#not exactly anti those ships I don't hate either
c4n1blc4tgrlcxrps · 7 months
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girl what.
i have many thoughts about this, so i'm going to put them all here since i don't want to harrass anyone.
so first, you decided to play a game that is very much known for being a horror game about inc3st, demon summoning, murder, and cannibalism.
you then were completely okay with everything but the inc3st. if i used anti logic, that would mean you would be okay with all those other things.
also i'd like to see exactly where in the game it says to go partake in inc3st in real life.
yeah, i know it doesn't say anywhere not to, but it definitely doesn't say that about the other topics in the game either.
also, the game itsself is about horror. it's a horror game. you're mad about a horror element. a horror element in a horror game.
another thing is that whole "one digital crime is way worse than another" bullshit, which i physically can't understand. it's... not real life??
seriously, it is not real. it's literally fake. they are not real people. and anybody who ships them knows that they aren't real people.
it also doesn't affect the real world. how does me liking a game hurt you? how does me liking a ship hurt you? how does this affect anyone in any way?
"oh well people will go and commit inc3st in real life if-" no. no we literally won't. just because i consume d3ad d0ve content does not mean that i want those things to happen in real life.
and yes, maybe there are some people out there who want those things to happen in real life, but not me. and not most people.
i know the person who said this won't ever come to their senses, because people who are against inc3st were in the comments explaining how gross it is, but how it's not real and shouldn't affect them, and they kept saying stupid shit like "okay so yeah you like inc3st, bye."
i really want to know what can make someone like this. honestly, from what i've personally seen, people who are against proship on main are secretly proshippers on an alt.
honestly, i think antis are so weird. if you don't like something, just get over it?
like seriously, i blocked this person almost immediately, because i didn't want to see an anti on my feed. it's really not that hard to just ignore things.
and even if you still hated people who like the game, then you could make a post that is tagged with being anti and talk about exactly what you think makes it harmful.
but the thing is, this person did not tag this post correctly, and when asked to do so, said "i already did" like no. you didn't. take your anti ass back to the antis tags and grumble and groan about fictional crimes that don't affect you and free speech being so wrong where i don't have to hear you.
you can keep talking about the shit that you want, just do it in a space where i can't hear you.
people like this are honestly so ignorant.
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Look at this....☠️ https://www.tumblr.com/bohemian-nights/737003196544958464/fuck-rhaenyra-fuck-the-writers-with-this-sapphic?source=share
Fucking hell.
First off: I find it interesting the anon doesn't acknowledge that Laena x Daemon is also incest. Sure, she's not his niece, but she is still related to him. They love projecting their insecurities about their ship onto daemyra.
Second: yeah, HoTD choosing to make the Velaryons black then sidelining them massively is shitty and, sure, could be interpreted as racist. However, how is that Rhaenyra's fault? She didn't make Daemon marry Laena when he couldn't have her neither did she kill Laena. Condal and Hess chose to write out Laena's relevance (which already wasn't much outside of being Daemon's wife and Baela and Rhaena's mother) in order to give Alicent more screen time. But again, that's neith Rhaenyra's nor Emma D'Arcy's fault, stop blaming them (also Emma is good at playing Rhaenyra as she is written, the only issues are the writing, which aren't their fault). Op also chose to ignore the fact that Daemon actually is confirmed by GRRM himself to have loved Rhaenyra the most.
Moving on, once again the Rhaenyra antis are bringing up how Rhaenyra isn't "feminist". Literally no one in F&B is feminist by our modern definition. Visenya and Rhaenys are probably the closest, and even then, they aren't writing feminist manifestos (which apparently Rhaenyra is expected to for some reason). Alysanne, the most proactive queen regent, still enforced arranged marriages on her daughters and granddaughters. Rhaenys didn't advocate for Laena's right of succession in the book and in the show refused to support Rhaenyra long before Laenor's "death". Her antis hold Rhaenyra to unfair and unrealistic standards while making excuses for or ignoring other characters who don't meet them.
In that same vein, I still can't get over how Rhaenyra antis will say that TG aren't the conservative group. They say Rhaenyra isn't a feminist and that TG, the ones who are obsessed with male primogeniture and believe being gay, a sexually liberated woman, a child born out of wedlock, or not adhering to the equivalent of the Catholic Church make someone subhuman are the "progressive" group. It's delusion at its finest. Alicent and the greens are misogynistic and, because of them, women's rights in Westeros ended up more repressed than ever.
The fact that the op says that Visenya and Queen Rhaena are acceptable shows they have no understanding for TG or F&B. First off, TG would never support either woman. Visenya was hated by the Faith and most of the Lord's of Westeros, she was a warrior accused of witchcraft and dared to interfere with the misogynistic customs alongside Rhaenys. Rhaena was gay, something she wasn't allowed to live fully because the Targaryens chose to conform to Westerosi ideals. She was also robbed of her inheritance, even Jaehaerys acknowledged that Rhaena was the rightful heir, just as Aegon acknowledged Rhaenyra was.
As for the racist allegations, those come exclusively from Mushroom, someone who is far from a reliable source. Mushroom invented an entire woman to try to add "spice" to Jacaerys' story: Sara Snow. A woman of whom there is no record of, even though she was raised in Winterfell and supposedly married Jace. If Mushroom is willing to make up a whole ass woman to make the story more dramatic, why should we trust anything he says?
Yes, Rhaenyra ordered Nettles' execution, but that was because of her rumored relationship with Daemon and Rhaenyra's paranoia which had grown massively since Hugh Hammer and Ulf White's betrayal. Was it just? No. Was it racially motivated? According to Mushroom, maybe, but looking at Rhaenyra's character, it doesn't make sense.
Moving on, what exactly does op mean by "she's done too many things to claim she's been wrongly framed by the narrative"? By the time Nettles comes along, Rhaenyra hasn't done much that could be considered reprehensible. Op seems to have an issue with Vaemond's death, which Rhaenyra did order in the book. They seem to think that Vaemond "rightfully called her out" and was wrongfully killed.
She ordered Vaemond's execution after he declared her sons bastards in order to challenge Corlys' decision regarding succession. Keep in mind, Vaemond in the book is Corlys' nephew, not his brother, which moves him even farther down the line of succession. Vaemond not only was putting Rhaenyra and her sons in danger but was also trying to usurp all of Corlys' line, including Baela and Rhaena, who op seems to like a lot.
Yeah Rhaenyra is much harsher in F&B, but that hardly makes her evil and irredeemable. Queens Visenya and Rhaena were both harsh and even cruel sometimes, yet op doesn't think they're irredeemable monsters.
I do agree with op's anger over the sidelining of the Velaryons, as I said earlier, but taking it out on Rhaenyra is completely uncalled for. Rhaenyra wasn't a monster, anyone who believes that has frighteningly little reading comprehension. Rhaenyra's reign would have greatly helped women's standings in Westeros and pushed along gender equality. Ignoring that fact and blatantly saying the greens aren't supporting the repressive patriarchy is delusional and idiotic. The greens' actions were damaging in every way. Vaemond was far from an innocent victim, he was power hungry and misogynistic in both the show and the book. Keep your angry focused on the right people, don't take it out on a woman who had her whole life destroyed by the patriarchy.
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magistralucis · 9 months
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happy el muchacho monday folks im spinning my Wheels and Going Insane over this part in The Infinite and the Divine. Sure, they're talking about humans, but according to necron hierarchy Orikan? is also a 'lesser being'??? 😭 Especially since the necron he's talking to also outranks him and was happy to gloat about it five chapters ago??? If anything, he's quite fortunate that Trazyn's the way he is - who else could Orikan talk to like this?
