#not because he's the avatar and super powerful
uhm zukka/zuko/sokka enjoyers would you guys be interested if I were potentially to start posting a fic (on Ao3) I’ve been chipping away at. asking here because I haven’t actually posted on Ao3 before and idk what it’s like over there.
anyway it’s a Zuko centric (but with much Sokka, and appearances from the Gaang (including Suki) and naturally Iroh) hero/villain/vigilante slash modern college au that follows the two boys when they accidentally end up roommates in the same dorm sometime in the equivalent of Season 2 Ba Sing Se and decide to go with it because they both think they can get information from the other. meanwhile in the wacky world of vigilantism Sokka ends up tailing a mysterious vigilante he’s heard is called The Blue Spirit because the guy seems to be active in the area, supposedly saved Aang’s life once, and if he’s a good guy, he could be a useful ally to take down Ozai, corrupt super-powered politician and secret lead of the city’s crime underworld.
Sokka has no powers/bending, Zuko swears up and down that he does (even if he can’t firebend, not like his sister or father or anyone else, even if he can’t really prove it right this second), and I’m working on a superpower system that is largely based on the Avatar spirit world. It’s a relatively slow burn, but we’ll get there, and I will be doing my best to give theatre kid Zuko justice. I’m working on main themes rn but I also hope to dip into sub-themes exploring disability, sexuality, and healing, and there will be an eclipse.
I have the plot outline and various details of the whole story, I’m most (probably?) of the way through Chapter 1 (4000 words and counting), and I’d probably start posting once I finished up the chapter and also decided on a title.
Kataang will also feature relatively canon compliantly :3 and also major character death. mostly temporary but i might change my mind
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misc-obeyme · 1 day
the mammon and solomon romantic surprise post
on my knees begging for the questionable ideas to be shared, I WILL TAKE ANY CONTENT OF THESE TWO
but when you think about it, the most powerful sorcerer and the fourth most powerful demon? If the order went Dia, Barb, Luci, Mammon I mean, he's definitely up there. Second born, Avatar of Greed
the trouble these two could cause ohmygod. The new event has gotten into my head, the fact that they're both villains has got me kicking my feet, I'D JOIN WITHOUT QUESTION SORRY GUYS.
Hmm i wonder what that'd mean for Solomon. Somewhere in S1 Satan says something about if Mammon likes you, you'll find yourself in riches. Solomon seems to never run out of ingredients for magic, always stumbles across rare items or spell books, his circles come out perfect all the time- please I'm hopelessly in love with these two idiots aaaaa
- ✨ anon
NSFW MDNI (just slightly suggestive put putting the label just in case)
All right, well my questionable ideas had to do with Solomon losing control of his magic due to being distracted by thoughts of MC... I just thought that was very unlike him to have his mind so unfocused that he couldn't control his magic. And to think that it was simply thoughts of MC that did it?
It makes me think about what kinds of things also cause such a loss of control.
Not me thinking about all the spells that Solomon could be attempting to cast during sexy times and then what would happen if he lost control of them and they ended up being far more intense than he meant them to to be- nope not thinking about that at all.
In the meantime, Mammon is just overdoing things like he always does and while there's no magic involved, he does it just by being himself.
Get those two together and I'm just imagining some really intense sexcapades lolol. Throw MC into the mix and there's now a lil bit of rivalry, too. Who can outdo who?? But then they end up getting distracted by each other too and in the end everybody's exhausted.
I also LOVE them as villains. I mean, my three top faves are all in the villain team and for that alone I would join them. I mean who doesn't love a good villain right??
And OH I love that Solomon's luck increases when Mammon realizes he has a little crush~ especially because Solomon is super smart and would figure out what that meant almost immediately. He'd know about it and tease Mammon so much until he eventually takes pity on him lol.
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staliaqueen · 1 month
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Mal's Avatar: The Last Airbender rewatch: The Headband 3.02
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inksandpensblog · 6 months
A friend of a friend was doing a Google survey recently on what names the fandom uses for various characters. It included Orange, also known as Second, sometimes shortened to Sec, and occasionally abbreviated as TSC which is understood to stand for The Second Coming.
Participants in the survey were instructed to select, from a list of options, which name they primarily use for each of the characters featured. One of the examples given for clarification is that many people don't refer to Chosen by his full title of "The Chosen One" in regular conversation. Which makes sense. I tend to shorten his name to Chosen in casual conversation, whether speaking or typing; I don't usually abbreviate his name as TCO unless I tag him as such so a post reaches more people.
But what tripped me up was the other example, in reference to Orange: that being, using the name Orange to refer to him in the AvM series, but using the name Second to refer to him in the main AvA series.
...do...do people really do that? Is that how a bunch of you have been doing this?
If so, I'd really like to know why because just hearing about it like this perplexes me.
Does it come from the idea that AvA and AvM are separate timelines, that they don't share continuity? I'd heard that idea mentioned some time ago and, while I admit that the in-story chronology of Alan's videos as a whole is a mess (some information isn't even consistent between multiple videos of the same event, see: King losing his child to a different version of Minecraft in the s3 finale than is shown in the full season compilation), I don't really understand why that's enough to say they're separate continuities.
In my mind, there are too many things that fall apart if we consider these disconnected series featuring different iterations of the characters. If AvA Yellow isn't also AvM Yellow, then there's no explanation for Yellow being able to figure out a way to render a cursor into the outernet in The Showdown, because we never see AvA Yellow working with redstone so his capability has no explanation. If AvM are the only videos you know Purple from, then you won't get why the color gang are friendly with him at the end of The Witch episode because you aren't considering the events of AvLeague.
And I forget where I saw this comment, I think it was on YouTube somewhere, but somebody said that AvA Orange and AvM Orange are practically different characters and- I don't get it?? What did they see that I'm not seeing? Where's the divide? Can someone illuminate it for me???
As far as naming conventions, I do use both names for him and have reasons for which name gets used at which time, but it's not to distinguish between series, because I do believe AvA Orange and AvM Orange to be the same character.
I use the name Second to refer to him at times when his powers are active; specifically, the powers that awoke in full for the first time during The Showdown. This began as a way to demonstrate how his powers seemed to act on their own merit without his conscious input in that episode, since he has no memory of them or of anything he did while they were active. (A bit like ???% for those of you familiar with Mob Psycho 100.) But if such a time comes when he is able to maintain consciousness while his powers are active and use them deliberately, I will still continue to call him by the name Second during those times.
I use the name Orange to refer to him the rest of the time, when his powers either are dormant or are unconsciously active, such as when his drawings self-animate.
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koolades-world · 5 months
How the brother deal with jealousy and a pushy suitor
he knows you would never go behind his back with the lowly demons who grovel at your feet but he can’t help it
for a while, he hangs back and observes, since he knows you’ll get rid of them eventually
but it’s just a matter of how quickly, and I’d that’s too long for his liking
eventually he just comes up behind you, and standing menacingly which usually scares the shit out of whatever poor soul happens to be speaking to you
once they disappear you either lightly scold him for chasing off a friend or playfully roll your eyes at his antics
he is loud and proud about the two of you being an item so he makes sure everyone knows
holding hands, matching outfits, the whole nine yards you get it
anyone brave enough to approach you while he’s attached to your hip is probably a friend, who you don’t let him chase away
everyone else, however, he won’t hesitate to question and subtly tell them to leave before he makes them
he’s usually super smug afterwards but denies everything if you ask
mans is literally the avatar of envy, even the littlest things could trigger a flair up
if your out in public together, especially since he’s shy, will remain glued to your side since you’re the social one
he won’t utter a word unless provoke or if it’s for you, meaning he suddenly gets strangely confident in the face of pushy, unwanted suitors
he might even go as far as to lightly shove them before dragging you away
once he realizes what he just did, he begins to profusely apologize and freak out, so be sure to reassure him with kisses <3
oh lord anyone who sees you anywhere near him understands fully to leave you two alone if they know what’s good for them
but sometimes, he might leave to fetch your drinks or napkins if you’re at a coffee shop, or quickly go pay if it’s a bookstore, leaving a window of town without him
the lone, stupid soul who dared to approach you will be in for a world of pain in a variety of ways, including physical, psychological, and social
but in the moment, he seems deceptively calm and will be polite in asking them to leave you alone
once you’re both home and you part ways, he finds out who exactly that was and plots how to ruin their everything
he's very upfront about it, considering he knows the both of you are such a power couple and there are bound to be fans or otherwise
he's no stranger to signing autographs so he might be sidetracked for a minute or two depending on how many he has to sign
if he turns back and sees someone getting a little too close for his liking, he won't hesitate to insert himself into the conversation and tell them to shoo
he questions you afterwards to make sure you're ok and will apologized if that's not what you wanted, regardless of what he thought
he buys you a treat afterwards <3
another brother other demons don't dare to approach, but now that you've been in his life, others have kind of seem that as him softening
just because he's not willing to take care of someone in front of you doesn't mean he won't at all
if someone approaches the two of you, he usually let you handle it but watches carefully to try and find the intentions of who's talking to you. people don't give him enough credit for being observant imo
he only acts if he's 100% sure they're up to no good unless they give him a clue before hand. your safety is always first so he usually just politely ushers them off unless they give him a reason not to
a sweet boy <33
he's the most direct and will literally tell someone he doesn't like them or tell them to go away in a not so nice way
he follows you around like a shadow if you're not holding him by his arm so that alone probably scares off people
for the most part, you tell him to cool off or tone it back, but when you don't he knows there's probably a reason
that person will be seeing him every night while they sleep until he deems their lesson learned
and what he does during that time? he would never tell you
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auras-moonstone · 4 months
the one — jack champion
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word count: 940
pairing: jack champion x interviewer!fem!reader
summary: y/n interviews her boyfriend jack at the sundance festival and they reminisce their last interview where they met a year ago.
