fly, and you're crying and hands shaking as he's telling you which latch and specific compartment of his utility belt the antidote is in and he just, collapses, and when he wakes up you had somehow managed to get him out of the danger zone and into what is clearly your civilian apartment, a small one bedroom with him currently healing up in your only bed. his mask is still on (and in some iterations that thing is literally unable to be removed or will electrify you if you try, but I imagine you leave it on out of respect) and you've tended to his wounds the best you can, although it's definitely not Alfred's level of experience with first aid (unless you want to make you Reader a healer or nurse of some kind, but regardless) he's all shaky and weak and disoriented because even though he got the antidote in time to not die, it still took a toll on his body and his mind, and you safeguard him since it's too dangerous for him to try and head out (which would be unrealistic since he can literally have jets flown in to help him, and he's got the Batfamily including the Robins and Selina and his cousin Kathy, but, it's for the plot ok, shut up 😭)
But he gets all these intimate close ups into your life such as, that first night he wakes up, you're casually all mask off, sitting in a chair pulled into the corner by the window since you have one of those New York style "fire escape near my window" things and he discovers, yikes, according to you the lock has been broken since you moved in, so, you've just been personally protecting him while he was passed out, although trust me he hates hearing you've been sleeping with a broken window and your own little McGuyver'd security system set up. Yo this is gotham dont you realize what a death wish that is? Does your landlord refuse to fix it or are you too anxious to ask for help? And the whole event attack siege whatever happens on a day off for you, and after a while he drifts back into consciousness barely lucid from a fever and he hears you quietly hushed in the hallway, still close enough to guard him but trying to get a little privacy, on the phone about "it's a family emergency, I can't come in. *pause* ok well this is literally life or death and I live in downtown where it's being attacked right now so I guess you'll just have to fire me--" cue Reader getting hung up on and coming back into the bedroom with sniffles and big puffy eyes and trying to act like you didn't get fired when you see, oh shit he's awake, and play your part and lie and pretend everything is fine for his sake
Bruce is barely functioning and weak for days and drifts in and out of consciousness at random and you're there to guard him 24/7 at the expense of your own health. He gets a close look at your cheap dilapidated apartment, and there's even potentially serious shit wrong with your bathroom, certain ventilation problems creating what he suspects to be mold in your broken ceiling vent, wiring issues in your kitchen and with certain fuses, sorts of things just not being up to code, but this was typical in the poorer areas of Gotham
He wakes up one evening and you're in your usual chair completely passed out because you always let him have your entire bed to rest up in and you're clearly exhausted, maybe even snoring as you've got your laptop in your lap about to slide off into the floor, and he takes it away from you to see you've been fervently applying for jobs, maybe he even sees you've been hiding self harm cuts on your tummy or upper legs, previously hidden by a piece of clothing that's currently ridden up or was under the laptop. You're just clearly so exhausted that you don't even stir as he gently scoops you up even as he barely has any strength and lays you down beside him, there BARELY being enough room for the both of you ( "but there was only one bed" trope indeed, maybe he cuddles you even, or, maybe he uses the opportunities when you're gone to drag himself out of bed and do a little snooping through your belongings to gather more intel on you 🤔)
By the time he's healed up enough to go back out there to wither finish off the villain or go home or, reach his communications or whatever he dropped or left in the Batmobile or whatever plot convenience lead to him being left in your care, you've kind of deteoriated, in several ways really. Bruce saw plenty of vulnerable sides of you over the last few days that made him want to help you, and you had a caring heart, but also, you're starting to crack under all the different stresses you're under. You've been extremely deprived of sleep and proper food, not just while caring for him, but in general. Your apartment is shit, a bad landlord and in an unsafe area with loud rude neighbors, clearly you're struggling financially, and over time just since he's been there, you've developed a cough that he realizes isn't JUST from your unhealthy smoking habits. There's toxic mold or asbestos or something in your apartment that isn't properly regulated and I can just picture something dramatic like, he's finally deciding he's well enough to leave and had been talking to you from room to room, and maybe you start kind of slurring and pausing and he had literally just been about to bring up leaving when he hears a crash and a thud and, of course he rushes to your aid to see you've passed out and hit your head on the way down
You're waking up and it's to your brand new own bedroom at the Wayne Manor and, you wake up to the man of the house himself standing there, watching over you, there to talk to you and explain what happened. You had to be taken to a hospital -- don't worry, he paid for it, he has to assure you when you're clearly anxious-- where you were treated for toxic spores in your lungs, and even though you've been removed from the source of exposure, you still need to be in a peaceful, sterile environment while you heal up as well as get the proper diet, rest, sunlight, exercise, as well as taking the necessary medications for your recovery since, you're going to be in a kind of delicate state for a while
You're humbled to tears as you assure him he doesn't have to do all this, that you can take care of yourself from here, but he insists that you can stay at his home for as long as you need to, and he even takes his cowl off for you, since you'll be living together from now on and, it's a nice moment of trust. He's sort of indebted to you now, in his eyes. Over time you start growing close to the other members of his family, although they had already learned plenty about you through Bruce or his files on the Batcomputer even before meeting you themselves. Just... don't be too surprised when, even after you've recovered from your ailment and potentially want to move out again, to get a job and live on your own again doing your own thing, that Bruce and the other residents of the manor won't exactly... LET you
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chaisshitposts · 7 months
do you know sammy talked shit about the void and said it's dangerous to get info from teenagers on tumblr or something (i get the latter part) but she has limiting beliefs when it comes to the void
oh ye I've seen her video about it! which I can understand completely because yikes, inducing sleep paralysis is weird to me but if it works for others... that's cool IG.
and she can easily manifest outside of the void sO I can see why she doesn't use it, but she does say it is the I AM state, which it is-- and it's much easier to enter the void / I Am state than what some folks on Tumblr say becaaaaaaaaaaause folks like to overcomplicate and make the void into this magical, unreachable place. People have been gettin' into this state since the beginnin' of time, void, I Am state, pure consciousness, it has alllllll sorts of names.
at the end of the day it's about our assumptions!!!
I'll be real— I wish I never went on Tumblr and looked for anything regarding the void. I wish I never read any success stories, or anything like that, because some of the things people manifested INSTANTLY made me put the void on a pedestal and think of it as this place where everything can be solved, when in reality I should have learned from the beginning that the void is always me, I am always speaking into the void, and I am always in control of it and can shout into it.
I wish someone had told me that I don't need to be consciously in the void state to manifest the impossible. I don't need to consciously be in the void state to manifest instantly. I don't need to be consciously in the void state in order to manifest things that I think are unobtainable (like magical, otherworldly type shit). I don't need to consciously be in the void state to have drastic changes in my life. Because I constantly am in the void state. I wish someone told me that I should have treated my mind as the void at all times and kept my thoughts in check. That's changed for me now, though, which I'm thankful for.
And I'm not gonna lie, it's gonna be nice to finally accept myself as the master of it, but for now, I know that I'm doing things right and just as it's intended. I am sticking to what's working for me and I know that everything is gonna fall into place as needed.
