#...why the fire resistance?
y-rhywbeth2 · 6 months
...I just found a guide on how a Bhaalspawn can become God of Murder in an old Dragon article! Disclaimer: You might need to kill Bhaal again first for this to work.
"First, [the Bhaalspawn] must bring about the death of a thousand innocents. It can do this through a variety of methods: unleashing a magical plague, using magic to destroy a city with an earthquake, awakening and then controlling an ancient dragon... the possibilities are endless. "Next, it must recover a piece of its father's mortal flesh; either from the body that lies within the Winding Water where Bhaal was killed during the Time of Troubles or else the body left in the Moonshae isles, where Bhaal's avatar was killed by King Tristran of the ffolk. "Finally, he must sit upon the Throne of the Gods and be judged by the overgod Ao. The Throne could be located in any number of inhospitable places: the Starpeaks in the High Forest, in the deepest regions of the Underdark, or somewhere on the Outer Planes." - Dragon #288
Other fun stuff in there included the idea that Bhaal was very likely to direct his kids to fuck up Cyric's plans.
There was also a guide to the weird powers they will develop:
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Warning, having Bhaal as a father may cause you to exhibit two or more of the following side effects:
Addiction to homicide (Refusal to commit homicide will lead to your mind being eaten away until you turn into a ravening, feral animal.)
Your soul going to hell (well, Gehenna) when you're unconscious
Viscous black blood that attracts devils and demons like flies to honey
Poisonous blood! You can coat your weapons with it!
Turning into a divine murder monster
Getting so carried away with bloodlust you try to fight everything. Literally everything in reach, all at once.
Overwhelming homicidal rage when slightly inconvenienced
A steadily weakening sense of free will
Everybody around you immediately dislikes you because you give off Vibes.
A personality so bad it has charisma penalties
Nightmares so traumatic they actually impair your ability to function while awake
Detect evil spells will say you're evil and holy weapons and water will harm you. Even if you're not evil
Being fireproof, for some reason
Super strength
And more!
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sunmoontruth-stiles · 2 months
I need a completely rewritten teen wolf series with Derek Hale as the main character. I think it would heal me.
#we follow Derek from New York. Laura left for beacon hills. it’s been six years since he was back but he hasn’t heard from her#and hes going stir crazy waiting. he packs up and travels back. it’s almost too much immediately. he still can’t get a hold of Laura#he can’t resist going home. it’s like a natural pull that guides him back. all at once he’s 16 again. staring at the wreckage of his life#deputy stilinski is sherrif now. it’s reassuring in the slightest that the police force seems to have moved on from how corrupt it was#he catches her scent and it’s putrid. bile catches in his throat. he seeks it out. still in denial to what he knows it means.#when he finds Laura it’s like the world ends all over again. he can’t stand to see her like this. he gives her a proper burial.#the best he can do at least#he visits Peter. he’s not the man Derek remembers- so full of fire and cunning. their relationship may have been strained at times.#often Derek felt more like Eve being swayed by the snake than a normal friendship#but this isn’t the sharp tongued uncle who guided him. this is a broken shell. all that remained of his family. he was so lost.#22 but he barely knew how to function without his family- his pack paving the way#Laura handled everything. she got the apartment. she made sure they had food. Derek looks back and feels so useless#he was so lost in his grief. Laura must of felt the same way but she never let them drown in it#she made sure he got his GED. even got him to enroll in community college classes.#he took them online. he never was able to warm up to people the same way. he used to be so full of life. now he just wanted to be left alone#he studied English. never finished his degree. doesn’t look like he ever will now. he can’t go back to Laura and his shared home.#can’t bare to see another shell of a home#he vents to the vacant audience of Peter and his cold fixed eyes#Derek leaves. he wants to promise he’ll return soon#but promises feel costly these days#he decides to go back to the reserve. maybe he can find some clue as to what happened to Laura#someone lured her here. someone who knew them and their history here#his mind went to the worst. Kate. why would she go through the trouble six years later. why wait so long.#Derek couldn’t stomach the thought of facing her. he focused on the woods. the scents were all over the place.#clearly multiple people had been through here recently. two scents were much stronger. Derek follows them#but when he hears the crunch of leaves he realizes why the scents are so strong. they’re still here#he ducks behind some trees. listening in on their conversation. but an echo of their scent catches his attention#he spots an inhaler on the ground. he puts two and two together and swipes it from the leaves.#he comes out once they’re closer. tossing over the inhaler- he figures they’ll leave. dumb kids messing around in the woods#he reminds them this is private property. though that may not be true anymore. he recognizes the scent of a new beta. interesting.
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news4dzhozhar · 2 months
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I'm not sure why some people are surprised by this. It's an entirely different method and mindset of fighting when you have nothing left to lose and believe down deep in what you are doing. Compare that to untrained 19-20 year old idiot conscripts who would rather be on TikTok and have zero discipline and this is the result.
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oops-prow-did-it-again · 11 months
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gwinverarrouz · 10 months
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My object head OCs whomst I almost never draw, haha. I like them! They just... don't really have stories, so I don't think about them a lot compared to some of my other characters.
The last three were art pieces I made for past editions of the Object Head Zine (these ones are free for all, you can download them!), and the dates written on the first set actually correspond to when these were finished. So 2017, 2019 and 2021. ^^
The middle row is from last year's inktober, thought it'd be fun to include them too. Different styles~
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samarecharm · 4 months
I beat? The blue spark shadow in Osaka?? Before i even attempted the one in Sapporo ??