warnings: fluff. this is a continuation of one of the first stories i wrote, it’s called enchanted to meet you ! i recommend you read it first to fully understand.
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After Jack asked Y/N out for dinner, the two of them became inseparable and started dating soon enough. The fans were ecstatic, having been cheering for them to get together the moment that interview was made.
Now, a year later, they were both flying to Salt Lake for the Sundance Festival, where Y/N would be interviewing and Jack’s new movie Freaky Tales would be screening. They were both excited for it because now they would be there supporting each other as a couple.
“Hi! You seem familiar.” Jack spoke with a teasing smile as he approached his girlfriend for an interview. The feeling of deja vu warmed his heart.
“Hi, Jack. Looking very handsome today.” she smiled tenderly. “Are you going to show me your socks this time?”
“Ugh, stop it.” he laughed as he covered his face in embarrassment.
“So, tell me about Lucid.” Jack started telling the viewers more about his character, and Y/N watched him with a smile on her face. She was so happy to be sharing this with him that she felt like crying, “What’s your favorite thing about the movie?”
“I absolutely love that it is set in the 80s. I actually have been trying to get in the mood during the filming, I made this playlist filled with punk music from that decade.”
“I’ve seen some pictures. The outfits were super cool.” his girlfriend added. “Are we going to see you covered in blood again?”
“Guess you’ll have to see for yourself.” he smirked. Y/N threw him a pleading glance. “You can’t use your girlfriend powers against me. That’s not fair, you know I can’t resist that look.”
“I’m doing it for the people. This was a highly requested question on twitter.” Y/N shrugged.
“Fine, just because it’s you.” he said with a grin. “Yes, I will be covered in blood.”
“Yes!” she exclaimed excitedly.
“What is it with you and blood?” he shook his head laughing.
“I’ll answer that when there’s no camera.” she blushed and he raised and eyebrow in amusement. “Moving on, is there something on your schedule for the next months?”
“Well, the shooting for Avatar 4 starts in a couple of weeks. Other than that, no. Just enjoying my time with my family and my very gorgeous, lovely, and very amazing interviewer, girlfriend.”
Y/N actually giggled, in front of the camera, like a schoolgirl with a crush. He was going to be the death of her. “Well, good for you, Jack. Thank you for your time.”
“For you? I always have time.” he winked. “Text me when you’re done with the interviews, remember you’re also here as my date.”
“How could I forget.” she laughed. “I’ll see you later. I’m proud of you.”
“I’m proud of you, too. I love you.” he wanted to kiss her so bad, but that would definitely be inappropriate so he settled for a tight hug.
“I love you.” she answered right before he left to take pictures.
An hour later, they were finally able to be together again. They were both dragging their feet towards the hotel, absolutely exhausted and drained. Plus, it was so cold that their fingers itched and their toes were practically numb.
“The interview made me a bit emotional.” Y/N spoke. Jack looked at her, urging her to go on. “It made me think of our last interview together, the day we met. I was so nervous that day, and when you appeared it both got worse and better.”
“On one hand, you were so gorgeous that it made me panic. I was scared that my tiny crush would ruin my first interview. And then, you started talking and subtlety guiding me through it… it instantly felt natural. I don’t think I would’ve been as good if I had to interview anyone else.”
“I think you’re wrong. You were just nervous because it was your first, you would’ve figured it out anyways. Yes, we did have an instant connection, but you’re an amazing interviewer. You love your job, you are passionate about it, and that makes people feel comfortable, because you make it like less of a dread.”
Y/N’s sight got blurred by the tears. “Thank you for saying that.”
“I’m just telling the truth, love. I watch every single interview you’ve done, and not once you had made people feel uncomfortable. You’re respectful, sweet and understanding. And you’ve grown so much, I meant it when I said I’m proud of you.”
“I meant it, too. That I’m proud of you and that I love you.”
“I love you, I’ll never get tired of saying it. And I got emotional, too. The deja vu hit me like a truck. I can’t believe it’s been one year. It seems so long ago, but at the same time it feels like time flew by so quickly.”
“Right?!” she exclaimed in agreement. “The interview I was dreading ended up changing my life for the better.”
“You’re so sweet.” he pressed a kiss on the tip of her nose. “I was smitten from the start, literally everyone called me out.”
Y/N laughed. “Maybe I wasn’t as obvious as you, because of the nerves and everything, but I was too. You were so charming.”
“Did I enchant you with my Ghostface socks?”
“Oh, most definitely. That was what made me know you were the one.”
“Am I the one?” he asked, losing the playful tone they had been exchanging.
“I know we’re only nineteen, but I feel like you are it for me.”
The words made his chest clench, in the best way possible. Looking down at her adoringly, he said “You’re it for me, too.”
haunted.ethan i didn’t realize how much i missed this🥺
fearlesslandry one year apart, same expressions of awe😫🫶🏻 best couple ever.
aurasmoonstone okay but i want to know what’s the answer to “what is it with you and blood?” 🤨
y/n.y/l/n that he looks so hot covered in blood😫
jackchampion oh? ☺️ y/n.y/l/n
y/n.y/l/n yes you should only take roles where blood is involved 😙 jackchampion
jackchampion consider it done y/n.y/l/n
y/n.y/l/n okay sidney prescott jackchampion
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stormkobra-5 · 2 years
Pairing: Marc Spector x Reader
Fic Type: Drabble
Beta’d by the lovely @marc-spectorr 😌
Summary: Marc knew that being Khonshu’s Avatar came with side effects. He just was never quite aware of how, exactly, the phases of the moon affected him. Not until you.
A/N: So. The gif. Pretend he’s not getting impaled. Or injured at all. Because honestly that’s the position I picture him being in when he’s pinning the reader against him. 🤡 (Also, this is kind of a Marc version of Feral Flight…)[Yes, I ignored my ask box to finish this :/]
Rating/Warnings: 18+ NSFW, Minors DNI, primal play, breeding kink, unprotected PiV, exhibitionism (Steven and Jake watch and comment), feral!Marc Spector, marathon sex, slight dub/non-con, fingering, softdom!Marc, a/b/o vibes, mating kink (??? This is a version of Feral Flight, after all), Marc is confuzzled about what’s happening to him but gives in, lots of mentions of getting the reader pregnant, sex with intention of getting reader pregnant, the phases of the moon affect the Moon Boys, foul/vulgar language, praise kink, rough (?) sex, lots of mentions of Khonshu but like??? He’s not in it???, jealous Marc (briefly), biting, marking, fluff, somehow this went from the kinkiest shit I’ve ever written to extreme yearning fluff idk
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Dating the boys had surely been an experience you’d never forget. Steven, Marc, Jake, your boyfriends whom you loved deeply; and they loved you tenfold each. It was a strange feeling, being in a relationship with all three alters— but strange in a good way. You took every part of them and accepted it, loving them for who they were wholly and completely.
Although… you didn’t expect there to be a part of them that even they weren’t aware of…
Marc knew that the phases of the moon affected the powers that Khonshu gave them. The fuller it was, the more powerful they were. On the New Moon, they all slept so deeply that not even Khonshu himself could wake them. It was apparently some kind of rejuvenating period, which made sense (and also prompted a three-and-half explanation from Steven).
But on the Full Moon?
Their powers were amplified tenfold.