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il-predestinato · 2 months
That promising race pace being a waste once again …
Yeah. Unfortunately I think he can kiss a good result goodbye barring some epic bad luck striking P2-P7. Too bad given the excellent long run pace. Track position is everything here and it’s damn near impossible to pass, let alone win from anywhere beyond the front row… so forget the fourth row. Pole was never on the table given the quali struggles of that car (yikes, that really needs to be sorted out), but definitely a few rows higher was possible - as demonstrated by Cuntos.
But at least the time zone means most of us can blissfully sleep through the race? 😂
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riaarivic · 1 year
HATE 3: ...Ready for it? (M) I MYG x F!reader
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🌙 Pairings YoongixReader
🌙 Genres Mafia!AU, Smut, Angst, Action, Thriller, Enemies to lovers
🌙 Rating 18+ minors DNI
🌙 Summary  You were an INTERPOL Agent assigned to infiltrate the depths of the most powerful Gang in South Korea: The Seven Moons. Your objective: to impersonate the daughter of one of their leaders and destroy the operation from within. That is, if they don't discover you first.
And Traitors won’t have the mercy of a quick death
🌙 Warnings For this chapter: mentions of death, drugs and vioence, foul language, drug use, yoongi is a tease and I'm putting it as a warning
🌙 Chapter wordcount 5.3k (yikes)
🌙 Series Index
1  2 3 4  5 6 7 8 9 10 11
🌙 HATE 3: ...Ready for it? 🌙
"Knew he was a killer first time that i saw him"
Confidential file Department of Organized and Emerging Crime Case N-7902-E Codename: Black Swan
Agent Name: Y/N Park
Assigned name for Mission: Lee Nari
Nari? as in Lilly in Korean?
You couldn't help but find it odd that the boss chose your own Korean name for this mission. You rarely used it, and only your grandmother ever called you that.
But, odd was about to become your middle name.
You skimmed through the files scattered on the desk, noticing some of them were thinner than a toothpick.
That was a bad sign.
Thin files meant limited information, and that meant you were being sent into a foreign country with minimal knowledge. You didn't like the idea of walking into the unknown, especially considering that the only thing you had from Korea was your father's last name and the last time you saw him alive you were a six-year-old.
You definitely needed to talk to her grandmother more often.
You were an expert in infiltration and counterintelligence, but to be honest Your personality was not what you would expect from a young high class korean lady. 
For that, you would need a lot of practice before leaving.
A Chaebol daughter wouldn't know the difference between an AK-47 and a FAMAS, much less how to take it apart and put it together in a few seconds. Right?
Or how to disarm a man with one hand, a bullet in the shoulder in the middle of a…
Focus Y/N
You close your eyes for a second and open the first file and the picture of a man with a scar on his left eye greeted you, and you sighed.
It was going to be a long night and you didn’t have enough information to start this case.
Incheon Airport, South Korea.
October 10, 9:19 AM
The brisk autumn air nipped at your skin as you made your way into the international departure hall. You weren't sure if it was the weather or the adrenaline of embarking on a new mission that sent shivers down your spine. After all, you'd spent the past few days prepping to slip into the role of a pampered, elegant heiress, something that felt as unnatural as stilettos in a gunfight.
You also spent the last few days trying not to poison your partner Emmet, for every time he made fun of how much you hated this new undercover identity.
And don't even get you started on those fake nails; they were more of a hindrance than a help when it came to handling firearms or knocking some sense into people.
But it was not impossible to do.
Scanning the crowd, you looked for the person meant to meet you in the parking lot. In the middle of a crowd, a burly middle-aged man stood out in his ill-fitting suit. He had the demeanor of a gangster but the face of a teddy bear. Your eyes scanning him, looking for the Clan's tattoo – a crescent moon veiled by clouds.
Any member of the Seven Moons had to wear it in a visible place, a sort of gangster business card. This man had it inked at the base of his neck.
The man approached you with large steps smiling all the time, who knew a gangster could pass as a Golden Retriever Boyfriend  “Welcome Miss Lee, your father is waiting for you in the car” he bowed and took your luggage to take you towards the Mercedes that was parked right outside the door.
As you slid into the car, you were greeted by the smiling face of Lee Kikyung, the man who'd sold out his boss to save his own skin. And now, you had to call him "Dad."
"How was your trip, dear Nari? I hope you were comfortable on the flight," he asked, wearing a fake smile. You cringed at the sound of your childhood nickname, but you had to start getting used to it.
"It was good, um... Dad," you replied with a slight accent. "I hope you work on that pronunciation, precious. We wouldn't want them catching on so soon," he replied, a mischievous grin exposing a gold tooth. He was so close you could see the clan's mark on his neck, peeking out from under his expensive shirt.
What a piece of work.
"We need to head straight to the Kim Building. I don't know if your informants filled you in."
No, they didn't, you thought, but you let him continue.
"Last night, there was a lot of commotion among the Sons. All seven were down at the docks, and that's a rare sight. Looks like a big fish has entered the river. Two birds with one stone, huh? I bet you're up for a promotion after this, sweetheart." You had to resist the urge to throat-punch him, the way he was looking at you.
This guy didn't shut up the entire drive to the Kim Building. He barely took a breath between his rapid words, as if he wanted to unload everything at once and be done with you.
Classic snitch. From his body language, it was clear that beneath the old asshole’s facade, his trembling hand betrayed his nervousness. Old Lee, dressing like a character straight out of "The Godfather," might fool others, but to you, he was a washed-up criminal trying to hang on to his last vestiges of glory. How he'd climbed the ranks to lead one of the world's largest Criminal Clans was a mystery to you.
But something he said piqued your interest. The Seven Moons rarely gathered in one place, primarily for security reasons. "It's likely that all the children will be there at the meeting today," he revealed.
That really caught your attention and you turned to look at him "The Devil has summoned us all to his office. So, if I were you, I'd touch up that makeup a bit. It seems you're in luck today, sweetheart. You'll be meeting The Seven Moons."
For you, luck had nothing to do with it. Your plan had been to discreetly gather information before exposing yourself in such a way.
It was a change of plans, but not an entirely bleak one. In fact, things might not be as bad as they first seemed.
But now you'd have to improvise. The sooner you could get one of them in your pocket for the information you needed, the sooner you'd be headed home, and all these criminals would be where they belonged—
BH Group Headquarters, Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea.
'The Office' Lee Kikyung mentioned you were going was a towering 77-story office complex that served as a front for the legal businesses funding the clan's extravagant lifestyle.
As you entered, the luxurious reception area greeted you with its tall glass windows and elegant chandeliers, making you shudder to think about the costs of building all of this. The floor, adorned with expensive black marble featuring gold veins was framed with the clan's symbol, unmistakably declaring this territory as belonging to Kim DoHan.
It felt like stepping into the gates of hell.
Accompanied by a team of about 15 suited bodyguards with menacing tattoos, you and your 'father' took the elevator to the top floor; It seemed to you that it was too much security for a friendly board meeting.
This meant that Lee's two hour TED Talk on "how to get away with snitching" was true: something was moving on the streets of Seoul.
As the doors opened to the conference room, you were struck by the absence of concrete walls, replaced entirely by windows offering a breathaking view of the city. In the center of the room stood an opulent table crafted from Japanese cherry wood. Several people were already sitting around it, in an order that did not seem improvised at all.
