#none of these things are that big of a deal
ordinaryschmuck · 2 days
The Doctor experiencing racism, firsthand, for the first time in their life...Oh, man, I gotta go through this.
First, I love that he doesn't realize what's wrong at first. He just figures that the rich twats are being twats. No big deal, The Doctor dealt with twats before, he can handle them once more. So he tries, he tries using every ounce of logic to convince them that going with him will be for the best. But they refuse anyway because they're uncomfortable with someone like him and his wild story about a blue box that's bigger on the inside.
Yet he doesn't care. The Doctor still wants to help these people, even if they don't trust him. It speaks volumes of the kind of good person that The Doctor is, no matter the face. They will always help someone--EVERYONE--because to them, no life in the universe isn't worth saving. He makes this clear in his desperation to make them STOP their crazy plan to become pilgrims and let him take them to a new, safer planet. Except that they still refuse, and he's stunned. He can't understand how they can be so insane to not accept his help.
And then it hits. He finally gets the reason why they don't want his help. It's all because of this one, vile concept that still managed to persist for decades, centuries, GENERATIONS on a distant planet. Despite the time and the distance, racism still persisted and The Doctor was too blind to notice the signs. The fact that there was no other person of color in that bubble or how often Lindy was annoyed and disgusted with The Doctor specifically while being more lenient toward Ruby. She blocked The Doctor immediately, but was willing to hear Ruby out despite how clearly aggravated she became with her. It was all there, and none of us noticed, not even The Doctor because...they're not used to thinking that way. They're used to people trusting their face and listening to them because they've always remembered being White and never once considered that someone could be prejudiced towards them.
All of this comes to The Doctor all at once...and it is so ridiculous that all he can do is laugh. The sheer utter lunacy that racism existed and he just now realized HE could experience it is insane. It's insane that this is something he never thought of. It's insane that this is STILL something he has to think of. And that laughter soon turns to anger because he HATES that it's still a thing he has to think of. He hates that he couldn't safe what's left of a civilization because of something that should have been outdated LONG ago.
The Doctor finally experienced racism first hand, and it broke both of his hearts because of it.
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rafecameronssl4t · 3 days
Tell ur girl || Rafe Cameron x fem!reader
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Summary: Topper’s new girl being a bitch so you just have to remind her where her place is.
Warnings: swearing, drinking
word count: 431
a/n: send me requests pleaseee 🫶
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divider by @yoonitos
Posted up with my dogs, Scooby Doo type shit. She grippin’ all on my balls, I gotta move type shit. Diamonds, they cover my flaws, I got that brand new type shit.
You step into the dimly lit space of the party, left hand sporting a red plastic cup, your other holding your purse as you move amidst the chaotic atmosphere. The pulsating bass of Future’s ‘Type Shit’ reverberating through the air, the scent of alcohol and sweat mingles with the thrum of excitement, creating an intoxicating ambiance that electrifies the senses.
You navigate through the crowded room, your gaze fixed on Rafe, sat on one of the couches with a few people around, his presence commanding attention wherever he goes. You catch glimpses of familiar faces—like topper and kelce—their expressions a blend of excitement and indulgence, but your focus remains on Rafe.
He hadn’t noticed you as he was talking to a guy standing behind the couch, but Topper did, and he tapped Rafe on the shoulder and cocked his head to your direction. He watches you as you come closer with that grin you knew all too well. He let his eyes wander down your figure as you couldn’t help but feel your cheeks burn up.
Without even setting down your purse or cup, you immediately leaned over to Rafe as his hand rests on your hip, your lips meeting in a kiss. All while this was happening, you could hear Topper ushering the girl beside him to move to his other side. Your eyes move to an unfamiliar girl, her blonde locks cascading around her shoulders as she’s pressed up against your boyfriend’s arm, her expression one of casual indifference.
Your eyes then flicker towards Topper’s hand resting on her thigh. So this must be Top’s new girl, Cassie I think her name was. “Yo Top, tell your girl to move over yeah?” Rafe leans back on the sofa manspreading as his eyes lock with Topper’s behind the blonde girl’s head.
You notice the subtle change of demeanour in Cassie as she looks down at her painted nails. “Babe, just move here,” Topper pats the free space on his other side as she scoffs. “Why should I? I was here first,” she scoffs, glancing at you as she dismissively tosses her hair.
Rafe watches Cassie with a measured gaze, his eyes betraying none of the amusement that flickers in their depths. “Cassie, right?” The blonde blinks up at you, “Could you just please move over? You’ll still be sitting next to Top, what’s your problem?” You assert, your tone firm but composed. Rafe’s lips quirk up in a barely contained smile.
“Nothing,” She shrugs, “I’m just not moving,” she declares defiantly, crossing her arms over her chest in a gesture of defiance. In your peripheral vision, Topper closes his eyes briefly before letting out a breath, “Cassie, it’s not a big fuckin’ deal, just move and let Y/n sit there.” His tone agitated.
Your patience wears thin at her stubbornness, frustration simmering beneath the surface. With a sigh, you shoot Rafe a pleading look, silently urging him to intervene. But Rafe merely watches the exchange with a hint of amusement, his lips quirking up in a barely concealed smile.
Before you can respond, Rafe’s deep voice slices through the thick tension in the room, calm yet imbued with an unmistakable authority. His eyes lock onto yours, his expression firm but not unkind. “Come on, Cassie. Don’t make this harder than it needs to be,” he says. His words resonate with a weight that leaves no room for argument.
“Fucking forget about it,” your voice cuts through the air as the three of them watch you set down your things on the glass table. Then, without missing a beat, you settle onto Rafe’s lap, his arms instinctively wrapping around you. Your boot-covered feet find their place on Cassie’s lap, causing her eyes to widen in shock
Topper stifles his laugh as Rafe smirks, his large hand resting on your exposed stomach. Topper’s laughs become audible, drawing a sharp glare from Cassie. “Fuck you all,” she snaps, pushing herself off the couch and shooting you a withering look before stalking off into the crowd.
“Jesus Christ, Top, where are you finding these girls? Bitch island?” You shook your head at him as he rolls his eyes, leaning back on the couch. “Fucked If I know. Maybe I should steer clear of blondes,” Topper grumbles. Rafe snorts, “That’s about the smartest think you’ve said in a long time.”
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shiny-jr · 23 hours
- Warning: None really. Gender-neutral reader. 
- Characters: Malleus Draconia, Lilia Vanrouge, Silver, Sebek Zigvolt.
- Summary: You work a minimum wage job when a fae takes an interest after you jokingly asked him "will you adopt me?"
- Note: I planned for this to be a platonic yandere thing, but really it's only silly thoughts so I don't really plan to continue this unless y'all want. I don't even have a name for it.
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Thinking about an AU where...
You were born a regular magicless person in Twisted Wonderland. Which was a travesty, but not too uncommon, as there were plenty of beings in this world that were incapable of magic. It was considered a privilege to be born with such capabilities. A privilege.
Which was likely why the world seemed catered specifically for magic users. Magic users were the cream of the crop, the best of the best. In the social hierarchy, magic users reined on top. That's just how things were. It wasn't discriminatory. It was merely the nature of society. If a company was looking to hire, of course they would inquire if potential employees could use magic. And of course, they were more likely to choose magic users to fill the positions. That explained why you could only find work as a minimum wage telemarketer, but it was better than nothing.
Random numbers generated and numerous attempts, scripted greetings you've said so much you could recite them in your sleep. As soon as you get an answer of "mmmyello?" a casual and exaggerated hello, you go off on the scripted greeting to advertise the product.
Shockingly, the person on the other end doesn't immediately hang up. They merely hum at your words, occasional shifting heard on the other end.
By the tone and voice, you've deduced that it's a rather relaxed guy. A conversation ensues, and although he doesn't sound all that interested in making a purchase, he doesn't get annoyed by your call. In fact, he continues to chat, seemingly amused by you and willing to share details such that he had a son and two others he fondly cared for.
The man, whom referred to himself as Lilia, mentioned he lived in Briar Valley. How odd, as it was common knowledge that the valley didn't have the best connection with technology due to their preference towards magic. He spoke of his well-mannered son and the other two boys he helped raise, one was a loud son of a dentist and the other was a quiet son of longtime family friends. By this time you were imagining an older gentleman with three young boys no older than ten.
He seemed to care so fondly for them that in the middle of the pleasant conversation, you couldn't help but jokingly ask, "Will you adopt me?"
The line was silent and you were mortified as you remembered this was supposed to be business talk, and your calls were likely being recorded. After what must've been shock, he began to laugh on the other end, and you immediately ended the call in your panic.
Why did you say that? You shouldn't have said that– Damn it, right when you were just gonna test the waters to see if he wanted the insurance package! Well, there went your big catch of the day. The rest of the evening was failed attempts, either deadlines or potential customers just hung up as soon as you spoke. Things were looking bleak.
Eventually, not even a week later, you received a letter. A letter, not an email, that was written much like how you expected the contents of a letter from the medieval ages to sound. Starting with: Salutations, Telemarketer–– and after several paragraphs, ending with ––That is why I am now interested in your deal! I will need your assistance, because I have not a single clue about how insurance works.