I find this line fascinating. Not only is it proof of Orikan's moral hypocrisy, it's also proof that he sees Trazyn in a light he sees no one else in. There's no way Orikan could say this to any other Overlord. Consider how he leveraged himself against the authorities in the trial scene: think about who has my back, think about the debts you owe me, think about the services I could provide. His words cut deep, but these are bargains and threats and reminders, not personal judgements on someone's rank and character. Orikan is proudly anti-authoritarian and unafraid to show it, but there is a tangible limit to how far he can question his superiors before he'd be put in his place. It's what happens when he tries to give Trazyn's ship a command, and it's why we only see detailed justifications of his anti-authoritarianism in his POV, because as far as the higher-ups are concerned it's not open for discussion.
Keep it in your head. Or talk to Trazyn, since he's as weird as you are.
And that's a significant outlet, I think. Trazyn is about the only one whom Orikan feels comfortable commenting directly on his character: you care too much for the lowly, and that's not right, and you make me uncomfortable. I doubt he could say the same thing to Imotekh if the latter suddenly began displaying sympathy for human beings, nor to most other necrons of high rank. Clearly he said this because he did not feel Trazyn, as an individual, would retaliate against his judgement. And he was right - Trazyn just shrugs it off, without withdrawing his moment of compassion. Orikan pursues it no further and there is no punishment. It's bitter, it's dismissive - but it was a conversation.
He can actually have those with Trazyn. Something about beings approaching his own level, and it being nice to talk to them, yada yada.
But that's not to say Orikan doesn't suffer for his judgement. That's where the moral hypocrisy comes in. He's not doing himself any favours saying it like that, not just because his xenophobia is bullshit from our reader's perspective, but because he is willfully inauthentic to the space he occupies in the world. Necron culture is rankist. Elitist, classist, chauvinistic. The only necrons who aren't are either clinging to a sense of honour (not guaranteed to be returned, nor perceived by honour by non-necrons), insane, or so fallen down like the Flayed Ones as to be not considered necron at all. Necrons may or may not practice polite conduct with those higher up, but they do tend to know who's beneath them, and are happy to punch down as they see fit; for Orikan to speak of 'lesser beings' is normal, for him to talk about artisans that way is not, or shouldn't be.
The only artisans left in necron culture are the crypteks. They create things, they maintain things - it's the crypteks who wrote the play, War in Heaven, the theatrical piece our protagonists rely on so much. When Trazyn speaks of the human artisans' suffering on Serenade, he's really making a statement about the value of art - what kind of person does it take to create such a thing, what does it mean to consume them? - and for Orikan to dismiss it as a lesser act for lesser beings is to dismiss his own profession.
It's exactly what the nobility he hates likes to do.
Which: fair enough. There is not much love between crypteks. But I don't think Orikan's judgement is the kind of thing that stops at interpersonal rivalries, nor is it just a humanities vs. STEM argument. You could read his line at face value (humans are just insects to necrons, newsflash of the year), but you could also attribute any level of hypocrisy, denial, and/or self-deprecation to it, and it would be consistent with his character. None of it stops him from growing, or making him worse, depending on what mood seizes him. Gotta love me some bad faith necrons, they are such intriguing food for thought
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darklinaforever · 1 year
OK. I need to talk about it (particularly because I rewatched the entire series yesterday) ! Like many, I'm shipping Sylvie & Loki, otherwise known as Sylki, from the Loki series from Disney +.
However, I always manage to come across anti bullshit, each time I go to the tag dedicated to this couple. And it's unbearable. Especially with the bullshit being said there.
So already, people basically don't like Sylki and Sylvie, because Sylvie would treat Loki "horribly" and "use him"…
So… It's forgotten that Loki was probably planning to kill her at the start of Episode 3, but didn't because she was the only one who knew how to recharge the Time Pad. So technically, the two contemplated killing each other, and served each other up in episode 3.
Also, by the end of episode 2 and the beginning of episode 3, Sylvie is completely normal with Loki the rest of the time, and even cares about him. The two actually end up forming a willing partnership. Sylvie even wanted to face Alioth on her own, and for Loki to return to TVA. When he said that if she goes, he goes too, she made it clear that his plan might not work out, so she cares about his life and she always proposes that he go. with Mobvious. Hello for "treat him horribly / only use him".
Then clear me of doubt…
But isn't Sylvie a Loki variant ? So she looks like him in that fact, right ? Doesn't she go through almost the same arc, or rather similar (it's much more correct) to the one that Loki had in the films ? I'm guessing with that logistics, you mustn't like Thor and Loki's brotherly relationship either ? And that it's especially Loki that you should hate in this relationship, considering how he treated Thor at one point (even if Thor is not without fault in this whole complicated family affair) and even tried to kill him in the first movie ? Along the same lines, I guess you don't like the Frigga and Loki relationship, and therefore specifically Loki, since he emotionally hurt his mother in the second film and unwittingly caused her death afterwards…
Seems like these are two very popular relationships within the fandom, and Loki has never been hated for the slips he made in those relationships, not to mention the other bad things he did on the side . There are even a lot of people who ship Thor and Loki together ! So… If you hate Sylvie because she "wasn't nice" to Loki… Why don't you hate Loki himself for a lot of things that happened before the show ?! Because, technically, there is no difference ! And Sylvie did not watch Loki, only what he himself did to his relatives ! He says it himself : He betrayed all the characters he loved and who loved him ! That Sylvie "betrayed" Loki at the end of the series therefore had a certain obviousness, even if compared to what some say, it is not so much a question of betrayal as of being blinded by the need for revenge.
So why is Sylvie getting so much hate for not being "nice / loyal to Loki unfailingly" to Loki ? The only real difference technically is that she's a woman, and… Oh. That's the difference. Obviously !
Then, some hate this relationship for the "incest" aspect…
Sylvie and Loki are not brother and sister. They have nothing to do with family.
Yes, they're technically "the same person", according to the show, but it's a lot more complicated than that actually, and I imagine the rest of the show will expand on that aspect. A variant is not exactly the same person. It's more or less a mutation I think. And if I say no bullshit, even on the DNA level it is different. And Sylvie refuses to truly define herself as a Loki, and rightly so. They are different people, who have had their own lives and experiences on their own. They are not the same, but similar. Two different things.
Then there are other people who don't like it for the "narcissistic aspect", and I refer you for that to this article by the director of Loki which explains what "self-love" really means. through the sylki relationship in the series. Which ultimately has nothing to do with narcissism, you can imagine. There is also talk about the incest aspect that he refutes just as much !
Also, again, there are people who ship Thor and Loki. And they are brother. Yes, not biologically, but for the rest ? They are brothers in every way that matters. However, it doesn't bother anyone to ship them, and I've never seen anyone be scandalized by it like with Sylki, who once again has nothing to do with incest in the end...
And even if it was ! I want to tell you… who cares ? Yes, because, little detail that a lot of people seem to forget… It's gods, isn't it ? Isn't incest common among the gods ? Yes, I know, among the Nordic gods it was not very well seen, unlike among the Greek gods, or we don't care ! But ! However, if you look closely, even if the Nordic gods were not in favor of incest, at least for the Aesir, well it still happened, especially among the Vanir, who were totally in favor of it ! And that I know, like the Greek gods, it had no genetic repercussions ! Because… Well they are gods, again ! And the conventions of mortals and their constraints, who cares for the gods !?
So your moralizing discourse, you can keep it to yourself.
And then… The most pathetic aspect of the returning reviews is about the kiss, which apparently "doesn't make them romantically canon." So, despite the fact that the romance is very assumed throughout the series, it is not canon, and the only thing that could make it seem romantic would be the kiss, but which in fact is nothing romantic ! So it's not canon ! Compiled once again that by the way Sylvie has only used Loki throughout this story…
So, I've already refuted the "Sylvie having used Loki" aspect, so I'm not going to come back to it… But ! I won't refute that Sylvie used the kiss a bit to distract Loki and then send him somewhere else. Except… Well she didn't have to kiss him specifically for that. She could have chosen another method, which implies that she wanted kiss him somewhere. The director also explains that Sylvie actually kissed Loki to say goodbye ! Especially since it's not as if the series had already shown before that Sylvie had feelings for Loki ! People forgot the fucking Nexus in the beginning of episode 4 ?! Because, yes, I remind you that we are not talking about one-sided love in this mess ! It is always insunated that it is reciprocal ! They are referred to as a couple of Loki in the series ! Miss minute offers them a universe where they could be together ! If only the "shared blanket / tablecloth" scene damn it ! Oh yes ! It sure looks like one-sided love... ! Yes, because for some people ; Sylvie is not in love with Loki and has only used her personal feelings to distract him in this moment…
Are you being stupid or blind on purpose ?