You sat down right next to Mr. Lee taking your time to examine everyone there. Most of the presents seemed to be different executives from the Kim companies, for the first time today you did not feel completely surrounded by gangsters.
However, the feeling did not last long.
The elevator doors slid open, and six tall figures strode into the meeting room. Instantly, everyone seated at the table rose to bow and pay their respects.
These were the young leaders of the clan, dressed in dark suits and moving with an eerie synchrony, as if they hailed from another world. In person, their presence was even more striking. Even the act of walking into a meeting room seemed to be precisely choreographed, every step filled with purpose.
You recognized their faces from the files, matching names to positions within the clan:
Kim Namjoon, the biological son and right-hand man, also the CEO of BH Group.
Kim Seokjin, the Clan's negotiator and financial administrator.
Jung Hoseok, the Clan's Support, essentially the go-to guy for various criminal needs.
Kim Taehyung, the Clan's Collector, responsible for ensuring debts were paid in either money or blood.
Park Jimin, the Clan's intelligence expert and overseer of the clan's nightlife businesses.
Jeon Jungkook, the youngest of the clan with no formal role, but per Mr. Lee's extensive criminal monologue, he was responsible for training new recruits in combat and held a special place in Kim DoHan's heart.
Yet, you noticed there was one missing, only six were present.
Where was the seventh?
Your question found an answer when the doors opened once more.
"Welcome, Sir!" The entire room chorused in unison. You managed to mimic the bow, though somewhat awkwardly. There was an amused snort from the Young leaders's side of the table, but it was hard to pinpoint the source.
When you looked up, you locked eyes with the Clan's second in command. His gaze held a mocking curiosity, almost taunting.
Kim Namjoon looked at you as if you weren't a trained agent but a bumbling, spoiled child, just another chaebol. You rolled your eyes right back at him. There was something in his expression that seemed vaguely familiar, but you couldn't quite place it.
"My Sons, my family. Good afternoon, and thank you for gathering at such short notice," the Clan leader's deep voice resonated through the room. "Lee, I'm delighted to see that you've brought a special guest today."
Chills coursed down your spine. No matter how experienced you were with criminals, there was an undeniable air of menace surrounding that man. An instinctual warning to put as much distance between yourself and him as humanly possible, as quickly as possible.
“Of course, my leader. I couldn't be more pleased by the return of my daughter” Mr. Lee replied with a wicked smile “After all, it was time to introduce my heiress” upon hearing that word, Kim's children looked at her, some with curiosity and others with complete indifference.
The Clan's head let out a light chuckle in agreement with the second-in-command before gesturing for everyone to take their seats.
And that's when you noticed him.
The man with the distinctive scar over his eye.
His real name was conspicuously absent from INTERPOL's classified files. In fact, there was nothing substantial about him—just a blurry image of his face.
And oh God. It didn’t do him justice.
Everything about him screamed danger.
He was the Clan's Strenght Leader, handling all the not-so-legal affairs.
Kim Namjoon ran the legitimate businesses, handled the money, and rubbed shoulders with CEOs and politicians.
The Shadow, as he was known, was Seoul's underworld Prince.
Standing silently behind the Clan's Head, he was like a deadly predator, waiting for the order to strike. Unlike the rest who sported expensive executive suits, his casual and nonchalant style made him stand out in the room. You know how, in nature, the most vibrant and beautiful colors often serve as a warning for poison? That analogy perfectly described him. The seventh moon's striking appearance nearly made you forget that he was the underworld lord of his clan, a cold-blooded assassin at the Devil's command.
Hi was Kim DoHan's dark general.
And probably the most dangerous man in that room.
Suga wore a black mask covering most of his face, but you could still glimpse the beginning of a scar that traveled from his left eyebrow down to his eye.
And those eyes.
He kept his gaze locked onto you, scrutinizing you, just as you had observed his brothers earlier. He watched your every move, as if he had already found a reason to be wary.
You couldn't help but feel uncomfortable under his gaze and for the first time in a long time, you looked away from someone. It felt like if you kept staring at him, all your secrets would unravel.
That was a level of danger you couldn't afford.
"You must be wondering why I summoned you from your busy schedules for this meeting," the Clan leader's voice broke the silence. "It is no secret that I'm preparing one of my sons to ascend as the clan's leader. And soon, by tradition, we must continue our family's legacy by uniting bloodlines. The prevalence of the clan above all else is the only thing that matters. Nothing else. "
Not a single person in the room dared to so much as breathing too loud. The palpable respect – or rather, terror – held everyone's tongue.
He took a solemn pause before continuing, "That's why I've decided my heir will marry the Lee family heiress. The Lees were one of our greatest allies, joining our clan twenty years ago. I had promised my dear brother Kikyung that one day, one of his own would wed one of mine. Kikyung, my brother-in-arms, you've been my right hand all these years before Namjoon came of age. This is my reward for your loyalty."
What the fuck did this man just say? 
You couldn't hide your complete shock. There was no way that your so-called "father" and informant didn't deliberately omit this crucial detail from his UN General Assembly-worthy speech on organized crime as you were driving to the Headquarters.
The director had to know as well.
Which led to the unsettling thought: what else were they not telling you?
You weren't the only one caught off guard. The other children of the clan's leader couldn't contain their own bewilderment. Some squirmed in their seats, while others exchanged uneasy glances.
This had to be some twisted joke.
Even the seventh moon, for a microsecond, showed a speck of curiosity in his cold eyes.
"Since the hand of the Lee heiress has been promised, I have formally decided that she will reside in our private estate until my successor's name is confirmed," the clan leader declared. "I want all my children under my roof, without exception. And let me make it perfectly clear: none of you shall dare disrespect young-lady Nari. In the name of the code, Am I understood?"
"Yes, Leader," the Seven Moons responded in unison.
Wait, the name of his heir hadn't been decided yet?
You temporarily set aside Kim DoHan's implications about his children. None of those fools would dare touch you – unless they fancied losing a limb – all in the name of your code.
But given the intelligence you'd gathered about these individuals, Kim Namjoon was on a one-way ticket to becoming the Clan's leader. The overseas studies, the visits to criminal acquaintances in Russia, Japan and China, vacations with corrupt government officials and their entourage...
What did that say about Kim DoHan's faith in his own bloodline?
The Hallmark movie plot of giving all his adopted sons a chance at leadership was, without a doubt, suspicious.
However, some pieces were starting to click into place. Lee was betraying them to save his true daughter. If she married the clan's heir, there'd be no escaping the consequences when everything came crashing down.
Yet, your supposed father-dearest had delivered you on a silver platter to the Seven Moons.
It was a complete game-changer.
Old Mr. Lee wasn't scared of jail.
He was frightened for his own flesh and blood to be embroiled in a sinking ship. How he had managed to keep his daughter's true identity hidden for so long was a mystery. Did the all-powerful Kim DoHan truly not know his right-hand heiress's name until now?
There were too many loose ends, something was truly wrong.
Both men rose to shake hands, their exchange echoing with, "My clan is my family. My own flesh and blood."
