#nobody cares about this but I don't care 😌
paleangels13 · 2 years
Just so you all know... Last week at the concert of lord of the lost I fell so hard for that band all over again... And I am so, SO happy I found my love for them again.
The first time I heard of them was in 2016, I quickly became their fan, saw them live in October 2018 (ended up in their tour vlog with one of the members...) and had one of the best concerts of my life – I'd say it's in my top 3 of all concerts I ever saw.
I think around 2020 i kinda stopped really caring about them and just had some situations that made me feel a little "meh" about them (nothing bad or anything just at that time it bothered me). I didn't care about the records they released because whenever I heard tiny bits of new songs I didn't like them and went on to something else.
Then a few months ago I saw that they'd play close to where I live and kinda wanted to go see them but also figured it wouldn't make sense since I didn't listen to their new stuff...
Long story short, took me weeks, maybe months to decide I wanted to go, I started listening to their latest record and literally the day before/of the concert I went "oh 👀" at some of the songs after listening to the record a few times.
I only started getting really excited once I was inside of the venue, first row, and realized that it was 2018 all over again somehow. Even one of the opening acts was the same. And when the main act got on stage they just kinda knocked me of my feet and showed me why exactly I fell in love with this band 6 years ago.
I enjoyed being there so much. Seeing them again and seeing how much they've grown since the last time I saw them (there were like 200 maybe 300 people there in 2018, same venue 4 years later, around 750 people) was exciting and I hope I'll stick around for some more years to maybe see them fill that venue next time :D 🖤
There will be a concert report for this one once I find time and the right mindset for it but...it was amazing and a lot of things happened and I need to scream about them but that's for another time ^-^
Yours sincerely
The idiot that "gave her heart to the Lord of the Lost" (to basically quote their song credo 💞) 🖤🥰
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blujaydoodles · 11 days
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introducing the swarmkeeper to his cloak pin, who is also occasionally a real butterfly
aka 'I don't know how to talk to people but. I see you have Bugs. I, too, have (1) Bug'
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taegularities · 8 months
Is cmi going to continue?🥹
hi there!! i really want it to, but it depends a lot on you guys, too 🥺 so far it's not going too bad or super great, but i also don't wanna say or decide anything yet – i'll wait a lil, since it's a long chapter and it might take people some time to get through it!! will see how things are in a week or so. in any case, support it a lot, loves. i do mean it when i say you can absolutely spam me.. definitely don't wanna abandon them <3
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ariaste · 15 days
louis was like "this is the love of my life...... the vampire armand....."
and I was like "girl...... you're both bottoms...... traumatized bottoms with daddy issues....... where are ur shitty boyfriends??????"
louis and armand out here having the world's most boring pathetic sex, they're like "we're so healthy, we have grown past our shitty-boyfriend-having phase, now we're always Safe Sane And Consensual 😌 we don't have unhinged sex anymore 😌😌😌" they are going insane. this is why louis is having a mental breakdown. he's been having intensely hinged sex for 77 years, like 100% slow lovemaking with clear communication and so much lube and always "one finger, two finger, three finger, cock" and the traffic-light consent system in place even though they don't practice any kinks that would involve words like "stop" and "hang on a sec" meaning anything but literally that. no one in this house has been rimmed in 77 years. Every night they have a very polite Discussion (it's not an argument, it's not) about whose turn it is to top because nobody here wants to. louis is not built to handle this psychologically. lestat's going to text him "hey mon cher miss u sooooo much i can't live without you, haha i got your number by killing some people at your phone company, actually several phone companies because i didn't know which network you're on, anyway come over and sit on my face WINK WINK i'll do that thing you like so much, you know the one!! the one where you're always like 'ew lestat you're so gross' but then it makes you come so hard you pass out [eggplant emoji, eggplant emoji, water drops emoji, blood drop emoji]" louis is going to see these texts and go into a fugue state and be OUT! THAT! DOOR! in nanoseconds. NANOSECONDS!!!! meanwhile lestat is double- and triple- and quadruple-texting about how he's always wanted to try roadhead and blithely using words like "pussy" in reference to louis' anatomy without asking if that's cool and also sending seven unsolicited dick pics clearly taken in an airplane bathroom
armand has never sent a dick pic in his life, even a solicited one, because it's "crass" and there are "privacy concerns" and he's "unsatisfied with the current standard of end-to-end encryption technology". lestat doesn't even know what end-to-end encryption is, and if he did he wouldn't care about it because "if a hacker is going to all that trouble to look at my nude photographs, louis, i think they've earned them :))) even though they could just follow me on instagram and tiktok or sign up for my onlyfans" this is why armand about to get dumped at terminal velocity. he doesn't even have instagram.
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peachypinkygloss · 1 year
wicked obsession — pjm
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You don't like Jimin; you two are nothing alike. He's the campus' infamous fuck boy while you're studious, never stepping foot into parties. It's certainly not a good thing when he grows an obsession over you.
★ pairing: fuck boy!jimin x sub/fem!reader
☆ genre: university au, friends with benefits, smut
★ word count: 8.2k
☆ warnings: dub-con, non-con to a certain extent, take of pictures and videos without consent, threats toward the reader, hard dom jimin <3 (he's pretty soft in this one but still), he's evil and hot, reader's kind of a pervert too if we think about it long enough, pillow humping (f), masturbation (m), unprotected sex, no penetration because it's not a necessity 😌👍🏻, praising & brief degradation, dry humping, grinding, facial, cum eating, cunnilingus & fingering, squirting, jimin's a munch.
a.n.: this is a gift for myself since i crave jimin really, really badly. again, be mature and read the warnings! it's your job to avoid the content you don't like, not mine! 😉
playing: Filme moi
Please reblog! It helps me a lot and my fic get more visibility :)
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He's looking at you like a predator, narrowing his eyes and passing his index finger over his plump bottom lip. The only thing you can do is pretend to not see him staring intently at you and work harder on your assignment. If only you could do those things without anxiously glaring up at him and immediately breaking eye contact when he's already looking at you.
He doesn't even engage in the conversation with your group of friends and for some reason nobody has noticed how Jimin is ogling at you.
Why is he suddenly interested in you? Why!?
He knows how much you disapprove of his lifestyle. He doesn't care about his studies, he submits assignments days after the due date because why should he bother about the date when he'll get an A anyway. He puts no effort while you spend days on your homework and it angers you a lot.
Jimin is infamously known for his never ending libido, fucking everything that has two legs, two arms and a pussy. Infamously known to be a fuck boy simply because he breaks every women's heart without a care in the world. He may flash a smile while telling them they were a good hook up and that's it.
And that's why you're in big trouble because Park Jimin can't be obsessed with you.
As you finish typing your sentence on your keyboard, pressing on enter to change paragraphs, you look up. Mainly because you want to distract yourself a little bit from your work, but also because you can still feel his eyes boring into your skull.
Then, you see his black orbs looking straight in front of him where you're sitting while he's leaning against the chair's back, spreading his legs apart. You're surprisingly brave enough to hold eye contact this time, shivers running down your spine when he darts his tongue out to wet his lips.
What did you do for him to stare at you like you're a piece of meat?
It's like he's trying to send you a message, one that would offend you, make you raise your eyebrows in total astonishment and probably stop your heart from beating. Even though you can't decipher his message, you can understand it. Something nasty, so filthy that the devil himself wouldn't approve of.
He tilts his head downward and looks at you through hooded eyes. You have to swallow to not choke on your spit as his gaze destabilizes you so much you can't even process what's happening around you.
Jimin seems to like that, enjoying how weak you are, how you crumble apart just from holding eye contact with him. He smirks, following each one of your movements with his devious eyes.
You shift uncomfortably in your seat, trying to focus on your computer's screen, but you can't. He's distracting you and it really annoys you. Why can't he mind his own business?
"Class at ten, gonna go to my locker," one of your friends announces, Taehyung, while getting up from his seat.
Priya, also one of your friends, copies Taehyung's actions, standing up on her feet as well. "Oh, yes! I forgot my lip balm in my locker, I'm coming with you," she smiles at him, putting the straps of her tote bag over her right shoulder.
It's how the table you were hanging at slowly empties, and you let out the breath you were holding when Jimin decides to follow Seokjin and Jungkook to the cafeteria to buy some snacks before class. You're left alone at your request, telling Priya and the other girls that you're going to work extra minutes on your essay before joining them.
You wrote four pages already, only ten more and you'll be done. It's a lot and you're totally discouraged, but that's how university is. You quickly check the time on your phone and start packing your things in your backpack to attend your afternoon class that you share with some of your friends.
You take a seat in the middle beside Priya and you don't miss the glance Jimin sends you when he passes by, going to the back of the class with Jungkook. You're relieved he doesn't sit with you, even though it would have been unusual of him, but his sudden interest in you is unusual so you don't know what to expect anymore.
The professor explains the next project, which is a work that you'll have to do in a team of two people. The instructions are pretty simple, something you can do in less than two weeks. You expect to team up with Priya, after all you're the only girls of your group in this class and you two are close friends.
When the teacher is done with the instructions, he lets everyone form their teams. You do the work with Priya, but that is until Jimin makes his appearance.
"Hey, Pri'. You don't mind working with Kookie, right?" He asks your friend and she looks at him curiously, her eyebrows raising up on her face. You, on the other hand, are very confused, opening your mouth to protest until Priya responds with a joyful smile.
"Oh! No, not at all! You two are doing it together? How nice," she giggles, turning her head to look at you. She takes her books in her arms and walks to Jungkook without thinking twice about it.
Jimin steps aside to let her go, watching her sitting beside Jungkook with an undying smile plastered on her face. Your heart starts beating extremely fast as he takes place next to you, acting as if he just didn't decide to work with you without your consent.
"What are you doing! I never said I'd team up with you!" You whisper-shout at him, not wanting anyone to hear you complaining.
He checks the papers the teacher gave you earlier about the project's instructions with the evaluation grid, still pretending the situation is completely normal. "Well, I wanted to and you'll work better with me than with Priya, don't you think?" He turns his head in your direction and his expression is serious. He's genuinely asking you this question.
You shrug, frowning even more. "This wasn't for you to decide," you clench your fists on the table, so frustrated that Jimin thinks it's okay to make decisions for you. You're not even close friends, it doesn't make sense. "I prefer working alone if it's like that," you say, rising up from your seat, but the murderous glare he sends you petrifies you on the spot.
"Sit down," he commands severely and you do as he says, fearing him. He eyes you for a few seconds, making sure you won't try to leave him again. When you stay silent, he reports his attention on the project.
You don't say anything else, listening to Jimin's words distractedly, still baffled by what just happened. Students exit the class, others stay, and he offers to go work at the library.
There, you engage in the project with Jimin. You're pleasantly surprised to see that he's really focusing, sharing his ideas and opinions. You suppose he's only hardworking because the result doesn't solely rely on him. You know he's smart, but he prefers to spend his energy on partying instead of on his studies.
An hour passes and you're now working on your own, asking each other's opinion on things you wrote. You eventually forget how he typically forced you to work with him, but you still have this reluctance toward him, this feeling of repugnance.
Jimin isn't disgusting by any means, he's super hot and he knows he is. You might even be attracted to him, no need to deny it when he's so sexy he makes every girl's pussy mewl. But you know better than to act on your sexual desires, especially when they concern a guy as perverted as Jimin.
"Mmh," he seems to be thinking, but you feel like he already knows what he's going to say. "I forgot something at my dorm," he adds, not levelling his gaze from his sheet of paper.
You look at him, confused on why he doesn't explain further, as if it isn't important. "What is it?" You question him and that's when he raises his head, his gaze meeting yours.
His expression is painfully serious, and by now, you can easily recognize that it's a façade. You don't know what he's hiding, but you're sure of one thing; behind those beautiful almond shaped eyes, kindness doesn't reside there.
His eyes pierce through you, watching - observing your person. Jimin does this often, not answering until you feel uncomfortable under his intense stare. You have no clue on what he's trying to do, maybe see how vulnerable you are, how quickly you can break under the mischievous glint of his eyes.
"My charger."
You wouldn't know if Jimin is a liar because everything he says seems believable, the confidence he radiates just tells everyone how trustworthy this man is. But you look over the table where his phone lays down and the screen lights up as he just received a text. His battery is half full.
He takes his iPhone back into his hand, shoving it in his jeans' front pocket as he stands up from his chair. He tidies his stuff back into his pencil case then into his JanSport backpack, but he stops to look at you when you don't do the same thing. "Aren't you coming with me?" Again, his question is asked with a serious tone, as if following him to his dorm is the normal thing to do.
"I thought we'll just leave it there for today," you confess in a small voice, looking up at him from your seat. Your grip on your pencil tightens when his gaze flicks between your face and your breasts. You despise how he doesn't even hide it.
"No," he breathes out calmly, tilting his head to the side. "We'll continue it at my place, we can't stop now, we're doing so well," he smiles and like the unbothered person that he is, he pulls on your pen. It slips out of your hold and Jimin drops it off in your pencil case. "I really want to do this right this time."
And like that, the conversation is closed. You have no choice but to follow him somewhere you've never been before, somewhere you know he won't hold himself back.
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Jimin is guiding you with his soft voice, his hand placed on the small of your back, brushing his fingers adorned with rings across your naked body. You are sobbing out, feeling dirty, but the tingle between your legs is so good.