When wearing the suit, their super-strength, flight, speed, healing abilities, they seemed invincible and godlike. It was a feeling that went straight to their heads. For nearly a week around the day of the full moon, they became arrogant. Cocky. Marc would be the first to admit that they became fucking assholes, even Steven. Not to mention, the extra metabolism (? So Steven said. Marc wasn’t too sure.) forced them to eat. And eat. And eat. They bulked up. Whereas throughout the rest of the month they were fit and lean, during the week of the full moon their bodies were sleek, contoured muscle. They would beat the shit out of their enemies (even Steven), or pick fights. They were quick to respond with aggression, and he even felt his neighbors weren’t safe.
Whenever he was in the flat around that time, he would snap and huff at the people he’d ride with in the elevator. They were too close, it was too stuffy, he wanted to chase everyone out of the fucking building and patrol it just to keep everyone out. He felt that way so violently that he usually went out to protect his innocent neighbors before he lost all sense of self. Jake liked to joke that it was just a “moon period,” and it would pass.
Then you came along, and it got worse.
And different.
He seemed to eat more. He was more aggressive toward his neighbors. Every sound in the hall made him want to bust down the door and attack whoever it was because they were too close to you. Everyone was too close to you. You needed a whole building to yourself and Marc would patrol it to keep you safe. If you wanted to go out, he’d just have to go with you, Khonshu be damned.
But with you other things happened that made him confused.
He'd catch himself piling your blankets around him while you were at work just to envelop him in your scent— the smell of your shampoo, though he swore it was more than that. He swore he had heightened senses, because he could almost smell you on an animalistic level. When you got home, he was all over you, worshiping you like you were a princess. He’d have a hot bath already running for you, he’d make you food, ensure you drank water, help you with your shoes and jacket; he catered to you on a standard day, especially Steven, but this was different. He’d be practically unable to let go of you, literally keeping his arms around you and whining high-pitched in the back of his throat like a fucking dog if you had to move. He’d almost aggressively cuddle you, burying his face in the crook of your neck and letting your smell overwhelm him, comfort him.
Of course he’d explained it to you before the time had hit, but in his brief moments of clarity, he’d whisper helplessly with tears in his eyes, “I-I don’t know what’s happening to me…”
You’d only kiss his forehead. Ever patient. Ever loving. He wondered what he did to deserve you. “It’s okay, Marc. We’ll get through it together, I promise.” Of course, Khonshu never explained anything to him.
You were so patient.
Even when he was fucking you senseless.
Usually you both had a reasonable lust for each other, but during the full moon, his sex drive was through the roof. He had to take you. He had to feel you. He was gentle, but also relentless— he wasn’t sure where he suddenly got the stamina for twelve fucking rounds after dinner, but his intention was never to hurt you. He just wanted you. If you pushed him away, too tired for more, Marc would immediately launch into aftercare. A warm bath, blankets straight from the dryer, and him laying protectively around you.
Although there was one night he caught himself lapping slowly at your throat. The fuck???
Jake and Steven were just as bad as he was. In fact, Steven was probably worse. His pent-up years of anger made him more dangerous to strangers and more rough with you, so he kept away from the front.
Marc was happy when on the next full moon, Khonshu had work for him; but it ended up not taking as long as he’d planned. By only eight o’clock he was done with the mission, and he ran thirty times full speed around the block your workplace was in just to let off some steam. He made sure, though, that when you got off, he was there to watch over you from a nearby rooftop.
The wind changed, and he swore— he fucking swore he caught a whiff of your goddamn scent.
No, he really was. Was that a new power? Heightened senses? His mask melted away so that he could better smell it— he shouldn’t know you’re ovulating. He shouldn’t. Were you this morning? No, he’d smelled it coming. He’d been all over you before you’d left for work. But, oh, you smell so fucking good.
Ovulating. The word rings around in his head for a minute. His alters are somewhere in the headspace, keeping away from the front at all costs. He tries to swallow hard, but his throat and mouth are so damn dry that he just can’t. All he can think about is you. You you you. And the fact that you’re ovulating.
He hears a high noise nearby and isn’t sure what it is until he realizes that it’s him. He’s whining as he watches you bid goodbye to a coworker who was chatting with you, wanting nothing more than to pin you down right. There.
Marc shifted his weight, his suit suddenly far too tight in the crotch. The wind shifts, and so does his mood.
There’s another scent on you.
The scent of a male.
He can almost see the handprint on your shoulder from where one of your coworkers passed you earlier in the day. The scent is faint, stale, but it’s there, and it makes him furious. He’s possessive over you, and that scares him. He wants to lick and rub his face all over that spot while fucking you hard just to cover you wholly in his scent again.
He’s there, too; he can smell himself on you. The smell of citrus and metal and wood, all fucking over you. You’re his. Except for that. Spot. How dare someone touch his mate while she’s ovulating? If he wasn’t so distracted by you, he’d have tracked the scent and broken both the coworker’s hands for it.
Marc’s head grew foggy. His vision narrowed until you were all he could see. All of his senses were trained on you. He thought he might have whined again, realizing he was palming himself a little too roughly when Jake said in the back of his head, “...Ow,” followed by Steven: “Oi, you tryin’ to castrate us, mate?”
Mate. Marc wasn’t sure where his mind went or what kind of trance he was in. I’ve gotta get down there— get to her— have to— have to mate with her— Marc stood, following you from the rooftop and starting to parkour down. I have to mate with her. Right now, while she’s ready for me.
“Oh shit,” Jake muttered, “Easy, hombré; you hurt her, I won’t hesitate in castrating us. You need fucking fixed, man.”
“Not gonna hurt her,” Marc mumbled as he prepared himself for the drop to the sidewalk below, “Not gonna hurt her…”
Steven, meanwhile, had come too close to the front. He hovered, feral, just behind the edge of Marc’s conscious thought, urging him on silently. Waiting for Marc to pounce.
Marc landed in a crouch before you, making you yelp in momentary terror. The smell was like burning plastic, and he didn’t like it. “No, baby, it’s me—“
Your scent returned to normal as you let out a whooshing breath of relief, a broad but wary smile on your face. “Marc,” The way you said his name caused a shiver to run up his spine. You started to ask him something— whether he was still on a mission, how it went, or something like that, he wasn’t sure— all he knew was that his body was moving before his mind, rushing forward to crush your lips together in a bruising kiss. He slipped his tongue into your mouth, taking advantage of your slack jaw, an arm slipping around you from behind to pull you flush against him. The sensation of your taste and your body against him felt overwhelming. His suit was suddenly scratchy, his skin too hot and feverish, his breath and heartbeat too quick. If he could have seen how black his eyes were, he might have had the sense to be concerned.
His hungry kisses trailed down your neck, where he pulled your shirt down your shoulder to expose the skin. Your gasp at the contact of the chilly night air went straight to his core, and he growled. The scent of the other male was making him pissed, and he found himself licking at the spot before biting down.
So hard he drew blood, and you cried out, voice echoing in the empty street.
He didn’t pull back, keeping you against him and rolling his hips into you to try and ease the pressure in his groin with another whine. “Marc—“
“Run,” He hissed in your ear.
The demand took you by surprise. “Huh?”
“I want you to run from me,” He clarified softly, “Run. As fast and as far as you can. Until I catch you. Please?”
“W-what happens if you catch me?” You managed, a little shaken and also understanding what was happening to your boys.
“I get to fuck you,” Marc nipped at your jawline, trying to entice you. If there was one thing he wasn’t going to do, it was force himself on you. He’d catch a plane to Singapore just to keep himself away from you if you said no. He was still steadily rocking into you, lapping at your wounded shoulder as he tried to cover the scent of the other male, take it away, get rid of it…
“M-Marc,” You breathed; he could see in your eyes that you were greatly concerned. But he could also smell your arousal, and it was just making his whole situation worse. “We’re out in public. Can you wait till we get back to the flat?”
He was able to have a moment of clarity (? If you could call it that). Mainly because Steven was acting like a caged tiger, slamming up against the front violently like an animal behind bars. Marc wouldn’t let him out; couldn’t let him out. Steven could get rough and hurt you without even meaning to, and then he’d feel guilty and horrible when he came back to himself. Marc knew that he was always gentle, that he could stop himself, but... “Don’t you fucking dare take her here, Marc. Getting her scent everywhere in a place so far from home. Getting her everywhere— you get her home, Marc. Get her home, or I will. She needs to be safe.”
Steven was his voice of reason, as always. He wholly agreed with his alter, biting softly at your jawline and nuzzling into your neck. There. He found it. The spot right behind your ears that had your knees buckling, a flood of arousal heading straight to your core. You were probably dripping for him already.