There was no number, and you couldn't recall the one you had reached him through, so there was no choice but to resort to the old fashioned way. Through letters. Although it would be a hassle and an interaction that would likely last for weeks just for one deal, a customer was a customer, and this would be your first one in so long. However, when you agreed to speak to him, you didn't actually expect him to show up at your doorstep. The voice you recognized, but he was not what you had in mind. He looked to be your age, short with magenta highlights in his black hair and wide red eyes accompanied by a fang-toothed smile. And pointed ears, the sign of fae. Of course he was a fae, that made total sense as to why he spoke as if he were older. He probably was older, much older than you previously thought.
Lilia wore a constant smile, listening but also not listening when you tried your best to explain what insurance was to a fae that had never once needed it.
"Do you get it now...?" You asked finally, after a lengthy explanation to which he barely asked any questions. All he did was nod up and down.
There was a brief pause. "Yesss..." That sounded uncertain, but he didn't appear to care too much as he noticed your bag with only the minimum in it like keys and a thin wallet. Along with the time. "Shouldn't you be on your lunch break now?"
"Yes, but... I don't eat lunch. I'm not hungry." A lie. You were hungry, but it wasn't easy to get lunch on a minimum wage salary alone. You'd eat something for dinner.
Lilia seemed to sense this, somehow detecting your lie. "Hm... Well, I like you. And I'm not about to let a child starve on my watch."
"A child...?" You stared at him incredulously. This fae was practically the same size as you, maybe even shorter. "I'm over––"
"Uh-huh, just nod and come along." He instructed, holding up a finger to gently shush you as he waved you along to follow beside him. "If your age only has two numbers in it, then in my eyes, you're like a toddler."
Lunch was surprisingly nice, as Lilia was quite eccentric but excellent at holding a conversation. He seemed wise and witty, making a great combination. However, you couldn't help but wonder what a fae from Briar Valley was doing here, as it was known that most faes preferred not to leave the valley.
"It's getting late, I do have to be going..." Lilia sighed, before turning to you and his smile softened. "Would you like to see my boys I told you about? It won't take long."
Did he live close by? That was the only plausible explanation you could think of, since Briar Valley was a whole continent away. It only made sense that he lived nearby if he were here now. Maybe he was one of the few fae that chose to leave the valley.
This was quickly disproven when he held your hand and told you to stay still, when it felt like you were hurled through space. A gust of wind slapping your face, your eyes momentarily seeing a kaleidoscope of colors, you felt sick when suddenly your surroundings were darker.
Dark brick walls like black, candles lighting the space, gray stone floors... definitely not the outside of the cafe you were just standing in front of moments ago. Teleporation magic...? He was a fae, and all faes had magic. You only had milliseconds to recover and swallow the rising bile in your throat, as Lilia pulled you into an open space like a courtyard where light filtered in. However, in this space there were training dummies and swords instead of flowers and butterflies.
"Come, come, meet my boys. The ones I've told you about!"
You immediately paled. When you heard boys, you were expecting young children no bigger than half your height. Instead you were met with three towering men with forbidding expressions.
Two of which were dressed in dark metallic armor and lowering sharpened weapons. The one on the left was a bit taller, with green hair and sharp eyes that pierced you like a blade. The one on the right was the shorter of the two, but that didn't make him any less intimidating with his gray hair and aurora eyes on an expression as cold as ice.
And the last, the last was recognizable anywhere. Black robes and majestic black horns like a crown with slitted green eyes that seemed to glow and peer into your very soul. That was the prince of the valley, a fae with unrivaled and frightening levels of magic.
"This is Sebek, Silver, and Malleus. They've so looked forward to meeting you ever since I told them about you after our pleasant telephone chat yesterday!"
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13uswntimagines · 1 day
3 More Days (Alessia X Leah X Child!R)
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part of the Big Emotions Universe. Set before Big Emotions and Cookies for Luck
Summary: It's your first World Cup. Your first time in Australia, and the first time you ever had to be away from your Mama thanks to the stupid FIFA rules. The truth is that neither of you are dealing with the separation well. You just need to make it 3 more days.
warnings: none. soft angst if you squint, otherwise it's just a cute kidfic.
You decided you did not like Australia. 
You didn’t care if they had cute koalas, and a super cool aquarium, and people with cooler accents. 
You didn’t care that Uncle Luca had taken you to meet a turtle named Irwin, or that he let you and Squirt pick out a new stuffed octopus friend (you and Squirt hadn’t decided on a name yet). 
Australia was mean. Your mama was mean. 
The stupid soccer rules that said you couldn’t stay in the shiny hotel with her were mean. 
All of her teammates were mean. 
You did not like Australia. 
You frowned at the field, wiggling in your seat as the keepers jogged out of the tunnel for warmups. 
You decided you did not like the World Cup either. 
“Why the long face Tiny?” Uncle Luca asked you, adjusting your turtle jacket. 
Your shoulders lifted and fell, and a little crinkle appeared between your eyebrows as Mary took her place in the goal in front of you. “No wike it,”
He hugged you, lifting you from your seat into his lap. “What don’t you like?” 
You leaned back into his chest. Your little shoulders shrugged again. “No wike it,” 
“Ok,” He sighed. “Do you want a cookie? So Mama has good luck against Australia?”
He pulled a small chocolate-covered cookie out of your turtle backpack, offering it to you. 
Your nose scrunched as you pushed it away. “No wan it,”
You didn’t care that it was your favorite, the one with oranges in the middle. You didn’t want your mama to have good luck. 
You just wanted to not be in Australia. 
You wanted to be back in your apartment that Leah sometimes visited. 
You wanted to not have to say bye to your Mama after the game. 
“Alright tiny,” He said, slipping the cookie back into your backpack, and pulling you closer to him. “Hey look, Mama is coming,”
He hoped that seeing Alessia would pull you out of your funk. 
You had been… moody, even for a 2-year-old, ever since you landed in Australia. You hadn’t been able to fly with the team, but Alessia and Luca ensured you got to see your Mama daily. And the days you couldn’t, Uncle Luca and Nona did their best to distract you with trips to places like the Aquarium, the Zoo, and the beach. 
It seemed to work at first, but with each passing day, your smile dimmed, and your interest in their planned activities dwindled. 
Even your favorite pastime, watching your mama play soccer, didn’t pique your interest. 
Your eyes followed his hand, watching with halfhearted care as your mama finally emerged from the tunnel, chatting with your Aunt Ella and Lucy. 
You waited for her to look up. 
To wave to you like she always did. 
But she didn’t. 
You sunk back into Luca, your gaze drifting away from your mama, and towards Mary just as she dove for a save. 
She caught the ball easily, rolling her shoulders as she stood, and glancing back towards the crowd who cheered behind her. She smiled when she saw your tiny form bundled in Luca’s lap, sending a wave your way. 
You brightened considerably, lifting your hand in response, and nudging Luca. 
“Mazza,” You mumbled, pointing towards the keeper. 
“She’s pretty good, isn’t she?”
You blinked toward the new voice, taking in the sight of your second favorite person. 
You launched yourself towards the defender, uncaring of the fact that she was still on crutches. The force would have knocked her over had she not been standing against the guardrail. 
“Hey Bug,” She said as you buried yourself in her neck, clutching her England jersey like you thought she would disappear. 
Things had been difficult since she had torn her ACL and hadn’t been able to visit you and your Mama as much as she liked.
Her rehab was difficult and consumed her. It was why Alesia’s brother and mother had been tasked with caring for you during the tournament. 
“Hey,” You mumbled back, keeping yourself tucked into her neck. “No go? Stay now?”
“Yeah Bug, I’m going to stay and watch the game with you,” She promised, rubbing your back. “We’re going to watch your Mama win,” 
She shifted, settling into the chair next to your Uncle, and pulling you into her lap. You didn’t look up, ignoring when she waved towards your Mama and received a wave back in return. 
You missed how Alessia stared at the two of you, and the unspoken conversation that passed between them. 
The continuation of the conversations they had been having since before you left for Australia, and Fifa had announced the rules that banned children from the team hotels. Since Serina had reached out to make sure that You would be taken care of during the tournament. 
A conversation that both women knew wasn’t over yet. 
But warmups were not the time to continue it. 
Leah was worried. 
More than worried. 
You were normally like a ray of sunshine. You followed a game with rapt attention, cheering, and booing like it was in your blood. You waved at the players you knew and got excited when they waved back, especially if it was mid-match. 
Today, you just… didn't. 
You seemed wilted. Tired. 
You barely peeked out of her chest, even after the game had started. 
“Hey look, they’re getting ready for a corner,”  Leah said, bouncing you a bit as the teams set up in front of you. 
You glanced up at her, both eyebrows raised. “Flying header?” 
“Maybe,” Leah hummed, running a hand through your wild curls. “You’d have to watch to see,” 
Your nose scrunched immediately. 
“No wike it,” You grumbled, pressing yourself impossibly closer to Leah’s chest. 
“What don’t you like bug?” She asked you, trying to coax you out of your hiding place. 
“Elle is going to take the kick,” Luca added, nudging your arm, trying to get you to look. 
You didn’t.
You whined loudly, clutching Leah’s jersey impossibly tighter in your little fingers. 
They shared a look. 
You were not a winy child. 
