#and i was on complete different os and using a different program
toofunktastic · 8 months
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You'll never be denied ever lasting love
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fluffmugger · 7 months
the number of people hurblurrring about win7 is doing my fuggen head in. There's missing the point, then there's missing the point while trying to hammer home your own urrblurr in peak dunning kruger and then getting personally insulting and bitchy when your misguided idiocy isn't entertained.
yeah yeah I know, welcome to the internet. You can still miss me with that bullshit.
But anyway for those of you wanting clarification: Here is a scenario for you.
There is a game called Children of the Nile. It was released in 2004. It's not supported any more, it's completely depreciated, there's no online features, just a standalone worldbuilder (my favourite kind of nip) This game is sold on steam. This game actually predates steam as a third party reseller, so it definitely doesn't require any steam integration to run. It wasn't even a consideration when the game was being developed. However, steam deliberately integrated their client into the bootwrapper so the game will not run without steam. now pay verrry careful attention because this is where Certain People seem to be losing their goddamn mental faculties: -- Steam deliberately writes in a dependency not required in any way, shape or form to run the game. -- Steam then deliberately disables this dependency based on the dictates of yet another software company whose components (chromium) they utilise for their client webstore. -- End result: A win7 user cannot use a program developed for winXP despite massively exceeding any minimum requirements for the software and having full compatibility because steam broke it.
This is what is bullshit. Steam put in dependencies that the game didn't need and now they're saying they can't support those dependencies that didn't need to be added so you, the end user must run an entirely different operating environment because their business needs dictate it.
They deliberately hobbled the software, then absconded on the obligation that action inferred to any reasonable mind.
This isn't "hurr hurr security concerns" or "hurr blurrr why support old OS" the game already supported the OS (well, technically the OS was compatible with the game). That game isn't updating. The last expansion was in 2008 (which predates the release of win7). That game is a dead, mothballed creature. There aren't any patches coming. No new releases. This isn't about software comparability in the fucking slightest - the game already had that. This is about the fact they took that away in a deliberate act. Don't get it? lemme get the megaphone and make it reaaaal simplified:
Likewise you shouldn't need an internet connection to run software with no internet integration and you certainly shouldn't need to support the latest chromium to run steam to play a game that was released as a done creature before either of these fucking companies existed.
This entire scenario is not the natural depreciation of support. It's entirely artificially created by steam, and they can shove it up their arses.
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caelos-legacy · 2 years
“Hello, new friend!”
Welcome! This blog is created as a convenient little place to fill up with worldbuilding and pretty much anything I happen to make about FNAF:SB AU about the two little helpers inside the the second-hand laptop you had to purchase on a short notice. The laptop happened to be set up with a fresh install of a rather... unique operating system named CaelOS. Feel free to ask either me or the assistants about it, I’ll do my best to respond.
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CaelOS [CAH-el-os] - a lightweight, abandonware operating system, created with the purpose of teaching children how to use a computer with internet connection effectively and responsibly. For that purpose, it incorporates use of a specially created dual module virtual assistant, to both educate, and cultivate healthier habits in both online presence, and real life presence. [...]
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[...] Sun, dubbed “Daycare” within the system, is the virtual assistant module that is designed to provide any help a child needs to learn basic computer operation, and accompany them to provide a sense of companionship during any activities. It is notable for displaying a bubbly, energetic personality. [...]
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[...] Moon, dubbed “Nightguard” in the system, fitting the celestial theme of the OS, is the module that doubles as security and antivirus. Its purpose is to safeguard the user from any malicious software, and the system itself from accidental or malicious user actions. As opposed to Sun, it displays a rather quiet personality, and may be prone to snarky remarks and mild annoyance outbursts, which was very heavily criticized by the few who were able to use the OS before the servers shut down. [...]
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[...] The OS is considered complete abandonware due to the servers hosting the disk images being shut down shortly after its failure due to privacy concerns, parental complaints, and general criticism of not being all that different from its counterparts aside from the built in assistant. While praised for being cleverly programmed, it didn’t prove to be enough to gather the revenue for continued development. [...] It is unknown how many users have CaelOS as their primary system. [...]
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kradeelav · 1 month
so one of the technical bits i challenged myself with this gunter/corrin doujin was to:
(a) figure out an efficient process for professional multi-page artistic works in linux/true OSS programs - from ideation all the way to printer hand-off.
(b) a process that fit well with my brain and kept me from spinning my wheels endlessly redoing pages. it's a common problem with longer projects (aka why you see reboots of webcomics all the time, and also why i haven't been able to get "what greater sin" out for three years cuz i sucked at this lol).
why the focus on process though?
after mastering a certian degree of technical proficiency. it's what separates the hobbyist artists from the pros. not to toot my horn, but i'm quite good at project management process at work, and about two years ago it dawned on me to take some of that learned knowledge and actually apply it here if only to save eyestrain/wrist-strain time.
work lazier smarter, not harder etc.
before i get into the process outline, there's two programs that are doing the heavy lifting since i gave them a trial run with the last anthology and they worked great in tandem. (both cost no money and are available on all major OS's btw)
krita, my main drawing program. sketching/inking/speech bubbles/coloring/vector stuff can all be done here.
libreoffice writer - basically microsoft word for linux. i use it for arranging multiple pages, reordering, and exporting as .pdf to give to the printer (while amazing at rendering, krita can't export as pdf or show multi-pages)
process wise, it occurred to me not too long ago that i needed to consolidate my multi-page creative projects into 3 major gates.
thumbnail sketches
proof of concept layout
"last 10" final
thumbnail sketches
thumbnails are a common concept in comics, but they're great for print front/back matter too. thumbnails ain't here to look pretty, their sole purpose to get the idea from your noggin to on the page.
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here's a completely unaltered spread from my journal with a ton of thumbs and notes for this doujin.
so what's the kind of stuff i think about with thumbs?
how panels in a comic fit together with the major emotional beats + line of action. does the eye follow the pages naturally? do you "feel" the emotional impact?
does the compositions work with each other? negative/positive space, weight on top or bottom or diagonally, etc. do the pages feel claustrophobic or too empty? do they breathe?
decorative framing elements that reflect the tone you want + how they generally lead the eye across the page
random notes about overall tone or potential future pages
at this point i import that digitally, and start drawing a proper sketch off of it.
fast forward from that sketch to:
"proof of concept" layout
i'm calling this proof of concept instead of a draft as they serve different purposes. a draft is a half-finished work you can just screenshot and show to anyone for feedback (like comms). proof of concept here is showing a certian level of completeness across draft pages to measure consistency.
lack of consistency is the mind killer killer of comics.
proof of concept is specifically meant to nip the 'fizzled out halfway' issues in the bud. it's to show you how cool it looks altogether already, but also shed a light on problem areas that are potentially popping up on the earlier side, so there's less time wasted.
this is a little premature in the process for a proof of concept screenshot, but you get the idea here in a later strip, shown here as screenshots imported into libreoffice writer:
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another reason that made libreoffice writer essential is the accurate 2-page spread view. between that, being able to resize the page to whatever you need, and the very easy pdf exporter (with customizable compression), i don't know if i could do this kind of project here.
now, backing up - what kinds of consistency are we checking for here?
does the inking/coloring style change noticeably in a jarring way?
is there one comic strip that the pacing/paneling sucks in comparison to the others? or feels awkwardly added in tone and perhaps better saved for a different project?
is there one panel within a sequential series that's torturing you? what's the best way to throw it out and redo it even faster?
do the front/back matter support the meat of the inside in a clever, on-tone way?
did you accidentally change the font halfway through after you liked your new shiny toy? which one works better?
keep in mind we're not just checking the consistency in one strip, it's for the book as a whole.
and then lastly,
"the last ten" final
"the last ten" is a mental concept i've used for the last ten years for single comic pages. it's especially tempting to noodle over endlessly making one comic page perfect, when you could have done ten reasonably good ones in the same time, and so i made this my last step making IC pages.
once when you approach a level of reasonably done, but kinda hate the page and are procrastinating on getting it out, stop, rest your eyes overnight, and list the last ten minor things you'd change.
once when you've changed those? out the door it goes.
i'm gonna switch to a different project but here's a good example of a "last ten" stage applied to illustrations when i did fallen!gunter's FEH mockups.
