the-ninjago-historian · 6 minutes
Jay: Kai has no survival skills. I’ve discovered his need to win has replaced them.
Nya: That can't be true.
Jay: Watch this.
Jay: Hey Kai, I’ll race you to the bottom of the stairs!
Kai: *Throws himself out a window*
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the-ninjago-historian · 7 minutes
You're writing for Vangelis is ✨✨✨exquisite.✨✨✨✨✨
Where can I learn this power???😍 SERIOUSLY. This ROCKS!!!
Hair As Gold As Straw (Chapter 3 - Call to Adventure)
[Prologue] // [Chapter 2 of 9] // [Chapter 3 of 9 - you are here!] // [Chapter 4 of 9] – (FFN) (AO3)
Part of the @ninjago-fairy-tale-au!
Once upon a time, Princess Vania of Shintaro lived in an ivory castle in an ivory city. Her father, King Vangelis, kept her safe in her tower, where no one could hurt her and she could not hurt herself... until the day when she ran away. A Colania Snow White retelling.
Chapter summary:
Many heroes are called to Shintaro, and many try to save the princess...
Inside his ivory palace, King Vangelis paced across his throne room– once, twice, thrice. He seethed, anger burning like a fire in a great brazier. He moved with a fiery passion, taking ten steps this way and ten the other, never stopping for more than a moment, snapping this way and that like a dragon.
Presently, the doors to the throne room swung open, loudly thunking against the walls. The king turned to see several of his guards enter, bringing with them Hailmar, whose hands were bound. They brought Hailmar before him, and he kneeled. Vangelis stood over him.
"Lieutenant Hailmar."
"My king."
"Where is my daughter?"
"I do not know."
Vangelis snarled. "You are by no means an incompetent guard, Lieutenant, but your best quality is that you have never lied to me. It would be unwise to start now."
Hailmar bowed his head. "I would not lie to you, my king."
"Yet you falter. What do you know of my insolent daughter's whereabouts?"
"She has run away," Hailmar said. "I know not where."
"Your impudence speaks volumes. Did you aid this?"
"Never. I am your loyal servant, King Vangelis." Hailmar looked up at him. "Have I not faithfully served you for many years?"
Vangelis paused. "This is true." He began to pace again. "Did you not seek to stop her?"
"She was as silent as snow, my king- any movement was as quiet as the rustling of straw. When I learned she had gone, it was already too late." Hailmar bowed his head again. "I accept the punishment befitting such failure."
Vangelis hummed, ending his pacing so he could stand above Hailmar. "Very well. You shall have it. I do believe you, loyal Hailmar, but you are not so exceptional as to be spared what comes from failure."
"Of course not, my king. It is as you say."
"Your humility is admirable." Vangelis gestured to the other guards. "Take him to the dungeons. Fifty lashes shall be his payment, and he us to be an example to all those who are derelict in their duties to the crown. Let his rank be stripped, as well."
Hailmar was compliant as they took him away, walking as he was directed without a hint of resistance but with his head held high. When he was taken out, the great and heavy doors of the throne room shut behind the guards with a dull thud.
When Vangelis was sure that no one else would disturb him, he returned to his throne. He reached behind it and retrieved a silver mirror. Vangelis placed the mirror on the floor and retrieved a spellbook and a box as well.
The king opened his materials to the proper places, pulling out vials of powders and liquids from the box and turning to a page in his spellbook. He took small amounts from the vials and poured them into a small bowl, before chanting in another language.
"Filia mea ostende mihi…"
The liquid in the bowl swirled and glowed a sickly green, shining bright enough to overcome the midday sun. It shone brighter by the second, engulfing him. He poured it on the mirror, and it died and was replaced with an image as it plunged the room into the blackest darkness.
Vangelis smiled gleefully. Inside the mirror, he saw his daughter. Vania laughed and played with the Geckles, living in the caverns. She looked around, taking in the enormous size with wide eyes. Finally, she snuck through a pair of tall doors, returning a little later with a sad look on her face.
Vangelis smiled. His daughter was below the ivory city, living with the little people below– the miners! It would be a simple task for his guards to retrieve her, and from there, to bring her to her senses. Princess Vania would learn to be seen and not heard, no longer plagued by foolish thoughts of exploration– the daughter he had tried to raise her to be. She would be the model queen for their people as her husband ruled over them.
Vangelis quickly packed up his materials and returned them to their hiding place. Once he was finished, he summoned more guards. He issued them a simple command.
"Princess Vania has become lost in the abandoned mines and caverns below the city of Shintaro. Bring her back to me!"