Seriously, I keep seeing jerks say "What are Sylki fans celebrating in that kiss! It's not romantic canonization! She's just manipulating it! There's never nothing romantic between them in the whole series!"
It's on the same level as everyone who said Reylo was nothing romantic and the kiss finally shared at the end of all their romantic tension over 3 movies was nothing romantic and was just an impulse to thank him, or even worse a "brotherly kiss" !
The comparison is all the more relevant as some say that "Yes, Sylvie loves Loki, but like a brother ! Or, I prefer that she loves him like a brother!" !
It is pathetic.
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salvatoreren · 4 months
In regard to your anti Rhaenicent about what’s the purpose of Alicent’s character other than being Rhaenyra’s love interest, I’m just going to say it: she doesn’t have one.
The writers screwed her up big time and this is something I’ve seen both pro Alicent and anti Alicent fans agree on. They desperately want her to be a victim of evil men because it’s the only way Rhaenicent can work. If she actively schemes against Rhaenyra then how can there still be hope for them? She needs to be a complete doormat with 0 personality, someone who is ready to set herself on fire just to keep Rhaenyra warm.
Who is this for exactly? Her fans hate it because they don’t want their favourite character to be reduced to nothing more than a glorified cardboard cutout. Her haters aren’t thrilled either because this nonstop victimisation is whitewashing her crimes.
Ryan Condal and Sarah Hess are ready for this show to crash and burn than accept they made a mistake by trying to force a ship that doesn’t exist in canon.
i totally agree with you for this, alicent has no purpose in the story but a perpetual victim, stripped of her agency, her ambition, all of that is reduced to her love for rhaenyra, that, all she did was for her, that she wanted to save her which is funny because you wouldn't constantly abuse, undermine or spread slanders of her and her sons if you love them so much, if you wanted to save or protect them. if you love them so much, you wouldn't instantly believe that rhaenyra would have it out for your children just because your father told you so...
when you think of alicent hightower nowadays, you don't think of the woman who herself made the green faction, who was her son's staunch supporter, who wanted it herself with no interference from her father that aegon should be king, no, when you think of alicent hightower, it's the woman who can't decide what she wants for herself, who is always fraying by the seams and always overruled by the men around her, who is rhaenyra's childhood companion, rhaenyra's so called first love and that's it. there is nothing powerful about her in the show.
and like i said, she's not complex as some may think she is, she's inconsistent, she doesn't know what she wants, she doesn't know whether to declare for rhaenyra or aegon when she has constantly worked hard for the latter to seat the throne, she switches it up every once in a while and you might argue, that's realistic, it's not, because, alicent clearly has ambitions that has been solidified for 10 years but that one moment she hurt rhaenyra, suddenly she forgets what she wants? as if she didn't abuse rhaenyra for those 10 years, like what.
in my opinion, rhaenicent could still work, young them of course but ultimately they chose themselves, that's why i vehemently hate this ship because of how much it's been shoved in our throats that there is still hope after all the atrocious shit they've done to each other, why couldn't their death be the fact that alicent ultimately chose power for herself? why did it have to be that she waged war because she was lied to?
let alicent plot against rhaenyra, let rhaenyra be brutal, be indifferent to alicent, let them fight each other but because it is of their own accord; that alicent cared more about her son's claim, that rhaenyra cared more about hers. not because they are forced to by the men in their lives.
but it's misognystic???? yeah, well there are many positive female friendships in f&b; rhaenyra/laena, rhaenys/rhaenyra, that were erased just to show that the patriarchy will always turn women against each other and how that's bad.
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mrs-monaghan · 8 months
Idk content creators on all platforms give their account as a free breeding ground for JM antis. I've seen videos filled with Jimin hate but zero action from account owner, that's what happens when you give followes, clout and likes more importance that artist you apparently love and stan. I have a youtube account with a video hit 1M+ views. I have Jimin, Jikook, Jikook analysis edits which WILL invite all sorts of Jikook antis but still I filter all comments DAILY and delete/block antis. It's not at all difficult for me to be accountable for the contents i put out and protect the artists in that video. I dont even leave it in channel thinking some other jkk will give them answers, it's just a click of delete button. Simple.
I've been asked by that breed why I'm deleting their comments and I delete that too lol. So I don't understand how these so called ot7 channels are giving a platform for antis without a guilt feeling.
Because deep down they also hate Jimin.
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If u truly are ot7 it would hurt you to see people shit on a member and u wouldn't prioritise engagement and views over that. Especially on copyrighted shit where u aint even making any money. Thats why I love this dude.
He is proper ot7 and definitely a Jikooker. He acts like he's not a Jikooker, but he definitely is. 🤭🤭
Because he reacts to other members, its not just Jikookers who visit his channel. So when he reacted to letter
The comment section was full of JK solos talking about how Jimin needed JK and used him for clout. Right. On a hidden track that wasn't even on streaming platforms. That makes sense ig 🙄🙄
Anyway, loads of antis showed up. I know this because I was all over that comment section fighting them. N Of course some other people too. You know what he did? Exactly what u just said. He deleted all the negative rude ass comments. Each and every one of them. Yet he still left those of us who were replying so some comments were not making sense and I found that so funny 😂😂😂 (he never deletes "shipping" comments either. Sometimes even likes them 🤭)
Idk what the situation is rn but I remember at the time being so impressed and wondering why more people don't do this shit. So anon you are right on the money with that one, for sure.
It would be so easy to deny antis a voice but I'm not sure what OT7 even means anymore 😒
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chim-chim1310 · 11 months
I'm not a jungkook anti. But I'm a hardcore jimin stan i wouldn't tolerate all this sabotage.
All these are my opinions as a fan. You can have your own opinion but don't tell me what to feel.
Yesterday some hashtags were trending against jungkook and hybe. And armies were going bonkers.
I think the hashtags against the company are well deserved. I would even say, f*cking destroy bangpd. I hate him with every bone of my body. You have no idea.
When jimin was accused of all this during face it was a completely different situation. Because jimin didn't get any of that shit and people were still shitting on him like always. Whereas jungkook DID get everything that goes against bts morals and I don't think this should be ignored or taken lightly.
If jimin actually got even half of what jungkook got, armies would have teared him apart. They still are so insecure because they know jimin have the potential to go beyond the group. Even hybe is scared about that. That's why the moment jimin achieved #1 on billboard Hot100, they immediately started working on seven for jungkook.
They planned the #1 for jungkook but poor them, jimin ruined their plans. That's why they were so bitter to jimin.
Yeah I used to ship jikook. In fact I still ship them sometimes. But for me it's mostly for fun. Jimin has always been more important to me than the ship. And I won't let a ship, that's not even confirmed, cloud my judgement against everything bad that is happening to jimin.
During face it was like the whole universe was working against him and now suddenly everything is working for jungkook during seven? Literally paying to make him succeed. How pathetic. Didn't they even have a little bit of trust in jungkook? Or did they believe that jungkook would never be able to surpass jimin organically?
Honestly if jungkook didn't get all this special treatment and still his song did so well. Then I would've been so happy for him. Because he would've done that on his own merit with his own hardwork not by money or company push and fraud. But everything that he's getting for that mediocre ass song is so f*cking unfair when an amazing song like 'Like crazy' didn't get even half of it.
I'm not saying that jimin should get all this too. But what I'm saying is if no other member got it, jungkook shouldn't have it too. If every other member's success was organic then jungkook's should've been too.
