#no contact acl tear…man
takiki16 · 11 months
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princessjungeun · 4 years
09: Ryujin x Reader
Request: hiiii!! i’d love to see girlfriend ryujin helping you when you’re injured, like if her baby broke her ankle or something🥺 thank youuuu💘
CW: hospitals, sports injury.
This is kind of an AU but also kind of not...just go with it 😌
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The shouts of fans echoed throughout the stadium. Looking around you saw men, women, and children wearing your jersey number: 09. Although you weren’t the captain of your team, you were the star player and MVP. Often people compared you to some of the best soccer players in the world, men and women. You didn’t feel you measured up to them at all but everyone says otherwise, especially because you were on the U-21 women’s soccer team.
The sun hung high in the sky, beaming down creating the occasional heat wave. The very few clouds in the sky provided absolutely no shade, almost making it feel hotter. The grass was still slightly soggy from last nights storm, but the heat had long dried up most wet spots.
As you sprinted down the pitch you spotted a teammate in your peripheral vision. She dribbled the ball as fast as she could, trying to get away from the opposing team’s players.
“HEEJIN!” You shouted your teammate’s name signaling that you were open. The girl looked up and kicked the ball to you just before she was tripped by an opposing defender.
The ball was now at your feet, the other team’s defense following close behind. Breaking out into yet another sprint you headed closer to the goal. You passed the ball to another teammate of yours that was closer to the goal. Running faster you signaled you were open once again.
You watched as your teammates passed the ball from person to person in attempt to get it to you. Smiling widely, you watched Somi pass to her older sister Aisha, who passed to Yuna. The young blonde shouted your name before kicking the call full force to you.
With a smack the ball hit you in the chest, making you wince. It rolled down your body and your feet caught it. You ran closer to the goal before kicking the ball, watching as it flew into the back of the net.
Fans screamed your name, holding up jerseys with your name and number on the back. Flashing a smile to the camera you brushed a few hairs from your face.
Your eyes scanned the field looking for the ball before landing on your co captain Yves. The slim girl made her way gracefully down the pitch, nobody close enough to her to steal the ball.
You called out to her so she knew you were open. With one quick pass the ball was under your foot, finding another teammate you passed the ball. Right as you kicked the ball to Lalisa you felt yourself slip and fall on a damp patch of grass.
As your body made contract with the ground you felt a pain sear through your leg. A high pitched scream ripped through the stadium making everyone go silent.
The announcers voice broke the silence “Who is that? Number 09 is on the ground. L/N Y/N has fallen. She looks like she is in a lot of pain, as she is not moving. A teammate is by her side...and now a medic is being sent her way. Everyone standby.”
Laying on the ground you covered your face with your arm. Immediately you felt someone’s hand make contact with your face.
“Y/N? Can you hear me?” Heejin’s voice filled your ears, the only sound you could hear between your sobs.
A few medics ran onto the field asking the girls around you if they knew what happened. Heejin and Yves did their best to explain what they saw, but they didn’t exactly see how you fell.
A man asked you calmly “sweetheart does it feel like it’s the bone or a muscle? Is it both?” You could only nod, not knowing what you felt specifically, all you knew was that it hurt.
He once again asked “can you stand up?” You shook your head, letting out another sob.
The medics rolled you onto a stretcher before rolling you off the field. Heejin stood by you, walking with the medics. Your coach pulled her by the arm. “Heejin where do you think you’re going? We need you.” Pulling back she asked “can you sub Wonnie in? She hasn’t played today...trust me she can do it.” He gave in walking away calling to Wonyoung that she was to be subbed in.
Heejin asked you “is there anything I can do?” In a high pitched wheeze you let out “call R-Ryujin.”
You thought about your girlfriend hoping it would take away some of the pain. Remembering how she’d smile just by looking at you. The way the little dimples beneath her eyes would show up to complete the grin you put on her face.
Another wave of pain washed over you, erasing Ryujin from your thoughts completely. Feeling your mind go blank, your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Only seeing black as your body fell limp, the voices around you were only distant echos.
You were in and out of consciousness for what seemed like only five minutes. All you remember was Heejin standing over you before a medic put a mask over your face. A warmth engulfed your body and you felt something wrap around your arms and torso.
Thinking it was your girlfriend holding you, not a blanket and straps of the gurney holding you, you smiled weakly. Whispering softly you mumbled “Ryu-Ryujinnie?”
The idea of her with you faded as a loud wind filled your ears. So loud it completely drowned out everything else around you.
The last thing you heard was a female medic tell you “ok sweetheart just relax, we’re air.....hospital. Seoul-........everything’s oka-.” The words got more and more sporadic as you weaved in and out of consciousness. Eventually your mind completely going blank as you imagined being in your girlfriend’s arms as she kissed all your pain away.
It had been two days since the accident and you were just waking up. Looking around the room everything was white. Not a welcoming white either, it looked like that of a futuristic prison. The thick glass windows looked out only to a bare night sky. The smell of sanitizer filled your nostrils, almost making you sneeze. This smell only belonging to one place. A hospital.
As you moved your hand to rub your eye you saw the IV stuck to your skin. You poked at it with your free hand, wincing when it stung. The oxygen tube up your nose did nothing but make you uncomfortable so your tried to pull it out.
Tugging at the plastic tube you realized a nurse had small pieces of medical tape on each of your cheeks, holding the tube in place. Whimpering softly you continued to pull at it until a nurse came in with a smile.
“Oh you’re awake!” Her smile was welcoming and warm, making you relax. She reached out for the tube and said “here let me, I’ll give you the mask instead hmm?” You nodded nervously wondering why she was so happy at this hour of night.
“Wha-what happened?” You asked, your voice hoarse from not drinking for two days. The woman responded as she walked around the room “you tore a few things...I already paged someone to come and explain everything to you in the morning. But for now you should get back to sleep okay?” You nodded as she took your vitals quickly before placing an oxygen mask over your face. Before leaving she told you “when you wake up press the red button above your head, it’ll tell me you’re awake ok?” Nodding once again you tried your best to smile with the mask over your face.
Catching a glimpse of her name tag you made sure to engrave the name in your head:
Bae Joohyun
When you woke up the next day it was definitely early morning. The golden sun pooled through the windows, illuminating the room from a bland white, to a beautiful gold.
You pressed the nurse button above your head as Joohyun instructed you to the night before.
Almost immediately Joohyun came into your room, the same bright smile on her face. You asked “can I speak with the doctor?” She told you “he is with another patient but i’ve already paged him...but in the mean time you have a visitor. She’s actually come everyday since your arrival and stayed until I had to kick her out. Would you like to see her?”
Knowing it was either Ryujin or Heejin you nodded enthusiastically.
Just as you suspected it was Ryujin. Your girlfriend immediately came to your side. She stayed silent just happy that you had finally woken up after so long.
Soon a doctor came in, the anxiousness growing as you awaited to find out what happened while you were asleep.
“Miss L/N Y/N yes?” He asked looking at a clipboard in his hands. He continued “so Joohyun told me you asked about what happened hmm?” You nodded, your gaze alone pressing him to continue.
He flipped through some papers as he talked:
“When you fell at your game, you expierenced what we call a tear in your ACL as well as your MCL. Those were both third degree tear, which means a complete tear. You also dislocated your knee and fractured a few bones around your knee. We preformed a surgery to fix the torn ligaments, however the fractures will have to heal on their own. You will start physical therapy in two weeks. Until then you will need to be in a wheelchair, absolutely no weight is to be put on your leg, by any means okay?”
Nodding slowly you tried to show you understood despite the fact that you still hadn’t fully comprehended what he told you. He asked a few questions like how you were feeling and if you were in pain. To which you told him you were ok and your pain medication hadn’t worn off just yet. He nodded and left you and Ryujin alone.
The second the door closed you pulled the mask off your face and let all the tears you held in out. Ryujin pouted before scooting the chair she was in closer to your bed.
“Awww baby don’t cry it’ll be ok.” Your girlfriend cooed as she wipes away a few of your tears.
“No I won’t...You heard what he said Ryu. I completely tore my ACL and MCL. I’m never gonna play again....” Swatting her hand away you explained what you thought this meant for you.
Ryujin kissed your cheek softly, her thumb grazing your face. She carefully placed the mask back on and said “it’ll all work out baby ok? Just trust me.”
When you finally got released from the hospital you were so relieved. Although you were only there for 5 days, two of which you weren’t conscious for, it felt like an eternity.
Before leaving Joohyun and a few other nurses taught you how to do basic tasks alone. Like using the bathroom and taking a shower, as well as dressing yourself. Despite their help, you still needed assistance with the last one.
Luckily Ryujin was done with Itzy’s Not Shy comeback so she had a long break ahead, as the other two JYP girl groups were promoting for the next few months.
“Baby come on...you have physical therapy today.” Ryujin gently shook you awake, a smile on her face. You groaned softly just wanting to sleep longer but you knew she would find away to get you up. Your girlfriend helped you get dressed before making sure you ate breakfast and took your meds.
You’d been doing physical therapy for a little while now but today was the first time you were going to try and walk.
Ryujin would sense your nerves as she drove to the hospital. Her hand found your thigh, rubbing your skin reassuringly.
Without taking her eyes off the road she told you “Don’t be worried okay? Everything will be fine. And I’ll be with you the whole time.”
“Ok Y/N we can start whenever you’re ready. I want you to start with your good leg then take the next step with your other.” Your physical therapist Ashley stood behind you, holding you up by the waist. Her assistant stood in front of you, Ryujin at the end of the parallel bars.
You took a small step with your good leg before lifting your other leg. It felt like your bad leg weighed 200 pounds, as if you were trying to pull a heavy weight 100 yards. Taking the small step you felt yourself move slightly forward.
“Okay good, can you get another one?” She gently coaxed. You tried your best to take another step, the assistant in front of you ready to catch you if you fell.
By the end of the appointment you had taken five steps which was far more than you thought you could do. The only thing pressing you on was seeing Ryujin’s smile as she watched you proudly.
It had been three weeks since you took your first steps post surgery. You had improved fairly quickly, so much so Ashley had given you home workouts to do with Ryujin.
“Come on baby it’s fine take your time.” Ryujin told you as you firmly gripped onto her forearms for support. Taking slow steps across the floor you focused on maintaining your balance.
Right as you took your third step you felt yourself falling. Ryujin caught you almost instantly, not giving you time to even hit the ground.
Holding yourself up on her body, arms wrapped around her neck, you let out a few sobs. She scooped you up into her arms and carried you to your bed. Placing you down she climbed on next to you, allowing you to slip into her lap. You sobbed into her chest, tears running down your face and onto her shirt.
“Baby...it’s okay why are you crying? You did so well today.” Your girlfriend rubbed small circles on your back while running her other hand through your hair.
You let everything out in one breath “I feel so pathetic. I can’t do anything on my own anymore. It’s like I’m a child Ryu. It’s not that hard to take ten steps but I can’t fucking do it. This is so stupid...”
Ryujin pulled away her features softened, wiping a few more tears from your face.
“Baby don’t say that. That’s not true. You have come a long way these past few weeks and I won’t let you take that away from yourself. You couldn’t even stand up let alone walk not too long ago. Even Ashley says you’re improving faster than most. You completely tore a ligament on the front and inside of your knee. Plus a few broken bones. It’s not going to happen overnight my love. It’ll take time, you just need to be patient. There’s nothing you can’t do. So dry those beautiful eyes and we can try again hmm?”
You sighed realizing she was right, it wouldn’t happen overnight. “Ugh okay...fine.”
Ryujin smiled kissing you gently on the lips “that’s my girl.”
It had been 18 months since you last were on the soccer field. Ashley had cleared you at 11 months but you were still afraid of getting hurt again. You trained with your teammates since the 11th month marker, but you just hadn’t played.
Today was your first game in 18 months and you were beyond nervous. Pacing around the locker room you chewed your lip nervously.
“Y/N relax, you’ll be ok. The grass is completely dry, you’ve trained for this over the past 7 months. Everyone here is going to watch out for you, and Wonnie is going to be subbed in the second you give the signal okay?” Heejin held you by the shoulders as she talked to you.
Yves waved all of you all into a huddle, “Okay everyone, it’s Y/N’s first day back. I want you all to watch out for her. Yuna and Wonyoungie, don’t get distracted. Eyes on the game only ok? Lalisa and Heejin, keep each other in check. No slacking this game. And Wonnie stay warm for when you get subbed in okay?”
Before walking out Yves pulled you aside “I know you’ll do great, you always have since we were kids. But please don’t push yourself too hard. Wonyoung can be subbed in anytime. Just give the signal and i’ll make it happen. I’m proud of you Y/N, you’ve come a long way.” She hugged you before linking arms with you and walking out into the open stadium.
Ten minutes into the game and you felt good as ever. You wished you hadn’t been scared and played earlier because it felt so gold to be back out in front of everyone. Fans cheered your name even when you were just standing around.
You signaled for Wonyoung to be subbed in just so you could get a bit of a break. As you sat on the sidelines you searched the stadium the best you could. Even though you knew Ryujin had to work today, you hoped she was still in the crowd watching you.
For the second half you got subbed back in, taking Wonyoung’s place on the field. Eyes on the ball you ran around the pitch to find an open spot.
Yuna dribbled the ball halfways down the pitch before passing it off to Heejin. From there it was kicked to Lalisa who quickly passed to Aisha. The tall girl looked around frantically as she ran, panic settling on her face when she saw nobody from her team near her. The three defenders on her back weren’t helping her either. You called out “Aisha!” She kicked the ball to you, sighing of relief that she wasn’t going to lose the ball to the other team.
The crowd chanted your name as you made your way to the goal. Adrenaline coursing through your veins you ran faster than you ever had before. With all the force in your body, you kicked the ball towards the goal. The goalie missed catching it by at least a meter, as it whizzed past her and into the back of the net.
You realized you had scored the winning goal on your first game back. All of your teammates came to crowd around you. The fans in the stands roared, cheering your name and number. The announcer’s voice rang from above:
“L/N Y/N has scored the winning goal! Her first game since she suffered major knee injuries 18 months ago. She has shown us today that she is back and better than ever, congratulations to our star, 09!”
Smiling brightly as your teammates hugged you, showing you nothing but love, you thought it couldn’t get any better.
Heejin elbowed you lightly before pointing to the sidelines. Covering your eyes from the sun you squinted, breaking into a spring when you saw a familiar face.
Jumping onto her and wrapping your legs around her waist, you tucked your head into your girlfriend’s neck.
“I thought you were working today!” You hopped off of her, hugging her again. She held you tight before saying “I couldn’t miss my baby girl’s first day back.” You pulled her in for a kiss and asked “so...what’d you think from the audience perspective?”
Ryujin smiled, her eye dimples showing through “you looked amazing baby. I’m so proud of you. See I told you there’s nothing you can’t do.”
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Too Late for R & R Part 2
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Part 2
           I ran into the hospital as fast as I could, for a moment forgetting that Matt was there. Somewhere in my head, I was aware of him hobbling along behind me, but the only thing I could think of was my daughter. My baby girl disappearing in an ambulance without me. Images of her as a baby, a toddler learning to walk, her first day at school… everything rushed through my mind in an instant. My breath caught in my chest, and I felt as if I were going to break into sobs at any moment.