The first group sent below the mountain was unsuccessful. Only half the squadron returned, telling of no sign of the princess. They spoke of horrible creatures, unending darkness, and a terrible, rushing river.
The king sent a second squadron, but they fared no better in their ultimate goal. While all but two returned, none would speak of what had befallen their brothers in arms. One of the men would not speak at all, mutely going about his duties. The king was enraged and sent another.
Such were the stories of the next three squadrons that were sent, each faring differently, but none finding Princess Vania. Each told of terrible monsters, of pitfalls and traps, and of abyssal darkness. Finally, the king was filled with unending frustration, so he sent out a summons to all the nearby kingdoms.
"This is the decree of King Vangelis of Shintaro: any adventurer or warrior that comes to his aid in his time of need shall be richly rewarded, knowing security for all his days. Let it be known through all the lands that the King is gracious to those who do well by him."
The decree went unanswered for weeks, but eventually King Vangelis was visited by three adventurers. They were a Metalonian barbarian, a druidic mage, and a roguish thief, drawn by the promise of riches. Vangelis received them warmly, and spoke to each in turn.
"Korgran, mighty warrior. I have heard tales about your strength with your axe. Tell me, are you brave enough to face the darkness below the mountain?"
The barbarian grunted. "Korgran is not afraid! He and his axe– which does not talk– can handle anything."
"I am sure you can. As for you, Fungus, wise mage; your prowess with magic will serve you well against the monsters my men faced below. Are you willing to aid me?"
The mage swept his hat off and bowed. "Yes, your majesty. No monster can withstand the power of my spells."
"It is my wish that you are correct. As for Plundar, the crafty gambler... You are infamous for your luck, and equally so for your double-crossing nature. Will you keep your end of our deal?"
"Look, your highness, I don't break deals. If you're gonna hire me, I'm not gonna trick you." He tossed a pair of dice from hand to hand idly.
"Very well. I charge the three of you with a simple yet treacherous quest. My daughter has been lost to the depths of the mountain. My men are unable to return her to her home, telling of monstrous beasts and perilous traps. Will you rescue her?"
The three adventurers assented, and King Vangelis directed them to private quarters to rest the night before their journey as his men prepared equipment for their journey. That night, he visited each in private to speak in more detail about their charge, saying the same to each.
"I have no doubt that you can fulfill this quest. You are well-known throughout Shintaro as an accomplished adventurer. However, the path is perilous, so I shall make you another offer. If you can return my daughter to me, you shall be given her hand in marriage, that you may live here in the ivory city. I do not say this lightly– if you accept, do not tell your brethren."
Each adventurer, though mixed in their enthusiasm, accepted the king's deal. The next morning, without speaking of the king's visits, they ventured into the mountain together.
King Vangelis watched them go down into the mountain. For three weeks, his guards checked the highest tunnels twice daily, but there was no sign of the adventurers. Eventually, the king called off the daily patrols.
For a short time, the king went unvisited, his daughter remaining under the city. All evidence of the adventurers' visit was swept away, and the ivory city continued in its routines, with whitewashed walls and golden roofs. A sort of luxurious monotony set in.
One evening, however, another unfamiliar figure approached the city. He was clad in black and masked, such that only his eyes were visible. He walked through the ivory flagstone streets with the sun behind him, passing by every person and building he saw with an appreciative glance, slowly approaching the castle. When he at last came to the castle gates, he rapped on them loudly.
"Let me speak to the king! I'm here to answer his summons!"
Filia mea ostende mihi = "show me my daughter."
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the-ninjago-historian · 13 minutes
FIRST TIME?! WOW!!!🤩 I'm impressed dude!
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First try of drawing Kai
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the-ninjago-historian · 13 minutes
Please more arin , hes cool
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the-ninjago-historian · 13 minutes
YAY! Jaya Snuggles! So cute!😍💖
Sleepy heads úwù
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the-ninjago-historian · 13 minutes
I remember reading this chapter! Poor Vania. At least she has some new friends to look after her! This is SUCH a fun story! I just the love the classic fairytale vibes!😁🫶
Hair As Gold As Straw (Chapter 2 - Moving Underground)
[Prologue] // [Chapter 1 of 9] // [Chapter 2 of 9 - you are here!] // [Chapter 3 of 9] – (FFN) (AO3)
Part of the @ninjago-fairy-tale-au!
Once upon a time, Princess Vania of Shintaro lived in an ivory castle in an ivory city. Her father, King Vangelis, kept her safe in her tower, where no one could hurt her and she could not hurt herself... until the day when she ran away. A Colania Snow White retelling.