If jungkook did all this on his own merit and hardwork without paying or without the western push then we wouldn't even be arguing about it and just praise jungkook.
I'm sorry but I can't take him seriously when he's not given me one reason to do so. Where is his artistry? Wasn't he supposed to be the golden maknae? Why is he the only one who needs thousands of people and all those fraudulent things to make himself successful? Doesn't he trust himself even a little? Doesn't hybe trust him to have an organic success?
Now I'm not saying that you should hate jungkook and trend hashtags. But at least hold him accountable when he's wrong.
He's not a fucking kid. He's not a rookie. He's been in this industry for ten f*cking years so don't come and tell me he doesn't know what's going on. He knows exactly how his song is gonna be promoted and still he agreed to it. It's not wrong to be ambitious. But he knows payola and everything else that bts stood against for, will be used to promote his songs and he still did it. If you think he doesn't know all this then you're either naive or just totally ignorant.
He ruined bts morals, he ruined it by using all this and I think he should be held accountable for this. If it was jimin all the armies must've been barking by now. Because it's always easy for them to hate jimin. Because jimin is their punching bag when he's the sweetest person ever. He doesn't deserve this.
During face literally every kpop stan on this planet got together to hate on jimin. Using SA, r*pe jokes and what not. Why is it that whenever jimin is involved these haters go straight to r*pe jokes? Do they realize how sensitive that matter is? I can't even imagine jimin reading these types of tweets. I hope to God he doesn't.
Anyways what I'm saying is that armies are a f*cking bunch of hypocrites. Just because it's jungkook, the fandom fav, who everyone token stans it's not a problem. But if it was jimin he would be accused of sleeping with bandpd and 🛴.
Whenever pjm calls armies out that they're not defending jimin. Armies are like 'Oh I usually don't see such hate on my timeline' and 'Oh I think we should ignore it.' But when it's the fandom fav, jk and tae then suddenly they see everything on their timeline and suddenly things shouldn't be ignored.
Like when I was listening to seven and when it ended I just sat there and wondered 'This is the song they were hyping so much? Is this what they invested in? '
Like it's just some random a*s song. It feels like we've heard such types of songs multiple times from multiple artist. Literally there's nothing iconic about this song and it's average at it's best and 🛴 was hyping this?!!
It's funny to me because they really sat in the studio heard that song and were like yeah... "This is the iconic song of the year" I mean give me a f*'king break. Every success of this song will be because they paid their way through it.
And they really preferred to invest in THIS song instead of the gem 'Like crazy'. Like even comparing this mediocre song to like crazy sounds like disrespect. I thought jungkook was talented and artistic but seriously dude? What is this? 'Monday, tuesday, Wednesday....' Like you liked this? MV was the only tolerable thing about this single.
I mean if they so badly wanted to invest in Jungkook at least would've given him a good song. But then if they actually gave him a good song they wouldn't have to pay for it to succeed.
Like jungkook is going against everything bts stood for and armies are ignoring it just because it's jungkook when they would've been dragging jimin to filth if it was him and I don't even want to imagine the SA insults they would've been pulling over jimin.
Like jimin worked his ass off for f*cking 10 months!!! And like crazy got 9 days promo and got treated like shit and sabotaged by his own company because they didn't want jimin to be more successful than jungkook. B*tch if jimin was successful then YOU were the ones who would've been profited. He's literally your artist too. Idiots.
But jungkook literally just lounged on his couch, drinking, sleeping on live and suddenly after watching jimin's success he decided to take the song hybe gave him on a silver platter, agreed even after knowing the way it would be promoted.
He blatantly copied jimin's concept photos, during performance he literally looked like another jimin, copying his styles, outfits, hairstyle even. And now he's even copied some steps from like crazy choreo. Like wow. Looks like an obsession to me. I mean I used to find jk copying jimin funny but God it's not funny anymore. Doesn't jungkook have a personality of his own? Why did he just blatantly copy Jimin. Like come on no one can deny the eerie similarities. What I don't understand is why. Why is he doing this? Was this always like this? Did he always copy jimin to this extent? Idk.
Face was a masterpiece. Jimin poured his heart out in that album. It was personal to him and it was amazing. Like actually pleasant to hear. But now a mediocre song with trash lyrics got everything that it never deserved. Like this is total fraud dude.
I already hated the company. But jungkook? What is wrong with you man? Doesn't he himself have a conscience? Doesn't he feel like every member had their achievements without these fraudulent methods? Doesn't he see jimin and think that jimin got that #1 on billboard hot100 despite the sabotage and no company push? Wasn't he like I should achieve this on my merit too.
He wanted to get that western validation. It's not wrong. If he wants to be more popular than good there's nothing wrong with that. But then he should do it on his own f*cking merit and not by the company paying money for him to succeed. How disappointing seriously.
Just a few days ago armies were hating on jennie saying that she wants western validation just because she starred in Idol. And now they're radio silent when their own fav jungkook is the one seeking western validation even celebrating his success which is obviously not his own.
Like he didn't put his creativity in it at all. He listened to the song, gave his voice and learned a few dance steps. He didn't write the song, didn't participate in the making of the song except for giving his voice and for the concept photos he just recycled jimin's ideas from face era.
It's not unusual to not have written your own song and it's ok, not everyone have that talent, it's completely fine, but to praise jungkook as if he made the whole song. That's wrong. Also not to forget the way armies used to laugh at other groups because they didn't write their own songs. Hypocrite much?
What's wrong is wrong. People shouldn't hate on jungkook but at least hold him accountable because he knows real well what is going on and how he's being promoted. He went against bts' morals and he should be held accountable for that.
And the company should be held accountable for the blatant favouritism and for paying their way to the top. And for jimin's sabotage.
I'm a jimin stan and i won't tolerate all this. Armies are good for nothing. There's no strong hate towards the hyung line anyways. But in case of maknae line armies only come out when it is to defend their fave jk and tae. They ignore jimin's hate completely and even sometimes they themselves tweet something shady about him. But then use jimin's achievement to shove down other artists' throats.
I'm actually glad Jimin has a strong fanbase who are willing to go to lengths to support jimin. Jimin deserves this support from his fandom. Pjms are enraged since the sabotage started and it was inevitable that they would burst some day.
The more jimin is being sabotaged the more pjms are realizing that armies are good for nothing and jimin only has pjms. I'm glad pjm are there to protect him and fight for him. Jimin deserves a strong, devoted fan base. I love pjms for that.
This became too long but I just wanted to pour out my frustrations.
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causesciencethatswhy · 5 months
Um i disagree on the point that members don't know how deep this shipping or solo shit goes cause taehyung is pretty deep in fandom cause he posts arts from accounts, has showed jm the moon tatto thing, jk used tiktok and every sns in this fandom is dominated by tk shippers be it any. I can bet all my money that all the members have seen worst of their shipping stuff than this. Like i know for a fact that even jm knows about it too. They knows they just don't react cause it might make a big deal so they just let it be.
The comapny also don't care about shippers much cause these delulu tkkrs are the ones that are also giving them some millions of money so why would they when they're making money? They gave tkklives her account back. You have people in that company just to keep the sns safe for boys and make sure people who defame them get's punished but you have all these accounts with big following defaming boys in the name of shipping.
This will sound rude now but mark my words tkkrs are beyond repair now and in future it will be jk, tae and their respective partners that are gonna get the end of their hate. Their partners are gonna get all the unnecessary hate from these shippers and neither the members nor anyone else would be able to do anything about it mark my words. They should have stopped them when it was time but now it's too late and at the end it's taekook that's gonna pay for it.
You're creating a causation= correlation link where there isn't one necessarily. Tae can easily come across pretty jimin fanart or ai art, without being in the trenches of shipping or army spaces (especially with all the plethora of art reposter accounts there are) Jk having tiktok in no way guarantees that he's coming across egregious shippers when most accounts he engages with are either meme accounts or dancers. Just because they have a presence on the internet that we can't exactly track, doesn’t mean than we can take the assumption that all the boys are aware of how deeply messed up the shipping spaces run.