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the-casbah-way · 3 hours
so i went on a side quest today. partly related to an upcoming contract at work. and now i am a qualified fire steward for some reason
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kittlyns · 5 months
No one prepared me for how soft Karlach's voice is when you're romancing her. Like what the fuck
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dafukdidiwatch · 3 months
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Is Appraisal now the high class CEO here to sweep you on a helicopter ride with how awesome it is?
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itstheelvenjedi · 6 months
I did this section of act 1 last night before going to sleep but it's still so fucking funny to me even now.
Picked up the wife, then went to beat the shit out of Zariel's hunting dogs at the toll house with her in the party bc she deserves it. She can have a little murder, as a treat. So we had Rai, then Wyll and Shart as our spellcasters, and Karlach.
1) Karlach does her barbarian rage thing for the tutorial after we kill Anders and Co, obviously. She sets A LOT OF THINGS (including Shart, but NOT Rai and Wyll (I am jokingly calling it favouritism for shipping's sake /jk) on FIRE. As she does bc Infernal Engine and all.
And then
2) Calms down, walks outside after us (we had to get Shart out of the fire before she Burned To Death lmao), says "That should do it" and then IMMEDIATELY starts doing her idle tapdance.
I love her so much djsjsjsjsijs
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espectres · 4 months
anonymous sent: 
Shou, you are the protagonist of your own life.
[ UNPROMPTED ] ...  ▬▬▬   always accepting !
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" Sounds a bit too corny, doesn't it ? " A bored comment without filters, he doesn't hide his need to bite first, despite the absence of worthy provocation. Even if the notion and the phrase sounded both inspiring and encouraging, something that speaks of one's will and how their fate, their decisions, their whole life is their own- it's in own their hands. Unfortunately, he finds something feeble about it. 
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" Is life really some sort of a narrative to you ? " Something with a clear start and end, a navigable path, with helpful directions and points to show your advancing as the so-called "protagonist" faces hardships and changes themselves and the world to a better place, doesn't that sound egotistical ? To treat life that way feels a little .... A frustrated noise follows, something with a little ridicule. " That's just dumb. " 
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androxys · 8 months
The way I feel positively elderly having to pull up Bulbapedia every other battle for the Fairy effectiveness chart
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nomaishuttle · 7 months
i love my brain bc itll say the most out of pocket shit like Well the building will catch on fire bc you didnt line up your rags with the colored edge on the same side when you loaded your cart today. and im like what. thats stupid. where do you even get that from and my head is like source: it is known and im like Fuck man cant argue with that. and my brains like yeah. youre going to hell for this btw
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mars-ipan · 11 months
choosing shapeshifting as ur desired superpower is egg as hell for sure like i did it i have a lot of friends who did it but also like. who WOULDN’T choose shapeshifting
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hikarinokusari · 1 year
I think I'm going to need to refrain from putting Pantera cover of Hurdy Gurdy for fight music because :
1 - it bangs too much. 2 - OFC IT'S PANTERA. 66% of my table will surely recognize it. 3 - I'll just stop the fight and listen to it. 4 - It'd be an excuse to "BUT WHAT IF I PUT LUCA TURILLI'S MUSIC" moment I always have which leads to step 1 and step 3.
#hnk ramblings#choosing a music is my nightmare#i'm fucking too picky#i want to listen to final fantasy but i can't otherwise i'll just brainfreeze and listen to final fantasy adieu campaign.#but consider. Luca's turilli music for boss are a treasure#I just resist the urge to put Echoes of Tragedy from Rhapsody of Fire's album in Argynvostholt bc STEP 3 is awful for a music lover.#i fell into a pittrap where I've discovered a new artist for hurdy gurdy and i'm just vibing instead of you know prep.#NO BUT LISTEN THE WOMEN SINGING THEN THE CONTRECHANT FIGHTING THE CHOIR AND THEN THE ALLTOGETHER REPRISE#THEN THE KEYCHANGE THE DESPAIR COMES BACK AND BAM CHOIR AGAIN AND THE SINGER FINDS THE STRENGHTH AGAIN#LOOK I JUST CAN'T I NEED LUCA TURILLI'S INSTRUMENTAL.#AND THEN THE SPEAKING PART OF THE BEGINNING AGAIN WITH THE OMINOUS PIANO WITH RAW ENERGY PLEASE THIS WOULD BE PERFECT FOR THE FIGHT#And this my friend is why I don't put music I know in campaign#now vibing to luca turilli's again. I will never prep the music and the session is in like less than 2 hours and I still need to walk the#dog#THE CHOIR STARTS AGAIN GODDAMN THAT PART WITH THE SINGING AND AGAIN KEYCHANGE AND VIBE CHANGE BUT DIFFERENTLY SLIGHT CHANGES AND THE REPRIS#I JUST CAN'T#THE GLORY#OH FFS I'LL JUST LISTEN TO IT IF THEY FIGHT THE BOSS AND PUT THEM ANOTHER MUSIC#Or I just need the instrumental which is a shame cause I don't have it ALSO THERE IS ORGAN AT SOME POINT AFTER YOU THINK IT'S FINISHED WITH#A FUCKING TOCCATA#AND THIS MY FRIEND IS ABSOLUTELY INSANE MUSIC AND COMPOSITION WISE#^ I'm a music enjoyer.#and ominous piano is back for part 2 after the toccata just to tease and the speaking threatening choir in latin with raw dormant fury just#this is grand masterpiece.#I'll die on this hill but luca turilli's music is such underrated#u want to write music? this is how you write music. Listen to ' Of michael the Archangerl and Lucifer's fall' whole 20 minutes.#It's a gem.
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light-imperfected · 1 year
🧶 (Please tell me about yarn please please p)
send 🧶 for a gift my muse would knit yours!!
His brow furrows. He's never talked to this guy before. But everyone could use a pair of socks, right?
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