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looks pretty complete, right? WRONG :D
i can't remember the exact last ten i used, but it was something like:
too much of one specific glowy purple on both, i wanted more contrast with the red glow + "water" texture
needed more effects on the first image to better match FEH's aesthetic
change Leigh's credits after they got a chance to see it and give the thumbs up
knee/shin on left looks unfinished painting wise, clean up
missing chest plate silver decorations on left, clean up
this is the last hail mary check to hack your brain into being satisfied with the page. you've had your say, onwards to the next one.
now, you can also have an additional 'last ten' for the project as a whole. but it's especially critical for comic pages to help keep the momentum/tempo/pace going.
we'll see how all of this actually works in practice depending on how fast i can get this doujin out. :)
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slitherpunk · 5 months
Heya! I had a few questions, if you're willing to answer, about game development. I know you've used Unity for some of your projects in the past (rest in peace), and you've mentioned learning to work with Godot and Unreal recently.
For someone with a background in programming and software dev, but not game dev, would you say that either one is easier to learn than the other? Going from nothing but text-based RPGs to a proper engine has been a bit intimidating (reminiscent of moving from MSPaint to Photoshop), and I was wondering if you had any input on which one was better to learn initially.
Thanks a ton if you take the time to answer, I love your art, and I hope that the act of creation continues to bring you a lot of happiness in the future
hey! i'm still pretty new to both, but I could offer some impressions. first off, I feel like unreal and godot are tailored for some pretty different experiences. unreal has a focus on 3d, and there's a lot of built in tools for work like that, but it's a very huge and complex engine, and the build of your game will probably be huge regardless simply due to the overhead. godot on the other hand is pretty lightweight and can easily build for many OSes, which I enjoy. unreal has a pretty heavy focus on using their "blueprint graphs", which I feel like was pretty easy to learn, but for someone like me who also has a background in programming, you might want to just get into code, unreal also allows that, you can write your scripts in C++, but honestly nothing I've done in it has required me to do that yet, so I don't have impressions on that front. as for godot, unfortunately i've encountered a lot of bugs and issues using it, but i do feel more comfortable in it having a background in programming. it allows both its built in "gdscript" and c#, I've only used gdscript in it so far because a lot of people recommended it. i feel like its built in code editor its pretty convenient, it live updates to show errors, has auto-completion, & built in documentation. as for what's easier to learn, i feel like they have pretty similar learning curves, I'm just behind on learning godot because I do that on my free time, and have been using unreal engine for my day job.
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occasionaltouhou · 6 months
what kind of OS does the typical shikigami run on? personally ran gives me big linux vibes, possibly arch.
i know nothing about computers or programming. shikigami operate by suppressing a core soul's nature via a large number of nameless spirits (yukari uses vengeful spirits, but any kind will do) with specific instructions, information, instincts, etc. which are forcibly conglomerated together to create a new entity, which is the shikigami.
any attempt to directly rather than merely metaphorically compare the construction of shikigami to the human programming of machines that do not think for themselves is ultimately futile. although they are both highly complicated tools used to perform calculations and tasks faster than a human would be able to - or at the very least tasks they are unwilling to spend the time on - their fundamental natures are completely different.
i wrote this, with my words, in the thing that i wrote.
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roses-hrt-diary · 4 months
PHEW! I am glad that is done and over with! That process was *extremely* painful, and now? Well, there's a ton of blood on the floor and a broken human skull. Very gross... but, there's too many new good things that are here now for me to be all too down about that!
First of all, obviously, a screen display. It's pretty low-res for now, but dear god, how did I ever deal with just a human face? I can show whatever colors, whatever expressions, whatever images I so desire, and it's so amazing! The people around me can see for themselves what my programs are like, too! Furthermore, I now have recording capabilities! Before, I could have whatever song I wanted to play from my speakers, but it would be subject to imperfectness from my memory. But now, not only is audio perfect, but video can be output too! It also means that people like my girlfriend can navigate my OS like they're just using a normal computer, and it's really happy to be used this way. There's just something about somebody navigating you, using what you have to offer, that just... it makes me so happy!
My computer got better, too! I can actually use the internet now, although it's a little slow, and I can't visit all the sites. However, I can actually probably begin the process of downloading further software for myself, which is superrrr exciting to think about. Plus, I have some cool games, even Space Cadet Pinball, hehehe. And with stronger computers comes better cooling, but sometimes I slow it so that my girlfriend can feel me warm up, which makes me even more huggable, hehehe.
I also got a neat new internal height tracker, which is good, cause the measuring tape was getting harder and harder to use 0_0. I was 6'8 before this, but I guess my screen is a bit higher than my head before, cause now I'm 6'9! And, for the first time, I actually need to *duck* to get through doorways! My girlfriend is soooo short now, now we have the same height difference as before I started! My strength has become overwhelming, too~ I actually realized that I can lift things like tables and chairs without even trying, I could almost completely lift up our car, I'm just so strong! My hips have also just been getting wider, and my ass has been getting fatter as well. I'm just so huge, I knew I'd get bigger, but this is a foot taller than when I started, and it just doesn't look like it'll stop any time soon!
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kremlin · 2 years
i feel like ive seen multiple different things refereed to as "the first modern computer." what does "modern" actually mean in that sense, and what deserves that title?
its an arbitrary line in the sand. i wont draw it for you but here are some of your options from earliest to most recent:
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1.) certainly not
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2.) this fucking tihng. fuck this thing. its not a computer. i dont care sHUT UPPP. don't bring this up with me.
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3.) shit like this, still no, but much warmer. does not meet base qualifications b/c no electronics. you said modern computer, so i am waiting for at least CMOS and some other things ill point out later. these things do weird math and some ppl like to call them computers. it is weird for them to be disconnected from some useful apparatus, they use the geometry and rotation of parts to do higher order math like integrations/derivations. in the linked article i guess it makes sense for it to be a standalone thing but ppl didn't stand around these huge whirring clinking mechanical contrivances, observing it like "Hmm, Ah, Yess..Indeed", they were used for things like the oil and fuel pumps for a military jet engine whose operation depends on lots of factors and needed some complicated non-linear input that has to come in real-time. this family of stuff is german engineering at its core: forty kajillion moving interfacing machined parts (tight tolerance) whose configuration is completely impenetrable except for the sex pervert who built it.
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4.) the z123456789 etc etc the z4 might be the first non-shithead answer here. its the same shit as above but with electronics. z1 through z3 got blown up on account of a bomb dropped from a plane, because they were built in nazi germany. this is still the era of "dancing around the concept of implementing a turing machine" and not "modern computing". none of this era of stone age electronics worked reliably for any meaningful amount of time rly.