With respect to hybe taking action, I agree that they need to start taking these shippers antis more seriously, especially on the non Korean sides, because most of the claims those accounts make could very well amount to defamation but their lax approach tells me that they either don't see them as a threat or are unable to take much action against perpetrators outside of SK, which we know has been an issue before.
As for tae and jungkook shutting down shippers more, they already have anon?? "Get out of your imagination, it's not good in there ", are Taehyung's own words, but was that good enough for the shippers, no? They found a niche alternative translation to satisfy their delusions or just straight up pretend it didn’t happen. People often accuse tae of ramping up tkkrs esp in chap 2, but its just been moments of him sharing about his interactions with jk, how is it his responsibility if tkkrs have run with it to be terrible to jm/jennie? Saying that he's "feeding these shippers" by simply talking about jk sounds strangely reminiscent of what tkkrs used to say about jm a few years back, but whatever.
As for jk, he's shut down tkkrs many times last year itself, what with his weirded out look into the camera when asked whether he's living with tae and many more examples which I'm not that interested in listing out. But does any of that, stop tkkrs? No.
I agree that tkkrs are beyond repair and it might create serious problems for any partners tae or jk might introduce, but you cannot in good faith put the onus of responsibility on the both of them for the way their shippers act. Its too victim blamey for me. I will hold tae a little responsible for reposting that account without checking, just solely because he has a bigger platform than most, but I'm not going to accuse him of being some secret terrible person for the actual content on those blogs.
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hxhhasmysoul · 5 months
Happy holiday.... What do you think that made Yuuji is so likeable as a character? I've only been in the JJK fandom for a year, and I've seen a lot of other JJK characters' stan. But one thing in common, they all love Yuuji and mostly will include him in their top 5 fav JJK charas (including me :D)...
Also, extra kudos cause your blog is anti-gojo. Most of my moots love him and can't stop talking about him. I already tell them that I don't really like him (actually I hate him), they're okay but still so into him. So I'm so happy when I found your blog.
What do you think that made gojo so famous? Is it the pretty face and bad personality (I'm still confused until now)....? I dislike gojo kinda like I dislike dazai from BSD. They're both called "The one who stole the spotlight from the protagonist" (by my animanga group)....
I hope your holidays were nice! And everything best in the new year :D Thank you for the ask.
I think Yuuji is likable because he's very relatable. There's this post about how much we learn about him in the first few chapters and it clearly shows how there are just layers to him from the very start. How it's not easy for him to make close friends he can open up to but he tries. How he deals with family issues. How he is towards strangers.
There's this very strong humanity to Yuuji, he has super powers but he's extremely normal and human about it. He's such a contrast to the jujutsu society he enters where most sorcerers are so detached from the normies. Nanami isn't as detached, neither is Miwa. And Nobara isn't fully detached either. That is probably why Yuuji connects with her so closely, closer than with Megumi who's very steeped into the whole jujutsu ideology.
And as the story progresses we see Yuuji dehumanised, insulted and targeted. We see him trying to constantly reconcile his values with his new reality, we see him try not to lose himself when everyone tries to tell him he's wrong. When actually he's the one sane, the one that hasn't instrumentalised human life.
Yeah, this is a safe space for those who aren't in the Gojou cult. I think my main problem with Gojou is the dissonance between who Gojou is and what he actually stands for or does in the manga, and what a lot of his fans think he is. Also the fact that like two times his fans came at me and actively tried to evangelise the cult of Gojou to me. And like, I've never gone to anyone and tried to convince them to love Kenjaku or Sukuna, or even Yuuji XD
I think Gojou's looks contribute a lot to his popularity, something I personally don't understand, I find the white haired blue eyed anime boy ugly. But Gojou also has very flashy powers. And he's shipped with his friend turned antagonist, and it was all very dramatic and sad.
I think in JJK not only Gojou steals not exactly the spotlight from Yuuji... I don't know how to call it. But Megumi and Yuuta do it too.
My experience with this fandom is that a lot of the fans don't get what JJK is about and what kind of story it is. And they want to squeeze JJK into a certain stereotype of what a shounen manga is supposed to be.
So in that stereotype a shounen manga is one where a very special boy fights (sometimes metaphorically because it's for example football XD) his way through progressively stronger opponents to achieve his goal. The goal can be noble and grand or very personal. The boy also accrues friends along the way who help him fight somewhat but like the boy fights against the boss of the arc. And generally the plot revolves around him and happens around him.
Which some shounen surely are, I'm not super well versed in any genre, but from what I vaguely remember from trying to watch Dragon Ball a long time ago it had that kinda vibe... I wouldn't bet money on my memory of that though. Chainsaw Man also had that vibe to me, and Demon Slayer and Blue Lock - as much as I've seem of those titles.
It's just that I don't even know how statistically relevant that stereotype is. Hunter x Hunter isn't like that, neither is Hell's Paradise. Full Metal Alchemist leans that way at times but isn't really that.
And JJK isn't like that either. It's a story driven by its antagonists - Kenjaku, elders, recently Sukuna- and not its protagonist. It actively deconstructs the myth of the strongest Gojou is as much a product and a problem of the jujutsu society as Sukuna is. People talk that loneliness is the theme in JJK because recently Sukuna's fan club was asking him to cure theirs and he did, for all of them. But what people forget that the theme of loneliness as a motivator started with Yuuji. But the loneliness isn't the only theme. There's this huge discussion of what society should be, what is the place of jujutsu in society and in the world and Kenjaku and Yuuji are at the centre of that. There's the theme of the value of human life that Yuuji is the point of view character for, Nanami, Higuruma and Megumi occasionally chip into that but it's always in the context of Yuuji. There's a huge theme of bodily autonomy in JJK that connects many characters but Yuuji is very much central to it, together with Kenjaku and Yuuji's personal foil Mahito.
Also Yuuji isn't what you'd call a stereotypical shounen protagonist, he's much closer to a stereotypical shoujo protagonist and when you realise that, when you realise what the themes of JJK are, you see that there is no other protagonist of JJK. I'm linking to the ask where I outlined that.
So I think people who talk about Yuuta or Gojou being main characters actually just like these guys and are wowed by their super hyper flashy techniques and don't give much of a shit about what most of the manga is about. With Megumi I think it's because he's a pretends he's an intellectual and says these fake deep broody things while the close up is on his lashes. I mean his technique is super strong and flashy too... when Sukuna uses it because Sukuna is a jujutsu nerd and he actually knows how to use it XD
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ladymorghul · 4 months
It's really funny that Helaemond is still so hated by many greens and is often mentioned as a possible reason that could even make them stop watching the show. Ofc, I doubt they would stop watching it, they're mostly being dramatic. But still, making Helaemond canon by the showrunners would be, apparently, the worst thing ever🙄 and would irreparably ruin the greens.
However, these haters almost always ignore the fact that if any ship could ruin or seriously harm not only the greens but the show in general, it's Rh*enicent. And I really have an impression that the showrunners' idea of Rh*enicent is the one most TB fans have: the one where Alicent is constantly apologetic and subservient to Rhaenyra at the expense of her own family. Idk if those leaks are true, but even the possibility of Alicent and Rhaenyra's meeting at Dragonstone in the season finale irritates me. And the funny thing is, it really could happen given the show's nonsensical pushing of the ship that lost any meaning after the time skip. The seeds are unfortunately planted in episodes 8 and 9. But no, Helaemond is the biggest problem for the greens' storylines, according to my fellow greens. Right. Honestly, even though I would really like to see Helaemond happen on screen (in my version of Helaemond the children are still Aegon's, at least the twins), I don't have much hope anymore. I'm almost sure, however, that we'll see a lot of Rh*enicent inspired nonsense. I mean, what indelible harm could Helaemond possibly do to the greens? Imo it could (if done right ofc) only give more depth and complexity to Helaena and Aemond's characters. If the children's paternity and legitimacy is the problem for the antis (since some of green fans desperately want Helaena to be morally superior to Rhaenyra and a good and faithful wife™️ to Aegon no matter what) the children could still be Aegon's because Helaemond doesn't automatically mean that Jaehaerys and Jaehaera are Aemond's bastards. And Rh*enicent? I don't see how it could be good for the show since it would only further ruin Alicent for the reasons I mentioned above and wouldn't be helpful to Rhaenyra's character either. The pushing of that ship will only perpetuate the "evil patriarchy, evil men, poor manipulated women" narrative, which is honestly quite insulting and oversimplified for the story like this. And still, even Rh*enicent is more welcome in green spaces than Helaemond. Why, I'll never understand.