           “Jackson,” I shouted, half breathless as I slammed up against the receptionist desk. “Jackson. She was brought in by ambulance just a few minutes ago.”
           The woman looked up, a half smile on her face. As soon as she saw the panic on my face, her smile faltered. “I’m sorry, what was the name again?”
           “Jackson. Mattea Jackson. She came in through emergency.” Matt appeared at my side, huffing, his cheeks red with exertion. He moved his weight, using his good leg and crutch to bear it.
           A moment later, we had directions to the emergency department waiting room. Brandon pushed Matt in a wheelchair while Adam and Kenny ran ahead with me. My heart jostled in my chest, not quite sure where it was supposed to land. It was moving too fast and too slow at once. If it weren’t for Kenny and Adam’s hands on my arms, I probably would have passed out before I made it to the waiting room.
           “It’s okay, Y/N,” Kenny said softly, not even winded from practically carrying my weight with one hand. “We’re almost there. Just a few more steps.”
           We rounded the corner and all I could see was Nick.
           The moment we got to the hospital, Mattie was rushed away from me. I followed behind as far as I could, listening to doctors talk about compound fractures and surgery and steel pins and head trauma. Panic churned my gut. I was sure I would puke any moment. Nurses pushed me into a chair, handed me a clipboard with information to fill out, permissions to sign to take her to surgery. For one brief instant, I was back in the delivery room with Y/N the day Ty was born. I was seeing her life bleeding out in front of me, panicked at the thought of losing her.
           I couldn’t imagine going through the same with my daughter.
           A doctor came out, sat down next to me, and told me that my daughter had to go through emergency surgery. She needed rods and screws in her leg to repair the break. Her arm wasn’t as severe, and they didn’t expect much damage with her head, but they would do further tests after they’d fixed her leg.
           He’d barely gone through the doors to the treatment rooms before I looked up and saw Y/N, Kenny and Adam on either side of her. She drew a deep breath and sank against our friends. Her face went pale as she stumbled across the waiting room toward me. I was on my feet before my next heartbeat, clutching her in my arms as she nearly collapsed against my chest.
           My wife’s fingers bunched in my shirt as I buried my face against her neck, breathing in the familiar scent of her hair and her clothes. The smell that meant home. That meant peace. She sobbed quietly, clinging to me with every ounce of strength in her body.
           “Where is she?” Y/N asked after a few rattling breaths.
           I kissed her temple and her forehead, squeezing her tightly. “She’s in surgery for her leg. She wasn’t awake when we got here—shock the doctor said. They put her on morphine in the ambulance.”
           Nick and Y/N practically collapsed against one another the moment they saw each other. I was desperately grateful for my brother, for the man who loved Y/N as much as I did. They had a bond now—a new, different one—born from the shared knowledge that Nick was Mattie’s birth father. It didn’t bother me. She was still my daughter in every single way that mattered. It made Nick happy. It made Y/N happy. It made Mattie happy.
           Nothing was more important than that.
           “Hey.” I reached for my brother, grabbing him by the forearm and pulling his attention from our wife. “How are you?”
           Y/N slipped her arm around his waist as if she could hold him up. Nick looked at me, and it was clear that he had been crying. His blue eyes were bloodshot and swollen. The end of his nose was red. His normally happy and smiling face was slightly grey, the corners of his mouth turned down.
           “Petrified,” Nick said after a moment, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. A bark of a laugh slipped out of him. He shook out his hand and looked at his knuckles. “Who knows, I might have broken something myself.”
           I sighed, knowing he wouldn’t do anything about it even if he had. Not until he was completely sure that Mattie was safe and healthy again. I looked toward Brandon, Adam, and Kenny. “Do you guys mind grabbing us something from the vending machines?” I went to reach for my wallet, but Kenny waved me off.
           “We’ll do better than that,” he said, gesturing to the other two. “Brandon will stay here with you in case you need anything. Adam and I’ll go get you something to eat. Are the kids okay?”
           Nick leaned his cheek against our wife’s hair. “They’re with Mom and Dad. I haven’t called them yet. There’s been so much…”
           “It’s okay,” Y/N said softly. “I’ll call them as soon as we hear something.”
           Adam and Kenny slipped out of the waiting room, giving us small smiles over their shoulders. Brandon sank down into a chair a little distance away, as if he were giving us space alone. I was grateful for his presence. He had been a friend for longer than we could remember, and it meant the world to us that he was here.
           “Thanks, Brandon,” I murmured in his direction. “For everything.”
           He smiled. “You’re family. Mattie is, too.”
           It was after midnight when someone came out to take us upstairs. Kenny and Adam had brought us McDonalds, and the six of us spread out in the OR waiting area. One by one, they passed out as midnight turned into one and then two. Kenny slept sitting straight up in his chair, head back against the wall. Adam was slouched down and stretched out, his legs crossed at the ankles in front of him. Brandon had given up and splayed out flat on his back on the floor. Y/N had curled up in Matt’s lap, her head settled against his shoulder. He kept his arms around her, his thumb stroking her arm every so often. My brother was bleary eyed, but he refused to go to sleep.
           I wasn’t doing much better to tell the truth. I was desperate to know something of how Mattie was doing, but no news came from the operating room. Every now and then I would go to the nurse’s desk, ask about my daughter, then go back to sitting and waiting, my heart falling a little further down in my chest each time.
           “Mr. Jackson?” The voice came from the doorway. Both Matt and I looked up to see a doctor standing there, still in his blue surgical scrubs.
           My brother cleared his throat, drawing the doctor’s attention. We’d decided against changing Mattie’s birth certificate, and I’d been named as an emergency contact who could make medical decisions for all of our kids. But Mattie was an adult now, and we were lucky the doctors were going to tell us anything.
           “We’re Mattie’s family,” Matt said with a worried smile and a wild gesture around the room.
           The doctor crossed the room and sank down into a crouch in front of us. Matt gently shook Y/N awake, and her eyes went wide at the sight of the doctor.
           “What’s happened? Is everything okay?” Our wife’s words spilled out in a rush of worry and doubt. “How is she doing?”
           “She’s out of surgery. As far as we can tell, everything went exactly as it should have,” he replied calmly. “The compound fracture was clean, which was helpful in piecing things back together. We’ve had to place a series of metal plates and screws around the fracture to help hold everything in place while her bone heals.”
           “How long will that take?” Matt asked. He scratched at his beard and wrapped his free arm a little tighter around Y/N.
           “It was pretty bad break, even if it was clean. Given the location and severity, I’d say she needs eight to ten weeks with a cast and the hardware. We can reassess afterward, but I think the hardware will have to stay put.”
           “What about her leg?” I queried, hearing the ache for my baby girl in the gravel sound of my voice.
           The doctor straightened up, crossing his arms over his chest. “Good news is that there wasn’t a break of any kind. She dislocated her knee and ended up with a total tear of her ACL. We’ve repaired that as well, but that’s a longer healing time…”
           “Nine months,” Matt said frustratedly. “And PT after. Her career is over before it started.”
           “Bullshit,” Kenny said from the corner. My head snapped around to see him awake and listening. “She’s got too much Bullet Club in her to quit.”
           I couldn’t help but grin. Y/N and I looked at one another, half smiling in our relief that Mattie was okay. My wife pressed a kiss to Matt’s forehead and said, “Looks like you and Tea are on r-n-r together.”
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@mox-made-me-do-it​ @not-that-kinda-gurl08​ @lilred91​ @imagineall-the-fandoms​ @maelleoute​ @librathepheonix13​ @justamess44​
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sdfhsagk · 3 years
Scott Campbell
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After it was established Wittek could handle that duty, the oneil mellény Trojans let him take to the air against Notre Dame on Saturday night at Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. Natasha was suspicious but pure-hearted and straightforward. In the 28th century, Valerian and Laureline are a team of special operatives charged with maintaining order throughout the human territories. Several wore cloaks fastened by brooches in the shape of silver codfish. From Castle Black the way was more difficult, right through the heart of the haunted forest. But in the Red Waste, all her joy had turned to ashes. He began to have doubts, to feel nervous. He had not forgotten the courtesies he had learned on Dragonstone during his years of service.. Epaper, Digital Access, Subscriber Rewards), please input your Print Newspaper subscription phone number and postal code.. Cersei gave them all the words that she had in her, gave them everything but tears. Mr. "More than 127.. 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But this man is telling you in no uncertain terms that he is not husband material. Those Christians who are heads of mechanical establishments can do much for the cause by receiving colored apprentices. Why, you’re their treasure, all that is left them in their old age. Many negro houses are small, low to the ground, blackened with smoke, often with dirt floors, and the furniture of the plainest kind. (WUSA) Prince George's County Executive Jack Johnson and his wife Leslie face up to 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine, according to a federal indictment.Jack and Leslie Johnson face tampering with witness charges; and destruction, falsification bokacsizma bakancs and altering of documents charges."Tear up the check," the document stated, referring to Jack Johnson's demands to his wife, while federal agents were at the door of their Mitchellville, Md. "A premiere black tie evening joining Surrey's business leaders in an effort to raise much needed funds to support thoracic surgery in Canada's leading hospital." Emcee is Free Lee, "Man About Town," with a culinary experience by Hawksworth Restaurant and cocktails by BC's top mixologists.Black History Month celebration at Surrey Museum on Saturday, Feb. They have a half day’s start before he sets out after them with hounds and horns. Under Armour, which has wooed consumers with sweat wicking T shirts and other innovations, is banking on a new fabric that conforms to the foot like a second skin to help the company break into the crowded athletic shoe market. She never mentioned the best time to steal a giant. Again: in the fall of 1836 I went South, for my health, stopped at a village in Mississippi, and obtained employment in the largest house in the county, as a book-keeper, with a firm from Louisville, Ky. Some may start to wail at our approach, but they are not like to molest us. He said the tow truck driver is now wearing his shoes. Roose Bolton lies about his part in the Red Wedding, and his bastard lies about the fall of Winterfell. I’d not want to take her beyond the sight of land. And when, after the descent of the Holy Ghost, all these immortal words of Christ, which had lain buried like dead seed in the heart, were quickened and sprang up in celestial verdure, then these twelve became, each one in his place, another Jesus, filled with the spirit of him who had gone heavenward. “My mother begged in the street too, and when she was dying she said to me, ‘Better be poor and beg in the street than . I never in my life met such a repulsive dog. The three triarchs are chosen from amongst those noble families who can prove unbroken descent from old Valyria, to serve until the first day zattini promoção de botas of the new year. The taste of hot blood filled Jon’s mouth, and he knew that Ghost had killed that night. And everyone dolce gabanna adidași bărbații hates Stannis. All its grants must be approved by a board of directors made up of two top research executives from each of the four tobacco companies.. Some of you have faced them before. “My bones were aching last air jordan aj4 night. We had sex every other day of the week, but on Sunday we woke up, fucked, got some lunch, fucked, got some dinner, fucked, and fucked some more until we passed out. Who better than a rival from a distant land who has no friends at this court? Who better than a suitor the queen spurned?”. At one point, there were comparisons to some of the great U M defenses, especially after the Wolverines shut out three consecutive opponents earlier this season. Cersei never saw where Qyburn came from, but suddenly he was there beside them, scrambling to keep up with her champion’s long strides. Their mockery oft came disguised as praise, and sometimes Victarion had not even realized he was being mocked. Up here, a hundred feet high, a little wind was blowing, stirring the snow. Does anybody go to a HS or college lacrosse game and not see at least one player wearing a brace on his knee from a surgery for ACL reconstruction ? I have seen this injury happen a number of times in person and on tape and they have all happened on field turf and the majority have been innocent looking plays, meaning not involving contact.
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jaenicolevalley · 5 years
I'm sitting here on my bed, wishing that there was someone in the world who cares about me. Someone who could sit on this same bed with me and make me laugh, distract me from this sadness that I find myself in. There's this black hole inside me, eating away at my soul, and all I can do is standby and watch as everything is ripped from me. 
From a young age, I learned to be able to play, to entertain myself without anyone else. I never had many friends when I was growing up. I always played by myself when it was recess. I mean, sure, I had friends, but there were maybe only two or three of these friends, and I wasn’t very close to them. 
Just before my middle school years, I moved. I had left behind three of my closest friends and gone to a place where I didn’t know anyone. There at that school, for most of my middle school years, I was known as the freak. At the time, I didn’t think it was bullying, but now that I look back on it, I know it for what it truly was. No one wanted to be my friend, they all made fun of me. It wasn’t until maybe eighth grade that they kind of stopped. 
Throughout high school, I changed, and so did the kids around me. I was nice to everyone, I wasn’t thought of as the freak anymore, just maybe a bit weird. I had one good friend, to which I can say that we’ve remained in contact with each other to this day. 
I thought high school wasn’t that bad. I thought I had a fun time, an easy time. When I got to college, I was right. 
It’s my second year of being at college, and I have maybe two friends I talk to, but still, I’m not very close to them. 
A psychologist might say it’s because I’m afraid to get close because I’m afraid of getting hurt. I would say that is absolutely right. 
Growing up, my parents fought a lot. Sometimes it wasn’t too bad, just a bit of yelling. But as I got older, the fights got worse. There’s one time, when I was maybe five or six, just barely on the cusp of remembering things, where I remember my father threw a mattress on top of my mother. Another time, dishes were thrown. 
I don’t remember a time when my parents didn’t fight. It just became a regular part of my life. Usually, I would drown them out with headphones and loud music. But there were also times that I had to step in, to keep them from hurting one another. 
In January of 2017, just months before I would try to commit suicide, my father violently pushed my mother down, tearing her ACL. My dad got a year of domestic abuse classes that never did seem to do him any good. 
I’m not trying to make it seem like my dad is a monster, but I’m not defending him either. My dad’s been a pretty shitty dad. However, I know now, that my father has mental health issues. He has bipolar disorder and depression. I’m not saying that that excuses him, but because he doesn’t get the right help for his mental health, he’s horrible. 
I think that my dad tries to be a good man, but sometimes, the world gets to be too much. 
I am lonely right now. I just want someone to talk to, who will listen and not judge me. I am terrified because Thanksgiving break is coming up, and I will have to go home, and I will have to listen to my parents either be nice to each other or argue. Because my parents fought and yelled a lot, yelling people is a trigger for me. Even just the slightest change in tone can be triggering for me. 
I just want to be normal, to be happy and healthy and not have to be like this, depressed and sad and lonely. I want friends and I want friends to do things with and hang out with and have fun with. Because I don’t have to be alone to be lonely. I could be surrounded by my classmates and still be lonely. 
My poor heart yearns for friends. For people to care about me. My chest aches with the knowledge that I have no one to talk to right now. 
If anyone wants to talk, hit me up, cause I feel as if I am drowning in loneliness.
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serenityandstardust · 5 years
100 Things
June 13, 2012
I had reconstructive surgery on my knee due to an 100% tear to my ACL.