You didn’t generally get fussy unless you were tired or sick. 
“Ok bug,” Leah sighed as Elle lined up for the kick, raising her hand as the rest of the team jockeyed for position in front of goal. “It’s all ok,” 
Elle’s foot hit the ball with a low thump, sending it flying in a perfect arch towards your Mama’s waiting head. 
All it took was a perfect flick, and it was in the back of the net. 
Alessia’s eyes immediately found the two of you as the stadium erupted. 
She expected you and Leah to be cheering too. For you to be clapping and happy like you normally were any time she scored. 
Instead, your face was buried in Leah’s neck, Lucas's hand rubbing your back. 
She frowned, raising her eyebrow towards the pair. 
Leah shrugged, rocking you gently. 
Neither of them knew exactly what had upset you. Only that you apparently didn’t want or like whatever it was. 
“Mama scored!” Luca cheered, rubbing your back more insistently. 
You turned your head to blink at him. 
“No want it,” You mumbled miserably, a contrast to the excitement still buzzing around you. 
Leah sighed, gently scratching the back of your head. “I know bug. It’s ok,”
“Nooo!” You screeched, shaking your head, because she didn’t know. No one knew, and no one was doing anything about it. 
They just kept telling you that it was ok. 
It wasn’t ok. 
“Ok, let’s take a walk tiny,” Luca scooped you out of Leah’s arms easily, already sensing the impending meltdown. “I think I saw a cool turtle shirt and a snack,” 
It was becoming a twisted routine of sorts. You becoming frustrated and overstimulated, and Luca would take you for a walk to try and distract you from the big feelings you didn’t have words to explain. 
Your hands twisted in his shirt and you tucked yourself into him, quieting more quickly than Leah thought you would. 
“Nack,” You repeated. 
“Yeah, let’s go get a snack,” Luca said, bouncing you gently. “We’ll bring one back for Leah too,”
He winked at the defender, as he headed up the stairs towards the concessions, and you peeked over his shoulder at her as he carried you away. 
She sent you a little wave, smiling slightly when you waved back. 
She hoped that things would look up for you now that she was here. She was by no means Alessia, but she had integrated nicely into your life since they had started dating (and she hoped the upcoming move to London would only strengthen the relationship you shared). 
Hopefully, the familiarity and the plan her and Alessia had made would help to pull you out of your funk.
“Hey love,”  Leah sent Alessia a wide smile as she approached the Friends and Family section.
The game had ended in a neat 3-1 victory and Alessia had completed her mandatory lap around the field with the team. 
Normally you liked to join her, holding her hand and playing with your aunts, but you hadn’t been waiting at the rail behind the bench with Luca like usual. She noticed that you hadn’t even been in the friends and family section. 
Leah wrapped her in her arms as soon as Alessia helped her down onto the field. “Your goal was fantastic,”
“Thanks,” Alessia’s smile was half-hearted, exhaustion clear in her blue eyes as she supported the blonde who was still mom weight-bearing on her leg. “Where’s Bug?”
“Your brother disappeared with her to find a snack before halftime, and they haven’t come back yet,” Leah said, glancing in the direction the two of you had gone. “She’s having a hard time,” 
Alessia followed her eyes with a sigh. “Beyond,” 
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen her so sullen,”
“It’s only getting worse, I think,” Alessia ran a frustrated hand through her hair, tugging lightly on her ponytail. “I don’t know how to fix it,”
Alessia had always been an incredibly involved parent. She had raised you herself, with a little help from Luca and her parents. She wasn’t used to being away from you for the night, much less days on end. 
It broke her heart each time you cried when she had to say goodbye. And it killed her how you had retreated back into yourself with each passing day. 
You had even started refusing phone calls with her so she could read you your bedtime stories. 
It was clear that the Fifa restrictions were taking their toll on both of you, but she felt powerless to stop it. 
Even Serina hadn’t been able to get her an exception. 
Leah caught her hand, pulling it to her chest and drawing all of Alessia's attention back to her. The striker met the defender’s eyes, and warmth leached into her chest. It was something bright and safe. 
It was the thing that had made Alessia fall in love with her to begin with. The thing that had allowed your mama to feel comfortable enough with Leah to introduce her to you. 
“We’ll figure it out together,” Leah said,  her voice sure and soothing. It made Alessia believe her. “I’m here to help,”
Alessia let out a shaky breath. “I don’t like being away from her,”
Leah pulled her closer, and she buried her face in Leah’s neck much like you did. “I know. We’ve only got one more game, and then we will be bringing the World Cup home,”
“Three more days, and then the FIFA rules don’t apply,” Alessia agreed, letting Leah’s words calm her. “We can make it 3 more days,” 
“We can make it 3 more days,” Leah said, kissing Alessia’s forehead, just as Luca appeared with you at the top of the stairs. “Between Me, you, and Luca, she’ll make it 3 more days too,” 
Alessia pulled away, glancing up the stairs. Her breath caught again when she saw you, clutching Squirt, a dark blue stuffed octopus and her brother for dear life at the top of the stairs. 
You didn’t look out from your hiding place in his chest as she carefully made his way towards them. 
She pulled away from Leah when he got to the rail, making sure she was stable on her crutches before reaching for you. 
“Hey cuddle bug,” She sent you a blinding smile, reaching out for you. “Do you want to come down to the field?”
You peeked out at her as if you were contemplating the decision. You had never not willingly gone to her before. 
It took you a long second before you shook your head and tucked yourself back into Luca’s chest. “No like it,”
Her shoulders drooped, and she had to fight to keep the corners of her lips from turning down. “Alright,” 
It was like a dagger in her chest, deflating her and sending a sinking feeling through her stomach. It was a feeling of total failure. 
She had failed you, and you didn’t want to go to her. 
It was like an invisible wall of glass had erupted between you. Like there was a barrier she didn’t know how to pass keeping you from her. It was like she was the polar bear in the zoo that you had been too terrified to look at. 
Leah rubbed her back, and Luca bounced you lightly, sending her a sympathetic look. 
They just had to make it 3 more days. 
She just hoped you could both hold on that long. 
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laikabu · 2 days
saw someone who hc kabru as aromantic bisexual. thats actually kinda good. i dont necessarily subscribe to it but i could see it. not fully aro but in the spectrum i guess
im now just going to ramble about how i think this would work in my head. also labru bc this is my page
he sees flirting more as a game n marriage as something convenient than something he aspires to achieve w the one he loves
flirting n dating is more of a tool to make friends. he isn’t interested in getting serious so that usually turns them off, so he gets labeled as a ‘player’
he doesn’t return rin’s feelings even though he finds her physically attractive, because he genuinely values her friendship and the way he views romance is incompatible with hers and would just break her heart
ok labru territory turn away now sorry im pulling shit out of my ass atp
laios would fit right in with his preferences, because their relationship would be boiled down to “best friends who have sex” like, the easiest way for them to explain their thing
even if they go on dates, they’d be more interested in talking about a current topic or something they need to do, than super sappy stuff. they still do it! but kabru would kinda get uncomfortable with saying sappy stuff, it’s different from flirting. once laios recognizes this, he tells him he doesnt have to do that
it works out because while laios is kinda sentimental, he isn’t really a romantic person. when they were still figuring stuff out, laios just goes “x is mad at me because they think not doing y makes me a bad partner” but really, kabru doesn’t care whether he does it or not
if laios is saying this about a different partner, kabru would chastise him, but since it’s him, he’s totally fine with none of that happening
when it comes to them becoming spouses, they would rather forgo a real wedding and just do the paperwork to make it happen. marcille takes offense to this n thinks its an “affront to romance” esp since kabru wants to plan HER wedding, but neither of them think it’s a big deal
laios has a very hard time distinguishing his platonic feelings to his romantic feelings. he’s just very happy kabru that wouldn’t leave him or get bored of him. getting to kiss him and have sex with him is just a nice bonus.
kissing and cuddling is more of an emotional recharge or comfort etc for kabru than a romantic activity. his friends don’t get it at all.
even in my stupid baby universe its just “kabru wants to have a baby with me for the kingdom? he’s such a nice guy. he told me he wants utaya to live on too… thats so thoughtful.” their relationship is ‘blunt’ and ‘convenient’. the marriage was just to legitimize the heir and otherwise it was just a regular wednesday.
they love each other, but kabru expresses it to the extent that he could, and that works out for laios.
tl;dr basically someone who views romance as a performance than something ingrained w him x someone who struggles w romance. its totally fine if you dont see kabru on the aromantic spectrum, i don’t necessarily see it that way either! i just want to think about how it would work in my fanworks. what do u think. i should add more but im just going off at the top of my head LOL
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arabellaawrites · 2 days
infrunami | cl16
[ drabble ]
by which, she loved him too early, he loved her too late
pairing: charles leclerc x reader
warnings: none
a/n: hello everyone! this is my first fic ever and I'm so happy with how this turned out! I hope it was an enjoyable experience and I hope there wasn't any element that was unpleasant or unenjoyable for yall! I'm aware that it lacks dialogue and everything is past paced and doesn't have much room for detail! I swear I'm working on that and once I've perfected that art, I hope my writing will be more enchanted etc! alright enough yapping. enjoy the fic!