Sorry for this long rant.
you are so right and i very much agree with everything you said. everyone who follows my blog knows that i talked about this a million times and i did acknowledge and address some of the fears the greens have when it comes to helaemond but it's also hard to ignore the double standard and hypocrisy, just like you point out.
also rhaen*cent isn't just welcomed in green spaces, a huge chunk of the greens fandom ships them which is laughable for them to then turn around and talk about how helaemond would ruin the greens. rhaen*cent, from green fandom pov, doesn't even get 1/10 of the shit helaemond gets.
as for hopes for helaemond... i would write it off completely yet. unlike the fans of one certain ship who always claim they know what will happen, i can't claim the same. i'm not a writer for the show, i don't know what they have planned, but i have a feeling there could be a possibility of more helaemond in season 2. personally i will wait and see, these writers are not exactly consistent so who knows what to expect for them but if anything helaemond in season 1 was written with clear romantic subext and intent.
when it comes to rhaen*cent, we will certainly see more of it. they are very set on focusing on this ship so i fully expected it to be central to the story going forward, regardless of whether i like it or not. it sucks from many povs but i am fully aware that the writers are committed to this.
the claim that they'll stop watching if helaemond is canon... i mean it's their choice and they should do so if they want to but it's amusing because first of all, a lot of them will tune in regardless and this is all bark (remember when people were saying they won't watch hotd because of got s8? right...), but even if they don't, they are a very small portion of hotd audience and it won't really matter.
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
Exactly storm
Taekookers being nasty af towards Jimin and Jkkrs are very wierd to Tae. I saw many jkkrs here saying they are not same as tkkrs..yes I agree. But, if we look back to 6-7 years before Taekookers were not nasty like this to JM. Slowly all those conspiracy theories piled up + lack of Tkk moments made them Rabid shippers.
Jkkrs are at starting stage. Just a few years before Jkkrs didn't had any problems with tae nor tkk, if anything they were happy when JM made Tkk rekindle their friendship. But now they have some conspiracy theory + lack of Jkk moments which made them to be wierd to Tae. Unlike last year, this year they got brave enough to publicly post it on their main acct. So Maybe after 1-2 years we will see Jkkrs turning to rabit shippers as well.
None of us know Tae or JM or Jk than they knows each other. I LOVE LOVE LOVE THE HECK OUT OF JM. Even if I find some of tae's behavior wierd regarding Shipping who am I to publicly criticise him when the person I love the most is seen talking to Tae happily ? Now I just used tae's name as an example, we all may have some moments with all members we might not agree with, it natural..but I always look at jimin. If he's fine, I'm fine too.
Tkk came together + Vmin were talking to each other + Jkk had few moments + they all were standing together. So who am I to decide how they should act with their friend ? Who am I to say one is being shady there ? Who am I to say one is using another for FS ?
Also I hope Jkkrs will stop obsessing over tkkrs. None of it will make them stop hating JM, none of will make Vminkook hate each other, none of it makes a ship more real. Just report and block, more you spend energy on them, more you get done with everything. Just sit back and enjoy their music and bonds. It's so easy and make Fandom experience 10x better.
.... I mean yes. But like, where were essays like this one 2 from everyone on anon (to me or literally to anyone else) when I said literally the exact same thing basically, said I would block people for anti behavior, and was therefore attacked. Called a bad/fake "jikooker" and army? Yeah... idk. 1 to 2 years? Yeah, I think you should move that timeline WAYYY up honestly. I said a few months ago if things don't start getting called out, if things don't start changing, the jikooker community will be heading down the same direction tkkrs did. I said 2 months ago that people asked how tkkrs got as bad as they did and what happened there. That they have their answer and are witnessing it happen to jikookers in real time now. I stand by that. That's what happening here now. And if it continues down this direction.... it will just get worse until jikookers ARE exactly like tkkrs. Just like I used to try defending against by all the anti shippers who used to say that. It's a dark path jikookers are standing at the start of. If they ignore the warning signs and continue to walk it anyway, we all know where it's going. Or we should by now. I want no part of it any longer. I tried, I was attacked horribly for WEEKS for my efforts, by "jikookers" people who claimed they "used to love me". 🙄 So now I'm here for BTS and BTS only. And essays like this, after time has passed, after no one felt the need to say anything before this, idk. Idk the word I'm looking for, but it's not pleasing. Even though I AGREE with you for the most part and none of this is directed at you specifically, just everything and everyone in general. Sorry, I just can't bring myself to feel anything other than "yeah, that's what I said a while ago. And look how that turned out." Idk, I'm just down to "I told you so's" which feels petty and not quite accurate of my feelings either. So it is what it is. But I do encourage everyone else to sit on how you are actually feeling about everything more and think about it all for yourselves. Not what I or any other blogger is saying about it. And remember what it is that drew you to BTS for the first place and why you are ARMY. I'm here because I love them as people and I love their music. 💜
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userpeggycarter · 9 months
your 'won't reblog' list is so funny imagine being a loser who hates fun that much. imagine being such a sad little butt baby you can't interact with anyone who likes things you don't. couldn't be me!
wow. i don't even know where to begin.
it's kinda hilarious that **I** am the sad little butt baby but you're the one having a meltdown in my inbox? being butthurt because a stranger has a "won't reblog" section in their about page????? do you have self awareness??? read that second to last sentence I just typed again. read it. HOW CAN YOU NOT GET IT???? 😱
second of all, the "won't reblog" section is a guideline for tagging me on posts. i don't reblog that stuff for a reason. it's not a DNI. in fact, I do interact with people who reblog and make content about (some of) that stuff listed in my blog because the morals of media consumption are complicated and very personal. some things i draw a very hard line on, some i don't. let me explain each of those "forbidden media" in my blog for you in basic terms like I'm talking to a child (because i am):
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Wizarding World: JK Rowling is a TERF, an antisemite and a racist. i thought this one was self-explanatory. it's 2023 ffs
MCU!Maximoffs are white-washed, anti-romani and very antisemitic. google that stuff if you don't know. next question. (i did reblog a MCU Wanda gifset recently btw, but a mutual tagged me on it and i felt awkward ignoring it, but when that happens i tag those posts with #mcu wanda because some people blacklist that tag and for good reason. also it's a subtle way to say I'm not okay with her. i wish these awkward situations didn't happen but they do and i like to support creators, despite your allegations that i don't.
starker is a p*do ship. thorki is inc*st. duh
ngl reylo is not necessarily problematic i just think it's lame lol maybe it shouldn't be on the list because all of that other stuff has serious problems (IN MY OPINION!)
red/orange/color-washed content is racist if done with POC (and it's even a bad look if you're dealing with white people, to a lesser extent ofc)
i don't need to explain johnny depp do i? christ
henry cavill dated a teenager. google it
the last of us's creator is anti palestine and pro genocide.
elizabeth olsen said the G slur on air in the Graham Norton show AFTER he told her it was a slur!!!!!!!!!!! again google it.
gal gadot is also anti palestine. remember the IDF cunt post? iconic
taylor swift: same thing with reylo, i'm just not interested in her, even though she's not exactly a saint either... but honestly i put TS on the list mostly because most of the gifmaker community loves her and i was worried people would tag me on TS content and that would be an uncomfortable situation, because i don't like to ignore tagged posts but also i like to have boundaries/preferences, even though YOU deem them silly or stupid (like if that's your right to do so lmao alexa play toxic by britney spears)
i'm betting money it was the taylor swift thing that pissed you off lol maybe mcu wanda???? both?
stolen/reposted content is also self-explanatory right? or are you that stupid? considering the tantrum i think you are but hope springs eternal i guess...