"It will be an honor to welcome you into my family, young Nari," the old leader continued, his eyes locking onto yours. For some reason, your real father's affectionate nickname sounded downright chilling coming from the clan leader's lips.
It wasn't jail that terrified him, old Mr. Lee. It was  dooming his own blood to get involved with a ship that was about to sink. But how had he managed to hide his daughter's identity for all this time? Did the powerful Kim DoHan really not know the name of his right hand heiress until today?
Too many loose ends, and something was definitelly wrong.
Both men rose to shake hands “Family is my blood. My clan is my family” they told each other
“It will be an honor to welcome you into my family, young Nari” continued the old leader, drawing your attention and looking into your eyes. For some reason, the cute nickname your father had given you sounded terrifying in that person's mouth.
You offered a small bow in response, and when you straightened, the Seventh Moon was gazing directly at you.
There was something in his stare you couldn't quite define, but it was clear you didn't like how it made you feel.
You had never been intimidated by anyone before, yet you now teetered on the edge of a panic attack because of a pretty boy watching you.
A pretty boy who was a killer.
He couldn't possibly suspect anything about you, right? you wondered.
"Now, Mr. Choi," the clan leader signaled the man who had brought you there, "why don't you take this little flower to our residence, while the adults discuss other important matters?"
What the hell did this old man just call you?
Before leaving, you caught a reflection of his eyes in the glass door.
Ever vigilant.
Fine, Suga, I'll give you a reason to keep an eye on me. you thought
Perhaps this marriage scheme could work to your advantage.
Your mission was to infiltrate, and what better way than living within the Seven Moons' den.
Meanwhile, at the back of your mind, the myriad of loose ends left you with a lingering sense of unease.
Too many missing pieces...
And something was about to go so.
Kim Dohan’s manssion, Outskirts of Seoul
hours later
Sleep was out of the question tonight...
You had spent the entire afternoon and well into the night scouring for any scrap of information about the Seven Moons headquarters. Leaving your room, you crept through the dark corridors, making no sound.
Counting each step from your room to the next door leading to the exit was mentally logged. You noted the bulletproof glass in the windows and assumed that they had around 30 armed men guarding the house at any given moment. The Clan's den was an opulent display of excess; these criminals thrived on ostentation.
But that was a priviledge you could have when you controlled an entire nation, you could do as you pleased.
Who the hell thought of putting a lake in the middle of a house? You continued moving through the mansion crossing the internal gardens.
One thing remained undeniably true: the mansion of the most powerful criminal clan in Asia was an impenetrable fortress, nestled atop a hill, far from the bustling city of Seoul.
It had only one entrance and one exit, and its labyrinthine architecture made it all too easy to get lost within its confines. It was guarded around the clock by clansmen, armed to the teeth, with an arsenal hidden within its walls. It seemed like hey had their very own army.
Surviving an escape was highly unlikely...
at least not without help from someone on the inside.
As you made your way to the kitchen, your mind raced like an overloaded computer, with music playing from unknown open tabs.
Old Kim couldn't possibly not know his right-hand daughter's name...
Why had he offered you as a marriage reward? What was your -The daughter of Lee Kikyun- value to the clan?
How come Kim DoHan hadn't chosen his successor?
After minutes of aimless wandering, you finally found the tall double doors leading to the kitchen. Inside, luxurious countertops and shelves held utensils fit for a Michelin-star restaurant.
If this house wasn't so ridiculously big it would be easier to drink water. Where are the glasses? in Busan?
If you had to run away from this house it would probably be better to hide in the kitchen, no one would find you.
Have you left the safety on the Glock?
Who the hell is smoking weed?
The pungent smell momentarily distracted you. You'd been so focused on finding a glass that you hadn't noticed someone else was in the room. A slim figure lingered in the shadows of the window, barely revealed by the moonlight.
But you didn't need to see the full face to recognize him...
The Seventh Moon.
"Do you smoke?" the black-haired man asked from across the room, his voice so deep it was almost a growl, sending shivers down your spine.
"I don't do drugs, thanks," you replied with a flat, disinterested tone, or at least you tried to. "But could you point me to where the glasses are... please?"
The man chuckled and moved closer, rounding the kitchen island until he stood just inches from you. He gazed at you for a moment, then reached behind your head for a glass. His face inches from yours
You felt trapped, exposed.
For a moment, you forgot you were also a trained soldier on a mission. This man had you feeling like a blushing schoolgirl from a corny drama, much like the ones your grandmother watched.
You're not going to be intimidated, are you?
For the first time, you got a good look at his face, the scar running down his eye, his round nose, the way his jaw moved as he frowned, and his almost pouty lips.
That man was beautiful.
You could even smell him, beyond the scent of what he was smoking, you could pick up the musk of his cologne. The open collar of his shirt revealed tattoos peeking out and the muscles in his neck...
"You like what you see, little flower?" he teased, a mischievous grin tugging at the corners of his lips, before handing you the glass and taking a drag of his joint. "But I must inform you, anyone who sees my face without being a full clan member... ends up dead." He exhaled a plume of smoke in your direction.
Chills coursed through your body. You weren't entirely sure whether you were more aroused or irritated.
"Technically. I'm now part of your clan. You heard your father, I'm going to marry one of you," you replied, shaking your head, trying to maintain your cool.
Suga found your bratty attitude funny. "Wouldn't you like that, huh?" He got a little closer to your face to look directly into your eyes “Technically, yes you are part of the Clan. But until you take the oath and mark your pretty skin with our mark. You are not one of us, little flower” he replied, putting away a lock of hair that had fallen into your eyes.
"I think SUGA, our Leader's orders were quite explicit. Stop toying with our guest, and if you're going to smoke that shit, do it outside my house." Namjoon's authoritative voice cut through, catching both of you off guard. You seized the opportunity to slip away from Suga's grip.
Suga raised his hands in a mock surrender and looked at his second in command. "I was just offering our new friend a glass of water, Joonie. It'd be rude not to show a bit of our clan's hospitality, wouldn't it, little flower?" He winked at you.
"Nothing was happening. I couldn't find the glasses, and I was thirsty," you replied, failing to hide the compromising position you'd been in with the Clan's Shadow. "And don't call me that, that's not my name."
"Nari, lily, little flower. They're all the same," he responded, making a playful smile and leaving you momentarily flustered.
Perfect, let them think you're a complete idiot. Amazing job.
“Leave her alone, now. Suga” Namjoon spoke again with a voice of authority “Excuse him, he is not used to behaving like a human, much less having manners with a lady” He referred as his own brother like he was not a human being standing next to them 
Does this Namjoon guy have a prince charming complex or what?
"Oh, please, your majesty! I'll go finish my joint in peace elsewhere. Oh, and Namjoon, you should respect your elders. I'm still your hyung, and this isn't your house... yet," the black-haired man stated with a note of warning, bowing to you before leaving and flipping off the other man.
Namjoon sighed. "I'm sorry, really. He has no control. Did you want a glass of water?" He took the glass from your hands, opened the fridge, and began to pour you some. “I know it will be difficult for you to adapt to the rules of this house, but if you need something you can ask one of the employees. They are always here to serve you” 
"I didn't want to bother anyone, it's late," your reply was short a tittle more sour than you intended it to be.