His lips are close to your ear, the corners of his mouth lifted to form a devilish smile. "Look at you, sweet thing... enjoying yourself, aren't you?" He whispers into your ear, doing slow circular motions with his hand on your back to soothe you.
You are humping his white pillow, rubbing your pussy frantically against the soft cotton material. Jimin is watching you closely, his smirk never leaving his plush lips. If someone is enjoying it the most, it's him. He likes seeing you losing your dignity bit by bit, and that, only because he asked you to.
The hair on the nape of your neck is wet and you have to tuck his pillow upwards regularly, this one falling down from your weak grip. Jimin doesn't bother to give you a hand, liking the way you are struggling to rut your hips against the soiled pillow, so eager to finally have your release.
For him, it's okay. Making you submit, ripping the last bit of confidence you had in you, forcing you to do things you find wrong. 'It's natural, after all', he said. 'Your body needs it, you can't keep denying your sexual desires for the rest of your life'. He is right about one point; your body needs it, but not you. It's where he fails to understand.
"See, I knew you would like it... I knew you'd like to rub that little pussy on a pillow," he purrs into your ear, smiling even more when a whine confirms his words. "Don't forget to look at the camera, sweetie," he pats your hair and you raise your head, frowning when you see yourself on his phone's screen.
It's placed on his desk chair in front of his bed, levelled on his chemistry books. When you think about it, the chair was already there, facing the bed, as you entered his room earlier. He had set up everything in advance and the thought itself makes you shudder so deeply that your members shake beside you.
"Jimin-!" You gasp out, the knot in your stomach tightening and tightening. You grind your hips harder and faster on the pillow, the same he's sleeping on each night, and feel yourself trembling in anticipation of your orgasm.
At the small call of his name, his face softens, his lips in an exaggerated pout. He takes pity on you, nothing more, just pity because you're so pathetic and weak trying to make yourself cum by humping his pillow.
"I know, baby," he coos, caressing your back, the cool silver of his rings brushing against your burning skin. His other hand gropes your breasts, strong veins pulsing out along his arm. He fumbles the flesh of your boobs, teasing your perky nipples with his palm. "Just let it go..."
You rub your clit against Jimin's pillow, twisting the fabric between your fingers, moving your hips frantically until your orgasm hits you. Jimin looks at you in awe, he has a wicked curiosity to watch you shake in pleasure - a pleasure you didn't ask for. He loves the tears that run down your chubby cheeks, loves that despite everything, you still like this.
You whine as you drive off your high, soiling the pillow with your juices and cum. Jimin lets out a groan, pulling the cushion away from your drenched cunt. "You did such a good job, baby," he praises you and passes an arm around your waist, bringing you against him. "What a sweet girl, so obedient, and just for me."
His free hand grips the back of your thigh and pulls it over his hip, making you fall underneath him on the mattress. You moan softly, feeling your pussy quivering, asking more than just a clitoral orgasm.
Jimin settles between your legs, pampering your neck in sloppy kisses, discovering your body with his pillowy and plump pink lips. He hesitates to mark you, to leave love bites all over your skin, but he refrains himself from it. Not yet.
Your hair is spread all over his bed, your beautiful tits displayed for him. He places a hand above your shoulder on the mattress to support his weight, the other holding your thigh that is locked behind his back. He lowers his head toward your breasts and positions himself better, bending his elbow beside your arm instead of leaving his hand next to your head.
His hot breath hits your nipples, making them even harder. He wraps his plushy lips around one, suckling on it avidly, leaving you panting heavily. Your face is hot, the entire room feels hot, and you think you might melt down under Jimin.
He licks your supple flesh, feeling the lines of your stretch marks under his pink muscle. He plays with the other that is left out by his mouth, pinching and pulling on your little bud. Quickly, your boobs are glistening in his spit, a beautiful sight he wants to reproduce every time he's with you.
"Jiminie..." You moan his name, arching your back as he bites gently on your nipple, flattening his tongue over it after as if to apologize for the pain. You're like a little doll for Jimin to play with, to love and care for.
He's acting awfully sweet as he rips the pureness out of you, sucking fervently on your nipples that you feel your stomach clench. It's a mix of discomfort and pleasure, making you feel weird, but also giving your core tingles you've never experienced before.
His crotch presses against your wet pussy and he slowly grinds his hips, making you aware of his hard cock trapped in his jeans. He detaches his lips from around your nipple and your breast bounces down to the side after. Jimin finds his spot in the crook of your neck again, still grinding his hips against yours.
He lets out a guttural moan from his throat and your pussy clenches around nothing but air. You have to admit that you don't really know what's happening, too drunk on the hormones both of your bodies are releasing. The rutting of Jimin's hips is pleasuring you, stimulating your clit perfectly, but that's not what you wanted, is it?
"Mmh, fuck," he curses, nuzzling your neck and giving you little kisses that want to be reassuring. "I'm so fucking horny, I want to fuck you so bad you have no idea," he presses his bulge harder on you, wanting to feel more friction, but his clothes are restraining him too much.
He looks you in the eye, catching every little moan that escapes your lips, accompanying his grunts and the noise of his bed creaking. He breathes onto your face as he painfully grinds his hips against yours. Maybe you would like him to penetrate you and fuck you until you can't feel any of your limbs, or until he ejaculates deep into you, stuffing you full of his seeds.
Maybe you would like it, maybe you would consider it.
He breaks eye contact as he sits back on his knees, glancing at your messy cunt, quivering helplessly. He grips the back of his white t-shirt with his two hands, pulling on the collar to pass it over his head. He throws it away on the floor where your clothes are as well, revealing to you his beautiful chest.
He has a tattoo on his rib cage, the word nevermind spelled in uppercase inked on his pale skin. His abs are well defined and his nipples are in a shade of dark pink. You can see the muscles of his biceps and he has a trail of hair under his belly button, going to his pelvis. Jimin looks dreamy, it's a shame that he has such a nasty reputation.
He unbuckles his belt, the clanking sound making your stomach flutter, pussy impatiently waiting for him and what he has to deliver. He doesn't stop looking at you as he unbuttons his jeans and unzips them while your eyes immediately lower to his crotch. Under these boxers, there's a huge bulge, and you imagine a thick cock, average length but unreal girth.
"Do you want to see my cock, sweetie?" He asks you in a gentle voice, a smile on his lips, but there is no mockery behind it. Though he's asking, he's not really waiting for your consent. He doesn't need it, not at the point where you are. "Aren't you a little bit curious?" His right hand comes to caress his hard on over his boxers, veiny hand gripping it and palming it.
You don't respond, mostly because you don't know what to say. You glimpse in the direction of the chair where his phone is settled down, seeing Jimin's body hovering over yours. He looks so imposing, dominating, and for some reason this sends a wave of heat between your legs.
You look back at him and you swallow, wondering if all of this talk is to make a show for the camera. You know he knows how much it disturbs you, but it seems like it doesn't bother him. It spurs him on even more, watching your face contort in discomfort and fear, wanting to bury yourself six feet under ground.
But he also knows that despite those negative feelings, you like this situation very, very much. Your body betrays your emotions; pussy leaking down your ass, wetness sticking to your inner thighs, nipples hard and pupils dilated.
He bites down on his bottom lip, passing his thumbs under the band of his briefs. Your heart accelerates, mind going crazy at the fact of seeing Jimin's dick just in front of you, centimetres away from your crotch.
"So excited to see me... You're going to like it, baby, believe me," he chuckles, lingering his eyes over your naked body, noticing the goosebumps running along your skin and making your hair stand up on your arms.
You almost whimper when he tucks the band of his boxers down, setting his cock free from its confines. It twitches twice before standing up proud against his pale stomach, pink tip glistening from pre-cum under the light of his bedroom.
You were right; Jimin is girthy, not super long and unshaved, but his head reaches a few inches under his belly button. He's really thick, and with what you've already seen in your life, you know his dick can't enter without forcing the entry a little bit. And this is not good, really not good. Not to mention the size of his balls that will surely leave bruises on your ass.
You're not sure if you like it.
You back away on the bed, trying to escape Jimin, but he's fast at gripping your thighs and pushing you back over to him. A laugh doesn't miss to leave his mouth, finding you silly for trying to run away from him when really, there's no way of getting away.
"It's okay, little thing. No need to fight..." His gaze lowers down to his dick where he takes it in his hand, angling it toward your pussy. "It's going to happen whether you want it or not," his last words end up in a whisper, too focused on swiping his tip through your folds to speak louder.
Your walls clench around nothing and you curse yourself for it, knowing that Jimin probably saw it. You whine when you feel him rubbing his mushroom head against your clit, his cock now covered in your wetness. He teases your hole, circling it slowly, collecting more of your arousal on his length.
Then, he pushes his head in slightly, testing how your pussy adjusts itself to the size of his thick cock. You wince as he pushes in over and over again, never putting more than the tip.
"Please, stop- Jimin, it's too much," you shake under him and throw your arms over his shoulders, this simple action making him actually reconsider what he's doing. "I can't take it..."
His eyes shift up to your face, not saying anything yet, observing if you're bluffing or not. If he's a good liar, then you're a bad one. He sighs, replacing his hands on each side of your head. "Don't worry," he promises, his lips brushing the side of your face, his breath tickling your burning cheek.
He glides his cock over your cunt, spreading your pussy lips apart and covering his erection in your juices. His girth stimulates your bud of nerves just the way you need it to feel the knot in your tummy tightening again. You're still sensitive, but it feels good. It's dirty, having your cum dripping down your hole, having Jimin's dick sliding up and down your drenched pussy, mixing his pre-cum to your own arousal.
Dirty, but great, oh, so great.
The zippers of his jeans sting the skin of your thighs as he grinds his cock over your clit non-stop, making you whine and moan, in pleasure or in pain, whatever it is you don't care anymore. It's slow and somehow sensual at first, Jimin moaning himself while driving his erection through your folds.
He gives you small kisses all over your face and while he does so, you can't believe that this is the same man that you used to say you hated so much. Each kiss is warm and soft, on your cheekbones, on your forehead or on the corner of your mouth, you love them all. You could forget about his phone filming your intercourse, you could forget about how he forced you to team up with you, you could forget about everything just by the delicate touch of his plump lips on your skin.
Each roll of his hips seems painful with the way he hisses and twists the bedsheets between his fists, very weak strings holding him back from fucking his cock into your pussy. You don't understand why he respects your boundaries now, but you won't complain.
"Mmh, a-ah, fuck..." You can't get over the fact how his voice sounds so angelic, so pure, and yet, he's doing that to you. Even his deepest moans are honeyed, butterflies flapping their wings in your belly as he growls into your ear.
He fastens the cadence of his hips before stopping, as if he'd have broken down to his real urges if he had continued.
"I'm sorry, sweetie, but I'll have to cum on your face," he informs you, his wet cock leaving your pussy. "And I want some souvenirs..." He smiles deviously, getting up on his knees to stand over your chest.
You watch him pump himself lazily, his cock hovering over your face, mouth hanging open to catch your breath. He frowns and lets out a guttural moan, looking at your poor figure laying helplessly under him. He wets his lips and directs the tip of his cock to your mouth. You close it and he takes the opportunity to pass his head over your lips, smearing your own cum on them.
He tilts his head to the side, smiling as he glances at you with such a sick curiosity. "Do you like tasting yourself on my cock, baby? Hmm?" His eyes glint in mischievousness, so turned on to use you how he pleases, how he always wanted it. "Tastes good, doesn't it? Couldn't get enough even if you wanted to..." It doesn't have much of a flavour, you think, but Jimin seems to really like it.
He decides to jerk himself off just above your face and you clench your thighs, watching in awe how his hand grips tightly his erect penis and how his palm runs up and down smoothly around it. There's something about not being able to move, trapped under Jimin, that has your clit throbbing furiously.
Maybe it's something about him pleasuring himself shamelessly, spurts of your arousal splashing around as he fucks his fist, or something about his soft but deep moans he lets out from time to time, staring at you intently as you're the one making him so horny right now.
He passes a hand through his black hair, his bangs wet from his sweat. He twists his wrist, focusing on his swollen tip before stroking his whole length. "Ah, shit," he sounds really sensitive, sucking air through his teeth. "Gonna cum," he announces rapidly, fastening the pace of his palm.
The veins on his arm are producing, and you're amazed at how many there are. His rings shine as the light makes them glint each time he comes up to his mushroom head.
You open your mouth by instinct, flattening your tongue on your chin, which makes Jimin groans angrily. "Aah, what a good fucking slut," he angles his dick toward your face, long strands of white cum landing on your face as he moans out loudly. "Oh, God..." He mutters under his breath, spilling his creamy cum across your face.
It doesn't go as planned, his seeds leak down on your nose and forehead in a long trail rather than on your tongue and lips. You close one eye because some of his cum drips down on it, keeping the other open. He fucks himself dry, little white beads spilling out of his tip to fall on your cheeks.
"Mmh, fuck, so pretty..." Jimin's eyes linger on your face, stroking himself distractedly as his cock softens in his hand. You retract your tongue back in your mouth, watching him pick up his phone from the chair.