LAST, but not least, i'm gonna end on a positive note because unlike you I'm not a cunt (derogatory). I'm gonna address your first message here:
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listen, i get it. i get frustrated with notes too. the grass is always greener and there's always a bigger fish i guess. you envy me and i envy other creators bigger than me. but we shouldn't do that. first of all, it's not a competition. my "success" (it's tumblr at the end of the day... silly stuff!) is not a threat to you or anyone else. people can reblog my gifs and yours, they don't have to pick a creator. unfortunately, tumblr has been suffering from lack of interaction lately and it's just getting worse. all creators are complaining about it. creators of different sizes and different niches, btw. we complain in private and in public. and what tumblr does in return? text posts complaining about us complaining get 50k notes in a day. it's tough. we shouldn't be treated this way, even though no one is obliged to reblog stuff and we aren't owed notes. but it's natural and fair to feel sad about lack of recognition and complain about. tumblr's lack of engagement is going to kill the website, but that's a conversation to another day.
i want to end with this:
you need to create because you want to create. you need to create because you want to get better at your craft. recognition is good and it's natural to want and feel upset about the lack of it, but it shouldn't kill your creative spirit. social media has poisoned our brains. 50 notes might not sound a lot but imagine 50 people in real life complimenting you. you might be someone's favorite creator. you might be a niche creator who is carrying your community on your back and people in that niche are so grateful for you, even though they don't say that. because unfortunately, hate speaks louder than love. case in point, this hate mail. for every one of you out there, there must be 10 people who like my work. but i never hear from them and that sucks, but i must believe that they exist and be thankful for them. sometimes people will recognize my hard work and i'm very grateful for those moments. they do motivate me, but they aren't the only thing that motivates me. making posts i wanna reblog but won't exist until i make them motivates me. getting better at my craft motivates me. making friends because of my craft motivates me. knowing i'm entertaining people (even though they're very silent about their appreciation of my work) motivates me. tumblr is a social media platform and social media is made by its users. if anyone stopped posting, there wouldn't be anything to do here. my gifset might not change the trajectory of someone's day (sometimes it does!), but it's my drop of water alongside thousands of other drops of water from other users that make this ocean that we all swim in. don't give up. keep making gifs. you will get better at them. people will follow you. you will get more notes. might not be enough followers or enough notes in your opinion, but we shouldn't put a number on our value.
and let me tell you a secret: when your goal is numbers, you're never satisfied. believe me, i learned this lesson. i thought i would be happy with hundreds of followers. then i got hundreds of followers. suddenly they weren't enough, i wanted thousands of followers now. and then i got them. guess what? i still seek validation through numbers (google David Foster Wallace's This is Water btw). but it will never be enough because you are now and i was then looking at the wrong solution to the problem. i need to FEEL enough, not be told by numbers or people that I'm enough. I'm the one that decides that. and i am enough. I'm good, even. hell, I'm great. and in theory, so do you, but god that attitude... it ain't it. it will only cause you pain. and worse, it's causing you to try to cause pain in others. isn't that sad? isn't that shameful? i do say try because newsflash pussycat, it didn't work. i was baffled by your hate (thankfully i don't get a lot of hate around here!), but i wasn't hurt. because I'm not threatened by your perception of me. because it's superficial, childish, hateful, you name it. i know myself. i love myself. in the words of my beloved URL namesake, i know my value. do you know yours? it doesn't seem like you do. and that type of attitude only lessens your value, babe. this is not getting you anywhere in tumblr or worse, in life.
this would be the moment in which i would wish you the best, but you know what? fuck you. i hope you get no notes until eternity. but in case an innocent person is reading this and is also battling with their self-worth due to tumblr notes: i wish you the best. don't give up.
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sapphire-weapon · 11 months
I used to draw for other small/rare ships (apparently I'm drawn to those kind of ships lol), only one of them got huge enough after they were given some time alone in the manga which got the ship more talented and known creators and amazing fan art.
Unfortunately it also got more hate on since it was a ship that "got in the way" of other huge popular ships and going through the tag got annoying bc the haters tagged every post shitting on the previously rare pairing, plus if you reblogged or made content for it they would harass you. I just blocked everyone sending me hate lmao.
Lots of people now hate Leon/Ashley but I think this increased hatred also shows how the haters can see that it is a thing now unlike before. They see it as a real threat. You can see the insecurity in some of those antis, it's too obvious and also just sad imo. I don't get why antis take shipping too seriously like they're not even having fun anymore and that's supposed to be the point, no?
Truth is I've seen so many Leon/Ashley fans online and even irl, Reddit for example loves it and Remake Ashley is a fan favorite now. A lot of them are more casual fans that maybe don't engage that deeply with fanon (which tbh is the smart thing to do).
Finally I have to say your blog and the amazing fic writers have inspired me to go back to drawing fan art and just creating content for Ashley/Leon or EagleOne. :)
Since this is my new otp and the only thing I love shipping rn I'm also just creating a new blog for that purpose. I'm not an amazing artist I'm just an amateur but I'll try to do something soon when I'm less busy. I'll absolutely tag it as EagleOne. Hopefully I can motivate others to do the same.
anon what the fuCK i got all emotional reading this wyd 😭
i know that the antis are coming from a place of insecurity, which is why their arguments are so disingenuous (i finally found the "the devs went out of their way to make sure that leon and ashley weren't seen as romantic" tweet and hoo boy the desperation is stinky) -- and that's also why i don't engage with them. as easy and perhaps fun as it would be to just QRT it and be like "oh it makes sense now, you're all using text to speech because you don't actually know how to read" there's no point in doing that.
i said it a while ago, but i want to say it again for good measure -- i don't want us to become them. my humble goal for eagleone fandom is to be a haven for ppl. we've been the black sheep of this fandom for so long, and aeons are still accusing us of being predators or someshit (idk i'm only semi-fluent in delusional) that i feel like we all have an obligation to stay humble now that capcom's given us a fairy tale version of RE4 where our ship is the front-and-center romance and people are finally actually being drawn to the ship. no one knows how bad this fandom can get better than eagleone folk, so it's on us to not do unto others what has been done unto us.
idk maybe that's just my whole jewish "because you were slaves in egypt..." mindset coming out but
i want us to be a place where people can just come and hang out and make friends over our shared love for resident evil. i know that i have serennedy and cleon and chreon and metaltango people all following me, and i love all of them dearly and i'm happy that we've all found each other. i feel like that's what fandom should be.
that's why i don't fight with aeons out in the open. i don't want to become them. i'll swing back if they ever come here (though i hope valuable lessons were learned the last time someone tried to come in here swinging and i took them out in exactly two responses LMAO), but i don't want to go out picking fights and i don't want any of y'all to do it either.
so it makes me feel really warm and fuzzy and happy to hear that i've inspired you in some way. i know that our little corner of the fandom over here on tumblr is small, and i know that i don't exactly have the kind of welcoming personality that will give me any sort of real platform in this fandom (at least, not like the one i had back in the day when i was a fake ass bitch LMAO), but to know that i've made at least a little difference is everything for me.
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
violent ask game... 8, 10 and 12 pls? :)
Also... don't be scared, fandom is not half as violent as people imply... most of the time :)
Hello there! Thanks for these! 😄
8.) common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Hmmm! My mind sort of immediately jumps to anti-shipping 😂 That's the biggest thing I would say is common to see that I would also call wrong. The only thing people's reading/writing preferences tell you is that they enjoy reading or writing that thing. That's it. No one's a bad person for reading/writing content that makes you uncomfortable.