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back then, you and arthur hated watching charles kart. the idea that you both needed to sit under the scorching monegasque sun for afew hours was never exciting but at least you get to watch arthur’s older brother, charles, kart. you’ve always fancied charles ever since arthur introduced you to him at the playground.
he was 3 years older then you and was the exact opposite of arthur, he was matured, well mannered and wasn't childish like you both were. that's what you love so much about him.
until he started going around europe to join racing series, when Arthur broke the news to you, you acted like it wasn't a big deal. you'll still get to see him on the television or during family holidays, right?. but that also means you'll be seeing him once a week or every few months, eventually a week turned into a month, a month turned into a year until suddenly you wont be seeing him at all which broke heart.
soon it was arthur who left you to follow in charles footsteps, racing across europe, joining f4 and achieving great things. unlike Charles, Arthur still kept in contact with you, constantly inviting you to his races and you both still enjoyed each others company, f4 soon turned into f3 and nothing has changed you still admired Charles from afar and Arthur would constantly ask "do you still have a crush on Charles?" or the occasional "y/n you have to let go" but you never did, Charles was your first love and you wanted him and only him.
every night you sleep in bed, tossing and turning, with arthurs voice continuously replaying in your head, but he was right you do have to let go.
when Charles first debuted for formula 1 for haas was when he first reached out to you in years with no contact. inviting you to join the paddock, to see him race in the pinnacle of motorsport, you were above and beyond the moon. strutting down the paddock next to Pascale and Arthur towards the hospitaly while also trying not to pay focus on the ever lasting sounds of camera shutters and kept your composure.
it has been years since then now Charles was in his 6 years in formula 1 and you have never been prouder, seeing him through his ups and down, supporting him through out all the hardships that this sport had caused him.
you often found yourself in and out of college trying to balance study with the constant travel to different races to support your best boys, Arthur and Charles. which alway lead you to end up in his, Charles, driver room before a race reassuring that he'll be fine and his team wont let him down again.
"your the best, y/n" he smiles before suiting up, making you stunned in place with a subtle blush spread across your face as you took his compliment.
barcelona 2023, and you just arrived at the Ferrari hospitality per usual, greeting the staff and Ferrari mechanics as your make your way inside until you bumped into someone making you tumble back as the mysterious man reaches for your waist, holding you steady, you smiled at him and apologized which made him smile back and that's where thing took off.
ever since that day you took has been seeing each other non stop and with that it ruined you and Charles relationship, plans were often cancelled, phone calls were usually ignored and text messages were left unopened. this took a toll on Charles, he's new profound feelings for you was too strong and by the time he realized that he has fallen, it was too late.
"mate please!"
Charles begged to Arthur over the phone, trying to figure out what his feelings were and was trying to piece in the clues in himself. he was frustrated, angry and confused he loved you but it was too late.
while you were living your best life, you had a partner in bed, your home always had that comfortable warm presence of your new boyfriend everything felt perfect, he was everything you ever wanted.
he was also everything Charles ever wanted to be, your man.
until one rainy Tuesday afternoon where everything went downhill, you just came home from them store and was welcome home by the repetitive sound of feminine moans that rang threw out the house. your groceries dropped to the floor followed by the sound of glass in your bag smashing which made the moans stop and your boyfriend ran out to where you were standing. "please I can explain this-" he frantically said while holding on to you as you tried to push him away, "I-ive heard enough! just leave and get your stuff while your at it!" tears swell your eyes as you tried to swallow the horrid sensation in your throat and pushed him away before running back into the rain and in your car. you broke down in heavy tears, your heart ache with hurt and sorrow as you try to make way to Charles place.
"y/n- who did this to you..?"
Charles said as he watches you stand in the rain, mascara running down your face and your clothes all soaking wet, without hesitation he pulled you inside and wrapped a towel around you,
" he cheated on me! how could he-"
you sobs onto him, "he was my-" hiccups "he was my everything and he just!"
you weeped into his chest as he held you tight and tried to calm you down. eventually you stopped crying and lifted your head from his chest
"cha.." you called out to him as he stroked your head and then looking down on you.
"know that I've-" you were cut off "yes I've known...I was an idiot, y/n...I realized too late. I really did love you...I was.." he sighed and looked down at her, "give me another chance, y/n.."
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paragonrobits · 1 day
There’s a phrase I like to use when people question why, in fantasy series, people don’t just take the most efficient and ruthless option. I say, “This isn’t Game of Thrones.” Bluntly put, apart from having a very unsatisfying ending to its character arcs due to a realistic but very abrupt swing from the character arcs it had been building up (and in one notable case, a character arc that WAS built up the whole time, but not in a way people anticipated), Game of Thrones is most notorious for a very realpolitick approach to how the characters make their decisions.
Efficiency, immediate needs and ruthlessness regardless of personal qualms comes up a lot in what people seem to have taken from that show’s success, and you see a LOT of people thinking that pragmatic ruthlessness is the most basic and standard solution to any story’s problems, regardless of whether or not its consistent with a story’s given themes and morals.
The Avatar setting is NOT one of those. In this setting, spirituality is vitally important; the reason WHY things are done, as well as HOW they done, are just as important as the actual end result, if not more.
So, one thing I see a LOT in fandom circles (usually in bad takes floating around and being mocked by the circles I am adjacent to, or ideas popular among Big Name Fans who are kind of sheltered from the actual themes of the show itself and have distanced themselves from what the show is actually like in favor of what is functionally a completely original series that appeals to their own preferences) comes down to discussions arguing that AtLA would be better if Aang just took down every one he fought and killed them all without hesitation; there is a popular implication among these ideas that Aang is considered weak to them BECAUSE he doesn't want to kill. Because killing is anathema to his people, because the deliberate taking of life is a HUGE deal to both the Air Nomads and the real life religions that they are based on.
These takes conclude that none of that matters; that his morals and compunctions should just be immediately tossed aside in order to achieve his goals. There's usually something like 'who cares about spirituality when the world is so bad' or the ends justifying the means. And the thing is that we DO see characters in AtLA saying that, quite often. Characters who don't care about the spiritual consequences of their actions, who do whatever it takes to accomplish their goals.
They're the villains.
In AtLA, ruthlessness, pragmatism and 'whatever it takes to get what I want' is SPECIFICALLY and EXCLUSIVELY associated with the antagonists. General Fong; Azula, Ozai, the entirety of the Fire Nation... one thing they all have in common, besides opposing Aang, is that they're not just willing to be ruthless, they have no interest in achieving their goals or really doing anything at all without being ruthless and amoral about it. There's a common point in the narrative here, and I think the episode the Avatar State neatly sums it up through its story, as we are presented with Fong, who is seemingly an ally, demanding that they ignore the spiritual demands in favor of just weaponizing a force of nature no one involved really understands.
His emphasis on the people dying in the meantime does make for a potent image, but he is ultimately and frequently established as a ruthless jackass who cares more about trying to weaponize the Avatar State (and mere mortals do not get to have a say in its decisions or what the World Spirit, in its fullest power, wants to do). Apart from this indicating a more or less full departure from a strict moral binary within the series, there's also an emphasis on Katara growing increasingly uncomfortable with the non-spiritual plan they're taking, to the point that she won't have anything to do with it, and she is very much the show's heart. If she disapproves of something with plot relevance, its usually a bad sign.
So this whole THING you have with people going 'everything would be better if Aang killed everyone immediately except for the secret Good Guys even though he has absolutely no way of knowing them out of context'... its genuinely really bewildering and I think its kind of proof of people not engaging with the show's themes or ethics, but assuming that ruthlessness and efficiency are the default way of handling everything. AtLA is not subtle about this and if you think that the show at any point suggests that this is a likely outcome, I don't think you're really engaging with it, or you're misunderstanding the context (such as the Ocean Spirit rampaging being framed as a last second moment of hope; I think people conflate its destruction as generally a Cool Thing, rather than the world itself protecting a dying culture from near certain destruction as the moon itself is... well, dead.)
(There's also a protagonist-centered morality in that they seem to want their characters to BE rather amoral, being all about love and acceptance and tolerance but also brutally and remorselessly kill everyone in their way without hesitation, and the people making these statements don't see any kind of logical flaw. I dunno but that's WEIRD to me.)
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chevelleneech · 3 days
The fact that I’m seeing y’all say Marisol was dropped off camera was well… Tim had no clue what he was doing this season and it shows. I’m sorry y’all, but I’ve been saying it since 7x04.
He clearly had a plan for the cruise arc, but every thing else seems rushed and like a fresh start more so than a well-rounded plot. Tommy and Marisol especially.
Tommy existed to get Buck out the closet, but he did not need to stick around. My guess is Tim didn’t want Buck to be single, but also as I’ve said, he likes the hype Buddie brings but has zero plans to actually commit. Good story or not.
As for Marisol, he admitted to having no idea what to do with her. So of course she was gonna be an issue, but he could have had her break up with Eddie when he asked her to move back out. It was such a waste of writing and screen time to have him cheat for no reason. Because yes, the Kim plot was stupid as hell, and only served to break up Marisol and Eddie and get Chris to Texas.