“Bloody hell,” Steven groaned when he saw how you nearly went limp, if not for Marc catching you and holding you against him.
Marc scooped you up in his arms and held you close, taking you back to the flat; it wasn’t a particularly long walk, but it felt like days. Marc’s suit was tight, way too tight and he could barely breathe. By the time the building was in sight, he was sweating buckets and could barely walk, almost in pain. He set you down carefully, much to your confusion. “Can you run? Please? I want to chase you.”
“Why?” You weren’t mocking, or teasing; you were genuinely asking why he wanted to chase you. He himself wasn’t sure— all he knew was that he wanted to have the thrill of chasing you before mating with you. Before…
Before he breeds you.
The thought of potentially impregnating you makes him moan into your neck, and he turns you around, giving you a gentle nudge to the building. “Go. Go, please.”
Reluctantly, you did. Marc started counting to thirty, watching your shrinking form pick up speed, as his alters spoke up.
Steven was too close, heated and pissed. “Get that bloody male’s scent off her, Marc. I don’t care if you have to fucking cum on her shoulders. Get. It. Off.”
“Marc, listen to me, hombré,” Jake said, farther back, still horny but sensible. He wasn’t letting himself get near to the front, but he kept trying to pull Steven back, which resulted violently; not entirely in control of himself, Steven attacked, fending Jake off while keeping his position in co-fronting. “Remember yourself. Don’t let yourself hurt her.”
20, 21, 22…
Keeping Steven contained was the equivalent of holding a cat carrier with a violent, strong cat freaking out on the inside. Marc was losing his hold, grip failing—
Steven took advantage of the slip and bolted.
You’d only just gotten through the doors of the building when Steven took off, too far gone to hear Jake reprimanding him or Marc begging him for the body back. He burst through the doors just as you entered the elevator, watching with wide eyes as he raced for you. The doors closed before he reached them, and he slammed into them hard enough to dent them. The suit gave him the strength to pry the doors open with the sound of screeching metal, but the car was already gone, leaving only a gaping hole in the floor. Steven whirled for the stairs with a growl of frustration.
He’d only made it halfway up when he faltered, dizzy from how he was panting and from the overwhelming scents of his neighbors. A part of him was furious. They shouldn't be this close to you. The other was horrified. If he’d have caught you in the elevator, what would he have done?
Steven put his face in his hands. “T-Take over. One of you take over. Please.”
Marc easily slipped into the front, slumping over. Steven disappeared into the farthest reaches of the headspace that he could go, but Marc and Jake both knew it was only a matter of time before he came back out.
Muscles shaking, Marc sprinted the last few floors to the flat, tearing open the door to find your scent fresh and present; his eyes locked on you as you stood in the middle of the living room, unsure of what to do. He gently closed and locked the door behind him, striding forward to take you in his arms and kiss you deeply. He wasn’t even aware that his hand rested on your stomach until he broke away to kiss your neck. “No condoms. Please.”
“Please,” Marc was speaking before his mind could comprehend that he was fucking begging. “I-I dont just wanna have s-sex, I want to mate with you, breed you, pleasepleasepleaseplease—“ He must’ve been rambling, because you took his face in your hands to look him in the eyes. Marc forced himself to form a coherent sentence, though his voice was barely a whisper. “I-I… I want to get you pregnant…” He shook his head, realizing what he was saying in a moment of true clarity. “Baby, I don’t know what’s happening, please forgive me—“
You kissed him softly. Just a peck. “Marc. It’s okay.”
Marc moaned with relief, turning you around and helping you to the bed. He laid you flat on your back and caged you in underneath of him, pressing his face into your neck to lick and suck and bite at your throat. The scents of the flat— you, him, home— relaxed his tense muscles. It made him feel as if you were in a safe zone. He peeled your jacket off and tore off your button-down shirt, the little buttons flying everywhere. Marc didn’t remove the suit, still only maskless— if it enhanced his powers, he wondered if it would enhance other things. If it might take first try.
Your little whimpers and gasps caused his hips to buck into you suddenly. He slipped his waist between your legs, which locked around his torso tightly to pull him closer. The sound of tearing fabric filled the bedroom as Marc tore off your pants and underwear with no effort whatsoever, making you gasp loudly and moan his name. Marc sensed how wet you were and snarled against your neck, grinding into you as he entwined his fingers with yours.
Your naked body was responding to him exactly how he wanted you to. You writhed and rocked against him, squeezing his hands for something to ground you. You wrestled a hand out from under his, and at first he was going to pin it back down, but then your fingers tangled in his curls and tugged. He groaned into your neck, sinking his teeth gently into your flesh and sweeping his other arm underneath of you to hold you against him; yours magnetized around him, hand fisting his cape at his back.
His hand slipped between you, sinking into your heat; you gasped, though the fact that you rocked into his hand made him continue. You were soaked.
He had Jake in one ear, barely able to control himself, whispering about how he needs to fuck you hard and thorough. He had Steven in the other, growling and cussing and trying to force himself to the front to take you himself.
Marc pulled back a little, just enough to maneuver his suit to pull his length out, throbbing and so hard he was nearly in pain. “Baby,” You whispered sympathetically, concerned, and Marc nudged his face into yours.
“Is this okay?”
You frowned, pulling him closer. He’d walk away if you said no, willing to fight through the pain of whatever was wrong with him. “It’s okay.”
Marc slowly, carefully, like you were made of glass, pushed into you. His hips twitched too quickly as he sunk in, as if he was fighting himself not to take you rough. Once he bottomed out, he unleashed a primal groan, deep in the back of his throat. “Oh my god; that’s it, babygirl, that’s it…”
His thrusts were slow as he rubbed your clit, trying to get you to the edge that he was already at. But it wasn’t enough, he needed more and so did you…
He pulled out, ignoring your whine save for a reassuring nudge against your face. “S’okay.” He turned you over, assisting you to your hands and knees; he doubled over you as he buried himself inside you again, pressing against something devastating deep within you— you cried out, loudly enough to where you knew your neighbors would be complaining in the morning. One of his arms swept under your hips to hold you firmly against him, the other, holding himself up alongside your own. You gripped his wrist for leverage as he propped a leg up beside you, knowing that he was going to absolutely ruin you.
The position woke up something feral in him. He was sure that Steven and Jake were co-fronting now, adding to his actions, but he didn’t care. You felt and looked and smelled so fucking good around and under and all over him that he didn’t care at all. His hips pistoned into you at a bruising pace, the head of his cock punching your cervix with each blow. His eyes rolled back in his head as he finally felt the build of his orgasm; but he couldn’t cum yet. Not without you. “Fuck, sweetheart—“ His position shifted slightly. He straightened his back, both hands coming to grip your hips briefly before one slipped underneath of you, pressing against your stomach until you moaned; he started grinding, feeling himself nudge against your insides as you started to sob with pleasure. Marc let out a guttural groan, letting his forehead fall onto your back. You all but screamed when he started roughly massaging your clit with his other hand.
“That’s it, babygirl, that’s it, come on… Come on…”
You came with a piercing wail that almost hurt his ears. Tumbling after you after a few stuttering thrusts was Marc, spilling into you with a yelp of alarm. “Oh— shit!” He stilled, face contorting with the pleasure of his high as he held you against him, panting fast and heavy as he emptied into you for far longer than he was used to. “F-fuck…”
“Huh,” Jake hummed, “Who knew wearing Khonshu’s suit would give us a bigger load.” Steven, on the other hand, had felt the orgasm too, and was calmed down, in a sort of daze.
“M-Marc,” you whimpered, but he was loathe to pull out of you. He reached up and brushed your sweaty hair back away from your face, kissing at your shoulders.
Gently, he rolled over so that you were both on your sides before pulling out; he scooped whatever dripped out right back in, not that it mattered. It didn’t take. She’s not pregnant. Marc frowned, whimpering as he let the suit melt off. You couldn’t take another load like that, not right now; he wasn’t even sure if you could take another orgasm. He was licking at your throat and that spot that drove you crazy, slowly, eyes closed as he breathed you in and held you against him. The contrast of your naked form against his clothed body made him feel off, so he pulled back and stripped of everything, settling in bed beside you.
He was already hard again, and the blissful smile you sent his way only made it worse. It disappeared off your face when you saw his pained expression. “What is it?”
“I… I need more…” He was reluctant to admit it. He didn’t want to take advantage of you.
“Marc…” You cupped his face in your hand. “I can take it. I promise. I’ll use my safeword if I can’t, okay?”
“Okay?” Marc echoed, situating himself above you and between your legs. “You sure? I don’t wanna hurt you—“
“I’m fine,” Was all the assurance he needed.