Chapter summary:
The adventure of a lifetime has begun, and Vania must find her place in a completely new environment.
Vania, Grendle, and the other Geckles trekked through the caves for a time, before coming to a great pair of doors, which towered over all of them. Vania stared up at them, and she felt small, already regretting leaving home for this cold, unwelcoming world. The doors loomed ominously.
Grendle knocked on the doors. "A stranger has come into the caverns and must come before the Parliament!" he cried.
"Bring him in!" another voice called from inside. "Let him speak before Chancellor Gulch!"
The doors creaked open, and the other two Geckles took Vania's arms, pulling her inside. Once she entered, doors slammed shut behind them.
Inside the doors laid an enormous cavern, riddled with stalactites that glowed with moss. Inside, three large structures sat; on either side was a row of stands filled with seats, and between them a third with only one seat. Each of the two side stands was filled with Geckles, while one with a sash, seemingly the chancellor, sat at the third. He stood up.
"Grendle! Who is this man?"
Vania stepped forwards. "My name is Princess Vania of Shintaro, Chancellor." The Geckles murmured amongst themselves. "My father, King Vangelis, has kept me trapped in the palace for years, and I escaped down here into your caves."
"Harrumph! You are not a man, you are a woman! You say you are a princess from above the mountain, seeking refuge?" Gulch asked.
"Yes, I am."
"Why should we believe you are from above, and not a Munce spy?"
"What is a Munce?" Vania asked. "I don't know what that is."
"I move to accept that she is not a Munce!" a voice cried out, and the crowd of purple men began throwing rocks at one of the ones in the stands. The chancellor put up his hand.
"Very well! We are in agreement; she is not a Munce!" The chancellor stood up. "We accept that you are from above the mountain. I move to let her take up residence in the eastern caverns!" He was pelted with pebbles. "It is decided!"
Vania looked around the enormous caverns. Gems glittered in the ceiling, and stalactites glowed with moss. In the walls, black stone veined with glowing orange peeked through, giving off a faintly diffused light. Geckle homes were scattered throughout, build into the side of one of the walls, opposite a large passageway that closed with tall, wooden doors. They piled up like boulders and were built from stone and mortar, grey and black rock melding together so unlike the ways of the Shintarans.
Throughout the cavern, various tools were scattered; pickaxes, ropes, wheelbarrows and buckets were only a few. Rubble was piled and scattered in every corner and crevice, sparkling with mica and chips of gemstones that contrasted against the dull rock. All was grey and dull except for them and the moss.
After she entered, Gleck found Vania and showed her around the caverns. They were inseparable, like in childhood. He told her about how the Geckles lived in their stone homes. He showed her their gemstone mine and where they harvested the moss milk, which they found so delicious. He explained how they lived underground, never needing to see the sun. Finally, he showed her the home where she would stay, right next to his.
Once he had shown her everything, Vania asked him a question that had tormented her.
"Why are all of the homes on this wall, Gleck? They look like they're running away from the passageway."
"Because the Munce live in that direction." Gleck pointed at the doors. "The passageway divides us. We are not meant to go anywhere near them."
"But why? Are they fearsome people?"
"Oh, yes! I am not scared of them, but the others are." He frowned. "They say they are treacherous and steal the gems we mine for their own. They are said to have stolen an ancient blade!"
"Why do they say that?" Vania asked.
"I do not know. The blades are only a legend. It is a rivalry as old as the mountain." Gleck sighed. "You may go to meet them, if you wish, but I would not advise that."
Their conversation ended quickly, as Gleck went to introduce Vania to several of his friends. Grit and Gipper were both Gleck's neighbors, and they would be Vania's too. They were friendly, but they both affirmed that the Munce were bad. Vania's interest was piqued.
Late the next night, Vania snuck out of her new stone home. She slipped through the passage to the Munce caverns, padding silently through the cold stone walkway. The gems in the ceiling twinkled, but the moss began to disappear, being replaced by furry lichen. Eventually, she came to an identical pair of doors, and slipped through them to see another enormous cavern.
The Munce lived very differently from the Geckles, in terraced layers of mud and stone buildings. Their homes reached to the ceiling, and there were ladders dug into the sides of the walls. All over the floors, there were weapons and mining tools strewn. Bones were cluttered in corners, and piles of dirt and debris were everywhere.
A large, teal creature came out of one of the buildings. It stretched and yawned loudly. Several others followed it out, clearly just waking up. Vania watched as they picked up pickaxes and clubs and headed into another cavern.