I don’t know how to ice skate.
I’ve never been skiing — water or ice.
I’ve never been on a cruise.
I have a son, age 6.
My career is in education.
My cat’s name is Arwin — a LOTR character.
I live 5 miles from the ocean.
I lost 80 pounds in the past year.
I’m tired of superhero movies.
I like my steak medium rare.
I love Disney World. I could ride Space Mountain over and over and over.
I collect shot glasses from around the globe — places I’ve been or places my friends have been.
I have a tendency to wear a song out; I play it over and over again.  My 6 year old criticizes me for it.
I love college sports.
I get silly when I get sleepy.
I play with my food when I am full.
I hate professional sports — no heart…they are in it for the money.
I played softball for 8 years; was a prospective catcher for a local university until I tore my knee to shreds.
I played volleyball for 2 years; I had a killer overhand serve.  Aces on that back line.
My first kiss was at my sweet 16 birthday party.  We were a little pressured.  I can’t even remember his name.
On a dare, I drove a car a 100+ mph on a two lane highway with the headlights out on a back country road for five minutes.  
I used to be afraid of guns until I shot a AR-15.
I am a sorority girl.
I prefer a calla lily to a rose.
I have 5 holes in my ears.
I have a dragonfly tattoo on my foot.  The tail wraps up around my ankle bone.
I teach high school kids. They are a blast.  I tried my hand at primary and elementary, and did not enjoy it as much.
I used to sell insurance.  
My favorite color is purple.
I like things that sparkle in sunlight.
I have cooked an entire Thanksgiving dinner successfully without help. For 32, I’d say that isn’t bad.
I’ve lived in a foreign country (Spain, actually) for two years.
I took 5 years of Spanish, including conversational Spanish, and I barely know how to count to a hundred. I can comprehend it though…oddly enough; I can read it and understand it when spoken to me.  
My brother is a “recovering” drug addict. I was caught up in his drama for a long, long time.
I have two nieces and a nephew.
I am the oldest grandchild of 8 on my father’s side.
Don’t let my shyness fool you.  I have a naughty side.
I still sometimes use my fingers to count. This is BAD.
I can’t live in a land-locked state. Once I leave the coast, I start to feel claustrophobic.
I have a natural ability in art. It is nothing I pursued in life, but I dabble with it on the side.
I make homemade silver jewelry. Again, nothing I pursue in life, but I have made a few bucks on some of my crafts.
I wanted a second child, but that time has passed for me. I am happy with my son—he is my world.
I hate spiders. And snakes. Or anything that buzzes around my ear. Just thinking of these these things makes me shiver, literally.
I have been with my husband for 15 years and married for 9.  And I want a divorce.
I absolutely hate mopeds on major highways. The speed limit is 55 or 65. If you can’t hit the speed limit, keep the fucking two wheeled piece of shit off the road.
I love strawberries. Anything strawberry.
I only chew spearmint gum.
I only wear silver or black jewelry.
I wear contacts. And glasses at night. But 99.9% of the time…contacts.
One of my endearing phrases is “You’re a mess.” If I say it to you, it means I like you.
I love the beach, the salt water, the sand, the smell, the sounds.  It’s home.
I am extremely shy until you get to know me, then…you’ll have a hard time shutting me up.
I am very ticklish. Very very ticklish.
I love to learn. For me, it is never ending.
I have nine lives. I’ve almost drowned, I’ve been in a near death car accident, I’ve attempted suicide (a couple of times), I’ve had incurable bone cancer that miraculously healed without medical help.
I love spending time with my son.  I love getting on the floor, down on his level and playing with him, coloring with him, and pretending that I’m six again.
I have premonitions. I have dreams that come true. Some good, some bad, some sad, but they always come true.
I love to listen to music, especially in the car…but when I’m at home, alone…I enjoy the quiet.  I like to hear myself think.
I do not believe in God, but I believe in something. I choose not to give it a name.  I am very spiritual—a free spirit…so to speak.
I’ve been told by many that I have an old soul.
Many debate the color of my hair. Some say brown. Some say auburn.  I suppose it depends if you are looking at me under direct sunlight.
I want to travel. I want to backpack around the country and around the world. I want to take very little with me…just a camera and a journal.
I do NOT have a green thumb. Check my porch for proof.  I mean, I tried. I really did.
I kill with kindness.
I am persistent. Good lord, I’m persistent. Someone once told me that I never stop until I get my way.  I’m thinking this was his way of saying I’m selfish.
I am insecure. I get jealous easily, I have low self-esteem, I doubt myself and others.
I like to sing. I suck horribly at it, but I won’t sing around you.
If the world is going to end, I’ll be standing outside hitching a ride with my towel in hand.
I wish I had my own Narnia closet. What I wouldn’t give to live a thousand lifetimes and come back to be me again and again.
I am a crier. If you are close to me, really close…and I come over…be sure to have a box of tissues.  I cry sad tears, mad tears, happy tears.
I am not skinny or thin.  Though I despise the words fat and obese, I don’t feel that I am neither fat nor obese.  I am me, curves and all.  Women like me were once adored…a long time ago.
I have been known to make the first move, but would prefer the guy to. I still fear rejection.
I love body sprays, but hate perfumes.  I like a light lingering fragrance that I can spritz on anytime…nothing overpowering or choking.
I like spicy food. The older I get, the spicier it has to be.
I hate the way I look. HATE.
I have been published.
I have sold artwork.
I am never sitting down anywhere in my house without a throw blanket wrapped around me. My hands are cold all the time too.
I hate the smell of ketchup.  Just thinking about it makes me cringe.
My go to mixed drinks of choice sre an ameretto sours or a lemon drops.
I’ve never broken a bone in my body. Torn muscles and ligaments, yes…but no bones.
I love to dance, funny as shy as I am, but a little liquid courage helps.
Beatles or Elvis? If I had to pick…Elvis.
I carry a purse with me…in my car, but to fucking tote it in the mall or a restaurant? No.
My hair is naturally wavy.  You wouldn’t know it looking at pictures.
I’m short. 5’2 or 5’3 depending on the time of day you measure me. But hel, when I played volleyball, I was all palms above the net.
I love to read/watch anything science fiction (except the old Star Trek stuff - blame my uncle).
I love read/watch anything horror (blame my dad).
I smoke, probably way too much.
My erotic name … Chloe. (shhh) *she was my first kitten*
I am a ball of nerves.
I have tiny hands, or so I’ve been told.
I hate to see a man hide his butt.  Forget baggy, show me your ass, dammit!  On the other hand, I fall swiftly for the 90s alternative/grunge type. My men. My god…how they drive me crazy.
As much as I share online, there is a lot that I don’t share. The really personal stuff?  I save that for special people.
I love with all of my heart, all of my soul.  I give everything I have.
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Tiger Woods & Stem Cell Therapy
What ties Tiger Woods and regenerative medicine together? Tiger suffered many injuries on the long journey from his debut victory that shocked the world at the 1997 Masters to the 2019 Masters victory he just secured. When Woods needed to recover quickly during a string of multiple Achilles tears, he turned to regenerative medicine and platelet rich plasma (PRP) for answers.
The long road to the 2019 Masters
Since 1997, Tiger has been surprising the world. The first major shock came at the 61st Masters Tournament in 1997, almost 22 years ago to the day. Brash and untested, 21-year old Tiger woods became not only the youngest but also the first non-white competitor to ever win at Augusta.
While the rest of the world was still picking their jaws up from the floor, Woods was busy claiming new records left and right. As he repeatedly defeated the greatest records set by golf legend Jack Nicklaus and other legendary pros, he refined and improved his style. To the world, it seemed like Tiger had his eyes set on becoming the best golf player that ever lived.
Not long after, Woods became the top ranked golfer in the world for most of the stretch between August 1999 and October 2010. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end.
Tiger Woods and regenerative medicine: Tiger gets PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)
In addition to a very public scandal, Woods experienced some serious injuries that kept him from playing his sport. His injuries became so frequent and severe that he couldn’t play golf for an extended period of time. Thankfully, there were other options for him to turn to when nothing else could work fast enough.
Take 2008, which was a big year for Tiger Woods. In addition to winning the U.S. Open and many awards, he experienced some major setbacks. First, he blew out his ACL, and then he injured his Achilles tendon.
“I did everything I possibly could to help heal faster.”
His injuries kept him down for a while, and he turned to special doctors to help. At the time, he wanted to heal properly and get back on the green as soon as possible. Traditional methods were not enough on their own.
At the time, regenerative medicine was the new kid on the block. However, Woods heard of the incredible potential it offers and sought out a doctor who could perform platelet rich plasma (PRP) injections. The injections seemed to help, so when he re-tore his injuries, he came back for more.
Tiger Woods and his regenerative medicine doctor used PRP multiple times throughout the next year in an attempt to accelerate his healing. During his press conference at the 2010 Masters, Woods revealed his PRP treatments. “I did everything I possibly could to heal faster so I could get back on the golf course,” he said, “through the PRP injections.”
It turns out great minds think alike, because golf legend Jack Nicklaus also turned to regenerative medicine to help himself heal.
After receiving stem cell therapy treatments, Nicklaus revealed that, “the pain he used to feel while actively playing golf had subsided after a few months.” When asked how long he intended to keep playing, he said “As long as my stem cells allow me… Golf is a game of a lifetime, I hope to play for my lifetime”.
When it comes to Tiger Woods and regenerative medicine, his recovery allowed him to continue winning championships and playing the game for many years to come.
A golf legend: from “I’m done,” to “I won!”
It all started at the 2017 Champion’s Dinner, when Tiger allegedly whispered to another Masters champion, “I’m done. I won’t play golf again.”
For those who don’t keep up with golf, this may seem surprising to hear from a once legendary name in the sport. But flash back to 2016 when Tiger was a captain at the Ryder Cup, and you may begin to understand. He was in such pain that year he was having trouble just getting in and out of the golf cart.
By the time the 2017 Champion’s Dinner came around, Tiger had come hoping to compete. His crippling back pain, however, limited his mobility too much. The pain was incredible, and it traveled down his legs, making it hard for him to walk, sit, or stand.
In an appearance on the Dan Patrick Show, six time major champion Sir Nick Faldo revealed that Tiger further whispered to another master, “I’m done. I’m done, my back is done.”
Flash forward to April 10th, just days before his climactic victory at the 2019 Masters. A lot has changed for Tiger Woods since he uttered the words, “I’m done,” and the legendary golfer is at the Golf Writer’s Association of America (GWAA) Awards show. He has come to accept the Hogan Award for “continuing to be active in golf despite a physical handicap or serious illness.”
However, Tiger has been much more than just “active” lately. After contending in two majors Tiger continued on to win the PGA Tour Championship in September 2018. This success marks his first PGA Tour victory since 2013.
“I was done.”
Perhaps it is because of his incredible tenacity that Tiger Woods has been honored as the GWAA player of the year ten times in his life. In fact, he just received his third type of award from the GWAA this year.
That leads us to the fateful moment that he approaches the stage to accept the Hogan award, and his speech starts off with a joke to break the ice. Everyone laughs, but suddenly, Tiger Woods surprises everyone as his voice grows solemn.
“I was done. In order to actually come to the Champion’s Dinner I had to get a nerve block just to be able to walk and come to the dinner.” He then goes on to say, “Golf was not in my near future or even in the distant future. Uh, I knew I was going to be part of the game, but playing the game again, even, was… I couldn’t even do that with my son Charlie. I couldn’t even putt in the backyard.”
The room is silent as Tiger pours heartfelt words into the audience, expressing his gratitude at the opportunity to be there. He thanks the writers, the other players, and reveals a very different Tiger Woods from the many we knew before. Humbled by life or by choice, a better man expressed elation that he’d even be able to compete.
Four days later, he shocked the world again when he won the 2019 Masters.
What comes next for Tiger Woods and regenerative medicine?
Only time will tell, but at just the right intersection of dedication, tenacity, and great doctors, you’ll find Tiger Woods. It’s been a long, arduous road for him, and he’s soldiered on through injury and infamy to reach this moment. But now, even if he experience more injuries, he knows he’ll have options for treatment.
Like fine wine, some things get better with age. In the case of Tiger Woods, that took a lot of patience and even more practice, but as they say: practice makes perfect. Doctors have had more than another decade to practice the craft of regenerative medicine, and treatments are more advanced and better understood than ever before.
If you are injured, it might do you well to speak to a smart regenerative medicine doctor and find out your options. Depending on your issue, PRP or stem cell therapy could potentially accelerate your own body’s healing and get you back in the game faster.
Get in touch with us and you’ll enjoy a free consultation and expert advice throughout your journey as our patient. We’ll be your partner for any questions about regenerative medicine including PRP, stem cells, or stem cell therapy. 
Call (702) 547-6565
[email protected] For more information about the regenerative medicine procedures at our clinic, please check our FAQ here. We can’t wait to hear from you!
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tisfan · 6 years
Professional Interest
for @fangirlunderground / @fangirlangela who was my second place bidder for @fandomtrumpshate 
A/n -- All medical errors are my own. 
“Oi, Barnes!” Rumlow slapped his hand several times against the doorframe to Bucky’s office. Well, office was stretching it. Glorified closet, really. They’d somehow managed to squeeze a cubical into the space rather than putting up shelves or getting him a real desk. There were three chairs, his own and two for patients, doctors, or consultants.
Bucky held up one finger, then tapped a few more sentences out in his file. He hated losing his train of thought. Rumlow fidgeted impatiently. Waiting wasn’t his strong suit at all, and Bucky was tempted to keep procrastinating over the file, except that meant Rumlow would just stay there longer, and no one really wanted that. Bucky wasn’t even sure Rumlow enjoyed his own company. The man seemed always to be in someone else’s face, so it wasn’t entirely unlikely.
Bucky checked his notes, added one more thing to the file and saved it. “Yes?” He pushed back from his desk as far as the small office would allow so that he could see Rumlow without having to strain his neck.
“Got a case for ya,” Rumlow said. He tossed the manilla folder down onto Bucky’s desk. Neatly labeled with the various color-coded stickers identifying general patient information. The patient’s name, Stark, Anthony, leapt out at him.
“I thought you had the Stark case,” Bucky said, mildly. Big name case, that one. Rumlow was one of the practice’s best physical therapists, or so the rumor went. He’d worked with a number of big name football and baseball players over the years, getting accolades for bringing a star running back up to being able to play in the Superbowl, after an ACL tear had taken the guy out. He’d played the game; the team had even won. The fact that the guy would never play again, and could barely walk without pain, that was left out of the various glowing reports.
“Eh, he’s a whiner-baby,” Rumlow said. “Doesn’t like my methods.”
“You know I’m always happy to take on your problem children,” Bucky said. Over the last six months, Bucky had taken on more and more cases, but he’d recently finished off with the Storm case, and the Parker kid’s insurance had run out. Bucky was still keeping in touch with that kid by email and working him through some at-home exercises.
“He’s hardly a child,” Rumlow snorted. “Rich, spoiled bastard, but not a kid. Good luck getting him t’ do anything, and then, watch, he’ll complain and snivel when your results suck. And they will. He ain’t done a lick of work in his whole life.”