"And you shouldn't worry. You now belong to this house, and it's the staff's job to take care of you. But, I'm glad we ran into eachother tonight. I wanted to speak with you before tomorrow's meeting..." Namjoon paused and scratched his neck, as if deciding the best way to approach the subject.
"Tomorrow, you'll be formally introduced to the clan. From that day on, you'll need to make the rounds with each one of us," he explained. "My father wants you to be thoroughly acquainted with every aspect of our operations. Even if I disagree with certain aspects, my father trusts yours. And I trust my Leader."
Namjoon's kind expression shifted to a stern one, his gaze intensifying. "Miss Lee, I don't know you well, and neither do any of my brothers. However, in this clan, we take loyalty very seriously. As of tomorrow, you may witness or hear things that must remain within these walls. It might be overwhelming at first, but you have no other options. And things might be unconfortable until you take the oath. But until then, you must still act in accordance with the code, or face the consequences. Is that clear?"
With his eloquent speech and steady tone, the Second in Command had just issued a subtle threat.
Well, not so subtle...
"First, Mr. Kim, there's no need to be so formal when talking to me. After all, in a few months, I'll be marrying the heir of this clan. That makes me your future sister-in-law... or wife," you stated, raising your chin with a haughty air. Namjoon remained silent, allowing you to continue.
"Second, I understand that we have to take our parents' word for the success of this alliance," feeling your blood rise to your ears, you knew you were playing a dangerous game "But I want to remind you that I am also a daughter of this clan. Blood and weapons don't intimidate me. In any case, both of us should show respect to our elders. After all, our fates rest in their hands." Taking a small step closer, he didn't budge.
But you could never guess how you were making the young leader feel. As much as he hated that you tried to hurt his pride like that, the Second in command saw for the first time in someone, an equal, a true opponent at that.
He was also undeniably intrigued by you.
"I may not know you yet, but I'm living in your house, I mean, your father's house. And I expect a modicum of consideration."  You pretended to be offended because that was the role you had to play, a spoiled, conceited heiress to the mafia.
“I have offended you. Excuse me if my words sounded like something else... “
“Okay, I understand you Namjoon, can I call you by your name? We have the same age” you interrupted him in the middle of his sentence.
“Yes, of course, can I call you Nari?” Namjoon loved the sound of his name on your lips. Of course, you could call him whatever you wanted.
“Great, thank you very much for the water and for helping me before. Good night”  With a bow, You shot out of the kitchen.
“Good Night. And Nari?” he waited for you to look at him “It is really nice to see you again. You look different now, prettier. I hope you rest well, you're going to need it tomorrow” he winked at you and your blood froze in your veins. 
Kim Namjoon had met Mr. Lee's daughter before? Why hadn't Mr. Lee mentioned anything about it?
Your heart pounded in your ears.
It had been too much.
The gaps on this mission were becoming too much.
You needed to get your act together, no more games. You were already deep within the lion's den, and time was running out.
You had never failed a mission before, and this wouldn't be the first time...
No matter how appealing the Clan's Shadow was or what he made you feel.
As much as the threat of the Second in command had actually terrified you.
Without mentioning the fact that he knew Lee’s daughter.
You had to keep going; there was no turning back now.
And you would bring this clan to its knees... that was a promise.
"Baby let the games begin... are you ready for it?"
Hi! Hello?? 👻
How are you??? I've been supper busy with work and responsible adult duties and all that. So, it took more than I wanted to upload. BUT! this chapter is actually the longest yet, as a treat for my lack of updates. If you want to be on this fics Tag list, leave a comment below or send me an ask!!
Thank you SO SO MUCH for reading this series 🥹, there's so much to come and I am exited to show you all. Anyway it's 3AM where I Am so I guess I'll go to sleep.
Hope you guys have a great weekend
Love Ria 💗
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woomycritiques543 · 10 months
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No need, I already created an entire file worth of evidence for anyone to use.
Both of Vivziepop, her fandom, and of extra archives of all sorts of degenerates that i’ve found on social media. (Mostly documentations of ableists and transphobes.)
Also yes, Vivziepop does follow Zone-tan, and Ralphielle, and Nicole who is into RIck and Morty child p^rn for 5+ years and even hired them despite them being an outward shotacon on both of their accounts and.... yikes. 
Here’s the video mentioning all of this:
I have been trying to leave the fandom for some time now, so take this Tumblr post as a “extra feature” since im no longer active on Youtube. Thank you.
Vivziepop is not you guys think she is, and I have all the documentations to prove it. She did not do any of this as a “stupid teenager” and even has claimed in her “apology” that she was/is into beastiality because it’s “how she discovered her “bisexuality” which makes no goddamn sense along with many other inconsistences and hypocrises, bullying, cyberbullying, even her own employees, calling people “not a writer!” for critiqueing her, harassment towards her own fans (as i’ve mentioned in the last sentence.), and so much more that’s physically impossible to cover in one video, so that is why I have this documentation/archives available for you all to see.Vivienne has hurt thousands at this point, bigotry romanticization is not “dark humor”, and the constant “waiting till it’s trendy” with cancel culture needs to stop, all terrible people need to be held accountable, in the moment, no more hiding, more waiting, no more letting people like Shadman, Vivziepop, and Brandon Rodgers (Who did blackface, kept a video of him being racist towards a dead black woman on Youtube, did Yellowface and supported Onision, in 2018, someone who outwardly did blackface and didn’t regret it, making all of this “it’s not reflective of his current content” complete bullshit for reasons stated within my “Older Archives”, but yeah... it’s a mess. The entire situation is a goddamn mess and im sick and tired of social media tolerating bigots, especially for such a long time, just because they make porn that they want. It’s disgusting, it’s repulsive, and it needs to stop.) become trending/get away with their behavior. 
Regardless of trends, the victims are more important than the views, and we need to start holding creators like this accountable at the moment where they do their wrongdoings so that history doesn’t continuiously repeat itself by having these kinds of creators getting what they want just because “But their porn is hot so it’s fine for them to be a bigot! 😭” logic that’s developed in fandoms over the years. It’s disgusting, and for this “cancel culture” needs changes, serious changes, if we ever hope to stop creators like this from becoming trending again. 
Justice needs to prevail, people need to be held accountable, not when doing so is “trending” or only doing so at crimes, but at the time where the wrongdoings happen, for the sake of us all. Vivziepop and the others need to be held accountable.
The victims need justice. There needs to be a change.
Please help hold Vivziepop accountable, please us this documentation to help you. It’s our only chance, please help. I did what I could. So I hope that this helps.
Thank you, and have a great day. Goodbye.
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mimzalot · 1 year
started streaming Golden Wildfire! gonna reflect on the route as it unfolds, courtesy of your resident Claude enthusiast.