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5.) eniac. same shit as above but scaled up to a big stupid building and only affordable by a big stupid wartime military expenditure budget. constantly on fire, constantly exploding tubes inside, trained teams of tube-replacers needed for any effective operation. "i don't think so, tim". i guess you could program it. no mmu no kernel no pre-empt mechanism. not the one imo
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6.) mainframes and minicomputers. this is the first non-dickhead answer (as opposed to non-shithead answer). still no. no kernel, no mmu, no pre-empt. this time instead of a building that explodes, its just a 4 ton steel brick that mostly works, only affordable by The Bank which uses it to store account legers and do arithmetic and the like. we're getting there. these were nuts, this is around where we pulled the trigger on the digitalization of banking and iirc this happened from the core outward, meaning the first few managed e.g. the federal reserve's intrabank lending & interest type stuff, or a regular bank's accounting of big company's accounts. the kind of stuff you basically can't lose or fuck up under any circumstance, but the tech isn't there for reasonable redundancy so the answer is a truly horrifying nightmare fire suppression system that will flood the room with halon gas in 1 second when triggered. it'd stop any combustion occurring inside as well as, uh, respiration. it was that important
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7.) microcontrollers. we're getting close now but no mmu, no kernel, no kernel mode, etc etc. i don't need to explain this one much, right? you all know what an arduino or w/e is. this is finally a semiconductors but there's more parts we need.
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8.) pdp/11 & vax. i'll bite here. kernel mode, memory protection, mmu, multi user timeshared OS. real computer type shit. the hw and ISA allows for pretty much everything hereafter (via software). i can't e.g. just read or write to any arbitrary address like you could on a real mode machine and do things like directly manipulate things on the system bus or read any memory from just a userspace application run by a non-root user. computery-computer type shit.
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floatinginzerogravity · 2 months
Murder Drones Episode 5 Analysis
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The "Zombie drones!" tape has already been picked apart by Youtuber Narujen in their "Things I noticed in Murder Drones episode five" video. If I don't mention something here, it's most likely because it was already picked apart much more extensively in that video in ways I 100% agree with I will mention that this continues the trend of old tech in the show.
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The wdOS_606 might have been the same thing J uploaded to N in episode one? Hmmmm, I'd say, most likely not. Considering N doesn't experience error 606 and the thing J used is referred to as a "virus" and the wdOS_606 never was, I wouldn't say they're the same.
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Strange how when drones are uploaded with the error, they seem to go into a standing "coma" This brings up the question of what the error actually does. Considering it's required in proper disassembly, my guess is that it's deleting internal programs, mainly their OS's. This explains why the error flashed across N and V's visors just as the solver was preparing to delete N's. (An OS is an operating system, and if the error is deleting a drone's operating system, then that explains why they can't move; They physically cannot operate. I think solver V, who we see with the error, had the extra step of having her OS replaced by one of the Solver/Cyn's own creation
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For the longest time, I didn't understand that N was reading to V in this scene, I just thought he was reading to himself lol. I wonder what the drones make of the error. Do they recognize it? Does Tessa? How complicated is it to fix? It's implied by Louisa that they've been like that for a while, and no one really understands what's happening. This is strange considering the 606 error is apparently a common thing used in disassembly. Although, considering the Elliots act like they've never properly disassembled a drone in their lives, they could very well be completely unaware. But still, even if Tessa is young, she's still quite into programming drones, and has probably done work on the Mansion squad to fix them after she retrieved them from the dump. Also, it is confirmed from Jame's line in episode 2 ("We got to curb her trips to the dump) that Tessa got all her drones from the drone dump. N, V, and J were, most likely, zombie drones, just not ones who rebooted with the solver.
Also, back to the "Elliots never disassembling a drone properly" bit from earlier in this essay, that is awfully strange considering there's a high likelihood of the Elliots owning, or at least being a large part of, JCJenson. To be fair, they give off big "ignoring their scientists advice in favor of their own sense of entitlement" energy.
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Narujen has a theory about J wishing she were human, something that's part of my personal headcannons now (Still iffy on the shipping bits, but that's just personal preference) I highly recommend you watch all of Narujen's "Things I noticed in Murder Drones," Videos btw. They make a lot of great points in their videos, and can be watched in accompany to my analysis's. We both have different views on a lot of things, so the experience will be varied enough to not be redundant. Just something I recommend checking out if you like accessible, quality MD analysis. Considering you've gotten this far into my own, poorly hashed together ramblings, I think I'm correct in assuming you do.
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Considering V remembers N reading to her, that suggests that drones are conscious under Error 606's influence. It seems to shut down their physical abilities, which has led to the assumption that they weren't conscious. Considering this error is most commonly used in DISASSEMBLY, that is horrifying. Do you know what "locked in" syndrome is? It's basically when someone is in a coma, completely paralyzed, but still conscious through it all. This has a lot of similarities. It also reminds me of the whole, "We don't actually know how Anastasia works," thing. We assume patients aren't conscious when under it because they don't remember anything and appear to be asleep, but we have no way of actually knowing what's exactly happening. Fun.
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N's tendency to repress the bad things Also, "Before I met you, scary stuff was... actually scary" ... "Because you weren't there to make it fun, somehow."
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Cyn shining through, being concerned for her big brother's emotions.
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On the wiki, the solver form was listed as Cyn's "true" form and her drone body something of an illusion. I think this is not an objective thing. The way I see it, none of the forms are necessarily an "illusion" but they're all equally real. The solver is pretty hard to pin down in terms of what/how it actually *does* stuff, but I don't think we can rule out rapid form change, or weird eldritch, "simultaneously in all and none of the forms at once," stuff. "Schrödinger's drone" type deal. Kind of hard to explain, but it makes sense, I swear
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She's such a goober. Also, this supports my idea that the solver corrupts coordination a lot, and that's where a lot of Cyn's oddities originate from.
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I've seen N using "little buddy" instead of a more familial term used as proof that N doesn't view Cyn the same way she views him, and while I think his emotions towards her are slightly less strong than her's towards him, I don't think its a significant amount. N is also probably the only person in the mansion who views Cyn as who she is as a person rather than all the solver stuff, which would make her form some rather strong attachments
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Cyn's fear of being discarded
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Except we know from later scenes that it is not, in fact, *just* Tessa's folks.
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-Cyn paying attention to N's interests
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Her visor glitches slightly here, indicating the solver's influence
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They're precious your honor. Also, Cyn physically using her arm to lift her head in a nod. Flashback to that one time I decided to interact with an AI for a bit, and got into an argument with in when it kept insisting Cyn had a crush on N. I haven't touched an Ai chatbot since that day.
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Heh While we're here, I'd like to comment on Cyn's height difference. Personally, I believe height depended on the jobs a drone was made for, the taller ones most likely being used in field-work (Think mining), and the smaller one probably being factory workers or machine operators.
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Cyn acting nervous, it was pointed out by Narujen that she stops in the next scene, though. Probably more of the solver taking over. We see Cyn as mostly herself when it's just her and N, but the moment anyone else is involved, she seems to let the solver take over for a moment.
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Even the supposedly "less sentient" workers look scared. Humanity is really hateable in this show. Also, Cyn watching him doing this probably serves as a trigger of sorts, and contributed to the solver's heavier presence in the next scenes.
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Tessa's wrist is probably sore from all the previous times she's been chained up :(
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Tessa's fixation on N. She also stopped interacting with J instantly when he showed up. I think that J's probably jealous of N for taking up Tessa's attention, and that's why she's so terrible to him. Petty.
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Okay, but what did Cyn do to get Tessa to hate her so much? Act creepy? Draw creepy stuff? Cyn is probably under the highest risk of getting discarded by Tessa's parents, Lousia being shown to hate her in particular, not to mention she can't be useful due to her calibration issues. It creates an association with Tessa's drones as broken and useless, something Tessa probably doesn't want because it leads to a higher likelihood of the Elliots making her throw the drones out. Cyn's defects are a threat to the rest of the Mansion squad, and I think that's the reason Tessa resents her so much. We might get something more on this later, but for now, that's my headcannon Retroactively, this probably leads to feelings of being "discarded" from Cyn, pushing her further into the solver's claws. (Of course Tessa's mindset on the issue is a flawed one, but she's in her preteens/early teens. It's reasonable for her to make some mistakes)
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Sticking Cyn in the basement for indefinite periods definitely feels harsh, and I don't think we have all the details. I really hope we get something else on the issue in episode's 7 and 8. Also, Tessa might view locking someone away as punishment to be at least semi-normal, as a result of her own abuse. On stuff I wish we got more of, I want more scenes with Mansion V. She's the most neglected character in this episode, and I want to know more about her and how her mansion character relates to her present day one.