I love this show so so much, but s7 was the worst thus far. None of the calls were memorable, the characters didn’t really do much in terms of growth or dealing with consequences of their actions or emotional turmoil, and it was overall sloppy. Yes, Bobby went through a lot and Eddie lost Chris, but these storylines would’ve been better fleshed out across five/six episodes. Not the last two or three, inter-spliced with useless relationship drama.
Useless, because Buck and Eddie should have been single to begin with this season. The only stories worth a damn were *Henren and Madney, and ABC ain’t lift a single damn finger to promote them for real. A shame. They relied on bi!Buck and Buddie chit chat, and from what it sounds like and what the finale offered, that was a waste.
(*) Also gonna add, while I’m glad Henren and Madney got storylines this season despite the obvious skew toward the Big Thing being Buck coming out, it’s played out how many times Hen and Karen are given a “We want a daughter.” story to arch the whole season and then have it fail. It’s played out how many times Chimney and Maddie are written as having a big happy moment crushed by a traumatic episode, then they’re just happy again.
I genuinely feel like Tim did absolutely nothing with this season.
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kyleemm2 · 2 days
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Random Uraume Headcanons:
(cuz they deserve more content and love)
They have a surprisingly big appetite, but far more health conscious than Sukuna (Sukuna seems like a "meat only" type of guy while Uraume knows fruits and vegetables are just as important)
They can hold their liquor well
Shiori Himi (Uraume's vessel) was affiliated with Suguru Geto's cult
Shiori Himi was either compliant with Uraume possessing them or was challenging to subdue
All of Uraume's patience is reserved for Sukuna and none for anyone else (ie Kenjaku)
They don't like the taste of sweets
Uraume is almost as strong as Sukuna and has trained with Sukuna in the past (hence why they know that "Sukuna has yet to go all out")
Uraume was more concerned with finding a vessel that Sukuna would recognize as them than the quality of their curse technique
Technology equally intrigues and scares them
They're self-conscious about one thing but won't ever say or admit to it
They don't have very interesting hobbies, if at all
They'd secretly love to go on a vacation where they won't have to deal with curses or being a cook/servant
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muzansfangs · 9 hours
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Starring: Aizen Sosuke x f!reader; Shuhei Hisagi x f!reader; Shunsui Kyoraku, Ichigo Kurosaki, mention to Isshin Kurosaki, Urahara Kisuke and Kensei Muguruma;
Format: multi-chapters story;
Warnings for this chapter: language, mention to sex, mention to choking and creampie, altercations, alcohol consumption, hidden jealousy, past resentment and family issues, fear and solitude in Hueco Mundo, making-out in public places, undefined relationships, mutual pining;
Plot: Overburdened with the responsibility of becoming the ‘guardian’ of the infamous special threat, you assured your friends and your brother you could deal with him. Convincing Shuhei everything was completely under your control was hard, though, especially when Sosuke seemed determined to overshadow your long overdue chit-chat.
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐚��.
Out of everything that could have ever happened to you, sharing your flat with Sosuke Aizen was surely something not even your feverish imagination had ever depicted in your mind. Shunsui Kyoraku was a dead man walking. A backstabber, indeed. Then again, what he had said made sense. If there was someone in the entire universe that could deal with Sosuke, well, it was you. You two had had your disagreements, naturally. Fighting on opposing sides, wanting nothing more than watching in glee how you both raised and fell. But beside your sister instinct to protect your brother and your sisters, even your father, from him, you had no real reason to hate his guts. On his behalf, he never nurtured hatred towards you. Or that is what he claimed. Sosuke had never wanted to harm you. Not even when he held you captive in Hueco Mundo.
Mutual respect and rivalry. Probably, also some dulled sexual tension, but none of you two had ever dared to change things.
Now, though, there was something different between you two. You had crossed a line. You had undressed each other, you had slept together, you had let him ruin you. Things would have never been the same. Ignoring him would have been impossible. But, above anything else, what made your stomach churn in apprehension was: how were you going to explain that to your family?
Losing your privacy sounded already dreadful. Having to face the consequences of filling your family up with the unexpected news was even worse. You could figure something out to persuade your brother things would have not degenerated and that your forced cohabitation with Sosuke was not that big of a deal. Trying to make Isshin accept this new situation, though, was not going to be easy. He was your father, after all. Your age and independence did not matter to him when your safety was involved. Still, you had time to talk to him. Right now, you had other things to do, other people to confront.
Now, back at the Inn, you were almost done getting ready to leave. Looking at yourself in the mirror of your small room, you stared at the purple marks on your neck, fingertips grazing the bruised skin as you tried to push away the memories of how Sosuke’s teeth bit onto the flesh, marking it, sucking on it to give you something to think about for years to come. You could not let other people know about that, especially Shuhei, who was the very person Sosuke seemed to be so hostile to without any apparent, valid reason. Now, grasping a silky lilac foulard belonging to your late mother, you carefully wrapped it around your neck and made sure the thin fabric covered up the bruised area. At least, now you felt better in your fresh clothes and it was time to go back home.
“Let’s get the Hell out of here” you muttered then, grasping your bag and striding hastily towards the door.
A new chapter of your life was beginning inevitably. Living with a man loathed by the world, a terrorist, a fallen god even, was most likely something that would have dismantled your projects for the near future. Who else could do it, though? When you had confronted Shunsui in a rather heated argument, you had asked him why Sosuke could not just spend the rest of his immortal life in the Soul Society. According to the Captain Commander, in the deal the Central 46 had made with the former Captain of the Fifth Division, it was specifically said Sosuke had to be banished from the Seireitei until proved to be collaborative. The World of the livings had always been the only practicable option to send the special threat. The Soul Society had allies living in there. Still, they were obviously not enough to control him, considering the visceral hatred between them. At first, the Central had apparently suggested to send Captains and Lieutenants to support the watchers in the World of the livings. But it was way too risky, considering the Soul Society needed their assistance twenty-four hours a day. With you, though, the problem was solved. Or that is what Kyoraku claimed. Sosuke Aizen was a liar, a manipulator, a traitor and a cold-blooded murderer: no one was safe around him.
No one but you.
He had never left a single scar on your body, he had slept next to you without killing you. Long story short, you were the perfect candidate for this role. Shunsui’s answer had left you skeptical, but accepting it sounded better than throttling him with your bare hands. You were selfless, after all. As you walked out of the Inn, you tried to convince yourself this thing could actually work, if you made compromises with Sosuke. You could involve him into mundane activities to keep an eye on him. Yet, the more time you spend in his company, the harder it would have been not recalling how he had you screaming his name as if your life depended on it. Not to mention that your social life would have been completely screwed up by his presence. No boys over, no nights out with your friends. Because, how were you supposed to invite him to the club with you? You could not really imagine Sosuke sipping on a drink, while dancing to a remix of ‘Bloody Mary’ by Lady Gaga. No, you simply could not.
Now, standing a few feet away from the three people in front of you, you took a deep breath and marched up to join the conversation. After the recent events, seeing Shunsui, Ichigo and Sosuke having a relatively polite conversation was not a bizarre sight anymore.
While your brother had a grumpy expression plastered over his face, Shunsui was offering your soon to be housemate a flask of what you assumed was saké. The evil mastermind, arched an eyebrow unsympathetically and raised his hand dismissively to indicate his refusal. Well, maybe they were not ready to have a convivial chit-chat around a bonfire, but they were not trying to kill each other. You wondered how things would have escalated, upon telling your brother that, whenever he was going to visit your flat, he would have been forced to sit on your couch next to Aizen Sosuke.
“Well, good morning” you chimed, greeting the group with a constrained smile, careful not to meet Sosuke’s eye.
In your peripheral, you caught a glimpse of his sardonic smirk. He was right, you had already shared your greetings earlier in a more inappropriate way, but you could not let your brother catch on your shenanigans like that. Not when he was about to have a stroke anyway.
Ichigo’s eyes darted on you, arms folded over his chest “Ah, there you are. Do you mind telling me why Kyoraku and the freak have sent a stupid hellbutterfly to wake me up?” your step-brother asked you, tilting his head to the side expectantly.
Shunsui sighed, your eyes searching for his in what you supposed was emotional support, but all he did was showing you his flask and silently asking you if you keened to take a swig, before answering your brother’s question. Mouthing a ‘no’ at the Captain Commander, you then cleared your throat and decided to be direct with Ichigo. Straight to the point, no hesitation, no fear. Just the plain truth.
“Yeah… Well, starting from today, Sosuke is living in my flat” you blurted out, watching your brother’s eyes gradually widen and his lips part in disbelief.
He blinked “What?”.
“Ichigo, please. You heard me”.
“Are you kidding me? Did you bang your head on your way here, or what? Is this idiot using Kyoka Suigetsu—…” he then quipped, jabbing his finger at Sosuke accusingly, who scoffed and stared him down in disdain.
Shunsui’s laughter made you roll your eyes, as Sosuke slapped Ichigo’s hand down “Do that again and say goodbye to your fingers” the brunette said, his caramel eye darkening, as he cut your brother off dispassionately.
A fight now was not exactly what you needed. Before your brother could fire something back, you stepped between them. Locking eyes with Ichigo, you shot him a grave look and obscured his view on his opponent. Men were just taller versions of babies. This whole situation was already stressing you out and those stupid folks were not helping you coping with it.
