#like you could theoretically put your hand through that labcoat and the labcoat would be real
gwinverarrouz · 10 months
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My object head OCs whomst I almost never draw, haha. I like them! They just... don't really have stories, so I don't think about them a lot compared to some of my other characters.
The last three were art pieces I made for past editions of the Object Head Zine (these ones are free for all, you can download them!), and the dates written on the first set actually correspond to when these were finished. So 2017, 2019 and 2021. ^^
The middle row is from last year's inktober, thought it'd be fun to include them too. Different styles~
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confusedunit · 3 years
A Faint Divergence - Day 4
12 Days of Ficmas - Day 4 Gen, as always. Fluff Characters: Dr. Freeman, Dr. Coomer
"Thank you for agreeing to meet with me, Dr. Coomer."
Harold smiled as he sat down, folding his hands together as he looked across the table at Dr. Freeman. The theoretical physicist had been hired recently, and already had attached himself to Harold like a lost duckling. He wasn't the only one the young man had gotten attached to of course. Isaac had been the one to even get him a job there, Tommy had started fussing over him as soon as they'd met (in his own Tommy way), and Calhoun went drinking with him at least once a week.
But Harold was the one he searched for when he needed to talk through his work. He was even better than attempting the Rubber Duck method, as he would often remember whatever he was told, even if he didn't quite understand it.
"Of course, Gordon. I'm always glad to help, and it's always good to spend time together."
Dr. Freeman laughed, running a hand through his hair. It was down, today, slicked back and clean. His hair was still a bit long, and there were bets running on how long it took until he got reprimanded. "I'm sure the free pizza helps, too."
"You wound me, Gordon." He dramatically threw his head back,  pressing the back of his hand to his forehead. "I care for you far more than I care for pizza."
He raised an eyebrow.
"...Though I will do quite a bit for a good veggie pizza."
"There's the truth." He laughed, entire body shaking as he did so.
"Well, you know Bubby. He hates that kind of pizza with a passion, and since we always share, I can never get some of my own. Other than with you."
"He's...surprisingly picky about food, for someone who doesn't go out very much."
"Careful, Gordon." Harold smiled kindly. "He's got a lot going on."
"Sorry, right. I don't...yeah." His hand bounced on the table. "Sorry."
He reached across the table to gently press the hand to the table. "Don't. You're going to hurt again. And it's not a problem."
"S- ...yeah." He shifted a bit in his seat.
He leaned back. "Do you have your Tangle?"
"No, I- left it in my other labcoat."
"...Hmm." Harold searched through his pockets. "Does pressing buttons help you?"
"I- uh, yeah?"
"Here." He pulled out a Sinclair Scientific calculator, holding it out. "I forgot to give this back to Bubby before I left the lab, but I'm sure he'll be glad it's gone. He always gets so upset when I use a calculator."
"Why?" He took the calculator, clicking at the buttons. "And thanks."
"Because he's too smart, he says. Tells me to just ask him instead. Sometimes, I just prefer using the device."
Dr. Freeman nodded, settling as he clicked the buttons more. He started to tap out a sort of pattern, though it wasn't one that Harold could read.
"What is that sequence, Gordon?"
"Oh- It doesn't get the point across, because you're just hearing the sound of the buttons activating, but it's like...how to explain." He rolled his shoulders. "It's like, it's the song that the crystals have been playing, if that makes sense? Remember my theory I wrote about in my thesis?"
"Of course, Gordon."
"Well, I've been putting that to use with the crystals that they've been giving us here are work. We're remaining low in power at the moment, but the crystals still sing. It's quiet, though. But I've been keeping track of the tune. They all sing similarly, but of course there's fluctuations depending on the power of the beam we hit it with." His hands shook with excitement, even as he clicked on the calculator. "But the resonation is similar enough due to the material being the same. If we can look into the resonation itself, we might be able to actually see if you can resonate something at a high enough frequency to do more than just hear it. We'd just...have to tune it."
"Like a radio?" He gestured with his slice of pizza, before taking a bite.
"Exactly! We can dial in the same song with the same power and the same frequency in the same sample. But if we could get the right frequency and power fluctuations to ring out the same song from a different sample, at a higher level of energy...who knows what that kind of connection could cause?"
"And this has been on your mind?"
"Of course! It's my life's work."
He chuckled. "You're still in your twenties, Gordon. You've got a lot of life ahead of you."
"Yeah, but...still." He smiled. "The rest of the team doesn't always get it. Why I talk about it like this. But..."
Harold nodded in understanding. "It's your focus, right?"
"Exactly. They don't understand it. But I do. And I need to learn more."
Harold smiled. "You're going to change the world, Gordon."
Dr. Freeman chuckled. "I hope you're right, Dr. Coomer."
He took a final bite of pizza. "I know I am."
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