#no skeletons september
Of course you may have a little fluff, darling! Mettaton’s not my favorite, but I know some people really like him. Enjoy!
“Are you comfortable, darling?” Mettaton asked. His fingers never stopped their gentle massage of your shoulders.
“Mmmm,” you managed. “So comfy…Thank you.”
“Of course! Anything for you, my love. You just name it and I will make your dreams come true.”
“You already have.” You turned your head to smile at him. “You are my dream come true.”
Mettaton pulled you close. “And you’re mine,” he said fondly. He pressed kisses to your temple and your forehead and then to your lips. “I love you so much.”
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robsheridan · 9 months
You can only post this once a year (sound ON)
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frognumber657332 · 9 months
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helpless-witch · 2 years
I see that Halloween is trending again
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sweater-weather · 2 years
Do you remember💀🍂
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patrickztump · 6 months
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it’s been months since you all have seen the boy!
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trickr-treat · 2 years
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vulcanette · 9 months
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sleepyorc · 7 months
People talk about the war on christmas as if that's a real thing but they ignore the fact that christmas decorations go up in stores well in September, before Halloween has even happened, and the Halloween sections in stores have gotten smaller and smaller in my experience too. The real war is on Halloween, and baby, we need the Skeletons to fight alongside us once more.
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crystallizedcheese · 2 years
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So because Sans won the title of ✨Ultimate Tumblr Sexyman✨, I made a cool laptop wallpaper of Sans and his well-deserved Baskin-Robbins for this event. Congratulations, Sans!
(Please reblog if you use this! Click for better quality!)
(Versions with bones and hearts background below the cut!)
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(How about a met cute with Grillby, You both reach for the last umbrella in the store on a rainy day? :D)
The weather forecast had said nothing about rain. You’d even checked multiple times and there had been no mention of rain. The sun had been shining when you walked into the store. Now, though, as you approached the check out, you heard the ominous roll of thunder and then a furious pounding of rain on the roof.
Well, you thought, at least the store thought to put umbrellas by the checkouts. You reached for the last one in the stand, only to feel a very warm hand brush against yours. You took a step back in surprise.
“Sorry,” said a soft, crackling voice, and the hand pulled back. You found yourself looking at a man made of living fire. He wore a black raincoat and, oddly, rainbow polka dot rain boots.
“You can have it,” you said automatically, gesturing to the umbrella. “You definitely need it more than me.”
“Thank you,” he said. He took the umbrella and you got the feeling that he was smiling at you. He walked away, but you found a small card in your cart. It was a business card, for a bar called Grillby’s.
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sharkjumpers · 2 years
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and here is the part where everyone was happy all the time and we were all forgiven (even though we didn’t deserve it)
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Halloween prompts no. 1
Phantom gets smacked through a portal and lands directly in front of Darskeid, who immediately begins to monolog before trying to induct Phantom into his army. Our glowy boy isn't having it though and they fight.
Darkseid is actually impressed by the child's battle prowess and the ability to deflect his Omega beams, but he makes a crucial mistake.
He underestimated Phantom.
Needless to say, Danny was forced to kill the dark god in order to escape. (Or his avatar??) He has a hard time, even though he knows this is probably the most evil guy he's had to defeat and this is the first time he's had to kill. Sadly it won't be the last either as a tyrannical government won't be destroyed simply by destroying one part of it, no matter how powerful that part is. Also, Darkseids more loyal followers and his son are chasing him throughout Apokolips, trying to kill him.
After killing many of the people following him since he had to use lethal force just to get them to stop moving he was in a pretty rough state mentally and just wanted to return to the zone and find the portal. If he had plans to cry into the soft fabric of his sisters sweater than that was nobodies business but his own. Somehow, as he curled up in a nook in a large boulder somewhere his wish was granted and the entirety of Apokolips-the whole planet- was transported into the ghost zone.
Danny could hardly believe it. But his troubles weren't over. Soon after the world was teleported, the skeletons of the zone began rising and fighting off the parademons and whatnot from Apokolips and whenever an enemy soldier fell they were transformed into a skeletal version of whatever they were and fought against their still living companions.
Once the battle was over, the people of Apokolips were subdued, and Phanyom was completely worn out he left back into Amity Park and stole some of his parents force field generators and returned to find the planet was already surrounded by a ghostly force field that refused to let anything out. Shrugging, Danny went home and decided not to question it.
Now. About that crying/ therapy session.
Danny didn't know how the world was transported into the zone or why. Nor did he know why the skeletons were so keen on protecting him. Might have something to do with him being the Ghost King via "right of conquest" after he defeated Pariah Dark. Sadly the Observants and other people in power purposely kept that information from him so he would know to take the throne.(Clockwork was vetoed and ordered not to say anything to the boy. He only smirked in response) Now that same "right of conquest" has made it were everything that once belonged to Darkseid now belonged to Phantom and was being transported into the zone and isolated by it.
The Justice League noticed the entire planet disappeared and went to investigate.
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jrosesposts · 9 months
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It's almost time!
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