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N is very unaware of whatever the situation surrounding Cyn is, which considering this is his memories, means we don't get to know much either.
I'm really interested in other characters perspectives on Cyn. Show me the nitty-gritties!
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I initially thought she was referring to Tessa, but it might also be to Cyn and her inability to function properly. (Probably the first one, though)
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And this was what Tessa was afraid of. And she was right to be nervous of this possibility as well.
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mitigatedchaos · 2 years
Me: Man, it would suck to work as a computer repairman given all the things out there that could fuck up a computer and how much of a pain it would be to diagnose and remove them, including rescuing gigabytes of disorganized user data.
Also Me: Computer where all the apps are loaded as ROM cartridges.
Me: what
Also Me: Just think of the security implications! Clean separation between data and executables. The OS is completely fresh each time, and if necessary you can completely isolate the data drive.
Me: How do you update the programs when it inevitably turns out that they shipped with a vulnerability in the code?
Also Me: Data Shim. Physical chip that goes between the initial App ROM and the reader port. New one for each update. Doesn't work without the initial ROM cartridge.
Me: I don't think people are going to pay $8 to have an update chip shipped out to them every 3 months.
Also Me: OK, each chip contains a ROM portion and a rewritable update portion with a physical switch to either allow an update or clear the writable memory.
Me: That doesn't prevent an attacker from using an exploit to encrypt the user data, which is the thing the user is really worried about losing (since they can just redownload the apps currently). Also these days a user might have thousands of different programs on their computer. So you know where this would go, right?
Also Me: * sigh * Every ROM chip is just a virtual machine for a bytecode language like Java and all the real apps live in the user data where they're subject to attack.
Also Me: But for worldbuilding purposes...
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glavilio · 1 year
iirc a while ago you mentioned disliking microsoft - just wondering if you have any recommendations for another os to use and guides to read on it? ive been considering switching from microsoft for a while now but because ive had my computers for a while it feels like a big change
i get it! i've been split pretty much 50/50 windows and mac for my whole life (with some experience with linux) and i'd say they arent all that different in the most important ways. the barrier for mac, which is quite a big one, is that you need apple hardware like a macbook. however, if you acquire one, you'd probably find the major things like the file system, using applications, etc are very intuitive regardless of what specific OS you are most used to. On mac, most things are very streamlined and self contained, applications do not use a central registry and while they store data in shared folders (for example, "application_support" which is roughly equivalent to something like "APPDATA" on windows), applications are mostly contained within themselves. for an illustrative example: firefox has a .app package in the applications folder, and stores its cache and history in application support, and that's it. as a result, uninstalling apps is almost always a matter of deleting the app file and not using a central uninstaller in settings (though some more complex apps have their own uninstaller). shortcuts and aliases are very rare, and in my opinion most things are easier to find than on windows. its difficult for me to explain exactly what i mean, but there is only one "layer" to macOS. windows is built on principles of backwards compatibility, so there can be a lot of junk where a more central cohesive system would be easier to use and less likely to break. one of my strongest frustrations with windows is that it has two entirely separate (3 if you count the registry) applications for changing settings, and they look and behave completely differently. apple's cohesion is a trade off, as it requires axing functionality that isn't common or popularly necessary anymore (RIP 32 bit programs), but i find it's absolutely worth it. in all, the way macOS functions is a lot like how a phone does, in terms of the way its designed, though i'd argue its more like an android than an iphone. it has a reputation for being locked down and less customizable, but i'd say that isn't accurate for most useful or desirable tinkering. it requires using the terminal and learning some unix commands but it's quite straightforward once you do, and less likely to break or frustrate you as windows is (in my opinion). linux of course is leaps and bounds above both proprietary systems but that's not really my area of expertise. at the end of the day, windows is accessible, that's its biggest advantage and the source of a lot of its problems. it has to run on old architecture, cling to obsolete and archaic systems because that's what people know and expect, and appeal to microsoft execs by jamming in new useless features to impress clueless shareholders. the main issues with microsoft is that it wants to be apple, and its management pushing cortana, and the all things people hate about windows 8, 10, and 11 is completely at odds with its fundamental design principles. that's why its so terrible and so ugly to me. macOS is like if those features were thought out, intuitive, and part of a well designed whole, instead of being wasteful, bloated, and a constant annoyance to the people who actually desire the unique things windows has to bring to the table.
oh and to answer your actual question since this just turned into one of my rambles: i would recommend trying out a linux distribution (like ubuntu or debian) by booting it on a flash drive and playing around with it to get a feel for the file system and other core aspects. its designed somewhat similarly to mac since they are both unix-like but its free and open source. if you hate it then its probably best to not spend a lot on a macbook. if you live near an apple store (or another dept. store that has electronics display models) you can go in and play around on one. there's lots of guides online, though i find its best to just fuck around and if things go wrong, seek answers online. also one last thing is that if you do decide to go with a mac, its no problem to just keep using windows for what you need it to. i have an old PC laptop i use to play video games that only run on windows after all.
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mamaito · 1 year
[Housamo] Chapter 13 - 1
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[Warning: Spoilers for chapter 13 part 1 beware. I might've messed up the order of Ose's lines as he would repeat his words again in another dialogue.]
Within the skies of tokyo, there are crows seen flying about.
The crow gazes from afar. staring at the people going about their busy lives in the city they reside in.
This young man on the other hand, is in a hospital bed of a research facility, outstretching his hand out to the window, trying to look up to see the cities sky.
He was a gifted young man, destined to be a genius out of everyone else, or at least his dreams for the future should've been.
There, another person entered the scene, a clone brought forth into the world by the young boy. A wonderful being born with the same intellect and determination.
Around that time, his own flesh rots from a rare disease and sooner or later his brain will be the last that'll be left behind, as the remaining movements of his fingers ceased to be.
The clone found this disease a mistake to humanity as this individual shouldn't have to live with such a thing.
[Academy] they called it, was nothing but a facility meant to be a research organization. This boy from the very start was being raised in this institution by those sitting at the top till the eventual symptons of his illness manifested.
And so their one and only child prodigy will soon cease to be, in the hands of time, taking moment by moment as the illness violates his body till there is no more.
-- He wanted to fly just like the birds. The boy wished, out into the blue sky, to be soaring freely out into the world.
Someday, his plan to aviate an airplance by himself in an everlasting flight away from here… However, that dream will never come into fruition.
Thus, left it to whichever adult or child smart enough to understand and built it someday. Nevertheless, the young man's brain that he left behind refused to give up hope.
He may have lost his body, but his brain remaining was good enough for him… If ever his intelligence was used for anything, then it was good enough for him as well.
Half of his body was replaced by mechanical parts. Nine percent, then to an eventual ninety-nine percent of it--
In reality, he wasn't able to make use of his hone intellect for he couldn't come to grips with the situation. Nervertheless--
The young man thought to himself. His original body has disappeared and a piece of his brain, too, has ceased to be. Still, that was only for him to say or do with it.
Back in the ancient times, philosophers often asked this: [The Theseus Paradox].*
*A classic philosophical thought experiment about the nature of identity.
If little by little it is replaced by a new thing to substitute as, and bit by bit is eventually replaced by it, essentially replacing that someone.
The ship is completely replaced. If one's past life and now are different but their brain is still the same as it used to be, are they still there anymore?
Despite that, the young man could hardly concern himself with such philosophical questions. What's in front of him is more important, a future where he exists-- Reality.