“Oi! — you interjected, placing a hand on Ichigo’s chest to make him take a few reluctant steps back — Stop it! That’s a shitty situation, I know, and you have all the rights in the world to be mad. But I am not asking for your permission, Ichigo” you stated, your tone of voice sharp as your brother scowled and threw his hands in the air.
It was predictable. You could not deny it.
“Are you serious? Do you even realize what you are asking me to accept? — Ichigo countered back, taking a step closer to you — How am I supposed to go to sleep at night, when I know he is in your flat? Do I have to remind you of who he is?! Did you forget what he has done?” he asserted, his almond eyes boring into yours as if he was looking for your sanity.
However, you were not mad. You had simply run out of patience and you had no time to deal with your younger brother. You perfectly knew what to say to shut him up.
You narrowed your eyes, mouth opening to hurt him “Really now? You’re going to sleep as peacefully as you did back then! He hasn’t killed me in Las Noches, has he? And I don’t remember you coming to my rescue for quite a while” you punctuated, causing an eerie, awkward silence to swallow you all of a sudden. There, you had said it, you had hit a nerve.
You would have never told him you had hoped day and night for your brother to come to your rescue, after you had audaciously swapped places with Orihime. You had restrained yourself form telling him how you had felt so alone and betrayed for a long time. Why? You hated hurting your brother. Although you loved him, Ichigo had factually hurt you. Still, it was the sense of loneliness he had made you experience back then that had honed your skills and personality. If you were a strong and independent woman now it was thanks to him.
You had learned how to be your own hero, because no one had answered your cry for help.
Ichigo clamped his mouth shut, his fists clenched down his sides as you felt Sosuke and Shunsui’s gazes boring holes on your back. They had not dared to say a word, merely observing the Kurosaki silblings argue.
“Ichigo, I—…” you tried to apologize then, but he shook his head.
“No, you’re right. — he stated, eyes downcast as he gained back some self-control — I should have not even let you go to Hueco Mundo alone, let alone leave you there. But I did not stop you back then. I knew you could survive, somehow, but I’ve been selfish. And, fuck, I know that you can do this too, you’re my … My insufferable, incredibly stubborn, big sister, after all. But it doesn’t change the fact that I care about you” he reasoned, finally flicking his gaze up to meet yours. He was clearly worried and no one could blame him for that, not even you.
“That’s understandable. — Shunsui interjected, leaning his back against the wall — But she’s not changing her residence. Checking on her will be just as easy as it was before, right? And let’s not forget that Urahara Kisuke lives a few blocks away from her flat, if I am not mistaken. She can rely on him”.
At the mention of Kisuke’s name, you saw Sosuke glowering. His upper lip twitched, tempted to disclose his lips to probably spit venom on the shop-keeper. You did not know why, or how you felt confident enough to do that, but you tapped on the top of his shoulder with your index and let the angles of your mouth turn upwards in a simpering smile.
“Rule number one of living with me: if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all” you seethed, blinking a few times as Sosuke stared daggers at you.
“I see you learned something from this wretched Society: cancelling whoever thinks out of the box” Sosuke coldly replied, tilting his head to the side as you snorted and refocused your attention on the two other men in front of you.
Ichigo seemed to be observing your interactions with untainted curiosity, pleasingly surprised that albeit you were bickering you had not thrown hands. You would have loved to kick Shunsui’s ass for snickering at the sight. It seemed what had just taken place before his eyes was the proof you were the perfect match for Sosuke. He was right. You could read his pride all over his face, as he subtly winked at you.
“Did she just quote ‘Bambi’ to a mass murderer?” Ichigo uttered, scratching his head perplexedly. The tension had miraculously dissipated.
Sosuke and Shunsui stared at your brother in confusion, clearly not knowing what ‘Bambi’ was and you palmed your forehead in distress. This conversation had lasted way too long for your likings, it was time to wrap it up and leave the Soul Society behind you for a while.
“Okay, fine, it’s getting late and I have tons of things to do. — you fretted, glaring at your step-brother warningly— I need to meet up with a friend, before leaving. See you at the Seinkaimon” you said goodbye to the small group, having all the intention of leaving Sosuke with the two men for a while. After all, there was no way in Hell you were going to have a private conversation with Shuhei while feeling his breath on your neck.
Not when he had told you he wished he could literally make him taste his sperm in your pussy.
You had barely turned your back at them, when you heard Ichigo’s voice piercing your ears. Obviously, he was talking to the hot jailbird who was bound to be your shadow for only God knew how long.
“You better keep your hands to yourself. If your fingers—…”.
“Oh, come on, now. — Sosuke cooed, his tone infuriantingly soft — What can I do with my fingers? Are you afraid I am going to wrap them around your sister’s throat? Are you scared I am going to choke her?” he stated, making your blood run instantly cold. Sweat was beading your forehead and you halted, frightened at the thought things could escalate and your dirty secret be exposed like that. Your hand reached up, fingertips brushing against the silky fabric of your scarf. You still could feel Sosuke’s hand around your neck, you could still remember the way your pleasure was amplified, when he choked you.
No, you had to do something before it was too late. You had no other choice. Sosuke had to accompany you to your encounter with Shuhei. You had no idea how you were going to handle the situation, yet you had to sacrifice your privacy not to witness to a murder now.
You twirled around, clearing your throat to mask your panic “Aizen Sosuke, come with me. I might actually require your assistance” you yelled out, faking the best smile you could muster, as Shunsui nodded his hand and swung his arm around Ichigo’s shoulders in a friendly manner. You were honestly glad he was finally stepping in to save your reputation and the day. Maybe he was not that drunk yet.
“Yes! I guess it’s time to prepare the Seinkaimon anyway! — the Captain Commander announced — Let’s go, Ichigo, I’ve wanted to ask you a few questions about the World of livings for a while now… Tell me, are women standoffish there too?” he asked then, flashing you a knowing smile as he began to nudge your brother towards the main road.
Ichigo narrowed his eyes, shrugging the man’s arm off of his shoulders, but he did not make a fuss about it. Waving his hand at you, he obliged Shunsui’s request and followed him. Not without glaring one last time at his former enemy, though. Hearing him trying to avoid Shunsui’s questions about women in the World of the livings on their way made you feel better, though. Once they were gone, you released a breath you did not know you were holding. You tossed your bag onto the dirty ground, hands onto your hips as you stared up at the light-blue sky. For a few seconds, nor you, neither Sosuke seemed interested in striking up a conversation. He just stood a few feet away from you, arms folded over his chest, hands tucked into the sleeves of his grey haori. His face almost apathetic. Alone again with him, out in the public for everyone to see. It was not going to be an unsual sight from now on. A weird pair of people, once trying to kill each other, now barely keeping their hands for themselves.
Without saying a word, you then bent down to pick up your bag again and you resumed your walk, not bothering to tell him it was time to go. Sosuke’s baritone voice, though, cut through the air like a sharp blade.
“Aizen Sosuke, huh? When did we go back to such algid formality?” he inquired, making you furrow your eyebrows.
“Really now? How did you expect me to call you? Cutie patootie? Cupcake?” you sassed, eyes scrutinizing the horizon rather than darting on him, who was now glued to your side again.
He snorted and you could practically feel him smiling, when he said “Oh, actually, I was thinking about something like ‘daddy’. Let’s be real, I think I earned that title after yesterday night. — he crooned, knowing damn well he was going too far — For instance, though, I think it would be better to stop using that nickname with your father at lunch. Can you imagine the embarrassment I’d have to go through, if I passed you the salt, when you called for him?” he stated, his tone dripping sarcasm as you balled your hands up into fists down your sides.
This side of him was kind of a revelation, you had to admit it. Then again, he incarnated the example of someone who would have done anything in his power to sow dissension. If this was a glimpse of what to expect from your cohabitation, you were going to lose your mind for sure.
Turning towards him, you blocked his path “Let me get this straight. If you think I am going to let you screw up my life, you are terribly wrong. My house, my rules: stay away from my family” you dryly stated, pondering each and every word coming out of your mouth carefully.
“You have already let me screw you, darling. Would it make that much of a difference, if I interfered with your family affairs?” he taunted you, leaning down towards you so that your eyes could not stray away from his.
He had a point and you hated how good he was at playing with words. He almost made you sound stupid, it was downright frustrating. You huffed, pinching the bridge of your nose, inhaling sharply to calm down and search for your rationality. There was no way in Hell you were allowing him around your sisters and father.
“Yes, it would. You are already ruining my life. I don’t want you to mess them up as well” you declared, watching him straighten his back once again, going as far as to nodding his head in a condescending way.
He was dying to reply something to rile you up, you could see it in the way he was constantly clenching and unclenching his jaw, eager to toy with you as he had always done. But, as much as your body had loved letting him play you like violin, your brain was not going to grant him the chance to do further damages. The silence swallowing you two for a few seconds reminded you of why you had taken that avenue and you quickly began to walk again. Shuhei, Shuhei was a good guy. Handsome, sweet even… Naturally, he had his edges too but who did not have flaws? The Soul King had them too! And you were not exempt from being a messy person as well. After all, who would ever copulate with an enemy, instead of spending the night with the right guy whose love they should cherish? You were so upset with yourself, you almost felt ashamed of meeting up with him now.