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[document version]
if Three Houses glossed over the sort of wild situation that Claude has to survive every day in Garreg Mach then this route has started with a bang by opening with conflict at the Fodlan-Almyran border. bold move! and I certainly am endlessly curious about this impending intrigue - in fact I have spent the last four years (four years!) since Three Houses musing about Claude’s relationship to his home nations, and the nations’ relationships to one another, and what that conflict means for Claude and everybody else.
do I trust the writers with it? not really. am I gonna try and play it in good faith anyway? evidently. so let’s get into it~ 🏹
right off the bat I can tell there’s stuff in this route that’s gonna make me uncomfortable, sometimes in the fascinating and deliberate way, and sometimes in the “oh I feel like an accomplice to/victim of a hate-crime” way. this is not really a surprise when it comes to Fire Emblem but it deserves a mention regardless, as I think Golden Wildfire’s going to be a rollercoaster that will frustrate me as much as it intrigues me. I’ll have the additional challenge of having to articulate how I feel about it off the dome, as a biracial POC playing to a mixed-bag stream audience. so, in short: occasional yikes are inevitable.
but such is the price I pay for Claude. ahh Claude, my beloved. when first I played Three Houses I was drawn to the game by him, not expecting him to be everything I enjoyed in a character. other than just being generally *chefs kiss* impeccable, he also conveyed some nuanced mixed-race experiences rarely expressed in a lot of media I’ve engaged with. that he sprouted from a game that frequently overshoots its own political intrigue and bungles character resolutions like FE3H surprised me, but I was happy to pluck the fluff and dirt off my darlings and make the best of what had been provided -- a bizarrely relatable, endlessly complex nice young man having a terrible, no good, very bad time.
I already got a whiff of this from playing Scarlet Blaze first, and it’s vindicating to see Three Hopes elaborate on something I’ve been clawing at walls trying to convey since the first game: Claude is light-hearted, but his situation is not. it always blew my mind to hear people say that Claude was the “good vibes house leader” in 3H only to play the game and find a character that would flippantly laugh about threats on his life, occasionally mention that he exists at the hostile junction of two warring nations, and ultimately find himself in the impossible position of an anti-war leader operating during a war. across two nations. both warring. yes, yes, he’s quite a funny guy, but his circumstances are abysmal, and a big part of that agony comes from the role he occupies -- that which he is saddled with, and that which he takes upon himself.
this was not a position easily occupied, and I was delighted to find that Claude was intelligently portrayed as a character whose ideals had to bend to the demands of leadership, resulting in morally-grey decisiveness, diplomatic juggling, and one of my favourite things to explore in fiction: the pragmatic, sometimes paradoxical pursuit of “non-violence” during war, and as a solution to war.
already in Three Hopes (I played SB first) I sense they’re leaning a little harder on showing Claude’s struggle with this, including some hints at the unbearably high bar he sets for himself. he doesn’t wear accountability like Dimitri or Edelgard in 3H - it’s always a little more cavalier, something you have to read between the lines to spot and understand. but this game is a tad more forthright with it, pulling back the disguise of “Master Tactician” to plainly show Claude in a perpetual state of, well... this:
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and nothing exacerbates this like the situation they’ve started the game with. it’s dramatic irony that makes the first three chapters really sting: we know by now that Claude is Almyran, and are placed in an uncomfortable position of puttering around the camp listening to the people Claude calls his friends talking at length about the brutish Almyrans invading at Fodlan’s Throat.
this is technically good set-up. Claude is here to fix a problem, and this is our first experience of the problem -- lacking communication and education means that neither side knows who they’re fighting, or why, just that they have to. with the Church of Seiros already positioned as a questionable but overbearing presence in ch. 2 (“Why are we being sent here to fight? Church school said so.”) it begs to reason that showing the consequences of Fodlan’s intensely insulated culture starts with these uncomfortable scenes. they are, after all, born from the fear of not knowing. Claude as an antithesis to ignorance-based conflict makes a habit of overcoming fear by knowing everything.
so there are some pretty ick conversations happening around camp, and that’d honestly be something I’d be fine to reckon with as a narrative choice -- if not for the visceral discomfort and sharp drop in faith that came in the form of Shahid’s introductory scene.
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let’s get this out the way: I did not spend four years mopping my tears about all these Lords and Royals to see Shahid and not immediately think “bratty king? I can fix him, and/or make him worse.” especially as a foil to Claude, it’s interesting to see a foolish heir working towards the throne in a way that Khalid, and perhaps even the King of Almyra, would oppose. I’m bracing myself for his justifications, for his humanity, because he occupies an interesting political position and he’s the first family of Claude’s that we’ve seen on screen. and yes, he could just be shallowly evil, but that wouldn’t be anywhere near as fun as it being complicated and ugly, the way all the other Lords and Leaders are afforded.
alas, it is difficult to have faith that GW is gearing up to say something interesting when they introduce such a caricature of the ‘evil desert guy’ that I feel like I’m watching a Disney movie. especially when a scene shows a narrow-eyed, ashy-but-darker-skinned ‘evil’ sibling in contrast with our bright-eyed, lighter-skinned mixed-Fodlanian Claude. it’s these sort of artistic choices that threaten to undercut the same cross-cultural intrigue that this route is constructing.
the Three Hopes sprites are a bit awkward, proportionally (shout out to Margrave Gautier’s bizarrely wide mouth) but it’s a long and yucky history with depicting MENA people that makes this particularly egregious. I’m Samoan so not personally affected by this, but it is nevertheless going to take an active effort to just try to look past the way his character is drawn. I spare a wince of sympathy for my viewers that are more personally affected: it sucks, and it’s such a simple fix that it becomes even more frustrating.
he does look slightly less like a hate crime in the animated cut scenes though. “the only one who can beat me is me!” type rizz.
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I actually like that his features might deviate from the typical proportions of most of our main cast, the way Hubert’ or Lorenz’s do. it is a shame to have it pushed just into the realm of caricature when there is something workable there.
nevertheless, 3H optics have betrayed themselves before (shout out, woman-enjoyers). so again, I’m going to try and brute-force past this icky design choice and try and find my bliss, which is thus: sibling drama, please, I beg. I love the garbage mish-mash of family dysfunction and political drama that happens in royal families, and it was high time that we saw a glimpse at what Claude’s other side is going through. I swear the British monarchy convinced people that wild dysfunction is reserved only for the English, but where there is power there is corruption, and where there is hereditary power struggle, by jove do you get problems -- it’s just a matter of flavour.
all that to say: I am hoping that we will be compensated for that abysmal talk-sprite with enough royal family intrigue to write home about. I would like to see Almyran politics that are just as complex as everywhere else, but culturally diverse and interesting without leaning lazily on the same fear-mongering racist rhetoric that Claude’s entire character exists to debunk. that’s my hope. my three hope. ha ha. look I’m not holding out hope for a diamond, I just kinda want a gem-shaped rock that I can polish up myself.
anyway, new spite-induced meow meow aside, let’s get back to Claude. my god! his life fucking sucks!
