#no text bc lazy lol
toofunktastic · 8 months
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You'll never be denied ever lasting love
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ravennory · 6 months
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kachimera · 9 months
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@saratrantoul ok i was going to make this a proper post but all i can get out of my head are these rambles, so apologies for the mess 👉👈
Regarding Leon/Isaac, i dont have a manifesto but rather why i think it'd be fun to see them interact:
it's mostly the similarity of their situations despite their completely opposite beliefs- two guys who lost everything they loved at the hands of someone they considered a friend. They had disaster divorces and are vindictive over it they can bond over that. And also the fact that (mostly going with PtR's Isaac), both have a certain code of honor, and both have gone to war in the name of a higher being, as twisted as both of these things are on Isaac. (This also ties w my funny "Mathias creating friction between Leon n the church hc"). And, assuming they do end up having something instead of instantly killing eachother, Leon (knowing he has issues but dealing w them on his own bc oops friendship failed me) sees part of his own pain on this guy and is like "i can fix him" in a "im gonna give him the support i wish i had" way. Meanwhile Isaac doesn't wants any help nor affection at all and just wants to wallow in his misery but he still ends up feeling attachment. Something something his older brother mentality and just, picking on Leon while also being overprotective of him (he'd also piss him off just enough to get the pretty noble knight to fuck him raw lmao). It end up being a pretty unstable and toxic relationship, with both having incompatible values but also needing eachother bc they got nothing left.
And Celiakado. Ooooh boi Celiakado. This one comes with the context of interpreting Arikado's general shittyness in the sorrow games as legit part of his character instead of just him being ooc. His whole mission all this time was to oppose his father and now he's no more. He's someone who has been chewed up and spit out by the cycle so badly that he ends up trying to control it in return. And this is where Celia comes in. Her goals match with Arikado regarding the need of a new dark lord (except the killing/turning Soma part) and it's implied she knows him or has heard abt him in the beginning of DoS, spends a lot of time offscreen like him during the game, and manages to escape in the neutral ending despite Arikado's stated goal of stopping her. So, why can't they be cooperating behind the curtains, caught in manipulation games between this messed up gal who considers Arikado an extra powerful candidate in denial that she can manipulate, and this fucked up guy who considers Celia a useful tool for his goals, someone extremely amusing to fall into manipulation games with (overconfident girl who is completely out of her level and yet thinks she's winning, we stan), and a bloodbank to snack on, with the potential of funny feelings to sprout between the two which wont matter bc they're in for the grind and have no emotional inteligence. Then something happens w Celia making a move on Soma anyways and pretty much ruining Arikado's previous plans, Soma, Yoko n Julius get involved and welp. Neutral ending gives them the chance to continue being assholes, Worst ending has her mauled by Somacula and Best ending has her crucified (Like a certain someone important to Arikado ya kno ), both in front of him :) (and shoutout to @viralvava for being the smartest person alive ;D)
So yea two funny ships to be normal abt
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disasterhimbo · 8 months
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no1ryomafan · 5 months
so I found out the reason I can’t paste ao3 links here is because I don’t use the tumblr app meaning for a big fic coming out this year I gotta cave in and use it- WELP.
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dreamcast-official · 5 months
i ❤ not proxying. whos talkin? bitch fuck if i know!
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striveattemptfail · 1 year
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k ngl this gif/blinking error screen is dope
i looooove when webtoons/webcomics take advantage of being digital by embedding different media. it's one of the coolest things about webcomics imo!
and while i'm still very happy with digital static images, this is the kinda thing that i wish more webcomics take advantage of. i'm not saying every comic needs gif animation now, but if webtoons can make a simulation screen blink in real time surely another webcomic can do something too right?
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heart2beom · 1 year
excuse me.. i just read open your door and i’m so offended that you just ended it right there!!? and now my heart is aching for jjuni <//3
I didn't even realize that the ending was abrupt until I got comments asking for a continuation LIKE THIS IS IT. THIS IS ALL I PLANNED 😭??? Lol it's fun though, like, expanding on the plotline. but a part two is not what I expected myself to be writing 😭
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worldofgoo · 11 months
have done word of the day three times in a row ! though its more like tweet of the day now so twitter needs to stay up so i can practice reading what random people on the internet say.
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lawssoulmate · 1 year
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danothan · 2 years
i desperately need to know how nsfw kirashino fics are written if for no other reason than the elephant in the room. like, she HAS to know that’s not her husband’s penis right
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ramveins · 6 months
Finally got around to updating my fic archive on Neocities yayy
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sobredunia · 8 months
okhay youv got me. what are these white hair peaple what r they all about
There's this one game called Nier: Automata and it's about these robots that live on the moon that get sent to earth bc there are machines made by aliens that want to kill the remaining humans on the moon so they have to stop them and the aliens
Also the animations for the attacks n stuff are really good and everyone wants the robot girl carnally apparently
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ophernelia · 1 year
fresh links on my last few builds I just reblogged. they just take you straight to the download page. no pit stop at my patreon homepage. nothing. straight to the content!
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no1ryomafan · 9 months
I swear I’m probably a huge outliners in a lot of groups because I’m going through the mega man to mecha to toku pipeline which is a normal pipeline to go through but the way I got finally invested into each of them was utterly bizarre like:
<I got into mega man only because I had a brief sonic phase and found the crossover comic it had which was good despite how Archie is (mainly for sonics half, mm Archie p good)
<after getting through basically the majority of the mega man series my friend-now bf-recommended getter to me but started me off with arma despite how the fandom collectively agrees that’s the worse starting place (I disagree strongly but I somewhat understand I just don’t think we should gatekeep someone’s way of getting into something)
<after I tried like 3 other mechas and was only super into one of them next to getter which didn’t have a fandom-Jeeg-I low key realized “yeah mechs are cool but I prefer robots with sentience” and my second getter induced brain rot moot recommends me kikaider which I finally got back too and it just feels so mega man core (I picked a obscure toku made by the guy who made KAMEN RIDER over KAMEN RIDER bc I’m okay with live action but have trouble doing live action shows)
This literally saids so much about me lmao.
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spneveryseason · 1 year
Always tag things much to say and then never actually say anything about them
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