It was slower this time, more sensual. He held you against him as he drove carefully into you with firm rolls of his hips, getting as deep as possible. Your shared orgasm was enough to knock him out cold, and Steven fronted. Gently, he caressed your face as he hovered over you, already hard again inside you and knowing it hadn’t taken yet. “I’m sorry for scaring you earlier, dove,” Steven breathed, nuzzling up under your chin. “Don’t know what came over me… do you have one more in you, lovey? One more?”
You knew full well it wouldn’t be just one more, or two. Steven managed to cum in you once, but he drew two orgasms from you first. Then Jake was fronting, gently moving you so that your legs were over his shoulders before he slowly pounded into you, drawing another orgasm from you when he came.
Fighting the urges, he launched into aftercare, wiping you clean and engulfing you in his hold as you slept.
When he woke, it was Marc. Jake and Steven were quiet. It was only midnight. The full moon blazed through the window, illuminating the whole room with silver light— and you were gone. Marc sat up in a panic, your scent overwhelming him and fresh; but where were you? He called your name warily, only for you to come out of the bathroom with one of his shirts on. Your legs were wobbly. “Why didn’t you wake me up?”
“You needed your rest,” you whispered softly as he helped you back into bed. Immediately, his arms were around you and he was pulling you underneath of him, nuzzling into your throat with a soft hum. There was no trace of the other male’s scent, now. There’s only Marc, Jake, Steven, you… no one else.
You’re still not pregnant.
You’re still ovulating, though. The moon is at its fullest and brightest. He might not even need the suit. His hand traced your stomach, drawing patterns as you ran your hands through his curls. He softly said your name before propping himself up on his elbows to look you in the eye. He didn’t even have to ask; your legs parted for him immediately when you felt him hardening against your thigh, wrapping around his hips.
“Be gentle,” Steven warned, “We’ve had her all night.”
“She can do it,” Jake whispered, “Hermosa, tan hermosa…”
Marc hesitated, biting his lip. His fingers danced over your stomach nervously. “What is it?” You whispered quietly; he seemed a bit back to himself, more lucid, but you feared one wrong word would send him back into the frenzy he and his alters had been in earlier.
“I’m sorry,” Marc choked out, fighting back tears. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart; you didn’t sign up for any of this shit—“
“Marc,” You ran your thumbs over his cheekbones, brushing away tears he didn’t realize he’d shed. “It’s okay.”
“No, it’s not, I’m fucking you so hard with intentions you agreed to without thinking—“
You cut him off with a light scold. “Marc Spector… don’t you remember this morning?” Marc was, reasonably, confused. In fact, he didn’t remember much of the day. It was a blur of aggression and lust for all three of them. He shook his head. “We were talking about kids,” You caressed his cheek, brow furrowing with concern. “How many we wanted, how we’ll need a bigger house… this is just… a different way of trying.”
“...Trying,” Marc repeated after a second, shocked. He still didn’t remember it. But he trusted you. Now, other fears surfaced, ones he hadn’t thought of in his moon-induced trance. “What if I’m not a good dad? What if I’m a horrible father? What if—“
You cut him off with a passionate kiss. Marc melted against you. Don’t even say it, you thought, you’ll never be like your mother. “You’ll be an amazing father,” You whispered instead. “And I’ll be right there with you every step of the way.” After a moment, you added, “Do… Do you still want to try?”
Marc shifted slightly, licking his lips, before kissing you warmly. “...Yeah. I do.” You wrapped your arms around his neck with a smile, pulling him close. “Steven and Jake are here,” Marc breathed against your ear as he pushed into you; you hissed, walls over-sensitive from being paid so much attention over the course of the night. “Can they watch, pretty girl? Can they watch us make a baby?”
Your frantic nodding made Steven smile; Jake leaned back as if getting comfortable for a movie. Marc entwined your fingers with his as he slowly rutted into you, dragging his cock along your walls painfully slowly before sliding back in and pressing against something that made you see stars. You breathed his name like a mantra, while Marc whispered honeyed words into your ear. “Our kid’s gonna be so beautiful, having a part of you. Can’t think of anyone in the world I’d rather have a baby with, sweetheart; you, only you.” He nuzzled the side of your face, nipping at your jawline as he drew slow circles over your clit.
When you came, you dragged Marc with you over the edge, the pair of you writhing and moaning against each other in the throes of your ecstasy. As you came to, you saw Marc’s beaming smile, eyes glistening with unshed tears. His hand never left your stomach. “I think we did it… I… I think you’re pregnant.”
Marc let out a breathless laugh against your lips, and you laughed with him, hugging him tightly and kissing all over your face. Marc— finally satiated, back to himself, his alters confused and excited— was smiling like you’d never seen before. He was happy. “We just started a family,” You sniffled, shocked.
“Wouldn’t have done it with anyone else,” Marc said sincerely, tired and spent. He kissed you, warmth radiating off of him as he embraced you. “...I love you. I know I don’t say it a lot, and I should… I’m gonna try harder. To give you everything. To give you both everything…” His eyes locked with yours, both gazes holding unshed tears. He kissed you again. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Marc,” You said through your tears, and you fell asleep happy and entangled together under the light of the moon.
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Slowly, pointedly, you turned to glare over your shoulder at Marc, who sat at the dinner table, feigning innocence. “Marc…” You warned.
“What? I’m not doing anything.”
“Not yet.”
“You say that as if I’m known to do something.”
“Marc?” You said, half-turning around, “I learned long ago that I can never trust you with cookie dough.”
The sound of breaking glass in the next room made you both lunge frantically, tripping over yourselves, chairs, and each other as you rushed for the source of the sound. By the time you got there, there was only a little tiny version of Moon Knight, as if he’d been shrunk, dusting himself off as he stood to face you both, clearly having jumped off the couch in an attempt to “fly.”
You both heaved a sigh of exasperation toward your three-year-old son. “Nico,” Marc scolded lightly, coming forward to kneel in front of him. “What’ve we told you, buddy? You’re gonna get yourself hurt. I’ll fly with you, okay? But when you’re older, I promise. Are you hurt?”
Nico shook his little masked head. “No, Daddy. I bumped the vase.” He pointed accusingly toward the shattered glass and remains of flowers. Marc checked him over anyway before holding him gently by the shoulders. “Don’t do that again, okay?” Nico nodded, lowering his head, and Marc added, “Hey. I’m not angry. I just don’t want you getting hurt. I could never be angry at you. Ever. Okay?” He pulled Nico in for a tender embrace.
You watched it all from the doorway with a smile. Nico Randall Spector (Lockley-Grant, but you couldn’t officially put that on any of his birth certificates or documents without causing a whole conundrum of confusion) was every bit like his father. The same hair, same eyes, and same hidden chaotic energy. “Just like his father…”
Marc shot you a teasing glare. “Hey. I’ve never jumped off the couch.”
“So I’m just supposed to pretend we’ve never had Nerf battles, then?” You countered swiftly.
Marc scoffed as he stood with Nico in his arms. “I’ve never jumped off the couch. Have I ever jumped off the couch?” He turned to confirm with your son, who reluctantly nodded; Marc immediately began to tickle him. “Little traitor! I’ve never jumped off the couch! How dare you!”
Only when Nico was nearly out of breath did Marc stop, smiling as he pressed his forehead to his much smaller one. Nico hugged him tight enough to probably choke him, but Marc didn’t care; he gave him a kiss on the cheek before setting him down. “Okay— go change. It’s almost time for dinner.”
“Okay!” Nico started to hurry away; you called after him, “Need any help, Moon Knight?”
“No thank you,” Came his little voice; Jake’s cat, Taco, appeared out from underneath the couch and padded silently after him.
You and Marc watched your son disappear into his room fondly; you’d never seen Marc smile like that until he was born. He unfolded his arms and came over to loosely put his arms around your waist. “Thought you were supposed to be watching him while I finished up.”
“Your fault for distracting me with the cookie dough,” Marc retorted childishly, then added with a wink, “And those damn jeans.”
“Hush,” You whispered.
Marc smiled again, pressing a kiss to your temple as his hand fell to splay over your stomach. “Maybe his sister will keep him in line when she gets here.”
You tapped his nose with the spoon you’d been holding. He balked and blinked rapidly. “Hey. That doesn’t even have any dough on it!” Reduced to giggling messes, Marc held you tightly against him and closed his eyes, savoring the closeness.
Dinner was one of those rare moments of domestic bliss; Nico made a ridiculous mess, but all three alters were present, switching who was fronting in order to spend time with their expecting wife and son— and to help clean up. The night ended with Marc being the only one who remained awake after a movie, as you were tucked in on one side of him, his arm around you and his hand over your stomach, and Nico under the other arm. Marc smiled to himself, giving you each a kiss.