10.) worst part of fanon
Gosh. Partly I think confusing fanon for canon but, specifically, when people are wrong and want to argue about it. Now I will admit I'm a big lover of "Snape as Draco's godfather." I know some people don't like it, and I understand why they don't, but I will eat it up like candy! However: I know it's not canon. Also: I'm not gonna fight anyone about it. AND: on the off chance I did spout nonsense and found out I was wrong, I wouldn't double down. I'd go fact check myself and be like "oops my bad, you right." It's bad enough when people wanna get up in arms over fandom of all things, but it's worse when you're doing it when you're WRONG.
12.) the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
This feels weird because I'm obviously in the Snapedom and am surrounded by much Snape love, but...I feel like he's a character people either love or hate with very little in between.
I stumble upon Snaters in the wild and get my feelings hurt because Severus Snape was my first love. (I read the books when I was like 7 and it was love at first sight, okay?) (And I turn 31 on Monday, if that tells you anything.)
Reddit post: "List of Reasons Snape is the WORST" me: yeah I know, don't you see why I love him??
For me it's sort of twofold. The best reason I can probably sell people with is that he's a complex character. The complexity gets lost a bit when people are so hellbent on painting the portrait of a "tragic hero" or a "terrible villain." Our man has layers, okay? Like an onion.
Is he nasty and rude and cruel? Yep. Is he also intelligent and passionate and devoted? Also yep. Did he do some really fucked up shit? Yep. Did he also do some really good deeds? Also yep. This man runs the dang spectrum! Join some blood supremacists? Yikes. Die in the war effort to save the world? Okay that part I don't want to talk about, I'm still not over it.
He had horrible, terrible things happen to him. He grew up in poverty. He was in a neglectful, if not abusive environment. He was bullied in school, and sexually assaulted. But he wasn't a "good" victim, see. He wasn't a sweet lil fella. He wasn't fragile; he was sharp. And he wasn't exactly likable; which made all attacks on him seemingly "excusable." So yeah, we can see why he went down a dark path. It's not okay by any means, but surely one can understand it.
And when it came down to it, he changed his mind. A lot of people nowadays can't do that. It's hard to change your ways, and say "hey I was wrong, I'm turning away from this now." But he did. And he put himself in danger to spy on Voldemort. And yeah, this very traumatized dude went on to traumatize other people. Hurt people hurt people, as they say. But he tried. He gave so much of his time and his life to righting his wrongs.
His life was spent in suffering. All the abuse he endured. The disdain. Then his own self-hatred when he realized where he went wrong. And those wounds never healed. He was forever haunted by his pain, and by his mistakes.
Which sort of leads me to my second point: he's not perfect. He's not an easy person to love. But he's so terribly human. He's just a man who was put through the crucible time and again. He wasn't perfect. He never became this handsome, flawless gentleman. There is so much to him! There is enough to judge and hate, sure, but there's also plenty to love. And this is such a strong case of....people aren't all good or bad. His good and his bad are both so clear! And I can't get enough of it, I stg. I love this man. Truly just adore him.
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ELRIEL and elain stans are calling gwyn evil because in that way elain will look like a goddess who is an absolutely the true evil character! and all elriels should burn in hell!!
my mind is blown after reading this kind of statements!!
first of all! i don't know who are those who calls gwyn's SA a lie! but it is not true! and most of us knows it! we have also read the same book and we also know what gwyn has suffered is real!
second thing! where exactly you find that elain is evil? what are those scenes? did she lure someone? was she using someone? no ! she is only tending to her little garden as u people say and occasionally trying to help her family! that's what is written in the book! so where do you found elain is evil?
and whats this childish immature behaviour! if you guys are teenagers stop reading an adult book that you don't even understand! no body is saying that gwyn can't have sex! the fact is the amount of uncomfortable moments she had with azriel since the beginning of the book and the way she is finally learning to be comfortable around him while the so called gwynriel fandom is drawing NSFW ARTS one after other while clearly azriel never showed a single physical desire towards gwyn is really what's making people awkward!
the only woman az wants to do all those things is elain! it's in the book! u can deny the canons as much as you want but stop being so hateful disgusting bitches!!
and it is you people who are making these gwyn the light singer theories to match the light and dark theme of elriel! but you guys should know that light singers are not a good type of people!! that's what cassian said!
so for the time being stop being such hypocrites!!! either choose one statement and stick to it! no one called gwyn evil but those who believe that she is a light singer and that doesn't absolutely means that she is negative! everyone have their flaws no character can be perfect! so she could be a light singer and not compulsory evil..there are many sarah j maas characters that are suspective like Nehemiah, like manon..like lysandra ...they are not negative characters..!! and may be sarah changed her mind on light singer theory and thats why after the completion of the blood rite she send gwyn back to her Library!
if you can't decide which gwyn you are shipping because damn your gwyn is definitely not the canon gwyn! because she has much more self-respect and character that you are even giving her credits for! by glorifying a second hand necklace and a second hand quote for her!! and making her a babysitter for azriel!
and stop using "those people should burn in hell!" for elriels p.s.that's elain's quote so it will be very wrong for anti elain's to use it.
you are not mature enough to read elain's book don't read it! no one is asking for your opinion! you want to villianize elain go for it! you want to change the canon gwyn's character and blend as per your choice to fit your imaginary azriel go for it!! but stop spitting venom and putting false allegations on elriels..and if you want to do so..do it under your personal tag! and stop barking in our asks and comment sections!
no one wants your daily dose of negative! it is ridiculous how people could have so much hatred and negative in them and can spread it in every day basis.. i am tired of watching these negative every morning! go get a life!
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pollyperks · 1 year
honestly I wish huntlow got a kiss just to stick it to the antis. it feels like m/f ships are getting pushed to the side in the show and in the fandom to prioritise same sex ones and it's honestly weird. like they get one kiss and are on their high horse for the rest of it
yeah, i mean, long answer, sorry it took 3 days, but i know i'm personally totally squealing happy with what we got and i'm just ?????? confuzzled over people saying that it could be platonic? because they didn't kiss? does that mean raida is platonic too? no kiss on the lips???? lmao platonic lap sitting but seriously. i'm gay i want representation i'm super happy that lumity got kisses and that raida happened like i'm not bitter at all about those ships being canon i'm super super happy! and the huntlow content we got was freaking adorable. but if they got a kiss then antis would probably find some way to say it was one-sided or non consensual or whatever, WHATEVER ANTIS! anyway, luz is obviously the protag so her romance should take front and center but it does feel a little weird when peeps are like 'omg gus and mattholomule (sp? i don't care enough about him) and omg darius and alador' like that's another confuzzlement when 3 second interaction=canon when it platonic hand holding durrr. but tumblr has always loved its slash shipping so why am i even pretending to be surprised idk
also?????? why do these people not want willow to have things? like, i'm trying to think of another show where the side character who is plus sized (and wow is it ever more acceptable for men to be large!!!!) ends up with the 'bad but sad boy' (or a serious love interest at all ughhhhh don't@me with grenda from gf) like bad boys (i mean, calling hunter 'bad' sort of makes me crack up, but that's how he was introduced and he has the appearance down) usually either end up with the protag or in a love triangle with the protag, not with a character like willow. even if willow is buff as fuck in the timeskip, she's still muscular and of a larger build than the other girls, so i love love love love love that for her and why do people want to say huntlow is platonic when it's super great to have not only that body representation in an animated show but to punch the idea in the face that those characters shouldn't be able to experience love interests like everyone else?
(also hunter's relationship with willow and gus was part of what really pulled him into the group so it makes sense from a writing standpoint if they wanted either of them to have a love interest for it to be with each other)
so yeah idk i haven't seen anyone on their high horse exactly, mostly just people being happy about their ships! and their same sex ships! but the antis are driving me nuts they're not here to be happy about anything they just want to scream about how huntlow sucks and isn't real and i think half the time (and this might be what you were talking about anon) they just don't want it to be canon because it's m/f and that's...why don't they just take their hate and push it somewhere else?
unfortunately we just have to try not to listen and find the good content
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