“I’m sure Mr. Stark and I can come to some sort of therapy program,” Bucky said. He flipped idly through the file. Yikes. He could see why Rumlow didn’t want this particular case.
On site therapy, partial paralysis, overall degenerative muscle damage. What the hell had happened to this guy? Bucky started digging through the case file. Doctor’s reports, surgeons files… by all reports, Stark had been driving while intoxicated, veered off the road, turned his car over several times, and, while badly injured, had remained stuck in the vehicle, unnoticed, for almost thirty-six hours.
Rumlow coughed, drawing Bucky’s attention. “What, are you still here?”
“Ha ha,” Rumlow snapped. “Me an’ Jack an’ the rest of the guys are gonna hit up Rusty Nail later tonight, want to join us for some beers?”
Bucky hesitated. Rumlow had asked him out a few times already, and Bucky had always politely turned him down, but if it was a group thing… he didn’t want to seem too anti-social. His mentor had gone out of her way to point out that maintaining good relationships with his fellows was very important. “Yeah, okay,” Bucky said. “I can’t stay out too late, though.” He turned, pointedly, back to the file and practically held his breath until Rumlow stopped darkening his doorway.
Bucky finished reading through the whole file; apparently Stark had been comatose for ninety-one days, and most of his physical therapy was for muscle degeneration, not atypical for someone bedridden for three months, and to regain stamina. And, additionally, to learn to deal with his pacemaker.
Bucky blew out a breath. Rumlow was a ruthless therapist. This guy had his world turned upside down and was probably learning everything all over again. Yeah, he could see where Rumlow’s tough love (which was more tough and less love than really, anyone should have to put up with, especially if Stark was footing the bills.) wasn’t appreciated.
Bucky tapped his fingers against his lip a moment, then picked up his phone and dialed the patient contact number.
“Stark Residence,” a crisp, professional voice said, “this is Mr. Jarvis speaking, how may I assist you?”
“This is Dr. Barnes, with Lenox Hill Physical Therapy. I was wondering if Mr. Stark might have an hour or so in the next few days to discuss his treatment options?” Bucky still felt a little weird introducing himself as Doctor. Technically, the DPT he had, while not a traditional medical degree, did earn him the title, but he’d been right in the middle of some pretty vicious arguments with his relatives. Being one of several doctors in his family, including a neurosurgeon, and a plastic surgeon, Bucky had been called the gym teacher of doctors by his sister’s husband. It grated on him and had made holiday dinners a little less than fun.
“Allow me to confer with Miss Potts,” Mr. Jarvis said. “Should I return your call, or will you hold?”
“Let me give you my number,” Bucky suggested, and then did so, when Mr. Jarvis indicated he had a pen in hand.
“Miss Potts maintains Mr. Starks schedule,” Mr. Jarvis explained. “What would be the content of the discussion?”
“I understand Mr. Stark wants to do his physical therapy in his home,” Bucky said. “Which is fine, great, he’s payin’ the premium. But I’d like him to come down here, to get a baseline to work from and to set up his Perceived Exertion levels. Also, I’ll need a list of what equipment and the maintenance schedules, available at his in-house gym.”
“I can fax you that information, Doctor Barnes,” Jarvis said. “And I shall return your call as soon as may be, on Mr. Stark’s schedule. If you would be so kind, sir, there are some Non-disclosure agreements and a security check for everyone wishing entrance into Mr. Stark’s home who is not an invited social guest.”
Bucky’s eyebrow went up. “Sure, fax it over,” he said, and gave out that number, too.
(more under the cut)
“What do they do, hire you guys out of some sort of eugenics program?” Tony knew he was being testy, he was already exhausted and all he’d done was sit in the limo while Happy drove them down to Lenox Hill, and then struggled into the wheelchair. He was still sitting in the damn thing, and while it was the full package deal, because he was Tony Stark and he could afford a chair that cost more than most people’s cars, he still hated it.
Dr. Barnes raised an eyebrow at the remark. “I beg your pardon?”
“You’re both stupidly good looking. You, and that other guy--”
“Dr. Rumlow,” Barnes said, ignoring the compliment, which was probably good, because it wasn’t entirely one. Tony wondered if the man could hear the rest of the question: how can you have a medical degree if you’re so hot? “He recommended to me that you might benefit from a different medical philosophy--”
“Nope,” Tony interrupted. “Let’s not play that game. Rumlow didn’t hand over my case because he thought he wasn’t capable. That would be stupid. I fired him.”
“Quite frankly, Mr. Stark,” Barnes said, “it’s of no interest to me how you came to be in my care. His methodology wasn’t working for you.”
“The guy’s like a gym teacher, yelling at the kid who’s got asthma about how he can’t run fast,” Tony said. “It’s a terrible way to treat children, and, quite frankly, it was insulting and demeaning.”
Dr. Barnes hummed thoughtfully at that, tapping the eraser end of his pencil on Tony’s file. “Not to speak ill of my colleague, but Brock, er, Dr. Rumlow, treats patients in much the same way that he treats people he wants to date.” He glanced at Tony through eyelashes that were ridiculously long. The man had the bluest eyes, too. “He negs.” Barnes added that, as if it needed to be explained. “The idea is that, by being insulting, he pushes a patient to do better, to prove themselves. More stick than carrot.”
“Does that actually work on anyone?” Tony demanded. He wanted to wave one hand around to emphasize his point, but he already knew that was exhausting. The whole thing was exhausting. Breathing was exhausting. Existing was exhausting. Adding in dealing with being screamed at like a private in the Marine corps -- which had the added effect of giving him panic attacks, since Howard had been the same way -- and he just hadn’t been able to cope with the physical therapy.
Going home from an appointment and sobbing himself sick, hearing Howard’s voice thundering in his ears, calling him worthless, pathetic, barely human… it wasn’t aiding his recovery at all, and his one attempt to discuss the matter like adults with Dr. Rumlow had gone. Poorly.
Barnes let out an involuntary chuckle, and that was wholly unfair, because he really was insanely attractive and smiling just made it worse, so much worse, and if this had been six months ago, Tony would be bending all his power, money, and charm into convincing Barnes to go home with him.
You are trying to convince him to go home with you, the little asshole part of his brain that never shut up pointed out.
“Well, I’m not dating him,” Barnes replied and Tony had to yank himself back to the conversation, because he’d sort of lost track of what they were talking about. “Despite repeated attempts on his part.”
“Imagine my relief,” Tony said.
“All that aside,” Barnes said, “let’s talk more about what you expect from physical therapy, and how I can best help you meet those goals.”
Tony hesitated, swallowed. If the man hadn’t had such kind eyes, an icy blue that should have been chilly, but weren’t, he might not have been able to admit it. He held out his hands, which trembled. “I can’t work,” he said. “Everything else, the not being able to walk, the exhaustion, the pain. All of that, I can take that. But I can’t hold a soldering iron like this. I… I can’t work, and when I can’t work, all I can do is think. And thinking. That kind of thinking? That’s very bad for me. Quite frankly, I’d rather be dead.”
And that was the goddamn truth. Tony would rather have just not woken up at all; and he knew it was going to be a long climb back, and he’d probably never make it, and everyone kept telling him how damn lucky he was, and it’s not like he had to work, he was Tony goddamn Stark, one of the richest men in the world, and why was he complaining?
Tony had started an enormous grant foundation with the goal of paying off people’s hospital bills when they couldn’t work from an accident just to shut that voice up in his head.
It didn’t work, but at least there were a lot of people out there who’d had that particular burden lifted off them. Not so much a win-win, but a win-status quo.
“All right, we can certainly work on that,” Barnes said. “I’m going to make a few suggestions, and then we’ll set up a meeting in your home, so we can get started. First, if you haven’t already been seeking therapy, please do so. Suicide ideation is dangerous, and can stand in the way of whole body healing. There’s a limit to what I can do for you, medically and physically, if you’re suffering from depression and hopelessness.”
Tony opened his mouth to protest, but Barnes just held up one finger, and Tony waved, letting the doctor continue.
“Secondly, I’m going to ask you to track your caffeine intake. I don’t like to limit anyone’s liquid sleep, but over three hundred milligrams a day can lead to the shakes, and right now, I’d like to make sure that your tremors don’t have a different, underlying cause.”
Barnes reached in his desk drawer and pulled out a yellow squishy ball. “Third, this is a stress ball, I’m sure you’ve seen them. I’ll email you a set of exercises I want you to do, twice a day, separated by at least six hours, every day. Okay? Oh, and Mr. Stark?” He rolled the ball slowly across the table and Tony caught it without thinking about it.
Tony looked at the ball in his hand, then up at his physical therapist. “Yeah?”
“This is a team effort now. We’re a team. You have to pull your fair share of the load. I can help you,” Barnes said. “But you have to do your therapy. According to my directions. This won’t happen in a vacuum. I can’t -- much as I’d like to -- give you a pill and make it go away. It will be hard, it will probably be painful. Humiliating. Frustrating. I won’t baby you through it, but I won’t mock you, either. I believe you can make a very good recovery, if you’re willing to work with me.”
Tony rolled the ball in his hand, absently. On one side, in brilliant red letters, spelled out what he needed, right then. Hope.
“Yeah, we can work together, Dr. Barnes,” he said.
Bucky tried really hard not to gape at the house.
He knew Stark was one of the richest men in the world, but he’d been dealing with rich men since he started working at Lenox Hill. Actors and singers and sports stars, wealthy lawyers and politicians. Lenox Hill had that reputation, and Bucky didn’t let wealth overwhelm him.
Most of the time.
Stark Mansion was huge. The building took up pretty much the entire block and it had its own little yard around it, as well as a garden in the back. There was an actual, honest-to-God driveway and a multi car garage. When Bucky’s uber driver pulled up to the curb, the look he got was incredulous. You’re really going here, man? that look said.
Bucky had to stop and wonder that Rumlow’d actually given up this case so graciously. He’d been around, once, earlier in the week, to ask how the initial conversation had gone. Bucky, who’d managed to get out of two more group “dates” with the man, had cited patient confidentiality, and had said “It went as well as could be expected, really.”
He grabbed his kit from the backseat of the Uber and climbed out. He stood there on the sidewalk for a few minutes, looking up.
Finally, he approached the gate. There was a small booth there, with a press-panel button. No guard, but Bucky could see at least two motion capture cameras. He pressed the button. If the button triggered a bell or something, Bucky was way too far away from the door to hear it. He glanced up at the camera in the corner of the booth.
“Good afternoon,” a crisp, English accented voice said, the same one from the phone call, Bucky thought. “May I provide some assistance?”
“Mr. Jarvis?” Bucky said. “This is Dr. Barnes, I’m here for Mr. Stark’s therapy appointment.”
“Oh, how remiss of me, Doctor,” Jarvis said. “Do step to the gate. In the future, Mr. Stark will send a car for you.”
“No need,” Bucky said. “I c’n--”
But he was talking to nothingness, as the gate was already sliding open. Bucky scurried over and through, and the gate swung the opposite direction as soon as he was inside the compound. The smell of hyacinth blossoms filled the air. There wasn’t much of a lawn, but what there was was exceptionally well landscaped, dotted with flowers and tasteful statuary. A small fountain adorned one side of the lawn, with a koi pond.
Bucky approached the door and Jarvis, he assumed, opened it for him. The butler was crisp and neat, with thinning white hair and a pair of spectacles folded neatly in his vest pocket. He took these out and peered at Bucky. “Dr. Barnes.”
“It’s a pleasure,” Bucky said.
“Indeed, sir,” Jarvis said. “Mr. Stark is on a conference call, he should be free shortly. In the meanwhile, allow me to take you to the gym, where you will be conducting Mr. Stark’s therapy session.”
Bucky allowed himself a quick smile. “Sure.”
The inside of the mansion was nothing like the outside. Stark had a more modern aesthetic than the building might have suggested. The outside was more a mix of neo-renaissance and an American Queen Anne style, the sort of thing that rich businessmen built during the roaring 20s to scream look at me. Inside was modern, clean lines and a lot of white and steel construction. Somehow, it reminded Bucky of an automobile showroom floor although he couldn’t have put his finger on exactly why.
The indoor gym was huge, almost the size of the one at Lenox Hill where they usually had six to ten patients on it at a time. Stationary bike, elliptical, a weight set, rowing machine, a glassed off room with a padded floor that Bucky assumed was for yoga, a sauna room, another glassed off room held a small swimming pool for laps.
“If this is inadequate to Mr. Stark’s needs, let me know what equipment you should like purchased,” Jarvis said.
Bucky blinked. “No, no, I think this’ll be fine. I got bands and a few other things in my bag.”
“Well, you shouldn’t have to carry those around,” Jarvis said. “If you will provide a list--”
“Ah, there you are,” Stark said. He was still in the wheelchair, the engine buzzing like a sewing machine.
“Mr. Stark,” Bucky said. He resisted the urge to give a little bow; Stark’s house was like some medieval kingdom, or something.
“Just Tony’s fine,” Stark said, waving a hand. “All the formality exhausts me. You can call me Tony, and I’ll call you, James is it? Jim? Jimmy? Jamie?”
“Bucky, actually,” Bucky said.
“Bucky?” Tony’s eyebrow went up. “Did your mother hate you or something? Who names a child Bucky? That seems unusually cruel, like naming someone Richard and then calling them Dickie.”
Bucky shook his head. “No, really, it’s what I prefer. My dad’s name is also James, and I’m sick of it. My best childhood friend used to call me Bucky, and I just got used to it, I guess. If you don’t want to use that, Barnes is fine.” He really, really hated being called James, but he understood that other adults, often with too high an opinion of their own dignity, had trouble with what might be considered an awkward nickname. He didn’t tend to be friends with people who couldn’t bring themselves to call him Bucky, so it was good at sorting them out early.
“Bucky it is, then,” Tony said.
“All right, Tony,” Bucky returned. “Let’s get started. I want to test your grip strength, so--” he offered Tony his hand. “Squeeze my fingers, hard as you can, please.”
Tony was exhausted.
“Here, come on,” Bucky was saying -- and Tony was still having a hard time calling a grown-ass man Bucky -- sliding one arm around Tony’s waist. “I got you, let’s just have…”
Tony almost startled when his toes went into the water, then he pulled his brain out of the fog it was in. Right, right, Bucky wanted him to sit in the jacuzzi for about twenty minutes after the therapy session. He’d even remembered to put a bathing suit on under the gym clothes he’d word for the actual PT.
Bucky’d had to help him get out of sweatpants and a loose fitting tee, and he’d done so with a clinical, matter-of-fact efficiency that was nothing like what Tony was used to when a good looking man was taking his clothes off. Probably good; he was in no shape to do anything with his attraction to the man, and Bucky was his doctor.
They hadn’t really done much; Bucky had run through a few exercises, mostly isometric stretches -- pushing his hands together in a flat, prayer position and holding for ten seconds, then twenty seconds, then ten again. Squeezing a stupid ball. And then a different stupid ball. Stepping on a rubber band and then pulling it up as high as he could. Holding it.