He stops the recording and goes to take a photo vertically, cupping your chin to make you face the camera correctly. He smiles behind his phone, thumb hovering over the button. You hear the capturing sound two times before he's starting another recording.
He lets go of your chin to collect his cum on his fingers that was dripping down to your eye, bringing his digits to your lips. You can then open your eyelid, parting your lips slightly for him to insert his index and middle finger in. You lick them clean, tasting him on your tongue. It's salty, but nothing really repulsive as you thought it would be.
He pulls out of your mouth, giving your cheek a slight slap. You feel the wetness of your saliva on it. Jimin throws his phone away on his bed when he's finished with the video, stuffing himself back into his jeans. He gets up from you and helps you wipe the remains of his cum on your face.
You don't move until he dresses you in one of his t-shirts, your body completely drowned in it. You go pee and when you get out of the bathroom, he envelops you in his strong arms, bringing you back to bed.
He hugs you tightly against his naked chest, laying his head on your chest in a really intimate manner. "You won't tell anyone? Please," you whisper and he elevates his head from you, looking at you with a serious expression.
He answers nothing, instead he lays on his side and pulls you closer. He strokes your hair gently as you listen to his heartbeat, mind empty. You fall asleep eventually, only to wake up the next day, leaving in a hurry to your own dorm to prepare yourself for another day of university.
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You are sitting on a bench in the university's baseball field, doing homework once again. Jimin is always glancing at you from where he is on the field, throwing the ball at Taehyung for him to hit with the bat he's holding.
Taehyung and Jungkook are changing places regularly, one or the other being the hitter. Seokjin is monitoring the two youngest, giving them tips or correcting the way they are positioned since he's the most experienced, being the baseball team's captain.
Priya is beside you, glued to her phone, probably texting Namjoon, the guy she's seeing at the moment. A gym addict, you remember her telling you and also apparently Seokjin's good friend from another campus.
Even though you're focused on your work, you still feel Jimin's eyes on you and it scares you to think that he might have told everyone about you two. He didn't because no one has addressed it, but there's a doubt, a little voice in your head telling you that he didn't respect your wish to keep it a secret.
If your friends know it, your parents, even the whole school... you have no idea how you will manage it. It doesn't seem like much of a big deal, but you just don't want this kind of information to follow you for life. Jimin isn't the type of guy you want to be associated with.
Despite the sweet nicknames he calls you, his devilish smile that makes butterflies erupt in your tummy, his insanely pretty face, his soft voice that makes you shiver, his plump pink lips browsing your skin, his beautiful hands gripping your thighs, his hot cum painting your face, how he's so gentle but has the evilest intentions at the same time.
Despite all of those things, you don't want him. You really don't. But he does.
The time passes as the boys' laughters fill the air, the positions changing; Priya talking with Taehyung, Seokjin and Jungkook bickering, Jimin making fun of them and glancing your way when his attention drifts off of his friends.
You sigh when you have to get back to your dorm by yourself, your unfaithful friend too swamped by a boy to realize you're still there. You collect your things, laptop in its cushioned case and notes back into its assigned binder.
You think you can sneak out of the baseball field without anyone noticing, but you're so wrong to even assume he doesn't have his eyes set on you.
Outside the field, you stop walking when a familiar voice calls you. "Where are you going?" You turn around, only to be met with, evidently, Jimin.
You shrug, glimpsing behind you where the university's building is. "To the dorms..." You answer, not too sure why you sound hesitant. It's not like you need his permission to go back to your room. It's late at night anyway, and you don't want to get bit by mosquitoes.
He closes the distance between you two, stepping ever so slowly, as if to tease you, to chase you. No need to go faster, he knows you'll stay there, frozen on the spot.
"You can go back with the others," you say, frowning as you want him to leave you alone. You don't voice this wish, though and you're lucky you don't because he doesn't like being rejected, especially by you.
His gaze darkens as he narrows his eyes at you and you're scared for a moment before the corner of his mouth lifts up into a smirk. "No, I'm coming with you," he decides and you know this isn't a proposition, it's a statement.
But you're not okay with this. So you back away slightly, still facing him, breath quickening. He notices your reluctance and he frowns, a scowl on his face. You keep moving back and he keeps moving forward, that is until you have enough and run in the university's direction.
Your sudden move takes Jimin by surprise and you hear him calling your name, clearly annoyed with you. He asks himself if he should run after you because if he does people will see him and that's not something he wants. But he knows you're going to the dorms, so he just has to arrive there before you do.
You soon make your way to the university residence building, relieved Jimin didn't follow you. You thought he would have, but it seems like he didn't want to bother running after you. You nonetheless look behind you from time to time, verifying in case he did in fact follow you, but you don't see him.
A little voice tells you how unfortunate it is that he didn't chase after you. Is it because he doesn't like you anymore? For some twisted reason, this idea disappoints you. Did he realize you weren't as interesting as he thought you would be or does he think you were shitty in bed? That would be quite humiliating and sad.
You liked the attention he gave you.
When you step into the corridor your room is located in, your eyes widen and your heart almost explodes as you see Jimin casually waiting in front of your door. You didn't expect him to be there, how did he even enter without you noticing?
You feel like a poor little bunny who has nowhere to go, damned to be eaten alive by the big, bad wolf slowly approaching its prey. But the difference between you and the bunny is that you're secretly turned on to be tracked down by Jimin.
He pushes himself off the wall he was leaning on when he perceives you walking in. His smile doesn't leave his beautiful plump lips, his mischievous eyes scanning your little body from head to toe.
As he reaches you, you finally come out of your torpor. "Jimin," you warn him and he stops, inches away from you. "I'm not... doing this. I don't want to."
He doesn't look convinced at all. Who are you trying to fool now, you or him? It's better not to be him because he's not the kind to give up on something he really wants.
He tilts his head, looking at you curiously, the expression he does when something intrigues him. "Don't act like this now, sweetie," he purrs, closing the gap between you two. Your breath is caught in your throat, avoiding his gaze at all cost. You're trapped between him and the wall. "You wouldn't like to have your pretty body leaked, hm, baby? It wouldn't really be a secret anymore..."
He touches your cheek with his hand, caressing the side of your face with his index finger. You shudder, pressing your books tightly against your chest. "W-What? I thought- I thought..." You stutter out, heart thumping against your rib cage.
"It doesn't matter what you thought, sweet thing." His words come out husky, his hot breath fanning across your face, making goosebumps run all over your skin. "It's okay if you don't want to, but you have to know that there'll be consequences," he almost sings this threat to you as he sounds so angelic and you're more and more scared by him. Scared in a way that makes your clit throb.
He cages you between the wall and him, pressing his body against yours feverishly til it makes him ill. Your two breaths intertwine, mingling together to create a compact atmosphere where it's hard for you to even think straight.
"The videos.... oh, and that pic," he reminds you and the events are quick at coming back into your mind. "Are all saved in my phone, only for me to look at... and believe me, I must have replayed them at least ten times, if not more," he informs you. "And, God, I was so hard just looking at you, baby."
You can't help but clench your thighs, imagining him with his phone in one hand, his cock in the other.
"Jimin," you breathe out quietly, coming out like a whisper, the sound of your voice making him focus on you. He glances down at your face, watching your lips parting to pronounce your next word. "Stop..."
Though he might have been soft before, you rejecting him again when you're clearly turned on makes him mad. He grabs your wrist and you gasp when he pulls you with him, bringing you to his room instead of yours.
You try to free yourself from his grip, but you fail miserably, almost tripping over your feet. Some people look at you weirdly, no one really stops to ask what's going on. He drags you to his door and opens it hurriedly, closing it when you're both inside.
He takes your books and your backpack away from you, putting them on the ground. You observe him in awe, you're completely in shock. He removes his baseball jacket swiftly as well as his shoes and pushes you on his bed. Your body bounces back on the mattress, Jimin crawling up to you like a hungry feline.
Heat floods through your abdomen to your core, setting your whole body on fire while your panties are getting wet as he's about to do whatever he wants to you. You squirm under him, but not because you want to get away - your body is aching to be touched, to be pleasured.
Face to face, he presses his body against yours until there's no gap separating you. He is insistent and you feel like suffocating, but you'll survive, very much so. Jimin is giving you his breath and you're giving him yours.
His t-shirt hangs loosely on him, the ends of the sleeves stopping just over his elbows. Some kisses are placed on your cheeks, on your lips, on your neck. It tingles sweetly, your stomach doing a flip, butterflies partying in your belly, pussy mewling. You feel everything at once, and intensively.
You don't protest when he removes your crop top, letting your breasts out, nipples hardening from the cold air hitting them. He plays with them for a brief moment, pinching and pulling on the little buds, before lowering down on you. Your mouth hangs open, not expecting him to do that to you.
He pulls your shoes off your feet, letting them fall on the floor beside his bed. He eyes your little white socks, deciding it'd be better if you keep them on. Due to your position and the fact that you're wearing a skirt, Jimin can see your cotton panties from his point of view. He smirks, looking at the wet patch over your cunt.
He passes an arm under your back, pulling the zipper of your skirt down and he rips the material off of you. You gasp at his brutality, but you don't think about it furthermore as he hooks his fingers under the band of your underwear, sliding it down your legs despite your little whines of embarrassment.
Your femininity is now very exposed to his insatiable eyes, gazing at it like a hungry man. Settled between your legs, he passes them over his shoulders, holding the back of your thighs so they stay open for him.
"Hmm, always so pretty... And it's all for me," he licks his lips, pink tongue peeking through them. He pushes your thighs up against your chest so he has a better access to your cunt, already glistening in your arousal. Only your feet are touching his shoulders, now. You wish for a moment that he was shirtless, and you're too shy to ask him to remove his t-shirt.
Your meaty thighs are squished over your lower stomach and you won't lie that the position is hard to keep. You're not that flexible, and surely not athletic, unlike Jimin. You whimper a little bit, feeling his breath on your wet pussy, making you shiver.
"Hold your legs up for me, sweetie," he softly commands, giving you an appreciative smile when you sneak your hands under your knees. "Good girl," he praises and you can feel your clit pulsating at how badly his words affect you.
He places his arms around your thighs and takes a hold of your hips. The cool metal of his rings brushes against your skin and you notice the chain around his neck dangling, the pendant bumping into the bed covers.
Jimin finally focuses on your cunt and when he blows on it, you can't hold in your moan. He's happy to hear your reactions, loving how you're so sensitive, how your puffy clit begs him to suck on it. But the first thing he does is kiss your inner thighs delicately while caressing your body along your curves with his veiny hands.
Then, his lips get closer to your warmth, impatiently waiting for him. He wraps his lips around your bud of nerves and suckles on it, eliciting quiet moans from you. It's gentle and you've never felt better, your fingers are in no comparison to his skillful mouth.
He sucks a bit more and your face contorts in pleasure. You try to glance at Jimin, but your position only allows you to see a fluffy head of black hair buried between your legs. The view is so filthy and you become drunk off his mouth, loving what's happening, barely remembering that he threatened you to leak the videos of you two having sex.
The sucks turn into licks, his wet muscle sliding from your hole up to your swollen clit, parting your pussy lips apart in the process. He teases your entrance with the tip of his tongue, circling around it, just dipping in slightly enough to make you needy.
Before you can ask for more, he flicks his tongue on your sensitive bud, moving his muscle from side to side rapidly. You moan out, feeling delicious tingles in the pit of your stomach. You grip your thighs harder, pussy clenching and begging to be fucked by Jimin's huge dick with such eagerness.
"Oh, my God, Jimin!" Your legs start to shake and his tongue gives you an orgasm, arching your back as he keeps stimulating your clit until you're off your high.
You sense him collecting your cream with his tongue, dipping into your folds. You let go of your thighs, letting them fall by your sides. You try to catch your breath as Jimin is still nuzzled in your pussy as if he's licking the plate after eating his meal, leaving nothing behind.
"Please, s-stop..." You cry out, being overstimulated by him. You attempt to push his head away, but he doesn't nudge a bit. "It's too much."
He looks up at you, leaning on his elbows. "Stop complaining or I'll fuck this pussy with my cock without feeling any pity," he warns you and you give up, but you still whine weakly.
When you think he's finished, he penetrates you with two fingers at once, sliding in so easily with how wet you are. The sudden intrusion makes you gasp, your own fingers are certainly not as big as Jimin's. They might be small for a man, but in no way that means they're the same size as yours.
"Shh, my sweet baby, it's okay. Relax, you're so tense..." He says, face hovering over your cunt as he slowly pumps his digits into you. He keeps them straight the first few strokes, but he starts to scissor your insides as well. You feel your pussy expanding around his fingers, it's a really unfamiliar sensation, but since it's Jimin, you slowly chill down.
He hooks his fingers perfectly inside of you, brushing against your sweet spot. The overstimulation is replaced by this new pleasure, much more intense and significant than the other. He expertly moves his two digits at a regular pace, holding your thigh up with his free hand.
Your juices are dripping down your ass, the feeling kind of uncomfortable, but Jimin fingering you makes you forget about everything around you except for him.
His palm is facing up, colliding with your clit each time he's knuckles deep into your messy cunt. He hums pleasantly when he feels you clench around him, seeing that you're having a good time. He lowers his head again and you immediately grasp his hair in your fist when he nips at your sensitive clit.