“Love you guys. With all my heart.”
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Thanks for reading!
Tags: @dameronsknight @sylkisdagger @atzlena @gucciboots @pastel-0-princess @rosaren2498 @love-on-the-murder-scene @wintergirlsoilder2 @blackcat-midnight-thatsme @multifandomsw @bookloverfilmoholic @khaotic-kris @hb8301 @soggumm @simonsbluee @bobfloydsgf @bluestuesday @magnet-girl @rosellacwrites @dweeb-central @ilymorepls @drwhofangirl1963 @loonymagizoologist @auszimbo @tealrivers @later-gators12 @izbelross @xcatnapsx @child-of-the-moon-gods @djarinsgirl27 @sokoviansorceress @eerievixen @cold-buffet-ham @upbeat-cascade @stark-kirk-rogers-grant-blog @candydancey @rqmanoff @jakelcckley @sharin4readers @lovely-cryptid @marc-spectorr @rmoonstoner @oscarisaacsspit @moonknightyws @hopefulfangirl24 @local-mr-frog @dawnsutopia @hot-mess-express1 @infinitelyforgotten
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y-rhywbeth2 · 6 months
...I just found a guide on how a Bhaalspawn can become God of Murder in an old Dragon article! Disclaimer: You might need to kill Bhaal again first for this to work.
"First, [the Bhaalspawn] must bring about the death of a thousand innocents. It can do this through a variety of methods: unleashing a magical plague, using magic to destroy a city with an earthquake, awakening and then controlling an ancient dragon... the possibilities are endless. "Next, it must recover a piece of its father's mortal flesh; either from the body that lies within the Winding Water where Bhaal was killed during the Time of Troubles or else the body left in the Moonshae isles, where Bhaal's avatar was killed by King Tristran of the ffolk. "Finally, he must sit upon the Throne of the Gods and be judged by the overgod Ao. The Throne could be located in any number of inhospitable places: the Starpeaks in the High Forest, in the deepest regions of the Underdark, or somewhere on the Outer Planes." - Dragon #288
Other fun stuff in there included the idea that Bhaal was very likely to direct his kids to fuck up Cyric's plans.
There was also a guide to the weird powers they will develop:
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Warning, having Bhaal as a father may cause you to exhibit two or more of the following side effects:
Addiction to homicide (Refusal to commit homicide will lead to your mind being eaten away until you turn into a ravening, feral animal.)
Your soul going to hell (well, Gehenna) when you're unconscious
Viscous black blood that attracts devils and demons like flies to honey
Poisonous blood! You can coat your weapons with it!
Turning into a divine murder monster
Getting so carried away with bloodlust you try to fight everything. Literally everything in reach, all at once.
Overwhelming homicidal rage when slightly inconvenienced
A steadily weakening sense of free will
Everybody around you immediately dislikes you because you give off Vibes.
A personality so bad it has charisma penalties
Nightmares so traumatic they actually impair your ability to function while awake
Detect evil spells will say you're evil and holy weapons and water will harm you. Even if you're not evil
Being fireproof, for some reason
Super strength
And more!
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yandere-avatar · 1 year
Yandere! Toph Beifong Headcanons
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Hey guys I'm finally back and doing Toph's headcanons Hope yall didn't die waiting for me lol
She was very mean to you at first and you had no idea why
She didn't know how to show you she liked you, so she retorted to being mean
Katara was the first to pick up on Toph's little crush
Toph goes out of her way to keep you safe
She's always feeling the ground to make sure you are near
If she senses you're gone, she becomes super alert
If you try and call her out on her crush, she'll deny and call you stupid
If anyone insults you, she takes it personally and defends you
When in the air or not on the ground, she usually holds you
"Not because I like you!" She'll yell, blushing a bright red
She's like a tsundere and we'll never admit to liking you, even if you are dating
She's scared of you leaving her or finding someone better
^ To stop this, she's always trying to prove herself
Whether it be her strength or her Earth Bending skills
She gets so pissy when someone tries to hit on you, especially if it's an Earthbender who's showing you their skills
Toph knows she's the best Earthbender in the world, so she doesn't understand why they even try
She picks fights and you always have to jump in and stop her
"You think you're better than me?"
"Nah. I know I'm better than you" [She'll mock, before turning towards them and pretty much threatening them]
Your opinion is the only one that truly matters to her
Hell, she values you more than the Avatar [And that's saying something, because he's a lot more powerful for you]
If you're a non bender, she didn't like you at first, because she saw you as a problem that was holding everyone back, until she 'saw' you fight
You could defend yourself without any powers
If she did call you out for being a problem, you instantly bring up her being blind
"If you can fight blind, what makes you think I can't find without any powers?"
She's taken aback, not having thought about that, so she lets you slide
You probably die before her, which when you do, that's when she goes into the Swamps [Kind of like to mourn you and be closer to nature, which reminds her of you]
She's hesitant to leave the swamp, but she knows you'd want her to protect your children
"I love you, Toph"
"I guess I love you too"
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tourneys-by-me · 6 months
Round One - Geomancy 2/4
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Propaganda under the cut (beware of potential spoilers!!)
She’s the greatest earthbender of all time! Plus she created a new form of earthbending! And she was 11!
Cole is the elemental master of earth and has a lot of really cool power he can use. First of all, he has super strength. Later on he gets lava arms which he uses when using his super strength and they look super cool. He then later learns to use this technique called the Spinjitzu Burst that was only ever used by previous masters of earth which he used to defeat one of the villains in the best fight scene in the entire series. And then in the latest season, we find out he can basically turn into a rock monster that works as a sort of suit of armor. And that's just going over his powers, personality wise Cole is one of the sweetest characters in the show and always fights for what is right. He's strong but also a dork and I love him for that. I'm honestly worried my propaganda doesn't do him justice because Cole is just such a great character.
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achillesmonochrome · 11 months
Peni Parker Headcanons
There are multiple snacks in her robot, in different compartments; she insists they are for her but in reality, she keeps so much variety for her friends.
Her sleep schedule is basically nonexistent; she would hyperfocus on a project for whatever hours her energy drink can keep her awake and then pass out for days. She spends so much time indoors on labs she normally has no concept of time.
Noir was the first spider she found when she crashed on Earth 1610 in ITSV; they helped each other navigate Miles' New York since both of their universes are different time periods and they were confused as heck. They ended up becoming close for that reason.
Noir sees Peni as an adoptive daughter and Peni sees him as a father figure, but neither of them had admitted that to each other. Noir doesn't want to come across as crass by suggesting being her father when she lost her biological one. Peni doesn't want to make things uncomfortable by forcing that role on him.
Uses she/they pronouns.
She is also bi, this was her awakening
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Super embarrassed about it though, so she is planning to keep that to herself to her grave.
She needs to be in her suit at all times in the Spider Society. Mostly because of the different halls that need the spider to be upside down or at an awkward angles. However the first few days she refused to show her face because she continued to be flustered.
"Why all the spiders around my age are attractive!? Here I am being an awkward plain twig around runaway models."
"Oh don't say that, you are cute sugarplum."
"Noir you are making me sound like a little kid."
"Come to think wasn't that guy Gwen brought with her an ex-runaway model-"
"Thanks for that B."
(Since they have the same name, Noir calls Peter B well, B.)
Peni went to see Noir first after she got her watch, then shortly after went to see Ham with Noir. Noir and Ham aren't part of the organization (Noir said he didn't the like way Miguel was running things once he heard about it, and Ham didn't vibe with the idea either.) She visits them regularly though.
She likes to give Noir cute colourful key chains when she visits; Noir actually has them on a cork board on display.
Current events in Peni's timeline had made her try to lean more on the Spidey side of things, dropping less and less frequently on her own universe. Noir has tried to mitigate this, but Peni interprets it as him not wanting to be around her. Noir also doesn't have the details of what happened to Peni either.
She actually has her own room in Noir's universe. Is technically the guest room, but Noir has actually worked his best to make it homey for her and would rather give up his own bed that let people get in "her" room without her permission. Peni is unaware of that last bit.
She has a MASSIVE crush on Margo, it all started with her going to the help with the go-home machine and feeling the most comfortable with Margo since their time periods are similar enough.
Peni actually is very insecure about herself and her position as a spider person. Even if she was accepted into the Society, she feels kind of left out because everyone else can stick to walls, super healing, as well as other array of powers; while she only has her psychic link to the spider and a robot.
That's another reason why Margo and her connected so well; she understands not feeling special enough considering her Spidey persona is an avatar, while she is a regular human too.