“That’s very good, Tony,” Bucky had said. “Just a little-- can you reach as high as my hand?” Tony would have thought, before this happened, that he was immune to the sort of bully-voice that Rumlow had used. He wasn’t.
He was even less immune to Bucky’s warm encouragement.
Several times he’d had to blot his face with the towel, not because he was sweating -- although he was doing plenty of that, too -- but because he was leaking steadily around the eyes. It wasn’t quite sobbing, not that, but he couldn’t quite stop crying. It was horrible, and he was humiliated, a clench in his chest that wouldn’t ease.
But Bucky never seemed to notice. He was always looking at Tony’s hands, at his shoulders, at the reading of the equipment, and one time, at nothing at all.
He never mentioned it, either, except sometimes to ask about Tony’s level of pain, or if he needed a break for a few minutes.
Tony wasn’t quite sure what to do with it. For the first twenty minutes of their session, Tony had considered, outright, firing Bucky as well. Surely there had to be someone he could work with that didn’t make his throat tight, make him feel ashamed and small and weak and pathetic.
But as the session went on, and Bucky didn’t draw attention to Tony’s weakness, or scold him, or do anything aside from be warm and compassionate and encouraging, Tony just kept letting it go on.
And now they were at the end of the session and Bucky was helping him settle into the hot tub. He sat on the edge of the tub, seeming not to notice that the jets were splashing water droplets onto his training pants, that his tee shirt was stained in a vee from sweat, although what Bucky had to sweat about, Tony wasn’t quite sure, unless it was holding his lazy ass up.
“Did you wear a swimsuit under your sweats?” Tony asked, trying for a teasing, flirting tone. He wasn’t sure it was all that successful. “I mean, you get all the shit job here, you might as well hop in the pool.”
“I did,” Bucky said, giving him a quick grin. “And it’ll be easier to hold you up from in the pool, but I didn’t want to impose.”
Tony patted the surface of the water. “Nah, come on in, the water’s lovely.”
“Well, get your hands under it, and I’ll join you.” Bucky peeled out of his clothes with remarkable little hesitancy. And he might well have hesitated.
Bucky’s upper chest, back, and half of his left arm were covered in scar tissue, huge frankenstein stitch-scars and reddish tears. It looked as if someone had tried to tear the arm off entirely, and only just failed.
“Is that why you decided on physical therapy?” Tony asked. He might have been a little more discreet under different circumstances.
Bucky was just grinning and ducking his chin as he settled into the hot water. He pushed one long leg against Tony’s, which Tony thought was flirting at first, and then realized that Bucky was keeping him upright in the water with that simple brace. “It makes a good story, and gets some of my more problematic patients to do their exercises, but no. I was already more than halfway through my residency when this happened. I just happened to know a lot of people who were willing to help me get full range of motion back.”
“So, let’s hear this good story of yours.”
Bucky settled in, groaning. “This is a nice whirlpool,” he said. “So, I was taking some vacation, and driving down to see my little sister. She and her husband have a practice out of state. He’s an OBG and she’s in pediatrics. It works out well for them. I don’t own a car, but I used to have a motorcycle--”
“Oh, I think I see where this is going.”
“No, you don’t,” Bucky said. “Hush up.”
Tony laughed. There weren’t very many people who dared tell him to shut up, even when he deserved it.
“I stopped to get gas, and the entrance back to the interstate is really steep. 25mph and they ain’t even kidding. Which is cool, I’m not in a hurry, but there’s this big farm rig in front of me, towing a trailer. About halfway up the exit ramp, the trailer’s back door just opens up, and a freaking tractor falls out of the back end.”
“You got run over by a tractor, while riding a motorcycle?” That shouldn’t have been funny, it really shouldn’t have, but it was so absurd.
“Yeah, pretty much. Run over by a tractor that was just rolling backward down the interstate ramp,” Bucky said. “You know the most absurd part?”
“I have a feeling you’re going to tell me.”
“The guy, he gets charged with Felony Littering,” Bucky said.
“That sounds like something out of a Monty Python skit,” Tony said. “What’s the jail sentence for felonious littering?”
“Five years and twenty-five thousand dollars,” Bucky said.
“Holy shit, that’s really a crime?”
“It is,” Bucky said. “For litter that’s over a thousand pounds.”
“I don’t know what’s weirder,” Tony said, “that there’s a name for it, or that it’s happened so often that there’s a name for it.”
“So, yeah, that’s the great story for where all my scars come from,” Bucky said. “Took five surgeries, and almost nine months of PT to get back to 90% usage. I still have some problems with the rotator cuff, and sometimes weakness, if I have to pick up heavy stuff. But I’m a living lesson. Physical therapy works.”
“Blah, blah, Florence Nightingale syndrome my ass, Peps,” Tony said. “Yada yada, bored now.”
“Don’t yada yada me, Tony,” Pepper said, crisply. “I make all your business appointments, and there’s a chapter of Red Hats who would love for you to come and speak at their annual installation ball. Some of them knew your mother.”
Tony shuddered. He hated that sort of thing; usually because there was no one entertaining to speak to at balls and banquets. Smart people stayed far, far away from those kinds of things, and were generally buried in their labs, rather than out pressing palms and talking about the weather. Bunch of Fox News watchers, too, Tony would bet. Well, no, probably not, because his mother had been as liberal as they got, even if she had to go behind Howard’s back to do it, and chances were even better that some of them would be very old lesbians, and that might be kinda fun, and… was Pepper still talking? Why did she do that?
“No, really -- and that’s a go on the Red Hat, thing, yeah, because you know I’m not ever going to stop, that just doesn’t seem like me at all,” Tony said. He was walking -- striding really, and didn’t that fucking feel fantastic, and Pepper was clattering along behind him in those ridiculous high heels of hers.
He shouldn’t complain about that, either, since he was currently wearing sneakers with lifts in them. Which had the benefit of making him taller, too, in addition to easing the pain in his right calf. He hadn’t quite believed Bucky when the man had suggested that Tony Stark try wearing a sensible heeled shoe, but it did make it so he could actually drive again without hurting himself.
So, heels. Whatever, he was Tony Stark, he didn’t need a reason to dress eccentrically. He did, however, make a mental note to look into getting some disguised heeled boots or dress shoes so that he wasn’t always wearing bright red tennis shoes with his suits. Matching was also a thing, and Albert Einstein was an idiot of the first water, sometimes.
“Look, I have no objections to you dating,” Pepper tried again, “but I don’t think asking out your physical therapist is a good plan.”
Tony stopped walking and Pepper plowed right into him. They spent a few minutes shuffling back and forth, trying not to collapse in a heap, and then, Tony actually looked at her. “Why not? Actual, solid reasons.”
“Okay, let’s start with the only one I think you’ll listen to,” Pepper said, “because I know you, and I know you don’t seem to think your mental health is worth considering. You will make him lose his license to practice medicine. Doctors are not allowed to date their patients, that’s AMA guidelines, Tony. The prior doctor/patient relationship may unduly influence the patient and that such a relationship is unethical if the doctor uses or exploits trust, knowledge, emotions or influence derived from the previous professional relationship. He could get investigated for sexual misconduct.”
“I don’t see how that works, if I’m the one asking him out,” Tony said. “Bucky’s been nothing but professional. More professional, I might add, than about 97.2% of all the other people I’ve ever dated. He’s good looking, he has a stable job, he’s funny, intelligent, compassionate. All the things you think I ought to want in a relationship, right?”
“I’m not criticizing him as a human being,” Pepper said. “I’m sure he’s perfectly wonderful. But you’re putting him in an uncomfortable position.”
Tony didn’t mention what sorts of positions he’d like to put Bucky in, because that was distinctly not professional. But part of what Tony liked about Bucky was Bucky’s confidence. He was happy with his job, he was sure of himself, and he took all of Tony’s bullshit in stride. Would he be the same person, if Tony came in and messed all that up for him, just like Tony tended to do? It wasn’t like Tony couldn’t just give him a new job, or money, or whatever, but Bucky was… well, Bucky was pretty awesome, and Tony was suddenly unsure if he should risk that. Not for Tony’s sake, heartbreak and all that other jazz, but because he didn’t want to hurt Bucky, not even by accident.
One year later  
“Boss,” Darcy stuck her head in the door, clinging to the door frame with her fingernails, showing off glitter polish. “You’ve got a… visitor?”
“You say that like you’re not certain,” Bucky said, raising his eyebrows. “Does this not-quite visitor have a name, or is he like a ghost or something?”
“No, it’s a real person, I just…” Darcy squeaked with excitement. “It’s Tony Stark.”
Bucky absently straighten out his desk, moved his name plate a little, all those fidgety little things he did when he was nervous. “Uh, show him in.”
Working with Tony had done wonders for his career. He’d boosted the profit margin for Lenox Hill, and gotten him enough patients through recommendations that he was able to break with Lenox earlier than he’d anticipated and open his own practice.
The paint still smelled fresh in his office, that was how new it was.
The Tony that slipped into his office, followed by Darcy who was mouthing “Look at this GUY” and pointing and making all sorts of gestures behind Tony’s back, was not the neat and tidy, dressed in a suit Tony that Bucky’d seen on television recently, but the one in comfy pants, a hoodie, and wearing a heavy metal tee.
“Tony,” Bucky said, getting up and offering his hand. “It’s very good to see you again, won’t you come in, have a seat. Darce?”
“Coffee, right, got it,” Darcy said, doing the two thumbs up to finger guns thing. Bucky almost rolled his eyes; he should never have mentioned to his receptionist-slash-assistant-slash-insurance claims-slash-confidante that he thought Tony Stark deserved to be higher on the list of most eligible bachelors. Like, number one, really, because there wasn’t anyone better looking in the world. “You take it black, right?”
Oh, god. Bucky rubbed his chin with one hand. He knew Darcy did research, she told him all sorts of interesting little tidbits about Tony Stark, some stuff that Bucky knew from working with the man, and other stuff that Bucky did not know (although now he did.) but he wasn’t expecting her to show off that she knew it. That was just weird and stalkery, and the fact that Bucky had not only let her do it, but actively encouraged it? Yeah, Bucky was not coming across great right now.
“Thank you, yes,” Tony said.
“So, what brings you out my way?” Bucky asked.
“You do, actually,” Tony said. “Congrats on the new digs, this is really a nice place. I took a bit of a tour, hope you don’t mind.”
“Thank you,” Bucky said. “It’s small, but I think we can make a good go of it.” They were, actually, booked up solid for a while, with a few holes for interesting or emergency cases.
“Sorry that I dropped contact after the endorsement thing,” Tony said. “I--”
“No, no, perfectly fine,” Bucky said, and it was, even if he’d missed Tony. Tony’d done one press conference, dragged Bucky up to show him off, and then vanished. The endorsement had done a lot of good for Bucky, though. “You have other, better things to do. That’s the whole idea, is to get you back to self-sufficiency, and --”
“It wasn’t that,” Tony said. “It was brought to my attention that… well, that the AMA has a lot of say about doctors getting involved with patients. And I knew if I, you know, emailed you or something, that I probably wouldn’t be able to… anyway, it’s been a year. We severed our doctor/patient relationship. You’re doing well, and I don’t think anyone can complain now.”
“What are you talking about?” But there was a hot little spike in Bucky’s guts that knew. Knew, mind you.
“I was hoping you might be free to join me for a date,” Tony said.
“What sort of date?”
Tony peered at him over the rims of his probably expensive sunglasses. “It’s me, darling,” Tony said. “Whatever sort of date you want. If you have a passport, then Paris for breakfast?”
“How about just a coffee and a danish?” Bucky suggested. He was grinning really hard, though. So hard his cheeks ached. “There’s a nice place just down the street.”
“Plebe,” Tony accused, fondly. “Dream bigger, Buckaroo. Whatever you want--
“I want a coffee, and a danish,” Bucky said. “Let’s worry about Paris after a few dates. Pretty sure it’ll still be there.”
“Yeah, okay, gonna hold you to that,” Tony said. “Coffee and danish now. Paris this weekend.”
“This weekend is out, I have an appointment-- famous basketball player, need to get him back into shape. His coach wants him for the playoffs. I’d like the man to not end up with a colossal addiction to painkillers and benched for the rest of his life,” Bucky said. Tony almost looked disappointed. “But, hey, I’m free in the evenings, and… two more weeks, and I was already going to take some vacation. Road trip to see my sister.”
“I will come with you and make sure you’re not run over by any marauding tractors,” Tony offered. “I have some really nice cars, I think you’d enjoy it.”
“It’s a date, then.”
Tony put his hand on Bucky’s elbow to lead him out of the office. Bucky checked, Tony’s hands were steady, fingers had a good grip. They were beautiful hands. Bucky was looking forward to getting acquainted with them… on a less professional standing.
69 notes · View notes
bbcbreakingnews · 3 years
Suns vs. Bucks live score, updates, highlights from Game 3 of 2021 NBA Finals
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The Bucks find themselves in a must-win situation heading into Game 3 against the Suns. After a couple of tough losses in Phoenix, Milwaukee knows it can’t fall into a 3-0 hole, as no team has ever overcome that deficit in an NBA playoff series.
Despite their struggles to start the NBA Finals, the Bucks remain confident. They have been tested throughout the postseason, including in the Eastern Conference semifinals when they bounced back after dropping the first two games against the Nets. 
“It’s going to be tough. That’s a great team over there,” Bucks forward Khris Middleton said during Saturday’s media availability. “But we just got to stay the course. Figure out the things that we did wrong. Figure out the things we did do good and continue to do the things we do well and try to expand on that. And then limit the things that we didn’t do too well.”
The Suns, meanwhile, aren’t going to rest on their laurels. Phoenix sees Game 3 as a golden opportunity to push Milwaukee to the brink of elimination.
“For us, the biggest game of the year is tomorrow. Tomorrow. It’s a must-win game for us,” Suns guard Chris Paul said on Saturday. “We got to come out with that mindset. Know that they’re home, they’re more comfortable, they will be in front of their fans. But we got to be us. We got to be us and we got to be the hungrier team, and so that’s what we’ll do.”
Sporting News is tracking live scoring updates and highlights from Suns vs. Bucks in the 2021 NBA Finals. Follow along right here for complete results from Sunday’s Game 3.
MORE: Watch the NBA Finals live with fuboTV (7-day trial)
Suns vs. Bucks score
Game 3 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Final Suns 28 — — — — Bucks 25 — — — —
Suns vs. Bucks live updates, highlights from Game 3
8:50 p.m. — Khris Middleton finishes through contact and goes to the line for his first free throw attempt of the series. (Yes, you read that correctly.)
End of first quarter: Suns 28, Bucks 25
8:40 p.m. — Feed the big man. Deandre Ayton leads all scorers with 12 points on 6-of-7 shooting.
8:25 p.m. — Chris Paul to Deandre Ayton on the pick-and-roll? Yep, we’ve seen that work before.
8:15 p.m. — Jrue Holiday scores the first points of Game 3. It would be great for the Bucks if they can get him rolling early on the offensive end.
8 p.m. — The fans hanging out in the Deer District are just a little bit excited about seeing their team in the NBA Finals.