He flattens his palm since his chin is in the way and instead pets your spot inside of you with the pads of his fingers. It's sweet and almost magical. You feel like he's munching on your pussy, opening and closing his mouth over your clit, tongue viciously licking the little bud. It's slow, it's perfect, it's everything your body needs. That you need.
You let out soft moans, pulling on his black locks, completely in love with his mouth until it leaves you again. You would have complained, despite his warning of earlier, but he literally finger fucks you and it cuts you off instantly from saying anything.
He doesn't miss a beat, constantly rubbing your magic spot, making you lift your back from the mattress. You twist the bedsheets between your fingers, a fire in your belly, growing more and more with Jimin's ministrations.
"What the-!" You never say the end of your sentence, frowning and closing your eyes as you let the pleasure of another orgasm take over you. Jimin never stops, gaze shifting between your face and your pussy regularly to catch your reactions. "Jimin, wha-what's... Oh, God!" You scream, and everything happens so fast.
He pumps his fingers in and a clear liquid floods out of your cunt, in droplets first, but then bigger. You don't see what's happening, but an intense pleasure rips through you and your body is shaking like a leaf.
"Oh, fuck," you hear Jimin cursing, almost moaning after. His rhythm slows down, more fluid coming out. "You're such a girl good, shit, it's so fucking hot," he growls and stops his movements, hand cupping your cunt, patting it gently.
There's a wet puddle under your ass and you blink several times, coming back to Earth, feeling totally knocked out. "Jiminie..." You whine out, looking down at him.
The front of his t-shirt is soaked and some droplets fall from his chin. Immediately, you feel your cheeks heating up, so embarrassed from what you did. You squirted all over him to the point of wetting his clothes. But he looks nowhere disgusted, rather turned on than anything else.
He laughs, though it's not to mock you at all. He's just so happy, so fucking in love.
"I'm sorry..." You apologize shyly, but Jimin shakes his head, crawling back up to you.
"No, baby, no..." He coos, pampering your cheeks and forehead in feathery kisses. "There's nothing to be sorry for. It felt good, am I right?" He asks and you nod, feeling particularly ashamed. "Of course it was, I should have filmed it... Well, maybe next time," he sighs contentedly, smiling adorably.
He kisses you on the lips and after that intense orgasm, you start to feel guilty. Embarrassed, ashamed. Not because you stained his t-shirt, but because you liked it. A lot.
It makes you want to repeat it solely with Jimin. Forever and ever. But you can't, not again, not after you told yourself you wouldn't.
For Jimin, it was everything he's ever wanted in his life. You and him in the same bed, having sex, enjoying yourselves. It couldn't be better, really. He'll do anything it takes to keep you with him and believe him when he tells you there's going to be a next time.
Nothing will stop him from having what he wants, not even you.
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bitchimasnake-sss · 7 months
"my girlfriend's a nerd" ft. the monster trio!
self explanatory self-indulgent drabbles to soothe my book!loving ass
ft. luffy, zoro and sanji x fem! reader
set-up: you like books, he likes you that's it
warnings: none lmao this is very sfw. one might call it wholesome even.
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thats my baby ^^
— im not even sure if this mf can read 😭😭
— honestly 9/10 chance he can't but when has that ever stopped him from being our most supportive himbo king
— go king give us everything!!
— he doesn't get why you read books when instead you can be like sleeping or eating or looking at the sea but well, he doesn't question it
— he just thinks it's a weird hobby you have (i don't think he's aware of how freakishly illiterate he is)
— but just cause he thinks it's weird that doesn't mean he wouldn't hug you half-asleep when he hears you sobbing into the dead of the night or he wouldn't listen with keen interest when you explain the plot of your favourite book as he wraps his arms around you and hums into your hair
— will 100% offer to fight the author/ tear up the book everytime he sees you having a breakdown over a particular scene/character
"who should I kill?!" the deadpan seriousness in his voice is what terrifies you
"nobody! I'm okay–"
— after you explain to him that hurting somebody is not necessary and you're fine, he will try to coddle you with extended hugs and food (lots and lots and lots of food).
"yn you should eat something! should I get you something to eat??" you can hear the panic in this poor boys voice 😭😭
"no luffy, its okay. im fine!" you say through sniffs and snorts, eyes bloodshot from crying over ink on paper
"brb" and he gets you dinner enough for 5 people because that's how he knows to comfort you (willingly took sanjis kicks and namis punches to accomplish this mission)
— since he's a clingy little child, he will hold onto you some way or the other when you're reading
— you're reading in your room while he's fast asleep? his arm is draped across your waist lazily. you're on the other side of the deck, sunbathing and reading? his hand is stretched out from where he's sitting and on your thigh (ussop tripped thrice over his hand, rip god ussop 🙏) . you're reading during breakfast cause the book just got so good? his toe is rubbing your calf up and down periodically (he won't stop no matter how many weird looks you give him)
— conclusion: he doesn't at all get it what it is, but if it makes you happy he will spend all the berries in the world to buy you those books (plz know if you actually ask him to jokingly off an author for killing your favourite character, he will do it. please don't ask him that.)
— he's just so supportive and nice 😭😭
"my girlfriends a nerd, I love her" (ussop explained to him what a nerd was and now he's introducing you like this to everybody)
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the shades tho 😎
— I'm convinced this mf can't read either
— even he can there's like literally no evidence to prove it and the entire crew has come to the conclusion that he gets lost even with clear directions because he just can't read please 😌👌
— at the start, he actually thinks it's dead stupid to invest so much time reading books when you can do other stuff like getting stronger, sleeping, literally doing anything else (luffy backs up his opinion with full enthusiasm)
— i mean like he's seen you sob at 7 in the morning over breakfast cause your fav character died and now he's confused as to why are you spending money and buying books if they make you cry so hard (he doesn't understand the concept of angst im afraid)
— but over time he just accepts it as something you enjoy and well, if it makes you happy then who is he to question it?
— acts like he doesn't care/isn't listening when you're rambling about the plot and how thE MAIN CHARACTER IS IN LOVE WITH HIS ENEMY AND VICE VERSA SKEJFHSJKSN but is actually fully listening
— he's actually invested at one point
"but they are enemies? why does he wanna be with him?"
"you don't get it! thats the appeal!!"
"the appeal is forcing a knife on somebody's throat?" he's laughing, "as if you'd enjoy it if i threatened you with my swords"
"... i would actually enjoy that"
he is now asking nami for loan to send you to a therapist (nami has seen you nosebleed over fictional characters and is considering giving money away to zoro for free. you really do need help.)
— as I said, he's invested now (although he does question your taste every now and then) but he'd force you to either summarize the plot to him as he trains or read out loud so he can hear the story as it goes.
— so naturally you're now sitting on his back, reading out loud as he does push-ups
— this beloved himbo has now formed strong opinions about characters and will battle you with headcanons because "there's no fucking way the hero would ever go back to the villain after that! that's ridiculous! if he does I'll sell my swords off."
— will remember the stuff you told him, no matter how trivial, so if you get off an island and he spots a keychain from your fav book series he's spending whatever money he has left to buy you it
"oh excellent choice! who are you buying it for?" the shopkeeper lady questions aloud
"oh, my girlfriend." he's smiling, "my girlfriends a nerd."
— actually looks forward to you telling him all the plot details and jokes at this point (one might call him a part of the fandom now)
— when you're a crying, sobbing mess because a character died, he's genuinely comforting you (no matter how bad he is at it)
"yn it's okay, you want some sake?" he is hugging you, patting your head like you're a child
"no 😭😭" you sob harder into his chest
"well... that's the best i can offer"
he tried. it's not his fault you don't wanna drink your feelings away.
— conclusion: he started off thinking its stupid and now he's an honorary nerd. would never admit it though. stubborn asshole.
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he's actually so pretty tho ^^
— he actually liked reading books before you even joined the crew although his tbr consists of cookbooks and auto-biographies about the people he has some interest in
— he started reading so that he could impress zeff with his knowledge on cooking and other miscellaneous stuff (imagine kid!sanji reading a book till late night under a lamp cause he wants to impress his old man that's so cute 😭😭)
— respects your hobbies when he finds out you like reading
— and then he sees your book collection. whY ARE THERE LIKE 5000 BOOKS HERE?! NOW HES SCARED FOR YOUR SANITY CAUSE GIRL WTF
— he hears you recommend a book to robin/nami once and now he's running to the nearest bookstore on the next island you guys land on to buy it
— he obviously did it to impress you and win you over but goddamn that book was actually pretty nice. so, the next time he asks you for recommendations he's actually a bit sincere
— now you're both in a book club of your own (which makes luffy mad cause why are you leaving him out of conversations :/)
— like zoro, he often asks for updates on the book you're currently reading while he cooks everyone food. he loves hearing you talk about the things you like.
— when he sees you crying over books, he is making you sweet stuff to soothe you, holding you and rubbing your back supportingly, peppering kisses to make you feel better
— he's so fine 😫😫
— anyways, also def the kind of person to ask you to roleplay things in real life
"yn-saaaan" his voice is bubbly, "can i ask you something?"
"the last book you read–" his face is going a little bit red, "you think we can maybe... do that irl?"
now it's your turn to go red
— but no fr, he's so so supportive of your little hobby like yes baby! read those books and have fun imagining people in your head
— 100% matches your vibe when you crush on fictional characters cause "you're right. he is actually very attractive" (a bi king we love)
— once zoro made fun of you for reading and this was his response: "you can't even read, mosshead. the next time you speak shit I'll kick your ass."
now they are fighting while ussop, luffy and chopper laugh in the background
— but yes he loves staying up late, reading with you before you both cuddle and fall asleep
— you once read about a specific sort of dish in a book and mentioned that it sounds delicious so now obviously he has to go make that dish. it doesn't matter if it's 1 am at night.
— when nami asks him what he's cooking, he just smiles and shrugs, "i dunno either, im just trying to make yn happy. she's such a nerd"
— conclusion: an enabler, an enthusiast. this man is ready to buy you books and then read them if it makes you happy. only the finest for his favourite lady <3
a/n: enjoy my wayward thoughts about these fine men!
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blxsscd-x-fxrsakcn · 2 years
“No, a better nickname for Gabriel would be horny bastard.”
Expression drops. Faux-scandalized. ❝ I mean, yeah, but damn. ❞
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0 notes
praisethesuuun · 1 year
Hello! May I request some yandere headcanons for Hades from Record of Ragnarok?
Hope you like it, anon! I tried my best for our favourite emperor😌
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Warnings: blood, killing, kidnapping
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☠️Oh, you don't wanna mess with this yandere, I assure you. At first glance, he may seem sweet to you, but he won't hesitate to snap at the first wrong behavior.
☠️Hades will start from the most subtle things, like watching you from a distance while you do your chores, or stealing your personal things.
☠️He will probably take the first chance he gets to kidnap you (what a surprise) and take you to his castle in Hellheim. He would put a collar on you to take you wherever he goes and force you to eat the food of the Underworld with a ravenous kiss, making it impossible to leave.
☠️He trusts you to leave his room for one simple reason: you can't leave anymore, leaving that world would kill you, so why do it? If by broaching the subject, Hades realizes that you'd rather die than be with him, then forget about wandering alone and start considering your room your new home.
☠️Killing is easy for him, especially in your name. Wallowing in the blood of those who court you is his favorite hobby; you'll never find out tho, he'll keep his psycho part hidden from you.
☠️The castle is constantly guarded by guards, just like your room and nobody, and I mean NOBODY, is authorized to talk to you, look at you or even think of you. If Hades finds out you're trying to bribe his minions, he'll kill them for bribing you and punish you for trying to run away from him.
☠️"It's ok, darling. Hades will take care of it" he says, holding your shivering figure, while your cheek is smeared with blood on his candid jacket.
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wasawattpadkid · 1 year
Part - 17
Summery: Billy and Stu have been planning these murders for quite some time. Everything is going to plan until you show up. What happens when they meet someone who is just as mentally deluded as they are?
Pairing: Poly! ghostface x fem!reader
Warnings for this series: ⚠️smut 18+⚠️murder, blood, smut (will be more in depth on smut chapters), power dynamics, a dash of sexism, knives, stalking, perverse behavior, cheating, blowjobs, handjob, fingering (fem! receiving) , pet names
A/N: if you saw this chapter when Tumblr decided to mess around and upload it early no you didn't 😌
Part 1
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Billy and Stu would never admit you were right. No arguments, no fights, the dinner was good, and the sex was even better. Separating for a bit did nothing but improve the relationship that so quickly developed. It had been almost two weeks now. Stu came over regularly especially when your dad came home for a couple of days. He spent more time with your father than he did with you honestly. Surprisingly the boys didn't argue about who spent more time with who. They didn't want to mess up the good thing they had going.
Woodsboro High had thankfully calmed down. Of course, your sleeping habits were still being talked about. Some people even connected the dots on who you were prior to your move back. Billy did a good job of scaring people quiet.
As of now, the school knew you were off limits that didn't stop them from whispering though. For once in your life you didn't care. Chase and Linda did sit at the water fountain with you and the boys. It aggravated Billy that he didn't hate the two. Chase looked like a member of some shitty boy band but that's about all the kid had wrong with him.