She is fairly close to Gwen too, while neither of them likes to be too vulnerable, they both understand what losing people and having complicated feelings about your home dimension. They may or may not talk about their crushes, hard to say because both of them deny it.
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Indeed Gwen later would also insist a big part of the reason she did it was because of Peni.
That's it for all, I didn't think I had that many but that's how it always starts.
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wileycap · 8 months
ATLA Headcanon (this is very much spoilers and I'm pretty sure this isn't a super original thought):
Ozai was always thought of as kind of a useless coward in the Fire Nation, before he grabbed power. He was the spare prince next to the Dragon of the West, and this motivates him in everything that he does.
It makes a lot of sense and provides some depth of character to him - which, let me be clear, I don't think he needs: within the story, he works perfectly fine as just a cruel, narcissistic monster. Any detour into his motivations would have distracted from the overall story.
But think about it. Why does he hate Zuko so much? Because Zuko reminds him of his own (perceived) failures, as the disappointing son, and as a narcissist, he can not bear thinking about anything that makes him less than perfect. He wants to get rid of Zuko because he sees himself in Zuko, and this is only compounded by Zuko and Azula's dynamic resembling the dynamic between him and Iroh. Of course, in this case, it's the younger sibling that is the favoured, more capable child. Ozai wants to see himself in Azula, but actually sees himself in Zuko.
Now, I know that the more overt explanation is that he cares about his legacy, and wants Azula to succeed him because she's the stronger heir, but I don't think that matters to Ozai that much. It certainly matters a little bit, because the greater glory of his heir reflects well on him, and obviously he wants that. But I don't think Ozai is actually all that concerned with what happens after he dies. To that, Zhao, whom Ozai promotes and clearly favours to some degree, expresses open disdain at Iroh's spirituality - it's reasonable to think that this sort of attitude thrives under Ozai, or it might just be the Fire Nation in general.
I think Ozai operates under a belief that the world will end with him, and doesn't believe in an afterlife. I don't necessarily mean that he is actually cognisant of this belief - I mean that he is only concerned with himself, so to him, once he stops existing, everything of value will have left the world. If he'd still been in power once he was at the age where death becomes a real concern instead of an abstract possibility, he probably would have sought some form of immortality.
He is very quick to cast Azula aside with a meaningless title, after all. He doesn't value Azula, he just hates the reminder that is Zuko. Zuko also resembles him physically - and to that point, his method of punishing Zuko before getting rid of him is to disfigure him. To further distance himself from Zuko.
In Zuko Alone, Azula refers to Iroh as "his royal tea-loving kookiness" - and we have to remember that Azula probably parrots Ozai's words. Why is this significant? Because at the time, Iroh has just broken through the Outer Wall of Ba Sing Se, a tremendous military accomplishment. He's living up to the Fire Nation's greatest values of military power and glory in battle. And still Ozai disparages him to Azula.
Because Ozai is a wounded narcissist who's always been jealous of his brother. I'm intentionally paraphrasing Zuko's words from The Avatar State here, because it's very likely that those words are also originally Ozai's. An attempt to drive a wedge between his successful older brother and his son.
Ozai's plan to literally burn down the Earth Kingdom is, aside from being monstrous, a terrible strategic decision. What, does the think that the ashes are going to pay him taxes? What's the end goal? At that point, the Fire Nation has effectively won the war. Sure, they are likely still facing resistance, and the Earth Kingdom might be able to rally in the future and challenge them for hegemony. But, considering other conquering military states in our history, a large chunk of their economy probably relies on war. On levying taxes on subjugated territories in order to prop up the economy of the homeland. So, he's intentionally handicapping his own nation by literally burning down a massive source of income.
In the context of erasing his own profound narcissistic injury, however, that makes perfect sense. Who's going to remember Iroh's glorious victories in the Earth Kingdom when there is no Earth Kingdom?
So, there you have it. Ozai is the disappointing child in the shadow of his heroic older brother, the cowardly prince who never went to war in a nation that idolizes war and war heroics above all else, and he spends the rest of his life covering that wound up with blood and fire.
And I do think it's a very beautiful sort of karma that he ends up without his firebending after a short reign and without any meaningful triumphs or accomplishments to his name. Because fuck that guy.
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juicyreptile · 5 months
Things in ATLA fanfics that really butter my bread
zuko described as breathing out sparks/embers/smoke/steam, especially unconsciously
aang forgetting he is the most powerful human alive
sokka gets the braincell
the gaang (aang or zuko esp) gets to be feral. as a treat ❤️
rotational team parent - everyone gets a turn to try and corral (and fail!!) the other members!
everyone forgetting that zuko is a master of stealth and/or zuko getting to actually use those Blue Spirit skills
Everyone's Uncle Iroh is Best Dad
suki my beloved suki
toph being the absolute gremlin that she is
aang being a troll
physical differences in benders!! like, firebenders running HOT, being hard to burn; waterbenders running cool, able to deal with colder temps easier; earthbenders have denser bones, tougher skin; airbenders having huge lungs, superior senses of balance/up-down; ect ect, (this can also extend to non-benders of the dif nations in less dramatic and/or obvious ways)
zuko being the leading expert on airbenders/the avatar to the surprise of everyone, with the excuse that he was hunting for the avatar for three goddamn years and looked up any tiny scrap of information he could find. (also extends to him being super knowledgeable about the customs of other nations/places because he's literally been all over the world)
found family gaang real; they're all stupid and protective over each other, sharing one braincell collectively and doing incredibly dangerous things but then all just pile up in one place to chill and take a group mirmir
outsider POV of the gaang, esp ones were people are incredibly alarmed over this group of feral children being the ones running the world now but also wtf else are they gonna do?? they gonna tell the Fire Lord what to do? they gonna tell the AVATAR what to do?????
please share with me YOUR favorite things in fics i wanna hear them ❤️
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they managed to massacre Aang's character and all the struggle and importance of his choice in the finale in a SINGLE page, and yet there are people who think the comics are good
and of course Katara's would have nothing to say on the matter, toootally in-character
Not to mention: yes, Zuko is right that a lifetime of indoctrination won't magically stop affecting him just because he's aware of it now, but the way the comics really said "If you're not perfect, you deserve to die. Not rehabilitation, not even incarceration despite it being an option, just straight to violent, lethal punishment" is horrying.
And lets not forget the blatant abuse apologism of having Zuko, the kid who was told by his abusive parent that his disfigurement and banishment was "for his own good" after he made one "mistake", turning to his closest friends and asking them to be his "safety net" by MURDERING HIM IF EVER STEPS OUT OF LINE - and said friends then agree to it.
Are you fucking kidding me? The real Aang would have double-down on the "You're NOT your father" bit, and the entire friend group would have been super concerned about Zuko because a victim of abuse saying they're as bad as their abuser thus deserve to die is one hell of a red flag as to how their mental health is going.
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Speaking of mental health: I talk a lot about how Azula was constantly being abused by the supposed heroes in the comics, and how the justification of it is rooted in ableism, but this nonsense with Zuko asking to be put down like a dog is also peak victim blaming, and one of the few moments in which one can actually feel bad for comics!Zuko.
And it ties into a disturbing pattern I noticed among Avatar fans - and mainly Zuko fans. They don't truly understand that what Ozai put his children through was wrong, they simply think he chose the wrong kid as the escapegoat. They think Azula should have been the one that is constantly punished just for existing, while Zuko is the golden child that can do no wrong - or else.
This moment right here? With the people that he trusts agreeing to inflict violence on him if he ever makes a mistake? This is that "or else". This is literally the same mentality that led to Azula's breakdown because NO ONE CAN SURVIVE UNDER THAT MUCH PRESSURE.
And that leads us to the main reason why the comcis suck: Yang was using Zuko as a self-insert.
"Zuko‘s relationship with Ozai is something we – Mike, Brian, Dark Horse, Nickelodeon, and I – talked about extensively when we first started working together. There’s this strange thing that happens to people in power. The pressures of power often blur the lines between enemies. That’s part of what happens to Zuko here. Ozai is the only one who knows what it’s like to be Fire Lord, the only one who has the wisdom of experience. I also looked at my own life. I used to clash with my dad quite a bit when I was a teenager. However, as I grew up and found myself in roles that he used to have, I began to understand more and more of his decisions. My father isn't thoroughly evil, of course, but I imagine Zuko feels a little of the same pull."