7:40 p.m. — The starters for each team …
Bucks: Jrue Holiday, Khris Middleton, P.J. Tucker, Giannis Antetokounmpo, Brook Lopez
Suns: Chris Paul, Devin Booker, Mikal Bridges, Jae Crowder, Deandre Ayton
7:20 p.m. — Suns forward Torrey Craig, who left Game 2 after suffering a right knee injury, is officially available to play in Game 3.
Tonight’s Health Update:
Torrey Craig: (Right Knee Contusion) is AVAILABLE
Dario Šarić (Right ACL Tear) is OUT
— Phoenix Suns (@Suns) July 11, 2021
Suns vs. Bucks start time
Date: Sunday, July 11
Start time: 8 p.m. ET | 5 p.m. PT
Game 3 of the NBA Finals will tip off at 8 p.m. ET. Games 3 and 4 will be held at Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee.
How to watch the NBA Finals
Bucks vs. Suns will be broadcast live on ABC. You can live stream Game 3 via Watch ESPN or the Watch ESPN app.
The game can also be streamed on fuboTV, which offers a 7-day free trial.
NBA Finals schedule 2021
(All times Eastern)
(3) Bucks vs. (2) Suns: Phoenix leads 2-0
Date Game Time  National TV July 6 Suns 118, Bucks 105 9 p.m. ABC July 8 Suns 118, Bucks 108 9 p.m. ABC July 11 Game 3 8 p.m. ABC July 14 Game 4 9 p.m. ABC July 17 Game 5* 9 p.m. ABC July 20 Game 6* 9 p.m. ABC July 22 Game 7* 9 p.m. ABC
* If necessary
source http://bbcbreakingnews.com/2021/07/12/suns-vs-bucks-live-score-updates-highlights-from-game-3-of-2021-nba-finals/
0 notes
365newsx · 4 years
365NEWSX.COM welcome our viewers and listeners on our Australia bulletin for 27th June 2020. 
Testing rates for returning travellers in Sydney at 98 per cent.
NSW Health requests returned travellers to undertake a COVID-19 test on the 10th day of quarantine and a spokesman said less than 2 per cent had refused. He could not explain why the number was so different from Victoria.NSW Health brought in testing on the 10th day of quarantine on May 15.
Space travel commercialised with the construction of a private space station.
Axiom Space is planning to launch a private space station in 2024 in a bid to commercialise space travel, according to ANU Cosmologist Dr Brad Tucker. The company won the contract from NASA who wanted a commercial space station which would be free from the regulations and treaties governing the current International Space Station. The International Space Station is under the joint control of the United States, Russia and other partners.
Six people diagnosed with coronavirus in NSW - including one man possibly by community transmission.
A total of 58 cases are being treated by NSW Health, with none in intensive care.A record total of 23,733 tests were notified in the reporting period, NSW Health said.A man in his 70s from Sydney's west is among six new COVID-19 cases reported in NSW. All close contacts of the man, from the Penrith area, have been contacted and the case is under investigation, NSW Health said on Saturday.
Cowboys v Knights Match Highlights | Round 7 2020 | Telstra Premiership | NRL - NRL.
The Cowboys out-muscled, out-enthused and outplayed the Knights in a first-half masterclass on Saturday to set up a 32-20 win that snapped a three-match losing streak.
Ariana Grande goes Instagram official with her new boyfriend Dalton Gomez.
An insider previously told People that the two have been an item since January. Since March they have reportedly been self-isolating together at her home in Los Angeles."Ariana is staying at home with friends.
Western Sydney Stadium turf inspected after multiple ACL injuries in Roosters-Dragons game.
"The stadium turf has been holding up well under a heavy playing schedule," a Western Sydney Stadium spokesman said."Signs of wear and tear are a result of the winter ryegrass not getting sufficient time to grow between events, but extensive pre-game testing has indicated the surface is stable and safe."Any injuries to players are a concern.
Facebook to label newsworthy posts, including by Donald Trump, that break rules.
The social media company also said it would label all posts and advertisements about voting with links to accurate information. This applies to entries from politicians, including US President Donald Trump. A Facebook spokeswoman confirmed its new policy would have meant attaching a link on voting information to Mr Trump's post last month about mail-in ballots.
Coronavirus found in sewerage collected months before a first reported case.
Professor Gertjan Medema, from the KWR Water Research Institute in the Netherlands, whose team began using a coronavirus test on wastewater in February suggested the Barcelona group needed to repeat the tests to confirm it was really the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Spain has recorded more than 28,000 confirmed deaths and nearly 250,000 cases of the virus so farDo you have a story tip
US$31.3B Needed For Tests, Treatments, Vaccines.
"The time to act is now, and the way to act is together," the former Nigerian finance minister said, stressing the need for equal access for all to any safe and effective vaccines and treatments developed.' Unprecedented Speed'.Her comments came as the world counts nearly 490,000 deaths from COVID-19 and over 9.6 million cases since the new coronavirus emerged in China late last year, according to a tally from official sources.
US coronavirus cases reach biggest single-day increase of pandemic .
The United States has recorded at least 40,870 new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours to hit a new all-time high, eclipsing the mark set during one of the deadliest stretches in late April. More than 125,000 Americans have died of COVID-19. The previous high of 36,400 confirmed daily infections was set on April 24, according to Johns Hopkins University.
Thanks for listening to our daily Australia news bulletin. For more Australia news, visit us at www.365NEWSX.COM/au/index.php
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studyaroundthetokki · 5 years
A (not so) little reminder about life
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Life Goals: When you get there, you’re just starting...
TW: all the bad things
I often see posts here from younger folk talking about how they feel unable to do what they want to do. I see the depression and the struggles and the pain. From an old fart of a lady on the internet.. here’s my story about how the fuck I climbed out of the pit of misery and self destruction I was on and am finally, at almost 37, just starting the life I wanted to live.
I have always wanted to go to Japan and teach there for a while. There’s lots of reasons why I’m fascinated with the country and culture, but that’s not what this is about. My adoration is not limited to just pop culture, but to the language itself. The characters and complexity and the beauty of it (I think this of all languages, I just prefer Japanese). 
However, as a woman with very humble beginnings in a slightly dystopian rural scape in America.. I never really thought much about it becoming a reality. Through my blunder years, I stood out like a sore thumb as well. My family was a “broken” one, my parents divorced when I was 10 and.. let’s just say I grew up really fast. I think that gives enough background. I was an ‘01 graduate. So, like any up and coming gen Y: I went into English and Art and Sociology and Graphic Design at different parts of my education and nothing practical. Japanese wasn’t offered where I went to school but I did study French for 4 years.
A failed engagement, 2 cross country moves, being broke AF and a few years later in 2011, I got involved in an ESL/EFL/Linguistic Master’s program. I was already in my late 20′s but I figured that there’d be jobs available for me in the field. When I was working on my graduate thesis, companies rejected me based on my weight, my lack of experience, my rural accent and a few other things. I also had my liver rupture and a nice 2 week hospital stay where my house was broken into and my graduate thesis was on the laptop that was stolen.
I wrote that fucker over again from a few images and notes on social media and pure willpower.. and a lot of my “special blend” coffee that has enough caffeine to fly me to the moon, in about a month. By the power of greyskull I scraped through with honor’s and a diploma. My thesis defense was shakey AF.
Finally had a job lined up in Korea.. which I knew nothing about. Didn’t even know how to say the words or read it. Knew very little history as well or culture. That was a trip best left summed up as: The people were awesome outside of the job, the job was full of racist assholes. The kids? Eh they were typical students who didn’t GAF.
Oh, and I got a major tear in my left ACL and couldn’t work for a few months. SO that was fun.
By the time this had all transpired, I was 33. Queue another few failed relationships with physical/emotional abuse, sexual harassment, rape and other fun things like that. 
I moved back in with my mom from 2014 to 2018. I was on disability. I had to take physical therapy to regain motion of my leg b/c of no treatment in Korea. Ect. Queue the depression fugue and struggle with suicidal desires which turned into plans and research and almost implementation. I pushed friends away and basically became unable to function normally. When I did find people I could form friendships with, they ended up being unhealthy. My sense of boundaries was weird, and like many people who are drowning in these dark places, when I tried to talk about it: it sounded like I was a self-centric prick instead of the cry for help it really was. My communication skills became limited to type, and often lead to misunderstandings or miscommunication due to forming fast and intense friendships with people online instead of taking time to slowly open up. Basically, even when I was trying to convey something harmless my lack of awareness could make it sound pretty cutting or downright racist/bigoted/ect. 
I’m not trying to deny their feelings. I just want to take ownership of my side of things as a note: that was never the real meaning, but I will always be one to apologize for my lack of clarity in speaking. I fucking studied linguistics and communication--I feel that I should be able to avoid most of that shit.... but it’s still going to happen. I still felt horrible over it all and have guilt to this day, even though I don’t even remember ever saying anything like that. 
But you know? I have also learned that some people are only meant to be in your life for a while, and that’s OK. You don’t have to jive with everyone all the time. Still, I wasn’t myself. I’m still not entirely back to “me.” I’d lost my sense of identity. I’d lost my center and balance.. I’d lost so much. My head gets tight and dizzy when I think about identity too much to this day. I’m working on it though. 
Oddly enough, what saved me were 3 things at 3 different times:
My first partner, a now trans man, who brought me out to house sit while he and his wife were going on a 2nd honeymoon. We’re really tight. I was there  before he knew he was transgender and helped give support through his coming out. He knows me at my purest and his wife is the most lovely and gracious woman on the planet. They’re my center for what is healthy and good in life. I love them both more than words. 
He also asked me to read his biography, which while slightly muddled, was very flattering to the parts that had me, and drug me through the dark places he also traveled and into the light where he is now. It gave me hope. It breathed some fresh air into the cave I’d been hiding in. 
We were all very close and we shared some good memories and for the first time.. I remembered that I was not this ball of pain that I was at home. My family is wonderful and amazing. I just don’t flourish in the environment that they do well in. My needs, especially due to my health problems (more on that in a minute), are very specific and limiting. 
It was really weird. I felt pain all the time, at such great intensity, due to my health problems. While I was there at another point (a year later doing the same house sitting gig), an older friend of mine who also had fibromyalgia, let me try her medicinal weed. 
I cried really, *really* hard. I’d forgotten what it was like to not feel pain all the time and stayed high as a kite for about 2 weeks straight and got some time to think clearly and actually write also. It was during this time that I was contacted about a job in... Korea again. I decided to say fuck it and go do the interview with the owner of the private cram school.  A friend of mine also went into a downward spiral at this time and I was their suicide watch. I’m happy to say, he is still alive and is doing well and according to him: is living a fairly content and productive life now. 
I am NOT going to go into details about my job as I am still working there but I will say this: it’s better than the last one and has given me some perspective. I also was the head teacher, so it looked really good on my resume...and I will NEVER teach kindergarten again. 
On the off chance, I took a 3 day trip to Japan. It was something I wanted to do all my life and I was at a low point again. It... was amazing to do something that literally was on my bucket list. I loved everything about Tokyo. I loved the crowded streets and the lack of staring and how quiet it was and.. just I was the happiest I’ve been in many years. I was actually outgoing. I could go on and on... but I found my happy place (specifically the Nezu Shrine in Tokyo). Even now, when I think about it.. I feel the same calm and peace I felt the first time I stepped onto the shrine ground. 
I started studying Japanese again and started applying for some jobs and.. while it’s not the most fantastic job.. I got one teaching university classes. I’m not a full professor but I’m planning on trying to become one if I like it there. It’s an elective class, so the students actually want to study English, unlike the kids at the cram schools and public schools I’ve worked for. 
I’m just now starting on the journey that I wanted to do for most of my life. I’ve dreamed about going to Japan since I saw it on some kid’s show. I later became fascinated through shows like Sailor Moon, Boogiepop Phantom, Serial Experiments Lain, and .hack//sign. The last one there has a lot to do with why I want to go into translation and work in gaming... which is a far cry from working at a univ.  But you know what? I DON’T CARE IF IT TAKES TIL I’M 70! I’m going to be a localizor/translator/world developer for a game. 
And it’s going to be fuckin awesome.
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priyaivf-blog · 5 years
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries (ACL Injuries)
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In the human body, knee is one of the largest joint of the body including the thigh bone (Femur) articulates with leg bone (tibia) and there is another bone in front called as knee cap (Patella). The joint is stabilized by major ligaments, two collateral ligaments on inside and outside the knee joint. Two cruciate ligaments running criss cross from anterior to posterior (ACL) and posterior to anterior (PCL).
ACL is the main restraint to anterior translation of the tibia in relation to femur. It is one of the commonest ligaments to be injured in sports particularly
Causes of Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injuries
It can be injured in isolation or can be associated with collateral ligaments or meniscus Injury depending upon the force or mechanism of injury.
Main symptom of Anterior Cruciate Ligament tear
Feeling     of POP sensation after a fall
Instability     of knee joint
Give     way feeling of knee and locking of knee joint if associated with a     meniscal tear.
On examination there is effusion of knee joint instability as demonstrated by Drawer’s test and Lach man’s test.
Diagnosis is confirmed with MRI which tells about the extent injury. The extent of injury helps us to formulate strategy regarding the correct line of treatment.
A standing X-ray of lower limb tells us about the overall alignment of the knee joint.
Treatment for Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL Injuries)
Initial     treatment includes Ice Packs and immobilization in knee brace for 2-3     weeks. Unfortunately ACL injury does not heal itself. This requires surgical     treatment in symptomatic patients. Untreated ACL ligament injuries will     lead to early onset of osteoarthritis of the knee joint.
The     standard treatment of ACL injury is Arthroscopic ACL reconstruction using     autologous grafts. The most common grafts used area are hamstrings,     Quadriceps and     BTB (patella tendon) grafts.
For Arthroscopic reconstruction the patient is admitted in the hospital on the day of surgery itself. Some routine blood investigation, ECG etc. are performed. After preparation patient is taken up for surgery on the same day. Typically the surgery lasts for around one hour.
Rehabilitation of Anterior Cruciate Ligament
After     surgery patient starts rehabilitation under the guidance of expert     physiotherapist on the same evening.
Next     day the patient is allowed to walk with the help of crutches or walker.
The     rehabilitation continues for a period of 4-6 weeks.
Patient     can drive after 6 weeks.
The     work load on the knee is gradually increased & patient usually     returns to sports activities after a period of 9-12 months.
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Related Post = Ortho Delhi Trauma Center and Orthopaedics
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jobinterviewghost · 5 years
Miracles and Maroon: how two months changed Christian Welch's profession|Absolutely no Tackle
BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA- JULY 04: Christian Welch handles the defence throughout a Queensland Maroons State of Origin training session at Langlands Park on July 04, 2019 in Brisbane, Australia. (Image by Bradley Kanaris/Getty Images)
It was late on a Thursday night, the 16th of May to be precise. Melbourne had actually simply scraped a narrow 24-22 victory over the Tigers, but while the team celebrated success, the result was the last thing on one guy's mind. A dejected figure sat in the modification rooms, stooped over, tears streaming down the face. A male by the name of Christian Welch.