Stu was happy having friends again. Linda and Stu did not get along. Something about him being too "ostentatious." Lucky for the boy he had no idea what the word meant. Chase enjoyed spending time with you and the guys. He thought Stu was hilarious but he couldn't get comfortable around Billy.
"Are you guys going to be at the party?" Chase asked again. He'd been bothering the three of you all week. "Isn't it a little early to be having a Halloween party?" You asked blocking your eyes from the sun. Stu was on board the moment he heard the word party. You and Billy however were hesitant to go out in such a scene. "I thought it'd be better to have it the last weekend of October." Billy's hand rested on your knee which you promptly removed.
He did stupid things like this anytime Chase was around. For someone who hated PDA, he sure was all over you when another guy was around. "We'll think about it," Billy spoke wanting the couple to leave. "Cool, I'll see you guys there. Y/n you've got my address?" You nodded earning a stern look from your boyfriends. Chase and Linda walked back over to their spot leaving the three of you by the fountain. "Before you say anything he gave me his address on a piece of paper yesterday for the party." You held up your hand keeping Billy quiet.
"We should go. I mean it's a costume party nobody has to know it's us." Stu's smile became somewhat sinister. The boy leaned down next to Billy whispering in his ear. "We could bring back our costumes..." You jumped when Billy pushed his friend back almost landing him in the water. "Are you fucking insane?" Billy asked with utter confusion. "What are you two bitching about now?" You asked before taking a bite of your lunch. "Go ahead tell her your genius plan." Billy held out his arm encouraging his partner. Stu leaned down whispering something similar to you.
"Are you trying to get us caught?" You snapped quietly making Billy smile. "At least someone here has some common sense." Stu huffed thinking you two were overreacting. "Everyone's going to be dressed up as Ghostface. I don't see why I can't have fun." Even if everyone was dressed up as the infamous killer that didn't mean it was a good idea for you to do the same. "That's exactly why we shouldn't go. Aren't we supposed to be traumatized?" Billy asked slightly mocking your overly cautious behavior. "Oh please," You scoffed making the boy laugh. "Stu if you really want to go I'll go with you but no Ghostface costume."
"The case was closed I don't get why you still have your panties up in a bunch. Both of you." Stu looked between you and Billy as his lover flipped him off with a fake smile. You wanted to be as carefree as they were but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. All three of you were criminals. Case closed or not. You couldn't be too careful in a situation like this. "Says the asshole who has literally worn panties." Your face scrunched as you looked over at Stu. "I was curious! There's nothing wrong with a little self-expression man." You opened your mouth to speak but words simply didn't come out.
"As much as this conversation is really turning me on we need to talk about this party." Stu smiled at your sarcasm. "Can I wear a mask?" He asked happily. "With a face like that you need to." Billy muttered making you elbow his side. "Bitch." He mumbled rubbing the now sore spot with a laugh. Stu smiled at his lovers. It really was a miracle things worked out. Billy was slowly becoming the boy he fell in love with in the first place. You seemed to get more comfortable as well. It took awhile but you adapted to the dynamic between the two men. Insults and name calling was a just a cover up for the love the three of you shared.
"Great because I already have a Myers costume I've been dying to wear." Billy looked up with intrigue. Neither of you knew about the outfit. "You bought a Michael Myers costume and didn't show me? Even after you made me watch all the movies?" The offense in your voice was comical to Stu. "It was supposed to be a surprise. What are you going to wear?" Stu gestured over to you with his head. "Well since we like keeping secrets you'll just have to wait. It's a surprise." You flicked the tip of his nose as your finished your sentence.
"What are you wearing?" You turned towards Billy. "Who said I was going?" He spoke already aware that if you and Stu went he was sure to follow. You liked to think you were the smartest person out of the three but if you and Stu were involved nothing good was bound to happen. "I did so what are you wearing?" Billy didn't have a costume. He debated on even wearing one to the party. "You could dress up as Glen from Nightmare On Elm Street." Stu bounced his eyebrows up and down suggestively. "If you think I'm wearing a crop top you're mistaken." Your face lit up at the idea. "Woah woah, what would it take for you to wear that? Asking for a friend." You laughed making Billy smile.
"It would take a lot more than you could give me." Billy tapped your cheek shaking his head. He thought about his closet at home trying to run through the possible costumes. "Do you have face paint?"
He asked seriously making both you and Stu chuckle. "You won't wear a crop top but you'll do yourself up like RuPaul. Got it." You pursed your lips not wanting to encourage Stu. "I said face paint dipshit, not makeup." Slowly you turned towards Stu giving him a look. Before you could figure out anything else the bell rang meaning all three of you were about to be late for class.
With quick goodbyes and see you laters everyone went their separate way. The day was slow mostly because you were counting down the minutes until 7th period. It was nice having a class with Billy. If you didn't want to be bothered he'd leave you alone. If you wanted to ignore the teacher and waste time he was also the guy to go to. You couldn't begin to imagine how a class with Stu would go.
"You'll have an exam Monday. You need to study this weekend or you won't pass." The teacher spoke as she wiped down the chalkboard. Some kids groaned while others just packed up their things. "What time is the party?" Billy asked picking up his notebook and binder. You couldn't remember if Chase said eight or nine. "Eight I think don't quote me on it."
Billy followed you to your locker watching as you put away your things. "I'll meet you and Stu by your car." With a nod from you, he carried his things across the hall.
They gave you space by moving back to their respective houses. School was a different story. By now it didn't matter the whole school knew you three were inseparable. If Billy and Stu weren't together then one of them was with you. It was rare someone saw one of you walking alone. It made you feel safe in a way.
Stu was already leaning on your car waiting for his two favorite people to show up. "Have I told you how beautiful you look today?" He asked popping a piece of candy into his mouth. "You have. Almost four times now." Stu could be repetitive but everyone knew you ate up the attention. "Well, I'll make it five. You look beautiful Mrs. Crocker. When we get married will you take my last name or will I get Crocker?" Your eyes grew wide at the silly question. "What-"
"I'm going to stop by my house and pick up some clothes do either of you need anything while I'm out?" Billy asked ending the conversation between you and Stu. "I'm good." You spoke throwing your purse into your car. "I don't think so. You taking me to my place so I can grab my costume?" Stu asked the boy who constantly drove him around. "You're paying for gas." Stu balled up his fist in celebration. "I guess while you two are gone I'll get my stuff together."
"Are we meeting up at our house afterwards?" The way Stu called your house "ours" never failed to make you smile. "Yeah, we'll have to if I'm doing his makeup." Billy shot you a look. "Sorry sorry, face paint." You made air quotations around the words just to tease him. "We shouldn't be too long." Billy motioned for Stu to start walking toward his car. "Okay drive safe!" You shouted towards both boys. Stu turned around sticking his tongue out at you. A smile played at your lips as you had flashbacks of nights previous.
You drove home listening to a Jackson 5 tape that was obviously well-loved. The watch on your wrist read 3:30 as you stepped out of the car. You had plenty of time to dig up the old outfit crammed in the back of your closet.
Part of you did want to go out and have fun but something told you not to go. You wouldn't have even thought about going if it wasn't for Billy and Stu. In some stupid way, you wanted to show off the boys. You told your boyfriends one thing but secretly you loved when people's eyes were on you. Good or bad you were occupying their minds and with two men by your side you felt safe. Those insignificant assholes couldn't hurt you anymore. Male validation was something you should probably see someone about with how bad it was. It didn't quite make sense to you. Why would you crave something from the people who hurt you the most? You didn't need to be loved by everyone but you couldn't be hated by anyone.
The Halloween costume was never worn. You bought it last year but with your lack of friends, you had nowhere to wear it. At least now you could feel like it was money well spent. Once you laid out every piece of the set you tried it all on. The knee-high fishnets were scandalous but paired with the maid ensemble it was downright sinful. You turned around making sure the dress covered everything it needed to. The fabric fell to the middle of your thighs. However, your chest was more exposed than usual.
It was a startling change but that's what Halloween was for. It was the one night of the year you could be someone completely different. It was five o'clock before the boys pulled into the driveway.
"What's up, Dewey?" Stu called out seeing the deputy sit on his porch. The boy didn't like the way the officer stared at him as if he'd done something wrong. He knew he did but that was for him and his accomplices to know. Not the town deputy. Dewey squinted at the two men. He had seen them both come and go never staying too long to his knowledge. He felt like a creep staring but he was concerned for you. Something was off about those kids. Especially since Stu showed up with a blood-splattered Halloween mask. "Stu come on." Billy scolded pushing the boy towards the door. "Have a good night Deputy." Billy waved with a smile that Dewey could only describe as disturbing.
"You trying to get our asses busted?" Billy spoke knocking on the front door. "Well, he's got a staring problem." Stu shrugged. "Maybe because you're covered in blood?" Billy looked him up and down with a stern expression. "At least it's fake this time." He mumbled before you opened the door. Stu had the plan to yell and scare you but once he saw what you were wearing plans changed. "Sorry it took me a second to get down here I was working on my makeup." Both boys looked at you like they'd never seen you before. "Fuck..." Stu spoke in a low tone but it became even lower due to the mask over his face.
The blood-stained mask and coveralls were doing something to you that you couldn't quite describe. He slowly titled his head as his eyes continued to scan every inch of your body. The gesture made heat flood your skin. "What are you supposed to be?" Billy asked his demeanor was softer than you thought it'd be. "I'm Magenta from Rocky Horror!" You chirped spinning around for the men. Your dress rode up just a little when you spun letting them see the bottom of your black lace underwear. Billy couldn't be trusted alone with you right now dressed the way you were. He sure as hell hated the idea of you being around a bunch of other people.
You took a moment to look at Billy's outfit. His tight black shirt was torn with several bullet-shaped holes in the fabric. What really surprised you though were the black leather pants that left almost nothing to the imagination. His abdomen was wrapped with what looked like duct tape. If Stu's outfit hadn't already turned you on then Billy's certainly did.
"Um... What- who are you dressed as? " The words tumbled from your lips making Stu smile. He enjoyed the effect they had on you. Billy was too occupied with his thoughts to hear what you said or how you said it. "He's The Crow. We brought the tape over so you could see how to do his face." Billy handed you the VHS tape never taking his eyes off you. "Oh.." The makeup was bound to make him ten times hotter. "You can't do it?" He asked as he walked into the house with Stu in tow. "No, I can do it. Yeah no not a problem." You cursed yourself for sounding the way you did. Stu was getting a kick out of seeing you so excited. He pulled off his mask sitting it on your couch.
Both men sat their combat boots near the door as you grabbed both of them a drink. You desperately needed anything cold. "Thanks, baby." Stu said but his words were deep. You swallowed what little spit coated your mouth nervously. "Yep." You responded quickly. He raised up smacking your ass with a smile. "Watch it." You scolded playfully. You handed Billy his drink but he sat it on the counter. "You look so... different."
Billy focused on your makeup. Your face was a shade lighter than usual. The red and black eyeshadow that circled your eyes made you almost look dead. Your stained red lips were the focal point of the look. The drastic difference in your normal appearance was erotic but it made him appreciate your joyful everyday attire even more. This wasn't you, he could tell by the way you carried yourself. The gaze the two men held on you made you feel like the sexiest woman on earth but Billy knew once that initial high wore off the revealing clothes would make you self-conscious.
"Do you like it?" You asked the boys holding out your arms. "I love it, Y/n." Stu used your name in a way you hadn't heard before, not from him. He wanted to make a funny comment about how you look better naked but he didn't want to cheapen the moment. "Where'd you get this?" Billy picked at the dress curiously.
"I bought it last year for Halloween but I didn't get the chance to wear it." You kept the pathetic details to yourself. A small smile played on Billy's lips. "So we're the first ones to see you in this?" His eyes looked up to meet yours. "The only ones."
The fact stirred something inside both men. You cleared your throat scared of the sexual tension that fogged up the room. "If we're going to that party I need to do your face." You avoided the word "make-up" the best you could. "Can you do my face too honey?" Stu pouted. You laughed at the action. "What do you want me to do?" The innocent question made him almost chuckle. Before he could say "sit on it" you held up your hand realizing your mistake. "Nevermind don't answer that. Make yourself at home while I work on him." You grabbed Billy's hand pulling him upstairs. He sent Stu a look getting an eye roll in return.
You set the VHS tape on your bathroom sink next to the large bag of makeup. Most of which you rarely ever used. "This isn't going to stain is it?" Billy picked up the tube of white you used on yourself just a while ago. "If it does we're both screwed." You laughed but Billy looked genuinely scared.
"No, it doesn't stain." He didn't seem completely convinced. "You don't have to wear face paint. You look great already." You ran your hand along his arm appreciating the outfit for a second time. He couldn't worry about the makeup if he was too worried about the way your fingers danced across his skin. Distracting a man was easy. "I look great?" He asked the compliment went straight to his head. You leaned up pressing a kiss against his lips. Thankfully you wore transfer-proof lipstick. "You look wonderful." You spoke before setting out the black and white makeup. A smile appeared on his face at your words.
You grabbed some hair clips pinning back the hair that fell over his face. "Now you look adorable." You laughed as he scrunched his nose at his reflection. "Don't say I don't care about you. I wouldn't let anyone else do this to me." Now that you believed. "Ooh, I feel special." You joked squirting out some of the white foundation on the back of your hand. "You are." He said looking into your eyes. You gulped shaking your head.