Yang. My guy. My dude. The words "Ozai" and "wisdom" should NEVER be in the same sentence. Every single action of Ozai's as Fire Lord was based on him being an abusive piece of shit that finally got access to absolute power. He is not a stern dad, he is abusive. He's not misunderstood, he needed to be stopped and locked away. He is a human being with feelings and motivations, yes, but he is WRONG ABOUT LITERALLY EVERYTHING EVER. He NEVER had a point. Zuko has nothing to learn from him except what NOT to do. That's why he looks like an older, unscarred Zuko. A version of Zuko that never changed.
This is the core issue of the comics, and why it had so many moments of unintentional abuse apologism: they say Ozai is a villain, but they're going out of their way to constantly make the characters come dangerously close to saying "Maybe he had a point." That's why they have Zuko turn to Ozai for advice despite claiming he wants to avoid becoming like him - because the guy writting them couldn't understand that the bad guy was, in fact, bad and in the wrong and has no wisdom to offer to anyone.
Avatar, the series, is about the world moving past from the sick mentality people like Ozai had, and about his son realizing that he did not deserve to be abused. The Avatar Comics are about telling Zuko (and others) "Ozai isn't wrong actually, you'll understand when you're older."
No, Yang, they won't. Because there's nothing to "understand" here other than THE GUY THAT ABUSED HIS CHILDREN AND COMMITED GENOCIDE WAS WRONG ABOUT EVERYTHING, YOU DUMBASS!
Saying "the villain had a point" does not make a story better unless it is true - and in Ozai's case, it simply isn't. Insisting otherwise doesn't make the story and characters more mature, it just means you couldn't understand a cartoon aimed at 7-year-olds despite being a grown-ass man.
And I won't even get into Bryke approving of this bullshit otherwise I'll start tearing my hair out in rage at how badly they seem to have lost touch with the message of their best work, so let me just use a simple statemet to make everyone understand just how much of a disaster this is:
Even M. Night Shyamalan didn't misunderstand ATLA to the point of thinking Ozai wasn't actually wrong, but Bryan, Mike and Yang did. The comics understand the show less than M. Night Shyamalan did.
I rest my fucking case.
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the-ninjago-historian · 5 months
Ninjago: Into The Deep (Master Post, Summary, and Q and A!)
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Hello everyone! Thanks for stopping by! If you've been on my blog, you probably know about this upcoming project. But for those of you who don't, what is Ninjago: Into The Deep? I'll tell you! Ninjago: Into The Deep is a fully fleshed out Ninjago fan season inspired by legendary fantasy works such as Narnia, Lord of The Rings, and even classic Disney films and more modern adventure stories like Avatar: The Last Air Bender. Here's the summary!
Things are looking up for the Ninja since their battle with the Crystal King! Jay and Nya have gotten married, Lloyd is now training to become a sensei, and Ninjago City hasn't had a major disaster in over a month! (A new record!) Everything seems to be going well, until the team receives a mysterious letter from Queen Vania, requesting their presence.
Once they arrive, they discover an evil plot, orchestrated by former king Vangelis, to overthrow Vania and take the throne again! And having a taste of conquest while on the Crystal Council, the disgraced monarch has his sights set on the rest of Ninjago as well! Powered by a new energy source, Vangelis is now far too powerful for the Ninja to defeat with their current abilities. They must find a new way to defeat him!
This takes the Ninja on a quest to a new world! The magical and beautiful subterranean kingdom of The Deep Lands! There, they must find the Elemental Beasts. Seven creatures created by the FSM and imbued with elemental powers, to teach the first Elemental Masters how to use their abilities. And who control the very balance of nature itself! From these magical beings, the Ninja will learn new powers and skills that are beyond their wildest dreams, and take down Vangelis once and for all! So join us, as we meet new friends, experience new powers, and journey Into The Deep.🍃🌊🔥🪨❄️🐲⚡
So that's it! I also have some cool concept art that should be finished soon!
Now here's some Q and A to answer all your questions! Some are from one of followers, and others I added in just to give general information. 😁 If you don't see a question being answered that you would like to see answered, please feel free to send it in!
(Under the cut because this is LOOOOOONG.)
First some general info.
Q: How will the episodes be released?
A: Each episode is three chapters long. Therefore, split into three parts. (Kinda like how you would have two commercial breaks in a real episode of Ninjago!) One episode will be released every week! Via a released chapter every Sunday, Wednesday, and Saturday.
Q: How many episodes will there be?
A: 16-20. About as many a regular season of Ninjago would have!
Q: What is this series rating?
A: G - PG! I don't do adult humor or gore. So it will be about as kid friendly as a usual Ninjago Season!
Q: Will there be exclusive characters?
A: Yes! Several! Some including the Elemental Beasts, and even Cole's Grandfather Rocky! More will be released as the series goes on.
Q: Will the season ever be animated?
A: If I aquire the time, resources, and skills, absolutely!
Now, let's answer some questions from one of my followers and awesome friend @dexter-the-dog!
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A: Probably the only thing that makes it an Alternate Universe is that Dragons Rising isn't canon to this story. Other than that, it should fit nicely with the canon.
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A: YES! The Elemental Beasts! They are so cool! I can't even put it into words! Currently, there are six Elemental Beasts. One for Fire, Water, Earth, Ice, Lightning, and Air. The Air Beast will have a very important role to play in this story! I'm also partial to Cole's Grandfather Rocky, who will also be making an appearance! He's a very interesting guy. And super powerful too! After all, he fought the Serpentine and the Time Twins! So he has quite a few tricks up his sleeve!
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A: As Doc would say, #NoSpoilers! Lol! But there is a really cool scene were Nya uses her powers in a new way! It should be EPIC. So cool in fact, I just might animate it!
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A: Ah! I can answer both of these! Since Into The Deep is a fan season, it will try to fit into the canon as closely as possible. That being said, the characters are exactly as you would see them in the canon show. No backgrounds or roles changed. But whether they will gain new abilities or new roles? Well that I can't say without spoiling things.
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A: It's definitely the Cole x Vania story I have planned. Lol. Yeah, I ship them. I think they're cute. And they'll have plenty of cute moments in this story!
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A: Into The Deep happens about a month or two after Crystalized. :)
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A: I've been waiting to answer this one! The Elemental Beasts take on a mentor role for each of their appointed ninja. They will help them learn new abilities and fight their inner demons to truly become their most powerful selves. They're also are basically Nature Spirits. Each one controls a certain element in nature from their base kingdoms in the Deep Lands. Because of this, they can never leave to go up to the surface, or the balance would be offset. This factor is important, so make sure you remember it while reading.
And that's all the questions I got! That was fun!
Before I end this post, I'm gonna tag a few people I remember being interested in this thing! (@rinkunokoisuru @shatteredhope123 @miraculous-stud @nocturnal-nexu @dexter-the-dog) Hope you guys enjoy all this info! And thank you for all your love and support. It's really kept me going.😁🫶
Well, that's all for now! Keep an eye out for updates! And I'll see you around! Bye! - ✒️🐉
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yookodee · 3 months
For some reason people like to pu the Gaang against Korra's team and make fun of Korra's team for being weaker.
Like yeah... ofc they are. The Gaang wasn't just Aangs team, the Gaang was his teachers and peers. Each bender on that team learned from the respective source of their respective bending, and with the exception of toph they learned alongside aang. they were also on the quest to master all four elements in a year. zuko was training to be the firelord, toph's bending had been honed with the badger moles since she was a child and then honed more in the wrestling arena, aang had already been an airbending prodigy beforehand, and katara's sheer balls and her creativity made her an amazing bender. in my honest opinion the only thing keeping aang from being the weakest bender in the gaang was the fact that he was the avatar and his airbending abilities, cause he is not healing ppl back to life, toph, or breathing fire. korra's team isnt as strong because like, obviously they never needed to be. mako and bolin were athletes. mako could lighting bend and bolin could lava bend, but their training wasn't as intensive or war ready as the training of the freaking next in line for the firelord or someone who needed to use her bending to navigate her life independently. they were training to win at a very specific game, and their other bending forms just weren't honed for that level of combat. korra never got to train with any of the original sources of her bending, but she was still an extremely powerful avatar, and the most powerful bender on her team because she had been training with dicipline in order to actually fight, now knock people off a ring in pro bending. if youve gotten this far im sure youre noticing something that is very clearly missing from this post. the nonbenders. honestly, i can't compare sokka and asami. why? i dont remember if asami knows how to chi block or not. she'd been trained in self defense i know, and they are both very capable intellectually and have fighting styles that give them the edge even against benders, which is super impressive. granted, i cannot remember if asami fights much without the stun glove, and i don't remember what level asami was fighting at if she did. under the impression that asami can chi block, i would say that she and sokka are pretty evenly matched.
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