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thinkin about this scene just before the timeskip where Claude expresses his thanks to House Goneril, and apologises for not being of more assistance. it makes my skin crawl knowing that Claude is not just thanking Holst but saying sorry to him after all the micro-and-macro aggressions he’s been weathering, but it makes a lot of sense; Claude is representing House Riegan and his grandfather, not Khalid of Almyra, and not even Claude himself. and what that shows is an important feature of diplomacy: the ability to make connections, and say what needs to be said in order to maintain good relations with his new allies.
better than that, it shows how damn good Claude is at it, despite having every reason in the world not to be. he is, in this moment, House Riegan. and with foresight, this is an interview, and this humble apology operates twofold as a promise, setting the tone for his eventual leadership and securing House Goneril as an ally.
if Claude were more selfish, more proud, more emotional or less wise, he wouldn’t be able to say things like that. it is the humility that makes people underestimate him, but it’s also what makes him so pivotal in creating and maintaining peaceful circumstances. sometimes, peace-keeping means pacifying the people in power. and especially for Claude operating in the alliance, managing expectations is key for a leader. he’s clever, this is strategic, and I’m excited to see Claude juggle the egos and roles of all the nobles around him.
but it’s tough, right? this is a situation that rewards Claude for not behaving like a human ought to. I like to imagine the way his smile falters when the Almyrans are spoken of like barbarians, agitation ticking along in the back of his mind while he forces himself to speak the niceties that will benefit everyone in the long-run. he’s only seventeen. we hear a lot about noble obligation, but there is no greater pragmatic noble obligation in Leicester than managing the other nobles, and Claude has that skill in spades -- hard won, but effective, with an eventual payoff to make all that juggling worthwhile. sometimes. maybe.
speaking of noble obligations, good lord that bit where Lorenz snaps that they must execute Tomas and Claude has to remind him that dead men don’t talk... I’ll inevitably end up talking plenty about Lorenz as the game goes on because he is a fascinating foil, so remind me later to talk about the things that make Lorenz a good noble, bad leader, and eventual good ally later.
and on the topic of fascinating foils...
man. I was not expecting Shez.
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for those unaware, my read of Claude in 3H was that he mostly saw Byleth as a curiosity pre-timeskip, then brought them on as a means to an end post-timeskip. room for interpretation about how they develop after that, but generally most of my Byleth and Claude interactions boiled down to this thinly-veiled hostility and how it evolved into apologetic manipulation and mutual care.
Shez is different, right off the bat. I can see Claude working them over, but there’s something very new about the vibes of Claude approaching a peer he finds suspect. it has the same echo of how he treated Byleth, and even Marianne, but there’s a difference that I can’t quite put my finger on, and I suspect it comes from Shez just being a much more talkative character, plus the dramatic irony of vaguely knowing where Shez’s story might be heading. they’re not harbouring the goddess, nor a cursed beast, but a secret third thing :’l (and god I’m so excited to see what’s up with Shez, they’ve been impressing me as a protag since I started this game, I don’t think I’ve liked a FE avatar this much since Robin)
the way I characterised Shez has him coming off a little arrogant and brash, compared to my previous Shez, who seemed mostly daft and down-to-earth and is currently committing girlboss crimes in Adrestia in an alt timeline. I’m so used to overlooking the avatar character that I hardly realised just how much potential Shez holds in this route, as a sellsword brought onto the squad of the guy that wants to avoid bloodshed. honestly I’m pretty astounded by the raw fire of intrigue it’s set alight in my brain. Shez thrived under Edelgard because they always had work. and now they’re struggling under Claude, and we’re seeing just how vile the war machine is that it will make peace an inconvenience to the merc economy.
just before I finished the stream, I played the opening scene of the timeskip: where Shez is struggling to make ends meet by being a mercenary in a peaceful alliance. therein lies the intrigue of this pair-up. Claude wants peace. Shez needs to fight to live. so how do we reconcile this?
already it seems that Claude mmmiiight have just deliberately forced scarcity on Shez in order to easily manipulate them into a) not moving into a different nation when Claude still doesn’t know what’s up with him and b) taking up his first offer of becoming a commander, which is exactly the morally dubious pragmatism that I love to see in my Alliance leader - but who’s to say? it’s not as if it’s the same method he used to flush out Bergliez’s army in the SB route, forcing their hand by starving their troops with hopes they’d choose surrender...
guess we’ll find out next time, eh? but oh, is my spotlight shining on these funny little guys.
and quickfire round: Nader’s still lookin’ handsome, love that Claude’s opinion of Shez rises every time I side-eye the church, and Arval continues to enthrall my entire brain.
and. yeah. that’s a majority of my first impressions of the GW route. not even all of them but this is like an entire essay and I’m only just past the prologue. tl;dr more of the same Claude goodness, something new and tense in Almyra lore, and then something new and unexpected in Shez. and we’ll see where the rest takes us.
thanks for reading, all the best!
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dangermousie · 10 months
You know what 17 needs? Therapy. You know what 17 gets? Sharing a house with his torturer and having to play nice with him because he needs to pretend he doesn’t remember what the man inflicted on him. Yikes!
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The way he pastes on a smile...
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The way he can’t help but flinch and shie away because even his willpower has limits and this is pure terrified instinct at this point! I know I keep yelling it and I know this is not gonna happen but for god’s sake THERAPY MY GOD AND GET AWAY FROM THE HOUSE OF USHER!!!!
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I swear to god, Hou gets off on terrorizing him. I know fiancee thinks he drifts off to sleep with sweet memories of her, but I am pretty sure he drifts off to sleep with sweet memories of burning his brother’s skin off instead.
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Wow, you are so smart, you figured it out, genius!
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Being able to actually say it and mean it and not come across as weak or ridiculously saintly - that’s a feat! But also, I bet he admitted it right away when asked not because it’s pointless to lie but because it must be a relief not to have that mask on any more.
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Ummm, (1) if he disappeared you’d still be a horror movie loser, (2) he was happily staying away and would happily ditch in a second if he could, (3) if that is all you wanted, you’d have slit his throat as opposed to keeping him like some sort of torture pet for kicks - you don’t want him to just peace out, you want to prove you are superior and well, sorry, impossible because you are the WORST!!!
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In a sample size of one, you’d still not be the best, sorry!
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Please tell me this man does NOT surive till the end. I mean, Jing may be xianxia Jesus, but this story is full of violent psychos, you can’t tell me that with his temperament Hou won’t eventually piss one of them off enough for murder.
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codename-adler · 1 year
Hello, Andrew.
(If this isn’t Andrew then bug off. I’ll know.)
So. Hi. I’m Aaron Minyard. Your brother. Your twin brother, you know. Did you know? I didn’t know. That was some surprise. Good surprise, though. Only good. Promise.
I don’t know if you know how I found out? I was at the park, doing things, you know, doing my own thing, and some police prick kept yelling for me, only, by your name. He swore I was you. Officer Philip Higgins, at your service. Well not really, he was ready to drag me back to where you belong (I don’t know where that is). But you must know that. How he is, I mean. Not where you belong. Although you just might. I hope you know. You could help me out then.
But, uh, getting ahead of myself. Imagine I start asking you all sorts of philosophical questions and truths when we haven’t even met… Yikes… You’d probably tell me to fuck off, and I’d agree with you. So I’m not gonna do that. It’s not why I wanted to write to you anyway.
Brotherhood is what I wanted to write to you about. I woke up that day, never in a million years imagining I’d go to bed a brother. Like, I have a brother . You. You are my brother. My twin brother. And I’m yours. I don’t know who was born first (I was, I’m sure of it), but… Twins , Andrew! That’s wicked cool.