"Smooth Casanova." You smacked his shoulder before taking a brush to the foundation. "Now stay still I don't want to mess up." He had no intention of following your instructions. "Okay."
You started to smear the cream on his cheek slowly spreading it around. The sensation was odd to Billy. He didn't hate it but it wasn't something he'd willingly do again. His eyes traced your features. The way your tongue stuck out in concentration was more than adorable. Every time you moved a shadow would cover his face making it hard to see. "Hold on." You struggled to position him in a way where you could see. "Here," Billy spoke before lifting you to sit on the sink. There was no way it couldn't support your weight but still, you had a habit of overthinking.
"What if this breaks under me? Are you going to fix it?" His hands gripped your bare thighs keeping you still. "It won't now keep going." He said as he closed his eyes. You fought the urge to chew on your lip. Billy stood between your legs basking in the white light coming from above your mirror. It was an intimate act one that did nothing but make you want to stay home. You continued to paint his face making sure the white stopped at the bottom of his jaw like the picture on the back of the tape. At some point, Billy started to like the feeling. Not of the makeup necessarily but more of the feeling of you touching his face. Your movements were precise and careful he didn't have to open his eyes to know that.
You had seen what he was capable of. How horrible of a person he could be. Yet you were careful not to hurt him. Even with a brush that had passed your skin a million times, you traced his face like it might pierce the cream-covered flesh. You found it cute how he started to subconsciously lean into your touch. It made your job harder but you wouldn't tell him to do any different.
Billy's thumbs started to rub against your fishnets absentmindedly. The simple act didn't bother him any but it made a world of difference to you. No longer could you focus on the task at hand. Once the white covered his face you grabbed a makeup palette that held the darkest black you owned. Billy opened his eyes slightly taken aback by the mime look he had going on. "Jesus-" He said making you laugh. "Don't look yet I'm not done!" He closed his eyes trying to hide his smile. As you caked the black makeup on his eyes he raised his eyebrows almost ruining your progress. "Stop." You poked his side making him laugh. You had found out just a few days ago that he was ticklish. He gave you no choice but to use it against him.
Carefully you ran the brush down his cheek dragging the eyeshadow in a straight line. After that was done you did the same thing upwards. You blew the fallout off his face making his nose twitch.
"I asked you earlier if you needed me to pick up anything while I was out. You could've said you needed breath mints." He almost crumbled when your hand poked harshly at his side. His laughter could be heard all the way downstairs. "Apologize." You commanded smiling at his pained laughs. The only time you considered yourself a sadist is when it came to fucking with Billy. Stu and you shared that hobby. "Kiss my ass." He heaved only making you poke harder. Billy twisted with joyful agony. "I'm sorry!" He breathed making you remove your hand. "Good boy." You patted his head obviously teasing him. It was a joke but your words twisted his stomach more than your assault did.
"Now straighten up so I can finish I'm almost done." His eyes didn't bother looking up at his reflection. He was too busy looking at you wondering why you'd say that to him. He also wondered why the fuck he liked it so much. Makeup and now some strange form of submission, God his dad would kill him if he saw him now. His mother would probably disown him if she hadn't already. "Open your mouth."
You expected a snarky comment but it never came. His lips parted letting you do whatever you had in mind. You picked up your eyeliner lining his lips with the jet-black color. Afterward, you applied chapstick on his lips making sure to get plenty on before grabbing the black eyeshadow once more. With your ring finger, you dabbed the color onto his shiny lips. Once his lips were covered you blended it all together careful not to let it bleed.
"Don't move." You leaned over grabbing a piece of toilet paper. Gingerly you patted the paper against his lips picking up the extra product. The last thing you needed to do was draw a line coming from the corners of his mouth. You looked at each line making sure they were straight. "We're done- oh wait." You pulled the clips from his hair letting it hang defiantly in front of his face. "Look!" You cheered happily proud of your work. Billy finally looked up surprised by the person he saw in the mirror. He looked like a total badass but he felt like the complete opposite.
Stu made his way up the stairs getting lonely and curious once he heard Billy laugh. Swiftly he opened the bathroom door making both you and Billy look up at the man. The intrusion made you think you'd been caught doing something wrong. "God damn..." Stu spoke looking at his boyfriend. The makeup was perfect.
Seeing the two of you there, Billy positioned between your thighs was something he wanted tattooed on him. "How does he look?" You asked knowing exactly what Stu was thinking. Both of you shared a special friendship outside of your relationship. You talk to each other about Billy like he was a crush you both had. He loved to gossip and you loved to talk. It was perfect really.
"Does that stuff stain?" Stu asked stepping into the bathroom walking towards Billy. "Nope." You reassured not knowing if it did or not. "Thank fuck." He said before grabbing the boy forcing his lips on his. One of Billy's hands stayed on your thigh as the other grasped Stu's waist.
Something had to have gotten into him. It was probably the fumes from your makeup. He'd never let Stu just grab him like that. Even on the days when they were both insatiable, he put Stu in his place. You watched as Stu yanked on his lover's hair. Billy's frame stopped you from squeezing your legs together. Something you desperately needed to do. Billy softly moaned into Stu's mouth letting his tongue roam around the makeup-covered boy. You could see the black smearing across Stu's lips. There went your hard work but you couldn't care less. Billy's hand ran down Stu's coveralls quickly finding his growing bulge.
As Billy rubbed against Stu his other hand crept up your thigh rubbing softly against your clothed cunt. For a moment you forgot how to breathe. Stu let go of Billy's hair moving his hands to quickly unfasten the buttons that littered his chest. If he would've known how hard this outfit was to take off he wouldn't have worn it.
He still had his costume from when he and Billy dressed up as Bill and Ted for Halloween. That would've been an easier alternative. Finally, there was enough room for Billy to slip his hand beneath the fabric of his briefs. "You look so hot right now." Stu rasped against his lover's lips. Praise was something Stu loved to give you had learned that very quickly. Although the few times he tried it with Billy the man quickly shut it down.
This time however Billy didn't stop him. If his hand wasn't wrapped around his cock right now Stu would've paid more attention to the change in behavior. Billy pulled his hand away to spit in his palm. His lips quickly returned to Stu's as his hand stroked his partner's cock making sure to cover his shaft with his spit.
You watched their every move trying to focus but Billy's hand between your thighs made it incredibly difficult. His fingers pulled your panties to the side before sliding up and down your folds. He smiled into his kiss at how wet you already were.
Without hesitation, his two fingers pushed into you curling upwards as they moved. "Oh!" You called gripping the man's wrist. Billy's hand sped up as he pumped Stu's cock. Every little moan that left Stu's mouth made Billy throb against his tight leather pants. "That's so good right there." Stu continued to encourage Billy wondering how far he could go until he was forced to his knees. Billy just moaned getting off on his lover's words. "Babe!" Your back lurched as his fingertips prodded a certain spot within you. He poked and massaged that spongy spot feeling you spasm around his fingers.
Billy's thumb began to rub what he thought were circles over your clit. The erratic shapes made your abdomen tighten. Stu started to thrust into Billy's hand forcing his movements to be more aggressive. Stu tugged on Billy's bottom lip earning something similar to a whimper for the usually dominant male.
You were going to warn Billy that you couldn't do this much longer but before you could form the words your whole body convulsed. "That was too easy," Billy said turning his head towards you watching you grip the counter. Your orgasm hit so hard you had to wonder where you were for a moment. It had never been so easy and definitely never that quick.
"Excuse me." You said politely before sliding off the sink counter. Both men watched as you sunk to your knees in front of them. Billy's cock was visible through his leather pants down to the veins. You licked a stipe against the fabric getting a shaky moan in return. Billy continued to pump Stu's cock while you pulled him from his confines. With no prep work, you wrapped your lips around his tip. Billy's head fell back as your tongue circled the warm flesh. A bead of precum sat along his slit before you smeared the liquid with your tongue. Stu watched you greedily take Billy's cock with a little jealousy.
It was like you could read his mind. Your free hand replaced Billy's on Stu's cock. Stu inched closer letting you easily lick both of them. While your mouth covered one your hand would pump the other. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see them holding hands. You tried not to smile given the fact your lips were locked around Stu.
The pigment on the inside of your lips slowly stained the base of each of their cocks. Apparently, transfer-proof lipstick wasn't made to stay on during such an act. The tips of their cocks rubbed against each other as your tongue traced patterns over both of them. Stu tried to hold off but it all quickly became too much for him. Cum slowly spilled from him filling your mouth as some fell to the floor. Billy watched you hold your mouth open for Stu and the sight made his vision blur. With a strained moan he came shooting even more cum into your mouth. At that point, you had no choice but you stand up spitting the mouthful into the sink.
You felt a little bad thinking every woman was supposed to swallow. Neither of them cared. If anything seeing the aftermath running down your chin could easily get them going for a second round. Stu heaved trying to compose himself. Billy kept his eyes closed scared if he opened them he'd fall over. "Was that okay?" You asked looking at your boyfriends. Stu honestly wanted to shake you for asking such a dumb question. "The day I say no I want you to take me out back and shoot me you understand? And take that asshole too because I'm not letting him have you to himself." Stu's breath was labored but it didn't make his statement any less comedic.
"Fuck you." Billy huffed at Stu with a dopey smile on his face. Stu was the first to properly fix his clothes. You were busy trying to clean up your face dreading fixing Billy's.
Stu sat on the lip of the bathtub as you fixed Billy's face. You had to completely wash everything off from his nose down. The whole time Billy had a sated smile on his face. You thought Stu could wash off his face but no, he would rather have you do it. "Me next!" He jumped up like he was chosen for the price is right. Billy admired himself in the mirror. He was aware of the fact he was attractive he quite often used it to his advantage. Having his face covered and looking completely different than usual made him feel better. It was a refreshing change. The look wasn't scary considering you and Stu found it attractive. It was a shame he could only do this once a year.
"There, now I've got to fix my own makeup." You gently pushed Stu out of the way. "Can I do it?" He asked making Billy shake his head with a quiet laugh.
"What, my makeup?" Stu nodded his head up and down eagerly. You looked at your reflection seeing that the only thing that was messed up was your lipstick. "Sure just be careful." Stu grabbed the tube of lipstick you handed to him studying the red color. Stu cupped your face as you parted your lips. He slowly dragged the pigment over your lips making sure to stay between the lines. Stu pulled back looking at his work. "Hand me a piece of toilet paper so I can blot." His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I have to get the excess off so it doesn't move around and it dries faster." Stu made a noise understanding what you meant. He handed you the paper watching curiously as you pressed your lips against the paper.
"Alright, what time is it?" You asked checking yourself in the mirror one more time. Billy stepped into your bedroom reading the clock out loud. "It's 7:23." The party started at eight so you had plenty of time. "Oh, I need someone to help wrap my arms," Billy said as he went downstairs for his roll of duct tape. "Wrap his arms?"
You turned to Stu. "It's part of the costume. You'll have to watch the movie, he's seen it a million times. I think it's whiny." Stu shrugged before leaving the bathroom. You followed the men downstairs deciding to leave your purse at home.
"You have your wallet right?" Billy nodded. "Never leave without it." He pulled the square from his back pocket. "Okay well, I'm leaving my purse so someone else is driving." Stu turned around quickly. "Not my car." He frowned. "You suck." He spat playfully. "We know that," Billy mumbled earning a laugh from Stu as he pointed towards you. "I'll remember that next time. Let's see whose knees are sore after I stop putting out." Billy looked over at Stu while you mocked the boy's flamboyant behavior. "You know I can't even argue with that. I can say however that my head game is better."
Billy handed you the roll of tape staying out of this conversation. He pointed to where the tape needed to go. As you wrapped his forearm you responded to Stu. "Why is that?" You asked. Billy knew better than to complain or critique anything he was getting for free.
"Cause I'm a man duh. I mean I have a dick so I know my way around one." He threw himself down on the couch next to his mask. "You can't even brush your teeth without gagging." You added running a piece of tape around his thumb. Billy nodded agreeing with that fact. "He's not used to brushing his teeth that's all." You laughed at Billy's joke. "Eat my ass! I brush my teeth almost once a day." Billy pointed at the man with his thumb as you wrapped his other arm. "Almost?" The concern in your voice mixed with fear.
"I get busy." He tried to defend himself but it didn't help. "At least I wash my hair. Billy's got pomade from last week sitting in his hair." Once again he threw his friend under the bus. "You're not supposed to wash your hair every day it make it dry. There's a reason I don't have dandruff." At this point, you wanted to block out their conversation.
"Both of you are mildly disgusting but I prefer greasy hair to bad breath." You finished wrapping Billy's other arm after you spoke. "Hey! I use mouthwash." You almost rubbed your face before you remembered your makeup. With a sigh, you walked to the front door. "Let's just go before I break up with both of you nasty asses."