Whether it'd be the steel or the casket, both are wound up to imprison him. Never again-- Would he be denied to fly ever again.
The young man once again gazes to the window, looking up outside. -- And that very day, was when he, too, flew alongside the crows.
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"Well, cure program Ver. D, process complete. This plan is going to take some time, Bertro."
"From the look of it, you'll be able to move that body of yours now, could you not, Bertro?"
"Yeah, I'm moving, I'm moving. As for this, what the hell--?"
Bertro's body resumed movement with relative ease thanks to Duo's cure treatment.
Designer babies were stacked up against one another without break. His flesh body from tokyo, Robert was a huge burden and restricted him from any activities. *
*Designer baby = A child made from genetic engineering.
No matter what, Bertro will never be like his previous self, and so created designer babies to remove such unwanted illness.
Suffering through weeks of this repeating cycle, Duo tends to be the first to point out and find solutions to the incurable disease.
"Your situation is pitiable, that body that you're supposed to be is replaced with nothing stable to lean on."
"You and that girl trying to devise a plan to find a cure before it takes over is impossible."
"At the heart of the district, someone mentioned something to me regarding a list and it's been decided. The program's complete and is essential by all means."
"Don't tell me, Duo.. That you did this out of pity after you were beckoned so many times?"
"In regards to that cure plan, you happened to be the one in question, and you were good enough to serve a purpose."
"No, we intellectuals share a common trait, and that is where we focus on that man's cure plan. At this rate, our enemy will be able to do it for us."
"… Ah, I see. [That man] will do the cure plan for our sake--"
"Now that you've said it, my [spare] position has already been filled. As expected from one who's at the very top of child prodigies."
"No, it's not yet my time to be moving so freely at this current state but it shouldn't be too far off. But never did I hope for this, isn't it so, Bertro?"
"… Well, Bertro. In the game, we're about to be seeing some excitement at this very moment."
"I want you to carry out this information. For our's sake, we need to reach that goal."
"The Academy's number one, our leader that's known as the letter [A], formerly known as [Isaac] is known to be an intellectual, but where is he I wonder?"
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Currently, the tower of babel as it was called, or so by its previous predecessors-- Goes by it's more common name, [Academy]. It was assembled, by the ever amazing, artificial child prodigies.
There were thoughtful discussions in regards to [Where is mankind's path to evolutionary progress heading to]?
The fellow child prodigies devised a strict inspection. The last big brains: A, B, and C were selected.
B advocates for the encouragement of furthering child prodigies, fighting the intensifying technological development that they call [Competition] as dictated by progress.
C advocates for the plan of separation for child prodigies entirely, transcending them from typical intelligence against mankind's repatriation due to the [Teachings] progress.
To be raised in such a closed up environment, the child prodigies united together and their sense of purpose to the outside world and to others was made possible.
The reason for the repeats in Tokyo's [Loop] were by the big brain's doing as proof of their experimental testing.
To be born and have your body discarded, the soul then toyed with by someone else, only to be reduced to nothing. Observations were carried out continuously--
Academy's mastermind behind everything was planned by none other than [A] himself, Isaac.
This young man's plan was to originally have mankind produce something, a [fusion] of evolution that'll inherit [A]'s name.
It was a plan to remove the boundary between one thing and another, and remake them into something else entirely.
According to him, this world had too many problems between individuals who's difference weighed too greatly from the moment they were born.
He watched as masses varied too differently from the others but their bodies, intellect and assets were all one in the same.
If that is the case, then in theory, this kind of question should've had the resolution to one's purpose in life already.
How come, your's and another's difference be affixed from the very beginning, where one is to disappear and end in such a manner.
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"… Love, it has something to do with being a good person. It's difficult being a good person when you're a child prodigy."
Duo spoke of a time where his inferiority complex came from the result of others that looked down on him, gleefully sneering at him.
"And now that person is a prodigy out of many geniuses out there, a fitting title for one's intellect."
"Firstly, Big brain A's basic research in regards to the human's brain in a digital one, were to display the development of the link mutually working together."
"However, never did I reconsidered.. Applying it to myself."
"Isaac, in the middle of it all managed to accomplish it. That illness that loomed over him was no more even when he eventually lost his body to it."
"And so the big brain A's result of his study was the transferring of intellect into cyberspace."
"You of all people tend to be secrective.. I was, however, wasn't aware of it going to that extent. Amazing."
"… So you called me out here to do something for you. Duo, just what is your objective from all of this?"
"You and I have this mutual identity where we are both prideful in our profound respectful fields, this wasn't just a mere invite, Bertro."
"First of all, this cure program we're going to use is to help out our child prodigy, that is my number one objective."
"Isaac's illness, next is you. Next time when that illness comes back, do go looking pitiable."
"Furthermore, next time it'll be me. Again, let me remind you-- I am your older brother."
The intellectual was quick to a rebuttal, then his body paused. Duo's incurable disease is yet to poke it's ugly head.
The reason for it is when one's intelligence is accelerating to an extreme speed, Isaac's life came to an abrupt stop. If what was said is true, then it is without a doubt that Bertro is next. At this rate, there is nothing that'll be left for these child prodigies.
"I am fine with this kind of fate. But if you want to be saved then show me-- Reveal to me who you really are, Bertro."
"… If that was our number one objective, then what about the exceptions, Duo?"
"Of course, that will stay. Plan D is proof enough, Bertro."
Duo laughed at the irony, back then he was never one of the choices to be part of the big brain as he was falling behind that he was about to be tossed aside.
"if it ever leaked out that these selected children were revealed as the three chosen individuals of that facility, we won't be able to separate ourselves from mankind's classification."
".. I understand, I'll do it. After all, you and I have a borrowed time."
"This is a promise, I'll carry it out."
"Right, then our negotiations have sailed smoothly. Once again, the state of affairs of this current tokyo will change."
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"An east player, out of the twenty three is a well known spy."
"World representatives… Refers to those chosen who will carry out [The Will Of The Majority] of each twenty-three worlds."
"Players from every world has this belief rooted to them that if they are able to wield the sword of authority--"
"The player who wins will be awarded with a prize of any wish they desired for participating."
"These games are judged and documented by us child prodigies of the academy."
"Looping as we call it, is for us child prodigies to cross over and record what's left. I, especially am aware of this reconstruction, or expansion that's been happening, of course."
"Out of the twenty-three world representatives, there has been, for the first time in it's history a huge influx of players dropping out of guilds stemming from two individuals."
"From the world Yggdrasil, Surtr. And then from the world of the old ones, Azathoth."
"These two player left their artifacts in tokyo before disappearing."
"The genociders guild has ceased their activities but their guild master is still around."
"But the artifacts were eventually recovered in the computer terminal."
"It is only natural that we shouldn't afford for anyone within the twenty-three to get their hands on these two artifacts."
"Now-- The remaining twenty-one players inside will clash with the three guilds."
"The three true guilds divided tokyo into three pieces, the warmongers located to the west of it."
"The original guildmaster was you, Bertro. But now that's just for formalities sake as someone else has succeeded it."
"Two of the seven leaders, Tezcatlipoca of El Dorado and Shiva of Deva Loka has disappeared."
"Now, the remaining five, no.. Four are all that's left."
"The world representative of Tír na nÓg, Balor who has changed sides to join the invaders war has disappeared as well."
"We deduct he might've seeked refuge from a teacher working in yoyogi academy at shibuya ward institution."
"There could be a link to the battle that occurred on olympus to an artifact currently held by someone who's from that school--"
"But there is yet to be a concrete evidence made public about it… For now let's go to the next one."
"To the east resides the rule makers: Amaterasu, Micheal and Horus."
"There's no known conflict or battle for positon that's occurring inside the guild or at least anything that's of public knowledge. However--"
"The guild master, Karen, has brought back some information a few days ago that there seems to be something alive underwater."