Welch had actually been taken from the field with a presumed ACL tear earlier that night. He 'd torn it just two years previously, an injury that robbed him of a 2017 NRL Premiership with the Storm. There was no contact to the knee, not a figure laid on him, yet a simple 'pop' made sure Welch believed he 'd played his last video game of 2019.
Simply a week before Origin teams were called, Welch's name had been thrown into a stack of anticipated line-ups for the Maroons. Instead of achieving his dream of representing his state, Welch's career had been turned on his head.
In one of the most heartwarming turn of occasions in the NRL this year, Welch published on social media the next day exposing that he 'd 'bought about 12 lotto tickets' after scans exposed fears of a ruptured ACL were misdiagnosed, and a meniscus tear would only hamper him for 4-6 weeks.
It was a rugby league miracle.And just 23 days after his injury, Welch made a surprise return versus the Warriors, running for a poor 137 metres off the bench.And now, less than 2 months after he believed
his season was done, Welch is preparing to dress for his maiden Origin game, going from a rehab space to representative footy. It's a jersey he's needed to make.
Welch has been 18th guy on multiple events for Queensland, and is the longest-serving member of the Emerging Maroons Squad. He's no complete stranger to big video games though. While he didn't feature in Melbourne's triumphant 2017 Grand Final, he did play in both the 2016 and 2018 deciders. While neither handed him a premiership ring, it did hand him huge video game experience. And he will not let anyone down on Wednesday night. Welch is the man that takes the hard carries, doesn't miss out on takes on, he's Queensland's Mr
Reliability. He purchased a lots lottery tickets for a'fortunate diagnosis', however Welch doesn't require luck.
He's striven to get here, no aspect of luck about that. And the moment he steps onto ANZ Stadium in a Maroon jumper, he'll show the rugby league world why.
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suju-bangtan · 7 years
92 truths
tagged by @monsteronfire ! Buckle up and get ready for a long one
Rules: Tag 20 people
1.Drink: Dr. Pepper
2.Phone call: Mom
3.Text message: my best friend <3
4.Song you listened to: K.A.R.D - Rumor
5.Time you cried: Yesterday
6.Dated someone twice: Never
7.Been cheated on: Never
8.Kissed someone and regretted it: Never
9.Lost someone special: Yes
10.Been depressed: Im not too sure
11.Gotten drunk and thrown up: Never
Black, Blue, Red
15.Made new friends: Yes
16.Fallen out of love: Nope
17.Laughed until you cried: Yes
18.Found out someone was talking about you: Nope
19.Met someone who changed you: Nope
20.Found out who your true friends are: I've always known
21.Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Nope
22.How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: uhhhh, most of them I think
23.Do you have any pets: Yes!! my German Shepard fluff ball Rocky
24.Do you want to change your name: Nope
25.What did you do for your last birthday: Worked
26.What time did you wake up: erm...9a.m ish
27.What were you doing at midnight last night: spamming my blog with Super Junior posts. #noregrets
28.Name something you cannot wait for: Super Junior's comeback
29.When was the last time you saw your mother: 10 minutes ago
30.What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: That I wouldn't procrastinate so much >.<
31.What are you listening to right now: S NUPER - Back:Hug
32.Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yes
33.Something that is getting on your nerves: people who keep taking my unofficial seat in my classes...like I've sat there since the first day of class and you saw me sit there then mid way through the semester you're just gonna decide to take it? like pls gtfo
34.Most visited website: Youtube
35.Elementary:  Yes
36. High School: Yes
37.College: Yes
38.Hair color: Blonde
39.Long or short hair: Medium length ish, might let it grow out a little more. I haven't had long hair in a while
40.Do you have a crush on someone: Nope
41.What do you like about yourself: I honestly don't know
42.Piercings: Kinda? I have ear piercing but they're probably closed in. I always forget to put earring in...opps.
43.Blood type: No clue
44.Nickname: Malfoy (gaming friends), Baby Girl (from high school soccer because my face looked like a baby face to some of the seniors so it stuck)
45.Relationship status: Single
46.Zodiac sign: Leo (August 2nd)
47.Pronouns: She/her
48.Favorite TV show: I don't think I have one. There's nothing on TV that interests me, or at least on the channels we have.
49.Tattoos: None, but I want some so bad
50.Right or left hand: Left
51.Surgery: July 23, 2015 - cant forget because it was the day after I had to take a calculus 2 final. I had surgery because I completely tore my right ACL along with tearing up some cartilage and getting a bone bruise. Story time!! I used to play as a goalie in an adult co-ed soccer league here, so in April is when I first messed it up but I didn't think anything of it cuz I didn't hear anything pop so I was like whatever, but when it did happen I had to go out of the game because my knee was like 'nah fam'.  So summer league came along and I played in that for a game or 2 before my knee acted up again so we went to the doctors to get a MRI and what not. Then when the doctor told me I tore my ACL, man I think that's one the times I cried the hardest. Its healed but im to scared to play again because I don't wanna mess it up again, but I might get back into eventually.
52.Piercing: Ermmm...want to say I got my first piercing when I was 8
54.Sport: Soccer!! <3
55.Vacation: Destin, Florida in like...2008ish? haven't been on another since
57.Eating: Nothing, im starving though
58.Drinking: Flavored water
59.I’m about to: Go to sleep maybe. unless I get distracted by something else
60.Listening to: Ehhh was S NUPER earlier but now its DEAN - Bonnie & Clyde
61.Waiting for: Me to be productive and study for these stupid tests coming up
62.Want: To learn Greek and Korean and to travel the world
63.Get married: Eventually yes
64.Career: Chemical Engineer, although my dream job is Marine Biologist with a concentration in sharks
65.Hugs or kisses: I've never kissed anyone sooo I'll go with hugs lol
66.Lips or eyes: Eyes
67.Shorter or taller: Taller
68.Older or younger: No preference
70.Nice arms or nice stomach: No preference
71.Sensitive or loud: No preference
72.Hook up or relationship: Relationship
73.Troublemaker or hesitant: No preference
74.Kissed a stranger?: Nope
75.Drank hard liquor?: This year at Mardi Gras maybe. I have 3 Jell-O shots for the first time. I don't know what kind of alcohol it was but I'll consider it hard liquor for me since it was my first time trying alcohol. And poor me thought the Jell-O would help some...hahaha nah. Got a good taste of pure alcohol.
76.Lost glasses contact/lenses?: Nope
77.Turned someone down?: Nope
78.Sex on first date?: Never had sex so nope
79.Broken someone’s heart?: Not that I know of
80.Had your heart broken?: Nope
81.Been arrested?: Nope
82.Cried when someone died?: Yes
83.Fallen for a friend?: Yes
84.Yourself?: No
85.Miracles?: No
86.Love at first sight?: No
87.Santa Claus?: No
88.Kiss on the first date?: Maybe
89.Angels?: Possibly
90.Current best friend’s name: Kelli <3 my hufflepoof best friend
91.Eye color: Blue is what they are the most but they'll change to green sometimes
92.Favorite movie: Gonna bring back childhood feels because Aristocats will forever be my #1 movie
Kinda feel blahh to tag people, and I've done a lot of these this week so feel free to do it if you want to!
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little-red-2404 · 7 years
Technical Delays Chapter 4
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Chapter 4: Little White Auto Shop, Little White Lie 
           Cisco pulled up into the parking lot of an auto shop before shutting the car off. I flipped open the mirror in front of me to wipe away any evidence of tears and to get rid of the mascara that had smeared along the trail of hot water. I glanced once more at my reflection, decided it didn’t help at all, sighed in defeat and closed the mirror.
           “You okay?” Cisco’s small voice asked from beside me.
           I looked over at him, giving him an unconvincing nod of the head. “Yeah.” I ran my hands over my hair to pull-back the fly-aways before I asked, “How do I look?”
           He looked taken aback for a second as if unsure on how he should reply to that question. I didn’t realize why until an awkward pause of silence.
           “N-nevermind, actually. Don’t answer that.” I felt my face flush immensely as I looked out the window at our destination. It looked like an oversized garage and less like an auto shop… But what did I know about cars?
           He nodded his head. “Gotcha.” I sighed once more before I heard him speak again, “Hey, Leah?”
           “Chin up.”
           I looked over at him once more, surprised to see him giving me such a soft expression. “Pardon?”
           “Chin up, head held high.” He said.
           “That just looks silly.” I told him.
           “Come on, chin up.”
           “You do it.”
           “This is supposed to help you!” I felt as though some pressure disappeared from inside my chest when he chuckled. It was a genuine kind of laugh, one that I hadn’t heard in a while.
           I missed that so much….
           My cheeks burned once more but I lifted my head up exaggeratedly to hide the color from him. “Like this?”
           “Looks like you’re going to break your neck.”
           “You suggested it!” I laughed, dropping my head into my hand to express how ridiculous we sounded.
           We laughed for a bit until it got silent again.
           “Ready?” He asked once the atmosphere had gone still around us.
           “No.” I answered honestly before taking a deep breath and opening the door, stepping out onto the parking lot.
           I held my breath the whole time as we walked inside the auto shop. It smelled of gasoline and I could just barely hear the sound of some old eighty’s song playing in the background, behind the sound of metal clanking and tools hard at work. However, none of the people there looked like Jackson Jefferson. I jumped slightly at the sound of a bell until I looked over to see Cisco messing with one that was atop a counter next to us.
           When he noticed I was looking at him incredulously, he stopped. “What? It usually gets people’s attention… It got yours, didn’t it?”
           I did my best not to smile again, but I failed. However, I added a little bit of an eye roll to let him know how ridiculous he was. It didn’t keep him from smiling too.
           “You like that? I bought it last week.” A voice called out. We both looked over to see the face of the boy we had been searching for. He wasn’t much taller than me with dark skin and large hands that he was wiping off on some rag he had fetched from his pocket. “I thought it went well with the shop.”
           “You’re not wrong,” Cisco agreed.
           He went to open his mouth again, probably to discuss how the lab should have one too, when I interrupted him, “Jefferson Jackson?”
           “Jax, just Jax.” He said before tilting his head curiously. “Have we met before?”
           “Uh, n-no. I’m Leah Ram—Raymond.” I stuttered, holding out my hand. He was as hesitative as I was when we shook hands. “And this is my frie—uh, colleague, Cisco Ramon. We work— use to work together at S.T.A.R Labs.”
           “Nice to meet you,” Cisco stated as they shook his hands. Due to how nervous I was, I didn’t notice how the happy tone he had sported just moments before disappeared.
           “Uh… Yeah. What can I do for you guys?” Jax asked, dropping Cisco’s hand as his eyebrows raised further up his head.
           “We heard you’ve been hit by the particle accelerator…” I started. However, I hadn’t thought about what I was going to say and I closed my mouth as the words left me.
           Thankfully, Cisco then spoke up. “We’d like to help you.”
           Wait, what?
           Jax’s face immediately fell. “Not interested.” He stated before turning back to the car behind him.
           Cisco leaned against the hood of the car. “I read your file. You really busted that knee after being hit by the explosion.”
           “Tore my ACL,” Jax grumbled, “It happens.”
           “So, that’s why you quit football…”
           Jax stood up straight then, tossing the rag down on the car and crossing his arms over his chest. “What’s your point, man?”
           “We have ways to help you at STAR Labs.” Cisco informed him.
           “STAR Labs did this to me.”
           “And we want to make it up to you.”            This seemed to have silenced Jax as he shifted his weight onto his other foot, his eyes never leaving Cisco’s. After several long minutes, when he didn’t say anything, Cisco sighed and fetched inside his left pocket, pulling out a small square paper.
           “Here. In case you change your mind… I hope you do.”
           He walked away, placing a hand on the small of my back to follow him out the shop.
           “Since when does STAR Labs have business cards?” I asked him.
           “Since now.” Cisco chuckled as he held open my car door for him.
           When he climbed into his seat, I waited for him to shut the door before I asked, “You think he’s going to contact us?”
           “Hell no. He blames us for ruining his life.”
           “Well… It was the particle accelerator that injured him and caused him to drop out of his full-ride to college, so… We kind of did…. Didn’t we?”
           Cisco didn’t respond, his chocolate colored eyes stayed fixed on the shop in front of us and that’s when I noticed that maybe I had said too much. I sighed quietly before settling back into my seat. It took him a bit longer, but eventually, he reached over and snapped his seatbelt in before turning the car on and driving out of the parking lot.
           I watched the auto shop disappear in the side rear view mirror somewhat disappointed and somewhat relieved. I couldn’t explain either feeling.
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warnerbro · 7 years
can't keep my hands to myself.
Boo: [So Boo's walking. FINALLY. He feels like he can run. He can, but he's supposed to take it easy. RigHT. He's out and about. Buying groceries. Cleaning his parent's house, working on the plants outside. I guess it's summer? Cilla's apparently has been around, and I'm sure they've agreed to hang out, which is what they are doing??? She walks up. There is a grin. Because it never fades okay. And somehow they've never touched upon that last conversation at lunch right? right. But I'm sure like Celine Dion it all came back, and yeah, Boo's totally remember why, how and exactly when he fell in love Cilla all over again. And it's painful, because he knows he should stay away but fight him, he won't. So she's walked up, Boo gives her a ~Hey, and crossed his arms over his chest.]
Cilla: [Cilla's walking a veRY thin line right now, heading over to Boo's parents' place again and again, especially with her fiance not knowing that that's what she's doing, but now that it was the position she'd put herself in, she couldn't imagine wanting to change it. It wasn't like she was doing anything wrong. They were just friends again, that was all. Donnie would freak out over just that, but that didn't make it wrong. Just friends. No big deal, right? None. So, she comes up to the house, and sees Boo, that big grin on his face as usual nowadays, and she gives a soft smile back.] ~Hey back.
Boo: So, i'm gonna need you to change your shoes. [he looks down at her feet.] No holes in my grass. Fresh new, nice grass. [There's a sigh and an ulterior motive. An idea in mind-- because member that one lake? they gOIN.]
Cilla: [She looked down in confusion, then right back up to Boo.] You say that like I bought an extra pair of shoes with me. [GOD THE LAKE I DIE.]
Boo: Well I'll just have to carry you then. [because when isn't he carrying Cilla at this point?]
Cilla: [And, as I'm sure it has multiple times in these past few months, her face heats up.] You're supposed to ~take it easy~, Boo.
Boo: [he shakes that big head of his,] Nope. Don't believe in that. Plus, I'm sure I could run a mile right now. But I did have some plans in mind. [ ... for us.......... to hang out.... only.... no other ideas... i swear. ]
Cilla: [She doesn't care, she still feels concern. Like, geez, dude. R E S T.] Plans, huh~? [There is a /hint/ of innuendo in her voice, but honestly, she doesn't mean for it to be that way.] Alright, then. Just don't hurt yourself.