The moment you sensed his reiatsu, you halted and turned your head towards the special threat “I need you to wait for me here. If you could possibly abstain from murdering people in the meanwhile, it would be great. Can you do it?” you cautiously said, watching a shit-eating grin cross his face.
Sosuke leaned his shoulder against the wall, arms folding against his chest “Do you honestly believe someone would even dare to walk down the street, upon spotting me there?”.
He had a point, yet you needed to be sure he was not going on a killing spree while you were distracted by the Lieutenant of the Ninth Division. You did not even want to consider the possible consequences you were going to face, if he went back to killing whomever stood in his way while under your watch. You cared about yourself and life enough to grip the hilt of your zanpakuto and wriggling your eyebrows up allusively to make him understand you were not fooling around.
“I will be on my best behavior. — he reassured you — Just hurry up. I would very much like to leave this place” he told you, his tone of voice flat as he motioned at your back with a dispassionate nod of his head.
You stood there for a few more seconds, watching him with a conflicted expression plastered over your face, before you ultimately decided to finally turn the corner. Standing close to a drinking fountain, Shuhei was holding a small bouquet of white roses in his hand. You blinked, sauntering towards him with a bashful smile on your face and your heartbeat notably increasing against your will.
Upon locking eyes with you, his smile broadened “Hey” he greeted you, handing you the flowers he had just purchased.
You sighed, accepting the kind gesture and delicately holding the roses in your hands “Admit it, you bought me flowers for getting that kiss you wanted yesterday night” you teased him, bringing them up to your nose. The bittersweet scent made you let out a soft sigh, your smile softening as he ruffled your hair.
“Probably. — he did not bother denying — But, now that you make me think about it, may I have that kiss? Or shall I find a dragon to slay to prove myself worthy?” he joked, as you shook your head and tiptoed to him.
Shuhei wrapped his arms around you firmly, protectively, and you could not help yourself when you remembered how Sosuke had embraced you the night before. There was a possessive undertone behind his gesture. Sosuke had held you in his arms with the same confidence of a man who did not bother questioning your likings, or asking for your permission: he knew he could do that. Shuhei, on the other hand, was almost scared of hurting you. He handled you with care, the same way a lioness protects her cubs. Comparing them was the worst thing you could possibly do in a moment like this and you cursed yourself for that.
Swinging your arms around his shoulders, you planted a kiss on his cheek. His grip on you tightening even so slightly as he buried his nose onto the crook of your neck.
This was healthy. This was not something to throw away.
“Are you leaving?” he asked you, his voice muffled, as his lips indulged onto your shoulder.
You felt your stomach twist and turn, as you nodded your head slowly, not daring to let go of him “Yes, I am. — you whispered, scared of telling him the catch about it all — And there is something you should know about it” you finally stated, breaking the embrace and clutching the bunch of roses to your chest.
Shuhei cocked his head to the side, visibly concerned by your sudden signs of agitation “What’s wrong?” he asked, hand cupping your cheek gently to show you empathy.
You shivered, half-lidded eyes meeting his ones as you looked for the apt words to explain your bargain with the Central 46 “I have been chosen to watch over Sosuke Aizen in the World of the livings. He is going to live in my house for … Well, no one knows for how long” you stated, watching Shuhei scowl and shaking his head unbelievingly. This was half expected, but it was something you ought to tell him in person.
“If this is a joke, this is not funny” he nervously said, his other hand joining the other on your face, cupping the free cheek, as he leaned down to look deeply into your eyes.
“Shuhei, I’m serious”.
“No! That’s absurd! I’m not letting you alone with that piece of shit!” he snapped then, squeezing your cheeks for a second, before taking a few steps back and running his fingers through his hair in exasperation.
“Shuhei… Listen, it’s okay, I can handle it—”.
“No, you can’t! Is Kyoraku that out of his mind to throw you to a beast? How can he allow something like that?” he reasoned, turning around to facen you again.
You had rarely seen him that concerned in your whole life. You walked up to him, settling the small bouquet on the edge of the fountain as you grasped both of his hands in a futile attempt to soothe his nerves “Kisuke doesn’t live too far from my flat. If something goes wrong, he will surely come to my rescue” you said, only for Shuhei to hook his hands underneath your thighs and sitting you onto the top of a nearby perimeter fence.
You gasped, his hands cupping your cheeks as he pressed his forehead against yours “Kisuke is not enough to reassure me. I will ask my Captain to stay with you, I need to know you are fine. Visits are not enough” he deadpanned, making your small heart skip a beat as you closed your eyes to enjoy this small moment between you two.
He was a fool. Even if Kyoraku demanded Kensei to let him join you, the Central 46 would have not allowed that.
Disclosing your lips to tell him that, you were stopped by his lips capturing yours in a gentle kiss. Slowly, his tongue lapped at your bottom lip, politely asking for access. It was the same kiss that had led you to sleep with him that night. The same kiss that had been the eye of the storm causing a turmoil of emotions within your heart. You trembled, kissing him back, but the moment you did something felt off. Why did his spiky hair feel so soft, silky at the touch? Why did his tongue feel voracious? Why did his pectorals feel firmer under your palms?
Why did you want to feel these sensations and not what you were actually experiencing?
You broke the kiss first, breath slightly labored, as you looked away from him. Shuhei cleared his throat, stepping back to give you some space. Slower. You had to take it slower.
“I’m sorry, I should have not kissed you out of the blue… But I could not resist. The thought of that scum and you together is making me vomit” Shuhei explained and you flicked your gaze up towards him again.
You wanted to reply, when someone spoke out somewhere behind the Lieutenant’s back, causing the colors to drain from your face.
“There’s a bush behind the corner. If you need to throw up, I suggest you to go there. Be careful not to step on mine, though, I puked there as well thanks to this hideous show” Sosuke commented, making Shuhei reach for his zanpakuto. He was so tense you thought he was going to pop a vessel.
Hopping down from the fence, you gripped Shuhei’s forearm, inviting him not to act on his instinct “Shuhei, it’s not necessary” you whispered, but Sosuke’s chuckle made your skin crawl.
“Necessary? The word you were looking for was useful” he countered, causing Shuhei to sprint towards him.
Before you could even register your own actions, you unsheathed your blade and flash-stepped in front of Sosuke, squaring up to parry the Lieutenant’s blow. You were protecting Sosuke, much to your dismay. Still, you were actually trying to protect Shuhei from him. If Sosuke wanted, he could incinerate him with his reiatsu alone. Letting this happen was not an option.
“Y/N! Move! What the fuck are you doing?” Shuhei yelled out, your swords clashing as you you firmly shook your head.
“I can’t! If you break those cuffs he is wearing, we are all dead!” you defended your actions, only to grit your teeth the moment you had to push harder against him to make him step back.
Shuhei stared at you hurt. His sword lowered down his side, as you did not budge to sheathe yours back in its scabbard. Well, the special threat had ruined your small reunion with one of the people you really cared about in the Soul Society.
A black hellbutterfly batting its wings erratically caught your attention, as you let it rest on your finger. The Seinkaimon was ready and you had to go back home. Suddenly, saying goodbye to Shuhei felt painful, as he turned his back at you and left wordlessly. A lump in your throat prevented you from calling out his name, whilst you reached your hand out to grasp the roses he had gifted you.
Sosuke did not utter a single word, following you as if he was your shadow as you two walked silently towards the Seinkaimon.
Hi there! I had so much fun writing this chapter. But I guess the best part is yet to come, because… Well, just imagine Sosuke in mundane situations, lol. Anyway, thanks for the positive feedback! I don’t mind constructive criticism, impressions, or opinions. I actually love it, when people comment! Do do not be afraid to express yourselves. I simp for the evil mastermind of the story, but I am really friendly! And… Happy belated birthday, Aizen!
TAGS: @pseudowho @seireiteihellbutterfly @onyxino @areyouflying @bakugosgirl01 @noirfan12
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ae-azile · 2 days
Progression: Chapter 29 Preview
While Chay does work this evening, he may have lied about why he needed to leave for his shift early.
“There is an event,” Chay says to Kim, which is true, “I am going in to help set up and make sure new bottles are at the bar. I’ll be back late.”
Kim buys it. None of it is a lie, but there is an omission of one, single truth. If the circumstances were different, Chay would have no issues with telling Kim he's meeting Ye Joon. But Kim is weird about him, and Chay isn't sure if it comes from a persistent insecurity, a past experience with another producer, or something more complex than either of those things. If Ye Joon wasn't a respected producer and shareholder at the label Chay is now working under, he feels like he would pull away since Kim has such an issue with him. But he is a respected producer and shareholder, one who is involved with big international stars and bands.
And for some reason, he has taken an interest in Chay and his talent. Kim’s as well, but Kim doesn't really need Ye Joon’s support. He's already made it. With the new album, Kim’s place in the music industry will only become more monumental. Chay is still new, and while being featured on Kim’s album is a big deal, it still might not establish him as a separate talent.
At least, that's what Ye Joon says. But Ye Joon has been a powerhouse in the industry for twenty years. He knows what he is talking about. If he thinks Chay is worth putting work into, then he is going to be grateful for that and not mess it up. Kim should understand that.