Vania quietly followed them and peeked into the second cavern. This one was as large as the Geckle parliament, but instead of their structure, it had an enormous banquet table. At the end of the cave was a throne on a pedestal, where a clearly female Munce sat. She was attended by several others, and as more Munce entered, they took their places at the table. As they slowly woke up, they slowly became more aggressive, starting to fight over meaningless things. Eventually the table was full.
"Munce! Today, we mine! Murt and Muckle, you hunt!" the queen announced. Two Munce in particular started cheering, but she glared at them and their neighbors hit them on the head.
Vania watched their proceedings, slowly creeping out of hiding. Eventually the queen looked up toward her and scowled.
"Intruder!" She pointed at Vania. "Who are you!?"
Vania stepped back. "I am Vania. I'm sorry for intruding."
"Sorry, schmorry. Why are you here?" the queen demanded.
"I was curious."
The Munce began muttering to each other, kicking up a ruckus. The queen silenced them with a glare. "You are no Geckle."
"No, but they took me in."
"And you are here to spy on us Munce for those traitorous Geckles, blade stealers?"
"No!" Vania put up her hands. "I wanted to know who you were, that is all."
One of the ones on the ground walked up to her, and he pointed at the doors. "Geckles are not good like Munce."
"They've been good to me. My friend told me that the rivalry is meaningless."
"They are sneaky! Bad Geckles. They are said to lie with every breath. You trust them?"
"Yes. I think you are wrong. Why do you not trust them?"
"We trust them enough," the queen said. "Go back to the Geckles! Do not trouble us."
The other Munce led her out of the cavern to the doors.
"I am Murt. You are not Geckle, and Geckles are not bad."
Vania smiled. "Thank you, Murt. Perhaps we will see each other again?"
"Maybe. We mine with the Geckles, so maybe there."
Vania slipped back to the Geckle caverns unnoticed, and that was the end of that.
Over the next several months, Vania lived in harmony with the Geckles. The Geckles and Munce worked together sometimes in the mines, and Vania met the other Munce. Murt introduced her to his friends Mimble and Molt. Vania introduced them to her Geckle friends, and somehow they became friends, too. They even found a friend– a baby dragon that Vania named Chompy. The seven of them– Chompy, Murt, Mimble, Molt, Gleck, Grit, and Gipper– became inseparable, and Vania often joined them.
Life was good in the caverns below the mountain once the Geckles and Munce united. Vania never once was trapped; she was allowed to go anywhere she pleased and do anything she wished. Unlike her life in Shintaro, she saw no beautiful artwork or read books– instead, she mined with the Geckles and Munce, singing work songs with a great heigh-ho. She never once looked back, only once considering going back to Shintaro; while she was more than happy to live her life in the caves, it wasn't like her life above, so was it worth staying?
She disregarded the idea. Going back to her father would mean she would have to face her father's punishment– even more captivity, or worse. She did not want to face that.
For the moment, life for Princess Vania was good… but she knew it sadly couldn't last.
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the-ninjago-historian · 21 minutes
*crashes through the ceiling*
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REBLOG if you have amazing talented artist friends!
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Guys. We almost got a Twitchy Tim minifigure... I would have LOVED that.
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Did I post this? I can't remember. Anyways, I found this VERY interesting.👀
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I love this. I love it SO much.🤣🤣🤣 Movie Zane needs an indestructible pigeon friend!
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Don't worry, the falcon plushie I gave Movie Zane in that one comic is still a thing in my book. The two can coexist.
777 notes · View notes
Woah! This looks super cool! I love the glitch effect! I looks just like when he cloaks in the show!👀✨ Also, this style rocks!
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Snake Jaguar… undercover 😎
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Dragon/merlopian siblings. They bite.
538 notes · View notes
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Lol. He just grabbed a bone from some random skeleton and put it on his head. That's hilarious.🤣
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New Egalt Concept art!
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His design is really cool! I loved it!
112 notes · View notes
DAAAAAAAAAAANG!!!😮 That's crazy man!
Sometimes I think about how Kai made his way out of an inferno by accepting that being the green ninja wasn't meant for him but that didn't make him any lesser while Morro died in an inferno because he couldn't let go of the idea of being the green ninja and viewed it as his only source of worth. And then I lose it a little
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Aw! So cute! He totally would!😁💖
Do you think kai would playfully embarrass Lloyd when they’re on the news?
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Yes but in the “look at my lil bro LOOK AT HIM” kind of way I think
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