Boo: [So he makes her cover her eyes the whole way fyi, though I'm sure she's been here reCENTLY WITH DONNIE IRPRIp, and I don't know how they get there. maybe cil just walks like a normal person, maybe boo carries her, maybe they take a car because i'm sure it's not actually walking distance but either way Cilla has a blindfold okay. And they arrive because fastFORWARD. ]
Cilla: [Her eyes are still covered I'm presuming, and she's getting this air of deja vu, because this has totally happened before, and she's being lead by Boo, I suppose. She has an idea of what this might be, because, okay, Boo. I see you. But not really, I'm blindfolded.] Can I take this off now?
Cilla: [The blindfold drops, and YUP, it's the lake. Good deja vu instincts. She gets this REALLy big smile on her face, because, no, she probably hasn't been here in awhile. Take that. Then she turns her smile from the pretty sunset, back to Boo.] You dweeb.
Boo: [car door slam.] Says the one who was just wearing a blindfold...............................
Cilla: [And she's just gonna INFORM HIM of the fact that it's been awhile.] I haven't been here in ages.
Boo: [So i'm gonna say they are walking towards now? he picks at some plants along the way sure.] Before I moved back home, I would have said the same thing. [ NEW YEARS EVE ] I had forgotten how great it is. How pretty the sky gets, when you're gone for so long you just lose a certain appreciation for some things [THINGS AND YA MAYBE HE MEAN SPEOPLE. OR ONE SPECIFIC ONE WHO IS RIGHT NEXT TO HIM MHM.]
Cilla: Yeah, it's gorgeous. [And she's nodding in agreement with him, and though Parrish sees that double meaning, Cilla does not.] It's like practically nothing's changed. Like, all this time, and it all feels-- looks the same.
Boo: [did i mention he's carrying a blanket, because he is. and they are gonna sit. okay. well he does at least. he leaves room for her. let's watch the sunset k. he nods at her words, though, I'm sure he disagrees to much of an extent. Things are completely changed. And somewhere along all of that time spent away from Cilla and the lake, it's almost too much of a memory that once was. It's something he definitely wants back, but he doesn't press.] It feels the same... [he agREES to tHA TFINE.]
Cilla: [Yup. And that's really all she meant. That it feels the same, but she backtracked on herself yikes. So, she takes a seat on the blanket, almost wearily, because, sitting on a blanket at sunset together? Yikes again. There she is, looking at the pretty sunset, contemplating what the hap is fuckening. She's gonna contemplate and enjoy the view. Sorry bro.]
Boo: [fine we can do silence. we can do painful silence. Because Boo can just sit on with her while contemplating ALL of his horrible life choices especially where they all started... which was ThanKSGIVING A LONG TIME AGO.]
Cilla: [Cilla is now growing tense under thIS WEIGHTY SILENCE, because silences... never good, man. Sometimes worse than screaming. Yup. She shifts a little uncomfortably, throwing a side-glance at Boo who doesn't really seem all that fazed by the fact that they are /just sitting there/. 12 years ago this would have been no problem; normal even. Now it spoke volumes more-- because was he in the middle of thinking too hard too? Geez. More silence growing on.]
Boo: [he feels said side glance, k, he chooses to ignore it for awhile, as his eyes are pressed on the sunset in front of him, but he's having his quiet time. Contemplation runs wild, because yes, he is thinking way too hard, as I'm sure he has been since he tore his god damned acl, and so finally addressing Cilla's side glace he speaks.] What..? [there's a half smile half laughter because stop being weird]
Cilla: [She's torn away from her hap fuckenings because of Boo's voice, and so she turns to him, shifting yet again so she's angled towards him fully.] I'm just-- thinking. I don't know.
Boo: Oh. [he sighs a little too contently because nothign can ruin this moment for him. okay. he's happy. watching the sunset with his old best friend.] Penny for your thoughts?
Cilla: [She sighs, not so contently, because she's SO LIKE, WTF TO EVERYTHING, AND SHE CAN'T GET OVER IT.] I... don't know, Boo. I don't know. I'm thinking about too much. I don't know.
Boo: So... stop thinking? [ya because life's so easy when you're boo warner.]
Cilla: [Nothing but a straight up look of 'are you joking'?]
Boo: [he laughs.] Fine. [retract because bad advise.] What are you thinking about?
Cilla: [She pauses. What exactly does she want to divulge about her thoughts? Geez.] I don't know. This. Right now. Everything. I don't know.
Boo: [it doesn't occur to him, any one of her thoughts. They do not occur to him, because all this time it was one sided. His resurfacing memories-- it was just his guilt, his regret all coming back.] I... [hopefully it was.] I feel it too. [ he picks at some grass at the edge of the blanket I'ms ure.]
Cilla: ... What do you feel? [that's what you get. just that.]
Boo: Just... Memories. [there's a shrug.] That's it. [downcast look. he goes quiet because that's what you get.]
Cilla: [She sighs, because she thought maybe she was getting somewhere as far as him explaining why she was suddenly someone he wanted to see after all of this time, but, of course. No dice. So, maybe she needed to be more straightforward?] Boo... It's not like it was. That's-- clear. What-- What changed? [she didn't even look at him asking this question. I'm sure the sun's down by this point. I guess, so like, harder to see facial expressions now.]
Boo: ["What's changed?"] Ha. [There's a chuckle, a silent one, and maybe only air comes out of his mouth, as that question completely baffles him.] I think that's the thing. [he stares off into the sunset, as I'm sure they are avoiding eye contact.] Nothing ever changed for me, Cilla.
Cilla: [She shakes her head at that, too quickly. Way too quickly, like she's trying to press the escape button on the metaphorical computer of life, yes.] No, don't... Don't say that. You--... [she paused, taking in a breath. and suddenly she became much more serious. more allie on a dock in the rain kind of serious.] Then why? Why didn't you try to fight for me? Why didn't you say something-- other than-- other than how much you couldn't stand me. I know I didn't make it easy, but--... but that didn't change anything for me either! [we are the epitome of allie rn.]
Boo: You didn't make it easy??? You didn't make it easy? Ha. You made it really god damn hard, Cilla! [gives her an ARE YOU SERIOUS look because?!?] You'd made up your mind about me based off of one stupid mistake. [hands in his hair old boo warner is coming because omg he's gonna puLL HIS HAIR OUT ALL OVER AGAIn.]
Cilla: You don't have to remind me of the things I did. I remember. And I know all the things I said, and I know all the things I did, Boo, but... Just because I said one thing, it didn't mean that it was over for me. And it wasn't. It wasn't over for me! And I waited for you for /so long/. But now it's-- [she glances down at her engagement ring and then back to Boo.] it's too late. [she shrugs, probably holding back patented Cilla tears.]
Boo: Well guess what, Princess, it wasn't over for me, either. [deADPAn.] If that wasn't completely obvious. No matter what you did, no matter how much I tried to... No matter which Rocket got in the way...[ his weight on his now shakey palms bcs hearing this is, let's be completely honest, is music to Boo's ears. Not her tears-- though, he sure was used to them by now, but GDI, that was all he needed to hear for what was to come next.] It's not too late. [ shaking his HEAD BCS NOPE, and just to show her that is completely undeniably not over, he's gonna grab that stupid pretty face of hers and kiss those god damn lips.]
Cilla: [The back of Cilla's mind was screaming, but there was an even louder screaming coming from the front of her mind, blocking the things in the back that were saying 'stop while you're ahead'. Because, honestly, all she'd wanted to hear all these years were those words coming from him. She was ready to respond, but before she could realize what was going on, Boo was kissing her. And as much as she wanted to tell herself that she should stop, she couldn't. She just pressed further into him, because it'd been 12 years too long, man.]
Boo: [HERE WE GO AGAIN. With his hands in Cilla's hair there is some much kissing going on. and on a blanket, in front of the lake and the sun is going down. She's pressed all to close, and his heart is beating so hard and loud in his chest, that the only way to silence it, was too pull her closer. Yes, he'd die happy, there, and then, rolling around on a blanket and kissing the love of his life RIP.]
Cilla: [THERE IS BLANKET ROLLING AND SO MANY KISSING, and yes, all thoughts except for the ones about book warmer are all gone from her mind, just like that. She's weak, swooning even. But, nope. We can't continue this here. Because book warmer needs to do some lifting in this situation. SO. She pulls back, almost a mirror from Christmas, minus the snow. But that same ~look~ is there.] Take me back to your house.
Boo: [and as much as Boo wants to go on, as much as he wanted to continue everything good that was going on there on that goddamn blanket. He doesn't. All he needed was that one kiss to prove Cilla was right, and he got it, right? And maybe that oNE just so happened to turn into more than a kiss, and maybe she WAS looking at him with those big beautiful eyes, so just like normal old Cilla Dodgeson always had-- she left him breathless, weak, and completely under her spell. Huffing for air, and trying to still his heart, he nodded. So he stopped. He shook his head, he pulled away, and let out an inaudible groan and himself sure. He stared at her. His lips on a raging fire because they had been deprived of something so great, but rose to his feet, and held out his hand for her. like come on let's go find a kitchen table instead.]
Cilla: [So, without another word, she grabbed his hand and stood from the blanket. Logic, at this point, is all but turned off for Cilla, as it tended to do when it came to *coughcough* physicality with Boo Warner. So, she waited for him to lead the way, breathin all heavy, and all excited for the kitchen table. Yup.]
Boo: [So he leads her to the car, holding her hand all the way there. He stop to open the car door for her, but I'm just gonna say before letting her step in he gives her one more kiss. just becAUSE HE CAN. So the car ride I'm sure is going to be painfully silent, and so they arrive back home. Boo pulls into the drive way, and ya he's going to sit there and stare at her again. Keys out of the ignition. He sighs and plants them eyes on her, and gives her a look, like are we doing this.]
Cilla: [She doesn't ALLOW herself to turn her thinking back on, even while she's just sitting in the car. That would be far too dangerous. But, when the car stops, and Boo just looks at her, she reads that unspoken question, and with the biggest sigh, she says nothing, but she just grabs him by the shirt and pulls him towards her, pressing lips together, and holding that kiss for at least twelve long, hard seconds. Then she pulls back, raising an eyebrow like, 'dOES THAT ANSWER YOUR QUESTION']
Boo: [Boo Warner had never felt so in over his head in his life, that was until Cilla kissed him once more. Just as a car ride was easy to calm him, there were her lips to remind him of everything he had missed out on. And as cruel that reminder happened in a car of all places, the look in her eyes sealed his fate. So she pulled away, and he pulled on the car door handle, and he was out in a matter of seconds, because there was no more waiting. they weren't kids anymore, there wasn't time to waste. He had a lady to kiss, even more, so when he circled back around the car to meet her, he pressed his lips so hard against hers, that sure she was raised up, and sure he was definitely lifting her up and it wasn't BEFORE LONG UNTIL makING OUT against the car got old, so there they go ACROSS THE ThreSHOLD OF HTE WARMER RESIDENCE, and torn acl? NOPE, against, the car, against the front doorway, and YEP.]
Cilla: [Again, everything seemed to be calling back to when they were teenagers. The car, the way she felt, the way she was being lifted up into Boo's arms, the fear that something was going to interrupt them. Everything was the same. She was no longer in control. Every action was a reaction to Boo, and yup, she was against a doorway. Was she now trying to get clothes off? You guessed it. Difficult, given she's pressed against a door. But she's trying with all of her might to get some form of clothing off. Oooooooh boy.]
Boo: [Where were his clothes? Mostly gone, yep. Her's? Surely, some were being ripped off now? And where were they? It was hard to keep track from all the bumping into furniture, and into hallways and out of them. There weren't words to express 1. how passionately, 2. how carefully, and 3. how intensely that boy-- or rather full grown man was handling that lady. There were too many emotions boiling over and he'd be cruel to stiffle any of it from that woman, so he didn't. With every kiss, with every touch, with every breath, he made sure that she was aware of how exactly he was feeling, felt, and would always feel. As there were so many emotions for her in the past- he'd admired her, he loved her, he hated her, but in every moment of his life, he'd always just wanted her. He was thankful that there on that kitchen table she was giving herself to him, or rather-- just her clothing, sh, in returen and surely if she wanted to she could take his heart and lock it away in that old locket of hers, seal it shut, and toss away the key. Just like their first time, just like every other time they had spent together with their bodies entwined it would never be enough to fully express how much that wonderful human being meant to him. So he placed careful nibbles at the nape of her neck as the wooden table served as a pillow to his head, I GUESS>]
Cilla: [Her head was swimming. With what? Too many things, and all of them about how she was feeling in this moment. Emotionally, that is. (Though...) She couldn't keep track of where they were, where various pieces of clothing had fallen, when the last time she took a breath in was... She was lost; one hundred percent, completely lost. And, really, it all felt too much like a dream. (One that she'd had-- too many time over the past 12 years.) But it had to be real. It had to. Because while it felt like a dream, it also felt too /real/ to not be reality. The dreams never felt like this; never had this much pure emotion. Because, suddenly, she was sixteen again, and every touch Boo gave felt like the first one all over again, and it was like she was floating. Because, everything made her remember just /how much/ it had never been over, or would ever be over. It made her realize that this was an inevitability. So, when his lips moved to her neck, giving her a chance to speak, though completely breathless, here we go--] I want to make you-- forget you've ever /ever/-- been with anybody else. It's just me.
Boo: [She spoke, and her words sent tingles up his spine. TINGLES. HELP. BUT Little did she know that it was already just her. Or it would be, from now until he was old and dead. Nail in the coffin, as he nodded, because, Princess, go on, and make me forget, k. so in between breaths his lips found their way back to hers, and his hands surely pinned hers against that stupid dumb kitchen table-- until finally he scooped her back up in his arms and they were moving again, and headiNG toWARDS THE BEDROOM. with her legs wrapped tightly around his waist, help bye. ican't]
Cilla: [Ups-a-daisy she goes, wrapped up around him again in a lovely quick trip to the bedroom, with lots of kisses along the way. Then she's on a bed, and now that she's not pinned down somewhere, she's going to take this opportunity to roll herself on top, and this is where the forgetting starts, because boy howdy, she's not a little sixteen year old anymore, damn it. She is a GROWN-ASS WOMAN, and she knows what she's doing. So, her hands are going to his hair, and her lips are going to his neck. And forget chaste pecks, son. That's not happening here. Nope. The goal here is to leave Cilla marks. M a n y Cilla marks. This is her territory. Deal with it.]
Boo: [So, sure, there they went, crashing down into the soft mattress, or rather-- there went Boo. He was joined,of course, and in her natural state, Cilla Dodgeson was driving Boo Warner completely insane. Mark after each and every mark, he grew restless, and it probably showed as his fingers were completely tangled in her hair. So he dealt with it. Yeah, because he had to, but it wasn't for long, as he was determined to rip the remaining clothes off of that woman. And once they were, he kissed her once more. It was a peck of a kiss, and he pulled away to catch his breath, but somewhere in between, his eyes landed on hers, and even more so, it all came flooding back. The memories. That feeling inside of him, that juvenille, young feeling of complete happiness-- the one feeling he'd lost so long ago, when he lost her. It came back. So he stared for as long as patience allowed, until he finally kissed her, tenderly as he pressed her closer to him and definitely rolling them over and definitely bye]
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