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Part 18
Taglist (closed): @katie-tibo @agustdeeyaa @bowlofceral @gonnapermashift @tati-the-fangirl @kozumewhore @tatijoestar @illyanam1011 @c4rved-pumpk1n @msghostface @gojosbucket @sammanna @lokigirlszendaya @reneki @fetusharryluvr @kadu-5607 @pumpk1n-writes @lovekeeho @zeysartzone @life-of-music3 @flyestvenustrap @littleblondesoprano @loomiscorpse @nicciekawegosblog @reneemunson @miss-puregotti @ksgsfsgaj @zoleea-exultant @briefwinnerpersonaturtle @mistydreamscape @l4venderia @nex-crowley @ashreblogsnow @brynaa223 @your-desire666 @billyloomiswhore4 @holyladyofsorrows @megluv1 @ellieswifeiya @yoluvrz @forallthstarsinthesky @madsothree @youcantbesirius @lubunnii @captainhowdysseptum @geekygremlin @madneedshelp
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 2 months
Me and my family just saw Spy × Family: CODE: White (dubbed version) and...
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I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT...!!! 💗😍💗 And so did my family...!! 😁🎉
But, before I talk about the movie, I wanted to show the card they handed out to the four of us:
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It's a cute image of Anya reaching for the (Stella) stars and me, my mom, my brother and my dad each got one...!! 😄 They also had Spy × Family cups and popcorn buckets, but they were already sold out of those by the time we got there...! 😅 Well, at least we got the cards!! 😁
People who are fans of Spy × Family and haven't seen the movie yet, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy × Family The Movie: CODE: White... You have been warned...! 👌
Where do I begin...? There's SO MUCH that I love about this movie that I'd probably just just end up describing THE ENTIRE movie...! 😅 So to avoid doing that, I'm only going to list MY ABSOLUTE MOST FAVORITE parts of the movie!! 😆 HERE I GO!!:
The Ferris wheel scene - OMG! I LOVE THIS SCENE SO MUCH!! 😍 I loved that Anya got Loid and Yor to go on the ferris wheel so that they can talk things out!! 😁 MY TWIYOR HEART WAS GOING CRAZY!!! 💗😍💗 And I also loved that Yor and Anya waved at each other, that was so cute...!! 🤗
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Anya, Yor and Bond playing together - THIS WAS SOOO SWEET!! 💗😭💗 I LOVE seeing Yor and Anya spending time together, their relationship is one of my absolute favorites in the entire series and I'm so happy that the movie had this scene in it!! 🤗
Yor Vs. Type-F and Twilight Vs. Snidel - Both of these fights were AMAZING!! 🤩 My favorite parts of both fights were their endings...!! Loid disguising himself as Snidel, getting the upper hand and then defeating Snidel was really cool!! 👏😆 While in Yor's fight, Yor dodging Type-F's attacks, then the reveal that she used THE LIPSTICK THAT LOID GOT HER to draw on and around Type-F to blow him up gave me GOOSEBUMPS! 👏😍
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The Forgers spending time together as family - OF COURSE I'D LOVE ALL THE MOMENTS WHEN THE FORGERS ARE DOING STUFF TOGETHER!! 💗😍💗 I nearly cried when Loid met up with Yor, Anya, and Bond at the fountain and went home together near the end of the movie...!!! 💗😭💗 And speaking of the Forgers being together...
The Forgers working together - I FREAKING LOVE THIS SO MUCH!! 😍It's something that I really want to see happen in the series proper, AND THE MOVIE DELIVERED!!! 👏👏👏
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There are SO MANY other moments that I LOVED in this movie, but I like I said earlier, I'd talk about the ENTIRE MOVIE at that point...!! 😅 But, there's one last thing that I wanna bring up before I go... There are two times in the movie where Anya reads minds and we DON'T hear their inner thoughts...!! The first time was after the ferris wheel and Anya reads Loid and Yor's minds, and the second time was after Loid and Anya reunite and Anya reads his mind...!! 😲 It's pretty obvious that whatever Anya heard was good because she smiled after both of those times, but that doesn't mean that I'm not still curious to know what Anya heard in those two moments...!! 🤔😁
Anyway, that's pretty much everything that I wanted say about the movie!! 😊 I would love to see it again in theaters, but I can also wait for the home release as well...!! 😁 Also, NOBODY TALKED DURING THE MOVIE, so the curse of other people being LOUD and ANNOYING during an anime movie that I wanna see seems to be broken...!! 👌😌
Well anyway, this was the best two days late birthday present for me ever, so until the next Mission... Take care, be safe out there and be kind to one another...!! LATERS! 👋😄
(P.S.: I would've had this review done yesterday, but I was having fun with my family, and that's more important! 💗)
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slasherx · 23 days
Hello again 👋🏽, Congratulations on passing your exam 🎉!!!, and I don't mind you calling me Diablo
Gurl your write Thomas so well like I can't help but ask for more 😌
Can you do just general Sfw or NSFW (or both 👀) head cannon for my man Tommy, I just love that man to much 😍
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Look at this man right here and tell me he isn't a full meal right there
Ah, hello again! Thank you Diablo! I did write some SFW headcanons for Thomas here, but so many people asked for a part two, so I suppose I'll indulge and give the people what they want <3
Content: Thomas Hewitt x gn!Reader
Warnings: This post contains NSFW, so 18+. Minors DNI
Notes: I'm thinking about doing this with Jason...hmm...
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Piggybacking off of this, I feel like Thomas is a huge family man
He would expect kids from you or some form of offspring, like a pet if you can't have or don't want children
Doesn't really care if you don't get along with Katherine (tea lady), or Henrietta. He's not particularly close with either of them, though he was close with Henrietta as kids since they're close in age
I feel like everybody but Thomas knows he's adopted, just nobody says anything. And when they let you in on that secret, don't you dare tell him either
He's definitely the big spoon while cuddling
He also takes his shirt off for bed and just wears old basketball shorts. The heat gets to him during the day and he can't wait to strip for bedtime
Definitely listens to metal music when it becomes a thing, he's a huge metal head. It allows him to vent all of his frustrations in one sitting
I feel like he would take more care of himself once you two get into a relationship. More showers, more brushing of his teeth, etc.
He wants to be squeaky clean for you
Below is for if you can have/want kids
Once you two have children, Henrietta is going to be super jealous. Not because she wants your man (ew, thats her cousin), but because SHE wants kids
She'd offer to help watch them if you and Thomas ever need some time alone, but you often entrust your children to Luda Mae
Tommy is SUPER excited to be a dad. He thought for a long time that he would never become a father, and that saddened him. He needed to continue the Hewitt bloodline, since Hoyt and Monty pretty much had no interest doing so
He would also be afraid that they would come out looking like him
He'd sew them all kinds of clothing, especially as they grow older
Let's say you have one boy and one girl - he would sew shirts and pants for the boy and dresses for the girl
But once they grow older and develop themselves a little more, he can sew clothes to their liking, no matter what Hoyt or Monty say
I don't see him using physical discipline like his family did growing up. He would probably consider it since it's all he knows, but once you start buying parenting books and he reads through a few of them, he realizes there's more ways to parent
When the actual babies are born/adopted, he has no idea what to do, and admittedly neither do you. All those parenting books did not prepare you in the slightest
But he knows one thing is for sure, he loves you and he loves the babies you created/adopted together, so he's going to try his hardest to be the best husband and father out there
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Definitely a dom at first, but the more comfortable he gets with sex the more he'll become a switch
LOOOOVES when you suck him off
Will fuck your throat all day if he had the chance, just be careful of your teeth if he ever takes over. He likes to move a lot
He loves having his hand in your hair, it makes him feel in control, and when he's not in control? Your hand in his hair. He will grab your hand and move it to his hair for you to grab
The sexiest thing he can do (if you like his hands) is when he grips surfaces hard, and you can see his veins pop out. Oh how you wish they were around your throat, or on your chest, or anywhere else you like them on you
Doesn't like giving oral as much as he likes receiving. But make no mistake, that doesn't mean he's a selfish lover. No, it's the opposite
Thomas always makes sure you cum at least once before he cums, or at least cum with him. He doesn't like it if you edge yourself but make him cum, or just make him cum first in general
Which was why he didn't understand in the beginning, how you were lasting so much longer than him. But soon he built stamina and could match you
I feel like Tommy would have a pregnancy kink, and a breeding kink. He loves stuffing you full of his cum at any chance he gets, even going so far as to go multiple rounds in a night
There was even a time where he went on and on before you finally cried and begged for him to stop, your hole was so raw
His favorite positions are one where he can see your face, but he's not opposed to fucking you hard in doggy
Speaking of hard, he's going to be gentle with you in the beginning of your sex life. But once he gets more accustomed to it, he'll go harder for you, if you wish
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Here's my masterlist, in case you like what you see and want to request more!
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𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝟏 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 (+ 𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐥 𝐀𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫)
Hi! I really wanted to write some LiS stuff, because I didn't write awhile of this fandom. 😅
I still love them very much! 🥺😭💕
Btw I will definitely do this with LiS 2 as well-
×❢ About my work ❢×
fluff!, everybody is kind, no assholes, really, just fluff, petnames, no pronouns used for Y/N (The Reader), the reader can be in a relationship with them!
Fandom: Life is Strange 1
Character(s): Max Caulfield, Mark Jefferson, Chloe Price, Warren Graham, Nathan Prescott, Victoria Chase, Rachel Amber, Frank Bowers, Y/N|The Reader, Pompidou (mentioned)
Ship(s): Y/N | The Reader x the characters
Type: Headcanons
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(The gifs, pictures are not mine! Credit to the original creator!)
𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈: by your side by flatsound
“Counting weeks
Getting more familiar with how you speak
While you're away from me
But I don't want to say goodbye
Because it's safer when I'm by your side”
Max Caulfield
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Physical Touch
• she saw that something bothers you
• you are frustrated
• you opening to her with tears in your eyes
• she will definitely give you a tight hug and little kisses to comfort you
• and won't let you go until you are finally feel comforted
Rachel Amber
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Quality Time
• chatting, playing on a train what nobody knows where it goes
• dancing in the sunlight
• going out in the middle of the night
• sneak into cinemas to watch free movies
• hiding and listening songs on the junkyard
• drinking and shooting ✨😌
• just feeling free with Rachel Dawn Amber
Chloe Price
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Acts of Service
• if somebody hurts you
• she will definitely fuck that person up
• or at least threat them
• when you are feeling down, she will bring you to your favourite snack to cheer you up
• she even does the dishes as well 😳
Nathan Prescott
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Physical Touch
• i know
• he doesn't seems that type of touchy people
• but trust me
• hugging each other as tightly as you two can
• it will definitely give both of them some comfort
• you guys won't need any words
• you just need each other close
Victoria Chase
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Receiving Gifts
• almost everyday she surprises you with something
• some netro but cute pencilcase you saw and liked? No problemo
• want to wear matching outfits with your bestie but it's over 300 dollars? Where's the problem?
• You are really appreciate it
• but you often say that she don't have to do this
• but she just shrugs because she knows that you are happy from it
• and she loves it when you are happy
Mark Jefferson
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Acts of Service
(i would give him the reveiving gift as well, but no sugar daddy mark yet-)
• he doesn't have that much time because he is a teacher ofc
• and there's the dark room as well
• but even if he is tired he does the dishes
• cooks you breakfast when he wakes up earlier than you
• (with a soft kiss!)
• when you are tired or sick he take cares of you
• makes your bed
• when you are tired he carries you to the bedroom
• helping you with the school projects
• (plus: kisses and sleeping together while watching a movie)
Warren Graham
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Physical Touch
• I belive that this guy is the BEST at the comforting!
• will hold your hand to give you some motivation and strenght
• and will squeeze it to show that he is here with you
• for comfort he hugs, kiss and holds you
• "You are not alone Y/N. I'm here for you."
Kate Marsh
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Quality Time
• study together
• drawing doodles on class when the teacher is not looking
• and giggling of them
• watching a movie or sleeping together after a long day
• listening stories from her of the Bible (even if you don't care, you just know that it makes her happy)
• helping her with the book writing
• writing cute messages on class for each other• bunny petting time
• just talking peacefully in her room about some random things
Frank Bowers
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Words of Affirmation
• "You are too good for me, Dear."
• will hug you for comfort while whispering sweet and encouraging words in your ear softly
• he will listen you quietly
• will use Pompidou for the comfort and for the cuddles
• saying "I love you!" multiple times on a day
• "I love you, hon!"
• or
• "You look stunning as always, honey!"
• petnames all the time
• sweety, honey, babe and etc.
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blujaydoodles · 2 years
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[shaking them around like a tin can full of pennies]
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miitarashi · 7 months
Not sure if nobody has asked this before but could u do some headcannons about what Tintin would be like when/if he gets jealous? Like if the reader was being flirted with by another person or if that other person was very obviously checking them out, also, whether or not he would do some NSFW things *wink* later that night as a kinda paranoid way of saying "please dont leave me" or something, idk if that makes sense but yea ❤️
......Nah. This- Bro??? I was thinking about it yesterday! What the- are you on my mind??? Better get out this place is worst than the backrooms.
Such delicious request need to be done 😌🙏🏽
[Name] = your name (reader neutral,not specified)
Warnings: it'll be some spicy things,some nsfw so don't read if you don't like. Sorry for any misspeling words.
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☆Tintin headcanons - jealous☆
Ok,first things first.
I don't really see him like someone that would really feel jealous. Like,he trust you.
Or he would be emotionally mature or emotionally naive.
Bear with me-
He would enter in a relantionship waiting for the same,loyality and companionship,if you dare yourself enough to cheat (lock pretty good your house because i'll be coming for your soul) he would be disappointed? Sure,but i don't think he would try again or give a chance. Wouldn't be difficult to move on from it.