And not just that. We are IDENTICAL. ("Monozygotic" twins, it's called. Epic.) Even Higgins was fooled, and frankly astounded when he found me. His face! Although he must’ve thought the same thing about mine, and twice worse at that. I can’t really wrap my head around the fact. That there’s a whole other person, completely separate from me, that looks exactly like me nonetheless. It seems impossible. I guess it’ll only really sink in when we’ll see each other, right?
I wonder if you and I have the same teeth. Mine are alright, I think. Not exactly Colgate-worthy, but I’ve got all of them, in the right place, which is good enough for me. I never really paid attention, before. I've learned that teeth are often different, even if slightly, in sets of identical twins. I read about it in a textbook at the school library. When I found out, I mean. I don’t want you to think that I have a weird tooth fetish or something. I just really like biology.
There’s so much to a body that you don’t realize makes a body a person. How does my hair look on you? Or like, the other way around. Higgins said we have the same eyes. But to what extent? Where do yours end and mine begin? Is it in the shape? The color? The light’s reflection in them? The lashes, perhaps, or the eyebrows above? What about the eyebrows? Two bodies, side by side, exactly the same in every way, yet one is you, and one is me. Wow. It just… It never stops. My brain exploded just now. Again. Does yours do that too? Since you’ve known?
Like, imagine we have reverse parts! I mean, you know how my right half is your left, and your right half is my left? Maybe our moles are mirrored. That could be how people tell us apart. “Hey, there’s Aaron with the left-cheek mole! Not to be confused with Andrew, with the right-cheek mole!”, you know? Jeez, we can’t be that identical, can we?
Can we really?
I don't have much experience with twins. There were those Conway girls in 4th grade, not identical, just fraternal twins. They still looked a whole lot like each other. It's crazy to remember them, now. To think, that as I was fascinated by the pair of them, not only did I have my own other half, but you were so close. And I didn't even feel it. Is that bad? Is there something wrong with me? With... us? Do you think, because of what happened when we were born... because of Mom... our connection suffered? Don't tell her that. Please don't tell her that. But how? How could I not feel anything missing? I never knew, Andrew. Never once had an ounce of a doubt. No phantom limbs, no echo in my mind, no unexplainable pains nor random premonitions. You were never there. Even now, as I write to you, I really hope you'll be at the other end of my letter, because you still feel... void. Like this is all a joke my mind is playing on me. I hope you're really real. Not just a pipedream.
Maybe we can work on it. The twin "bond" thingy. Maybe you knew? Not, like, knew-knew, just... knew? Or maybe looking back on things now, you realize you knew? I'm trying to do that, to look for memories where there could have been something tipping me off, but I have a shit memory. It's so vague and fuzzy most of the time. Does that happen to you? So much for wanting to be a doctor...
So did you? Know?
I hope you did, in some kind of cosmic way, as they say. Because if you did, maybe the connection, our twin bond, isn't totally broken. We can get it back to full strength. 
If you'd like, that is.
Imagine the fucking bad luck of it all if we were those ill-fated twins of big stories, destined to be sworn enemies, and everything would have been fine if that damn policeman had just minded his own business! Ha! 
I haven't really talked about Mom or the family. I hope you're not expecting a dad, because I haven't got one of those for you. I'm sorry. I would have liked for you to have a dad. I mean, when they find your long-lost family, you hope for the whole package, right? So yeah, no dad. But we got an uncle and an aunt, and a cousin! I'll tell you about them if you want to. I'm just worried I'll scare you off if I start right away, on top of the mess I'm already telling you now. But we got time, right? I shouldn't feel rushed, I must remember that. We found each other and there's no way I'm letting go. And we'll meet soon, right? I know Mom refused the offer your foster mother gave us, but Mom doesn't have to know... Not immediately, at least. I mean, she did carry us for 9 months, but I also shared the womb with you from the beginning, so I don't know who's got priority over who... But I'm choosing to give it to you. 
I'll stop my nonsense here, now. I don't want you to start believing your newfound brother's a total nutcase. I'm not, promise. I hope you're doing okay on your end with everything that's been going on. Your foster mom seems nice. That's nice. So, yeah, again I'm really glad you're here now, and I'll be seeing you soon, yeah? Okay.
Bye now.
- Aaron
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blueberry-lemon · 3 months
Five years in, finding a routine
Although mostly on accident, I’ve been working as a game developer and freelancer for the past five years.
That means that I work from home, and have to “be my own boss” on a day-to-day basis. I kept myself chained to my desk long before the pandemic came along, which meant I didn’t get the whiplash that a lot of people got from having not choice but to start working from home
That said…in all this time, I still haven’t found a very good routine for actually making it all work for me in a healthy way. Yikes.
I’ve always struggled to find the right rhythm for work-life balance. How to focus (maybe there’s some anxiety or attention deficiency secretly at play), how to avoid wanting to take breaks, how to find time for hobbies without feeling guilty, how to structure my “schedule.”
It probably doesn’t help that because our team is all around the world, we get up to all sorts of inconvenient time zone tomfoolery. Big bursts of work that has to be done immediately upon waking up or right before bed.
Now, in 2024, I am trying to finally put a structure together. I recently moved to a new apartment in a new town, which felt like a good time for a fresh start. Here’s what I’m up to so far.
I’m trying to wall off “weekends” as time for leisure as best I can. Even within that, it’s even better if I can wall off a little segment of time for a “hobby,” like drawing purely for my own fun instead of drawing for work. Obviously, sometimes work emergencies crop up and you just have to do them on the weekend.
I’ve dabbled with a Virtual Assistant for about 10 months to keep me organized (which went okay) but I’ve scrapped the whole thing and swapped over to an eight buck paper calendar pinned up next to my desk. Less fancy, but less pricey. My parents were great at keeping a huge calendar updated on the fridge when I was growing up. I was a fool to try to live without a physical calendar after high school. It’s made planning for the future “feasible” instead of “overwhelmingly impossible.” Google Calendar was never cutting it for me.
I use a really simple to-do app called Tasks (from Tasks.org). I had thought that maybe I could keep all my to-dos organized this way, but honestly it’s better for things that I need urgent phone notification reminders for. Like “do this right this second.” The rest I’m trying my best to track on the paper calendar.
I’ve started music lessons, going to the gym, and therapy weekly at the start of 2024. Not only do I love this trifecta, but it has also helped structure my weekdays for better and for worse. Can’t get work done while I’m doing those things, but it’s hopefully improving my life in a general sense.
And lastly…I’m writing this right now from a co-working space. I’ve always considered finding a place where I could take a laptop and get work done outside of my apartment, to try to separate “home” and “work” just a little bit more. A place to ignore distractions. Or, honestly, a place where I can’t do household chores or go grocery shopping as an excuse to not do work while feeling productive.
I considered libraries and cafes, and am still open to those as options, but this co-working space is actually really great so far. The vibes are immaculate. It’s peaceful and quiet without feeling lonely. There’s free snacks.
Hopefully this is the beginning of something like a healthy, productive routine. Definitely trying to prioritize finding something sustainable so that I can at least make it another five years in game development without going crazy.
The secret to getting out of my head and out of my bad habits could be getting out of the house.
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