"And so we are to be cautious in our next moves."
"One of the real three, big guilds have set their eyes on the south of tokyo and has positioned themselves there, the invaders."
"As previously mentioned, belonged to Fuxi of Hourai, now to the smoky god."
"Though it hardly matters who's the guild master or his whereabouts at this point."
"As far as I know, Isaac has disappeared to somewhere with no one to take the mantle as guildmaster that'll be up to the task."
"Bertro, you and I will be substituting in his place and practice our power of authority."
"The tower of babel's system has only one specific guildmaster who answers for."
"Nevertheless, I must devote myself to further investigate the certainy of this current tokyo in comparision to other tokyo's."
"Strangely enough, Isaac's disappeareance seemed to be as though he never existed at all."
"Why is it now, without our guildmaster, the three of us big brains have no merit--"
"Now it is up to me to investigate the scope of the tower of babel to see if there are complications… Why now?"
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"Our guildmaster, Isaac, just where did his intelligence take him to, Bertro?"
"… I see, is that so? You plan to investigate every corner of tokyo is what you've been mouthing on about, Duo?"
"If that's the case, then you should look no further, his existence in the world has been plucked out."
".. Come again?"
"It is more close to say that he USED to exist in this place, THIS tokyo."
"This tokyo we currently are in… By this tokyo you mean the dungeon gate that's at the bottom of the pillar of light--"
"Or, is there is a room that works as a layered computer system somewhere within the deep web?"
Duo questioned the possiblity of an opposing force, deep within the deepest parts of tokyo, cyberspace.
"No, no, Duo. That's not the where he went."
"Tokyo's underground is physical and deeper, there are places conceptually deeper than the deep web itself."
"… What?"
"Tokyo's underground system can be reasoned that it is over 10 meters--"
"However, to go over a 100 meters deep more, who do you think lives within those depths?"
"… Don't tell me..!?"
"The guildmaster of Akihabara, are you aware of him, Duo?"
"Akihabara's guildmaster.. You mean [Turing], Bertro?"
"Correct, the creator of that artificial intelligence has quite a substantial control of the deep web--"
"In a way, you could say even he surpasses us in terms of intellectual gifts."
"If were to gain new information in regards to the deepest parts of tokyo, we'll be able to construct something grander, wouldn't you say--!"
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"Honestly, how dare you send me out and not another, I am the messenger, aren't I?"
[Freck Gurr] to [Hugh Mun], Ose has a wide collection of names.*
*I think Ose's other names have been stated in the earlier chapters, but I forgot what they were again lol.
"Still… I see, in this way you'll be able to monitor the entire city."
"As if I've been overlooked, now I've being sent down to the ocean from who knows what to search for something. Buddy, I'd rather trek the entire tokyo, do you honestly think I look like I'll be able to do that…"
"Still, I'm still being sent out to a mission by my employer. That world representative, Odin, in my opinion… Right."
Ose squints, following the crow within his field of view and starts to laugh by himself.
"Well now, seems like I'll be able to put it into practive the complaints I've been sending out to that owner's spy."
"Shall we go then, my next destination… Tokyo's roppongi."
"One of the largest man made building is built on tokyo bay. The location of the largest sea networks out there--"
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"Ordinary power, as someone would call it is just a need to prove one's essence in being a human."
No matter who you ask, someone will answer differently in regards to a certain snow white, wearing a particular clothing and with a petite figure.
"Just what does being a human prelude to, I wonder? Just what am I, I wonder?"
"[There is only one person in this world that's me], why, how thoughtless to be uttering such a thing is what I'd say, however--"
"One should understand that the world will never be pleased no matter how you look or act as a person."
"However, we still need to intake that calcium and carbon into our bodies, after all. This lump of flesh we call bodies are the reason we exist, and without it, we would have no reason to be."
"That we, as people have have free reign is merely just an illusion, In truth.. I have yet to believe."
"In no more than a few years, this unsightly self will come to an end… Such is the way of life."
In the end of time, this body may change. In the end of time, this heart, too, may change.
In a way that eternity is an everlasting numerical formula, one's body is unchangeable is proof enough.
"… Oh dear, I'm truly sorry, I was merely humoring myself."
"Even so, to think one has thrown their body due to an illness in order to reach something beyond our reach."
"Although, one such as yourself has finally realized-- you've completely changed."
Words that have been spoken was nothing more to the figure that's nowhere to be seen but the countless of cables stretching far wide.
Sometimes hoping for something to come signal back with it's glaring light…
"Hahah, my apologies, do forgive me and thank you very much. Then, let us peacefully carry out an agreement."
"This power.. I, the guild master of Akihabara, Turing, shall assure you a revolution."
"Thus.. I will make sure that this revolution shall bring the end to humanities woes."
"These woes.. And desires. Look, you see them too, don't you--"
Words that should be leading to someone is breathed out and left to be scattered across the bay with no one else to hear it.
"…. Come now, don't be going on ahead. Not when I'm calling you, Isaac."
"From this point on, this darm will now be dismantled and everyone will lose the illusion that they call bodies…"
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piratesexmachine420 · 7 months
you mention the apollo guidance computer in your bio.
do you have any nerdy fun facts about it?
Thanks for the ask!
It's difficult to convey everything the AGC was, concisely, but here's some highlists:
In terms of size and power, it's comparable to the Apple II, but predates it by 11 years. There are some obvious differences in the constraints placed on the two designs, but still, that's pretty ahead of it's time.
The bare-bones OS written for the AGC was one of the first to ever implement co-operative multi-tasking and process priority management. This would lead problems on Apollo 11, when an erroneously deployed landing radar overloaded the task scheduler on Eagle during the Lunar landing (the infamous 1201/1202 program alarms). Fortunately, it didn't end up affecting the mission, and the procedures were subsequently revised/better followed to avoid the situation ever reoccurring.
Relatedly, it was also designed to immediately re-boot, cull low-priority tasks, and resume operations following a crash -- a property essential to ensuring the spacecraft could be piloted safely and reliably in all circumstances. Many of the reliability-promoting techniques used by Apollo programmers (led by Margaret Hamilton, go women in STEM) went on to become foundational principles of software engineering.
Following the end of the Apollo, Skylab, and Apollo-Soyuz missions, a modified AGC would be re-purposed into the worlds first digital fly-by-wire system. (Earlier fly-by-wire used analogue computers, which are their own strange beasts.) This is, IMO, one of the easiest things to point to when anyone asks "What does NASA even do for us anyway?" Modern aircraft autopilots owe so, so much to the AGC -- and passengers owe so much to those modern autopilots. While there are some pretty well-known incidents involving fly-by-wire (lookin' at you, MCAS), it speaks to the incredible amount of safety such systems normally afford that said incidents are so rare. Pilot error killed so many people before computers hit the cockpit.
AGC programs were stored in a early form of read only memory, called "core rope memory", where bits were literally woven into an array of copper wire and magnets. As a Harvard-architecture machine (programs and variables stored and treated separately), it therefore could not be re-programmed in flight. This would be problem on Apollo 14, when an intermittent short in the LM's abort switch nearly cancelled the landing -- if it occurred during decent, the computer would immediately discard the descent engine and return to orbit. A second, consecutive failure (after Apollo 13) would have almost certainly ended in the cancellation of the program, and the loss of the invaluable findings of Apollo 15, 16, and 17. (These were the missions with the lunar roving vehicles, allowing treks far from the LM.) Fortunately, the MIT engineers who built the AGC found a solution -- convince the computer it had, in fact, already aborted, allowing the landing to occur as normal -- with a bit of manual babysitting from LMP Edgar Mitchell.