But Chay also feels like Kim would make a big deal about him going to Ye Joon’s apartment. It was there or the studio, and Ye Joon made a good point about how bad traffic gets downtown around this time. Ye Joon’s apartment is also close to Yok’s, so it made more sense to meet there.
Kim probably wouldn't see it that way, but it will be fine. Chay knows it.
“Right on time,” Ye Joon says, smiling as he lets Chay inside. It's a nice, luxury apartment, one that is only half unpacked. Despite that, Ye Joon has two wine glasses out filled halfway and candles lit.
…Maybe he just likes soft, warm lighting. Kim is the same way.
“Here,” Ye Joon says, putting his hand on the small of Chay’s back as he leads him over to the couch, “Sit.”
Chay does what he's told and runs his hands over his knees as Ye Joon sits down next to him, “You said you wanted to talk to me about an opportunity?”
Ye Joon nods and reaches over to grab a binder, “I heard Kim doesn't have much interest in acting, but I was wondering what your stance on it was.”
“Oh,” Chay says, then tries to think out what he wants to say before actually saying it. He can sing songs in English easily, but speaking in it is a little harder. It isn't as natural for him as it seems to be for Kim.
Maybe he can ask for English lessons next. Kim keeps telling him his English is completely understandable and fine, but the fact that he has to script out longer responses in his head probably means he needs to work on it more.
“I don't know. I haven't given it much thought. I always did school musicals growing up and got prominent roles in them. I did acting workshops at performing arts camps my brother saved up for and sent me to. I got good feedback. My main interest has always been music though.”
“So you would be open to an acting opportunity if it caught your interest and could further advance your music career?” Ye Joon asks, then hands over the binder, “Because I have a partnership with a production and artist management company here. We are developing a few projects to include international up and comers. While I did throw Kim’s name around for another project, Noel made it clear Kim had no current interest in such a venture. But you are your own person, and I see you as someone who is…more suitable for this particular project. It would be a Thai and Korean based project-”
“I only know a little Korean,” Chay cuts in.
Ye Joon shrugs his shoulders, “You don't need to know much. The character I would have in mind for you is Thai and primarily speaks it. His love interest is a tourist from Korea, so he would need to brush up on his Thai and English, but your language skills are where they would need to be for this role.”
“He,” Chay says, “So it's a BL?”
“They are very popular in this country,” Ye Joon says, “Korea is just starting to realize the potential in funding and marketing shows focused on same sex pairings, but they aren't as…daring with it. The shows here seem to be unafraid to cross that boundary. The actors go all out and aren't afraid of the more provocative scenes. Many of the actors have also entered the music industry, either while acting or they transition to the music industry after developing a fanbase. This show would feature a well-known actor from Korea. He's a bit older than you - mid 30s - but that's what the script calls for. I don't want to throw his name out there yet, but I guarantee you have likely seen his work. He's wanting to do something more…unexpected. Dark. He's normally cast as a leading man, but wants to make some waves. Sometimes, that includes some onscreen controversy. Seeing him cast with a younger man as his love interest would get a lot of people talking in Korea. But it's a great script, and he will need a costar around your age with great musical abilities. If you play the part just right, he won't be the only one everyone is talking about.”
“...Oh,” Chay says, then clears his throat, “Uh…I can take it back with me and read it, if you want. Maybe see how I feel-” 
“A read-through would be more immersive, with you reading as the character I have in mind for you,” Ye Joon interjects, his voice gentle but commanding, “We don't have to read the whole thing, of course. I respect that you are still loyal to your other workplace for the time being, even if I don't fully understand it. But I do understand it is important to be punctual. I think we have time for half though. So why don't we get started?"
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alex51324 · 11 months
A list of medium-sized problems* I have encountered in the last 10 days:
Melted my shoes.
Came home from vacation to discover that the roof I replaced right before leaving is still leaking in one spot.
Broke my doorknob.
Got a flat tire.
Found out that Sophie's adoption day party on Sunday is going to be rained out.
(*A medium-sized problem is here defined as one that costs money and/or significantly disrupts your day's plans, but does not cause major ongoing life disruption. For instance, "getting my feet soaked completely through my shoes to the skin" was a small problem--or would have been, had I not melted my shoes trying to dry them over a campfire. If I had caught my feet on fire trying to dry them off, that would have been a large problem.)
All of these problems are under control, but I feel that I have done enough Handling Problems for a while, and I would like to submit an application to be excused from additional Problems for a period of at least two weeks. Does anyone know the contact information to put in that request?
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dunsbar · 2 years
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molagboop · 3 months
High-echelon Mawkin suit modules can be pretty wild, and the Energy conversion module in Raven Beak's suit is no exception.
When exposed to an active current or energy field, the module accounts for the level of charged particles in the local atmosphere and converts the detected matter to power. Most substantial forms of power and radiation are compatible with its function, and it's calibrated to work more efficiently when exposed to substantially powerful forms of plasmic matter.
The conversion module is similar to (but should not be confused with) the thermal charge module, which charges the power suit in extreme heat. That technology is also implemented in the protective exosuits found in Cataris' lava zone. The Mawkin use thermal energy to power a number of their facilities: that they'd implement it in their more mobile works is only natural.
Back to the subject at hand, the conversion module's practicality is twofold: to keep Raven Beak's suit sufficiently charged and to maintain his vigor in battle. His particular biometric modifications are such that his suit, combined with his level of physical fitness, can theoretically keep him fighting without fear of exhaustion in perpetuity.
Raven Beak's juiced up version of lightning armor is the inverse of this module: it absorbs charged particles for the purpose of coalescing into a projected wave. The use of lightning armor in this manner negates the function of the conversion module for restorative purposes. Additionally, lightning armor works best against oncoming projectiles, while the reactive conversion module is at its peak when the suit is exposed to ambient radiation or concentrated, consistent flows of power.
Suffice to say, Raven Beak is probably the only person who could stick a fork in an electrical socket and have it do the exact opposite of killing him.
#when i said he looks down on samus' suit upgrade library with pity. this is the kinda shit he's got under his belt to compare.#headcanons#mawkin#chozo#txt#there's a reason the Mawkin make duelists strip down to the bare essentials when they fight over disputes like leadership#in the case of duels over the title of Warlord that reason is 'to ensure the sitting Lord has not grown soft with the wealth of amenities#at their disposal'#the conversion module is one of those things that's hard-wired into his..#what's the word. cybernetics? Raven Beak has body mods but none of them are cosmetic. they're all for function.#but in any case it shouldn't come into play if he's duking it out with another Chozo in a spear fight.#his rivals for the seat don't have to deal with the immortal god-king who operates at peak efficiency 24/7: just Great Uncle Ashkar#and his fists#those are arguably scarier than the big cannon with its reactor turbines#you could charge this man like a phone#the mawkin were very invested in increasing their warriors' effectiveness in combat. and the suit is for more than just fighting#so a broad-spectrum high power module like that is highly valuable.#electricity. space radiation. charged miasma. you name it: he can probably 'plug in' to it.#he's not invincible and he can't exactly charge his suit in the heat of battle unless he's fighting in a location with great exposure#to charged matter or radiation. just don't fight him in a fallout zone and you're gucci.#i just had the image of him booking it for a nearby power plant to juice up in the middle of a fight snd it made me laugh#grampa's gotta get his talons in the good stuff before fighting it's like cranberry juice to him. it fixes everything.#'drink cranberry juice and eat radiation to get strong like me' -Raven Beak probably
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vigilbutts · 5 months
i've been silently stewing on this for A While in my little corner but i wish this community would participate in the "send an ask to the person you reblog this ask meme from" thing that other rp communities do on this site. there's been a number of people i've heard from or noticed being bummed about getting few or no asks for these memes within the gw2 tumblr community, and like... maybe as a community we should go back to following that little rule? just something to consider, perhaps.
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astranauticus · 10 months
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Do mechanites cry?
#rolling with difficulty#vrla rwd#mrsn rwd#vr la rwd#mr sn rwd#art i made#yet another thing i drew then just fully forgot to post LMAO#man i had to listen to 3.7 like 3 times for this. goddammit#easter egg: the 4 big infernal books in the shelf all say contract law like its a textbook series i guess#the small one next to them says Doctor Faustus bc i was looking to my irl bookcase for inspiration#and the christopher marlowe play was one of my alevel lit texts#also i think it would be really funny if the devils have their own version of the story of the deal with the devil guy#honestly this may have been the kinda. last straw of my burnout cuz this was a lot of time spent on a lot of stuff im really not good at#and none of it turned out... exactly how i wanted but oh well. it is what it is#ok the kinda annoying thing about me spending far too fucking long drawing super emotional scenes like this is i kinda#desensitise myself to whatever im drawing. like i felt it the most with the demon possession comic i casually tossed into the discord#bc thats the exact kinda angst i personally LOVE but it just doesnt have the same punch after ive been staring at it for 5 hours straight#(anyway go read cal's fic about it its on ao3 and its bloody good)#all this to say. when i first listened to 3.7 and austin had that exchange of like#'noir can i ask you a lore question' 'sure..?' 'do mechanites cry?'#i straight up got fuckin CHILLS. and sometimes i forget that but i try to force myself not to
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