Now,the thing change when you was there,living your life and out of nowhere someone try to flirt with you.
If Tintin's around,he'll watch more for your safety since, again,he trust you. If the man/woman keep insisting after you denied,he'll join in to take you out of there.
Overal, it's not that big of a problem.
Only in two. Specific. Situations.
If someone is obviously checking you out.
He worship you every moment he can,this boy know how beautiful you are and he don't blame other people.
But this really get under his skin for some reason,even more when you was feeling beautiful and good with yourself and those people checking made you uncomfortable.
His overprotective mode kick in and soon enough you was far alway from the stares,while he comfort you in a caring and gentle way as usual.
Now,the second thing is. He knows that sometimes he stay away for a long time on his adventures when you don't go with him,even don't contact for a while because of the difficult situation he's in.
He make up for it as much he can,but there's still this little lingering voice in the back of his head saying that this can make you want to break up to be with someone more available and close.
You two already talked about this,but that damm tiny voice kept saying the same.
Being pretty loud and annoying when Tintin see you getting along with another person.
Not everyone of course,but you know when you just meet someone and you click with them right away?
That's the type.
He try to brush it off,but hearing you laughing, hugging and playing around with that one person really bugs him in the wrong way. That feeling "they can get someone better than me"
In that same day,he still try to let it pass but hearing you talking enthusiastic about that person...
He really wanted to communicate,but he didn't had the words,then he used his other love language to transpass what he was feeling,touch.
He begin with a hug from behind while you're talking, hugging you firmily against him. Without saying nothing,in a smooth motion he slowly begin to use his hands on you.
A possessive touch,but desperate behind it, kissing you all over,face, neck, chest belly,his favorite place that he took an extra time to kiss,your thighs.
He was so smooth that you just undestood what was happening when he laid you in bed.
He made it his goal to keep hearing his name falling from your lips, holding onto your hips for dear life,in a way that if he loose the grip you would disappear from his life in a blink of an eye.
When he really begin to move,a bit of his frustrations was used on you, setting slowly a bit rough pace,but always focused on bringing you pleasure equally.
His praises was how much he loved you,how perfect you are and how good you felt while holding eye contact resting his forehead against yours.
After finishing and after being taked care of properly, cuddling against his chest,his arms wrapped firmily around you and his face fit in the crook of your neck.
"I'm sorry for exaggerating a little" - he says in an apologetic and low tone against your skin.
"don't worry, it looked like...you needed it" - you said in a slightly humorous tone as you stroked his back gently.
Tintin was silent for a few seconds, seeming to enjoy the caress you were giving, but low and soft, he called out to you in a whisper, hearing a "hm?" yours in response. His arms tightened a little more, holding your body against his, sure that if he didn't let go, you would never disappear.
"Don't leave me" - he whispers, pulling away from your neck to look into your eyes.
"Please" - he pleaded, with both words and eyes.
Piecing together the loose ends from the way back to his behavior when you were out together,you let out a long sigh, disappointed in yourself for not noticing sooner and hugged him back with one arm while your other hand cupped his cheek, giving him a comforting caress and a long kiss before answering:
"Never Tintin, I love you too much for it" - you whisper back for only him to hear.
Tintin let a light sigh of relief escape, thanking you in a brief whisper, caressing your back and sides, saying sweet nothings lulling you into a safe and peaceful sleep in his arms.
N/A: Nah,i'm still in deny of the right moment that this request showed up. YOU! UNKNOW PERSON! GET OUT OF MY MIND YOU BEAUTIFUL HUMAN BEING! But,overal i loved writing this one,hope you guys like it too! Thank you for reading! 😘
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passports-pls · 9 months
I was very disappointed in the lack of quality Mine playlists so I made my own 🤞
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Listen here
you COULD listen to it in your own free time OR you could listen to it alongside my mentally insane directors commentary 😌
(under the cut)
for the sake of this post not getting too long I am grouping all the important songs into different categories pertaining to the different eras of mine tm
Pre-Daigo Misery (Nobody - The Other Woman)
This section is mostly abt Mine being a lonely little weirdo (characterised mostly by the smiths unsurprisingly) and because this era lacks a lot of actual content my notes are less specific between songs
There are actually so many male manipulator songs that fit too perfectly with Mine in this part of his life that I couldn't resist like I'm sorry but creep by radiohead is LITERALLY about him i don't make the rules
Okay but I do find 'Heaven Knowns Im Miserable Now' so funny in this context because I'm sure Mine was forcing himself into the yakuza expecting it to be so much easier to have close connections with these other men compared to his previous 9-5, only to find its almost exactly like his 9-5 just with more crime
'Salvatore' and 'Therefore I Am' are specifically the songs I attach to his bateman-esque grindset and his bubbling hatred for most of the people he works with dsfgf
okay but THE OTHER WOMAN ASWELL. It's literally mine you wouldn't understand. He dedicates so much time to taking care of himself and setting himself up to be an actual catch of a man and yet,, no one gives a shit about him despite all the effort he puts into his lifestyle to appeal to the ppl around him
LIKE??? Kicking and screaming he's so lana del ray coded
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Just the sheer depression of this era i feel so bad for him
Yandere-mode activated (Can't Get You Out of My Head - The Killing Moon)
Self explanatory however actually finding songs that pertain to his specific brand of obsession was surprisingly difficult sfdsf
Although I will say that I cope and seethe at the fact that I had to sift through Killing Stalking playlists to settle on most of these songs gfdgsf
Theres such a delicate balance between the right amount of fluff and insanity that very few songs capture without being about literal stalking
like no in this case the stalker fucking won
that and vibes of idolizing Daigo like a god, I think 'Out of Touch' and 'Stolen Dance' do this the best
And freak because I can only imagine in all of Mine's relationships it's always been purely transactional and no ones ever put in the effort to actually talk and get to know Mine in any intimate form.
my poor touch starved blorbo
FEELINGS TM (Romantic Homicide - How to Dissapear)
These songs to me are all about how Mine copes with Daigo's hospitalisation and when he wakes up. His whole internal battle surrounding his premature grief and his loss of connection with Daigo because could no longer see him as a truly living thing anymore
'Change' specifically hits when you think about it in this context. Because it's not so much about any real change in Daigo himself it's all about Mine's mental image of him now (because let's be real, Mine was way more in love with the idealised version he had of Daigo more than anything tangible about him)
IFHY is a little more of any iffy choice but I think it still convey's a lot about how conflicted Mine likely felt as well as just continuing his Yandere behaviour just in a much more sinister flavour
Okay but here's where my favourite song of the entire list is
admittedly it's completely self indulgent and ties into the mine-lives theory. But just the guilt and shame Mine felt when he see's that Daigo was indeed alive and that he was going to have to explain the past few weeks to him
yeah i would've thrown myself off that roof as well
also the lyric "I will go down with this ship" paralleling his "everyone abandons ship eventually" line just tickles my brain in the best way
'Door' and 'I Guess' are also just Mine guilt tm as well
'I guess' even more specifically because he's literally attached himself to daigo like a parasite and now he's thinking daigo's gonna break up with him I just AUGH
He KNOWS he's completely fucked up but I don't think he realises how much of a pushover Daigo is just yet and that he would have forgiven him eventually gjfdg
I'll probably update this with more notes as I remember them but for now I hope y'all enjoy the playlist!
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mayflowers515 · 3 months
Since it was so liked last time...
I'll do a second part of the Smiling Critters incorrect quotes!
(Again, not related to my AU, and who cares if it's canon? Just as long as it's fun! ^^)
Actually, I lied- There may be a couple near the end relating to canon in some way because I can 😌
Picky: Don't worry, I've got a few knives up my sleeve. Bobby: I think you mean cards. Hoppy: She did not. Picky, pulling out knives: I did not.
CatNap: DogDay, what are you doing? DogDay: Making chocolate pudding. CatNap: It's four in the morning, why are you making chocolate pudding? DogDay: Because I've lost control of my life. DogDay: Here's your pudding, Bobby. Bobby: Oh that's okay, I'm not hungry anymore.
(Okay, but DogDay would be making the pudding for his friends, not himself- He hasn't lost THAT much control to do that TvT)
Picky: Today, Hoppy said a swear word, so Bubba said that he was going to wash Hoppy's mouth out with soap. Hoppy replied, “It’s okay, I like the taste of soap”. Turns out, she's been putting soap on her lips to blow bubbles.
Hoppy: When I die I want Kickin to lower me into my grave so he can let me down one last time.
DogDay: I made lightly fried fish fillets for dinner. CatNap: DogDay, It’s 1:15 am, what the fuck. DogDay: Do you want the lightly fried fish fillets or not. CatNap: Well, I mean yeah. DogDay: So come downstairs while they’re still hot. CatNap: Wait, you just made them? DogDay: Yeah, I wasn’t tired so I decided to make lightly fried fish fillets. CatNap: Say lightly fried fish fillets one more time DogDay.
Picky: Fun Fact! The average person will walk by 36 murderers in their lifetime. Kickin: I like how this is a "fun" fact. Picky: It's fun because they didn't decide to murder you.
*the squad is at a dinner party but someone has been murdered* Picky: You’re acting pretty carefree for someone who’s life’s at stake. Who’s to say you aren’t the killer? Kickin: It’s a murder, not a tax audit. I’ll be fine. Bubba: What about Bobby? Nobody ever suspects Bobby! Bobby: Well what about CatNap? He has a gun! CatNap: Picky has a knife. Picky: Yeah, for fun, not for murder! *stabs Bubba in the arm*
Bubba: I'm never having a debate with Kickin again, he literally started his argument with "Riddle me this."
Crafty: Isn’t it a bit dangerous? Hoppy: Crafty, please. We’ve in a lot of unexpected predicaments before and we always escape unhurt. Crafty: ... Hoppy: Okay, we sometimes escape unhurt. Crafty: ... Hoppy: Alright, we escaped unhurt once... Then we hurt ourselves on the way home.
Bobby: How would you like your coffee? CatNap: As dark and as bitter as my soul. Bobby, shouting to someone behind the counter: I need one vanilla latte with extra cream and sugar!
Picky: On the count of three, what’s your favorite cake? Picky & Bobby: One, two, three- Picky & Bobby: Chocolate cake, peanutbutter frosting, and chocolate chunks! DogDay: Our turn, CatNap! One, two, three- DogDay: Vanilla! CatNap: I’ve never had cake before. What is cake?
Bubba: You're not my friend anymore. Kickin: I was your friend?
Hoppy: Fight me! CatNap, standing behind her and holding a knife: *mouths* Do not.
CatNap: I’d kill someone if you asked me to. DogDay: I’m pretty sure you’d kill someone even if I didn’t ask you to.
Crafty: You read my diary? DogDay: At first I did not know it was your diary. I thought it was a very sad handwritten book.
Crafty: Is stabbing someone immoral? Picky: Not if they consent to it. CatNap: Depends on who your stabbing. Bubba: YES??!!?
Crafty, talking to Bobby: He's trying to lure me into a false sense of security! Well, joke’s on him! I’ve never been secure in my life! And I’m not about to start now!
Kickin: We should be partners. Hoppy: You mean like, partners in crime? Kickin: Yeah... that’s precisely what I meant.
Kickin: How stupid do you think I am?! Bubba: You really want an honest answer to that?
CatNap: I’m never donating blood ever again. CatNap: The second you walk through the door, it’s just one invasive question after another! CatNap: ‘Where did you get it?’ 'Why is it in a bucket?’ I mean, do you want it or not?
Bubba: A sprite is anything not static. Crafty: A sprite is a variable object, be it 2d or 3d. Hoppy: A sprite is a fucking soda. Hoppy: You god damn geekass bastards.
DogDay: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine. CatNap: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again. DogDay: O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns?? CatNap: Is it working?
Picky: Would you like something to drink? *She opens the fridge* We have water, milk, juice, spiders, Dr. Pepper- DogDay: Spiders? Picky: Spiders it is then. DogDay: No, that wasn’t- *But she was already pouring him a brimming glass of spiders…*
Hoppy: Real life should have a fucking search function, or something. Hoppy: I need my socks.
Bobby: Someone made Crafty cry! Bubba: Crafty always cries! Crafty: That's not true! *cries*
Crafty: Do you want this handful of moss? Bubba: Why would I want a handful of fucking moss? Crafty: Damn, you could’ve just said no.
Kickin, holding up his class notes: And then this doodle of a burrito because when I first read Aristotle, I thought it was pronounced like “Chipotle”. Kickin, in shock: Wait a minute, is it “Chip-o-tottle”?
CatNap: Oh my DogDay. Bubba: Don't you mean 'oh my god'? CatNap: You worship your god, I'll worship mine.
(Alt version; more canon)
CatNap: Oh my Prototype. DogDay: Don't you mean 'oh my god'? CatNap: You worship your god, I'll worship mine...
(Except obviously it isn't this peaceful because you know what...)
(After the events of the official VHS cartoon episode)
CatNap: I got grounded for a whole week just because I came home late. Picky: Well, you deserved it. I mean, getting everyone's hopes up like that and then showing up again.
(Alright, as fun as these are, I really need to actually get back to work on their AU soon lol TvT')
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