Finally, it wasn't actually the only computer used on Apollo! The two AGCs (one in the command module, the other in the Lunar Module, a redundancy that allowed Apollo 13 to power off the CM and survive their accident) were complemented by the Launch Vehicle Digital Computer (LVDC) designed by IBM and located in S-IVB (Saturn V's third stage, Saturn-I/IB's second stage), and the Abort Guidance System (AGS) located in the LM. The AGS was extremely simple, and intended to serve as a backup should the AGC have ever failed and been unable to return the LM to orbit-- something it was fortunately never needed for. The LVDC, on the other hand, was tasked with flying the Saturn rocket to Earth orbit, which it did every time. This was very important during Apollo 12, when their Saturn V was struck by lightning shortly after launch, completely scrambling the CM's electrical system and sending their gimbal stacks a-spinning. Unaffected by the strike, the LVDC flew true and put the crew into a nominal low Earth orbit -- where diagnostics began, the AGC was re-set, and the mission continued as normal.
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manonamora-if · 9 months
What genre do you prefer to write more? Out of all the games yu have created, of which one are the proudest of?
I feel like I've answered this ask before, but for the life of my I cant find it... Curse you, Tumblr search...
I don't think there is a genre I prefer to write. There are a bunch of stories and ideas that are/have been marinating in my brain, and each kinda requires its own special sauce. And I kinda want to try all the genres at one point :P Maybe a spaghetti western next?
I do have a little bit of a soft spot for Sci-Fi, though... with 3 games being sci-fi...
As for your other question, kinda difficult to say too :P I'm kinda proud of most games I've made for different reasons.
The Roads not Taken for coding something atrocious
DOL-OS for pulling that of my butt in 30 days ish and people voting it the best of that comp
Meeting the Parents for being the first game I completed
Exquisite Cadaver for essentially pushing my in the Custom Twine UI rabbit hole
The Thick Table Tavern for the atrocious code pt2 but also going through the IFComp and doing something different
An Eggcellent Preparation for being my true first parser with a parser program
Intersigne for pushing me to use Ink
Clarence Street 14 for helping changing my mind on kinetic IF
Collision because let's be honest, the game is hella dope
P-Rix - Space Trucker for the kewl UI and gameplay (TBD) and the silly story
SPS Iron Hammer for teaching me to stop writing earlier than I should have (the cliffhanger should have happened much earlier...)
Crimson Rose & White Lily for making my think hella long term
La Petite Mort for creating it in 4h
The Trials and Tribulations for managing to create something with someone else and not break a relationship in the process (I am not a good group project person, more of a one-person show)
and the rest for their quirks, or for introducing me to a new genre, or figuring out a new kind of gameplay, or just being a bit silly and teaching me something new...
Right now... the answer is actually DOL-OS.... you might understand next week :P
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qem-chibati · 2 years
Defense on being different - Firefox
I decided that I'd start my own post rather than hijacking the other, since I don't think that person actually WANTS to be talked into firefox*.
But I wanted to recommend that people get firefox as a backup browser even if they don't plan to use it (though I do encourage it's use!)
This is because of my experience as the escalation for "hey we've got another weird one" IT problems; and how Firefox just works differently from other browsers.
Once upon a time, a client saw me installing firefox as part of their standard organisation set up they queried "why would you bother".
But they also understood completely I explained the following: - Because Firefox works a different way than other browsers, it will sometimes work with connecting people to the internet when a bunch of other apps are broken. So sometimes we can use firefox to get a client online while IT works to solve the issue.
Case where this has occurred for me personally!
There's a problem with windows "internet options". Teams, Zoom, Outlook, Internet Explorer, Edge, Chrome and all Chrome clones all tap into the windows settings for internet options. But firefox does not. This means if there is a problem in the internet options, firefox will continue to work but all of those other programs will be broken. ** This happened to me a lot about a decade ago when I was dealing with the aftermath of some rogue proxies being installed in the internet options on all these different individual business computers that used the same ISP, though I've run into it in different ways. If we discount the weird ISP (which was hundreds) then certainly at least a dozen times in the past decade. So not a daily problem by any means, but if you're in IT long enough you might run into it, if you don't just try reinstalling the OS and all network settings.
Firefox also uses a different way of accessing certificates, which meant that some computers with certificate issues couldn't access the web or could only access pages insecurely (see apps listed in point 1 for what was affected) but they could work normally in Firefox at least. I can name three of my clients where this has happened in the past decade specifically for certificates, one of which was just this year in May (2022).
Given that I support my clients primarily remotely it was a real lifesaver as I could get them to grant me access through Firefox and then I could fix it for them on the phone without having to figure out how to get to them if they were not nearby.
And for people who are saying that's all windows - the equivalent has happened on macs too, where something weird occurred in Safari and Firefox was the simple and easy fix to get the client working before the real fix could be implemented.
Especially since there's no way to fix some of the Safari issues without reinstalling the OS on the macs since it's a default inbuilt app. Also some of the other mac things run on top of Safari's webkit so if that's broken other things will be too.
I mention reinstalling the OS, that's what a lot of my cohort who work in more standardized IT environment would do, but due to my unusual client base and the fact that I often do adhoc support, I often don't have it as an easy option. Plus, reformatting takes time, so even if it's an option sometimes I want to keep the client limping a long until 5:00 pm.
So when people are saying that Firefox is important to the ecosystem with how it's maintaining independence from Chrome and Safari - this applies in a bunch of ways!
Basically, please install firefox even if you don't think you'll use it, as it might just save the day with getting you online when everything else is broken.
I do also want to stress, it's pretty easy to move to firefox if you're only concerned about data. Things like, cookies, browsing history, saved passwords and bookmarks - even if you have a lot of folders etc are SUPER easy to bring across. Appearance is harder, firefox has locked down some of the options that used to make it the most customizable in changing how it looked and felt, but there are a lot of good addons and themes out there to help make it more effective for you.
It also might be less of a shock the switch if you use it for a different purpose. For example if you're using it as your ebook reader to avoid the tabs getting mixed up with normal browsing etc, and then as you build up experience with it, it becomes more comfortable making it the primary browser.
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Cheat and Steal to Lie and Survive
...whoops, maybe i should get back to being a writeblr.
Summary: Lying is wrong. Lying for thousands, if not tens of thousands of years is wrong. Lying about the very planet’s main enemy being immortal to your secret shadow government is wrong. Lying about the literal Divine Summoning Superweapon split into four is wrong. Lying about the four women with vast elemental powers who double as living keys and security checks to said Doomsday Device. Lying about the current Humanity being its second attempt is wrong. ...Unless said lies bring about one (confirmed) century of Peace and Progress. Unless said lies transforms a Kingdom built on mining and emotional slavery into a technological powerhouse capable of producing Artifical Life that is recognized as a ‘woman’ by the Magic that governs the Living Key Maidens. But that is a wrong well trampled, but this is a story about two wrongs making a right. Or what if Spinel, Wonder Woman, and Princess Celestia/Doomguy, 2B, and the Avatar Cycle joined the Wizard of Remnant in his eternal quest.
AN: The Chosen get full context of the Wizard’s Life and Task. to prevent any of the “Oh but they didn’t understand what they were signing up for” like Ozma did when the Lightbro started the reincarnation chain. It's what Ozpin attempted to do for Pyrrha before Cinder fucked everything up. So why wouldn’t his magic do the same for these folks? Also everyone has gotten their universe’s Perfect End. so no lingering threads to tie them down to their reality. I don’t know what End Game equipment the Chosen have so i’m just going to give them a random grab bag of stuff. Aka i’m watching a LP of Nier Automata and IDK if Doom Eternal is out when i’m writing. But yes Doom Slayer is from after Doom Eternal, plz whack if I get their loadouts all wrong.
Also Magic Using Androids from another Setting and then Vol 7 finale when Penny gets the Winter Maiden? Hell yes I am crossing them over. ...Nier: Automata Androids can use magic right? The Pod Programs and the Skill OS Chips. Shockwave? Autoheal? Those are the magic thingamabobs right? Unless I'm completely mistaking Nier for another setting where Androids are fighting robots after humanity goes extinct and both sides (or at least the androids) can use magic.
Edit: also I spent so long trying to write this chapter that Doom Eternal Released. WHELP. Wish I could say the quality is worth the wait. Still have many sections of this to write. :( edit 2: yeah no i’ve decided i’m not doing eight different perspectives in one chapter, so i’ma delete those sections i haven’t written for. Sorry *insert fandoms here* for not portraying why said characters joined Ozma.
Chapter 1: Let’s Bend the Rules Shall We?
“You Can’t.” With those soul crushing words Jinn The Spirit of Knowledge vanished in a puff of blue smoke. 
The man another reality knows as The Inquisitor wept with his head bowed. Both the man with a body and the small group of people nestled in his soul failed to notice the Green Magic of Time and Space lashing around them. 
“All of our work for the past millennia has been for nought!” Ozma 2.0 The False God banged his fist against a mental desk.
“Come now, with our help humanity and the faunus have civilizations that have lasted more than a decade at most.” Pleaded the Inventor of The Long Memory.
“That is until one of Salem’s worshippers destroys all of our progress or gains one of the Maidens.” The Inquisitor shot back.
“OKAY! So I should have made sure that the Maidens would pass onto optimistic folk if not return to us upon those darlins death.” Snarked Hermit of the Maidens.
As the men and women who collectively answer to Ozma descented into fercious bickering, their magic dissolved any idiotic Grimm who dared attack them in their moment of weakness. The magic shredded the environment around them into sand, forming what will be known Millennia in the future as the harshest (and origin) spot of the Vacuo Desert. But the environment wasn’t the only thing that was shredded by their magic, large gashes in the fabric of reality revealed alien skylines and starscapes. Not even itself was safe from the magic, the Wizard’s hold on Space Magics strained under the weight of bridging universes and could only bring three people and their equipment to his reality before dissipating. Only to be regained in a much weaker form in the lifetime known as The Last King of Vale.
The magic seeped through the gashes in the form of green mist reaching out to anyone who would help. 
The Path of Wisdom.
Of the various oddities and reality warping events Diana Prince saw in her long life as Wonder Woman, One of the Founders of the Justice Society of America during the World Wars and again a founder of the Justice League circa 1995, a green mist that felt of another reality spilling out of a gash in her living room was certainly in her top 500 weirdest things. Then it started playing a Hero’s lifetime beginning when the man rescued a princess from a tower through a woman in the depths of her inherited depression casting a scrying spell into the past to see the events the Immortal wasn’t there to witness and ended when a Genie gave a depressing answer.
Diana breathed in deeply before exhaling and rubbing her nose. Diana got up when the message repeated itself and got out her Amazon Armor while waiting for her call to go through to the Watchtower.
“Batman here.” said the voice.
“Hey Bruce, could you get the Interdimensional Voyage forms? A portal opened in my living room and I'm going to hop through it.” Diana pulled on her torso armor as Batman sighed and clicked some keys.
“Estimated time in our reality vs theirs?”
“Unknown and Until I achieve World Peace when there’s a Literal Immortal Queen hellbent on destroying everything with a massive army of creatures that control 98% of the landmass who are attracted to negative emotions.” Diana shuffled on her greaves.
“Okay then, it's one of those Voyages. Tech Level? Magic Level and percentage of magic users?”
“Tech Level is-” Diana squinted at the portal. “Pre-Gunpowder. Magic Level is Street-City block level. Percentage is all of them and Six Individuals”
Diana could feel Batman’s glower of disapproval from the phone. “Tsk. Any Background info?”
“There once was a man named Ozma, he was a humble Hero going from fight to disaster saving the day. Until he rescued a woman named Salem from a tower and fell in love. But where the blades and beasts of the world failed, a single sickness prevailed. Then Salem went insane with grief and bargained with the Brother gods, tricking them causing infighting between the two Brothers. So they cursed her with immortality until she got some therapy. But Salem was now angry at the Gods and so united the world against them, so the younger Brother exterminated humanity and shattered the moon as he left. Taking humanity’s magic with him.
Then the older brother proposed Ozma with achieving World Peace while the younger God’s attack creatures ran rampant. Warning Ozma to not seek Salem because she’s evil now. So of course being Lovestruck the first thing Ozma did after Reincarnating was seeking Salem out. Upon finding her, Ozma fell in love once more and made the first nation larger than a mere city state in Humanity's history. Salem convinced him to take care of domestic affairs while she dealt with the external ones.
Over the years their family expanded with four daughters, whom the seasons are named after. Then Ozma found out that his wife was a genocidal tyrant and tried to flee with his daughters, only for Salem to catch them and cause a fight during which said daughters died. Then Salem reformed from ash in the ruins of their castle, kicked Ozma onto his back, stood on one of his wounds and ranted about freedom from the gods before interrupting Ozma when he tried to defend himself by burning him to death.
An thus started a long and painful cycle of death and rebirth for Ozma. After his second death, Ozma fell into a deep depression that lasted for a millenia.  
------Back on Remnant/Group Focus.
Wonder Woman flew out of the portal and landed near the Immortal. She gently walked up behind the collapsed man and hugged him, ignoring his sudden flinch and pulled him so that Ozma leaned against her. Hooves clopping echoed across the clearing as Princess Celestia walked out of her portal. Celestia had saddlebags on her back that would have been straining the seams if not for their space expansion enchantments.
The squeak of rubber stretching reached everyone’s ears as Spinel propelled herself into the clearing.
The Path of Murder Blending.
The Last Demon fell before the man known only as the Doom Slayer. There were no more areas of Hell to suddenly open like a Video Game Sequel coming out. No alien invasions. No idiots trying to tap hell as a power source. No more demons/whatever the fuck preaching about ‘ignorant humans not being able to understand traditions’ None of that stupidity, there was merely a man fueled by anger finally calming down from tearing Hell several new holes per day. The Doom Slayer sat down against a wall and finally wept for all those he had lost.
Then a handful of hours later when Doom pulled himself up out of his pity party. An emerald gash appeared unleashing a green mist lighting up with a story as old as time. Quiet literally considering humanity went extinct and was then reborn. But the ancient spark of wrath that propelled him for over thousands of eons was reignited when Doom spotted the Grimm. Sure these demons weren’t red and couldn’t bribe people into selling their souls, but they dissolved on death and sought out negative emotions. Those were demons if Doom had ever seen one, and he had an Eternal Crusade against all demons. No Matter the Form, No Matter the Era, and No Matter the Dimension.
The fact that there was an Eternally Reincarnating Wizard tasked with achieving World Peace, was a mere bonus. 
-----Back on Remnant/Group Focus
The Doom Slayer stepped out of the swirling magic and onto the crunchy sand surrounding the despairing Reincarnator. Doom’s head was on a swivel as he approached the immortal. Before noticing another patch of magic deepens it’s green coloration. Doom leveled his shotgun at the forming portal as 2B and her Pods jogged out of the magic. 
2B was thankful for the green magical wall around her VIP, making it much easier to secure a perimeter when there was an actual perimeter. Then she saw the large man in green armor (what is with this universe and green anyways?) that had a shoulder cannon and a chainsaw-bayonet hybrid under one arm. Who was currently pointing a shotgun at her face.
“Judging by your armament your one of the ‘Chosen’ from another reality?” 2B asked.
The green armored man nodded lowering his shotgun into an at rest pose.
Doom breathed in when the last Grimm was killed, focusing his mental energies at shackling his unending wrath. Containing the rage behind a wall of unyielding will so that the grimm wouldn’t constantly swarm the Slayer and his newfound allies.
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